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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1884)
6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , TUESDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1884. THE JDAIL * BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , Jam 8 , HATES : Br Carrier -20 centi per week By Mai . - 110.00 per Year ornoE : No. 7 Tcarl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Cheap Railroad Tickets nt Bushnoll's , W. II. Mullano , Jato of The Noola Re porter , now proposes starting a paper in Persia. This being the week of prayer , noon meetings are hold at the Y. M. C. A , daily. To-day is the last chance of securing dcsirnbio seats for Miss Noally Slovens' ' piano recital. Permit to marry was yesterday given to G. L. Stvoonoy , of Oskaloosaand Jon trio Gurp , of Persia. Arthur Walcot ; of thoU. P. , yesterday received the sad news of the death of his father at Oakfiold , N. Y. The stockholders of the driving park association , mot at the court houseat 10 o'clock this morning to elect officers for next year. On Sunday night some thief broke into Sam Ford's saloon on Broadway , and cot away with n bottle of whisky but no cash. Mostayor's Tourists arrived hero Sat urday , and appeared at Dohany's last night. Plattsmouth will bo their next otand. The grand piano which did not r.rrivo in time for Miss Slovens' Omaha concert will bo hero for her recital in this city this evening. Only chance of hearing Miss Stevens before her return to Now York , where she will play under the direction of Theodore - doro Thomas. In fixing the bridge on Eighth street a pile was driven right through the water main , and the break was discovered only when the water was turned on. Anyone who has brains and energy can learn of a good business , needing no cap ital , by reading the special notice of "Agents Wanted" in another column. An information was filed in Justice Vanghan's court yesterday , charging J. Roberta with malicious mischief in cut ting Bomo timber on some land of Ofllcer k& Pusoy. A number of young ladies of the city gave a leap year party at Shugart's block lost evening , which proved highly en joyable. The supper was served by W. T. Braun. Tickets for Miss Stevens' concert arc on solo at Bushnoll & Brackott's. Don' ! forget to secure seats to-day early of there is only a small number of the mosl desirable still unsold. In spite of the intense cold last Thurs day evening a much larger audience than usually is attendant on concerts assem bled in Boyd's opera house to welcome Miss Stevens on her first appearance ir Omaha. The county board of supervisors has changed its political complexion. The old board consisted of two democrats and throe republicans. The now board has only one republican member Mr. Frum. John Curtis , a colored man , and Jonnic Oroon , a white woman , were arrested yes terday on the charge of obtaining § 3 ii : money under false pretenses of Mrs , Francis Warner. The matter was sot tied up. The follow Groenwald , who has lately been complained of for obtaining goodi of socond-hand dealers under false pretenses tenses , is now wanted for the larceny o a box of tobacco from a grocery store or Broadway. It is said ho has skipped cu of town. The Waterworks company having as nurod the city council that in case of fir < the hydrants may bo used without tin tt-t \f city being liable , or becoming involvot by the apparent recognition of the con tract , the oity now has a pretty sure fin protection. William Wright , a colored man , wai arrested yesterday afternoon for stoalinj coal. IIo is a simple-minded follow , whi lias been hanging about the streets fo : aomo weeks picking up old clothes , col < victuals , etc. When ho was taken to tin police station ho found there as a com j > anion piece a dilapidated white man , i thorough vagrant , who liad gene un washed BO long that ho was oven darko than the darkey. Two moro ragged , dc jectcd subjects could hardly bo qot sii by side , and as they sat by the stov thawing out and lazily snoozing , oblh ious of all care or trouble , it was hard t BOO where they differed from the o'nimal the difference- any , being ngainstthon Of the two a close observer will fool lik betting on the African. The sight < these two would almost upset the thooi of man being a developed monkey , un nupport the theory that tho' monkey is degenerated man. Heal Estate Transfers , The following deed , were filed for r cord ID the recorder's office , Januai \ 7 > reported for the BEE by P. J , M Mahon , real estate agent : 8 P flaenan to Josie M Palmer , I 20 , block 11 , Riddle's sub , 81,500. George II Champ to J F Kimbalh pa block 0 , Mill add , 8400. MPRohrorto 8 Goldstein , lot 1 block 20. Boors' sub , § 200. P J Montgomery to IIII Montgomor lot 8 , block 0 , Jackson's add , § 2,000. ' M F Rohror to Newton Nutt , lot 1 block 3D , Been' sub. § 200. Edith May Swiggett to James SYoai east A 27 , 75 , 44. 83,000. Total sales$7,300. Win. J , Connor , of the Council lllufti mi He eeUblUbutat will leave this afterao il the 0. M , & Et. F , railroad , for Ualeti lit , on a bu-tueM trip of about ton d yi. WARDENS OF THE WARDS. \ Daylight Session of the City Council , I'nrloiia Matters of Vubllo Intcronl Attended To. The city council mot yesterday Iforo * noon , instead of evening , the object of the change to that time being to got through the business so as to allow the members who intended to go to the gathering at DCS Moines to got oil on the evening train , The mayor and a full board wcro present. The minutes of the last mooting were read and approved , and a largo number of bills allowed. The oity treasurer's report was present ed , showing the following to bo the state of the several funds : General fund , overdrawn , $4,821.d-l ; police fund , cash on hand , § 3,758.45 ; loan fund , on hand , § 2,104 ; sewerage fund , § 278.00 ; literary fund , § 105.10 ; levee fund , overdrawn , § 9D ; judgment fund , on hand , § 87.77 ; total balance , cash on hand , § 1,559,70. The city clerk's report showed the re ceipts of his ollico in December to have boon § 711.20 , of which § 317.70 was from city criminal cases , state criminal cases , § 3 ; civil cases , § 10 ; licenses , § 380.50. The city auditor's report , as nlrondj published in THIS BEE , was received nut placed on file. Auditor Burke stated that ho had r largo number of uncancollod warrants or hand , and there being no vault in whicli to keep them ho thought they ought tc bo destroyed. The mayor , auditor nnc finance committee were instructed tt cancel and destroy the same. Aid. Siodontopf presented a report on the bill prepared to bo presented to the legislature in regard to the issuing of improvement < provomont bonds. Some changes wore recommended and the document thci turned over to these of the aldormer who are to go to Dos Moinca. The trustees of the public library tendered dorod their second annual report whicl presented a fuvorablo showing. Then are 3,01 ! ) books reported as on the cttta loguo , besides the public documents am pamphlets. The increase of the tax fron uno-half mill to three-quarters of n mil would enable the trustees to make tin library morn valuable the coming year There had boon drawn during the yea 18,350 volumes , of whith 10,473 won works of fiction , 2,382 poetry , essays etc. , 1,250 history , biography , etc. , Oil scientific works , 325 philosophy , 207 re ligious , 301 travels. There vras a tola of 27,000 visitors during the year. The trustees expressed themselves a gratified at the number of pupils in pub lie schools who were making use of tin library in connection with their studios They recommended , however , that parents onts take upon themselves some care ant watchfulness as to the manner and kini of reading indulged in by their children It was the intention of the trustees t place upon the shelves only such book as could bo safely placed in any home and yet , despite tins care , the reading c children should bo guided at homo. Th trustees , in speaking of the need of mor room , urged the council to consider sidor the wisdom of erecting , building for library purposes exclusive ! } The report was received and placed o file. file.Alderman Alderman James called attention ti ho fact that terms of th rco trustees , D C. Bloompr , J. P. Cassadyand J. 11. Root had expired , and the vacancies shoul bo filled. A ballot was taken , Aldorma James audMcMahon serving as tollers. ] resulted in the unanimous ro-olection c these thren gentleman. Qoorgo F. Wright appeared before th council to got permission of the city t use some hose , and got some of the mo : to help in making some tests at the hy drants , preparatory to giving the cit duo notice that the company was able t furnish the fire prutoctiun agreed undc the contract. In the meantime ho sai in behalf of the company , that the cit might , in case of fire , use the hydrant without any cost or liability , until sue ! time as the company was ready to mak the tests required by the contract an give the city notice. Ho desired the the council should have a meeting BOO to receive the notice of the completion c the contract and the readiness to furnis the fire protection agreed to. It was decided to let the mayor call mooting , when the water works f ( ready , instead of setting some particuh day.Alderman Alderman James informed the counc that Engineer Williams , of Ohicag ( would bo hero on the 10th inst. to giv his views on a system of sewerage fc Council Bluffs. A resolution was introduced ordorin the filling of Ninth street , from Thir avenue to Fifth avenue , up to grade. On motion it was decided that Pete Mottaz bo temporarily placed in charg of the city buildings until the counc could make definite arrangements , th pay to bo § 2 n day. The city solicitor was instructed t draw an ordinance in regard to the jan torahipand joilorship of the now cit prison : The marshal was instructed to got tl now city jail in readiness at once fc keeping prisoners there , and for Imvir the police headquarters there , and tl purchasing committee was instructed I buy necessary blankets and stores. The council then adjourned to moot the call of the mayor. Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cuttii a specialty , 504 S. Main at. , up stairs. TESTING THE STEEAMS , I'lio AVatorworkH Ooiupany Try V oB tlio IVatoi- , Yesterday afternoon the watorwoi company made a test of the works , it 1 ing more for their own satisfaction th for the city , this test being a proparatc ono to notifying the city that they w < ready to submit to the testa called for the contract. These formal testa v take place at a later date , in the presoi of the council and odicials , 0 , W. Bouton , the engineer of t Knowlcs pump works , is in the city , a the tests were under his direction. A hose was attached to a hydrant the high school hill , and a stream ri water was thrown almost up to the top the tower of the building itself , a gr excess over the fifty foot height call for in the contract , It waa solid stream , too , of over nn inch in diamotor. To n hydrant on Bryant street two lines of hose were attached and two strong streams thrown to a great height. Several other streams were thrown , nnd in every case appeared moro than satisfactory. This will surprise no ono , for as the building of the water works has progressed there has boon proof manifest laid before the eyes of citizens daily that nothing was being done shabbily , but every bit of the work has appeared to bo very thorough , ao that the tests are just what the people expected. A NEW"BOARD. The Connty Soucrmors Moot at the Court House and Organize , William Mynfltcr Clionon ns County Attorney. The county board of supervisors mot yoatorday , there being present II. Kirk- wood , S. B. Frum , S. 0. Underwood , A. 0. Graham , and Henry llishton. The last two named being now members , sub scribed to nnd took the oath of oflico. The board proceeded to the election of n chairman , S. 0. Underwood being chosen unanimously. W. A. Mynstor was elected county at torney and his salary iixod nt100 for civil practice and § 200 for criminal prac- tico. tico.On On motion it was resolved that E. L. Shugart nnd W. 0. James bo requested to represent the board of supervisors in the mooting called nt Dos Moines on the 10th inst. , in relation to roads. The bond of John Bennett for the oflico of county treasurer , in the poml sum of $80,000 , was nppiovod by the hoard ; also the bond of T. A. Kinkland , county auditor , in the sum of $10,000 ; Theodore Guittar , na sheriff , $10,000. The bonds of several justices of the ponce were also approved , nnd the rest of the day's session was devoted to the con sideration of various matters concerning the .assessment of personal property. ABOUT PEISONERS , How tlio Crooks Sent 1'roin Council IllnlTB were llcoolvcil at Fort MntllHon. Sheriff Guittar has * returned from hii third trip to Fort Madison since the dis trict court closed its term. IIo ha ; taken to the penitentiary on these tripi 11 convicts , and has scon them safob housed within its walla. Young Lloyd , the forger , was putinti the hospital , his health being bad. Kas son , who has a short term , four months ia given work in cleaning up and carinj for the colls. Loringor was given ; hearty welcome , as the first tailor wlu has como to the penitentiary for year past , and was given work in tin tailor shop , the head man of whicl has had to break green men ii ifcrotoforo. Ho was glad indeed to go hold of n regular journeyman. J. M Smith , who robocd a man of § 85 at a ho tel , was put at work making wheolbar rows. J. B. .Smith , the mule thief , anc Uhlor , the horse thief , were wet at worl polishing forks. Win. Farnsworth , tin Pacific house darkoy who stele Jake Ho gor's roll of greenbacks , waa lionized ai an old inmate , who ( under the name o Jackson had served one term before , am who had bpforo that served a term ii Joliot. This will bo rather shockinj news to these who had so much confi dpnco in him , and who by their importunities nitios got him oil' with a sentence of enl ; six months Murphy and C. J Smith were sot at work it the chair factory , and O'Briei was given menial work in the same do partmont. "Wilson , who waa caught bj the women while going through Far man's house , proves to bo a follow by tin name of lliuvkins , who served time witl young Kosaou in the reform school som < years ago. IIo waa recognized by a pass enger on the train , and when ho fount that the sheriff know his right name Wilson became very indignant at Kasson whom ho thought had given him away. AVhilo at Fort Madison Sheriff Gmttai saw Polk Wells , who presented hin with a whip , which the Mioriff brough homo with him. It was of Poll ; Wells own handiwork. Ho is not allow cd to g < out of his cell except once a week , whei hn walks to the bath-tub , a short distance tanco away. IIo sits in his narrow col day after day , with not room onoujl hardly to take two stops , and his enl ; chance to walk is when ho takes his bath which gives him about a hundred foot n exorcise , once a week in summer , am once in two weeks in winter. OLD GOLD. llovr It Unit Boon Kept by llcllrln ] Coroner Faul. Yesterday Coroner Faul retired fror ollico , to intko room for his successor , U H. Council , In turning ever the olt'ect of the oilico to the county boivrd lie calle Attention to the fact tlmt in Octoboi Q 1870 , ever four years ago , a Frenchman a stronger in the city , nur&od Franco : Grig , died auddonly tit the transferwhor ho was stepping ever night , having com in from the west. The old Fronchma the night before refused to eat any suj per , because , as ho claimed , ho had n money. During tlio night ho was take ill and in the morning was found dead i his bod. On holding an inquest , abut ir § 500 in gold was found on his porsoi After paying tlir expenses § llb ( in go ] was loft , and as no heirs or claimau have ever appeared , Coroner Faul hi hold the money ever ainco , end kept hid from thieves , preserving the idonti al gold found on the dead man , nnd ye U ) torday ho laid the same gold on the Jc : ry of the county auditor and took his r coipt for the eamo. Thn board ordert in it placed in the poor fund subject to tl order of the heirs , if they shall o.or a ill . pear. CO George 11 , I.lcUor , who who has bo lie traveling for Duquette , ( Julbert & Co. , b id now taken up his grip for Soiuera k Co. , St. Joo. 311 Ch&rlM 11. Couea , of Imlianaixdii , who of Intoreated In a largu o\or ll iimnufacto of there , l la the city and making hta hes at ( | uartors t tha Ogdeu. William Kepool , of CWcago , ono of the fi 1'ithlau KnlKhU In the land , Is iu the city , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special -dvcrll oment * , such M Lost , Pound , To Loan , for Sate , To Kent , Wanti , Board- In ; , etc. , will bo InMrtttl In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the Bret Insertion and FIVE CENTS run LINE ( or each subsequent In- Bortlon. tears odiortlwmcnta at ourofllco , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Droadnav WANTS. , with i nj , totlilhcr Tur. Urn. WANTED K\ cry body in Council nlulTito take TiixtlKi. Uollrcrcd by carrier at only twenty cents a week. A ( IENTS WANTKD-In orrry town In Nobranka ! \.to pretont the belt mutual bencfloUry life Inmir * ance cnrnpany now tncorporateil. Acth men can make lurne Falarlci. Oood rcfer'nce tc < | ulr < l. Aildrci j , W. Jim oflico , Council Dluffi. \\7'ANTED To trailn ( or city projicrty , n stock o ( T > books , blank book ! , ulrxlow curUIni , and n general line o ( stationer's Roods. A good bargain olTcred. Call or address It , E. 1'almcr , new opera house block , Council IllufTs. A situation as housekeeper. Would WANTED the country , licit rclertncxi given. Address Mrs. J. 8. , 704 Washington Mcnuf. Council niurn. OI.I ) I'At'KUS-Kor sale at Dun ofllcc , at 25lccnU a hundred , FOIl IlKNT Two largo handsomely furnished rooms , at 62 } Kint avenue Will bo Ut slngl ) , or as a suite to partits without children. JACOB SIMS. E. P. CADWELL. SIMS A , CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCH , BtUFFS , IOWA Ofllce , Main Street , Hooms 1 and Shugart & Mo- Mahon'a Block. Will practice lu State and t-drnl oourtj W.R.VAUCHAN. . . . Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council BlulTs. Heal estate and collection agency , n Odd Follows ock , o\cr atvlngs Bank. , JauSj- R. Eice M. D. ' nhcr | tumors rcmotecl without the knlfo or ilr wlnKOl blood. CHRONIC DISEASES" " " < " * * Over thirty } curs eipcrlcnca. Olllce No , 1'carl street , Council Jluff ) < 4TConiultatlon tnt JOSEPH GAGHEG-AN. HARD WOOD AND -COAL Corner Main street and Eighth Men ue , Coun Dlufts. J"Lowest rates and prompt dclhcry Mrs H J Hilton M D , , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Middle Broadway , Council BluOfc , WINTERRESORT. _ SILOAfil MINERAL SPRINGS. 3NTo , . We irua'Biiteo ' tlio euro of the following named ills- ( leases , or no imj : llhcumatlsm , Scrofuln , Ulcort , Catarrh , a 1 Illoou indiltlnilhcaica , UvipcpsU , Liver Comililnt | , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Ncn- ralgla rind Asthma , Thcsa Sprlnggaro the favorite resort of the tired anl ileWlluitml , nnd nro tlio FKKIIM : LAWI-H DKST FIIIKNU , Good hotel , livery ami bathing accnrnodatlon doth n Inter and summer. Locality highly picturesque nnd healthy. Accessible bv Waoish railway , a Evona , or C. , B. & ( } . , at Albany. Corrcopondcnc solicited , HEV. M. M. THOMPSON , Manager. 811 cam Springs , Oorn , 1' . 0. , Gentry Co. , Mo. TIIOS. orrtcBK , u. ti. rcan , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs ' In. Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Homo Securities We have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As we buy above goods of Manufacturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , we are enabled to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordcis piotnptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Towa OOJ BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. B and Curtains Also many noulttcsln HOUSE FimMIISINO GOODS. Call and see us , CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DEAT.KBS IN BULK AND IJAimiX LIME , LOUISVILLE AND VOKTLAND OEMRKT , MICHIGAN PLA8TE11 , HAIH AND SEWEU I'll'E. No , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL DWrrs , IOWA. THE FINEST of the Season is One of Those Made to Order by MERCHANT TAILORS. No. 7 and 9 Main Street , Council Blufs , Iowa. OD3C3Et.3aaT03FS.Tr , OOTJ3XTOIIJ TnTJTvT W TJ A TDn ATTOUNKY AT LAW. MANAOF.II OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- J UH1N V V , DiLLIViJ , IT COLLECTION AUENUV. Offlca corner Broadway ami Main utruet. TfYtTr\T "DTPTVm JtPi'l aKNKiui. MimciiANDlsa JU.tL.lN JjJJlNU 02) ) UU , 18 Main Btreot and 17 1'oarl Btreol T\/T / A V T\/l \ nTJ"M CUESTON HOUSE. IVI A A MUHrJ , Hotel , 217 and 1D Main etievt i Ui . W.H I J Jit * Corn Main and Fifth up-nUlrs. Itunld'once , SCO Willow avenue. JUSTICE OF THSl'EAUE. NQnUTTDiy , Ofllutf oior Aniorjcan Expreaa. -IKT A n TVTPP LIVEllY AND FEED , SO VV XJVJ IN l lit Will oontnuA for funeral * nt rtAsonnlile rateB. ia Pnurth etreet J , M , ST , JOHN & CO..OASH BUYERS , Pratt by return mall. H8 llro d av. MKKCHAKI TAILOH , JxUUlli TrnntT Stock Ctoplet * . Bulta nadet > geuonabla prVm. Nn. SOS Main St. ! " CONTKACia AND BU1LBKII , Oft/ITrntT G"D Cormr 7th and HroaUw ay. Plain grid pocl-c-tVt > oa lurnUlicd. T A fl/rfC / "PT3 A TVTPV KKUCHANT TA1&OU. dAlx-XlO rJClAiNJult Artl tloWork > aAro-aonabl8 cV-tye * . 872 Uroadn-y < Nr\-fcT FintwrruuB btov-ia , & O UiNoJ lloiaehoM Buppllo . 8o3 IlroaAy. . S , tTATm AT10IINEVS A'Sl-iW , OS D 1 , June Block. _ I'raetlctf In Uind federri iicurta. Q A "MTTP A TJITTR/T / And batn homo , 421 _ - 43 Uroajuay. U Sovereign , proj p. J. Monl O AIM 11 Jill I U M umnery. M. P. I'hyglcbn. ' JUSTICE oy TUB WCAOK , PTYWTTVT T A'DTJnTnn LO JU-JVVXiN -JJjjDUJL-lt KoUrvVuMUi-nd Q nertl Coii > BT noer. iUBro-dway. D"DTriT > "D TTf TTar SMITH fcMOUTOK , LVD VJlVLl BroidM.y rX ltoNewOiicmIIuuire. IlcflttuJ | l , 1.60 p id A Large Assoitmont of Hard and Soft Coal STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES Being left over , must bo sold at your own prices. I need to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. Empkie Hardw are Co Hardware 109 and 111JS. Main Street , * ? COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS JSolci. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished 3E . JT. 3VIo3VI V.3BCO3Xr No. 4 Pearl Street , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. BEOHTELE'S uropean Hot The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , owly furnished and all modern improvements , and ia centrally located. PETER BECB TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OF COUXCIti BLUFFS , O "V" TI1EIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , 3S . , January 1st , 1884 , HAVING SECURED WEST & FIUTCHEIVS OLlJ STAND , t. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOU id SEAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lota and Lands in the County. Our line of Stoves is the inos. . complete in no city nnd includes all the most Desirable Pafterns and Latest Improvements ! Wo have hammereu the prices down as thin ns they will stand without breaking , nnd you nro invited to cnll mid see how thick the stovea are in comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Tickel , slightly tarnished , nt n reduction of § 5.00 each. 504 Broaaway'and 10 and 12 Main St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU GCTSDJin OF FITCH BROTHER'S CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest Bil'lno MMH Collars and Cud * . To. 715 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. M. GALLAGHER. O O _ E3 3F3L Now Store , Trull Goods , Low Prices and 1'ollto Attendants. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } PSTEE C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND UKTAH. Paper and Window Shadesand1 Painting in all its Brandos , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. GROSVENOR & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. "FROM NOW UNTIL ; XTRA 111 nil our Boots and Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss this chanco. S A. PIERCE , 100 Mura Street. RUBBERS ! Oar upocch ia short , but to ti * point. Uest Chicago discounts ovey day in the year on Rubber Boots , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and. EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders , Or second quality Boots wo are introducing' 'nro bettor than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,