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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1884)
' * OMAHA DAILY BEE THURSDAY , APRIL 17,1884. FIKAKGf AND GMcRGE. FINANCIAL NBW Yonit , April 1C. * Money Market easy at 1J@2 per cent ; tloiod , ofloroJ nt li per cent , Prime Mercantile Pnpor 4@t > i per conl , Sterling ExchnnKO-nankora' bllU ste.vly t 4 87 j ; demand , 4 89 } . Governments- Lower for 3 and 4 per cent. Stocks-Tlio result of the ilay'u trading In stocks was n general decline on nearly nil Actlvo shares , ranging from J to 1J per ct > ut. UUOl'ONl ) .Ts . HOJ 4 V Coupon * . . . 113 * U. R. now , V- . 123j STOCKS AND DOND8. Amorlctui Kxpross 00 BurL , Oodar Hnplds & Northern. . . . GO Oontral Pacific " < ; Ohlcago & Alton ISO ) do do pfd 145 Ohl. , Burl. & Qulncy 123 ? Erlo. . ; . . 21 } do pfd j'7 Port Wayne & Ohlcmro 13M Hannibal k St. Joseph 3SJ do do do pfd * SSJ Illinois Oontral 128j Ind. , Bloom , t Western 101 Kansai& Texas 183 Lake Shorn & Michigan So U7i Michigan Central 87 Mlonoanolls & St. Louis 15 do ' do do pfd 30 Missouri Pftdfio 81J Northern Paclllo 221 do do pfd 47j Njrthwoslorn llf > 4 do pfd 113 * Now York Central 11S3 Ohio A ; Mlsaisalppl 2ol do do pfd 00 Poorirt , Decatur & EvanaviUo 15 Rock leland 120\ Chicago , Mllwaukoo & 3t. Panl 80f do Jo do pfd 113 | St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba f93 St. Paul & Omaha SOjj do do pfd Olj Texas Pacific 178 Union Pacific C91 AY abash , St. L. & Pacific 11 do tlo do pfd , Western Ufllou Telegraph Asked. tEr-DIv. QKA.1N AMU I'MOVlSlONb. ciucAac rnoDDCB. CHIOAOO. April 10. Flour-Quiet and steady : not quotably changed ; Southern Illinois and Missouri winters , 5 50@5 75 ; Michigan win ters , 4 755 50 ; low grade winters , 2 25@3 50 ; good to fancy spring extras 3 254 00 ; Min nesota bakers , 4 20@5 00 ; rye flour , 3 003 30. Wheat Regular wheat fluctuated within a small range ; opened lower , advanced and sold l@ic over yesterday's close ; then declined i © jc , rallied again i@o and finally declined 1 t lJc , closintr about J@ jo lower than yester day ; cash , SS'SSSic : April , fc3c ; fay , 841 ® 8 lie ; Juno , SGJ & 8Cic ; July , 87S@87ic ; winter - tor wheat , OCc ; spring , lower , 83c. Corn Unsettled ; fluctuated in n small range and opened steady , rallied J@c , then declined i@8c , and finally closed c lower for May , go lower for Juno and July ; cash and April , 481c ; May , 49J@40ic ; Juno , 50Jc ; July , 52J@fi22c. Oatu Dull : cosh and April , 3131io ; May and June , 315'c$32c ; August , 28Jc ; year , 27gc. Kyo Quiet at 50jc. Barley Quiet at 72c. Timothy Slow and weak ) choice to prime , 1 15@1 214. Flax Soed-1 G4. Pork Steady ; declined on the whole range 30@35c , rallied again lOfatlSc and closed - od comparatlvjly steady at inside figures ; cash and May , 1C5D@1G55 : April , 1050 ; June , 10 55@1C 57i ; July , 10 75@10 77J. Lard Steady ; declined 10@12ic , rallied 5 @ 7Jc and closed quiet : cash , 8 15@rt 20 ; April ' 8 ID ; May , 8 174@8 20 ; Juno , S 27J@8 30 ; July , 8 35@8 37i. Uoxod Meats Shoulders , 700 ; short ribs , 8 25 ; short clear , 8 05. Kutter Steady and unchanged ; choice creamery , 29@30c ; fancy dairy , 25@2Cc ; rolls , 10' < r20c. Choose Skims in fair demand ; Cheddars low andjweak ; prices unchanged ; choice full cream Cheddars , fall made , 14@14jc ; new full cream cheddara , 13@13Jo , choice flats , 14 § 15c ; good part skim Cheddars and flats , 7 9c. 9c.KwrsWeak at 13i@14o. V I < T llidoa Steady and unchanged ; green salt m cured bull , 7c ; green salt , damaged , CJc ; green salt cured , light , 8Jo ; heavy 8c ; green solt- ed calf , 13c ; dr/ salted , ll@12c. Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No. 1 , GJc ; cakq , 7. Whisky 1 17. CALL BOABD. Wheat May and June , . o Oowor , July , Jo lower. Sales , 1,025,000 bush els. els.Corn Unchanged. Sales , 400,000 bushelp. OatsJuno. . 4c lower , July Jo lower. Sales , 700,000 bushels. Pork June , 7Je lower ; July , lOc lower. Sales , 5,500 bbls. Lard June , 2Jc lower , July lOo lower. Sales , 7,750 tlercos.N&W N&W TOBK. New YORK , April 1C. Wheat Spot lota steady ; options opened l@Jo lower ; closed steadier ; No. 2 Chicago ; ! ) f > l@90c ; ungrad ed red , 75c@l 17 ; No. 3 rod , U5JfeS5i ; No. 2 red , 1 OOJ1 02J ; May dosed , 1 OOg. Corn Spot lots a shadu stronger and fairly active ; options declined .i'4Uo , but closed with a recovery of ju ; ungraded , 47@l8fc ; No. 2 , 57J58Jc ; No. 2 , May elosad o 57c. Oats Firm ; mixed western , 30J@3Sc ; white , 42O45c. Kgga Western fresh lower and fairly no- tlvo utl5o. Lard Weak ; prime steam , 8 50. . Butter Dull and weak. , Port Unchanged ; old moss , 1C 75. Whisky Unchanged. NEW OnLKAKB. Nitw OntEANH , April 1C. Corn Dull and lower ; mixed , C2c. Oats Quiet and firm at 4 < @ 45c. Corn Meal Fair demand at 2 85(3)2 ( ) 00. Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 887J ; keg , 937J. Bulk Meats Fair demand ; shoulders , packed lower. Whlsbovr Firm and unchanged ; western rectified , 1 15gil ( 20. BALTIHOUE. BALTIMOBE , JVpril 10. Wheat Easier ; closed dull ; No. 2 winter , spot , 1 Ofl@l 01. Corn Ilinbar ; mixed , spot , fi3J53c. Oats Higher ; western white , 41 ® 13c. Bye Quint at C8@70c. Kgga-W ak at 14c. Whisky -Dull at 1 10@1 19i. MIUVADKIK , MILWADKEE , April 1C. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 , 8GJc ; April , SCjJc ; May. 8"i ; June , * 8M Corn Scarce : nonn offered. Oats Quiet ; No. 2,52c ; white , 3687c. Hya llleher and scarce ; No. 1 , GX@Gl&c. Barley HigLor ; No 2 , spring , 70o. TOLKOO. TOUCDO , April 10. Wheat Dull sai. low- * i ; No. 2 re i , cash , Oajfotir.c. Corn Dull and ( Iroopiiw ; mixed , CCf ; No. 3 , cash and April. 49Jo. Oatf Dull and Lwiaroor , April 1C Breadstulfa 021 ; sailor * asking an advance. Corn-New , 4s Hid ; old , 5fi lid. BT. . Louia , April 10. Wheat Lower and unsm/.led ; IVo. 2 red , 81 09fel 00 } for cash : 1 ( ttffll UDJ for May ; < l 05@a ffij for June ; U3JStlo ( ; ) for July. Closing at InsidunuotationH. N6.3r-xl.$100j. Corn J ewer and slow ; 4"iJ4S < 3 for cash ; 454o for April ; 4r.J@45ifo for May ; 47(24740 ( for Junn ; 48S@48Jo for July ; 43 o for the year. Clo'jug at lowest figures. OatH -Firmer and slow ; S5o bid lot caib ; 8346)3310 ) for Mav. Itye-BlowatCGJc. Barley Steady ; 7085c. Butter Quiet ; dairy , 22@28a ; creaw/sry , 30(3330. ( Kgs Txwr rat lllc. Flaxseoii Finn at 31 10. UJHuyHtroug and higher ; prairie , S9 00@ 12 00 ; timothy , $13 OCX5il7 00. Bran -Lower ; 7172o ut mill. Corn Meol-Mrm at $2 60. Whisky-Steady at l 10. Provisions Slow ; only job trade. CUSiK3 BOAKD-Wheat-Ewier ; 91 08J for April nrd MnyiglOll Tor Juno ; ? 1033 for July ; OOJo for the yraf , Corn Quiets + ! v c for May ; 47o bid for Juno ; 4Sjj 48Jrorlulv. Oats Lower ; 33jB bid for May. KANSAS CITY rilOIll'CK. KANHAI CITY , April 10. Whoat-Stnadyi 81Jo bid for cosh ; 82jo bid for May and Juno. Com Higher ; 30lo for cosh ; 40Jo for May ; 41o for Juno. Oats Dull ; nominal , 29ic bid. OINCINNATI. OtMoi iiHTt. April 10. Pork DiJl ; nom inal , inos. , $17 00. Lard Heavy ; current make , 8 10. Balk Meat * Dull and drooping ; shoulder * , GG2\8 short libs , 8 37i. Whisky Firm at 115. PEOUIA I'RODUCK. ProutA , 111. . April 10. Corn Steady ; now mlxoJ , 4717jc ; now rejected , 4GJ@17o. . Onto Firm and higher ; No. 2 white , SCJ © SGJc. Kyo Sto-ulyfnow No. 2 , 57@57ic. Whlsky- Firm. d'JL'UGK. UH1CAOO LtVEBTOOK , CIIICAOQ , April 1C. The Drovora1 Journal rrmorta thli ntternoon iis follows : HOOT Brisk prices and about steady : rough packing , 560W590 : packing and shipping , 0 9tl@G 30 ; light , 5 60fa55 05. Cattle Brisk ; values firmer ; exports , G 35 ® G 50 ; common to choice shipping , 5 40 G 3d : Inferior to good cows , 3 00&5 25 ; stockom and feeders , 4 00@5 GO. Sheep Slow and 15@25o lower ; inferior to good , 4 00@fi G5 ; cholco to extra , 5 75@G 00. ST. LOUI9 LIVE STOCK. Sr. Louts , April 10 Cattle Supply liberal ; holders firm ; prlcos full ; exports , G 25 @G G5 ; common to cholcp shipping , 0 00@G 25 ; corn fed Texans , 5 005 75. Sheep Inferior to good , 3 50@5 25 ; cholco to oxtr.i , 5 50@G 00. Hogs-Lower and slow ; light , 5 70@5 76 ; packing , 5 G0@5 DO ; heavy , G 00@G 20. KANSAS CITT LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY , April 1C. The Livestock Indicator reports : Cattle Shipping steady ; butchera weak ; natives , 5 10@0 SO ; stockers and feeders , 4 40 @ 5 00 ; cows , 3 GO ® 130. Hogs Lower by 520e , ranging at 5 35 ® 575. Shoop-Nativos , 2 85@4 00. TKAFFIO. VLOCa ASD QIUIM. CDIOAQO , April 1C. Receipts and ship ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours nave boon as follows : Rccolpb. Bhlp'ts. Flour , bbls 27,000 15,000 Wheat , bushels 54,000 87,000 Corn , bushels 145,000 02,000 Oats , bushels G9.000 G2.000 Rye , bnshola 2,000 20.000 Barley , bushels 11,000 10,000 Maw VOUK , April 1C. Receipts and shlpmentsof flour and grain ( or the past 24 hours have boon oa follows : Reeolpta Bhlp'ts. Wheat , bnshols 08,000 74,000 Corn , bushels 21,070 57.000 Oats , bushels 52,000 12,000 LIVE STOOK. CHIOAOO , April 1C. Reeolpta and ship , monta of live stock for the post 2 i hours have been as follows : Recolpta. Shlp'ta. Oottlo 4.200 Hogs 12,000 . . . . SUBOU 3,200 . . . . KANSAS CITY , April 1C. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the pant 24 hours have been as foil own : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 2,300 . . . . Hogs 5,5(10 ( Sheep 1,200 Sr. Louis , April 1C. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the post 24 hours have been as follows : OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale Prioca , OFFICE or THE On AH A BEE , I Wednesday Evening , April 16. J The following prices ore charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers and ooinmtsnlon mer chants , with the exception of ftraln , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : 13 ram. WHEAT No.2 , Cjf@G71c. BAULKYNo. . 2 , 47@52c. IlYK-No. 3. 42c. Conn No. 2 , 30J@381c. OATS-NO. 2 , 2t3@29c. IIITO Stock. STBKRS 1 C0@5 25. TT.T Cows 3 B0i4 ( 25 , Hoas-D 00f 45 25. BHKKP 3 50S4 50. OALVK3-6 50f7 00. Flonr Ana WJNTEB WHEAT Host quality , patent , 'ot 32 340. QUAMTY 2 75325. WHKAT Beat quality , patent , . SEOOND QoAiirr 2 C0@3 25 , BUAJJ 70o per owt. OnorrED FEED 1'or 100 Ibs. OOc , COKN MEAiy 1 00@1 10 ] > er owt. SoiinENlNOC5@7Co per owt Gonorul Produce. Arruts Very few in market. Gonltnns. S3 75) ) Bon Davis , ? 5 T,0 ; Wlllowtwlgs , § 5 00 : Winedaps , 4 70. BEAMS llecolpta light and demand good , Hand picked navy , per bu , 52 50 ; medium , 2 00ffi2 25. BKKHWAX In good demand. Choice blight per lb , i.'tt@28c : common to good dark per lb , UDTTEK Market quSot but steady. Choice country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , 33fcg 3no ; cholco roll , 16@18e ; < eholco solid packed , 14'3 15cj fair to good , ll@18c ; inferior crradoa , C6a t OUANDKBBIES None ia market .quotable Boll and cherry per bbl , 312 OU ; "Bell CUUBR "York State" per bbl , 8800 ; parj bbl , $4 75 ; condensed per gal , 8Go. CHEESE Full cream , woatern , 13 } : Wincon * sin. I8j@14c. COOOANDTB Per 100 , 5475@Bno , Kgffs llecolpta heavy &ud tlm fooling very weak , faster supplies kivo all boon bought and deucand now dull. Vouensx FltoiTH Moislua orangoa , pnr box , 84 50. Mosulna lemoua , per box , 3 75 @ 4 00. Kftnanai , per bunch , 93 CO ® 4 00. Vlgt , lb. , lOo. Datei , in Jralls , 74o : aatoii , fard , in boxes , Mo. FllUir BOMKBU Apple butter , in 80 'lb palls , per lb , 7o. Plum butUr , 7 c , GAMK Duekji , Mallard , per doz , 2 00 ; tetl , $1 50 ; mixed , * 1 50gl ( 75 ; cocao , $ S.OO3 CO : nlpe , $1.515. ' HAT Baled , 10 MtctlZ 00 per ton. JKLI.T In 2J nd 80 lb pails , 89o ; in 2Ilb tins , per doz , $1 50 ; assorted tumblers , per , ' .oi. SI 20 : nchoonors , per dozen , (3 00. MAPLE SPOAB Pure , in bricks , per lb , ICe ; Ohio , 13o ; small caits , V/Jc. OAT MEAL -Steel cut , per bM , 80 25. ONIO.NB Conslffniuents are coming in more freely. Demand in email lots only. Clioljs red selling ut $200@250 per barrel ; vellow Danvero at 82 f > 0@2 70 ; green onions , 20a per dozen ; Bennuda. 3 25 barrel , OUION SETS Bottom per bu , 53 CO ; tops , $2 50 Porcoim- good demandat2 ( < $2Joper lb , POOWBY Scarce and high. Dressed Tur keys. per lb. , 17@18o. Gee e. 13o. Chickens , 1313)140. ) Dnpk 13ral4c. Clilcknnn. ) lv r r dor , 81 M. Ducks , live , per doz , $1 00@4 GO ; spring chickens , per duz.t 31 00@5 00 , accord. lug to tize. VOTATOM Demand for choice , well usort * ed stock only : mixed and fronted lota not wanted at any price. Early Hone , per bu , 35 ( B4nc ; Peavhblotr , 4tc ; Coloradoei are offerea at CO GSc. Advices heavy and a de cline looked for , PnssicRvKS ( In 20-lb palls ) Strawberry , raspberry , blackberry , per lb , ISc } penrhr . , chorrlM , plum * , nprlcots , figs , per lb , I'Joj ornnbcrry sauce , per lb , So. I'ltovtsioss llnm , WJoi b. bacon , lite ! c. s. bac in , lljc ; d. s. nlilwi lOjcj short rib sides , lOJo ; aliouldcrfl , 8ie ! mo , s pork , per Mil. S20 trf ) . Dried beef , If.jc. Luril. lOJc. Vr. < iETAriLiM Siilunch , i > erlibl , I 5f ) ; now cabbfttro , Callfornm porlb. , 4o ; lottnco , per doz. , tiOcj rodlsbei , per doz. , COcj sweet pot.v toes , per lb , Oc , turnip * . , per Ini , Wo. Lenta , per bit , 7"c ; cucumber * , per doz. , S'200j cmill- llowor , per doz. , ? 3 00 ; npparngus , per dor. . , SI 00 ; now carrots , per lb. , 3e. California cclo- ry , $1 50. 1'ias KEFT , TntrE , ETC. Pigs foot , IB lb kits. SI 25 } pigs -10 lb qr bbl , 52 & 0 : pigs feet , 60 lb hnlf bb ) , $5 00 ; ttlpo , 15 lb kite , $1 2' > ; trlpo , 40 lb qr bbl , S3 50 ; tilpo , SO lb hnlf bbl , 85 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , 82 60 ; plgg tongues , 40 lb qr bbl. $0 00. Lambs' towniw , 15 lb kits , 3 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , $0 00. Grocora OANNRD Goons Oys tors ( Standarttpor ) case , 8 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 15 lb , per case , 2 00 ® 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per cae , 2 00 ; Bartlett pears , per case , 2 40 ; Whortleberries , per case , a 10 ; egg plums , 2 lb. i > or cote , 2 W ) } green gages , 2 11) , per cnso , 2 00 ; pine apploa , 2 lb per c.vto. 4 S0u)5 ( ) 50. llors Sisal j inch and larger , OJo , i Inch , lOcj i Inch , lO c. DANDLES Boxes , 40 lb * , ICs , 15c ; 81 , ICc ; boxoa 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . fa , ICo. AlATOiiEs Per caddie , 85c ; round , cocoa , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70 , SUOAIM Powdered , 8 0 ; cut loaf , 8jo ; granulated , 7Jn ; confoctlonors * A , 7c ; Stand * ard extra C , Cjc ; extra C , OJc ; medium yel low , OJe ; dark yellow , c. CoRFEBa Ordinary grades , 12@12io > fair 13 @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15c ; choice. 10@17c ; fancy green andyollowlU@lCJcola ; government Java , 202Gc ; Lovorlng'a roasted , 17c : Arbucklo's roahtod , Ifijc ; McLaughlln'p roasted , lUlc ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ HIDE Louisiana pruuo to choice , 7c ; falr j CJc : Patma , GJc. Kiaii No. 1 mackcrol , half brls. , 8 BO ; No. 1 mackerel , < lts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brK , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 9uc ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 klta. 1 15. Srnur Standard Com. , SOc , hols ; Standard do , 4S gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kopa 1 37. SODA In lb papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per lb , 2lc. PlOKtza Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do in half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 0 2(1 ; do In half barrels , 5 25 ; ghorkina\ \ barrels , 10 25 ; do In half borrolo. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice CO @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@65c ; Young Hyson , ( rood , 8650c ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , S5@-10c ; Oolong , choice , 40ft)55c ; Souchong , good , S5@SOo ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWABB Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; throe hoop pails. 2 10. Tabs , No. 1 , 0 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; Wollbuckets , 8 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , S 46 ; Kirk's satinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , S 75 ; Klrk'a white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's ontoca , 2 15 ; Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Klrk'a raaRiiolin. doz. POTAOH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , 3 35 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. in cose , 1 90 ; Anchor boll , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. OA.VDT Mixed , t2@13cE stick , lie ; twist stUk , lljc. VINEQAB Now York apple ICc ; Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashtou , in sackn , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 8 SO. STAUOU Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , On ; Corn Starch , 9c ; Executor Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 71 c. SPIOES Pepper , 17c ; allsplco , 16e ; cloves , 25o ; cassia Ibc. LTB American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 65 ; Jowoll lye , 2 75 Drr Goods. BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Atlan tic P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Beaver Dam LL , 6c ; Lawrence LL , 6Jc ; Paci. fie II. 75c : Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A-JJc ; WauchuBott A , 7Jc. FINK Bnowsr SHKETINQS Argyle , 71c ; Pop- perell 11. Gle ; Salisbury R , 5c. BLEACIIKD COTTONBBallon 4-4 , Gic ; Bal lon 7-8 , fjc ; Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD , 8c ; Folrmount , 4lc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8ic ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdale , 8lc ; Now York Mills , lljc : Wamsutta , lOo. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lllc ; Boston - ton , 10 z. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oc. , 14c ; Fall River , Sic. DOCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 10 oz. , 14o ; Boston Bear , 8 oz. , lie. TICKINGS Amoskoag , 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , lOJc ; Pearl River , 14o ; York , 12Jo ; Hamlotou Awnings , 12&c. DENIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CO , 10 ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jairroy D & T , 12Sc ; Jaffrey XXi , 12Jc ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warrou BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. CAJinnioa Fifth avonua glove finish , Cc ; Keystone glove finish , fJc. COIISET JEA.VS Ainory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ; Koarsayor , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PniNTS AllonsDjc ; American,5Jc ; Arnolds , 6c ; Cocheco , Cc ; Harmony , 4q ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , IHc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12lc ; cheap sala 4Jc : Charter Oak , 4Je. PniNia SIIIIITINGS American. 5c ; Cochoco , 5c ; GIouce8tor,5cSouthbrldgo , 4Tc ; Waverlys , 'l.'l'c ; Rosodalo , 4Jc. 'GlNQHAiiaAmoskong staples , 8Jc : Bates staples , 8 c ; Lancaster staples , So ; 1'limkot plaids , Oc ; Hudson cliocku , 8 c ; Amoskoog Poreluns , ! ljo. DiiKsa Goon1 } Atlantic alpacca , OJo ; Per- slatio cashmor , 2.ijc ; ] IamloU > n cashmere , 15c ] ; Hamlotou Fancus , Ilia ; lilamloton bro- caaos , ICc ; Arlington brocade , 18c. ImmDer. WHOLESALE. Wo quota lumber , lath nnd shingles on oara at Omaha at the following pricoa : JOIBT AND SOAJJTLINO 16 it. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 CO. TlMUEKa 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 BO ; 22 ft , 28 00 ; 21 ft , 20 M. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEWING No. l(2d'commou ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK BoAiins A , 45 00 ; B,40 < ? 0 ; > C , 35 00. FLOomira No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , .8500 ; No. 3,2500 ' Sinmo , clear 2700 ; No. 2 , 2503 ; No. 3 , 2000. OmiNO-3 , 3700 ; 9 , 2500. SHINQLHH , best i 50 ; standard , t 50. LATH 8 25 per M. Lilts Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per buohol , 85cj content , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa planter , bbl , 2 CO ; halt per l.u. SOc ; Ton-od felt , 100 fbs , S SO ; straw board , 8 CO , | PalntB.OlIa and YarntabeB. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , mo ; 150 ° headlight , per Ballon , 14Je ; 175 ° heafillght , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin seed , rawpr ; gallon.55o ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , SBcLord , winter str'd , per callou , Wo ; No. 1 , 7CcNo. 2 , 05c ; castor. XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 CO : No. 3,1 40 : sweet , rer gallon 100 sperm W.I3. , per gallon , ICO ; fish. W. B , , porgaUon. C5o : noataf oat extra , per gallon , DOc ; No , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 80cj summer , 15c ; polden inochlno , No. 1 , jier gal- Ion , 85o ; No. Z , 28c ; eporm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tunxwtlne , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , pn gallon , ICo. PAIHTS iw OiiWhlto load , Omaha P. P. tic ; white lead. St. Louis , pore , ClcMareeilloi green 1 to 61bcan , 20ctrrouch zlno , green .eal , 12o ; French tine , red ioal , lie ; liVonch ilno , In varnish tsst , 20cFitnch zlno. in oil a3t , ICe ; row wd burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOo ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , lOo ; vtndyke brown. L8c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; oowh block , and Ivary black , 16c ; droii block , ICc ; Prusulan blue , SOoj ultramarine blue , 18o ; cJiromo green L. M. & ! > . , ICc ; blind and shutter green , L M. k D. , ICc ; Paria green , 18o ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 0 T > incan rod , 2iJc ; Ameri. . * " ? ? " ? " ! * * 'i 8c > chromo yellow . , MM V1 &Dl ° - iSo ? yellow ooliro , DC ; golden ochre , ICc , patent dryer , 80 ; training oolors. llgfat oak , dark oak , walnut , du"tuut and ash Ific. lrr Pulnte. Whlto lead , 801 French rinc , lOo ; ParU whiting , 2Jo ; whiting glldem , IJc ; whiting uoml lie ; lampblack , Gennautown , 14c ; 't-nnblack , ordinary , lOcj Pruwlon blue , 65o ; nltrAmarine , 18c { Vandyke , brown , 8c ; urnUr ournt , ic ; mnber , row , 4o ; slonua , burnt , 4oj i slonna , r . r , 4o ; Paris green , gomilno. 2. > c ; Paris green , common. 20c ; chrome green , N.Y. , 20ej clirnmo green , K. , 12c ; vormilllon , Kng. , 70oj vcrmilllon , American , 18c : Indian ml , 10o ; moo pink , lie ; Venetian rod , . . . . . . , _ txhollo , ! < ci 2i'c ; ochrn , Ainerldtn , 2c ; Wlntor'a tnlnoral , /Jc ; lolilgh brown. 21c ; Spanish brown , 2Jc | I'riucoV mineral , So. Harrols. per gallont Furnl Uiro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; conch , o.\tr.t , $1 40 ; coach , No , 1 , ? 1 CO ; Dnmar , oxtrt. $1 75 ; .lnpp.ii , 70casphi\ltum ; , extra , 85o ; \\\M \ \ \ , $ y CO ; hard oil ( hilsli , $1 f-O.j HoftTT Hi rrt\v ro List. Iron , rate. * , 2 50 ; nlow stool special cast , Cc , cniclblo , 7c ( epoclnlor Gorman , r'c ; cast tooj oncn , imgouc ; Mies oacn , yoc : square uuu per lb , 7@llo ; washers or lb , 818c ; rivet * , per II ) , lie ; cell clmlu. per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , Co ! crowbars , Cc ; harrow tooth 4c ; imrliig tool , 7Sc ; Bunion's norsohoos , 4 70 Uurdon's muloshotw C 70. DABBED Wins In car lot * , Co per 100. NAILS Kates , 10 to CO , 2 DO. SHOT Shot , 1 ar > ; buck shot , 2 10 } oriontol powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half keg * , 11 43 ; do. , quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 8 35 ; f use , per 100 foot OOo. LSAI > Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : MOT- rlaruu Bhmburg , 1000 ; Whltobroost lump ; B 00 ; Whltobroast nut , K 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; An thru cite , 1125@U 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Leather. Oak < olo. 8Sc@12c ; hemlock Rolo28cS3c ; hju lock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; runner Coo to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22e toIc ; oak upper , 2-Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 CO ; calf kill , S2@3.i ; Groison kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 130 ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rv's- sots , G CO to 7 CO ; linings , 0 00 to 8 CO ; tot ) , pings , 9 00 to 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco , 80o to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 85c ; slmon , 2 CO to 8 00. I1AKNE33 No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ; 35c ; No. 1 Ohio onk , 860 ; No. 2 do. 33o ; No. 1 Milwaukee ) 8 ! > o : No 2 do R3c . No. 1 Pitts oak har , 37c ; No. B Pitts oak har,35c. ToDaccoa Ptco TOBAOOO Climax , COcs Bullion COc ; Horseshoe , COc ; Star , COe ; Kuddy , 45c ; Her- 0/8,400 ! Black , 3S@10o. FINB Cor Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® COc ; llono Loaf , 70c ; Premium , C5c ; Diamond Crown , C5c ; Sweet Sixteen , COc. SMOKING O. S. , 22oMoon ; > chaum , SOc ; Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57o ; Durhair 2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; O. 1C Durham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle Nod , i'a 25c ; Tom and Jerry , IWc. Iilqnors. ALCOlioti 188 proof alcohol , 2 2G per wlno gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 125 ix > r proof gallon ; ro-distillcd whiskies 1001 GO ; fine blended , 1 50@2 CO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 OOCo)7 ) 00. BIIANDIES Imported , GOO@1G 00 ; domestic 140 ® 100. GINS Imported , 4 COG 00 ; doinostlo , 140 © 300. Ilnua Imported , 4 CO@C 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 C03 50. PEACH AND APPLB BUAHDT 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 18 ! 00 © 8-100 ; AmoTican.Ipor case , 12 00@1G 00. Hides. Steady ; rgroon butchers. GOGlo ; preen salted 7j@8c ; dry Hint , 1218o : dry aalt , 10ollc ( ) ; damaged hides , two-thlnlo prfco. TALLOW C@CJcl SIIKEP PSLTB l5c@l ! 00. DENVER MARKET. COHKD MEATS AND JJABD In tierces lOo in palls lie. liamsj 14c ; breakfast bacon 13@15c ; smoked sides , Ui'fJIOo ; salt Bides , 8J@9c. QUEEN FKDIT AND PBODUOE Potatoes , C5@ G5o per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds , $150@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 lb , C0@80c : Col orado cabbage , new , per 100 , 85c@100 ; live chickens , old , per doz , 84 00 ® 425 ; prairie chickens per doz , S3 75@400 ; eggc , fresh , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finest per lb , 38@42 ; creamery , Soccl , per lb , 28@34c ; Kansas and Nebraska airy , per lb , 37C44Bc ; cooking , 12@15c ; cheese , full croain , per lb , 16@17c ; apples per bbl , eastern , § 5 00@G CO ; grapes , per lb , 7(2 > 10c ; California peers per it ) , 7@10c : Messina lemons , extra per ox , $7 00 @ 8 00 ; oranges , $12 00(313 ( 00 ; Colorado wheat , per 100 lb , 8130@1 38 ; flour , fair quality , $10 00@10 CO per barrel flour. Graham , per 100 lb $2 00@250 : flour , rye , pnr 100 lb , ? 2 C0@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per bbl , $10 00@10 50 ; corn pineal per 100 Ibs , $1 G5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs , 5130 ® 135 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibs , $1 30@1 33 ; now oats , per 100 Ibs. $135 ® 1 45 ; oat * , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 lb , $133@1 35 ; wheat , per 100 Ibs , Si 35@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 CO © @ 175 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , $1 33 ® 1 40 ; bran , per ton , S17 00@19 00 ; hay , per ton $12 00@1G 00 ; baled second bottom , S1000@1200 ; baled upland , $1400@1700 ; straw , per ton , 88 00@9 00. W 33 = ll3OTWJ 3L.lli-"I > art > of the hu- mau ljodyonlancdilorcloiidiiniletrcngthincileU | ! ] , l nuinU'rcatliiKiulicitliuiiicnt long run Inonr pa per. In reply to Inquires wo will eny that there U no evidence of lunnljuj ' , aliout this Ou the contrary the adverllicrs nro vrry hlglily ondorsnL Intcrodtcd porsono may get scaled circulars uhlni ; all pirtlcii- lam by a lilrcsu ng Utli llujlc il Co , I * . 0. Ixix filit , Buffalo N. Y. Tiiledo Evonlug Illado. Ajir Tiniot DISEASES OP THE B78" B78"T. T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Ooia.Zl.Mt ; Untl ! ofllcos are repaired from result ol lire , olll with Ir , Parker , llooa 6 , Crcl htoa Jllock 1Mb um UOUXIIM mrcou. . WHITTIER i 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A REGULAR QHADUATEof two snedloal collogei 2hu boon cnRiurod looKcr In the treatment ol OHKONIO , NERVOUS , BltfN AND BLOOD Dlsotin than other phyeloltn In Bt LOUIIM city pa | > en ho and Ml old rwrfJerrta know. Consultation frco aud Invited. When It Is Inconvenient to vlait tbo cltj for treatment , modlolnos can be sent by uall or exixura everywhere. Ourablo cases guaranteed ; where doubt cxlata It Is frankly stated. Uall or wiito , Noryoua Prostration , UaMllty , MenUI and Physio * Wutknem , Mercurial and other ulluctiium ot 'Inroul and Moutk , Old Korea anil Ulo"r . lini di inenti ta mtrtu < e , itrmuniumn , L'nm , < . > teutlou to caws from overworked brain bUlujHML. OA8KH leoalvo pocuii Irom Imprudence , Kiou ne , Ininiucnuiw per ian iq. ly"cureJ. . marrywho may not wliydusei , oonsuquencos and cure , utllod for 26c ; ur attmo * ! en ot * 1r Notioo to Gattlo Men 00 CATTLE FOR SALE. 110 Head of Stocri Three Years Old. 200 ' Two " XO ) " " Helfen , Two " IM " < Mean , One " 20 " " Hellers , Ono " no ab re deaorlbod cattle ara all well lire < > Iowa cattle , ktralifht anil smooth. Tliesa cattle will he told In loUto lult tmrchisen , aud at reasqnable prices , for lurthur uarticulari , call on orwMfM * M , K. I'ATTOW , Waverlr. lireuiu Co. , Inwa. I1. H. Al o vn-i-xr r l < 1 * ili " " > ' ' " " " IT , KUILY VWKWKtt , b ANNA U U DBS. PAGELSEN & BENSON , Of I AND CHILDREN. Office 210 Vortli 3 > tu Bbaet. Hours 0 .to It a. tii. S10 6 p. ru. jtotlieact South 17th , Bear Oentn street. Railway Time Table. B. r. i U. , MAIN LINK.XB.IV t-MU-i XB.IV * K > t > rotu.ltCft p m Atlinllo Kaprmi7U : a rr Western KipfN 3:00 : p m \Vc ternK rreM.3JOp : rn 0. Inland Pans , . . .4u"0p m n. M ntl l-tat , 11:10 : a m Uocoln Ex 15 0 pm Lincoln Rx 12:55pro : DUMMY rnAiNs-nnmoR DIVISION. Uaro Omaha : 7:10,8:00,0:00,10:00,11:00 : : : : : a ! m.U m ; 1:00 : , S.OO , 8 00,4:00,8.00 : , 8 00,10:10 : p. m. On Sun- ilajs : 7:10,0.0 : 11:00 : a. in ; 200,4:00,0:00 : : , 10:10 : p , m. Arrho at transfer depot SO mlmitoslfttor ; lro iV way depotCouncil Hindu , 30 minutes later. taavo Council lIuT ( , tiroailnarilrpot , 8:00 : , WO , 10:00,11:00 : : a.m. ; 12 nvloo : , 2-oo , 8:00,4 : 00.6:00 : , e. < o , 10:40 : On Sundays : 8:00,10:00 : a. in. ; IS rn ; S 00 , 5:00 , 0:10.10:40 : : p.m. Arrive Tranitcr depot , lumln- utoslater. taato Council llluCfs Tran ( cr depot : 8S : , 05 , 10.25,11:25 : a.m.l2 ; ml:2 ; : : , 2:2SBR : : , 4:2K : , 6:25flS6 : : , 7:05,10:651\ : . Arrive Omaha 0 minutes Uter. LIUVS OMAHA. M V COBNCII.WD rS. 'MS No. . . .7:55 : am r M , No. 0 , . , 7tv : m " No. 10. . . .5:45pm : " No. IB..11:45am : " No. 4. . . .8Wpm : " No SllOam : . " No , 8. . . , . ,8:60am : " No.Bi,7l5 ; : pm N * . n OMRam " Ko. 1. . . . 715pm " No. to..0:50 : am | t-ffTlio above li Omaha Time.Jfjf BtanJard time Is S4 minutes faster than looil thno. B. & M. IIAILUOAD TIME TAm.K-CKNT.JTIMn. D1NVKB. klfRRSS. witsr DOPMI. ST BOtrsD. " Omaha , . , 7.tOpm : 8:40 : am 0:55 : pm 10.05 am Ashland. . 0:24 : pm 11:11 : am 4:52 : pm 8:12 : am fJnooln. . . 10:60 : am 12:64 : i > m tt.M pm 2 : 5 am : 'rcto . ll:60pm : 1:54 : pm 2:11 : pm 8ot : am lla tliirs. | . 6:15 : am 5.00 pm llr : > 5 am 10:60 : pm led Cloiul , 8:00 : am 8.5A pm 10:25 : am 8 : i inn McOoolc. . ,10V : > am 10-35 pm 10:15 : pm 4:10 : pm Akron . . . . 3:45 : pin SM am 12:50 : am ll(5pm : 7i5pm 335am 0.25 pm 7:30 : am \IISSOUIU rACIFIC-STANDAUD TIME. Annux. :00 : a m I 0.45 p m K. 0. , HT , JOK ft 0. n.-B.-STANDARn TIME. Vt all dally . 0.16 a m I Eiprn * ' , dally Kiprrf , dally I except lion- ozrept Sntur : I da ( . . . 0:2,1 : am J ) . 7:45 : p m | Mall , daily . 7:16 : pm O. , Ot. P. M. & O.-STANOAIU ) TUlrf. ( Depot 14 til and Wcbutcr Sts. U0.2 mixed 7:45 : a m No. l mlxtfd. . . 6:30 : p m Freight 8:60 : pm Knight ll45am ; Atlantlo Kxp. . . .S40p ; m Atlantlo Kxp , . , 0.15am Atlantic it nil . . .7:45ixm : Atlantlo Mall. . , 7Opm : K\ery < 1ay. ( Transfer Depot , Council Uluffi ) WAIASH i : ST. LOUIS. > avo.-- ' * , ; . 7:60 : am I Arrho 11:20 : am jiavo. . . . < r4..S:60 : p m | Arrho 4:20pm : O. , U & 0 II. K. STANDARD T1MP. Mall * 0.16 a m I Expresj 0.25am ExproM 4:10pm : Mall' 7il6pu All Trains Dally. 0. , U. I * 1' . W. . BTANDAUD TIMB. Will' 7:60 a ml Kxproag. " 10-00 pin Exprew PriOpm : | Uall * 7.25 am Sumlaja cxceptcil. C. , II. & St. P.-STANDARD TIMn. LEAVK. ARR1VI. UallkEx * . . . .8.00am IPaclflaUx 6 : 0am AtlantloKx > . . , .S:60 p in | Mall ft Ex * 7:00 p m Sundajs excel tod. 0. it N. W. R. n 8FANDAUD TIME. ifall * T:60am I Exnrcrs 10.00 am Sxprors 8:60 : pru | Uall * , .72Spm * Sunda\sexcoptvJ. MV ; H. 0. * P. R. U. STANDARD TTME. > fall * 0:00 : a in I Express 10:00 am Express 6OUpm : | Mall * 7:25 pm Sundavs oxoo ted. Opening and Oloalns of Mallu. KOC71 oren. oioss. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m , O1 & N. W. , O. , R. I. ft P. , O. B. b Q. , DIM Paul ft Sioux City.11:00 0:00 : 6:40 : BlD : U , M.&S.P.S. C. & P. In Iowa 0:00 : 6E40 Vabaih Express 8:16 : Waliaah local 5:40 : { . a , StJoo&O. 0.00 0.00 5:40 : 0liO : iltssourl 1'addo 7SO : 5:10 : . ,8L P.M. tO 5.00 7J : nlon Pacific , o-.oilmir : 8:00 : Usr. : . .ulon Pacldo , Denver Kx. . . , 4oo : Tso : 1 & Republican Valley. . . 1:3U : 11:85 : &U. Express 7oo ill. for Plattsmouth , 8. e j\ , Ashland andLlncoln.ll:00 7:30 : pen bundajs from 12.00 m. to 1:00 : p , n. C. K COUTANT , Po tma tor IRON AND SLATE HOOFINQ. G. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas Fit. Omhi , Neb. KANUFAOTURHK 07 Galvanized Iron Cornices Dormer Wlndowi , FlnUli , Tin , Iron and Slate tig. Bpcoht'a patent Metallic Skyllfht , Patent d Ilatcnet Ilur and brocket Shelving. I un ral ai'cnt lor the above line 01 eooai. Iron Creating ! , balustrades , Verandas , Iron Iiaan Window Winds , Cellar Guards ; alto geneia er on& Hill t-nl n liU wiUri TIIISIIKLTorttcKonera- tor U nude eijircusly for the cure of derangcinoiits of the generatlto ergons , Til TO Is no mistake about this Initrumont , the con tinuous stream ot ELKC- THIOITY poimoatlnif ttitoiwh the parts must restore - toro them to nnalthy action Do not confound t"l > with Elect lie Ilcltnaii\frtlBC ( ] tn euro all Ilia from head to too. It Is for the ON 1C ( pec- do purpoBO. For circulars giving full Information , adilruaj Chcovor Eloctrlo Belt Co. , 113 , Wanhlngton St. , Chicago 111. PEINCIPAL LIHE VIIOM CKICAGO,1 EOKLV. &ST.LOUI8 , I1V WAV OP 01IAHA AND LINCOLW TO DENVER , OK VIA KAMQAS CITY AMD ATOHIEON to DENVER Coiuiix'tliiB in Union Depots lit Kiui : inClly Ouiuhuuiid Dcnvurwlth tluouKlitruliiH for S-.2ST FISOSTOISCO And all poljitfi In the Great Wont , Oonnuctlnt ; in ( Jninit Union Doixitnt Ohlcugo with tliroitgh tmlim for NEW YOKK , IIOUTON , And nil Kustoni Oltliis. At I'uorla with tlnouuli trulim lor Iiiillinuip olln , ( Jlnclnnutl , Cohunbns , and nil iHiliiU li tliuSouth.Kiiat. At Ht , I.ouls with tlironul fur nil jwlnta Houtli. Klegnnt Day ( jnchoa , I'nrlor Cara , with lie. rlliiliiOliulni | ( McntH fn-u ) , Kmokiiii ; Cum will UcvolvliiK Olmlix , I'ullnmn 1'alacu Slucplng Cum Him tlie fitmoim U. II. AQ. . Dlnlnn Curd niu daily tonnd from Olilcuuo and KuiiBiia Olty OlilcnKuand Council Jllulla ; UlilcuKO und DCJJ MolniiD , Uhlcugo , bt , Josujili , Atclilsou und Topcku without cliaiiKu. Only tliroimli line running their own trains between Ulilciigo Lincoln uiul Denver , mill C'lileiijio , Hunsiu pity uud Denver. TlnoiiKli cara botwcon Iimlanupolla nnd Council lllulln , vlu 1'vorlu , OOINO JVOHTJI AND HOUTII. Solid Tnilua of Klogunt Day O'oucliea and Pullmtm rulncoSleviiliiK Cura uio run dally to nnd from O ( . J.ouU ; via llumitbuli gtilncy. Kookiik , llurllngton , Culnr Itaplddund Alburl J.catoHt. 1'iiul and tllnneapollsi 1'iirlor Curs with UecllnliiK Clialru to und lioin ut. l.oiila nnd 1'eorla. Only one clianttu of cure between Ht. I.ouls ami Dei Jlolnca , Iowa , Lincoln , No. braskiinnd Dunvvr , C'olomdo. It la also the only Through Line bet ST. LOUI8 , UINIIEAFOLIS ani GT. PAUL. It IH known us the itrwu TIIUOUOII OAK U.Ni ; of America , and la univvniully admit- < IM < to t > o tlio Finest Eaulppei Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. Through Tickets via this line tor nalo at ui ! U. it. coii | > on ticket olllccs in the United States uU Cunadu. T. J. 1'OTTEIt , I'EnOBVAL LOWKLL , VIc < -i'iH. * Ota. Manitx. H _ Dollars ? or n choice lob in Syndicate Hill Addition. Tina addition joins the ho Syndicate lands in south Omnlm , mid will rapidly buUd up with com 'ortuble hoiuos. These lots are boautiEal and are ueur the stock yards md packing houses , mid will ho occupied us homes by the employes o heso works , and are undoubtedly thooeat value for the price of any lots n the market. Several have been sold and the price will soon be ad vanced.Ve have the oxcluive agoucy on this addition. Terms easy. This is a now addition on Leavenworth street in West Omaha. A ow pnco lias hi on put on them to start them. $150 to 3300 , On ensy , v erms , Tne fjradin < j and improvements to be made on JLjavemvorth St. , this springwill malco this very valuable property. This ia a sub-division o the Megeath rproperty facing Hancorn's Park on the south. Q jed location , near street car , fine view and has a eood growth u native timbjr. This is one o the finest additions in Omaha , and will soli rapidly. Price $800 to § 050. One fourth i-ash balauco tn good time. First come , firatsorvsd. This is a splendid op portunity for persons who intend building for a home. Is n beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , West Omaha. The first.of . these lots will be sold nt $125 to 8150 , aal are a bargain. A nice Hightly location , beautiful place for a home ani splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. HAWTHORNE This addition lies between Cnpitol nvonue and Ciiss Btreofc , ten blocks : rom the High School , one mile from the postoffico , find is what is knows IB inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the meat residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davenport street has been established and work commenced , and will be completed is soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for builoing largo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi Lion. Wo predict that these lots will more than double in value befor , * August , asit is the moat desirable part o Omaha and would have teen built up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices S35O TO $ e5Oj Ad joining glots uro beingjsoldat doubloltho price > e'asK or these. WeMiavo six lota left inHthisfrddition'.whiclfwe'a bargain , ; Wo have Bomo improved [ and unimproved 'tfarni8J ' near'/.Omaha and. some well improved iarms in carpy county. Residence and Rfisidenco Lots in all parts of the city , and OH nil the test strcetflSin the businesfl'center. * 213 South 14th Street , between Farnara and D0viglas )