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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1884)
THE DAIJA7 BJBJ2--COONCIL MOMDAY , FEBIIUA&Y , J-8 1884 ; / JL'HE DAILY. BEE. , , * j/ COUNCIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning , Feb ( 16 : .suBscnnnotf RATES : Carrier - - - - - - - ccnla per week ilal . . . . . . . . 81000 PctYo r OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl street , Near Broadway. MINOE MENTION , Are you registered ? Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets nb Bushnoll's. The Detroit Post says of Mra Baxter , that "she is ono of the finest speakers of the day. " The noon-day prayer meetings of the Y. M. 0. A. are daily increasing in num bers and interest. Mrs. Qoorgo Oatorlin , of Tostovin Direct , while in Omaha last week , slipped and foil on a sidewalk , breaking her loft Arm. Mary D. Roan and Barbara lloborU aoom to have had a sot-to , and Justice Schurz is called on to decide who is at fault. On Saturday permits to wed were granted John E. Langrcck and Hattie M. Sutton , of Avoca , also to John , Libbio and Mary Dos * , of Omaha. M. Haitos , the artist , is just finishing seven largo landscapes to adorn the walls of the Phoenix hall , and is making other decorative improvements in the place , The discussion of the now court house project baa brought to the front the claim that Baylies park was deeded to the city on condition that the court house should bo built thoro. The adornments of the front of the now * opera house are now being put in position and when finished will add greatly to the exterior attrac tiveness of that building. * Tlio republican city convention for nomination of officers is to bo hold at the court house next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The ward primaries will bo .hold on Friday ovoning. Mr. Clayton has introduced a bill for iho establishment of a separate insurance department , to include the suporvison of banks and to provide for the appointment of a commissioner thereof. The democratic city convention is called to moot at the court house next Monday afternoon , February 25 , at 1:30 : o'clock. The ward primaries are to bo Jiold Wednesday evening of this week. Workmen were busy on the Main street bridge yesterday. Raymond & Campbell , the contractors , were afraid the Saturday thaw micht [ damage it , as n number of the supports rested on the ice. ice.F. F. Kollqy , who had Bockhail'arrested , has now boon complained of for carryin" concealed weapons , and the muss is getting - ting more mussy. Justice Abbott will hoar ono case on the 20th and ono on the 23d. 23d.Ed. Ed. Ollisen hai got back the panta loons stolen from him. They were thrown over the fence of his yard with -a note pinned to the seat , "Thcso are too hi/ : largo. Tlioy don't match with Tilton's " shirt. The city marshal has received a letter from the chisf of police of St Joe asking if Mrs. Margaret Kincr could bo found hero. Her daughter died there and loft sorno property to her. The marshal has thus far boon unable to find any such person hero. The electric light is temporarily sus pended until the now power can bo ar ranged and the additional dynamics put in place , all of which improvomonta will lie made within ton dryo. Then seventy- , five lights will not only bo started up , ! but kept up. Those in the city who desire to see iClara Morris , -who appears in Omaha Woanosday and Thursday evenings , will be glad to learn that the dummy train , both nights , will bo hold until the per- vfonmaucos nro over , thus giving Council iBlufla folks a chrnco to return homo the same ovoning. Tina evening is the first of the club nights at the roller akating rink , and none but these who have secured mom * bership tickets will bo admitted this ovoning. There is to bo an interesting aring contest , which will prove a novel en tertainment bore. Among the recent contributions to the Homo of the Friendless are two barrels of apples from n. 0. Raymond , and one bushel of parsnips ; a lot of now clothing from the ladies' old society of thoEpisco. pal church ; a largo lot of carpet rage from a friend , and a lot of clothing from Another friend. The following are the places selected ior holding the republican primaries noxl Friday evening : First ward , Wois & Clausen's store , five delegates ; seoonc ward , city building , eight delegates third word , Bluff City engine house , fivi delegates ; fourth ward , court house eight delegates. Yeatetday afternoon a hone attache * to a box eleigh became frightened am dashed up Broadway just above the Og dea , where B cow became frightened a the speed of the horao and started ol aUo. The horse dumped his driver out thinking to lighten his load , but the coi the race , and the horao was stoppoi Jon above the M. E. church. N damage. The Council Blufb driving park an * fair ftMOciation cliima the following ( bit ibkyaar ; Running meeting , May 21 ! 18 and 29 ; trotting meeting , Juno 21,25 , 10 find 27 ; annual fair , August 25,20 , 17 , 28 and 29. The Iowa circuit , to rhich this belongs , commences at Cedar Upids Juno 10 , then at Marshalltown luno 17 , and the following week hero. Clio purses amount to § 18,000. N. M. Pusoy and E. E. Aylosworlh ( voro in Ilardin township Friday evening talking to the citizens in favor of the now : ourt house and jail. There were about 25 at the meeting , and all scorned to bo in Favor of the proposition , and several jpoko enthusiastically of getting out on election day and working for it. AH the time for another city olcctioti draws near , it is reported that anothoi general order is to bo issued for the clean , ing out of all loafers and crooks infesting the town. It is to bo hoped that no sucli order will bo issued , for last summer there was such an ono issued , and.instoac ! of being less thcro were nioro. The fol lows Room to know that it is only a joke , and so they rush in where angels fear t < tread. tread.Mr. Mr. Weir , the manager of the Counci Bluffs underwriters' compact ) watchcc the tests of the waterworks Saturday and expressed himself as well pleased and that ho had talked with a number o insur.inco men , who seomcd confidon that the lire protection waa excellent the only bad break being that of th hose , Tin : BKK has time and again calloi attention to the city's ' great need of no\ and good hoso. The need grows dail ; more apparent. Yesterday afternoon , at the Mcthodis church , were hold the funeral services o John J. Dntchor , a veteran , whoso doatl makes another vacancy in the gram army of the republic. The members o Abe Lincoln post turned out in a body as a mark of honor to their fallen comrade rado , and appropriate services were con ducted by Rov. Mr. Armstrong. Mr Dutchor was a farmer , livim ? near thi city , and had boon ill for only a few day Ho was a member of the Ono Hundrei and Forty second Indiana. There are Homo of the papers in th county who , in objecting to a now cour house and jail , say that the present build ing shall bo patched up and enlarged Several years ago a proposition was sub mitted to do that very thing , but wa voted down because the building was no worth the patching. Now thcsa ssmi kickers try to got the proposition for i now building voted down , on the ground that the old ono ought to bo patched. 1 they thought the building was not wortl patching as it was several years ago , hov much loss is it worth patching now. Some more "grading is being donoutthi Homo of the Friendless , and it is expected od soon that another building will bi erected on the same site , more room being ing needed to moot the growing intorosti of the institution. Mrs. T. R. Brooki lias boon appointed as the head of the Irossmaking and tailoring department , md will give instruction to the inmates , is well as superintend the work done in his lino. At present she will make hoi loadquartora on Willow aveiiuo , between fourth and Main streets , and by the nr- angomonts made the profits on all order * ocoivei from outside parties will ) go to ho homo. It is intended to open other ndustrial departments' also in the near uturo. Marshal Jackson- who has lost about ? 1,000 worth of hogsfvom some m sterr- ) us disease , has also lost a goat. The ; oat was bitten by a dog , and died oi lydrophobia , a case which is considered rery remarkable. Some of the' hogs vliich died , were also bitten by a dog , ind it is thought that was the cauno ol loath , but the symptoms vroro noi wllol y like these of hydrophobia butrroaonv Died Bomovrhat these of1 cholera , DO- thai the affair is rather mysterious. There looms to'bo much troublo'witb mad dogi just now , a rather unusual' ' time of yoai too , for that. The formers in Garnet township'havo lost some stock , and SOT- iral mad dogs have boon soon there , and > n Saturday a gontloninn-iu from Wes son reported great excitement there ovei , wo or throe mad dogs , who had bittoi itook. Mr. O. I > . Hooves , manager of. tic brrmol illico of the Hooflior dill coin pan y , ICJUH * town to-day on a biulnora trip , 'Sriulro Biggs ha , recovered BO far fro < n Ul Injurlca rooalvoiHn a recent fall on thai lo that ho U nblo to go ixlkmt wlthitbo al&of i crutch , Ills many friends will be Rladiwho : ho can throw nway thcicrutch entirely. Mr. S. 8t ITrenoh , otIlonoy Crook towi ulvip , was la the city Saturday ; and ronawo his Buhacriptloii to.'Ijc liuu. Senator OoorRO Caraou anavedi fmm. 1) ( Molucj Saturday tiiglit for a stay ati HDID over Sunday. I'oatmostor 1'hll. Armour Laaroturuudhoa from Washington , whore ho-lms beau for ii dajs or BO He rtporta thnttbe wcallngluU capital city U good , there bolng r&In tk i ovary day but 0.10 while Iji was U the tit ; ilo thinks that tlosplto the dsjocktiiK w < * tl > ho additional appropriation ot SWOjOWv f , hp Rovernmomt bulldlnr > here , will , bo give ; [ tl fact the poatmaaUr corns * back qul cheery. 1'ather MoMeoomy has \ a called I 3honandoaU by th lllnoaa&f tha | > a tor the Cathpllo churcli theru , M. J. Michaels has. roturuaj from hla eat em trip , K. M , Gallendat , president ol the nation college of inuteu , Waal ngtoa , D. 0 , , Is the city , f - the Institution here. Why Ho W H Bounced. To tha Editor of Tine BBXI COUNOIL BLUKrs , February IZ. f , secret of the colored policeman being d charged in our city , I now put before t public and his avengers , which are as fi lows : The reason he waa expelled v not because ho did janitor's work , E because he got dnmk , but the solo cav and only reason Warner was discharged from the police force is because ho showed his star , as all policemen should do , only his was a gold ono ( and the lat est improved style of police uniform , sent direct from Now York , made to or- dcr , which made the colored policeman look very fine and showy , fer which ho waa discharged. Another election is near at hand. Remember it , please. J. W. S. BOSTON. TO-NIGHT'S ' LEOTUEE , "Tho Hnmlurltlng on tlio Wnll , " at the Now Opera. Hoimo To-Night , This evening Mrs. Marion 13. Bailer is to lecture in tlio now oporn house on " The Handwriting on the Wnll. " The excellent chance , to hoar this gifted woman , and at the same time to give the Homo of the Friendless n rousing benefit - fit , will doubtless bo improved by many. Mr. Dohany has generously given Hit USD of his now opera house , and the lee turor hna donated her time and expenses , the entire receipts will bo clear gain foi the llomc. This nivea a chance' , too , foi all who bavo not aeon the interior of UK now opera house to admire its beauties , With nil these and other considerations , the house should ho packed. Mrs. Baxter tor has won high praise olsowhoro. Wil Carleton says of her : "Mrs. Baxter ii known as an able and fearless speaker bold in her advocacy of justice , nni dauntless in denouncing the wrong. . ' have heard her several times , and thinl her reputation fairly earned. " llov 0. W. Crafts pronounces her equal ti Oougb or Talmogo. Congressman Lacey chairman of the republican state centra committee , said that the series of meet ings addressed by her were in ovury res pnct successful , and that the intolligen an < \ eloquent manner in which eho dis cussed the political issues , led to his re ceiving many letters from leading citi zontj commending her apeeclies. Man ; other such.testimonials have boon won b lior. SUNDAY MORNING- BLAZE UookliofTB llcslilonco and Grocer. Saved Vrnm Destruction by the AVntor Works. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning th watchman at Stowart'a packing hous discorered fire bursting from the rear o A.V. . BoekhoiTs frame building on Fif tocnth street. The building is tMcupini by Mr. BoekhoiT as a gjooory store am residence end after sending in the alarc by telephone the watchmen1 aroused th family , who * up to that time were uncon scious of their danger. Tha fire department mont responded with wonderful prompt ness and getting streams quickly lion the adjacent hydrants , speedily squolchet the flames , so fiat the only damage don was to the rear o ! the building , oxcep the damngo by water on the stock o goods. The causa of the fire ia unknowi and the loss Is covered by insurance. A Card to the Public. Council BluiTs cannot prosper iritHou manufactories. Wo now have splaadit water works , electric light , now open house , the streets have boon ordaroc puvod , wo have Bomo- ton railroads-anc all branches of mercantile and'proles ' sional business are represented hero , .bui our city is deficient in manufacturing industries. The east is filled with mnnj who are nagor for a change. Pi'opoi committees can bo solocied to arrange with tlio railroad company for reduced transportation , also to solicit donationt of lota Ac. , na contributions , to overj manufacturer who will mo o to Council BluQ& and funiish employment to'ton x more laborers , and re-cognizing the faoi that agitatk > n iu noccssarji' in all 'pro gressive mDVomonts , I do hero call i meeting at my justice roosis , in Ot3c Follows' Block , on February 18 , at J p , isn , to-perfect an organization , select ifficera , coramittoos , &o.t aatl got readj or active , immediate work. This is oui ear for a boom.V. . R. TAUOHAHV T > nbost regala > r of dlgosUvsy'OTgaiu nnt lie beutrni > potber ] known Is An OHlura Itit BI-H. Try It , but bow.vro of Im-tatioiw. ( Js era your groctr or ilniRgUt the yinuiuo nrii Iu , j-uuiuifaotuna-J by Dr. J , ( i. 14. Sicgort ! SPECIAL NOTICES NOHOH. SpHolal ftdrertlsementa , . ouch M Loot 'oun ' < ! f To Loan , ot Sale , To Rent * Wants , Iloird g , eta. , will bo tainted In this co'.lnun at the lo\ ate o TEN CE1W3 TEll LINE for tht.flrst Insortia andiR-VM CKNTO < l > xn LINE for caclxrabnoquo trr Mittca. Leato advetilwmonta it oopafflcoi Ho. 'carlStreet. neu-Broculnav WANTS. street. WANTEU ST rybo < iy in Cointll Bluffs ho talt . Detlrend by carrinat only tw ut wnt B week. \JHTANTED-A jocilhouto , In nkn.locatl'jK , wit rV three ortjujur rooms. Addi-wtboxNo. SC.JlK OLD 1'APEEO For vale at B office , at > 25 rent a hundred TirnJU HKKT One or two JviMitsW loum * . tJ , \ ; Jr corner NiiHt HU and Tlilrdi avenue. ff Oil 11EKT Elegantly turnl Jud ajipartraenti. 1 P hoiuov&h iirlvtta family. , ikfiituues § h npod. AilJicai 11. W. J. llptBca. . "I7IOU HALJ A first-class rb < ol bar J ? pool table , cheap , 8. QoliWeln , Council llkut > loa. . FOU limrr Urge nlcoIj-Junilfitiod room vtll hard aool firo. IiiciulriU2SJfir t ivouutv. tw from | -ott Offlco , AOKN7B Ladlim and e ] > ttomen M clisa wtgei by M llln/i. / the "Ovumlou Qrut Htrccthei.aud IronlDK a rd. " I'fUlU r * . bl.O Any lady cnudoupfc line shirt wIVIwut a wrlnk. and gloM i. u nicely a ltl-bu tl uudrl uxAadtc ori ithul raO. 13. H. & .IjCo. , BtA'Ollloi for o mouth1 B. Rice M. D. CANCERS , CHRONIC VHcr thirty yearaprctlcacxixrlwM. . Offloa 6 y * rl street , Council IllufU AN APPOINTMENT That Must Be Met , It l appUnted unto trou moo to diebut alter t judgment. an4 MhuMovvr VTM nut wrlttva to I book l Uo wisouSiuko the like of firo. fun If you * r todi , t < MiliMhawuoudlt ; ! bawiu > i A. OV 1 OK W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peaci OmjJiftana OoundlDluffr. Heal Mttto oolleo lee g ucy , OdJ Krtlawi bio O fW eailoy bank WE AE2 ftEOEIVING- SOME VERT FINE OUR FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LIND3EY & CO. , 412 Broadway Council Blufl'sr ) , mtv A West Side Square , Clarmda , f > MAYNE & PALMER , DEJtJCRS IH Hard and AND WOOD , HULK : AND BAIUIEI. LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEUEMT , MICIIIOAN PLASTER , DAU ; AND SiriVEB PIPE. No , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. SMITH & TOtit-EIC. Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TJtlLORSr Just Receive ! 7 and 9 Main street , Council BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. . OOTJOKTOIIj THTTAT TO" "D A TDTi ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAQEH OF POTTAWATTAIUK COUN- UUH1 > I VVt JJiLLHUt TY CBLLCCTION AGINOY. Office gorncr BroadwayanJMMn etreet. JOHN mm & co. OKNEKAL UE OHANDISE. . . 18 Main Btrcot and 17 I'ontl Btrixit. MAX CKKSTON HOUSX. Hotel. 217 uid SIB Main etrrai JJKi. U. Jb. WMlJLJjt COTOM Main nd Filth p-ntalra. Ko5iJJnco , 80 ? WffiMr avemx ) . JUSTICE OF TOE 1'EACE , . SOHTJRZ.JUSTICE Expreao. "WAP "MPT ? LIVEIIY AND FEED. SO VVja.VJL'JJ-lI\i > Will contrurt tor funerals a reasonable rotca. 22 Fourth stroel J. M , ST , JOHN & OO..GASH BUYERS. Draft by return mall. 110 Btr.odway. 1 A PfTR MERCHANT TAILOR , UxXUUJLJ Stock Comi.ieU. Sorta made at rtMonahle prlxa. No. 805 Mala-Ot.i n p cj MTTTT CONTKACTOR AND BUILDSR , CT > JC K3iVIJLJLJUl Comor7th an 'EroadiTay. Placjand BpoclflcUlonBfurnished. JIERCHANT TAlLOK. JAMES FRANEY , Artbt'j'V/ork ' ' and rca.wnable chnrt.Tg. 872 Broadway. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW , ? TTA'RT VJC n H n. I , James Block. Practice In staW and federal court * . Q A MTT1 A T ? ITTTWT And batn l'ou ' * * 1 1 * 23 Broadway. L. So\9roign , Prop. P. J. . . ' . O/iiNlliil\ilUlVi gomery , M. P./flysldan. PTiWTKT T A "RPOTT JUSTICK OF THE PEACE ; J-lUVVJ-lN U jtJJ3i3UJLX | Notary Public and General Convey&noeri llSBroadn PT1 1X017011 ? SMITH & NORTON , XlJU JDJU U tOjj ) Broadway , opposite Now Optra House. Refitted $1 , 81.60 per day or. aac. 9 . ROOM 6.NEW , OPERA HOUSE , COCIL BLUFES , lOWAi fic..1 * * . . AJI Orders Ijy Wlnll Promptly Attended To. , A LARGE ; STOOK OF At VE RY XOW EIGUKES. Deaf .forgot I pay the liigheit price forte to buy to till contracts , 1 S. GOLDSTEIN , C38 Broadway. " " * * "WB * " _ ff "WLJ TT f JP Ji ± .Tl JgTcL Jl. . New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. " "j Fipst Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATEHLOO , IOWA , VoonOeenMl tlie but $2.500 In caeo of death , and 91 000 emlow ment at the cxp'xatlon of ten > can. Assess > icnit ( ujri uleaocordluR tonco. Mr * . Olive Killcy the agent wl'l ' call nd o\i > lAln the plan upon jour re quint. IX roct ) our oou munitions to S44 Vine Ht. ( 'ouncll DluCt , ) Iowa. EAT. EAT I'D LIVE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , O . - toxoxto TPlxo 3PxrTtoaio. I ltd , Oluon. 401.Dn d ay , / Jfe l at-ill Houto. Ctof d'culiln * Council Hinds. \ 1'artlesaSpeolalty. O. DEALER IN ALL ONia LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PAPER AID 11101 Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Steot nnn 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS HEATING STOVES AT COST TOR A SHORT1 TIME ONLY. Qrawito taid Tuvware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Ilord-wjure. A largi luio of extinordinory Fine Carrers. 1 DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 WHY DON'T YOU QBT83MEOF FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS : Pettcct Ftttlnir , K * t and Chtapcst Jlrine Llnea Collars and Cuff j. Wo. 716 Fourth Street Council Blufis , I Emplde HarderCD 109 mid 111S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. SALE DEALERS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 342 and 344 Broadway , The only EUel in this City on Jfw ? European plan of PAY ONLY FOE WHAl ? YOU GET. CBNTil LOOArM ) . ALL MODERN IMPBOVEMBHTS Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BSCKTSLE , PROPRIETOR , Fas. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B * ' Iowa" ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands isi Ahe County _ COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Every one who buys n ton of the celebrated Ccatervil'e coal oi Platiie ) verton , oillte 501 First avenue , yard1 804 Main street. CSnuicil s entitled to a'chnnce in the drawing f5r one ton of coal , to be away March 1st. You may thus pet . & .Ton of Coal far Nothing. _ FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. . 1 , WE WILL In all our Boots and Shoes , regardless of Quality. Don't miss this * chance. S. A. P/BllOB , 100 Main Street. CASADY , . OECUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL And Genera ! House Furnishings ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY.W 502 Broadway , Council Blulft. | CASAUY , OilCUTT & 7JIENCH. Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMP3LT DONE. fe05 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following aio the times of the ttrhral and de- mrturo of trains by central standanl time , at the ocal depots. Trains leave transfer depot tin mln- earlier and arrlxo ton minutes later. CHICAGO , BUBLlMiroX AhD qra T. A URN r. 6:20 : pra Council Bluff jE\preeoi' 930am 640pm ; Chlcaito Express a in 9:15 : am Mall. S.OO pir KASHAS CITY , BT , JOB AND COn.NCH.IU'IT'3. 10:10 : am Hall and Express , 0,15pm 8:25 : pra Pacific Express , & .35 p m CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE. AM ) BT. 7AUI. G:25 : p m Express , 0,40 a m 0.43 a ui Express , 0i6 p m CHICAGO , HOCK IBLAKD AMD IVUlUrlC. C.30 p m Athntlo Cxpret > 8 , fl.40 a m S.BO it m Day Express , M p m 7:15am "Dosllolnca AoixminodiSSon , 4:40 : pm At local depot only. WABABH , BT. LOUIS AND IitlFIC. 0:25 : a in Mall , 4:45 : p in 4f : < 0pm Cannon Fall , 11:15 a in At Tranbferonly , CHICAGO Binl houTiiwr.srua : ExpreBK , fl 50 p ra 0.4 Sum Paclftto Express , 9t5am ; SIOUX CITY AND I'ACiyi . 7:40 p ui St. I'uul Kxpreu , 9.00am 7:20 : a III Accommodation , 0.50 p m UNION PACTKIO. 7:59 : p m Western Exprnss , 8:39 : a m 11:41 : am 1'aclllo Eiprva , 4.:4 : p m 7:49 : a m Local i\pttjj : , 0M : a m 12:14 : a in Lincoln Rxjirxs , At Tran fer < nly , DUMMY TI1A1M ) TO CU1A1IA. Leave 3:24-0.24-10-24-11:2S.a. : : ra. 1 4 ; 4-5:24-fl:21-7:21 : : : and 11:0-1 : p. , . m .Sunday , 8 , - 10.24 a. m. l:24-a.Yl-5:24-7DI : : and 11:01 : p. in. Ar rive SO niliiuUs befoi JACOB SIMS. E. P , CAD WELL. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Ofllco , Ualn Street , lloonu 1 .nd Bhug tt & Mo- Ualiuu's UloO. . Will ptu-tiM Ui SUtJ aati eourU JOSEPH AND -GOAL Corner Main street and Eighth avenae , Oaaa Bluffs. { jTLou est rates and prompt delivery SILOAM GUREORNO.iPAY Wo cuvantee tb euro of the follow In ; ; named dla- FCOSC3 , or no pay : IthcumatUm , Kcrc.faU , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 BlaoU andrklndUcatcs , Dn < pei > flaLiver Complaint , Kid n 37 ami Bladder Dlticaecu. ( lout , Kc\\- ral la nnd Asthnu , Thesj Siirlngs are th fa\oilte reaort ot tliu tlrtitl an.l dobllkutad , and sure the KUEBLE LA1)U H Il ST PIU2ND , Ocod hotel , KVtiry and bathing accoaoilatlon both n Inter atid bcmaier. Locality hitli ; y plctutiequa and healthy. Accessible by Wabiw railway , a EvonaorC.,3j 4 Q. , at Albany. Coircpncnaeno solicited , UEV. M. U. THOMPSON , Manager. Slloam Springs , Cam , 1 > . OCoatry Co. , Mo , ANALYSIS. OrwUy. , , , . .1.002 Heactlon , Neulra Carbonic AiAl Clas .26 in. per ptallon Carbonate , Calclum 35,921 UraUia Carbonata-Iron 7.C41 Sulphate IlacntsU 3"fc3 Sulphate Valci'im , , Ijl48 Chlorldeflodlum 7,260 Sllllca. , ,1,509 Alumina . . . ,0,016 Orgaulcand Volatile matter an < i kiss . , . .1,460 Totalasllda per gallon 07,171 , ChemUU > u. y , FUBIT , OFFICER & PUSEY BAStiKEIRS. Council Bluflu U. Establtsnea - - 1856 Dealer ) la Korean and cuiettlo Exthanra md CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVE , , CHAPMAN & MAKTENB , . . . PUOWUETORS. lOtol * . . . , . . . . . Commutation tickets jood for twenty adiolssloni | 3. W. W , CHAPMAN . llanafc-w. No obj ctlon blochract niwlll U admitted. MrsBJHiltoDHD. , PHTSIOIAN &