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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1883)
DAY WE CELEBRATE. ' datable Amount of BlojUsheil H Bnllcts Mark the Kalal Day Down Sonlli , riio Negroes of Yazoo Blaze Away at the Whites and Start Several Punorals , i , Wfhilo a Texas Town Gomes Up f ? Grinning with Throe Lynoh- ings and Three Fatal Shootings , 'HumanVrccks In Other Fires and Other Facts. AND SHOOTINO AND LYNCHING. Texas , Dccombor 20. t'McDado special says : Monday . .st ftt 11:30 : , Henry Ploillor , Wright CeEanioro and Thau McLamoro were i a saloon here by fifty well ; , armed.Vfma3ked men , carried into the . hanqod to a trco. Tliad Me- 'as under arrest at the tinio , glwvi rig boon Ink on early in the evening I H tlia charge of burglary preferred by fjfcJJS' alkor , of this town. The other f two " * happened to bo present when the " - - , arrived. PfoifTor was under ; as a horse thieft in this couu- six friends nnd rola- | To-tIay men , - I f { those hung , como to town and fda quarrel with Tom Bishop and Ke'Millomand a fight with shot guns i.Mx'-8hootors ensued. Two of sex- iSrVTack Bayloy and Asa Bayley , were _ : . , the third , Haywpod Bayloy , [ Tbiidlyjwoundod. The remaining three fyfaiped ; Willis Griffin , an estimable "UnjjfjCiti/on of McDado , while assisting illom and Bishop to defend themselves , a'ahot through the head and mortally iuadod " by Hay ward Bayloy. . Tlio five ' " the two McLamores , two Bay- L PfeilTor , are lying in the market saSeJyet unclaimed. It is thought ' ds will como to-night and the trouolo A YAZOO TKAOEDY. _ _ _ i CITY , Miss. , December 2C. A | * erriblo tragedy was enacted Monday John T. Posoy , of the firm of _ is & Posoy , a most estimable young manhighly connoctodwoa insulted VlJJohn James , a negro butcher. Going r , and getting some frionaa Posoy ro- tenod to where James was last soon. Without warning the party fired and John Posoy , Garnet Posoy and Jasper fichols were riddled with buckshot and | igatantly killed. A. 0. Eliot was dan- \gerbusly wounded , and Fritz Haldorer ' lightly wounded. The negroes had or- _ " and under cover of intense darkS - S ass shot them down. The whites wbo cfrained from shooting because the Ijttroota wore full of boys and men not connected with the difliculty. To bare fired would , perhaps , have en to kill many innocent Imcn and children. Only ono of the Fnegroea was approtonded. The city [ -council at a mooting yesterday the mayor Errreat nngj resolved after investigating ' the causes leading to the tragedy , that j'tho difficulty resulted from personal alter- 1-cation between Posoy and James and ! that the friends of both parties were l&drawn into the conflict. Neither politics Lnor race prejudices actuated either party , T mes was killed this morning by citizens rhilo resisting arrest , ho having first fired "irco times. A NIOUT IN THE MOUNTAINS , ton DecemberSC. Furtljorparticu a of Friday's terrible disaster at Vir- iniu mine , near Ouray , . are juat re ived by special messenger to Montroso. r _ mediately on receipt of the news , a party consisting of 31 left Ourayto bring "tho dead. The journey to the mine Jnu made in tl.o face of great perils , as a " " , t storm was raging. Having cared the wounded and improvised sleds for . . .jo bodies , the party started to roturn. fWkon the Oumborlaia baiin was reached Teccond snow elide descended , but being ill the lookout all succeeded in reaching te odgQ of the avalanche before it struck iem and thus escaped instant death , 'ha sleds containing the four dead bodies , Swever , wore carried 2000 foot down ' 'mountain side and then hurled over irocipico five hundred foot high , where must remain till spring. The party y reached Oiiray nearly dead from lUstion. JUMPED TUB TRACK. _ WIIUHY , Ponn.pecombor 20. Early Lmorning the Erie mail train jumpcc uck here , and crashed through sov gears. Two passenger coaches won bled nnd seven box cars smashed I'-Whoolan , fireman , was mortall ; dod. The passengers escaped wit ! A NEW ORLEANS KIU.INII. OULKANH , December 26. Wm w.ujry , a prominent ward politician Ijawtutant superintendent of markets " tot and mortally wounded yosterda ; Tgiimbling saloon , by Dud .Ilonand 'of ; the proprietors of the establish McOaflery died lost night. QUENCHED HI.H THIRST , O. , December 20 , Henry oodor , son oi' a wealthy German 1th half a dozen friends , at an earl nr yesterday morning , attempted tc : into George Oisaro's saloon for th pose of getting drinks. Ossaro ha | bviously refused to soil on the groun A they were drunk. On making th ck , Edward Eyring , brother-in-law eire ire , shot from a window and killo ing Hchrocder. TEXAS SHEIIMAN , Toxss December 20.- The I of desperadoes terrorizing the north- it c portion of this county , when raided ght the fastnesses of Red river bottom , " , nn unoffending negro nt Pottovillo jifday and since murdered n white fat Dexter in Ccok county , where ; . also burned a church and school Deputy SheriH's May and Kelly | a posse of citizens left last evening I lur the brush. The parties guilty | > Pottovillo murder are known and ) readily identified. HT. LOUIS OKI M KB. OCIH , December 20. D. 0. Gib- Jef actor in the tragedy at his .rding house Monday evening , eterday. John Buflintou is in a [ 'condition. R. Jones was arrested yesterday | f the Perry villo , ( Kansas ) post- Ifoyr nighta ago of $000 in money in stamps. IN JAIL. s , Texas , December 20 Ulysse ( on of Jcssio Grant , relative ol ' "ont Grant , WM arrested to-do ; * charge of burglarizing a house tripe , J -New York State foil cream , latol Yeomai * Uc ; New Ywk SUV ) full nnd purloining pistols which were after wards sold. Ho was ronmndcd in dc fault of 8500 bail. This is n second tinio within n few months that hens nr rested tor stealing. SNATCH HD VllOai THE UU11N1NO A SMAtt , UnR AT KEAUNI'.V. SpocIM DIspatcli to TDK DEK. KBAUNEV , Nob. , December 2(5. ( Aboitl seven o'clock lost evening n fire broke out in a tenant house located near the business portion of the city and belong ing to P. W. Wilioil. This nnd an nd. joining house owned by W. L. Nash were rapidly consumed. The timely efforts of the fire department nnd mimorouscitizons prevented further conflagration. The tire is supposed to hnro originated from an explosion of u lamp or defective chim ney , no ono being in the house at the time. Loss estimated from $1,500 to 82,000. Insurance will nearly cover loss. riitKs IN ST. LOUIS. ST. Loum , Dccombor 20. The largo flouring mill of George 0. Thilonora nt Capo Girnrdonu , Mo. , burned yesterday. Loss $00,000 ; insured. Another serious lira occurred between throe nnd four o'clock Tuesday morning , totally destroying the furniture estab lishment of Neidoringhaus , northwest comer of Tenth street nnd Franklin nv- onuo. Thd vnluo of the stock is $00,000 ; insur. ana 3 $57,000 ; loss not ascertained. The house furnishing store of _ Charles Noid- csinghaus , in the same building , was also burned. Ho values his stock and ma chinery at § 30,000 , insured for $20,000. Loss on building owned by the St. Louis stamping company , $20,000. Wnrron nnd John Corgan , firemen , were nearly suffocated in the building nnd had to jump from the second story window to save their lives. MII.I. IIUHNKD. MiNNEAi'OM.s , December 20. The Tribune's Red Wing ( Minn. ) special saya a fire yesterday morning destroyed the building owned by Buckhart/ , Miller & Hadler , at Rod Wing. Loss , $25,000 ; insurance , $5,000. FIAT MONEY. Schemes or Congressmen to Keep up tlio Circulation. WASHINGTON , December 20. Mr. Bucknor , chairman of the committee on banking and currency , is preparing n bill to introduce when congress ro-convones , providing for issuing of treasury notes without legal tender quality , to take the place of bank notes going out existence. The purpose is the same as that of the bill introduced by Bucknor the first ses sion of last congress. The proposition of Comptroller Knox to take off 1 per cent of the tax on circulation , and allow banks to issue on market valub instead par val ue , is not favored by the chair- chairman of the banking and currency committee. Bucknor says if the plan of Knox was successful in avoiding contrac tion of the circulation of bank notes , it affords but temporary relief and in seven years from the present , when it becomes necessary to begin redeeming 4t per cent bonds , there will bo a recurrence of the present trouble , The national bank sys tem cannot live without a national debt , and as that debt is being wiped out grad ually and certainly , "Bucknor is of opin ion it is time to prepare for a permanent circulation. Ho is not fauorably inclined to removal of the tax on circula- ion , giving as n reason that while in eastern states "where the interest is low circulation is not a valuable franchise of banks , but it is valuable and worth all the government asks in the western states. Bucknor says the franchise is still moro valuable because the rate of interest there is higher. The originator of the proposed measure is doubtful if the probability of any legislation upon the subject the pre sent session , owing to the diverse opinion among members. Dingloy , who heads the list of republican members of the committee on banking and currency says the most important question relating to national banks is that of providing for the stability of circulation. He thought but two plans proposed to this end were practicable. Ono was to provide for the issue of circulating notes to an amount equal to 00 per cent of the market value of bonds deposited to secure circulation. After a hasty examination of the list of members of the committee ho said ho was of opinion , this plan is moro likely to find favor with the committee. Ho would not venture an opinion as to the treat ment the other plan ho had in mind. APTEUNOON MARKETS. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , December 20. Hogs Receipts 11,000 head ; market quiet niul slow and 10(5 ( Ific lower ; light , $500@fif > 5 ; rough packing $5 005 r > 0 ; lioavy packing and shipping S5 00@0 10. Cnttlo Rooolpts 3.COO head ; qulut nnd dull exports , gG 00@li CO ; common to choice , $4 0 ( © 0 00 ; butchers' , $2 30@4 10 ; stockcre , $3 0 ( @ 4 0. NBW Yor.K , December 20. Wheat Lower and dull ; No. 2 red for January , SI l''J@ 1 13 ; February , SI 143@1 15 ; March. 81 16V @ 1 irjj May , 81 20i@l 20jj Juno , § 1 20tf@ 1 201. Corn Dull , lower and heavy1 ; mixed West ern , cash , 4@G.r ! ) ic ; futures , &t@G9c. Ottts Better but quiet ; western , 3'J@44c. Pork Quiet and unchanged ; 810 00@15 25. Lard Dull and lower at $11 16. FKOniA rilODDCB. PKOBIA , December 20. Corn Market steady : now mixed , 4C&4Gc & ; now re joe ted , Gate-Scarce , firm ; No. 2 white. 33ic. Whisky-Firm at SI 15. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO. December 20. Wheat Steady ; OC3o for December ; lCJ@UCic ) for January1 ; SI Oil for May. Corn Higher ; 01 jjo for December ; Clfc for January ; 01jj@Glto for Jilny. Oats Lower ; 33o for December ; 34 go for January : 38jjo for Hay. llyo fiOo , Barley COo. Flax Seed-8143. Pork Lower at $14 10 for January ; $ li 30 for February ; S14 bO for May. Lord Firmer at $8 80 for January ; ? 0 12J for Fcbntary ; 89 25 for May , MILWAUKEE PllODUOB , MILWAUKEE , December 20 Wheat Marknt dull : 03/o / for cash ; STioor December ; ODJo for Janitnry ; SI OIJ for May. Corn Low cr at COc. Oato-SJo. llyo-CL'c. Barlev-OOic , BT. LOUIS. ST. LouiB.Docember 2C. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red , 91 011(5)1 ) 0' > ] for cash ; SI O.J for December ; $1104@1 lOJ for May ; No. 3 red , il91jlc. ) Corn Higher : 47 ® 18i for cash : 48o for December ; 48J@18c for January ; 55i@55go for May , Data 30i@30Jc for cash ; 31 Jc for January ; SGlo for May. / Uutter ( Julotj dairy , 20@20c ; creamery 80(335c. ( ! Uarloy 60@58c. Flaxveed $1 40. Hay Unchanged ; prairie , 810@llj timothy thy , 810@15 00. Uran Unchanged at G3@C3tc. Com Meal-2 30@2 35 , 12c : 8hotuckotB'l01-2c ; do 88 , 12c ; live d in' * blue 29.00. 425Ipi IMS Arnoekeng , blue and brown , 10 l-2c ; A HAPPY WEDDING , Two or Omaha's YOUIIK 1'eoplo Imunuh Upon the Spa or I.I Co In the Matrimonial lloat. On Monday evening Inst there was very plonsmit and Imppy wedding at the resilience of Julius Bernhard , No. 121 ! ) Iloward street. The contracting parties wore Mr. Theodore llixgotutin and Misi Eleanor Kate Bornlmrd. The llov. Fnvzor , pastor of the Oor man Lutheran church , performed the ceremony , nftor which n reception was tendered the happy couple. A largo number of the friends of the Family wore present and extended their licarty congratulations. A hrst'Closs supper was served and the table was loaded with all the delicacies which the season adonis. Many costly and useful prosonto were received by the happy people. The fes tivities wore continued until n late hour. The groom is a bookkeeper for Poycko Bros. , nnd is n trusty and faithful man , md together with his amiable wife , wo iopo , willilont peacefully down the stream of time to the vast ocean of eternity. Christinas Dinners. At both the Millard nnd Paxton hotels 'catorday elegant dinners wore served and n largo number of our citizens par- ook of the repasts. The bills of faro wore elegantly nnd tastily gotten up. At the Paxton a Pine roast of beef was ecoived with the following attached : "This roast of beef woa cut from the iarcass of the imported Hereford steer Marmion , ' n prize animal in the class of hroo year olds at the late Chicago fat took show exhibited by Ooorgo Leigh , ioccher , 111. , and slaughtered by John ford , the Adams street outchor , Chicago , 111. Compliments of P. E. Her. " ON TUM TAItlFF. Clio Great Hrooklyti Prcnchcr Talku About thoInliiltlC8 ofthoPro- tectlvo.Sj stem The Trib ute WruiiR from Iin- borlug ; Men. New York IIor lil. After an old-fasliionod noonday dinner , ostorday , Rov. Henry Wnrd Bocchor hrew himself into an arm-chair in his pleasant little study and talked right head to a Herald reporter upon the ikolihood , in his opinion , that tariii oform would bo the great question in , ho approaching presidential campaign. "I stood by the cradle when the wpub ican party wosborn"began Mr. Boochor. 'I liavo worked for its existence for years and years and years ; I liavo been n all its vicissitudes , and I fool a profound ntercst in it a historical interest in it. Jut it has always gene wrong on this ubjoct ; and now that all other questions are laid aside for I think that it is im- lortinonco to open the southern questions igain I feel as if the republican party , f it expects a longer lease of power , has ; ot to moot the demand which has only ust been made , but which is going to swell louder and louder. In the first > lace , I don't think that the manufactur- ng states the workingmen nro going o bo , as they have boon , in favcr of ugh protection. I think they are begin ning to see the illusion and the deception ; hot is practiced upon them , which is a doublefold one. The stimulation of any 'orm of manufacturing by an excessive : arill' instantly carries an amount of cap- tal into that very direction , which pro duces a rivalry hero at homo. There are more iron furnaces than are necessary to supply the homo demand for iron ; there are more woolen factories than are neces sary to oupply the demand at homo for woolen goods. It is the same with cpt- , on , and it is coming to bo the same with all the products of the farm. Wo are manufacturing moio butter , more choose , we are raising more beef and more hogs , ; hnn this country can consume or begin to consume , and it is therefore indispens ably necessary that in sotno way or other wo should got a larger market for them. "But the wall that keeps men out on the ono aide keeps them out on the other. The tariff iriay primarily prevent the im < gortation of goods manufactured abroad , ut directly and indirectly it also prevents our carrying our surplus goods into the markets of the world. In manufacturing the raw material , the staple elements , the interest on fixed capital , and so on , are incompressible they remain about sto' ' tionary nnd when this glutcomes there is but ono way in which they can contract , and that is by first knocking down the wages of their men , and if that creates row , then the next thing ia to shut up shut the foundry , shut the manufactory and in that way , if you take the receipts of the laboring men with all thcso deduc tions , I don't ' think that , on an average they got any moro. than they do n Europe. And thea you must add tha 10 things for which ho spends his money n this country have been stimulated in rice , carried up for the sake of the mor liant and the farmer ( for they have ai : ntorost ) ; so that when ho comes to spend lis monoyho _ buys less with it than h ould by with the same sum in Europe , nd I think the workingmen are getting liis idea more and moro thoroughly into boir minds. I have hold from the very eginning since I went into an activ campaign on the subject of free trade , liat while it is important that men in alleges and educated men should have ight views on that subject , in BO far as ampaign policy is concerned wo liavo got o persuade the voters. All theories in ho world are of no tiso if the laborin . men who Jiavo got votes in their hands an not bo raado to BOO that it is their in erost to have a low tariff. I think are getting that beaten in moro and mor o the public comprehension ; and who rou como to bring out the silent vote i lip next campaign I should not bo BUT .iriso'd at all if there were a change that would overwhelm politicians with mir- iriso. If I could hare my way , there- "ore , my policy would bo to lot the demo crats who control congress frame a judici ous bill , not overdoing the reductions , and lot the republican Bonafo accept it and vote it , and that , so OH far an the question of party is concerned , would , I think , bo as conservative a utop aa the republican party could very well tako. " "Where would that place the party ? " "What matter it ? Wo all agree upon ono thing , that as a practical measure the first stop to bo taken is to admit now material free , and the second is to have a sliding scale , year by year , until vro have reduced the tariff to an absolute revenue basis. The moment you say 'with incidental protection , ' you are dead ; you are gene ; every aingln drop of protection in the tariff is dead poison. I wouldn't protect anything. I would make the tariff exclusively for re venue. "Do you imagine the republican party will take the matter up in the way that you Biiggeutl" "No , I'm afraid they won't ; bul chicken * , ' old. * "tier doz , 8i ( XXc3 M'r. t' nu prairie chlckeru per doz. 63 75@400 reab , per doz , 82@35c ; butter , fair cjuaj. ' 11. > far as I oan possibly bring any InJlji enco to bear i would urge the rcpuh hcans to advocatrt A revenue reform , nnd save themselves in the near future by do ing it. " 'And if they don't do that wnl ? " "Well , if they won't do that and gc overboard I shall bo very sorry ; out I ain't going overboard with them " "You mdnn that you will become i democrat ? " "I certainly shall not help any candi date in tlu republican party by MI advo cacy or a seeming advocacy of protection. You know exactly how that would be. If I had any influence- all it would neces sarily bo adverse to those who uphold protection. " ' 'But would you go over to the demo cracy ? " "If the democrats should come out for raw materials free nnd n sliding scale from year to year of reduction of the whole tariff an oven cut if they should do that , the democratic pirty would como to my ground , " responded Mr. Bocchor , with a smile. "But with mo it is not n question of party , although I have my ntllliations. 1 am not a politician and my thought is purely and simply what is best for the country. 1 have got no olllco to keep and none to solicit ; I have got no inthienco that 1 am afraid of Solitical aumginif. I stand as a .spectator nnd look on. " "Do you think thn election of Carlisle - lisle has defined the democratic posi tion -and improved the prospects of the partyl" "The election of Carlisle has had a de cided intluonco , and a beneficial ono. But the democratic party is a peculiar institution , Because it did a thing last year is no reason why it should do the samp thing this year. It has ever been willing to take the government , but has never been willing to sacrilico n _ single thing to show that it had conviction un any ono point. " "There are thousands of republicans , Mr. Boochor , who think ns you do on this question. What do' you expect they will do if the democracy stands squarely on the issue of tariff reform ) " "I think there nro n vast number of men who have heretofore been republic ans and would prefer to vote with repub licans , but who will certainly vote the democratic ticket in that event. The silent voters , I think , are increasing in number. I think the publication of this discussion in The Herald is an eye-opener. It is a good thing to agitate the question. The Herald is doing a great work just now , and I hope it won't get wearied in well-doing. I have hoard a great many men speak of that interview with Mr. Low , for instance , and such a thiug as that is very persuasive to men who are not committed to any party affiliations. Mr. Hewitt's speech last year in the house was n fine thing. Being himself a very heavy iron man , there could bo no imputtion that ho was making a special plea in his own interest. The speech was statesmanlike for the main part , and a good many things of that kind have happened and nro happening. The ex cessive amount of revenue wo are getting in and don't know what to do with Js attracting attention moro nnd more. As a remedy came that proposition which is moro like the proposition of a drunken man than of a man in his souses , that wo should take off the internal tax on whisky and tobacco in order to save the import at our ports. Consider how vast n number of temperance voters there nro in this country , and hew such n thing as that would strike them. For Mr. Kelley to propose that was political insanity. " PROBATE NOTICE * In the matter of tao cttato ot Joseph D. Luce tie cctkied. Nutlce Is hereby given that the creditor ! of slid dcccnBcdill meet the Administrator of said Estate bofoiu roc County Judpo of Douglas County , Nebras ka , nt the County Co jtt room , In mlil County , on the 7th day of February 1S81 , on the 7th tit ) ol April 1884 , and on the 7th diy of June , 1184 , at 10 o'clock A. If. onch da ) , for the purpose of presenting tliclr claims for examination , adjustment and allowance. Six months arc allowed for creditors to prcicut their claims , and ono jear for the Admin istrator to Hcttlo said Estate , from tho7th day ot Doc. 183. this notice will ho published In the Omaha Dally - ly Boo for four weeks biicciwsUclT , prior to the 7th day of February 18S4. A. M. CHAUWICK. [ A true copj. ) County Judge. il 10 ltmv-ju. DISSOLVED. Tlio co-pirtnenhlp heretofore oxlntlng between IT , Spk'irtl & , M. Alirahamf , umler the llrm of II Hpti-gel A. Co , has beendl olvcxl by mutual content , on the mil of December , 1883 II. Hi Iczel will con tlmio the IjuslneoH In hi' now Inlck bullillni ; oppo- Milliard Hotel , and awumo all llabllltlus ol qho Q dlSIow-lt It , AUllAIfAMS. PIIOBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the cxtato of John 0. Jooobd de ceasoil. Notice la hereby glienthat the creditors of said jccasod , ulll nuet the administratrix otaild estate , store me , Couutv Judge of Douglas County Ncbras < a , at the County Court Itoom , In said County , on t > c Ihdayof February 1884 , on the 6th day ot April 134 , and on the 6th day June 1S3I , at 10 o'clock A [ .etch da ) , for the purpose ot pretintlni ; thcli alms ( or examination , adujitmcut nnd allonanco , Ix inojuhs are allow id for creditors to present thtli ialnu , andonuuar for the mlmlntntratrlx toeettlt .Id estate , for the 6th day Day of December 183J IB ! notice vlll bo puhlUhod Intho Oman * Dullv Iie < t four u KB successively , prior to the Mh day o 'tbruary 18S . A. II CHADWICK , [ A true copy. ] County Judito dceO t Jewk PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the Estate of J hn Wlttkojip de Notice la hereby given that the creditor * at lecca ed , will meet the Administrator of oalcl Kxtatc , jelore me , County Judjo olDougla * County , Ncbra * : a , at tto County Courtroom , In mid couuty , on th :0th : day ot February. 1884 , on the 20th day of Aprl" 884 , and on the 20th day of Juno , 1801 , at 10 o'cloci . . in. of each day , for the purpojo ol preaentln ; helrclahni tcr examln tlon , xljuntmont and allow knee. Six months are1 Allowed for crudltorn to tire lent their clulros , and elxht months for the admfnU ratnr to settle said entaU , from the 2 > th day of Do wmber , 18t,1 , this notice will be pub.lihed In tu ) maha Dally Bco fir four week * succosdlvely , prior o the 20th day of Februaiy , 1884. [ A true copy. ) A.M. OliADWIOK , (121-28J4-11 Couuty Jud e. ilattor ot Application ol 1'raiik J. Kaipar for Liquor MCCIIMJ. NOTICK. Notice IB hereby Khan that Frank J. Konnar did iiton the 21th day of Doc , , A. I ) . 188:1 : , nio Ills ap- illcutlon to the mavor and city council f Orniha for ICOIIBU to Hell malt , klrltoiH ) and vliioiiH liquorn ut lohemlan Hall , latli Htrlri > t unl , Ojimhii , Nch. , roru the llth duy of Jan Igjl , to the llth day of April , 1884. If thire bo no objection , rimonttranro or pro. Lest tiled within two weeks from Due. 21th , A. 1) . SdS/thu Aid llcuiibo will bo ( 'iuntuil , 1'iusK.I. KtHMR , Apiillcant. 'Dio Omahn Ice neuepajcr will 1'UblUh the ahmo notice nnco wcik for t o wcul.s at the IXJIVIIMI nf the applicant Iho tlty of Umala l not to bo churned Ihcrcwltli , .23 . 2Mo\tk J , J. U 0. JKWJMT , City Clerk. Mattel of Application of Kavln A I'A'lk fur r.iciuor Met nte. NOTICI : . Notice lit hereby { Then that Kavln A. I'alllc did upon .osnh'.liy ofDoomiber A. I . ISfcl , Illu lil < nipl | . catlun to the inavor and city council of Omaha , for license to tell uialt , iplrltiioui ami ilm.iu llqiio at oorner'lhlrtunthund I * enwcirthstri.ct , 2d ard , Omaha , Neb. , from the llth day of Jan. WI. to the llth day of Aplll 1SSI. If there bu no objection , remonitranco or protect filed within two wtek from Dtc , 24th , A. 1) . 188J , the Bald llwnsu will be iraiiteil iraiiteilKAVAN&J'AMK , _ . Applicant. The Omaha HPO newiiiapcr will puhll h the above notice nce each week for two waokn at tlio vxuentt of the aiipllcaut. Tlio city of Omaha 1 * nut to U charKOd therewith. 628 Jt-lewk J , J , r . C. JKWKTr , City Cleric. . . of the human body tularvod , detelopod and strengthened etc. , U an Interettlnv advertuement IOIIK run In ou paper. In reply to luqulrlet ro will uy that there ll 1 no videnc of humbuK about thl * . On the oontraiy the advertlter are very highly endorsed , Intcrctntw penon * may get aealtil circular ! glrlag aUpartlo law by ddr lnr Krie Medical Co. , . 0 tot Iluflafa N Y.-iToledo KTMIDK IIUCI ulure dMar. tto. . lidflnu trltd la vafn itn I * jmtdy bit dl cot reJ t eluiplt nuank of lf I N , lcuhewm.encU'niJ-toLI ) [ - ufItr.r . ' . J. IL UtilVEH. O CUtUmUU Mow York. SPECIAL NOTICES TO WAH-Monev. M ONRV TO IXAN-Th lowort rate * of lnf rc ! D nila * Uifm AKCDCJ , Uth ft DOII IM SUt \ rONKY TO IXJAS In ram < of IfO' and uiiwAril 1)1 0. 1" l > t\m Nl Co. , lliul rMt and TA < Agcnln , Ifo5 f < rn in t .tos It M O.VKY TO IXAN-J. T. Dcatty oan M ohatto property , 111 South t4th Ht. ( U-clfl I1ELP WAMTBU. Hltiutlcmi U fh lit. full 7 lei 9 , . . . . o\n 1MO Douglas tfrett. MI-S'I VyANTKD AMit * for AutanMV Cm Durmr MS-MI ll'ANTKD-Olrl to do jfn ral Iwnirwotk , at 1110 M Ktrntmatrtrt. 613 ! 7 YIT'ANTKD A Rlrlto di general hwroe-nork at TT SUB California St. N 201 I7ANTM A ( rooil ultl t th Wfrtern hou > , I 10th anil Here * > trtct . MS 2S | \7AMKD-Men ami woircm tu nUrt iww buil. ncM ftt their honif. . No pcJillInf ; : W to f > 0 rU. an hour inaOo. 9en < \ in ronU lor twtlvo tiwni > lMaiul Instruction * . C. K. IIOWKX , llrookton , Man * , Itux 31,1. tlMroJOt KI > Allml cU'acook ntCon\morcUllIc.tcl. Coin , Iowa. I'.lthcr hltn or colored , llcxxl Addrrtu "Uonu rclaUIotcl , " \VAKTKI > A Rood Masher nud Ironcr M SICO > IHxlRO street. covtr \\7ANTKD-A ( Icrmaii lady co k at Anrorloui r > home , f2) Doujrlai street. | 'Kl ' > OooilivrtUe woman to wait on table and do chamber work , bettvuii 11 am ) 12 o'clock , WHRCJ $1.00 per week. Incinlro at \\7ANTKD A few r > ( ; ciils Inimnllatol ) , Omaha Hto\oItcpalr\Vorks , 10D8.14thSt. 4Vliu | T ADIKS Oil YOUNO MR.V In city or country to .IJ take nlrc , iK'ht amiiiloasant work i\t tliolr o\vu honicv ; Si t" > W a day wwlly nnil nulo l ) majcjotk rent by mall ; no o in\i lnirj no mMini lepU. riiuo ad.lrcsa HcllaMo Maii'tV Co , PhlladclohU 1'i , ilranor TT. 31S tu thur sat 1m 'ANTKD riritcla iillnlniroomglrl9 , at Met- ropolltaii lintel. Apply nt onra. .170 tt irANTKD A Rtrl for K ncral bousuwork. S. T \V. , cor. 18th nnd Famam. \\7i\niod-A ( teed cook , nmlo nr loin 'u , I\IHO ono dlnlnr room girl , Addrvii Sauiulor'n llouto , Friend , Nl ) . SITUATIONS WANTED. \ \ 7"ANTK'-l Uy n ) ownu Inly twhi | { liy tbo d y In > > prhato Ikinlllu * 70 } N. 10th St. , mi atnlri. \X7ANTKD For njoiinifitlrl n pluco to nolat In * T the iaro ot chllilrcn. Iii4iiltunt 1710 lmiilav 632 ! J7t WANTBD To trade , line pair ol r > ad ton , top huirey nn J cloviMo harnmi for Omaha property h'or partlcularn , luqulru of 0. K : ItaJ-no & Co. , lf > oi ) t'nrnain 405 tf UIBOBU.ANEODB WANTD. nll fiunUhci ) htxl mul ulttlni ; room for tno Kciitleinen.ViMit loa.tton mmth ut oiiglan nnd not be ) end 16th utrcct , 1'rlco not no much nn objoctfti comfort. Addrcia ' 'SI. &H."Hro silk o. TX/'ANTKD Tn rout , barn with room for 15 or 20 t > homo * nnd 10 liURifloi. Apjil ) tu O. W. Klnpi. north Nebrnnkn nud low n InluriuicoCo.,210 UitliHt. FOR RENT Houaos and Lots. 7011 IlENT 1'ViO house * , 10 roomn each. All mod' JD crn linprovomonto. Cor. 17th niul Hurt. In < ijulre nt Ilio otnco. fiJO 27 FOIt HUNT An 8 room cUelllntf near depot. A 4 room cottage near llth nnd Cnpltol ve. AtiilrndM room siiltible tor rnrpcnter shop. 536-tf JNO. K. ED\VAU1)3,11I1 rurnam Ht. Ion UEN1' Kurnlsho.1 rooiulaiDl'arnam'atrcot. F 1)82 ) 201 Froll roll UKNT Kurnlshccl 'room nnd la } bnard"al rca enable ratoii at 1S14 Da > unport St. O'Jl-Jl KENT A now store room. AUo one Hat FOK with all modoin lmprorement . lleot reasonable ) to coed parties. Lorcnxcn's Block , cor. ISth and Howard Stroit. 612 tt IT'Olt HUNT A h"\i o of IIto roomi. Inqulrn ol C Thou. Swift , Uth anil CtilcaKo 610 0r UKNT House of nix rooms and htm. In FOU ipilroat U. 8. Hotel , cor. 10th and Douglas Hts. 602-2M FOU RUNT New store , with IMnu rooms nbo\e ( corner Uth nnd JncUon. Oood location for | ; ro ccrj or drug Htoro. Apply to W. J. WtUlians. . Co. City Mills. 40420 FPll UKNT Two nuw cottagon , near Military Ilrldco , In Hhlnn's Addition. Hvo rorma , brick cellar. Itcnt ( l' > ptr month. 402 26t A. J. 1'OPPLKTON. FOP. HUNT A ( urnlahcd room at 1017 Dodjo eticot. 470 25 TTIOll HALK Olt HKHT-A milk and orcnm dnlryt X1 with all necessary nppllancei ( doing n go bualnetu ) . API ly at 2,7 Bouth Fourteenth fitri'ot. 481-26 -T On HUNT-On Capitol Hill , cottanu six room JL ? 2442 Capitol n > tnue. 43218 FOU 11KNT Two new stores onn n good place for aei"C ry oi ciotnlni ; store nml thu other aery desirable place for nrcstturnnt , nio roomi to rent. Cunnlngham'a block 78t'i ' anil Jnckaon. 5D-lm FOU HUNT furnished room 1010 Karnam. 41Q.0 ground UKNT 6 room house , barn , fruit , acn 4 room homo , 2 acres. 14 room house new. AMis : , 260 tf 1607 Karnnm. TpOH KXUIIANUB-Cltyresidencestartiiandbun X1 IIICHS chances. ' J. W. LOUNSUIMY , 2161m 15th nnd Fnrnn'n. UKH1 tlonso BOVOII riioms. FOH tf J. rilll'l'd KOK , 6th nnd Opruco street , HUNT Furnished rooms nn thn northwoa FOR . ISthaudCapltoUvenuo , formerly Crclyhtoi House. 13ltf KENT Uooins In Nehranl .t Natlona Dank FOIl . Moat desirable orticet In the city , Supplied with hydraullo vlovatpr and heated n Bteam. Apply at Hank. B20 tf NIC furnished room for rent nt 910. Urge enong O for two occupants , 1014 Webstorstreet. 849 tf LEASE Four choice lots on20th St. , Ion FOH . N 18th Bt. J. L. Marble. KOK BALH. " 17011 BALE A corner store room , largo and con JU rentent , with &ycar lone , Thefuinltun of nn elegant douhle residence Hou e lullotflr tcI&Mten iit i/&ylDL'l.'iK ) per month ( ,39 , tf J. K. EDWAUDB , 1111 Farnnm Ht. HALK Oil HKNT-A large hoiue , 13 rooms FOU ' for saloon nnd boarding home. Iniiul No. 1810 Tierce street. 620311 BALK A good milch cow. Inquire at th FDIt llcui , 10th and I'leroo BU. 627-281 17 < OIl BALK The best n'ock farm In N' bratkn , i1 about OOOarrei , with full control of n n de track on Union 1'aclflo railway , five miles cant of l-'reincmt. 200 acres In cultUntltm , with a good houtr , 1'ilcv , JJO n r airc , 0. F. DAVIH , ! : CO , , 62331 ItOStnrnambtrcut. 8ALK Three mllon from city , S acres , specially FOU cially BU ted fur gardening , with house , barn , M bearing apple truen , grape vines In Leal Ing , hn'f acre -mparaitu * . ia. , 8ICKK ) . 6U8.3 HIIIUViil ; It ItLLL. J71011 KtlK-l'ortlaiul nnd H.vdl Ildy Uutleri 1 and Hloljlil , at Nn. 1UO und 1U1 DoJfO ttrett. 601) ) ) 1'TlOliaAI.K 1' Oiilj flrnt tluiM hotil In alive tovinof ' two railroad * , Wultnoy llouwj , UiloAo it , la. < JMmit ITtOll HAIjK Pewlotr on IiHuVlWo. . Call ami 1 mu abstraction of tltlo. Juliri 0VIII ! ' 1IH Dodga at. 40J imu FOH H\t 1' A builiicm maim ronldcnoo 8 rooms t Mocki north wmt of I'oit Olllon , J3 K 3 , 83 18Z vacant 0 bloekt N. W off O Hl.SCO. S57-U ll.OAOUi : , oppoulU I' . O. I neil HAI.K Ttirto loti In Hansom plwc. ( 00 ' cacli , ni.iithly | ajmuita. ilcCAUUK. onpoklto ' . O. j o tf TfJ on HAI.B A holosalo uo'lon er jwddlcrii wagon i1 new anil fainy ! , U J. LANAH It UO. 870 if FOIlHALIVMy two tory brick residence , JOlh and Ht. Maryr * avenue. Lnrgu bani , out hoiue , water wor , will arranged , tat 60 > 2 < X > . I'jlrxj t7.600. Best Bargtlu lu Uumba. Call at M. Tutf. 1'eoplo'a Dink. 277 , t I poll HALK n lots , one block west of Park UY 'nuocars. ' Lots 60x160 , Will mil the whole tracl for V7,100 , If told before January lit , 1BH4. Iteal es tate owiien bid tu ) < bargain , U jou call at I'cople'i Bw * . 278 tf _ _ FOH BALK Cholc business property , three loti oor. Baunders nnd Charltw Htreit. U will lay yoi InvejtlgaU thU offsr. CalJ at J'eojJe'i B nk.i W , CO 4NlN'rK AND JONE8 fflU Wit. QAISKUi Uiu > ger , J0ll 8AT.Kmproicd / property , hlch will pixj tliobnj tlio Invoitmont llcntt iorl , ! > 20p f Af-xf All oc wpl l > > J flirt rim ten nnt < Will prt lot JioWl.lf fold noon. All or ono hftif tfttli , halMico , inta to fUe yearn The ibovo In i foment It north ln stii ! lion , ' I'VI ftt Iho rpoil | < > S80H AMIHI.YIH T rtnlpcilhrr U IsXInxordti t lor iprlng Im porlatlm of the bo\e. tltm nine * > * ! " * the < o nt nuctlmi itlcn. Itcforcnrrdto these n'lppllcd. John cCiilloon , 1IL Trmtnnd aw ll nk , 0 M go. ! 03 2mt "TAW SATr 9&f > ol Bto\r , i MT > furntU > T and a A1 larRo qmntrty of oiccllont wtee tor ) t * ° P 1909 tvllftrnla St. PSJ-lmo j'Oll HALK A first clvM tpcontf haudtop bujr 5 Ca < I at 1310 Harntr street , t't FOU 1UI.K Two-rxiTtsoie noi. r . .ltiKirs pcrrei Applynl D. FITtPATRICK , Mi ) tf 218 BoutaMHh Sit eet. ITIOll 8Al Ola nswnwnn in Urg MJ * nusl quantltl < at thli otnci U MISOBLLANEOUa. f ! T Sorrel nuro , 4years nVI , marked "II. JL light Mini lp. Itcwnrd nhtn lfltftn * ( K Ncl- l and lAut streets IOST On Howard brtwten IMh an 1 1.1tkktt.lor i ett 13th between llbward' ' It Farntm , * small puniconUlnlnir tK. Sroiulny morning , Flmler plcone tre a t thli olllce. S"TK&VKD OrTDXTinberSliit , n uninll rcd C' > 'ir .th rope niound tin lionu Information LY to whereabouts * lll bo rewnrdettl nt llMholm t * son'n. 610 28' MAhO hllADK BALI ) , Matunnty , January S'.h , 18S , at II , lltiicrs , one aiulnlalf mlle wttl of Hnnscara 1'ark , 40J-llt EDWARD KUEHL , UAC1ISTKU OP I'ALMYSTEUT AND CONDITION. AUST. 303 Tenth > tre t , bctwnti Knrn m knit Uivr , no- , will , with the Kiel ol gunnllrvn Irlta , obtaining n ) ono Khm-o ot tb | > Mt nil proifnl , tinJ Die corUIn conditions In the future. Knota Mid ihovi \ nn order. I'crtcrt t ! > l ctlon POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlipowdtr never Tnrloi , A marvel of purity itronuh and wholosomunemi. Moro economical than the odluary klndi , nnd cannot be told In competition wlththomultitude ot low toil , short \\clght , alum or phonphnto powdon. Bold only In cnn > . Hoyal lial < hi ; Powder Co. , 108 Wa.ll Htroet N w York. ; Afntlor ( if Application : of Anders Tbilor ! 8011 fur ] < ! < iuur l.tccnse , NOTIOK Nntlro In hcrehv Risen that Anderii Pudor ITaimom did upon tliu UUllday of Dec. A. D. lHS.trlo ) hlsnipl | | . rntton to the Huvnr niul City Uiuncll of Oiimhi . for llrciiKo to null mult , xplrltuotin und vlnoim Liquors , nt N-II. 7(17 nnd 711) llth xbrcut , l i urcl. Omiilia , I Nol. . . fnim the llth day of of Jan. lbS4 , to thu llth day of April ) 1BS4. If there lie no object Inn , roinonktrnnro or protest fllod nlthln tno uouk frnm Dec. 24th A. D. U63 , Uio will llraiiMi will lie in\ntud. ANDUltS I'liDKll IIANSHN. Aiillcnnt. | | . Tlio Onialm IU'0 nt spaRir | wlU publlxh tlieubota Tiotlcoonoevmh w ok for t o cukit nt tlio exnli Q ot the applicant. Tliu t'ltv of Oinnhi In nut t lw charifud therewith. Jl J U C. JKW1OT1. . 63-'Jto.vk. CltvClilrk. Matter of Appllcatlon'of Au iwt HchnlU.for Ucjuor l.lconno NOTICI : . Notice U herein xheii that AiiKUnt Hdailti did upon the 20th dn > of Doueinbor , A. ! > . , 188d , tllo his ap- i llmtlon tu tliu mayor and city uuiincll nf Onmlm , for IKCIIKO tciHcll malt , uptrltuoiH nnd vmoiu liquor i at No. 121 llth Ktreut , ililnnl , Omaha , Nch , from the llth day of Jnnuurv , IhSJ , . to tliu llth duy of April , IBM. If thcro li" no objection , roinoimtranco or protcnt od within twowaekH from Uia Slh , A. D. 15d3 , a nald IkciKu will ho granted. AUUUHT HOIIUITAppllcwit. . Tlio Omahnilcent.K paior | v 111 imblliilr the above Ilio omocach wiiok lor two wctknat thousiNinnu thu npiillcant. Iho city of Uinnhn Is not tube jaruud tlierowlth. M2 2t-lowk J , J. KO. JUWBTf , Cltj Clerk , attir of Ai | | > llcatlon of Mrs. II. A. .lIlKfe'lns for Liquor LiceuiM ) . NOTICE Notice In heruby il\un that Jr ! > . M. A. Hlk'tll" " did ipon the 20th of la , A. ! > . 18S-J , IIu ! bur npi > llcatl n i the mayor nnd city council of Omiilm for Id unto to ,11 limit , uplrltuuiw nnd luoiull'ucra | nt No. 1621 oil u Btiuct , 1th : ircl , Omaha , Nebraska , from o llth duy ot January , A. D. 1684 , to the llth iv nf Ajiril , 1NS4. If tlitro } a no cib- ictlnn , remoiutriii'-u or protett filed wlUiln tno coks from llua. 20th , A. I ) . MS , ho talc ] license * 111 bo Kranttd. ' HUH. II. A. JtlQUINS , lly Uco.III.'Kliu , K1-11' . Atipllcant. The Omalin Dee neuupapcr will publlah thu bovu notlcu mice cacfi week fortuouuoki ) at the xpoimu of the applicant. The city of Omaha U jl tu bu ihar td tburcullli. HO 2t-lowl ; J. J. U 0. JlIWlCTf. City Clci k. utUr u Application of I'rnnk I'honka for Liquor Ll- * tUllbO h'OHCIX Notice In hereby Kltcn tlmt F. I'lronka ilM upon 10 20th duy of 1icA. . 1) , 1843 , tllo M * upillcatlon ] i thoM jor and fltyCoimill ot Oinnhn , lor llixmo j mil Malt , Hnlrltuous ntul Vlnoui llijiioraat nouth. n t cirntr 7tli nnd llurcj Htrcot , Ut " rcl , Omaha , 'oh. fiouitha llth < l j of January 834 , to the iltli iy of April 1SB . If them bo no objettlon rcinonntranne or pretext r.lud within two wcuki from Uuo. 20th A. U 18:3 , the .id llcenne will be ( rrnut > l KHANK PIVONKA , Applicant. Ilia Onmlm lien xowBtiapcr will publlrli the nboio otl once cacli week for two week * at the eipcnue if tliu niiplhant. 'Hie city of Ouinha U not to bo lmriecl ibereviltli. 4U 2t-lewK J. J. U C. JIIWKTT , City Clerk. Uatter of a | > | illuitlon of II. Erdmaii for Llcjuor Llconw , rfOTIUK. Notice Is hvreby ( { hen that It. Krdmanilld upon he l0th ! dny of Don. A. D. 188.1 , fllo lilt nppllratlon o the Mayor and City Council of Omaha , lor Ucenio 0 ncll Italt jilrltuou * and Vliioui Ll'iuorn , at 8 K. omtr 10th unit Duduu Htrmit , 4th ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the llth day of Jan. 1884 , to the llth il.y > f April 18H1. If thuru bo no objection , rcinonetrancu or protcnt nifcl Hhln two tuk from Doo. tifltli A. D. lt 3 , ho tald Iliviuo will bo Rrantiul II , KIIDMAK , Applicant. Tim Omaha Hro iiowngiaper will publlih tne nbo o 'iotli4) oniu vach uiuk for two KIUKM ut the oxponuo 01 thu Dpiillmit. Tto cJty of Onuha h not tnbu ---TBOtl therettlth. J. J. L. C. JKWI'.IT , bITUtlowk. CltyClurk. \\lll euro NervoiuniMi I.uiiilur".llliouiiuiU'iii. I'm nlil < , rtiuruliclu , N.lullrn Kldiuy , Hiiluu nnd l.hir illiiu tdloiit Afcll inn lUni illptufv t'yH i | lu , Cun ll palli li , fMi-fi ilnh , Catniih I'lU" . rpliiifr , iini itiit . til.i < Only ncUntlliuI l c tiu < Ikllin MiurliiitlmtmiicUtluil.leitrUlljranil mnu IK tUm tin ontili HHI In < t ) , und < an liu ret Imrut d lu uii In Hant l.v HIM putli nl hi iiilhtainii fm clMuliir. . . ) ) r.\\.J.IIlhl.Mln : > iulorIUlUbath Ar.tliUoso. SIOOO Would Not Ouy It. li ) : lloitsu-1 WAS allllcluj nlth rlicunntlsni , nnd cured by u lmr a bi'lt. To any unu nlllutoa will that di oa o , I wftu'diny , buy 11 nic'n HuctrioIlcU Any ( ino can iiunfur with mo by wilting or cilllii | nt iiiyttore,1420 DaugUui > triut , Omnhn , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE OiijK ) lts postqlllco. Hoom 4 Frvu mi Illock. Wr\rfaoat ! 0 K. Oocclitan' * Drug Stoic , 111 Fainani tt'ect , Omaha. Ordun tilled 0.0. D. NOTICE TO STOUKflOLDEUS. Tlio nnniul mootlnif ot the btookholdert of Ouiah Oil Co. . for tlie election of director * for tlio unuln vimrwlll bo held ut 10 a. m on the Monday , Januar 7th m at tbo 1'nxton Hotel ut 11 45. . . . , J.T.CLAHKK.Seoy. it lowk to Jan 7 7TAKEN TAKEN UP T l a up November 2Ut , one milo wuth of coun iy farm , three itnyed helftn , nil more or leu roil * nJ.Irb..t ' * < < - . . JAMES BCUNIDEKW1ND , - OnuhNib. t and Yrd , Or , 13tli nnd OalifornlaBtroots , Lots IN THE orrsr OF ( Very handy to U. P. FOB SALE -IN- COLLEGEPLSCE ( Now addition of. SIM lots. PROSPECT PLACE , ( Only 58sLota remaining unsold. ) LOfW'IES3" FIRST A SECOND -AiDBEriQUfS JNearlyallsoldin these 2" additions.)1 AND PL' ' ! TL1 J ft JJ'1 Shinn s third. Addition , (8 ( Beautiful Lots le t. > 0n the lollowing Sfcreetk : CALIFORNIA , BURT , CUMING , IZARD , NICHOLAS , CALDWBLL , . -PAUL- HAMILTON ; CHARLES , * - ? _ _ _ FRANKLIN , DECATUR > * PARKER , - BLONDO AND ON 29th , 80th , 31st , 32d , 33d , 34th , 35th end 3Gth f Streets. ALL INSIDK CITY LIMITS DEAUTIFUU.T TED. STREET GARS Will run out Cuming Street , Early Next Spring -TO- LOWE AVENUE AND THE BESERVOIIu -AND TIIZ- BELT.RAIL ROAD ! | IWIll be running next year within a block or tweet thoie lota. All located within five minute * walk ot MILETARYBRIDGE AND THE TUKN TABLE 0 ? TUIJ t Red Street Oar Line , D Blunders Street and all within , flro mlnuteo walk ol th * t20,0X ( ) SCHOOL HOUSE. On Delaware and King Mrctl * , In Parkci1 * nddf * . tlon. SI SO UPWARDS. ( * * Only 5 per cent down and 5 po * * ' j cent per month. , Tx > ti nnd all other ktnOi D ! Kcal KHata lot in any arU eiry location lu and about Omaha. S10 EACH. CALL AND GET Plats andJFuir Particular * AT B MIS FIFTEENTH & DOUGLAS 8m \ I ; OMAHA , HXB