Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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PAID DP OAPFTAIj . 5250,000
SURPLUS MAY 1 , 18S4 . 20,000
PrcnUcnt. Vice VrcriilenL
y. noons , JKO. s. OOW.IKS , LEWIS s. UKKD
ant K. U& ) 1 0:1 , A ttttrit am' Acting Cuhlei ,
The Iron B < ank.
t.N'TKHEST nlloirod on ttmo dopoelta npon
dtvornbio torma and npon nccounta of bantu
tnJ bunkers.
County and City nccnrltloi bought
In iti trottmcnt of cnatoinrra the moot Ilby
er I policy is purnncd coiiststent with gafotd-
and eouud bnnkiuor , nn4 wo invite correaponcs
eoro or persooul inquiry in connection there
N w YOKE , Nov. [ 7. Money llasy 1J ©
I'rltne { mper 6@G ,
Sterling Billa Quiet at 4 60 ; demand
Governments Strong.
Railwnya Finn. At f'o opening of busi
ness this morning there was n pressure to Bell
stocks nnd the prices declind \ " to Jc , Union
Pacific fell off 1 , St. Paul tf , Larkawtna i ,
Lake Shore } , Pacllic Mail i nnd Western
Union i As the day nilvnuced the temper of
speculation became quite bullish and sharp
advance in prices was recorded. The advance
from thu lowest point to-day rnncrod from J to
1J. Pacific Mall rose 2J , Central Pacific 1 ,
Northwest li , St. Paul 1J , Lackawnnna 2 ,
Lake Shore 1 | , New York Central Ig , North
ern Pacific preferred 1J , Union Pacific 2 , nnd
Western Union Ij. At the close the market
was strong , with the best figures of the day
generally current. Compared with last night
thu closing prices are J to 2 higher , except
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , Missouri Pacific
Kansas and Texas TransContinental
cific , , Oregon -
nental nnd Texas Pacific which are [ a fraction
S's 100J
4Vs Coupons 113,4
U.S. new4's 122
Pacific 6's of ' 95 12G
Central Pacific 36 }
Chicago & Alton 125\
do do pfd 145"
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 117
Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 102J
Den\er&Kio Grande 8
Erie 12J
Jo pfd 25
Illinois Central 112 }
Indianapolis , lilooni. & Western 13
Kansas & Toxao ] 51
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 05 } 4
Louiawlloft Nashville 24g r
Michigan Central 51
Mis-ouri Pacific 00.- !
Northern Pacific 17.5
do do pfd 423
Notthv , estern 844'
do do pfd 124
New York Central 85j |
Oresron Trans-Continentul isjj .
Pacific Mail & < y
V.D..K 12J 1
Pullman Palace Car Company 1091 4
Rock Island Ill
St. Louis & San Francisco 11) )
do do pfd 3S
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 74J
do do do pfd l < m
St. Paulfc Omaha 28"
do do pfd 80
\ Texan Pacific OJ
Union Pacific 4l !
Wabash , St. Lotus k Pacific ! IJ :
do do do pfd 10 |
Western Union Telegraph 50
O. U. &N CO
* Kx-div. tasked.
CHICAGO rnonucs.
CHICAGO November 7. Flour Dull and
Wheat Lower and fairly active ; opened
lower ; fluctuated nnd declined c and ( luctua
ted and closed Jo lower ; 73@g)73for ( ) / ra n ;
7 * lor Noveinlrer ; 74g for December ; 7ojtf ( ,
75J ; for January : 82jJ(2S.'i ( for May : No. 2 red ,
7li : X > . 3 red G3 t > 4 ; rejected red , 50w,51. (
Corn Ruled weak MV\ lower , but moderate
ly a live for November ; declined ic , closing 4c ,
inider yesterday ; jear declined .Jc ; cloned jjj
lowei ; May declined , uid closed nt Sc lower ;
41 } for cash nnd November ; 37i@3fg for De-
cembo' ; 3"i for the year ; 3 ! > jj for January ;
-SKi for May ; rejected , 38. i
UatH Better demand nnd firm at 253 ;
cash ; 25 | bid for November ; 25/a2. " > g for
December : 28J for May ,
Rju Firm nnd c higher ; 50J@51.
Barley Quiet nt tbfeSSJ.
Flax Seed Firm at 1 32J.
Timothy Dull ; fair to good dark eced at
1 21 < yi 22 prime to high giudc , I 2.H.
Pork Moderately active 20 ( < t25e lower
e.irly ; rallied 10J015e and closed steady : 13 00
r < gl 153 for cash ; 113(1 ( for the ye.ii ; 11 3"J@
40 for January ; 50 for February.
Lard J JBier nt 2jfui5o lower ; 7 15 7 20
for cash ; U OD@i ( 074 for Novembtr ; G 85f5 (
Gh74 for December ; GOJJ'g.GOj . for .Jnuuary ;
7 02j@7 Oi for February. @
Bulk Jleata Dry ealtcd shoulder * , 5 25@
5 50 ; ehort clear , 7 107 45 ; bhort ribs , G 'JjQ (
12J.Whiaky Steady nt 113.
Butter Quiet and weak ; good to fancy
creamery 2Jg ( ! 8.
Cheese Stoadyand fair demand ; full cream
10f$12 { ; skiing , 3@G ,
Kggs Active and easy at 10@21.
Hides Steady and iinchnngail ,
Tallow Steady nud unchanged.
ixecmptH , Hhtp'ta. ch
Flour , bbls 12fOO 18,000 cute
Wheat , biihhels 151,000 15,000 to
Corn , bushela 131COO 72,1/00 tocl
Oats , biiBheU 58,000 Sli.OOO ( cl
Rye , bushela 8,000 7,0,0 ( 1.-
Barley , bubhela 83.000 10,0,0
KUVV VORK rnonucE. la
NEW YORK , November " . Wheat Spot lapo
J@J and optlonn J@ljc lower , closiig heavy : po
recoipta 209,000 ; oiportB. 17,000 ; No. 2 spring , 15l
f > 2 ; ungraded rod. t3V } , J > ; do cron in flolrl , ]
"Gi@8U ; posted No. 2. red , 72 { : No. II rod , clu
crop in field , 7 J ; No. 2 rod8li851 ; Je- bri
cembar Baled 81 , ' ! "
Coin Spot lg.lj ( and options J1 lower , ten
cldpiuir heavy ; receipta , 3 < J,000 ; expoitu , 't3- ant
000 ; ua/raded , 53 ( 51 ; No. 2 , 61@511 ; Da U
temhor closing nt 4Jc. ! ) " On
Oata Jfejfc. dull and lower ; roseipts , 12- 211
000 ; oxptrtH , 1,100 ; mixed western , Ul&IUc ; 17 :
white , 32370.
Hay Fvrmer ; timothy 10 00@10 25 Ktn
Pork D-ill and lower ; western mssi , 1C 0) deiC
Lard WerJc ; wontem fiteam spot 7 50. Hill
Kflgi Wc9t.srn frtuli firmer. 1 Qumt , feteady and unclisngod. last
Bran Steady nt5J@67. ( tim
CornMeftl ) ah ; 2 35 , prii
BT. MDIH rnonucB.
KT Loom , Xo mlicr 7. Wheat firmer : 601
702 for Kosember ; 7 j i76J for January ; hj 601A
for May. Ohi
Corn Firmer ; 33J Cor tliw year ; 33 | for OhiJ (
January ; SGJ for Aliiy. tttf
Oats Kiruier ; W\ higher lid but no Baled. '
Rye Nothing douig
Barley Stwadyj ( i'K. 77JJ r '
Butter Uitthaugea ; tl < tiry re-vinl8@2.'ic , ; u
prv. 2G@3ic ( dun
Kcres Lower ; 13Sc , dunm
Flarseed Kirmor ; 1 31. turc
per r
11(2 (
Bran Firmer ; CC@57c.
Corn Mral Steady ; 2 55.
Pork Kirm ; new me s 17 ,
I.ard Firm ; wo'tern ile'jm tvot 7 9- > @
802Whiiky1 13.
CALL UOAKII Whont li.ill , weak r.tul
lower ; " \ for December ; 7'M for .Tnnnary.
Corn Steady at 3.1 S for No\ ember : S'2j for
the year ; 32J for .Innuary ; STiji for May.
Oats Ijt 1er nnd slow at 2l ! for May.
LiVKnrooLNo\etnbor,7. Hrradfliiffa Dull
nnd quiet ; bu'inoss \ fry small.
Wheat Winter Ca IdgGs Id ; sprins.Ca Cd@
Gd 7 .
Corn-5s 5Jd 3
TOLKIX ) , Ohio , 2Co\emlrr 7. Wheat
Quiet nndeak ; No 2 red , c < th nnd No.
\ombcr , C7 nsked.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 cash. 42 nsked.
OaU Dull and nominal ; Nu. 2 cash and
No\ ember , 2 * .
KANSAS CITY , No\ . 7.Vhoat Steady ;
< wh Mj bid 52 aike.l ; December , B2)1 bid ,
53J ! naked ; January , 63.
Corn Stoidv ; cash , 30K < f301 ; November
28J ; je.ir20 bid , 2CJ asked ; Jnuuary , 20 bid ;
M y , 2SJ.
Onts Utill an.l nominal ; 21 bid.
CINCINNATI , Novcmberl" . Wheat-Quiet ,
No. 2 red 78.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed 13 ? 11. 'CSMISO
Ont Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 27J
Kyi. Quiet nnd firm' No. 2 , 5I@55.
Bnrloy-Active nnd farm ; extra 3 fall , GS.
Pork -Dull at 13 fO@13 75.
Lurd-Quiot at 7 15@7 17J.
Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders G 75 ; short
ribs 7J7J.
Whisky-Steady nt 111.
NKW OKLKANS , November 7. Corn-
Dull ; In sacks , white nnd yollow,50 ? .
Onts Western , scarce niH firm nt 35c.
Corn Meal Lower at 2 45.
Pork Dull at 15 00.
Lnrd Steady ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; keg ,
Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05
@ 125.
BALTIMORE , November 7. Wheat Wes
tern lower and fairly nctiue ; No. 2 winter ,
red spot , SOfgSljj.
Corn-Mixed 10@52.
Oati Quiet ; western wliite , 33@3"c ; mixed
EHRye Qulot at G2Gc. w
Kcrgs Firmer at 25s.
Whisky Steady 118@110
MILWADKEK , November 7. Wheat Rosier ;
? o. 2 Milwaukee and November , 71 Jc ; De
cember , 72c ; .January , 73JJC.
Coru-Quiot ; No , 2 , 43Jc ; rejected , 4243c.
Oats-Dull : No. 2 , 27JW27ic ; white , 2Sc
Rye Inactive , No. 1 , 53c.
Barley Steady and fair demand ; No.2
spring cash , 51Jc.
iavjs STOCK.
CHICAGO , Nov. 7. Drover'a Journal re
ports ;
Hogs Receipts 23,000 ; slow nnd lOe lower ;
rough packing 4 10 © I 55 ; * packing nnd ship
ping , 1 G0@4 55 ; light , 450@500 ; skips ,
3 50324 10.
Cattle Receipts , 8 503 ; brisk und firmer ;
exports , G 0 @ ( i 75 : good cow * , 2 30 ® 115 ;
stackers , 3 ( HJ@ 1 00 ; fcodow , 3 00@4 5'J ; range
steady : Wjomings , 4 20@1 50 ; Montanas ,
Sheep Receipts 2,000 ; weak ; inferior to
good , 2 40g3 ( 10 ; choice , 4 00@1 50.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , November 7. Cattle
Receipts , G.fiOO ; sttndy ; exports , G 00@G 35 ;
common to choice , 5 00@5 05 ; cows , 2 G0@
310.Hogs Receipts , 1,700 ; weak and 15 lower ;
2r > jti 70.
Sheep Receipts 1,300 ; good and steady : na
tive muttons , 2 bO@3 30.
ST. Louis. November 7. Cattle Receipts ,
300 ; dull ; butchers' stock active , common to
fair , 3 00 ( < ? 3 50.
Sheep Receipts 100 ; dull ; common to
choice , 2 00(5,3 , 75.
J amba 3 00@4 23.
Hogs Receipts , 3.10D ; steady ; Yorkers ,
GO © 175 : packinr , 1 G0@4 75 ; butchers ,
S0@l S' .
Wholcaalo Prices ,
Orncit ov THE OMAHA BEE , >
Friday evening , November 7. J
The { ollowiu , ; prlcou are charged retailers
3y jobbers , wholesaler * nnd commission mor-
hnnt3 with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished bythoelovatois
ind other local buyers :
Wlinnt Cash No. 2 , 5Us.
Barlev Ca h No. 2 , 41c.
Rye Cach No. 3 , 3SJc
Corn No. 2 , 2G c
Oats-No. 2 , 20lc.
Ijtvo .Stock.
Sheep-a 00 3 23 ,
Sttera-3 00@4 5p.
Cowa-275@3 23.
Cal\M-500oi50. ; (
Steady : green butchers' G ; green salted , 74' < 3
; dry Hint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 ; damaged
lidcs , two third * pri'.e.
Tnllow-55 .
Shtci ) Pelts US ® ! 00. [ !
\Vool. |
Heavy fine 1214c.
Medium lW&il u
Uurry 2 to fie off. : -
Market Dull. 3
! )
Flour Anil MiIletuK
Winter Wheat-Best rmillty patent t 260
2 00.
Second finality 2 20@2 50 ,
Spring Wheat I5eHt quality , patent , 2 80 ®
Second Quality 2 15 " 50.
Bran COo iwr cwt.
Chopped Food Per 100 lbn. , OOe.
Coin Meal 1 < 0'Oi 10 per cwt.
Screening G" @ 7 o JUT cwt.
Gcnernl I'roiluco
Apples Receipts continue heavy , only >
holce stock saleable nt $2.25@2.75. Bulk re-
ulpts Boiling nt 25@COc per bushel , ace rdlng
Beans Only clean stock saleable. NnvieH ) per buahel , 1.50@1.75 ; inediiim , 1,25@ I
Cmnb Honey In good demand. Receipts 6 >
cry Binall and meet witli rendysaloat 18@-0c 1KI 1
11 and 2 lb framra. KI
Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright KIFi '
nr lb. 2G@2i > cj common to good dark per lb , In
IJuttor Rsceipts moderate and prices mi- bt
langed , DCiiuinil jiidatly for rol H which b !
ing from la'2a par pound more than snino J'l
lahty of crolld packeil , Wo again c II at- ci !
ntiou of consumers to the fact that neat hi ,
clean packing holH ] the sulo of butter. 1C
KO thin clean muslin to wrap the rolls in. C'l
' " " " "
Cldor "Ohio" per b'bl $7.uO"York1 ; m
ate" per bbl. 88 0(1 ( ; per i bbl. § 175 ; coti-
niKcd per la K5c ; crab npplo , per gal. H5c.
ChfCMj Full cream , western , 12c ; Wlbcon.
new 12ic ; young Amnricau , 12 a 13c.
Kftgi--Ata iUtto | pcarco and huvo for the ha
itfowdiyH advanced 1 or 2 -nta at the Ic :
no. ri.ilcH uein made to-dav at 2Sc , nnd to
icon may ndv.tuce further within the next col
i ! i
Hay-Baled itf.OO S.OO loose , $ ' 5.00 a !
hiMaplf > fiugar Purs , in brickH , per lb , ICe , . \
lie , IKo ; small cnkuc [ olJ
UuiunH. Market hare and demand good at olr. J
'orcouN Cholco In fair t.i
dry demand , at t.ii
i2Jo per lb. i
I'niiltry Live chickens are dull. Consign. hoi
.nti of dressed i oultry art ) mora liberal and
nund lair Chick n * alive , per domi ,
50 ; cbickfiii , dossed , per lb , lOfajlla ;
ek > i , dreawd , per lb. , 12fOl3cdiuk9 ( ; , alive ,
dozen , $3.UU ; ducks , dreased , per lb , , 111
ai\2s ; gfteae , drenflod , f or lb. , 12@13c. 187
JU-ceiptu very light aud demand lil
good for nil kirnK Deer , carcai' , per lb. , S ( < 8
iK ; ; deer saddles , pr IK , 12@i ; < c ; nuteloiH1 ,
carca , per lb , , vV ! : antelope ! > aildp ! , per
lb. , 12 < ftij ; ! pralrln clncl\on , per doren ,
" ' , . . ,
per divcn , ' i .OO u ! > ( O1 ; jack inlbit , per itoi-
on , SIUia'iO ( : > i : small rabbits per dormi ,
SI 00@l ? 5 : snipe , per down , $1.00 91.25 ;
ducki , mallard , 81-Ml@Sl.75j tenl nnd inixnl ,
Potatoes Very few cars have boon olfrred
during the put week , and all choice stock
wan taken up iptlckly nt 32t3tic. DiMinnd
for such N bmk , nnd wo cncomago consign-
monK Small potatnoa nnd mlxid lnt < can
only ba dNposcd of to pi-ddlci * , mid rrtuqo at
20r < r.25c.
Sw r > et I'otilnosOnly choice largo , salable
at Iidj2c per lb.
CAS'MintjOOl's OrstorslStandardlpcrcajio ,
3 00 ; strawborrio' , 2 lbwr \ case , 2 20 ; raspberries -
berries 2 lb , per c.w , 2 50 ; California pears ,
per owe , 5 H ) ; aprlouti per ca < e , 6 00 ; poache ?
jiei two 51)0vhit" ) ; clicrtios iMjrca1" ! ) , ( J "S ;
pluma per ca o I 50 : whortleberries , per case ,
3 00 ; ccg { ilumn , 2 Iti , per ca , 2 90 : green
gage" , 2 HI , per cass , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 lb per
ca c. 3 'JOfif & M.
Roi'K Si il \ inch and larger , Oe , g Inch ,
r n'ch , lOc.
CAKIII KS Uoxos , 40 Ibs ICs , lie ; 8s ll !
boxes 40 llw , Ifi oz. , Gi , 1 Ic.
MATCHKS 1'er caddie , 3r c ; round , casen
2 55 ; square , cases 1 70 ; Oahkosh , casu.4 1 50
SUOAUS I'owdcred , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 8c ;
granulated , Glc ; confectlniirn1 AiSo : Stand-
nrd oxtia C , dc ; extra C , 5c ; medium yol-
ow , 5Jc ; dark yollow. c.
Cot'l'EKa Ordlniry gi.idea. 12Hil2ie ( ; fair.l ,
@ 13Jc ; good , 13Jc ; pnnip , 1 l@15ic ; choice.
lG@l7c ; fancy green and yellow , UilGJc ; old
government .lava , 20 205 ; Arbucklo's roast
ed. I5ic , MeLayghtln'a XXXX roasted ,
15jc ; mitatioti Jnva , lCi@18ic ; Clark's
\urora , lOi'c.
SvilUP Standard Com. 33o. bbls : Standard
do , 4J gallon kees , < l 85 ; Standard do , 1 gallon
kegs , 1 50.
SOD v In lb papers , 3 20 per case ; keg per
I'icKKLS Medium In barrels , G 00 ; do jn
half barrels. It 50 ; small. In barrels , 7 00 ; do in
half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 3 Ou ;
do lu half barrels , 4 50
TKAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice ,
G0@7'c ( ; food Impeiial , I0@43o ; choice , GO ©
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3li@50c ; choice , Go
@ 1 00 ; Jap in , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice ,
G0@76c ; Oolong good,85H)4ic. ( ) ) Oolong.choico.
10@ 53c ; Souchong , good , 3 . , @IOc ; choice , 35
© 45c.
RICK Louisiana prime to choice , GJ@7c ;
fair , , Gc ; Patma , OJe.
FISH No. 1 mackero half brls. , 7 CO ;
Family J bbla 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fain , kits
GO ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 50 : No. 1
kits , 05c. family 4 bbls , 3 00 ; family kits and
pails , Ol ; No. 1 , trout , 1 bbls , 5 25
WOODKNWAIIKTwo hoop pnils , 1 85 ; three
lioon pails , 210. Tubi , No. 1 , 0 00 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 00 ; Well-
bucket1" , 3 85.
SoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk's
White Russian 520 ; .Kirk'a outoca , 215 ;
POTASH Pennsylvania , i case in case ,
3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; An
chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50.
CANDY Mixed , Hal2c ; stick , lO.illc ; twist
stick , lOJe ,
VINKQAU New York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , 13c.
SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. 6s , 3 GO
STAIICH Pearl 4\c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn
Starch , Sc ; IXcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc ,
SPICES Pepper 17c ; spice , 14c ; coves 203
" . Ific.
Dry Fruits No. 1 , quarter apples , bblu , 51c ;
tf C Bliced , bo\es , G cj evaporated , boxes , OJc ;
> Inckberries , boxes , lOJc ; peaches , -boxec ,
8Jc ; peaches , evaporated , lie ; raspberries , 32c. ?
Dry Goods
BROWN SHKKTINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlantic -
tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ;
Beaver Dam LL. Gc ; Lawrtnco LL , ojc ; Pact-
fie H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 7c ; Indian Head *
A , 8c ; Wnuchusett A , 7i'c.
perell R , 7c ; Salisbury R , Gtfr.
BLEACHKD Corroxs Ballon 4-1 , GJc ; Bal
Ion , 7 8 , 5jc ; ( Jumborlotid 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
8Jc ; Fairmount , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
Oc : Glory of the Went , 8ic ; Golden Gate , 8 c ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Louadale , SJc ; Now >
YorU Mills , lllcWnmHUtta10ic. ; _
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 14ic ; Boston , 0 oz. , 14c ; Fall w .
River , 8Jc.
DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , He ; West C :
Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie. OI
TICKINGS Amoskeog , l < c ; Continental 1
Fancy , Ojc ; Cordis , ! 0jc ? ; Poail River , JSJu ; 1ti
Yoik , 12Jc ; Hnmloton A"niugn 12Jc. ti
DKNISIS Amoikeng , 1'c : Beaver Greek lb
AA , 12c : Beaver Ciook BB llci Beaver 01
Creek CC , IOc : ITnviinktrfl , 8e ; Jalfroy 1) it
T , U'Vc ; JalTrev XXX , 1 < e ; Pearl Rlvor.
13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , l.'c ; Warren BB "
brown ) , lie ; Wnrron CC ( brown ) , IOc. to
CAMiiaica Fifth nvonuo glove fiuiah , Cc 10
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc. lo
0 nsKr JEANS Amory , 7\c ; Hancock , So , to
Kenrsayor falc ; Rockport , 7c.
PltiNrs Aliens , 5Jc ; American 5 c ; Am cr
olds , fie ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo 'JO
7ii. ; Iigo7-8. HJ- ; Indigo 4-4. 12Jc ; Stool I
River , 5Jc ; Charter O.ik , 4Jc.
PniSiH SmuriNoi American , 5c ; Co-
chuco , 6c , Gloucester 5c ; Southbridgo , 4Jc ;
\Vnverlj's1 4Jc ; Rouudnlo , 4c. ] ?
Gl.NOIIAUH Amoskeng stiplca , 8c : Bates i'
staples , Sc ] L'mc.uitor BtapUs , 80 : 1'ltinkot )
pbids , Oc ; HudLon chocki , > ic ; Amoskoag
Persians Ojc
-Atlnntio Alntrca , OJc : IVr
Hiaue cashmcro , " .ijc ; tlnmluton cnhuioro
15Jc ; Hamilton Fauctm , Hie ; Hutnleto 'jro-
cadui ) , 15c ; Arlington brocivdt ) , 18o.
Dnnos AND _ t HKMICALS AcUl Cartolis
FOc ; r.cld , tartar ! i , 51c ; balsuin cnpablu , per lit ,
5c ; bark , sassafrun , per lb. 12c , calomel , Jier c
lb. 75o ; einohoniilia ] > er oz. , ? 0 15 ; Jiloiofonn , 10
) or lb , $1 05 ; ( JovoiH powders , per lb , § 1 25 ; 50
epsom salts , per lh. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per 10
lb. 2ic ; lead ncotate , ) > cr lb. 22c ; oil captor.
No. 1 per gaj. , I 00 ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gnl ,
U 10 ; oil , olive , per gal , $1 40 ; oil origanum ,
r-0c ; opium , St 50 ; rpimino , P it W ; mid It. A. .
, per o ? . , 81 05 , potnHhlum , Iodide , per y
. , 81 50 ; sallcin , per oz. , 40c ; sulphate
morphine , per 07 , § 3 00 ; sulphur per lb , , 4c ;
itrjchuiue , per oz , $1 35 ,
J'nlnlH Oils and VarnlnliCH , 5 ? i
OILS 110 caruon , per gallon , 1'JJc ; 150" ,
loadhght , per gallon , 12jc ; 176 ° headlight , .
xjr gallon , IGJc ; 1501 * water whito. 15Jc ; lin- bei
lood raw jnr gallon 48c linioed boiled
, , ; , pur tin
rnllon , 51o Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ; tinJ J
STo. 1 ( iOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; cistor XXX. Jier galen -
on , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweut , per gallon. 1 00 ,
ipermV. . B. , per gallon , 1 ( k 0 ) ; fftli W. B , J
orgallon , ( ' ; neattfootoxtra , per I gallon ) , OOc ; 3 1
S'o , 1 , 75o : lubrlcitlng , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
iiiruner , 15c : golden machine , No. 1. per g.d- vei : 1
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , pi-r gallon No
iOe ; turpentine , per gallon , 4-c ; naptba , 71 ° , cnl !
icr gallon , IGc.
1'AINW 'IN qiL Ayiilto lead , Otniha P. P , jjj ;
ic ; white load , St Louis , pure , Mo ; Mmmii- i .
, green , 1 to D lb can * , 20o ; I'rnnch ' zinc ,
loan heal. 12c ; 1'roiii.Ii rlnc , red pen ) , lie ; but
'Vouch ylno , in vnrnidh asst , "Oc ; French 7)110 ) , 1
oil nartt , 15c ; raw ami burnt umb r , 1 lh
.inn , IOc ; raw and burnt Siouna , IOc ; vundyke Ho
, 13c ; relined lampblack , I''c ; co'ich lb.
and ivory black , IGc ; droji I/lack , IOc ;
'ittsslan blue , 10 : ; ultramarine blue , l c ;
hr mo gruen , IM. . k ] ) , , IGc ; blind mid
huttor green , L , M. & D. , IOc ; PariH green ,
cc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , lie ; Tus-
in red , 22ci Amurlcau vi-ririillion , I , & P. ,
; yellow ocluv , Oc ; I , . M. . < J. & D , O. , Ihi
ellow ochre , Oc ; g ddon _ ocnrc' , Ifio ;
ryor , 8c ; Kralnlog colors , light oak , dark oak ,
alnut , chuitiuit iuid a < th , 15c ,
Oik solo
a.iJock kip , I0v | ivrmor ( U > o to 75 : ; Iicm
illcalf. . Mf/o to 100 ; homloek apjnr , Wo
)2 > ; oak iipfjer. 24c ; ftlllgator. i ( Kl to f Vi\ \
! / kid. SL' iO ; Urtk U , * M ta 2 75 ; oat TI
p , 80o to 1 00 ; i.nk r.jlf , 1 fcO hi 1 SO ; French me
p , 110 to 1 C5 ; French eiJf. 1 25 to 2 00 ; run- UK
in , flWto 7M ; .Altwt 000 tofiWl top-
\tfft 0 W ) to 10 60 ; IJ L. Mnrosco , SOa to 3f/u.
bl > la O. 1) , Morocco B c ; lmi < n , 2 00@3 00
lltjuwm. No , 1 ttar oi.k , We ; No 2 31c ;
ot No. 1 Ohio oik , 3r ; . o , z do , Jlcj Vo ,
Alllv/iokofl 8t ; No 2 do < c , \I'R )
No. 11'ltto oiifc hr.r , Wu ; No. Bj Pl'.ti- teak ptlu
, 14 j , SIC
n < t :
AlOOHOt-l proof ahohoi , 2 20 p r KlfB ffci !
illon eitvA Oalifcrula ipIriU , 1KB proof ,
per proof Kal'on ] triple rc6nod tplritu cif
proof , 1 17 par proof gallon ; ro-dUUlled
kJei 100@l W ; fine bfcndod , 1 6002 K-f '
GiN9 1" < ! , 4 P < Xg6 00) ) ilfDiMlls , 14
rt . . vitl ,
1'iovcft * , , ! \PK.K UiuNnr 1 " .
riwr.vmtianortoil ! pet -M Us 00 ®
ol tM ; VmMloiib , vw CMO , 12 00 * ' "i " 00.
l't.t'0 TOBACCO -Climax 45o ; Hulllnti | "c
Honwlmo , He ; Star , IOc ; Ktxly , 4V | Her
py' . IOc ; Blaik , 3 * ? 10o ; , ICc
Our Rope , 4Sc : Piper Hridslock , file.
FIM : CfT Common , 3Jo : Medium ICc goot
r > ® eOc , Hard tole.il70 ! c : favorite , GOc ; Dla
mondCrowii , 5f c ; Sweet Sixteen , &Pc.
SMOKINO 0. S. , 2.'e ; Meerschaum , SOc
Durham 1(1 ( o * . , 51 ; Durham , 8 oz.
IMC ; Durham 4 ot , , f > 7c ; urn-ham 2
oz. , GOc ; Seal of Nortli Carolina , 10 oz
41c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , ISc ; Seal o
North Caroliula , 4 o ? . 48 ; Seal oi North Cnro
lina , 2 or. , 50c ; 0 K. Durham , 4 oz. , 2Sc
O. K. Durham. J or. . : 30o ; Uncle Neil , 1'
25c ; Tom nnd Jerry , S3c. !
We qnoto lumber , iatli And ehln lei on can
t OmiUn At the following I rlocJI
JOIST Ann SOAMUNV 1C and undo ;
TiKnrr.3 1C font ( * : ; d tutdcr , 2000.
Ti'insu AMI Joim * 20 It , U3CO | 21 It ,
25 00.
20 00.
SiiMTiKU No , 1M ( ! osmiinen boimlj,20 ) 00
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOOH BoA'.mi - , 45 00 ; 11,40 , W : 0 , 85 03.
No. 1 , 10 00 ; No. 2 , M 00 ; No.
8 , 25 00
SIDIKCI , clear 27 00 : Ko. ajSTiOOi No. 8 ,
OEiiiNrt f , 87 00 ; g , 28
Slll.NQLW , best t liO ; ttottilaid , C PO.
LATH 3 25 per li.
LtMtt Per b'irrol , 1 2Itjalk ; pit bnshcl , S. . .
eomont , bbl , 2 25 ; love plantar , bb ! , 2 50 ;
nor btu 50c ; Tarred fait , 103 a , 3 Z0 | itmvr
bonril B 50 <
llonvy H.irdwuro List.
Iron , rnlea , 2 SO ; plow utool special cast. Ge ;
crucible , 7c ; gpi > clai or Gorinnn , fie ; cast too ;
do , ISiVM ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , tawed dry , 140tongues ( ,
each , 70a8cc ; nxlos , each , 75c ; Bijuaro nuts per
Hi , 7allc ; washers , per lit , 8nl8o : riu-U , peril ) ,
Ho : coil chain' per lb. Gal2o : innllcahlo , Sc :
iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Go : harrow tooth ,
4c ; spring btool , 7aSc : Burden's horsoehoos ,
4 40 : Burden's muloshocs C 70.
BAHHKD WIIIK In car lots , 4 CO per ICO.
N.viLS-Raten , 10 to GO , 2 SO.
SHOT-Shot , 1 W : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 : do ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 : blasting , kegs , 3 35 : fuse ,
per 100 feet , 50o.
LKAD Bar 1 GJ.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 : Whltobroast lump ,
5 00 : Whttobroast nut , 5 00 : lown lump , 5 00 :
Iowa nut , 5 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra
cite , 11 25.U1 51 : Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
DrT fnlntw.
Whlla lent ] , tic ; Froncb tine , 10e | Paris
irhlttng , 2)oj whiting pildorn , Igct whiting
ix > m'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , lie ;
lampblack , ordinary , Oc | FruasLtA blun , & 5c ;
imtramariue,18c ; vnndyke , braui , 8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; tlenn * burat , 4c ;
ileaca , ruvr , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25o ;
Paris green , common , 20ochrome ; prten N.Y. ,
iCc ! ( chiomo green , K. , 12oi rormillion , Kng. ,
rOc ; Tcrmlllion Arceilcnn , 18c ; Indian , rod ,
10c ; race pink , 1-lc ; Venetian led , Gookeon'e ,
2i'c ' | Venetian rod , American. IJc ; red load ,
7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , . :0o : cliromo yol *
w , K. , 12cocliro ; rocholloSoochre.French ; ,
.ra ; ocliro , Ainoricmi , 2c ; Wlntei'i mineral ,
ujc ; lohlgh brown , 2)c | Spasloh broira , 2c ;
Prluco'H mineral , He
VAnKiailE. " Barrels , pcj ) gallon : Fnrnl
Lure , extra , f 110 ; furulhuo , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
ixlrn , $1 40 : ooacb , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Ouinnr
3itva , 817C ; Japan , 70o ; nJiv'hc.lturc , ortra , SIic ;
iho'.Uc. ' SS 50 : hard nil finish ft RO.i
rr.otjR Colorwlo , 100 Ibs , ; i G5@l 05 ; pat
nt , 100 Ibn. , 1 'JO © . ! 23 ; Kiuians , 10J Ibi , 2 75
33 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Iba , 3 90Brulwin ; , 100
) ? , 1 85 < 5 2 1)0 ) ; rye , 100 H > n. , 2 35@2 50 ; buck-
.vhoat , 100 Iba 7 007 75.
Oiui-v , nii > , Kro-Whont.lOOlbs , 80(5590c ( ;
oru , In Baden on track , 100 Ibj , 1 25@1 27 ,
mtn , in flacks cm track , 1HO 11)8 , otolorn white ,
13 Wl Ifi ; Colorado white , 1 U l 15 ; mixed ,
10@1 12 ; barlny 100 Iba , 1 30@1 40 ; bran.
on ; , on track , 1 'l 51Q11 i 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 1 27foil 29 ; chop , im\od , 100 lb- ( ,
in track , 1 30@1 85 ; corn moat , 100 Ibs. 1 G5
ail 75.
HAY Uftlod , upland ton , 13 00 ( 15 00 ;
ipUml 1 , IOOHO , ton , 13 00@1G 00 ; second but-
om , baled , 10 CO 911 00 ; alfalfa , louso. ton , n
0 00@11UO ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover ,
BOOB , ton , 18 00@15 00 ; utri.w , baled , on track ,
on , C l' < J&9 00. III
llnrraa- Creamery , fancy , lb. 3C@40 ;
roimory , fine , Ib.'ttXg-lO ; croitnery , fair , In ,
2323 : 'Intrv. ' clt ico. lb , 22'o)24 ) dairy , peed ,
) , 18 ,20 ; dairy , lair , lb , 1&01G ; cooking , lb ,
Kooa Stcti' , candl d nml warranted , do.- ,
fifKiiG ; rnncn , Jor , y83U.
( JHEKBr ; Full crea-ii I4ll o' half cream ,
, llfrflSc ; b' < im , lb , 918c ; SW M , domestic ,
, 20@22o ; awiaa , Imported , Sl@32c ; 1-lm
POULTIIT Ijivo old clilcltoua , doi i 7fi ( < 5.f ) 2ri ; th
AO rprlntp , do. II 0"V.-1 IK ) ; li\r ( lucIcB , do. . ,
00 5 25 ; livu turkeyn , lb , l.ri@17c.
1'OTATOKH-Cilonido , 100 Ibs , 85 © 1 00 ;
v/cot , ri'rlb , , Vi'gXlc.
VKHRTAPLKH Union ; , yellow , lOQltoi ,
2"i'ai 0 I : cabbizo 100 lb W@il 10 ; liooti .1.
Oi ) lbn , 1 'JOfiill 30 ; turnips. 100 Iba , 1 00@
25 ; carrots , 100 lbf.1 2 fifa ) ! 50.
QuKCf VKOITAIIIIS ; TomatocK , per lb , i@
; cucumljors , dofife'lO , ; greua corn , do/ ,
U@20 ; htrint ; beam , pal , ! iOffl22 ( ; polery , rloz
0&7fi ; ( iiiioim , doinmchcri , lfca ( > 22 ; pnraloy ,
D@12 ; carnita. 12@15 ; Icttuco 1520 ( ; vfc
lant , doz , 50'alOU ,
KUDIIH LomonH. per caso. MoHslna , G ! X ) @
00 i : ornngua , Kudi , case , < t 00548 CO ; oranj'os ,
.oiiihiuini , bill , 1'20J12M ) ; upplos , fan-
, bbl , U 75 ® 1 25 ; apples , ino'lium ' , bbl ,
25t : f.O ; iiniilus. Hulltilnwer , box.l . 00@1 50 ;
iiarx , box , 32n@3 CO ; noachun , box , 2 25@
50 : California Krapea , box , Mohono ! , Pom ,
Inscat , 1 75)2 ) 00 ; b.iiianai , li iucli,3 00@5i > 0 ;
tiiiicefl , IMIX , 2 00(3)2 ( ) 75 ; cranberries , bbl , U & 10
IDOO.Ii&O , 135) ) ® 11 00.
CuitKl ) MifATHliniiM miB r cured , lb , 15 ;
,11113 , HWtot plcklud , lb , H ; Ntuxm. hroak-
, lb , II } ; dry Halt ld B , lb , ll/ ; dried
ef , lb Hi ; lurd iu palla , 10 10 ; I.ird in
orceu , PJ&i'f- '
I'liKSH JIlt\rH-lreHaed beef Colorado , per
Glijc ; ; o oicu veal , lb , 1K5HII ; liogn , lb ,
284 ; mutton , lb , n@ < ! ; lamb , II ) , 10@12J.
vaHTOUK- \ - Colorado utiorn , per 100 Ibs ,
10 375 ; COWH 1 00 II ) . a 00 ,350 ; choito
al calvtH , lb , 7@8c ; Bheop , 2 OUWt 60.
Hliloa. Dry J'llnt ; No. 1 , parlb , 10i@12o ;
o. 2 , lb , 8a)10 ( ) ; Kroon i-Uera and branded
f. lb. 4iC < Sfi ; ( { rtioucalf , lb , G ; ( ; rcon kip ,
U ; Hlinot ) nUlnn , dry , Vcr.b ; deer nkiiiH , mim.
r , lb , 10@18 ; doer BkiiiK , winter , lb , 12r < 9
itolow | BkinH' lb , 12 slU ; tallow , lb , 45.
Woot. Colorado No. 1 , per lb ,
ick , lb , 8 ; Mexican , 8 ,
KIHH Mackcrol , No.l , 100 , kit , iM.
25 ; Oallfornla aahrion , half bbl , 10 CO ;
olliuiil horriiii' , ke1 COfil 7f | trent , per
ilcago , SI , Paul , Minneapolis end 00. 1(11 (
'ho new Mti-nstyn of tbln line fiom Wnlaflolil uj anil
the C1A.N Tra
10 UTe
irfoon the Ijoct portion o ) the Siite , Bptcl I ox
n'.f'i raUti fur Kiul tctkucs or r tbU lr ! t
IK , Korfclk anJ llr.r'njte.r ! , to < S U Jl lto a To
Urll | lollit < IOD ttl9
itlnn over tht C . ut 1' M. A o. ItiJlwir to C'ov Kept
Ion. Ulotii City , I'-iatt , JUrtlnxton , W vot. od I Ocu
tJoIli JKoti
Ooxaas.ootJtfllar {
lo f t [ Hu
( cntlof. 1 1 , , „ < .
? otii ei all la indla in at > a ci'.l oo ' day.
Cor. 18th am ) Cupltol Avcnuo , trcula til CMM Cilp
l > loilor Dclormoil , > l oill90ici of ti.
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs
AH M'cs of Curntnro ol the Spine , Crnoknl Keel
Ltf * ktul Atine , HIMMC ot the Hip , Ktiw , MI !
Ankle Joint * . AI o Chroi'.lo nfioctlmn ntlio Liter
KheumatUin , IVU to , l'ilc , Ulcwi , CiUrrh , Afth
nn itnil Htonoliltls ro all tri'ntotl In- now anil eito
ccfljful mtlhcxK All ill oi of tmulloml nn.l Utln-
try Orr'i > n , Including thotii nviutttuc ( fotn I in l crc
tlonor cxx | urc , ro mini } niulVlicroudillr trwvleil
mil a euro | ru rmtcol. Young men , mlmila KOI | ,
tml old nion nuRcrlni ; from Woikmvn ami Netvotn
exhaustion , ) < rivlucm ! , inilt < rcntlonl'ntpUixtloiio ( the
limit , PcsinnJoncUlKlrwsi. ) . t/omot MemoryI.nolt
of Kncrry an I AmMtlim , ran | M > restored to health
ami vlRor , If MSOs \ not ton loni ( neglected
Tlio Siirpccn In clmrfo l n rii1iutc of JctTor
ton UiHlleixl College 1S1J ) and hag itmlloil lilt
profession In LnrMon , I'arla anil Ilirlln. If BllllU > l ,
cillor ttiltofullilccrrlpttcn of jour aw , iul moill-
clno may l > o itnt } ou. CoiKiutntlnn Irco , Aitdreii
Dinah * DlspotiMry , Crounso'i IllocV , Ouitha , NoK
OfHoo hours 10-12 a. m. , 1-8 and 7-8 p in bun Ja ) t ,
10 a in
M.8cml for tri'itlso either ou tiuxlo
del nnltlct.
Or Amelia
, tough s
1617 Dodge St , , - Omaha
03 Southlltli Street , OMAHA , NKH.
Mninifacturcra of Urnis C.VIIIB | | , Sto\c CsstliiRS
ndftll other ( ; ro casllnr n spocUlty. Special nttim
Ion titn to the nnimt icturc ot ciatliigti ( or patontH
Jiitlnrs undo at n ton liourn' notlro.Jorkll
o JolUcrcil unless KatUtactlon livhen
u. nEin irsov : & SON ,
Succcssorfl toMr , llioo. U mil.
Crlanger , tiavarin.
'uluibaclier , Bitvana
'ilaaor * . Bohemian ,
niEer < v.Brnmen ,
3iitltvoiBtr St. Louis.
Vulum ar. . . . .St. Louis.
lev. , a. . . . Milwnukep.
Sch)1'/-Pilsner ) ' Milwnukoe.
vru 'rt Oitinhi ) ,
Ale , Sorter , Domestic and Rhine
* -o. - MAUUER
ISilS Farnom St
npuhriU of H'lllKir'Hf iiinninul of < J\\ \ \ \\\it \ Oil
ml I.1lici"h'H ] iniliicfil HOIIHI unirliirlpliil | ( icrHom tn
ttunit | to | iilm " (1 ( ,1 hiinplt nitkluof tlitlr oun ) ) person ulio Is milTurlni ; Inini
ull liH , CuliU or CuiiKiiiiiptlnii , hhnu'il 1)0 ( virttul
he rot imrcliisu tlitu urtldu. It nqulrcH no
ullln . Ilio ruHiiltn ol itn n-o nro Ita liiwt rtcoin
unilatloiH , and the pruprlitor Im ninplu tvliluncu
flluof ItHirriit HIUCT.MS hi piiliiiiuiirv lOinplnliitH.
liu t'hoHplinto of 1 luiu poHHtHHctu most inarvLllotifi
icnliiirfpoMi r , HH c'oiiiliineilltli the pure Coil I.hcr
li ) llr \ \ illid' , nu pritcrlbcil h\ the mulluil fnc
iltj hull ] liy A. U. Wilbor , CliLinlit , lloitoii , nml
Time Talalo.
In IJIIecl Oct. lat , Wil.
The attention of tlio travelling jiulillo to called to
ho ( net that thin Id tlioonlv c < mi | > li.toatidnljBoliitcl )
orroit time tiMu imblhrml In the city ,
All tmliw nrrlto nt anil ( loiirt ] ( rein Om.iliu liy
fcntral btamlaril 'llnio.
'Irulusol tliu O ft. I1. M & 0. nrrho at anil do
iirl from tin Ir dciKit , corner f 14th anil Wubntir
trcnta ; trains o , the II & M. , 0. II AQ.nnd K , U ,
. J.i U. I ! from thu II , 4. a , diiut | ; all othurs Irom
be Union I'lcllic. dcp'it
a , lilhli ; , ( aq < > t .Maturila > ; c , uxcipt Sutidaj ; il ,
xcrjit Munilu ) .
Dummy Trnlns tcavo omiin at e4o,8 oo ,
. lu 00 , 1. Iba in , 1 U ) , V ( fl , 3 M , 4 00 , 6 00 , 0 00 ,
flip in On HunJayatlio HUD ami 10 09 a in ami
and4 00 pin tralnmlu not run , Arrive nt triuig.
ilojiot 13 uiliiuUu UUr : L'ruaUuay dipot ,0 mln.
latir ,
I.i.avo Council HluOs ( Iltoo-lwsv ilojiot ) at 7 20 , B SO
) , 10 St ) , II 48 a m ; 1 SO , 2 SO. S 3I > . 4 SO , C.10 , U115
II OS | i Hi. Oil HlllliU , J tliu B 0 mid ID 'M n m
d33Uaud & 301 > m tialiK Hill not runArrlio ut
aimftr 7 nilnutix laUr , Ointlm "U iiiiuiituv laUr.
Ui k III , 4 U , 0 1U and Ijfi'j p in , dally.
ArrliuatS 15 ainl 11 16aui , n X& , 7 35 and 8 I& p
ml from ClikJKQ vh the 'I rl.artltu | AllUnco Linn.
| Mil I It-l. I N W | M W | U.l'r Ml'f
21 I 7-liS 11 t W 18 C-27
12 10 t-wt 11 4-28 1SI
tr/nUr. , 2-23 I 0-3J la 1 1-23 16 8-29
111 2 ! 7-2J 1 IS 0-27 ZU
lundiy unlni { i 1 Mi'iuUy mornlni ; ? lin rrlv
wr/npos'J UK otdir. C' , U. & . trjlnu run uv
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Cround Oil Cake.
It ia flto boat niul cheapest foot ! for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal to
three nnu'daof corn. Slock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall nnd Winter
ins tend of running down , will incro.iso in T eight nnd bo In good marketable candl
lion in the spring. D.tirymon , ns well ni othora , who use it , can testify to ita tnor
Us. Try It and juilgo for yonraolvcia. Price $25.00 per ton. No chnrgo for sacko
< \ddrcaa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nob.
, 's/Safe / &i
it i
wij .
2.OS3O KBtareot.
II. B. l OOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & , Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Ten , Cig r nnd Tobncco Dopnrtmonta. A full line of nil grades of
the nbuxo ; nlso Pipon nnd Smokora' carried in stock. Pricoa
nnd eamplca furnished on application. Open orders
intruatod to us nhnll receive our careful
attention. Sttiafnction Gunrnntood.
Milwaukee , Wis.
GTTNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers ,
; C. 'F. GOODMAN ,
AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13'1'n ,
Double and Sing fa Acting Power ana Hand
TriirnnlHUB. ' Min'ou fitachlnrry , JlcltJiif , IToso , JJraca and Iron
nt v'holopulo Bndital ( ) . UALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIDP.OH
[ jCorner IQtb garnam St. , Omaha Nob.
I - a rfgsatfgrfB
§ @ §
BOSTONDUarcb , lit , 188L
KifRltHOH PIANO OO OrKixiKi.t Tottr Instruments. Or nJfl < | U re imil'Unrltflit , UFO re lly nobby
i 'ruinuuUanil ttrinUixl for Ixi.tutT of tjne tuil CiilJu .All'jw me to.ooDjrutulilu you ou your uterlln *
D 7JLv .JLJJ irilf Dod o Stroot. Omaha , Neb.
anco r * Cth and Do glas eirceta