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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
Air AT UTW AYFDNRSDAY , MAY M , 188-1 ( J II OMAHA DAILY BEE-TUESDAY MAY 13 , 1881. The Nebraska National Bani OMAHA , OP ' ! S2'2iJ , Burolna Fund , Nor. 1 , 1988 10,001 ( DIRECTORS , tf Prcsldont , for mrvny yonn Caflhlor of the First National Dank of Oraalin , A. E. TOUBALIN , Vlco President , Boston. W. V. MOIISK , of W. V. Morse & Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of O. II. ft J. 8. Col Kilns , wswcn : g ZZ i'cuvKtfoffAnsn J. M. WOOIAVOIITII , Counsellor nnd Allot nay nt Lnw , Ii. S. IlKRI ) . of Uyron Hood ft Co. ' K. K. UAYDKN , Assistant Cashier. THIS BANK opened for business April 27 18IT3 DIIIEOTOUS'AND STOOKII01.D EUS are ninoncr the oullusr huslnowof Omn- ha , and Its builnO'H is condncto'l wit oipoaln 1 oforonco to the boit and tncroiMlngh Interest of tin morcAntllo natrons. COLT/HOTIONS rocolvo nnoclal attention and clmrRos lowest obtainable here or else wlioro. INTEUEST allowed on Umo deposits upon favorable terms and upon accounts of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Oovornmnnt Eonda and Counly and Clt yaocurltlos bought and sold. FINAHGE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YoilK , May 13. Money Up. Closed nt3@3i. Prime paper 4@54. Sterling bills Steady1 87. Demand 489. Governments Weak. ' llailw.vy bonds Lower Erie now socon'dn. After advancing to C'J , broke to (13 , nnd ral lied to 03 } . Uond were sold on the rnpnrt that the Krlo company would lose about 8150- 000 by the recant failures and that n largo loan with bonds a ? collateral had boon called. The Burlington & Quincy and Iowa 4's sold down ljt ° 93J Central Pacific and St. Joe. , 2J to 100 : Denser coisi-1 dod'ncd 1 to 50 Stocks Opened weak and depressed , and dropped i2c. Central Pacific , Itarlingto n & Quincy , Union Pacific , St. Paul , Oregon Transportation and Now York Central were weakest. Central Pacific broke 2 per cent to 40 , the lowest price over made for the stock. About 11 there ww a sharp damand to cover shorts , and Vanderbilt brokers cailod in their Northwestern stock. Prices rose 4@2g. In the afternoon rumors were circulated of a de falcation In the City National bank and that Erie lost § 150,000 by recent failures. An of- Ccial of the bank emphatically denied the reported - ported defalcation. Reports were current that a number of loading institutions and firms wore in trouble. At the same time vigorous attacks were made on the Canadian Pacific , Western Union nnd Louisville & Nashv illo , and Union Pacific and Canadian Pacific broke six per cent to 40 , Western Union C to 40 , Louisville & Nashville 4 § to 40 , nnd Un ion Pacific 4 J to 451. Near the close , Cana dian Pacific rallied to 45 , Western Union to 55 and other active shares J@J per cent. There was good buying of St. Paul in the late dealings. The market closed weaic and unset - tied. Compared with lost night prices are 44 lowur for Western Uunion , 3J for Louisville & Nashville , 3 | lor Union Pacific , 3 for Cana - dian Pacific aud St. Paul , 2J for Central Pa cific and Kansas & Texas , 2 for Quincy , ] J t for Now York Central , Northern Pacific and [ Missouri Pacific , 1J for Texas Pacific , 11 for [ Northern Pacific preferred , 1 for Oregon [ Transportation nnd Pacigc Mail and J@ | for [ others on the list , except Northwestern and Ipelawaro & Hudson , which are J to 1J high- Chicago & Alton declined 3 , } , Dubuque & fjBioux City 1 , Illinois Central J and Minneap- y < ' jjolis & St. Louis porferrod J. OOUPONU - . 1004 J4V Coupons 112S U. S. new , IV 122j { Pacific 6s of ' 95 , BTOOKS AND BONDS. American Express . 95 UnrltiCodar Rapids & Northern . IJO Central Pacific . 39J Chicago & Alton . 1 32 do 4 do pfd . 140 OWL.'tarl. & Quincy. . . . . 110 do pfd' , Port Wayna & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph , doW do do pfd Illinois f Central Ind. , ' Bloom. & Western Kansas ' & , Texw : Lako' Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central MJmloaoollB & St. Louiu /"JgdoiiW do do pfd Missouri Facifi o NarthernlPacilic " ' : \ dojpdo pfd Northwestern "loT8P | pfd < York Central - & Mississippi IoSdo pfd la..Decatur ' fc Kvanuvillo Paul do pfd & Manitoba 'aul&IOmaha loPi' do pfd { Pacific nfPacifio , bash , " St. L. & Pacific fdojSfi-do do pfd iterajTTalon Telegraph ' ' tfix. Div. OBA1NaANI > PRO VISIONS. CHICAGO. 1CJLGO , May 13. Flour. Dull and un- . t Rognlar , unsettled and fairly nc- tiveJIadvancod jc at the opening ; then ljc snore7doclined [ l c , fluctuated and closed Ic above ycatonUy. Cash and May , 88 ; Juno , 89891 | ; July 91i911 ; August , 90@90J. _ a Strong and higher ; opened Jo higher , advanced Jo , fluctuated and closed steady , j/c / abovelyeitercluy. Cash , 55y@r,0j May , CO ; June/67j Juy68fcAugust ! , G'J4@59jj ; rejected , Oata Quiet and firm ; alxiut i@fia higher. Cash and AIay,33)f ) ; June , 33j ; July , 35 } ; Aug. nat ? 29J ; the year , 27j. 'Rye Steady ; U2fe02 } . Parley Quiet ; 72. Timothy Steady ; good to prime , 1 29 ® Flax Dull ; 1 C8@l 70. Pork Quiet and firm ; advanced 15@25c ; Cash rand May. 17 35@17 40 ; Juno , 17 45 © 17471July ; , 1767J@17CO ; Augujt , 1705 ® Lard Firmer and less doing ; advanced fi@ JOoC6shand ; May , 8 35@887j ; June , 840M 8'42iTJulv , 8 fiO'a-8 02J ; August. 8 00 8 O'-'f Bnlkf Meats -Hhonldera , 0 CO ; short ribs ' BSOrahortclear , 880. * Wld key Unch ngedj ] 12. Burtor Sloiver : choice creamery. 20CS23' fancrAiry. 18@19. ' < ChoMe Common , weak ; choice , titoadyi fulltcroani cheddarx , new , 12@13s ; skimmed cheddan , 48c. KgB = -FaIrlv active ; strictly fresh 13@13 } ; lecondi , HVsl'JJc. " 'Hide * Stoidy ; green salt cured , bull. 7 ; danugod , 0 } ; light , i ; heavy , 88 } ; calf 12 ® Tallow Unchanged ; No 1 country , Oy , OAtlfllJoAlil ) . Wheat Sales , 1,875,000 bu ; June Ic ; lower ; .fuly o lower ; August ic low. er.THw Corn-Sales , 050,000 bu ; June gc lower ; July jojower ; Augu t BO lower , OatH.-Sales , 725,000 buj'July go lotverjAug. ust { o lower , Purk = Salea , 2.2M ) bbla ; Auguit 2ic loww. * - llSsles , 5,260 tea ; unchanged. , NKW VOEK , KBW YOHK , May 13 , Wheat Spot a ehade 4 ojitiom unsettled ; opening lower ; later recovered the decline , advnncoi M ljc on deliveries after Juno : closing weaker No. 11 , Chicapo , 98 : ungraded rod , 7Bf < 81 PS No. 3 , rot ) , 1 01 } ; No. 2 rod , 1 041 OT.J for July , closing at 1 045. Corn SjHit } © lc higher ; options oiKjnei' ' J@Ho better ; later Ml back } @ ? c ; closiiif uoak. Ungraded , 41@&J ; No. 3 , C3@G5. JulyGlj. Oats- \\c \ \ higher ; mired western as@40 white , 4Hw)4f ) . l-Vgs-Wostern fre-sh , steady , with a fall demand , Pork Klrini old mess , 17 00. Lard Wonkj western steam on spot , 8G2JS ( 8 05. 05.Butter Butter -Quiet and steady for choice grades , ST. tons riionucE. ST. Loois , May 13. Wheat Hlchor nn < n'tivn but utHpttlcds closed weak ; No. 2 red 31 13 cash : ? l 13 Mil ; ? ! 09 } ® ! (11 ( > J May ; 9XJ @ 90ijo Juno ; DC.Jo closing ; 92Jc July ; ATI gint. nominal , 911(39ljp ( ; ; closing , 913 for tin year ; No. 3 rod , 1 0J@1 ! OIJ. CAM , 11OAIII ) . Wheat Active ; lowcrj 1093 Tunoj 953(2 ( 95J July ; W J August ; 90J year. I'orn Inactive ; lower ; Gi Juno , ; C33 July fi43 August ; 45 year. Oata-Stoady ; 32f May ; 331 Tune ; Sl\ \ July. PE01UA l-nODVCE. PtontA , May 13. Corn Steady ; 'now mixed , 55t < i > 5n { ; now rejected CI/3)55. / ) Oats Steady ; No. fi white 3li37. Rye Steady ; now , 02(5ita ( } . Whisky-Firm nl SI 12. GINR1NKATT , CINCINKATI , May 13. Wheat Steady ; No , S ! rod , l.Oii ® ! OS. Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 58\ \ , Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 37" . Ryo-Stroiigor ; 71@71 } . Barley Scarce firm ; oxtr. No. 3 fall , 80@ 81 * P"rk Quiet ; moss 17 50. Lard Firm ; 8 10 Bulk Moats Steady ; shoulders 0 } ; short rilm 8 35. Wlitsky-Quiol ; 1 11. MILWADKKR. MILWADKUB. May 13. Wheat Lower ; No. 2S9fo May , 89 Jc ; Juno ; 89Jc ; .lulj Corn Inactive ; No. 2 55c. Oats Quiet and weaker ; No. 2 delivered , 35c ; white , 38. Rye Firmer , inactive ; No. 2 , 64. Barley Stronger ; No. 2 spring 09. 1UI.TI.MUUK. BALTIMORE , May 12. Wheat Western steady aud dull ; No. 2 winter rod spot 1 02 © 103. Corn Western higher ; mixed on epotCOj @OOJ. Oats Quiotj western white 41@ 13 ; mixed 38 ® 10. Ryo-QuiotGS70c. ; isky-Qulot ; § 1 10. KANSAS OITT PRODUCE. KANSAS Cm , May 13. Wboat Steady ; 85iccash ; 81o bid ; Juno , No. 2 soft SI 00 bid. bid.Corn Corn Higher ; 45c cash and Juno ; 47Jc asked for July. Oats-Stronger ; 31j31Jc. ! NKW OHLKANS NJCW OREANH , May 13. Corn Higher ; scarce ; mixed , 00 ; white , 70. Oats Finn with moderate demand ; 43 © 44. 44.Corn Corn Meal -Moderate demand , 2 90@3 00. Pork. 17 37J. Lard Steady ; tierce refined , 8jj ; keg , Whisky Firm ; unchanged. TOLEDO. TOLEDO. May 13.Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 , red , cash , 039& Corn Moderatively active and higher. No. 2 , cash , 58J. Oats Easier ; No. 2 , cash aud May 351. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL , May 13. Broadatufls Quiet , rather easier. Wheat-Winter 7s 8d@8s 2d ; spring 7s 5d@ 7s 7d. Corn Now , Ds 2d. LIVE STOCK , EAN3AB CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cur , May 13. The Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Active and firm , 10 higher ; natives 5 CO@G 30. Others unchanged. Hogs Weak , slow , 10 lower 5 00@5 80. Sheep Steady ; natives , clipped 4 7(5. ( ST. LOUIS LIVK STOCK. ST Louis , May 13. Cattlo-Easier , alow Dxports 0 4Q@0 75. Common to choice 5 40 ® 15 40. Sheep Clipped , firm , wanted ; 4 00@5 CO. SVoolod , dull ; neglected. Hogs -Lower , unsettled. Light to heavy 5 30@5 90. Packing 5 40@5 75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , May 13. Hogs-Receipts , 10,000 active , firm Be higher , light 5 00@5 10 ; rough packing , S3 40@5 75 ; heavy packing and ship- plug , S580@015. Cattle Receipts , 5,300 head ; strong ex- xporto , SO 35@0 75 ; good to choice , SO 00 @ 0 40 ; common to fair , S540@G 00 ; butchers' , 53 00@5 00 ; Btockors , SJ Ofl@5 22. TRAFFIC. FLOtm AND GRAIN. OHIOAQO , May 13. Receipts and shlji. monta of flour and gralu fur the past 21 hours have boon aa follows ; Receipts. Slilp'fe. Flour , bbls 15,000 15,000 Vheat , bushels 27,000 211,000 CJorn , buflhohi 84,000 100,000 Uata , bushola 117.000 103,000 Ryebushels 3,000 23,000 Barley , bushels 9,000 10,000 NEW YOUK , May 13. Receipts and hlpmonts of Hour and grain for the past 24 hours lave boon as follows ; Receipt * Shlp'tH. Wheat , bushels 29,000 40,000 Corn , bushola 17,000 29,000 Data , bushels 38,000 45,000 LIVE STOCK. OnidAQO , May 13. Rocelpta und hlp. monta of live alack for tbo pant. J' i. . u i L.tvi > boon as followr : _ , RecoipU. Bhip'ls. Jattlo , B800 Hogs 10,500 Sheep 2,000 KANSAS CITY , B.May 13. Rocolpl and hipmenls of lira stock for the past 24 houru lave boon aa follows : , Rocolpta. HWp'ts. Jattlo 2,200 logs 8,000 Bhoep 1,100 ST. Louis , May 13. Recoipla and nhip- ment' of live slock for ttia past 24 houru have icon as follows ! Rocolpta , Bliip'la. Cattle 1,300 Hogs 0'JOO , Sheep 900 O3IAIIA \TlioloaaIo 1'rtcoB , Of rice nr THE OMAHA Bi . i Tuesday Evening , May 13 , J The iollowlug pricen are charged retnilurs > y Jobbers , wholesalers and commlaalou iner. chants , wltli the exception of errata , which Ii looted at the priced furnished by the elevators and other local buy ow Urain. WHEAT-NO. 2 , 72c < Q7i3. BAIILEV-NO , 2 , C0c < $5.r.c. RVE-No. 3. 45c. CORN No. 2 , 38163401 , OATH-NO. 2,27fe3'Jc. Ijivo Bloclc , STEERS 4 25@5 00. VAT Cows-3 rx(24 ( 25 , HOOB-O OOr B 2& . BIICEF 3 COTflJ4 50 , OALVM-C &o@7 00. Flour and Mlllatnfl * . WHEAT Be t quality , patent , at SMOND QoAtiTT 2 758 25 , WHEAT Boat quality patent 3 25@3 30. Sgrosn Qt'ALiTT 2 503 25 BRAN'-WJ per cwt. OnorrKi ) FKKI > Vorico lb . l.OJ. COR > J MKAL 1 10@il 20 per cwt. SCRKENINO 65@7rxs p r cwt DRCOS ANDCiiBMiCALS Acid , carKillo. 45c ncid , tarUric. Wa ; lnls\m wpibia , per lb. , "Ocjbirksassafrns , per lb. lc : calomel , pnrlb 75c ; cltmhnnldlit , per or , 81,05 ; chloroform per lb. , 85c ; Dovors pwdor , | > or lb. , $1.23 epsom salts , per lb. , PJct glycotino , pure , per lb. , 3'cj load acetate , per lb. , 22c ; oil , castor , No 1 per gal. , $1.40 ; oil , oa. tor. No. 3 per gal. , 81,20 ; oil , olive , per gal. , SI 5'J ; oil ori ganum , FOc ; opium , $5.00 ; ( | utnluo , P. ft W. and It. it S. . per IMS. , SI. SO ; ( iola s'um ' , imlino , ] ) cr lb. . 81. 65 ; sallclu , per or. . , 40c ; ul- phatool morphine , per or. , ? 3,75 ; tiiilphur flour , per lb. , 4c ; utrychniuo , l > or or. . , ? 1.25. IllllCB. Steady ; green tmtchon , BraGJo ! green galled 8@81c1 ; dry flint , Mjaifio : dry alt , 10fillc ( ; damacod hldoi , two-thlrdi prlco. TALLOW SJ@Oo ; SHEEP PsLTa-25c ( lJOO. Ootioral Vroilueo. APPLES A fnw stnnll connlgnmonts have boon roeolvod which soil mainly to city tv.ulo. Willow Twigs , § 1.50 Winesips , 54.50 ; fionl- tans , $1.00. I'SANS Rocolpta light nnd demand good. H uil picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium , 2 0002 25. BEESWAX In good demand. Choice lulphl per lit. 2G@2Sc : common to good dark per lit , 2025c. BUTTKK A weak fooling prevails nnd n heavy docllno Is auticlpited to take place In about a week , whan grass butter will bo com ing in. Packers will not oiler alxivo lOc now fur common grades aud are notations to buy. The bolter grades are rolling readily yctlo the rado. Rolls have arrived in bad sbapo laloly and tub butter of uniform color preferred. To- lay * Baloi , choice table 15(3)l"c ( ) ; fair lo goods 2oll ( Ic ; inferior grades , SH)10c. ( ) There have not boon any creamery offered in this market , although prices were comparatl\oly high. With improved quality cf country butter ami lower prices dcmind for cro.miory will nat urally decrease . Choice creamery quolablo at 23(5 ( > 20e. ClDER-"Ohu > " per bhl , 87.00 ; "York Stale" per bbl , $8 00 ; per 4 'jbl , S * 75 ; condensed per gal , 85c. Crab iipplo , per gal. 35c. CHEESE Full cream , western. 13J ; Wlscou nin now 15J ; young Amorlcan 17. Coco ANUTS Per KM ) , 81 75@5 00. ] C ( is Nochango Is notable. The feeling Is romarkrbly strong for Ibis limo of Iho year , but it is hard to toll how long it might bo depended upon , as it Is almost unnatural. Sales to-day , 13c. FOREION FUUITS Mowina oranges , per box , 85 00. Mosslna lemons , per box , S3 75 © 4 00. Bananas , per bunch , 83 00(5) ( ) 4 00. Figs , lb. , lOc. Dates , in trails , 7ic ; dates , fard , in boxes , 12Jc. FRUIT BoTtEiia Apple butter , In 30 lb palls , per lb , 7c. Plum buttflr , 7Jc. GAME Imckfl , Mallard , pordoz , 2 00 ; teal , SI 50 ; mixed , 81 G0(5)l ( ) 75 ; geese , S3.00@3 50 ; snipe , $1.25. liny Baled , S0 88. JELLY In 20 and 30 lb nails , S@9c ; In 2 lb ja , per doz , $1 5 ! ) ; assorted tumblers , per ilo ; . 31 20 : cchoonors , per dozen , § 3 00. MAPLE SUGAR Puro. In brinks , per lb , ICc ; Ohio , 13o ; small cakts , 12ic. OAT MEAL Stool cut , per bbl , SO 25. ONIONS Dull , only tlio boat of old onions will soil. Bermudas are lakon in preference ; old onions , per bbl. , S2.25 ; Bermudas in cralo 82.25. ONION SETS Bottom per bu , $3 CO ; tops , $250. POPCORN- good demand at 2@2JCpor | lb. POULTRY Demand for chickens only ; dressed 14(5)15 ( ) ; Hvo per doz. $1.50 ; spiing chickens , $ J.OO@0.00. POTATOES More firm and domind good. Now potstooa are ccming in from Iho south and soiling at 85.50 per bbl. Early Rose per bu g40c ; Poachblow , 4Cc ; Bulk receipts are liard to dispose of and have to bo sacked horo. PRESERVES ( In 20-lb palls ) Strawberry , raspberry , blackberry , per lb , 13c ; peaches , chorrioa , plums , apricots , figs , perlb , 12e ; cranberry sauce , per lb , 8c. PROVISIONS Ham , 13.c : b. bacon , lljc ; c. B. bacon , HSc ; d. B. Bides lOJc ; short rib Hides , lOic ; shoulders , 8\c : moss porlc. i > or bbl. § 1850. Dried beef , ir-ic. Lard , 9@10c. VEQETARI.E3 - Spinach , per bbl. 83 00 ; now cabbage , California per lb. , 4c ; lettuce , per doz. , fiOc ; rodiahcs , per doz. , 50c ; turnips > or bu , COc. beets , per bu , 75c ; iucumbers , ] ier doz. , $123 ; Pie planter > or lb. 2c. caulillowor , per doz. , S3 00 ; isparagus , per doz. 70c. now carrots , per b. , 3c. California celery , § 1 50. Tomatoes , t bu. box , 81 50@S1 75 : < roon Jioaa per bushel ) ox , $2.25 ; string boins per bushel box , 83.00. STRAWHEK11IE3Consigiimonts more liberal ind prlc9 getting lowor. Saloi to-day 25 > er qt. PiosFEBT , TRIPE , ETO. Pigs foot , 15 lb kits , 81 25 ; piga 40 lb or bbl , S2 50 ; pigs foot , 80 lb half bbl , $5 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , SI 25 ; tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; Iripe , 80 lb half bbl , $5 $ 00 ; pigs longuos , 15 lb kite , S2 50 ; pigs onguos , 40 lb qr bbl. 80 00. Lambs' tonpuos , 15 lb kite , 83 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , SO 00. Dry Goods. BROWN SHEKTINOS Atlantic A , 74o ; Allan- io P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; ioavor Uam LL , file ; Lawrence LL , 5Jc ; Pacl- io U , 7jc ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; WauchuBott A , 7Je. FINE BROWN SHEETINOB Argyle , 7c ; Pop- loroll R , ( ic ; Salisbury R , 5Jc. BLEACHED COTTONS -Ballon 4-4. CJc ; Bal- on 7-8 , cJc ; Cumberland 4-4. 8c ; Davoll DD , ! ? c ; Fairmount , 44c ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 , 8c ; Glory of the Wont , 8c ; Golden Gate , 8lc ; lliil 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdalo , 8ic ; Now York MillH , llic : WamHUtta , lOc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos- nn , 10 oz. , l-ljc ; Boston , 9 oz. , lie ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUOKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , He ; ( Vent Point , 10 oi. , 14c ; Uoston Boar , 8 o/ , lie. lie.TICKINGS Amoskoag. 14c ; Conlinenlal Fancy , 9Vc ; Cordis , lOVc ; Pearl River , 14c ; York , 12ic ; Hamielou Awnings , 12 0 , DENIMS Amoskoag , l c ; Beaver Crook AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ; iSeavor Crook CO. 10 ; Havrnakors 8c ; Jaffrey D & T , 12c ; Jaifroy XXX. 12Jc ; Pearl River , 13c ; Wnrrsn AXA ( brown ) , I2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO brown ) , lOc. OAMIIRICS Fifth avenue glove finish , Gc ; [ Coyblono glove finieli , fijc. CORSET JEANS Arnory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ; [ Coarsayer , 8 0 ; Rockporl , 7c. PRINTH Allong,5Jc ; American , fijc ; Arnolds , ! c ; Cochoco , Oc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 80 ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12ic ; cheap eulo 4ic ; Charier Oak , 4ic. PRINIS SHIRTINGS American , Re ; Cochoco , > o ; Gloucestor,5oSouthbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Wavorlys , 4Jc ; Rosedale , 4Jc. GINQHAMS Amoxkeag staples , 8o ; Bates staples , Hjc ; Lancaster staploa , 8c ; Plnnkel > lalU , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoikeag L'ortians , 9Jc. DHESH Ooooa Atlantic alpaeca , 9Je ; Per. piano cashmor , 2. cj Hamlolon caiihmero , 5c ; Hamleton Fancus , lljc ; Hamloton bro- cauos , 15c ; Arlingtou brocade , 18c , laimnor. WHOLESALE. We quote lumber , lath and slilngloijonoara at Omaha at the following prices i JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 It. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIURERS 1U foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ; 22 f t , 26 60 ; 2 J ft , 20 60. FENCING I o. 1 , 4 and 0 In , , 2100 ; No. 2 , 2200. BIIKETINO No. 1(2(1 ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. HTOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOORING No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. J , 2500 SIDING , cloar-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , " CEILING - , 37 00 ; 8 , 25 00. SHINGLES , be t-4 50 ; utandard , 3 50. LAlH-325perM. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk i > er bushel , 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 23 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hair per bu. 60c ; UWod felt , t100 lit. a 50 ; tri w _ < iurd , 8 60 , B.OIlB unfl \ ' rni8licM. OlLB-110 carcon , per gallon , 13ic ; 160 ° headlight , per gallon , lljc ; 175 o headlight , per gallon , 18c ; ISO0 water white , 17c ; lln Boed , raw , ; pr gallon.eOc ; llnsood , boiled , per gallon , G2oLard , winter utr'd , per gallon , 85o ; No. l,75cNo. ; 2 , C5c ; canlor. XXX , i > er gal Ion , I COi No. 3 , 1 40 ; iwoot , per gallon 1 00 summer , Ifa ; goldrm machine , No. 1 , per pal. Ion , JWo ; No. 2 , 2Sc ; sponn , signal , jwr gallon SOc ; turionthif | , per gallon , 4Scj tiaptha 71 ° , pot ration , H'f. PAINTS IS On. White load , OnuhaP. ] ' Ojc ; white load. St. 1 Amis , pure , 0c ; MarcoiHc * green 1 to Ii Hi cans , 20c ; Kronoli r.lnc. green * il , 12c ; 1'Viich ' tine , rod , lie ; Krcncli tine , In varnlnhftSBt , 20c : tench tine. In oil iwat , IBc : raw and bumt timber , 1 In cans , lOos raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vnndvko brown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and Ivory block , lOcj drop black , Idc ; Pnuulan can vornmlton , i. A. , it > c ; cnrouio yellow Ii. M. , O. &D. O. , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9c ; guidon ochre , ICc , patonl dryer , So ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chi * tuut nnd a. h ICc , DrT White load , 8c ; l onch zInc'B10c : Paris whiting. 2Jc ; whlUng glldora , H'c ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , ( icrinautowii , 14o ; lampblaclc , ordlnnryi 10 ° ! Prussian blue , f > 5c ; ultramariuo , 18c ; vaudyko , brown , 8c ; nmltor burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4o ; slouna , burnt , 4c ; sieuiia , r . 'r , 4o ; Paris green , gouuluo. 250) Paris green , commont20cchromoproon ; , N.Y. , 20c ; chromogroon , K. , 12c ; voriullltoii , Eug. , 70c ; vermillion , American , ISc ; Indian rod , lOc ; roao pink , 14r ; Vouollan rod , Cootaon's , TU , ocaruiiiuiiu.iu , -u , ifiuu'rn iiiiiinnii , 2jc ; lohlgh brown. 2Jc ; Spculsh brown , 2Jc ; Prlnco's mineral , 3u , VARNISHES Barroln. f * * Bailout Furnl turo , extra , 8110 ; furmturo , No. 1 , 81 : cnnch , oxtni , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , ? 1 20 ; Damar oxlra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cnnithaltmn. ; extra , 85c ; ehollae , 83 CO ; hard oil Dnlsli , SI 501 HonvT Hnrrtwuro Wst. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cant , Co crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , r > o ; cast too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon npokoa , pot , 2 2fi@3 00 ; Imbs per sol , 1 25 ; foMoos sawed dry , 1 10 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxloa each , 75c ; nquaro nuts per lb , 7@llc ; washers or lb , SfollPc ; rivets , per lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , 0@l'Jc ; malleable , 8c Iron wodgoa , Oo ; crowbars , PC ; harrow tooth 4c ; Btirlug tool , 7@8c ; Burdon'ti horsohocs 4 70 Bnrdou'H muloshooa C 70. BARDED WIRE In car lots , 5o per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to 00 , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; orlonlal powder , kegs , 0 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 feet 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 1000 ; Mor- rli run Bloasburg , 10 00 ; Whitobroasl lump ; r > 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 ( Ml Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn cllo , 1125@ll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton I/oat her. Oak solo , 88c@12c ; hemlock solo28c@85c ; [ unlock kip , BOo tel OOjrmmor 05oto 80c ; icmlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22c to 2lc ; oak upper. 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; : alf kid , 32@35 ; Grolson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oalc kip , 80o to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 80 ; French dp , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 125 lo 2 00 ; rv's- lots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top- [ > inij ? , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to Sfic ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; Bimon , 2 50 to 3 00. HAHNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ; S5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SCc ; No. 2 do , S3c ; No. L Milwaukee .H5c : No 2 do 33r . No. 1 Pills oak bar , S7c ; No. B Pills oak liar , 35c. ToDaocoB PLUO ToBACCO-Cllmax , 50c : Bullion 50c ; Qorsoahoo , 60c ; Slar , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Hor- joy's , 40c ; Black , S8@40c. FINE CUT Common , 20@30c ; good , 45@ 50c ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c. SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; MoorBclmum , SOc ; Dur : mm , 8 oz. , 55c ; JDurham , 4 oz. , 57c ; DurliaaS 2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 or. . , 55c 3eal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; 0. K Durham , 4 3z. , 28c ; O. K Puiham , 2 oz. , ROc ; Uuclo Nod , J'a 25c ; Tom and Jerry , BSc. } TjlQnorn , ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 2 2t per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 117 per proof gallon ; triple rofihod spirits 187 proof , J 20 per proof gallon ; rn-diHllllod whiskies 1 001 CO ; line 'Mended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; Kentucky ind Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. . BRANDIES Imported , GOO@10UO ; domostlo L40@JOO. GINS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; domosllo , 1 40 @ 3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England , J 00@4 00 ; domoslio , 1 50@3 50. PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ! 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 23 00 ® 14 00AmoTican.jor ; case , 12 00@10 00. Grocers Iilst. CANNED Goons Oysters ( Htamlardpor ) case , 1 70@3 80 ; strawborrioH , 2 lb , per case. 2 50 ® ! 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per ciuio , 2 90 ; Barllelt lours , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , tier case , i 10 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per caao , 2 90 ; green ; ages , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 tb icr caso. 4 85 ( ) 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9Jo , g Inch , IcV ; 1 inch , lOjc. OANDLEB Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; SB , 15c ; loxos 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Gs , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , casoa , ! 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 8io ; pranulatod , 7fJ < i ; confocllonorn' A , 7fc ) ; Sland- ird oxlra C , Ojfc ; extra C , Gjjc ; modlmn yol- ow , Cc ; dark yellow , c. Coyf EEa Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13 3)1 ) : Uc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice. .0@17o ; fancy green and yellow , ld@10Jc ; old lovernmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng's roastod. 7c : Arbucklo'H roohtod , 10c ; McLnngWIn'c CXXX roaslod , Kijc ; mltatlon Java , Kil 318 c ; Clark'H Aurora , IGic. RICE Louisiana pnino to choice , 7c ; fair ijc ; Patma , C c. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No. . mackerel , * ils , 115 ; family mackerel , bal ) rlfl.,700famllyinackerol ; , kiln , 95c ; No. 1 vliilo f h , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 klla. 115. STRUT Standard Com. , SOc , bnis ; Slandard lo , 4J gallon koga 1 85 ; Slandard do , 4 gallon ion 1 37. SODA In lb papers , 8 30 per caao ; keg per lb , lie. PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do n half barrels , 4 75 ; small , In barrels , 9 2" > : do n half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins. In barrels , 10 25 ; Io In half barrolB. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@5Rc ; ti l < > ffi Z576c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , tiU ( iJ5ij jfoung Ilyson , good , SC@50c ; choice , ! 5p@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf. 35c ; Japan , : hoico , 00@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40o ; Oolong , : hoco ! , 40@T 5c ; Souchong , good , 8 @ 40c ; : hoico , 35@45c. WOODENWARB Two hoop palls , 185 ; Ihree hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- leer washboards. 1 85 ; ' Double Crown 2 90 ; kVellbuckotfl , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; KIrk'ti latlnet , 3 CO ; Kirk's itandard , 3 75 ; KlrkV while Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Pralrio Qcoon , (100 ( cakoa , ) 40o ; Kirk's : nagnolla. doz. POTAHII Pennsylvania cans , 4 ease , In cane , 3 35 ; Babbitt , ! ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor iall , 2 doz. In cane , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , He ; twist itlok , lOic. VINBOAB Now York apple ICc ; Ohio ap- [ ) lo. 18o. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Anhton , In lacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 6 , 8 80. LYE Amorlcan , 8 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ; ( Veatern , 2 76 ; Norlh HUr , 2 00 ; Lewld' lye , I 65 ; Jowell lye , 2 76 DENVKIl MAltKKT. FLOUR-100 llw , I 76@2 50 ; palont. 100 IM , ! 76@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ihn , i 90G42 00 ; rye 100 lb , 233@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibn , B 00uJ ( rsilAIN-Whoal , 100 lb < , 1 3r @l JB ; corn , In lacks 100 Ibi , 1 12@1 141 oatu , 100 Ibs. 1 W ) 1 62 ; barley , 100 Ibi , 1 30@1 40. JlAY-Balod , 2000@2l,00iitrawl | ; 10000 BUTTER Fancy. 35@3Go ; clulry choice. 25 © .Vc ; common , 8 l2c. EoGH-Fresh , 18@19ej ranch , doz , frcnh I9faj20c , CHEESE Full cream , 15flCo ! ; LlmburKor , I8c ; Hwiiio , Importoil , 32c. POULTRY Live thlckoni , doz , 360@700 ; turkeys , lb , 20J2c ; dreasod 'gooae , lb , 1C@- I7c. I7c.POTATOEH POTATOEH Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@15o ; Groo- ley , 100 Ibs , 00c@l 00. VEQETAIJL B Oiitoiw , 100 Ibs , 2oo2 ; 76 } t'aliWe. 100 llw , 2 r > 0@2 "fii'liflotfi , 100 ll , 1 ( XW 25 ; rolory , per tl"z. 1 30 , I'lU'lTSOrniiK , Mr Mnn , bin , fi OOiSG 00 ; hiiiiiin * , rholrfl Atrmltm 37f > @lf > 0 ; apple , oa tern , bl > l , d f > OM7 M ; ittnpM , Mnliwa. rcgu. Inr , 7 OflC j7 M : liAtiaiin * , liuncli , 3 000 1)0. ) MVATSHatm , lb , lldiUJc ! bacon , break. fv t,1''Viil3cil ( ) rd , In tlorrcs , lb , lljc ; ilriod bonf , Uio : dry salt Mer IWnMOJc , KISII Mackerel , No 1,1 tfl , kit. 1 7fifJl2 2fi : California salmon , half bbl , 10 M : Holland horrinir. 1s j , 1 OOCml "fl ; trout , licr Hi. 17(311So ( Eailway Time Table , Alt trulTinrrho > t MU | ilcpittt trom Omitlu on IVntrnl SlAiuInnl Ttmc , lilcli Is It mliiutos fiulcr tliin nun tlm t i\pqitK.itimt.t : } , r.vii'iit SuiiilnI'.Mviit { Mon th ) . Unlitti I'nclllt ! Depot ; Tonlli Si. U. I' . 11. It , HAlNgUNK. . Ktp. . . 1 1:40 : iv m Atl ntlo.K | i. . . .TM : tn h.Upm I Mull ami 1:111. : . . .4:00 : p m Pully. KKl'ttllMOAN VAI.I.KY DIVISION. I AitnrvK , Lincoln i : > | ) . . . . 12r : > r < pm | Lincoln K < | i . . lMiin : | DUUMV TIIAINS-HUIIHJK DIVISION. fxwvo OniMio. 40 , 8:00,0:00. : : 10:00 : , 11:15 : a in. , lo : , 5'OiS:00 : , 4:00 : , B:00 : , 8.00 , 10:35 : 11. in. On Simitar * ! 0.4)liX ) : > , 11:15 : n. In ; S:00. : 4:00 : , 0.00 , 10.35 li in Arrive attinn'Icrilriot | IS mliiutvii htor ; UrouJnjj ikyot , Council lllulTii , 0 inliiutcn later. U'mo Ooiiiicll Dlutlj , llnmilHAV ilcpot , 70 : , P. HO , ; l ) ,2J0.3SO. : : 4:39,6:39,035 : : , 11:05 : 11. m On Cumin ) t:7 : : < 0l > .30 , 11IO ! . m.2:30 : , 4W : , 8n : : , 11:05 : | > . in. AtthaTrnnscrilcHit ( | , 7 inln- utos Utcr. Invo Council Illudii TrMiifor ilrnot ! 7:35 : , 8,37 , (1 ( .17 , 10.87 , 11:47 : a m ; 1.37 , 2:37 : , 3:37 : , 4:45 : , R:37 : , (1:41 ( : , ll:15i : | , ui. Arrho ( .Im.irm 13 inlnutra later. TllANSKKinUAlNS. IK IVK. ARIIIVK. P.VIH. No. 2 Sll : ( am , No. .1 11:16 : a in " 0 8f : > 3 a in ' " 4 4"r : , inn " 9..V..7:55 : p III " 8 OilOiuu " 1 SilBp III " 10 . . . , JI6 ; pin MISSOUlll PACIFIC , ARIUVX. Mall' 7:2Sam ( tnnln i\i.735 ; | ; a in St. UmU i\p : . .a:15 pin MulU . . . .O.0 pin B. o. fc r. u. u. UUVR. AtlHIVK. (1:40 & m 8t. lil K p. nir nni l'auli\p : 7lt. | > ni Mall 7:00 : Km Dully. O. k N. W. U. IU LIHVK. I AltllUB. Mill' 0.00 n m Kiiirrrtl UUO n in Ksi'rcrst ' 6.HI p m I Mull' 7:00 : pm o. , u , r & r. u. n. 1KAVK. I AKIUVlf. Mill' 000 > m KXIUCM ) 10-50 ft m Kiprcett ClOpiu I Hull' 7:00pm : c. , u. & st. r. u. u. I.nAVK. ARIltVK. Rx * 000 * in . . . . 10:50 : m VtUutloKtl dCO : p m Hall 4 Kip' . 7:00pm : 0. , 11 ft Q 11. IUla Council I.KAVK , AlllllVK , Hall O.fOnm Kiprosa lof : o m , 0.00 ii in Mall 7:00 : ii m lUlly. WAllASII.ST. I.OUI8 & I'ACiriC. 1KAVK , I AltKIVX. L'.innon Hall 1:0011 : in Cnnnon Hall. . . . 2:40 : n in Dally. K. 0. . HT. JOK * 0. Council llluHn. ) LBA\ I ! . AIIHIVll. fl.Cflnm r.siirit 7:10nin : 7Uipin : Mull 7:00 pin AUUAMir.MKNTOP SUNDAY TRAINS During May RfttiinlAy. Runilny anil MonJay . .ruinstlll rotAtu as fttflo\vrt ; t-atunlay cu'iilniit raliu lra\o.Moy .111 nml 24tliln C M &st lMayl7lli\ln ; the NiirlMVcHti-rn ; Mny U tli and < Ut > ia tliu Itnck Inliinil , ArrUu In tliu KUDU order thn Mnnilay follo\\ln .Sunilty inomliiK tnilim depart and Sunday ONciitni ; rnlna nrrl\u May 4tli anil 25th via the Hook Inluul , Mnv \latliuNurth-\Vc.stirn , \IaylBtli\latlio Cil.VSt 1' . From 1) . At nr iJcixtt ; Tcntli Street. QB. & M. 11A1LUOAD-MA1N UNI' . EDKNVKII XI'IIKHS. ; WRHT'HOUItU. HAHlnOUNI > , " * LKAVK. r , Omaha. . . . (1:10pm : 7fiOnm : 7:00iimrJT10:05 : : am Aehlanil. . . 8:27 : pin 10:03 : am 4fi'2im : ] 8:11am : ! Lincoln..10'IO : pm 12CO : m 8:60 : | > m 7 : < 5 am Orcto 11:17 : pm l'2C40mi : | 2:41 : pm 8W : am Hastings. . 5:15am : 4:15im : | 11BBnmv/.10r.O : : wn UoilClouil. 8:00am : O.Otpni lO riam 8:25 : jun McOool.10KAam : 0IB ; pin OMTiam 4:10 : pm Akron. . . . 3:45 : pm l:10am ! : 12:50 : am 11:06 : tun Domcr. , . . 72Spm ; O.IRam 0:25 : pm , I 7:30 : am IhUly. * OMAHA AND PLATTTMOUTII TIIAINS : Lv. Omaha at 7W : ) , ami 8:15 a in ; 4:60 : , (1:10 ( : , 7:4' : ' $ p m Ar. Om lha 10:25 : , 8:40 : at il I0'05 a in ; 7:00 , 7:30 : n m Dully. C. B. k ( J. U. H-vln riatlsmnnth. ) I KAK. . AltlMtHl Kasttni : \ . . . . : n in DinalitKip R:40a : in l/'hlcauii I'.x ] . 4:60 : p in Western Ksi..7 ] IOp in inD.illy. . K. C. , HI * . J. ft C. 11. ( tin I'lattmnonlh. ) LKA\ . AKKIVK. Mall 8:4.ria : m r.xiircKH. . , , (1:25 : a in Kvircs.s | 7:45 : pin Mall 7:30 : pin Dally Prom O. St. ! . AI. ctO. Dcpdt , Mill and Webster KtrectH. O. , St. P. V. ft 0. LKAVK. AKIIIVr. Wo2 ra HeiiKcr..8.SO am I No3 Mlxoil llllfiapi No 4 Mixed 2:30 : pin | No 1 I'atMungcr. D'JO : p in Sllndajs Kxccptul. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUP PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. ' 01' TIII2 INTCHIOU , Olllco ol Dni'ARTMKNT . WulilDKton , April 2.1 , 1884 jualud propoHiln , in4or cd "I'rojioaalH for Heel" ( rldn or hoef limit huHiilitnltlod In H parato onvclopoH , ) Incon. Flour , CliithliiK. or Transportation , &n. , ( in , hu cawi may hfaml illreded to thu CoininlHulnor > [ Indian Atf.ilrs Nun. 05 and 0' Woonter direct , Now i > rk , will bu until 1 1M. . nl Tiiumlay , May 27 , 1844 , ( or rnrnlnlilni ; lor thu Indian uenlcxi about 120,000 pounds Itociin , SS.OOO.OuO | iound llcufontho loof , SOOXIO ( poiliiilH llcniiH , 4.1,000 pounild Ilaklii ) ; 'omlor , 7 ( > 0UOO pounda Corn , 460,000 iioninlu ColToe , 7/00,000 pnuiKlii Flour , 70,000 I cumin IVeil , ins0 ; ( ) lonn u llnrd llruail , I'l.wx ) poundu Hominy , 1H,0 < 0 lonnda Lard. 700 ImrriU IIICHD i/ork , 1KU.OO pounds tlco , 7,000 1'ouinln ' 'IV'a , fOO JpoundH Tobacco , iJO.100 iKmnds Halt , rxjXXHUM.l8Hoa ) | . | > , 0.000 poiindH iiod a , 800,000 iiollinh hlinur , and 40,000 poui.ila heat. Al o , IltankctK , Woolen and Cotton ( Joodn , ( con * f\Mug \ In part of 'llcldi.K , 20,000 yirda ; Htandird Calico , 136,000 yards ; Urllllntr , 0.000 * ard ; IuckU Ireo from all tlziiiK , w.boi ) y nl ; DenliuB , 17,00 jarda ; UliiKliam , 10,000 jarda ; Kcntnoky Jvani , W.Odo i ar il ; Chetlot , 4 , too jarda ; llrown Hhtctln 17f > , ooo yards : Illeaiheil Hheutlnf , 16,000 yarda ; Hickory HMitliiK , 10 ( KK ) } arda : Calico Hhlrtlnvr , 0Xjilarla ( ; Wlimey , 1,60/1 ) ardi ; ) .tlotlilriu , Ore orlt'H , Nntlorm lloruwore , Medical Humdlim , Hc.liool tljoka , l.c , a. id a Ionic lln of mlHuvllanious orlliltH , VIK.II on llarnoiM , 1'luwB , Hukva , Korku , & , , and lor nit I7fiV > Kona iKjulrud ( or thu mrvlru. to lie dtllvrroJ at ClduiKO , Kanaau City , and Hloux City. Alto ( or BUI Ii Waitons an may ha riijiilred , adapUU lothocllnmtuol the 1'aclllu Coast , wllli Calllonda llrakcn , dtlKeri-d at fan Francisco. Alao , trainporUtloii lor inch . .I the articles , ifoodK , and kupplltu 1 hat may not ho contracted ( or to bu dilli mod at thu AKenclca. Illlm Mt'Hf II B MAIIH OUT OV OOVKRVMKNT III. AS KB , ficliodnloi thowlni ; thu klnda and qualities of inlioliiUiiu i Ui | > lles rfiiilrcxl | for each AKuncy , anil ilm kinds and ipiantltloa In itium , of all oiher.k'oodi and artlcloat < vthcr with blank propnxala , condition * to ho ohacrved by hlildcra , tlmu arid place of delivery to mi of uintrir t ami pat men t , tran | > ortatloii routeu and all uther nccemnry liutnictlotm will bo lurulnliud upon aiipllcatlon tntho Indian Olllte In Washington , or NOD. U5 and 1)7 ) Wootter Htrt-et.New York ; Win II. Lyoii , No. 4S3 llroudway , New York ; tbo C'omtuia arlm of tub l tanco , U. H. A , at Ci.eenno Oil- UKO , Ixuivciiworth , Omaha , taint Iiioli , Hahit 1'aul , ran Kranclaco , and Yajkton ; thu l'ontioa tr ot Kloux City , and to thu 1'ontn antcra at the following ntnicd plaid * In K'anoiui ; Arkanxai Uity , riiKcn , UildHiill , DcdL'o City , Kmpoili , Kuroka , ( Jreat Ilend , Howard , llutcnlimun , Ijirriixl , Mo I'hurwin , llarion , Jlo'liclno txidiru , Newton , ( ) S KO City , Hudan , Hturllnc Topuka , WclfluKton , Widiltaand Winlleld Illd ul'l ' lyuopcnud at thu hour and day abino stttttd , and bidden are Invited to be prutun Ibu oiHinln/ , ( IIKCKH. All l < lda mmit bo auxnnjianUd by wrtlHed chocks ill ion loina Uidtud Ktatui llupialtory or thu Klrit National Hank af ( JOK AiiKolud , C'al. , ( or at leant fltu per cent o ( thuiiniount of tnu propofal. 11 , I'HIUK UommUaloncr. H. PHILLIPS , rn lUa duo of thu lark'est and fluut aiwortmviit of and Hummer Uoodg ( or HulthiKH anil Trovucr. lnX4 All KarmiiU Kaaianteud to lit and trimmed with the Hun Trimmings. M Y I'UIUIH AUK UWiil : than any tlorUiaut 'lallor Iu the city. 1004 Kurnam Htriet , TAKE NOTICE I , Ilu le * an j Farm Implomenti Kopaliod oo corner Sid and Uuiumlui ; itrutt , Omaha. aplOdlm- U. C. 1'AUL , T. Syndicate Ilill'AndiUon , lota $100 , $10cnsh [ , nnd $10 per month. " b SOUKll , Agent . H Oilman IMnco , lots $150 to 8.100. B13DFOKD" & SOUfitt , AgcnU. . . Clark Place , lots $300 to $ GOO , BEDFORD & SOUKll , Agonte. Tnkoy , t Koyaor's Sub-Division , loU S125to'9ir > 0.iKDFOUD ; ) .ft SOUKll , Agonta , Hawthorn Addition , lota $1550 to $050. BKDF'UID ifc SOUKll , Agonta. ICirkwood Addition , lota $100 to $150. BKDFOUD * SOUKll , Agonto. llanscoin'a Addition , lota $ iOO to $ G50. | BKDFOUD & , SOUEH , Agents. ( BEDFORD & SQUER One Hundred For u choice lot m Syiulicnto Hill Addition , Tliis addition joina tha the Syndiciito lunds iuaouth Omnhn , mid will rapidly btn'ld up with coin fort able homos. Thuso lots are beautiful and are nonr the stock yarda and packing honsos , aud will bo occupied ahoinus by the employes of these works , and are undoubtedly the host value for the price of any lota iu the market. Several have boon sold and the price will soon bo ad vanced. , Wo have the exclusive agency on this addition. Terms easy. This is a now addition on Loavonworth street inJaWost OinaKi. . A low price has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy terms , 'iio grading and m i ovomonta to bo made onVJIieiwomvorth St. . tlus springjwill.mako this very valuabloDproporty. . . . . _ j CLARE FLAG is ft nub-division o the Mogcath propertyKfacniEf Ilancom' I'ark on the south. Qjod location , near street car , line view and has good growth of native timber. This is one of the linost additions in Omaha , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 toi50. ( Quo fonrbii casli balance on good time. First come , first Hin-vrd. ThU'ia ii splo idid op portunity for persons who intend building for a homo. TUKEY&KEY Is n beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , West Omaha. The first of these lota will bo sold at $125 to 3150 , and are n bargain. A "nice sightly location , beautiful place for a homo and splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. 3HHThis addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass atreet , ten blocks trom the High School , one milo from the podtoilico , and is what is known as inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on. Davoupor1- street has been established and work commenced , aud will be completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for building large brick school IIOUHO on Doughn street , three blocks from this addi tion. Wo predict that those lots will more than double IK .line before August , asit is the most dodirablo pirt of Oimlir * nnd would have bjon built up years atjo had itbeonjilaced on the markot. Prices S35O TO $650 AdjoiningElots"aro beiigsoldut ) [ double thepncn we ask for these. WojhavojHixJIols left in'this addition which we offer at a bargain. T , .isrxs 1 Wo Jiavo Homo improvedJTand uniniprovedJfarnif | < 3 neari0mahn'and omo well improved&furniB in Sarpy county. ( ij Uesmenco and Residence Lots in nlljparts of the cityJand On all the bent strcctH in the business center. * iytWoliavo/orsalolptainShinn'fl Addition , Parker's Addition. 'Nohon'a ' Add. lion , Armstrong's Addition , Lowe's Additioit , Park Place Addition , Isaacs & Sol- don's Addition , McOormlck'a Addition , Ilanscom Place , Rodick's Addition , Bun Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Hood's Addition , Kountza'a Addition , Syndicate Hill , Oilman Place , Ojark Plaoo , 'iukoy & Koysor'a sub-diviRion , Ilawthorno Addl * tion4Kirkwood Addition , lioyd'u Addition , Yatoa & Rood's Addition , oto , , etc , _ j CATT'Cl'l > OUUiiiJsV. Q213 South l th Street between Faruam ' / 'ft