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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1884)
f - " > I HE DAILY FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , AUGUST 25 , 1884. FRANCE FIGHTS. The War Of Words wife China Re placed by Something More Forcible , The French Bombard Fee Ohow , Thus Opening : the War , The Ohinoso Minister Interviewed on the Situation. The Effect of tin War Upon Eng land and America , The London Times Censures M- Ferry for His Course , The Uomtiixrilmcnt Im&tH Prom Two to Klfllit , and n Grout Amount ; ol Damage IH Done. A Cliuicso Olllcinl Inti'rvlow'cil. Speclnl Dispatch to THE BH : . PAUIS , August IM. Colonel ScheiiK Ki Ong , his been interviewed. In reply ton COUCH pendent ho said the ruptuiu between Fianci mid China was now completed. He avoided lion ever , compromising himself by g.ajing that \viir was declared. "Our interview with M. Ferry yesterday , " said the Colont'l , "was n mere M it of coiirto sv. The nttitudu of tlio French preimci , Iherefoie , was pefectly courteous. As to the cause of the rtiptnru nothing H Bimvlci. France lnisted on the payment of indemnity for occurred nt hang Sang. Chint , not acknvvledgiiig heisclf responsiblelefusi indemnity. " It was geiicrnlli'supposed China had admitted her liability in pnnciplo by offering to pay Fiance a am.ill compou-atiim. "Tlio ptinciplo up m which Chin i lias taken her stand , " lophcd Col. Scheng , "Is intact. The sum offered a\.as iiieiily iiieuit ns a conso- 1 ition for the \ \ ictims of the misundci standing. ' Ho added tint the. statements published re garding the ei.ismuof the date of tlio evacuation - uation of Lang Sou ia the Fomniei tieaty were perfectly truo. Nothing whatever wn * known at the embas sy of the mystciioiis instructions which , ac- eoidiiis to the 1 ondon Moiinug Post \\at" telegraphed from 1'cKin to Berlin. Being asked about the report of nrbitiation , Co ) , tacheng himltd inciulnously , nndl'.ha interview onded. In reply to an in < | Uiiy , Piice Ilohcn- lahe , Oemi in Ambassadoi at Paris , declnted that Cionnauy had no iiitontion of taking .my part whatevci , in Fi.mco China ipiauols. IIOSllLIHEl IIEI.CN. LONDON , August f3.A ! desnatch from Shanghii this 11101111111 ; says : "Admiral Cuor- bat announced Ins uitcnlion of homlurding the arsenal at Fee Clioo today. The French consul in this city Ins lowered the flair. " Advicas from Pekm of jesteidaj'state that Uovernnis Quinati nnd Quango ! received im- penal oideu t. ) march their forces into Ton < ium. ium.A A diipitch to tha Times , which left Fee Choo at _ ' : ! . " > p.m. today , says : " .Hostilities began thin afternoon at two o'clock. " NO NKWS P.vms , August 23. Tno government has received no news from Fee Clinu to day , hi Fong Pee , Chinc-'e minuter , lias not yet loft Pans. O1IDEHKI ) TO SHOOT. LONDON , August 2S. A Timrs despatch ftom Fee Chow at seven o'clock this morning Eajn : At limn o'clock last nieht Admiral Courbut ofhcially announced he hit ! received ni Jei fnni Paris to make repiisals. The The ISiitihhica cnnfciil left list : night and reached the Jliuh-h giiuluata at midnight. CONSIDKI1IM. ITS H I'El T. LONDON , August i ! . " > . The meichants and underwriters of Loudi > u hold a nitctinc ; to consider tha bearing of th" Franco and China ditliculty on neutrals , as 1'iimo mnmtei Fn rv had announced thit the bombardment of Koo Lmi would not a stito of war but himply.i in'MiH of furtlieiing the negotia tions with China , Tlio inqutiy raised in th' ) iiiuotinc : was whothi r Admiial Courbot would not admit I'nglish or Oerman ve wls loaded with nms into Fee Chow , Ommeutral vessel , it was stated it was now enrouto to tint port with acaigo of dyniumto ordered by the viceray. Tha meet ing resolved to nrga Kill ( ir.iuvdl , se.ire.tary nf foreign nlf lirs t ) pieis Fiance to define her intention regarding neutrals. .NO JiKHnucno.NH. PAIIIS. Autrnst 2.t. It n somi-oflicially fit.iteJ as Fiance has not do chred war vesaelii going to China will not be 1 to restriction * which would 1)3 imposed in netuil war. It m repotted Li Fong Pee was inntmttod by an HMioiiaI ] decrco to settle tha dispute on the bsst terms pinsiblo. A Chinese ollicial telcgi im states the French ma dash ions of M'ttlunent. This iwsejgo Kent , houavi r , befoia it was an- nonnced the Fri nch Ind began filing on Fee Oh'ioiitli o\ lock this afteinoon. ItMOItrM ) IIOMIIAHDMKNr 01 1 OO ( HOW. LONKVJ , August L''J. A .Shanghai dispatch ilatol nt mx o'clock this momng nays : JtU re ported thut the Fiench have captiiied the Chmesi Hi et nt Fee Chow and that two French bouts wne Mink , A tikfjiam from Pekm announce * that Li Hung is instructed to mike piclhu advances , The IXchange t'llogMjih company , on au thority of the Chinibu imhiviy , htates ttwt Foolliou was bombarded bthe French this morning. TrU-Mtvl'lIIt' C'OMSItNlCATION IK1E1UIUTJ D. LONDONAngu t 20. The Kastsrn Teh- graphic ci/inpiiiy has given notice tint , nw- ing to hosuhtioR nt FunChow , telegiams to that point will bo accepted only at ttio Komi- er's itik. Such tuligiains niiiBt gn fiom Hb mghai to Fee Chow over the Chinese lim. UIPAiaU'.K Ol Till CHI.NK I SliSISllll. I'AlllK , Aug. 2't , It IH ropoitod that Fe Fong J'oo luuvid n dispatch of two hundieil winds from liispivernnu-ntin couM'iienc | < of which ho iippntid I'rlmo Minister IVny that hu h id postponed his lopaituri * for I'aris , La I'.in bjllevin thut tlin object of the diKpatcti was to sound La Fong JVi concerning a chance for KiibniutiiiL'tlK ! imarrul to arbitri- tion. This evening J.o Fung Pee loft Paris nt s o'clock , TTow'rfll , SEWS W villl.l HVHi IS I'AHIS LONDON , AiiLfii t 21 A dispatch fmni J'UIIH dat < > d .Satunlny , h p , in. , Btutc-- that tin Chinese \inba ulor l.i 1'olig Pnso has just di imtteil foi Bpiliti , Ho dvo prpllmlnaty omet foi lowering the flag over the i minima ily. this evtnmg , shorily niter the ipceipt of n dupateh from Pokln. The dispatch slated that tin biiinliiidnirnt nnd naval immt at Pee Clnnv listed until nightfall , and wns answered by the foils alotur Ilia met. The hung refilled in sev cio lo sos on both sides. During the aflornoon I.i 1'onir 1'a-o had re ceived n long dl'pat.h from I'ekin , nnd had sontrht nn intu\iovv with I'romler Ferry. The Uo diplomats wort clo-oti d together when the news of the attack on Fee Chow anived , nnd while the limit- vnrds weie imging with thociles of Ihe newsboys - boys spiling special editions niinouncing tin fii-t. Tin street in ft nt of the Chinese em bassy \vns IhioliBed w ith people , nnd it was n malttr of ourpiiss that the \ellovv Ilig wns still 11ing over the building. Hut within tno minutes nfter thoministi rflcniriago had driv en up to the lnmu tlio tlag had disspptaiod and veiy soon tin ro.illei I/I Tong Pee and Im staff wore on tin Ii wny lo Berlin. THK H'KKIT IN lONDON. At the Chinoie legitlon in London it is la- possible to obtain any trustworthy infm in- tion , but from hints thiown out by Dr. Mo Cartney and others it is evident that the long cnutinnancfl of hostilities is oxpoetad. The elicit "f news in eoiiinierrml mid tinincial ciicles Is thus fui small , but it should bo noted that the news.arrived only a few momenta be fore Ilia closu of business. Stocks WPIO steady niil POIIIO Aim-tic in tecutities improved. At Uoyd'fl , shippini ; inerchntits and brokers nuMously dispnssid the piostlon e'f extra premiums for man in uiBur.uc on , i"count of war iisks. It AH di'.uleil that extra premiums must be laid on ves < ola and cargoen bnund for Chi le o ports , but that no extra premium would je enacted In ci'oof lioniewuid bnund ves- cel * Common to fan I'm Chow Ua advanc ed id to < { pei pound , and further Is 'xpectod. Tea m.ukot m London is very inn nnd the amount of tea nlloat is veveii Million pounds less tliu was itiLomlnir ata coirf > .pondiiig time last joai Tea * , otln i .ban . that from Pee Chow , lem.ain unalteicd n pric , .as do opium ilco , Indigo nnd Chi- ic-su silk , Trade in nil these commodities is piiet nnd merchants engigod in Chiue o trade eemed dispiaod lo ipiully nwnit develop" nout.s. Tin : rniiTicvinw 01 THK w vit. Political circles , however , nio intensolj ex cited ovei tlie beginning of hustilitUs in \Viit"ii. Lord ( Sranvillo has again mged the Chine-ogovtinmcMit to ) > ay BOHIO kind of tin indemnity ti Fi inco for tha Ling Son incident , but the Chinese council ot mandarins steadily refuses to lecommind this to theimperi d government , and the impio < sion heie is that China hopes and expects to embroil England and peril ips othei Lnropoan poweis 111 the impending qnatrul. VMKHICA M U MKDI.m. Diplomatic notes are being oxch mged at a a lively rate between London , Paris and \ it is .not at nil cutain. that the wholadllhcult > in ly not bo settled eventually by Ameiican mediation. The general opin ion among bimncs ] nion m L < m Jon is that China will succumb when the suows are applied in on nest. 111 ! IONDON TIMh.S O.V fill' hill M10N. Thi Times Pa-is dispitch today contains the surprising statoincnt tint Chint admits tha violation of the tre ity of Tien Thin , China steadfastly miintams tint the Lang Son uf- fatr was due to a mistake or something w orse. 'IheFioiuh command advancing without no tice , the Chiiieso wore taken bv smpiiso. The Chine-e commander had im eiders to snrien der and was obliged to d ( fond himsilf. Col. Ti-iheng , an attache of the Chinese legation at I'.nis siv s tint photogiaphed copies .f iv.'io tie ity , wish theoiigind data of ev iciiatm ei > sod were t.ent to I mopean pmeis. Uo explicitly nllcces th it Ameiiciofreie-dand Fianceiefu edmediation. Franca nominally fight ) to extmt an indemni ty of 815l > , 0 1,000 for lostos diuctlv duuto iU own wrouqful act , but renllv in eider to extricate - cato the Feiry Mmiatiy fiom a f i'sa ' position. The country ii flowly vvakmg up , and per ceives itself to bo committed without consul tation to viai , probably on a gigantic The real Bitiiitiou H far moie coolly and < irrecth estimated m Img'and ' than in J'laiui. The bi lief is general licio tint noth in w ill iniliii e Chin i to yield but an attack on Falun. There n much anuoty ie ieitiiig the Fiench ti atineiit of neutral vessels load ed vut'i ' munitions of wai ami pioceoding to Chinese ports. Aieol.NT Ol Till IIOMDUIDMF.NT. Ni w YOIIK , August 21.- - \ London cable gram gives the following additiona1 detail of tin ) bombaidment of Fee Chow In .ueoidinee with instUKlions of tlio French govimmi nt , adimial Courbet t d.a\ fired the hist gun in tint Fi.uicn Chun ivvai by the bomlaidment of Fee Chow. Actmd ing to dlspatchi s from Hone Ron ? , the Fromh fleet enleied the mouth of the Xnn imr tins morning nnd piociedect up cautiously to i point in high as heavy voxels could gi > with out serious d imjer ot grounding , then gun- biuU hleamid ii | M within unco of the eitv , nnd at 2 p. in. si I to vvoik shdllng the city. The squadron of Chinese gimbo.uH were lying tiudi i the walK of Fee Chow and th-y n'turned the firp. AH they hid the French gunboats will in I ingc , tliu l.ittoi withdiew imdei cover of the guns of the mam cquadron. What diunagi' if any , was mllctul by the French Hhtllx , has not been asci itamed. Tlia bumbaidiiient w as continued about two and a half IIUIIIH , and Admiral Coin bat intimates that a many slu Us vveia tlnown into the city , as the gun- nets manning the mortals were not long in getting the rangi Till jOMIAHIMIM : ! 01 IOOCIIOW , SH VNOIIAI , August 21 The Fee Chow m senalva destioji'd aftei three hours bom baulmotitln Cotitbi ts'eqnidron .Sovin Chi nese gunboits weio Mink and two escaped. The Kmopean si ttlement in uuduturbi d. Tlio French fli ot sustained no d.un.igos. PUHSJ , August 21. The bombardment at Fee Chow Ixgtinuttwn oclock this aftcinoon and cai'ed at S p , m. Only one Chiucao bal- taryroplud. Ttio re'poit that two Flench vessels woia sunk during tha ongiufi inont is not confirmed , lili : ATfACK IIICOMMI M'l D. Sll VV.H vi. Aug. 21. Of the Chinese mm ofwai , w Inch f'Nc.ipi d the j'lonch bumbard- mi ntnt l''oo Chow , one was stranded anil had IK r baik broken , the other mat wltli no mix hap. Tlio French recomnieiKid filing ted ly , dii ecting their thots against tin pagoda ? . Thu HiirmiHcil obict ] of thoroaewod attack IH t entirely oblituate the jihue- . I'rench ti.ans- ports uio xholhng the village * on the heights mound . POSrMASIKH.OKNKH/VIj JI/VTTON. Ure'i-limn to Ke-hluii Outnhcr I , AVItJi JlilHOIl IIH JllS SllCCChhOr , Span > 1 Dispatch to THK lin. CHIOAJO , AuRiiiit 21. The Washington Cntic says : 'I'tintnuttei-Cji'iirial ( Ireshi m will iI'slgn h'x ' position , t ) take affect Octu bei ] , anil will accept the jiiKdodilp made \u- < I c nit 1 > \ the ia < igniti n of Judge Drmniinuid , I ILitt'in will succeed to the pobtmasb r-1. generalship. : POLITICAL POINTS. General tail Ates a Large Audi ( toe in Cliicago , And Makes Souio Tolling Hits on the Democratic Party , The Orangemen of Canada Issu a Circular Against Elaine- Prominent Tammany Democrats Declare for Blaine ( Uimrlimia Goln Ovu to Uiitlor. A Democratic ; Soe-csHlon. Dispatch to Tin : HKI : . YoilKAugust "I. It was openly stit od last night in the looms of the demociati ft.itoionimittco tint ex-Senatoi Thomas F ( Jrady , onoof tno loading lights of tiunmanj hall and Kelly's fellow workei , h d gone ovc to the ranks of the Hhiina and Logan lopubli C.IHS , and would bo found working in their m ti rests during the eimpaign. Tins is buei mi the general lepeit he h id n long con fenncewith Stovu KIKins. It is understooi' that ho was negotiating with a view of tutu ing over the tiunminy vote la the robnblii ins as far as the piexldi ticket is concetncd ( ! r.ady does not admit the statements. Tlio Oranizcmoii AKiilimt Itlnlnc. Siecid to the Tin ! Ut. : Toito.N'To , August21 The following ap peal Is made to brethren in the Unite ! States , pissc-d at n met ting of Oiangoiniu , held in West Toronto , Wednemlny iii lit. i copy of which , it is believed , will bo sent ti the dilfnrent Uraiige ! throiighoul the I'nited States : ' We , cill/ens of Toionto and mombera ol the lojal Oraiige association of British Jso Amoiica desire to addiot > s our brtthion and 'ollow Canadians in tha I'nitod ' SUtos ns ti : the stand thny should take in politics. Wi belie voitis the duty of , our brethren strenu ously to oppose , both by their votes nnd in- Ihiinc'O the uleetion oflames 0. lihiine. ttio icpubliean nomlnea for pi evident , as vebo liovoheis the enemy of Kngland and tliu friend of the ilcin igoguo Irisli , and the off. spilng of the Kuniish church. Blnino nnd Ijo nti Club nt Arlington , Special Disp itch to Tnr lii.i , AlliiNf.ioN , Nib , August 21. A young ncn's Blnino and Logan club was oigani/ecl leio Satuid.ay night. IX T. Staples ad hessed tha people , particulaily the joung nen. II. Dodendorf vias elected piesidi > nt uidil. K. ( iillesplo , fcecri'Ury. ' waihoieos took p irt and m.ido souiu nppio iriata loiind bundled is our nimbei. Iio nn At C CHICAGO , August i ; ! . The demoiiBtiation .o night maiking the leturn of ( ! en. Logan to us homo was into of gieat magnitude' . The ( publican torch beating organisation of tin city made their first appearance in tins-cam > aign and the aggregated marchers nuiiileicd ibont five thousand. In addition to tha orgmi/ations , nnifoim bodiej wcie piesont icm n nnnibei of the neighboiing cities. Ion. Logan arrived from Pullman on a special i im , landing nt tlieTwtntj-sfcoii'lhtioot do- iot at ! t o clock. The advent of the tiam wa > - imouncBtt by tin hung of aitdli ly and a bill i int dNplay of hioworKs. Amounted escort v.u in waiting , and , the distinguished puty i ivmg enteicd cairiigis , the c dvacade took ip its line of maidi ncithw.iid on the Michigan boulevard to Lal < e Paik , whoie lands h id been erected foi the speakeiH of ho evening. It was 10 3H o'cloi ! r befoio the astrf the marching escoit had rcsached the loint of u'mlc/ume , nnd lien. Lo .m W H i s .orted to the i-pe.iki is' stand. ' 1 ho crowd then n the park bail hwi lied to about : > ( ) , ( )00. ) On hr htjnd wi n ( ieu. Uplcsln , do\ . Hamilton , Ion , .loseph MiMill , Chus 1 ! , F.irwell , Win. 'enn Nixon. Congieshman Davis , Dunham , Ydams and an ( iii.ij of vice-prusiilents to tlie lumber of fully two himdieil , C ! < n. l egan vas nc ° ived with t' cheiring and ddressd the audience. The eubstance of his emiiKs wan a rovie-w of the failmo of tlia iinoci.itiu paity to ncjumplifb fin incial Kg- slatmn foi tha country dining the twentj- our yi Mi they \\oio in power. The si < akci tin n wniit on to dcclaro .hudcmociatio . iiirty lud Hsisti'd evtry _ ad ancu m finanei ) and i veiy iniasme touching In hecmity of human lights. It had opposed hi omancipition of the slaves and the homu- teul laws. It had left the doc- rnio \olunlary cxpatiiation m such a hapo that citl/qns ot fun ign buth vvi reeled el/ed nnd forci d into the aiiniu of foreign ; ovoinmonts until the ifpuulican congnHH avu them the s.imo jiioliction whicb IH at- iirdnl to the native lioin citl/ens , Ju all he it-forms of tlio civil sivic3 institutid b > ho irjiublicnii party , opposition has been hull ii by a ga-at portion of the demoeidcj. Speaking of the demociitiu idi a of end erv ice n form , he declared th it it m < ant , liu iipnu'od , to replace union soldiers with ox- unit di rates , mid civilian republicans with ivihan dtmocials. J lo did not think tint a compai HOII of the idiiiinistratinnH of the di iimcratu nnd rep ib le in par ties would loault to the ciedit of the oimei. Then followed an e\pl ination of the beu < fits f piotec lion , tno udcluss being com IndeJ by wonts of commendation for lilamo. The ciowd was NO gloat abmit the stand oc uplcd liy ( ifliierul Logan that speakers jiro e > ded to occupy the aduining | pi itfoims and ddresfed portions of the ciowd from the m Linong otheis wcindoni Oglcxl , iiiveinoi Jfaiiillton and Benntoi Collum. Tim cene in and about the jiaik during tlio spe il. ng was undo brilliant by an iimoi'iiiK display f pyjolti ides The Dpi nixing continued until 1 HO , at which horn tin1 , ' | . crowd begun i dispi 10. ISullcr DoiniicrntK , JiosroN , August 23. At a mciliiii. , ' of ( hi einiicratiu wtatu convention today , tin resig ation of Col. C. 0 , Wood worth , a IK ar per- cjiial file-mi of ( ii m rall'utlor , und momberof tliu committii at largo , was aei c-pteil , and IIIH liliui immi diately filled by the elu linn uf 11. ] Cool. , nmyiii uf Nurtbumiitoii , Tin Fiisig nat lun nfj Lclsuii auNo . ' tain n w a- nci > ptud. SUMMKU 8l The Turf. M vnT < . v it VCE- < . SMIATOI v , [ Vugmt 23 Kqult\ flake * 2 year-olds thren ( | iiartors of n niilo-Olorv ' ' nnd llait ltd won , 'IVnstoiio'Jd , llarrifrnn . I.U1. Morrisy utikesi two miles Hen. Mnnrct won , Compe-nsation 2il , Vorft I'd , Tuna ! 1. 3S\ \ . . itile and a fur'ong all nges MonimonU won , L. 2d , Slu-nanitoftli ? d. Time 1 r.'i. Three quartern of u mile ) lm banco won L iramlnt.i''d. Ualaxy 3d. Tnno 1 10J. v HID It \TCIUCAUO. . DECnu AI.H , August 2.1. At the Driving park tn dii ) tlio mati n race botwpon thn famous pa cent inhtiston , owned by Comnioiloii' Kltson , and Kichlull , ownul by J , S , Cnniiilx-ll , foi a w.igcr of S.\00 ( ) a kido , nccilirod. The weather was cool niul dour nnd the track fast , oxiojit a poilion of the back stretch , \vliuh was toft. The attendance was 5,000. Johnston wns the f.iviinto in the pools before the oH > ning of the race at twanttivo ' to ten , mid a Urge amount of money was'wngercd , .ho friends of Kiclibill c-1 liming that Johnston could not go three fust he.ats. I'he ivsult proved that they weio mmtikiMi , as ho vvns novir ncaded , pacing \ rv oloso to the "lilttlo lliown Jug's" 2 US , 2:114' : ' , 2.12i , which nio the thtoo fa test boats on record nt Chtcngp. It v\ns the gi opinion that if Jiihiistnii had been driven nit in each hunt hocoull have Inviten tins. The owner ( f Hichlmll Sijs hu horne was out of condition , Johuntou in nach heat pi sd tindir UIP wnontu jog , with Hich- tidlonlv n llttlo inaldo UIP distince pole. Tune , ' . ' .f. 211f , 2Kl | . Following this event woatho exhibition by tin paciiu ? mire Minnie It. , hitched to u wagon , with the running horse , Fuebrnml , which accompanied tlio pacei Westmont when ha paced o\ci thia course in 212) . The oihibition wns to boat 2.05. In the first the time WAS 2.07. In the sicoml belt tlio mare bioko and re turned without going mound , The third began with much pumise , 'J he tpmter Jiolo win reached in 30 eecnmls , at the late of two mi mites ami a h.ilf , The next quarter vun slowt'i , the tin ee quill ter inut lieiiig rpnched in 1 Slsf , einiiing hump tlie mare wan tiioil very peicep- tibly , Lomploling the mile In 2 O'L 1IIK MONMOUTII l'\l K ItVC'ES. MosviotTil PAIIK. August 2t. ; Fipo hand ! call swi epstakes , nil ages one and one-Hix tjonth of n mile Little Fred won , Markliind 2d. T.ittlr third ; time , 1:5SJ. : Three nil irteu of n mile , two yonr-olds Rolling Pruscott wou , JCrror 2d , Dahlia thinl ; time , 1 11) ) . | ] Fico handicap sweepstakes , one nnd threo- sntcelhs of u inilei Ki'grot won , ( Jlioll.i 2nd , rhuiles3dtinip,2:114. ; Select stikeg , twa year-olds three' quaiti TH of .iinilc , Goanooii ; Wanda 2d ; UtriP , 1 HIJ. Handicap sweepstakes nil ages ono and n quartoi milea Louisetto won ; Daike Cnitor -id. Bob Cook 3d ; time , 2:15)i. : ) One mile selling Joe Mitchell won ; time ; lr : > 2J , Handicnii slceplechaso Bhoit co'irso Qne bee won ; Lcho 2(1 , Pawnpo 3d ; time1 , J.2C. Base Ball AtP.nltimoie 13altimoro , 7 ; Alleghoney , 3. At Washington - ( Unions ) Nationals , 10 ; Wilmington , > . * At New York Metropolitan , I ; Athletic , 'At Philadelphia Philadelphia , 5 ; Clevo hind , 1. _ A At Louisville Louisvillo.iOj Toledo , L At Cincinnati Columbus , ! : Cincinnati , 3. At Providence Chicago1 ? 3 ; Piovulcnco. 7. At lioston Detrolsjirof using to submit to llie decision of tno umpird the R.UIIO was foi 'cited to the Bostons. Tno scorn stood 7 to 0. At St. Louis St. Lbnis7Unions ( ) 1 ; Ciuein latl , 2. f m At Boston Boalona 7potroit9 ! C. At . . Minncapolia--iIil > 'rauVep " i ) ; Minncapo- j . * * * * rr * " r-TK ( At St. Pntd-St PaulC ; Wiuona ! * * Suliiiniln ; ; I > Intoli. DID Oitciiviit ) , Moinc , August 23. The nile shimming match between Piof. Thomas tiley , Chuiiipion of Anviion and C pi. llen- y SinipsDii , cbamiii ] > n of Kiiglaud , icsulted n favor ol Kiley , who made tlio diatanca iu J.i.H ) . yimpson' Umo was 23 10 , Tim Our UnsTov , August 23. Arlnlesof ngnoment vill soon be signed foi n scnllerB nice bolween nek lierko , of Lngl.and , and .lobn Kilram , of ioslmi. notorious as pu- rilisU Tin contest will be for X,50l ! ) n sidi , > est nml best , about Seiteinbci | 10 , mar I'hll dolphu. It is pioposid to wind up the low- ng match with a boxing cncountor foi a sum- ar m ilch. A Steamer Knpnrlcd AHlioro. LMUNIV , N. II. , August 21 This has been roiiyh diy on Like Wiimopi'so.-rr. It was heiethat the st amei Jamas Bell , rein AllonIJay | camp meeting had been nhhoro bho hid about l , < IM ) PKS-I n ois. I'articnlaiH ire not obtain ibliat p-iw nt , but it IH not beloved - loved th it any pi i > > ons vvure lost or injmul. Ttio Dentil itocori ) , Clin v n , AuKiist2l The Voiy Itev. Pat ick II Tiifj , pislor of sc FatrlcK s Citlio ? c thiiich m'lhis cil > , died tonight ot hoai i-i HBO. Us lctlms tn bo mlscrablo , hnpclcsi , unifitscd , aiiddi'iircshoilln mind , \t-ry lirlt.t- ble , laiiKtilil , ami drowsy. It is a ( INi-asu which does nut get w" llf 't81'II ' reqiiires careful , persistent rittentlon , and .a lemeily to throw oft the causes ami tone up the < llgi" < - tivo oigans till they iieifonn Hulr duties willingly , llooil's Harsapulll.i has proven Just tlio rcrmlrwl iciiipdylii btiiidrcils of cases. "I havot.aKi'ii Ilood'fl Sarsajnrllla for dys- IIPJIS ! i , fiom which I havosufTeml two ji.irs. I tried m my other incillcliii'i , but none proved so satisfactory as Howl's Harsap.irlll.i , " IIIOMAH COOK , Uriish Jllcctrlo Light Co. , e v VorKClly. Sick Headache "Tor the pail two years I have been anilitnl with bO\ero be.idacliPs .and ilvspep. hl.i. 1 was Iiidiireil to try JIood'H Susii.i- | nlli , and have found great relief l full ) leeoininenil It to all. " JtltH. JI. P. A.N.NAiu.i : , New Haven , Conn , > jj Mis. C. Hmllb , CamlirlilECpoit. Miss. , .11 ho. 8ho took Iloinl'H Hirsaparlllil and found it the best remedy bho ever usuil. Hood's ' Sarsaparilla HeM by all ilniKBlsti. l J h'x ' for 85. M.'do only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. , IOODososiOnoi Dollar. OVER THE OCEAN , Ex-Qiieen Isabella of Spain Looking With Longing Eyes for Alfonso's ' Demise , King Oholora Nuuiborintr His Victims by Thousands- The World's ' Conference of the Y , M. 0 , A. at Berlin , Tlio Nllo KlHiiB Oilier N MV , KOKKION XOTKS. nr.Ai > \ TO i ii t. At toNso's siiohs. Special Ulspntch to Tim llKr. I.OSPON , August -I. Tn-meiidous lion bus been enmod at Mnitiid by iiimoinof n plot designed by e\ Queen Kabplla torment horsclf upon the throne of Spain , Kliitf Al- fonso's huiff nlfeclion n Ritlintvoi c , dea- pile ollici d ooutindictumi , nnd tn event of Ins deith , II U most Unit Xonlhi , the u imblicnn leader now nndei sentoneo of death , would bo ublo to iniike u coup d'etut whli h might overthrow nuuruchy and establish u Spanish icpnblie , tjucen Cluistmo Is iitipop uliii iimon the Bpaniaids , nnd there aioiimuy ulementH in the nntlon which would bo tioub U some in event of tin present ) kind's death. Kx ( , > iieen Isnboll i is theiefore HCi'kliif ( lo ally with heisolf nil lho e loval to the dviniHly which she iipicKints , with viewof huviiiK liersolf pioelulincd ii' ent when Alfonso dies. CJi'iienu MartliKv de Campos , lute mlnistei of wni , mid Senor apistn , Into pilme minister , urc snid to ! uhhettitiK the eipteon m IIPI design , nnd the ainiy is bi Ing worked upon to mnko it nnxlllaiy to n'hi'ine. Anolher pait of Is.abulla'H project is to iinito Ihe buiirtion by the nmrrinpu of Alfou sii's oldist. daughter , the ilifiintii Miuiii. .0 the sou of Don Uailus \irmmvs viutn-vi vititin ) SON IVKAVV. Diepitch to THK I\KV. \ LONDON' , AuRiist ll. ! It is rnmorod that Queen Yictoun u iifiiiin worried by the bo- liavior of lii-i Eoii-in-l.ivv , the ( Jratid Duke Louis of lIcsHU-Dainihtiidt. Acconling to Uio Inlast report * , the festive wldownris FeeKmg still anothei m itnmomilinlure , notwilli standing the troubles brought nboiit by his morgaualic marriiifii' with Mine. Knlomiio. LKLIOU 1IAKU. HVVVKV , August 21. Thoio were seven teen di aths from jollinv fuvor the past weiilc. TIIKNCII THANSPOin WIllCKKlt. AlUN , August "I. The Vronch transport Avoyrim was wiee'kcd oft Capo Ciiiadofin. Two Inuidied and eighty siv ollicem nnd ciow reached Aden. Tlncu hundred roll lain at Ciinulalin. A KM I.MAN lltOUIII.KS. LONHON. August 23. Advices from Anno- iiin stuto that ii seiieiiis iipilsing hiiM oecmrcd iitUeisim. The leaders n fuse toniknowledLe | the authority of TniKey , and the governor is tumble lo bung them to tci ms. rill ! NIl.i : IIISI.M. . ugual2iTho | ; Xilo fltdl cnntiu lies to rife. ICight stonmers will a uend tlio river to thn biHtcataiact to-day. Col. Col- villo will go to DoiiKoli It U teported Ihat the lloners of Jjl Mulidl nr dying at the rnto''ofthii * V ty h . day from some iutostlnnl dis * T- " - f- f. j ia * onscj 4 > , ODUSA , August " 't Tlnrli on ] iei auts in thu ullage of Aiidie'owl.n , neir this city , vieie atticKed vsteiduy with Hymptoms eimdar to these of linderpest. Two patients lave died. Tioops luvo foimod n couloii iround the village. l-Klisi 1 1 ririv 01 ii wi. Sr. PlTl'lisiu in , , August L'.t. Thobittei- less ng.unst th .Ic'WH in the Kiisiian piovin ; ns is inoieiisiiig1. An olitbreik is lepoiled 111 Cuts , owing ton iixuL | that thu Jews had tolen a Cbiihliin child. A mob assaulted he Jewish quaitti and made thre.iUof _ a ; mnssaeio of HID .lows. The i inters ml ) desisted when Uio child was found. I'm- he outrages are feared in .Soiitliein KiMsi.i. lEriiNi , or un. ivvit AMI mi'MtouVII.IIVM. . I'KHM' , , August 'J.I The cir and impcioi vill unit early in Ki'i > toinhc r , possibly at iti ttin. An envoy fiom Ihe RiiHuimi court villairive nt liibelsbiug to miiKo nrrnngo nonts foi the mi ( ting , HUSH coNsi'iitvn HUM. Di in IN , August ! il. ! Seeiitary Contwall nnd Captain Kei vun vvi'io tried jomllj on un ndii tment fm "cnnsiniaev and eoliiitiiig" [ 'bis is the second tnal in this case and it w as mutpuniiil to next comiiiisKion nnd the piismi era d t nt bbi rty on bad. 1 HIM IIIH IU , LA IIS H KM KM I II. Nl.vll.u , Aujf. LM. I'hi Irinl of tha bind if liiHghni In piogri'HM him lesiillid in tin onvietion of four pilmini lit , iipnn whom BOII i-iii o in oiumiieed todav. Darmet WIIK oinlemneil t ) dtiilh and Munpiitit to hfi ung soivitudo. 'Ihootlici two , Dullmrry und liaienfjei , were Hontenci'diCHpocliycly to oighl mil ten ycaib' imprisonment , l'ianiiii' | , tin iftb piiHoncr was aeiiilttui'l | , i HOI I in. MAIISIIMI. August , _ ' , ! Tin ) u port of the i.iv.igcs of clioli m inthosouthi riteli piitmenls if 1 ' 'run CD duiing Uio past tuenty-foni bums is n H follows' Hem mil , iiimsdi atlm ; Vmpo , twu ; Anlu twilve. ItoMB , August ! MTho dally bullntin of tin cholvra In Jtnly IH HH lollows : liei amo , lime deaths and Ihiiloni ficsh c.i ib ; Capo- b.i.srio , foil i ile.ilhhandeight.fri shixisi nCuriiu ; , two dcathn nnd tlnrtiui fichh irin-H Cinoa , im ili/.itl | and liftH'ii firMi c-.ihPH ; Carrara , fmu deaths nnd bvo ficxli c JSCH , Naples , no ilcathi mil DUO fn-fh ease ; Pniina , no eleatiis nnd mia Tiei-li CUSP ; Coscn/a , no limths und ono fionh case ; Tin in , Iwo deallm and no Irtt-li UIMS , Porto Mniui/lo , tbrco dentlm. I'AiUs , Angst 12,1. I'niirdc.itlis from iholoia it Toulon last nipht , and twoat Alaini lib ) , The giivornmi lit intunls to bin.ik up the c-uinp near Toulon , and dutnbule the true ] H iimoug other KlatimiH , Owing to tin appparanco of cholera nt < ! o mtva , Di. CoHtello ndviKio thn imini dialu In- hpt'itinn of traullerHut l/il'liine , the lust ruilw.iy htution on the frontier. 1/iNiinx , Angii t2i ; Tliohteiimi r "Haniet. iimio , " fiom the .Mi diterranian , at anchoi in | .iiue'h Knylup , IH ll > ini ; u yellow ling. It in can d Ihat thoio is choloia on lyiaid. S | cl&l Dispatch to Tin : Jii r. I'.MU-i , Annual , lil. The totil mimber of Imtlis frmii i boli r.i m Vrance has been ! ! 'J , 5.0. ! ThcHi ) figures have boon toilet ted fiom ; il i itli H und vlllageHln fdtien dcpartiiionlH and ean Itiisted as the most cortoct possi ble. Cholorn has now nMiimciI ft phase the dutingulsliiiiR char iclen tics of which ntn Its swift spiond , unli nco of Its nttncks , and the Hliorl duration "f tlmebifoie death relieves the siilfi rer. Up to August 10th there was no rase of de.ath noted omckcr than four hours after the lint nttnrk Then- have been numer oin doallis occurring within threij hours , nnd one is inputted of n priist who died on Ihe nllni nt SI Cloinent'.noirToulo'io Inst Sundny itter only Iwohom < Illness. It is interesting to unto th it ns the pnr sts fast until nftcr mnss. The ilnnpir ihnlntisos from an e i ply stomach iiKotding to the aeceplrd the 01 y of ilinlii.i , lso\oinpbtld in tins cme. ' 1 ho most irmarka- bli Kiiresd ot the inalndv rerintlv bis bei u In tlie I'ji MHOS diipntalrs I'pto ' \upi t 1ft only tliu e iilaees were Infected ! now tlieia nro fifteen. Tlio otitlin'iik In Hwit/crlnnd , owing to the ddfi i oiiio in climate and Uteneis of the vnnsoii , Is not 1 knly to wotl serious ravngos. Unfoitmintily tliiMoudltions in ll.aly are not Ihe y.iiueas in Swil/ciland. In llnlv tliero has nlmidv been fully three hundred deaths , nnd the plague mcioucs in violeneo a-s it Ul m IN , An ? . " ? . The stnwivvny lauded nt Wnleifiini , lieland , fiom the xtiMiiuhlp Ox- niimiin' , fiom I.ivcipool to Hnltiiiioip , and taken to the infirmary ill with what was sup- pusod t be Asiatic choleia , ilioil today. Xono cnn indueid to bniv the coipse , aUliongh n wnitl is otfeiod. The jmy is nnible to agieoiipim n votdlcl in the eir-e. MMIHMMK . Aug. l.l. ! Ton deaths from cholera in this city today. 1STI UNATION'AIi . VI C. \ , Hi III IN , AuRttstli-Tho ! ; vvoild's eon vent ion of the Young Mens Christian association d-i- \otodthogio.itorpiitof jtateiday IP u dis- I'liBHiim of to | lies relating to tlie piactleal winks of the association in leulung and in- tbirmcing > oung men. The fust tuple wns : How to win in tain classes of young men , who hive herutofoirt furnished but few mcmbeii to the nstoimtlim" Inteiesting papers were pro sautPil by Vm Oosteiwjrk , of HollnudV. ; . ( ! Pntton , of Knglnnd , nml Knccaisto. of I Inly , The Ki-cond toplo wns ; "The best moans of spii > adlng among the young men a doi'lx i knnwledKe of the great doctrine of sal \atioii. 1'npern tollowfd by delegates f i oni rug- land , Oeimuny and Holland , 111 the after- train was provided and tlio dclegites weio taken to Poltsdnm , where Homo hours were xpcnl In vibltiiiR varUna toynl palace's nnd other objicts of interest. The moriiing session to-day weio given to n pomldot.itiou of further topltK be. u ing specially - ly upon UioanoiiH illumes of religious work foi young men. I n the afternoon the meeting was confined to delegates only nnd tliumibjerts of immorality and ttinpernuce wei-o dimfsed. Not far fiom sixty Anioric in dolognles Irave taken | > nrt in the convention , Among the ns Hociatloii men from Amciica vvho have been In attendance uro the following : Hic'haid O. AIon < i > , Itoboit U. JSlelmincy , Thnmns K. Cieo , V. Von .Sclilnem- bii'h nnd H. Tb me IUilleiof the intoriin- tlon d cominiltec' of rs'ovv York ; ( ieoige A- Hall , stiite nicritaiy of Now York : Ii. W , Mulhall , stnto sc-ci otary of Indiana ; Hev. Di. .Tame A H Ibookennd W. C. Douglas , of I St. iuis ; Kev. Di Thoinpson. of KHIIIIIH C'ily. ( Jen. O. O. llowaid , uf Omaha ; Kov. Dr. linniH , of Halifax : Kov. AloVieat , of Montrr.d ; I' . K Foster , of Wellington ; N , 1) Dodce , of Newbuiypoit : Piofn. D.avis nnd Kendall , of Ciete , Nib. ; .lobn Field , of I'hdadolphia ; Hev Di. A. ' , ( iordou , of Ilostmi ; liov. Di. Welch , of Auburn ; v > . A. Hanford , t-pe-iotaiy , N < nli'iu ' ; 11. ,1. .McCoy , sicritnry , Sim Prime ! c-o ; ,1. U. Stitrot | > , Men tury , Imlfido , and Dan P ( els , C levoland. Hi in IN , Aupikt 21 - Thn f mtli dav of the win lil 'n convention of the Yming Mun s Chris li.iu AKsocmtii H WDM dovnlotl to vari ms u'llg- ions osoicisi s , and n cunfciflnco of loligioux nolle. Thot.iieMi 11 IIIH ting was held in the oiiuip , and the eonvi iitimicbu'ed. Addiess- < > \\iicili-hxcioil by Count liniiifctoilT nnd Ii neil Itollinrcll , of lUibn , Mr. tieorgo Williams , hondoti , tlio I'm cicmds JnHon , of St. PotorBbiirff , JJr. Schoir , of Kuvr York , Jr. Welch , of Auburn , Cnpt.1LpRiro antr , of Svi'edon , Unron Sphleambach nnd others. " The icsult of the nit'cUng will I ni to gicatly stu ngthon the Asdoc.atum in lniooan ! [ ) conn Ii IDS , \ HOOVI IN III.NTM. PAIIIH , August lill , Tin oo per eant renlea .Ills morning bcfoiu oponingof tlio Bourse , woio buoyant at 77 fr.uicil ' .15 centimes for .u count on n port Ihat IjiFong l'oo.Chinot > o muiistui , would eonlinuo nogolmlions with tlio Kronch govornmont. fllKNCII IIOXI1S. Throe percent rents opened this mnriiiiig nt W francH IJ centum H for account but since have fallen to 77 finncx il-'i contlmeij. rill. IIUSSIAN ni.lM. Si. PKIFIISIIUIIU , August 'Jlt.-Tbroo iron el UH start iinmcduituly to iein force the KIH man Hoot in Cli'iiesu ' wnteis. TlioVoutlicr To-Day. WASIIIM.KIN , AugiiMt llFor ! thn upper Mississippi , Ihientinlng local rains , busk southerly vinili < , be'coming variable , Btationniy empi inline , falling followed by rising ba- Hiinotei , For the AlisHoiiu valley , clo.iiing mil guru rally fair winds , shifting to north- wostcily , slight fall in temperntiiio , highi i iiaromoter. StlOOO. < Ulif , * > ni Iralim or imy | i m u iiiii-'t.ncesciii bo fotinii In Androv/H' J'tarl linking I'owdcr. Is JKIS- liu ly P U RE. Jti nu < iiitun i a , unit ii stlmoninls ixei Ivi il Iruiii > " ' 'i > hciutstfii.if 1) inn Ilnys , Ilos ti.t't M Hi I liintaitie , ot CliliiiKO. u'l'i uilatuvii < llodi , Ne\cri-"li | 111i \ \ , . . . NEBRASKA LYNCHING , Hanging of a Mrxican Rapist in Lan- caslcr Conniy , Nebraska , Ho is Taken From the Officers and Promptly Strung Up The Postmaster of Oroto Identi fied ns Ono of the Lynohors- Great Excitement in Oroto p .J Lincoln Over the Affair t = Tlio Coroner's .Iury Find aVcrrti - . Accordance " \Vltli the Facts 2' RB Stntctl. Special Dispatch to THK UKK. l.lMOLN , Aug. 21. The body of Lucinna Pnddlo , tlie Moxiaiit lynched in High land precinct in this county , \\ns bi ought to Lincoln this morning by Coroner Iknchloy and Dimity Sheriff IjMtiw , who went out nnd cut it down. H was placed in the undertaking rooms of tinmen Henton , with hnnda nnd feet bound and n roMt around his neck. Itias viewed by thousands. Thn dece.ise-d was n man nboiit thirty j oirs old nnd besides the protruding of the longuo did not present an ummtiiral nppoar.ince. This aflornoon the following .inn w vs si MMoSKD : (3ian KiiBign , foix'nmn ; Al. Itoarh , D. V. Honglnml , Hal Winner , John Stho und P. Coursoy Kichniila. The ev idonco showed Hint word had l eii sent to thn Hlipiilflioru that Ann llango , the i.iviihcd girl , wan djing , nnd It would be noe- cssnry to have her di'diirntion , nnd IDI.NTin TIIK I'lllSONKll. Accordiiiplv City Marshal Jieach , Judge Par ker , Slieiitr .Mellcl ; and Prof , llluedborn of tlio Free Pioss , started for Highland Pn-cinct. Fiom remarks made on the eirs the sheriff be- eamo coiuevv hat alarmed for the safety of lux ch irgo , and Messra lllticdhorii and Beach got otf Uietiain , at Dcntou , nnd Parker went to ItniiU to see if THK COAST WV ) CIVAH , The' lirst party went lo Mnry Cobb's nml look n can luge ncmss the country. When neni the couso it was decided that Mel ick nml the prisoner pliould jiroeend to the honso on horseback. They did so , but were stopped nt n shott distance , nnd whcio there \voio no men to bo ween befoip tlio THI : cou.v riKi.ns WHIK FULL OK mm. M click and the pnsoner mailo haste b ick to the carriagp , pursued by the mob. The liist named took refuge in n barn but were soon ovprpovveiod and the prisoner taken from the ollicors. Ho wus convoyed to tlio bediide of the dying gill mid in answer to questions by Judge Puikei she IDEXTIMKD HIM VT ON'CK. Tn fact he confessed to Sin iilf Molick before. Ho was then placed in u wagon and taken to the elm tioo under which the iapa had been connnitlcd. Time w.i- , given liiin to piay , but ho wanted to spenk.rlbn poivilege was de nied him and he was then C-IIOKH ) ro DIUTII .and left hanging until cut down last night. Tlio vcnlkt of the jury wns that l.uciann J'.i- dlllo cnmo lo his doalh by hangint ; , nl the hands of a mob , the names of whom arc un known ] except J , W. Crnif ? . This man is the postmaster at Crete , and in said to bo the l.KAWIl Of Till ! r.V.VCMEUS. Ho WLS not masked or disetiibcd , but took a , piominont part boldly. The oHiccra nrooxon- erntod In ovtiy particular by the public , for they made n bold light ng.unsl overpowering iiumbeis , nml the general opinion hero is Hint it Nerved the Mexican li ht. Ho will bo buried at the expense of the county nnd a HubhCiiutioii is bung taken up for the girl'n paients , who nro in pom circiunsUnci'3 , Asjocialnd Press Disp.alch. 1IMXI ) v , Aug. y. ! . A Mexican named Lu ciano P.idillio , sent to the ntnto prison of Ne braska from New Mexico , served out IIH ! toi ma month ago. lie wan liberated nnd last Saturday ravished n thirteen year old girl liflcen miles \veat of Una city. Ho wna nr- losled Monday ntlionlrice nnd brought back here. His victim was horribly mutilated and fears ate cuterlaincd Ihat she will dio. The Mexican vv.ia Inken lo hc-i homn this afternoon for idontilualioii. Uefmo reaching their des tinalion a mob captiued tha vvholo party , took the MDX lean bi foi o tha gill , who poei- tivoly iilcntilii d him. 'J'ho oIlieerH were put undei giuiid nnd the Mnxlcnn taken to the idi ntlcal spot vvlicro ho i-niiiinitti d the I or line nnd hanged lo .i tioo. He was given five niinutoH to pray , which ho did , nnd made a full e-onfission of his cilme. There Is great oxtiti inant in the neighboihood. The action of the mob is geneially approved , OMJbOLilHEltM. Tlio I.nillana VctorniiH In Camp at Furl Wnynp. FollTW vh , 1ml. , August 23. The second end day of the reunion of Ihe Northern India- nua veterans diow an Immense crowd of people ple to the eity. Tlio grand civ le and military paradi took pla ° o In the afternoon. It in inti mated that from 8,000 to 10,000 soldicra wt-ro In lim , befcides various other military oigani- /iitlniirt. The manufacturing Interests of the city weio well represented in the parade , which wna nearly two milen in length. A grand army camjifiie is In progress tonight at i .imp Allen , It is entiiuatod that 20,000 people ple wcic on the grounds HUB afternoon. Ora/cd l > y Drink. Cooi'iBHrowN , X. Y. , August Ul. This inoinlng Fenninioro Cl.iylon , of Mlddletown , shot and Killed his only son , aged two yea IB. Cluylon has ilollrnui tromona for sovera days prioi to the miudor. lie [ took the boy Into tlr van ! and shot him through the heart , saying 'lie IH now in hnaven and butler oil " Ho t lien went into tholioiiee and tried to kill his wife und mother , but they secured tlio weapon , but not until they had given him HOVI nil blowM upon the head with u base ball bat. Clayton wna airested , llo in n farmer about ! IO yeuiH old , of loauectahlo family. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. \ e eru- . recogaizeel To deafer a b