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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1883)
- - - - - t , ' 1'11L llA1L1 13LL000JNUIL 131.UNFS , 11'GDNESDIIY NOVEM73EIt , 28 , 18u3. Ji'ffE' DAILY BEE ' C QUNCIL BLi. F17 a Wedltosday Morning , Nevi 20 , SUn9CIUI'TION 1tATFS : py cattier - - - - o yenta per a rc r By haf - - $10.00 i er 1'ea _ - - - toFrlcE ; Na , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. . _ . , MINOR MENTIONS .I See Joseph Roitor a fall goods. Additional local on soseutli page. , , Chcap Railroad Tickcts at Bllahfell e. Ten coopers lvantod by .loscpl1 loss , upper Broadway. I ' 1'ho Ilescua boys have tuck ball to. ' 1 znorrtnv eight , .Tole Burns is wanted to answer a us charge of boiug drunk , r Thu Round Table mat last ca'cninq at ( t the Mono of Mies Millarth The letter carriers hnvo their first annual ball at Bloom , C Nixon's hall this ovoning. 1 . St. l atrich a ] lcnovolmtt society gave n ' it enjoyable dance at St. Josophs academy hall mat owning , Justice Sehtirz presides with duo dig. ' nity and sviadolrI i n the superior cour t 1' . during the absence of Judge Ayleawnrtl ; , E:1 : , Phil Nooulan has bean complained o ( ' . by his wife for being drunkg'and Justice Schurz is to adjust hie when t e o0lcera catch him. Sneakthiovea cleared out Robert Him. tington's front window getting apples , candy etc , , but no very heavy value. i g abler. t harry Carpenter , who was sentenced to a year in the panotentfary for bio - o gamy has served his time , and teturned r ' to this city. ; The lamb nfd.hub race between the ' ? Thurston team of Omaha , and the ' 111u0'Citq team , is to take place this nf- tornoon at the driving park. E. 1. Whoolur , lmvint eovorOl his connection with Coorgo R , Board , on Saturday last ho established hiusself in u the interior decoration business. Thursday evening there will be a so- vial at the Methodist church for the benefit of the pastor , ; Rev. J. I.rnu - strong , who was lately injured. 1 Union services are to be hold in Broad. way Methodist church at 11 o'clock to ; day , at which A. K. Bates , pastor of tit o Preabytoriaq church ; , will preach. Time jury has decided that David lint Ziff did not steal the lumber found in lei s I collar , and which the board of education sn * claimed was taken from the Halo school 4 building. It csata only twontyfevo cents to en 1 iQy tllo rich feast of art and travel to b I given by Prof. O1ydo with his atoropti f con at the Baptist i lurch Friday an d t' ' Saturday evenings. r f The family difficulty between the Kra ' taors and Katzonatoins was ouppoeed t 0 Ju ve been adjusted last spring , but soon to to luavo broken out again , one of th ° Kramer boys boiugaarrestod for assaul t + ' tog one of the Iiatz ° uialaui lloya. . . Th0'eo who have become interested n n ilia aeries of Sunday night discnurce s givcnby , Rev. Mr. Lemon at the Baptis I ; church , will be glad to hear him discus a the questions , 'Is there Joy in Hell ? ' ' and"1s there Sorrow in Heavont' The least that the U. 1' . managers o t the dummy train can do is to have thui o cars warmed. To make passengers si t shivering for thirty minutes in a ca r without a fire is no way to encourag ° travel between the two cities. Fire up The Baptist church folks are workin g zealously to ma ho their place of worshi p more comfortable , , attractive and cony ° ' niont. They are putting is new furor a' ces , std are ( planning for oogalt ] not s atolls for the entrance to the church m , which faces the park. All these lniprov ° ments cost money , and yet they are ( m provetnonts which ( tot only concern tll ° f church , but which concern all tire cit 1 izorts who are anywaya interested in lua 1v sag the public burldm a and churches of Council Bluffs in keeping I with ; the city ' The cases of Jefibrios and Johnson charged with nialicioualy killing five ho' belonging to Mr. Wiley , near the tram s far , occupied Juatico Abbott's nttentio u yesterday. The ease of the boy , Johr , , son , was first oxamiuod into. After tl to evidence for the prosecution had bee U proaented , his attomol s , Lindt 0.C , Ilar t , made a motion for dismissal , wluclt w us hotly contested nearly all the afUrnoor J.V. . Baird appoarhlg for iho proseo tion. The motion was finally overrule d about supper time , and a recess taken. Thu board of trade seoma to be hayin n " a revival. Five now members added at the last unooting. I t matters little svh pt the peculiar orgatizatioh is , butono tutu g is certain-the business ntei of Comic it Bluth should concentrate their thong ] : t and band themselves together for eo r recting nbuses , encouraging onto trio ree and working for the general intoroats of 1 th e city. Lot the revival go on , until a ll the buelness men are enthused in tl to I matter of making Counchlilufi's grow an prosper. William Cody , "Bufralo Bill , " passe d 1 through the city yesterday en route f 0. r Davenport , whore lie begins a series 0.of i cutortainments entitled , "Twon ty Nighta. " lie was accompanied by h I0. 9 uianager'Maj. Jno. Burke , and hover n 1 others belonging to the troupe , amo 'lI ' then an Apache Indian , the niece of U 10 famous chief , "fled Cloud. " Mr , Co dY will give his first entertainment m Da V. emport next Saturday , and will take a trip through eastern cities , and tIi on back , makingSt. Paul , DeaMoinesCou , cif ] tuffs and Omaha. He expects lu reach hero about the Dliddlu of Mar Ii , nml will then reorganize hla compel The play which lye Ee to run this win t ortv uulbracea thrilling sconce and adyentur es III the far west , adapted for the rtago. JThe dummy train yesterday moral ; : g , did its best to make some lively runaw ay items. Ono team attached to a. lumb er wagon near the switch for than tarry ca re r I broke and ran coward the depot and n boy ml horseback dashed after them Tim boy did not apparently understand catching runaway horses very well , and I nstead of naming ntongsido and catching the reins , ho kept circling in front of - thorn and risking hie tiro. Tha team kept turning a complelo circle was made , and the runaway horses ran back hr the transfer , about be ° ( mt out , and were there caught by the boy. Is the same duunny train reached n spot near Stow. arcs packing honso , n horse with n Hght wa ou took a ruin , tipped the wagon over , ( recd himself , nlnd dashing up against n fence wag brought to n standstill. ] t a fterward appeared that n unisahevioua nuwapa Ter reporter was ( Torched in the cab with l the engineer end kept blun iu tcaug snu the whistle 1Thc ' , ho n thinking thus to gut items enough to fili up the vacnut colmnuA. Cut rates to all points at McAllister's ' ticket oflico , fi00 Broadway , Council ] fluffs , - - - STRIIOK WHILE SLEEPING , The .lAanllnut DrJp4 111P Iron Bar znd Skips. There hits bee 11 some little diflieult Y b etween two of the oniploycs of the b rewery , Cos ] ! loom and Raymund Sillingor , The latter scouts to have bean t he larger and stronger man , and Bloom i s said to have boon afraid to tackle him when awake , mold so while he was asleep Bloom s said to have picked up a bar of iron and hit the elcaTing ( Shcinger over t he bend and then skipped. 'Phu wound thus inflicted was at first thought to be v ery serious , and Dr.Vnllnco was called to dress the wound. The fracture wasci discernible and the injury seemed nlnin ly n bad scalp cut , .t warrant was taken out for flu arrest of Bloom , charging him with assault with intent to kill , but lm has not y + heel arrested. - - - - - TllE NE\V DYE\VOItKS. F. It. ilurlburt Iota oeiicd , at No. 34 Pearl street , a atcun dying and Frouclt dry cleaning works , ] 'tomes and tips , volveta silks , satins , god's clothing , merchant's shlf worn goods , all made as g oed as new. GurrCct the Abuern , 'hue Union Pacific in its treatnielit of C ouncil Blurs seems to be getting more and nioru unaccommodating. It having gobbled up iho $40,000 , Union avenue and the street car line , rt is routing thorn directly against the interests of this city , as ' 1'nE ' BEa predicted , and the fair promises rondo seem to be completly ig- n ored. The only advantage so far gained is that snmu of Slue property owiucra in rho itmucdiato vicinity of the dummy doper on Broadway , have had tlma bone- of n little rise in property , 1)ut. on the other hand property along the avenue has depreciated , and other ndjacout property been damaged more than e nough to make up for this , Whore are rho half-hour traimB pron. teed by the company ? Where is flu gain in time in crossins ; t he river , now that the dununry trains wait fifteen minute , at the transfer ? Whore are the tarry cars ? Why are they not tort to Broadway as promised ? Where is the big freight depot to be built at iho corner of Broadway and Union avenue ? Whore is the promised accommodation to heavy shippers , when the heaviest. ehippara m the city are now trying to got a line run up Twelfth avenue to accen nlOdaiO (1101n ? ' Whore , ar0 the early trains to bo run from Council Bluffs to Omalm Whore are the street care which used to connect with the inemniug trains at the transfer ? The fact is that in order to make pas. sougore remain at the transfer hotel , 0.r go over to Omaha , and prevent them from coming up town , there are no street cars to mtrot the trauma at the Union Pa. cilia depot at night. ] : arty trains are run over from Omaha , to allow workingmen to live there and canto over here to work , but no early train tree Council llluffs to Omaha. Th e Union 1'acifo uses the dirt of prii'ato parties to fill up their street car lulu , .4111 fact in ovary way the roadie tryin ' to got all it can free Council lllulfs nn ( give nothing in return. COOPERS WAITED. Jaeoph Roes , on upper Broadway ' 1 Wants torn good coopers at encu , Thu lacclrlc I,1yht , Thorn is now more of nn assurance o f Council lllufCs having an electric high t tlsn at ; any iiuo before , and each d0. y coos it strengthened. Not only hits th e dynamo ninchino beer put in place , nn d and nearly n hundred lights subscribe d for ; but yesterday the wires ware bet a 6 stretched along Broadway by ilw Pitclmo r eC Yaighn conpamy preparatory to put ting in the latfpa at Limo 1 nclltc house ' Eieotnan'e , Liudeoy's ' nnd'othoe stares 'Photo 114E Loan much ttllk hero abdu L uloatrlo light , and throe diWuremut coin Pathos have boat promising to start hero , and t1 + Ia company at ! east Inomts bust nose , whether the ethers do or mot. Tim e etrotohing nt the wire , though in itsol ( a eunplo thing aoomod to lltrou rip th ° faith of doubters wonderfully , yesterday 0.e they stood on Broadway and syateho d the wakore , Council Bluffs is fast 6rot thug into city ways , Mrs , AL , Carroll , fashionable dross making. Outing and fitting a specialty Apprentices wanted. No , 70 Firetat , u flue ult stairs , - ] coal' I'xtut0 ' Transfers , The fallowing deuce wore filed for ro cord in time reclydor'e office , Novonlbo r 27 , ropartod for the BEE by P : J , Mc Aiahon , real oaGato agent ; J , P , Cneaady to Conrad Racer , tut l' , ! dock l0 , lull's odd-5'1G , g ] thuds 1'lmilllps to It , B , Howe , par t nwt ueJ,13 , 7f , 44-$1,050 , Gornva Fleck to Joaoph locum , par awl noj,1,16 , , 4--3400 , Otto Rhooldr to Jacob \Vatrwt , pat t tv } awh and sot awl , 0 , 74 , 40-.t00. Joint Binty to 1 otor 1'oht , w swj s .0 , i7 , 40-.2,800. , D , It , Minium to W. IL. Freolnaupar t ew uw } , 13 , 75 , 40-54U , oho Shaddon to Loren llamilton , le .7 and U , block 80 , Crescent City-8100 , 'Total sales , 84t)311. ) 'Petal esloa for the week , ti14,400,4 ( + . BURIED IN THE BLUFF. 'I'hr ltmll of au I nluunsn ° ommn Founrt Buck ofthe Ogden Ifnuso. Yesterday while the hiborers and team- ; st ern were at work digging away at the B luffs in the rent of the Ogden house , thoq were horrified at finding the body of n wmnnn who was buried fu the bluff. The body was not iii the best state of pr eservation , but still there was much of the floah mum some of the clothing tuft , w hile parts of the caflin wore also found. O f course it was impossible to idoutfy tim e bdq ; , and rho most that could be ( canted about it was that it was doubt- le ss ° 110 W111C11 was buried there in n leg. itinlato way years ago , when that par + , of the city was used 0.e n couetory. Old citizona say that it has Loon fully twenty ye ars , mId probably mare then that ten gilt of time , shies a burial was wade there. The body was ordered , by rho ci ty authorities taken to the public cigr ound , in F'nirviow cemetery end en- te red anew there. - - - - - - - - 'I'ho School Board. Time action of time hoard of education in forbidding time further use of may of th e buildings Sunday afternoon for time M ission Sunday schools has caused much indigunnt criticism. Tonight time coon ty school houses arc being used for yeti. pious gatherings , ii , well as political meet. tags , lectures , etc. The court house he re 19 11A0(1 for various purposes. The city building is used on Sunday after- no on for gatherings of cigar-makers , time printols' union , etc , , and yet rho school beard will not mtcourao in any way n ci vilizing , chriatializing organization , while at Silo same time it complains bu cause thorn is so little civilization mid so little Christianity that school property , lumber , etc. , is being stolen. Thmo school board prusecntos thieving with eta hmnd , and with the other hlTa alanmod tho'door in iho face of those w ho wet : to teach honesty , ] t is undue stood chat Mr. Pettibone is rho chief in- st igator of time (100C Blnn1111111g business , and that with the exception of Mr. Atott , lim o other ntmnbors du not object to the uao of the building , but Air.1'ottibono'h word eacma law with iha board , and for practical purposes it seems 0.g if the rest of time members might just 0.B well io sign , and tat him rue everytlming. Ho acenis to be business manager , purchns lu g agent , contracting agent , auperin ictdcmt of buildings , custadiar of public properly , in fact , iho chief of alb , It may be that his education or ability war runts his acceptancy of so prominent and all absorbing position in the board , but oven in that case , ho ought not to use his power for freezing out omission Sun. day schools , tvlmilo ho is troubled so ouch by Limo dishonesty of time 'boys of rho p resent dn . Mr. A. 13.'alkor , who has charge of o ne misaian school , that which has been uteetiug in , iho Curtin seluel house , says ho did not have any chance even to notify the school of rho nation time board , but was perunnptot ily locked out. lie is nrotse(1 now aIll proposes not only to ulaintnin the school but to provide i t with a chapel of its own. The mamgorB and tvorkora iu other of those School pi urpose going ahead also , and overcom- i ng the di0icultics. These men and won moo are putting in their tiwo and money , not for amusement or glom , but for th t ; unselfish ] urposo of bettering others , bu t rho policy of time school board , pursued i ii other matters 0.e wall as this , indicates n narrowness of intellectual and morn i vision , which can eco nothing but self. T ime board has frozen cut the Kinder garter , nass it tries to frdozo out the mission school. The may finally be lrozem out thmneeh ca. Six per cent cif and farm loan. S. W. Fer6usaon & Ca , , 70 Pearl St. mwfi f Mrs , Wheeler Burven , of Ynnkton , Iakutu , tvas in the city yesterday , on her way to 1)al I ns county , ts , spcad''iiaakegivingtelth frienda there , ao , inuato i coUS'CIL aLUrra NtnICBT , Wheat-No , ° spring , 70u ; No. 3 , GOc ; rc joctod , fi0c ; good deuced. Corn-Dealers are p.yiug 32o for old curia mid 26c for now. Oats-Tim good demand at 20c IIay-I OO Itglt , per ton ; 60c per bale. It o-40c ; is Corn 11ra1I 25 Tar 100 1"imntls. SYuod-Gaud sal II + Y ; prices at yards , 5 00 G Coal-Delivered , hard , 11 GO per ton ; soft 0 00 per Gm Butter-I'letmty and ht fair doiualld at. 2c ! cromnery , 850. Eggs-heady raio at : 'Oe per dozen. Lard-Fairbauk's , wholusulug at lie. Poultry-First ; dealers are paying fu r chickens 11'c , ; Ilvu , : 60 per dazau , 1'ugotnLlar-1'uWLtos , 600 ; uniums , 40e ; cab bogus , 80@40e per duzer apples , 3 00Q3 6 0 per barrel Flour-City flour , l GOQ3 f0 , Brooms -2 OOQ3 ; 00 ( wr doz. Livi : hTOCK. Canto-3 00(3 50 ; calves , 6 00t.7 60. Bugs-Luca ! packers hate cammonced buv big now nod thorn is a good dammul for al 1 grates at 4 00 ( I : ; , SPECIAL NOTICES -NOTIC&-9pedal a + h'crtleomuuts , each 0.e beet Foetid , To Loan , rut Sa1u , To flout , V&mut.s , Board t ug , eta , will 1o hieertod In lhle edema at the to rate o/ / TIN : Clh'TS ' 1'Fn : LINE for iho Dnt Iniwrtlo n and r1yE CnhTo PER LINE for each subsoqueut I ni eertlon. t.earu ahurtlncmeute at our otficu , Na i l'carl8tract , near Unndaav ' WANTS , N.w.w.r..w.w + . . . WAITEU-Csen bwry'nnCuundlBlurteto tsk e TtarBrL tIheredLycarrkrftwily tweet rents a week. 1 WAbTEU-A boy , withaDy , , to deli , TuaBx r < 7lltl IIAItn.kI Auyuuwwautlega srt of John 1) was ISuycloI.ells , eI tt , tolauo , , , catigets bar gsln 1 + y a111uK at 71tx lute one , , CAImINIT : I'IIOl us-doby the dozen st thu excel dorgailer } , 1U , Slam rrect , Council llhra nltamer , turd dummy faro both ways to Omaha eu e Somers vim enters of Ele and upwards It jOUND-A bunch of keys , on Olen svenuu , la ' qulroatllsxwtlla , . Y , ; ANl'IU-ivcryb.lytwbuy : : s ltririnnspr , " ' ant worth inure than dlaraonda-a - Ialie Ii the Mutual U/0. lusaranru nnu zany , 01 N ( + w Mork rri r ( the largrtcumpauy In the word ( mice lu + srr iha ri ally other eompanv. Sm. F , Itoluer , agent for w'cs t out/ouaCouucllbluGa. : FOR SALE AND RENT , 'O ItLNT-A go 1 toaui , 33 by 1S trot V1 Di 111 alllca petolllosladu g ] 'tart Nre ( t. Apply st n0. A - - e treat piles andYalllae [ this o Rectum fn radlesd sad lwrewixut cure , to Irma two tnfou i Rectum wecka OKraUou , , palnlow. Dlseasee of tU e a Specialty , 11 dkwltcra Douai . co0Kwa ABIJAR. Headers of TIlh BET : nitty wonder why we headed this ndvcrtisement n9 FllOVe. "We Can't Tell a Lie. Therefore sny to you that our object wnsto attract your attention to the fact that our stock of Boots , Shoes , Slippers , WAVERS I , F or fall and winter lvrnr , i9 the largest and best we have ever 1111(1. All botight FOIL CASII front nuunlfucturersdi , ect. All work warranted - ed not to rip. Priccs as lowas tlio.lowest , z , T. LYNDSEY & CO 412 Broadwny. Coiulcil B1uils , \Ves + , Sine of Sgunrc' , Clnrindn , IOWA , MAYNE & PALMER 7 DEALERS IN Hard and $ oft Coal , IIULIiIND BARREL 1.11fELOUI9VILL1 : ANb PORTLAND OESiINT : , 1IfCI11tlAN PLASTER , IIAII AND BFWIR : rli'a. No , 630 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , f i1 t tl 1141 UiiiiI l , I . , , 1 , a . v , . .1 i i rr Y4 n w c : w e zy , = o r > i e er c au Tailors. 7 ml ] 9Mlin ( Street , aRCC'2'013Y , mOVNGSL BLevFg'9 , I.A. JOHN W , BAII3D , 'Iv ATTORNEY COLLECTION TO MAN . cc nstrcet COUN , JOHN BENO 00 . OE MERCIIANDISE. , 18 17 E'oarl stroet. . 'mOHN CRE9TON HOUSE. 1. n , hotel , 217 and 219 Saln sheet , DR , J . F . WHITE , Corner Stain and Filth up etalrs OFFICE , Residence , , DOD willow avenue. N SCHURZ JUSTICE OFTIJEPEACE , e Ofilce over American Express , S S f WAGNER LIVEiIYAND FEED , , Wlll contnat cot /unorale / at reasennblD taros. 22 Fourth sheet. J , M , ST. JOHN . & CO.CASH BUYERS , try fruit. butter eggs , to pool. us. Iratt by return mall. 148 ltrcuulw ny. JACOB NOCH SIEItCIIANT TAILOR , , Stock Complete. Suits made at rcasonnblo prices No. 805 Mala 9th G F SMITH CONTI1ACTOIt AND BUILDER , , corner 7th and Broadway. Flans and specifications furnished. W. W. SHERMANt DEALER IN FINE ] [ ARNE99. r kayo the variety that'bringa pntrana o , 124 Stain street. JAMES FRANEY MEItUIIANTTAFLOI1. , Att4ttoWork andronaonnbld charges 872 Broadway. HUTIE & SON FURNITUi1ESTOVES , lr , and household Supplies. So3 Broadway. LINDT & HART . ATTORNEYS ATLAIV , James Dloak. Practlca in sLnte and federal courts. SAltl 1TtL1L And gomety bath hou. , Sf. U. Ihpalrinn. and 123 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont EDWIN J ABBOTT JUST ICE OF , Notary I'uhlle and General Comroyancor. 415 Broadway SMITIi A NORTON , REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite Now Opera houeo. ' Refitted 81 , 81.50 per d0. r - - - - HAIR GOODS. OF ALL KINDS. ® a e Lowest noes IN TILE 1VEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D , A. BINEDIOT , . . 337V. . Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) 1 Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. PREWLI M PORTRAITS -IN- 1'Oll ' Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade at rensonnble rotes. Orders Dy nlnil promptly fine . C. D. LUCtOCK ; , , 1.43 Broadway. Council Bluffs. GROSVENOR & GUNN f MANUFACTURERS OF' ois . , 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa , IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS 'CALL ON , s _ hP1 HRO : H , Corner ) limn and First Avenue , Council I3l1llis , Ile h ,9 't'hem , PETER C MILLER la'lI0LI:9AGEAND RETAIL Wall-Pa P et and Wl dow Shadesand Painting in all its Stanchest FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.l1a t5osath hotrar13t. / . - aounoil $ lullali 1111 : : Our line of tiiovos is time II1os co111pleto ill zle city amid illciudcs all time most Desirable Pa + terns and Latest Improvements ! \ \ r o Imvo humuuores. time prices clown as thou na they will stand without breaking , and you are imivitod to call and see how thick the stoves fire iii eo iparisuu , PECiAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , dightly tarnisbcd , at a reduction of Si.00 each. IDxrv'x VITTLIGkXx'I' , 504 Broaaway and 10 and 12 Man : St Council Bluffs. . Em lie Hardware Co [ I h Hardware I /2 100 and 111 S , Main Street , - = : - . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. \VIIOLESALB DEALI:11S : IN HATS9 CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS l : c i.ib.t twntd t o1d. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished 3E' .T. MoMAgTON No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL STUFFS. BVKEYE FEED GRINDER . . : - rtH tWILL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME A complete Horse Power. The best Feed Mill in existence. Costs but little more than 1t caumoh grinder , 1Yritt , for circulars to SHUGART , WRITE & WIES , Council Bluila , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowanud Nebraska. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT a DEALER IN Lathes' ' Funilsijiug GOoffg s NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 1Y , Rronlvny , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA 6 3u CA > LLACHER. c ® c r a New Store , Fresh Cuods , Low I'rIces and Polite Attendants. y { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } Council Bl + . . STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers e 4 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; TT 'I 1 T E ] ® ! BEUIITELE'S A , 1 The only only hotel run on rho European plan this city. Now building , newly furuislnodand all mudonn improvements , and is centrally located , PETER EEC ( TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE or 1 Unredeemed Goods. ' CREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold and std silver watches and chains , and a full line of act mum plain gold range , 300 taco's , nod 00 boy's overcoats. All these articles must be sold. Money lust on ALL KINDS of personal property. D GOLDSTEIN , "Q8 Middle Broadway , opposite city huilding , Council Blutis , 1 1I I -IN- ! ! ' ] 'able Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on W. S , HOMER & CO , , - 23 Main St , , Council Bluffs. t SIX PER CENT OPTION LCAN& On City and Farm Property. S. e FERGUSSON & e 3O Pearl Street , Council Blnll's , Iowa. t Val. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , neat estate and collection sgonoy , a 04d Fellows lock , over dsslnaeltank , Jan8/1' JticD11 sI1uL rF. . cauu ELt SIMiS. ! CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Otiku , Stab , Street , Rooms 1 and ehucert k Mo. Mahon's lllode , Will practls hr htatu and iii , . . , ) trourw Tabs. Orrirea , I , . su. reear , OFFICER & PU SEY BANKERS. Carucu , Bhtae I0. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer , Il Futelgu sad Uounstie lachangu and home 8tcutns Mrs , II , Jr Milton , hi , D , 1 PHYSIC IAIt & SURGEON , 141 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Rs Rice Ms Ds I CA 11(1111)0 or other tumors remotedxltho .dhu 1 knife or drawing of blood , CRRDNIC DISEASES of kfndsa syadally. User thirty years practlcal experience. Once No. 6 I'eurl ' street , Council llluaa , LtfConsultetlou free. Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter Fupply of Missouri Hard. Wood 7 AND 11AIID AND SOyT ca1 -WITII- 1' . OVERTON 003 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa , And seeuru the Lest artlelu and full measure at flu . . vwrq ( o/ / the dry ; d JOSEPH gAGHEGAE' . HARD WOOD I AND S -COAL-- I Cona r Slam stuetand Eighth ) lilua , . CuroueyCuuef te'Lowvet rater and prompt dIhery. I 1 , , , , , . , , , - , . , lut evrlldWtr to awclt tt + n IKtlua of the 1'ollce AUes gtuuln p g Wn 11i'