1HE DAIL1 rtEE-SATTUDAY NOVEMBER 8 , 1884 3 NEBRASKA ! OMAHA , NEBRASKA. ' , ; PAID DP OAPFTAIj . 5250,000 SURPLUS MAY 1 , 18S4 . 20,000 UIKCTOHS- ! n.tW TATK3 , A. E. TOUZALIN , PrcnUcnt. Vice VrcriilenL y. noons , JKO. s. OOW.IKS , LEWIS s. UKKD ant K. U& ) 1 0:1 , A ttttrit am' Acting Cuhlei , The Iron B < ank. OCR , 12TH ANDFAENAM ST3 , A GENERAL HANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. t.N'TKHEST nlloirod on ttmo dopoelta npon dtvornbio torma and npon nccounta of bantu tnJ bunkers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government County and City nccnrltloi bought In iti trottmcnt of cnatoinrra the moot Ilby er I policy is purnncd coiiststent with gafotd- and eouud bnnkiuor , nn4 wo invite correaponcs eoro or persooul inquiry in connection there with FIKANCEANUCOMMfcRCE. KIMANOIAt. N w YOKE , Nov. [ 7. Money llasy 1J © 2c. I'rltne { mper 6@G , Sterling Billa Quiet at 4 60 ; demand SI. Governments Strong. Railwnya Finn. At f'o opening of busi ness this morning there was n pressure to Bell stocks nnd the prices declind \ " to Jc , Union Pacific fell off 1 , St. Paul tf , Larkawtna i , Lake Shore } , Pacllic Mail i nnd Western Union i As the day nilvnuced the temper of speculation became quite bullish and sharp advance in prices was recorded. The advance from thu lowest point to-day rnncrod from J to 1J. Pacific Mall rose 2J , Central Pacific 1 , Northwest li , St. Paul 1J , Lackawnnna 2 , Lake Shore 1 | , New York Central Ig , North ern Pacific preferred 1J , Union Pacific 2 , nnd Western Union Ij. At the close the market was strong , with the best figures of the day generally current. Compared with last night thu closing prices are J to 2 higher , except Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , Missouri Pacific Kansas and Texas TransContinental cific , , Oregon - nental nnd Texas Pacific which are [ a fraction lower. COUPONS , S's 100J 4Vs Coupons 113,4 U.S. new4's 122 Pacific 6's of ' 95 12G STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Pacific 36 } Chicago & Alton 125\ do do pfd 145" Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 117 Delaware , Lackawanna & Western. . . . 102J Den\er&Kio Grande 8 Erie 12J Jo pfd 25 Illinois Central 112 } Indianapolis , lilooni. & Western 13 Kansas & Toxao ] 51 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 05 } 4 Louiawlloft Nashville 24g r Michigan Central 51 Mis-ouri Pacific 00.- ! Northern Pacific 17.5 do do pfd 423 Notthv , estern 844' do do pfd 124 New York Central 85j | Oresron Trans-Continentul isjj . Pacific Mail & < y V.D..K 12J 1 Pullman Palace Car Company 1091 4 Rock Island Ill St. Louis & San Francisco 11) ) do do pfd 3S Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 74J do do do pfd l < m St. Paulfc Omaha 28" do do pfd 80 \ Texan Pacific OJ Union Pacific 4l ! Wabash , St. Lotus k Pacific ! IJ : do do do pfd 10 | Western Union Telegraph 50 O. U. &N CO * Kx-div. tasked. I'ltODUCC. CHICAGO rnonucs. CHICAGO November 7. Flour Dull and Wheat Lower and fairly active ; opened lower ; fluctuated nnd declined c and ( luctua ted and closed Jo lower ; 73@g)73for ( ) / ra n ; 7 * lor Noveinlrer ; 74g for December ; 7ojtf ( , 75J ; for January : 82jJ(2S.'i ( for May : No. 2 red , 7li : X > . 3 red G3 t > 4 ; rejected red , 50w,51. ( Corn Ruled weak MV\ lower , but moderate ly a live for November ; declined ic , closing 4c , inider yesterday ; jear declined .Jc ; cloned jjj lowei ; May declined , uid closed nt Sc lower ; 41 } for cash nnd November ; 37i@3fg for De- cembo' ; 3"i for the year ; 3 ! > jj for January ; -SKi for May ; rejected , 38. i UatH Better demand nnd firm at 253 ; cash ; 25 | bid for November ; 25/a2. " > g for December : 28J for May , Rju Firm nnd c higher ; 50J@51. Barley Quiet nt tbfeSSJ. Flax Seed Firm at 1 32J. Timothy Dull ; fair to good dark eced at 1 21 < yi 22 prime to high giudc , I 2.H. Pork Moderately active 20 ( < t25e lower e.irly ; rallied 10J015e and closed steady : 13 00 r < gl 153 for cash ; 113(1 ( for the ye.ii ; 11 3"J@ 40 for January ; 50 for February. Lard J JBier nt 2jfui5o lower ; 7 15 7 20 for cash ; U OD@i ( 074 for Novembtr ; G 85f5 ( Gh74 for December ; GOJJ'g.GOj . for .Jnuuary ; 7 02j@7 Oi for February. @ Bulk Jleata Dry ealtcd shoulder * , 5 25@ 5 50 ; ehort clear , 7 107 45 ; bhort ribs , G 'JjQ ( 12J. 12J.Whiaky Steady nt 113. Butter Quiet and weak ; good to fancy creamery 2Jg ( ! 8. Cheese Stoadyand fair demand ; full cream 10f$12 { ; skiing , 3@G , Kggs Active and easy at 10@21. Hides Steady and iinchnngail , Tallow Steady nud unchanged. ixecmptH , Hhtp'ta. ch Flour , bbls 12fOO 18,000 cute Wheat , biihhels 151,000 15,000 to Corn , bushela 131COO 72,1/00 tocl Oats , biiBheU 58,000 Sli.OOO ( cl Rye , bushela 8,000 7,0,0 ( 1.- Barley , bubhela 83.000 10,0,0 vela KUVV VORK rnonucE. la NEW YORK , November " . Wheat Spot lapo J@J and optlonn J@ljc lower , closiig heavy : po recoipta 209,000 ; oiportB. 17,000 ; No. 2 spring , 15l f > 2 ; ungraded rod. t3V } , J > ; do cron in flolrl , ] "Gi@8U ; posted No. 2. red , 72 { : No. II rod , clu crop in field , 7 J ; No. 2 rod8li851 ; Je- bri cembar Baled 81 , ' ! " Coin Spot lg.lj ( and options J1 lower , ten cldpiuir heavy ; receipta , 3 < J,000 ; expoitu , 't3- ant 000 ; ua/raded , 53 ( 51 ; No. 2 , 61@511 ; Da U temhor closing nt 4Jc. ! ) " On Oata Jfejfc. dull and lower ; roseipts , 12- 211 000 ; oxptrtH , 1,100 ; mixed western , Ul&IUc ; 17 : white , 32370. Hay Fvrmer ; timothy 10 00@10 25 Ktn Pork D-ill and lower ; western mssi , 1C 0) deiC Lard WerJc ; wontem fiteam spot 7 50. Hill Kflgi Wc9t.srn frtuli firmer. 1 But.er Qumt , feteady and unclisngod. last Bran Steady nt5J@67. ( tim CornMeftl ) ah ; 2 35 , prii Jew BT. MDIH rnonucB. KT Loom , Xo mlicr 7. Wheat firmer : 601 702 for Kosember ; 7 j i76J for January ; hj 601A for May. Ohi Corn Firmer ; 33J Cor tliw year ; 33 | for OhiJ ( January ; SGJ for Aliiy. tttf Oats Kiruier ; W\ higher lid but no Baled. ' Rye Nothing douig Barley Stwadyj ( i'K. 77JJ r ' Butter Uitthaugea ; tl < tiry re-vinl8@2.'ic , ; u prv. 2G@3ic ( dun Kcres Lower ; 13Sc , dunm Flarseed Kirmor ; 1 31. turc per r 11(2 ( Bran Firmer ; CC@57c. Corn Mral Steady ; 2 55. Pork Kirm ; new me s 17 , I.ard Firm ; wo'tern ile'jm tvot 7 9- > @ 802Whiiky1 13. CALL UOAKII Whont li.ill , weak r.tul lower ; " \ for December ; 7'M for .Tnnnary. Corn Steady at 3.1 S for No\ ember : S'2j for the year ; 32J for .Innuary ; STiji for May. Oats Ijt 1er nnd slow at 2l ! for May. LIVERtOOL. LiVKnrooLNo\etnbor,7. Hrradfliiffa Dull nnd quiet ; bu'inoss \ fry small. Wheat Winter Ca IdgGs Id ; sprins.Ca Cd@ Gd 7 . Corn-5s 5Jd 3 TOi.sno. TOLKIX ) , Ohio , 2Co\emlrr 7. Wheat Quiet nndeak ; No 2 red , c < th nnd No. \ombcr , C7 nsked. Corn Weak ; No. 2 cash. 42 nsked. OaU Dull and nominal ; Nu. 2 cash and No\ ember , 2 * . KANSAS CITY , No\ . 7.Vhoat Steady ; < wh Mj bid 52 aike.l ; December , B2)1 bid , 53J ! naked ; January , 63. Corn Stoidv ; cash , 30K < f301 ; November 28J ; je.ir20 bid , 2CJ asked ; Jnuuary , 20 bid ; M y , 2SJ. Onts Utill an.l nominal ; 21 bid. CINCINNATI , Novcmberl" . Wheat-Quiet , No. 2 red 78. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed 13 ? 11. 'CSMISO Ont Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 27J Kyi. Quiet nnd firm' No. 2 , 5I@55. Bnrloy-Active nnd farm ; extra 3 fall , GS. Pork -Dull at 13 fO@13 75. Lurd-Quiot at 7 15@7 17J. Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders G 75 ; short ribs 7J7J. Whisky-Steady nt 111. NKW onLKAXS. NKW OKLKANS , November 7. Corn- Dull ; In sacks , white nnd yollow,50 ? . Onts Western , scarce niH firm nt 35c. Corn Meal Lower at 2 45. Pork Dull at 15 00. Lnrd Steady ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; keg , 800. Whisky Steady ; western rectified 1 05 @ 125. DALTIMOltr. BALTIMORE , November 7. Wheat Wes tern lower and fairly nctiue ; No. 2 winter , red spot , SOfgSljj. Corn-Mixed 10@52. Oati Quiet ; western wliite , 33@3"c ; mixed 3U332. EHRye Qulot at G2Gc. w Kcrgs Firmer at 25s. Whisky Steady 118@110 MILWAUKEE. MILWADKEK , November 7. Wheat Rosier ; ? o. 2 Milwaukee and November , 71 Jc ; De cember , 72c ; .January , 73JJC. Coru-Quiot ; No , 2 , 43Jc ; rejected , 4243c. Oats-Dull : No. 2 , 27JW27ic ; white , 2Sc Rye Inactive , No. 1 , 53c. Barley Steady and fair demand ; No.2 spring cash , 51Jc. iavjs STOCK. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , Nov. 7. Drover'a Journal re ports ; Hogs Receipts 23,000 ; slow nnd lOe lower ; rough packing 4 10 © I 55 ; * packing nnd ship ping , 1 G0@4 55 ; light , 450@500 ; skips , 3 50324 10. Cattle Receipts , 8 503 ; brisk und firmer ; exports , G 0 @ ( i 75 : good cow * , 2 30 ® 115 ; stackers , 3 ( HJ@ 1 00 ; fcodow , 3 00@4 5'J ; range steady : Wjomings , 4 20@1 50 ; Montanas , 500@525. Sheep Receipts 2,000 ; weak ; inferior to good , 2 40g3 ( 10 ; choice , 4 00@1 50. KANfA8 CUT KANSAS CITT , Mo. , November 7. Cattle Receipts , G.fiOO ; sttndy ; exports , G 00@G 35 ; common to choice , 5 00@5 05 ; cows , 2 G0@ 310. 310.Hogs Receipts , 1,700 ; weak and 15 lower ; 2r > jti 70. Sheep Receipts 1,300 ; good and steady : na tive muttons , 2 bO@3 30. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis. November 7. Cattle Receipts , 300 ; dull ; butchers' stock active , common to fair , 3 00 ( < ? 3 50. Sheep Receipts 100 ; dull ; common to choice , 2 00(5,3 , 75. J amba 3 00@4 23. Hogs Receipts , 3.10D ; steady ; Yorkers , GO © 175 : packinr , 1 G0@4 75 ; butchers , S0@l S' . 0 > f AH A MATIKK CH. Wholcaalo Prices , Orncit ov THE OMAHA BEE , > Friday evening , November 7. J The { ollowiu , ; prlcou are charged retailers 3y jobbers , wholesaler * nnd commission mor- hnnt3 with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished bythoelovatois ind other local buyers : Grain Wlinnt Cash No. 2 , 5Us. Barlev Ca h No. 2 , 41c. Rye Cach No. 3 , 3SJc Corn No. 2 , 2G c Oats-No. 2 , 20lc. Ijtvo .Stock. 20. Sheep-a 00 3 23 , Sttera-3 00@4 5p. Cowa-275@3 23. Cal\M-500oi50. ; ( Steady : green butchers' G ; green salted , 74' < 3 ; dry Hint 12 ; dry salt 10@11 ; damaged lidcs , two third * pri'.e. Tnllow-55 . Shtci ) Pelts US ® ! 00. [ ! \Vool. | . Heavy fine 1214c. Medium lW&il u Uurry 2 to fie off. : - Market Dull. 3 ! ) Flour Anil MiIletuK Winter Wheat-Best rmillty patent t 260 2 00. Second finality 2 20@2 50 , Spring Wheat I5eHt quality , patent , 2 80 ® Oil. Oil.Second Second Quality 2 15 " 50. Bran COo iwr cwt. Chopped Food Per 100 lbn. , OOe. Coin Meal 1 < 0'Oi 10 per cwt. Screening G" @ 7 o JUT cwt. Gcnernl I'roiluco Apples Receipts continue heavy , only > holce stock saleable nt $2.25@2.75. Bulk re- ulpts Boiling nt 25@COc per bushel , ace rdlng leI Beans Only clean stock saleable. NnvieH ile.in ) per buahel , 1.50@1.75 ; inediiim , 1,25@ I ,40. ,40.Cmnb Cmnb Honey In good demand. Receipts 6 > cry Binall and meet witli rendysaloat 18@-0c 1KI 1 11 and 2 lb framra. KI Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright KIFi ' nr lb. 2G@2i > cj common to good dark per lb , In C.I IJuttor Rsceipts moderate and prices mi- bt langed , DCiiuinil jiidatly for rol H which b ! ing from la'2a par pound more than snino J'l lahty of crolld packeil , Wo again c II at- ci ! ntiou of consumers to the fact that neat hi , clean packing holH ] the sulo of butter. 1C KO thin clean muslin to wrap the rolls in. C'l ' " " " " Cldor "Ohio" per b'bl $7.uO"York1 ; m ate" per bbl. 88 0(1 ( ; per i bbl. § 175 ; coti- niKcd per la K5c ; crab npplo , per gal. H5c. ChfCMj Full cream , western , 12c ; Wlbcon. new 12ic ; young Amnricau , 12 a 13c. Kftgi--Ata iUtto | pcarco and huvo for the ha itfowdiyH advanced 1 or 2 -nta at the Ic : no. ri.ilcH uein made to-dav at 2Sc , nnd to icon may ndv.tuce further within the next col i ! i Hay-Baled itf.OO S.OO loose , $ ' 5.00 a ! rt hiMaplf > fiugar Purs , in brickH , per lb , ICe , I.li . \ lie , IKo ; small cnkuc [ olJ UuiunH. Market hare and demand good at olr. J 'orcouN Cholco In fair t.i dry demand , at t.ii i2Jo per lb. i I'niiltry Live chickens are dull. Consign. hoi .nti of dressed i oultry art ) mora liberal and nund lair Chick n * alive , per domi , 50 ; cbickfiii , dossed , per lb , lOfajlla ; ek > i , dreawd , per lb. , 12fOl3cdiuk9 ( ; , alive , dozen , $3.UU ; ducks , dreased , per lb , , 111 ai\2s ; gfteae , drenflod , f or lb. , 12@13c. 187 JU-ceiptu very light aud demand lil good for nil kirnK Deer , carcai' , per lb. , S ( < 8 iK ; ; deer saddles , pr IK , 12@i ; < c ; nuteloiH1 , carca , per lb , , vV ! : antelope ! > aildp ! , per lb. , 12 < ftij ; ! pralrln clncl\on , per doren , " ' , . . , per divcn , ' i .OO u ! > ( O1 ; jack inlbit , per itoi- on , SIUia'iO ( : > i : small rabbits per dormi , SI 00@l ? 5 : snipe , per down , $1.00 91.25 ; ducki , mallard , 81-Ml@Sl.75j tenl nnd inixnl , S1.50. Potatoes Very few cars have boon olfrred during the put week , and all choice stock wan taken up iptlckly nt 32t3tic. DiMinnd for such N bmk , nnd wo cncomago consign- monK Small potatnoa nnd mlxid lnt < can only ba dNposcd of to pi-ddlci * , mid rrtuqo at 20r < r.25c. Sw r > et I'otilnosOnly choice largo , salable at Iidj2c per lb. Iilnt CAS'MintjOOl's OrstorslStandardlpcrcajio , 3 00 ; strawborrio' , 2 lbwr \ case , 2 20 ; raspberries - berries 2 lb , per c.w , 2 50 ; California pears , per owe , 5 H ) ; aprlouti per ca < e , 6 00 ; poache ? jiei two 51)0vhit" ) ; clicrtios iMjrca1" ! ) , ( J "S ; pluma per ca o I 50 : whortleberries , per case , 3 00 ; ccg { ilumn , 2 Iti , per ca , 2 90 : green gage" , 2 HI , per cass , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 lb per ca c. 3 'JOfif & M. Roi'K Si il \ inch and larger , Oe , g Inch , r n'ch , lOc. CAKIII KS Uoxos , 40 Ibs ICs , lie ; 8s ll ! boxes 40 llw , Ifi oz. , Gi , 1 Ic. MATCHKS 1'er caddie , 3r c ; round , casen 2 55 ; square , cases 1 70 ; Oahkosh , casu.4 1 50 SUOAUS I'owdcred , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 8c ; granulated , Glc ; confectlniirn1 AiSo : Stand- nrd oxtia C , dc ; extra C , 5c ; medium yol- ow , 5Jc ; dark yollow. c. Cot'l'EKa Ordlniry gi.idea. 12Hil2ie ( ; fair.l , @ 13Jc ; good , 13Jc ; pnnip , 1 l@15ic ; choice. lG@l7c ; fancy green and yellow , UilGJc ; old government .lava , 20 205 ; Arbucklo's roast ed. I5ic , MeLayghtln'a XXXX roasted , 15jc ; mitatioti Jnva , lCi@18ic ; Clark's \urora , lOi'c. SvilUP Standard Com. 33o. bbls : Standard do , 4J gallon kees , < l 85 ; Standard do , 1 gallon kegs , 1 50. SOD v In lb papers , 3 20 per case ; keg per lb,21c I'icKKLS Medium In barrels , G 00 ; do jn half barrels. It 50 ; small. In barrels , 7 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 3 Ou ; do lu half barrels , 4 50 TKAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice , G0@7'c ( ; food Impeiial , I0@43o ; choice , GO © G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3li@50c ; choice , Go @ 1 00 ; Jap in , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan choice , G0@76c ; Oolong good,85H)4ic. ( ) ) Oolong.choico. 10@ 53c ; Souchong , good , 3 . , @IOc ; choice , 35 © 45c. RICK Louisiana prime to choice , GJ@7c ; fair , , Gc ; Patma , OJe. FISH No. 1 mackero half brls. , 7 CO ; Family J bbla 4 25 ; No. 1 kits 1 05 ; fain , kits GO ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 50 : No. 1 kits , 05c. family 4 bbls , 3 00 ; family kits and pails , Ol ; No. 1 , trout , 1 bbls , 5 25 WOODKNWAIIKTwo hoop pnils , 1 85 ; three lioon pails , 210. Tubi , No. 1 , 0 00 ; pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 2 00 ; Well- bucket1" , 3 85. SoAra Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 375 ; Kirk's White Russian 520 ; .Kirk'a outoca , 215 ; POTASH Pennsylvania c.ms , i case in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; An chor ball , 2 doz in case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , Hal2c ; stick , lO.illc ; twist stick , lOJe , VINKQAU New York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Drav loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy , GO. 6s , 3 GO STAIICH Pearl 4\c : Silver Gloss 8c ; Corn Starch , Sc ; IXcelsior Gloss , 7c , Corn 7Jc , SPICES Pepper 17c ; spice , 14c ; coves 203 " . Ific. Dry Fruits No. 1 , quarter apples , bblu , 51c ; tf C Bliced , bo\es , G cj evaporated , boxes , OJc ; > Inckberries , boxes , lOJc ; peaches , -boxec , 8Jc ; peaches , evaporated , lie ; raspberries , 32c. ? Dry Goods BROWN SHKKTINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlantic - tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ; Beaver Dam LL. Gc ; Lawrtnco LL , ojc ; Pact- fie H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 7c ; Indian Head * A , 8c ; Wnuchusett A , 7i'c. FINK BHOVVN SHKKTINQS Argyle , 7c ; Per- perell R , 7c ; Salisbury R , Gtfr. BLEACHKD Corroxs Ballon 4-1 , GJc ; Bal Ion , 7 8 , 5jc ; ( Jumborlotid 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Fairmount , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , Oc : Glory of the Went , 8ic ; Golden Gate , 8 c ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jc ; Louadale , SJc ; Now > YorU Mills , lllcWnmHUtta10ic. ; _ DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton , 10 oz. , 14ic ; Boston , 0 oz. , 14c ; Fall w . River , 8Jc. DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , He ; West C : Point , 10 oz. , lie ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie. OI TICKINGS Amoskeog , l < c ; Continental 1 Fancy , Ojc ; Cordis , ! 0jc ? ; Poail River , JSJu ; 1ti Yoik , 12Jc ; Hnmloton A"niugn 12Jc. ti DKNISIS Amoikeng , 1'c : Beaver Greek lb AA , 12c : Beaver Ciook BB llci Beaver 01 Creek CC , IOc : ITnviinktrfl , 8e ; Jalfroy 1) it T , U'Vc ; JalTrev XXX , 1 < e ; Pearl Rlvor. 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , l.'c ; Warren BB " brown ) , lie ; Wnrron CC ( brown ) , IOc. to CAMiiaica Fifth nvonuo glove fiuiah , Cc 10 Keystone glove finish , 5Jc. lo 0 nsKr JEANS Amory , 7\c ; Hancock , So , to Kenrsayor falc ; Rockport , 7c. PltiNrs Aliens , 5Jc ; American 5 c ; Am cr olds , fie ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo 'JO 7ii. ; Iigo7-8. HJ- ; Indigo 4-4. 12Jc ; Stool I River , 5Jc ; Charter O.ik , 4Jc. PniSiH SmuriNoi American , 5c ; Co- chuco , 6c , Gloucester 5c ; Southbridgo , 4Jc ; \Vnverlj's1 4Jc ; Rouudnlo , 4c. ] ? Gl.NOIIAUH Amoskeng stiplca , 8c : Bates i' staples , Sc ] L'mc.uitor BtapUs , 80 : 1'ltinkot ) pbids , Oc ; HudLon chocki , > ic ; Amoskoag Persians Ojc -Atlnntio Alntrca , OJc : IVr Hiaue cashmcro , " .ijc ; tlnmluton cnhuioro 15Jc ; Hamilton Fauctm , Hie ; Hutnleto 'jro- cadui ) , 15c ; Arlington brocivdt ) , 18o. Dnnos AND _ t HKMICALS AcUl Cartolis FOc ; r.cld , tartar ! i , 51c ; balsuin cnpablu , per lit , 5c ; bark , sassafrun , per lb. 12c , calomel , Jier c lb. 75o ; einohoniilia ] > er oz. , ? 0 15 ; Jiloiofonn , 10 ) or lb , $1 05 ; ( JovoiH powders , per lb , § 1 25 ; 50 epsom salts , per lh. 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per 10 lb. 2ic ; lead ncotate , ) > cr lb. 22c ; oil captor. No. 1 per gaj. , I 00 ; oil castor , No. 3 , per gnl , U 10 ; oil , olive , per gal , $1 40 ; oil origanum , r-0c ; opium , St 50 ; rpimino , P it W ; mid It. A. . , per o ? . , 81 05 , potnHhlum , Iodide , per y . , 81 50 ; sallcin , per oz. , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per 07 , § 3 00 ; sulphur per lb , , 4c ; itrjchuiue , per oz , $1 35 , J'nlnlH Oils and VarnlnliCH , 5 ? i OILS 110 caruon , per gallon , 1'JJc ; 150" , loadhght , per gallon , 12jc ; 176 ° headlight , . xjr gallon , IGJc ; 1501 * water whito. 15Jc ; lin- bei lood raw jnr gallon 48c linioed boiled , , ; , pur tin rnllon , 51o Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c ; tinJ J STo. 1 ( iOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; cistor XXX. Jier galen - ' on , 1 GOc. No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweut , per gallon. 1 00 , ipermV. . B. , per gallon , 1 ( k 0 ) ; fftli W. B , J orgallon , ( ' ; neattfootoxtra , per I gallon ) , OOc ; 3 1 S'o , 1 , 75o : lubrlcitlng , zero , per gallon , 30c ; iiiruner , 15c : golden machine , No. 1. per g.d- vei : 1 on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , pi-r gallon No iOe ; turpentine , per gallon , 4-c ; naptba , 71 ° , cnl ! icr gallon , IGc. 1'AINW 'IN qiL Ayiilto lead , Otniha P. P , jjj ; > ic ; white load , St Louis , pure , Mo ; Mmmii- i . , green , 1 to D lb can * , 20o ; I'rnnch ' zinc , loan heal. 12c ; 1'roiii.Ii rlnc , red pen ) , lie ; but 'Vouch ylno , in vnrnidh asst , "Oc ; French 7)110 ) , 1 oil nartt , 15c ; raw ami burnt umb r , 1 lh 17i .inn , IOc ; raw and burnt Siouna , IOc ; vundyke Ho , 13c ; relined lampblack , I''c ; co'ich lb. and ivory black , IGc ; droji I/lack , IOc ; 'ittsslan blue , 10 : ; ultramarine blue , l c ; hr mo gruen , IM. . k ] ) , , IGc ; blind mid huttor green , L , M. & D. , IOc ; PariH green , cc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod , lie ; Tus- in red , 22ci Amurlcau vi-ririillion , I , & P. , ; yellow ocluv , Oc ; I , . M. . < J. & D , O. , Ihi ellow ochre , Oc ; g ddon _ ocnrc' , Ifio ; paU.nl ryor , 8c ; Kralnlog colors , light oak , dark oak , alnut , chuitiuit iuid a < th , 15c , Oik solo a.iJock kip , I0v | ivrmor ( U > o to 75 : ; Iicm illcalf. . Mf/o to 100 ; homloek apjnr , Wo )2 > ; oak iipfjer. 24c ; ftlllgator. i ( Kl to f Vi\ \ ! / kid. SL' iO ; Urtk U , * M ta 2 75 ; oat TI p , 80o to 1 00 ; i.nk r.jlf , 1 fcO hi 1 SO ; French me p , 110 to 1 C5 ; French eiJf. 1 25 to 2 00 ; run- UK in , flWto 7M ; .Altwt 000 tofiWl top- \tfft 0 W ) to 10 60 ; IJ L. Mnrosco , SOa to 3f/u. bl > la O. 1) , Morocco B c ; lmi < n , 2 00@3 00 lltjuwm. No , 1 ttar oi.k , We ; No 2 31c ; ot No. 1 Ohio oik , 3r ; . o , z do , Jlcj Vo , Alllv/iokofl 8t ; No 2 do < c , \I'R ) No. 11'ltto oiifc hr.r , Wu ; No. Bj Pl'.ti- teak ptlu , 14 j , SIC Ti n < t : AlOOHOt-l proof ahohoi , 2 20 p r KlfB ffci ! illon eitvA Oalifcrula ipIriU , 1KB proof , per proof Kal'on ] triple rc6nod tplritu cif proof , 1 17 par proof gallon ; ro-dUUlled kJei 100@l W ; fine bfcndod , 1 6002 K-f ' GiN9 1" < ! , 4 P < Xg6 00) ) ilfDiMlls , 14 rt . . vitl , 1'iovcft * , , ! \PK.K UiuNnr 1 " . riwr.vmtianortoil ! pet -M Us 00 ® ol tM ; VmMloiib , vw CMO , 12 00 * ' "i " 00. Tobncco. l't.t'0 TOBACCO -Climax 45o ; Hulllnti | "c Honwlmo , He ; Star , IOc ; Ktxly , 4V | Her py' . IOc ; Blaik , 3 * ? 10o ; Spwhr.nl , ICc Our Rope , 4Sc : Piper Hridslock , file. FIM : CfT Common , 3Jo : Medium ICc goot r > ® eOc , Hard tole.il70 ! c : favorite , GOc ; Dla mondCrowii , 5f c ; Sweet Sixteen , &Pc. SMOKINO 0. S. , 2.'e ; Meerschaum , SOc Durham 1(1 ( o * . , 51 ; Durham , 8 oz. IMC ; Durham 4 ot , , f > 7c ; urn-ham 2 oz. , GOc ; Seal of Nortli Carolina , 10 oz 41c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , ISc ; Seal o North Caroliula , 4 o ? . 48 ; Seal oi North Cnro lina , 2 or. , 50c ; 0 K. Durham , 4 oz. , 2Sc O. K. Durham. J or. . : 30o ; Uncle Neil , 1' 25c ; Tom nnd Jerry , S3c. ! vraoi.xa.vuL. We qnoto lumber , iatli And ehln lei on can t OmiUn At the following I rlocJI JOIST Ann SOAMUNV 1C and undo ; 2i100. TiKnrr.3 1C font ( * : ; d tutdcr , 2000. Ti'insu AMI Joim * 20 It , U3CO | 21 It , 25 00. 20 00. SiiMTiKU No , 1M ( ! osmiinen boimlj,20 ) 00 No. 2 , 18 00. STOOH BoA'.mi - , 45 00 ; 11,40 , W : 0 , 85 03. No. 1 , 10 00 ; No. 2 , M 00 ; No. 8 , 25 00 SIDIKCI , clear 27 00 : Ko. ajSTiOOi No. 8 , 2000. OEiiiNrt f , 87 00 ; g , 28 Slll.NQLW , best t liO ; ttottilaid , C PO. LATH 3 25 per li. LtMtt Per b'irrol , 1 2Itjalk ; pit bnshcl , S. . . eomont , bbl , 2 25 ; love plantar , bb ! , 2 50 ; h-.lr nor btu 50c ; Tarred fait , 103 a , 3 Z0 | itmvr bonril B 50 < llonvy H.irdwuro List. Iron , rnlea , 2 SO ; plow utool special cast. Ge ; crucible , 7c ; gpi > clai or Gorinnn , fie ; cast too ; do , ISiVM ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , tawed dry , 140tongues ( , each , 70a8cc ; nxlos , each , 75c ; Bijuaro nuts per Hi , 7allc ; washers , per lit , 8nl8o : riu-U , peril ) , Ho : coil chain' per lb. Gal2o : innllcahlo , Sc : iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Go : harrow tooth , 4c ; spring btool , 7aSc : Burden's horsoehoos , 4 40 : Burden's muloshocs C 70. BAHHKD WIIIK In car lots , 4 CO per ICO. N.viLS-Raten , 10 to GO , 2 SO. SHOT-Shot , 1 W : buck shot , 2 10 : oriental powder , kegs , G 40 : do , half kegs , 3 48 : do , quarter kegs , 1 88 : blasting , kegs , 3 35 : fuse , per 100 feet , 50o. LKAD Bar 1 GJ. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 : Whltobroast lump , 5 00 : Whttobroast nut , 5 00 : lown lump , 5 00 : Iowa nut , 5 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 : Anthra cite , 11 25.U1 51 : Canon City , 7 00 per ton. DrT fnlntw. Whlla lent ] , tic ; Froncb tine , 10e | Paris irhlttng , 2)oj whiting pildorn , Igct whiting ix > m'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , Oc | FruasLtA blun , & 5c ; imtramariue,18c ; vnndyke , braui , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; tlenn * burat , 4c ; ileaca , ruvr , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25o ; Paris green , common , 20ochrome ; prten N.Y. , iCc ! ( chiomo green , K. , 12oi rormillion , Kng. , rOc ; Tcrmlllion Arceilcnn , 18c ; Indian , rod , 10c ; race pink , 1-lc ; Venetian led , Gookeon'e , 2i'c ' | Venetian rod , American. IJc ; red load , 7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , . :0o : cliromo yol * w , K. , 12cocliro ; rocholloSoochre.French ; , .ra ; ocliro , Ainoricmi , 2c ; Wlntei'i mineral , ujc ; lohlgh brown , 2)c | Spasloh broira , 2c ; Prluco'H mineral , He VAnKiailE. " Barrels , pcj ) gallon : Fnrnl Lure , extra , f 110 ; furulhuo , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ixlrn , $1 40 : ooacb , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Ouinnr 3itva , 817C ; Japan , 70o ; nJiv'hc.lturc , ortra , SIic ; iho'.Uc. ' SS 50 : hard nil finish ft RO.i DHNVB16 rr.otjR Colorwlo , 100 Ibs , ; i G5@l 05 ; pat nt , 100 Ibn. , 1 'JO © . ! 23 ; Kiuians , 10J Ibi , 2 75 33 75 ; Minnesota , 100 Iba , 3 90Brulwin ; , 100 ) ? , 1 85 < 5 2 1)0 ) ; rye , 100 H > n. , 2 35@2 50 ; buck- .vhoat , 100 Iba 7 007 75. Oiui-v , nii > , Kro-Whont.lOOlbs , 80(5590c ( ; oru , In Baden on track , 100 Ibj , 1 25@1 27 , mtn , in flacks cm track , 1HO 11)8 , otolorn white , 13 Wl Ifi ; Colorado white , 1 U l 15 ; mixed , 10@1 12 ; barlny 100 Iba , 1 30@1 40 ; bran. on ; , on track , 1 'l 51Q11 i 00 ; chop , corn , 100 bs , on track , 1 27foil 29 ; chop , im\od , 100 lb- ( , in track , 1 30@1 85 ; corn moat , 100 Ibs. 1 G5 ail 75. HAY Uftlod , upland ton , 13 00 ( 15 00 ; ipUml 1 , IOOHO , ton , 13 00@1G 00 ; second but- om , baled , 10 CO 911 00 ; alfalfa , louso. ton , n 0 00@11UO ; clover , baled , ton , 1100 ; clover , BOOB , ton , 18 00@15 00 ; utri.w , baled , on track , on , C l' < J&9 00. III llnrraa- Creamery , fancy , lb. 3C@40 ; roimory , fine , Ib.'ttXg-lO ; croitnery , fair , In , 2323 : 'Intrv. ' clt ico. lb , 22'o)24 ) dairy , peed , ) , 18 ,20 ; dairy , lair , lb , 1&01G ; cooking , lb , Jfill. Kooa Stcti' , candl d nml warranted , do.- , fifKiiG ; rnncn , Jor , y83U. ( JHEKBr ; Full crea-ii I4ll o' half cream , , llfrflSc ; b' < im , lb , 918c ; SW M , domestic , , 20@22o ; awiaa , Imported , Sl@32c ; 1-lm uri/oi POULTIIT Ijivo old clilcltoua , doi i 7fi ( < 5.f ) 2ri ; th AO rprlntp , do. II 0"V.-1 IK ) ; li\r ( lucIcB , do. . , 00 5 25 ; livu turkeyn , lb , l.ri@17c. 1'OTATOKH-Cilonido , 100 Ibs , 85 © 1 00 ; v/cot , ri'rlb , , Vi'gXlc. VKHRTAPLKH Union ; , yellow , lOQltoi , 2"i'ai 0 I : cabbizo 100 lb W@il 10 ; liooti .1. Oi ) lbn , 1 'JOfiill 30 ; turnips. 100 Iba , 1 00@ 25 ; carrots , 100 lbf.1 2 fifa ) ! 50. QuKCf VKOITAIIIIS ; TomatocK , per lb , i@ ; cucumljors , dofife'lO , ; greua corn , do/ , U@20 ; htrint ; beam , pal , ! iOffl22 ( ; polery , rloz 0&7fi ; ( iiiioim , doinmchcri , lfca ( > 22 ; pnraloy , D@12 ; carnita. 12@15 ; Icttuco 1520 ( ; vfc lant , doz , 50'alOU , KUDIIH LomonH. per caso. MoHslna , G ! X ) @ 00 i : ornngua , Kudi , case , < t 00548 CO ; oranj'os , .oiiihiuini , bill , 1'20J12M ) ; upplos , fan- , bbl , U 75 ® 1 25 ; apples , ino'lium ' , bbl , 25t : f.O ; iiniilus. Hulltilnwer , box.l . 00@1 50 ; iiarx , box , 32n@3 CO ; noachun , box , 2 25@ 50 : California Krapea , box , Mohono ! , Pom , Inscat , 1 75)2 ) 00 ; b.iiianai , li iucli,3 00@5i > 0 ; tiiiicefl , IMIX , 2 00(3)2 ( ) 75 ; cranberries , bbl , U & 10 IDOO.Ii&O , 135) ) ® 11 00. CuitKl ) MifATHliniiM miB r cured , lb , 15 ; ,11113 , HWtot plcklud , lb , H ; Ntuxm. hroak- , lb , II } ; dry Halt ld B , lb , ll/ ; dried ef , lb Hi ; lurd iu palla , 10 10 ; I.ird in orceu , PJ&i'f- ' I'liKSH JIlt\rH-lreHaed beef Colorado , per Glijc ; ; o oicu veal , lb , 1K5HII ; liogn , lb , 284 ; mutton , lb , n@ < ! ; lamb , II ) , 10@12J. vaHTOUK- \ - Colorado utiorn , per 100 Ibs , 10 375 ; COWH 1 00 II ) . a 00 ,350 ; choito al calvtH , lb , 7@8c ; Bheop , 2 OUWt 60. Hliloa. Dry J'llnt ; No. 1 , parlb , 10i@12o ; o. 2 , lb , 8a)10 ( ) ; Kroon i-Uera and branded f. lb. 4iC < Sfi ; ( { rtioucalf , lb , G ; ( ; rcon kip , U ; Hlinot ) nUlnn , dry , Vcr.b ; deer nkiiiH , mim. r , lb , 10@18 ; doer BkiiiK , winter , lb , 12r < 9 itolow | BkinH' lb , 12 slU ; tallow , lb , 45. Woot. Colorado No. 1 , per lb , ick , lb , 8 ; Mexican , 8 , KIHH Mackcrol , No.l , 100 , kit , iM. 25 ; Oallfornla aahrion , half bbl , 10 CO ; olliuiil horriiii' , ke1 COfil 7f | trent , per 1 &tt tut ALONO SIIK LIMB OF T.IK ilcago , SI , Paul , Minneapolis end 00. 1(11 ( voc fir firme OMAHA MAIL.VVAY. meI I- 03C 'ho new Mti-nstyn of tbln line fiom Wnlaflolil uj anil Gd the C1A.N Tra 10 UTe UA irfoon the Ijoct portion o ) the Siite , Bptcl I ox n'.f'i raUti fur Kiul tctkucs or r tbU lr ! t IK , Korfclk anJ llr.r'njte.r ! , to < S U Jl lto a To Urll | lollit < IOD ttl9 oux orry A I-AOIFIO KAILROAD itlnn over tht C . ut 1' M. A o. ItiJlwir to C'ov Kept Ion. Ulotii City , I'-iatt , JUrtlnxton , W vot. od I Ocu tJoIli JKoti Ooxaas.ootJtfllar { lo f t [ Hu ( cntlof. 1 1 , , „ < . ? otii ei all la indla in at > a ci'.l oo ' day. OMAHA MKDIC\L AND SUKGK'U DISPENSARY CKOrNSR'S IILOUK , Cor. 18th am ) Cupltol Avcnuo , trcula til CMM Cilp l > loilor Dclormoil , > l oill90ici of ti. Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs AH M'cs of Curntnro ol the Spine , Crnoknl Keel Ltf * ktul Atine , HIMMC ot the Hip , Ktiw , MI ! Ankle Joint * . AI o Chroi'.lo nfioctlmn ntlio Liter KheumatUin , IVU to , l'ilc , Ulcwi , CiUrrh , Afth nn itnil Htonoliltls ro all tri'ntotl In- now anil eito ccfljful mtlhcxK All ill oi of tmulloml nn.l Utln- try Orr'i > n , Including thotii nviutttuc ( fotn I in l crc tlonor cxx | urc , ro mini } niulVlicroudillr trwvleil mil a euro | ru rmtcol. Young men , mlmila KOI | , tml old nion nuRcrlni ; from Woikmvn ami Netvotn exhaustion , ) < rivlucm ! , inilt < rcntlonl'ntpUixtloiio ( the limit , PcsinnJoncUlKlrwsi. ) . t/omot MemoryI.nolt of Kncrry an I AmMtlim , ran | M > restored to health ami vlRor , If MSOs \ not ton loni ( neglected Tlio Siirpccn In clmrfo l n rii1iutc of JctTor ton UiHlleixl College 1S1J ) and hag itmlloil lilt profession In LnrMon , I'arla anil Ilirlln. If BllllU > l , cillor ttiltofullilccrrlpttcn of jour aw , iul moill- clno may l > o itnt } ou. CoiKiutntlnn Irco , Aitdreii Dinah * DlspotiMry , Crounso'i IllocV , Ouitha , NoK OfHoo hours 10-12 a. m. , 1-8 and 7-8 p in bun Ja ) t , 10 a in M.8cml for tri'itlso either ou tiuxlo del nnltlct. Or Amelia , tough s OL'FIOK AND 11K3IDKNOE' ' 1617 Dodge St , , - Omaha TKMU'HOJJK NO. U4. NOIITIIWESTRKN 03 Southlltli Street , OMAHA , NKH. Mninifacturcra of Urnis C.VIIIB | | , Sto\c CsstliiRS ndftll other ( ; ro casllnr n spocUlty. Special nttim Ion titn to the nnimt icturc ot ciatliigti ( or patontH Jiitlnrs undo at n ton liourn' notlro.Jorkll o JolUcrcil unless KatUtactlon livhen u. nEin irsov : & SON , Succcssorfl toMr , llioo. U mil. IK BOTTL13S. Crlanger , tiavarin. 'uluibaclier , Bitvana 'ilaaor * . Bohemian , niEer < v.Brnmen , DOMESTIC. 3iitltvoiBtr St. Louis. Vulum ar. . . . .St. Louis. lev. , a. . . . Milwnukep. Sch)1'/-Pilsner ) ' Milwnukoe. vru 'rt Oitinhi ) , Ale , Sorter , Domestic and Rhine * -o. - MAUUER ISilS Farnom St r WILBOR'S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. nir : TUB OK.NTISE AUTICM : THI : ( IUKAT npuhriU of H'lllKir'Hf iiinninul of < J\\ \ \ \\\it \ Oil ml I.1lici"h'H ] iniliicfil HOIIHI unirliirlpliil | ( icrHom tn ttunit | to | iilm " (1 ( ,1 hiinplt nitkluof tlitlr oun iiiiufiictuiu1iut.ni ) ) person ulio Is milTurlni ; Inini ull liH , CuliU or CuiiKiiiiiptlnii , hhnu'il 1)0 ( virttul he rot imrcliisu tlitu urtldu. It nqulrcH no ullln . Ilio ruHiiltn ol itn n-o nro Ita liiwt rtcoin unilatloiH , and the pruprlitor Im ninplu tvliluncu flluof ItHirriit HIUCT.MS hi piiliiiiuiirv lOinplnliitH. liu t'hoHplinto of 1 luiu poHHtHHctu most inarvLllotifi icnliiirfpoMi r , HH c'oiiiliineilltli the pure Coil I.hcr li ) llr \ \ illid' , nu pritcrlbcil h\ the mulluil fnc iltj hull ] liy A. U. Wilbor , CliLinlit , lloitoii , nml Time Talalo. In IJIIecl Oct. lat , Wil. The attention of tlio travelling jiulillo to called to ho ( net that thin Id tlioonlv c < mi | > li.toatidnljBoliitcl ) orroit time tiMu imblhrml In the city , All tmliw nrrlto nt anil ( loiirt ] ( rein Om.iliu liy fcntral btamlaril 'llnio. 'Irulusol tliu O ft. I1. M & 0. nrrho at anil do iirl from tin Ir dciKit , corner f 14th anil Wubntir trcnta ; trains o , the II & M. , 0. II AQ.nnd K , U , . J.i U. I ! from thu II , 4. a , diiut | ; all othurs Irom be Union I'lcllic. dcp'it a , lilhli ; , ( aq < > t .Maturila > ; c , uxcipt Sutidaj ; il , xcrjit Munilu ) . OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS Dummy Trnlns tcavo omiin at e4o,8 oo , . lu 00 , 1. Iba in , 1 U ) , V ( fl , 3 M , 4 00 , 6 00 , 0 00 , flip in On HunJayatlio HUD ami 10 09 a in ami and4 00 pin tralnmlu not run , Arrive nt triuig. ilojiot 13 uiliiuUu UUr : L'ruaUuay dipot ,0 mln. latir , I.i.avo Council HluOs ( Iltoo-lwsv ilojiot ) at 7 20 , B SO ) , 10 St ) , II 48 a m ; 1 SO , 2 SO. S 3I > . 4 SO , C.10 , U115 II OS | i Hi. Oil HlllliU , J tliu B 0 mid ID 'M n m d33Uaud & 301 > m tialiK Hill not runArrlio ut aimftr 7 nilnutix laUr , Ointlm "U iiiiuiituv laUr. Ui k III , 4 U , 0 1U and Ijfi'j p in , dally. ArrliuatS 15 ainl 11 16aui , n X& , 7 35 and 8 I& p SUNDAY TRAINS ml from ClikJKQ vh the 'I rl.artltu | AllUnco Linn. | htlM'AV UOKMSa. | HAlUKUAy KYH | Mil I It-l. I N W | M W | U.l'r Ml'f 21 I 7-liS 11 t W 18 C-27 12 10 t-wt 11 4-28 1SI tr/nUr. , 2-23 I 0-3J la 1 1-23 16 8-29 111 2 ! 7-2J 1 IS 0-27 ZU lundiy unlni { i 1 Mi'iuUy mornlni ; ? lin rrlv wr/npos'J UK otdir. C' , U. & . trjlnu run uv SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Cround Oil Cake. It ia flto boat niul cheapest foot ! for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal to three nnu'daof corn. Slock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall nnd Winter ins tend of running down , will incro.iso in T eight nnd bo In good marketable candl lion in the spring. D.tirymon , ns well ni othora , who use it , can testify to ita tnor Us. Try It and juilgo for yonraolvcia. Price $25.00 per ton. No chnrgo for sacko < \ddrcaa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. DEALERS IN , 's/Safe / &i FIRE AND BDEGLAB PEOOF it i wij . 2.OS3O KBtareot. STEELErJOHNSONE ! & CO , II. B. l OOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & , Draper , Chicago , Manager of the Ten , Cig r nnd Tobncco Dopnrtmonta. A full line of nil grades of the nbuxo ; nlso Pipon nnd Smokora' carried in stock. Pricoa nnd eamplca furnished on application. Open orders intruatod to us nhnll receive our careful attention. Sttiafnction Gunrnntood. AGEVVSFGR BEN WOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Milwaukee , Wis. GTTNTHEE & CO , , Sole Bottlers , ; C. 'F. GOODMAN , AND DEALER IN OMAIIA , NEB. M. BELLMAN & CO. , AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13'1'n , JOBBER OF 1 EASTERN J'RICESZDUPLICATED .18 FAlll.AM STREET , OMAEA , NEB. A. JL. STRANG & CO. , Double and Sing fa Acting Power ana Hand TriirnnlHUB. ' Min'ou fitachlnrry , JlcltJiif , IToso , JJraca and Iron nt v'holopulo Bndital ( ) . UALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIDP.OH AND BOIIOOL BELLfj. [ jCorner IQtb garnam St. , Omaha Nob. GERMAN D.VWYATT , inX I - a rfgsatfgrfB § @ § S OETMINGS AND 20TH STS , , OMAHA , NEB [ ENDORSED BY FR Z LISZT. ] BOSTONDUarcb , lit , 188L KifRltHOH PIANO OO OrKixiKi.t Tottr Instruments. Or nJfl < | U re imil'Unrltflit , UFO re lly nobby i 'ruinuuUanil ttrinUixl for Ixi.tutT of tjne tuil CiilJu .All'jw me to.ooDjrutulilu you ou your uterlln * aUHTAVK tfA , RECOMMENDS ITSELF.HOLE A HOLE AGENT , D 7JLv .JLJJ irilf Dod o Stroot. Omaha , Neb. , : ( SUCOEbSUll TO FOSTER & GRAY ) . anco r * Cth and Do glas eirceta