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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1884)
* frg THE DAILST BEE-OMAHA , TUESDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA , Tuesday Morning , Jan , 8 , The Wonllicr. Per the Missouri valley : Partly cloudy weather , local rains , southerly winds , generally lower barometer nnd rising temperature. LOOAL BEEVITIES , The window * on the north Mdo of the streets were relieved from froit ycstorday. Meetings will bo hold ouch evening this wcok at the Christian church , conducted by the pastor. A brand now bsiggago car , No. 300 , wont out on the through train ot the Union 1'Aclfic yesterday noon. Engine No. t was employed yesterday Afternoon in pumping out a man hplc , on the sewer , on Tenth gtrcot. The Nebraska telephone company Imvo issued their telephone book , with list of sub- scrlbom and stations for 188 i. The walls have been prepared , and the workmen commenced yesterday putting on the paper in the Mlllard hotel office. The ball to have boon ghen January 10 by the Iluth Kohokah Degree Ledge No. 1 , I. 0. O. I' , , Is postponed until January 17 , 3. S. Marks , the man hold for Htonllng a chair of Kdholm & Krlckson , was tried Satur day aftornoti. Ho was found guilty and fined 550and costs , which ho paid and wont on his way rejoicing. ] Au adjourned moating of St. Lioo Branch 20. , C. K. of A. , will bo hold on thli ( Tuesday ) o onlng at 7:30 : o'clock. All mom1 bors are earnestly requested to bo present. Gallant Matt Patrick wai out with his dashing four lu hand and big sleigh yortorday noon. The first snow of the wsason always finds Matt with a sleigh load of lady friends enjoying a ban ton slelgh-rlde. A warrant \vas issued nnd placed in the hands of Officer KnlRht , Saturday evening at 7 o'clock , for the arrest of Maj. Jos. S. Now ell. Mr. Newell had "skipped" the over , nnd conse/iuontly la not under arrest. An exhibition nt the roller abating rink was given lost evening by the two juvenile exponents of the art , Miss 1'nllor and Master Bliss. A coed audlonco witposiod the per formance and heartily applauded the efforts of the little ones. Joe Murphy nnd his company arrived in this city last night from St , Joe , and re mafucd at the Mlllard until this morning , when they loft for Lincoln. They will return from Lincoln to-morrow morning nnd show hero to-morrow night. The well-known Irish comedian , Joe Mur. phy , will play "Kerry Cow" at Boyd's opera house to-morrow night , Ho Is certain to have a crowded house as ho in one of the groatosi favoritca that comes to Omaha. Koscrvcd heats were put on sale this morning. In police court yesterday there was 0110 coso of intotlcatlon , and howasuont up on tha hill tor ton daw. One disturber of the peace was lined S5 and costs , which ho paid , and another man charged with the Raino oN fonno was discharged. At Laka'H Hchool house , Sunday after noon , a Sunday school wan organized , under the auspices of the Third Congregational church , lior , Mr. Stowait , state superin tendent , was present , nnd mada a very pleas ing address. Tha school starts out with very ' bright prospects. \Vo are enjoying the First sleighing of the noason , and how the merry bolls do jlnglo and how tha floetfooted roadsters are kept busy flying ever the frosty surface. To-night will witness a number of sleighing parties , and oh , my , what fun the boys and girls will have. Yum , yum. The Blight fall of snow yostordav , watt taken advantogo of by all those who inclined toward elolgh riding. The variety of equipages - ages that slipped up and down our thoroughfares - faros , were ua different OH human ingenuity oould devise , and the jlnglo of the bolls lent muslo to tha ale. The attendance of skaters lost night nt the U. P. skating rink was largo and the ice wan Bploudld. The attraction is drawing well and becomes moro popular each day. Attrac- tractions will soon bo in order , if the cold weather lasts , which will add much to the enjoyment of patrons. The jiubllo library was moved into the now rooms' , in Williams' block , last week nnd on Saturday lost , at 10 o'clock a. m. , the doors were thrown open to the public. There was a largo number of pcrsans in the room all day 'mid ' evening. The public library is ono of the boat of our city Institutions and is ably man- Jiffod by the librarian , Miss Mary Allen. The iicw room is 42x00 feet in t > \r.o \ and promises to bo evan moro popular than tha old ono. i A case of olopemout was prevented at the depot yesterday by the arrival of irate par ents at the proper moment , , Tlokoti had been procured to Indianapolis , for two , by the ypung Lothario , but the maiden's par enU insisted upon her return homo , and the yeiiog roan VTM compelled to "wait till the clouds roll by. " All concerned are resident * nf West Omaha , being respectable , woll-lo-dc farmera , and the denouement is being care < fully watched by the ronortcr , Several of the property owners on DnJgi street bold n mooting at the office of Citj Engineer llosewater Saturday evening , U didctuw the improvement of that thoroughfare , Mr. Itofiowator submitted n proposed gradi to extend ta far west as Tldrtioth ttroot which would lurolvo cutting the hill boyonc Jefferson street to a depth of about eighteen foot. Several of thone present favored th * proposed grade while Dr. Parker and W , J , llroatch opposed it. Doubtless another meet will be held before any conclusion Ii reached , Belle Btowirt , a colored prostitute , wiw nrrceted Sunday night for matching a traveling inun'i ) pocket book , The traveling mar "caught on" to Velio and accompanied liei into the alloy in the reir of the Paxtou hotel , ' where she "downed" him for his "boodle.1 Any traveling man who would "catch ou" It any aiich on old "bloke" as Belle ought to be robbod. Hello IB coiikjdorcd as ono of the fcUckeet thieves in this city. The amount ro. cel'ved from the drummer was 310 , which Wa found in the alley where the had thrown It , Tin-no Are Bolltl Knutr. The boat blood purifier and system regulatoi ever placed within the roach of yulfeiliifl buuiaidty , truly N Klectrlo Bittern. Inactiv ity of the Llyer , Billou&uesi , Jaundice , Con. otipation , Weak JCJdnoys , or nny dUeoae ol the urinary orgaua , or whoever requires an ap petizer , tonic or mild stimulant , will alwav iind Klectrio IJHUu-s the boat aud only certain euro known. They net surely fcnd ijulcldy , every bottle traarautted to pU a entire Balls. faction or money refunded , Sold at fifty Y OooJnmu. f n , ' ! HI BOARD OF TRADE , Election of Oiccrs for the Ensuing Year , Honoris of the President and Sec retary. The postponed mooting of the board of trade of the city of Omaha took place last evening at their rooms in Rodick block. A quorum being present the mooting was called to order by the president , Mr. 0. F. Goodman. By motion the roll call was dispensed with. President goodnmn than road his address - dross to the board , the gist of wliich is expressed in the report of the secretary , appended bolow. Secretary Gibson's report road as fol lows : Mr. President and ( lontlomon of the Omaha Board of Trades At the conclusion of the seventh year of the existence of this organization it is expected that your secretary will have something to say of our progress , It is proper that wo pause a moment and look backward at the ground over wliich wo have passed to determine what , in our onward progress , can bo improved , and forward , to see whither wo arc tending. It appears to mo that many of our business men , and oven many members of this board , fail to appreciate or under estimate its value as one of the most im portant factors and auxiliaries in the work of developing the resources of our city and county. Its nature and meth ods of action are not properly under stood or appreciated , and the in quiry has frequently boon made , "What has the board of trade done , and what is it now doing for Oihaha ? " With a full knowledge of its influence in the inauguration of a system of public 'mprovomonts that excites the admiration if intelligent investigating visitors from , broad , and which has so materially , ided the city in her sturdy growth , it would bo moro appropriate to ask "what "las this board not doncl" But for the information of these of our membership who rarely favor us with presence , and probably think little of the good accomplished by their follow mom- more , who take an activopart for the good of all , TTO present some of the matters [ tccomplishcd by this body. The im- irovomont for river front , the settlement f the city bond question , the pro rata bill question , nail works , barb wire works , retention of state fair in Omaha , the permanent location of the govern- nont storehouses , the grain elevator , unondmouts to the city charter , paviiif the streets of our city , the railroad switcl n the northern part of thocityotc. , etc. , d the board now contemplates , will united action and energetic perseverance to have Humor Ai'iioss THE MISSOURI nivuu. Senator Mandorson was called upon by _ committee of your board and urged t < forward the passage of the bill , and the secretary has written the Nebraska delegation gation in congress on the same subject and has received reply from two of on members expressive of their willingness ' , o urge the same. THE HinEKT I'AVINO of our city , and the system of issuing bonds for the payment of the same , op pears to bo a perfect success , and the on cpmiunis it receives at the handsof over ; citizen , and also of the strangers visit in' our business center , tells of the benefit derived from that portion already completed plotod ; and the good vrork progrossin ] during 1884 will find the business portioi of our city in a condition for travel bet ! for pedestrians and equestrians that wil not bo exceeded by any city in the Uni ted States. And hero lot mo say that to this board belongs all the credit , from its incipiency to the letting of the contract by the city council. A MAKKKT HOUHK is a matter now receiving the attontioi of this board. Committees arc at wot. on location and other data necessary t tlio success of the undertaking. It is matter of much interest to a largo portion tion of our _ citizens , and requires groa care as to its position , plans , etc. , bu this board is equal to the task , and w have no doubt that when the prelim : narina are fully matured and reported t the city council , that body will adopt th suggestions of this board , as they hav ever done before. It has boon the priv : lego , and is almost looked upon as a dnt incumbent on this board , to inaugural public improvements , and with pride w say the city council , county commission ors.and board of public works have goi orally carried out that for which wo hav paved the way. By the ollbrU of this board ua oponin was made for the improvement of th northern part of our city in railroa facilities by urging the building of atrac to the oil mills , whereby an opportunit wan presented for increased room nn facilities for warehouses in Urn part of our city , and i now appears that the point was wo taken , and the belt railroad haa improved od the advantage of the situation to star there and encompass the city , oponin out thousands of acres f land on whlc to erect suburban residences , and homo for the toilers , and by quick transit wi bring miles from business as near , as t time , n the blocks within our city limits AUVJkNCE IN URAL BSTATK , during the post year has boon unprccu dented. In our business Htroeta value have moro than doubled , and yet it cot tinuaa to increase. The residence par of our city in moat localities have received od the same- impetus , and the adding o additions to and beyond our city Hunts have boon auch that astonishment is everywhere rywhoro expressed , and still purchaser como and partake of the oilers freely. ] is estimated that miles of real estate hav boon nllbctod in and around the cit to the amount of eight millions of do ! law. At the same tfmopublio buildings business houses , and dwellings , hav kept pace with the real estate transfers and a low eatinmto of the amonnt expended ponded will reach over three millions put into brick , stone mid frame atruo hires , miking not loss than eleven mil lions turned over in transactions in thi department. A ( [ mat volume of increase has als taken pluco in WHOLESALE MKUOANTILK HUSINKHS. Several largo concerns havonbandono the uintnud cast their lot hero , and yo there is room formoro ; for the throe groa railroad cernorations Union Pacific , I & M. and Sioux City & Pacific , are meandering andering our atato to the northwest an south , and rechinfl still fo beyond into adjoining states and territo rteo , are making opening * for buunos beyond all calculation oroxpoctation , an if the wholesale establishments of th city will only keep pace with the suppl occssary to fill the vast business open- igii , which these giant roadways are rilling and delving Into mountain and alloy in the great west beyond us , Imana will outstrip every competitor and stabllsh her name as the great morcan- ilo emporium for the northwest and outhwest , for oil time to como. This great boon is offered us , and shall wo refuse to accept ? Lot the wholesale ml manufacturing interests of this loard look wall to her laurels , and lot lot a day bo lost in grappling with this 'iant boom , and ere three years elapse wo will boait of 100,000 population , as wo now do of 00,000 in our city. Some may think this idle talk , bnt if the pros- nt opening is accepted and our whole- ale supply bo made fully equal to the lomand , and the trade bronchi to sur ity wliich naturally tends this way from Colorado , Wyoming , Utah and Idaho , by systematic solicitation of the trade , iio loubt can exist that our city will receive n influx of people such as never reached Jhirage or any other city in the next hroo yours. Wo say to the eastern wholesale houses and manufactucers , omo and establish yourselves hero , hnn- 'reds of miles nearer to the vast busi- icss spreading out as the iron horse tra- orsos the west and every stop calling rado. OUU HTOOK VAHDS AND I'ACKIXd jitorcats , just now so largely increasing , 'ill ' help immensely to swell our popula- ion , and extend the limits of our city , nd thin board should use every means vailable to assist these now companies i their advancement and in securing ny desired public Improvement which ill facilitate business , in opening the venues of connection between their stablislunonts and the business centre of ur city. The power and efficiency of this board s known and recognized in a multitude if cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific , t receives letters of congratulation and riondship it exchanges views on manu- acturing commercial , and other topics vith boards of trade and individuals in tales near and romoto. This is the pioneer organization of the cind in the state of Nebraska , and its in ception marked an important epoch in our history , and in consideration of what t has already done to enhance the ma- orial wealth of the Gate City , to encour age its growth and stimulate its ontor- iriso , the business element of Omaha hould give the board of trade munificent upport. , The question of making it a buying and selling association , a trade board , as well as a board of trade , has boon sug- ; osted and discussed to some oxtonl unong the members , but a fcoliiig with Boino scorns to exist that nucli a course is noxppdiont in a city of less than 100,00 ( nhabitants. With us , however , enter prises that are now in progress of incu- jation may perhaps render that course desirable before wo roach such numorica dimensions. The largo accession to our stock and grain market make it imperative tivo that wo commence diligent prcpara tion for the ovcnt by opening a OIIAMUKH 01' COMMGUCi : in view of soon reaching the covotcc number of population , and I would sug gcst that the board of diioctors take tin matter under special advisement. . ' think that the rooms we now occupy wil soon bo altogether inadequate for ou use in the transition to a trade board which ia inevitable in the near future and this will demand n chaise of quar tern with conveniences and facilities fo the proper performance of the now dutio that will then devolve upon us. A com inittco of this board has already boon assigned the duty of selecting a location for the erection of a suitable building that shall in all its details bo common aurato with the prospective eminence o our young metropolis , and wo see no reason why the year upon which we now enter shall not close with this ontorpris fully accomplished. The general improvements in our cit ; during the past year liavo been marvel ous indeed. The paving of streets am alleys , the construction of sewers , th cutting down of hills and filling of val leys and the many other public improvements monts would have boon creditable to th enterprise of a city of twice our popula tion. tion.Thoro There has boon during the past year largo increase in the business depart nionts of the city , and also a vast chang in the volume of freight , but ycur secretary tary cannot obtain any accurate figure at present. The membership is now 120 , and th financial status of the board is in pooc shape , there boingon hand $170 and § 20 in assessments duo. The prospect for the year upon whicl wo now enter is very encouraging , am much may bo expected from this board After the market house is located , a cemetery otery will occupy the attention of th boardwhich is a very necessary improve ment. I would recommend that the boarc order an annual report to bo printed , ii which the business and freight statistic bo ) .ubli6hodaa also reports of your com mittoos. In conclusion , I would not forgot tha your board of directors have given over ; attention to the business of the boar when called upon , and to them bolou duo proiHO. Thanking the members generally fo kind co-operation vrhon their influonc was required in forwarding the measure proposed for the general interest of th city , and hoping a unity of action ma ; always pervade in this board , I ro poct fully submit this report. TUOMAH GIIIHON , Secretary. Alter the reading of the secretary's report port , eleotions became in order and ih following gentlemen wore duly elected N. B. Falconer , president ; vice-presidents Moasrs. Max Meyer , n. G. Clark , P Wyndham , and J. F. Shooloy ; treasurer uror , W. J. Broatch ; secretary , Thos Gibson ; board of directors , 0. P. Good man , John Evans. R. Bingham , 0 Spaocht , George 0. Ames , 0. F. Driscoll and J. A. Wakefield. MOTIONfl. Mr. Broatch moved that the board o directors advise with the county com miasioners in regard to the site of the old court house for building purpose for the city , in connection with the board Carried. On motion , Mr. Shooloy was added to the committee on location of site for th board of trade building. Carried. On motion by Mr. Clark , tha secretary and directors were requested to provid printed copies of their reports. Carried. The mooting was then adjourned , AriHCMAHKiUHjl1 : ESCAPE. Mrs. Mary A. Dniley , of Tunklmnnock , To. wa ullllcted for blx years with Ailhtuaam llnmcliltU. during which time tha beat pbyu clana could give no relief. Her llfo wan de ( paired of , until In lout October aho procure u liottle of Dr. KJntr's New Discovery , who Immediate relief was felt , and by continuin IU m * for a short time oho we * complete ! cured , gaining In Hash W ) , pounds , in a few month * . free Trial Bottle * of thli certain cure of ol Throat mid Lung DUfaaes at 0. F. Oood man' * Drug Store. Large Bottloa $1.00. OFF THE TRACK , he Lincoln Train DitcMby a Broken Rail , Quito a Number of Persona In jured , But None Patally , ilst of Tlioso IVIioVcro Injured Tliclr Arrival In Omalia. The Omaha & Republican Vnlloy train , ound from Lincoln to Omahn , yesterday norning , was thrown from the track by broken rail three miles this aide of Valparaiso , and quito a ntimbor of persons were more or loss injured , but fortunate- y none wore fatally hurt. The train , which was running about wonty miles an hour , was thrown down n embankment about eight feet high , lut was not very seriously damaged. Some one cried out , "Look out for fire , " which caused quito n panic , and the pas- ongors who had boon thrown into a con- used mass made a general rush to got ut of the cars , and during the scramble ovoral more were injured. The panic , owovor , was soon quieted , and most of lie pnsflongors then sought refuge in the TS from the cold. The news of the nccidont was imrnodi- toy { telegraphed to Omaha and Lincoln , rom wliich cities special trains were sent ut with surgeons to the relief of the in ured. Dr. Mercer and assistants were cut out from Omaha. Last evening the pesinl train returned to Omaha , having a board most of the passengers together vith the greater number of the injured. few of the injured were sent buck to incoln mid their names -will bo found n our dispatches from Lincoln. The njurcd pcrsans who were brought to ) mnha woro.takon cither to St. Joseph's lospitnl or to the hotels , where every comfort was provided for them. The bllowing is a list of these injured , so far as wo were able to ascertain the names : Mrs. Day Mills , injured on loft side , and child , injured on head , Marshall , [ own. own.Mrs. . Mary Bushnell , David City , loft car lacerated and left side of face bruised. Will A. McCutchoon , Chicago , loft ol- jew broken. Rev. Ostram , Fremont , severely in jured about the head and hips. Mr. Harris , attomoy , of Lincoln , heat and chest injured. Uook-keopor , name unknown , employee by Nye , Coulson & Co. , Fremont , collar bone broken. Miss Ayers , of Illinois , injured ii chest. Rev. John Miller , David City , shoulder dor and back bruised. E. S. Rood , Lincoln , slight injuries about the head and face. B. M. Soarloy , Stromsburg , two ribs broken. J. M. Rogers , conductor , Omaha , righ shoulder cut. Harry Ostrom , brakeman , Omaha , index dox finger broken. J. 0. Kimball , express messenger chest and right leg injured. Louis Vcsporman and wife , Lancaster Wis. , slight injuries about the hands. O. D. Kaufman , Dca.Moincs , shoulder and hand bruised. John Ilummcll , Morale , la. , contusioi of loft foot. Win. Orr , Springfield , 111. , Blight injury on head and back. Mark Anthony , slight injury of tholef hand. J. H. Armstrong , Peoria , cut over the right oyc. There were several others slightly in jured. No blnmo is attached to any one. The exceeding cold weather of last week doubtless broke the rail , and as it was covered by iv light fall of snow in the morning , it could not bo soon by the en gineer. TUB ACCOUNT 1IY WIIIE. LINCOLN , Nob. , January 7. A broken rail on the Omaha & Republican Vallc ; railroad near Valparaiso , twenty mile north , threw the entire train except th ong'no down a five-foot bank. Six poi sons were seriously injured , Mrs. Day Mills , of Marslmlltnwn , Iowa , internally Mrs. Mary Bushnell , of David City Nob. , face and head cut ; Rov. J. F. Oa tram , of Fremont , Neb. , thigh broken B. M. Soarley , of StromsburK , Nob. , rib broken ; John Hummel , of Braitiord Nob. , foot crushed. Three children o Mrs. Mills are injured , and fourteen oth crs moro or less hurt. Bttcklon'fl Arnica Salve. The greatest modlcol wonder of the wouJ Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts. Ul cors. Salt 1'houni , Paver Sorea , Cancers , Piles Chilblains , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands and all slcln eruption * , guaranteed to euro it every instance , or money refunded , 25 conta or box THE HAPPY DANES , They Celebrated tlio Second Aniil vcranry of the Danish Broth erhood Saturday NlBht. Lodge Xo. 1 , of the Danish Brother hood of this city , commomoratdd. the BOO and anniversary of the founding of this organization Saturday night in Tumor aud Motz'e halls. Both halls were very prettily and tastefully decorated for the occasion , and in Turner hall the beauti ful ( lag of the Brotherhood , consisting ol a white cross on a red ground , with the words , "Dansko Brodoraamuund , " was Hying on ono side of the stage , while the stars and stripes of America adorned the other. In Metz's hall , where the ban quet took place , another magnificent flag with a red ground , encircled with n groan wroathboarinB the inscription "Wolkom- men Dansko Bra-do , " enlivened the ap pearance of the hall. The long tables on wliich plates were laid for two hundred and tifty persons , were fairly loaded down with good things , including all the delicacies of the season , and presented a beautiful appearance. There were a goodly number of waiters , who saw to it that no ono left the tables hungry. As the banqueting proceeded , and the people began to fool eihileratod , the spoochcs began. Provident II. Amnsson , Ex-Prosidont P II. Johnson , P. O. Bodison , B. F. Madsen , Alfred Wolff , James Hondrick- son and several others , made pleasant httlo Bneochos , which were very gladly received. Tbis < organization , which has only boon in existence two yean , now numbers some of our best Danish citizens. It fust started in Omaha , but has sinca extended ill ever the western states and to-day lumbers sixteen lodges , with a member * hip of upwards of GOO. The Omaha oclgcs , of which thcro are two , nro incor porated under the laws of the stato. An intor-statp convention of the Danish kothorhood will bo hold on Jnnunry 1C at Clinton , Iowa , at which all the states low having lodges will bo represented , ilr. P. II. Johnson will attend to look tftor the interests of Nebraska lodges. Pho slates which will bo represented on his occasion are Nebraska , Iowa , Illi- iois , Wisconsin and Michigan. The success of Saturday night's ban- | uct is largely duo to the efforts of the allowing gentlemen , who had the matter n charge : P. II. Johnson , II. Thoil- ; oord , 0. Ilnnson , A. Wolff , S. Larson , V. N. Kiar , N. 0. Noilsen , Win. Peter- on , II. P. Jcsson , A. P. Grain. Four Ucnutlfttl Onrda. Now designs never before published , Will please nny person. Sent frco on receipt of 2o stamp to every reader of Tun OMAHA BKK. Address Samuel Carter , JO Park Place. N. Y. 28-tf UNEASY STUDENTS , V Medical Student Offers to llet that no Graven in 1'rospcct Hill or the Catholic Cemeteries Have Bcon Dis turbed. Although the coroner , after consulting counsel decided to drop the investigation of the supposed grave robberies , yet some of the students of the Medical college are very uneasy in regard to the state ments and disclosures recently made in THE BEE. Ono of the city undertakers was , on Saturday last , making his rounds of the doctor's oflices for the purpose of having .ho certificates of death signed , and upon entering the ollico of ono of the most iromincnt physicians of the city , ho came upon a young would-bo pill-dispenser who accosted him thus : "Say , what do you know in regard to Jiis body-snatching business ? " The undertaker answered that all ho know wai what ho had gleaned from the papers in regard to the matter. Then the young man became greatly excited , and producing his pocketbook , in , which there was n wash bill aud a pawn ticket , proposed to bet ten dollare that not a single grave in Prospect Hill cemetery or the Catholic cemetery had boeiijoolcstcd , and as ho warmed to his work , Ko slapped the old wallet and of fered to bet ono hundred dollars ( moro money than ho had over seen ) that not a single subject could bo found in the med ical college which could bo identified as having boon buried in either of the above cemeteries. While the young man was charging away and beating the air with his hands , ho probably overlooked the fact that nothing has boon said in regard to bodies having been taken from cither of the cemeteries named , and while ho was bolting his big money ( with his mouth ) ho also forgot to include the poor farm. Then the same young _ man proceeded to toll the wondering undertaker about the express wagon being discovered near Milton Rogers' and by two of the em ployes of Mr. Roger. Where did the young man learn ail these things ? Noth ing has boon said in any of the papers in regard to where the wagon , containing the "stiffs , " ' was scon , or by ivhom , aud yet this young student seems perfectly familiar with the facts. Possibly homay have had a hand in some of this "funny business" which has been going on here for a greater or less time , and in case ho does not put a padlock upon his mouth ho is liable to give himself or some body else away. Itnssia Salvo is unequalled fo chilblains , chapped hands , frost bites , etc Try it. Envcsdropplnj * . As a HER reporter was wending hi way up Farriam street yesterday after noon , ho came upon two young society gentlemen , who had just mot after a week's separation , and was enabled to glean this much of their conversation a ho p&ssodt : "Whoro have you boon for a woe ! back / " quoiied young gentleman numbe ono. ono."Boon to Chicago , " nays number two "whoro have you been ? ' ' "Oh , I have been to the doctor's. " "What for ? " By tliij time the reporter had paasci out of hearing. _ MINNICK llVA-V. In this city , January 7 , a II o'clock a , in , , Mr , John Minniclc and Mis Maggie -Kyan , both of this plnco. Mr. Minnlck has been a resident of Omah for about four years , und during that time has made many friends. Ho is an honoxt , steady and hard-working man , and hU unmorou friends rejolco with him In this the happlen hour of his life. Ho has boarded with Mrs 1'oley for more than two years , and li greatly deplores her loss. The brldo has bee a resident of this city about one year , he paranta residing in Schuylor , and during tha time has uuccecded in winnlnp for horse' many staunch friends. The happy coupl lw\e gone to reside In a neat httlo homo i South Omaha. F. W. Lynch , of Waterloo , is a Paxtp guent. _ POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder Dover Yarlet. A nittvrl of purl tienu'h and wholciouieneH. Jlore economical th th odlutry klndi , and unnot beiold lu couipetltl wlthtbt multitude ot low teit , ihorl K eight , ilum phvtphato po dew. Bold onlIn run. Moral lit Poil rCo.IM WkU Bt t N w York. at. . CASTORIA , infants and Children Wlthont Morplttno or KrtrootLao. What Elves cur Children rosy checkt , What cures their fevers , maVrs tlicin sleep ; iJu "Tl Ountorla. When nixbleu fret , and cry by turns , What cures their colic , kflli their wormi , Unt Cmtnrln. What quickly cures Con ttpntlon , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgretlon : Hut Cnntorln. Fftrowcll Uicn to Morphlno Syrups , Castor OU and Paregoric , andHnllCmtorln. HnllCmtorln. Contour Ulnimont. AH all- olnto onro for Rlioumatism , Sprains , Bums , Galls , &o. , and nn UBtautanoona Pain-rollover. SPECIAL NOTICES. jTSpeelals will Poaltlvelynot uo Inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAH-Monov. TO LOAN The lowest rates ot Interest MONEY ' Loan Agency , 16th & Doujlia 234-tl TO LOAN In sums of 1500. and upward. MONEY Datls anil Co. , Heal UsUto ana Loan \gont8,1505 Ftrnam St. 3 ° 3-tt TO LOAN J. T. lleatty cans on chattel MONEY . 218 South 14th St. Jcclfl WAHT1HJ. ANTED Oco Komi illn'.ng ' room girl at _ 1'aclllo W House , 10th blicct. 70S 71 Dev between 15 anil J8 jcarn , for WANTED delivery work. Apply to 1 * . If. Kitchen , 15th strict , next to Oraml Union Tea Co. -1B-7I //ANTED / A t-'l'l tod" general homo work at IT 12110 California S > t v 720-12 D Boy to run press at the job ofllco of the Allen PrlntlnK Co. 743-7 TSTANTED A 200J , reliable girl at 1DH WeWer YV street. " 12 tf f\l ANTKU Laundnss lunnediatelj at Occidental W Hotel. OWtf A girl for general homework In a fain- WANTED Hy of two. ApiiU 104 south 25th 8 . ) oJftu. 67Dflt TX7"ANTrD A girl 'or ' general houaowork at 1709 W Hurt street. C91-7J V7".ANTEn Ten JO"HK learn hool.-kccp- VV lug , 1510 Douglas street. J. It. SMITH. 60.S | WANTED A largo store mom or flu. loft ol moderate rent. AddieBS.t'hing location , mil wantedetc. , "U. Ilrcs. , " canI'juton Hotel untl fucsdaj noom. 6907 TT7ANTED Bv a competent ttino raphcr am t ' . Guoi rjpo-ttriturcpcrnlor , a rc-cngagi'miut. references. Address "SUno" 13co ollico. C3fl-7 § A good girl for general house work WANTED 411 spilth Kth St. 6S08 A Ocrman Kitchen and dining rnon WANTED llusso and Hoppc , 41S S. 13th ht. bet llarncy and Howard. 620-8 WANTED A German dining room kitchen girl Hcaeo and Hoppe , 413 b. 13th ht , bctwoci [ larnoy and Howard. W)3tf ) WANTED A good washer aud Ironcr at 740 Dodge street. 503 tf TTT'ANTED A German lad ) cook at Ainenco. T T house , 020 Douglas street MS < 14 ! T ADIES OR YOUNG MEN It city or country to JU take nice , light and pleasant work nt their OH n homes ; 8 ? to fSa day cosily and quickly uiade ; work Bent by rnall ; no canvassing ; no stamp lor lenly. 1'lease address Ilellablo Jlau'l'K Co. , Vhiladelohln 1'a , drawer XT. 318-tu thurat 1m 8ITOATION8 WANTED. "ITT'A'NTEE A position na clerk by a lidj of exper VV lence. Address "L. T. " cor. Iflth and Kiirn n Streets. 718-11 WANTED A sltuatlun ai tousekeepcr ry mlildle asc.l . lady. Addresi "MrD. h. J. " Bee orlk-f Country rref erred. 721 > § 7 ANTED A hltUHtlon by a Htiad ) man as cook T In boarding homo or restaurant. Will bo fount to understand his work thoroughly. Beat Citv u > f vrcnccs Address J. Clarke. 010 .hicluon bt. 714 7i "TV/ANTED lly a joiing American woman , atitu IV atlon as housekeeper. Addritu Misn Lliliii i\ans , City. 70073 TT/ANIKD A tituation hy a ( . .r.fesslnnallcl Vi nurse. Best reference gli tn. Apply 113 N 14th St. > 7-b3 A kltuatlon hv a Oeruian girl to dc general house work In a unull famlh. Ad dress "T. 11" Bco ollico. 090-78 maker and Eadler wlrhesa bltuatior Allarneta In the city or rountiy. Call or address JI. Eml Uasch , Omaha House. CMS ] TV/'ANTED To trade , flno pair of riad&tors , to | II bugcy and double liarnmu for Omaha property For particulars , Inquire of C. E : Hano & Co. , IfW Farnam street. 495 tf U3GBLLANEOUfWANTS. . Itoom iuid loird in iirn.tto WANTED 'byajonng man of steady litults. Addre " 0 , M. II.'Mliuorllio. 7137 } \X7AN'1E1) A nicely furulehed front room nea T > CailtolarcmioandlbthHt. Addreai U. 1 * . otlic < 6SO-75 TTTTANTfiD Ten ( lOgenllemenly ) young men tc TT lioard with or without room at 613 b llth St 163-18 * SOU KENT--UOU80S ana Lots. IOIl RKNT I'nmUhed and unfurnlshul rooms a 1510 r'arnau. btruet. Foil RENT Anew IIOUBO , 6 rooms , lity wlnJow Double door , tor. Pad Ilo aid 13th utreet. 639 11 FOll HUNT A homo w 1th S rooms ana stable to nix horse * . I'aclflc between Oth and 10th htd Inquire at U. Leo's grooeiy btorotJnd And I.cavea worth. 676 0 ] FOll KENT I'arlor and btd room paitly furnish tdor unluruUlud , ingood location , Addreo "M. " JJco ofllce. 711-81 IIU.ST FiiroUheJ front room ft.5 N , 18th. FOll 701-111 IlKNT Nlcelr furnliOud liont room an FOll bacKrocm 1815 . ' Chicago bt. 1C'J-7t IpOIUiKST Ono largo unfurnished room , hc&tc 1 hy steam , tot and cold water , and other Lecteeu rrcomenlincoi ) . Inquire J. K. ilct'onnlck , llnio Block. ; 707-0 } FOll KENT A well furnUhwl room onlSta ntrci.1 . S blocks from the o. ira house. Inquire at 0. loutn Kth street. 6d7-3 | FOll IlKNT Comfortable front room , south-cos corner Fourteenth and Da > eiiiortl | suitable to Uo gentlemen. B63 tt JTM3K 11KNT Large hfateil newly furnished fron ' room eitt lth bet wet n Douxliu and Ii ) > l ; bt. tli7-tt FOll KENT Nice furaUhed roomiulublo for tw perDS 1717 Cess nt. 0583 * FOll KENT i ! new 6 room homes for rent. In quire on 10th Ht. ue > t door to I'aclUc Hotel or a leil Cox htrict. I'.J , Crcuton. 678-11 FOlt HKN1 A furuUtml room with board at 11 CaliforuU bt. 60 10 TT Olt IlE T A new gtora room. Also ono ill X' with all modem Impruicmciit ; . Hei.t reasonall to good parties. Loremen'ii llivtk , cor , 13th ant Howard btrett. 612 tf FOR IlKNT Two new utoiea. one a goo rlao lot K giucury 01 ciuuuug ( tore ana the oth i a vert ntwlr bu ! place for a rontiurant , alto roumj to rent Cunnlngham'a block JStn and Jacktou , SiO-lm FOR RKNT Furnished looms ou the northwet cor. Ul baud Capitol aveauo , formerly Crelghtoc isj-tf FOll KENT Itoouu lu NobrwU Nitlooa Bank Bulltlmg. Mo l dealrabla oillce * In tha clt ) stuppUtd with hydraulic tlsr&tor inJ he tcd DV FOR SALE. 7 > OH SAIiV. CIIKAV Tw o good stf cs , ono a cook [ ' stoic nd the other a heater. Call at A , 1'ohck's , 310 Farnam Et. 704-tt FORSALE A sinall Mo'lcr , Ilihman &Co. , flro prtof naft , almost new , at this olllcc , tf SALE Farm 10 acre * , new hotifo , barn and outt-ulldlngfi , thado and fni t tre t , urmll fruits n hhundance ; excellent location , 4 inllci from post * Illco , } mlle from tch ol. Just ( bathing for "t tick" arm or dnlry. I'rico ? ,80n. Will ralie In SO days. 1 , It. Donno , t Co , Itoal Eitato Agents , ISth and Donglai tr > its. 07 Mf FOH SA1.K S9 acres , \alimlilo tinpro\cmcnts , 01 miles from city. Ea < y tonns , $3,000. Iluflnc s lot on Dodge , 03x132 , Tw o Btori hrlek house on Caw , $2,000. 611-7 SIllUVEIl&BELK 170K8ALU Now store flxturcs.shelvlngand rtraw 1 crsat abargaln. Inquire nt tbls ctllco. 013 tf 011 SALIFow lot' on Mto WIMo. Call and J7 ice abstract of title. John U. Willis' 1414 DodgoSL 409-lino I70H SALE Only first clam hotel 'n ' a ll\o town o two railroads , Whitney House , Orlswold , la. 417-lmot TJIOH SALE A business inans residence 8 rooms 4 JL1 blocks north west of Test OHIO * . $3.260. 83x132acant 0 blocks N. W. of 1' , O , 81.800. 307-tI JIcCAdUE , opposlto 1' . 0. SALE Thrco lots In Hatucom place. tSOO FOll , monthly pajments. JIcCAOUl : , opposite . o , 3 o-tf SALE My two story brick residence , 18th Foil St. Mary'sIULMIUO. Largo barn , out-house , water wor.s , well arranged. Lot 0x200. Pilco 17.500. Itest Batgalu In Omaha. Call at II. Toft's , 'ooplo's U nk. 277-t SALE 12 no ock wmt of Park avn , ' FOll cars. Lots 50x160. Will ncll the whole tract 4 or 87,10(1 ( , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Heal to- A- ate owners bid this bargain , If jou call at People s r llwik. 278-tt SALll-Cliolco Inmltiew property , three lot FOll . Sanndors and Charles Slrcot. It will pay jcu to Im estlgato this oner. Call at People's Bunk. 278-tf SALE-Improod properly , which will pay IriOR ' buyer 20 per cent on the Imcstmont. Rcnti forSl,02operjcar. All occupied hy first class ten ants. Will sell for S10.WO , If sold soon. All or ono- lalf cash , Inlanco , ono to lUo jears. The above In- \estmont Is worth Investigation. Call at the People's Bank. 280-tf TOILKD CATTLE AND CLYDESDALE HORSES. JL T'osub'oilber Is taking orders for spring 1m- .wrtitlon . of the aho\ . Prices muchbelow thopo at uittlon silcn. Hcforenccs to these supplied. John McCulloch , 111. Trustand Sav. Bank , Chicago. 103 2mt OR SALE A first class sccoud baud top buggy F Gill at 1319 Ilarnev street 87tf "I710R SALE Two portaoio ool.ers , 10norso power J ? Apply at _ D. riTZPATRIClC , 218 South 16th Street. I OK SALE Old nowopnpcre in largo and small F quantities at this ofilce. tf MiaCELLANEOUB. A doubla carriage lihnket Onner can FOUND calling at 1127 N. 10th street and pajliigcharncs. 7.0 } A Widower of mldJIo a e , la with out children , of stead ) , nober Imolui , doing businens fur himself , desiics the aoiualntunio of a respectable Protcntant lady , ot middle ago preferred , and must bo of some accomplishments , in < lew uf mitilmom Tn's ' Isuo humbug , but meani busi- nebs. Address "A. H. I. " Onnha Daily Bou 093-101 "I AICi ; } ? Ul' A s'rav horse. Owner can get it by JL pajlrg the cost , 15th St. South Oa.aha Bjlck Yara. CHARLtS LEDUIAYR. 090-7J BALL , Saturday , January 12th , MASQUERADE IbSl.atH. Ruscr s.ono and a half miles wea of Hanacom Park. 463-llt rpYLERi COMPANY book-Kecpcrandaccountants. JL. Exauilno and adJutt dis arranged books lu n B } e- tcmatic andaccuratu n.nnncr.Khini ; correct balances , will especially attend to poetlog up books each day where the ter\icc3 of a book-keeper ore n quired but a few hours , making out Imolrcs , statements , and any correspondence confidentially , aho timko ciMen tions. Ollico at P. Bojer and Co. , loior.irram St. Cls-lmo ilAOISTER OP PAIJuTTHTnUY AND CONDITION. AL1ST , 303 Tenth street , between Farnam and Bar ney , will , with the aid of guardian cplrlts , obtaining aoj one ( 'laace of tb past And prwnt , and tha certain conditions In the future. Boots and shoes tui..o order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Tn tlioso sufTcrlnff from the cffoclnof joothful errors Bominal weakness , early decay - cay , lost manhood , etc. , Twill send you particulars of a simple and cartain rne&ns of Rolf cure , free of charge. nd your address to 1' . t. ItOTLru , ilooons , Coty. Matter of Application of P. Kunuey and Co , for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice la hereby git en that P. Rumicy and Co , did upon the 27th day of December , A. D. , 18S3 , flic their application to the Major and city coun cil of Omaha , foi license to sell malt , bpirltuoui and unoud liquor * , at Cozzcns House , SOth St. , 3rd ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the llth day of January , 1SS4 , to the llth day of Fcb 18S4. If there be no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from Dec. 27tll A. D. 18b3 , the eald license will be granted. P. RUMSEY 4 CO. , Applicants. TimOitMH BKK now pn ) > er will publish the abe > o notlcu once caeh week for tuo weekj at thaexpeme of the appllcunt. The city ot Omalia If not 1 e charged tnereu Ith. 670-niow J. J. L. C. JEWETT , City Clerk. Matte-r nf Application of C. Flora & Co. , for Liquor Lie-onso. NOTICE. Notice 'a herein sl\cn that ( , ' , Flora & Co. , did upon lie . ' . ' 7th day of Dec. A.I ) . 18S3 , file his application to thu in ij or and city council of Omuhn for licence to tell malt , xplrltuouj \inousliquorH at No. 110 N 12th Ktreet , Third ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the llth day of Jan.lWl , to the llth duy of April 1BS4. If there IH ; no ohjectlon , umonstrance or protest filed within two weekH from Uec. 27th , A. D. ISSII , thu until Ikcnxe will lie granted. C. KI.ORA & CO. . Applicants. The Omaha BCD ne hiwHr | ; Mill publlKh the aliovo noticu once each week for two wceknattho expunge of the apjillcnnt. Tie ] city of Omaha 1 ii'ittolx ) chargi-d therewith J. J L. C. JEWETT , fltl-- ) w.Kw City Clerk Mattoc of Appheution of Mm. Minna Wlrth Ie > r Liquor Licence. NOTICE. Notice U ghen that Mrs. HlnuaWlrtli diit UJHJII the l7lh ! daj of lice , A. D 1HSJ. Dlehcr nnnli- ration to thu major and clt } runnel ! of OmahaVlor Ikxnoo to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Cliy lintel , N. W. < nr. luihand Hartley Kt , : il ward , Omaha , Ne-b. , from the llth day of Jan. 183) , to the llth < U > of April , 18SI. If there be no objec tion , rcmumtntncc or protest filed within twoucuk * from liuc. 27th , A. I ) . ! S ! > a , the Kald Ilreme will U < grpi.trd. MltS. MINNA tVIItlH. ApphcantH. Hie Omahn Bee newspaper will publl.h the above notlre oncMtaeh wtck for two weeks at thu extern * of tha nppllcjtit The city of Oinalu U not to Iw charvtd tliortMltli. 7u--2t-lu k .1. J. I. C. JEWETT , Citr Clark. Matter of Application of Jacob Kaufman for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice in hereby given that Jacob Kaufman did upon the fjth day of Dec. A. D. 18S3 , file hid appli. Citlon to the Maj or and City Council of Omaha , for license to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquor * . at No. 611 10th street. 6th Ward , Omaha , Ueb. , froui the day of Jan. . 1884 , to the llth * , f April , 18B4. If there bo no objection , rc.uonstrawe or protest filed with n two weeks from Uec. 27th A. D. 1888 , thu bald license w 111 be granted. JACOB KAUFMANN. Applicant , The Omaha Reu newspaper w ill publish the aboie uttlroonco each week for two weeks at the expense of the applicant. The City of Omaha 1 ? not to bo charged therewith. J , J , L. c. JEWETT 7OT2liiwk City Clerk. _ Mutter of Application of Frank Dellono A Co , for Liquor J.lcciuie , NOTIOK. Notice U hereby given that Frank Dellonofc Co. . did upon the 2t7h day of Dec. A. I cation to the Major and City Council of OnuUi a. for lol" * l. ° " " "laltl * llrltllolls | d > 'noin ' UquoM , at 12u2 and 1Z04 Douglas bt , 3rd ward. Oma m Neh SSI > totllt ) ' " " J y * t - , If { here be noobjectlon remonntnuico or protect file.1 within two wtukk from Dtc. 27 , A. 1 > . 18 tlw laid Iltinse will bo ( I'UANK DKI.LONE 4 CO. The Omaha | te nej.raper will not cuoucc i caeh week for Uo weeks _ Maturoi AppllcutUu of Nugent Ii LuciiVoTT License , council of J ° ' Ja"uliy 1884 ' " IP. ! . IBS. > obJectlo"i , rciuonstranco or protet "th- AA i - eek for tu .The CUy fc3 ! tl w J. J. L. C. JEVKTT , Cltj Clerk.