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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1883)
* f rt' 1 ' JBOtJ tnd 1 [ RTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. WEDNESDAY EVENING , DECEMBER 2(5 ( , 1883. fthe purpose of making room for our extensive spring stock , now in course of manufacturing , B. NEWMAN & CO. , made a great reduction in the prices of their goods and wculd beg leave to call the attention of buyers to the following astonishing low prices : $24.OO Suits $ I8.OO Overcoats $28.00 Overcoats $18.00 formerly $3O.OO formerly $22,5O formerly $30.00 formerly $22.50 22.5O 1C I5.OO " 20.OO 22.50 $15.00 " 20.00 27.00 I2.OO " .16 BO 27.50 1C 12.50 " 16.00 Oassimere Suits from $7.00 upwards. Overcoats , from $5.00 upwards. HILDREN'S CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES. GS-ZEHsTTS' miGSZEHsTTS' t iw miJmjUR mi wool t Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers , Good Undershirts and Drawers , 50 Cents. TIGr & "WIESTIBIEIRQ- , tilks , Yarns , Cashmeres , - Zephyrs , -v , . Brocades , Corsets , Dress Goods , - - Buttons , * > : , . , , , / Ginghams , . , ' Prints , Handkerehiefs * AV ' l ; * > M Muslins , "Hosiery Crashes. . . Pocket Books , Table Linens , . Combs. Table Covers , Brushes , Etc. , Etc. 1. Before Purchasing , bo sure and see TTIR STOOIK : J&JSFJD DPZBIOSS. As we are sure both will suit you , No trouble to show goods at & WESTBERG'S , Cor. 10th and Jackson i WE OFFER YOU NO BAIT , BUT EVERYTHING AT UNIFORM LOW PRICES. REMEMBER THIS. URNITUEE ! i THE CHEAPEST LACK IN OMAHA TO BUY rni -IS AT- EWEY & STONE i ley always have the largest and best stock. STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEB SLEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. 'I H assortment , the best stock , the lowest prices , on , IANOESABOTH CAST IRON AND WROUGHT. i that that defy competition. Call and BOO mo before you purchase. JOHN H. ERCK. 616 and 617 North 16th Street. . J THE LATEST HEWS. A. Kiy Strike In Prospect. Moss HANNON , Penn. , December 20. There are lively prospects of an exten sion of the trouble in the bituminous coal districts of Westmoreland , Blair , Hunt ingdon , Bedford Center , and Cloarfleld counties. The producers are exception ally reticent AS to plana , but it is pretty generally known a reduction of wages in all departments of labor will bo exacted after December 31. The miners are said to bo well organized , and it is estimated fifteen to twenty thousand men have expressed a willingness to co-operato and assist. A general strike is laid down for the 1st of January. The rupture between bosses hero , and the Pitjsburg company r.nd their malcontent minors is not entirely adjusted , notwithstanding reports to the contrary , and an undefined f poling _ of insecurity prevails iu the striking dis tricts. A Colored Convention , CoLuiiuiiH , 0. , December 20. The state convention of colored citizens con vened to-day. There was a largo attendance - anco from all parts of the stateV. . B , Thomson of Delaware , was made tem porary chairman , Ho stated the object of the convention was that the rights of colored people were more and more restricted and Danville out rages show such n condition of affairs as to lead to organization for the protoctioil of all rights belonging to citizens , The decision of the supreme court on the civil rights law was gener ally discussed. The forenoon was occu pied _ in appointing committees on cre dentials and permanent organization. There was some contest ever the make up of the committee on resolutions , " " " " " "The Tjntest Wnfahlngtoii"N'cwsJ # WASHINGTON , Decombor20. Thoissuo issue ef silver dollars last week was 410- 600. Secretary Folgor has recovered his health and resumed his duties. The wife of Gen. Hosocrana ia dead after a lingering illness. Gen. NcKenzie , commander of the de partment of Texas , has been temporarily WIIG- & OTS < fe SHOES Boots for Men , v - Boots for Youths , I , , Boots , for Boys , Shoes for Men , ( & & Shoes for Boys , .Shoes for Youths , Shoes for Ladies , ' , Shoes for Misses' , jjjtn Shoes for Girl y ; .Shoes for Qhildren. IN EVERY GRADEj ALITY AND PEICE , FROM LADIES' HAND TURNED AND MEN'S HAND SEWED OOT IBIO Down to the Cheapest in the Market. IHI IE LO "W IE S 'Of ' which an inspection will convince you. WHOWESTBERGr ' , Cor. 10th and Jackson Sts , relieved of command on account of nerv ous prostration , which hua disturbed his mind. The affairs of the department art1 directed by Got ) . Schofiold. The condi tion of Gen. McKenzie causes grave ap prehension of friends. A Html Nut Cranked. MAIXJNK , N. Y. , December 20. Wm. Ilntfiold , an escaped convict from 'Michi gan , was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Stackwoll , Hntfiold stabbed the sheriff and also Allen Stackwoll and wife. Hat- field was finally captured nftor being shot through the thigh. The shoriil and sonnet not dangerously huit. Freight Train Wrecked , Enx.AjiiiTU , N. J. , Docombar 20. A Long Branch freight ran off the truck at the junction this morning. Fred. Spen cer , engineer , was killed. The f rain WAS thrown ever A high bank and totally wrecked. Cause , enow and track cpread- ing. SoclnliHt Congress. BALTIMOHK , Md , , December 20. The biennial session of the socialist labor congress opened to-day. It was called to order by Hugo Vogt , secretary of the national executive committee. Twenty sections or branch associations wore re presented. San Francisco and Cincinnati wore represented by proxies. Cold Weather at Hua. NK\V HAVKN , December 20. The bark Mohawk from Now York to Calcut'a anchored oft Now Haven yesterday. All hands frost bitten and ono man dead , Her master requested assistance. AJNurrow Knoapu. A narrow escape from a serious fire occurred in Kuhn's drug store late Christ mas o\o. A clerk while moving n step ladder accidental y knocked a lamp out of the chandelier , wliich , falling to the floor , exploded , spreading a blazing mats of fire. It was immediately extinguished with clothing , though at first it appar ently threatened the entire store. AufOid Editor Dead. DUIIUQUK , la. , December 20. Intelli gence has been received hero of the slid- aen death yesterday , at Butler , Mo , , of Jesse Clement , of Chicago , and formerly of Dubuquo. Ho waa ono of the original foundcrn and the first editor of'.Tho Dubuque buquo Daily Times in 1857 , and was ex tensively known throughout Iowa. Ho has always boon engaged in literary pur suits. The Bloulciido in Now York. Nn\v YniiK , December 20. The storm has delayed all trains. Mnils from the east wore three hours late , while western mails had not been hoard from up to J J. Thojo from the south are two and n half hours late. Pittsburg mails wore re ported four houia behind. Travel in the city is subject to less interruption , many streets linving boon partially cleared of snow. f > prinf cr'H isouo/uctlons , CINCINNATI , December 20. The an nouncement ia made that Iloubon II. Springer , famous for gifts to the public , IIUH bequeathed to the Cincinnati Art museum his valuable art collections. It is also elated ho has given $10.000 more to the College of Muslo for now build- DYSPEPSIA Hoe not eel well of llncHj It require * careful , por- Mtnt attention and a rrincdr Hat will Mtltt imtnro to throw off the rnuwa ami tone vp tlio dlgotlro organ * till they perform tliolr iluth * Milling ! ? . Jlr * . Votwortli , of Amhent , N , II. , After trying many " ( tire caret" wiUiout JjcnclH , founil Hat Hood's Sarsaparllla t ; tit ttie nail on the lioad nml rmtorrd her to health. Among tlio a onlr ( exitirirnral by the djrtpeptlc , are illttrcM lf ore or after eaUt y , louiof appetite , Im u- itrlty of thr towel * , wlud or c& > nnd pain In the elonuith , he/itl-bum , tour tlomarli , &e. , niiulni ; incnul drpreulon , ncn ou | IrriUtUllty uml t leci > lcu * ncfi. J f you are dlscourafwl 1 * of ( 'ood clietr and try Ilood'n Sanapartllii. It tu * cured liundrediIt will nire you If you give It a fair cliaooo. ll/.iiiis. C.I.IIooDACo. ' Hood'p. . UlifMtion and debility for icveralcan , wliltti lioii really u-nilfjt/1 lurttilile. * llefuru the ) u j taktiitlwutrft bottle her licalth ronuneiired to tut. Prove. Mieu now Ukliiguui iuurln fJoltlc , nnJliir ' * ITrMmJbTO.i.llOq iACo..IxtwtU.llM. 1 , f- - - llfOjiU/orliM ) ( Plvltlonds. NEWT VoiiK , December 20. Dividends were declared on Lake Shore , Michigan Central and Canada Southern , payable February 1st. SuJTocatoil by Coal Gas TJIENTON , N. J.f December 20. John II. Diehl , formerly collector of customs of Philadelphia , was found dead in bed at Dolanco , Monday. Coal gas is believed to have been the o iuso. S < - ' JIHETRIEHNDflRETESTtB.S t Soldi an Alisolnte tee of feeing the Finest ai Most Peyfeot G-oocls o kind JBVer LANGE & FOITIOK , 318-320 S , 13tli St. , near Farnam , ] Manufactured by tlio Mlohlgr.n BtovoOo , , Detroit ana Obloago. w 'Yoik SUV _ > 7uil" " "DrMlMa Amo&ezg , blue nd browD,10 l-2cj 1 eggt ( fresh , p doz , ! ft ! @ 5c ; butter , loir quai- u. itX Tts. wirMuumiiu new x wt I U. UOiU i rr Titiifn' i" 'yvn t iitfiy rwT > niiiAi 'tiVi f | |