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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1884)
jfr- il * " i-K- - L i mil iK"t . . "t * * * > * 4 4 Wktorf Mil - TEE DAILY .BEE-OMAHA , NONDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , 1881. il Cotmoii Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. Flret Mortgaga Ix > nn NcRotlaUxl. Commercial Paper anil All Uood Becurlttci dealt In. 89 Pcntl itrcct , and 604 First atcnue , Council Dlufla. FINANCE AND Nrw Yo'iK , VcV.uary 1C. Money IJasy nt 1J2 poc wjyt , closed ol Icrod at 1J l > or cent. Prlmo Pui sr l@5j ! pet Wnt. Kxchanpa Bills -Qtotiljf at 4 85J ; demand , 4 80J. ( Jovctn'RionU St J.\ly. Stocks State borrsqulct. . Western Union , Irfnitftvino fc Nashville , Lnckawntum , Lake Shore , Oregon Tr insoontinontal nnd Union TadF.c were the ( sutures of speculation at the Stoc'c oTclmiift to-dny. In the c .rly session Western Unieti advanced anJ wld wp from TliJ to 781 onlucrcasod transRCtions. Transactions - actions in nlon Pacific wcro on an cnor- Vnoui Rcala , footing up to 100,800 , out of a total of 3rStiSr > shares , CovM-Sng by lending boars cor.tiuuoil in thii sl-ock and ttio price was cnr.iodip to Slg. Lake Shore was bought by Vandorbllt brokers. Oregon Trans- contlntntal Advanced J > or cent up to 21 j. Chau cs in the remainder of the list were ices important. About 12SO o'clock Pullman Pal ace air ( stock was forced down from 111 J to 10G , [ or the purpose of breaking the goncral jnariiot. The attempt was successful so far ivs' < ho general Hit was concerned. Pullman bitbdcciuontly rdac'od nnd closed at 108 ® 108 } . sin the nftornooii Union Puclfic was weaker , falling on" toS3J. Other active shares yielded ' | t > fpor cent. During the last half hour , thowover , the whole market became strong < ogain and prices rallied i tj } par cent , under the loadorsUip of Union Pocilic. As com pared with yesterday's close prices wore J to J per cent higher for Western Union , North western preferred , Missouri 1'acilic. and others , and i to per cent lower for North western , St. Paul , Rock Island , Northern Pacific , Union Pacific and Wabash preferred. OOUroNB 's ' 101 4Va Coupons 123 Pacific * B of ' 95 12U BTOOIiU AKD BONDS. Amorleaii licpresa 00 UarL , Cedar Unpicls & Northern 75 Central PauiHc C3J Chicago & , Alton i.34 do do pfd 150 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 127 ] Kris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. doipfd ill ! ) Jfott Wayne & Chicago Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd. . . . Illinois Control Ind. , Bloom. & Western Kansas & Texas Xiaka Shore & Michigan So. . . Slichigau Central % tianeauols ! & St. Louis. . . . . " do do do pfd , Missouri Pacifio 'Northern Patilic do do pfd 'Njrthwoatorn , . . . , do pfd Naw York Contra ! , Ooio & ilissisaippi . . . , do do pfd , . . , . . . , Pcoria , Doc-ntur & Evuawvillo , Kock Inland St. Paul & Milwaukee , do do do pfd. . . St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba St. Fault Omaha , do do pfS asj Toraj Pacific 21 Union Pacific 83' \\abaBh , St. L. & Pacific 1C' do do do , nfa 28 ; Western Union Tel < waph * A-ikod. ' GKAIN ANO PKOV18ION8. OniCAQO PBODUOE. CHICAGO , February 1C.Flour Sterfay , un changed ; good to choice < winter wheat ( "flour B 00@5 85 ; spring , 4 00rOO ; Minnesota ba ker's , 4 oO@5 25. Wheat Regular , fair amount of trading and market firm ; opened , i@ic higher , ad' ' 85c : No. 2 rod , 1 01 ® ! W'No. ; 3 red. P2@93c Corn In fair -demand ; opened Jo higher , declined clined | c. ruled oaay , clcsod jjc wider yeater day : cash. 5t54ic ; ( February , 54@51ic | March , 54gc ; April , 5 c ; 'May , 59 c ; Alune CO c ; July , < T2S2ic ; riveted , 44c. Gate Dull tnd oasior33c ; cash andiF niary ; 33 Jo March ; 33ic April ; 37je ] May. Rye SSJc. Barlev lilie. Flax Seud 1 4 > 4 .omfcwtk. Timothy Prime , 1 27@1 28 ; high grades 130@131. Mess Pork Moderately active , ruledllOfa 15c higher , and lo od'imjde fignre ; cash on- Feoruary , 18 2518 ( 274 : March , 1827401W30 April , 18 40@14 42J ; May , 18 62J@1H 55. Lard Fair demand : prices nominally mn- changed ; cash and February , 9 87J@0'.I00 March , 9 90@8 02i : JApril , 10 00@10-02i May , 10 12i@10 Ifi ; June.ilO 20@10 22J. Bulk Moats Cn fair damand ; shoulders 7 45 ; short ribs. J CO ; short , clear , 10 OS'S ) 10 BO Butter High grades oil well and prices titinchanged : choice creamery , 29@32c ; laticj liairios , 25 270 ; rails , common , 10@lCc. Whiskey Unckangod at ! 1C. Hides Steady ; green cured and bu . damaged , Cc ; grosn salt , ihcavy , 7Jc ; No. i calf , 9c ; green salt calf , He. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , rcake , 7c. NEW YOBK. NKW YORK , Fetruary ICWheat Cast ji-nhado higher ; oitiaufl ] dacllnod iogc at the .opening , advanced l@jfe , fell'tsckto the low ettifignros , closing barely steady ; nngrodec Bfcd , 89c@l 21j N < ) . red , 9i ; No. 3 rod ftjj ; No. 2 rod , 1 10J(511 ( 13& Corn Optlona opaned a Bhario lower , ad wanced J@5c , closiuf ; u-eak at the lowos ptilnta : cwhlots dull ; ungraded , 63@U2c { No tf % @ 65e. Oato Nominally uadianged ; .mixed west era , 4 @I3a ; white , 45@&c. Pork Quiet and firm ; uew mans , 18 00 , Lord Steady ; prime fiteam , H B.utt9r Dull and steady at Kiy-ii-tUnchanjrcd. KAN8AH CITV , KANSAS CITT , February 10 , Wheat Quiet 87c eagli-e7o ; March ; 90JC bid furitfay. C < m ilifiJiec at 42j@ ; 42J@ 131c for March. Oati > ull and nominal At 29Jcibld. NEW ORLEANS. Nrw ORLEANS. February 1C. Coec De rnand actii-o ; .wiite and yellow ewier r.t ffJfa 60o. 60o.Oats Oats Oood demand and firmer at 47c. Corn Mtal Scrce at 3 00. Pork In good demand and lower ; avsw JS87J. Li ni Steuly ; tierce refined , 9 75 ; Jsflff Bulk MnaU-Oood demand and ucaroe. , 1VU kv SUady an4 unchanged at 1 16. TOLKDO. TOLBIW , February 1C. Wheat-Quiet i nUidy ; No. 2 red cash , 1 01. Corn-Quiet ; Xo. 2 cash 64o bid. O ts Dull ; No. 2 cash , 3S\o \ bid. . MltWAUKKK , February Ifi. Wlieat Steady No. 2fljjfc ; February , fijfcj Mirch , 93s ; May ' Cornulet No. 2 , WJu. OaU Oulot and unchanged ; No. 'J , 33e. Rye-EaMer : No. 2 , 57c , HarleyDoJl and unnettledj No. 2 , Ktjc. MVK BTOOIC. UHICAOO LWK STOCK , CHICAGO , February 1C. The DroteiV Jour nal reporU this uftenioon as follows : Hoga Market itrrmt ; and steady ; rough packlofc' , C55@05j jacking anil tUIpping , pjv" " - * $ iiKm > v ivyiM 20j skips , 4 OuW -Cr , tl StrofiR nml nclivo ; exports , © ' , Wjtowl to choice shipping steers. f.76 rXCt 16 ; common to medium , fi 2 @ 7 00. Shcep-StrciiR ; Jnlotiop to fntr , II 40 © 3 76 cwt ; medium to Rood , 4 2fi@5 CO ; choice extra , fi W@C 00. 8P. LOCH tlVB STOCK. ST. Louis , February 10.-Cattlo-Supply oty small ; only the usual S t\mUy retail racto. Sheep No Supply ; nothing done. KASHAS CITY ttVK BTCHSK. KANSAS CITY , February 16. The Dally In. llcator reports : Cattle Firmer mid higher ; native ? , 5 (0@ 75 ; feeders , 4 805 25 ; cows , 3 45 © 1 l. llvgi Market weaker and lower nt 0 u > @ 15. Sheen-Steady ; > 00@1 70. TltAVriO. ASH oluiK. OniOAQO , February 1C. Uccetpta and monts of flour nml groin fur the ( inst1 hours mo boon M follows : Receipts. SMp'ts. flour , libls 14,000 12,000 Vhoat , btisliols ' . . . . 10,000 10,000 Corn , biMholft 197,000 115,000 Oats , bushola 107,000 60,000 tyo.bushola i-1,000 2,000 Barley , bushels 21,000 , 18,000 February 1(1. ( llocoipta and blpmonlAof Hour and grain tur tba past 21 hours mvo bccu aa follows : Kocolptd Ship'tn. Vhoat , bushelfi fi.OOO 17,000 Corn , busUols 93.0CO 01,000 Oatfl , bushels 28,000 103 UVB STOCK. OHIOAOO , February 1C. llocoipta and ship , monts of 11 vo stock for the past 21 hours hare josn 03 follows : Receipt * . Shtp'ta. Oattlo l.noo1,200 logs 7,500 0,000 Shoou 700 800 KANSAS Cnr , February 1C. Receipts and Kipmontflof live stock fur the past 21 hour ; iavo boon oa follows : Rooolpta. Shlp'ts. Oftttlo B70 f > , r > 00 . . . . Sheep 2CO . . . . Sr. LODaFebruary 1C. Receipts and ship , monta of llvo stock for the past 21 hours have icon as follows : Receipt * . Bhlp'tR. Cattle 850 1,100 logs . . . . Sheep l.OMJ OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale 1'rlcos , OFFICE OF THE OMAHA UEB. \ Saturday Kvoninir , Fobmaiy 16. J The following prices are charged retailers > y jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants , with the exception of tcrain , wliich in ruotod at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grain. WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 76s : No. 863 ; . BABLHT Cash No. 2 , 47@50e. llYE-Caah No. 3 , 4c , CORN No. 2JOic. . OATB No. 2. 22Jc. Llvo StocJc. .tf AT SlJCEna 1 51X5)5 ) 00. "K T Cows 3 OOfSK 00. Hoes 0 00@C 60. SHEEP 3 Ii0'g4 00. OALVKB-G 00@6 CO. Flour and MiHotntta. WINTER WHEAT Boat quality , patont.'nt 8 25@3 40. SECOND QUALITY- 7&S8 25. SPRING WHEAT Best quality , patent 3 2' > @ 3 40. SECOND QuAiinr 2 EOlgS 25. KUAN Ox : per cwt. CnorpED FEED Per TOO Ibs. EOa , CORN MEAL 100@130 < per owt. , / > SCUEESINO 65@75oper cwt * General 1'roiluco. HOTTER Fancy creamery , 33@35c ; cole storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 2C @ 24c ; country , Eolia packed , 12@15c best country , roll , 16 < gG8c : inferior grades 10@14c. Receipts are Hnaall .and the domant good , MEATS Hams , 18Jc ; ijreakfast bacon , 12.c : clear side bacon , short , Ql c ; clear side bacon lonp , lie ; dry salt short , lOj'c ; . dry salt long , lO c : uliouldorn , Kl < y dried beef , 14 c ; lard , re fined , lOc. Baas Market unsottldl ; sAles to-day at 24 25c ; receipts good. APPLES Fancy Jonathans , § 4 C0@5 00 fanty Ben Davis , $8 C0@4 > 00 ; fancy Jenetj S3 00@3 50j fancy W'iilowtwis , S3 25@3 70 , Demand good. CHEESB Now Yort Btatoifnll cream , late September make , He ; 57 w v\rork Stat ful cream , 10 hoop lots , 13 c ; do > full cream , 5X hoop lots , 13Jc ; WiBoonsia , full cream , in box Me ; Young Amoricae , ctrictly fall cream , 14c full cream , 12c ; full orcnmilO liopp lots , lljc full cream flats , 12Jjc ; iUll-eream flats , lljc iuucy brick cheese , 100 ib cases , 15Jc ; Lim burger 13Jc ; gonuinooH-Bv/isa.'ltlc. ' I'OTATOKS Receipts eroall and prices good. Consignments of gtrietly choice largo nizod , straight .potatoes are sollint from ' 15 to 48c ; inivcxl cars 40 > to 42o am light demand ; peachblows , COc. SWEBT VOTATOKB ClKdoeyeUo ONIONS No demand : icaTcot } < o > eratockod BEANB Hand picked natives , ' 82 25@2 50 hand picked mediums , Q1'7C@200. Re ccipts large. " * GAME Prairie chickoon , per doz. . S3 00 to 3 25 ; snipe , SI 50 to 1 75 ; duoteMallard , p t ttuz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , &lBOto2 , < 00. Be careful that your game ouraoj ito iiaarket in oice condition , FRESH OYSTERS Selecte , 40estandards ; < 35cj mediums , 25c. CKLEnv 55c. 'POULTRY ' Live cliickcna , per doz , 00 ; full dressed chickeiiB , [ > or Jh,110@12c ; tur Uwys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducka , 1012 ; geese IiKMO.N'8 Extra fancy bar Jomonfl , 5C OQ faaoy Measlna lemons , per box , ( Jf 25 ; 5 box Icto , McHsina lemons , 85 00 ; 10 box 'lota ' do. S 76 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 94 60 ; do 5 box Ute-S4 25 , fflriANOEH VaJenclas , G 50 ; Mewww.37C ! BANANAS Nano. Cr-ANmmtiKS Boll and ouglai , IZifiO ; bcl aad oherry , $950@10CO. for < JtcIco. Black Arabian , per Ib. , fi@9c quaiior crates , lOc. Fwo 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12ic ; 10 Ib. fc ayer , , pir Ib , , ICc ; small ovals per Ib. , ICc. COOO/JJUTH Kxtra fine , per 100 , 8 00. CIDET. Pure Hwootclder , 22 gal kosr , 8C < 00 M. k I'.fllarifiod , 10 g .l keg , $ ? 75 ; M. & clarified , * 2 gal keg , 8 00. Pioa Veer , TKIPE , arc. Pigs feet. 16 Ib kits. SI 10 : Ugs 40 Ib qrbl , 82 25 : pfej feat 80 Ib half bfc , 84 00 ; triuo , 10 Ib kits , $1 1C trlpo , 40 ib qr bbl , ? 2 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl S4 00 ; pigs tongues , 16 ib kits , 92 60 ; pigs tongues , 40 ib or bbl. SO OX Lambs' tonfrues 1C Ib kits. 12 6 ; 40 ib qr btil , ? G 25. MINCK M * r AtmoreV , 181b buckets ( buckets 25c ) flt ; S71b buckets ( bucket 40o ) 9a ; lOOlb ke < r , Jw ; lialf barrtii , Sic. ASSORTED J xw 2-lb stone Jan : 12 inoaso iwr doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , ptr doz , 51 85 schooner , per dozen , S3 10 ; l.b { tin can , < ioz. In cuae , 81 4024b ; tin conn , 2 doz lu cane DOLK JKLMEB Cur ant , 80-lb wood palb per Ib , 7icj strawberry , 80-lb wood palls per Ib , ra pborry , 30-lb wood puils per Ib 7Jo ; blackberry. SO-lb wood pails p r Ib , 7 * c crab upplo , 30-lb wood rnlU per Ib. 7 ? c. APPUB BUTTER 35-lfa worwlun p U , per Ib | f Mb wooden palU , 6 In Ck a tw case . , ? &cllBDTTER-2 wooden palls p 311 00 ; 6-lb wooden paiu , 6 lu cxso , per case PBiWKHTiMHrn 20-lb wooden pail * ) R * p. berry , 15c ; utrawberry , quince , Ho ; peach 14c ; cherry 14c ; tornatoen , Hoi plum , Ho ftssortod , 0-ib wooden Jmcketa , 6 lu case , \te cue , 84 76 ; wworted , 2.\b \ Un tan * . 2 doz In CAM. per cut , fO CO ' ' NKimASKA COMB "HONEY 2-lb frAmoa , 24-11 CJISM , per Ib , 18c- . HAT Ilalod , 800@tOOO per ton ; in bulk 00@7 00 per ton. Grocers Iilst , Oyjtors ( Btandardpot ) aaot 8 _ 853 . . 00 . : r.trnwborrieii . . . , 2 Hi , per case , 2 CXXS , 2DO ; Bftrtlett l > or case , groor s , 2 It ' . 4'8Wg5 60. Koi'E SI M i inch and larger , V\e \ , g Inch IJc ; 1 inch , 10c. OAKiitES IJoxoa , 40 llw. 1C ? , ICJc ; 8s , ICJs boxes 40 Ibs , 1C . . Co. ICJa. AtAroura 1'cr caddie , 8T.c ; round , cases , 2 5fi ; aquaro CMOS , 1 70. ScoAiia 1'owdorod , Pcj cut loaf. 9c rranulatod , SJo : confectlonorR1 A , Sc : Stand ivrd extra C , 73c ; oxtrn C , 7J.c ; medium ycl ow , 7cj dark yellow , Gjfc , CoVFKE3-(5rdlnarygr dos , 12@12ic ; falrlJ @ 13Jc } good , 14c ; prime , 16@15Jc ; cliolco , C@17c ; fancygrcon ) ; povornmnnt Java , 20@2Cc ; Lovoring'a roasted. Sc ; Arbucklo'd roat.tod , 18 0 ; MoLaugltllnV XXXX roasted , 18io ; mltntlon Javn , 1CJ RICK Louisiana prtmo to choice , 7c ; fait ic ; Pfttma , Cfc. FISH No , 1 mnckorcl , half brio. , 8 00 ; No. mackerel , .tits , 110 ; family mackerel , hall brls. , COO ; family mackerel , kits , i)5c ) ; No. 1 vliito fifth , half brlR. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05. Srnur Standard Com. , 32e , boN ; Standnri lo , 4J gnllou koga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kors 150 SoDA In Ib papers , 3 CO per case ; kogpor Ib , 2Jc.PICKLES PICKLES Modinm , In barrels , 7 50 ; do n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 CO ; d ( u half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins * In barrels , U tO do in half barrels. 5 25. THAI Gunpowder , good , 45@5.'ic ; choice C ( ® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@-I3c ; choice , CO@B5c forme Hyson , good , 3C@50o ; choice , > 5c@i 00 ; .Inpau. natural lent , 35c ; .Tapaii , ; hoico , C0@7i > c ; Oolong , peed , 85 ® lOc ; Oolong , ; hoico , 4055c ; Souclioug , good , 3o@40c choice , 8'i ( < tl45c. WOODENWAUE Two hoop jiails , 185 : three lioon pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer noor wasliboarils , 185 ; Voublo Crown 2 90j Wollbuckots , 3 85. latinot , vhlto , . . ark's 1'rairlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's na nolin. dor. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cnso , in casov 3 3:5 : ; Babbltt.s ball 2 doz. Incaao , 1 90 ; Anchor ll , 2 doz. in caeo , 1 50. CANDY French mixed , In 30 Ib. pails , 18c Amorlcanmixod. in 30 Ib palls , Ho ; Brilliani mixed , in 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 3fl b pails , 13c : Compodtion mixed , in 30 IL palls , 12jc ; Kxcolsior Rtick , 30 Ib pails , ll'c : loublo rctiuod , 30 Ib imlls , 13c ; Crystal mixed 30 Ib pails. 15t ; Old Time , muted , 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , SO Ib pails , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib i&ils , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib pails , llic ; Tip Top , stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c. VINEQAB Now Vork apple 16e ; Ohio pie , 13c. SAI.T Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , h sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 8 30. STAIICH Pearl , 4&c & ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com Jtarch , 9c ; Exceuior Gloai , 7ic ; Corn , 8c. SPICES Popper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; cloves ic : cassia IBc. LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ] Western , 2 75 ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lowia' lya 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Goods. BUOWN SiiEEiisc.s Atlantic A , 8cr Allan lie P , Cc ; Atlantic IAj ; 6 0 ; BruiiHwick , Beaver Dam I/Li , ( > c ; Tja\vronco LL , ( ic ; P Be II , 7Jc ; Royal Standard , 8c. FINE B owy SfiESiirNos Argyle , 7jc ; L'op perell R , Glc ; Salisbury R , Cc. BMLVCIIKII CoTTRKBallon 4-1 , 0\c \ ; Bal Ion 7-8 , f 4'cj Cumberland 4-4 , 80 ; Davoll 1) Vc ; Fairmount , 4c ; Fruit of the Loom 4-1 jc ; Glory of the West , SJc ; Golden (5a o , 8\c \ ill 7-Ji , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lon8dali > , 8 cNev York Mills , 11J WamButta , 11 ic. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , ltJcBo ; ton , 10 ez. , Ittjc ; Boston , 9 oz. , He ; Fal River , S c. | DUCKS ( firay ) West Point , 8 / . , He West Point , 11 o14c ; Boston Bear , 8 o/J lie. lie.TICKINGS TICKINGS AmoskeaK , 14c ; Contlnonta Fancy , 9 c ; Cordis , lOJc ; Pearl River , 14Jd York , 12ic ; Ilamleton Awninps , 12Ac. DJ-MMS Amoskeag , 14c ; Beaver AA. 12c , Beaver BB , He ; Beaver CC , 10 ; Haymakers , > 8c ; Jaffroy 13 . & T , 12Jc ; .Taffroy XK.X , 12 'c ; Pearl River , ll4c ; Warren AX A ( brown ) , 12Jc ; Warren iB15 ( brown ) , lljc ; . Warren CO ( brown ) , lOJc. CAMBUiCB Fifth avenue glo\e finiah , 5Jc ; Keystone glove finish , SJc. Cott > KT JKKKa Amory , 7Ac ; Hancock , 8c ; Koarsayer , .1c ; Rockport , 74c. PiiiN'Tfi Aliens , Oc ; American , Cc ; Arnolds , ( He ; Cocheco , CJc : Harmony , rc3ndlgo ; , 8c ; Indigo 7-S. lL\c'Indigo ; ' 4-4 , IL'ic. PitiNTrt SIH.HTINOS American , Be : Cocheco , 5c ; Gloucester , 5c ; Southbridgo , 5c ; Wnvorlys , 4i'c. Gl.voHAMB-AmoskoagBtnpIns , Sic ; Bates staplei , 8jc ; Lancaster taples'kSc ; 1'lnnkot plaidx , lOc ; Hudson chocks , T.Jc. DUEMI Goi-DS Atlantic alpacur. , OJc ; Por- siano canhmer , 2i\c \ ; , Hamletnn caahmere , lic ( ; Hatnlctoii'Fancus , Hie ; 1 f-a : > ileton bro cades , 15c. Iiuin ner. WHOWS8ALE. Wo qaato lumber , lath and shlcglos. on aora at Omtta ottlio following prices : JOIST AtB ) 'fiOANTLlNQ 1C ft. and under 22 00 ; 16 ft , 2350. TIMBEM C'feot ' and under , 22 > 00. TIMBEB A D ! ToiaT 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 2t > ft-26 , 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 iu. , Zi 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SliEETiun No. l(2d ( common botrds ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 1800 , LISIU Per.barrei , 1 25bulkimr ; bushel' 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 Sujilowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair perbu. We1i'orTod felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw board. 8 00. lmr Pnlnta. White l d , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , ijcj whitliif , ' gilders , IJc ; whiting com ! ! ] ; lampblack , GermanIOTTI , 14c ; lampblack , crilinbiy , lOc ; Prussian tluo , 55c ; ultramarloe , I8c ; vondyke , brown , 8c ; umbur , burnt , 4c ; uuaber.iFnw , 4c ; elenua , burnt , 4c ; sienna , rv , 4c ; 'Paris green , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , oainmon,20c ; chrome croon , N.Y. , 20c ; chrotoa/pioon.'K. , 12c ; vonnllllon , Eiig. , 70c ; vuruullitso , Ajutrlcan , 18o ; Indiin rod , lOc ; rose pink , Idc ; fVenetian rod , Ctikusoss , 2o ; VoneUan rod , American , IJc : rod lead , 74c ; chrome yeBow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow - low , K. , 12co < auio'i ' " - ' ' 2Vo ; ocliro , American 2Jc ; lehigh broun , 2 Prince's mineral , tie. VAiiNisiiea Lnol8. ! pw gallon : Furol ture , extra , $110 ; < urjlitu , No. 1 , 81 ; auich. extra , 81 40 ; ooeah , No. 1 , 81 20baiaar , extra , 81 76 ; Japan , 70fljaii ialhim , extraWOc ; &ellac , 88 CO ; turdmll finish , 81 CO. Wool. Iforino nnvcajiliftd , lUjlxt. 14@lCo ; heavy , 13ir > c ; modluui uiKvaaholl , light , 18@20r ; wmtrod , clioice , 32c ; Ur , 80crkibaiid ; washet , 28c ; jjurry , bluck > ui4 outtod wool , 2@0c leiw Oak < ole , 88c@4Zc ; faomlock , olo28c@SrOj hau lot& kip , 80o to 1 00 ; ruuner 65e to 80o ; kip , 80o U 1 00 : oak calf , 120 to 1 UOi French kip , 110 U 1 55 ; French calf , 125 io 2 00 : n'H. tots , 6 50 tu 7 50 ; Hnlngu , 00 totf 60 ; top. liiiiKB , O 00 trf 10 50 ; B , L. ItMwocq , SOo to S.Toi iwbblo O. D. Morocco , & 5c ; ataon , 2 60 to 3 00. HAIINESH-NO. 1 Btar oak , 38o ; No 2 do , 3C No. 1 Ohio oak , SCc ; Nol 2 do , We ; No ! I Milwaukee 15c : No 2 do 83 ? . Tobacooi Pfxxi ToDAOOo-Climax , 50c ! Bullion 60c ; HureeHioe , 60e : Star. We ; Ruddy. 45c ; Her. ey'i ! , 43 ! Black , 38@40c. Crown , B5t ; Sweet Stjtoen , 47c. BMOKINO-O. 8. , 22c ; Mcenchauin , SOc ; Dor- ham , 8 oz. , S5c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 67c ; Durharr 2oz. , 5Sc : fieU of Nortk Carolina , 8 oz. , We Seal of North Carolina , 4 or. , 57c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. KJ | Durham , 4 oz. , 28o : O. K DtuV W. ) Win Ned , i'a 25o ; To'f ' , r eaon , o ; hwulllsht , per gallon. 14Jc ; 175 beadllght , per gallon , 18cj 160 > water whlt , 17o ; Jin raw , ; pr KaUon.&Scj llrweed , boUed , pw _ f@l 75 ; mixed chop , i . 1 40 ; bran , per ton , $17 00@19 00 ; hay , per ton $12 00@10 00 ; baled second bottom' , 81000@1200 ; baled upland , 811 00@17 00 ; straw , per ton. $8 00@ J 00. J. R. OA rEHLL. | B. S. CAMPBELL. Campbell & Co. , SFUOBUOE , ruovisioNs , FUUITS , ETC. lOii South Uh ! Street , between Donglaa anil Dodge , OMAHA , NElt. UtfticikBs First National Dank , Kteelo , Johnson A. Co. , Ouiaha ; Dank of Cum Countv , riattuniuutli , Neh. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. HUTUHNS MADE rROMlTLY. WITH And your work is done for all tin ! * J3 rtime to oomo. WE CHALLENGE The Wo 1 1 produce n mor durable muterij for street pavement tharc. the Sioux Fallg Granite. JKOU ANY A1C0UNT OF -OR- MACADAM ! filled promptly , Samples sent i eetimates given upon applicatioi WM.MoBAIN & CO. . Sioux Falls , Railway Time Table , V. P. K II. , MAIN LINK. Iclfto Kx | > r < MN,12oS : p m AtUntlo K prciw7tS * tr " M 8:00 : pro Wo tcrnKproi i.tJopm : , . .4SOp : m 0. Inland PMR , 11:40 : a m | acln lit 12:30pm : Lincoln KxliMpm : AiNs-nuuxiK DIVISION. M o Om h : 7:10 : , ? -00,9-W , 10.00 , 11:00 : ft ! m.K m ; i , 2'00,3.03 , 4:00 : , K.-CJ , fl.M , 10:10 : n. in. On Sun- ii 7lo ! , 0:0 : lioo : R. m ; 2oo : , 4ooa.oo : , 10:10 : n. , . Arrho t transfer depot 20 tntnutnUtcr ; Bro.iiV ' y ilooM , Council HliiH , SO minute * Ulcr. I * 8 Council lhilT ) , Uro dn yiloiot | , 8:00 : , 0.00 , i00,11:00 ; : ii.ui. : 12 m.too : , 2:00 : , S.oo. 4:00 : , B:00,0:40 : : , D:40p.m : On 8umlay : S.IM , 10.00 n. in.U in | S.OO , 00 , 8:10,10:40 : : p.m. ArrUo Transfer ilejiot , 10niln- l * \o Council IllnIT < Trunnlcr ilc ] > ol : SS5 : , 0,25 , I.2A , 1125 ! iv. ia.l2 ; mln ; : , 2:2.1,34:2.1 : : : , SW : , 0:29 : , : Ci , 10:63 : V- > ' ! Arrlto Oniali < \ 20 inlntitcs lattr. I.1UVH OM1IIA. LHATH COUXClIj BtOrT4. I'tia No. 2. . . .7:56 : ni I'&M. No. B. . . 7Sr : > in No. 10 C:45iim : " No. IS..11:45 : n m No. 4 3fiOim : " No 8..llfO : m No. 8 8MikHi : " No. M..7:16 : pm No.O C:16 : m " No. l.7B5pra " No. 60.0r.OHm : | iTTlio tovpu Onuthn Tlmo.jrr tlmo lit 21 minutes ( inter th.\n loci ) lime. . & } ! . UA1LUOAI ) TISIK TAllt.i : tT.XT. TIMfi HOl'NU. \K\\r. ARKI\K. : : io | .tn 8:40 : in fl.M pm 0.40 nm A lilniul , . 0:24 pm 11:11 : am tt : * pm 7:45am : Lincoln. 10.W am l'JM : | im 3.00 ( im 1:40 : am rrcto IttKOpni litfl pm 2:17 : pm ? : IOnin Ilftftln s , , 5:16 : am B 00 jiiu llMnm : 10SO : pm llnl Cloilil. R.OO nm 0 f > 1 pin 10:00 : am 80 inn McCook 10K : ) nm 10 35 pm 5:60 : pm 3:40 : pm Akron 3:4Spm : 3.W : m Olif5nm 11:40 : pm Denver . , 7i1 : pin : ir , mil 0.25pm 7:35 : am MIS80UUI I'ACIKIO-STANDAUI ) TIME. 7:00 : n m I < X4'i p m K. 0. . HT JOK & C. ll.-B.-STANIAIU > TIUK. UMIdaily li.lJam I Ktiunn > , chlly KxprcKii , tlnlly 1 rvcopt Jlon- oici'pt Katur : I ilnCK 02f > am ilnja. . , . . . . 7:4ip : ( m Mull , tlftlly nr > ripni 0. , 81 , P. II. A O.-STANUAhl ) TlMu. ( Depot 14tli anitWct t r KU. No. 2 inUfil. .7:4'i : n m No. 1 mix oil. 6:10 : p in ( Vulglit . . 2:50 : p in freight .ll45nm ; AtUntlo Kxp : i40pm ; Atlnntla i\ii. : (1:15 : a in AthntioMi :45niii : AtUntlo Mall. . . 7 : . Opm i\vrydaj : (1'iAiiHfir ( Dupot , Council llhilla. ) VVAIIASII&ST. tOU13. 7:50 : n in I Arrho . 10.55 n in 0.50 pin I Arrho . 4.05pm O..I1 &Q K. K.-STAN Ani ) TIMK Mail * . 7:50 : n in I Kxpruua . 10:00 : am KirrcM . 8:50 : p in | Mull" . ,7:2Jpm : ' .Sinulajii exccptcil. 0. , U. I t P. 11. 11.-STANOAHU TIMC. ltall . 7:50ntn : | Kipr.oa . in 00pm Bxprow . . . . .85npm | Mail1. . . . . . 7.2 jam excvptcil. C. , M. fc St. P.-STAN1JAHD TIMK. LUMI. AKUIVK. x * . . . 9:03 : am ITitctflaKx . P:20r > m \tlantlo Kx . . . .3:50 : 11 in | Mall & Ex' . 7:00 : p m jn cxccptcu 0.4N. W. R. n.-&rANOAHITIME. il ll' . 7:60 : am I Kxprcm . 10.00am iCxprcro. . 8:50ptu : | Mall > . 7 : < Spm Suncln\a exccptnl. 8. C. & P. U. K.-STANDAHU TIMK. vtall * . a.OOnui I Esprota . 10:00 a m prcsa . 8:00 : pm | Mall * . 7:25pm : 'Suudan ' csuptsiJ. Opening and Cloolng of MaJlo. BOUTI. orui. ctoai. I a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 0 &N.V.C.n. . I.&P..O. B. & Q. , St. 1'auli Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 8:15 : C.M.&S.r.S. C.&P. In Iowa Dee : 6:40 : Wabasli Expruaa . . . . 8:15 : \Voliashlocnl . 0.03 6:40 : It. C. , Mt. JoctC . 0:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 8:50 : Missouri PaclQo . 7:80 : 5:40 : C..SLP. M.&O . B:00 : 7:20 : Union 1'aclllo , o\crlaml . 8:00 11:85 : Union 1'acinc , Denver Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:80 : 0. & llcpubllcan Valley. . . 1:8011:35 : : B. b M. Express . 7:00 : 7:40 : a & M. for PlAttamouth , S. Ilrml , ABhlanil and Lincoln. 11:00 7.13 : Otllco opun Sunda ) n from 12:00 : m. to 1-00 p. rn. 0 K COUTANT , Postmantor. DE. WEITTIE 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A nEQULAU GIKADUATEof two medical collogui fxhuiboim cnRaitod longer In the treatment ol CH110NIO , NEKVOUS , SKIN ANO BLOOD Dleoajw than ether phjeldan In Bt Louis , a § city [ .apera show and all old reeldenta know. Consultation frco Imltwl. When it Is Inconvenient to visit the city treatment , inoiUclnm can bo Bent by mall or expret everywhere. Ctirabta casoa guaranteed ; where aou MUts it Is frankly stated. Call or write. NervouiiProstration , Debility , Mental and rhynlea Weakneaa , Mercurial nnd other ftflcctlonn ol Throat , Skip Affections. Old Korea and Uloero , Impedimenta monta to marriage , Uhouiimtlgm , 1'lloa. BpcclU * t tonttonto caaaa trorn ovorworkcd brain. 8UUOIOAL. CA8KU rcccl\o Bpeclal mention. 1)1800868 trltlng' from Imprudence , Expound , InJulRonoes. marry , who nuynot why , cauuie , oanaequeuoea and oar * . HulUd for 26c ; WeakNervotisMen > Vbn u debility. vxliuii llou and premature le > C4iy nTocflUseilr > yotuiHite , i > rror o ( youth , etc. . ore Turfcctly restored to rol > u > t lirnllli anil vlirr > uii ) nuinlimiil liy THE MARSTON Bf > l.US. .JJontnmiich ( IniFcinK. llimtrtiBtiiJont , of htr oili J elilllty ami Vlij nlful WccuyU nnlfoiinly eucoewilul lincmiiio imcra on tier few u > iiani 4l > , iirwiimt dlrrrt melhoil aril 0- i < olnto tlinrfiiifrltiit * * * . Nulled Trenttiiu free. MARION REMEDYCO.,4GW.I4tkU K&wYftiH. ! AFE INVESTMENTS Oinnlm Real Estate is n sufo iuvcsttncntfor both local nnd foreign cap ital , and thcro is no properly , in or around the city , but what- will bring purchasers good returns in the near future. We have property for sale in all parts f the city , and nlso Surrounding the city , all \vlnchjweglndly ? show to purtiss who feel interested. We are often asked which is the best part of the city for an invest ment * ? We always advise patrons to buy what is called By this is meant property not more than one and h half miles from the Poatollice , nnd the nearer the center the better the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad vance much greater in proportion. The new addition to the city known ns is locnten one mile from the postoflice , west , only nine blocks from the High School , and these lots nre beingjjold at less than half the price nskcd for lots same distance iu any other direction , and NOW BS 1W TIME T BOY , As these lots will , in a short time , be advanced to correspond to prices lots surrounding llnwthomc. The contract'Jias been let for grading Davenport street through this addition. Work hns been commenced and will be finished early in the summer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any expense for the grading. This is n decided advantcge. Prices for regu lar fii/e lots S35O TO We have also some double lots in tins addition nfc from $ ( > 00 to $650. This part o the city is being built up with the best class of residences. Near business , near High School , nndjdesirable in every particular. KIRKWOOD. We have aJew lots left in tins addition , which we will sell at lowe.- prices than can bo had in surrounding additions. The lots are beautiful ly located nnd larger than than those in adjoining additions , and will be sold on terras to suit purchasers. IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. U ? IM : si In Douglas County and all parts of th * > State. TJ ! BDTJ I * . B A. 3XT I A. fine tract of land three and one-halt' miles from Omaha at $40 per acre. Also a tract four miles from the bity at $80 per acre. Lots in this addition will be sold on motnhlyjjpaymeuts ; 10 per cent , cosh and 5 per cent , per month. H . .AW T SI O B , UST IE I Of nil the lots we haveJlfor Bale , wo think- ' his jstheiuo3t ] | ] desirable either for a home or tor investment , as it is near business uicely located and at prercat prices is the cheapest property in the market , and firsfc buyers have choice of lot ? . BEDFORD & SOUER. 213 South 14th Street , bet ween Farnam andODouglas