Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ar Yin
tor (9 ( mail * eiprc * ly for
the cure of dtrikngcmcnU
of the Rcnontlro organi ,
rhro \ no mistake about
this Instrument , the con
tinuous ftrcsm of Kt.KC-
.TU1O1TY . permMtlnR
through the p rt must res
tore them to ncalthy fiction
Do not confound tnls with
_ , _ . Klectrlc Belts Khertl d to
euro Kit 111) I in hcwl tu too. It 1 for thoONK
ForelrcuUn Riving full Information ,
adilrera Chcever Electric licit Co. , 103 Wuhlngton
St. Chicago 111.
Nebraska Cornice
Broei Fencing !
Crostlncs , Balustrades , Verandas , Offlco anil Bark
lUlllnga , Window and Collar Guards , Etc.
The uio at the term " Hnor
SHORT Line" In connection nlththi
corporate name of a great rotd ,
conveys an Idea of ustnhat
I I & V * required by the travelingimb-
I I M h "C-R Snort Llno > Quick timi
IB IV a - * ntl the 1)C9' ° > accommodk-
hB II ILiI tlona all of which are IUID-
tsbod by the greatest railway In America ,
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4,600 tnllea of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and an ts main lines , branches and connec
tions roach all the treat business control ) of the
Northwest and Par West , It naturally answers the
description of Short Line , and Best llouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , Rt. I'aul and Minneapolis.
ChicagoMilwaukee , La Crosse and Wlnonj.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and EllondM *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllwater *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wnusau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee. , nearer Dam and Oshkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and OconoraowoC.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Vralriodu Ohlon
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonnaand Falrlbault.
Chicago , Bclolt Jancsvt'Ie ' and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , llocktord and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , llock Island and Cedar Rapid * .
Chicago , Council Blutts and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Rock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Can In
world are run on tha mainlines o ! the CHIC AGO
and every attention Is paid to pataengcra by court *
OUfl employes of the company.
Graham Paper Co. ,
S17 and 213 North Main St , St. Louis.
tarCtt\i onld for R srn of
BRO'S ' & oo , ,
Have established themselves In Omaha to t'ansaot
a general brokerage and business. Wo will bay all
lasses of goods at wholesale or retail , and guarantee
perfect satisfaction In prices , as wo can buy cheaper
than yourselves. You can see the advantage of hav
n your goods bought by one who will work for
our Interest and not trust to a merchant who has
omethlng hols anxious to be rid of. We will also
prompt tcntion to selling anything entrusted
ons , and goons consigned to us will bo carefully
eked to. Correspondence solicited. < lr <
/aTKefcroncca Omaha National Bank , McO
ro'aBank. Address 111 S. 16th St.
Whoso debility , cxhuuittuu ami premature
ileciiy arn caused DyeicDu&es , errorsof youth , etc. .
sra perfectly restored to nttiint lienllh and
* manhooil by THE MARSTON
Slcuron . < ! > 'oBtomiicll drupirlnK. Thl treatmell
< JK < : rvoa ] > eIllltr nnd l'liv lci l Wccnyii
uniformly ncce tul li ( > c n o napen on pnriect
iriiiaiMi ln.neivunil direct niethocl > anlat > -
it tlKiromrhnciii. rfe&ltHl TreatUo free.
the old stand 1417 1'arnam street. Orders by tcls
Siaph solicited and promptly attentcil to.
@ &
1II North 18th Street Omaha
Will euro Kervousnens ,
nly > is , Nt'uralifiu , Kclatlca ,
i Kidney , Kplno and Liver
I dUeuHt filOoutAsthinaHeart
dln-aff , Uj'MH'psta , Ooniifl
imllon , KrYElpelax. Cutarrli ,
rile * . KplIeiBTi | linpotcncyi
Uun.bAfrue. rrolnpt > urf UtfH.ftft Only folrnlinc Klcc-
Uio Kelt In Aiiu'ric.i ilmt t-piiUtht ( Kleptriity and mac
net lit rn throut-h the bodyaiiiicAiiburi'charK dlnui lit
eUuit l y thu uutu-nt.
SI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
i I was afflicted with rheumatism and
oared by using a belt. To any one afflicted with
that disease , I would ear , buy Home's KloctrJo Celt ,
Any one can confer with roe by writing calling
at my store , U20 Douglas ( treet , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Opposite postofflre , room i Fren-
r block.
jtVFor Bale at 0 , F. Qoodmtn'i Drugstore1 1110
roam Ht , Omtha ,
Orders filled 0. O D ,
Metalic Cases , Coffins , Caskets ,
ETC. , ETC. ,
1OOO Karnnni St. , - OMAHA , NEB
Telegraphic orders promptly attended to. Coroner
office , Telo hone No , 821.
Plans , specifications and estimates of cost of laying
out new or remodeling old Uwn , gradlnir , noddlni , ' ,
rtc. will ba turnltho I on apilluatlon. | Gronct and
dealer in all kinds of ( lowcm , Uhrubi , OrnamcnU >
and Shade Trees. Juit the thing for Cemetery or
Lawn Decoration. ( Jrccn llouio and Nurntrr 23rd
. Ktruut , near Kurt Omabo , Cu Flowers aud Flower'
In'f i'laule In pota ( or a1a at all Kcasoim , and nj
Jloral Designs or Bouquetii luide up on the nhortcit
notice. Orders by oiall prornntly attended to.
dm ) P. 0. Uoi C35 Omaha , Neb.
North 10th Street ,
Has ono of the largest and finest aisortment of
Sprlu ; ; and Snimncr ( foods for Suitings and TrowC"
Incn All parm nts euatantocd to fit and trlmmnil
wKh the Ic ) t TrlmmliiKS. MY PRICKS ARKLOWKIl
thanny llarchint T.itlo r In the city lf > 0i Farnam
Is warranted to TTCAF longer , I'.i
, lhf ) fonn nrfttir , nnd PITO bctt :
atlofnctjon than nny other Con
In ttin mnrkot.or prlco pnld > vtl
refundrd Tholndnrcuincntnu'
XHJ1W chic-IPO1 ! t > r t | ilj6lclnl' ? , amir
lany ench Cornet. I'rlce , Ilrnt f-ulrrn Jrnn. PoatABi
uvpold , tl.r.u AoV Tourinerrhiintrortlirtiu
t izn c *
(1 (
Wo make avery fine light jliurnoss , Fand have al-
n-ajBon hand n full line of Horse ClothingCurry
Combs , Brashes , etc. ;
No , 116 N.lfittiSt - ( Mr Veil
T , 0. CARL1 LE ,
. , - - - .
"Send for Circulars "
A. F. GROSS. ,
and al kinds of office * work a specialty CiH'
dross 1303 Jackson Street , Omaha , Nol < .
or Wormy Veins of th scrotum. Often the unfits-
peatA mute of Lost .
. . . - / , uuc Manhood , Debility. Ac. ,
M '
quickly and -'ilttilvatrnl by the Elastic CraalOM
Compressor , S6. aiottjHHnv. Circular Krre.
CIVUIX BEllEDW. AQEHC7.160rultnCt..ltiw7ctt (
Erlanger , Bnvnria ,
Culmbacher , Bavaria.
Pilsner . . . . . . L Bohemian.
Kaiser . .Bremen.
Budwoisor St. Louis.
Anliauser .St. Louis.
Best's „ Mibvauken.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krue's - . Omaha.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Khine
Wine. ED. MAURER ,
1213 Farnam Sfc.
MARRIAGE nunieroui engrmTlncfl ire.
ITC 1 iccrcti which
SECRETSnunieroui o
SECRETS hould know. IIuDdredt of
_ Recelj > tihowtocureNenrouf
Ikblllty , bcminit VVcolncM , etc. , lent lecurfljr Ktlrit
forSOwnli ( monrv or poitigi tttinpi. ) Addreli Dr.
J.Sclwtlilt. Cor.l ) road way anil I.u en AT. . St. Louii.Mo.
Take ) no other
It Offrom with
him perfectly. "
writes a moth *
or. HundredHof
nlaln , as vi'Oll ai 1tiofo from reruUibln phyHlciaiiH
tlirmiKlimit tliowliolo U.H.twitify in the worth of
Iti > quln > B no rookliiK. llwtfcxxl In health or Hick ,
lifwii. 40 and ? f > ctn. Ilyolldnit'idHt * . Book Bent free
liniM.IOK'S l-OOIt Cf. , Itiicln ? , WN.
JCtftieut by mill on rccelptof prica In Rt mju > 5
Chartered by theStatcof Illi
nois for thcexprcsspurpoce
of civincimmediate reliellC
all chronic , urinary nnd prl-
ivate diseases. Gonorrhcra ,
'Qlcc ' UndSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also ail
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by reme-
iil > cclairracHer. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the PaceLost Manhood , jiosltteclrKrn'.TArrd [
lannrxperitnenilinh Th : appropriate remedy
.a at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
lonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
'clnes sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
. -.ackacc to indicate contents or sender. Address
I Hit , II. H. K > NK , o * tlio IKQulnce/
'IB H MO ntiiflU'uiie , now oflert A ICejQA < 1r wbereLy
on run cure hlnuflfqulrllr and jitlnUbbl ; * Fur Ultimo-
ArPUAKCKs nro tent on ao Days' Trial TO
lEN ONLV. VOUNO Oil OLD , who are tuner-
ng from NERVOUS DKIUUTT. iMft Vmurr ,
ACTlxa WBAEHEKSEI , and all tnoeo dlieaiea of a
I'lriBOKii. NATUHK , nultlDK from ABUSH and
Oriicn Cicit * . Speedy relief and complete
tattoratlon to HEALTD , Viaoa and UINUOOD
uviRiKTEEO. Bend at once for uluitrated
pamphlet f roe. Adareei
TOLTAIO nr.l.T CO. . M r h ll. Mleh.
When I v turi * ur nuiinean ui reirto tnp tu m lur
atlmo anil then hive them return again. I uennaradt.
calcnre. I liava made the dlieai * uf FITS. BI'ILErsr
or KAUJNOBICXNEHaallfelougcudr , IwanulUT
( modi to cure tl > a wont caiei. llicauia ollieri fc r
" '
fiUledXf no reaton for nut now receiving a cur * .
onr * for a trcttttio anil a l-'rae Uottle u ( mj "
HuSy , Qlra and J'oit Onlce. It
i ; for a trial , > id I trill rure j . .
2dd Dr. II. > , 1IOOT. Ill r r ) St. , >
A victim of early r ncc , cauilng nerroui
Aebllltr , prematura decay , etc. . hatlua tnoa la
vain every known remedy , lian discovered a almplft
pieanaof nelf-curo , which ho will tend I'UKli to
OlalelloUHiufTerera. Addrets ,
A H. UliUVKH. U Ubatbau Bt _ New Vorfc
* rteturn to m with TIH
ut This OuJ C T S. * yuu'U uU by mafl
c _ _ _
, tUi will briuci ulu MURE MOHfY , In Ono Month ,
e1nAnifriiu& . AljwjluU > < : ertiilutr. '
MM A U U fin nT ° HIOKI tuacrlpgfroni tr.
m A N H 81II116"611' ; , ° vreaknrw ' ? ' , early de >
cay , lokt manhood , etc. , 1 will a nd you particular ! ol a
timpleanj wrlalu luein.of alf cure , freeof charge.
JJtiJ/oiuaddttKJtof , 0 , l'OnLiMU < x > t\uVitiP \
A Minticsotn. l ccr Hunter.
While luniting in tlio plncricsof Minnesota
seta t once met nn old Imlf-lircctl who
taught mo more in n fo\v ilnys tlutn I ever
learttcil heforo or since. It ww when 1
'oinp.ircl my scanty aupcrfldnl knowlrd o
witli his sonml pmctical lore thut I dis
covered the lamcntahlo extent of my ig
norance ami how much 1 had to learn ,
Tliis old veteran was ahout llfty years of
age , and ho had hunted deer lor more
than thirty-fivoyearsi , mnking it u specialty.
It can ho readily understood that his nil-
vieo was worth taking , and I mil only sorry
I did not prolong my hunt with him , as
every deer brought out new stratagems , mid
every move was eheekmated by this unerr
ing , steady old Kimrod , llo was a regular
hound , nnd conhl 11 ml more game than
three ordinary hunters ; hut , what Kan
nuomaly 1 ho could not shoot. Actually ,
If u deer moved , or even waj'gcd his ears ,
the old fellow would quietly wait till ho
waa stock still , and then bluzo away ,
Sometimes ho would kill , hut that was by
no means a foregone conclusion ; and as ho
would insist on using a slnglo barrel muz
zle-loading rille , of course tlio deer was oil'
belbro ho conhl "do it pniuo more. " To
miss with him seemed rather n matter to
ho expected thnit ono to get mud about , so ,
nothing daunted , ho would reload his rilte ,
sit on a log , light his pipe , soliloquize anil
ascribe reasons for his maladnutness , anil
make wise resolutions for the future , nnd
having piitiu about half anhour. go ahead ,
take uj the track of the doomed deer , and
eight times out of ten get another shot ,
with varying results , inside of an hour.
How hodid it I could never tell ! all that
I know is that'l ' linvo followed him for
iluys from morn till dusk , and have seen
him shoot three or four times at the same
ilocr in a tiny , nnd generally bag him in
the long rim. When wo became belter ao-
iiunlnlcd , It was mutually agreed and un-
ilcrstood that ho would do the finding
nnd I the shooting ; and by that means wo
generally had the pleasure of hanging up
.1 deer or two a day without his iWng a
shot. At lirst I ascribed his lindlng the
ilecr merely to good lue.k , but 1 soon got
uvcr that. He would follow a fresh track
.1 short distance , and without giving any
reason , and guided by an unerring judg
ment , which was simply ,
would leave it or strike out at right angles
nnd shortly eome upon the same track or
elao point out the deer , perhaps llfty or ono
hundred yards away , snilling ami watching
Ms back track , while his foes wcro either
in bis Hank or rear. On such an occasion
it was merely a matter of target shooting
t-ith mo and not interchtiugbeing entirely
* inco.har.ifal , so that 1 frequently pur
posely made a noise to Mart the unspcct-
ing stag to give him a chimce.
This conduct on my part was sum to he
followed by n blessing from the veteran ,
who recognized no rules or laws governing
such shots , and as I holdom missed , it was
difficult to make him perceive the dillcr-
euce , as in any ease the deer was "venison. "
One day I missed clear and clean , and as
the doe kept out of my sight I could not
cboot again. Tlio old man , in a lit of rage
at my blundering in having made the deer
nin before I llred at him , threw up his
rifle nnd , without taking any aim , let fly.
Down came tlio doe , all in a heap , shot
through the neck , and dead as a nail. The
funny part is that to this day the old fellow
thinks I did the killing ; whereas 1 only
flred one shot and'that was away high.
This man's antipathy to a breech loader
amounted to actual hatred , ami it was only
flfUr repeatedly showing him its advan
tages that ho so far condescended as to allow
mo to hunt with him while carrying my
repeater. I shall never forget the queer
expression on his tough , weather beaten
countenance when at last I convinced him
of the superiority of the repeating rille.
'orcsf and Stream.
If yon BnlTor from looseness of the bowels ,
Angostura Hitters will surely euro you.
Beware of counterfeits and nsk y ur grocer or
druggist fur the genuine article , prepared by
Dr. ,1. G. B. Siecort & Sons
A Model Kitchen Table.
My cooking table is eight feet long it
should bo uiuo and is placed in n rece
between the chinmey and a window , tht
size of which decides its length. It is twc
feet seven inches high , and should bo twc
feet three inches on top. lielow it ia en
closed at the back and ends , and has doors
in front. It has no tloor , but stands direct *
ly on the floor of the room , and is movable.
The enclosed space below is divided in ( < ?
three compartments. The right-hand closet
contains the Hour barrel ; u door coming
down to the floor opens to admit it and
closes tightly again until the next barrel is
needed. Inside there is a space to hang
baking-pans by their rings on the parti-
lions ; over the flour barrel thcro in a lid
that is raised whenever Hour is to betaken
out ; the sieve and scoop remains in a barret ,
The lid ia a part of the surface of the table ,
and opens over the whole width of the
flour compartment. Above the door of
the middle closet thcro is a drawer without
back or sides , which is the bread-board.
When drawn out and turned around the
front becomes a back , and is very useful in
preventing the scattering of flour in rolling
pastry ; when returned to its place the
roller can remain upon the board. Below
this drawer is a closet with a door , and a
shelf largo enough for n pan of milk , or
bowls and pudding dishes ; below the shelf
is space for a bucket or sugar , a jar of larder
or cream and n molases jug. The left-hand
closet has at top n drawer divided into two
compartments , ono for eggs , the other for
spices , yeast powders , mitineg-gratcr and
cake-cutter ; it shelf below holds boxes of
saleratuH , n bag of salt , boxes of rice ot
tapioca , jug of syrup , jar of preserves while
in use , or ia nn excellent place to keep pica
I can assure any womnn who has not the
latter convenience , that is u great Moving
of time in cooking to hnvo all these iii
reach of her hand without stepping from
her place. The table , including its surface.
being about an inch and a half higher thau
a flour barrel , n short woman cannot mould
bread or roll pastry easily without some
thing to eland on. A narrow picco of board
about two feet wide , with two piccea of
board nailed across its under side , iBoneof
the best conveniences of all , for on n colt ]
morning , when I have biscuits to bake , I
warm my wooden cricket by the lire , and
it eaves ma any uncomfortable chillncsa
and as the clonot door nwings over it is not
in the way. There should bo n narrow
strip of wood nailed upon the buck of the
surface of the table and one across , between
the principal part of thotabloand the flooi
division , to keep water from flowing ovei
the back or into the division containing
flour , when washing the table after cook
. N. Y. lYibune.
Mental labor is not hostile to health
.ml life. But I am inoro than ever con
vinced that a man who lives by bin bruin
is of all men hound to avoid stimulating
his brain. In this climate , to stimulate the
brain by alcohol and tobacco IB only a Blow
kind of suicide. Kvcii the most moderate
usoof Uio mildest wine is not without dan
ger , bccauso the pcculiaroxhaustion caused
by severe mental lalior in a constant nnd
urgent temptation to increase the quantity
and strength of the potation- would nay
to every young man in the United States ,
if I could reach him : "If you mean to at
tain ono of the prizes of your profession ,
uiid live a cheerful life to the age of eighty ,
throw away your dirty old pipe , put your
cigaiH in the stove , never buy another , be
come an absolute teetotaler , take your dinner -
ner in the middle of the tiny , and rest ouo
Jay in Eevt'u. JamcaJ'qrlon.
A OtcAt.
Is In atoro for all who mo Kemp's Balaam
for the throat and IUHKU , the great guaranteed
remedy. Would you believe that It In sold on
1U merits and that each druxgUt U authorized
to refund your money by the I'rojuletor of
this wonderful remtxty if It fMl to euro you.
Schrotor & Bccht hnvo secured the URoney for
It. 1'rlco f.0o . nd Sl.OO.
llcncflclnt Wild
At n meeting of the Ontario agricultural
commission held at Ixmdon.Mr. William U
Sanders , the well-known Canadian ornithol
ogist gave an account of some insectivor
ous birds that were worthy of encourage
ment. llo said ho had been engaged in the
study of birds for the last seen or eight
years , nnd had examined the crops of prob
ably about , two hundred ; of the birds
which were purely insectivorous , the most
common was the largest family of warblers ,
of which the yellow warbler mid the red-
Btart mostly took their food on the wing ,
but partially on the branches of trees ; of
tlio birds which look their food excluslvelj
nn the wing tbero were the fly-catchers ,
which included the king bird and the pec-
wee ; their food was chiefly flies. Molhc
were numerously caught by nighthawks ,
nnd these altogether with the swallows ho
considered birds beneficial to the fanner
nml fruit-grower. Of the birds which led
partly on the wing nnd partly on trees , the
food of the yellow warbler consisted chiefly
of the larviu and eggs of moths , which they
took from the leaves of trees ; the vireils
nnd cuckoos were birds of the same class.
nml similarly bcnellclnl. The hluehitd fed
mostly on insects , though It might take
grain when its favorite diet was not ohtain-
ible. The insects devoured by the hist do-
ictihed class of birds wcro mostly injnnms
to the orchardist and the farmer. The
, iuthateh , which was very common bird ,
stayed in these latitudes tlio .year round ,
and lived almost enthelyon insects and
their eggs , and chrysalides. The wood
peckers mostly took their food upon ticiw.
The redheaded variety were generally con
sidered a pest on account of their devour
ing so much fruit , chiefly cherries and ap
ples. The high-hole woodpecker , ( though
it occasionally atonfew cherries , was on
the whole a bird which should ho protect
ed , owing to the number of insects it de
voured. The hairy and downy woodpeck
ers and the yellow-bellied variety were
commonly , but ho believed unjustly , de
nominated sapsiickern , and licensed of de-
tstroviun fruit and other trees by extract ing
the sap from them. Ho had never seen
trees injured by them , ami they were bene
ficial birds in his estimation.
Of the birds which nto their food upon
jhe ground there were llrst the thrushes ,
including the robin , the tawny thrush , the
brown thrush , and the cat bird. I'rom his
examination of the maws of the robin ho
had very little to say in his favor , as they
were very destructive to cherries and other
I'ruitH , and ate very few insects chiefly
coleoptern and then only when it could
not get fruit ; the cat bird was allied to
the robin , and like it was destructive to
raspberries ; the tawny and the brown
thrushes ere almost exclusively insectiv
orous. The food of the blackbird family
which included the red-winged blackbird ,
the crow blackbird , the cow bird , the
meadow lark , nml the oriole consisted
largely of beetles ami larviu ; the crow
blackbird , however , lived almost entirely
on grain ; while the cow bird , like the Ku-
ropean cuckoo , was decidedly injnnms by
laying its eggs in the nests of other and
beneficial birds , whoso young were gener
ally starved to death owing to the greater
Bi/.o and moro clamorous appct'ito of the. in
truding brood ; the red-winged blackbird
fed on tlio larvie of beetles in the spring ,
but in the fall it devoured grain.
About 25 per cent , of the food of the
meadow lark consisted of beetles and other
insects , the remainder being vegetable food ,
but of what kind ho had been unable to
ascertain. The Bathuruo oriole was bcuc-
flcial to the farmer. The sparrows were all
pretty much grain feeders , though the grey
bird , or chipping sparrow fed largely on in
sects. t Ouo variety , the purpln finch , de
voured the buds of trees , nuil was iujur-
DUS on that account. The indigo bird fed
mostly on the seeds of grasses and weeds.
The Knglish sparrow seemed to feed about
equally on seeds and insects , but he had
not examined their HtoiunehH.
Horsford'n Acid I'tiosprmtc ,
in CoiiHtipatlon.
Dr. J. N. JlcniNso.v , Medina , 0. , Bays :
'In cones of indigestion , constipation
and norvoua prostration , its results are
happy. 'J
Allegory The I'ursou's Dream.
"Tho good pastor of one of our up-towu
churches in Now York , " says the Working
Church , relates the MlowiugHingulnrdream :
" Some time ago I dreamed that I was
hitched to u carriage , attempting to draw
ib through the mud which covered the How or why
I had been assigned that position I could
not explain , but there 1 was pulling witli all
my might , as though I had been the best
carriage-horse- the town. I had reached
n point not far from tlio church , when the
mud seemed to get deeper nnd deeper , and
the carriage drew so heavily that 1 ganped
for breath and almost sank down exhaust
ed. This Hccnicd the moro inexplicable ,
when , looking back , 1 saw the entire con
gregation behind the carriage , apparently
pushing it along. But the more I tried
the harder it became , till finally I was
forced to stop and examine thedilllculty. F
went to the rear , where I supposed was
the congregation , but nobody could bo
found. I called , lint no answer. I repeat
ed the call several times , hut still no reply.
By-and-by a voice- willed out 'Hallo ! ' and
looking up , whom should I see bill ono of
the deacons looking complacently out of the
window , and upon going to the door of the
carriage , what was my astonishment to beheld -
hold thewholecoiigrcgat.iouquictly Bitting
inside. "
B , If. DongliiH & KOIIH' CnpHicum Cough
Drops are manufactured by tlicmseh w , and
are the result of over forty yearx' experience ) In
compounding cough incdicinoo. mu-Ili-ilt.
CuriotiH Frciikfl of a Cut.
Mr. Willis , who lives in Oldham county.
Kentucky , hud a cat which daily remained
away from the house several hours at n
time. Ono day Mr , Willis was walking
through u piece of woods about u mile from
lii'i house when ho saw his cat a fuw yards
ahead of him , sitting in n kind of recess
under a rock. It would sit still for iv long
time , then walk over to some object near
it in thoholoirud rul/ita hwul against it ,
purring most contentedly. What was his
iLstonishmeut when ho came up to thocdgo
of the rock , and saw that the object of the
oata attention was nothing moro or less than
n largo snake. The ttnttko was curled up in
r. ring , and when the cat would approach
it the miako would thrust up its head to
receive fUo cat's caresses. This continued
for about half an hour , when the cut evi
dently grew wcaryaud after tnruingaronnd
r.cvcral times to ensure n comfortable posi
tion lay down beside the snake and was
soon fast asleep. The next diiy Mr. Willis
took a couple of friends with him towitncHS
this strange spectacle. The mnncuvmi
was repeated. At length they resolved to
kill the snake , and did so. This Mccmed to
completely overwhelm the cat with grief ,
nnd it used to visit the rock daily , as usual ,
for several days , without , however , finding
nut what became of Its companion.
In another column will ho found the an
nouncoinnnt of M flaunt. THOB , COOK & SON
Tourist AgciitH , 2 < il Broadway , Now York ,
relative to the very complete arrangement *
they have inaile lor tours In Rurops the
coming KprbiK and Summer. "Cook'n Kxcur-
nlonlat , " containing majw and full particular * .
will bo mailed to any addroaa on receipt of 10
cent *
Look not upon the blocking when it Is
red ; when plumpness dills it up ; fur it
uuiy coyer cousidcrabloiaddiug ,
A Shlp-lofttl or Monkcyn.
An American consular officer relates n
Very funny occurrence , which enmo titulcr
lits observation during his official rcsltlcnco
In Liverpool. A wealthy ship-owner , who
was licttcr n ) making money limit nt spell
ing , seta mi onltT to Itomhay , itiul among
other things wrote for two monkeys , which
ho wanted to present lo friends ; lint de
parting from the usual mode of spelling the
word two , ho put it t o , I'erhnps the bund *
writing wits not very legible , asisollcn the
case with other tlinn illllerntoship-owners.
At any rate , the master of the ship read it
100 instead of too , nnd so did the agents nt
Dombay. There wits much astonishment
at so strange an order , lint the master was
bound to obey instructions. Accordingly the
servicoof n number of natives wore secured ,
the country round nbont was scoured , nnd
in tx low days u hundred monkeys , of nil
colors and previous conditions , were secur
ed. Thcro w ere little black monkeys , with
eyes like beads , liiggvr monkeys with whis
kers , and baboons w hose gruvo expression
of countenance presented a ridic.ulous eon-
trust to their tindignllled unties. The
whole etowtl chattered , screamed , ami
fought in the cage which had been provid
ed for them in tlio ship , in spite of all ef
forts to keep them tp.tlel. In u few days
the homeward \oyago was begun , and with
it the trouble * of the crew.
AH soon as the motion of the ship was
. . 'It ' , the monkevs redoubled ( heir noise ,
making n regular pandemonium of the
ship. Kclny.s of them shook the haw of
the citgo without u moment's ( wsatlon for
twenty-three hours out of each twenty-
four , until the cjigo was literally shaken to
pieces , and the astonished sailors beheld n
cloud of monkeys issuing from ( ho hold ,
scrambling , lighting , nnd tumbling over
each other as If theirlives depended upon
getting into the rigging in the shot lest possible -
siblo time. The monkeys , with mlschlev-
ousness unparalleled , would steal every
thing they conhl lay their bauds on. If
clothes wore hung up to dry they would
carry them tip to the highest point attain
able and pick them to pieces. It was nec
essary to seta guard over every thing that
was washed or dried. When the cabin boy
swept the deck bo had to lock up the
liroom , for if ho hid it over so securely , his
luck would scarcely bo turned before an
iild ape , half as big us u man , would have
it , going through the motion of sweeping
the deck with an air of indescribable grav
ity. So great was the annoyance that it.
was with great dilllcnlty that the ollleers
' 'ould keep the men fiom shooting their
tormentors , and when the ship touched at
Aden half of the crew desertetl , prefering
lo take their chances at this inhospitable
t > lace than to endiiro further persecution.
1 ho proof jl the pndttiiiK is not in clmwing
the string , but in ImvliiL' nn opportunity to
tout tlio nrticlo direct. Kchrotor K ISvcht , the
DrupvlatH , hnvo free trinl butllo * > f Dr. Bo-
niuilto n CoiiKh nnd Lung Syrup fur ouch nnd
every line wuo Is nllliclod with Coughs , Ctldn ) ,
Asthma , Consumption or nny Lung Alfoctlon ,
Ftvo Hundred VourH Jluncc.
Scene Study in the house of an old
gentleman in Australia. The old gentle
man telegraphs to the servant's room and
Jolin appears blown out of a pneumatic
Gentleman John , go to the carriage
honso nnd fill thofamily balloon. My wife
ami children will fly to Calcutta , about four
o'clock to Mr. Johnson's in order lo boprc-
aent nt u ball. Then dust my little bal
loon and fill it also. I inusllly immediate
ly io the London exchange , but thinkhow-
vcr , thatlshall bo back before four o'clock ,
order to be able to accompany my wift )
hundred miles. Kho will bo back nbont
two o'clock. Should it bo very dark about
tliia time , have ono of the inonkeyB light
the electric light HO that it Hindi illuminate
about two or three hundred miles. In the
morning I expect several friends from ] long
Kong nnd San Ifauicfaco J don't forget ,
therefore , to telegraph to 1'aris to Chevet'H
successor nuont the pastry n la Napoleon
XVIII ; say to him that wo shall expect it
at half past five o'clock , still wiirm. Tell
the cook ( lint yesterday's artificial beef-
ateak was spoiled by two much nitrogcp.
Such deplorable careJcssiies.i ought never ta
occur again. Narrinlown Jicainlrt
oHf , Ncrvonn Doblllty , Ncuralglii ,
Norvoiw Shock , St. Vitas Dance , 1'roHtratlon.
and all ilinouxcH of Nerve , Generative Organn ,
and nil permanently and radically cured by
Allen's Brain Food , the rent botanical rein-
Uy. 81 phg. , ( i for SH. At dnigK ) tn.
The Kurih'H Surface.
The changes in level of the carth'n sur
face , which must have been rapid and vast
in early geological ages , are yet in progress.
Aside from paroxysmal changed , such as the
volcanic upheaval of an island now and
then , great area of land indiilc.rentpart.sof
the globe are undergoing a slow process of
elevation or subsidence. In Greenland r.
subsidence is taking place. For six hun
dred miles from Disco Bay to the Frith of
Inaliko , the coast bus been sinking for four
centuries past. Old buildings and islandH
have been submerged , and the Moravian
settlers have bad to put down new poles
for their boats , the old ones standing , hyell
observes , "ns silent witnesses of the change , "
On the North American const south of
Greenland , from Labrador to New Jersey ,
it is supposed that similiar changes are go
ing on. G. If. Cook concludes that slow
sulMiilenco is in progress along the eoastof
New Jersey , Long Island and Martha'w
Vineynrd , and according to A. Gcsnei' , the
land is rising in St. John in Now liruns-
wic.kHinkingnt ; the island of Grand Mcnan ;
rising on the const opposite , at Bathurrit ;
sinking about the Bay of Fundy , where
there are regions of stumps submerged
thirty-live feet at high lido : and rising at
I'rinco-F.dwaril'BIsland. ' Itiabclievcdthat ,
in the I'aciih ; Ocean , thu region of the
Coral Islands has , in HOIIIU portions , Html :
not ICHS than six thousand fcctduringcom
paratively recent geological times. Sur
veys made in northern Sweden have shown ,
according to Lyell , that the coast is rising
at the raUs of about four feet In u century.
The luillcx miiMt ouncr or Inter ucknoul-
odgfi Unit l'o//.oni'rt iniiillcutad complexion
IH thu only comnotiu inaduthut will not
njitro the nkln. Fiimaln by all ilrugglntn.
neck of the bottle about half an inch above
the llamo of a lamp or candle for ft few
seconds. Wo have never failed oven in the
most obstinate cases. The hands should be
wrapyed in a towel , and great care fthould
bo taken not to let the llamo touch the
gloss , as thin might cause it to crock. The
bottle should be kept rapidly turning dur
ing the operation , HO OH to bring all parts
of the neck equally under the Influence of
the heat , when it will bo rapidly expanded
and the stopper may bo withdrawn by a
steady pull and twist. Sometimes it is
necessary to tap the stopper lightly with a
piece of wood. To twist the stopper , make
an oblong hole in a piece of wood , into
which thufctoppcr will Just lit.
A JnifKlKI8 Hlory.
Mr , Inaao C , Chamiiau Druggliit , Nowhurg ,
N. Y , , writoH us : "I have for tlm past ton
yuirn Hold Bovorid KTOKH of DIt. WILLIAM
lean nay of it what I cannot say
of any other medicine. I huve
never hoard u .customer xjieuk of It butte
to prulito IU virtue * In tlio Iilghont manner ,
I have rocuuimonilod It In a grout many caner
of Whooping Ciugh wltlitho happiest olIectH.
I have tiBod it In my own family fur many
yearn ; In fact , always Imvo a. bottle In tht
medicine closet ready for HBO , "
Jlanry'u Curbollo Halve.
IB the UK3T 8ALVK for Cuts , Urulsoa.
Sorei ) , Ulneru , Salt Ithtmni , Tetter , Chapped
HanoV Chilblain * , Curuu and all kinds of
Skin Krnptio'id , KriickloH and 1'lmplen. Got
othum are counterfeit * , 1'rlco ' . ' 5 ceutu ,
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
riSIB mt IHtO lUrnnv Btroct anil 403 B IBth Btieet ,
list rttcillOMiloiruo lurulilioil froa ut.on iull tlon
1024 North Eighteenth" , Street , Omnhn , 'on Streob Car Line ,
ES. "VST" .
Luber Line , Lath , Doors , f Mow s , Etc.
Grades nuil prices us good nnd low ns the city. Plenso try me.
00 tT * > '
i.-2 03 Ia § T g e Q 1 i f * * * I 4
§ l
Wholesale Druggist !
Paints Oil
1 409 an 1411 OodRcSUt 60 E3BB \ OMAHA.
Made of Shoot Metal witli Pressed Ornaments. i > o Leaking , No Cracking or low
ing oT. Fire Proof , Ohoap and Durable. The Moat Ornamental Roof Made.
Practically Tested for Nearly Ten Years , Withe Most GratifyiDg Results.
Fig. 2 View representing a numbo
of Tiles as arranged upon a roof.
Fig. 3 Detail sectional view of the
Fig. 4 Ono of the Roof Tiles.
Fig. 5 Wall Tile , the white part of
which ia covered by the ono above
it , and requires no description.
BreecMngs ana General Iron forL
Guttering and General Jobbing
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,