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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1884)
on - o ii OMAHA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY MAY 21 , 1884. 5 MANUFACTURER OF 8ALVANIZJ RON , CORNICES WINDOW CAPS , FINALS ! ETC. a , ia xotix iiBtx-oot , OUAIU NKU.HASKA yojr work is dome for nil time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE o produce a more durable material for street pavement than tlio Sioux Falls Granite. OIRIDIEIRS FOIfANY AMOUNT OV ORr- or filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN&CO. , Sionx Falls. Dakota. DOCTOR WH1TTIER (517 St. ChnrloB St. , St. Louis , Mo. A regular graduate of tvoMcdltAl Colleges , hmljten longer encaged in the ipcclaltrcntraentoT CHBONIC , NaB\oia , SKIM and HIOOD DiBKAiiatliaQ BUT other 1'bjilclan In fit. Ixxili , us city p | 'cri ahowandallold reilJeauknow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec 1'ri tions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , Old Sores and Ulcers , * ro treated with un paralleled tuercHi , on laUtl ntlentlUo itrluelnlei. S . 'clT , Frlrntcty. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excels. Exposure or Indulgence , vbich produce BOIU of the following tflccti : ticrvouiDeuR , deMlitr , dlmocm or l bt uDddefccthe mpniorj , pinipici on the face , phyttcat dcca/ , arerflouto tht tncletof femalei , eoDfuiitB of Idcac , ct . , renderlnc Marriage improper or unhftppy * ro permineitlycureJ , l mphlet36 i > ageiontbe ) aVoTftent ( o ictlcd cQi elop * , free to an j addresi , CocsuItatloD at of- flee or b/mall free , aodlQTltcd. Write farqucitloni. A Positive Written Guarantee Kfrcmln allcarftblccaiel. llrdlclneiieDt eyerywhere. Famphleti , Encllsh or German. 64 pufoi , d - rlblnE above dl e § e , la male or fomalt , FUSE , MARRIAGE GUIDE ! JO pagei , fine plalct. IllnitrotcJ ID eloth and clttbinding , Me , montjvri'oitagt ; iame , jiaper covers , 25c Thli L ot coutaloi all tbe curltui , doubtful or lauuUltlre ant to know. A book of treat Ii > ter at to all. Health , Bcoolj. lltrflncsi are promoted IItg Udcc * In N PRINCIPAL LINE CHICAGO , FE01RU ArST.LOUIS , iiv WAV or OMAHA A1ID LINCOLN TO DS1TVSB , Oil VIA KANSAS CI7Y AND ATCHISON to DENVER UoiiniTtini ; In Union Depots nt Kiin-.isOllj- , . OmnliuuiulDciivi'i willi tliiuiiKli trains lor And nil points In thoGicat'Wc&t. iniiKt I'nloii ' Depot ut Chicago s for N12W YORK , 110 S TON , And nil Kiisti-rn Cltlus. At J'corln with tliiuuull tmlns for JiHllaimp- oils , ( JlnciniKitl , Coltiiiilnia , 111 ul nil ] ) OintH 111 nlli.lhiat , 'At HU I.uulaith tluonuli for all polntu South. KICKunt Day Coaches , J'arlor Curs , with Ho. cllnlui ; Clialis ( HontH free ) , SmokhiK Cnra with JlevolvliiK Ctmlrs , I'lillinan I'ulaco Sloeiilnt ; Cam and the famous C. II. &Q , Dining Cnr.i rniulaJly toand from Chicago and Kansas City , Chicago and Council lllutlu ; Olilcn < ; o und les 'Inlni- ' , ( ; hl-nio , St. .InNi-ph , AtcliUon und . v.i'li i * rlii" . ' ( iiiily tlitougli line n.i n . - ! . n tin x in-twceu Chicago , I.liiujln unit Donvvi , anil Olilcuco. Knnaas City and Denver. Throimh cm a uctnucn IniflanuiK > IU and Council llluira , via 1'corln. OOINO IVOUTJI AND SOUTH. Solid Trulnu of Klcgant Day Coaches nnd I'ulliniiii raliieuSleejiliiL' Cam uro run dally to and from St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; ( julncy , Kcoknk , llnrlliiKton , Cedar Haiilda and Albert I.cntobt. 1'aul nnd MliincaHlls ] ; Parlor Cam with KccllnliiB Clmlra to und from Bt. nnd I'oorio. Onlyonocliangoof cura bet een St. I.ouls und Den Monc ! , Iowa , Lincoln , No- Imiskn , and Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Through Line between GT. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and GT. PAUL. It IH known us tlio ircat THUOUdll OAIt IINi : of America , and is universally udmlt. i d to IK : the Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. TltroiiKli Tickets via tills line lor sale at nt > U , It. coupon ticket ofllces In tlio UultodStatcs aid Canada. I' . J. 1'OTTEH. I'EHOEVAL LOWEL Vlco-1'fci. * Gttt. Mantctr. U. P. BAKERY , 1514 Webster St. , Omaha , Neb. , ( Suoccsaors to the old U. P. B eryieth Bt , ) All , KINDS OK BREAD , FANCY CAKES AND PIES od.r Capital Prize , $150,000 , , "WtdolteriiiyttTtVf that tit tupenut tht , ranotmtnti for OU tht Monthly ami Semi-Annt-i Drain'njjt qf tht Tmiitiana State Ijotttry Comnanv en i in vtrton and manage control fA Dratani t , anil that tht taint are eonduettd tnt ht Mity./aimttt. and in good/aith toteard all rat tin , and we autHorite the company to tiw ( A < < etr tittxte.uith/ac-timUet o/ our i nafurfl atttuhf ! ! id a < lvtrttttmtnti. " COMMiuiomu UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION U dyer Half a Million DisiriMtcd ! Lonisiak State tottery Coimany , Incorporated In 188S ( or IS yours by the loRleUUm or oiluoitlnnnl anil chnlUblo purposes w Ith a up < tal of 91,000,000 ta which ft reserve fund ol ovui 6(0,000 his elnco boon added. IJy an overwhelming popular vote Its frnnchK WM m&do a part of the proiont state oonstltntloi doptod December 2J , A. D. 1870. Its grand single number drawings will ak jilaco monthly. It nc\cr scales or postponoi. took nt the followiuR Vlstributton : Grand Jrontiily and the Kxtraorflinary Senn-Anunal Drawing In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , XUEBDAY , JUNK 17 , 1881. Under llio special super > l9ton and nmnngcmctit of GEN. G. T. BEAUREGAIID. of Louis- lena , and GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY , of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE , 8150,000. jtSTNotlco , Tlckcte are Ten Dollars only. Halves , ? 5. Fifths , ? 2. Tenths , $1. 1 CAPITAL I'HIZE01' 8K.O.OOO . . . . 8160,000 1 OIIANI ) PUIZK OK 60,000. . . . 60,000 1 QIIAND PHIX.K OK 20,000 . . . . 20,000 2 lAllQEPUIZKS OP 10.0CJ . . . . 20,000 4 LAKQK PUIZE8 OF 6.000. . . . 20,000 20 PKlZhS OK 1,000 . . . . 20,000 60 600 . . . . 26,000 100 800 . . . . 30,000 200 200 . . . . 40.000 800 100 . . . . 63,000 60 . . . 60,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZKS. 100 Approximation 1'rires of $200. . . . $20,000 100 " 1C ) . . . . 10,000 100 " " 76 . . . . 7,600 2278 Trltos Amounting to . $522,600 Application for rates to clubs should bo nude onlj to the office of the Company In Mow Orleans. For further Information wrlto clearly gMng ( nil ddrow. Make P. 0. Money Orders | i jablo and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK , Now Orleans , La. Postal Notes and ordinary kttcrs by Mall or Kx > press ( all sums of { 5 and upwards by Kxpreaa at oui ex ] > cnsc ) to If A. DAUPHIN , M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , L . rW7deventh St. , Washlnrton. P. C. IAL1DIES find radical cure by my method , based on recent sci entific researches , even in the most desperate cases without any trouble to the functions. I cure equally the sad con- consequences of the sins off youth , nervousness and im potence . DISCIVETION GUARANTEED. jcr to send the Eioct description of the Slcknear. DR. BELLA , Member of Several Scientific Societies. ( J , Place do la Nation 0 , VAIUS. m&e wcdieit Poison Oak Sccma to yield c\cry time to treatment Ith Swift's Specific. Spartanburu. S. C. , M rch 13,1884. Your most > alua lomodlclno ( Swift's Spcciflchas done inc BO much KOcxl that I Icel like sajlnL'this for thobomflt ot those who sutler llko I did. I waa poisoned by Poison Oak , and saw not a well day for snoeart , until I used Swift's Specific. In the six years I used almost c\erj kind of medicine , but none had the desired cffcit. After usinz six bottles of Sniffs Specific 1 am restored to perfect health with not a blgn of that awful poleon leftl Yours Truly , DAVID NESBITT. OAK : . "had for thirty cl ht jcirs suffered every spring and summer with Poison ( ink , which I contracted 1 thlnc ( when a boy. I tried c\cr > tliing for it , in- cludinit in nyjhjficians , Jut without any benefit. I took elx bottfca of Swift's Specino ( S. S. S.four jenra a o , and It cured ran tound and well. Thrco summers have passed , and I have had nn return of it. JosErii 15BA8L1.V , Columbus , On. Our Treatise on Dlood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SW1PT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , do. Y. Office , IBOW.23 St , betfl'h and 7th a > s THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL SDER COMPANY , ISUCCESSOHS TO THE J. M. B. i II CO. ] THE MONARCH Tbc moat extensive manufacturers of a IN Till : WOULD. 609 B. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEB HrFrlccn of Billlrd and Tool Tables and materials , furnished on application. BRUNSWICK & CO , ' Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALL OTIIEIl OAMINO TABLKH. TEN PIN HALLS , CHECKS , ETC. 18 South 3d Street , Bt I < oul , < 11 Delaware Street City , Mo. , 1321 Uougla * St. . Omaha , Neb , HENRY IIOKNBERGBR , Agent. Write for Catalogue * and Price Lists. Western Cornice-Works IKON AND SLATE KOOHNa. C. SPECHT , PKOP , 1111 Douglas Bt Omaha , Neb , 0 Of Balvanizea Iron Cornices oiaxt news , HntaU , Tin , Iron and Elite Hooting , Hpecht's I'stent iletalllo Skylight , latent v uljutted lutchct Bar and Urackit fahcMng. I am the general agent for the above line of goods. Iron ' funrlng , ( 'rentlngs. lUliutradei , Verandas , Irou Ilank i d lUlllngi , Window Illludi , Cdlar Uuardi ; alt geoeral ' I agcut for 1'cersoo & UUl's i'atent Iiisl ( < e Ullnd. 'Kot A GUNV1NK Tlio Cowboys TcslliiR tlio 3lcttlo ol Thrlr llortU , Tlioro had boon considerable variegated with oapocinlly lurid illustra- tiona of the possibilities of profanity , on the merits of the two bulls , and for sever al nights the smoke hung loir over the c.imp-lircs , ns if listening , toon\vc3trick _ on to rise , to the various stories of thoi prowess in former struggles. Mutcho son'a inon wore to the westward of th trail , but they came over to Zingman' round-up , two miles to _ the east , ovetj evening to talk over their bulland spoon late on the chances if Xingman's men fol the spirit of ownership in anything the ; want to put against him. But Xinij man's people husitatud. They had n bull Texas , which had killed everything h liiul tackled , and they thought it aium fair ndvnntngo to turn him loose ngixina so manifestly nn inferior nninml ns Mur chcson's Wild Bill , though they couldu * call to mind any _ other nnima they were willing to risk money on This position broke up the poke : ; amo , nnd gave rise to some prououncoi lolomics. If wind could hnvo nettled .ho dispute it irould have boon docidoc n favor of both sides. Relying oil the anecdotes related of each , ono would suppose that a contest between then could only result in the termination pi imo. Mnrcheson'a mmi wore n ut'it in ho statement that on ono occasion Wild 3111 had rushed his ndvcrsa./ down , and inablo to stop his headway , had gone ionic with n Methodist church on his loriis. Kingman's | people conceded the > ossibility of this , but maintained and irovod conclusively by the testimony of inch other that Texas had on ono occa- ion t picked up nn oarthcmako on his lorns nnd hold it there till it agreed " over ' to visit that section again if ho would lot it go. On this sttto of facts it was obvious that nothing but n mooting ould definitely determine the superiority , nd the duel was arranged for Sunday lorning. The fitjht was to como oil'on outral ground , midway between the .wo herds. Every cowboy was to have lis weapons behind him , u judicious pro- auton , since the cowboy pistol has a BU- lonmtural method of discharging itself , without reference to matoiial causes. Sach side was to remain behind its own > ull , and uoi'hor to upproach the fracas low than . ' 100 yards , the winners to tko all thu money to be fou'id on the lorsous or ii ; the possession of the losers. ; Bright nnd early Sunday morning , the ' ; raas was still shining in the dow , and 10 sun cominrr up with every promise of glorious prairie day , the bulls wore cut ut of their respect ! vo herds nnd driven ' o the battle-ground. A man who has over seen n Texas bull doesn't know ipw auch fight can bo tied up in ono lido. Strong and wiry , not too heavy in ] 10 Hank , short of horn , and quick in , ae on , ho waa built to fight , and contrived o discharge his mission without involv- ng himself in the slightest unnecessary omplication. Lashed to madness by 10 whips of the cowbows , laid on merci- in cssly to arouse their rage , the two bulls amo in sight of each other , and their mckers withdrew. By nature a Texas of mil is all the time as mad ns ho can got , ntil ho sees another bull , then the thpr- nomcter of hia wrath goes to boiling ) oint. As they spied each oilier their heads wont down and their tails up. They ap- reached slowly and with a sinuous mo- ion , pawing the ground and moaning. ? oxas appeared a little the larger of the is , wo , and ho was fully aa active as his foo. A hundred paces apart they fairly sprang rom the earth , and the bellow nnd the rash of mooting mingled together as the a ground trembled beneath thorn. Texas a iad the best of it. for Wild Bill recoiled o his haunches , but the game little bull recovered first , and in the next attack ; ored Texas under the head , nearly reaching his throat. The onslaught waa so unexpected that Texas , still dazed by ho first shock , failed to counter on his in adversary. But the next found him pro lared , and ho received the enemy full on ho forehead , driving him again to his launches. Before Bill could rally Texas iad raised the ilesh oil his high foro- houldor bonn. a The smell of his own blood crazed the ittlo bull , and his next dash was nol in traight. He struck Texas obliquely , hrowing up the head of the latter , and hen turning , before ho had passed , ho ippod up the big bull's ' off fore log , catching him behind the shoulder nnd caring out the muscles , cords , and ondons. Though badly lamed , Texas was not vanquished , Once more ho bore or ho little bull down , but Bill was the east injured of the two , nnd , struggling o his feet , ho buried a horn in the old wound. It is doubtful if ho know what Inmago ho had done , for lie waa half ilinded with his adversary's blood. at L'exaa awaited the next rush whore ho teed , nor was ho kept in susponos. Bill was at him in a moment , but the bUj > ull , sadly hurt , winded , and tired , hole lis head high , and Bill caught him bo- weon the forelegs , ripping him to the neck before ho tore away. Then Texas turned , and a shout from is ! backers announced his defeat. With yell of victory and derision Murchcson' * non dashed down and drove their bull > ack to the herd. Three hours later the lords were in motion again , but Murche- son's people were enriched to the extent if all the caah whereof Zingman'a men n iad boon seized at tho4timo tlio duel bo jan. Staggering slowly and painfully down to the trail , Texas limped while on his way back to the ranch from which lu camo. Ho could not aa back to his herd 'or the cows will gore a defeated bull to Icuth. There was no effort to bind U ] lis wounds ; they didn't oven offer to ead him to water. And so alone hi wandered away , beaten , disgraced , ant ; riovoualy wounded , and in a little whili waa lost to sight in the dust that lloatoc is along the prairio. Tlio Poultry IJiisiness. TothoKJItor of Tlieltee Aa many of my old friends arodosiroa ; to of knowing what auccosa I have had in the poultry business In Kansas , I givi yon my ezporicnco , Over a year ago . made two very crude hatchers , doalgnoi from Bomo good points of several I hat soon. I filled thorn with eggs and they worked fairly well. I kept them going from December 1st to Juno 1st , clearing from them $050 over and above every tliinu' , and that , too , in spite of the higl prlco of feed , and the fact that my chick OIIB were all marketed at low prices , th highest I got was $0.00 a dozen , and the one lowest $375. During that time I attended od to my regular business. Believing this was a good return for the ainoynt o work , I began to look around for a more perfect hatcher , and my attention i directed to the Common Sense , Jn Juno I j gc directibai from J , lf. Bain,1 of Nuw ft Concord , Ohio. Ho Is secretary of the N. A. Poultry association , and will send directions for making this hatcher to nny ono sending thtoo 2-conl stamps , to prepay - pay postage. I had ono made that hold U50 eggs' nnd cost about $7. My suc cess with the hatcher was all 1 could wish for , nnd 1 immediately had four more mado. From these five hatchers 1 have just taken 1030 fine chickens , out of a little less than 1200 efjgs. 1 believe 1 am placing it modestly when I sny that 1 hope to clear $2800 by July next , and still pursue my usual business. _ There is no business na profitable as this is , pro- \idod ono gives It the attention it de serves ; and no business requires as little capital to suxrt on. There is no necessity for men trying to hide this business or monopolize it. The field Is the world , and the world , like Oliver Twist , is crying - ing out for more. There are thousands of young men who nro teachers nnd clerks who look forward to the time \\hon they can got n start in so ma luokv way. This way is here open to thorn it they Thousands of of young women , toowho fool dependent on father or brother , could in ono year place themselves high above nny dopen- ionoo , if they only would. Got direc tions ant1 make your hatchers immediate ly , as you can mnko them yourselves. ' L. L. J. Tom Thumb's Widow. Speaking of widows , I came across Mrs. Tom Thumb the other day in the elevated railrond car. Slio had to nmko considerable of a jump to scat horaolf , and I observed that her companion made no offer of assistance. This wnajn accord with her well understood desiro. You may ! have happened to find out that old men don't like to bo helped on with their overcoats , bocausp it implies a do- cropituiio which they dislike to acknowl edge , oven to themselves. _ Well , Mrs. Thumb has that sort of fooling with reference - once to any real or implied notice of her sizo. She sat there in uroat dignity , but with her foot dangling far above the lloor. f'Blm ought to carry an adjustable footstool. " I remarked , "or also have something in the wny of an automatic Icnthaning apparatus , like these tlshiug orO rods that slide out of themselves , at tached to her heels , " . My ] companion was short the fominino. Said aho : " Bless your heart , that little creature Isn't practically any worse oil' than a good nany of the rest of us. Woman's rights ire crually disregarded by railroad matia- era , if you'll take the trouble to notice. L'hoy give us shorties a choice between Dractically standing up and not much nero than loaning against a scat ; or iquarcly seating ourselves and letting our 'oot dangle unsupported. Look at that ov of women across the car. The only DUO who rests her back fully against the mpport intended for it and her foot Hat ? f the lloor is nigh ns tall as you are Vllu the rest are a dozen sizes too smnllfor the scats. If sitting away back properly they only touch their toes to the lloor , like n line of ballot girls tip-toeing on the itago.Vhy shouldn't happy medium tav thoJieight of public aeata bo struck ? Why ; shouldn't moii bo made to sit on a level a little below their knees , instead ifd putting the whole inconvenience of adjustment on our loss lengthened BOX ? Rually , 1 think of writing to Susan B. Anthony about it. " situ HOPES TO onow. The little widow casually n resident of Now York , and n welcome vis itor in a considerable number of rather wealthy and fashionable families. She now a lady so mature and dignified notwithstanding her diminutive slzo , that nobody , in the vray of social intercourse ( dares , or is much inclined to treat her as human trifle. To see her in a midst of round of calls is to got the impression , \ ut first sight , that your oyoa have some how suddenly become telescopic inversely BO exactly is she a minaturo of the conven tional dames of ceremonious society. She dressses for an afternoon of formal jisit- ing in a toilet of semi-mourning , suitable style for a qujot woman of forty-five which ago oho acknowledges and orders from a livery stable ono of these coupes th'it , as to liveried drive J and general ap pearance , are acarooly distinguishable from private equipages. Provided with visiting list , and easily commanding an air of well-bred balance , she lacks only stature to bo the ideal of n middle-aged millionaire's wife , Of course she attracts staring attention whenever she alights ; but nor mannar of silent ropooof is usally effective as a euro for impudence , and she is able to go about with far loss an noyance than might bo supposed. She is now about three feet and a half in height , a foot mpro than when she -was first put on exhibition by Barnum , and it was only within a few years that she stopped growing. "It would not surprise mo , " oho lately said , "if I should take to growing again any time. My case is ono of retarded development , you know , and I may yet catch up with the rest of you. The ma jority of the dwarfs exhibited are really children , phonominally small , but by no moans the adult midgets that they are represented to bo ; and consequently they grow out of the profession. That has been the case with many a 'freak , ' as the showmen call thorn. The portinanco of the fair , fat and for ty-inch widow aa a topic here is the fact that she has a suitor for her hand. Thu account current in her circle of acquain tance says that Mr. John Spencer Coyno , mine operator , who came eastward a year ago with a comfortable fortune , be ha gan to seriously woo her soon after mak ing his acquaintance in thin citv. Ho is a ' handsome man of no moro than forty with cultured taste , good morals and about a hundred pounds , 1m stature being - ing limited to an inch or so moro than five foot. That ho is deeply in Iqyo with Mrs. Thumb is not doubted by ny of their mutual friends , but he does , not seem to have made.much progress towards - di ards capturing the catirnablo dwarf. It said to bo her firm Intention not to ( marry again. MBTKOTOL. Tlio Farmer Still Tlllb tlio Boll. A euddon change from jwvorty to wealth IH apt to turn men's lioadu , but It lion not proved bo no with Mr , Jibort ; 8. Montgomery , of Mt. Olivet , Ky. , who last week received hero , t through tbo J' ir t National bank , 815,000. tut the h'-lilor of ono-Uftli of ticket No , BO.800 ; which drew the cnriltal prize In the April In drawing of The Louisiana Ktato Jxittcry , coat ing him but ono dollar. Ho In at homo pur at suing the even tenor of hla way ax a farmer , and shown a disposition to uuo wisely the money dauio fortune ha4 bestowed upon him. When the public was inclined to doubt if ho would receive the money , ho wai offered by roBpoaiilble parties , the amount called for , leza two per cent , but kuoulug the Integrity "f the Loumana State Lottery management , ho de clined the olfor , and hiw received $15,000 In full. It was the first lottery ticket In over held In his life , and ho paid for It the sum of doUar.-fMayavlllo ( Ky , ) , liullotlu , April are it- 29th. itu A Bl NoW Orlcuim Blaze , NBVV OHUJANH , May 20. Security warehouse , No , . 2 to 5 Julia Btrnot , was burned to-night with f > 73 hoguheada of tugar , 15,482 barrehi of molasses , and some cotton coed oil. Lou $150,000 ; fully insured. ' A "Wyoming Munlcr nnrt CIIKYKN.NK , May 20. Two tnem ar rived hero to-night from Snblllo county , eighty-five miles north of here , with the body of Gco. Motc.ilf. Wliilo nt dinner Motcalf had got into n diaputo with Win Mnlonoj , who shot him cloud. Maloney was arrested , but was subsequently cap turcd And lynchod.i ii.vsij iiAiiii * i At Terre Haute Pcorin 1 ; Tcrro llmito ! ! . At Milnrnukco Bay City8 ; Milwaukee 0. At St. Douis SU Louis I ; Boston Unions 1 , At Philadelphia Washington , 3 ; Ath- lotcs , 12. At Altoonn Wet ground prevented ; amo. At-Now York , Providence 2 , Now York 1. At Philadelphia. Boston ! ) , Philadol- i hin 0. At Grand llonUs. Grand Unpids C , Minneapolis i } . AtMuskcgon. Muskegon 0 , SU Paul \jt Now York Dry Ifiw : YOIIK , May 20. Exports of do mestic cottons for the week , , ' )701 ) ! pack ages ; making a total for the expired portion tion of tlio yonr Gi,4u ) ! ) packages , against 02,084 for tlio Bame time in 18811 nnd iM.OITin J882. Thcro has boon a fair request for a number of selections of sea sonable specialties , but for general mer chandise the dumnml wna dull. Kaunas City Hnccn. KANSAS CITY , May 20. This was the opening-day of the lirst spring meeting. The track waa excellent. JOBBO JamcH won tlio livo-oighth of a milodnsh ; time , 111. lloaa waa winner of the mile honta race , three in five ; best time , " 37 J. Blue Bird won the runnfng half-mile nnd repeat ; limo , 40 and 5U. lei > rccntln Sunilny Work. SAHATOIIA N. Y. May 20. The Pres byterian Assembly abolished the ollico of treasurer , the duties to bo done by a clerk. The report of the special committee - too < on sabbath observance deprecates all forms of labor on that day. Adopted unanimously. Reports on homo missions wuro submitted. Oliio DoinournlM. CptUMiius , OHIO , May 20. Tlio Dem- ratio atato convention has fixed on Juno 4th and 25th , for holding the next con tention. oimtor KtiHtlB. BATON Ilouni : , May 20. J. B. Kuslis lias been elected United States senator , to succeed Jonas. COMPLETE TREATMENT , $1. A single dose ot Banford'B Radical euro In * Bluntly relieves the most violent Sneering or Ilbiul Colds , clears tlio lio&d UB by ma lo , Htops u atory dig- charge * from tlio Nuso and Kc , i > rcenta lUnglnK Nolms In tlio head , Cures Nortoua Ilemlaclio aim itiliducH Chills and Ken or. In Chronic Catarrh It cloatiBva the nasal iia9 aKCH ot ( oul tnuciis , r en tore a ho 8CH909 of miiilf , tastoand hcnrlni ; wlien alTootoJ , rocs the head , throat and bronchial tnlms of often- sl\c matter , B ccttns and purlllos the breath , utopa thocoiiKh and arrests the procroaa of Catarrh to- nardsCansumntlau. Ono bottle Itadlcal Ciiro , ono box Catarrhal So ] . \ent and Sanfonl'a Inhaler , all In ona pack ago , ol al HrugKte \ for $1. Auk for HANronu'a RADICAL CU&L L'OTTKR DlVa AND ClIBUICAL CO. , I)03t0ll Collins' Voltala Klootrlo Pluiter ; Instantly affoota the Nervous , Sj Um and banishes Tain. A Mirfoct K'octrlo llattory com- , . . . , , lned with a Porous 1'laator fo IS THE CUV i cents U nunlhllatoff r m _ < " * \.UllKsWeakandWornOu -B SUffERUB NEBVl Parts. htrengthcnH Tired Mm c , nrOTont dlicaio , ami dona inoro In ( ono-ha mo than * ether plaster In the world. Sol orywlior o. ron THE cimE OP AM. DisnAsna OF iioK6CB.cATTf.n. winni ; , noes. HOGS , and i'Uul/1 Hi. " " ( I'Olt TWHSTV YTAUS Ilnmnlirr ' llnnirn * hnlhlc Vclrrliinrv Hpi-rllU-H fun o rm-n nji-il 1)V I'nriniTH. block llrri-iliTK. I.lviTV HnhUimid Inrfinc'll , llnmo Ilnllnind * . AIniiiiriirjiirrrii. foul Mlno Conipanlrii , 'I rnv'it _ llli.i'iidrnim and 'McnnucrlcM , und others liuudllui ; etucl. ( ilthpcrrictiiucn'ta. , , . IluniplircVH' Vi'lrrltinry Mnnonl. ra ) I'I ' > . ( lit fri'it by nmlliin roielpl of price Wiirnln rvl'uniililrlii iicnt frco oii/ipiillcnllon HL.MI'IlltlJVri IIOMKOI'ATIIIC MKI1.CO , JO ! ) Tullon blrtel , hu\v Yorll. 1 Vital Vfrakncu and I'm * trnttnn from over work or crihtbr lirice. " Iluinplirpyii1llniiiru. MrJ. 'o. , Catalyeuo frcuj lull Vulluiit3t..M. X PJIOPOSALS. UNITKD bTATra INDIAN HKHVJCK , 1 1'lno HldK-u Aifcncy , Dakota , May ICtli , IBdl. J Healed ] ) roi > 08 l , In triplicate , InJorned prupojalu for the erection ol an Indian boartlliiK ichool , at thin nujij , und directed to the undorti'ncd ! | , care of Chief Vuartermuter , Dvpartmcnt oltho I'latto , Onui- Neb. will ha received until 12 o'clock in. on Frl day. the 8th of Juno , ISSI. I'lani anil ipeclflratlong can be ox&mlnod In the ofllcoof theUnlcf ( jutrtermattvr department of the 1'latte , Omaha Ntbraika , the "Intef-oeean , " Chlcngo III' . , and the Journal" at K n n City , Mo. 'Ilia contractor will Iw allowwl the u o of the azenry null to cut tucli dluiciimon lumber an he may doalro not to exceed 120,000 feet , all tha labor of operating the mill to bo hired by the contractor , the timber to be obtained outulde the renovation , and the mill turned bock In an good order as wteo received by him. Contract will bo awarded to lowest responsible bid. r , subject ( o the approval ot the department of the lutnlur. Therltht howoter , l > rcaeived to reject any and all bldf , or any part ol any bid , If deemed or the beit of tbe service. IVojxaals must tate lentli | of time rc < | Ulrcd for completion of building after approval of contract , and must bo accompunled by a certlfled chock upon Borne United Slates JJeK > iilUjry , jiavablo to order of theuodersltnod , forat leMtllte ( i ) per oont of the amount of the proposal , which check shai > to for felted to the United Mates In note any bidder recelv. InHie award thill ( all cxiciito promptly contract with good and sufficient BUretlt , according to the rm > ol hU bid. otherwise to bo returned ID the Udder. llulldlng to bo of lumber ; main ) ulldlng li to be 01 lory , bCJ by 40 , with attic ; addition to bo one story , 24 by 28. for further Information , addres thu undcrnlgnid , 1'lno Hldgo Agency , Dakota. nay IB Swks V. T. M aiUICUDIy. ) Bee Hive Photograph STTJZDIO , UorlhlOtliSlreot. Hemenit r tha Photographs unpectod Ijtf beliiKJellvored from - the IIKK IIIVK I'ilOTO. UKAI'll 8TUDI ouunng uvery body ] Kffec t eMlllaUlon. 1'IIOTOlTltAl'IIElL HAI.KVe offer to ranchmen anil oten , FOIt choice Iowa Melf r < 'i yearn old. 700 WO " Btecra KX ) 100 1 and ! > r Old graile bull ) . Our cattle are yarded , and we Invlto Inspection. SOMiflUtruige Bros. , Bloui City , Iowa. NEW MARKHAM HOTEL The Pnlnco Hold of Denver. Cor , Soyontoonth and Lawrence St * Ilooms 7to to M.OO | XT di y. S | > ccl l lutes by Iho Slonth. TI1E FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Conducted on tlio American nnd European Plana. Day Hoard $7 per wook. IP , S , OONDON , - - PEOPBIETOR , BMRY LEHIV1ANN JOBBER OF EASTER * PRICED DUPLICATED , 11 FAUNAM STIIKE . . OMAHA JNHB Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand I Engine Trimmings , Alining Machinery/ Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitting Steam Packing nt wholesale and roiail. I1ALLADAY WIND-M1LLS , OHUROH AND S01100L BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. HE BESTTHREAD Willinmntic Spool Cotton is entirely the product o Homo Industry , mil is pronounced by exports to bo the best sowing machine thread in the vorW. FULL ASSOHTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND , an for sale by HENLEY , HAYNES & VAN AllSDEL , m&o Omaha. Nob. MAX MEYER & IMPORTERS OF AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC OIUAES.TOBACCOS.PIPESK . AETIOLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Bspeciales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND -fHE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE GENT CIGARS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES BEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK U , S. DEPOSITORY. J. E. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE Cashier. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ! Fire and Bu ri/Iar Proof Safes for llont nt f < m SO to 850 per annum. THE HULL COOK STOYE The Pioneer and Still Ahead. looooo Ixi. "CToo. Kut iupeniodlnif the Urgeit old fmhlonoil eto\o tnd ttngui. It hat the ilmpleit and mo t clllclcnt itove burnen In the world , and with new Improve- nonti the emleit to opcrata Abuoluttly lafe with IH patent renorvolr , now In uxo the teooud neaiioii vltnout R luflu Accident. /jrHcnd ( or Oatalofuo , 1'rlco IJ t , Kto. HVLb VAl'OIl STOVE CO. , CLKVKLANIJ.O. may B la&o eod&w V. H. HANOHETT , M. D , , HOMEOPATHIST ! TKLKl'IIONK NO. 181 , Oaiooltoomi luidU Jtoob'n Block. J Mil St. and Capitol Av , lUildeoce , MW Bt. Mary'n AMI , A OAUD. Tu all who are eufforlug from eir r * ind Indiscretions of joulh , nervoni wcuknejn , varly locay , tutu of manhnu < i. eta I will Bond a rccluO tint will cure \ oil , l-'UKK OF U1IAHUK , This trrut rm sdy WM ulwoverej by a lulielonory In South Amerl- U. bend tlf tulclreiuied cii\ilop to 1UV. Ju KrilT. , Station D. Now Yoik. dym&veod Mass , Institute of Technology I10STON MASS. Examinations in St. IionlH. Uigular four > cars coumes In Civil , Mechanical Mining and Klectrlcal Englneoring. Architecture CliomUtry. I'hyslca , Natural history oto Student are also admitted to partial or special coureou. Next school year begins Sept 20,1881. Entrance oxam. Illations at tlio ollico Supt. of Public Schools , H W. corner 7lhand Chestnut Kts. May 29 and 39. at 10 a. in. Applv to Prof. K. W. I < eng , I'olytocbulo llulldlng , fit. IoulaWKIISTKK WKIISTKK WELLS , Secretary. KUANOIH-A. WALKEH , rreeldent d m&o2t awk 1m. ° 'tl10 ' Ueneratlvo Organs quickly cured by the CIVIALKUimiOD. Adopted In all the HOSWTALS OK KItANCK I'rompt return of YlUOlt. Blmpla cases.IJtoea. Severe ones , )3 to tlZ. ramphlot Kreo. Ulvialo Ilemedlal Agency , 16C Kulton bt , New York. Notice to Cattle Mon 900 OATTLE FOR SALE. 1190 Head of Stc n Three Yean Old. f200 " ' " Two " 201 " ndferf , Two " 150 " ' Bteen , Ono " S20 " " Heifers , Ono " The above described cattle are all well broil Iowa cattle , straight and smooth. Thoio cattle will bo sold In loU to lult purchasers , and al rcosonablo prices. For further particulars , cell on or address M. F. I'ATTON , Waverly , Uremtr Co. , Iowa. mT-dme-8 DISEASES OP THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , : un.d. Until ofHoes are repaired from result of fire , odl with Or. 1'arker , Iloom < S , Crclgbtoo Block 16th and DouumJitr eeta. SOLD MEDAL , FABIB , 1876. BAKER'S AVarrantcd abtolattly Cocoa , from wlilcb the excess . Oil Las beeu removed , ItliosfArM time * tht itrtngth of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Bagar , aad It thereft'ro far more economi cal. It Is delicious , nourishing , /strengthening , dully digested , am ) admirably adapted for Invalid * u well as for persons la health. Sold bjrCrocerieterjTthere. & COu Dofistcr ,