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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY" BEE-WEDNESDAY MAY 21. 1884. Indulgence and KXCCMCH , Whether overeating or drinking ar made harmless by using Hop Bitter freely , giving elegant nppotito nnd enjoyment mont by using hem boforoand removing nil dullness , pains and dtstrcssaftorwords leaving the hoixd clear , norros steady , nn ( nil the feelings , buoyant , clastic nnd mor happy than before. The pleasing cfTecU of n Christian or eumptous dinnorcontin uing daya afterwards. Eminent Testimony. N. V. Witness , Aug. IB 18SO. "I find that in addition to the jnirt spirits contained in their composition they rontain the extracts of hops an < other well known nnd highly approvce medicinal roots , loaves nnd tinctures ii quantities sufficient to render the article what the makers claim it to bo , to wit , n medicinal preparation nndnot n beverage unfit and unsafe to bo used except as a medicine. "From a careful analysis of their for mula which was attested under oath I find thnt in every wine-glassful of Hop Bitters , the nctivo medicinal proportict nsido from the distilled spirits are equal to n full dose for nn adult , which fact in my opinion , subjects it to an intcrnl revenue - onuo tax as n medicinal bitter , " GIIEEN B. RAUM , U. S. Com. In. Rev. Burdened Iilvcr. Five years ago I broke down with kidney - noy nnd Liver complaint and rheumatism. Since then I havobeon unable to bo about at all. My liver became hard like vrood ; my.limbs wore puffed up and fillsd vrith water. All the best physicians agreed that nothing could cure mo. I resolved to try Hop Bitters j I have used uoven bottles tles ; the Hardness has nil gene from my liver , the swelling from my limbs , nnd it has worked a miracle in my case ; other wise I would have boon now in my grave. J. W. MOIIEY , Buffalo , Oct. 1 , ' 81. Poverty nnd SufTorlnfr. ' I was dragged down with debt , poverty nnd suf fering for years , caused liy a sick family anil luiya bills of doctoring. I was completely discouraged , cntll one jcar > go , l.y the lulvlco of my ] > Mtor , I commenced using Hop Bitters , and In ono month we wore all well , and none of UK have seen a sick day inco , and I want to siy to all poor menyou can keep your families well a jcar with Hop Hitters fur Icuthan ono doctor's \Ult will coat , I know It. " A. WORKWOMAN. * licgcncratl n for enfoehlcd Bystcms , ; luflcrlng from agon- cralwatitoftone.ancl Its usual concomit ants , djspcpila and nervousness. Is icl- , dom derivable from the use of a nour- diet and slim- uil of apatite , un- i aided. A medicine I that will effect a ro. ' moval of thoepecino obstacle to rcnevrid health andvlgor that , Is a genuine correc tive , Is the real noed. It Is the possession ot this grand require- i nicnt which makes J8VH ° .r' . Stomach Bitters Odootlvo i vi jjr F so wan Invlznrant. ' or ealo by all Drugultts and deal- crt generally. BITTERS. , . nini Pi > p.p > L > , DUnW. , fmr u.4 tm. u > 4 ll . . f ib. lilinili , On.ti. A ' ton * l r " tolUM o.r.r M f bkniMf iw. n4 l All ummn < driiki. Try II. M > 1 r raDlrMU. ilk r t r"dmal'l ' ° t knki > , BuufuiuiKi bDR. . / a. tf niia tut aluma. 7. W. V7TJPPEIUA11W , si BHOAUWAY y. r. EED STAR LINE Belgian Boyal and 17.8 , ' MI Btoamors SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , TheKMnt , Qtrmany , Italy , Holland and France Steerage Outward , $20 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , llfi ; Excursion , CO , Including bedding , etc , Id Cabin , (60 ; Hound Trip , $90.00 ; Excursion , 9100 ; Saloon from tiO to 830 ; Excursions no totlOO. eUr Wright & Bona , Qon , Agents. 65 Oread. way N. Y. KOaldwelL Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olod man & Co. , 203 N. 16th Btroot , Omaha ; D. E. Kim ball , OmahaAffenU. m&a GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. 1KVOUB Debility OIMITAI.IXSS \ OF MANLY VIQOU , Sp rmatorr Alicoa , eta , when all other rcmo- y dlca fall. A. curt guaranteed. \i \ 1.60 a bottle , large bottle , ( out tlmca the quantity , | 5. by ei. preaa to any aJdrcss. Bold by alldruRKlsU ENQLISH MUDI- OAli INSTITUTE , Proprietor ! , 718 Olive Btreet , St. J-dUl , Mo. - "I have sold Sir Astloy Cooper'a Vital Keatoratiri oryiuuB. Every cuitomer ipeaki highly of It I Bheoltatuiglyendorse It Ma remedy of true merit " 0. J OOODHAH , Drugla | vl8.m * t. f&vl i Tell the children to cut out and uva Ui6 Mmla Bllhouetta ji'.cturca u they appear from Iriuo to tV * ' luue. They will U vlo&ecd with the ooUecUon. r4 This ipuo It owned by BLAOEWULL' Of count we tn * a the futiooi animal appearing on Ua label of tTtry ctnulce packaga of Dlack. vell'a Dull Durnara h nyipir 7obaooo. Every dealer keep * tola , the t f Bmoklnr Tobacco made. if Moot genuine without tni.muk of the Hull , iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiniiinniniiiJ WOODBRIDGE BROS , , 215 OPERA OUAUA NEH. Bole Agents for the World-Renowned T El 0 K ; rector & Son , and Hallott & Ciinsto' Piwios. Alee wanufacturora and wbolcaalo dealers in Organs and Musical Merchandise , Prlcallit WESTKIIN NKWS. DAKOTA. The ncrcftfro nown to wheat In Stoclo count ; Ii fifty percent grontor thnn ) Mt year. The creamery t 1'Atkor had contr ct J to ( urnlah 1000 pounds of butter dolly , There ore -4,003 Rovornmont fnrma In Me. 1'herson county WAltlnR for settler * . Seeding Is completed In Brooking county. Unexpected the ncrcngo will bo ono-thlri lixroor than that of liwt your. The county will grow probably 100,000 ncron of wheat this year. year.Tho The returns of the county rwaCBior , howthixt tlioro nto102,080 ncrca of deeded Innd In Splnk county. As the total aron of the county Is 007,080 ncrcn , not qntto one-half of tha land In the county IB milijcct to taxation , In 1883 UK ftincjumont * t the county was 92.010,000. and It Is probable that this year It will oxcoocl ? 3- COO.OOO. WVOMINO. Cheyenne prom | cs to build n canal to fncll * itata tha navigation of Crow creek and provonl [ loads. The rolling mills and Roda works at Lrvrn- mlo have boon shutdown nnd all hands din- charged. Three hundred men are out ol work. The Union IVictfic land agents lituo just i"hl to Homo parties not inoro than 1,000 iiillon rom Laramlo , " 50,000 acres of land. A. O , Stover , the thlot who made away vlth two horses belonging to llusnol Watts , of Si'nrth 1'latto wan arrested at Vt. Laratnlo. Whllo enjoying the liberties of the ipiard louse yard ho slipped his skacklcss nnd mudo i diish for froodom. The guards UU/oJ away jut failed to hit. After a couple of hours of lAely chasing Stovor was run down , tocurod , and taken to North L'latto. Another hugo corporation has just boon or- ; anl7.oil In Wyoming called the lowrt land and : attlo company. Tha Incorporatorfl and trus * oos of the company are Andrew Ollchrlst , ! ' . S. 11. lioughton and Horace O. 1'lunkott , all hrco of whom are Cheyenne man and well cnown nn thorough and enterprising buslncn1) ncn , with plenty of capital to back up what ever they undertake In the way of a business ntcrpriso. Laramla Is overjoyed at the completion nnd ormal dedication of the Holiday opera hoimo. t has a frontage of novonty-two foot , and ex * cndx back to the nlioy In the center of the iquaro , a donth of KI2 feet. It is built of irlck nnd ntone , stands 00 foot In bight and Is : ovorod with a metal roof. The total cost of ho building and furnishings was § 155,000. .Urn Arthur , of Grooloy , Colorado , recently old out his ontlro herd of cattle on the range n the Powder HIvor country to the Big Horn 'attlo ' company for n consideration of $ ! K- , 30. The nalo also Includes several ranches in lat region of country. John Smith , of llreo- oy , nlao sold his cattle nnd rancliCH on Jlun- ing Water to the "Thlrty-throo" outfit for 10 Bum ot $100,000. 'i < c io M "t'ft" co urn A no. Ono hundred head of cattle stolen from Col- rado ranges , have boon found at Dodge City , Denver bos struck another bonanza this mo , a vein of water Bald J to possess "wonder- ul curatlvo proporlloi , " "Cholpota , " Ouray'a widow , hn 0,000 sheep ocatod on Douglas : crook , near the JillC of Itali , tliat have not boon shorn for three years nd iq willing ( o glvo half to eomo ono who vlll ehoar thorn , The amount of money donated for the relief > f the widows ; and orphans of rho Created Uutto mlno disaster amounted to ? -,115. L'lils amount of money was apportioned nccor * ling to the number of children each family , xjntalnod , rnnutni ; fromSGTi to S2CO. ! MONTANA. 1'our thousand lioad of cattle were sold in \ ionton last week to I. G. Baker ot al for § 100- 1 100. 100.Helena Helena has ralsod $100,000 toward the fund or building tbo Helena and Fort Bcntou rail- oad. oad.Butta Butta claims to have shipped east last week tovonty-nlno ban of bullion , woigldng 7,702 pounds , valued at $123,232. Work on the artesian well at Helena , boa boon resumed. A contract has boon lot to bore It 1,600 foot , unless flowing water la struck sooner. Itia reported that Ryan Brothers have struck the largest voln of coal en Trail Crook Balatln county , that has yet boon found in Montana. This bank promises iinmonso ro * turns In the near future. Kd Cunningham , n railroad section foreman In Montana , wont crazy last week from drink- log whisky , and It took a sheriff's passe to : apturo him , and they did not succeed until > omo Bovonty-fivo or a hundred ehota bad boon gxchangod. The Territorial Treasurer haa paid In four months , unding the 30th of April , 1884 , S3- 351 in bounties on CO boars , 52 mountain lions , 2,143 timber wolves , and CSS coyotes. The destruction of BO many wolves and lions moans fifty times their scalp value to the nhoop , bord ers and cattle man ol Montana , Tbo land sales of the eastern and Montana districts of the Northern 1'aclflo , during the month of April , amounted to 40.838.91 acros. for S223,997.D1. The town lot sales amounted to 81,405 , and the trustee lot salon , $950 , mak ing the total rocolptu for the districts mention ed , § 226,302 21. There have boon a great many Inquiries at tha Northern Pacific land olllcos of late re garding grazing lands in Montana. Hereto- fora the number of ranches boa not boon suf ficiently largo to necessitate too purchase of lands. The Indications now are , however. that the territory will soon bo overrun , and owners of largo ranches have commenced pur- cliaslng railroad lands. MI8CKU.ANF.OUH. A now telegraph line has just boon com pleted from Bolknap and Knglo City to Coour i'Alono mines. A humpback turtle measuring novon foot 10 von Indies long by four foot across the back ivai rcsrorcy pay last wook. It weighed about 1,000 pound * . Dwelling houses at Hailey , Idaho , are In vaded by a "stink-bug , " an insect which mntU an odor , It is Raid , so sickening that "all ivho suiell It want to die. " N. 1'orlno of Oak street , has presented the Grand Army 1'osts of Oakland with two terra cotta urns , worth $150 each , and they have boon placed on the Holdior'H plat In Mountain View comotry. Ukiah hat a glutton of great capacity. A Tow clays ago ho nto at ono sitting tliroo boot- iteaks , three cans of oyutori , two cans of poaches , two cans of sardlnos , flvo biscuits , ton crackers , four potatoes , a dish of hominy , pinto of cakes , lour cups of colfeo and a { rloHi of water. Time 32 mtnutas. Before sating the above ha bad partaken of a hearty lupper. In the absence of suitable materials or tbo Umo to prepare it , poplo often go without ft drotsing for salads. Buy Durkeo'fi Dressing , and you will never trouble yourself to make another. Corn MB Compared to Fork. F. Ii. Curtis In Rural New Yorker. The ralativo coat of corn and pork is a nice question to adjust. An old rule has como down from our forefather that pork ehould bring aa many dollars per hun dred pounds aa corn is worth shillings per bushel. To have this rule work well the conditions for fattening must bo favor able. It cannot bo done in cold weather when the pigs are oiposed to the cold neither can it bo successful unless the food is given at the right time and in the right quantity , A very little waste con tlnuod from day to day would reduce the margin below any profit , so far as chanti icgoffood to nosh U concerned. Tc make the best use of feed in the roarini and fattening of animals is an art whici not ono farmer in a hundred has over attained tainod perfection , and perhaps U would be equally true to say , anything like perfection. With regard to feodini grain to animals , I have a notion will which most fanners have no sympathy they prefer to buy phosphates to grow crops , whereas I prefer to buy cropa _ tc grow crops , believing in that aphortsu : that "liko produces liko,1' and that pur chnaod fodder converted into manure wil raise crops bettor than anything else. I wo can buy nitrogen at a less price poi ton thf.n superphosphates , and thot turn the greater portion of it Intc moat and the other portion at wort SB a factor to produce ammonia ntu moro nitrogen and so continue to work , ono year's bcnrfit lapping over ono to an other , I Insist that my notion is the best Thin manure is moro lasting than commercial morcial fertilizers and the moat profitable sort. Its use requires work , and this mnj condemn it in the oycs and legs of agrcai many farmers who do not look with favoi upon nny plan which requires any cnlou lation or which will make stops. 1 an BO strong in those ideas that I would feed as many hogs na possible , oven thougl : tlioro might not bo any profit on the food in the making of mont ; that is to say , il the moat brought no moro than the cos I of the grain food. Ono old hog while fattening should make two loads of the best kind of manure , formed by a com binatlon of animal excrement and litter. LToro comes in the potash , the third constituent < stituont the phosphate agents talk _ BC much about. I would make the pig D manufacturer , and ho will bo n profitable ono if ho has the chance. With the ma jority of farmers it is the chance which la lacking and not the ability. Ono thing is certain , the farmer who makes plenty of moat on the farm does not make mort gages , but commercial fertilizers _ nro an expensive hen on the crop before it is out of the ground. Jly fertilizer is paid fet n animal growth. Letter From J. Malcolm Smith , Cleric of IVestcliestcr County , Now York , for Nine Years. " \VHITI : PLAINS , N. Y. , May 7 , 1883. I have for many years boon troubled at lines with muscular rheumatism and ilouritic pains , and have always found Allcock's Porous Plasters to bo quick and odiciont in affording relief. In December laat I had an attack of ? noumonia , which loft ono of my lungs n a weak and extremely sensitive condi- ion , accompanied at times with severe lain. The application of ono plaster ro- iovcd the pain in a short time , and I lave worn ono almost constantly since , as a protection to the weakened lung. I have used Allcock'a Porous Plasters or myself and family for over twonty- ivo years , always with speedy beneficial results , and I do not hesitate to recom mend them for their mild counter-irritant qualities , and for their eflicioncy in relieving soreness of the lungs and pains of n rhoumatio or neuralgic character. J. MALCOLM SMITH. Bo sure to obtain "Allcock'a" Porous Piaster , as all other ? arc worthless imita tions. Ills Reasonable Excuse. Vonkors Snatosman. "This is a pretty time of nigh' ' for you to bo getting in. Mr. Crimsonboak , " exclaimed Mrs. C. when her husband re turned homo late the other night , slight ly under the illuonco of a full moon , or something moro exhilarating. 'Whyhie love , 1 don't see any- thin1 the matter with the hie time , " was the husband's reply , vainly trying to got his optio on the family timepiece. "Well , if you could straight enough , Mr. Crimsonbeak , you would see that it ia 12:30 : o'clock. You should have boon homo full two hours ago. " "Impossible , love hie impossible foi mo to bo home full two hours ago. " "And why was it impossible , I should like to know ? " said the bettor-half , looking as though she could chow hoi husband up in her anger. "Because , " explained the jolly man , "because hio I wasn't full two houre ago. F1108 Piles ore fregnontlv preceded by a sonjo ol weight in the back , loins and lower part of the abdomencausing the patient to suppose ho ha * some affection of the kidneys or neighboring orgaiu. At times , sym touts of Indigestion are present , aa Qatuoncy , uneasiness of the stomach , etc. A moistcro like perspiration , producing a Aery disagreeable itching particu larly at ntghtftor Rotting warm In bed , Its very commonattondant. Internal. External and Itching Flea yield at onca to the applica tion of Dr. JJosanko's Pile Remedy , which actc directly upon the ports affected , absorbing the tumors , allaying the intense Itching , and of < footing n permanent euro where other remedies dies have f ailed. Do not delay until the drain on the system produces permanent disability , but trv It and bo cured. Schrotor & Becht. "Trade supplied by 0. P. Goodman. " roruijA.n Drinking Gnll'H Ulootl Tlio Mini- Butlia Sftiul-ButliB and nine-Glass Cure 8. From the Providence Telegram. "Popular crazes'did yoU ask about , " was the answer a well known physician imdoto a question propounded by n Telegram reporter. "Thoro are many auds of peculiar crazca , and some of the nothods people take to keep free from liseaso , or rather try to , are simply ab- urd , Take , for instance , the man who ; oos the year round with a pair of spa- loans tied about his nock as a preventive o diseases of a contagious nature , Some wear beans , some corn , some horse-chest- uits and others a plain piece of ribbon , all of which are moro cases of suporsti- ion. "There are many who , when suffer- ng with a cold , will wrap a wet sock , which they have worn during the day , bout their nocks and retire for the night. ) thoru wear a dry sock , and still others a lioco of dry doth saturated with lamp ) il. In the country ii Is a standard rom- dy to wear a piece of salt pork about ono'a nock when euflbring from a sore hroat. Thia , by the way , ia a good rem edy. Sorno inhale the smoke from burn , ng cherry wood , and others the smoke rom oak chips in an open fire place , ai a euro for A cold in the head or nostrils , Dioro are a great many persons who bo hat when ono gets thorough drench ng with rain , or receives wet feet , thai they should not hasten to their home ! and nut on dry clothes , but , instead , should lot the wet clothing dry upon them , aa by so doing they believe the ) will never take a cold , "Tho 'hot-water cure , ' which amount ) to a crar.o in points in the East , where no breaVfut is considered complete with out 'addition of a cup of hot watar te 'rinse and stimulate the stomach , ' is tin latest of a long Hit of odd cures. It ii bollovod by a great many that to take i drink before each meal , or oven a singli drink on arising each morning , will cun the worst possibto case of dyspepsia Speaking of odd cures and fashions , i few of thorn may bo recounted. Los than ton years ago a ParUian physiciai of some note prescribed for a patient auf foring from a pulmonary complaint a cu ] of fresh calf's blood after breakfast another at noon and ono just bofor supper. The queer remedy proved eflica clous. The patient improved under i rapidly , and finally became , a well am hearty poreon. A statement" the cas was read by the mercurial , excitable and curiosity loving Parisians , and started an interest in the blood-cure that in a very short time spread among all classes and became a valuable crazn. Kvcry person in any way troubled with weak lungs became came a convict , The slaughtor-housoa in the suburbs of Paris were thronged every morning with crowds made up oi all ranks , who actually fought to pro- euro blood of the dying animals. There were delicate men and womou , old nnd and young , who came in their carriages attended by their servants , and some who feebly crept along alone , The most dolocatoly organized persona and the coarsest were on a cpmnion level , and it appears that the uninviting-look ing lluid wna served impartially by braw- noy handed butchers. Tlio great majority of the paUonta manifested no repug nance to drinking the fluid , and with a great many a taato for it was developed that ran into a craving. It acted much like rum on many , and oven fowls were killed by some who were unable to got blood at the slaughter houses. The de mand was great , and at some places the blood was sold at high puces , each slaughter house having a largo run of customers , who would roach the "pen" whore the killing was going on as early as 0 a. m. Meanwhile a hot discussion wont on in medical circles over the mer its of the euro. Many celebrated physi cians were dragged into argument and were taken to BOO cured patients. The Durdon of professional opinion was ngiuat the euro pronouncing it nonsensi cal nnd positively injurous rather than helpful. This craze reached its limit in a few weeks , to the grief of tlio butchers , who had reaped a golden harvest. "Tho mud found ot a certain spa in Germany n few years ago , was discovered suddenly to possess remarkalo medical properties. It was an intensely black , pasty , thick , odoriferous mud , but thou sands of persons hastened from all parts of Europe to bath in it. To bath in it was simply to bo buried in it for an hour or two , and then to spend several hours in a tub of water to got rid of tlio remin isce nco. The bath is described as being pleasant and its curative effects , in cases of rheumatism , gout , and other diseases , are well attested. The mud was analyzed , ind was found to possess active proprie ties , magneto and chemical. The mud jaths have had their day , and are now visited by only a few traveling invalids , whom the remedy does not frighten. Similar to the mud bath is the sand bath , of which Joaquin Miller relates a tragic story. A party of explorers were cross- ng the sandy deserts , carrying six of their comrades , ill of a peculiar desoaso. Tnoy all assented and were buried in the sand , their heads alone being above ground. In this position they were loft : hatting with each other , their _ comrades daving retired for the night in a tent : loao by , and not the least noise was iieard. In the morning they were horri fied to find that wolves had visited the camp and oaten off each sick man's head iovol with the ground. "Tho bluo-glass cure is too froah in the public mind to need moro than passing mention. Of the thousands and hun dreds of thousands of early believers that ; hp health-giving and strengthening principles of the sunaight might bo large- y increased by passing rays through blue glass , there are thousands yet romain- ng. " 'Tho sun-bath cure , the fish-oil euro 'or consumption ; the severely simple diet euro for all kinds of ailments ; the celery cure for nervousness , and many others were the beginning , more or loss of a craze. The best principle of each is now included in every wise physician's array of medicines. There have boon cures for corpulence that found armies of follow ers , as was attested in Byron's time , when every man who laid claim to bo considered a man of fashion was thin and pale , in marked contrast to the well- rounded , comfortable-looking modern young man. " Incidents of the Panic. Robert Barlow , a tall , respectable-look ing , middle-aged man , witli iron-gray hair , was found staggering thrqugh Contot street early Thursday morning by Officer. White of the Sixth precinct and brought In the afternoon before Justice Duffy of the Tombs. "How is it that such a Tospoctablo- lookiug man as you are is brought hero for getting drnnk ? " asked the justice. "I fool so badly that I am almost unable blo to talk , " said the prisoner , as ho put Ilia handkerchief to his eyes. "What is it that makes the tears como to your eyes1 ? "Iluin , ruinl" muttered the prisoner , clasping his hands to his brow. "I fell like a man no I can't do that ; I must live for my vrifo and child. In the crash in Wall street yesterday , judge , I lost my entire fortune of 8-10,000. " "Whoro do you live ? " "In Baltimoro. When 1 hoard of the crash yesterday I started with my wife and daughter to this city. I took my wife and daughter to the Everett house and wont to Wall street to ascertain if the news was really BO bad. 1 learned it was only tjo truo. I went homo and tried to sleep , but could not ; my brain was on fire. I wont to the street to got a drink. It roloived mo a llttlo and I took another , and another , until I made rayaolf intoxicated. It is my first time , sir. sir."With what firm did you have your money ? " asked Justice Duffy. "I can't toll you sir. " "Was it with Hatch & Foote ? " "Judge , please don't compel mo to answer. " "Is Robert Barlow your right name ? " continued the justice. "No sir , it'a not. " "Do you also wish to keep that a secret ! " asked the court. "Yes , if you please , sir. " The man gave the name of a broker in Wall street who knew him. Ho was fined 91 , which ho paid , and then loft the court. A riUESX'S ArTEAI * Quito an event occurred Thursday morning at the South Brooklyn Savings- bank , which is located at the corner of Clinton and Atlantic streets , and whore the run was unusally heavy in fact BO great was the crowd at ono time that the doors had to bo partially closed to prevent a crush. Among the depositors , who number about twenty-two thousand , are many poor people residing in that section of the city known as the "point , " and the rumor being circulated that the bank was closing its doors only served to in crease the crowd. Ror. Father Fransio- la , pastor of St. Peter's Roman Catholic church , ascended the marble stops of the institution while the mass of human bo. ings were clamoring for admittance , and assured tlio depositors there was no cause for alarm , The bank he said was able tc pay every dollar , and these before him would lese the interest should they draw out their money. The remarks of the priest wore listened to with attention , and many in the crowd left for theii homes. About $150,000 was paid out during the day 17 > OU KENT Furulsh ti ; trout room with bo ti 1 ? 1000 Funani Bi. MSiOl Hcul tthkt the pcoplo ut ; concerning tlm Abili ty of Dr. Thomw' Eclcc- trla Oil to euro asthma , caUrrh , croup , col < ! , etc , MM. Dora Koch ot ItufUlo s ys : "Tor croup It In decidedly cmcaclous. " ( .Mrs. Jncob Slelllnor , ol Marian , Ohio , soys the s mo thins. ) a S. Urrucs , Akron , N. Y. , writes : "llml Mtlimi ol the wont kind , took ono dosoot ThoniM' Kclcctrlo Oil ml ft rc- llcicd In few minutes Would walk fho miles for thli modldne And p y $5 n bottle for It. " DrufRl ( t U. 1C Hall , ( Irijvllc , III , , tayi : "Cured an ulcerated throat for mo In t\tcnty-four hours. ' "Sat up In beil and coughed till the clothing wan wet vlth iicrnplra- tlon , My vlo ( Insisted that I U'Q Thomas' EC- IcctrloOII. Thonaettca- spoonful relieved me. " ll H. Perkln : , Creek fcntre , N. Y. : Thomat1 Kclcctrlo Oil Is also a TII'-TOl * external ap plication for rheuma- Ism , cut ) , BcalJs.burns , Mtes , bruises , etc. When Isltlrg the drug gist ask him ulut ho knows of Ir. Thomas' Kclcctrlc Oil ; If ho has liccn long In the druir trade , l > o mro ho will streak highly of It. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ln ) Ii 0. WEST'H NEHVK AND DRAIN TREAT. HOI , n Bunrnntowl epccilio for Hysteria , Uizzi aces. Convulsions , 1'its , Nervous Neuralgia lianuAcho , Nervous Prostrntinn cnusecl by the UBS of alcohol or tobacco , WnkcfulneBs , Mcntoil De pression , HottoniiiK lit the Drain resulting in In ? "inity nnd lending to misery , ilocny nnd dcatli f'romnturo Old Aio , linrronncn , Loss of powoi in oitlior BOX , Involuntary IX > BBPB nnd tipormat- c-rrhccii caused byovor-oxorticm oC thobrain , eolf. nbusa or ovor-indulKonco. Each box contains MO month's trontmpnt. $1.00 n box , or six boxoe [ or$5.00 , Bent by mail prcpnidon receipt of ! prico. tVK UVAKAXTEi : 81X ItOXl'.S I'o euro nny rnso. With each order rooolvoa t > yn 'or cz boxes , iiccompniiitd with 45.00 , wo wil ! eonil the jmrchnscr our written Bunrnntco to ro tund the money if the treatmentdoounotoffeci a euro. Guarantees insucdouurDy . DO ODMANN , Druggist Agents for Omaha Nob. DR. FELIX LE BRUN't PREVENTIVE AND OUTRE. FOR EITHER SEX. The romodybolnif Injected dlrectlyl to ri * sott o ; ho disease , requires no change of dfcl n nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicines to bo taken Inter nally. When used aa a preventive by cither ecx , It la mposalblo to contract auy private dlaeasc ; but In the case of those already unfortunately aflllctcd wo guar antee three boxca to cure , or wo will refund the mon ey. Price by mall , postage paid , 92 per box or three boxce for $5. $5.WRITTEN WRITTEN aUAIUNT.EES Issued by all authorized agents. Dr EelixLeBrun&Co. SOLE PROrniETCRS 0 F. Goodman , Druggist Solo Agent , fur Omaha a Ac ) y Science of Life , Only ' $1.00. BY TVTATL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHOOD Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility , Premature Decline In Man , Eiroraof Youth , an the untold miseries esultlng from Indiscretions or ccsiea. A book for every man , young , middle-aged , and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acnto and chronic diseases each ono of which Is Invaluable Bo found by the Author , whoso experience for 23 rears la such as probably never before fell to the let of any physic an 800 pages , bound In beantlfn French muslin moossedcoven , full gUt.guaranteed to be a flner worx n every1 sense , mechanical , lit. erary and professional , than any other work sold In this country for 82.60 , or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Prloe only Bl.OO by mall , poit- pfcld. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. God modal awarded the author by the National Medic 1 Association , to the officers oi which ho refers. The Sdonse of Life should be road by the young for Instruction , anil by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all London Lancet. There Is no member of society to whom The Sci ence of Lite will not be useful , whether youth , par ent , guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W. n. Parker , No. 4 Dulflncb Street , Boston Mass. , who may Do consulted on all diseases requiring skill and experience. Chronlo andobstlnatedlseasestbat have baffled the skill of all other phys-liri I clans a specialty ! Bach treated success-nllHL. lully without an Inetano aline , TUyCpjP SCHMELING & BELSCHNER , DEALERS IN C21 South 18th , bctnecn Jackson and Jones Sta. Job Work n HooQng. Quttcrln ; , Etc. , promptly done. n t TO PURCHASE Second Hand For SpotCaih. i/'allonnr addrosa Sir. or ] lira Stephui J. DUODeiUCK , 018 South 10th street. Dr , Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE1 1617 Dodgei St. , - Omaha , TELEPHONE No. 141. EUROPE ! ! COOK'S GRAND EXCU11SIONS leave New York In April , Hay and June , 18S4. PASSAGE TICKETS by all ATLANTIC 8TKAMERS. Special facllltie * foi lecurloK GOOD BERTU3. TOURIST TICKETS foi travelers In EUROPE , by a'l routes , at reduced rato. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with mapa and full par- nartlculara , by mall 10 Mots. Addrcaj T1I08.003K ft BOtf , .t T Broadwa , N. JAB , H. PEABODY M , U. PHYSICIAN & BURGEON , Realdence , No. . 1407 Jones St. Offioo , No. 150 arnam atrect Office hours 12 m. to 1 p. m. . an om 2 to 6 P. in. Telephone for offloa 87 RtsHnoa GEORR GARMRU8T , 8. E orncr 22d and Cumlng St. TIN ROOFING GUTTERING , Sl'OUTING ETC , Order * will bo promptly attended to. F.SCHEUERMANNM D REGULAR GEIUIA Homoopathio Physioian , 8PEOIAUST OF WOUEN , CHILDREN ft CURONIO DISEASES. nouri-At Residence , NO. ItiS S. 10th Street , til 10 a. m. , and alttr B p. in. Hour * At offloe , No. 1C ! ind 106 & 16th St. Booni 7from 10 a. m. , to p , m N.U. The Tape Worm will bo rotcavsd , w iboul da t r , la Vaa oi Irou 1 to S boon. ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pilasters , Lintels , Fencing , Cresting , Balling , Etc. . Cast , and Wrought Iron Beams. for THE HYATT I'UIBMATIC I IfJIITH. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THE LARQE8T IRON WORKING E8TADLI8HMENT IN THE STATE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. U Is the best and cheapest food tor ttock ot nny kind. Ono pound Is ecnalto three pounds of corn stock ted with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , Instetd of running down , will Incroaeo In weight and be In good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , M < reU as others , who use It can testily to Its merits. Try It and Jud ? for yourselves. Price $26.00 per > t a ; no charge for sacks. Address woom * * ; , tinSKKD vnn > iNY Omaha Neb. T.TP. CIGARS & TOBACCO , TEE NEW HOUSE OP OARRABRANTiCOLE Pine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guarantee ! I "O cfis DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIEE AND BUEGLAE PEOOF 1033O J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIIi DEALER IN J. JLUJLLUlMl SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , Wholesale Grocers H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man \ ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of _ above ; also pipes and smokers' articles.carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO PEHFECTION Heating and Baking IB only attained by using CHARTER OAfC Stoves and Ranges , WtllT YI1RE GAUZE OVER DOOR Fci ealo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS ( SUCCESSOE TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LIME AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , Omaha PROPRIETOR PftPER 218 South 14th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solicited. " 0. M. LEIQHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON & CLARKE. SUCCESSORS TO KENNARD BROS , ft CO. ) Wholesale Druggists ! / DEALERS IN PaintsOils. . Brushes. Clastic. LAGER FRANZ FALK BREWING CO. Milwaukee , Wisconsin. GDNTHER CO , , Sole Bolte M , HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Olothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAH STREE1 COR. 13Th OMyHA ,