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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - V I il.ZA .Lfl I is lflfla.UJ : & _ . _ - ) LEa1 _ H' : . Estate ' , " BARCANS -IN- City , Suburban and Farm Property1 . . , We have ai.Pino Tract near Center of Oity Whio a A ' Bargain1 I' t SPECIAL. , ' . . ; c2.1fo-Full lot with 5 rooni house on 15th St. , bLecii Center and 1Jorca. Good oell&r , barn , col hou , dltrI1 , uldowaiks , thrubbury , etc. Ort Baralu. 3tUQ-Hcnutlfnl lot wIth 4 room hou'o ' , good 'ullar , l.rgo closets , etc. Sightly loctlon. 113 ,3OO-Lot 07x132 , with 7 oorn cottno cii Slnr. ' . t1Lil fl'uiiUeboteUfl lietinui aiid Clark trut.i. 1ood PrOettY. 1 , 2O-Two beautiful loti In McCormlck'3 fttldl. tlou , on I'arnMn btrCet. . 11) $3StO-1teco Place , lark avenue , kill lot. now t oitorr lioie , 7 rooms , good cellar niI coal ' ' t.hcd ? , city watvr , tVOUS aUti it lmprovemotit. Brilti. 1l ltOCoh-Lct S6x1i on 11th St , In Ronntzo'e 4th ajdttton. Houo 4 largo roomil , lot beautt. hilly located anti l really worth much moro. lb'a.on for sellIng , iiuist hare motley. .2 l,25O-ach threc beautiful otit In 1beo Place , Pork aenuo on easy terms. . 'r4 lJ-Ialt lot on Saunderstroot Uood house f ' 4 rooms , god closch , pantry , stable. well , cts torn , porch front anti rear. Prlo $1SOO , two. ' thIrds cqh. Th13 hi a bargain. Must be eold by th 2th or wlllbi withdrawn fromsalo. , ! Improved ? roporty. tOO-I2 room house , car. 13th atid California sIruttO , 0 ciosot.o , collar , city water , outhouss , etO. cJoo-g room howe on N. 13th street , closets , cdiar , cistern , wcU , etc. fltt&tonO & Sowut. . 1eoo-1Jocd six roun houio on Davenport , bet. d and t4th , two st.cry c oiots , pantry , collar , c'ltorn , cU , nit inJ hfubbory , atablo and $3,100-Full stzo lot on McCandlish place , slth two frnoo cottages , one 8 room1 coo S rooir. For eio or excbugo. i32tOO-Oood two and a half acre lot with five room cutt&e , brick cellar , well , frulttree , etc. Oe of the best three ory brick bueinoo ho on Farnain street. Term private. 33O-Now7 room house on N. lSth treot. A. modem lmprovoincnt. Good location. Cheap , if,3-New $ two story house Qucon Ann style. tImodern tI loiprovoments , city water , lot bOx , . 1'wo full lots St. 1.tary'a avenue and 20th , wIth S bousc. WIU ho first cbass business property. / Terms easy. r ,7bO-Lot cies , wltl. two houeo. Cheap. Ii . ; t' 4) ) , oo-rwo bonsai In Nelson addItIon , on Con. I c.J t t.trcct Ont000800 , cistern , fruit trees , etc. I , Thtidiie' ; liouo and lot on Douglas Etreet , bet. -L " JIUt antI 1tb. Terini , aoy. . . . Now 8 room houaoonchlcago. bet. 2Lthand 25th. \ 1u1 lmprovomenth. . ' I Two new one nix and orher 3 rooms. it.cloo ! and modern tmprovot000ts. Terin S ' 5i,7CO-Lob ' 100x132 , College Street , Pedlck'd otbdl-Ieion , flew 5 room lsotio. Yeii improved. 0 biOU-Lot bOxltO , Convent itreet , 6 rsom cot. ' I bau , large basement euitble for rooms. barn , N , f2Oocoom ; house. Thornril's addition , born , " ssil , cirLrii , good iiuprorsmcntti , OO caeh , "I" 5i&O oil long time. ; , tUJ-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 1th 10(1 ( 17th. Lot 175x501) on Sherman , largo house , barn anl other lmjrovimonth. Lot without Improve. ments l worth the money we ak for it. rwo new houses and two full slzo lobi on Pane aenue. blot and cold water , and a modern 5rtt ; e1a Improvements. Houses would coat what we Mk for whole. Extra good baraln. E2CCO-Lot 82xItiO , cot. 17th and Ccnthr , houas I rooms , tarti , water , treo8 , outbuildings. heOO-Flco room house , 1St bet. CalIfornia WelNter. NICO property. Terms easy. irp-r.ot 0 , block S. Shtnna tt additIon. One and a haifetory houco. Terms easy. . 52 OQO3-QOOd 7 room house otiShcrman. Modern ' lmpcovcments , stable , wellclstern. A bargain. 50 hOO-FuU lot , one 8 room and ono S room house , now , 5 biock3 from the opera houc. Very huap. - 5z IcMD-Splendidotori ! Dodzenean15th. Chea 53 aooo-rare house and sm&lI cottage. Eeoc I iocatioi foil , .lo It Davenport tioa 10th. z5 bO-Lit 6x6O. good C room house , modern In roeor.yntt , near luqlnccs , on lhernuui ni e. etioi'lao lots , 12t1't140 , wIth hiiee it.ahie to. florkor' 511b.11v141011. f 3 t,6OO-1ot aittl a halt , good houw , Hod1ck' sub. 4 tIls-Ision , ' 00111cr. ) h Lot with 7 room houe. Chioao , bet. 18th and 14th. Cl 1,500-Lot and 5 room houo. liorbach's addl. ' tlon , well , cistern , etc. Everything in good re. . pair. 5o-Lobaod drOem house , haxd , bor. lCth &nd 17th . Unimproved Property FOIl SALE BY.DKDFO1tSOUKI. 2 iOOO-Lot 01h121 , Iridlani and DIvision. 8 7 ® each-Two ! otetx132 elLoh , on 11th. Cheap , ROd 2 lots C13x1S2 each on both. lb $200 each- ? Iota In Yates & iloed's addition 3 $7tOO-12 full tzo lots , 1fascom L'Iaoo , one block west ot l'ark avenue. 5O each-Two iots Oii t'ayk avenue. flargatos. Biisliiett lobi on Dodge , lctwocu 11th end 12th. Ill 4OO-Lot In Siilnns addition. on Seward etrcet. 53 3OOO-Full lot , lteod'sltitaddition , on 25thnnd Chicago. 4 5OOO-Slx good lots In Ibanioom FLtce. Bor gains. 54 $3,000-Lot Ox12o , on Farnam , noar,2oth. Ye cheap. io ; Fouracres inWoet Omaha. 60 M0-Lot Lii & Sehien's addition. 3 I,83O-FIno lot lteddIks additIon , Park are. 84I005i feet of hlocl , i , Bh1utio addition. FIne view. S $2t20O-LotOOon 16th. flualnesi property worth twice the price asked. oh 2,5O0-Fuli size graded lot on ChIcago , bet. 13th and 14th. 90 300-Good ict , high location , south 10th. lOd S.O00-33xlS2 on lath , botJ1arnoy end flow. aid. 103 ThO each-Two extra good lot in flanscms addition. Coed bhzh location. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 Z7 rer acre-ISO acre improved farm , near Cros. ton , Iowa , 1Oareswoodiand,4. acres corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. 13 i,000-40 acres 3.4 01 a mile uvest 0 ! Ft. Omaha two houses , to barns , granary , corn rlb , two wells , . .OO bearIng fruit trec. , 300 grape vines. 'Will sell or cschango. Ft 7C0O-200 acres , half mlio N. W. Ilkhorn , 140 acres in cultivation , balaiieo pasture. Four room house , stable. cto. Terms easy. 11 0-1CO acres good land , 4 1. miles from Bun. lington , Coffee county , Kauass. Will exchange foe Omaha property. 61 $ S,400-240 acres adjoIning . .lty of Wilbor , Satltie county. All under fenec anti well Improved. ThIs property ieclicap at.elo,000. 00 20 ier acre-400 acita , 3 miles from WaterIn , flougiM county. Part in cultivation , baIan meadow , all good land. wia sell or will arrange with cattle man for co.partnerhlp , or will con tract to food 300 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10,000 acre in , IerrIck county. Ooo.l tLIl able land , and wIll be sold from G to hO per acre. 80 $7 pen acre-Will buy 160 acres In Cedar Co. g8 1b. per acro-3i0 acres h unile from hamburg lone. 97 115. peracro-lmproe4 near Logan Iowa. 104 Several hundred acres In Cumlng Co. Nob. 105 SIx tliouand agree Iii Stastoii Co. Neb. 107 SIOper ncro-2200 acres tImbered laud In Ray Oo.Mo. three sinailfarms ontols land , balance good cottonwood timber , nhlch wiU more thim pay far Investment. For sale or eichange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 10 $ 2,2O0-Lot 21ie0 , con. . h and U.vsw St. , south Omaha , near lIa.scali e Park , brick house , tourrooms , well , clatern , .table , cellar. AU in good conuitlon anLinearly now. 0 425 iicr acro-400 acres in Washlntrtn county , 6 inlle south of Blair , on line of C. bt. P. 11. he 0. railroad. Station at corner of this iand Good trcain miming water , bOO acres in cultIvation , So v.eres grass , ISO acres timber-colt , hickory walnut and olin. Small house. good fruit anti abundance of grapes. J partly fenced. One of flue bnt farms Iii the county. If purchaser wljhee , will 14011 hometead adJlnln good herd of cattle. t.VCaU and oasmlr.o other property not toted. BEDFORD & SOUER , 11 8. lhtli. bet. arnam and VotigiM ' I El , . ' IROOD Lots in thia audition ant selling rapidly , iiitd\orices will be again $ 'ilrtVflflCtil ( lfl II fv days. These tre without a doubt the rnos desirable lei ; ii Oznllla ; , itiid will cerlainly double iii price before sprihg. All who u1TI.i ; uI2l t1it.n are well pcaed zind jTOIIOUIICC them cbep. I . , 4 . ' 1tDFoRD & SOUJR , ,1 , Jeni Estate Ageocy , I xa i .14th Streets bet. Furnam and Doug1a , a . . , . . . . ' - - - ' ' - . . _ -o.- 4 * S. - - Say , Hello , There ! III want to ask you it Ir.lhoma } ciectrio Oil wll readily euro deafness , sq is 1aimed in the nenppi. l'OI ? ' "Well , you need not take our word as to that nite to J. 3. lUbe , Ashley , Lucerne county , i'a. Scenhathe says. lie took the Paine to tcll us the other dM that his , iton.ln.nw u as cured of delectiro hearIng by flr. Thomas' Eciectrlo Oil , and that lie was using ltfor the caine purj'ooe to very liercedilbie e.luant ego. " " % 'cll , that's a'l tight , ao fir as it goes , but I want more Proof. lTao ) Oui got anl' "A lient pit. There Ii lIen. 3m. Crane ot 'iun. kiek , N. 'i . , free from idi trcdudlc pro. or con , , and as lioiicI a , the day I , long , lie saysi deaf. 1100 anti nraho Ur. Thorns , ' F.clutlO CII has dent , oniiot to toy cettain lnowletlteunent. " "You blots and brag a goo I cleat about its boliig ueh a splenilid remedy tsr catat ri. lt'cay eiiougli to say these things. 'ho ha been cure I of c'atarrh Its Ir ThOmas' 1clcctrictllT' "Victor A , 1oitlr , editor ationt1 lloori , Dane. lie , Pa.say 'For ettarrlt it his lielpeul nut woti. iltrttiliy. ' George II , Iait , Sa City , laura , alnuilarly aflulctol , says , 'Thomas' } elcctnlo Oil rcliet vii toe the first iloo. " 'Iisitl oni That nil ! un. That's ctilencv enough for lute.Vltat tulsa Is Ir , ThOmas' : clccnlc Oil geol for ? " "Thcre Isn't a better inelidtio It tLe wonl&l for rheumatism and neuralgIa ; atiti for any kltiil of eta echopatn or sorciissIt I. iuatehlrs. . " Ily hiruggiste curywhcrc. rosTImMILBURN & CO. . Manufacturers , UutraIoN. V. _ w- J.IITTE1tB floanainhig in the PostQtflcC uncldiiictl : for the vcok ciullug ov. s 13 agNri.gig. AIaIU'I Mitritif , Co Adaait II r Adams II 1' Aldrich A C Alvortl 1" I Antorluul .1 Mr Brewer S 1" ] 3tino IL . flruwn 0 larulinr.t r1 w Brown U 11 lhuunett . 1.ow't Brown .1' 11 Cuittuer j : . Coyltu if Curtis , I fl Dinuttuings Iorsuy 1. 1)nvenport .r II lalryinplo A. I'I'IIXIO 11 Elsenlinrt i Licha1lingoe iV IL } 'ollnnelteo II .F1eiiiiti1 'I Flynn C ( rogan Vi' Gectniti C i : A ( littianro 11 ILitrnis P Ilockiutll S iltutcoclc F I 1ungats 1. ) Ilitto S I ) IfztauonV 1 liough ' 1' lEtunloii J JIfthIlilIOiilitB llinoit C Itomati ,1 Haley , r heath I 11 .Ioltneon P1' Touaslioit 1. ' , iOliiltI1 J 4. .Tulinstun b .Ines , .1 Keith .1 .1 lAndo P L Lowe L 1) & Co Leary .1 Ltuiutr F Leach C W' ldtrson 0-2 i'ilill&ur Ia McNabh , fV Mchugh .1 l McBride 3l ttnKutun VI Miller C Marsh 1) 1' Millard S ? tt kartiia .1 W S NeglovJ S O'Brien 1' Prftttr2 It l'ricu 1" Pike M S Quinn G N JyhaA Robinson C Shelton 0 .r Stoker C Sauiders .l IC Sharp 'J W Stephenson V : n Stewart l A. Sclaintwk S M Swtnsson N Sclinnck ii : 9'outon A. C Turner ' 1. ' 'I'urry , J 0 Taylor 1 ! 'l'itinn F TayIor I .1 Vcsltiirglt II Vennmnnn T .A. Vnndorkreek M VI \Vctinoro .1 M \Vr.cliitn , A. Wollciis VI Wilkins 1t 1 Wnldli A Whorton N White 1' ? $ Waugli It E White .T \Vehltor E i Ydesim N l Zimmerman 1 nIncoiror C . } .OUlirI ( CLJtlS. Mrs T C lUviulno C A Ilolond C Flower A 11 Smith T.ADIgS. Ay1e.worth Mrs A-2 Allen Mrs 11 Bruwii Miso Ii ] enediet Miss lit I3roWnolI Miss C Jirowiting Mios M l3nItlwIit Mn ; J .r 1tiiutit1vit Mjis 1 Comes Miss L , Catlin Mba A ' ialoy Miss .t. 1)ounliotu Miss A 1)itiri , Miss F Jurnut Mrt 11V Edwardtben MCM'S Fratiklin M Forgusoic Miss N Fiutlwrg Miss C ( Forittjnv E C ji'oulka Mrit F-2 Franklin Misi C 11 ( rniit IL Johnson Miss M , Jolarisoii Misui IL Johnson Mb43 M .lnmos Miso J iConnoy iIrs J' Keoler Mice r , Kelley MissS Kellay Mrs VI JColtye Miss B Lay Mrs S fl Larson A Louck Mrs M % Lillor Misn 1 MallonMrs M Miller Miss P Maggie - - McUregorI1ro S Mach Miss U MeAvoy Mrs 1St Marks Mrs A .1 t Nibs Mrs A U Nelson L B Noller A Nelson Miss S Olson Mrs It Oist.n Mrs A 1' l'Iitok Miss A I'erkins Mrs S J [ ° 1ocho M I Runnella Mrs B Rononf.C Roe Mrs J M V Scctt Miss M-2 Svaimon Miss A C Swziher Mrs M Swenson Mrs C Tate Mrs i\L Thomas Mrs M 'furner Mrs.T VI Watson Mrs .1 \Vro , , Mica II Walker Mrs S \Voiilen ) Miss M \S'ngo Misu S \Vrauaclt : Iii.ii F 1VpoiI Miss II Weg IL Younger Mrs M C. K. COUTAT , P. r. a 13. . B ' I flreittti TsiawufTortablo. We don't like 11. A icnon ' with a strong breath must itut make 1uiinelf very fuiniiitr with no. An impure breath is catisotl by an suilicaithy stomach. IJurdock litooti ) iitki'2 will Correct tItle evil. They are I the best stomach ineilicino known. a 'lIst , Ii'aetli , L Cal. titotyrert. 'SVzmliiii toii I'ost , 20th. Col. Gordon A. Stuwnrt , of the coast survey ofilim , who has been seriously ill for several inoittlio , died at iou o'clock Iat itiglit at hio rcaidcnco , No. 201 Fourth Mrcct southeast. lie land long liecia a euIl'oror front rheumatism , con. tracted while in the army , arid spent part of tIm past. emninor in Now York undergoing treatment , which for a thno apjOitrOd ) to give him coiiaidorablu relief. 3OOI1 after roturiaing to \Vashlugtoll , however , tint diawaoo again developed boil , tlli6 thou in thu direction - tion of thu heart , anti in itucli an acute form no rendered a fattal result only a I question of a very few daya 'r weoke. Col. Stos'iart } ntl an oxcolloiit army rec ord , wa a writer of colatidorablo ability , utiti aB a good and true mnii was ulliver aally respected by his official nosociatos atlid the citizono of Cajitol lull. ho WllB hi IliVtbVl ) of Ohio anti for OlIl0 yo.ra a nowaapaper publiahor at Tee Moillota , Iowa. 'I'Iio uurvLviilg Inonaborf4 of the family arc a wife niid two children and a ouR by a former marriage , who a in the i 'tignal corvico aiid now in W'MhiigtOll 'lorritory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ; : ; : . 1ir.lniru'tt % ( 4 tinequolled fur ditIlilailno , dialiped liatnd , frost h'itei , ot.c' I rrylt. a - Ihll ) . cos'rIraTao.-iai this city , November 21Li at St. , Jioiili' hoopital , . $ ameo Costelloagcil .15 yearn. 'flab funorad vllI tike place from McCitrtay ) & Burko'si untlertaldng rooms to.rnorros , No. vomber 27th , at P o'clock a. an. sharp , to St. 1'hiloanona'e catlirilrnl. - - Domestic Vaahious , 122 3. 1Lh St. n22.2w - AUOTIJN ( 3ALE. On Saturday , Novuanber 21th , at 10 a. I 111. , will ito offontiti for sale a large lot of I ullciailned fruilit , coaasiajntp ; oufuralituro , household gooda , touls , funning impka. I itoiit , and rnerchanlioo of ovcry tltascrip. I tinti. S.tio will continuo ovcriiiis until compoted. Torma cash. \v. B. OIlING. Auctioneer , n23-It 1422 lJouglaa Street , - - Try our uncoloroil , Jnpan Tea. ( JRA1) UNION TIA CO. llOSl6thst. . ' , J' = - POOL POINTERS. Tile Co1orao Pool in a Conthtio llpi1y Apoacill ills- inIcration , How..tho UniouPaoifio Throw au Anti-Burlington Firebrand Iiito the fowapo& , , Atatstlinr 1'Ofll In a 5ltlc Con. tiltion , Tlio PoI n25ociation , 00111. P010t of thu roads between the lilis. sotIri river and Coloratto poilits , io 'lit n. precarious a coiulitioit tL5 tlio Iowa vo1 , nut ! Unload BtOI)5 are spoetlily ttkoi to stop tIle atl'tCidftl COlIlLUtit'lOlt 110w going Oil botweontho , , Union Paciflo and the Deiivor lUo Graiido on the Utah btisi. 11055 it will $0011 go out of existence. 'l'lio Colorado Itool got n1oia tolerably vcl1 tuitil the Collipletioll of the 1)ottver ' ; lUo Oraudo to Salt Lake City nild OgtlolI , Utah. Since then thi'o has been so 1ltWh trotiblo tliiit Commissioner Dait. ida has atitnost been driven to despair , iutd now admits lila inability to carry out Clip provisions of the P001. Thu Utah busiiiss does itot go into the Colorado 1)001 , btn . the light on the former is ni. Cctiiig th1 : ' Colorado nttos most seriously. It learned yesterday that all classes of frOh.htt nro now lIeili taken by the Union l'ilCli. . ' frommi 1it1ssolln1 river points to Salt Lake Cy 60 eits PL'r 100 it111t1 , time regulitr ratia lii the neighborhood of $3. ! flto IttO Grandu having imo hue cast of fj'eltVCr , is unable to COlflpCtO for Limo busiL'lSS , its connoottons iiot being willing to p. " ° rate 011 IL t50.cont rate. It is 110w clatimuo that ititicit of the busiiieios takeii by the U'iiioii Pacific at ? Ilisaouri river 1)oints at cut rates , ostentibly for Utah pointn , is dropped oil'at Denver and Colorada , p9111th included in tIme Colorado Pool. This has caused mucim bad blood amnomig the competitors of the tJiiiomi l'aeific , aitti it ; is claimed that they are also cutting Colorado rafos. Itisnot leliovotlhowos'or , that the Ullion l'aciiic desires a disruption of time Colorado pool as far ats freight liusimioss iS concerned. If time pool should be brokemi time Burlington , which 11113 its line froimi Chicago to Denver , would have all the advantage , as it could r1uuto timrougii rates to Demmver and liolorado poilits which time Union Pacit'ic would be unable to ' ' meet. 'J'Imo Demmvor L Rio Gramido , however , lmaua but little interest iii the Colorado pool , and will lorco a tight if the Union l5acilic con. biiiues to light it 011 time Uttii business. PiIr. Lovojoy , the new prosidemit of tue Rio Crammdo , wlieai ill timis city a few lays ago , stated onmpimatically that ho fleasIt to niiilco wnr on the ijnmotm Pacific it till COmuleti1IIZ 1)Oillt8 , whether they are I Ill Utah or Colorado , amid that ho was bound to break the Colorado poo1 if the [ Jtaii troubles wore miot settled at olico. 1'lio lUo Gramido would mao doubt lmavtj OIiIflCiiCCl hostilitmos against the Uimiomt Rmciflc in Colorado but for time ftat that iy so doing it WUld Imelp its hated rival , ; lao Domiver Now Orleans. Under time Joloratdo pooling zigreemncnt imone of .he Colorado roads caim intorclmango busi- less with the Denver S , New Orleans , tmmd this road is , therefore , compelled to ) CCU an isolated lOsitioim. If time Rio 1raimdo withdraws from timeCoiorado 1)001 ; ho Union I'acilic and other roads will oin hands with time Deiiwor Nuw ) rloana anti give timoir business botwebim f ) emmver , Colorado Springs , and Pueblo C , o the latter road , instead of to time Domir 'er & itLo Grande , as at present. For ' CMoIi , it jS believed , the Denver & lUo rande will not dare to carry out its hroats against the JJzmion l'acific.t itili , with a war with ' owa lines east of Missouri river nd a war between time Union Pacific nimd ) eiiver & EUo Graudu west of Doimvor , it 'ill hardly be possible to nlaiut.ailm the olar&ido pool. rho tJnlon Vaciiit , Said to Irn Stir. ring tip the ttrIfo Anmong the 1va Ialiio. . "The real causes of time rcoamt I roubles amimong the Iowa pool limmes , " a aid a proanineiit oulicial to am ropresenta. ivo of Thu Cimicago ' [ 'rilumno on F'ritlimy , 'have not yet transpired. " Wimile time I ? Xl)0SO ill Tuesday's 'l'ribuamoshowed that uterimal disacimsions Jiavo existed iam thu I [ oa pool for nearly a year ltist , wlmiclm a iccessarily had to load to serious conipli. iitiOI1S ill time cud , yet it did. not reveal I lie true inwardness of the row. 'J'Iio ; roublo lana bewm caused , not so nmuciz Liy .ini competition between the roads iam tue tool as by the rivalry between the t Liurlingtoam amid Limo Union Pacific cgarding time Nebraska live. otock business. Tue htmsimic Torn points on thu Union Pacific iii No. I raaka goes into the jtool , but time bua4. I Loose ( ruin poiuta mm time Bamrliamgtomi jam N'ebraaka south of tue Platte does riot. i I1lme Udoim Pacific has aili along been elis. istisfied with time arrangement , clainiiiag I ; iiat the Burlington diii loot act fairly , a tmmd therefore hats beeii stirring tmp strife a unong time Council BhiifTh lumen by giving abet of its business at. that point to the I filwaukeo i St. Paul aizmd time Rock Is. a and. 'I'iiu two Iast.namned roads being a Is jealous of the Burlington us the Union 1 [ aeific , wore only too glad to act in liar. llomiy with tue latter. ' ' Timat there is lam soaimetliiaig tb above 1 Iplanation acorns to be itmdicated by the atct that as Soon IPI it htuCIlIflhI known tbomt I ruptlaro had occurred in the Iowa pooi Joimoral Manager S. ii. II. Clark , of tito LJnioai J'dcitic eimialo ki'ru amnU for tlmruu lays hail Private cotifurtauces with tilt ? eaaoral mnamlagera of tue Miiwatukco & St. L3auI ammd time .Jtock lelund. The fimet , mlao , that the Itock Isiunal lass carried hIaflott as much ot tue live stock busiameaB to time Milwaukee atad St. l1aul , though [ t readily jid Into the 1)001 tile aanou it f its surplus earnings , amid hans riatimur tylnjathIizuI ( with time Milwaukee & St Paul , in thmiii matter , indicates that ii kYotaid ratimor see the pool go to piuceM bhaan not. Tile claim by the Milwaukot , s Paw , tillit its niana griovamlco is the refusal of time Rock Island nun time other I Iowa lines to admit it into tue Council liluffaa pasaoamgor j.Ool on fair thnaims , is ho. ticvod to be simply a biiiid to aovor UI ) Iie eocrct tmaiderot.anding timut exists be. weun the Uniom Pacific arid the Milwau. i hoe St. I'aul aumd Itock Isiond roads. 'Fiiu meeting of the Iowa jiool , th be meld at Coaaiiamiooinner Mld1iuy'8 ofilcu iiegtVudnesduy , iii loOked forward to witim much anxiety , I I the aaieotiiig fails to devise a Plan by which the existing litlicultics can be adjusted in a batiblotu' tory manner imo further e1iirta 111111 ShYC thu pool froamm going 0111 , of exatuzico lou. Ifs , amid if it tious it avjhl not be 1055i1)ld to mnaiaataham any longer time Nortiivesuurn 1'rathio ossociatioim Or the Colorado - - - ' - itool , The Southwestern a\saociatlon \ , however , is imot. likely to be afFected by limo fight , as no serious ( hsselmions exist among tim liime 1mm this jioni , 1111(1 the Aililwntlkeo 1c : ; St. 1 ° aiil has no indepomi. tietit 11110 to Sotmthwestern 4'i5s0cntlohl poiiits , nut ! wilt therefore not be able to give timis pool much trouble. OwlterH sit PaNt Trotters. Nr.v YoitK-Mossrs. (1 ordon & Clause , lrt1Prietrs of the well kimown I'lmwuix Stables , state , tliaat in their forL , ' years experience , they lmrmvo fotmtmd imothiamg that can Coillitart ) it1m St , Jacobs Oil as a . dm1.0. THE COWBOY'S ' BRIDE , 110w $ hc Pract1 that hoYas \ 110 Wax Ficr1" Ami 4ItitiSltI Itickinait. on at Union L5aciilc Tralmi. Clue3vnue Letter. 'l'lmc evening traiii on the Union l'acifio drew otmt. from ammo of the little desert etfltiOlls ( \'ytiImiilm a few days ago , leaving boiminti at group of merry young. etoita , who imati comae to son oil'a miowly. .etl yomumg milan nimil wonmaili. Thu do. Pirttlre of the trn'mnwas sigimalizod by three rotmaimmg cheers by the forsakeam young lIlUlb nmmtl mmmidemis , niul in a ccrtniii muummmiot strongly ImInplmasi.OtI by time start. Hug reports of several pistol.slmots. 'Vimo bridal Party Iii the car svero muter. ested witimessos of titis grand tietitomistra. tiott jim their behalf , aumd , Iovingi' locked ill t'itcit other's atraims , ioatmmed 1101mm tIme sammme wiimtlow , smmm'mled , and vatved their respective iieadgoar in adieu. A bemul in time road soomt remimoved time immnrricd pour amid their frinmids frommi view. 'I'ime foriamor ; , ; lowered time wbmtlow and amouglat their touts. .Iiumtied'iately they becaimmo the cymmosuro of nianost. every eye iii time car , nntl they juLly merituti time nttumm. tiomi. tiomi.Site wa bcoumtmfiil aimtt btiioiia , aimmd wais Ir . . 'ased in her best , whmicim was ratlmor of i habby.gonteel order. 11cr face had a rfht.fl0 boatity , whicim cmmltivatioim aimd I , , , with people of reflneamteimt ' : aimado lIarLiCiiianiy attractive. C ' . , ' . intro vats time ruddy glow of ° " ' r 'r' 'Iciaco cf a robtist ' : , ; it1m:7 the power to , charni the best time diatrictaii which it beamamed. youmit Imi ( JIO'eye there vats time anorry niischeivora tef' of timeS inborn . commipellimag do. coqamut that doli.'hSodt . 'otioii , nimtl totic mmot iv iitt. , I tlohighit III ammakimag the "feller sins li1tut ' test5 ,00 . tliott lie \'alS mint the ommly lad'iv.'s. . 'tItiti 1:1.1 : alto might immvo for time desiring. . ' imat was coimceimtratctj the evidemic't height to whicim anihiiamcry had attai.'iet . Ii time mflOtllmttimt towam. Time young mmian was dressed iii a bran. mmew cowboy outfit , so sLur imm all ita varta I that ho mmmoved like o araiytio 'amid macit. ed like a leatimer store. lie was mint SI ) I brawny as cowboys atenamctiamics amroiamaleed ; , ho seeinotl like at tryo in time busiamess. Ills face devoid' of that biack.walamut oiaip1oxioim lecuiiatr ) to muemabors of his alliimg , and its oxpreas'iomt was such that : t might but rocwmtly have bidden good. ) to wima.t. Mark Twain would have term. , d a gospel diae1's smile. TIae twaimi had hardly takeim timoir seats vimen time young lady biarat immto tears. IIme feeling of hmonmtasickmmess had already ! Oflltt U)0li her. She sobbed aloud , ataid ottraetcd evomi more attcmmtiomttiieroby- ho undivided attentiomt of this crowded ? ar. TIm newly.mnado hausbaaut was rained itt business imi amtmch cases mmmdc intl iwovidod. Time mmo'ct immstaimt his amrmma , mmcirclod imer waist , amid the fair forum was eamtly moved no at coimsequeamco in a rem. iiaamng position , until tlio droopimag head 'ested upon her vrotector'n bosom. Then nero poured into the histoniamg ears of the veopimmg datmisul time WiiisIIOrs of coimsulim. ion which the young husband was able 0 coamjuro up from time resources of his rocabular' . Sumac of those whispers ouiid tlmemr way into time damsel's mouth , iccauso it was mmoticcd that several Limes lie lips of tue t.waiim imiot in closest con. act. act.By dogrtsai time clisconsolato nmaideim ro urimetf to her former self , amid tiacro ala. uod such aeceamoof emmibraces , and kisses , mmmd wlmiopom's , and imugs as is witnessed lilly ( tit a well.mppoiittcd.brjdal.tour. [ aideed , overlastimag hove , confidence , and 'calty muttst have bocam iroposed ammd ats outed tAs a tiiotaolalI ) ( tiaames. of cour8o it was a Piommia for time otimer assomigers , iiaany of whioaim had beota , hmure before. Sonic of tiacmn laud hot , tamd to them , especially of the rough order class , it was hOlfluthIiaig thu oaajoy- aieimt of wimicim was almost supernal $ evcral of the aaiore dommmoaastrativo of tha. utter reached for their neiglmboriaig coaai. , ) unions and ItegotIm a Imonoyanoon of timi , itvlm , imitating to time letter time trnaiitiou"ml iorfornaaumce wimicli watt being given i hio hieroiamo niad. hero. It would ho difli , iilt to describe them scone ut them car I vlmeu thu canaahatioam bocaimaie alnaoat gen. ? ral. Time ammaiacks , the ' 'oust" time ' 'abet" : ime latigims , Limo gmlfhotwe , became alaamosl. egmon. c filennmvhiio tue loviaag pair seottied al. I flOst uimaamiaidful of the mamurry ecoame of ) iyhmicim timtmy were Limo occasion. At loiagtha , towever , the pair separated for a' ' uonmeamt , aimad thao fair one looked troumid amid ramaijied mm tue potsseiagurs Iaamaamediattcly am dozeam flinty hearts , emit. I teat with the appear.mmace of them lady , mckamowledgud the PtuaicY of her sway aid brmgnim to mamako themselves irraniistl. bic lam appearaimee lay tli fiummdTy tying of 'ijarfe , str.mmglitemiiaig of simirt fruiat , banging of bath aaad anmaootlmiaag of heads , oath rutairneal lii. , statues with tlmo lavish immtorest of InihhiolmItires. At tills juncture name of time aaniittun honler gemmtieaiien , deeming huiamsolf 1)0' yoimd coiaipomre , reached for the brawny olotmiag ) COanIIlIIiIt ) ( Of tIm male gender , wlmo wa1a InakilIg Imianaiclf audible with suaIlry ctceiIeii tly.deVelojtnl tmmorcs , 1111(1 lovingly itrussod 1)110 to hijos baseman ; so lovilagly , indeed , ttmatt time airommamod sheep. ) or opoaicd haiti eyes with nam ojoicaaiation I which almost aunt time eiamlracor to his I 1 font , 'I'hao embracer amoiaglmt to appeast. tue eriratied sleeper , amaid after am tiaamti succeeded. lita tileR directed time otluir's atttcimtion to the sitoolmy hair lam thmo other iarL of than cdr , As the haatlf.sleopy eyes took ill Limo : immtics tine anomathi opeaied auth am sanihu gradually st'lo over time tauim'burnod face , i'iao saamiie was toiiowed by a laugh , ) the inmigim by at roar , aamd tiao last imm tuna by " V'uli , I 'It ho cimawod mlgiit up if that rtoim't tuaaibio the anianul I" iii a tolmo of steimtor VDtUIhle. 'l'hais was ii new iernoait in the scuamu itmmtt iimcretmsetl time exejteammcatt to tue ut. Leriaast ( , ' ' l'iaa going 1(1 tUkO a hiamid in , aaid you : amIi take the laiuiider.if I ihtmm't. [ 'I'iio Imux t. mImPItuImt time 111)CLIkOV' ) hind citmited over his ooanp.uiiomm s kaiecs to tue aisle. Aai ho did 80 lao shoved a irsaimo of herculemiim l1roi1rtiol1. j lie utrotlu like am giant , out ! a v.ur of statr asiamis roaadt'mod ozimiaiaiualy mIlIadiuImt ovt.ry stuji us J * w.lvitneed t.nwnmd the C RVY'R SPECIFIC MEDICINES. TAD MAI1a Taaathuuv Rieo.TiADU MARK Maul itataiy , An taaifalliiig cure for 4 I 't that follow as a S. . , , sequence of Self. . " . 'L ini . , ulflETAXIHa.sali.asqtiitIepain MTER TAKINII , flack , lMnuae of % 'kioua , Prenuature Olti Age , i000y othertlieeast's that lead tolneanity orCon. t mluIlon fttiI ft l'rcnmturo Oral e. ) JIIWARIt of s.lvnrttseuaientq to rcftantl money , slten Jnuggist.s from thom the unedicino Is bought do uof ret'bn f , but tcicr yell to the manitfacttlrvts , cud the urtmlnenuents are omnh that they are seldetm , , if eater , Oflil'iIel ut Itla. tIre thelrwrltten guarantee A trial l one siiigle u1ckago et Ora'e SiteolSo ttill oonVlnee the utost sloepticalof lt rat'.l 1erit5. , On aceolmait of counteiloiters , we have adopted the WrAtper the only genuine. tT'till mrtkuihrs hi our pamphlet , 'uhkh no tb. sire tu snub free by uiu3l to every cite. z-erTlte 51.0. clams liNbic hIS IC olut by all tbniggists at I b' ° ick age' , i'r , il lciaeos ; lot d , or wIll ho IlnIlt frets l.y mush on tutu reeeii't ol the money , by abimretpg ' 11111 OIU.V ? .ilUlClNlCO. ) , lltlmT&bt''N. V. In Omaha I I ? li.i' It' lOtnn. ' . briebti : ir. lie aoomt rcaclmel them , aumrl , Rtalitlimmg before timein with his hiatt in his itaimmi , said : ' 'Smay , partlimor , wlmmiro 1 collie frobn , right up 'ur ill S.mwtootia , we're always elmitimmod by tIme imaippy man to kisa time gal for good luck , antI yer goca. " Ito atoppomi to kiss time girl , html. her young maim iimtorposotl ; but time latter wits rudely elrawim amsklo as if but a chailti him time giant's grasp. Time Ides scemmmetl to be fortimcolnilmg. 'l'lmo imuobtuiti was Imuid at I-fl ) . Jy tIme osculator's loft. imand amid Limo girl vas boiimg dragged toward lmmmam by imia rigimt. t C Ivorybotly was immterestetl iii witiioss'mug time scolie. It waim timotmgimt a liootimig nmighmt ensue. TIme bvida , imomvover , was hot. greatly mnovod. A deep bltmslm auirtmsotl 11cr oval features nlmd a mmiorry twimmklo lurked botmt her eyes. SImo looked at tim brawit alid mmmtisclo wlmicit wammltel to umeloso Imor amid time slmatggy lips whmmeh wnmmtotl to Pt83 Item's , so itmltocuimt anal larettY. 'I'Ime fti0 of time yommmig mmmommi oat time col'm a Lratry was colorless. A seep , asimota , gl'mstly : lumo porvaldeti t , wImile a troamior of iimtemtamo huger aiiitl mmmortitlcation simook his fmvmmmmo. lie ait103 was powerless ; imm. doomi , the jatmimly amtd alammost anmspiciotms air of time girl wits beg'immimimmg to immake Imiom fool dtmlbly so , 011(1 thmitt feehilmg Wits be. mug foilowed by time imoro poigmiammi. ommo that , deserted by liar , life mvots mmot wortim living. lie looked at liar , aimel as her eyes mamet his aiim saw lila anguish. In tremambhimmg , aulpiicatilig toilcs1 lie said : ' 'Au , hitt'i' ' Thiostm fOliOS nrtstareti time sitmiatloim. .Jtaet as the rouglm cowboy brotmglit. his grizzly hijts ut close ) roximmtity to time girPam tim young womnam livelY back , wreamehaed lmerself ( roan his gritsp , amid witlm her OlCfl hiaui dealt luau a slap flit tIme elmook amid jaw whmiclm 80111. Iiimi reohimig to tile conmmer. Silo followed hiuii , caught. iiiimm by bvnrd ittiti hair , aamd lamliltiti timeimi tmimtii lie fairly yoiiei witim piull. Thu young maan drag. gad her luvIty , almd time wou1dbo kisser front Sawtooth sluamic buck to lila seat. ' . 'iiiti tIme denfemtilmg yells of time PaRacam. ; a tlitl so , the young wolnaim , with ilUi and tromnblmimg voice . I VOl.1. ' , cx. iairncd : I ' ' 1 adim't mit. ' vzt ligger , ammel doam't ) 'oll orl'ot it. " Aiid every jaIISb wager wasready to swear iaott aim wnomm't. SOETHNC EVERY LADY OVQHTTO KNOWI There cxisth a inean of securing curing a soft anti brilliant Complexion , no niattor how poor it may juatiirally be. Jlnan'n Magnolia 1iiIIIi IS fl ( loliCato and Jutrinless arti- clii , Wilich Instantly removes Freckles , Tan Redness , ltoiiglincss , Eruptions , Viii- gar F1ushiiis , etc. , etc. So le1lcato and natural are Its cirects that its use Is not upocted by anybody. No bttly 11115 the right to present a disll'urel 111cc in society lYhOlI ho Magnolia Ba1IiI IS sold by all druggists for 75 cents. - - r . t ; itegolir .VIo.ittl Ira'tiuag ) nub tal.o ilacti In the ? Ilastlc , I Iii b , 1.1 . aeon Ia 'i'otiiplo fluliding , J li ill louie , I be , icy , /u , sdciy Novdm1JT291883. . A LawrulLottory& FairDrawinga. liar ci cii le the lcglebatiro ef ihy. , anti te icu do , Jar. d ligeb by the talgIict itwart I. . t u f'fnte lioaiil itIltI 0 hii'riry County 'a , the stain of 4100,00)0 torlht' roanht , i ayitaot . f all rl'es sold. t IIIhVOLUTION IMfIINOLE NUMUV.1t IliAVINOe : rlierv : holder ltLeowia toipertisor , cola cull It * the lilambor eta his ticket apoti ret , thu rorr..spond I , : Iaitiii.ur , 1,11 , thu tag piacc.l iii thou heel in hb resciji' , ' . fheso tirucliige viii occur or , the lIst boureday of utory mouth. Iteul tim ioagiilfloe'zit November Solmomo , I I'rie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' oo I I'it' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . moitxi I I't ire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I i'rizes , 2'O0 ecbi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. , , ( ot ZI i'rires , ] , (100 utcl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( iruno 2(0 ( I1. . iros , ron ci.tii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in.coo leo l'Iws , i' . ( ) ( ' .ini. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iu , oa vie ) i'rizc' . , (0 , 'svii . . . . . . . . . . . . . lO.Ia ( ) 1,1 , (1 l'ilit'e , O earl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H1. ' } 0 luM ( l'rln.t , 10 cal I , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0)1 ii I'riiep , :101 : , ttodl.tJ.1Inc.IIaistbuil I'ln.e , ? . ' ,700 I ) lriet' , , b'tJ ' ' ' ' I , iO 1) ) 1' , itlO cacti 'I II POi .tJlu i'iz ; ; Whole 'l' , i'I. ml ! Tickntn , .I. I i7 Ticicta ) , i0O , tltl rIuots , I1UO , Iio'oit , Ini067 or 115.11k lIreft ra Letter , or semi b rinli ) . iohi' HiNl : ) liv mgitrrliaFl : ) T.1'l1' ) ? I& i'fuT ) tVt'IC1oitDilm : , until futtlieraiotloi , , 0 er of V antI tiisaril by curds , t'.ui bu mit at our aIuto , Atirrese till unit re ii. .1. .1 , 1)1)11 ) ) , otmttiiToKy. ( i' :1w : ens , IIVANSUN 4CC , noiiti'ioim1g G. SVANSO N & CO. , Ierchant Tallor& IllS F , nitaw , t.s1. 11(11 aimd I..tls Streub biAUA , ' . . NEIJI.4SbA .A.lEI.T1IYhI. ( , P. C , 1 % WiI.ON , 31. U. Ikaliluice , ) it'itiuiic. , tOol ) 8. ' 501 * StretI 2117 Ialetmpoatst lchiEJIjiw \VflSO , 'hyzLoian $ anc Euvgooa. 0 FF1011 ; it'f1'H , Oilorn IIoIl(3 , OJilihIlil , : N'tb' John D. Peabody , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , OFYIGE ROOMS , S and Ito ? YAII.NAM , 1Ws1Jeuo l.'Il Douglas Street , . . - . . - . , , NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , j DR. H. WAGNER , has long been iIcasowbedgel and more so at thl day than any other. The vast field of mc'dlcal cIonoi Is ever increasing , and its Isulmerous branehe sri brought nearer and nearer to perfection , an.L no one man can any longer grasp them l . lloaaco tbio necessity for dividIng the labor. And it Is true beyond all , ioubt that diSease , affecting the gen. to4aalauaeyoygane aired speclai stildyanore than any. hlng lso , If wewoulil iandoratoand and know how rest them Properly. 1)11. ii. WMINIil : is fully aware that there are , mnv pbyiein , , , iItii Sonue cnslhie people , who will II coinleinti ltiin for makitig tlil class of diqcitses a 'm claity , bolt helsliapty to know that with most tter s1tIs of reflnenierit til IntellIgence a mro enlighten. ed , icw iii taken ef the stibjovt , aol that the lihySic- an uulin dnvnte hianatelt to rebioIng the afflicteil sautL atritig theta from worse thata ilcatla , i no Ics. a phi. roasthiropit au.l , Itesiebuetor to 1114 rac'u tisata the stir' gee , , or ih3'Cieisla vlio bty eboe ftiitilarfltiOT , tt'icel Ln t any tthtr lraaeia , , , , f his lrofuIoi , , Asil , fortuisatelv or limmuiauilty , the , isv I , .Iau fling abie , , Lhse fah. , i' . ar.thrcjdiy that c'iutilias.l tbuo % lctiatvt rut fnli' or LTilfltt , like the lq'cr. % iiiiior tiflt , Jonlli law , to , iie tiaicrctb for has an A Few Reasons Why yeas ahioubtt try tIme celebrated Dr. II. Vagner's nicthcsle of culTs : 1. "Dr. 11. Vagncr is a natural ithlcLn. " 0. 8. I'owsa , 'rIte ( lreato4 living l'hremaologist. "l'ow can carol you as a doctor. " 1)r. ) . .1. Hunts , The Vorht's Greatest m'iavalemnoawet . ' 'oua are woinherfully lIrflcicalt ita your knos I edge of thli.ase aini metilcinos. " Tht.J. 4. "The afihlcteil fititi ready relief in your pm' , . eni.o. " DR. .1 , Sittss. t. . "tIm. IT. wagner ii a regular gnoubtiate front llclierue Ibosidlal , Neuv York city ; has le.t very ex. teiisbe htnpitab prMiiee , tuttl Is tlsomoughly jws'tcd on all Iniuaehe tt hi lniorel science , especially cii , . elirottie dieae. " Des. llpowsita.i. Ewnia. 6. "hr. \Vagner lute itatmoatatilied himself 1i7 lute wtmtodertol dlcou cry of spoelas runuiethies for pm. 1 ntb s.tit .caual dincavcs.-VIrginta City Chronicle. 'j 7. "Thootaauls of tinailds flock to sue him.San Franciqco Chronicle. S. "The 1)octhrs bong ciperlenro as a 5lteeist shiotil.l render ialtti Icry .uceceful.-1tockI 119au. tatncs5 , , Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tie it , liscussloa , of the secret ilee was en. timely Moiletl by time pmofus4on , ainl mneilioti tiorkeot but a few years ItIro would hardly locution it. 1'' the lIlt ) sidati Is sit A iiiierent opinion ; ho i aunre tiont It k iii. iiuty.-.lisngrreahlu thotnh It allay bo.-to laimulie tIil matter t Itiiotat. glo cc and alak iIaiulv about it ; niisl Ititeillgeait I'ruIt5 .ini gilanlialis uil thank lilna for dobig so. Thu results isthensiltig this dcstntactio ike were for. 's nierly net smiaderstooti , or not. ProPerly nstiniated' tout lilt intitortauuce hiellig attached to a stshjett u hlch by ii. lOttiaro d eii not haute c1oo lntest'.gntioti ' , it iuai iViiiilui7ii Ionorvtl. The luSbit Li generally oiitraoet ( hr the 3' 1It1 5 % lillo ! school ; oltier coanpiuslons tllroIl4h their ctusuplo , may Ito respolIMhibe for It , or it nasy l ) aetismlrel thmough neeitleitt. The cant cisieti t once cx. ltertnlseesi. the luretlce It Ill ho repeated again and agalla , until at last the lontilt licconic , flrmn and coin. ItlelebY olislaics tiso i ietiati. ? dniatal anti ileruous of llltIoits cr0 tliiaaliy the linilnary instills of eeif niuitse. Aatuttatg tito lttJurioue effects itmay lie atiohtiotied lasi. Ilado , tlcjeetloia or Irmaselitlllfy of temper antI general dehility. The boy eek ecciuslon , nuil rarely joins In I ut sPorts of lila COhllltaltiolt , , . I f Ito Ito it yomng 11101 * lie oulli ho little fosinit in coanpatty siLIa the Other semi anti 1.1 trotablesl nith ee'o.ling ansi ntanoylisg bashfoaitacss Ira their iircscucc. Iguscivloue dreanis , eirtie.lotuti 511.1 crialitloass oaa limo face , etc. , are 0153 ltroiidimuait 53 saultolIls , If tile iurdetn'd to loltntly , persisted in , more etIou dieturleutces take lilace. Great paipltatina of the heart , or epileptic CtliI1ll3bOlil , Cr0 caliuniesseod , and tloe tufforer may fall 11110 a complete itato of idiocy be. fore , Iiuiaiiy , tls'ntha rclloes hsbna. 'l'oilil thosocogiugeti iii this dasgomous , l'rocticet woualsl nay , first ol all , stoji It. at once ; inko every 1' liossible cOurt to tin so ; bitt Lt ) nal fall , If your aacrvoui systeni Is already too much .laattcrei , and cosmos. tinetitly , your Iuuli.lsowcr broken , take seine aicrse toNIc to Itid I ou Ill , 'OIIC efilult hits iitg frccul yourself froisi thto habit I woimid further counsel on to go ibrougli is regular course of treatment , for It Is a great tltiSt.'tki ) to elalIji050 thAt ataiy one may , for smite time , ho t to cry 53 , ) lIttle , give lllaoe9lf tail to tItle faocJnatlnt butdangerous oaclteiitemt without eatilerlng from Ibe 51 Ii CtalsOltaelIcee at soltac future ilnae. 'the isumter of 3 OilF 111011 u'lij are Inropaclztesl to nil the ilmatle. . elljoineil by Weiliock L's alarmingly large , coil in anos of such case. this laasfiriuaianactndltIoa , of thingscius ho traced to tlto Iraetice of eif ltuo , uuhmicha bait ltoen sliantboocti years ago. mdccii , a few months' practlra of this habIt Is aiIliriait to itasiuro spermntorthiaat i later years , 511(1 ( 1 have many of such cases uudei tsUa ocast at the Preeiat day. . , lI Young Mei : , Who may be utTering from the elTect , ( youthM follies or lisdiocretlons sill sb well to avail thmasnselreg of this , the greatest boon ityor laid at the altar of suf. teringhiumanity. Dat. WAuNra nUlguariuuestofoe. felt thU0 for every case of seminal wcakaiotgs or private disease of any ldnd and ciusracterwhlclm hciudar. take. to amid lal1 to cure. . Middle Aged Men. There are anooaiy at the age of 30 to 00 nho ar , troubled with too frequent evacuations of thu blast. deroft.en accompanIed by asIlght sauiartlitg or burn. lug seiitatlon , and is usuakeumlig uf thu system In a mannerthepationtcuuinotaccousitfor. On exaanlu. 1l.g tlio urinary deposits a ropy setbinient wIll often be found , atul , iosnetlnieit entail particles of albumen will ' Bhipoar , or the color will be of thin nollkish hiuo , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. 'There are many moray arieti us'bio slit' of this dlfllcuty , Ignorant ot the cause , which is the socnid stage of emhiaiaeak. aseas. JIm. % Y. n ill guarantee a perfect cure in all casei . J ttlitl S hislaitlay restoraUoti of the genlto.urinary or. gone. Conetmitation free , Thorough examiziatlon and ad. rice , 5. MI e'nlnnaalllcatloa1e should 1w addn'vsesi , Dr. IIenmy , . henry Wagner , m. 0. ¶ .da.S9 ' 1)0111mm , Colonosio. Thou Y.iuiig Man' , i'e'kot Coanleulioli , by Dr. U Wagner , Is sortI , Its neiglit in goad to young inca. L'rleo Qibfl. Sent by nuall to any addruts. t Let Your Light Shine. ' Ir. Wagror ho eciebmatesi spedemlet of Denver , . 0. Cob. , 1113 lurloter street , lis.llevos lai letttug thoworit Intiw what lie ( ISIS do , nail is , boiaig for thunsau'le of his folios Inca. IlLs treatmsoit fur list manhood I. , lire to win him a iiaiiio that osterity nih bbuso. Ten Itousasici testliaioniaii fruits a I over tli ( Jolted States mlii these lie isascairesi , is imoof itwltlato that } , edous uro the worst cases of tseee ) dissea&s. The afilicted ruin chronic ultd sexual diseises of esery kind will ad him theIr beet friend. ltcad liLt wlvertlasementtu all our cIty paper , , anti call , oti him for od Ice , as w. ktaowyou nih corroborate ut. iii , osyin ho is the sat firer' true friend.liocky Mounr.siu , ius * Relic ! to th'o Afflicted. In modtcitie , as Iii solcoce , timsi eiwcIl1ts are the clout nhoisiwa'e conic. to thu , and accomplish . I ( ( "st rt'siiltt. 'this rensorhi i , eCI'OCialiY Ultl'liCable tote to ilr. I I. IVagater , Of this city. lie stands at thu top of ls'etro'ssuluai ; ( , ILIad thu cures lie ist'rlorans for this uiihvtutsitu Iolsti ! 'corals ustisderfial If not. ProPerly iItei ri thoilgistof itleiitifie ursinlrtanents , lIe i . elidsirseil by the iiso'.t oiaiiwtit t thu medical faculty. lab. ; uilf'e stOIC stret , wfaeris ho wiu spoodi. ly ciftota curs , for this sulTesbig ol either sex , no mat. Icr how complicated thttr oaiuplalnt.-l'omeruy , . 1)eiocrat ; , , r4 . . . Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. L'ursonN at a cllstanou who wish tobe treat'id tsy lii. Wagiter need hot feel h'nckwaxd beviumso Cd inability ( .4. , ileIt him. If they sUl w tu Ut doctor he will otiti a list of itmstlotssi w ibiIo hlaii to scott ano.licliit'e , coulsiel and to tlsouaanois ho has 001cr tiVn , lie has p In uICrY city , loan aint etatloam it , Coloriutu will tie eli oer , the L'riits4 Ntatt.s. bce h ! , ad title &siortbscmcnt.-Dcn. 5cr Tribuue , Shall We Reform ? * i1iecKiu remedies for toil ilierases is the theory , ' iumnctic lot l'reeat of ediscistesi ansI experience 4 lh.iclualC , Will jj all large coanmuinltbe.i they li.iu , their bpecmamties , to cacti in shlcha they direct thci * ' ttusilvs and i'rartlcu. Pr. % Vaguer is a successful II. lutratIoa , of tbl auodcri school ospeclaitlca. and hi * ' nImIr'cdet1trd sliwess Iii the treatmool of rlvte dit.eae s lm p. iotisltul as it is iiatterhsg.-1 ref. J , Sinitii 'J' l' " ° who issed medical relief for the mt delicate of dIM'5e4 solilitsid ast actsiiitl.iJihe.J . aud same. s'eeful ltiiy.lviJ.ti lii the bereoha of be , % Yegucr , No. 5-13 Laaiinerstr.tet , ssho Is toithiIy rocoinmezided bytba fltClUCld i.rokulois itt iseisto us1 aboartL-Pomeaoy. licusocrat. hligotryand igiaorasicutuut give wityto. wlsstotii , nsl thu slise Ihxiiclata telluu. lu IettIuglits. light .htno for the glory of lois fellow scsa , i'rizster' . Ink e the torch Ito eaaa bOlt. Usis to goido the wcry aust sIck one tu the fIatataJis of bealti. , If usia articlu should be Iastruaneiotoj as S " 1OIWIIUt. IIV set up. flu as imlU to guide euiUenlng bumcaalty to III Larinie street , Itcnver , Ctll0l5iO ( , it will ats''tr the runice fur which it was written. AsiJave * DR. 1Uli1ty WADNIflI , I' . 0. box 23 ' 9 , or cab at I1d Larlisser Street 0 . 1euvcr , VRtodtbi t.iUuitt heattt4 " 2tu liunoeetty a Blhi . . & ,