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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1883)
- - . ' - - - . - . - - - - . , 1 , I * I Ii I % A S S % - S..i. i . 8 DAILYBEE-UMAHA , WiDNESDAY1 OVFMBE1t 28 18S3 , _ - - I 11-1 ! 1)AII4V ' O1YLAHA. Wodnosthty Morning , Nov. 28. . Th Vctt her. For the upper Mii5sip1)i Miotr , 'aUeys , colder partly weatJior , 1igh anew In ixrcmo northurn 'higher btroinetor , variable wind. Iiift ing to norLhorly. Specifti McetLiij of Lilo State . ' .IUIIUJfl . A spocli1 rneotngofLho1rIfler8'SLftte ; Alliance will bo 1oId at Koariioy , Nub. , : ( \Vedncsdny nnd Tbur8thy , Jan. 16 nd 17 , 1881. AU ftIIiancos which hay. . ' at any tine bou organized in 11t8 are oartio1y requested to aond du1egatc to t1i meotiug , anti all auti.monovoLit. .1 ot the Btnto are cordially inviLxI to at. I tend. No paine will bo sparad to make j the meeting ont43rtiIlbg and inHtructivu. A programme of proooudiiiga will suon b . noflt. to all ahIiance , airing flame of . ipoakcrs ; , ubj.cta and Rhi particutam All ofhir4 of .htiance are requested to : eo that meetinga are called nud arrange. menta made to isurad dolegatea. Ltato papers , penne copy. , . I , . B. 1taYNOLD4 , Pzo't State Alliaiico. . J. Btft1mTH , Soc. ad interim. . LOOAL BREVITIESS ; -Barnoy & Berry i.kftto at flimobaugli & ¶ Fnylor'a. 1Dood1ii. 'l -Uimobazth & TAylor , Omaha , , qelt lltiff.ijn . U. . S. 3tatdirJ.cate.Vrio for pr-Icc , . nSlz. , -The einotiond atrair , Jnno CoombR , will pl.y In Omih FiiJaf nuti Saturday nights of - : this cek. -A hut , aad hub lao.ocart race Is announced to IacO dacs this aftrnnon , at the Oouncll ; : Iilufrd driving park , t,9twc.n the Bluff City team and Thurston company. -Quito a .on.ation w.s created on the Tcot1 yoterday by the appearance of a real : : live dude. I was only an ndvortLing ngunt. for Ferguson's "FrIendly Tip" company. -John Dlnginnn , charged with the ombcz. , zle.nont of $56 , waived examination In the po. live court ycstcrLlay morning. lEo WM hold 1 In the sum of $200 , for which ho gave his I wn recognizanne. -The annuat meeting of the Iowa State - 1raveling Men's association , for the olecthi.i of officeri for the ensuing year , will ho liol.1 at i . Iho Aborn house , Da. Moltics , rwa , Sister. I ( lay , December 1 , 18S3 ; at 7:30 : p. in. A full attendance Is eiroostly requested. -The ladies Uving next to W in. Gentle. rnan' grocery , whore the fire occurred Moa day evening , called sit Tim Biu ollico yester. 4lay ldtarnO ) , to say that no lamp exploded { I1 'their part of the houso. Not nny of their ' lampa waabroken , anti the fire could nut have originated In their apartments. . , -Orncer Knight arrested at tim depot torday m..rnlng a man who was vel1 dressed but very drunk. The man arrested had In his po.eioaalon $331 iii money , a chock for OsO , and a gold watah and chain. 1E wes akeu . to jail. lie had come over from the other I isislo on the 10:43 diunmy Later In the after. ' noon howa.s brought into the police court and charged with dI.turblng the posco. lie was 'fined S3 and costs , which ho paid. . -Itov. lirowue will hold zneotlng In the 1ijitIst church every nIght this week at 7:30. I3iblo readings Tutiiay , Vodnosday and Fri. thy nftxrnooas at 3 o'clock. Mi are cordially . Invited. -Some of our physicians preil.ct an un . usually unhealthy winter and s sy that malaria wilt run rarnpa it on aocount of so much now I carth having boa turned over this summer . nod fall in our streets. -At the rcgular meotingof Nebraska Lodge No. 1 , K of P. , this ( % Voduesduy ) eve ning , an election of oiflcor.i will be hold and oilier important buiues transacted. All t members are requested to ho in attendance. 1 -There were two cases of disturbauco of . th o P0ACO In 1)01100 court yesterday. The conventional &i and dressing was asked. One of the hey had the wherewith and the other . .was conslgntd to tlio.blrd cage. . -The vroporty.ownera on St. Mary's ave flue held a meeting Monday at the office ( JrVerr.n Swltzl r , Esq. , to conbidor the ntttr of Improvo.ivnts. It. was decided to Ipv3 the a' onue with stone , and the iroicct .of a storm anit dontestlo sewer was looked Up .n with favor. . -Mr. 3. S. Cameron , travelling agoit for , the American Sowing Machine company , will , , . on loce.nber 1st. 1883 , resIgn his rnsItion with . tiat ! company and accept a iosItIeit wiih A. iloepe , Jr. , 1500 Dodge zstrot , where he wIll t&.to full charge of the mwdcal ( IopartInout , % Ill I s'slI planes , organs and a full line of musIcal . uppIIes at wholesale and retail thrbughout the r.tate. -Oneof the morning palors speaks of a newspaper man from Chicano having boce robbed by a woman In this city Monday ci . 5. There certainly must be some snistak. , about this Item , for who over heard of a news uperman havIng & 25 nil at once , anti foolIn around a fiu.t . woonau , too. l'roosterousl ; II ce4.alnly cannot bo true. ' -Castle'a CelebritIes gave a very pleulo I entertainment at the Academy list night The catestaltunon % Is after the variety order but tie management have adopted the Tun I l'aator btyle and give a "high.up" show. Th 4 elack wire walking by "Antonio" was excel tent , while the dancing of all parties was Ia : : superior to what Is eneralIy tseen. Mabe Gray , the sparror , Is a genuine female Johi , t . 14 , SullIvan , and knocks I her man out In fly reuncis. The evening' . entertainment closes with a laugiuhlo far4e on.ittssl "Hilarity. ; The oomjwy will remain durlug the tntlri ; . week -Thu Chins ; " aIsers say that Forguoi V4U Ail'Oii the Opera house 'Ihantu gIlug , xnatlnuu and night as LItu "Dud. . , " I the finest comodlcu Ia his line on this Azne , an btaae. . . NolIcs. . : . Ijueffleas wIl be trxoneaotcd at Iii S , flh1uw3ng brat freight ofilcee Tiitirada .Novomber 29th , ( su account of Thauki TJfo. Nor * : 5 A't U , P. aiul l't ' 1' . 11. It. , 0 0. Bunniox , S 0. St. 1 ' . M. & 0. . . in. Scurr , S It , & ; M. In Neb , - - - ; YOUR BwAvriIIJb ; : ciuwl3 , New desigiia never beroro JubU8hu ; \VihI please any porabn. Sent free on r. . ciept .if 2o alatap to every reader of tlj OMu& 1iin. . & .Idreaa amue Carte I 3Z ) Park ilitce , lov York. me&w4f . , , S I COUNCIL ntht Scsion vth ! CosEder1e Roll- hue Bosiiiss. More than tlia Vassal Amount of BegsiIisr auI , PIlRcelInneolzs * W.'rlc. A regular meeting of ( ho council wa held last evening , at. which all mombora wore present except Louder. 'file reading of the journal wis die. p01130l with. VITIONH AN ! ) COiMUNfUATION , From the mayor : ApointIig Daniel S. ilo.Ioy av potintimastur for remainder of .thio current official year. ileferretl. From the Watorworka company : No' titying tim council that certain hydrants ordered are completed and ready for use. Iteforred , From Jacob buck , city draughtsman : Asking for a leave of absence for two veeks , on account of ill health. Granted. : Prone D. B. buck : Calling attention ISO the largu number of crippled horses anti mules now being worked in the streets , and suggesting that a special P0. liceman be appointed to prevent such cruelty to animals , or that the council iu1vho some other and bettor inoatis. Filed , FrmVolshiam and McEwen : Asking ferlniasion 10(10 giadingat the southwest corner of Iacksoa and Ninth streets at their own expense , to bring the street at that noiiit to grade. Granted. Thu bill of .1. .T. O'Connor for aer- vices in furnishing abstract of real estate , owned by the city , $200 , was nl Io.ved. From J ronie C. Pentzol , clerk of the police court : Itequcating six weeks' leave ( if absence , with pay , to ta'o mcdi. cal trotmu'it fur injurice received while in thin fire tiopartmeiit. Granted. From L. J. Itheoin and othier : Asking - ing for the laying of water pipes and hydrant , or hydrants , on South avonuu botwooii Leavenworth and Pierce streola , in accordaneo with ordinance paseed. Referred. From the chairman of tim board of public works : l'rcsonting final estimates of work done by Hugh Murphy Co. on St. Mary's avenue sewer extension , $1,016.49 , and by Morris Morrison , on grading of south Thirteenth street , $8 , . 042.81 , Approved. I"roizi G , , st.avo Benoke : Trnnsmitting check for 18 for damage done by break. ilag an ironarun Ott Dou8lzis and Tunth streets , by August Murtz. Referred. From i' . . Kcmiitzo and otliera. Pr. ) . Lestiiig against thu lacing of scales inside - side of thu curb linu oi' Thirteesith etid tthiur streets , and suggeatiiig that such Lnsirovelnents ) might affect the collection of taxes , itofurred t the city marshal , with instructions to move such acake. ItESOLUTIONH , By Bohm : That the contractors be instructed to rolilaco all sidewalks takeis up by them which were in the original urdiunricu. Adopted. By Dunham : Granting permission to Johin A. Ilorbach to have curbing and gtittering done on the cast aidu of Suvoii. teouthi atroet on froiit of lila residence , at his own expense. Adopted : By Haaciill : That thu depth t . which , city lots should he charged and assessed with the oiio.half cost of grading , shall 1)0 and is hereby determined and estab. Lished at thu rear line of thu Iota front. big on the part of the street or avenue graded , except whoa lots extend fron. street graded to street iarullol therewith , in which c.tsu the eald depth shall be Lu thin middle of said lots , and in all cases where lots do Ii.t ) front , but aide along the street or avenue graded , then to thu depth of 182 feeL or to thi. alley or cur- tur of block in which said 10t8 nmy bo ho' catud , as the case may ho. without ruler. olico to thu way said lots may happen to he platted , or appear by the puiiurally rocugiiized snaps of the city. A.lohto ( ' . By Aiidursoi , : That the city englneu , set. pegs for curb ) ii.n . on both aides of Slmrsnsiii avenue train Izard street to the city litIIit8 , uaid atakes to be riot snore thiiit : sixty feet apart. Lnst. l3y Anderson : 'Flint the sidewalk on IinutIL side o ( 0liicato street , between Tweiity.first and 'I'wenty.second , be hsut in good repair. Ruforrcd. Sevenil &si.lirwalk reaolutiois wore road arul referred. By Lohim : Instructing the city eligi. hour to bring iso a sidewalk roIulutiIu to cover alt of thrist part of thu city of Omaha that has bopu sradod this year. Itufurrod. Tue contrart and bond of Win , Mack , and James Fox for pitying alleys iii alley districts Nos. 25 , 26 and t8 , wore uppr.svod. From Coo , B. Stratman and others : Asking thiit thu gr.tdo be established on r street from Cruising to Isidjaun I aVOIIUO. Granted. ltnrortT OYCOMrLtTTEEH , Jo hichry : Approving of payment , costs and interest , In favor of Omaha National bank , amounting to $7t)37.37. ) Adopted. f . Judiciary : Esoominending that p23.53 taxes illegally collected from Ellis M. S hlorsisby be refunded. Adopted. r Sir. oLe and grades : Inatructing the I city oiigint'or to dtaw an ordinance for . cniiatruuting storm water sewer on Far. r atrout , in accordance with the puti. SI ties , of , Iattses Croighton aid ; othora. I Adopted. 0 Same ; Rocousmonding the establish. I mont of a uniform curb line on the east $ dud west side of i3uund.'rs . atit't. Iane : itecoinisiending atbswit , of bill S j cj , , LongIhIrey for $6'JB for Iror aprons. Adopted. L , Stsiit , , : In Isivor of opening Cusnint I. street to full legal width. Adoptol [ 4 PsbhIo Isroport , and iiispsovuiueut : Js I. favor of ijavinti district No. 10 , Farisassi street. Ad.'ptod. . t3nino : Ii elelli lug an agrecinesit MCBTs , Aiidreeu & , ltiois fur a salts to cost $46 as for safe keeping of pubhio records , . Adopted. : Claims : Favoring thoahlowanco of soy. oral sinait bills. Adopted , Vaterworks and sewerage : in favor o oxoiler4ting Jell O'NeiJ , aewssr inspector , atid paying hsisir at. the rate of 8120 pu iziosith up to date of diiinissai. Adopted fluIei loran and printing : , In f8vor o tr4nsfnrring lists roistract for the cit printing ( torn Omaha Daily iJuhisu t Omaha IVCCLIIg Di.patchi , Adopted. 0 A communication was received fin , ' r , the city engineer : Submitting and ordl Isinco for grade of alley in block 118 , bu . & - suggestitig thiatthso proposed grade would be injurious to the city , as It would in. crease the decline , already quite steep , and urging that. a uniform grade be main tamed front Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets : s 110W practically catablishiuci. Filed. Tlioordinanco submitted in connection with , the above report was read twice and its further coiisshleratioir indufluiitoly post. ponoci , An ordinance establishing a uniform curb limo on the vast and west side of Snuisders street was inussod. Adjourned. - Never Give lip. if you are stifferitig uith low aisit lpressed spirits , of apsotIt.o , general debility , dis. ordered 1lusxl , weak corestitutlon , headache , or any disease of a bIlIous natuic , by all sneana a txdtlo of llectrlo hitters. You % slll ho surprised to iwo the rajild Iiiijsrovcmont ttlIt sill follow ; you will belnsidred sitls now life ; strosigtli end activity will return ; pain anti s'dsory will cease , sisal hoiicoforth you sIil rejoice in the In the praio of Eketric BItters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by 0. 1' . ( iuoI. 'nan ' - . A PAINFUL AOOIDENT. A liraketunsi Struck In the Pac6 by a Coiipling.sIn itisti Severely lnJiirc.l. An unusual mishap in the way of a rail. road accident occurcd at. the transfer on the other side , about 10 , 'clock yestor. day morning. It was the severe ilijury of a railroad inca by being struck in the face with a cotiphitig-pin , with which lie had just inasle a coupling. John Fenton , a brakeman , had just coupled two sections of a freight train. 'rho coupling was made alt right. As he stepped back , thio engineer "took up thu slack" as the railroad men Bay. The couphing.piii flow out from its place , and struck Fontosi with full force just under the eye. ills face was badly cut , a gash t.lsroo or four ischses long being issado. While a painful wound was inflicted , the injured isian has reason to consider him. golf fortunate that it was not' worse , or that Isis eyesight was not destroyed. It wan si narrow escape. It Ia iiot often that a niasi is hurt in this wTty , y t asichi accidents , sire likely to occur. Foiit.oii its a young marl. [ Jo lives in Ozsnha. , lie was itismediately cared for , oust at last accounts was getting along very well , although sullursriggrent pain. - - - - PATRIOK BC-AN. S 'use Ex-Tr rasnror otthe Irish iantl Lossguo In Oniaha. rr. Potriclc Ean , the well-known agitator and ox-trcasuror of the Irish land league , arrived in ( Iso citylast even- iig and io at0piflg at the Millard. Mr. Egmi iso now in business at Lincoln. About two monthis ago he took out tiapers declariiig his intention of becoin. ing an Americair citizen. When Mr. Egan made his first visit to America , lesa than a yer ago , ho was favorably impressed with Nebraska. After liii. re- torn to Ireland , Iso closed up his business elmira and prepared to remove to the Uiiitetl Staten. He made full settlement with ths.s land league .and in a short time .nnbakcd for this country , . Ho came to Lincoln , where ho has located and gore jot. . ) thu grain busirsors. Ho has gone out of politics , asid dooa not expect to fiurn in public lifo in this country. He a in Otuaha on a husltiog trip. It Urent Discovery. That Is daily bringing Joy to the homes of Ihousneds by saving inan of their dear onus 10)111 an early grao. 'Iruly is Dr. King's Noiv Discovery for Coissumption Coughs , Colds , Asstlma , Bronchitis Hay Fever , Loss of Ynice , Ticklliig in the Throat , l'aln in Sldo isiul Chest , or any chissejoso of this Throat. and a iositlve cure. Guaranteed. Trial llOttlW4 free at 0. F. Goodman's Drug Store. Largo size $1.00 THE. WA WORKS , . Another 1iaIisii o ho Ad.letl rs tire J'iutpsiiont. , .1. D. Cook , of Toledo , consulting engineer - gineer of the Omaha water works , is in the city on business connected with the duty test. of the nosy pump , and tim per. chiaso of a low pressure pump to.pnsup water front the river to the settling baaiiis. Tlteroprezentativos of the Holly punhl ! , the Knowles piiIii ) , the B. F. Allis & Co.'s PUI5IP , and mIser puinpaaro in thu city to learn the ( lucisiolo of thu wtor wurka conany : , the bids having beis aeiit in some tinie ago. 'rl cols. 1)itIY Itold ii isicoting to discuss the iiistt' icr last evenisig. and will probtbhy make the selection zonil award the contract to- div , Mr. Cook says thisot the siow One. k.sll uinp is working finely , and is ding sili that was expected of ii. , ituckl.sit's i.viiCa Halvu. The greatest medIcal wonder of the woii.t. Warxautosl to speedily cure lItmus , Outs UI. con , Salt Ithonin , Fever Sores Cancers iilos , CiIfblaiis , Corns , Totter , dhntpod hands , estl all uklsi OrUltIOiiB , guaranteed to onto In ovary Instance , , , r money refunded , 25 cents Sr box - A 131'IjUNIll ) ( ILTN Made by the WIno.&ester 4trsne Corn. Pliny fur Notch PlsLto Man. Whoa Mr. A. 0. MeAusland , the agent of the Winchester Repeating Arms coin- tinIly was in Omaha about a month ago , lie received front Collins Pctty the agents in tIde Part of the west for that S coinpisny , tin order for a fine 82 calibre WlflclulstOr rifle , patent of 1873 , for W. II Tucker , of Nortl Platte , Nebraska. r. McAusland Monday arrived in , : . Oiimha witu thio gun and turned it over , to Collins & Putty. It. is certainly one I ot' the haudsosn'st , rules over issade in I this coiisitry. IL is silver-plated , wiLls gold triiumiige , , iu handsomely Cigraved , 1LsId line all the hate improvosisouta. rho coat wae $100 , itsiuslitr Ulaze. S An akrin was turned in from box 114 . about ten o'clock yesterday and was lsrinptly rosposuled to by thiofiru depart. I snout , It was occasioned by a blaze be. . lag .liscwured iii a ssisalh barn belonging to A. Burineistur. It was but. a I thhig , , asiti w.ts oxtiiicuhsheil by a coupi. V , , f pails of rater before the dopartineist 1) arrived. -A. party of colored serinaders were out P last eeitg. They sang in the oE $ p of this L I'altfl , and ls at the Millard , aud pIcked Lt. up contderablo loooe change hr each tIrco. 4 - - - - - - - - BITTERS ASA BEVERAGE. , Potsoii 1io t11 Liners , Hilder the Name of Biltors , Must Pay a License. . An issilsottant Test Case Iii else hJnItcd StateN lIstrIoL Court. For some time past there have , in vafloula parts of Nebraska , been a great many sales of various kinds of "hittex. " Sonio of these ao.callod bitters had been certified to by the coininisdoner of internal tornal revenue as being , noicinah prop. arations. Some were sold for niedichisal purposes mid some for beverages. Sonic of tlios.i preparations of tim medicinal character were sold in drug atoros as a beverage. Many of these numerous kinds of bitters-among the nuniler be. lug Fletcher's , Hoatettcr'ajjSt. , Tacobu' , Tom Rock and ltyo , hood's Gilt-Edge Tonic , otc-hiavo failed to conform to the formula deposited with the commis- stoner of ititernal revenue , who recently issued a circular to all Unitud States die- triot attorneys , calhiisg their attention to these facts , and urging the prosecution of any one soiling any of these com pounds , composed largely of alcohol , purely as a beverage. A test matter was the United States court yesterday , the dofosidant being John A. Fedowa , who was reported - ed by J liii Stecis , .hfputy collector of in- tenon revenue. Thic cain was prosecuted by United Statue District Attoriioy Lamb. ortaon. The object of thu trial was to ecu whether ally persoil could sell Flet eher's or Ifostottor's bitters without first paying special taxes as required of retail liquor dealers , ' [ 'lie evidence showed that Fcdewa had beers selling those liquors as a beverage at a refreshmosit stand at tim National hotel in Lincoln , at 10 cents a drink , there being twelve drinke in a bottle , and upon lii. . . own testimony , it. was shimvn that ho hail sold botvoon one hundred and two hundred bottles within a year without paying any government or ctty hicenso. it was also shown that the Ii. quor was of a similar character and of an appar.'iit . proof of 2G per cent , whim the real proof wag perhaps 4t or 50 per cant of spirits. The court instructed the jury briefly , that if. the bitters in question were aold as a beverage , oven if snado up ann mcdi. elsie but of an.ititoxicating character , and not sold in a drug store , but sold as liquors arc usually sold , it was duo to the bwiezt liquor dealers who paid taxes , that Isersons selling these conspounda be re- ruired to pay special taxes as required of retail dealers ; and it made no dillbronco where the liquor WO sold or by whims , , or iii what place , providing the liquor was sold as a boveragc and was intoxicating Lii its character. The jury , alter being out two hours , returned a erdictof guilty on the second rount , the first count having been dis- missed. Judge Dundy reserved aontenoo. oTileit ( tsns. The case of Bartlett vs. Ballou , . a suit to recover on an account , was decided yesterday The plaintiff got a 'verdict for $3,610.15. Edward YDoal , of Dakota county , pleaded guilty to selling liquor without government license. Ho was fined $20 and costs. In the afternoon the court was occu- l > ied with the case of the Moline Plow Co. vs. John J. Adams et aL , is. suit for' the recovery of $800. I MILLtRfl-43AIC.TON , t llrIIiIanti 'SVCtUilg at tire MIIlhrd JioteI. Yesterday itt exactly 12 o'clockoocurrod the wedding o1 MW. . B Millard' and Miss Frances Barton , in tire east parlors of the Millard hotel It wasp without doubt , onoof tire most brilliant woddiuga.vhich has takcnplaoo in this'ciy ' in' several years. About forty guests were in attondairco , being the most. intimate friends , of the I contracting' partios. The east pitriors , . in which the. corn- pany aasurnb1ed were profusely deco rated with cut flowers , house hIaii and paler tree , most of whiihi wore procured in Chicago. The tlural decorations were , withal , the most elaborate over. shown iii this city , and the atinosphioru ot the rooms was heavily laden with the sweetest of perfumery. In th inab parlor , whore tire ceremony - mony was. peifortiicd , thro docoratiosit , were the moat marked. In the southeast corner of the rooni there was tiuspesideci from the coiling an umbrella about three foot in diameter , woven from orange blossoms aSBI white roses. And perched upon the top , just looking over thu edge , was a beautitul white dove Upon the wall , facing the bride and groom was a 1)0w and arrow of orange blossoms. The room was lighted by gas and sL' candles in gold candlesticks , which sat upon the mantle piece. At procifuly 12 o'clock , the bridal party entered thin room and thu contracting parties advanced and took their places immediately under tito umbrohia ot fl.w- era , and facing Bishop Clarksou , who proceeded to perform the ceremony after the solosnu and imposing ritual of the Episcopal church , After the knot bed been tied aed the halpy couple hind received the conjratu. latiosis of their assembled. friends , tlse party retired to the ordunary , where a aucuptuous feast had boenepruiuL Words siltnst fail to descriho thu grandeur of this apartment as it was filled with its hianasomuly-decoratod tables. In the center of the room was thin large table , in the center s1 which hind boon arranged a isiinkituro lalco ci glass , on which svoro steanhisrs and oilier vessels , The shores were lined with precious atosres , and , trues the canter of the lake was con- struoted , of sugar , a tiny suspension bridge. Thu otlbct sipoti the whole table nuil room was beautiful. It is istipossiblo at this late hour to describe the riolse.s , , , ; f the niolili. Stiflicu it . to any that all that money could buy and skill produce was there in abundance. Thu bride ivats dressed in a dress of .yhtit.s velvet , beautilithly triisnied , and orsiasnentod , while the groom wore the usual suit of black , 'Else gr.sossi is of the vull known corn. inissioti hiss's of Millard & Peck , and , the bride is a young lady of long residence and large aeqUtiiiiL4iUcU lfl this city and in : oulnuy 111)010 either would hu useless. 'rho hireseuite , of whIch there ras a larue number , wore costly asid elegant Tiw happy coujsle loft by the at tornoon I train for the cast , follpwed by ( hiti Mod. eat wishes of an almost innumcr&blo number of friends. The Bgs : oxtosids its conratulntiona and hopes that ( lie future of this now happy couple may never be ihhinmed by thu adversities and sorrows of life. _ . - I. 1'1ilHONit , . rieo. Griffin left yesterday afternoon for a month , ' . .iIt. with lilt hreists at l.inuuhn , Ill , Couis'cllnuin 1)unham retnrnod Irons a trip west yesterday. , , T. 0. CaIne , delegate ( rein Utah , accompa. niod by his wife , pws.ed thro , h the cIty yesterday - terday , en roit.u to WashIngton. Chap.V. . , Tobutoi , , of St. Paah , Is at the s1hhlartI. Ed. Mitchell , of I.lnroln , Is at the MIllard. , f. A. I1OWOU , of Ashland , 14 Il Millard ax. rival. Clint . Froll , of BrownyIhle , , t.o1sn at ( lao Mlhiard. It. 1t , Iroadloy , of lirownallie Isat the Fax. ton. ton.B. B. .Tncn , of Falrbury , Is stopping rat the Paxton. M. 11 , Buchanan , of lorchiestor , is a I'nz- ton arrival. Superintendent Matthewaon , of the Insane hospital ; Lincoln , i at the Paxton. ldsnssnd Thnrnaer , agent No , 3 , of the "Friendly TIi" company , arrived iwtlui city yesterday. E. V. Clarl , of Geneva , Is at the ? dlllard , A. Crawford , of Seward , Is ut the l'axton. C. 1. ILibcock , of LIncoln , Is at the MI1- lard. lard.j. j.v. . Cramer , of hastings , Is at the lax' t.on. , Jnmos McWnde , of hastIngs , is sit the Fax. ton. ton.S. S. 1' . biting , of North Platte , is atthiel'ax- to n. .1. G. lEarner , of Konrusy , is at the MIt' . lard. lard.N. N. W , WClhSr of Sdiuyler , ts at the Mil- iord , C. F. i3haodd , of Fairfield , Is a l'axtoai house guest. , l. it. Van ltuskirk , of Aurora , Is rat tl1o Paxton. A. A. Abbott , of ( hand Inland , i , at the Paxton. ? bt. E. Wheeler , of Columbus , is at the Paxtois. B. 11. Wheeler , of' 1'Iattszaouth , hi at the l'axtoii. \v. It. Kelly uiI wife ( , f1irculn , are at thio Paxton. R. D. Walshand wIfe.oVlrrethoat , are at the Millard. ltr. E. 11. McConaughy , quite an extensive lumber snorchant at Stronsbur waa in the city for a sh'.rt ( hue yesterday. Michael Ioo , for seine time head gortor at the Millaid lintel , his. realgned Ww position and has embarked in the grocery business on hhaown hook. . SAUATOGA. lOlNGS Unrsri at Activity Iii Our Iittle'Szibur- tsuri T WI1 , Tee Union sunday cohool had the leasurts of a visit fromItov. , J Dt Steward - ard , of ilastings , the state superintend. outs of Congregational schools , who was greeted by one of the largestaudionves in the iristory of the school. lttiv. Steward' ' , is a. dear concise spoaker.nnd a.very pleasant - ant gentleman whom we shall always ho glad 4o meet. During his stay in Sara. thgaho was the guestofM. andMr's F. : htr . Smith. Mr. S. H. Br water , , of.Grandi retnd , formally a Saratoga boys is the guest of the well known market gardeners , Tous. icy brothers. Misi .feiiraio l'atrick returned. last evenisig frossi Blair , whore she brie been on a ahiort visit. Mi' . David WiIlard and' wife , , of Ft. Madison , Iowa , are the guests of 4'r. and Mrs. F. M. Smith. Mrs. 0. D. B.rewster.of Grandstsland , is thas guest of Mrs. James LI. 1C > rur. The literary Progrtrnliie ; of the lyceum Saturday evening was unusually light , and the creditable features were a. mcita- Miss Mary ( Ihuonig. Piisident LOWLOn protnied a better progranime at the next. 'rho del''tto on thu qaeatinn , "Itcanived , That the telegraph .hinea should be owned by. thu guveilameist , " wa : spirited and interesting. It was do. chided as usual , by inaninputusit jpdges , in favor , of the sid ( lint presented the poorest arguinniat. Ccii , 0. 0. Howard vihl address the Unioii Seuday schoc1 on Suudoj next , nt 3 P. lii. 'rho s. w. G. S , society will present "Vacle , Toni's Cnbn , " New ' .Sbar'e night , at Lyceum hinli. for thin besiafit of the Sunday school. The ladies' sewing circle meets this eclc at Mrs. G'ruinig's , on Saturday afternoon. All interested are cordially invited to attond. CUCKOO. I)111) , I'ILELl'S-Ius t&s city Novstnbor 2' , at 2 a. Sal , , I1.raco's. . t'helps , aged 57 years and 8 , nonthii. Funeral Nov. 23 , at 2 p. rn , from the rosidosco of hlssaniit-law , Dr. 0 , 11. PaulNo ,0i.6 Bunt astro. . Frientis of t1a famihy are inrhtecl. aOY4 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tiali powder isv , C arses , A iznsrjcf C I putt y , U.reDt4 ul t.htIusi nine. . . M , a , c'onondcsJ thi iii. octinaay tinds , nd c&iiiot isoI. , I. . , coca , aiit1't wtt5aI5aomulUiJs , low tt , .vart sdtt stein vs Iiho.ptaIe PSdes. Sold only l's cans. foCal tat i ; L''tItgCaW5 Wttr'ow'crk. ' - - - - - p Infants and Children Withont Marnhlno or Narcotino , 1'hat gkes our Children may clu'er. IThat cures their . lei'ers , nmiws them sleep ; 'Tistorin. . 'alien flatten fret , end en' hi- turns , What cures their coUc , kilts their worms , Susie Cn.torla. What quickly curt's Oonatfpation f3owUt.omach , Colds , ledLostio , , : fiat Cnitorlga Vnrewell then to Morphine yrup. , Castor Oil and l'nregorlc , andUsd1 Usd1 Cn.tnrI , - - Cpntnur LlnImont.-jt. . olnto onro or Rheumatism , Sprains , Burns , GnUs , &o. , anal nx iistanthnooui Pnln.rollovox- . - - - - SPECIAL NOTICES. gSpecta1s will Positively riot be Inserted unless atd In advance. TO LOAN-Money , _ 1 ONEY To LOAN In pastiat of VOO , or mere on IlL long thins at 6 ) or tent str annum by . C. Fatterson &Co. , 1i04 anam St. 714a.irno ltit ONVX LOANIW-Oa chattel security. C. K. u MAYNK & 00 , ilO9'Tazaani , St. a34.itriot 't0N11 ' 10 LOAN-The Iowct rates of Interest lvi Bernis' loan Agency , 11th Douglas. 034.tI , IONKY TO LOAN-COFaS Law oStico of 1) . L. .LvJ 'Thomas , room 8 , CreIchton Block. 'fONEY TO LOAN-J. T batty cane on ehatte Lu reoperty , 213 Keith 14th 1St. flELP WAII'l'iD. y.NTEn-8lx laily cirrus None j cod : pp2 * a withoul the bo't ref reracc 9T9 N. U. FALCONEH. 7ANTKT3-A SI lila r at the Var s an'Ilflinor V S store , 1OLIstreet. 078 r8 % 17AN'FED-Ftr Start ani Itow'ute's Btnndnrd Corn. V V ely Co. , a 'Tuta I .er oMfl1c otila In4 sin I pntt's'ou ViC , an ! a fl. 51 s CJ net lot huil aind cIietia , iiot hive Instruuianniss. Addo , , st tier , sLir , . li.uer & lIOWLKr SUndard Coo oily Co. , isariti City Nab. 070 201 l'7ARnD-Oo d oinvss&.ers WIIJI , asmRiIeaiItai 5 5 where crnpetent I hire ajvits to sell our CbrIstrna Itoke-t o I.eteIIlng lnxks Intho coun. try. Menwhi cm tko churga ci tc.i or , aaorn coun. tics can untie Steal , $20) ti 0. ) 0 helen , hrl'taaas. s.n u ixpa'Iunn' at ii send for terms Larga cmii's sin , , i'k + iCL& CO.'LNY , LIahed , Si2 flr.'a I- way , New 1or. 053-21 - ANTE-A ! first dass 5'nrter , 00 cents ox , ' 1' tiat' dtdlar. II. 8. OU.IIiflttT , } 'remoit Neb. 0,5'23 17ANTNDL.A , girl to in gew0 , houework. 5 1 IIipIIIO a a cur CuidwcU and 11cr Sils , one square % yr.t.Of i + un cr5 St. 967 231 7ANTlD-Sscond girl , Eaton's Ga.sry 1' 0 Far. I ! nwsi .St. 503-27 . ANTED-t'rnirnn for Gorden proas , at Cray's V. , t'rinting.otflcu2it twelfth SL 90I-8 V\TANTE ° -A Ionic woolen V , , Io gancral V work , AppsyatutiS iOhSt. 040-27t " far 'rice for out.1dov.eck. C II at V\T"NTA ' 1teaIr Wor. s , kO S 14th St . 045.iinoi A74NTED-C.irt forconk and generahuuaework 5' t j fainiiyo 5 0 , ot Kc..rney Nub. . High wsges gis.on , iiiq.iro.iIs sutIa suth s. , city. 7ANT.1)-O ) laborer , . for It. it work. 12. V ! M tNWiilLit , iUh St. , aear macsm. 5h7-27t _ ' % 7 ANTED-t'oreral tavellnv saiemo. who are vi tii'ruug.dr ' } cuAIatod * I'li thu clothing buI. nets. Nciie u0.'x..rletacciI mcii Ad. dre's uith iefereocw. 1. W111. .t 1,0 , oi ! St. JsephMO. 1ATATiiD-Anex ertencod nurse girls Itefeon- , S cot rtqutred. Apjiy at 1812 bavcnjort street , 002-2fl 7ANTEE-Ax4bIo b. s "ed male , it.hwash.r. T S inquire.ot.B C. Murphy. 11 rLIacos.xt'oIT. 87.27I . 'TANTED-N auty . , am , for wagou eork , Wages V I S.tO. ifl'iube of .1. Ci. Murphy , I arence Cut- of ! . 8Si-27 17tTANTKSoCarnIcehsrd' , a Tlnns , 3 Slat 1 1 Itofers. . . StaIy % vork all year rsd. lrquir at Western Cornke Works , fib Dougi SSS tb ,7ANTED-OIrt for genomi . housessoek , at 1620 a a loiaitseSxeat. 745-tb UTANTED-8aeornan for .ach county In the U. a , 8 , ti75 axil. expense' , Goods . 530 by sanijie. Seril stamp , . r.A nPLLE 1F.U tAt , , OScugo , IU. 630-st eodj AN'I'ED.-tiood girls tor gouti kzo51ieH flest I 1 wages. Ap1y Immediately employment bureau 217 N. 16th SO , No otUce foe. TANTEfl-A go4t1 I , at the AtaakrM boo o , I t 920 lunaa streot. SITUATIONS WAN'I'ED. . - - - - - - " ( TAN'T&D.-4inytI.oI ) t respectUasmp.yrn'nt ) . a i y , cent lam just arrived hum thu , itt , one uar caperionc. , at goncri ollics wrc , goI pen. LI an , nra mPttOrasb $ go ' ' habti. aui0 viflIng ti nora hird fr ni nle.rato 'alary. Is aL. , Lir nlexiiaii , ails tat , fcrrilesa , so ory profciaboe , AlIIeSd till 0cc. 1st "J K. P. " flee otitcu' 071-27f , ' 7ArU'BDA ci tiatin by an .anpeelcnct'd girl to 1 dogon. r' I hruo wor' ' z.adi .aolinr irauiiu at Mrs. Unuque i 221 St. LtweeLeienwor Ii end aion , . 075-291 ) - competent dressmaker from New \ V York cbsy , is few 1.occ i..rjsgensnits I cow the dey Apply 023 N , 1411 , L OOl7l IrANTEDSltustIon 'o do .s.nnndllghthotiss . ! I work. AdJr. , " 31. L usoouoc. Otd-27 VLSrKr-sitnaraoi by reitsers i'sorrnacits. lv l'ro4Cfptiun cirk in stoso In some geii tu'rn tii2i..ivsic' , Ouneb , , rfuresd , 1a4 lot S iiiiieiuo. .aildress b.x i5Uaao I .wa. 0Si V A firab e1as dresimakorsould lake a few moist L ) . icts to sew In ar , , ito fa 0 as. Satisticitsu litzantsee. Ca I at 1317 lao St. teweeolOth xsndl4tla. h1IBCELLAtiOUS WANTS. : 'icu ovooous "t7i.'tTtD-I wou'd 'Ikbo buy a x.tock of general i'stcch.adise , os It ma lie Dr UooA a C Clothing , or Urecurius , Dry Ok.osl. ' and i2ooisanlHhoes. I waaaStouy boaj bc cash. I lanttol.yab'ulr. iseta In , Oh , dollar. Aitres , "Jasha lIe , , to , iee' 575.3 ; 1T4N'tED-To esnhsnge city PPerts * r 1)ouiss V Y County or Nabsiska Lund , , SlcCAtiVK , opo- alto P01055cc. Call ' 7.tN'FKD-Farther with small caa1 In a ftr.t y v Iualne' Addro a "Stoue , lieu ottice , 011.291 W TANTKD-Tueto sage , , lo.Iraie suty reside no for larr'iln cistern Nobrasia Apply to.T , W LOUNtOUUItY. Besiusr.ato agent , 11th ansi Faregan , jAWTKD-ttult of thios ieee' . , furnishel for V S , Iltilit hsiiseeoistni. MJri' , stad g term. . ' .3 , ' lire sift e. If ION. UINT--Uoueoa and 1.5(5. 1olt lIEiTlxrxsIshtd , room tnd dy board iii : I rca.oni.b'o late , at latH OJaVejOIt aired , I I. Isp , ani lOib , t3I _ I ? Q1I IiItNl'-Eieg 'utly ' shAve molt , , gas , ia.t and cold vat , r. ilicil I caCre lii tI. ciiy , s U I. expistiru , with or tvitiut t boitd N , W , 0 IliaC 13th sad I'mrsin OL 9 -tbn its NT-Two haisdoiistly furii.he.1 ri , , , ci , suite , uLtal.i br 'is' , or fair geiticiuni , lOath moon coincialsaicts , 1720 Cap tot ass 071 201 I 1l0ithtFT-U run i , ni kite en for iIht I , . u , letliltig , 1a.UyluraIsI.eJ , lION 14th St 1U3.2 I IIKN'FOord roomsPl , ijoapI to Is. , , goalie. 1. iiie&i 522 5 ittti auad ilastacy Street , 'Os-27' iiot JIKNi-Ou races sittable for ott , o or small I b elnois 4Itt. 1311 * St. ; , Ifamnay iso howard. , 14'OlL III3NT-tv'ttage S roe , , , , , goo4 cvltsr , sell I 114 oetern , t'opp isis aye , twd bIot east ci Park ave. , courViitnt Ii straset doe. tejuiru oq I.remLss , . . - - . - ' - - .a- - . - - : . - 1'04 SKNT-flrsrdlng house it mote. mb e inM ji stilt vita& itvLL. ii , on Itnfl'-lIou c ant sre bar , No. aO2 t& a Isnast- . anal h , , s' and barn corner 25th i.t Ifowa tiMe , % m. t MonrceCih.nd Do , g as St. (3630' i-loll litV-A laces tioly furntabtd front room ii 710 aU SI. butepen % Vbter an. Burt Sf' , 054.271 1.4011 iaKNr-riuil , : hovs' good rpaIr , rent $ .1 to , ft.o. W. Itel , rruggl'.t. 928.29) ) 11011 1lLNT-5 room aittsge Smd anal Iltirney St. .1 S5o.27 1uon niN1'-Vern : laM ni.o , for light touseteep. .1 iii : fur family without chi(8 ( on , 1013 Ide St. floi' flKNT FurraWied room , in ths northwest I cot. ISh and CainJsiirsvonue , formerly Cicighton house. llt0-tf 1"Olt nNr-very : , ieirable room , ' t'rgonUstner , I lotS. W. cor ai.ltoiascanl lSlU2otts. . 1.'oIt Ralfr-New nttw5s. flv rim , , . Ilotis , B _ t , oIl , , . , tout ' U. P. do , t. 3. l'iIiI'Yd ltUl , 19127 $ 15128 uth&ithtteot , 1'Oft JIKNT-Prnlshel sr'nms sill , ire I b- aid , in , i purists faruily,706 norma ib5i street. . 'oIt ltliNT-.Eiegant fumulsibed rooms 131'S Dodu . 1 5 ' S50-34t O NK furniia' + roona for rent at SIp , large coxagh tot two .c'C13i4t'i , 1914 wi'i-st.ratroet. Ss'3-tt iiomt in' T-T'srs urnlletl , roorn with or wlt7sont I. boa , l , N. K. crn.rsof 2rd anr Disven ort. 809 1 fjttl IIKNT-A nterly seam at 1i2O.e kttvnla botween7th and 15th St. 803 2S j'IOIbitKNTCotta.pnuar22d andl Clark trccth' . ' . month ' 1' . . .7. Fitmn.rri , , ,4213. 17th St. 'OIn ItSNToijnw In touba,2a : Zt'sUona tissue , L IPiSding. No.1 5csirble offlce' the city. Supt iId' ' sith h5lirauHc elevator andi heatel ur steam. Apjly at Ilank , . . - 626-Li T'oit LISASK-Four theirs lots a , , 20t5 St. , lenA A tIme,217 H , 16th at. .1. 1. . Marble. I'2S.jI I OIt IIIONTNew store Sn T&s block on Satin- - ders street. Oooci hesSian for grorery store , lutciacrahepeto. Inquire-at i'ooplos Deab , Dodge SI. 201ti iOit IttiN'I'--ltesldincv , , . ! - - ami storebutidirag. nun. I FOItD a sounu , heal Katato Agenca Otttoi e&t .ido 14th street , between Farnam and Douglas . streets. .f12.t ' FOR CALL 1oit SAT.E ) tt itENT-Hhu.rof 6roo'rs&ktchcn I c4sterxc.Pw , tsell ard alt' ' niotlorn coiv'saien. Ce , 14thnd thuunxIn slreet. I quiri , at (1. Tick- rnbnrg 10 h a .4 Isis , 023-If \ ' TANTF.A ta-i' ngcntu' iinn'edkatoy , ( aa Slam ItopuIrWorts , lO9t..lItti 3t. 0l5.1m i'oit n' l.K-A well oitbished ) contecUo.ery I stun- , also so lot , i I household furniture , 'Ithc'to gethur or tjaratu. Ito 101 uO'i 16th St. t'OlL SALu-Twoiulllt , . nlteTronn , hr.uss , tern 1 cisteri , , well , shrubbery Sc. Shui' . flrrt rsCd ) . Li ii $3.05' . ELu'tttn8 , or wiii okcltange for fa.n within 12 mIles of Omaha. C U. MatYNK. & CO. 043 Li 1509 Fanam. 1 D'it SALE-On Ionic thne.t1n restulonee lot , wilh .v in a fw blocks of Street car line $103. to 2O. C. t. MmNE & Ott. , iret ) Earnam. 1iOlttALB-TIouses ondi "a irid fsnxi II. Ii. 1. 10EV & CO. S. W corner 1St. nad'amanx. V'SOtf ' ' SAUl-I. see an u fuvixtluruol 'oarding iaotiso - c2seaptduires'"U. . 12" ci , otilco. 840.11 . ' 'oR SAI.E-Six elaine all eood , - alSo a quality os hooebtid lurniture. Sirs. Kennedy.lSu 5 t1J. fornlat 042-im . ' 1t8AtE 010 ltl.T-A S roirn hoiae , aearly hat lot , on Ctiarii ustt ot , near' King , S2,60 I , Tone. , tmali cash paxne.nt , ith uuoiithl7 pa niceSt , Itent15 per month Cuilinu or'.ddrees Gec. Ii. natlibuui , city. cor. King and Chant , St. 02442 ; T"OR SALK-Elerant litI o piano. No. 2113 iiarncy , jl striet. Ni ehouse , esertivnr.In spleniblordor ( heap for caah. C. IMAY.F.U ) . , P.2-ti' 15011 Faruam- -nest SAl E Oit EXCITANOE-Gonl lvtry ; born , . .li w.n located. J. WfLIUNSBUIW 8054f , 15 used Fernam. flOil 23 tL1A few five acre' lots liter the' ' lair I gr.iaad , verycheap. in lo"g tltnc 8,5 , tr (3' t : . S1AYNE'&i't.'O , 1103 Farxrm. 1'.sOlt : MLS-1o'u : to 15 cords if hard wood. now' j'l helngthoppe1 on "Lowe Fhzm" on Cunir.g Sb. , halt nitlOsoat of Military larl.ige. . WIll sold ) to one purelaser , DEC18 , Agent.1 th and Loud. teetu. . 533-ti L"olt BALE Farm S miles 9. ' Wt of city. Inquks. I of Mis. Sloycr 13x3 N , 16th St. 81i.irnI . . l'oR a ti.uA neatly fnrlshed botelcon. . f st-ding of 20 rooms formic I , , ono of the mosS. thrtluj' town4 in Koteru , Nebraska. Tern ; . teason- abia' , fir elliuiF. lur houltb. Inquire W J. BMINr'3. i'rOirietor Miidioii N.h. 704.27 oMn1OliANCE-Vo cffcroriiaio at a lmurgsin. . fli tn thousaiiC aees of.'iead ' In a bodyi WI2V nrnko a One stock ranch. Sit miles from County. Seat of uone county. Tuuiusest-sy. . 0 L DAVIS 1 : 00. , 717.t0 15' 5 Farnain straetj TSOIIRA1.K-ilerchaiit Tailoring lusines. , well cii- .1' taUshet ael paing Ooo rOasoiS lorseting. Addrees" ( ) 0. " lies , .tllce. 048 tit T-'oit SALE-Farms irs oas.rr , Nelniika. .1. W. 11 LOIINnIJUIIY , itual Estate Agent , 15th and Far nun. 6e1-j 1"'t3a SAL1-Tnolts N : W. corner of 20th and. . .t : ' Civagu St. liaquiro ot.1).boliu ant Erickson. . r"OliSAI.E-A llrst datwcinad hacit top buggy. .1' ( , ali at 1319 Ilanier 1roet. li 0' ron S.LV.-itestdencn. ani buataitas property us 11 'an tarts of Omaha , and. i'arm Lands ira all puts of thubtata. nitflFOiLI ) & SOUKR , _ 705-ti 213 54. 14th St. hem. Faritrn ; and ilougO-ta. iijfJs SALE-Two ) t'rU'4)4J1.iiH , 10 lorso power .1Vipply at D. FEI7.l'ATItiOi25 S 555-af 218 South latb SLiest. sj'tt ) SALII-Oood bui'.a'"u chances at 2i7. . ideb li'strost. J , 1. . MAId.l.14. t5Lt ! fl'OII SALB-At , tba&igds , a iiolar , U331unJC : r Co's fire 5ro3.a. inquire at tbis othoj . , , SSALK-wa , e551alilt' ' urge si dl , mad F u'antitbe sO thi"P 5f nI8CULLM4EOUS , J3OA1III and 104j1gl.s 0 er week at tbo-Rirooy at. Ittnunaut. 1k3T A cbrtav , book , ieathr cover , , marked I .3 1 tto9. , , iwit.ld. 'iholluler ; u'J coeD. , a Ia. or by returit.guauu to llunai I otlc. 06827 EDWARD 1JJEHL , IlaQisTult 01 I'M.tIYHTItIIY AilS ) CONDITION. AL1tIT , 503 Tenth eLzt , betwese Farcam sad l'sr. nay , wili , wibi : the aId of guardian spirits , obtali log 5fl3 oneaglriceoftl' past and presrnt , an , ! tho' certain coniibloas In the future. Boot. sf1 .hoe ma to o2sr , Parfect , iMisfacttsiu ucuarantuod , ' . IT Iii A FtC7 TIlATTiiOlJSANl)8 ( SF OUR E&ISINIBS3 lIEN GO 'It ) TUi1t 08'I'LCES IN TI1iIMttNlNU AFiL1IAN UNEASy NltJIiT , lull A LATE lINNEIt , FEEIJNtI DULL AND ALL OUT OF SOul'S. 'I'Iiitt ir EN. TIIIEt.T UNNEu'CESHAlY. ) Volt A SINlI.E ( flOttl-1 OF ThAT Sl'AItItLiNU I.3tiNfl Sl'Fciijtj : , Tar- rant's Seltzer Apertent , TAKEN ISEFOHIt 1imnt.tKFAST , ivil. ! . IMMEDIATE1.V DittiES. AlL FEELINGS ( Ii' Ii EAV1NS$3. ltEtlo11 U FNTIT lilT ! ' HIIIIEI.Y 'I liEAUI , AiI' QUlCi ( } : , ' INTel IIEAI.TIIY ACTION E'E 'Y Flilils 00' TUE 13Y8- TEZ , Foil SALE BY ALL ZiIIUOUISTS. La"l'.rt. . . of the hi man Lu 1)iIsrg , , t , , us'ujcs3d isial sirciagihens ii , at. . . , lean uutoreatigadseriat'wuat , lang ow , in mt , j j , ' reply 145 hiqisIrk. we a Ill ray Oat Iheru h no sesduic. s.C hunatiug stout tti Cii lheeontrsr thoalyertisvra-u sery hIghly erulorsud. latereaWl ' ) era'ns lucy ge' .ouie.I clrou ars gisii .3 ; jsrtiu , lsir' by attreo.dn Erie i.iodicsi tnt , 0 , ho , 51 ituibsia :1. v.ruloln Ivsnang : iHac tiuil.iy DSEASF [ , 01 ? 1hIE EYE & IAR J , 7. ARMSTFIO/IG , M. D. , Oou.1 ± , jt c ci. , LLe.trj ' SiCt't , . .lpo.Io laater , Betel , Oma IEo'\ , 5 , f-f ri I ' ri r--i- : i ' I ; Iir.'tuu-nt , , , 5. , , i'1i nJtd'jr.uI ( j .t , ' ' . , ' . .I'tniziu , of l-I.e1 : ' \2e FORtS ' . ; 2'y ' alit ¶ 3 , , Iki-l t1L4flMttS in.5 _ - ' , , 'tilt tIwg.i % i. tMsiiths ' -7s S .J ti1.t , IS , 'us . ' . , t''d ' r ' 4.tt4 ii 11.1. attli Ej-fj. . as's. , ' . : er'u . .ta-ptI , , it lu . -u , , ' .11 lii , I : N II - . ; oir.ost :