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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1884)
TTT i T > Ar tl 1QQ.I TEE DAllAr BEE OMAHA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 11 , 1884. Council Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. Rrtt MortiMro ! IiOnni Negotiated. CommercUl Piper and all ( lorxl Securities de< In. ED 1'enrl Itrctt , and COO i'lrgt nvcnuo , Council llltifK FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL fK T Yons. relinmry 13. Money Uosy nt 1J@2 per cent. Prlma L'npor--l@rii per cent. Kxclmnge ] MlsJuict nml firm ntt 831 ; ilom.iml 89 j. Govornmonta i@J per cent lower for 4's. Stocks Before the first cull the temper of speculation strengthened nml the mnrkct grndunlly moved up J@ll lcr contAfter - wnnla speculation vns irregular , lint In the innln firm. In the closing dealings the market - kot wgs * trong nml with a mnterlal Increase jn tlio volume of business. uuoroNB 8' 4 Va Coupons . ll'l ' Pacific 6's of ' 95 STOOKa PONDS. American Express Hurl. , Cedar Hnpldi k Northern. . . . . < 5 Contrnl Pacific 02 ? Chicago k Alton 13SJ do do pfd Chi. , Burl. iQulncy. . . . . Erie do pfd Tort Wayne k Chicago I Innmbnl k St. Joseph dn do do pfd Illinois Cotitral J Ind. , Bloom , k Western.A. Kansnufc Texas > > Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Coutnil Minneapolis k St. Louts. . . . , do " do do pfd Mli-our ! Pacific N K thorn Piicilic do do pfd Njrthwostnrn , do pfd Now YorU Central Onlo k Mississippi do do pfd , Pcorlu. Decntnr k Uvansvlllo Rock Ii'lr.iul St. 1'aul k Mllwaukoo do do do pfd. . . St. Paul Minu. k Manitoba , St. Paul k Omaha do do pfd Texas Pacific Uniou Pacific , \V abash , St. L. k Pacific. do do do pfd. , Western Union Telegraph. . . * Asked. QUAINANU 1MCOVIHIOK8. CHICAGO rilODUCE. CHICAGO , February 13. Flour Finn ; good to choice winter wheat ilour , 5 00@5 85 ; spring , 4 00@4 50 ; Minnesota baker's , 4 nO@ 525. 525.Wheat Wheat Itegular , opened easy but soon de clined ic , then rallied and advanced Ic but receded and closed same as yesterday ; cash , J5Ja93Jc ( ; February , ! )3\c ) \ ; March , 9G ; May , 102j@10 ; .Tnno , lOlJj winter wheat firm nnd higher at 1 01@1 01 , according to location of elevators ; spring , irrngnlar at ! )5@Cc. ) ! ) Corn Active , excited and stronger ; opened a trillo easier lint quickly advanced Uc above inside figures and closed lu higher than yester day ; c.xsh and February , 54Jc ; March , fi5(2 ( [ rwjc ; May , GOgtgCOJc ; June , C04'c ; rejected , 45c. 45c.Oat's Oat's Steady and Improved slightly over 3c ; M . . . _ Kyo Stondy at Barley Nominal at iVJ@GOc. Timothy Primo. 1 2S@1 30 ; choice , 133. Flax Seed Weaker at 155. Mess Pork Market active and slightly ad vanced at opening , but soon declined 12J@ liic ; later the feeling yas stronger nnd prices advanced with frequent slight fluctuations of 10@50c on the whole range , but ruled toler ably stsady at the close ; cash and February , 1830(31835 ( : March , 18 35(5)18 ( ) 37i ; Mny , iso-j@isra. Lard Active and irregular ; declined 10@ 15c dming early session , but rallied 15@20c nnd ruled steady at the close ; cash and Feb ruary. 0 90(39 ( 92\ \ ; March , ' 9 93@9 97i ; May , 10 1710 20 ® . Bulk Meats Finn ; shoulders , 740@750' ; short ribs , fl 01 ; short clear , 9 70 9 75. Biiittr Quiet nnd unchanged. , Cheese Firm nnd unchanged ; choice full cream cheddars , 1-lc ; choice full cream flats , H@llju ; good part eliim cheddara and Hats , Kern-Easy nt 28@2'Jc. Hides Steady and unchanged. To''ow Steady ami unchanged ; No. 1 Mintry , Gfe ; cale,7c. Whiikoy ] 1C. CALT , BOAIU > . Whe t ic higher for Mny and .rime ; Mny cJosoil 1 02J ; sale * 1.-100.000 bushel * . _ * Corn c higlior for March nnd April : ic higher for Muy and Juno ; Mny closed at COjc ; Bale * , lirij,0p > l bushels. Oftta c higher for April ; go higher for May ; * aJeB , fttt.OOO bushels. Pidili 5c highurfor Mny ; 2jc higher for June ; May closed nt 18 02.J ; sales , 17'ijO bar rels. rels.Lard Lard 2lc higher ; May closing nt 10 20 ; fi0ea , l,7CO tierces. T. LOUIS. ST. Louis , February 13. Flour Firm nnd unchanged ; family , 'ri5@4 30 ; choice CO © A 70 : fancy , B 25 .0 CO. Wheat Market opened lower , advanced , .and closed n shade above ycxtordny'a piiccs ; Xo. 2 red. 1 OSJ for cash ; 1 OS1 { OSfi for March ; 1 OOi bid for April ; 110g@l 11A for : May ; 110i@l 11 for Juno ; 10081 OOJ for 'the year ; No. 8 red98c@l OOi bid. Corn Market opened lower , ndvanccd , nnd cloKC > il better than yc > .tcrdny ; 50jc for cash ; 49 @ 503o for March ; 52g@53.Jc for May ; Wo for Juive. Oata Market slow nt 361e hid for cash ; 30J ' @ 40Ze for Mny. Hyo Firmer at51@55c bid. Barley 5Dull nd unchanged. lluttcr Unchanged. KpKSteadynt2lc. . Flax Seed Quiet nt 1 50. Hay Unchanged. Uran- Lower at 90c. ( Jorn Heal 1'lrm nt 2 ( iO. Whisky-Steady nt 1 15. L'rovikiuiiB Market strong and higher , but very slow. I'ork-.Tobhing , 18 371@18 50. Lard Strong at 9 80. CwMXC. IViAHl ) Wheat Firmer ; 1 074 Wd for February ; 1 OSJ bid for March ; 1 Hi for Mny. Corn Higher ; 501o bid for February ; Mo for March : . * ilc for May. Oats Miuket higher and blow at 37c for May. TOLEDO. TOLKDO , February 13. Wheat Active nnd firm ; No. 2 rod caih , 1 01J@1 Of ! . Cum Firm and dull : low mixed , B5c lyjlccil ; No. 2 ciuih nominally at 5tr. . Oatx Higher and dull ; No. 2 cosh and February , 3ic. ( NKW OIILKANS , NBW OnLKANS , February 13. Com Steady and in good demand at fiS@G02. Oats In good demand ! prime , -He ; choice , 15o. 15o.Corn Meal Quiet and steady at 2 75 ® KO * Pork In good demand nnd strong ; new , 1875. L rd Higher : tlerco. refined , 1) ) 75 ; keg , 1025viik ) viik Meat" Tu good demand hut scarce. 'WUiiky SUady and unchanged at 110. UIIWAUKEK. MILWAUKEE. Febniary 13. Wheat Steady ; CCo. 2 , i 5c ; F bruary , We ; March , USfcj Mny , 1 Oil , C < ini Higher nnd tcirco ; No. 2 , 64Jc. Oats Market ( julet , dull and linn ; No. , 33c. 33c.Kyo Hlxher nnd ncarce. Barley Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , 69Jc. NEW YOIIH. NEW YOUK , February 13. Wheat Cash 3 red , 1 C4S NO 2jred 1 13J. Corn Opllnni opened lower and later nd vnncod lj@ljic ; closed ctcady with a ronction of 4@5c ; ungraded , r > 2@G3a ; No. 2 , C3J ® CIJ. Oats JGSlc higher ; mixed \ vostorn12 ® 43 while. 439/3 ! ftc. Kees Western , fro h , dull and lower , nt 333lo. Pork Higher ; nowmesa , 180018 2. " . LarJ Firms prime stontn 10 151020- Butter Dull nnd wcnk. lUt.TIVOnK. BAtTiMonE , February 13. Wheat oj > on- od lower , advanced and closed firm ! ? \o. 2 winter rod cash , 1 OS@1 08J. Corn Firmer but dull ; mixed , February , GOJo bid. Oats Higher , tcarca nnd firm ; western white , 4l4Gc : inked , 41@l3c. KjlulUt0308c. . ICggaLower nt 29@30c. lluttor Dull ; , western pnckod 10@20cj creamery 25W3Gc. WW ky Market ciulet and steady at IMS KANSAS CITY. KANSAS GUT , February 13. Wheat Higher - or nt 8'Jc oath and March. ! liafyi ( [ o for May. Corn Higher nt 41i < fiMft for < : a h ; 42 ® 42Jo for March ; 4C.c for Mny. Data-Steady at 2J. ! ) LivKnroot. liivsiiroot , Fobrnatr 13. Wheat Market quiet j winter , S@Sa fidjSutltur 7 Corn Market steady ; now * , Ca 2d { old,5s 5d. taVK STOCK. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Fobmnry 13. The Drovers' Jour nal reports this nftomoon as follows : Hogs Mnrkot opened 15o higher , but closed weaker ; rough packing. (5 ( 70M7 20 : packing and dripping , 7 20@7 70 ; light , 6 50@7 70 ; skip" , 4 005 75. Cattle Stoadyexport : * * , G 25@7 10 ; good to choice Hirippinff , 5 75(150 ( 10 ; common to mo- ilium , 5 25 © ! " > OOj inferior to fair cows , 2 7C @ 400 : medium to good , ' 110 ® 1 SO ; stock- ers. 3 50@4 r > 0 ; feeders , 5 00@ii10. Sheep-Firm ; inferior to fnir , 2 7C@fi 00 per cwt ; medium to good , 450@550 ; choice to extra , 5 C0@i ( 00. ST. LOUI3 LIVK STOCK. ST. Louis , Febniary 13. Cattle-Firm for good shipping nnd in good demand ; oipoits , 0 3i@G 75 ; peed to choice , 5 8o@G 25 ; light to medium , 5 25@S 75 ; common to fair 4 GO @ 6 23 ; native cows , nctive nt It 7o@l 75 ; stockers nnd feeders , 3 00@5 00. Sheep In good demand nnd firmer ; com mon to fair , 2 75@3 25 : medium to fair , 2 75 @ 3 2.'i ; inodiuin,1 J ! 50-l'J5 ; good to choice 150@5 25 ; fancy , 5 fiO@5 75. Hogs Good grades strong and higher ; light , G GOfeti SO ; packing , G 70@7 25 ; butchers to extra , 7 00@7 70. KAKSAS CITV UVK 8TOOK , KANSAS CITY , Febniary 13. The Dally In dicator reports : Cattle Stockers strong , shipping slow ; na tives , 5 23@5 90 ; feeders , 4 G0@5 50 ; cows , 350@I25. . Hog * Market steady and closing higher at GGO@730. Sheep Active nnd n steady demand for good natives at 4 00@5 25. XltAlWlO. FLODB AN'D aRAIK. CHICAGO , Febniary 13. Piocelpta and ship- mouts of flour nnd grain for the pnat 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Flour , bbls 18,000 0,000 Wheat , bushels 37,000 10,000 Corn , bushels 314,000 137,000 Oats , bushels 120.000 09,000 Kyo , bushels 8,000 2,000 Barley , bushels 32,000 10,000 NEW YOUK , February 13. Eoceipta nnd sliipmontsof flour andgrain forthopastZl houra have been aa follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels 4,000 ' Corn , bushels. , 75.0CO 33,000 Oats , bushels 15,000 250 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , February 13. Receipts nnd ship ments of live stock for the past 24 houra have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 0,500 Hogs 19,000 Sheep 3,500 KANSAS CITT , February 13. Receipts and of vo stock for the past 24 hours lave been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ta. iattlo 1,100 logs 4,800 Sbecp 1,000 Sr. Loms.February 13. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 21 houra have ) oen as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 3,200 200 "ff" 7,800 700 Sheep 1,300 r eo DUY GOODS YOHK , February 13. In cottons .lioro is a ihoderntd trade , and roquestK for reamortments strengthen ! ) prices. Prints cloBB.very firm. Prints ara fnirly active foi , mall assortments. Theienrc fair deliveries of 'dress goods. GInghami and other warl t&bcics nnd woolen goodd very hl OMAHA 'lARKETS. ' \7bolosalo i'rlcca , OrFicE or THE OXCAHA BEK. 1 Wednesday Evoidng , February 13 J Tbu following prices are charged retailers jy jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor- chtats , 'With the exception of gran , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the olovi e-rs uid other local buyers : tirniii , WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 77tc : No. 8 , < 3j. BAIILSY Cwh No. 2 , 48r/0c. Rvc-'CaBh ' No. 3 , 41c. OOUH No. 2 , 40c. OMU No. 2 , ? 2 c. Live Stock. Kr STKKRS Quiet nt 4 005 00. VH-OOWH 3 00(3:350 : , H < XJO-5 50 0 25. Siuiar 3 233 IS , CAC.VKU 6 50@6 50. Flour nml WINTER WHEAT Best quality , patent , at SECOND QnAUTi 2 75 3 2fl. SpniNO V/HEAT Uest quality , natant , 325@340. SECOND QDALITY 2 50@3 25 , BHAJJ C5o per cwt. CHOPPED FEED Per 100 Ibs. f Oo. Coiw MBAII 00@110 per owt. SCUEENINOQ5@76o ( > or cwt Gciweral I'roiluco. HOTTER Fancy creamery. 33@35c ; cold storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 @ 21c ; best country , eolla packed , 12@15c ; best country , roll , lC18c ; inferior grades. 10 ® He , Rocetpte are small and the demand good.MEATH MEATH llame , 13c ; breakfast boccn , lie ; clear sldo bacon , short , lOJc : clear nidi bacon , long , lO&c & ; dry salt short. lOJo : dn- salt long , lOc ; ehouldera , SJc ; dried beef , 14u ; lard , re fined , lOc. KOQB Market untettUd ; mles to-day at 27 @ ' 'Kc ; receipts good. 'ii'j'tKS Fancy Jonathans , 81 505 00 ; fnnuy Uen DHV ! , $3 rtxa4 00 ; fancy Jonot , 83 00@3 60 ; fancy Willowtwlg , ? 3 25@3 75. Demand good , CIIEESB Now York State full eroam , late September make , 14cj New York Stat * full cream , 10 hoop lota , 13 c | do fiUl cream , 50 hoop lots , 13c ; Wlioonoln , full cream , Inbox , 14c ; Young American , etiictly full cream , 14c ; full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , 11 Jc- full cream flaw , 12Jc ; full cream Hats , lljo ; fancy brick cliwac , 100 Ib c e , 15Jc ; LIui- burger 13Jcj genuine pld Swlsj , lite. I'OTATOKH Kectipti email and prkc pood. ' Consignments of strictly chntco , argo thod , straight ] K > tatoon are nclling rom 45 Ui 48cj m' od cara 40 to 42o nd Ightdomntul ; iioachblows , 50o SWKIT VOTATOGS Chotcn yollinv , cono. ONIONS No demands market uvorstockcd. UEASS-HaiuI picked natives , 8225250 ; mnd picked inortlumH , $1 75@2 00. Ko- colpts largo. GAMK Prntriochtckoni ! , per dor. . , S3 00 to 1 2T ; snlpo , SI 50 to 1 75 } ducks , Mnllnrd , prr JOT : , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , ? l CO to 2 00. Ho careful that your game comes to market In ilco condition , FnKSH OYSTrna Select. ! , 40aj standards , Vic ; tnodlums , 25c. 55c. PoownY Lho chickens , per doz , ' 175 ® 200) ) f ull droned chlckons.por Ib , 10@12c ; tur- toyg. per Ib. , 16@17cj duck ? , 1012 ; ROOSO , LK.MOXB Extra fancy bar lomono , f 0 Ouj fancy Mc lna lemons , per box , $5 25 ; B box loin , Messina , lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lots do. , 81 75 ; Malaga lomoin , fancy , f 1 CO ; do f > box lots , $ t 23. OHANOKS Vnlcnclos , 0 f > 0 ; Moislnaa , 3 7" . BANANAS Nono. CltANliKltniKa Boll nnd ougloJ , $12 00 ; bell mid cherry , 59 W10 ) 50. Above quotations for choice. DATKS Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@0c ; quarter crntcn , lOc. FIGS 2" ) Ib. kogi , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box , aycr , per Ib. , Itlc ; small ovals per Ib. , ISc. COCOANUTH Extra flue , per 100 , 8 00. ClDKit Pure sweet cider , 22 gal koj , ? G 00 ; M. & P. clarified , 10 gal keg , 51 75 ; M. k P. clarified , 3 ; gal keg , 58 00. Pins Fnrr , Tim-H , ETC. Plgi feet , 15 Ib kits , 8115 : pigH 40 Ib qr bbl. 32 23 : pigs foot , 80 Ib half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , $115 ; tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , SI 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , ? ' 2 t > 0 ; pigs tongue * , 40 Ib nr bbl , SO 00 , Lambs' tonpuos , 15 Ib kits. S3 05 ; 10 ib qr bbl , 50 25. Mixer. MEAT AtmoruV , 181b buckets ( buckets 2. > o ) Ocj 3711) buckets ( bucket 40c ) , Oc. : lOOlb ketfs , ? c ; half ban-els , 8Jc. AsROiiTKir.i.t.Y ) 2-lb etoiio jars ; 12 In case , per doz , 82 25 ; tiimblor. per doz , $1 95 : schooner , per do/en , S3 10 ; 1-Ib tin cans , 4 doz. in citae , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case , ? 150. BULK JELLIES Currant , 30-lb wood palls , per Ib , 7Jc ; strnwborry , 30-lb wood palls per 11) , 7Jc ; r.vspbcrry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 7i'c ; blackberry. 30-lb u-ood pails per lu , 7Js ; crab npplo , 30-lb wood rail * pnr Ib. 7jfc. Arrr.K UUTTKU 35-lb Hondan p Is , peril ) , 8c ; fi-lb wooden palls , G lu cu n per case , 5350 1'KACIt BuTTKR 2o-lb wooden pails per Ib , $11 00 ; 5-lb wooden palid , G in case , per cnto , 5125. PltKSKUvKS { Tn 20-lb wooden pails ) R p- berry , Ific ; ktrawbcrry , quince , 14c ; poach , 14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , 14c ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G tn case , per case , 54 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin vans , 2 doz in caso. per case , 50 CO NKUiuaKA COMB HONET 2-lb frames , 2Mb cases , per Ib , 18c. HAY Baled , S 00@10 00 per ton ; in bulk , G 00@7 00 per ton. Grocers 1,1st. CANNED Goons Oysters ( Standardpor ) case , 3 703 00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caso. 2 00 ® 210 ; niRpboriies , 2 Ib , per caao , 2 90 ; Bnrtlctt pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per ease , 400 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pliio apples , 2 Ib per case. 4 S0@5 50. * ROPE Slsnl 4 inch nnd larger , lOc , g inch , lOUc ; i inch , lie. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8n , ISJa ; boxes 40 Ibs , Ifi o * . . . Gt , 15e. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , coses , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SuoAlis Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 9Jc ; granulated , 8J : confectioners' A , 8Jc ; Stand ard extra 0 , 72c ; extra C , 7c ; medium yol- ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@121c ; fair 13 313Jc ; good , He ; prime , 15@15ic ; choico. LG@17c ; faucj'greon andyellowlG ( ilGicold ; government Java , 202Gc ; Lovering's roastnd. I8c ; ArbucUle's roaf > ted , 18.c ; McLanghllnV XXXX roasted , ISJc ; mitation Java , 1" ' RICE Louisiana pnmo to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Patma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , jdts , 115 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05. STKDP Standard Com. , 32c , hols ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kopB 150 SODAIn Ib papers , 3 80 per case ; keg per Ib , 2ic. JtCKtea Medium , in barrels , 7 50 ; do in hnlf barrels , 4 25 ; small , In barrels , 8 1,0 ; do in half barrels , 4 75 ; ghorklnst In barrels , 9 50 ; do in half barrels. fi 25. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GC © 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , CO@G5c ; Ycrung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choioo , 65c@100.lnpan , nntiirnl loaf , 35c ; Japtn , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong1 , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , clieicc , 40 55c ; Souclioug , good , 35@40c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWAHE Two hoop palls , 185 three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wollbiickets , 3 85. "SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kick's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kit-fa White Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outocn , 2 in Kirk's Frnirio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's raaijiioli.i. doz. . POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ciioo , in CROC 8 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Aoshor ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. OANDV French mixed , in 30 Ib. palls , 18c ; American mixed , in 80 Ib 'pails , 14c ; BriCiant mixed , in . .0 Ib pails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in SO Ib pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in fcO Ib pails. 12Jc ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib pailo , 12c ; double relined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal nn cd 80 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib palls , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib paih , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib pails , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 80 'Ib pulls , liic ; Tip Top , stick , SO Ib pails , 13s. VIHEGAB Now YorJr apple 16c ; Ohio np plo , 13o. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Af.hU/n , In acks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 SO. STAUCII Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver GIosj , 9c ; Corn Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7ic ; C < ira , 8a. SPICES Popper , 17c ; nllsptco , 15c ; cJovns Co : cassia 15c. LVB American , 3 40 ; Greonwlch , B 40 ; Wostoni , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Ixnvis''lyb 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 76 Dry GooilB. BIIOWH CorroNs Atlantic A , S c ; Ayple , ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot VW. f % ° Buekoye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7Jc ; Olittto- nungo A , Gic ; Grout Falls K.Bic ; H < Hicr , ( ! ic ; ( Honest Width Re ; Indian 11ead A , 6c ; Indian Standard A fie ; Indian Orcluird , d. v/,7 c ; 'Lawronca LL , 6\c \ ; Myntio River , 7 < c ; P < iquot A , 8o ; Utica 0 , 6\c \ ; Wachutwtt B , 7Jc ; do A.BJO doE48,12ic. FINE Bnow.v COITOXH Allendalo 4-4. 7ip , Allter.tor 3-4 , 3c ; Anrylo 4-4 , IScs Atlartio LL , C8oi Badger State X 4-1,0 c ; Ilonitlurton1 C 4-4 , Ovc ; Buckeye S 4-4 , GJc ; IndiaaOreiiard AA fl-8,8Jc ; Laconlix O iW , 8ic ; Ixiluah K 4-1 , tyc ; tt'opporoll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7e ; do R 3 < i , 74'c ; do E 39 , BJc ; Poem. 0 < - < , 7So ; W/jiwiitta 4-4. ISc. liutACHEli CoTTONtt Aodroscogda I < 4-i , die ; Bluclutono AjV imperial 8c ; do do Kulf hlKudiod 4-4 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4 , 8i'o IMdoUty C-4 94e ; Fruit of the Loom , 9ic ; do cambric 4-4 12 | ; do IVotor Twist , lOJc ; Great FolU Q , o IndUa Head shrunk 4-4. 12c ; Lonsdale , 10o oc mU1c87 , 12Jc ; New York Milk , I2jc Pequ tA , lOc ; Poppcrol , N G Twille. 12 < , s PocalwKit&s 4-4 , ! ) Jc ; J'ocasset 5-4 , H5 ; Utlcn lie ; Wsinmtta 0 X X , 12Jo Ducicd ( Colored ) Albany E , brown , ( HI ; do 0 , drab , He ; do XX stripes and plaids , 12 ! & : ; do XXX la-own arid drab , stripes nnd pulil ! , 12 l > 2c ; Arlirv on fancy , lUo ; Brunswick browu , 8 l2eChariot ; fancy , 12 l-2c ; do extra - tra heavy , 2Uc ; Full River brown , ox tra heavy , 11 l > 2c ; Indiana A brown , lNoporuet ; A brown , 15o TICKINGS Ainoakoaif A 0 A32,19c ; do XX blue 32. IS l 't < s ; Arrowanna , i ) l-2o ; Clare mont BB , I 2c ; Conostogn , extra , 17 l-2o If nmirton 1) , 11 l-2cj I > ewlstou A 30 , Ific ; J n ) nohalia4-4 , 2te : Omegn , eupor extra 4-4 , 2i > 'i Pearl River 82 , 18T.4c ; Putnam XX blue itriiK ) , 12c : ShetockotB , 101-2c ; do S3 , 12cj Ynomnn'sbluo29. Oc. DENIMP Amiiikea , blue and brown , ! * ! l-2c ; Andover 1)1) blue , 16 l-2c ; Arlliigtou X blue Scotch , 18 l-2o ; Concord OOO. blue anil browu , 12 l-2c : do AjUV , do do 131-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Haymnkor'u blue and brown , 9 l-2c ; Mystic lliverDDilripe , lGl-2cj Peurl JUv r , blue and browu , IGc ; Uucurvillo , blue and brown. 14 l-2c. OAJUIIUW Baniard file ; Eddyatow ) Jinlnfr , 24 Inch doubU face , 8JcGanif ; > r A glawwl , CJcj M nhattaii glove Cnlth , OJoj Nnwport Ao.Mo' do glazed. CJp ; Pmuot do , Co ; LockWPOU U'l fiufih , Ca , CORSET JEANB Amory , Andre < coggln KAttoon , 8jc ; Claronilon OJo : Concstogon sal lows , 74c ; Hnllowoll , Scj Indian Orchard , 7io ; Nnrn\gansntt , Jmprovod , Sjc ; Popixsrlll BAU Icon , I'ic ' ; Rockport , Gc. PRINTS Allmm , Gc ; AmonoAn , Ojcj Arnhlo , Cic ; Berwick , 4Jcj Cochooo , GJ jConwlogn , f.Jcj Uanklrk , Cci Dunnnll , CJ@7c ; jMdysttino , fife ; Gloumstor , GJc ; Harmony , 5\cj \ Klilckorlwcknr , ClcMerrlmivfl L > , 7c ; Myotlc , 5ic ; Spragupi , Gc ; Southhridgo , ( < \ do Glnglxaiui , 7cj Marl , bore , Sj'c ; OrlontAl , Sjc , GINOJIAMS AinoHkeag. Ojcj Argyle , 8c ; Atlantic , PC ; Cumberland. 7jc ! Highland , 7Jc ; Konlhv.irth , Pic ) J'lunkstt , 0\o \ ; SUSROX , 8c. Conv.SAiiK.s Abbonlllo , ISJc ; Apato , 20c ; American , lie ; Artislnu , 20cj ; Cairo 1) nnd T ISJcj Clarion 1) nnd T , 175c ; Docan Co. Btrlpo.11) and T , IGc ! Keystone 13iei Nan' tucket , IPc : Nonpareil , H' * ; Ocorm t r VJI\1 A | 13\c \ ; Royal , Ifijc ; Suwox , 12c ; Tlocn , Wnchu- nott rhlrting chocks , 12jo ; ilo Nankin 12Jc York , plain Nankin , 12ic : do cliocks , stripes wnd fancy , 12ic ; do 8 oz , 20c. SHEKTISGS Androscoggln 10.4 , 2"4c ! do 9-1 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32c : Continental O42. lie ; Fnrit of the Loom 10-4 i 27Jc ; Now York in 1U. 9S. S.KI ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , IWJo ; Pembroke 10-4 , 2fic ; Poquot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do 74 , lOe : do10 , lc ( ! ; Poppo.ioll SHJ , 23c ; do G7 , 2lc : do 7 , 18o ; Utlcn $10 $ , 3Cc ; do 58 , 22jc ; do 48,17c. Immncr. Wo quote lumber , lath and shlngle on oars nt Omnlia nt the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 10 ft. nnd under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TiMiinna 1C feet mid under , 22 00. TlMnKK AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 CO ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FKNCINa No. 1 , 4 nml Gin. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SIIKKTING No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,1800. LIMD Per bnrrol , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel1 33r- ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa pla tor. bbl , 2 CO ; hair per 1m. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 Ita , 3 50 ; etrnw board , 3 CO. llrv 1'iilriu ) . White load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; ParU whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblnck , Germnntown , 14c ; lampblnck , ordinnry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; idtrnmnrlnu , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw , 4c ; nlcnnn , burnt , 4c ; pionna , n.v , 4c ; Pails green , gimulno , 25c ; Paris irroon , sotninorij.UOc ; chromo croon , N.Y. , "Oc ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vormilllnn , Eng. , 70a ; vennillion , American , ISc ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokmoss , 2jfe ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod load , 740 ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12cochro ; , rochollo.Rcochro ; , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2jc ; lohigh brown , 2ic ; Spanish browu , 21o ; Prince's mineral , 3c. VAKNI8IIE8 Barrels , per gallon : Furnl turo , extra , 5110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 51 ; roach , extra , 81 40 ; conch , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damnr , oxtrn , $1 75 ; Jnpnn , 70cnsphaltum ; , extra , 85c ; ehollac , 53 CO ; hard oil finish , SI 50. Wool. Merino unwashed , light. 14@lCc ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; washed , choice , 32c ; fulr , SOc ; tub nnd washed , 2Sc ; hurry , blank nml cottad wool , 2Ga 'can lAjnthcr Onk Hole , 8Sc@l2c ; hemlock solo 23c35c ; hoi lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; ninnor G5c to 80c ; hen lock calf , 85e to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 2 Jc ; oak upper , 2)c ) ; nlligntor , 4 00 to 5 fiO ; calf kid , 32@3r > : Groison liid , 2 50 to 2 7 " ; oak kip , SOc to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , T25 to 2 OOj ma- ots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; top. inmi , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L , Morocco , SOc to 35c ; lobblo O. D. Morocco , 35o ; slmon , 2 50 to 3 00. HAHNEHS No. 1 star oak , 39c ; No 2 do , 5e ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Gc ; No. 2. do , StSs ; No. Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do , " 3c . Tobaccos PLUG TonAcco--Climax , 50c ; Bullion f.0c ; lorsoshoo , fiOc ; Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 40c ; Her- oy's , 40c ; Black , 3840c. . FINE CCT Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® Oc ; ROEO Loaf , 70c ; Premium , ( i5c ; Diamond 3rovu , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SHOKIIG O. S. , 22c ; Moorsclnum , SOcDur- lam , 8 oz. , TiSc ; Durham , 4 oz. , CVc ; Durhair ! 07. . , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c seal of North Carolina , 4 oz , . 57c ; Seal of tforth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O , Kj | Durham , 4 oz. , 26c ; O. K DnrV SOc ; Uncle Ned , i's 25c ; To' ' Tf 23c. Paints.Oils anil Varnishes. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13Jc ; 150 ° icndlight , per gallon , 14Jc ; 1756 headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; liu seed , raw , ; pr gallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , per ; nllon , CScLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 80c : $ o. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per pal on , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 130 ; sweet , per gallon , 100 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. , wrgallon , C."ic : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , OOc ; So. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden machlno , No. 1 , per pal- on , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; spenn , signal , per gallon , SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; uaptlia 74 ° , ier gallon , ICc. PAINTS IN OIL White load , 5c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Olc ; MoraeilloiJ jroon 1 to 5 Ib cant , 20c ; French zinc , green joal , 12c : French zinc , red sonl , lie ; Frencl zinc , in vnrnlsh nsst. 20c : Fionch zinc , in ol1 nsst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc. raw nnd burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown , 13c ; relined lampblnck , 12c ; conch black , mu ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Pruaalnii blue , SOc ; ultrnmarino bhio , 18c ; chrome green L. M. k D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. &D. , 1 Go ; Paris croon , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amorl can VermUhon. I. k P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow L. M. , O. &D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; grainin ; colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ch < ; nu' ' and ash Ific , Heavy Hanlwaro Idst. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stocl special cost , Ga , cruclblo , 7c ; special or German , c : ciwt too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon sinkcs , tot , 2 25 < S3 00 ; lm\n ptr sot , 1 25 ; felloes nawod dry , 140 ; tonguon , each , 70@S5c ; cxleo each , 75cj square nuts per Ib , 7@Hc ; washow or Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , Ho ; coil chain , oer Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8c iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc ; hnrrow tooth 4c ; spring tcol , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoo.i , 4 70 Burden's mule l e/i D70. BAHBED WIRE In car lots , 4Jo per 100 , NAILH Rates , lOloGO , 290. SHOT Shot , 1 R5 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G < 9 ; do. , Iinlf kegs , 348 ; do. , quarter koga , 1 88 ; blasting , kega , 3 85 ; fuao , per 100 foot 60c. LEAD Bar , 1 Ga. COAL Cumberitoid blacksmith , 10 DO ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitobreast lump ; fi 00 ; Whitebroart , nut , fi 00 ; Iowa lump , C 00 lown nut , fi 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 03 ; Anthra cite , 11 25@ll 6X ; Canon City , 700 , per ton Illdcfi. Dull , and weak ; preen butchoni , 0@Clc ; grooa salted 74 © 7ic ; dry Hint , 12f 13e ; Urv salt , lOWtlle ; damacrnd hldoi , two-thirin pnoo , TALLOW G@Cic. SlIKEP PXLTtt U5a@l 00 , ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 25 per vtno gallou Kixtra Callfornla nirlU , 188 proof , 125 po .proof gcllou ; triple rsfined splrlto , 18 ? oreo i23 per proof gelltn ; ro-distillod whukloa 1 00@l 50 ; fine Pleaded , 1 W2 DO ; Ken iucky bourbonu , 20iX )700j ) Keutnc&y aui I'onimylvania ryoa , 2 0 @ 7 00. BKANDIES ImportoS.OOO@lGOO ; Avinoti.1 . ' Gixs-Iinjiortod , 4 68@,0 00 ; doiaoUc , 1 4 © BOO. RUJIH Imported , 4 ( WgO 00 ; NewEnirUuid 2.00@4 00 ; doinoktic , 1 60@3 W. rtACII ANI > Al'PLK BBtSHY 1 7B-1 00. CHAMI'AONKH Imported i > cr case , 2800 ( 3i 00 ; AiiiBriean'por cjso , 12 fO@10 00. JKNVKH MAKKIST. CORED MEATB ANII I AKD Intlorcoti lOc ( nirJla lie. Hairm. HJc ; broakfaul bacon 13 < yiOic ; Biiwked eidofi , Oj < 2jlOc } aalt iiidea GUEIJN FllUIT AND I'llODUCC PotatoCH , 65@ GCo \ * 100 ixiumlsj onloiix , jxir 100 pounds , § 1 J@2 00 ; turuips , per 100 Ib , &J@80cj Col. orailo cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c100 ; live clilckcms , old , per doz , 81 00(0) ( ) 4 25 ; fpr do cJiIcteiis per doz , $3 75@4 00 ; eggc , froah , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finest per Ib , 38@42 : creamery , good , per Ib , 28giIJc ( ! ; KantQH and Nebrunka dulry , iir Ib , 3745c ) cooking , 12@lfio ; cheese , full cream , ] > er Ib , lGJ7c ; appfeii per bbl , eastern , 85 00@0 60 ; grape * , pw Ib , 7WilOc ; Callfunila j > oar per Ib , 7@10o ; Jloneiniv Icmonv , extra J > er 9 ox , 37 00 OtHOOj oraiiKOb. J812 00@13 00:11 Colorado * heat , per life Bib , 813 @ 1 38 ; flour , fair quality , $10 OOffllO [ 60 per binel flour. Graham , per 100 Ib $2 00@2 W ) | flour , rye , l > r 100 It ) , $2 W2 ) 70 ; flour , Iwckwhcnt , per XW , 810 00@10 Ns corntJinoftl ' ivr 100 llm , $1 or > @l 85j corn , per lOO'llii , SI 30 ® 35 ; corn climi , iior 100 lb , $1 30@1 Mj now nls , ] ) or 100 lb51 S.VSHifi : onti , 10 ; bran , per t . SI" 00tn 00 ; Imy , nr ton 812 005810 OUj b.iloil nccoml Imttoiu , 10 0011 ! 00 ; Imloil tiplnnd , 51-1 00@17 00 ; tr.w , per ton , $8 Ofl@'J 00. . It. CAM1MIKM , . S.S. CAMIMIKU. Campbell & . Co. , f riionrci : , ntoviaioxs , FUUITS , rrc. W South HOiStrcM't , lrel i 'ii VouRlnianit Ioxcf ! , OMAHA , NI'll UcfticnctfiVlrst Nr.tlornl llr.nk , Hloclo , .lolnnon Co. , Omnli.v , lltnk ol Cuti Count ) ' , I'lAttsiiuintli , ck OKSIOXMUSTd 80I.1C1TKI ) . UKTURSS MADE HtOMl'TI.V. Railway Time Table. tl. lH R. , MAIN LINE. LKAVH. Jl Expn > M.12:05 : p ra Atlantic K preiw76 : t rr Wwtorii KXIWM 8:00 pm Wc tcniKx'roM. | S:20p : m 0. IjlMiill'an..4:30 : pm O. IM.Mi.l 1'iua , 11:40 : am Lincoln Kx U:30)Tra : Lincoln Kx.l:5Bira : DUMMY TlUINS-nUIIlOK DIVISION. tea\o Omaha : 7:10 : , 8X1P:00 : ' : , IO.-00,11:00 : a : m.tStn ; 1:00,2:00,3:00,4:00,5:000:00,10:10 : : : : : : p. in. On Sun- ihjs : 7:10,0:0 : 11:00 : , m ; 2:00 , 4oofloo : : , 10:10 : i > . in. Arrive nt tranxfor depot 20 minuteliter ; Uroad * way depotUounell ImilK SO minute * later. I \u Council Hlnlla , Ilnwilwny depot , 8:00 : , 0.00 , 10:00,11:00 : : n.m. ; 12 m.l:00 ; , ! iCO , S:00,4:00,6X : : : > ,840 ; , 10:10 : p.m On 8undi y : ,8:00 : , 10.00a. in. ; 12 tniftOO , 5:00 : , 6:40,10:40 : : p. lu , Arrlvo Trau ler depot , loniln- ute Inter. I * \o Council niufTi Transfer depot ! 8S02S : ; , 10:25,11:26 : : ; lnIS ; : ! , 2SSSS : : , 4S6 , 8SBC:2 : : , 7:05,10:55 : v > . in. Arrho Oinalm 20 inluutrs lot or. LXAVK OHAIIA. tXlTH OOD.NC1L BLUm. Ana No. 2. . . .7:55 : n m I'mis. No. H , . . 7:25 : nm No. 10 6:45 : pm " No. IB. . , lli5om : No. l..Sr,0 : | . m No ? . . , iionra : No.S 8fiOam : NO. r > i. . .7:15 : p m N * . . . . , : U iu No. 1. . . 7 S8 p m " No. to. . . . 0:50 : ifm | , Tif1'ho aliovo is Om.ilm BtniuUril tlino Is 24 minutes faster tlmi local time. II. .t M. IIAIMIOAD TIMi : TAllt.i : CKNT. TIMIL IlKMKll KM'IUJ < S. MUST liOl'.Ml. I10VM ) . t.K\VK. finnlm 7:3' : ' ) Jim RJO : ni B:30 : fm 0:40 : am AfhlMul. . . P:24 ] im 11:11 nm 4 AS ] iu 7ISam : Unccln. . .10:60 : am 12'l : inn 8iH : ) pin 1:49 : am Cictj llM : > | im 1H : ) i > in 2:17 : pin UNO am lUtllnuD. . 6:15 : nm 0:00 : jim ll.Tam : 10:30 : pill Ited Cliiud. 8:00 : nm d.r : > t | nn 10.01 am 8:00 pm JlcCook. . .10:55 : nm 10-3R | < m 6:60 : pin 3:40 : pm Akron . . . . 'Mi pm 3:1B : nm IHlfB citn 11:10 pm Dcinir. . . . 7:25 : pin .13.i am 0:2.1 : | nit 7:85 : am HISSOUllI I'ACiriC-STANDAUD TIME. nn'.vr.T. I AIIHIM : . 7:00 : a m I 0.45 p m K. 0. . T. JOE & C. B. B.-STANDAHD TIME. ffftll dully 0 15 n ra I CIPIIM , daily E | ircvi , dally I fxpcpt Mon- oicqit Satiir : I Jntj 0'i'i : n m < la\a 7:45p : in I Mall , dally 0:5.1pin : C. , St. P. M. ft O. STANHAhl ) T1UK. 4 ( Depot ntb nml Webster Kts. f .2inlx-d. . . . 7:45 : ft m Ko. IniUdd C:3ip : m "relight 2:50 : p m Krelxht ll4iam ; tiintlo r.\i > . : i10iin ; | Atlantic i\ii. : . . 11:15 : a in ilnntlo.Mnll . . .7:45nm : Atlantic Mall. . . 7vOp : m K\cry day. ( Tinnsfcr Depot , Council HlufU ) \VAI1ASH&ST. I.001S. . . 7:50"a : m I Arrho 10:15 : n in .iiuu 0:50 : p m I Arrive 4:06pm : O. , IJ t Q I ) . It. STANDARD T1MK all * 7:50 : a m I Kxurvai 10COam . 3:50 : p m | Mall * 7:23 : Jim e\ceitcd. | C. , It. I fc V. II. It STANDAUD TIMB. ' ll 7:50 : ft ml ExprfM. " in 00 p m xproji S5iipm | Hull" 7.21 a ru Sundayi cxccptcil. c. , sr. & st. i\-sTANDAHn TIMI : . LKAVK AltlllVr. all t EJI" . . . 3:03 : ft m IPaclfloKx 0:2) m .tl ntloKx".8:50pra : | Mall&Ex , " 7:00 p m "Sundays executed O. & N. W. n. R. STANOAHI ) TIME. [ all * T:60 : a m I Kxi.rcfa 10:00 : m Ixprcra 11:50pin : | Mall * 7:25 pm Sandavs u\cutcd. ] S. C. & T. II. U.-STANDA11D TIMK. full * O.olam ; I Depress 10on : am ICxpriMJ 8:00pm : | Mall' 7:25 : pm 'Sunday ' oxocptcrt Oponlng and Cloning of Maliu. ROUTE. OrSN. CM5U. .iu. p.m. a.m. p.m. o &N. w.o.n. i.&r.c. n. & Q. , fit Paul & Sioux City.11:00 : OHIO 6:40 : C.M.&S.l'.K. C. & I1. Ill Io a U:00 : 6:40 : Vobash Kiiircua 12:30 : 3lB : Vnliasli local 0:00 : 5:40 : K. C. , St. Joe & 0 0.00 0:00. : t:4o : 0:60 : llesourl I'aclflo 7:30 : 6:40 : C.St 1 . 31. to & : oo 7:20 : Union Pacific , merbnil 8:00 : 11:35 : Union l-adflo , Denver Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:80 : O. k Ilcpubllcan Valley. . . 1:30 : I1S5 : B. & M. Exprosa 7:00 : 7:10 : B. & IF. for IMalUmnuth , 8. Drml , Ashland andUncoln.llIOO 7:33 OlKco open Sundays from 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p m. 0 K. OOUTAXr , Po uiastcr , United States Depository OK OMAHA Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Estab/is/imeni in Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTCK ISUOTIIElia. arg&nlitoA lu iocs. Organlzod o > a National Bank In JjiSOO.OOO SUHPJjUS AND PItOFlTS . $15U,000 omcKu nsnuiB Kou.vriH , I'roelJcnt. Jouit A. CBU'JIITOK , Vlco Trualilont A eVBTUU KOUNIIH , 2d Vlco I'rualdcnt. A , 1 , Vom.vrox. F. II. DAVia , CMbloi 1 II. MJIWUIM , AusleUnt Casbkr. TrmvacU genera Iwnktni ; butlneta. Iience tlmi VtlflcatcH boartu ntertftt. Draws ilraltJ en H D . rftnclsoo uiil i.rlndpal cltlos In the United UUtia Alno I/onJou. Dublin , IJllnbur li nil the nlnclt > OR. ERNEST H. HOFFMAN , Physician & Surgeon OFFJCB 1STII AND JACKSON BTB llclsdcnoo , 13th Street , over HtilmroJ It Dortntn otlico nir Jacknon tr * t. luiduonoo A w vr m nrMtlca azpeilvnco F.B. YOUKGHOSBAND , 1808 i'urnam Struct , room S,0inali , Null. ColJcctloiiH bollcrUid Muitlilynr cthorwKe ; doth In city uml oauutry , melon nil linwof IUUroaJ . bo. cmrlty jirocurod for ilobU not i > roiiii > tly | ialil. llool.n UiitftiidUlancod wuikJ'and ) monthly A c licr l uiUtliiL' biirfuvt * done. Couiolwloim of all Klnui roiiiitlj | Kttunucd to , U H.N , Uiok iv ) I > 1 " ERIC WRETLIND , 6llJi Mid Kor eglan Vko Contul , Bella droU ( anil 0ii Kuro | , Swedish-Amorioan The iiroiirlutor If a frruluito from tlio Koval Kwo- illih Uolltio of Pliaru acy In btocKlicin. I'ldVKf- tloin a ejitelAlty. C'jrn r IMIi " 1 Coiilto uutmu , ( lu. li K | j ( fpriucrly ol Jlcrcy llut | > ltal , Clilcaico ) For the truitment ol Kmou < Mne'nii. flirciilo n Huritlcal Il a . < 11'l 'l- * " ' . ' ' > al'J far , Coiuultatluii wiJ uianilifittlou live. OFFICK OJil Fellow B Block , N , W , fur. 14th mul Dodra Bti , Oinilw , Neb. Olllc liour g to JJ a , m I to 4 7 to 8 p. m Suui'ajtlUtoU ' o. M. on ! ) . Oumhii IJcnl Kstuto is n safe investment for both local nntl foreign cnp- itnl , nnd tlioro is no property , in or nround tlio cit.y , but wlmt will bring purchasers good returns in the nenr future.Ve luivo property for snlo in nil parts f tlio city , nnd nlso ' k Surrounding the city , nil of wluch.wc'glndly show to pnrtiss who feel interested. Wo arc often nskcd which is the bust part of the city f or nn invest ment ? Wo always advise patrons to buy wlmt is called By this is meant property not more'than one nnd a half miles from the Postonice , nnd the nearer the center the better the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad vance much greater in'proportion. The new addition to the city known as is locnted one mile from the postoflice , west , only nine blocks from the High School , nnd these lots are boingjsold ub less than t . half the price nskcd for lots same distance in nuy other direction , nnd tVs these lots will , in n short time , be advanced to correspond to prices ots surrounding Hawthorne. The contract lias been let for grading Davenport street through this ddition. "Work has been commenced and will he finished early in the t unimer. Purchasers o lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any ixpense for the grading. This is n decided advantcge. Prices for regu- av sixe lots * S35O TO 8575 , ! Wo have also some double lots in this addition at from $000 to * 8650. This part of the city is built up with the best class of residences. Near business , near High School , andjdesintble in every particular. - yea ? o "We have aIjew lots left in this addition , which we will sell at lowec pricesthan can bo had in surrounding additions. Thelo's are beautiful ly located and larger than than those in adjoining additions , nnd will be sold on terms to suit purchasers. IJIJ IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. T In Doiijjlns County nnd all parts of tr < > State. TJ A fine tract of land three nnd one-lulf miles from Omaha at S'10 per acre. Also n tract four miles from the bity at $30 pe'r ncre. . Ixts ) in this addition will bo sold on molnhly payments ; 10 per cent * cash and 5 per cent , per inontn. HI O "Ei IsT Of nil the- lots wo have for sale , wo think * his is lho.most desirable either for n home or ior investment , ng it is near businesl * nicely located and at prc'tunt prices .is the cheapest property in the market , and first buyers have choice of lots. 213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Douglas