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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1884)
Kg * THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , THURSDAY , FJEBJRUAKY 14 , 1884. THE MOKAL OF IT. We may moralize ns much asvc please about pain ; but the fact is , that we don't like -it while it lasts , nnd that we want to get rid of it as soon as we can. Whether caused by rheumatism , gout , disordered liver , weak nerves , irregular kidneys , bad blood , or anything else that is just the reverse of what it should be , the sooner it is out of the system the happier we arc. Whether pain is the result of imprudence or of acci- dentor , is sent as a punishment for our sins , may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue ; but people ple who are suffering want first to be rid of the pain , after which those who arc fond of argument may argue the matter to their hearts' content. Above all theory , argument , and philosophy , comes the delightful fact that BROWN'S IRON BITTKRS drives pain away. Sufferers run no risk in trying this medicine , the only com pound containing iron which carries no mischief with it. Those who have used it will tell you so ; and you can try for yourself by buying a bottle of the nearest druggist 7 DR. FELIX Lk BRUN' < > PREVENTIVE AND CURT3. FOE EITHER SEX , The remedy bolng Injected directly to the neat of the disease , requires no charmo ol diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo Men Inter nally. When uictl M a prevento ! by cither rax , Ills Impossible tu contract ny prlvAto lifscise ; hut In the case nt these alrcadyunfortunatoly nnlictcd wo Kuar > tinted tin co boxes to cure , or wo will refund the mon. py. Price by null , postage paid$2. per box or three bonea for ? S. S.WRITTEN WRITTEN OUAnAXTEES eaucd by all authorized agents. Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co. 80I.H piioi'itiiTroiis. * 0 , f. Goodman , Druggld , Solo Atfcnt , for Omaha Web. rnfco-wly an. _ n i ; _ BBffBAd. | t' fe. Bit K. C-WEST'ti Ncnvn AND HitAiX TREAT. eiKKT , ii Runrnntood Bpocifio for Ilyatorin , IJizzi. ness. Convulsions , Vita , Nervous McurnlRia , llnnancho , Nervous rrontrntion cniiBcd bytlin lisa ot alcohol or tobacco. WnkofuliiOBU. JMonlal Jo- proseiou , SoftoninB of tlio Urnin rcBultlriB In in- winlty nnU londins to wisory , decny nnil dcntl 1'renmturo Old ARC , Jlnrrcnncss , Loss nt j > ewer in either BOX. IiiTolunlnry JxJSscH.nndHpermnt. orrhccacnueoa byovpr-oxorlion ot lliobrainsoli- nbusoor over-lndulfionco. liioli box contnlna ono montirs troatmimt , $1.X ) box.or nix b"iot iorS.UOeoiitbyrunil propuidoii receipt ot prlco. WK GVAICAXTKi : SIX WOXKS To euro nny caso. WiUt cnch order received by n > for six taxes , nccompnnlt-il with $5iW , wo will cond tlio jmrclmocr our written Runrnntno to its fund the nioiipy If tlio trptitmontdooanotouecl A euro. Qunrontooa UBuedonlyby 0. F. GOODMAN Solo Agent , Omaha , Nob. DB.HORRE'S ELEOT SiB ! ! BELT V- euro KclTouBnrtut , nt ) i-is , ju-urnltflft , Hclalltn rir. t-t\ * - .i w KUhny , Hplno niiU F.l\cr tfrvv-r CTRJC DELT ; * ll ca tMnoHtAaiiniii.11init amfKKSatt Vi .HiVaVi 'c&.V . . . . . Jilts. fcillii | | r. Iiniiuli-iin , DuinliAciiiTI'nilnptiiii Ulul. etc. Only fHciitlllcKlTO tii'iDvltln Atnciliiitluit mwNtlielilfcfrUlty mill inijir iiell Mi tlirouKli Ihc'IH ) { ! > .anil canlionclmrgi-il In an In- tluiiC l > ) tbu putlrnt. SI.OOO Would Not Buy It. lu HORNB I M Ictod with rheumatism , and cured by Uilng a bolt. To any ono alllictcd with that dloiso , 1 would y , buy ltorno' Klojtrlo licit Any ono can confer with mo by wrltlnjf'or calllcg At tny ttoro. 1UO Douztaa struct , Onmlin Ktb. Wir.MAll LYONS. ' MAiN 01''F1CR Ojijionlto lostolllco , room 4 I'rcn zcr bloclr. fltJ''orralentO. P. Gooduian'i Drug store , 1110 FarnamSt. , Onulia. Orders Oiled C 0 D. ron Tnn CDKE op ALL DKjnAncs OP r.R , BI1RKP , DOGS , HOGS , rOlll/iKY. Ilnmop ninl IMninKcrlrn. ana otiicrs nauuiiuu si \\llh pur/oct guccits. IIuiiiiliruv | ' Veterinary ninnuni , ( " > l > l\ cent fret ) by mall on receipt of price , do rrnls drTaninlilelt sent free ou application Ilt'JH'IIUKYH IIO.MI'.Ol'ATIIK ) MUU.CO , 109 I'ullun glrect , Kcw Vorlt. Vital Wralciiciu mul MPIIR Irntton from ovorworlcor ilncllaerctlon. mnapromptlj . . , . . ---AA- - Hccn In u o S3 years , COpPI D , /a , fulromeilyknowii. rrlcoOllwr i.orSvlal * ut4 .largo vial of powder for SV cnt poat-frf ' olut of price. KuniplirryH * Iliimun , Al lltiut. ( iatalOffuufrto. ) Jll > 1'iiltuu rit. . y. fc 'oLTAIO ' I1EI.T and other BicTnia ' , ; , C'1 1W 8ltlt nn "J o 8' ' 1'rlal To J11JN ONhY.YOUNQ Oil OLD , who arn ufter- lnj { from NBIIVOUS DEDILITV. LOST VrriUTr , WisTiKo WKIUKEMES , and all the o Ulicaiu ot a I > E&BOIIAI. NiTUUE. rt-suklnff from Ancsm and OTIIEII CAU8E8. "Bpcody relief anil complcto nutoratlon to HEALTH , Viaou and UNIIOOI > < 10iiuitTEEO. Bend at once for Illuatratea Pamphlet f rco. Addrosi VH1.TAIU lllil/f 00. , ninrslmll , Bllcli. OMAHA Stove Repair Works 109 South 14th St. Uako eiwcuulv ol ( urnUhln cutlnjri and repair mi itoviH oJoilaescrlptiou , wood itotei , chingeU I buru ooal , rratci , nroback , ilimpcrs , Jto , conitantl ; oufcaud. Try ono ol our itoie p'i I'lil'es 0111 lotnua ar > tr. - ki DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR J , 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Oo-uuLlMt : . * xct V.-u.xrist Temporary olllw , on nooount ol fire , with Ur , 1'a ker , llooui 6 , UrilKhloa lllock , 16tb tnd Dou.'laa ttreetf. . lor 4 niaUc viurtili fo ttirruivuf flrr iiitriurnl it tlio m-mmllu'oivaiii Tlinv l no mUIukit itlHiu IliU liutruuitiit , lli nn 'iml-ii lJe MI "I W.HJ. TltH ! ry r.-mw'i- UiJDUilll lie | IVIItt 14.11. n.u.i iinru t > i Ui-dili mtliou IK > not raulo'ii. " ' " " ' " ' Ufetilo luiiu yl'wIlMilto uirw tllll Imuili.-aauM.n , it life , llivONKipnIitc purixiw UWHOOD RESTORED , Arl tlmoe&rljrl MI. ctuilnjt Dtrroui debit irlna tried la T la rerf ' tlini > ! ewtiuot Mil o lal < lollow-iuSorerv -KowVoti THE NOBLE SIX HUNDRED. The Storied Charge on Balaklaya Heights Outdone hy the Garrison risen at SinKat , They Defiantly Faoo an Ovor- wliolming Foroo and Perish to a Man- Tlio Slaughter of tlio Gallant Band Almost Within Sight of a British Ship , Xho VncllntliiR Conductor tlio Gov- eminent Unlvoi-millly Condemned Genernl.Foreign' News. GKNEUAJj KOIIBIGN NKWB. IIOWLIXfl AT DAVITT. LONDON , February 13. Miclmol Dav- , t lectured at Nowcaallo-on-Tyno Mon- ay evening. lie was received with per- iatunt howls and a rush was made for lie platform. D.ivitt drew a revolver ncl with the assistance of the police the isturbcra were ejected , but not till sov- ral persona wore wounded. AFFAIUS IN KaYlT. A correspondent at Cairo says : The ioaator to Baker Pasha's army caused othing like tlio sorrow which prevails inong Englishmen lioro over tlio inassa- ro at Sinkat. There is a universal feei ng of humiliation and shame that the ; all ant men of Sinkat wore killed mostly vithin sight of a British ship. Wolsoloy telccrnphed Stephenson , gen- ral commanding the troops in Egypt not evening , to collect a foico and relieve ! okar if possible , otherwise to defend lie ports , Graham to take supreme com- nand There will bo a brigade of five oliil battalions in line within a few days , f necessary the garrison at Alexandria will bo brought to Cairo , the fleet taking hargo of Alexandria. Tlio Tenth hussars lomoward bound , wore ordered to luakim. TKWFIK'S roiiLoitx iioi'i : . A correspondent at Suakim telegraphs : At last tlio heroic garrison at Sinkat has > een butchered , For a fortnight they mvo boon eating roots and tree loaves. t was n feeble band indeed , which made ; ho sortie to die amidst the rebel horde. TowfikBoy had harangued his men , saying > y fighting they might save themselves , > y remaining they must die from hunger n a few days. Flight was impossible , 'ho men thus animated with Towfik Joy's spirits destroyed tlio stores , ox- ) lodod the magazinesfilled their pouches o the utmost with cartridges , and issued orth nix hundred strong , against the obola. Cbinau Dignia'a hordes risked the ittaok. Towfik Bey und his men fought lobly for a long time. They repulsed every attempt to break their ranks. Fi- lolly superior numbers prevailed , and vith a tremendous rush the rebels burst lirough one of.thu sides of the Egyptian qunrc. A general massacre ensued and lot a soul escaped. According to the meat reports only four sick men were unable to take part in the sortie at Sinkat and they wore spared by the rebels. Be- ore the sortie the rebel sheiks approached Sinkat and summoned Towfik Boy to sur render , saying his life would be spared. L'ho garrison answered defiantly reviling ho rebels. During the } sortie women and children followed in-tho rear of the soldicis. A largo number of rebels voro killed. The rebels are now massin n the yicinity f iL'uakim , and an attaei a bnliovod imminvit. Tjio British minister at Cairo tolo- ; raphs that after the battle the rebels on- orud Sinkat and put every ono to the swor.d. OOUDON HEAUD FUOM. OAIUO , February 13. The following lispatch was received from General Gor- Ion : "Stewart and myself are well. ? ooplo mooting mo on all sides with on- ihuaiam. I hope Soudan will soon bo n good order.1 From Syracuse , N. Y. "I felt weak and languid ; had palpitation of tlio heart , mid numbness of the limbs. Jim- Jock Jlloixl Hitters have certainly relieved mo. L'hcy are moat excellent. " Mr. J. M. Wright. ABRAHAM Cwo Interesting liOtters Written Uy Him to Ills Father uml Brother. The St.Louia Evening Chronicle prints . .10 following letters , the originals ol which are hold by Mr. B. L. Worth , No. Gil South Broudway , St. Louis. They came into possession of their present owner through the purchase of the ofllco fixtures of ox-Mayor John H w : TO HIS I'ATIIEU. WASHINCITOX , Dec. 24 , 18-18. MY DIIAU PATUEU : Your lettar of the 7th wus received night before lapt. I very cheerfully send you $20 , which sum you oay is necessary to save your land from mlo. It is singular that you should have forgotten n judgement against you , and It is more singular thnt the plaintill' should have lot you forgot it BO long , par ticularly , as I suppose , you have always Imd property enough to satisfy a judg ment of that amount. Before you pay it , it would bo well to bo sure that you have not paid it or at least that you cannot prove Urn' you have not paid it. Give my love to mother and all the connections. AlToa- tiouatoly your son , A. LINCOLN. TO HIS imOTHKU , DBAU JOHNSTO.V ; Your roquoit for $80 I do not think it best to comply with now. At the various times I have helped you a little you have said to moVe : can get along very , " but a short time I find you in the name dilllcuHy again. Now this can only happen by some defect m your conduct. What the defect is I think I know. Yon are not lazy , and still you are an idler. I doubt whether since I saw you you have done a irpod whole day's work in any ono day. You do not very much dislike work , and still you do not woik much , merely be cause it docs not seem to you that yon could got much for it. This * habit of uselessly wasting time is tne whole difli- culty , and it is vastly important to you , and still more to your children , that you should break this habit. It is more im portant to them because they have longer to live , and can knpp out of an idle habit boforn they are in it easier than * they can got out of it after they are in. " You are now in need of some ready money , and what I propose is that you shall go to work "tooth and nail" for it. Let father and your boys have charge of things at homo prepare for a crop and make the crop and you go to work for the best money wages , or in discharge of uny debt yon owe , that you can got. And to secure you a fair reward for your labor I now promise you that for every dollar will , botwooii now and the first of Df st May , got for your labor , cither ii ) \ icnoy or on your own indoblcilncss , I ill give you ono other dollar. By this , 1 you hire yournclf nt § 10 a month , from mo you will got $10 inoro , making $20 n lonth from your work. In tins I do not ncmi you shall go of ? to St. Louis } or the end mines , or the gold mines m Cali- ornia , but I mean for you to go nt it for tie best wngos you can got close to homo in Colos county. Now if you will do > IB ! you vrill soon bo out of debt , nnd vliat is bettor , you will have n habit that vill keep you from getting into debt gain. But if I should now clear you ut , next year you will bo just ns do p ns vor. 'i ou say you would almost ivo our place in heaven for § 70 or $80. 'lion you value your place in heaven cry cheap , for I am sure you csm with ho oIFor t mnko you , got tlio § 70 or § 80 vith four or five month's work. You say [ 1 furnish you the money you will deed no the land , nnd if you don't p y mo the nonoy bnck you will deliver mo poasos- ion. ! Nonsense ! If you can not now ivo with the land , how will you then ivo without it ? You have always boon dnd to mo , < Aiid I do not now moai to bo nkind to you. On the contrary , if you vill but follow my advice , you will find ; worth more than eighty times eighty ollara to you. AHectlonntoly your ) rothor , A. LINCOLN . PitfUptm JIlHKcct. "Sot up In bed and coughed till llio cloth UK VIM wet with porspIrnUon. My wlfo insisted lint I two Thowtt1 Kclcdric Oil. Tlio first ooNpooiiful relieved tno , ntul two bottles lutvo ciircil me. I can honestly recommend It. " : . II. rcrkiiM , Creek Coutor , N. Y. PATH IN OLD13N TISIES An IntcrcBtliiK KciulnlHccncc of Her I'crforinnncoTlilrty Ycnrs A o. "rom tlio Syrnouio Stanilnrd. Twenty-eight years have increased 'ntti'a mercantile vnluo about 1,000 per cut. An advertisement in The Stan- nrd of September 27 , 18b5 , declares hat the mnnagemont of Paul Julion nnd Adelina Pntti , the two great youthful ; eniusca of the ago , bogs cave to nnounco to their friends und the public in general that > rovious to their departure for jondon , where they have to nppoar at lur Majesty's theater for a series of concerts , they will give one grand faro- roll and ijoaitively last concert in this city , this evening , in Wioting hall , on which occasion they will bo assisted > g Augusto Cockol , the great , most emi nent nnd most brilliant pianist , and Et- -nri Bnril , the Into baritone of the Vcadomy of Music of Now York. The nnnagoment , to afford to everybody the opportunity of hearing these great tal ents once more , has put the price of ad mission at fifty cents. " Immediately beneath this ndvortiso- nont' caino thnt of "tho beautiful fuiry tar , Miss Maggie Mitchell , " who waa > lnying n two weeks' engagement at the National theatre , which was located on ho site of the Univorsalist church , in iVcst Qonosco street. The local notice tated that "tho bill for the evening prc- onts the usual attractions , bcsidcn song by Mrs. Hom&n , nnd n Innco by Miss Wright. The por- ormanco trill open with the classic ilay of 'Ion , ' and close with , ho amusing fnrco of the 'Maid With the tlilking Pail , ' in both of which pieces .he . fascinating Miss Mitchell trill appear. We notice that the manngors have nl- ready plnccd several now scenes on the stnge , which nro a gront relief to the cyps of the audience- Ono forest scone evinces skill and taste on the part of the artist. The old daubs were never very excellent nnd had become rather rusty with use. " The admission was "fifty cents for boxes nnd twenty-five cents for the pit. " ' , a * petroleum V. Nasby. 1) ) . 11. Locke , Potrolouni V. Nnsby ( Editor 'Toledo ' Blade " write" , ) " : I had ou a forefinger of my right hand ono if thoaa pleasant pots , n "run-round. " The , infrer became inflamed to a degree unbearable niul swollen to nearly twice its nnturulsizo. A rienil eave uio lIUNUY'd OA11BOLIC 3AljV13 , nnd in t\venty minutes the pain had no inucti subsided aa to give me a ( air night's cat , which I had not had before for n \ > eok. Iho inllnmmation loft the finger in n day. I consider it n moat valuable article ) for the leasehold. Cures the 1'llcs Too. I'douanl Keintard , of Now York , writes : It givoa mo great ploiuuro to say that a sin- gin box of IIKNKY'3 CAHBOLIO SAIj iirectod a comiilotu euro of 1'ilos , with whicli I had been troubled for over a year , and which nothing ol8o that I naod would cure. Did You Ever. Philadelphia Call. Did you over go into n barber shop about 8 o'clock in the evening , cross and tired , and wait an hour and n half for your turn , nnd have u boy ask you tivon ty-aovcu times if you don't want your boots blacked , and then take your chair and listen to a discourse , through an odor of gin and garlicon the weather , and the minstrels , and next year's baseball sen- son , nnd the presidential candidates , nnd got cut three times on the chin and once on the nock , and just as the shaving is over have the barber ask you if the razor Imrls , and if you don't wunt your hair out or blmmpoood , when it was cut und shampooed only two days before , and liavo him toll you that your head is full of dandrulF , nnd that you ought to buy a two-dollar bottle of "Tonsorinl Elixir' " that will take it nil out with four npplica < tioas , and be asked if you want powder or bay rum or hair oil , and hnvo him upend fifteen minutes trying to stop the ilow of blood with little patches of ohav- ingpapornudnlum from the gaping wounds that his razor has loft , and finally , when you escape from him , again have the boy ask you , with tears in his eyes , if you don't want your boots blacked , and have him brush your coat nnd hat in a pleaao- juistor-givo-mo n-niokul-Lnm-starving'to death sort of way , nnd when you cot out side in the rniii without nn umbralahavo ! a dog bite you in the log because you ao cidontly stopped upon aim , nnd have a newsboy dance in Irout of you for two blocks , nil the time imploring you to buy an evening paper , and then try and boari a street car at full speed nnd mies your footing and fall in the mud and slush , nnd huvo somebody stop on your hat am spoil it , and have a big , angry policomni como around the corner brnndiahiiif his club nnd ask "What's this row nil about ) " nnd hnvo him seize you by the coat collar and drag you pff to the station house , whcio you nro finoc 810 and costs for being drunk 'am disorderly , and not allowed to say n wore under threat of being Rent to jail for three months , and after reaching homo long past midnight , n shapeless masa o humanity , have your wife look at you and the clock alternately , and call you "Sir'1 nnd Bay something nbou "mother" and "homo , " and "first in atmcta of n gentleman , " and have her wind up the clock with all tho. noise possible siblo , nud ilounco into bed , and turn her face to the wall , nud cry , and not listen to a word of explanation did you eve luxvo this aort of thing happen to you You didn't ? You're luoKy , that's all1. ' ST. waxKUsnuno. t Appoarnnco > ns Approached ! > } ' Wntcr Seine of ItH Mont Note. worthy Ventures Ar Hvonlntf Servian In ilioGrcclc Church Xho HcrimtiiKO The " \Vlntcr 1'alncc. The approach to St. Petersburg by water is far inoro beautiful than by land. The country around is Hat , and tlio city oils upon the sea , as it wero. Who would not prefer to approach AphroJito upon her native clement , rather than look upoh her and her gorgeous train from the shore ] Theophilo Gautier'a de scription of'this Aconp is so true and vivid , although of an evening in January , per haps , that it may well bo copied here : "In the distance , emerged slowly botwooii the milky water and the opaline sky , en circled by its mural crown , _ crenellated with turrets , the superb silhouette of St. Petersburg , whoso tints of amethyst drew a line of demarcation between these two palo immensities of sea and sky. Gold scintillated in scales and in noodles upon the diadem , the richest , the most beautiful , that over city were upon ita brow. Soon St. Isaacs outlined be tween its four bell towers its cupola of gold , like a tara ; the admiralty darted high in air its glittering arrow ; the church of St. Michael the Archangel rounded its domes of Muscovite curve ; that of the Horse Guard lifted sharp pyramids , their tips adorned with crosses , and a crowd of inoro remote church towers gleamed with their metallic lus ter. Nothing exists more splendid than was that golden city upon that horizon of silver , when the evening had all the white radiance of the dawn. ; ' Immediately < > n our arrival , hearing that it was tlio eve of a great festival in the Greek church , wo hastened to St. Isaac's , where a splendid service was going on. On entering this grand edifice , where the glitter of thousa nda of candles covered the retreating sunlight that played softly in the almost fathomless depths of the dome , wo stood spellbound amid the prostrate forms all about us , and wo hoard the "beautiful in song. " Beneath the great doino stood a grcup of priests , with long black hair , covered with the cap peculiar to their oilico , and clad in rich garments of white and gold ; on either side , Hanked by that boy-choir , worthy of its world renown , the body of this temple filled with thousands of wor shipers , and here and there groups of sis ters and monks , whoso pale faces made a fitting frame for this sumptous and splen did picture. As the services continued , the priests and their surrounding throng moved slowly toward the iconstaco , that "wall of sacred pictures sot in gold , " through the central door of which , in the mysterious darkness beyond , is _ soon the colossal Christ forming the window at the back of the sanctuary , whore , in pur ple and gold , with the right hand raised in benediction , the power of art seems to have almost surpassed itself. Wo turned ; fainter and morp ethcrial sounded the "Gospodi pomilut , " The Lord have mercy. " On a clear , warm , August day Sun day , hearing that the animal "ollicors' races" were to como oil'at Ivrasnoe Solo , the summer camp of the Imperial guards , numbering eighty thousand mon , wo took boat to Potcrhof and drove thence to the camp , some sixteen miles from St. L'otorsburg. The camp is six to ton miles in extent , a rolling country with iioro and there plains of considerable cx- ; ont. The hour sot for the races was ! ) . in. , but on reaching the place we were informed the czar would not arrive un til 0 o'clock. For two hours companies of infantry , without arms , issued from iho different camps and slowly gathered around and about tho. central chalet which stood between "tho two stands. Ollicora ot cavalry superbly mounted , representing every oint of the Russian dominions , came upon the _ scone by twos and firoea. The Circassian , the Mongol gel , the Tartar , and the Cossack , "a : rowd of uniforms embroidered with ; old , epaulettes starred with diamonds , : owa of decorations , whoso enamel and irecious stones form centers of flashing light. " Several bands took up their sta- ; ions opposite the chalet which the caar to occupy. When a few minutes beFore - Fore C o'clock his majesty appeared with iho czarina and some of their children , together with the grand dukes and the various members of the imperial house hold , waa it by accident or de sign that the chilot wna completely surrounded by from five to ton thousand men , mounted and unmounted' The czar , although ho sat at the front of the balcony-opening of his chalet during the time of the actual racinc , moved away nt once when the winning horse passed the line , withdrawing to the salon within , to reappear agiin when the next race was called. Possibly thia nervous action on lus part was owing to the fact , heard by us on the day following , that a man and woman hod boon arrested recently on the grounds of the palace of Petorhof ( be cause of acting auspiciously ) , where the emperor was accustomed to show himself somewhat freely. The sun had sot when the races were over , there had boon no serious accident to these engaged in the sporr , the prizes had boon bestowed by royal hands , the emperor and the imper ial household had driven oil ! from the camp to some palace in the neigh borhood , and our troika with its three iiorsos abreast , bore us , Hying almost , over the miles that lay between the camp xnd the golden-domed city. The troika is peculiarly a Huasian institution. Ima gine a vehicle capable of holding four por- loiis , two and two sitting face to fact ) , a driver besides. To this three liowoa are liarnosaod ; "tho ono in the middle , who is in the shafts , has the collar and trio wooden arch , the douza , rising above hia withora , the two others are attached to the vehicle by an extensive strap , and by another strap , looselyto the collar of the thill-horse , tFour reins suJUco for the three animals , the two outsiders having only ono rein apiece ; the thill-horse trots , stopping straight ahead ; , the other two gallop and pace fan-wise. " AH was novel , and , not least , Iho continual shout of the driver , "Boriguiss ! Beriguias ! " "Taku car * , " for in St. Petersburg it is the business of the pedestrian , including po licemen , * to got out oJ the way. What shall bo said of the bights of. St. Petersburg ? There i * the Hermitage. Of this the language of the guide-book is cold ; it enumerates simply , it dec * not describe. The magnificence and riihness of this collection words can but faintly portray. This museum or collection , founded by Catherine the Great , now covers a parallelogram , 516 fooi by i > 7& feet , with orwn courts joining the winter palace , and challenges direct ( comparison wjth the I uvro and the Vatican. Not only is this collection of priceless value , but the building itself , its Sialls and corridor rider ? , are a fit setting for Iho gores with , in To the lover of northern antiquities and tXo rare and boauliful in painting oiid. sculpture , this llormitago will repay u jaumoy here of five thousand miles. ! There U the winter palace , and what thoughts dooa thia give riao to. Within this U the Uomaooft portrait gallery , where one BO the tablet , unou which are the \ . - - - \ % , rules that Catherine enforced at her con- venations. Thcso nro qunint , nnd here is the tradition of them : 1. Leave your rank outside , ns well ns your lint , nnd especially your sword. 2. Leave your right of precedence , your pride , and any similar fooling out side the door. 3. Bo gay , but do not ppil anything ; do not break or gnaw anything. t. Sit , stnnd , wnlk ns you will , with out rcforenco to nnybody. 5. Tnlk moderately , nnd not very loud so ns not to make the cars nnd heads of others ncho. G. Argue without anger nnd without oxcitomont. 7. Neither sigh nor yawn , nor make nnybody dull or heavy. . 8. In nil innocent games , whatever oi i propoi" > i . Irt nil join. ! ) Eat \wmUvor is sweet and savor } * , out drink with moderation , so that each may find his legs on leaving the room. 10. Toll no tales out of school ; what ever goes in at ono oar must gt > out at the other before .leaving the room. A transgressor against these rules shall , on the testimony of the witness , for every offense drink a glass of cold water , not excepting the ladies , and , further , road the page of the "Telamachiado" aloud. Whoever breaks nny three of these rules during the snmo evening shall iommitt six lines of the "Tclemachiadu" o memory. And whoever offends against ho tenth rule shall not ngnia bo admit ted. ted.Moscow Moscow , "tho real Hussian capital , the ; rcat Muscovite city , " is but a night's ' ido by rail from St. Petersburg. The ivromlin and its wealth of magnificence lifers strong temptations to the traveler , nit the autumnal sun reminds him if lie would see the beautiful fiords nnd mighty granjtu hills of Norwny ho must turn hia iteps hithorwnrd. A Good Investment. One of our prominent business men said to us the other day : "In the spring my wife got all run down and could not oat anything ; passing your store I saw a ) ilo of Hood's Sarsaparilla in the window , tnd I got a bottle. After she had taken t a week she had a rousing appetite , and lid her everything. She took three bot- les , nnd it was the best three dollars I over invested. " C. I. HOOD & Co. , Low- oil , Mass. . F11A.NIC .IAMES. lis Approaching Trlnl Mrs , Siuu- uels' Kallroiul Pass. BL.UK Si'itixos , Mo. , February 7. ? rank James to-day the firat time smco us recent sickness , was in the city. The liscase , bronchial trouble , has been pn- iroly broken , and. ho is rapidly gaining lis strength. Ho was aeon by your cor respondent nnd interviewed upon the questions which are before the public in regard to himself. He said he was ready 'or trial at any time. Ho will appear 'n court at Kansas City Monday , at which imo will bo sot the day for hearing. Ho expects a change of venue to bo-granted. EIo was not very loud in his censure of .ho prejudice which ho claims exists in this county , but deems it ample for him : o bo granted a new trial. Ho was asked the question , "What was ox-Gov. Johnson's reply to your lot- ; or to himi" "He will bo one of my counsel , " was ; he reply , "and will bo on hand when the ; rial begins in earnest. " Will John T. Glover , of St. Louis , as sist in the dpfensel" "Ho will if he can arrange his business matterfl. " Ho was then interrogated upon the question of passes being granted to his mother by the Hannibal & St. Joe rail road. "Mr. James , " said the reporter , "did your mother get the pass which an employe of Hannibal & St. Joe told a Globe-Democrat reporter hadbeen , cran ed her by Manager John B. Carson ? " "It don't know he answered. "My mother hua had a pass on that road since the Hmo she lost her arm and my brother was Killed. " "Manager Carson is said to hnvo sent your mother the pass to gain the favor of vour brother Jes'ao and his gang , and that is why the Hannibal & St. Joe road was never robbed. " James had no answer to make , but said : "A special train sent out from Kansas City on that road carried the posse that did the dire work at iriy mother's house , and yet no one know o. the posao waa. 1 tell jour sir , a railroad don't send out a special train un less they know why it goes and why and who goes on it. They could have found out who they were , but I have no re venge for thonu JC would not hurt them if J know who they wore. " Jamca declined to say anything what ever in reference to the governoc refus ing to pardon Dick Lid doll. Ho h-id walked into town from hia fathor-in-law's , Col. Kahton'fl , and , after spending the day conferring with Judge Stover , ho walked 'homo again , two miles and a half. Eating Citnccr. John Naves , a young mnn living near tills place , hna bean allUctetl for five ye.uvjtli JIIB of the most anjjry looking oathip cancers that I ovoc aaw. llw unnn 1ms boonoatun nway nud the cancer waa feeding Itself ou hia chuolc , mouth nnd throat , and ull thought U was only a quostiim of time when lifo Itoelt wouldiRivo way. I advi od Swift's Specific , and its effect wus wondarf uL After tiio lirat bottle hocnuld attend to hU business , and after five bottloa lie is Hourly or milto well. The potnon has been forced from hlrf syutom , and ho is-tv new mnn. mnn.M. . K. Guam : * , M. D. , Oslethorpat. Pa. The Head of tlio American Bar. Little William M. Evnrts shout , thin , wrinkled , weather beaten inadoa masterly torly argument Lpforo the aunsAo post office committee in opposition to the bill establishing a government postal tele graph , then put on his faded. . o\t , and with his shocking bad hat on iho bnck of his head , and his hands full of papers , wont awingius up the avcnuo- smiling all the way. Evarta is tika head oft the Amoricun bar , waking , it is guessed , a huncbjd thousand n year in hia practice , Tet lie w best known in W&nlungton for his ( { onial ways and hia bright remarks. Everybody has ono on- two to quota on occasion. "Water fbwod like cham pagne" was his torsa description of the rirst state dinner < jivon by Praaidont Hayes. "Ho always , preferred msasuroj to men , " ho said , when some one re minded him that Xoros used to count hit nrmies by inclosing successive bodies ol men in n pou holding just so many. "Criminals duliko long sentences , " he remarked drjity when quiziod about hia lengthy paragraphs , and so examples might bo multiplied. llnnitortl's Acid Phosphate. Well Pleased. Dr. 0. Roberts , Winchester , 111. , Bays ' 1 h vo uuod it with entire satisfactioi in cases o debility from ago or overwork and iu inebriates and dyspeptics , and am I well I'U'Ased with Hi etftots. ' Hasjho ; Largest StookMn Omaha and'Makosjths ' ; Lowest Prices. f j i Purchasers should nv 51 theinselves of the opportunity nmr offered to juy at Low Prices by taking advantage of the great .imlucoinsmkg set out by PASSENGER ELEVATOR To All 2Tloors. IMPORT AWT UBLIG SALE ! J GALLOWAY AND .ABERDEEN ANGUS , Consisting of Bulls Every animal of nnd Heifers one good individual i , o three ycara old. merit , prare bred 2 very Heifer in ; uid registered in calf by imported Iford Book of ' Great BViiiau. At Lincoln , Neb , , Friday February 15,1884 Thlslsoneef the best lota of lulled Cattle'cver offered at public sale In the oir , having boon sulecto out of 800 head Imported by us during Itho past season ; LEONARD BROTHERS , 1IT. LKONAUD- . 4 For further Information or c-italoutjo. address O. Sf. Druso , Nebraska Farracri LIuuolIi , X Ui TEUSIS'OF HALE-Cash. or fear nnnthj bank note , S per cent Interest. KB O M. HELL1IAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR , 13Th OMAHA. BURLINGTON ROUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. ) GOING EAST AHQ WEST. Elffant Cay Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Heeltn injr Chalra ( seats free ) , Smoking Cars , with Ho- ofvlns Chairs , Pullman I'alaoo Sieepins Cars and the famouo C. H. & Q. Dining tor run dally to end rrom Chlcaco & Kansas City Chicago & Council liluffa , Chict.go & Des Molnoa , Chicago , SL Jo seph , Atchiton & Topeka. Only throuRh linz be- tw ecu Chlcoi o , Lincoln S Denver. Throuciiears bct\veen Iiulianapollu & Council Bluffs via J' All connections "made in Union liepo'A It 13 1 known as the croatTHHOUGJI CAR LtNE. I 1200 , 1208 nd 1210 ParnnmSt -OMAHA , NEB. GOING NORTH AWD'SOUTH. j Solid Tralni of Elegnnt Da ; Coaches ami PuSK man Palace Sleeping Cars are rnmlfiily to ruid ; from St Loiiis , via HannibalQiiincy , I0sck.nkj Uiij-llnRton. Cedar Rapids and Alcert Lcto S 1'aiil aud Minneapolis ; 1'arlorCars with Itoolinlr' Clmlra to and from Sti I uiu and PeoravandC and from St Louis nnd Oitunva. Only or clmnKO of cars between St. Louis ami C" , Molnes. Iowa , Linsoia , Hcorasiaji Cotorano. i It isuniverjaUradinttlid tabatho F onot Equipped Railroad In thn World tor Oil Olfmes of T. J. POTi'EK. 3d Vico-tVca'tand flon'i Manaeer. PKKOFVAT , Ucn. Jrus. Ac's. Chlcw"- or FINE Mr Hanoaltory onktantly filled with t'SflectjBtoct Best Workrounshlp ( ro rw to d , Utncti o r > rar.torV S. W. Cow * 16th ami r.nni * * * SPECIAL COST SALJ3 OF' ' o TCJ s. THE 3STATS 01' JOHN H. DimVUHIl , Coinuinco the sale of all goods 111 our line This will present nu opportunity never before ottered in Oinohn for khe purchase of Carpets retail nt the Hew York Wholesale Prices. THE SALE WILL NOT CONTINUE MOHE THA.N A tl tlioso desiring a choice selection should call enily , as the rush will doubtless be great. DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT , As otvmg to the prices , woill sell only for cash , fionioinb-r the plnce ESTATE OF JOHN B , DSTWILEB , 1 13 13 Farnam Street , - > . . Oaaha ,