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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1884)
OMAHA DAIIA BEE WEDNESDAY MAY 21 , 1884. ThoNelraskaN"ationai ; Bank OP OMAHA , NEB. P&ld CD capital * 9300,000 Snnilna vniiq , MOT , 1.1888 10.000 DlRKCTOna H. W. YATE3 , I'roildont.rfor mnny year Owlilor of the First Natlonnl Hank of Omaha. A. K. TOUZAMN , VJco Proaldont , Uoaton. W V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse & Co. JOUN S. COLLINS , of O. II. & J. S. Col- M. WOOLWOUT1I , Counsellor and Attorney noy at Law , TJ. S , UEED , of Byron Kood & Co. I Kf K. UAYDEN , Assistant Caslitor. TIIIS BANK opouod for business April 27 , 882 ITS DIRECTORS AND STOOKHOLD EllS are amonp tlio catling buslnoasof Om.i' ha , and Its biistno'o Is conditctod wit oqiocla 1 oforonco to the best and incroaslngh Interest lib * mercantile ) patrons. COLLECTIONS receive spoclal attention and cliarRoa lowest obtainable liora or else < wlioro. INTEREST allowed on tlmo dopoilta upon favorable terms and upon accounts of bauks And bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County and Cit securities bought and nold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YoiiK , May 20. Money Kasy nt li and - per cent , Prime paper V& 5J per cent. Starlingbills Wo.xk , 4 83@4 84 ; demand 4 84i@4 SoJ. Governments Lower ; nnd shares weak and lower throughout the day. Many unfavora- and uofoun led reports were circulated. Hu mors regarding Sago and hN privileges were used against the market. In the afternoon prices opened 4@18 lower , the latter for Louie- vlllo & Noshullo ; a rally of J@l ! folluwod. Louiailllo & Nashvlllo was again the most conspicuous. Other actho shares rose \1. In the aflomoon Wnhjsh preferred was offered down 1 per cent ; at a time prices declined rapidly , nlhsouri I'aclfic hroko Cj- Central 1'acific lj } , Northwestern 2J , St. Paul 3J , Lackawanua 31 , BcUuaro & Hudson 2 , Louis\lllo& Nashvlllo Ig , Lake Shore 2 , N. Y. Central 1J , l rio lg , Northern Paclfio p'f'd 11 , Pacific Mail 2J , Texas Pacific lg , Union Pacific 1 , and W. U. SJ. Near the close there was a rally of J to 3 § , but in the final dealings part of this was lost. The market closed comparatively firm. Stocks The stock market , however , was lower , and before the first call n decline of } @ 3 occurred. Later Louisville & Nashville sold down to 31 and later to 30 } , on the revival of a rumor of a defalcation in the company's office. It also said the pool in the stock had liquidated. The announcement of the failure of Wm. P. Scott & GJ. did not affect the market. Later iu the day a moderate buying movement sot in ; prices moved up | @ 1 | . The general market closed linn. 5444 shores of Union Pacific were sent to England to-day. COUPONS 8'B 09 4i' Conpons 112J TI.S. now , 1'p 120J Pacific b'e of ' 95 120 8TOOK8 AND American Express 00 Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern CO Central Pacific 42J Chicago & Alton 131J do do pfd 142 OhL.Burl. * Quincy.- 115& Brie 14 | do pfd 34 Fort Wavnoft Chicago 127i Hannibal & St. Joseph 381 do do do pfd * 88J Illinois Central 122 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 12 Kansas & Texas 1'ifi Lake Shore & Michigan So 87 ! Michigan Central 73 Mlnnoanolis & St. Louid 13 do" do do pfd 194 Missouri Paclfio 65j Northern Pacific 21 do do pfd -IVfi Northwestern 101 i do pfd 131j New York Central llllfj Ohio & Mississippi 20 do do pfd ' . ' 70 Peoria , Decatur k Evansville 11 Eock Island 114 } Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul < < 9 do do do pfd VSi Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 87 * St. Paul & Omaha 20 } do do pfd 88 Texas Pacific Union Pacific \Vabash , at. L. & Pacific. . . . do do do pfd. Western Union TnloBrraph. . . Asked. + & . Div. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO I'llODUOB. CHICAGO , May 20. Flour Quiet , un changed. Wheat KoRuIar , unsettled , fairly active. Opened a shade lower ; advanced 1 receded 18. closed weak } above yesterday. Cash Mav 803 ; June 83 ; July 90@90i ; August orn Quietj opened g lower ; advanced 1 , declined .clo-to-1 weak i lielnw yesterday ; cash May nSjjfqjfiSi : Juno 5l541 ; July MJ@5C2 ; August 57j5' 58 ; rejected 61. Oata Quiet ; opened 381 higher ; reacted ; closed nominal. Cub , May 3l : Juno 32 ; July 324@32d ; August 28J ; year 27 } . Ityo Steady ; 01. Parley Dull. 72. Timothv Dull ; good to prime 1 27l 32. riax 1'irm ; No. 1 IC'.l. Pork Active , Bomowhat excited ; opened fltronger : gradually advanced ; 95ul ) 05 , Cash and May Ifa 00 ; Juno 1807 18 10 ; July 18 10@18 12J , August 17 92i < 3)17 ) 95. Lard -Stronger ; fairly active ; ruled 10@1C higher ; Cash and May 8 018 05 ; , Tune 8 15@ 8 174 ; July 8 274 ; 22J ; August837i 8 40. " Shoulders C 45 ; short ribs 8 074 ; short clear 8 45. Whisky - Unchanged. CALL HOAHDWheat Strong ; activojJnno J. July V , August 9 higlier. Corn Firmer ; Juno } ; July J ; August } higher , Oats Kiwy ; Juno i , August } lower. Pork Kusy , Juno 12J , .Inly 10 , August 71 lower , Lard Kasy ; June and July 2i higher. ST. I.OUIS I'JIODUCE , ST. LODIS , May 20. Wheat Lower and Inactive , No. 2 rorl 1 09l 091 cash ; 31 07Si ( 1 071 for May ; S9li@954 for June ; 90g'i9'g ' ' for July ; year cloalug Inside prices. No 3 red , $1 01 asked Corn L < iwor lower , fairly active ; 50@f0o ! for cash ; 495 50 for May ; f-0@W ) for Juno : B1J@52 for July ; 544 3 August ] 44i year closing at inside figures. Oats Lower on < t uliiw ; 3JJfS)323a ) bid cash ; 326 for Juno ; 308 for July ; 2Ujf year. Itya-Slow ; Clffl02. ( bid. ] iarley-DullOOt ; < )80 , Hutter Unclia god. Kggs Unchanged. l axsced Nominal 81 00. Ilay-IIlKher ; prairie , ? 12 00@11 00 ; tlino- thy. $14 XV0190i. Jiran Unchanged. Corn Firm ; 52 85. WhMcv Stoidr atSl 11. CALL BOARD What -l''irin ; 1 10 May ; 1 OrfJ June ; 9CJ July. Corn - Finn ; 60J May ; 604 o GO ! June ; 521 @fi2 } July ; OdU - Nothing done. NEW 1OBK. MKW YOHK , May 20. Wheat Spot i@l higher , opti' ' ns ojxmed weak , } @j lowor. afterwards recovered from decline ; advanced li'irS ; closing with reaut'on , V tNo. . 2 Chicago , Ut OCj ungraded rod , 7o@l 18 No. 3. rod , 05i ; No. 2 , red , 1 01@l 03J for July , closing at 101 } . Corn Spot } @J higher , option * opened } ( < ? i lower , afterwards stronger rnllied l@ij closing weaker , with reaction } @g. Ungrftd- od rH@r,2J ; No. 2 02J@C,3.luWC3J. Oati l(3.4c ( , higher ; western mixed 36@3t 39niU. ( Hifgi Western froOi , dull , voak , 14@1IJ. I'ork Quiet firm ; new moss 176. Lard 1- Inn , western steam ! iot 8 40 , Uuttcr Dull , lower ; 8@24. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , May 20. Wheat Fair demand - mand ; No. 2 rodl 01 , Corn Scarce , firm ; No. 2 mixed , DSi. Oats- Dull ; No. 2 mixed M\ \ . Uyo Dull ; No 2 0Ko)70o. ! ) Itarloy-Ditll ; extra No. a fall , SO. Pork Nominal ; me 3 , 18 00. Lard Stronger ; 7 05. Hulk MeaU Dull and unchanged , Whisky-Steady ; 111. I1ALTIMORR. lULTIMons , May 20. Wioat Western. intiot , firm ; No. 2 , winter rod , spot 1 Olj @ 1 02. Corn Western , dull , oasy'mixod ; , spot Mav 59@C.Oc. } Oats -Dull ; western white U ® 13. Uyo Unchanged. KfW Quiet ; 14@lGc. Whisky Steady , nominal ; 61 10. NEW oUUrANS. Corn Fulr demand , whtto , hlphor , ( ' Oats Firmer , nulet at I3@43jo. Corn Mnal Fair demand , 2 l 3@3 00. Lard Lower ; tierce refined 8 50 ; keg 9 00. Whisky-Steady. HILWACRER. MILWAOKKB , May 20. Wheat lluoyant ; No. 2 , and May , ' .UJ ; Juno , 91 J ; July 03 } . Corn- Scarce , wanted , No. 2 80c Md. Oats AVoak , depressed ; No. 2 , 3oc ; white noj. noj.Uyo Firmer ; fi(5. ( Barley Dull , No. 2 spring 70. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , av 20. Wheat Dull , lower No. 2 red cash , 93i@90. Corn * Fair demand , nt lower rates No. 2 cash fi"i. Oass Steady with fair demand ; No. 2 cash 35U KANSAS CITT I'KODUCK. KANBAH CITY. May 20 Wheat Steady ; 83 } bid cash ; May 8rf : 82 ; bid Juno. Corn Firmer ; 4IJ ; cash 45 ; 43 May. Oats-Dull and nominal , 29 bid. LIVERPOOL. LlvunrooL , Jlay 20 BroadHuds Quiet wheat , winter , 7s. tid.8 ; spritig,7s.3il@78.6d. Corn Now Cs 2Jd ; old Cs 4 Id. MVI3 STOOIC , KANSAS 01TT LIVE BTOOR. KAKSAB CITT , May 20. The Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Slow ; Natives fi 25@5 05 ; Stockers , feeders and cows unchanged. Hogs lOo higher ; closing weaker ; 5 10@ 5 40. Sheep Quiet ; unchanged. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May 20. Cattle Brisk , firmer ; o xports , SO 4D < j6 05 ; go teed choice shipping , COU@G 40 ; common to medium , § 5 C0@5 95 ; inferior to good cows , 2 00@2 70 ; etockors and feeders , 4 00625 CO , Hogs Dull , unovos ; lower , rough packincr , 5 00@j CO ; packing and shipping , 5 05@5 85 ; light 5 1CS)5 ( ) GO ; skips 4 00@5 00. hheep Slow , steady , inferior to fair , 2 05 © 400 per cwt ; medium to good , 4 50@5 CO ; choice to extra , GfiO@C 10. Drover's Journal's , Liverpool cable quotes cattle market depressed ; lost American steers 14@144c per Ib ; dressed , prices ic lower than lost week. Best sheep 17c. 8T. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. LODIS , May20. Cattle Steady ; slow ; exports C 40@C 70 ; common to choice shipping 5 40@C 40. Sheep Firm ; demand exceeds supply ; common to choice dipped range 3 00@ 350. 350.Hogs Supply light ; heavy 050 ; packing , 5 30@5 CO. TRAFFIC. ILOUB AND OBAIN. CHICAGO , May 20. Rocolptg and ship * monts of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Flour , bbls 19,000 13,000 Wheat , bushels 32,000 108,000 Corn , bushels 79,000 207,000 Oats , bushela 187,000 9,000 Rye , bushels 5,000 8,000 Barley , bushels 12,0001,000 NEW YORK , May 20. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels 200,000 10,000 Corn , bushels 189,000 34,000 Oats , bushela 04,000 1,114 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May 20. Receipts and ship , monts of llvo stock for the past 24 hours have hoenaa follows : Receipts. Ship'ta. Oattlo 15,000 Hogs 5,300 Sheep 10.000 KANSAS CITT , May 20. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the post 24 hours have boon aa follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle. . , 1,400 Hogs 3,000 . . . . Sheep 040 . . . . ST. LODIS , May 20. Receipts and ship ment of live stock for the past 24 houra have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 2,0 < )0 ) . . . . Hogs 000 . . . . Shooi C50 051 AH A MARUKXS "Wholesale 1'rlccB , Ornoi or THE OMAHA UK , I Tuesday Urening , May 20. f The following prices are charged retallero by jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants , with the exception of trrain , which ie ijuoted at the prices furnished by tho.elovatort and other loca buyers : Urmn. WHEAT No. 1 , 07i@C9c. BAIILBV No. 2. 50 ( < g5r > c. RvK-No. 8. 40Jc. Cons No , 2 , 37 OATS No. 2,27 < a2 Jo. Oonoral Produce. Arri.El A few sma. . con : ? nmont8 have bnrn received which suit mainly to city trade , Willow Twlw , 31. WVlmw pjl.50 ; Gonl. tins Sl.OOj lion Davis , SO. 00. BJTANS llecelptx light and demand good , E/i-u picked navy , per bu , $2 60 ; ineiJiuin , 2 Ol a2 25. BKKHWAX In gixid demand. Choice bi Ight per Hi , 2G 23c ; common to good dark per II ) . 20@25o HurrKit Choice table butter Is selling read ily to the trade yet at 14 1Cc ; gran ] color and flavor preferred. Inferior gradon and mixed packing are accumulating fait and lionght by packers onlywho will not pay above 10 cts , und 80 for poor , Tuba holding about 40 Ibs , have the preference. CIDKJI"Ohio" i > or bbl , 87.00 ; "York Stato" per bbl , $8 00 ; peri ljkl , 81 76 ; condensed per gal , 85o , Crib apple , per gal , 35c. CHEFHC Full cream , wfwtorn , 13i ; Wiscon sin now 14J ; voung American WSMa OoooAMOTS-Per 100. ? 4 76@6 00 , KuanStiady at ISi-tn. aud M receipts con. tlnue IlKht , pnwpocti favor an advancement. FOIIKION FIIUITH Mainina orungen , per box , 85 00 , Molina lemons , pur box , 83 76 'rt4 00. ItaiiuriaH , per bunch , $3 00 KPI I , Ib. . lOo , Dates , In Jralls , 7Jc ; aatoa , ford , In boxes , 1'JJu PBUIT JlOTJKiw-AppIo butter , la 30 Ib pallu , i > or Ib , To. Plurn liutt r , 74c. CfAMif-Ducks , Mallard , perdoz , 2 00 ; teal , f 1 60 ; mixed , 81 60@1 76 ; geese , 83.00@3 60 ; JDlpo , § 1.25. Hay-Baled , e8.00@10.CO ; loose , 10.00@ ilKLtv-ln 20 and 30 Ib pall , 8@9c ; In 2 Ib , Jam , nor doz , $1 W > ; as-iortod tumblers , per do : . Zl 20) ) xclioonorii , t > or dozen , $3 00. MAFLK Sfo Ait - 1'uro. in bricks , t > or Ib , IGcj Ohio , 13c ; small caVto , 12Jc. OAT MKAIStcol cut , i > or bbl , ? 0 2fi. ONIONS -Dull , only the boat of old onions will sell , Bermuda * are taken In tiroforcnco ; old ouloni , i > er bbl. , $2.2. ; Bermudas In crate 2 25 1'orconx- good demand at 2@2 opor Ib , 1'OULTHV Demand for chickens only ; drwcd 110815 ; Hvo per doz. SI.50 ; spilng chicken' " , S4.OOffiG.00 , according to nl/o. 1'oTATOKS Moro linn and douniul gixid. Now | H > t too < nro Pt'inlug In from the south and ( olIliiR at ? . > .IX ) per bill. KiulyHoso per bu @ lOc ; Toaehblow , 45c ; Bulk rocoitils are hard to dl ixwo of and ha\o to bo tacked hero. PltESKnvss { In 20-lb iall ) Stawliorry , rnspborry , blackberry , per Ib , 18c ; poaches , cherries , plumi , apricots , figs , per Ib , 12c ; cranberry sauce , per Ib , So. Pnovwioss Ham , 13c ; b. bacon , Itjo ; c. s. bacon , llc ; d. s. sides lOJc ; short rib Mdos , lOJc ; shoulders , 8io ; HUMS porK , per bbl. $18.50. Dried beef , 15a Lard , 9@10c. VRiiETAni.Ks-SpltiAch , per bbl , $300 ; now cabbage , California per Hi. , 4c ; lettuce , per dor. , 60s ; rodlahes , per doz. , 50c ; turnips per bu , COc. boots , per nil , 7f > c ; cucumbers , per doz. , $125 ; 1'io plant ] > or Ib. 2c. caullllowor , per doz. , $300 ; asparagus , per doz. BOo. now carrots , per Ib. , 3c. Calllornla celery , $1 CO. Tomatoes , } bu. box , $1 50@81 76 : < roon ( was per ImOiel box , $2.25 ; ntrlug bomm per bushel box , $3.00. STIUMigimiKM llocelpt * increase and prices declining. Firm stock selling at $100 @S4 60 tier case. I'lns FEFT , TnirE , ETC. Pigs foot , 15 Ib kits , $1 25 : jilgs 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 60 : pigs foot , 80 Ib half bbl , $5 00 ; tripe , IB Ib kits , $125 ; tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 60 ; trlpo , 80 Ib half bbl , So 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 60 ; pigs tonguoB , 40 Ib qr bbl , $0 00. Lamba' tonjruos , IB Ib kit * , $3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , § 0 00. Ducos AND CHKMICALH Acid , carbolic. 3T c : acid , tnrtaric. B5c ; baUam cnpabia , per ID. . 05abarkHas ; nfras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , porlb. 76c ; cinohouidla , per oz , , S0. ( > 5 ; chloroform , per Ib. , SI 10 ; Do\ors powder , per Ib. , $1.25 ; op'om salts , per Ib. , 3Jc ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. , 2Sc ; load acotatn , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor , No 1 per gal , , S1.B5 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per gal. , $1.40 ; oil , olive , per gi > l. , $1.10 ; oil ori ganum , C > 0c ; opium , $1,60 ; quinluo , P. it W ; and R. &S. . per oz. , S1.40 ; potassium , . iodine , per Ib. , $1,60 ; aalicin , perez , , 40c ; sul phate of inorphino , per oz. , $3.7o ; nulplmr Hour , per Ib. . 4c ; strychnine , per oz , , $1,25 , Dry Goods. BROWN SIIEKTINOS Atlantic A , Tie ; Atlan tic P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; BJc ; Brunswick , "ic ; Beaver Dam LL , 0c ; Ijawrouco LL. BJc ; Pacl fie II , 7Jc ; Royal Standard , Sc ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauehusott A , 7Jc. FINE BnovtN SIIEETINOS Argyle , 7c ; Pop- poroll R , 0c ; Salisbury R. 6Jc. BLKACHKD COTTONS liallon 4-4 , CJc : Bal lon 7-8 , n c ; Oxunborland 1-4. 8c ; Davoll DD , 8c ; Falrmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the 1,00111 4-4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Goto , 8Jc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; IUH 4-4. Oc ; Lonsdalo , 8Jo ; Now York Mills. llc : Wamsutta , lOc. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Boston - ton , 10 oz. , MJc ; Boston , 9 oz. , Me ; Fall River , 8ic. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoakoag. lie ; Continental Fancy , 9Vc ; Cordis , lO c ; Pearl River , 14c ; York , 12jc ; Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc. DENIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Crook AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 : Haymakers 8c ; Jeffrey D & T , 12Vc ; Jnffroy XXX. 12ic ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warrsn AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. CAIIIIKICS Fifth nvonuo glove finish , Be ; Koystouo glove finish , BJc. CousKT JEANS Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ; Koarsayer , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PHINTS AllonsB Jc ; AmoricanBJo ; ; Arnolds , Cc ; Cochoco , Oc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12ic ; cheap sale 4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PRINTS SHIUTINOS American , Be ; Cochoco , Be ; GIoucostorBcSouthbridgo ; , 4lc ; Wavorlys , 4 c ; Rosodalo , 4Sc. GINGHAMS Amoskeog staples , 8c : Bates staples , 8c : Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnkot plaids , 9c : Hudson chocks , 8ic ; Amoskoag Persians , 9Jc. DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jo ; Per- slano cashmor , 23Jc ; Hamleton cashmere , IBlc ; Hnmleton ITancus , llic ; Hamloton brocades - cades , IBc ; Arlington brocade , 18c. IjnmDcr. WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shlnglosl on oars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINO 10 ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 1C foot and under , 22 00. TIMBEU AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ; 22 ft , 2G 50 ; 24 ft , 26 60. FENOINQ No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BOAHOT A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; O , 35 00. ELOOHINO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. OEILINO J , 37 00 ; 3 , 25 00. SHINGLES , best 4 50 ; standard , 3 60. LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 BO ; hair per bu. 60c ; Torrod felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw toard , 3 BO. I'ulnts.OllB and Varniohon. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13io ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 176 ° headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin seed , raw , ; pr gallon. GDc ; linseed , belled , per gallon , C2uLard , winter Btr'cl , per gallon , 85c : No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , C5c ; castor , XXX , per gal Ion , 1 CO ; No. 3 , 1 40 : sweet , per gallon 1 00 Bponn W.B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; fish. W. B. , porgallon , G5c ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No , 1 , 7 Oc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; Bummer , 15c ; golden maclilno , No , 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 2Hc ; sperm , signal , per gallon 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptlia 74 ° , per callon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. 0c ; wlilto lead , St. Louis , pure , CJc ; Marseilles green 1 to B Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish anst , 20c ; French zinc. In oil aBat , IBc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvko brown. 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarine biuo , 18c ; chromo green L. M. k D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c : Indian rod , IBc ; Venetian rod. 9 Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amor ) . con Vonnlllion , I. & P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow L. M. , O , & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ociiro , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon ) , light oak , dark oak , walnut , cjif.tnnt and ash lEo. IlrT I'nlnt * . White lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOo ; Paris whiting , 2 c ; whiting gliders , Ijfc ; wliiting cotn'l He ; lampblack , Gannantown , 14 c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , B5c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienua , burnt , 4c ; sienna , ru'f , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common. 20c ; chromo croon , N.Y. , 20c ; chromo groou. K. , 12c ; vormlllion , Kng. , 70c ; vormlllion , American , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , Me ; Venetian rod , Cookfton'o , 2Vc ; Venetian rod , American , Ijfc ; rod load , 74c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow - low , K. , I2c ; ochre , rochelle , 3coclu-o. French , 2jto ; ochre , American , 2cj Winter's mineral , 2ic ; loUgh brown , 2ic ; HprJiIah brown , 2ic ; rrinco's mineral , 3c. VAHNIBHES Barrob. pei oallon : Furnl turo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 : coach , extra , $1 40 ; coach , No , 1 , $1 20 ; Dainnr extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70caspha1tum ; , extra , 86c ; nbellac , (3 60 ; hard oil finieli. 91 fXl Oak solo , 88c@lL'cj hemlock solo 28c@35c ; h lock kip , BOo to 1 00 ; runner G5o to 80c ; h mlock colt , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o lo 24o ; ouk ut > per , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to fi 60 ; calf kid , 32@35 ; Grelsen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , BOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ru * . seta , B 60 to 7 60 ; linings , C 00 to 8 60 ; top. pings , 0 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco. SOo to S5c ; pebble 0. D , Morocco , 35c ; nlmon.2 60 to 8 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ! S5c : No. 1 Ohio oak , Ic ; No. 2 do , 33c ; Nc. 1 Milwaiikeo 35a ; No 2 do HTc . No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 87c ; No. B Pitta oak bar , SSc. Heavy Hardwnro Ijlut. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; iilow etool ipoclal cast , Co oruclblo , 7c ; apodal or German , ' > c ; cant too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon ej koB , ot , 2 25@3 00 ; Jmba per not , 1 26 ; to'loos nawoil dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxlos each , 75c ; aqnaro mil * | > or H ) , 7@llc ; washer * or Hi , 818c ; rivnUi , per lt > , lie ; cell clialp , per ll > , 0@12c ; malleable , 80 Irxin wodgcs , Co : crowbars , Re : harrow tooth 4c ; sprliif : tool , 7@8o : Burden's horsohooa 4 70 Burden's mulonhoes B 70. BAIUIED Wins In car lots , f o per 100 NAIW-ltatos , 10 to CO , 2 ! K ) . SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kpgn , 3 48 } do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 } blasting , kcg , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot BOc. LEAI > Bar , 1 05 , COAL Cumberland Mnclnmlth , 10 00 ; Mor- t\t \ run UloiwburK , 10 ( XI ; Whltcbremt lumvt B 00 ; Whttobroa t nut , B 00 ; Iowa lump , fi oo Iowa nut , B 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 11 25@ll 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Totinccoi Toiuoco Climax , 50c ; Bullion 60o ; orBosioo , 60c : Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her- iy' , lOc ; Black , 88 ® lOc. FINK CDT Common , 20SOc ; good , 45 ® COc ; Rose Iioaf , 70c : Premium , G5c ; Dlmnoiul Crown , B5c ; Sweet Sixteen , 60c. SMOKINO O. S. , 22c ; Moomchaum , ! tOc ; Dur ham , 8 oz. , B5c ; Durham , 4 or. . . B7c ; Durhair 2 oz. , B5c ; Seal of North CartUlna , 8 oz. , 66c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 67c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , 4 or , 28o ; O. 1C Puiham , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uncle Nod , i's 2Cc ; Tom nud Jerry , KSc.ii tilquori , ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 2 21 per wine gallon citrn California nplrlt-i , 188 proof , 1 17 par proof gallon ; triple refmod Bptritfl 187 iirixjf , 1 20 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 1 00@1 r > 0 ; line blended , 1 B0@2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 20fljn700 ( ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BIIANDIES Imiwrtod , 000@1000 ; domostlo 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 450@000 ; domoitlo , 140 @ 300. Rnsia Imported , 4 60@C 00 ; Nowl'ngland , 2 00@J 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 50. PEACH AND APPLE BIIANDT 1 75 © I ( X ) . CllAMrAQNES Imixirtod per case , 28 00 ® SJ 00 ; Ainorloanlior ca o , 12 1 > 0@10 00 , Grooom IilBt. CANNED GOODS Oysters IStondardpor ) case , 3 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 Hi , per cose , 2 BO ® 2 10 ; raipborrlos , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; Bartlett poara , per coso , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per coso , 310 ; egg phiTB , 2 Hi , per cane , 2 IK ) ; grooii gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 Hi per caso. 4 80(35 ( BO. UOPK Sisal i inch and larger , 9c , B inch , 9cJ ; } Inch , 10c. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , IBc ; 8s , IBc : boxes 40 Ibs , Ifi oz. . Ga , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , canes , 2 55 ; fiquaro cases , 1 70. SCOAUS Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 84o ; granulated , 7fln : confectioners' A , 73 < i ; Stand ard extra C , Gjo ; extra 0 , Ggc ; medium yol- low. 0c ; dark yellow , o. COFKEES Ordinary grades , 12@12io ; fair IS ® 13ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15jc | ; choice. lC@17c ; fancygroon andyollow.ll10icoliJ ) ; government Java , 20@2Cc ; Lovorlng's roasted. 17c : Arbucklo'a roasted , 10c ; McLauglUinV XXXX roaatod , 10c : mltatlon Java , 1C } @ 18 c ; Clark's Aurora , 10c. RICE Louifiiana prune to choice , 7c ; fair Cic ; Putmn , Gjc. FISH No. I mackerel , half brio. , 8 60 ; No 1 mackerel , cits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , hal brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kitfl , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kite , 1 IB. Stlicr Standard Com. , 80c , bula ; Standard do , 4J gallon kega 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon 137. SODA In lt > papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib , 2 o. o.PICKLES PICKLES Medium. In barrels. 8 25 ; do In half barrels , 4 75 ; small , in barrels , 9 25 ; do In half barrels , B 25 ; ghorkiua > in barrels , 10 25 ; do in half barrels. B 76. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@5Bc ; choice GO @ 7Bc ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 00@GBc ; Young Hyson , good , 8G@50c ; choico. C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@7f > c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 8540c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWABK Two hoop polls , 185 ; throe hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No , 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckots , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , B25 ; Kirk's entoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cokoa , ) 40o ; Klrk'n magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cana , 4 cose , In case , 8 SB ; Babbltts , boll 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in cose , 1 60 , CANDY Mixed , 12@18c ; stick , lie ; twist stick , lOic. VINEQAB Now "Sort apple IGc ; Ohio ap ple. ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , In sacks , S BO ; bbls dairy GO , Ba , 3 30. STABCH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 80 ; Com SUrch , 80 ; Excelsior Glosa. 7c ; Corn , 7o. SPICES Popper , 17o ; oUspico , IBo ; cloves , 25o ; cassia 15c. LTB American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 76 ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 66 : Jewell lye , 2 76 , DENVER MARKET. FLOUR 100 lb , 1 75@2 50 ; patflnt , 100 _ bi , 2 75@3 00 ; Graliam , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 00 ; rye , 100 IBs , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ® 860. rSllAlN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 35@l 45 ; corn , in sacks 100 Ibs , 1 12@1 11 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 60 @ 1 52 ; barley , 100 Ibi , 1 30@1 40. IlAV-Balod , 20jOO@2t 00 ; straw , 1000 ® 12 00. BUTTER Fancy , 35@3Gc ; dairy choice , 25 ® 27c : common , 8@12c. HOGS Fresh , 18@19e ; ranch , doz , fresh 19@20o. CIIEKSE Full crontn , 15 ( lGc ; Llmburgor , 18c : SwlsH , Imported , 't'Jc. POULTKV Live chlckona , doz , 8 50@7 00 ; turkeys , Ib , 2022c ; dressed goose , Ib , 10@- 17c. 17c.POTATOES POTATOES Kastorn , 100 Ibi , 40@J5c ; Groo- loy. 100 Il ) , 'J0c@l 00. VKGETAliLKH-Onioiifl , 100 Ibs , 2 50-S > 2 75 ; cabbogo. 100 Ibs , 2 50(3)2 ( ) 7B : boots , 100 Iba , 1 00@1 25 ; celery , per doz. 1 30. FIIUITH OrangoH , MoHslim , box , B OOI3fi 00 ; lomonH , choice MopBina. 3 75(5)4 ( ) 60 ; npplfw , eastern , bbl , ( ! 50@7 50 ; grapes , Malaga , regu lar , 7 00@7 60 ; banana bunch , 3 00@G 00. MHATH Hams , Ib , Mfiolljc ; liacon , break- faBt,12 (3)13c ( ) ; lurd , in tlorcns. Hi , llc ; dried beef , IGc ; dry salt sides , 9 @ 101c. FlHII-Mackorel , No.l , 1 60 , kit 1 762 25 : California salmon , half bbl , 1060 ; Holland herring , ken , 1 C0@l 75 ; trout , per Ib , 1718c. HAMBURG- AMERICAN D1UECT LINK FOIl KNOhANP , FIIANOK AND aElUIANV. Tlia stcamililpa of Ihh well-known line are Imlit ol Iron , In water-Unlit cOTii itrnontn , rnl are lllnil li- vd wlt > > every ruui9itu | to make the pamiiKe l > th safa and a rccntilc. Tliov tarry tlio united 8 otfs arid Eiir < iioan malls , ari'l 1 avu New Yurku Tliiitn- ilaji anil naturJajs for riymoiith ( LONDON ) Cher bourg ( L'UlBa ) < i.l HAMIllIMd Ititca : rimt Cal < ln , 8 > " 6 , 7o iul frSO. Plcor k'020. llcnry I'uuilt , Hark llarjueii , I' . K. Monrc , M. Toft , BKtiitHln Omaha , Uronowlux & HUiorntKon , a entd In Council Illuffii. 0. lliltlUllAUU &CO , , Uuii. 1'aou. AKla.,01 Ilrirulnay. N. Y R. KAL1SH , rn Han just wived a full line of ImportO'l Fancy Hull- Ingflanil PfcitaluoiiB of thu latent Btyloi AUa guaranUiui U10 flttliiK ) > nd fna trlininlnK . at liovteit I'rlcal o Cloanlnx Dyeing aud Itojiulrlntf , H. K. Corner 10th and avonuort Htrcots R. RBSDON REPIiEBENTB Phoenix Awnrinoa Oa , ol tiondon , Oalb Amti . . . "ir.u-nctter , N. Y. , OaplUl . 000,000.0 , of Nowuk , N. I. , tfeplttl l , 6-og.C QlrardFIro , 1'MUctliLli. % pltiJ , . . . l,2MC09.0e Vlif > uu > a' rnad CM Ul . , l.BS.JU.t * S. H. ATWOOD , Flattsmouth , - . . . Neb. BBIiDIROr TlIOaOUOUBUID ASP UIOH aUAPl HEHEFOBO AND JERSEY CATTLE AUD PPROO OR iHUtt RID BWIHI t9Youn | { itook far ub. Oorroipoail noa tall Railway Time Table. In KITect M y ISth. All ( ruins rrhf at nnil dcput from Oinnh * on YntriUStamUrdTlmc , which Is 24 Inlmitoi faster IIMI nun time. K.xccplSAturdxy , K\cci > lHumh > , I Kxccpt Man ly. I'Yom Union Paolllti Iciot ; Totith St. u. r. n. . , MAINJUNK. I.RUH. ARRUH. Kxp. . . 11:40 : i\m Atlintlo K p ,7M : m . . : p in Mtll and K > . . . . ; ( ) HKI'UIILICAN VALI.KV DIVISION. . mvH. I AHRi\n. Lincoln K\\i. \ . 12.55 p m | Lincoln K\i | . . 1M : p in DUMMY T1UINS-UU1DOK DIVISION. Leave Omaha : fl 40 , 8-00,8.00.10:00,11:15 : a m , , 1:00 : , S 00. 8:00,4.00 : , o.OO , 8.-00 , 10Sm. : . On Sunday * : 0 40.0.00 , 11:16 n , in ; 1:00,3.00 : , f.,00 , 0.00 , to SS p in Arrhoattianlordtiotl3 mlnuteii IMotj Broadway deixit , Council Illunn , SO niliuile later. l * \o Council lllun , IUi ) .l ay dejwt , 7tO : , S SO , 9.30,10.30,11MO Mil. ; 1:30 : , SSO : , SSO : , 4 SO,5.30B 85 , 11:05 : p. in On SiimUygi 7:20 , 030 , ll:40a. : in. ; 1:30 : , 3 3i < , 4:30 : , 0.35,11:05 : pm. Arrho itt Trnnofcr 7 inln- UU < later. t vo Council lllnlt Traniitcr depot ! 7:35 , 8,37 , 0:37,10.37,11:47 : : a m ; 1-37,2.17 , 3:37 : , 4:10 : , 5:37,0:45 : : , 11:16 : p. 111. Arrl > a Omntm 13 inliiulM Utcr. THANSKKU1UAINS. l.RVMl. AKRIMt. r.v 4 , No. 8. . .8:15 : am PA * * . No. .1 llf : | > a m " ' ' ' ' " M .10' 8 Mil " . . . . : pm 1 ll..Ut5pm : " N O.lOinn " 7Ktptn : " 10 7:15 : pmmi " 1 , . . .8:15p : m mi MISSOUIll 1'ACIKIO , t. un. Mall1 10 CO Mn Omtht K | t.ASO ; inn St. I.oulsExp..S.3S pm MM1 * a60 pm S. 0. A P. U. II. ItXAS Ht . , . , . . . vf ll 0 40 a m St. 1'mil Kip. llilRMi" bt ranlKsp 7:15 : p m I Mall 7:00 : p in Itally. 0. k N. W. U. lU l.mVU. I AlllllMI. Uall' PM MII Kit.rrctl . 10.60 n m Kiprcrnt CM p m I Mall1 7:00 : p m o. , u. n * i1. n. H. Limn I AH nun. aii' OOOnml KtprcwJ in'Mnm iipro 3t.6 mpm | Uall * 7:00 : pm C. , M. & SI , 1' . U. H. Limn. AHR1\ . \ follkrU0.00 in Pacific K > | 't..lOMam ' : UUntlaKM t > : COpin MMIk K > p * . . . ,7:00pm : 0. , B &Q 11.11.U Council MlnHs. ) 1KU1I. I A1UIUK. 0.00 ml Kxpretis 10.m MII 0.00pm | Mull 7.00 pin miu. WA11ASII , ST. LOUI3 & VAC1KIO. IK\\ , I Aiinuii. Cannon lull 1.00'pm Oxiinon Ihll. . . . 2:40pin : Dally. K. 0. , KT , JOE &C. II. ( \l Council IllntH. ) LKA\H. I AllKUK. Mull 0:00 : n m I Kxprras 7COam : Express 7:15 : p in ! .Mail 7:00 : pin AllllANOKMKNTUr SUNDAY 1IUIN3 DurliiK Mivy Sitnnl.iSunilnj And Monday Clilrn o truliiH will rotntc I\I ( IOUN | ; Katnrdn ) c\cnliiK tmlim loiuaMny 3d nnd 24tli\h C M Aht I'jMny 17tli\li tlio North-Wciiti'rii ; May Kthnnd lytla llui Hock Inland AtrUu In tlio same order tlin Monda ) follow ln Simnlay morning trnlnt depart nnd Snihl.iy incnltip trnlnsnrrl\oilay 4th nnd 25tli \ \ \ the Uoek Ixlanil , May lltli \ la tlio North-\VcHtirn , nnd Maj 18tli via tliu 1 * . From II , Jb IM Ilopot ; Tout 1 1 Street. B. & M. IIAILUOAD-SIAIN IJNI5. WK OOUND. LRAMI. Anmvii. ithft. . . . 0:10 : pm 7:50 : am 7:00 : tim I0.05nm Ashlanil. . . 8:27 : pm lO.CSnm 4:62 : pm 8:12 : im Lincoln. . 10 : < 0 pin 12'U : in 8DO : pm 7T : am Orcto . 11:17 : pin 12B40pm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : am llantlnKa. , 5lKam : 4:15 : pm 11:5 : am 10:60 : pin Hcil Cloud. 8:00 : Mil O.UIjim 10.25 'n 8:25 : pm McC'ook. . . 10:55 : am 015 ; pm 0lSam : 4:10 : pm Akron. , . , 3:45 : pm 2:10am : 12:50nm : ll:0fiam : Dcmcr. . . . 7 : 5pm U15am 0.2Gpm 7:30 : mil Dnltr. OMAHA AND PLATTIMOUTII TIIAIN3 : Iv. Onmlm at 7:50 : , nml 8:1.1 : n m ; 4:60 : , 0:10 : , 7:11 : p m Ar. Omnli > t U:2S : , 8.40 anil 10 u& n m ; 7. Oil , 7iO : ! p n Dully. C. D. & Q H. K'\la ( I'latUmoiitli. ) IHA\K. I ARUHK Postern rxp..8'l5 n m I Omaha Kxp . R:40n : n Chicago Kxp. . . .4:50 : p in | Wisttru Exp..7UO : p u Dally. K. C. , ST. J. k C. I'lattsniontli ) LKA\ . I AHIUVK. Mall . 8:45 : a in I r.xprctm . 0:25 : an Expnss. . . . . 7:45 : pm I Mall . 7:30 : p in Dally. From O. St. 1 . M.&O. Depot , 1-1 th ant " \Vob9tor StrcctH. 0. , 81. P. If. ft O. LKA1H. ARimi No2 I'a8sctiKor..8SO : m I No 8 Mixed . 11:15 : am No4MUoJ . 2:30 : pin | No 1 I'osaougcr. 6:20 : p n HuntUm Kscoptod. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES - PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. DIU'ASTMENT OF THE IJJTKKIOIl , OUlco ol Intfian Affalru , WashlnRton , April 23 , 18H4. Healed propoxalB , Indorsed "l'roi > o lii for Deot" ( i < lila lor boot nnM bo Biilnnlttecl In separata otivolotxia , Uocon , Flour , CIothliiK , or Transportation , &n , , ( ai tlio caao may bo , ) and ill redo J to tlio Commlsulnor ol InclUn Affilra Noi. 06 nnil 07 Wooster street , No * Yrrk , will bo received until 1 r. u. of Tucaday , May 27 , 10 4 , ( or furnlahlnR lor tlio Indian norvlou ajout 520,000 iioundn Ilacnn , 33,000 000 poundu Ilcol on tlio lioof , 500,000 pounda lleaiin , 45,0(0 pound ) DaklnK I'nwdcr , 780,000 | M.iind Corn , 450,000 iiouniU Cofleo 7/00,000 pounda Klour , 70,000 poiindu 1'cod , 105,000 pouni'H Hani Ilrcad , 13,000 punnda Hominy , IH.OiO jiounda I. aid. 700 barreln incna pork , 180,00 pound ! nice , 7,000 pounds ) TVa , ( OOJ | > ound Tobacco 20,1 00 pounds Halt , 1 00,000 poumluHoap , 0,000 poundn oda , 850,000 pouuUa tiupar , and 40,000 Also , Illankoti , Woolen nuil Cotton OooJa , ( con ntliiK In part of licking , 20,000 jardu ; Standard alien , 180,000 yard * ; Drilling , 0.000 vardu ; Ducli.O rue from all nliliiK , 80,000 > anl : Dcnlme , 17,00 jards ; Olnnliani , 140,000 janln ; Kentucky Jeunn , rd- ; Cheviot , 4tOO jardu ; lirnwn 175,000 : Illouched Slioetlntf , 15,000 yardu ; Hickory Hlilitlnir , 10000 yardu : Callio KhlrtlnK , 0,000 jarln : Wlnsoy , l,5on yarl ( ; ) ClntliliiK , ( Iro. Lvrloa , NotloniiHariiuaro , Medical Hn | nllo , ticliool llonkii , A.P. a lontf list ol mlm'ullanlmiH artlcka , OH Hariioxtt , PI'iH , ItakcH Kurkfl , Ac , , nnd for l > out47fi > Koim rniilrod | for thu ncrvlo. to bo J at CMc co , Kan BOH City , and Mini K City. A I * ) ( or 8ii ) i WiL'oni ni may bu reijulrej , adapted to tlio cllmatu of tlio I'aclflo Coaat , wllli California llrakoa , dellvtrid it wan Kranclnco. Ainu , traiiB | > oitatioii for unch ( tlio articles , gooda , and nupplicti hat may nut boLOiitractod ( or to bi delivered at tbo AKondov. 11111.1 UIIHT IIK MAUI OUT OS OOVItHNUKNT I1I.AM1H. Hchodnlot nhowlnif tbo kinds ainl ijualltlcn ol uli l tein'o Huppllo * rcijulred for tacli Agency , anil I ho klniln and iliantltlen | In Krrxu , of all o lior L'oodi ) and artlcluH.tojuther with blank propo ala , ronilltlom to bo obnoneil by blddura , tlmu anil pltco of dill very tot in. nt tontranarul pauiient , tran8 | > ortatbn rout un and all Uhor ncco8 ary liirtriictlona vtlll ho furnlnbed upon agipllLAtlon to tbo Indian Olllco In Waahlnlon | , or N n. GO anil 07 W nmtur Htnct.Nuw York ; Win H. Ijjon , No , 4SJ IlroutlHay , Now York ; the C'ominm ark-8 of milnUUiiro , U H. A , at 0 oyuiino Chi utgo , Ixiavcnwurth , Omaha , Halut I. nit , Kalnt 1'aul , an KrancUci ) , and Yaikton ; tlio I'lwtmutir al KIoux City , mid to tlio 1'ontu an'cru at the following ; nmniilplace ln Kaiiroa : Arkanui City , Hurllngtun 0 Idwtll , IXidKo I'lty , Kmioili , Kurcka , Urual llond , Howard , llntchlnnon , Larnud , tla Phoreon , MarK'li ' , Mvdli Inu Txi' KI ) , Nowtou O a o City , Keilsn , KtirlliiK Tniok | , WillliiKton , Wichita anil Winlkld Hldi wl 1 1 o opened at the hour and day above Btatud , and Udduia aru Invited to bo prcseti the CIIKCKH. All blilu mimt bo acconi | anlnl by certified chocks iijini lomo Unltixl Htatoi Dcpinltory or the Klrnt National Hank al ! , " Anitelej , C'ul. , for at Kat flvo l ! r uint of thu amount of tno propo'al , II I'HICK 0 immlMloncr. AIXNO THK MNK OF THE Cliicago , SI , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new exteiulon ol thli line ( rum Wakefleld U | ttie IHSAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN throiiKh Concord and ColorldKO llcachta thti Imit iKirtlon ol the Htatc. Hpeclal ox- curulon ra'rs tor land leil.era over thin tine to Wayne , Norfolk aud Hartlugton , and via Illtlr to all | irlncliul jol/.tn on the SIOUX OITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trdnnuviir tlit U. . tit. I * . M. & 0. Hallway to Cov nirUin , bloux . Ity , I'onca , lUttlngton , Wayne and Norfolk , < 3oaa.xj.oot for Krvmont , Otkdae , NellKh , and through to Val > ciitlnu. tifFor rate > nd all Information call on K. 1' . WHITNKY. General Agent , DUFRENE & MENDELSOHN. nrHKMOVI'JJ T OMAHA NATIONAL BA 1IUILUINU , yndlcnto Hill'Antlition , lota 8100 , $10cash | , and $10 per montli. nRDFORDJ.fc SOUER , AgonU. Gilmivii Plnco , lota 8150 to S300. I1KDFOUD & SOUER , Agent * . Clark 1'lfico , lota 8300 o SCOO. 11KDKORD , t SOUEH , AnoiiU. Tukoy Koyaor'sSub-Division , lots Sl25toSiriO.ni3DFORD ; ; & SOUER , Agontfl. Iftwthoni Addition , lota 8350 to 8050. KJgjBKDPOHD & SOUER , AgonU. Orkwood Atldition , loU 8JOO to § 150. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agonta. Irtnscom's Ailditiou , lota oOO to ? G50. | \ tBEDFORD fc SOUER , Agonta. ition BEDFOBD & SOUER , One Hundred Dollars < \r n choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition , This mlditiou joins the ho Syudicnto liwds in south Omnhii , mid will rapidly bipld up with com 'orhiblo ' homos. These lots nro beautiful aud are near the stock yards uul packing houses , and will bo oocunicd as homes by tup employes o hcso works , and are uudoubtptlly the best value for the price o any lots n the market. Several hiivo boon sold and the price will soon bo ad vanced. Wo have the oxclnivo agency on this addition. Terms easy. OILMAN This is n now addition on Loavonworth street in West"0maho. ! A vv pnco has bton put on thoiu to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy erniB , Tuo grading and u ovonumts to bo made on Loavouworth St. , iiis 8pringwill make this very valuabloaproporty. CLARK PLAGE. This is a sub-division of the ' .Megeath proportySJfacmg Hancom' Park on the south. Q jed location , near street car , line view nud has Seed growth of native timber. This is one of the finest additions in mnha , and will soli rapidly. Price $ ! IOO toG51) ) . One-fourth isa h balance on good timo. First corao , first served. TliU.isja splendid Lop- portuuity for persons who intend building for a home. Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south , of Oilman place , West Omaha. The Rrstof these lota willbesold at $125 to 8150 , and are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. * HAWTH This addition lies between Capitol avenue nnd Cass street , ten blocks from the High School , ono milo from the postoffico , and is what is known IB inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade oa Davenpor1 street has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been lot for building large brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this nddi tiou. We predict that these lobs will more than double IK .alue before A-iigust , aa it is the most desirable part o Omaha and would h.ivo been built up years ucto hud itbeeuplaced on the market. Prices S35O TO seso i'o bcingCsold nt doublc tlio price wo ask for these. WoMiavo'Bix'lots left in this uddition which we i : LA.N"DS : : i We have Homo improved and unimproved farms.'nearj"0maharand some well improved farms in Sarpy county. Resiuenco'and llesidenco Lots in nil parts of the city , and On all the best streets in.the business center. Wo Imvo for ale Iota in Shinn'a ' Addition , Parker's Addition , 'Nelson's ' Add - lion , ArmBtrong'H Addition , Lowo's Addition , Park Place Addition , laaaoa & Sol don's Addition , McOormick'B Atldition , Qnngoom Place , R-nlick's Addition , Burr Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition. Ilood'u Addition , Kountza'a Addition , Syndioato Hill , Oilman Pluco , Clark Piuco , Tukoy & Koysor's Biib-divifllon , Ilmvthorno. Addi tion , Kirkwood Addition , Boyd'o Addition , Yutoa & Rood's Addition , oto. , otc. | 3