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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1883)
_ - . . m.yo. . X111 Ii ( , 1)A 1 I V U ti Nr..f rIA A it l r.w + . .r - - . , - + w - - r . r _ . . , t G TUB DAILY B.CIr---COUNCIL BLUIFS ! , TUEbDAI , NOV.EMBEE 27 , ISBS. 1 i ' k.I-IE DAILY B EE. N O OUNCTL B LUFFS. r , Tuoaday Mornini ; , Nov. 27. ; sUBSCR1r110N RATrw9 : By Cinlor - . . . 20 cents pet week By Hat - ' ' - taco pcr Ycar r d. ' ; OFFICE : ' No , 7 roar1 Street , Near Broadway. r 1 MINOR MENTION. , k i .1 . Sco Jose P h Reitor'3 fall g oods. ' Additional local on seventh pogo. t Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnoll's. I Tan coopers wentodI by Jngoph 1lose , upper Broadway. Charlen Hood was yeatordny lined f ti $ wGO far being drunk , landslide back of + There was 1 Heavy 1 Atkins' drug atoro Sunday nig1iL ' Thu Ilatlilfo cnso again tank up Justice f Abbott's time and patrouco yostcrday , } h Notarial soma-Bost solid niotal bao 01,00. Novelty Works , 1'ourtcanth < i ntreat , Omnhn. t Mayor Bowman gave instructions Ito the variety theatre not to attempt to give n Sunday night show , Zlio boating app aratus at the hi 6 h 8011001 gave out yesterday so that ono room could not be uaud. The Donahoo boyo , arrested for pound. ing n Hancock boy , hind their cases 0011 ; timed by Judge Aylcsworth f.r ono r week. week.Work Work on tine Bryant etreet bridge r suapondod until aomo of the tioeded iron arrives , which it is Hoped will be in n few days , L , II. Nelson , arroated for embezzle- niont , was , yesterday admitted to ball before Justioo Schura in the sum of ' $500 , to appear on the 28th. , . The mcwsbo'a arrested for stoaliug coal from the Rock Island yards were ' 1 yesterday diechargod , their mother being ' ; given inntructiona to look after them a little more closely. Leave to marry was yesterday given Niels Christian Peterson and Christina Hanson , both of this city ; also E. C. Swan of Salt Lake , and Minnie hirkundall of this city. The funeral of little Cordon Scofield , eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Scofield , was Bold yesterday forenoon , Row. Mr. Bates conducted the services , which wore peculiarly tender and touching , Charles II , Day while walking down the street with a companion , claims that a stray g a man stole from him an ax , which inn was carrying , and thou throat- cued to brain him with it if ho tried to follow Jibe. A woman was arroated. on a warrant is- auod by Justice Vaughan Saturday night night on complaint of Spolmat Bros. , for obtainin oods under false reteleeL Her relatives settled tine account and the matter was dropped. County Attorney Hight yesterday filed an information agairt Joniilo Hilbrnd , the woman who shot at Mr , Sardowsim , but oho was not in a fit cpndjtbon tobring i before the court , She was not so wild i yesterday as oil Sunday , but still is mentally much out of balance , ( Fink Smitb , the youth being cared i , fur and educated by the home of the friendless , seams ti be appreciating the advantages , and itnlroving them , and much interest is tikon in his case. Yesterday - terday Henry Elsmnn gave him a suit of clothes and provided him with underwear - wear , Metcalf Bros , gave lnimm an overcoat - coat and gloves. Among tlm other car tributiona to the home yesterday was J. M. I'hillips , who donated $10 in cash , Ii. S , McAllister , of St. Joseph , the western traveling agent of the Erie eC North Share Disiatch , wa in the city yeatordny , and in company with the local agent , M , F , Itolrron , interviewed sonny of the sliip ) > er and business men , mid also placed nt prominent places , includ- lub Till. BEn ollitw , a map of New York , - . Philadelphiaand Boston , Thu crap in nicely mounted and is a very convenient addition to an utlice. ' , . _ THE NEW DYEWORKS. F. R. Hurlburt has o coned , nt No , 34 Pearl street n steam d in and French ' d cleanin % works , 1'lun es aid tI sven von ets silks aatbnt ent's clothin merchant's shelf worn b coda , all made asn good as now. 1's USONAIr. Will S. Cooler , of the hardware hauso of Cooler d ; McGee , had a male heir cone to gladden hls home Saturday , y Julius Puycko , Win , Lewis aid Chas , W , : ] dgorton formed an Omaha trio , wlro wore Hero yesterday on a cult before Ju.tlee Vaughan. e Riley Clark , of Noola , war among yostor x ; . daq n callers at Tim Ilxu elico , s SupervlsorYrue was In the cdty yostorday. s- Prof , Story , of Boston , electrician , is here looking after the 1'llcher and Vaughan ele : . trio light. r W , IL Hyde , of lies Molucs , was at Bech tele's yesterday. J , O , Dets and wife , of Anamosa , were at ' ] teehtele'B yesterday , Ileruy Itobinson , of ioblussa hires. , has gone east on a btednes. trip. COOPERS ) PANTED , Joseph Ross , on upper Broadway r 1 , wants ton good coopers at once , , - - - - - Madly hurt. Mr. Norton , who drives a coahwago n for Mayne tG Palmer , vyas on Sunda y eight injured by liis tear running away. ' Ho bad boon moving a house , and had a ' load of heavy timber ow the wagon who the horses started on tlm run , IIo w as . thrown ofiand one of the hind wheels ran over him , breaking his collar bond and two or three ribs , It ii fearedule o that he ie hurt intornplly , t * Mrs. 111. Carroll , fashionable dross awaking , Cntiug aid fitting a specialty. t Apprentices wanted. No , 720 lrirst av - f1nUB , Up Btalre , 1 d + 1 POINTS FROM THE PULPIT , A ( 'nlnt IlHeusMkm of Splrltunllant- .l'lnlm Talk About Nntrimony. Despite the howling winds and the horrible night there was a largo audience at the Baptist church Sunday avoning to hear what ltev. Mr , Loman had to say about "Spiritualism , " and among the an. dielico were many of the pronlinoilts In Spiritualistic circles , if they expected him fe follow the too common method of "pitching in red lint , " they ware sadly disappointed. llo handled thio subject clearly , logically , and dispassionately , and at the eloso some of those who differed front him , willingly contrratulated him on the manner on which Ie .tad . treated tlio subject , Ida rovicwod the Bible accounts of time visitatioti of angels to this earth , and thou met tire question aquaroly whether these tnan ifestatiois passed away with Bible tiniest lie was frank enough to admit that he could find nothing in scripture or in ren- aol to show that they did , On time other Baud ho believed that departed spirits Infuonco the minds of miortals , cord that they were "ministering angols. " That was their mission-to help , to warn , to lead toward the good , but their mission w1s not to reveal nnythiug now concormi- bog either heaven or Roll. Man hind been given a complto revelation hi tlio Bible , and it was not im the province of angels to add thereto. it was unreasonable to believe that angels could nako ruvula- hous. If th ey could , Joseph Smith could make one , Mows another , Lazarus another , Each spirit might make a different revelation , and thol wlio should decide which was right ? Such n theory was not reasonable in view of the fact that tnnn had all the revelation needed. History showed also that angels - gels Gould not make revelations. Thd nations which hind not the revealed word of God fall into idolatry , and could not by searching find God out. Tito Bible was also quoted to show the snnle fact. The apaaker pronounced modern spir itunlism really materialism and of a gross form. They had fallen into error in many ways. lie believed in the imllu once of spirits over the spiritual part of man's make up , but thus Jiu tenured christian spiritualism , In striking at the abuses of nmodurn spiritual. ism christiats should be careful - ful about denying the kornal of truth and neglecting time conscious foresem co 0 e irit iulluolco actin on the heart and ur'in g it to the rood. The wheat shall not be thrown awa with the chaff. Next Sunda ni lot lie is to deliver another - other discourse , a virtual continuation of this , and will answer the questions : "Is there sorrow in Ileaven ? " and "Is there joy in holll" Ho will answer aomo of the objections of infidelity , that those in heaven take in interest in tine coudi- tint of tlroso in hull , 1'LAIH TALE INDERD , Jlov , Mr. Mackay at tire Episcopal church Sunday eve ing gave nn address oil Marriago' ' . Ito pictured out time ideal ltono and told some plain facts about the deplorable drift ; of married life , . Ho spoke of the bloss'ng ' of children in the h one and how few eeonmed to appreciate tltoro The tendency was directly opposite , nod tine practices and ideas concerning this subject were growing worse and worse , Tlmero were few children in time American homes. Somewhere , as ho read in tine paper tine other day , it was time custom for a bride to carry a doll , and care for it , wash aid dross it , until there v , ore children of liar own to care for , If such a custom prevailed here the country would bo filled with dolls in time arms of adults , The speaker thought marriage fast becoming a more umeama of nntisfyimg lust , a legal sort of concubinage , and that time tendency was awful enough todenaldh eroic treatment at thou panda of public speakers and thinkers In regard to divorce , ho be. liored that it was just in eonio cases , w'lmero nmrriago wan really unbearable ; and the union horribly abused by oe' ' But ho did not believe fn marriage being a inure colveuianco , amid that ouu should tlnrow air n faithful conpmnium for the sake of satisfying some fancy or caprice , If the earnest , plain talk given obi this doliata subject could be carried into practice , it would make a revolution in society in tunny places. rss. Cut rates to all points at McAllister's ticket office , 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Heal Eatato Translurs. The following deeds were filed fur re. cord in tlno recorder's o0bce , November 20 , reported for time Bne by P. J , Mo- Madinn , real estate agent : John Ledwicln to .John O'Brien , e4 of no j,10 , 80 , 40 ; $1,360 , Arthur Pitkin t1) Frank IV. MofTtt , nil of sw j , 27 , 78 , 42 , $1,840. F. A , Crandall to IVs. Gronoweg , lot 16 , Elder's addition , $800. Tntitl sales , $4,020 , , THE VERDICT , The Coroner's .fury Hhnply 1"imd that Moses Nixon lituig Hlniself Thu suicide of Moses Nixon , sn old resident of Pottawottambo comity mmd 011 old vuterm ; was announced iu yesterday luorning a Biun. A jury was impanndlod , consisting of Charles D , Mussor , A , S. Barrett and Thomas Vanier , aid they returned a verdict simply that "deceased came to hla death by Iris own hand , in accordance with a cart. . found upon his body stating , 'T4is is my own act , , " The little daughter of tine decoa9ed , a girl about twelve years of ago , was the ono that discovered the body of Ter father hanging in time barn , with a card simply stating as above drat it was lmb own not. } } ' ) mat led mini to thus take hla own life is still a mystery , but it is tleuglit that it was dune an a fit of despondency bordcriug om Insanity. The bull storm of last sum. suer ru'nud ' Iris crops aid over this loss I ho brooded greatly. Sunday , nmorning after eating his breakfast as usual , hu went to tine bare to luck after tire stuck there , and about two hours later was found llangfug there dead , Mr. Nixon was aged 47 ye ar and was burn h l 1 myOtto county , d unn. Ito had been a resident of the slate thert ear sodas stated yesterda' was ii nmueburof tin e Abe Lincoln Lost ( l. A 1L amid abou t thert y of his counradea wont out i e t } 1 e Hazel Doll churchyesterdsq afternoon to attend the funeral , Nixon loaves besides Jibs wife , two sons and a daughter , BUILDING BOOM , Cresunt HI1'1mIH to ho having Una JIIHI NO % % ' . Cue x r ° v , N ovember 20.-Our cit y is just now experiencing a building boom , and thinking that.Tnr Br.E readers would bo interested in knowing something of ita details , a call was made om our architect , Mr. W. K , Ball , wino gave me all tine ( IC. sired information required , Since a little - tle over n year ago there has boon nn less than twontyOvo or thirty businesa houses 1)111 up In elegant 8 (1 substantial slylo. The two on I'iun stroct , 46x100 feet and two stones high , are built of pressed brick and cut stone trlmnmhmga. The Iowa State Savings bank building , of the corner of fine andMontgomnury , together with time two next , are of limo salno style , and tusking that street looul up itnmeiso , 1 should mention in this connoctiou time three built by Dr , Nnmieo ( brother of ox- Governor Nnneo of Nebraska ) three brick buildings , all occupied I believe. But wo are inclined to think that -Maple street is outatripping Pine. Sucln great improvomout.9 as have bean going on of Into , Time lliorchants' block , with its novon stores 100x154 feat , and all were rented , except tlroso wecupied by tine owner tholisolvon , before time foundations wore laid , These , togolhur with the line structure occim Red by The 1laily Adver User office and limo Ea 6 gio block , as of- fices far lawyers , doctors and sleeping npartmuuts , and The IYeekly C01mm emi wealth , will make ,1aplo stroct look hnndnotne , so thnat eventually we opine it will bo like unto Fourth street im the great city of St. Louis , ( more or less ) , Thos there lave boon built two now school houses of brick , not , however , quite con'tleted ' as yeti but will be soon , so Mr. Ball tine nrclittcot informs mo , Those will be heated by steam , a grand idea , much safer and less liable to take fire , as it would be in cane of the heat by stoves. Those achool buildings will accotnodato about 775 pupils ; six large rooms in each building , and much immure conmodious Haul time little narrow tucked up houses that are I10w Iu use , Nina residences have also been built to lima number of aomo ten or twelve , ho- sides cheaper dwellings to time inuniber of about 100 , Altogether our beautiful city feels prowl of ] her success in the past , Mr. Ball thinks that another year will sue a greater boon than thus , as everything is now most substantially ar- rlumgcd for. Thu beauty about all 111co btilldimgs is that they are put up in a substantial and Ono architectural st710. Timis always catches time strangora eye , ns Inc pcr chance stops for a few hour us our city , and the gercral remark is , Why , what a nice town you luavo hero ; I nun surprised prisod , " We should have mentoed ! before that time 0. , B. rC Q , have just completed a largo store house. It is quito largo amid commodious and will be considered a great convenience to tine "Q. " road , and a great auldition to the Gnvm. WINTRna. SEEING THE WORLD , An Isltsy Lind 1'leasnnt Chance to Travel Whlla Hutyfng'at House. Two rare entertainments are promised for next Friday and Saturday ovotmings nt tine Baptist church , at which place I'rof. Clytlo will give a series of views with leis wonderful atoreopticmm. Tlmso views are of Now York amid ether large cities , natural scomery in Colorado , for cigu eights , statuary mid copies of the matter pnintimgs of the world , inter- sperned with comic picturca. The tickets are only twuntylivu cents and for clnil drop Indoor counts , The proceeds nru to go for the benefit of the church that in nuking aomo nnarked improvementa. . COMM.ERCIAL , COUNCIL IILUFF5 r1AIIKln' . Whoat-Nn , 2 spring , 70c ; No , 3 , GOc ; re- IOCtad , 50c ; goad do land. Cosa-Dcalors are paying 32o fur nld corn nod 25c for now. Onto-Imt oed domaid mrt 20c ] ley-I a 0 o0 pcr ton ; 500 per bale , Ryu-10c ; ight Hupplp Corn Neal-125 par 100 pounds. Hood-Good supply ; prices nt yards , G OOQ G 00 , Coal-iollverod , hard,1150 per ton ; soft , a oo pcr ton . Batter-I'ienty and In fair damammd at 2.e ; aoauary 35c Eggs-heady sale at 200 per dozen. Lard-1 atrhauk's , wholesalhmg at lla l'mdty-Firm ; dealers nru paying for chkkous Ifs ; live , 2 fA poi dozen , Vegetables'-Potatoes , 60c ; oniony , 400 ; eah- ba7w , 3O@40c per dozen ; applrs , J 00(03 ; .0 per barrel Fl cur-tity flour,1 GOdS 40 , Br ems 2 00@3 00 per doz , LIVE STOOL Cnttlo-3 OO d3 5A ; calves , b 0O@7 (0 , ] logs-Local packers ( rave comnmuenced buy. log now sad tloro is a grad domantl for all grades at 4 00@4 25. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Spaclg advertiearnonts , inch as 4et , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To lent , wants , Board. Ing , etc. , whim i fu.orted In th4 column at the low rate of TEN O1 NTa 1'Ell wNn for the first haertlon and FIV1 CENTS rgn 1JNE for each auiwoquont ( n sertlon. Leave adye tIsenentl at our olaee , Nn 7 I esd Street , near aroadwar WANTS. a % % ANTED-Every bony m Council Dlult. tc take TY Tuehee , lellvered by canlorat only twenty rent. a week. 1vANTgD-A boy , with pony , to deliror Tue Bn cp10IIAIlOAlN-Any'onewanlinga out of John 1) sou. Incyeluwdle ; , eight volumes , raugvta bsr gain by rallbug at foe mats otllc'e UABINg'rl'IIOTtS-8n by the dozen atthe exoel elorg.ilery , 1,0 Melts wrest , Council IwhmCa Dinner , end duunny faro hotmm way. to Omaha cue. lamer. on omen of 8lo end upwarda iIOUND-Abuuohof key.un Olen aseuue. 1c. 1' q Ire at mt.n name. t 7AhrFU-icorylswlytoluy : a Ckrletua. pros 11 slit worth inure than dlaruouer-a pollo hn the Muual LU. huuramre rem muy , of New 'I erk , ( the largestcumpauy Inthu wcrhd ( rates lower than any other omimm"y , II , F , ltohnr , egeat tor woet. sin IowaCcuaell Blues , yon BALE AND RENT. 110 IwNr-A good romp , $ D by 15 feet , over the 1 p etuttlo. , taeing Pearl atre t. Apply. at Bey. oUlee. treat Piles and Falling of the Rectum for radlcal eudwnueneut cure , In from two to tour weeks OlxraUsue paluk.e. Dtseaeee of the Rocnm a Snodalty , 11.1&w ltcat touacl LIuuo , uuia Our speech is short , but to the point , ! Jest Chicago discounts every day in the year on AND ARCTI S. Goods WAI1RANTED as good as ANY in time narkoL They are made by time NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. We love a big lee of SPECIALS and nn IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA IVIDL Boots and Slioes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. 77 7 Or necond quality Boota'wo are introducinu are bettor than ninny so.called first quality , and we give a largo EXTIA discount o1 them . z. Te LINDSEY & CO. 412 Eroadway' , Oounoil Bluffs , Toga. B MAYNE & PALMER DRALRIL9 L'1 s r HULK AND 11AIIREL LISIE , LOUISVILLE AND I'OnTr.ANr ) cuMm T , ncuno. & ( PLABTEn , ILun AND SEVFll 1'11'1 : No , 538 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , l , 1194 l U , .1 I tl I y , 1" w r e ' P O w ere an as ors. 7 and 9 Main Street , .OT03I3 Y , CJOU NCJIL SXd E' 'I9 , I B. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANACER of PO7TAWATFAIIIE COON- JOHN BAIRD W , TY COLLEC ION AGENCY. OCico cornerlfroadwayandzialn street. UHN BEND U& VU. etc and 17 U . , 18 Han et I oarll street. MA-I .LUUHiN CItES . , Uotel , 217 and 2l0 bLln eneck DR , J , F , WHITE , Corner btaln and Fifth up stalrs. ) Jtcshlcneo , 500 willow avenue. N Qf1 [ T 17 JUSTICE OFThEPEACn , , Ofeco of or Amorlcon Expreea S , S. WAGNER , , will oontmet for L1Vam.Y reaenaLle FEED , ra4ee. 22 Faarth atroot J , M , ST , JOHN Ui CO..C9SH BUYERS , } tryoand fruit.rShip'tous. . Draft by return mall. 140 Broadway. JACOB MUCH , Stock Complote. Suits road. at rcaeo 7o prices. No. 805 Sfaln 8t.1 Corm iron AND BUILDER , 11 F S KITH , Corner 7th and Broadway. Plane and epeciacatlona furnished. * W . SHERMAN , r have the varletp DE that brings patronage. 1"A Maln.treol. JAMES FRANEY , Artlstio Work and . reacnable chargss . , 872 Brondwap. FUINITURE BTOYFS , gUWB & SON f and Household Supldlurr. cos Droadwaq. LINDT ti& HART , James Bieck. ATTOR Prrannttir In stale and federal conete. / /Jt1NITARIUM And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway , L Sovereign , Prop. P. J Mont. / gomeryH.U.l'hyeuenan. JUSTICE OF THE lancers , EDWIN U . ABBOTT , Hntary Puhlle and General Conveyancer.1a Brondw.q. Lb VFRE HOUSE , Rroadwav n pp oslte Bbnpa louse. , Refitted s1 , t1.W psrday OF ALL RINDS. 0 a e owes aces IN THE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS. D , A. BENEDICT , - - 337 W Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. .imba11 a C . l. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) e Complete Abstracts ofTitle to all Lots and Lands in the County. w s -IN- Solar Camera Enlar ement for the tilde at relleonnble rates. Orders ay mail promptly tilled. C , D. LUCCOCK , 1.13 Broadway , Council Bluffs. GROSVENOR & GUNK MANUFACTLTI1EIIS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. IF YOU WANT CALL ON , r r ' Corner Mnin and First Avenue , Council Bluff. Ile has Thenl , roa Wa eamn aun r I 729. w2Dl irr ] 3ROA 7 P . Y. A , C , LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY. s h uL , &A Our line of Stoves is tie uioa. complete in nu city amid includes all tie most Desirable Patterns and Latest Im n rovoments 1 1Vu ( rave Jianuaored limo prieoa down ns thin as they will atnnd without breaking , amid you are invited to call ant sae how thick time etowea nru in wnmparison , PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , nt a reduction of $3,00 each. : J -TOL WI ICa4k3'I' , 504 Broaawa } and 10 and 12 Main 84 , Council Bluls. fw b rt , ; Em kie Na rdWare C o J . M , , ' , i 1 area a .r. ' 1 ; ; 11 ' r 1 , t I I' 1 r 100 mid 111 S. Mail Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS . - I011A. , , , 9 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 4 . . 9 y 342 cold 344 Broadway , - - - . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , litwA. . er , + , apt 9 t . dt t i I : Qu ht ircl iolcl. Mone Y Loaned .A bs tract s " ar ; , ' J L eta 3L'.7f. Mo11a A aON No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - --e Y 1t . . , 'J th , if * . w ' . E' r r , a , . : .Irv. . a f ) ' t , , e , n WILL SHELL .AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME complete IIorse Power , The beat reed ] sill in existence , Costs but little more than a common grinder. Write far circulars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluls , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowaarid Nebn aka. MRS. D. A. BEN.EDICT f DEALER IN Q NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. I 337.W. Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA M. GALLAGHER. New Store , Fresh Geode , Low Pdrs mid Polite Attendants. ? r { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } L0 caaucaBlnCw STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , 1 o esa e i uor ea ers . ' l 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS : J'U T ® PEIT'E BE(1IITELE'S R u 7 T u. 0 Te ] only only hotel run on the European plan ; in this city. Now building , newly furnishodand all modern improvenionts , and is centrally loc. tted. PETER BEC1 TELE PROPRIETOR ' Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. 3 ® r Unredeemed. Goods. In dinmondssuit.'tblu for ladies mud pants , aloe in lndmea and goats solid gold and and silver watches and chains , amid a full line of set and plain gold rings , 250 men' . a and 110 boy's overcoats. All these articles must be sold , Money lent om ALL KINDS of persoal property. D. GOLDSTEIN , 223 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Bluffs. ' .J . : ' x -tom .r. 6' , . . -IN- 1 ! 1 ! Table Cutlery , Flower Pots , Etc. , call on W. S. HOMER & CO , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. j On Cit Y and Farm Pro P ern Y . r . 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. W.R.VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha mid Council Bluffs. Real estate and nouocmonagenoy , a Odd Fellow s lock , over Savmn i hank , jsnbp . JACOB Sills. F. I' , CADWELL. SIMSb CADWELL , r 9 COUNcnI. BLUFFS , IOWA Cities , Slater Street , Itoom,1 and tlhngart & Mo lisbon a Block , will praetioe In St.t. and uder.l court. rune , 0111013 , a. u. rim. OFFICER & PUSEY I ANKERSr Council Bluff. , 0. Establishes - - 1856 Drakr. ri I'urelm ; and Domestic } tane and Bema tecuno Mrs , II , J , Hilton , II , D , I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 923 Broadway , COuucU 111uCs. T R Rice M. Da or other tumore removed aitbout nw CANCERS I knllc or dra.irg of blood. CHRONIC BISESES o ldndea epeelany. Over thirty yeare practical experlonee OOce : Na. a I'earl street , Council BIuS. , Q Uonsudtanon free. Make Your Contract , Now for Your Winter i upply of Missouri hard. Wood I AND IIAIIDANDSOyT -WITh- P. OVERTON ' 545 Firt Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iov ' x , And weure the twat article and full rues.ur zt I ) . , ery lo-etprice. Btouwooddohwedtosliyar , ( of the city , JOSEPh G9.GlEGA. , . L ) AND -COAL- Comer thin street wd Elhnm uwmue. ( cued BJufe. tsyLowe.t rak1 and prompt delivxry , tt t