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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1883)
2 1 IiL + DAILY BEE -UBPAlA. 1'ULSllAY , NUVE\iBLrlt 27 , 1883. X33 your Life Worth a Dolinr ? Perha sthatseems ahighpricefor t , considering how poor your blood is , and how your whole system is rostrttcddcbilitatcdand enfeebled , 1 coplc have been heard to say , under such circumstances , that they would not give the toss of a copper for the choice between life and death. But jwhcn it conics to actually drawing nearthegravcaman naturally dratvs back , and says he does not want to die Life is very precious , and ei cn to a broken-down man it is worth saving. One dollar will buy a bottle of 1lrown'rIron fillers. That one dollar - lar may start you on the road from misery to recovery. A man must take a very mean view of himselfwho is not willing to invest that much in nmkin one serous effort to rescue + bimscl from deadly debility , and to step into the enjoyment of solid health , Drorwts Iron IJillcrs vftal- izes the blood , tones the nerves , and I rebuilds the system. Its work is tvcll known , nest that dollar in a bottle. 8 8Wethni ear tlnnit4 : , WF 1 TREATMEirftt k Dii li. C. WrsT'u Nznvr. ANn liner Tnrtr. wlNragtmrnntoal spr cifio for Iirnterinlizzi nose , ConvulBione , I'1ts , Norvtnts Nt7mdgin , Ifeiulnchn , Nervous Prostrntlon cmmC' by tlto nsa onlcohol or tobacco Wnknftrine + + , Mental llo- prrssiuu , Hottoning of the Brain "stilling in in. vanity and ] aiding to misery , drcoy and dcnth , I'remntunl Old Agn , Bnrrcnnene , Low , of power in nilhor sax , Involuntary 1 o ses and U1lormnt. orncctn caused byuv.r oxerlinn of thobrain , ngdf abu8oor over4ndtdgonco. Each box contains ono monthtreatmnnl $ l.(1)nboxprfixboxce foreco , sent bymail prepaidomi receipt of prlco , , ' VE GIJAILtNTEL 4lix Ise 4 To cum any came , with each under recsived hyue for fix Luxes accompanied wills S'.W , wo will r'ond the pnrchnsororrwruton gummnteu In ar fund ( ho ninny it iho trextrnnntduoenut. oltoct . + aouro. Ouanrntaw h surd onlrhY L DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S .t c 1 ! > JD a PAEVSNTIVE AND CURE. " , ? OR EITHER SEX. ' , Th''temrdy being Injected dtroetly to the coat 'tL" ttrao , ro ulroe no'chan o of diet or nmseoul , Q . dlorpotonouemanchroe'tobetakcnlntom , g , 9 used ae a proyontlve by olthor sox , It h tv ; u. contract any prlvato dnoaeo : but . in the b Vale 0t thouu already unfortunately afnlota4. gunr ; ; .anteo three bozea to euro , or wo will rcfuud the . Prloofor b5mall , postage paid , > I3 per hex , u @ boxes for . nvarrrgN aUAttAIfl > FB tluod by ell euthorlzal agents. ) Dr.Fe11xLeBrun&C0 f . fi i , Iwr.E PRoennrous. . F. Ooodmm , Druggist , Role Agent , for Omaha i Nab , mku wly : J. P. WEBER & C0. f b MANUFACTUItEItS : OF 1i i 1 BRACES ! L FOrT1rEACoI iEcTIoNoF Physical Deformities , Hip and Spinal Diseases , Club Feet , Stiff Kneesl Bow Legs , ItnockTuloes , &c. TRUSSES Of the best make kept on band , Trueee.rt' Irctt , ( .tuthca made to order. Small jobs of oiIUabrd ; doiio In Stool , Iron and Wood. SirltctatrIng { of all kind. d' no neat , oboap and 1ruwpt. Fln t rrcmlum given our work at the No Uraeks StMo Fair of 1693 , 803 Sou h Tenth Sf Omaha. FOR SALE , A RINT1iXV aTiT3 ' A Rare Chance for Printing Offices We have for ealo eovera ! harrrle of a Rot quality of prlnthg Ink. Deing medv for ueo on .rnaller or blower prc.dol than wu are now uaing , wo will soil the aaumo at 8' tent. per pound hoe on hoard can at Omaha IVlll guareutco lt to give good oatl.tacUon on smaller and medium prusaod. TlIR BEil'lllndSlllNO CO . rt " ' t A g r b d i m. . : lR + R . , ' l , r" r L , t root tt ' , u ) 1 nrs 1 , wy \ , > . 111 \ I . I . " O ; Ii1 ( tx1) iStl Cat. Cboa uruwi bfltd : , watt a 1Uemu. . i l Tams bdo , liw"u uux llclaldfd. 24 lb. FARMEn'S 3OALC a Th0"l.fiomntteur ; l nx.In'11ILI3 ! , .vy , IOUOTlixlt bixal. nd.rdraata LlwT tdWL " Pone : L 'T'OOLS ' , exec , lCST 1Y11IVU adbx run i4.mIT , ale H rIb. A Uvilaaa Hltof'riw . . $10 i Hruwen b + , r Ur. sod a'i dolue.,011.M. Plotvun. rn Ih , ylr , . . i Ilthur Articles aTWnETi'illttf , nIluU8LC Aaxtal4 f # t ' I At , s iWsifli I rxroar. anxu , ApTiUU'a We will .rnddon Tblrty 3 ro. t 'a7. Irla1 , 7O M N , YOW ( l OR OLD "bo are eunt'dng trum Nsuroel Da.tuTT , IOU JITAUTT , and ttww dlwuee of a 1'aaaoxar. N TIUI rt.ultlug from $ ( bpudyrolirandnour to Ii0.LTn , t'leoa and Naxltoou ( UL .tu.o.torlllwtntall'ampbM VOLTAIC BELT COJARSllM L,1dIiCIL b 1 : ; ii a1 or Ki vie ra for bunde uu.wly tug lhcrurnut der narn'fIII u the graeaallvur boa flur1h uo mldtakr ouout tid. . . " n gin. R + Ilnnou , bnedru g' ( FJp.O TIII'lit' Irritating FOfr tf.ruyh it . ' a't Ibrtn I' lgumth ( . . a' I , , , . a . .iii IN i lot ; . ( gWUlelgd , k. . ' . it OFILY . , "rrt4rl In run' .II Ind N ( roibwu'oln ) Itl,1. ; I .1w JAL a MIola' , , r , a T I r ,1n UWrv , r I , , , . , . t. I , , al 18 MculcBrltlWarw..adatuael..eaiuuru.Id. l d i4I I A A FRONTIER CAREER , Dcath at ills Rauch in Wyoming of "Porto In- , thancout. . The News Which Ho Bore to the Outside World of the Pot- tormau Massacre , port 1'1111 , ltearncy natal the IIotvllnu t lteisltlns 1VIu ) Surrounded It In 1N1111 , .t epecinl correspondent of the Chicago Times , writing fron Cheyunno , says that John Phillips , bettor known ns "I'ortii goso" Phillipsono of the eldest fromitiers men in the west , died on his ranch hoar that point a few daysngo , " 1lo was bravo and daring , and as thoroughly posted iii 1118 craft , aritcs iho corrosponddnt , as ally man that over lived. 1118 bravo (100(18 1111(1 daring oscaposfrom the Indians would fill a volumo. lie was the first man to carry the 110wa of the torribla massacre of Capt. Fottormnn and a do- tachnlollt of soldiers a ; the old Fort Phil Ioarnoy ill 1801. This and ninny similar ex loits ave ltim great faro , ho lived quietly out aTanclttvoll stocked in WYo nin errito for some care nat. " "Know'l'ortu oso' Phillitis " answer- ecl nn old arm officer now residing in this city , last iii fit when asked the question by a reporter for the Tinies : "yes , I have eaten several meals with h ot his ranch on the Chug Water river , Ho was a great genius , nd has since been libeled ill 'Rach 1' by the character they call I'ortu eaoJou thugh Iteavell only cats testify tthe resoin- blarco is very slight indeed. I have heard Phillips TELL .tIlOUT IllS TIlr from Fort Phil Kearney to Fort Larantio that time. 1 was also over the ammo ground in 1870. Just ten years later , with the Gen. Crook's eouunaud , at the titno ( loll. Custer was billed. Wo caunped nit the spot whore the old Fort Phil Iioarnoy stood , and I stood out on a knoll and gazed at the spot , about one mile away , tt hero those soldiers were massa cred. Thu flng st..tlr and a portion of the 8tockado still stood there , and there was a little hill called Sentinel hill , at the base of which some of the poor follows who full , pierced by the deadly Sioux bullet , were buried. At the time this massacre occurred , in the fall of 1860 , Col. Carrington commanded the fort. IIo went west to that point , about time june- tiou of the Big and Little Pines rivers and the old Bozeman trail , the year be. fore and established the fort. It was not a desirable location , though being in a space of cleared ground it was not easy for any ordinary band of Indians to cnp- turo the fort proper , tun TRAIL LED from Fort Laramiu to Fort It01no , thence to Fort Phil Kearney , then up to Fort C. S. Smith , and on to Jlozeuan. All those forts 0xcept Fort Larauio , have been abandoned long ngo. It wound over in a curve to the west crossing both the Pines rivers to reach Fort I'hil hoar- noy. Tlio barracks amid stockade within the fort wcro directly on the trail , which , after swooping out south , made tanothor curve about a mile from the fort , just whore a hill and some chapparal hid the tr'sil. On time morning of the massacre hostile II lens hind bean seen about the coulitryb tin spitirof this no one thought much about them , and Col. C irrimgton sent out a small details across the Big Pines into the chapparni to chop wood. They w rosurprised by a band ofrodakins , mostly Sioux , from Rod Cloud's tribe. The 1i ht occrred on the trail , and was in plan view of the people at the fort. Seeing his men surrounded , and not really knowing how ninny Indians there were about , Col. Carrington ordered - ed out a dotachniont of soldiers under Capt. Fottermmn , with Capts. Brown and Orummond anti several other ollicors to their rescue. I drink thorn were over ninety-three met , ofiicors amid all , in time detail , " 1Vell , they started out bravely , but not a muut of them overeamaback to that fort. Tllll INn1ANa very cunningly drew thorn on along the Bozeman trail southu of the fort until they had ruachod that point about a milo from the fort whore 1 was tolling you time trail turned around the little hill and disappeared from view of the fart , and there they were surrounded br the yel low demons , After a close , despurnto hatd to hnnd fight all wore slain. All this could be plainly gael from Limo stockade of the fort , but its inmates could render the poor 111011 no assistance. The Indians must have numbered full throe thousand and ware on the war pate at the time , crossing over into time Powder - der river rgion , They drew limo soldiers es along the trail , then swarmed out of time clmapparal behind then in a perfect cloud , The big Pinos-b1 time way , that wants to be pronounced just as though you wore spelling it "I'inoy"-river at the point oppositu the fort was about as wide as our Chicago river at Madison street bridge , but wds only about three foot deep , The Indians , after massacre ing tlio poorfollaws , cnlne on in a cloud to besieho the fort. ' 1'hoy were repulaud at time raver , but kept up time si go. It looked as though tlioy would starve nut the pee du in the fort. Then it was that Joint ' { time MouT AND FnoNTlLmaMAN , got out of the fort at night and started for Furt Larauiu to boar time news of their darner to . civilization. tNo one outside the ltttlu bald penned up in the fort know of this terrible massacro. Phil ! . lips gut away in tlmo eight , but was pur sued b' time Indiana. ITu was a ten limo reaching limo pthor fort anti at onetime time was nearly lassoed. Before the rescuing - cuing party cold be started lted Cloud nmrcd away ! md the commimnd left for safety. Col ton was brought u before a military court of inquiry tor time massacre but ws acquitted mulretired on half ! is ) ' . 1 guessit was simply post gossip. " liy Limo way , there was a quocr inci dent jgrow out of that massacre , and though not strictly apropos , I think it was good one , Co , Carington wolf east after time uasaucro amid Mrs. Gruam moil , time widow of the ufiheor who was killed , charged him through the press with being the cause of her hu8bamid's death. It came down finally to a charge nearly of murder. There was a great ded , of talk at limo time , Thor Mrs Carringt01l died , Col , Carrington wen , south afterward , to a town In ' 'cunessoe where Mrs. Grummond resided and net that lady , 111Ey LOVED and were married , Thus Dirs. Grntn + nlondbeclume Mrd , Carrington No 2 , the wife of the loan oho charged with mur ring , bi an indirect lu + nner , ltcr hut. baud , That was not nil. It aeons that . Ormmond , whoso relict married Calt. Co , Cnrri ton hail boon marrie(1 before , and failed to sb toll his wife. Ito was lawyer in Detroit at the cotntnencomont of Limo war of the rebellion , ntiu watt south , lbo loft n wmfo and child in Detroit , In time southl in Limo very same vihlago in Tonncssca whore Col , Carrington wooed and won his see- 011(1 wife , ho met a lady whom ho loved and made Mrs. Grummoud , his other wife lost nil trace of him , and did not know where Imo was until tits reports came of the maanacro at Fort Phil hear- noy , in 1860 , Then alma wont to cl nni time body and found wife No , 2 , There was quito n time , buu she gave way to the latest. Titus , you see , all nround'it was a great limo. I believe Mrs , Col , Car- rington has written several books about this western exPerieuco , , mid she is a very pleasant amid nbl writer , Coh Car- rin gtos is living in 1Vnslmin ton. 'Jiut ' ' geese' ' abou'I'ortmm I'lmilli ps. After Limo settlement of the Indian troubles ho became staid and sedate , tak ing unto himself a rib in time shatmo of a tidy American girl. On his rnnclie on Clu g Water river , when I was there , Imo had fine dairy mid dent of good at- tie , Ho had turned time course of time stream through the garden and was raising water creases , 1 think lie sold this rancho afterward amid wont fur. timer west to time neighborhood of Choy- . That is nil I know of him , only that his fine was coextensive througlmut the northwest , " IOnkn honest , A clear , bright open face eomolmow looks honest , A lmerso thief or bnrgln seldom carries - ries such n face. 1)unlock Jibed liiffcra give the skin n peculiarly tine toxtilr0 and clearness - ness , ' Theystrongtlmon and enrich the clrcu latlon and so amdlato nil eruption or blemnlsiL BREACH OF PROMISE. g1 VlYfOIOlla Young 1VItlow Sues the Senator from iodgo for $10,000 , Fremont Tribune , Thursday evening action was begun in time district court in a suit brow glint b Mrs , Itachol Bears n aillst C'larles Sang. Thu nccossn papers were laced of file but as the were afterwards allowed to be taken from time office of time clerk of the court by the plaintitrs attorney - torney , ill wlmose poasossnon thoyhave silico boots , Owing to this fact an effort hs being nmdo to keep the marticu tars as secret as possible uutll Line also actually comes to trial , if it does so we have nt been able to earn complete details - tails of the case. The fact that notion has bean commenced renders time case , to that oxteut ; public property , and under time law the petition after once being flied should remain on file , yet it is bettor - tor for the artier interested and just as well for time public that it is not so. The only round ar time action , so far as wo know definitely , is tlnt of breach of pronisu. The dof01tdant has for more thmai a year past been paying his respects to time plninti0 ; amid front time nature of time case it is to be presumed that time lady in question considers that Mr. Snug has boon guilty of breaking an agreement of marriage and trilling witlm her afbetions , and alleges that the damages - ages incident thereto are at oven ten thousand dollars. Tl'ere is a probability that the matter may be dropped or cant- promiscd , but if not , at will not coino up for trial before time April term of the district - trict court. N. II. hail is attorney for the plaintiff and K F , Gray for the do. fondant. - - - " - Tighhmosa in the chest is a fororummor of disease , Samaritamm A'crvinc is the antidote. $1,00 , "Every epileptic sufferer ought to try Samaritan 11'crvinc at once , " says Rev. J , T , Ettor , of Now GlarusWis. " It's a novorfailing remedy , " Iil ncol n's Dionunsent , Cincinnati Commerctal.0azetto. SI'1tmNo IFLD , Iii. , Nr'yeinbor 22.-IIo who visits time capital of Illinois without . seeimg that mngutliceut monument of marble and bronze erected to the inonlu of time martyred Lincoln , must be devoid of both patriotism and appreciation of beautiful art , Tim Lincoln Monument , with its truthful bronze statute of Abra ham Lincoln , lmoroio size , amid its four bronze groups , lifo size , representing four departments of time nations defense , ) is a reawork of art worth of ntoro thnami ordinary intorest. Beneath the nmouu mont , orather inside the pedestal , lie time remains of Lincoln , his fo and wo 1 children , In nnotherapartment. of time saute atructuro is Manoial hall a room L sot apart for time preservation of relics of the dead hero. I entered Meut3riul [ fall yesterday in company with a very feeble old urn , who gave ute his nano as 1Vil- linut More. ho is a fanner , amid in his fovoimty.tifth year and his white hair , hmis long while beardlmis tottcrimgbomit forum , Iris trembling voice , seemnod fitting ae- muntato the cemetery where we imet. " , " said the guide to us , le time old chaimt wlmictm Lincoln used when Ito was laying out. Petersburg , amid hero 1 are his other surveying instruunmts , " "Aim , how well 1 reuumbor that old t rmsty chow , aaid toy aged conpaniotm. 1 I havu carried it miumy a mile for Abe f wlmgmi ho was surveying. You see , " said lie in answer to our looks of surprise , "ho and 1 used to be old , and we 1 worked together in the old mill , and I honied himr afmrvuy. Poor old bop 1Vo Were intimate friends for thirty years , a Ile was only threu or four mtontlts older than I. Atal ii am have we s1purr i together , aamid sii tay mm prank have wo ii played tc other in ( our oungg days , but a Ito could adwa's story ) ' tell a bigger tlu ant 1 cold , and it was no 1180 trying to keep tip with hint , Olt , thorn is the picture of time cld log house where I cast lit ) ' first veto. It vita for lloumry Clay , and it was t recorded by Abnmham Lincoln. 1 have i cast many a vote for Lincoln , 1 voted s for 1dm for the legislature , mumd twice for esidont , 1 uuvur was so ahuekud in my its when 1 heard of his assassins tl c rat , ( I would have killed all time rebels in the country then if 1 hind Imad tlmotu fn tmiy' power. 'Plato old nett atta' ' ; litonud tip as t Imo said tlmta but after a wlule continued , if talking to 1 u intoelf , "I' nor Abel 1 Little did It think , when wo wore riming t around together at time age of twenty. three , that I would ever see so grand a monuuutt errctod to his ntomory. And yet lmu deserves it all , Ho was a great and good smarm , Poor Abel lie deserves it all , " , What a picture was lucre for n painter or poet ! ' 1'hta tmuntblu old 11tau , lwuoring the mennry of the intlmato friend of iris early manhood. Then they walked and talked together as equals. 1\'Itat nu at. moat infinite dishuico time world aces uott I'utwuon those "old chums , " amid yet mne tliiulss if "llomeat Old Abu" could have looked down front his nnausiou in the 1ku's amid aeon his friend "Hill" Aura dniug honer to his mnemnory so humbly tad so siucornly it would have bueu to hImo n ni ro gruhmful tr'bnto ' than all the bronze 8nd tuarble statues which the wealth of a lovlug nalioi can over pur' elia ° o , STOCK RAISING. Some Iatcresting statistics of ( ho Busincss. . tt Quarter of a D11111omi Jlado on $8,001) la Ten ] ears , "Does grazing nit the plains pay ? If 80 , about whmnt per cent ? This was time mlttcstiun put to a number of stockmen who attended the recent meeting of tlmo Wyoming Stock Growers' association at Cheyenne , The question could be easily answered by pointing to the tlmousands who have nniasaed forttumes in the busi miens iii a short time , But , to illm'strntu thmo profits of the business , time following figures will give a general idea : As to Limo increase of cattle one of time closest oh. servers makes the following calculationon 100 cows ill ton years , estimating that 40 per cant of their progeny are heifers , which commence to re-produce at two years of age : 100 Maws In Lilo first yonr elrop heifers , . . . 40 100 cows in time socoud year drop heifers. . 40 140cows In the tldrd year drop holfor. . , 50 180 cows In four years dro helfora. . , , , . , . 71 230COWS intitoyenrsdrop holfors. . , , . , , , U4 308 cows In six yearn drop hollers. . . . . . . . 123 102 cows to sovolt years trop hectors , , , , , . 210 626 calve ht nine years drop hofers. ( . . . , . . 274 8tO ) cows In ton years drop 353 Total , taimyears , . , . . , . . , .1,428 This , it will be aoen is u calculatiomi of only the female jncreasa. So that time entire gain of animals in ton years can- notbemuchshort ofthree thousaud. The cost of raising an animal on the plains whore it forages its food fromtlmo govern. stunt front its birth to its maturity , at four years is about $5 , Supposing the male animal to be worth at its birth $5 , and if it is sold in time butchers nmarkot at $40 , it is a'mplo ' enough to understand that there k3 : ' b.ei n $30 profit on a $10 investmemmt , Ilowever , out of this must come taxes and deatlm risk , With 100 cows for a starter time not profit in ton years is figured thus : First coat of cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3,000 Tlmrea bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 l xponses of herding. . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 Death risk fn ten yoars. . . . . . . . . 13,000 Ta'ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LB00 , $11,300 Pesult , 31,000 cattle at F30.30,000 , - Dalancoas proft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88S,700 To avoid 'ill dispute on time question of profit , cut this result right in the center , aid call it $144,200 , andthet ask whore , on time face of the globe , is there another ilusineas outside of stock raising timat would pay in tan years a riot profit of $444,200 on an investment of $3,000. Time profits of sheep-raising nearly equal those of cattle , but the death rmsk is much greater. Time cost of starting a ranch with say 3,000 awes is as follows : First cost of owes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0,000 One lumdred amid sixty acres of land. . . , 360 lmpruvemonts-houses and slmeds. . . . . . 500 Shnrhmg sheds and dippbmg van9. . . . . . 500 Suthcient morinobucks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Exponsoa of herding one year. . . . . . . . 2,000 Oust of dlpping and ehoaring. . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Cost of sacking wool and ehippmv500 Lows by , leatk and otherwise. . . . . . . . . . 1,000 Interest on investment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 Total outlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,400 Throe thousand owes , properly cared for , will produce their equal number ill lammbs. For those tha ; fail to bear a lamb there kill bean equal number boar two. To ho quicker cotmiprohonded , we hill give the figures : Three thousand lambs at six months old. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7 500 A year's clip of wool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 000 Total earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 500 So , with alt outlay of $17,46,0 , time slmeep grower has a nol earning in one enr of 13,500. In the second year he will not ] nave to urchaso lands or make m provomemmts and his net earnings will ) el the annie while his flock will with ordinary luck'coutinueblkl oung ovary year. A Good Investutont. One of our prominent busiueas men said to us the other day : "In the spring fly wife got all run down and could not oat anything ; passing your store I saw a pile of Hood's Sarsaparilla in time window , and I got a bottle. After she had taken t a week she immid a rousing appetite , and did her everything. She won three bot- lee and it was time best three dollars 1 over inveated. " C. I. HooD & Co Low- 011 , tunas. _ t. _ _ . t.A CHARGE , Phu Uvcning of the Second flay at Gets sbltrr. Cor , Clmlca o News. I looked up and down the line , and ( soticod that while mazy faces wore white and teeth wore set ] mnrd to conceal what 1 ho tremulous lip might betray , nobody coked to time rear. Time weak-knead had allen out before , and every man on the brow of that little rock-strewn lull could m depended on to give a good account of 1 unisoif when the deadly wrestle came , ind it was not long delayed. Above the olanmor of time guns amid time crash of allot nulling and shattering the quiverimm trumka of time trees , there mimic front time mnlmediatu front time soundsof indescrih- blu tununlt , and the sharp rattleof , our kirmislt line rang through time woods , "Get ready , boys ! They're coning ! " ' 1 think it must have boor the voice of out' colonel , wlmo stood a few paces fn our rear , and the words wore BO quietly utter- crud that they seemed addressed to each udividual man-I thought they wore poker within a foot of my ear. Every nsau stood up , amid the clicking ! of a tlmousuud guu locks rose clear cold I hiatinct over time waves of sound which' calld along Limo air , A violent eomumtntioll in thebushmea across 1 ho raviuu marketi the retrograde niou- rent of our skirmtishurs , and in a mo- 11ent they crone into view , while behind haul limo undergrowth was crlidied lint by' the gray confed01nto liimes following so aw'rflly on their rutrcatimg foetstrps. hold your fire until the sktrmmsh litho gets out of time wayl" Time voice tvav quiet Mill , but there was I stern ring in it that told of time sup. pressmxl uxcitunuont in the apeukor. Moro and thnrs ono of time skirmishers was tiy'ing at lmis greatest slued , but the greater nuutber ivoro fullmng back with their faces to the froimt , loadiugand firing Its they moved to the rear. ' , One-two-three litmus of battle ! " ex claimed one of the boys , looking over at Lilo mass of buttormtta which caumo aurg- Ing through time woods ; "that mucus bualuees boy's ! " Down into the ravine swarmed lime skirmishers , and time ground vim clear fpr motion , Men's Oyea were lit up by Limo battle light and eheoka that. hind be I white now shone with n foycrish A1. glow , Time tiqcr nature that was in them was nwak01.ed and their nostrils scented fresh blood , "Now give them it-11" Tito voice rang out like time blaat of a bugle and as time last word fell front time speaker's lips a cloud of Ilnmy smoke shot out over the ravine and the crash of our first volley whirled through the forest. Before it the Confederates wontdown by scores , and through time bluisln grnysmoke we saw them , like phantoms in a mist , Lone atrug lieg to keep their foot , others sinking auilenl to the round while brandishing their pieces as if 111 defiance 1 and not a few 1 'in quiet and Peaceful nit time bosom of time trtlt-doad , In ami instant cano their response , and I heard shrill cries piercing the terrific donor , and sav mot when 1 know strut ; gling convulsively among time dead leaves anal beating their limbs against time hard , Merciless rocks , We were kneeling now , hastily biting cartridges , rantmmimmg thous Monte , and driving bullets across the narrow space whim euly one desire-to kill On the trees little ragged wliito spots sprang into view wlmero bullets scored their nmarka amid s pliuters of stone , to which still adhered tufts of moss , whiled timrougln the air. Shut and shell tore through the woods with pitiless fury , and here and there a man was lifted bodily front the earths and dashed , a gory bmt- die of mangled ! tests aid shattered bones , agaimmst a rock or tree. But we gave no thought to that. Our business was with time livinmtho dead needed no human taro. For the wounded time strotclmer bearers were there , aid their canvas barrows were winding in grisly procession in and out anon' time racks , some coining empty , but splashed with hunid scarlet blotches ; others carrying - rying omit into tire sunlight their burdens of nmoaiimig lmunamtity. I looked once at Jim. Ills cap was off amid a few drops of blood worn trickling down his loft clmeok and dyeing , with a grim red , time powder stama about the corners of his mouth and on time chin , his proniommitiot hind oat yet cone true. How lung this wild work continued I have no conception , but to time common soldier engaged time is a myth. I know my looko cartridges wore exhausted and 1 had broken open one of the sealed pack. ages which lay at the bottoum of the box , when our fire began to slacken , and upon looking up and down the line I saw the mon standing up and fixing bayonets , while the oflicora wore shouting in the Itching din aomothing that sounded like "Cease firing ! " ' Jim leaiod over toward me amid called out : "It's a chargol" Our line was sadly tlilued , and , as the men stood up , at their foot lay so many of out dead ! Our other Mcssmatu had gone down , and his body lay stretched across a low rock , In the moment ire fore we started Jim picked up a blouse which had boon discarded iy some soldier - dier , and reverently spread it. over the face of our dead conirado. I looked up at thin sun , now throwing its slanting glare through the leaves of the shivered trees , and , as my eye rested on the ground at the rear , I saw Dad's form outlined - lined against an immense bowlder. In one hand ho carried our coITo-kettle , and in the other a gorgeous red sash , time glaring tint of wlmicll Imad probably so ap pealed to the instincts of his barbaric nature - turo that he could not resist the tempta tion to strip it front the body of snnie dead ollicer. There was no fear in his face ; on the contrary , whets I called Jinn's attention to him and ho looked up , lie laughed outright , and moved forward , Jim waived hint back with his hand , and we turned to time front , t Across the ravine a ragged cloud of smoke streamed out and up , concealing from us the movontonts of time confederates - ates , but as the thummdering roll of our own firs Imad ceased we could hoar the venomous lmiss of their bullets as they flow above and around us. " We can't do it , " said Jim in my ear ; "we're toolight handedfor what there is over there. " Before I could nay a word the order camrmo : " Forward , march ! " And as we got under way on time brink of the slope and looked down into the ravine , now rolling up smoke as if it were one of the oponlmigs of the pit of hell , alma the thrilling conunnd , "Oilarge 1" - - - - - - - - - llorsfrd's Auld l'Ilosphute , Olt ALCOUOLia3L Dr , 0. S , EI.Ids , Wabash , lad. , says : "I prescribed it for a ram who had used intoxicants to excess for fifteen years , but during the last two years has entirely ab- staiuud , IIo timinka time Acid Phosplmto hh of moll benefit to him , " Am'limy OI1lm',4 , Oflicial notification hav'iug been received front' the headquarters of time army , of 2d Lioutouant Charles Byrne , 6th Infantry - fantry , ( company F. , ) to 1st lieutonait conmpauy C , ) vice groesbeck appointed adjutant , lie will report for duty with pis company , 7'Jlo following mmed recruits enlisted at Forts Onmaha , Nebraska , and D , A. Russell , Wyouting , are assibnted as fol nws : William N. Handy and Emile F. AIouuier , to the 4th infantry , Albert fines , to company 1' . , 9tim infantry , Re. bert Furlong , to comgaumy K , 14tH in- fantry. Private Gustav B01mlorf ; ro ouliated at Fort Omaha , Neb , , is nasigmed to the North infantry , and will be aunt to the station of lmia rugintent of time first favor- iblo opportunity. Private John .1. Gilindy re-enlisted at Fort D , A , IinssellVyo , , is amaigumed to company 0 , Fourtcontlt infantry. The following tmluued recruits enlisted at Fort Ieughms , Ulau , are assigned as follou'a : Edward Jmuia to cuumpany 1) , Sixth lnfammty ; , iolnt Fitrgermdd to coin1 parry G , Sixth Imfcmtry , 1 . . - - - - - - - ' - - - flood , . , CoId , and 8'ro l'iroat tml.t readily toll i , . , , . ' , DJuglas.t Ho Capbirtmrn Cough nroa. ; In UNPAILINQ A9D 11 ' . LLr .Ill LY IN runrsd EVER FAILS. RptJrpttr 1''tte , Sjxxnl , I ? u l l l ii g Slckecss , Convul- i0oms , St , Vitus Dance , Alcoholism , " Op inn Eating , Seminal 1'ealmcm , lam- potency , Sspllllls , Serotubl , and all Nervous and Blood Dlsonsos. c -To Clergymen , entI.iternryMen , 3terehaula , llaukera , and eli whoso sedentan'empoyment : causes Nen'omisl'ros tratlnn , Irregtmlarltlea ; of the blood stomaclm , bowels or kidneys , or who regnlro u nerve tonic appetlzerorstlmuludSentarjfan Afr- claw 1Y lmwaluabte. q"'Ilro 11RGAT pr' xTatm n t wonderful 1'"Igor- suitthat ever susndn. cd u sluktng system. I tS1h0 , at Pruggtsta , . , 1hoDRSt.aICH1dOND [ . ' 9 GEDICALCO.Solopro I I1v11 r .Iu rs JL gouah , Ain e : : ter : . . rue.ucu.o , cL 't rep , ; 1 ? : e F rnitur' a/ Have just received glarge qu , Tl'CltY 0 new ' . C'r.wL y AND AM OFFEitINO THEM AT I PRICES PaA.sSEdtl gJd4n ELiIW.AT ® CHASI SHIVERICK , To .AU ' 1ooi' 12061208 _ OMAHA mid 121U , NEB Farnani , St Granite Ironware. O IILTNG DAZING I- .l b I .1 Ju vA Nr LIGHT ] ) lS WHOLSOIaSI : , Liti.BLE. , . yy c P TuLe Best Woi'o Milde for the K1tche1 e ! 1R0 MANUFACTURED ONLY DY THE SI.LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , SiLO , , . Fall o o Iv o . to f1 , hl 'SI'C , all ORSC , llRK ea arse Anheuser-Busch Doti hrRA BREVING ASSOCIATION w'T Ke i and Bottled Seer , This Excellent Beer apallcs for itself. ' Il N SS r ORDERS 1ROIIi : ANY PART OF Tuft . , , , , ; , , Sell . , , s . , STATE OR TAE 1'.NTI1tE 1YLST j SLOYIS 110. Promptly Shipped. TALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD F. SCHLIEF Solo Agent for Omaha and the West. Cor. 9th Street and Capitol Avenue ! , nu ( iL ' Ova'v ooth's Ova' v . AND FRESH FgSH AT WHOLESALE D , B , BEEMER , AgentOmaba. r h . + f f : h AL&NUFACPU1tER OF or STEIOTLY Fuf3T CLASB Carrae ! , BllgieLRoa V1aOllS AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. is19 and 1380llaeney Street and'403 S .13th Struet , ' - . - oJ' E nrtraSod Catalogue turnlehed true uponappilcatlan , t LY Double and Single Acting Power and Nand w i _ Engine Trimmings , Mining llachinory , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iran Fittings 1 I Stein Packing at wholesale std re1ail IIALLADAY WIND-MILLS CUUROH AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb. 1 , , , : r .L1. . iowest Prices Now' Offered on Artist's Materials ! Windsor d Newfom's Tube Colors , per dozen , hmOc ; Fine Siblo lirusilur front Oc Imp ; Fimo Bristol Ifeimttnes , ( ruin 7e up ; hound old Ovll Plaques , front 20e up ; 'alettes , ; roc ; Cups 10c ; Jltpunvl'Im Artiat'H Boxes , $1,601161& ; , Plaques , 150 up ; Panels , 100 , Wooden , Plaque , iSe ; Designs to 1)ecolute , font lc each up ; Gold and Silver Paint , Olls,1'arnishos , front 20c upward ; Cunt'aV 7'c per yard ; Stm'ctclmers , 50 uP , A. 1iOSI'J : , , Jr. , South Stdu Dodge Street. . , .tN -L.ll-r - - d + ] r MANUFAYIUItCB OF PINE i CIffl' hllThs SMill 1 J t'9 OII $ + . Ity Lcpdltury L oourtaatly allo.l wlth a .clue s act. tint Worktruamsbip guaronteal , Office and Factory S , W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omal' J. A. Vy 1 E iIELDf 1 fWJI0f.r 9ALE AND iiimtis DlALEfI IN I . M 9 9 9 S6SB DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIMB CEIIfERn i PLASTER &C' STATE AGENT T01t MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY ( rear Union Pacific Depot , - - 01/AIM , NED ' .4