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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1884)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. MONDAY MOHNtNGK. JANUARY 7 , 1881 , NO 171 , BIDEATH'S AWFUL HARVEST , The Catholic Convent at Bellfille , III , Destroyed , Twenty-Two Pupils and Five Sisters - tors Perish In the Flainos. Leaping From Third-Story Windows dews to Death , Harrowing Scenes at the Smould ering-Ruins. Huddled ToKcihor to Bo Devoured By the Awful Finnic * ntul Butncd Into UtrecoR- nl/.ublo Masses. A FRIGUTFULi CAInVMITV. KIUE IN A CONVKST. ST. I oyis , January 0 Details ol the burning of the Institute nl the Immaculate Conception , Sisters of Notre Dame , at Belleville , 111. , last night , are still meagre. Thevo wore about sixty pupils in the school , ranging from 20 years to full grown , all girls , and several teachers , besides other inmates of the building. The fire is said to have started near tlio third story , which ia used as a dormitory , and an attempt was made by the sistori to extinguish it , but this failing , efforts wore made to remove the pupils. Tlio flames spread so rapidly , however , that no order could bo pre served , panfc siczud both the children and aistors , and it was a wild confuted rush to escape. Forty or more pupils arc known to have got out , or wore taken from the building and giwn shelter in neighboring houses , but several , in their flight , jumped from windows and werp either killed or badly injured. Miss Mary Campbell , a teacher , of East St. Louis , leaped from the third story and died in a few minutes. Another , name neb ascer tained , climbed to the roof portico , and either fell or was blown off and fatally injure t. Ainon ? o'thera injured by jump ing are Daisy Ebcrman , whoso residence is four miles from Belleville ; Agnoa Schneider and Lou Lott , of St. Louis ; Fanny Rukor , of Washington , Mo. ; Sis ter Rsparata , Sister Styhta , Sister Ma- missa , and 15 or 20 smaller pupils ; also Sister Mary Jerome , the lady superior , was missing at a Into hour last night , and it is feared perished in the building. Searching parties were at work to-day , and further information was obtained later. The scene of the fire was ono of the wildest excitement and terror. The streets in the city were thronged with people anxious to bo of service , bul owing to the rapid spread of the ilamos , they were helpless to render any aid. While the teiror stricken parent : rushed frantically around in search of their missing children , wailing over their supposed loss. The tire department was of little avail against the mad rush of the surging flames , and in an hour the tiiitiro building was a mass of ruins. A later dispatch , just received from Belleville , says the bodies of twenty-two pupils and five teachers , including the mother superior , have either been re covered or are known to bo in the ruins. A dispatch from Belleville to the as sociated press gives further particulars of the frightful calamity. A visit to the eceno this morning found the fire depart ment still on duty , endeavoring toquench the Ilamos so as to preserve in recog nizable shape the bodies. When the ruins were sufficiently cool volunteers wont to work to bring out the bodies. It was a terrible sight. At times the search- era would find two or three charred masses huddled closely together , seem ingly seeking protection in ono another from the advancing flames. Two bodies were found in a rear part of the building , bunrod into an unrecognizable mass , but the majority were found beneath where the dormitory was situated. They seamed to have sought shelter in this room too late to recognize that their escape was impossible. The flames be neath eating away the supports lot down the floor into the sooting vortex of fire and smoke. The loss of life is much greater than mentioned in last night's brief dispatch. Instead of being two , as at first supposed , the total known deaths is twenty-seven , twenty-two of wliich are pupils and five sisters , among the latter - tor the siater suporior. On the fourth U floor the pupil boarders with three sisters - tors slept , on the third floor the remain ing sisters slept , and on the second or iloor above the basement what are termed orphans or half orphans slept. On the second floor the inmates ozcapod. Following is alist of the saved ; Provie Schleanitzeur , Mamie f itegerald , Anna Frankie , Maggie Donahue , Ossa Mont gomery , Emily Fournio. On this floor also were the following candidates for the veil , who escaped : Miss Josephine , Miss Bridget , Miss Joahanna , Miss Grotchor , Misa Eliza. The missing are : Martha Mauntel , of Carondolot , Mo. ; Mary . Bartolls , Mis souri ; Josephine Ploudrc , daughter ol County Commissioner Ploudro , of den- tervillo station , 111. ; Lotta Pieraon , of St. Louis ; Suaio Wetma , of St. Louis ; Emma Stark , of Carbbndalo , 111. ; Mamie Scaling , of St. Louis ; Agnes Scaling , of St. Louis ; Lizzie lech , of Controvillo station ; Laura Thompson , of Chester , 111. ; MamiePulol , of Columbia , 111. ; Minnie Bartley , Belleville ; Hilda Ham mel , of Trenton , 111. ; Emily Leonhardt , of Trenton ; Virginia Ilemzolman , of Belleville ; Kittio Arhana , of Vandalia ; Gertrude Strunch , of Germany ; Mary Bion , of Beiloville ; Mary Manning , of St. Louis ; Delphia Schlornitzern , of Bollovilo ; Superior Mary Jerome and Sisters Agnoiia and Edwina. Miss Bailey was a granddaughter of Col. John Thomas , of this city. Sistoi llary Jerome , known in the world aa Barbara Hoil , was born at Pittsburg , Pa. fiister Modrida , known as Jennie Uiloy , waa born near Milwaukee. Sister Ed- wjna , known as Bridget McCaffrey , waa born in Ireland , and Sister Agnotia , known as.Margaret Shananhan , was born in Now Orleans. The fire had ita origin irom the furnace in the basement. The extreme cold wjather retarded the work of the fire men. men.Daisy Eborman was slightly injured , Agnes Schneider jumped from a window but is not dangerously injured. Lou Matt is tiuito badly hurt. Gen.i Hori and Fntinio Bunker are seriously but no fatally injured. At four o'clock this afternoon thor had beton eleven bodies recovered fron the ruins and the Slaters and friends o thn unfortunates had succeeded in identifying fying the following : Identified Miss AVorman , Miss Mar ; Strunk , Miss Manning , Miss HcinzoJ mann , Miss Eisch , Miss Pnlzor. All that now remains of the convent o the Immaculate Conception is thocharroi and broken walls , and in the debris thor yet remain the bodies of several otho unfortunate victims. The buildings am furnishings were valued at from f 05,00 to $75,000 ; insured for § 25,000. Finns. WINO.NA , January 0. Brooks Bros , elevator at Mmnoiska , eighteen mile above Winona , was burned at 2 o'clocl this morning , together with a four-stor ; dwelling near by and a hotel across th road. Lost , 850,000 ; insured for $19,000 The elevator _ contained over 30,000 bush els of urain , chiolly wheat and barley. WHKKUNO , W. Va. , January 0. ; fire , believed to bo of incendiary origin broke out thi& morning in .tlio oxtonsiv brick building occupied by Bixloy Bros , as a wagon factory ; Dobbs & Iloisingor' bout vood works , and Boltz & Trading' planing mill. Though the lire department mont was promptly on hand the wcatho was so cold it could do little and the fir was finally checked by the bursting o the ottiam heating pipes in the buildinj alhwing the steam to escape. The los of Bixloy Bros , is $15,000 , principally 01 machinoy , fully insured. The otho losses are $20,000 , no insurance. Th thermometer waa 10 degrees below zero Chief Dunning , of the fire department had ono oar frozen solid and sovorr others had to have their clothing cut o ; in pieces after the fire. ST. Louis , January 0. A brief repot from Joraoyvillo , Illinois , says , the com house and jail wore burned to-night , an < four prisoners in the latter were sulfoca ted to death. CIUSIE AND AIJ , DISPOSED Ol' . TOMDSTOXE , Arizona , January C. Bij Dan was captured yesterday , and DeLaney noy was killed. This completes the lis of the five Biaboo murderers. THE UILMOUE CASE. LINCOLN , January ( i. In the Gil more case at York the dying doclatatio : of W. H. Armstrong was introducci yesterday. Tlio state rested the case an the court adjourned until to-morroi morning. COX ACQUITTED. SAN FUANCISCO , January G. Jorom B. Cox , who shot and killed McLaughlin the millionaire , was acquitted by th police court judge yesterday. I'ROUAllLY MVKDEKEI ) . EUIIIIA , N. Y. , January 0. There i great excitement hero over the discover of the body of a young , well-drcsso woman frozen solid in the ice of a strear in the suburbs. The body was recognized nizod as that of a woman from Watkin who was at the homestead Monday wit' ' a man whom she had a quarrel. It i boliuved that the man murdered her an throw the body in the creek. An ugl. gash on the woman's right temple indicates catos murder. A WOUTIILBSS KOII11K. NEW YOUK , January C. Edward H Kobbo , clerk for Sperry & Barnes , wh absconded after embezzling $05,000 be longing to his omp'oyors , has been ai rested in a suit brought against him b ; the firm for recovery , of the money Bail was fixed at $25,000. The Louisiana Lottery Mails. NEW ORLEANS , January 0. Judg Pardoe , of the United States circui court , rendered an opinion yesterday ii the case of the Now Orleans nationa bank against Postmaster W. D. Mot chant. The case came up on motion ti dissolve the injunction against Postman tor Merchant.restraining him from interfering foring with mail matter addressed to th bank , such action having been taken b ; Merchant in obedience to the postmasto general's order , on the ground that letters tors were intended for the Louiaian : Lottery company , who had been donioi the USD of the mails to carry on the lot tery business. The court hold that thi scheme denounced by law is that of tin distribution of moneys through the mail by use of false or fraudulent represent ; ! tions. The facts found against the Nov Orleans national bank are outside of tin law , but the dcfondcnt cannot bo heli responsible tor obeying orders of his su perior officer. The court docidod-m fa vor of the bank , decreeing that it is entitled titled to the full and free use of th mails , and further ordered the motion t dissolve the injunction bo denied. IJlsliop Sharp Alarmed. SALT LAKE , January ( . The month ! meeting of the Salt Lake Mormon priosi hood waa hold yesterday morning Bishop John Sharp said that while ii Washington recently ho had aeon onougi to convince him "that no power but th Almighty could save the Mormon people If God didn't pilot the ship it would g down. " Apostles Thatcher and Richard are now on the way to Washington , th church organ says , to attend to Uta affairs. A Strange "Wooing. JOMET , 111. , January 0. Mrs. Hay cock , head cook at the Auburn house who was brutally assaulted with a knif Bomo wceksago _ by a man named Free stone , who indicted two or three doapor ate gashes on her throat , yesterday tool out a license to marry her would-be murderer. Neither ono will talk abou the matter. No Light. January 0. The steam boat inspectors have begun an invest ! gation of the cause of the disaster to th steamer Burton at Davis Island dam lae Wednesday. Pilot Morris testified thn on the left hand of the channel there i an iron frame for a light , and witnes says a light was always there until th night of the accident , and that tlio caus of the collision waa the want of such light. Tlio Late Dr. NK\V YOIIK , January G. The autops on the body of Dr. Lasker showa that h died of heart disease of aggravated fonr GALVELTO.V , January C. Dr. Laakor brother , Morrii Lasker , who is ono G the loading merchants of thin city , lof for New York yesterday afternoon. Th flags in Galveston were at half-mast yei tordnynnd many wholesale houses closci their doors as a tribute to tlio dead states man. _ THE WINTHY UIj.VST. Xho Wave ( ioltiK ' ' 'list and South , CitHJAiio , January C. The weather ha : moderated considerably to-day. At mid night the thermometer indicated (5 ( below Advices from other points in the north west seem to indicate a rising tempera turo. turo.CHAHI.KSTOK CHAHI.KSTOK , S. 0. , .January ti. Tin temperature at four this morning was 1 degrees above , the coldest in 1-15 years PETEUsmmu , Va. , January ( ! . In exposed posed places last night it was five dcgioc ; belnw zero. WHITEHALL , N. Y. , January 0. A seven o'clock this morning it was 30 bo low. VEUOENNES , Vt. , January ( ! . Thirty six below ; coldest in ten years. CINCINNATI , January C. Thormomoto : at zero at eleven to-night. ST. LOUIH , January 0. The woatho : has moderated very materially hero am throughout this region to-day. At mid night the mercury stood five above , show ing a rise of about 30 degroia since yesterday torday morning. An Iron I'ool. ST. Louis , January C. The Ago o Steel prints a statement on the authority of a party lurgoly interested in the iroi trade that a Bchomo ia on foot to pee the entire pig-iron industry of the ccun try. The plan ia to divide the countrj into six districts , each to V o joprosontoi in the pool on a basis made up from tin tonnage producing capacity of the dis trict and the profit u.irning capacity poi ton as shown by the work for a series o years , each furnace in the district t < share in the district's share of the general oral pool on a basis determined in tin same way. Ono of the chief objects o the scheme is to ascertain exactly tin product of pig iron in tlio country auel this information in the hands of tlio executive ecutivo committee having authority , i shut down can bo ordered at any time t < lot the demand catch up with the sup ply and pricea will bo thus made regulai and steady. It ia also proposed that a any time furnaces may be stopped fo : any reason , each to draw its share o profits from the pool as though it wore in blast. The Ago of Stool says tin scheme originated among the furnaci men of Lohigh Valley , that strong efforts forts will bo made to carry it out mnon ; furnace men in other parts of the coun try and that this is the first public notici of it. 1'iiyno Pushes 1'oiidlcton. COLUMIIUH , 0. , January G. The democratic ocratic members of the legislature can cuscd for officers yesterday , resulting ii the choice of Senator Elinor White , o Defiance county , as president pro torn C. N. Vallandingham , of Montgomery clerk ; Charles Negoloy , of Darko , ai sorgeant-at-arms. In the house , A. D Marsh , of Mercer , waa chosen speaker David Fisher , of Ilardin , clerk , and J M. Ppniator , of Ross , sorgoant-at-arms This is the alato made by the Payne men The Pcndloton men were hundicappoc in the start by the united action of tin Hamilton county delegation ( his homo which was solid against him. Senate : Pruden waa made chairman of ono cau cus and Representative Confer of thi other. Both were from Cincinnati , ane both against Pondloton. They had tin appointing of a joint committee of throi from each caucus , and it was decided t ( make the senatorial nomination ncx Tuesday night. The Pondloton mot wanted to moot Friday or Saturday night. The Payne inon had their way ii everything. Sixteen Mouriiiiiic 'Widows. SALT LAKE , Utah , January 0. Marj V. Young , the seventeenth wife of tin late Brigham Young , died hero yesterda ; of blood poisoning in her fortieth year. Sixteen mourning widows still Hurvivi the prophet , fourteen of whom live ii Salt Lake. Until Itoya n < Live. INDEPENDENCE , Iowa , January ( i. A boy and girl named Ilines , aged G and ' years , froze to death in bed Friday night The poor trustees sent the family a con of wood yesterday , but it ia alleged tha the older boys refused to cut it to kooj the family warm. Memplilb' I'uiHleU Uobt , MEJU-HIH , January 0. The fundin ; board who have had charge of the aottlei ment of the debt of the old city of Mem phis publish a report which shows tha of the cstimaUd debt of $5,500,000 the have funded $3,500,000 , of which $350 000 werp judgments. The time for fund ing expires January 31st. KOHHII u Winner. NEW YORK , January 0 , A docisio : has been rendered in favor of the defend d nts in the auit of Dennis Mulcah ; against O'Donovan Rosa and others , a trustees of the Irish skirmishing fund When Colonel John. O. MaUonoy , th Irish patriot , died inl877Hossa depute * the plaintiff to accompany the remain to Ireland. Mnlcahy was to rcceiv $1,000 out of the skirmishing fund fo expenses. Ho says ho only receive1 $537 , and brought suit for the remainder The court hold the plaintiff had not ac quired a lion on the fund. XE LKGltAPil NOTES. Mrs. C. V. Niitt'o suit to recover 55,00 against the Accident Inauranca company t North America , Urn Inaunuioo curried by he husband , Captain Niltt , ha been coiiipn mUod , Henry Mor.lus. convicted of complicity I the Kensington , I' * , bank robbery In 1871 hun been granted a new trial , it buln # no1 evident that tha prisoner won nut one of tli robbers. Tha coinage of the inintH in 1883 amountc ' Two of the astassluu of Colonel Huldelkii have died of their wound * . Kx-Souator Cameron , now at the Hi Springs , haa Improved In lioalth fclnco h arrival , The remains of KInff Victor Kmaniie ! wer placed in the chapel of the pantheon Hatn day with great pomp mid corumnny. The KotliscblUld have not offered to pu cba e the railway * of the Wench gavornmun Kate FiloJi ia In Salt Lake btiulylnj ; tl Mormon < [ UMutton. The Sullivan aluggem are giving oxhlb tloua lu Salt Lake to crowd * of Sulntn n bltmors. The cabin of a norro nald to La over a cei tury old was burned ut Urooklyu , III. , OJIIH lto St. LouU , Saturday mornlnir , and the o ! woman perULed In the flameu , CONV5HING OF CONGRESS The FitzJolm Porlcr Bill lo'BoRc ported To-Day , The Pension Bill and Its Pro' posed Reduction. The Senate to Struggle Ovoi Tlioso Rules. An Indian Pow Wow On tlii Bills , Something About Colorado Pol It Ion PostolllccR and 1'olltlunl WASHINGTON WAIKS. TIM ; WOUK or CO.MIUESS. WASHINGTON , January 0 , Congreei reassembles to-morrow , its organizatioi is complete , committees forinbd , am machinery in order for beginning UK work of logislntion. Not much can b < discovered to warrant an expression o opinion no to what the distinctive elmr actor of the session will bo. A feoliiu of caution is prevalent in regard to polit ical matters , and it is probable no purolj political measures will bo brought for ward in the few early weeks of the new year. Individual views upon linancia uul economic matters , as embodied it the great number and variety of bills al ready introduced and to bo introduced will bo discussed probably without lead ing to any immediate action. The bus ! ness first at hand in the nonato , the revision < vision of ito rules , will bo followed b\ consideration of the proposed joint rules and the discussion will continue tin reator part , if not all , the week. The work of the present weak in the house promises to bo of comparatively little in icrest. On Tuesday General Slocum expects t < report the Fitz-Jbhn Porter bill from tin committee on inilit'.ry affairs , and an effort fort will bo made during the week by iti friends to have it considered. AH semi doubt has arisen in regard to the powoi of the committee on military affairs to si as it did during the holiday recess , tin committee will again consider the Porto : l to-morrow , in order to prevent anj delay that might otherwise occu rwhou reported. [ { The sub-committee on pensions hai presented to Commissioner Dudley foi consideration some changes it proposes t < bo made in the pension laws. One o : thorn is a reduction in the number o : agencies whore funds are disbursed fton 18 to 10 or 12 , to bo at the moti prominent commercial centres. Conv misaioncr Dudley recommenced that tin number of examining boards bo increased ; o about 400. At present three surgeons who receive S2 for each examination , constitute the board. There are botwoor two and three hundred of these boards , The sub-committea./ivors an increase ir ; ho number but desires that the pay ol ; ho surgeons bo $2 for each oxaminatioi : of the first five cases and § 1 for oacl : additional ease examined per day. The comniisnionor is expected to give hit opinion on the proposed changes to-mor < row. The pension bill will no doubt be reported thifl week. A caucus of the democratic mombcri of the house is proposed for an early day the object being to consider the policy o : the party on subjects likely to come uj during the winter. A POLITICAL HEVIEW. Secretary Teller , ox-Senator Ohafl'uo Senator Bowen , of Colorado , and others held a pleasant mooting last night at tin Rjggs house , at which the political nf fairs in that state vroro canvassed. It i : probable that ex-Senator Chafleo wil liavo a clear coast , as the competition fo : the { senatorial seat , which will bo vacatoc by Senator Ilill at the next meeting p the Colorado legislature , and it is sale that ho has already nerved duo notice 01 Senator Hill of his intention. Ex-Sena' ' tor CJmll'eo and ox-Governor Iloutt , o that state , have purchased i lialf interest in the Duive Tribune and the party organ will bo con ducted no doubt in the former's interest Secretary Teller has not suid that In would not bo a candidate , but his friend state that he will aupport his friend ox Senator Chali'oo , who stood aside whei Mr. Teller was made secretary of the in torior. Till ! BIO INJUNH. Isporhocho , ono of the rival Crco ! chieftains , aoompaniod by Ohicf Che cota , Delegate llodgo and Missionar , Callahan , called at the Indian burea yesterday. Delegate llodgo presentei his credentials and a letter of introduc tion from Agent Tufts. laporhocho sail that auothcr delegate of his factio ; would arrive Monday. The cimmh sionor will then listen to their state monts. A I'ENHION K W ALL. Congressman D. B. Henderson , c Iowa , has prepared a bill which propose to give a pension to every uoluior wli has served six inonthn or more in an war of the United States , provided li suffered any disabilities , the componsii tion not to bo effected by rank , A HUNT HILL. Representative Anderson will iiitn duce in the liouso to-morrow , a bill mal ing the same allowance for rent and fui for postmasters cf third cluas ofliccs i first and second class. JUDOK M'UUAIIY'H HUCCEHSOK. The resignation of Judge McCrary wo received by the iroaidont to-day. As docs not take effect bofnro March it not likely his successor will bo appointc for Bomo time. NO LorrEiiY TICKETS , Tlio employes of the postoflico dopar mont were notified by the postmasto general yesterday that the purchase i lottery tickets hereafter would bo r garded as sufliciont ground for roiuova THE BUTTON i-osTomcE. Dr. Martin Clark and L. D. Eowle of Button , Neb , are hero urging the r tention of Postmaster Buchanan ut tin place , Till ) HlllUlll'H UUIIH , NEW YOIIK , January 0. B. Bartlo and others have brought suit in the Un ted States court to restrain Horatio j Hunt and the American National Bar if Providence , from using coitnin ware loiiso receipts for qiina , fubrcs , utc. stored with them on behalf of the Sultai of Turkey , or interfering with snid ra : oits | , wliich Imvo * been entrusted ti ; hem , except by delivery to a roceivci appointed by the court to determine Uu ownership of the properly. lllown t > IMcocs. STILLWATBU , Minn , , January 0. Late rostonlay nftornnon the boilerin 0. N , Poison it Co. 'a pinning mill at Lakolani oxplodod.wrecklng th building and kill- ng McCunnnina , yard boas , The adjoin ng building caught fire , but was retulilj extinguished. Loss , ? 1 0,000. Hilled by tlio Cms. KLMIUA , N. Y. , January 0. Mlsi lara Thurslon , sister of Judge A. S , Thuraton , aged 83 , formerly a proininenl educator and author , and for many yean mncipal of Thurston's female seminary , was killed by the cars on her way to church this morning. A llonvy Fnlluro. SAN FKANCISCO , January 0. The fail ire of the Dietrich company , wholesale mg and canvass manufacturers , is an < lounoed. Liabilities , $370,000 ; asnots , 531,800. They ewe § 100,000 in Now ork. Iron Pim.vnr.i.riUA , January 0. Secretary Swank of the American Iron and Steel issociation estimates the production 1)1 ) ig iron in the United States as equal to hat of 1882 , being 4(523 , ( , 2J : tons , The consumption has boon about tlli8l2.1 ! 0113. The consumption of rails in 1883 VIIH about 300,000 tons leas than in 882. J'Muuntlou. ST. 1/ouis , January 0. Alexander Sul- ivan , president of the Irish National oaguo , lectured to-night on * 'Uow Em - and has Educated. " The lecture was in ilfect a reply to the assertion that the nvasion of Ireland was in behalf of clvi ization , and that ignorance ia a volun ry characteristic of Ireland. LIFE AT FORT ROBINSON , \iuld the * Snow and Winter Gnlctlcs The Troop II Hall. } orroa | > ondonca of Tin : Buit. FORT HOIUNSON , Nob. , January 1. Wo are not entirely snow bound , here ii : his extreme frontier post , though the lills and valleys are mantled with snow , nd ten inches of ice covers the White rivor. The buckboard still runs to the jtago station , and brings us our Bit : ivory day except Tuesday , when wo reread > read Saturday's edition , always overflow ng with good things , and equal to any Sunday paper in the west. There is necessarily a great deal ol outino in a garrison lifo , but a well or- lercd routine saves from idleness and nakca time pa a rapidly , oven in the lowly moving montlm of midwinter. The holidays at Fort Robinson have eon brighter than usual. Mails and ox- ircss have been busy in bringing romoni- > rancca from friends abroad , and n replenishing the kitchens and tororooma in the garrison. And , , o add to the attractions , wo have had n Christmas tree at Captain Hamilton'e csidonco , and ono of the most elaborate ; company balls over given in the west at ) aptain Hamilton's company quarters , I Troop , of the Fifth cavalry. There ins boon a generous rivalry among the various companies here to excel in this matter of entertaining , and as the last ia always the best , in balls , II Troop nur- mused all ita rivals. The long quarters voro elaborately decorated with bunting , lags and mountain pine , covering the og walla with a mass of cohr , relieved icro and there by strings of evergreen. Jabrcs , arranged mvarious devices , hung in the walla or depended from the ceil- ng ; cavalry guidona hid the brown > illars ; Engravings , wreathed in flngc xnd green , gave the room o lomoliko and inviting appearance. The mil was crowded from half paqt eight , vhcn the music sounded the opening narch , until early in the morning , fullj ! 50 guests being present , including near- y every oflicor in the garrison and theii 'amilies. The supper table waa a marvel of the cook's and decorator's art. Around its sides stood vliito jacoktcd and apronci : waiters with folded arms awaiting orderu [ n the center was a triple pyramid ol cakes , the topmost ono bearing the picture turo of the ovnr popular Captain Uixmil ton and the lower ono the name ol Lieut. S. A. Adair. Omaha and Chicago cage markets contributed , fresh oysters fruits , nuts and delicacies of variom descriptions , arranged with the hand o the artist to tempt the appetite and t < [ iloaso the oyo. A more bounteous ane Jolicionarepast was never served in For Robinson and it was discussed by al present as a triumph of good management mont and excellent taato. After auppo followed a promenade and then dancni | was resumed and continued until nearl ; reveille. A. I'cllt 1/arcony. Wm. Anderson was brought bofor Judge Bcnoko Saturday and charged wit' petit larceny. Ho pleaded guilty to th charge and was sentenced to 30 days i the county jail. The cnmo for which ho was nont u was committed on the 22J of Docemboi when ho stole a silver butter-dish , pickh castor , and sugar-bowl from the promise of J. W. Rosa , a mail agent. Mr. Hot recovered all of the stolen property wit the exception of the cover of the sugai bowl. A ( Joining Dividend , Lust fall , says the Wall Sttoot Nowi when a would'bo purchaser of railroa utock called upon Ruasell Sago and askc him regarding the outlook of cortai otock , Mr. Sago replied : "Splendid idea ) That stock is certui to rawo 15 per cent. " "Upon what do you base your citlculi tionsr "Upon the immense crops to bo move along that line. " The other day the name gentlome again interviewed Mr , Sago regard in the same stock , and the great fmancii replied * "Beat outlook in the world for tin slockl Certain to advance 15 nor cent. ' "Do base calculations you your upc ast fall's crops ? " "No , sir ; it's going to bo an open WHV or , and the line will save enough In snow-plows to declare a dividend of J ; > or cent. HAUiUOA.lT'KEL'OllTS. 3HE IUJHUNOTON'H VOSITIOX. Sfcw York , to the clloct that llio Bur- ington had agreed to close a contract on ho 17th inst. , to pool with the c npoli- ivo lines , is denied by ofllcialb . ' the Turlington in this city. It is positively leclarcd that the Burlington has not agreed with the now wtslcrn alliance to lo anythingand _ that the company has > eon committed to no alliance or policy. The Burlington ofllciixla leclaro that they thus far mvo only listened to nrop- mitions coming from the other side , with he exception that they have positively refuseel to join the now western alliancu or lo sign the twenty-five years compact , aa has already boon announced. So far ia it Imn been outlined it is not the pol- oy of the Burlington to form a part of ho second pool , aa BuggcsU'd at tlio con- oronco here Friday , and there nupms at irosent no likelihood that it Aill' do so. t is now contended that the tripartite igroomont may not bo ableto stand , nn t comes in direct conflict with agree- nonts heretofore entered into nnd not pt expired. It is declared to bo in eon- lict with the Colorado pool , which elocs lot expire till August , 1881 , and also in lirect conflict with the provision of the transcontinental pool , only recently or- ; ani7.od , and to withdrayr from which ro- [ iiires ninety days' notice. It is also ivon out authoritatively that the tripar- ito agreement haa no penalty attached. n view of this it ia not doomed improb able from the Burlington Rtandpointthat ho now alliance will prove ta bo no short ivod no to break other combinations al ready formed which might nrovo more ruinous than to attempt to abide by the low agreement. Burlington ollicials deny the statement olcgraphod that they contemplate run- ling solid through trains into Omaha via 'lattamouth. Their trains will'go into Council Blufla as formerly , unless a move s made by other roads against thorn. It s not denied , however , that the present legotiatious with a view to securing the co-operation of all w tcrn roads in the ie\y alliance boin without result has oc- asionud a strain in the condition of af- airs , which , if some understanding islet lot reached before February 1st , may 'esult ' in participating a war of rates and hat the questions in dispute may have o bo settled by that method. It la also isscrtcd if a now pool is formed with the Turlington on one side ami the Union 'iicific and its allips on the other the tool will necessarily oxtcnel to Ogden uid include the Denver & Rio Orando in ho combination. LOOKING roil I1UI1IES. Chicago , January (5 , The countj ; rand jury , which has been investigating ho alleviation that the ordinance grant- ng the Chicago it Evanston railro.ul the ight to enter the city had its passage hrough the city council obtained bj iribery , rdporls that while no ovidonci wan adduced sufficient to warrant indictment mont oi any member of the council here were outlined evidences of crook- dnoas and attempted blackmail , which , f the matter could bo proved , would ro ult in thn detection of the guilty parties , t recommends that the citizen's associa ion oiler a largo reward and omploj ompetont detectives in an attempt to .isRovor the supposed guilty individuals , IIUAHSEY Ara'EU THEM. NEW YOUK , January 0. Action vraf icgun yesterday in the United Statci criminal court by Henry A. Brassoy , ol England , ncainst the Now York it Now England railroad company , the Now fork , Now Haven & Hartford , and Sow York , Lake Erie & Western. The iomplainant is a largo bondholder in the tfow York & Now England road , ant irays that the temporary injunction be nado perpetual restraining Oharlei Jrown , of the Now York , Lake Erie & Vestorn and Now York , Now Haven < X lartford from levying attachments upon .ho stock or tranchiso of the Now Yorl t Now England road. Ho also asks thi ippointmont of a receiver for that road 1'IEIUSOX MOfT Hl'HAK. The western railway lines have notyo icnrd from Commissioner Pierson , am declare that unlosa they receive a lotto > y Wednesday of next wouk they wil ' : ako independent action. Bomothlniv iuuIn Giasa. A Now York correspondent of tin [ lartford Timea says : Among the latos low ideas is a glass bath tub. The ide ; s not yet cmito perfected , but I am as nurcd that it BOOH will bo. The person : working it out are confident that it wil jo a great success. The chief difficult ; s that of providing for expansion am contraction. And this , it is said , i nearly overcome. The manufactur of malleable gloss ia countei xs ono of the lost arts , but if what is alleged legod aa to the oxpcrionco with glaaa fo bath-tuba bo all true , it will soon bo re covered. The process of annealing glas ao that it may bo used for this purpos and many others for which it has no liithorto boon available is the invon volition of 0 , W. McLean. The Hy draulio and .Sanitary Plumber speaks c it as "ono of the most beneficial die coverioH of the ago. " Prof. Doromu says "ita great sanitary value is bd yond question. " If glass can bo tuc cessfully used in the manufacture ) o bath-tubs , instead of copper und zinc there in no reason why it should not b available for sinks , tanks , wash-tubs , re frigerators , oven for burial cuskula an also for various building purposes , I the case of articles used in dwellings , i would certainly Imvo the advantat-u c being n great deal clearer than coppe and zinc receptacles now in uso. 1'orce lain cornea next in cleanliness , but the is < mily fractured , while th annealed glass , it is said , i us strong and durable aa utee Extremes of heat and cold do nc affect it , and , in fact , its , discovery ia c the highest importuiJIo , The plumbei are much interested in it , aa a matter c course. It lookn improbable at liri glance that glass can ever bo made t take the place of ordinary motulu in th household or outside , but it would not cl nowadays to say that it is impossible , I any inouna. Who known but the > time near when even the gluas house of tl well-known moral axiom will bo Bubstixi tial realities ? FROM FOREIGN LANDS. A French Paper Publishes a Siart- Story To Make tlio Londoners' ' Hair Stand England Must Aid Egypt Or Got Out , ) hiaa Q-otting Eoady to Propose Mediation. low NUWH of the Death , of Dr. halccrVtt8 Kccolvcrt In Germany , GENKUAIi FOKKIGN NEWS. "wILf , 11UHN LOKIION. " PAUIS , .tanuary 0. Deputy Talandior'o i.ippr , llopubhquo Domocratiquo ot Socialo , statoa that it knows that in a ow days numerous reprisals against the English will occur in Ireland to avenge .ho . execution of O'Donnal. It adds that rish revolutionists will burn London , nd American foniana have studied min- itoly the operations to bo carried on by hem. ENOUSIt WOTEUTION. OAIUO , January 0. The British iloot will bo sent to the Reel sea. Beyond hur irovious orders to protect Egyptian in- crests , England will take no further noasurcs. It is stated that Evelyn I3ar- ng road to the khedive England's reply o the recent Egyptian note. England nsiutfl upon the withdrawal of troops rom Khartoum to the second cataract of ho Nile. Great Britain does not object to the cession of Eastern Soudan to Turkey or .ho Turkish rcconqucst of Soudan , pro- vielcd the porto pays the expenses. It is stated that the khedive and min isters refuse to comply with the English noto. The khedive declared England was Booking to compel him to abdicate , nit ho will surrender only by forco. Although Great Britain insists on the abandonment of South and West Wody Jnlfa she will insist that the Egyptian army defend the frontier. The Ecyptian nimatry demand that England shall either annex Egypt or depart from the country , as the ministry are allowed leithor to hcjp themselves nor apply elsewhere for the help .which they are entitled 'to expect from England. The chodivo refutes the report that ho de signed to abdicate. UUIIYINO THE DEAD. TouelNTO , January 0. The funeral of .ho victims of the late railway catastrophe vas attended by an immense multitude restorday. Business was entirely sws- ) ended and the employes of many firms participated in the cortego. The fronts of a number of establishments were draped with mourning. The coffins were convoyed in sleighs draped with black and preceded by n gun-carriage with a coflln containing the remains of Sergeant Mulligan , of the Royal Grenadiers. The iroccssion was an hour passing a given joint. Ton bodies were interred in St. Jamas' Episcopal cemetery , eight in St. Vlichaol's Roman Catholic cemetery , ono n Necropolis , and ono in Mt. Pleasant. t\ll the patients are doing well except Vloxandor TurrilT , who is in a critical condition. Turrifra brother was among ho killed , LAHKKII'H BEUVICES. BERLIN , January (5 , The death of jaaker haa elicited general expressions of regret. The liberal journals refer to .ho great services ho rendered the 'state > y co-operating in the enactment of ira- icrial lawa affecting justice and trade , md in exposing the corrupt practices in the formation of stock companies. _ Preparations are making for an impos- ng funeral for the dead statesman. WIIA ASSERT IIEIl 11101118. LONIIOK , January 0. The Pall Mall ' "iizotto learns that the Marquis of Tseng , hinoso ambassador to Franco , has not iold any communication with the French ovoinmeiitBiiico the capture of Sontay. Also that the menaces of the French press with regard to indemnity for the DxponscB of the Tonquin campaign will not deter China from assorting her rights. IIIK BAI > EXI'LOKEUM. ST. PuTEHHiiuno , January 0. The bodies of DoLong and Conrad woroborno through the streets of Tomsk Wednesday - , day , with military bands playing _ and largo crowds in attendance despite a iioavy snow 'storm , Much aympathy was manifested. FiamiNO A MOM. PESTH , January ( ) . In a gonflict at Izbock between peasants and farmers of the crown property , two gendarmes -who interfered were sot upon by a mob. Ono of the gendarmes tomahawked auel the other ahot two rioters. 1100UY AKl ) THE MNNEIW. LONDON , January 0. Moody haa begun - gun n miesion at Chapham and Batter- son. Tlio sorvicou were largely attended , Sankoy did not aatitt in the exorcises , owing to the death of his father in New castle , Pa. Pa.A A OHANOB TO MEDIATE. LONHOK , Jiuniaiy ( } , It U stated that ' IVeng , the Chincao embassado'r , will " ortly pioposo to Franco mediation by either England or America in the Ton quin question. A MENT.VI. WllECK. HANOVEU , January 0 , Colonel Rath- bone's physician ia of the opinion that the patient will recover physically from liiu wounds , but believes it will'bo neces sary to sum ! him to an asylum. IIlpmY OKOHQK .ASIIOHE. LONDON , January C. Henry George , the land reformer , arrived to-cUy frojn America. Uu was received by u largo crowd at the depot and' ' delivered an ad dress. KILLED. LONDON , January 0. A portion of the bridge on the railway between Wigar and Preston collapsed , killing BCVCH workmen , and injuring many others. One car load of eliow-cusos , ovtl and mansard , all sizes , just received at Good man's. nl.--tf ,