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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1884)
M ' - p f 0 OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY MAY 21 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning , May 2L SUBSCRIPTION RATES. fly Currier . . . - - . - to font * p r nee * By M il - - - - $10.00 pt' y " OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Btroet , Hoar Broadway. M1NOK MENTION , See J. Roller's Spring Goods. The Council Bluffs iron works have started up. M. E. Myers is the happy father of a bouncing boy baby which has just put in an appearance. Another raid was yoatcrday made on Iho tramps laying around the depots. Five wore run in. The dancing school at the rink opened last evening. It meets Tuesdays and Fridays each week. David Tostovin now has a broken forearm - arm as the result of a stormy interview with a couple of men. Mauror & Craig's store was closed yes terday on account of the death of Mr. Craig's mother , who died in Alabama. Mr. Craig has gene thither to attend the funoral. Governor Manning , B. K. Shugart , Charles Hondric , H. Birkintirao.'and Dr. Woodbury have boon selected delegates from the Council Bluffs' board of trade to attend the national industrial conven tion in Chicago May 21. J. Mueller , the live agent of the Hard- man pianos , now proposes to follow in the wako of THE BKK and give n prome nade concert next Tuesday evening in Bayliss park , and has secured the Bavar ian band for that purpose. The petition of citizens asking the city pound to bo moved from its present loca tion , was treated with a sneer by the council. It Booms that the citizens will learn after a time that the surest way to defeat any pot scheme is to petition the council in its behalf. Ira S. Corpron , the chief clerk at the Ogden , was Saturday called to Maquo- kota , Iowa , by the severe illness of his wife , who was with friends there , and who recently gave birth to a child. Yes terday the aad DOWB reached here that Mrs. Corpron was dead. E. A. Conslgny is greatly puzzled as to what ho shall do with the tickets to the national republican convention. Ho ex pects to have five of them to divide among the nine counties in this district. Just how ho is to got rid of ao many tic kets is a mystery. The funeral of A. M. Auworda , of this city , who died suddenly at Blair , Nob. , Monday afternoon , will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of J , 0. Lanpo , corner of 8th street and 7th avouuo. All friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice. The social at the Ogden House Friday evening promises to bo an unusually enjoy - joy able event. Mrs. W. T. Sapp , Mrs. D. W. Bushnoll , Mra. Frank 8. Pusoy , and Miss Anne Dodge will entertain. The financial object of the social is to procure funds to make improvements in the rectory of St. Paul's Ohurch. The Union Pacific organ in this city gives another sneer at the board of trade because only seven of the members at tended the mooting Monday night. There are three of those connected with the tor gan iteolf who are members. If thoj had only boon on hand there wonld have boon an attendance of ton , and the orgat could have thus made a protest against the favoring of another bridge across thi Missouri. When the city has any big contract o : important ordinance on hand the paperi in the case are generally drawn by out eido attorneys , The ordinance by whicl the council gave away the § 10,001 Union Avenue was drawn up by tin attorney of that road , and not by thi city attorney. The paving contract wore drawn up by the attorneys of tlu contractors , and in fact this seems to bi the mode of procedure in all importan coses. City Attorney Holmes acorns to bo ignored norod by the council. They instruct him t < draw ordinances covering certain'matters then they refer the ordinances which h prepares to a committee , then they tea the ordinances all to piecespatch them u ; make a sort of " 'alf and 'alf mixture , nud pass the samo. Then when th patch-work proves faulty , a howl is raise about the city attorney , and ho in tun howls because ho la hold responsible fo matters that have been hashed over afto leaving his hands. VKUSONAk. M. II , Byore , Glonwoocl , Is attho Opden , J. V. Clapp , of lioono , woa In the city yo torday , Kd. Olluon and family left last evening fi the out. Mr. Peter Bocntell is confined to hU roe : with malaria. A. B , Thomell , of Sidney , la. , was yestc day at the Ogden. II. 0. Lamb , DennUon , la. , yesterday re Utered at the Ogden. 0. W. Hubbard , of Sioux Palls , register ) at the Ogden yoaterday. T. K. Walker , county clerk of Cans coum waaln the city yesterday. County Attorney Matthews and wife ha returned from their trip to Now Mealco. Samuel Ratton , CMI county's euerlff , w In town yesterday wid dlnod At the Ogden , Emma Kaufman , of Louisville , Ky. , Is v King her brother-in-law and sister Mr. n MM. M. J. Michaels. W. Farnsworth , of Boone ; J. 15. Wcav of Hanlon ? and Geo. D. Gould , of Molii were at the Ogden yenterday. FRISKY FDQTE. He Gets his Foot in it Badly , Ben Charged wilhbolli Embezzle- nitnt and Aflnllery , An Omaha Traveling Man Ar rested and Put Behind the Ears i Tim Injured lliiRtmml Sccins Very An Omaha traveling man by the name of William Footo , was arrested yesterday and hold in the city jail while his case was could bo looked into a little. It ap pears that ho lias boon in the employ of Wilson & Larrlson , a tea and cigar house on Farnhatn street , and has for the past Few months boon travelling for them soil ing goods. Mr. Larrison , ono of the firm , was hero yesterday and claims that Footo has embezzled about § 100 , 1 ! not moro. At the same time appears anothnr man who claims to have boon still moro Injured. Ills name is L. J. Adams , of Atlantic , n otcady going and hard working man , who has boon ongai > od in railroading until lately , when ho has gene to carpentering West claims that Footo induced his wife to run away with him. The story told by the injured husband is that Footo , in making his trips to Atlantic , got ac- juainted with Mrs. West , who is rather a prepossessing looking woman. Thh was about the first of April , and the ac quaintanceship rapidly ripened into in- , imnoy , the husband being in the tnoan- , imo in blissful ignorance of what was going on. Two weeks ago last Saturday Vlrs. West loft homo about noon , tolling lor little boy that she was going to takoa ittlo ride on the cars , and would bo bask in the 4 o'clock train. She did not to , tirn , however , and the husband neither saw nsr hoard of her until the latter part of last week. Ho says ho had a job of work which ho could not leave , and as soon as ho finished it ho began his hunt , and Joarnod that his wife had run away with Footo. IIo learned that they had stopped for a week or so at a hotel in Rod Oak , and that his wife was quito sick and had to have the attendance of a physician. The next trace ho got of thorn was that they had corao to Uou icil Bluffs , and as ho was about starting for lioro , the woman turned up at homo. This was on Saturday lost. The woman , according to her husband'a story , seemed very poultont. She said she did not know what made her act so. 3ho did not intend to go any great distance - tanco with Footo , but ho got her to drinking some whisky , and when aha got away aha had no inonoy with which to got back again. She gave up what letters she had , and they were very loving epistles , and showed that Footo was very "far gono" on her. It seems Tom her story that on reaching Council Bluffs she concluded to leave him , and accordingly , getting money from him , lurried back to her homo in Atlantic. Footo arrived here with her Friday afternoon , and roglstorod at Noumayor's hotel on Broadway as W. H. Webster and wifo. They took supper and atayod ivor night thero. In the evening Mrs. West loft , Footo telling the landlord , who supposed that it was his wife , that me was sick and ho had sent her back tiomo to Atlantic , where ho had two children. Footo remained at this hotel until yesterday morning whpu ho was ar rested and taken to tno city jail. Ho seemed to have about exhausted his funds , as there is a hotel bill of ? 0 un paid , and ho had no money on his person. The husband of the runaway woman did not Boom to know yesterday whether ho had bettor prosecute or not. He said ho did not know what the poor woman would do if ho turned her out of his house , and in fact seemed completely at sea. Ho said ho had lived with her eleven years , and had never had any trouble with her before. , Mr. Larison , ono of Fonto'a em ployes , says the man has boon in his em ploy about four months. Ho was a dis sipated man , and had boon employed by a Kansas city houno provioualy. Ho represented that ho had reformed , and being an excellent salesman , a trial wax given htm. About a month ago ha got on a spree , was called in by the houoo , swnro-ofT before a justice of the peace , and was sent out again. Now it appears that ho has been collecting raonuy with out authority , and spending It without stint. The house has been trying to got t his whereabouts for two weeks or so , nd having now got him arrested , propose o prosucuto. Footo is a man fully 45 years of ago , [ line appearance , and evidently of mon : lan ordinary ability. It seems that he as a wife and family living in Olturia , Latinos , and according to a letter received rom them by the firm , ho has loft them n destitute circumstances. The onlj noans of BO far learning the amount col < octod by Footo is his own showing that ftor the allowance of his salary up to tin 5th of this mouth , ho still owes the firn $100. TUsuoTea given by the "X.Y.Z. " In the Congregational church'Sostreo , " Thunday evening , May 22nd. Suppoi rom 4 to 10 p.m. MKHU. Cold meat , broad and batter , i > { ckl * , itraw berries anil cream , cake , TlMiie Tea t All [ or i5C ! ! STILL IN THE PIELD , The Northwestern Mautitacturlni anil Car Company lia .Not HiiHpondctl , The report of the financial tronblea c the Northwestern Manufacturing and Ca company , of Still water , Minn. , has bee taken advantage of by some of its con ; potitors , and the public seem * to hav boon misled somewhat. The company i still in the Holdas appeared yesterday b the fact that a car-load of Minneaot Chief threshers and engines were at tli transfer bound for Kansas City , they bi ing among the goods manufactured by th company. After noticing the abov TUB BEE man made inquii of the general agent here 0. P. MoKiua whoae otlico is in Van Hrtmt , Thompso & Co'a building , and there learned tin the company had by no moans failed. . ' was true that n rt'.cuivor had boon a ] pointed but this was but a temporal move , as the company's liabilities wei o.ily about $1,100,000 , while the a o i cached $ -1,000,000 , of which ? 2,000OOC s in accounts and bills receivable. The general depression and slownoas of col < lections had led to Ill's present financial move. There are already on hand ncarlj the usual season's supply of sopa < ratnrr , hnrso powers and engines. Sc that the company will RO right on supply ing the trade as usual. The trade need n t worry therefore about there boinf iiiy trouble in getting supplies , as tin company is equally confidunt that tht full collections will swing them all clear The popularity of the good * is so great the plant BO valuable , and the business so fairly established is so largo , that 1 can bo carried on as of old. Mr. MJ Kieson , the ngont here is therefore buck ling down to business as usual with ni fear of the present or the future , but confident fidont that all will go along smoothly. Bushnoll sells railroad tickets cheap t < all pointa. LAWN TENNIS , Monday'H Gnntc * Hvclto Much In lot-cut. Tin : HCOIIK. The game was called with the Gcntlo men Singles , but Evans and F. S. Puso ; taking the centre court , E. E. Hart am H. 7j. Haas taking the upper court , B Evans had things all his own way wit F. S. Pusoy , and defeated him fou games to ono. E. E. Hart had a hardo bout on hi i hands than ho bargained fo with U. / . Haa ; , and for some time i was either one's game ; experience , however over , came to Hart's aid , and after th most hard-fought battle of the day h succeeded in defeating his opponent ilv to threo. C. T. Oilier had things his owi way with Geo. Brown. U S. Ryan boa Dave Stubbs after a close gamo. live t three ; Thompson beat Sprague , and H T. Evans got his game , Charles L. Him being absent. Winners then played leaving E. E. Hart , U. S. Ryan , and C T. Oflicor yet to play for the champion ship.Tho The next were Miss Nellie Chapmai and 11. S. Ryan against Miss Lou Loom is and E. E Hunt. In this game botl the young ladies distinguished them golvos outplayingthoir gent omen partner and after an exciting content was won by Mias Chapman and R. S Ryan , whicl : leaves them to play Miss Brown am Harry Hnan for the championship , The ladies , singles were closo.and exciting ing , the championship being carried o ! by Miss Lu Street. The ladies and gent team , doubles wore next called and aroused a good deal of interest. Miss Lizzie Brown aiu Harry / , Haas defeated Miaa Lu Strco and Burt Evans. OENTLKSIKN SINOLES. Mr. 1' . II. Evans defeated Mr. F. S. PUHO : t games to 1. Mr. K. K. Hart defeated Mr. Hy. liana , gmncH to 3. Mr. C. T. Oflicor defeated Mr. G. C. Browi i games to 0. Mr. S. Kyan defeated Mr. 1) . T. Stubbs , games to 3. Mr. Goo. Thompson defeated Mr. F. A Sprnguo 4 giinOR to 2. Mr. Horace JSvnns and Mr. 0. L. Han absent. FIUHT TIK8. Mr. O. T. OUicor defeated Mr. IT. U. Evan 5 games to 3. Mr. Goo. Thompson defeated Mr. II. J Evans D games to 3. HEO JNI ) TIES. Mr. K. JO. Hart defeated Goo. Thompson games to 2. Mr. K. S. Kyan , ) Mr. K. E. Hurt , } .to play. Mr. O.E.Oracar , J L ADI US1 HINOLK3. MlBH N. Cnapman defeated Mtsal L. L Loomls n game to 3. Miss Lu Street defeated Miss Lizzie Brow -1 games to 1. DKCiniNO TIB. Mlra Lu Street defeated Miss Nellie Chap man 5 games to 3. I.ADI IH AND OENTI.KMEN DOUBLE * . Miss N. Chapman and U. S. Uyan , di fentad Miss L. L. Loomis and K E. Hart , games to 3 Miss Lfzzlo Brown and A. Z. Haas , d < touted Minn Lu Street and F. U. Evans , gainon to 3. The deciding tie for the championship to I ilayod by Miss N. Chapman and H. S. Byai a. MisaLlzzIo Brown and II. Z. Haaa. BUSY BURGLARS , 'hey Raid a Number of Place the Same Night. 'olmuconml ' NiokloB tlio Chief Plnn dor Taken. On the opening up rf the businei IIOUSPS yesterday morning it was disco\ irod that there had boon quito a rai made by burglars during the late hou : if the night before. M. Gallagher's grocery store on lowc Broadway was ono of the places visitci When the clerk , 0. A. Withrow , opont up a little afUr 0 o'clock 1 bund that the thieves had gaii id an entrance through the rei door , and had loft ono of the tools a 1' ' nch screwdriver behind them. Ti marks on the dour showed that n H inc chisel had boon used also , and the trad in other places visited indicated that U Bamo chisel and screwdriver had boi used at all the places. At Gallaghot the fellows broke the money drawer an secured a little change. Throe boxes c cigars were also taken. Nelson's anloon was also broken opoi Nolaon usually sleeps in the place , but tb time was not thure The luck wan uki off , and entrance thus gained. A rovu vor , one box of ciuars and about lit contn in change were taken , Taylor & CUuiira grocery store w also entered from the rear , the stapl from the bar fattening the door bull wrenched off. The money drawer w broken open and a quantity of ponni and three-cent pieces taken. D. Multby WUB another victim. Tl burglars broke the sush of a roar windo and hero , too , they visited the mou drawer and got a torn $2 bill and a litt change , They holptd themselves to inntity of plus- tobacco , alaj. llousli & Koolmu'a store on upji Broadway waa entered also. Here t thieves took between § 2 and $3 from t i ) r wer. Entrance WUB gained by cutti the shutters and opening a window in t rear. You cannot atford to mits the fiuo lustratod lo turo of Prof. Horaon in t new ojiora houto Thursday evening , M 22. The Guto City , Kookuk , says : "T boat lecture of the times over giv hero " The Iowa State Register ea ; "Entertaining and instructive. " T Capital says : ' -You cannot afford to ra [ it. " The tcata are free. Lecture at Now Opera UOIIHC , Prof. Ilonion , of Now York , gives n roe illustrated lecture nt tlio opera house lis evening nt 8 o'clock. Subject , "Tho lystorios of the Human Body. " The ecturo will bo illustrated by twenty-five charts , especially prepared for this octuro. Go early for a scat , which s free. You cannot afford to miss the roe illustrated lecture of Prof. Ilctiion i the now opera house this evening , lay 22 , The Gate City , cf Kookuk. ay : The best lecture of the times over ivon horo. The Iowa State Register ays : Entertaining and instructive. The Capital says : You cannot afford to miss it. llcnl KstatoTranHlcrp. The jollowini ? transfers were filed May :0 : , 1881 , and reported by P. J. MoMa- hon , Council Bluffs : 0. B. & Q U. U. Co. to Solomon k > rdermau , w J no J 29 , 7-1 , 38 § 1,000. 0. K I. & P" H H Co. tx J. O'Don- neil , B J nw 1 32 , 70 , 41. § 720. 0. B & Q U. H. Co to Charles rikhott , nw ] so [ 13. 74. 39. ? 550. Joseph Boiler , Executor to John Sa- ccy , part lot * 0 , 7 , 8 and 9 , block 15 , Walnut. § 800. Joseph Boiler , Executor to J. B. rohanneon , part lots 11. 12 and 13 , bLck 15 , Walnut. § 2,000. Joseph Boiler , Executor to J. B. Jo- lanuson , lot 1 , block 2 , Boiler's add. to Walnut. § 375. Total sales $5,075. Total sales for the week § 14,72 ! ) . Professor Ilonion , of Now York , doliv irs a free illustrated lecture , Thursday ivomng , at the now opera house. You are invited. Scats free. COMBIKKOIAIj. COUNCIL IILOFFS VAUKKT. Wheat-No. 1 milling , 75@80 ; No. 3 05 ® 0 ; rejected 50. Corn -Local purposes , 40@-15. OaU Kor local purposes , 35@-10. H y ? 10 00@1'-'OU per ton llyo 40@45c. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounda. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , G 00 ® 00. Coal Delivered , hard , 11 GO per ton ; soft , 00 per ton Lard 1'alrbank'n , wholesaling at OJc. Flour City Hour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVK STOCK. Cattle 3 M@4 00 ; calves , G G0@7 GO. Hops Local packers are buying now end here la a good demand for all grades ; choice tacking , C 25 ; mixed , G 25. rnonucK AND FIIOITB. Quotations by J. M. St. Johu & Co. , com mission merchants , C33 Broadway. Butter Creamery , 25c ; rolls ll < aioc. KgRs 12Jo per dozen ; ready sale. Poultry - Heady Balojchlckeug.drossod , 12ic ; ivo , 9c : turkeys , dressed , 15c ; live , 12c ; Jacks , drosflod , 12o ; live , 8c. Oranges 4 00@4 50 per box. Lemons 3 B0@4 00 per box. Bananas 2 50@3 50 i > er bunch VegotabloaPotatoes , 35@40 ; onions , 7fic ; abbngo , 4 cents per pound ; apples , ready ale at 3 2G0H 00 ( or prime stock ; Beans , 150 @ 2 25 per busuol. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmos of the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at the > ootl depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton mln earlier and arrive ton minutes later. CHICAGO , BORIJNOIXIN AND QUINCY. LIAVI. ARRIVE . ' :35pm : Chicago Express 0:00 a uj 0:40 : a m Fasi Mall. 7:00 : p D KANSAS crrr , ST. JOB AND CODBCIL BLurrs. 0:06 m Mall and Express , 7:05 : p. m 8:06 : p m Pacific Express , 6:50 : p m CHICAGO , UILWAUKUK ANU ST. PAUL. 6:46 : a m Mail and Express , 7:10 p m C25 p m Express , 0:40 : a iu 9:45 : a m Express , 8:06 : p m CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. 6SO : p m Atlantic Expreus , 0:40 : a m 0:60 : a m Day Express , 0:50 : p m 7:16 : a m * Des Uolnns Accommodation , 1:40 : p m At local depot only. WABABU , ST. LOUIS AND PACIFIC ! . 0:15 a m Mall , 4:45 p m 4:50 : pm Cannon Ball , 11:16 : a in * At Tranbfor nl CHICAGO and NORTOWBSTEKK. 5:30 : m Express , 8:60 : p m 0:45 : a m Pacific Express , 0:45 : a n BIODX CITT AND PACIFIC , m St. Paul Express , 0:00 : a m m Accommodation , 6:50 : p n "DMIOS Memo. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 a in 11:00 : a m Pacific Express , 4:40 : p n 7:40 : a m Local Express , 0:54 : a m 12:10 : a m Lincoln Express , At Tranbfor only. DOU1IT TRAINS TOOUAIIA. teive 7:20-isn-0SO-lOSO-ll:40a. : : m. 1:30-2:3' : : 8:30- : : SOfisfl.S'S : ' Ho5p : in Sunday 0:30-11JO : : a m. 2:30-4:30-0:3S-lli6 : : : : p. m. Artlve IU mln uton before loavlng tlmo. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vertltemeuta , auo as Lost Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wanta , Hoard Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In tbia column at the lov rate of TEN CK.NTS PER LINK for the Qrat Insortloi and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for oaob eubwqnont n eortlon. Leave advertisements at our offloo , No. Pearl Street , near Broadwav WANTB n ANTXU A oinart boy with a pony to do'Ivo J'AI'ERS For Bale at 11 u otlico. at 25 ceuli OLD liundred. _ AQKNTS TjiUIca and Kontlomon can nmko II r clau wagai by eelllne tlio "Champion Buson Strecther and Ironing Board. " Ho tills at tl.O Any lady can do up a line shirt without a wrlnkl 4iiilgl < Hlan nloulyaithe icatlaumlrleiican , Addros for ] > ii tlcuIaraO , B. d. & I. Co. , bin olllco , for on uio'ith. WANTKD Two I ) t-cla H uphulstorotu , tuou who under"tand tMrioi , flttlni ; preferred _ K. STOCK K TisiIO. 301 Bioiduar. K vo carpel uewum Apply to II HKNKSd U t 8101 ' yi ANl'KU Kvury bouy in UuuucU ISlutli to ttk VV TnitliE Dollrered by carrier at only twont tnnU a week. UOOM. Finvlr furnl.tiod , for rent location cuntr I Addrona J. W. U. BKH of PILEPSY 8pa ms , Eolninpsy nnd Nervousness are BALIOALLTOUREC BY MY METHOD. I'lio Honorariums are diu only alter ( -ncct'ss. Trootraont by Oorroipoudonco 1-JlOF. "B ALBERT , Awauled the Bret cla * * gold Medil for dlttlnKUl.he uiorlU b > tlio 'S'Clct'u SclenUflq'if francaltte , " ( the Frtncli cIentinoHurlety. , Vluc.itlu TI-DIIP , 0 , . l'AniS. wcd&tat W.R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace , UroahA and Council liluffr. caute rolloo Ion gcm OH Rating ! bank. N. aCHURZ , Mce of fliB Peace. OFI'ICi : OVBIl AMKniCAN KXl'HKSS. COUNCIL HLUFFS , - IOWA. I.ER RINK CE CREAM PARLOR , ROI.I.KIl SKATING ON SATURDAYS ONLY. IUNK FOU KENT AT 815.00 1'KIl NIGHT. /HTUARCEST / FLOOR IN TOWN , H. H. MARTENS. Prop'r. HEADQUARTERS BAVAR BAN BAND ) . Persona wishing to engage this Band or parties , sociables , eerenadcs , etc. , houldcall or address , JAOOH P. SOIIMIDT , Manager. 25 North Main St. Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. , PHYSICIAN & SUKQEON , 323 Mlildlo'Broo'lir'vv. Council B R. Rice M. D. or other tumors removed without tbf CANCERS , knlfo or droning o ( blood. CHRONIC DISEASES - * ! ! * , , , . Over thirty years practical nxpcrleuoo Office No I'oarl street , Council UhifTs trro Wo nu.vantco the euro of the following named dig seance , or no n y : Hhcumatlsra , Scrofula , Ulcora 'atarrh , a'l ' Blood ami klndlscuca , Dvpepila , Livoi Complaint , Kidney and Bladder DUcagca. Gout , Ken ralgia and Asthma , Thcso Springs are the favorite esort of the tired an , I dobllltatad , and are the FKI'.IU.K LADIKS BKST FRIEND , Good hotel , livery Mid bathing occomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque nd healthy Accessible by Wabash railway , i Kvona , orC.B. & Q. , at Albany. Correspondent solicited , UEV. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. poclflo Gravity . 1.002 loactlon . Ncutra Jarbonlo Acid Oas . SO In. per gallon ! arbonato Calcium . 35,021 Uralnc terbonato Iron . 7W1 ! ' ulphato Magnesia . 3 , 8fl " nlpbato Cftlcl-im . 1,148 "o Chloride Sodium . 7,200 IDlca . 1,608 M Mumina . . . . .0,010 Irganloand Volatile matter and loss. . . . .1,459 " Total BClids per gallon . 07,174 " WRKIIIT& MRRRILI. Chemists GASH TALKS ! A.t the well-known Establishment OP J. P. FBLBERT , 209 Upper Broaoway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Council Bluflj. Notice our reduced Price List We give 6 pound * Eitra O Sugar for . $1 00 I pounds Granulated Sugar . 1 00 26 poundi Choice Oatmeal . 1 on 26 pounds Navy Beans . l 00 2(1 ( pounds B-st Bulk Starch . 100 12 pounds Carolina lllce . 1 00 II pounds Choice r rums . 1 OC ! 5 bars Buffalo Soap . i oc Ixtra Lake Trout , per pound . OS j -rrlllard'fl Plug per Ib . 40 1 dozen Mackerel . 16 Colorado Flour , Winter , per cwt . 2 9C 10 pounds Qlntror Suapg . l OC 40po ml h mioy . i 0 ( 6 gallon keg Syiup . l 7 ( Whlto Fish , per kll . go Haokorel , perklt . 85 Dates , per pound . 10 10 3 pound cans St nJard Tomatoes . 100 All kinds California Frultd . pouud I.usk'a Statdard 4 for . 1 00 T. T. T. All grades , according to quality , 15o to 800 per wunj Wo also carry a full line of Men's , Ladles' and 3u Urcn'u Ono Shoes and tfcn'- Pine liooU at very ow prlooi. Mso full line 01 Tlmvaro and genera merchv.dleo. Call on us ) anil bo convinced tlia- YOU can B VO monny bi doalinc with us. Goods delivered ( run Inanv p&rtof the cHv. Iu * word , wo art bound to fell and challenge a ! rmjkulu competition In this couniv. J. P. KIMWRT 2oq u or ltroadwa > JACOB SIMS. E. P. CADWELL SIMS A , CADWELL , Attorneys - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Ofllco , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Hhngart & Mo nahon'i Block. Will practice In RUtn and di- court * n - Tnoa. omoBK , n. M. FDSBT , OFFICER & PUSEI BANKERS. Council Bluffs . la. Established - - 185t Dealers In Foreign and oinostlo Kxchanga an & , BOOGE'S SIOUX OITV HAMS. J. Y. PULLER , Commission Merchanl o. 39 I'uirl Stre t . Council UluUrf , Iowa WESTERN IJWA NORMAL SCIKNTIPIO AND- OOMMRROIAL COLLEGE COUNCIL BLUFP3 . . . JO\VA Will Open THE 23rd of JUNE 1884 A comrlcto cmirso for tiuclicrs and thoto dealrlu , a Mghor K > u\Mi \ education , a full business cour.o with Inlilrt ; In ftctu I hiul < tta practice and gfner ooinwp ndoii'e ' , rlmrt hand , orntnipntal peu an uhlji , . I'Ximlju , Ucrmin ai il muela Spludld roonu Urg , llfc'ht and \t < 11 fumUho I , cturk'ea tery modcr ate , coH f llvlni , ' rutaoiu lo , euclety good , pxuor cnccd ttachtr * for funhcr larticulir. , Inquire cf BKA'lDdLtY k I'AUU > 0\ , Council Ulutla , Io a 11- 11h. h. h.u El u\ uh. . MAMUPACTOIIKK9 OF- h.tin tin OAUPK1M. CUIITAINS , WINDOW FIXTURES , and IIEPAIIUNQ iu Xxi.'tox'JLox * IDooofcvti.oi3.e4 jcxxxcl TTrp o A tii < ccV Jty. 8. NO. 009 BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS H. H. HOENE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN me rs / Wo mnlo n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA / VAHA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by 113 nro of our own manufacture and warranted a represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , _ H. H. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS. . IOWA. l 14 : Main S'reoh.COUNCIL ' BLUFFS. IOWA MRS. D. A BENEDICT. MANUHACTUnER OP Water Waves and Hair Goods No. 337 , W BROADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA t.Clnsing out Notlona nnJ Lmlloa' Furnlahlng Onoila nt coat/ffa _ Fig loaves are out of style , so are goat and ahoop skin ; shawls and blankets have gone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look joth neat and dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { ADV , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtalns , In Lace , M li , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc oicest Stock West of Chicago. bmo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lino. Cheapest place to buy House Furnishings in the CHr. OUNCiL BLUFFS , . IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and wUh Care 7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mixed Rags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags , S. GOLDSTEIN. ; - - . . 540 Broadway , Oouncil Bluffs WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , \ i 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and oft Coal , AMD WOOD BULK AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OKMKNT , UICH1QAK PLASTER , HAUt Ho , 059 Broadway , - AND . SEWER . POPE. . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 504 Main Street , Council Bluffs. MANUPACTUKEH OP TRUNKS , VALISES , AND SATCHELS. SAMPLE CASES a specialty. Shawl , Tourist , and Trunk Straps. Twenty Years Experience. - - Repairing Neatly Executed. GALVANIZED 1ROM CQKNIUES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and see thorn before buying elsewhere. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETER , COUNCIL D8K Am.VAYl IOWA. CRESTOH HQU - EVERYTHINO ifmSTCLASS. - NOB. 817 and 8 IPS. Main St. , - - COUNCTL BLUFFS TUB OltKAM. Ontox-ox * to Tire Ed. O'luson ' 1 4M ( Broadway , ( Moala at all Hour . Chef d'oul lno [ Council lilufla. I Partleg a Specialty Special Prices for the next ten davs OUST OSTRICH PLUMES AND TfPS MRS. S. J. NORMS , 105 S. Wain Street , O. DEALKR IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF FAIL PAPER AID FHDOF Interior Decorations. 13 S. Penrl .Street aim 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Hen , Grimy , Tiler's ' Stoek , Etc , tjrspecbl tlen on to order , my M ll CQTTf ) QIL BLUFFS , 'TO V A. Fresco-Peter Office No. 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs.