Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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. THE DAILY BELFRI1TA , OEMJll1t9 , i8B. . 7
: : -
I11 toro P0 tt tL d3'
ttSiflfly th ( ! . Twdk % , dnce ia
cer Icresjng , td ! t IIunT1e brnth re
Ltut nczu x.d trtr to perfc.ctloD.
tc Oiie IvAfl N1 thy Ongr irQp them i1
Itar the * ity for tllvldlng the * tor. And It I.
fre beod all 4otabt th&dC , & 1CCtLfl the ien
tOwtharj crri reI pci1 study nioro than any.
tthg eke , U WC141 wc1cntxd wid kncw 2ow
, tl.tthrn prprv.
IIt. I ! . 1VAUNkP t tuiiy swr thit there & ? o
r.a1jy jd acme flMbto pOp3 , wbti wIfl
nJftr.II ! m for n4n the 1aM ot 1a'Me a pe.
t.41tybnt1ieIebRM. thknowthat th lnot per.
NrI 02 n1nemnt Lntofl4vn tm re enIhtnn. !
I i tacn of the ubject , and tha. the hyax'
4. , ' Ju 'Qotte hIrnU to rvIethg the nttlcted nntl
Iivt1g them from were thftn death , i no k phi.
bteth1Opt and torifato , to hii rare than the ur
r' Cr I'hytlcla.n who hy c1co R1bUoatlon e'ei In
t.ycthcrbranchofiM prCksIOn. AUI IOftUflSteI
cc hun.anity , the day e ttan1n ehcn the
kthophy ! th4 eo4emned the , j'tIrn of folly or
7flL ( ' , Iicthe kp.a w&t thu Jcih lao , to iie
t.Lnid : forLt ) d&My.
A Few Reasons.
t.Th ) OU , ) ( . 11d tzy the ckt&ti ir. 13. Wntcs
xt.hod of cure :
. "j.r. K Wc4mer Ia rntur pwtc'.a.n. '
0. . Fotitn ,
, . - The flrentotLIving IhreuIog1it.
"Fcw can c.cc1 you Miidodor.
. IJR. 3. S1B ,
Thc Wokt'p Grttcct Fhyognonilst
. . .scu ere won4erfolly Irocknt in our I.noI
cI Wreao exad ncdXcne. "
Dr..J. ) . ! ATT1I1W.
1 , 4.&tTho L'r.kt(1 fna rcoIy ethel In 3our
1.I i'nco. " JYe. .1. iMa.
, M1 f. "Dr. Ii. Wner I , i rrgttT gi1, ticrn
r4IieYuo Ioptth3 , NOw YOrkciy hea had ery cx.
Lta hopi pre.k , alid fthoroUghIy P ° ° ' CU
Iu trt.neheg of hi belcnid acne , epcciA1)y on
' ehrotiodI&a. '
1ta. 1itowxEr. & Ewrce.
f _ "Dr. If. Wagner i.n bumorliied 1'Jxnelt b'
_ t , 'c'ndtthiid1scovr.Pof Ped remcd1 for prt
* , c. % ( MuA2 d1.-Vfrtnia City Cbrotiicc.
. 7. "Thoisnnds of thvaltd fo.i : to co
' MxCco CrOi1c3c ,
, S. The Doetore kn x ii
, reridet Wm very zoUi.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
&tctCthLoli dUiOflO thC.Cti ( ? tfl.
- . .xoiy Oolded by the proeeion , md rxviical crkaI
lt a few ytre no woiid hardiy mention It.
To.4ay the Ithy..idtu3 10 of a dUiertnt opinion ; he It
owart , that it It h duty.-i1entreebIe though it
IL4y be--to haUlle tht nitt-er oithout glovet and
Wuik about It : and Int thcat pazcnte and
rrdianH iU thank him for doIng o.
The result8 tttfldI thie destructive ica were for.
e iLtriy nut t1Idt'TltOOd O flO ) TOCdY est1ntWd ; and
u trLortaJ1Ce belnfatathclt ; to a subJo b1ch by
. ) unture ( ket not inIt. 01060 IntetJgntioii , It Wet
yingy ) ! Ieiored.
, rhe I-ebit Ia gcnerniy ecotracted by the ycuop
. . ' . - . nhioaten61ng : twhooi.ckIcr ; campaniona thiouh
. . their e.ntnide , , may be reponefl1c for It , or It zany ho
uIted through aOCXdOUL The e.citenient once cx.
. . penanced , theprnctlco will ho repeated ngan and
- e alnt.ntII lUast the hmit beoomca firm and comrn
p' . . ; ' .ttd2yentJatctthe.ctm .Mentalaudnersoua at
- ict.iont are uauofly the primary renuite of eelf.abuae.
' .4.Cug the Injurious tifecte m.ey be enentloned lanai.
. , ' ' . ' * - tde. dejecuon or.eiliUtyot tenper and general
; . tiability. The boeeeka aechion , and razeiy joine
: iutheeportaofhe coinpeniona. ii be be.e young
. : ' w.&n he . ; t11 ho little fqund in company with the other
v.ex , and Is troubed ± th exceeding end annoying
tift1nf.e In theit pre.enco. LftWIIouo I1rCflt
eta1sion and cnt1coa on the face , etA , are also
prottLit.'tt aymptom&
If thepratlceIa .io1enUypereiscd Intnorceerlous
dsu.rbancee take place. Getnt PlIitI0fl of the
heart , cr cpieptlc convuldous , Arc experienced , and
the eufferer may tall Into a oompeto tste of idJoc ) be.
- , tOry , thwily , death raiie'et him.
. " Tua1ithosoengaed in thls.dangecoue , prectke,1
nildany , tirst of all , etop It at oncernakeeery ;
j.e4b1o effort to do so ; but if you fall , if your ncrvou ,
ayxt.rn La already tot , much , thattced , and conso.
quenty , : otir wW.poucr broken. teJ'e some nerve
14okt4 e.ld you in youreffort. Itnvingfrcod youxe1t
fromthe habit , I would further counsel you to go
througha regular cour of treatracet , for it It a great
/1 ittistahe to aupos.o that any one nay , for some time1
/ be t every so litt3e , give Imeu upto this tasdnattnc
( but dangerous cxthement .ithcut eulUring from itt
* \ ciiI coneeqtencos a some future titne The Unmoor
I ' . ot young men bo are inrapacatcd to 1W the duties
. - ' onuinedbyedkckLta1anting1yItx.eaad in moat
: OX gucjt canoe tWauofxtwtxte conditIn of thtnge can
. betzacedtothepraceoft < l1.etnewbithha4boen
' ' - oLr.doncd yenra ago. IndOOd , a few months' practice
, tf , thlahabltiaeujllcimittolndueo epennatorhtra n
: etryraracndi havu many cf euth coaunder tztat
& .1r.enta. tLepeLente.ay . _ .
: :
Young Mcii
\ . Wlo mxy be IuJYetr.g from the cetta of youthful
\ . ! ( lItOr ! indi&rttions wIll do wtll howa thesnseI as
. \ , td thIa , the greatt b.c'on ever lald at the allnr of eul.
. X.ringiunmnity. Tht. WAGNIt wiliguarantce rotor.
fQO for tvcrg rtJe of eomnr1 woaltnt-sa or prIvate
dLeaec of any hind ad tharalwhich he under.
tahit tor.xdfalato cure.
. ¼ \ , _ _
: :
* Middle Aged Men.
. .
; There arc rn.uiy it the age et O to CO ho axe
* raubled with too frequent cwiaUor of the bled.
dcrotcnoooompanitdbyaa11ght smarting or burn.
Ing senration , and a tsex.kening of the cystem In a
ic.nncrtho p.stieutcannctncconntfor. On cxmnln.
lr.g the urnary : deoska a copy eediznentwill often be
found , and sorr.Umot amal partJties of nibuni n wiU
_ C' ! the color U ho of thin ILIIkWI hue , again
cJnnging ho a deek andtorpid nppearancc. There are
tt.aiiy meny man whodieottisdIiBcuity , Ignorant of
which It the eeCADd stage of serninai.tcak.
rit . lix. W. iU guarantee a lwro cure in eli eassce
and a healthy restoration of the gtnito.urinazy or.
Consation free. Thorough examination and ad.
, . i-icc , 5.
. All remmtnleatiooe should be e4dretsod , Dr. henry
Henry Wsuor , P. Ct. 3S9 Dcaver , Colorado.
Tha , Young Man' Pocket Companion , by D' JI
We ner , in worth ha weight In gold toy.Lg coeD.
Prkx I.25. hoatbymad toan ) s4tdzesr.
Let Your Light Shine.
Tr. Wr.ner. the ca1cbrstt4 cpec'in1s1 , of Denver.
Coo. . h4i Lerttner etreet , bohleree in letting theorld
) 'now'ihr.thocando , andl.tdclng for thottsni1a of
hi. followrrAn. ) lit treatment for lost menhoo4 Is
me to tln him li anmo that pceter.ty will bloat. Ten
. LOWS.fld teetimonitix from si c.ver the United tatee
-rem thoehu Lascured , it proof positite that hedoos
. 1 ure thoa.CextCabst at th.e.e c3s.eaacsc. The nftlietod
' tie cc throuk ned bekuOl dlecc.ecs ct every kind will
. .nd 1dm thet bet friend. J'.ead his e4vcrtlsszntrrtln
7c. . , ell our ctty papers. ed cr31 on fr ndyfce. as e
: Lzcw will corroborate ui In soyui ho is the sat
. , ? t.rtra trju frrA.-P.ocky tounr.dn icn& $
$ .
. -
- , - . * . Reli c to the Afflicted.
. - to tdkna , et In cienee , bee apc.cnIieta are the
. . - * .hoa2eaysratneatothe front and aeoocnllieh
1 gnat rth'JIta. Thin remark I eepiaiJy appilcable to
toDr. II. Wagnttct thinclty. flostandsatthetop
of ltepofeteJn , and the curea be perorns for the
unicitOicate wo4it , , OtIn wondeeftu if not roper1y
iieed In theUbtoWJeoUfiO wuuirement& Ho Is
cndreed tvthe most eminent c thu inodical ( acuity ,
Itit dike al 343 I.4r5J51Lr street , short ho will eptedi.
% ly I fli.t rice fo thy euerini of either eex. no rnet
ts I Low comptkwied th c4rLpLalet.-I'OmerO7
. .
. C.hronic Complaints Require
. Time for a Cure.
] ' (1'CaIc t.t a 5114to53C0 who wish tobe trtr.teci 4r Di ,
'W4ner ijted not tte bs.ckaezd kraue of InarilIt
.t4) VStit ) iIt. ii they ' .il4 ' 4 to the doctor he wi
.tndaildol questions v nsbh-s him to eend
raI(5I w.nwl and to thousoncit ho baa
never aocn. lit ha p In every city. town and
s'leicu lit Colorado a'e4jes allvcr the United
ht..len , hoe Lie t kla , r4trtisuaent.-Den'
Shall We Reform ?
- . - p1ecconmihktfcraddleee& ein the theory
: - - ) j.ietcs at fCI-nC c edura and experience
' .1- , j'heIciane.and in all large communlttee they has.
q tLiir specialties , to exci in wpci. ± usey turret uwi ,
F : - ' itudleenod inictke. Dr. Wagner It a sioocacful ii.
- strJUOfl t thIs rno&rn echool of epedaltiee. and his
l _ ; ; ? 4t- - srpttocdwte-d sacoost In the trratsntrct of yns ate
4 _ ( w..be5 L as Wenderfui as It is lletteung.-cf , J.
- - .unm&
-t-- ' 'those persons ' . io need * ntdlre.1 relief for the moat
IiU1G5t8 of d1era..e wiuitind 0.0 accomplIshed cud
iiatul ph)51C1an In the of Dr. Wagner , No
: : Lartmtr ejeet , a-tin is LIthTy recommended bythe
- tr.cdaJ rrofs1oU at borne and sboercL-Pcineroyi
Democrat. iiige4ryand fgnoranoemust gbe way to
s.iedcnn and the sd it ) btIite In kttlng hi.
hgbt lne for the glory c4 his fellow coeD , Printer' .
Ink is the tnrh be can beet o guide the ts.ary
cud akk ( sue to the fountein e4 health if this article
. ant.ld be Icatcumental a. e "TflhC1fUOUV' ett up.
t'fl C ldU to giride WJ.terth bnusecihy to 8L8
, , , , 'etiunttrCvOrndOtt edil anaatr the pnre
Itr wt.kL in wO8 WTr144-fl. Addrt
mt. iiziiitT W.LONER.
F. 0. t.i & . -C rail M bell fttrvtt ,
Denier , Co.c.
ar.a&thecran : L4.dA4 "The hees1tj Sc , the
ttpk.:1 :
: : ' ' _ ' : :
T1i PeSSCiOll 01 ftc Liffic One t.
t1c 1y a Writ of Hacs
The Sad Breaking Up of a ranilly.
There was a pottioii for a writ tf
habeas corpur filed in the Superior Court.
yestortlay ihkh brought. to public notice
the ad bre.kint up of a family flamed
Grlinmcman. ) The litisband anti father
aIlt Grimmolinan left hero some time ago
and is aaid fo ho no in St. Louis , while
the wife and mother entered upon a life
of shame , and is said to be now an in.
mate of one of Cnuncil lllufTh dives. As
thoofFspring of their wedded life there
reinaitis a little boy , aged nrw about. a
year and a Imif , and who is a brght and
rather handsome little fellow , btit
IIR apparently been sadly neglected.
DocrteiL by his parents ho was
taken charge of by Mrs. Griinmelman's
mother , who hi turn handed the child
over to a htely named Mrs. Pack to care
for , IL is saud tlmt. when Elm latter first
received the child it was in a deplorable
condition , and the grandmother did not
or could not furnish the necessary mcan8
for its clothing and care. Now the
grandmother on the ether side of the
house , Mrs. E. T. Davenport , proposes to
take the child and see that it is tenderly
cared for and well brought. up , and to
make the possersion legal , get a writ. of
habeas corpus. .Judte Aylcsworth or-
tiered the little one turned ever to her ,
and it is to be hoped that flOW the child
80 cruelly deserted by its parenta may
see brighter and cheerier days.
Frenchmen can properly be calind "the
knights of the table. " They arc good judges
In all its refinemontannddelicaeios. In order
to stimulate the appetite and keep the digest.
ire organs in good order they gxvo pre.omi.
nonce to Angostura Bitterer. When you
try thorn be euro it is the genuine article ,
iianufactur $ by Dr. J. G. Siegert & Sons.
Why permit your children to die with
dphtheria ? Dr. JeLI'cries' , ( Council
Bluffs , Iowa ) , remedy prevents or cures
every case. Send for it.
\v. C. Estep , one of Groneweg & Schocnt.
gen'ie valient men on the road , is now made
happy by the arrival at his home of a itine
pound heir.
S. Labliart , of the Union Pacfic , has returned -
turned from IndIana , accompanioti by his
bride , nee Mies Augusta Welter , to whom he
waamarried at Tell City , Perry county , md. ,
on the 29th of October. Many friends here
are exproasing the usual greetings , and heart.
fly , too.
Auditor C. S. Osborne , of Mule countywas
'in the city yesterday , had a guert of the Pa-
1cv. Mr. .Armttror.g , who was ao badly in.
jttred by a \VednuLiriy night. wet yostor.
day Testing quite easy , and it Is thought that
there rico no internal injuries , though the
fractures of bones ore quite aeriour.
CoorgeW. lTaIeef Quincy , Ill. , was among
yestorday' . arrivata.nt Becht.ele'j hotel +
P. S. Kret.3inger , of Chicago , arrived at the
Ogden yraterday.
: E _ S. Girard , of New York , is an Ogden.
ite. I
.Tolrn L. Laird and H. A. Warner , of
Philadelphiawore atthe Ogden yesterday ,
James M. Felt , of Watertown , N Y. , was
among yetcrday'a cornth to th& Ogden.
C. C.Ierrw , of Do ? ! ninet , wes in the
city ycterday.
Jlorsf'ord'a Acid Phosphate.
Valuable in Indigestion.
Dg. D&XIEL P. NaisoN , Chicago , rays :
"Ifind it a pleasant and valuable remedy
in znd1gestion , particularly in overworked
men. "
Sunday Personal items-A tuta1
Assauit on an Invalid-Other
. - Gleanings.
Mrs. Thos. Botham i visiting her son
Coe , in Council Bluffs.MalvcrnJ-e.tdOr.
Deputy U. S. Marsh4-McCrary , of
Council Bluffli , was looking after Malvern
matter's a few days ago.
: M155 Minnie Dept , of Omaha , spent
Sunday with Mrs. TI. D. S. Padgett.
Mi , , . J. A. Hake , of Avoca , and Mrs.
Wm. Moore , of Council BlufFs , visited
Mrs Cleaver und fruily at Malvern re.
, OIonda last Mr. and Mrs.V. . A.
Bunthr celebrated their llftioth wedding
anniversary. Among those present were
rrs. C. It. Scott , a daughter of the old
couple and her three children. In the
evening while the family were seated
around the fireside the neighbors came
in to the number of thirty or more ,
making a happy surpreso and presenting
the worthy couple with numerous gifts.
On Thursday last , while B. D. Thomas ,
of this place , wits sitting quietly in a
store , A. Vanderpool came in and , rush.
ing up to him , btruck him a stunning
blow on the sde of the head , knocking
him onto the floor. Vandorpool thou
turned and ran out of the store and dir.
apjeared. ITo was rhortiy afterward at'-
rested by ! tiarBIal ) Talbot and taken be.
fore Erquire Barnes for trial. Ire cheerfully -
fully plead guilty to the charge of assault
and battery , and remarked that the only
thing lie had to regret was that he didn't
hit Thomas harder. The 'Squire prompt.
ly fined him $50 and costs. Not having
the wherewith to liquidatotlils sum , lie
was sent to the county bd.tde for fifteen
days. Vanderpool's assault on Thomas
was one of the most unmanly and cow.
ardlywo have ever had t chronicle.
The latter war just out from a two
weeks' spoii of sickness and was hardly
able to get around.-Malvern Leader.
J. M. Johnson , of Silver Creek
township , lost a valuable cow from mad
itch ,
fluy B. II. Poug1ast Cons' CopeictcmCough Deeps
for your children ; they are b&nrJte3 p.eaaeP * 0 toe
tastes and tsiIi 015CC theIr COldS. P. 5 , and I'rade
lteil on terry drop.
L. H. Wu-ay has a car load of barreled
apples on the track at the K. 0. depot ,
and proposes to sell thorn at. once cheap
for cash. The consist of Jonmtene , Ben
Davis , Wine Taps , Dell Flowers , and
Northern Spies. These wishing good
ajipies cheap for will uotgtut a but-
( or chance. Ho will roll for three or
four days , Sandayeeepted.
fleal Estate TrnsfCrn.
The following deeds were filed for ro.
cord in the recorder's oulico , November
5 , reported for the Bn by P. J. Mc.
Mahon , real estate agent :
Julia II. Clark to ( oorgo F. Mnwell
et al. , part of out.lot 3 , Jackson's arid. ;
Edwin F. Watts to Robert C. Carter ,
lot 11 , block 8 , Street's add , ;
0. It. 1. tc r. railroad company to
Peter Hanson , nw , , no , 6 , 76 , 42 ;
ira F. Hendricks to Julia A. Spoor ,
Iota 7 , S anti 9 , block 4 , Street's add , ;
Ilobert. Percival to Mary E. Street ,
out.lot 4 , Jackson's acid , ; $ 2 000.
itebecca Washburn to Thomas 1mb.
ei'ta , part of block 25 , Neola ; -
Frank P. ( loslingtoThomas F. ( run
an , o i , nw . , and ssnw , , 11 , 77 , 41 ;
Elizo Craviford to Jens Olsen , lot 11 ,
block 11 , Crawford's add ; $200.
JOlifi Bekoryto Sylvia E. Butler , lot
5 , block 10 , Neola ; $200.
Total sales $8,135.
S 'Tiq beauty truly blent whoso mod nn'I ' white
Nature's own sweoth andeummi ng hand
Pozzoni'N potvdcrinipart a rIchmnes'
3laldmu'thie chin n'i colt rut
The Sioux City & Pacific is ready to
join iii a Union depot at. Sioux City.
Agent P. II. howard , of Fontanollo ,
lost his life while doing service as a
switchman one evening last weal : .
Iowa leads all the other States as a
iio-raisor , having 5,107,445 head ; liii.
miois conies next , with 8,970,761.
Sac county boasts of the largest herd
of Hereford catt-lo in the United States
and the biggest farm in the world.
Cedar Rapids now ranks as the fifth
city in the Statotho cities abovoher being
Des Moimios , Dubuque , Davenport and
Burlingthn. ;
The Citizens' Street railway company
Jim been organized iii Burlington , and
promises to give the city a good street
railway system.
The new asylum for the feeble-minded
children of the state , at Ch nwood , has
been accepted by tile board of trustees.
The building coat $20,000.
The Kookuk Gate City clailn5 to have
been presented with a radihh weighing
seventeen pounds and measuring two feet
seven and one-hall inches ,
The directory will show an increase in
the population of Des Moines for the
year past of 5,000. The Des Moines
directory manformerlylived in St. Louis.
One Iowa woman has stolen a march
on her sisters. She married a Burling.
ton nowgpaper man , the local editor of
Time Gazette , and will henceforth be entitled -
titled to Vogt.
Seventeen yeara ago ex.Mayor Bush ,
of Dubuque , purchased 1,850 acres of
pine lands iii Clark county , Wis. , from
the government at 86 conta per acre. Ho
sold the property last week for $68,000.
The Atlantic Telegraph says that
Exira voted a five per cent. tax in aid of
the Kansas City , Atlantic and Northern
railroad after a hot. fight , with 88 ma-
ority in a total vote bf348. The amount
is about $25,000.
Iowa Falls has recently given $50,000
to secure two new railroads. Of this
$30,000 was voted to the Burlington ;
Cedar Rapids and Northern and $20,000
subscribed to a road the Northwestern is
building north from Eldora. ,
The old glue factory in CedarIPid5 ,
a building 50 by 100 feet , has- ° ° ° ' 1 sold
by Mi' . Petroritsky to DayB1akelYwhi0
will convert it into a pat1fli00eaP0C.
tingto cut in the n&Iiborhood of 500
hog8daily. F-
From a tabld' compiled by the State
Superintendent it appears that fifty-seven
county superintendents were re-elected
at the late election. The same table
slows that ten ladies were elected to
that office , five of whom are married.
The upper Iowa Methodist conference
liar within its boundaries 196 preachers ,
249 churches , 110 parsonages and 31,000
members. It liar 264 Sunday-schools ,
with 20,000 attendants. It paid about
I20,000 for ministerial support , $25 ,
000 for expenses , and 6 ,200 for benevolence -
ovolenco last year.
Tno briqiIo city government has
8OD" A special force of 50 extra
policemen were put eu ditty Hnllowe'cn
miight , and in consequence , the disgrace.
ful and unlawful deatniction of private
property war not allowed oi attempted.
Hallowe'onism , as c.'oried out iii ' Des
1oiuies , war little less than riotous hood.
The articles of incorporation of the
Siouz City Electric Light and Power
company , with a capital of $ I,000 ; the
Scott County Savings bank , of Davenport -
port , with a capital of $100,000 ; the Tn.
State Printing company of Keokuk , with
ii capital of $50,000 ; and the Fred Daut
Tobaccocompany , of Muscatino , with a
capital of $2,000 , have been filed in the
office of the Secretary of State.
'rho Atlantic Telegraph says there is a
road being built southward from Atlantic
to Kansas City , Mo. , and that raid road
is also being built northward from that
city to a town called Coon Rapids , on the
Milwaukee road. The now road is called
the Kansas City , Atlantic & Northern ,
Time cars are to be running from Atlantic
to Red Oak , a distance of thirty.fivo
miles , by Christmas , Twelve miles are
now graded. It. parallels the Rock
Island and C. , B , Q , branches.
"Meno anna in corporo sane , " "A count !
mnimid in c sound body" is the trade mark of
AIlei' Brain Food , and we cu.sure ourroadoif
that , If dItsat.1fied with either wonknese or
Brain or bodily powe , this remedy will per.
manently strengthen both , $ l.-At diug.
glst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Semctlilng or a Viii't.
l'htladelphia Jlcord.
It is not fully determined whether
Mt- . Frank Jiatton is a mere blister on
the nook of the Postofhico Department , era
a tumor , The doctors axe considering
the matter and woshahl soon know.
Vain liope.
New Orleans J'Icayunc.
Speaking of thai weather , a Cincinnati
paper sisyr : ' 'Sunshine succeeds slush. "
how nice it would be if such wore the
case iii Cincinnati papers.
Ijorsford's Acid PIsosphiato.
Dr. J. I. WILtIS , Eliot , Isfe. , says :
"Hartford's Acid l'hosphato giver most.
ercellont results , "
- -
The Kansas railroad manages and the board
of etato commiesdonert being unable th agree
to any achednie of rates , the board has do.
cided that the Reloit declelun janst go into
efrot the 10th lint.
Froiii a ofLos in Forty
Yours to a Imosin atate
ThoTwontioth General Ao nb1y
and the Chambers to be
1'ormucr State Ilnuacce.
Det Moinet S1ecl ) .
In the 'rerritonial days of Iota the
first laws were enacted in a log hiilding
at Burlington. It war dostroyer1y tire ,
anti few now livng remember its ippear.
Mice. When Iowa City became Uo capi.
tat a protenUous structure wa under.
taken , and it. still stands as ens of the
buildings of the State university. Bhck
early in the SO's thio capital was located
in the western part of insperceusty , and
after a legislative investigation hulwiped
"Monroe " out ofoven nominal
City" a existence -
istonco , a commniasion selected 'Port.
De Moines" as the capital of the how
State. There could be a racy story told
of this location , anti how the east ido of
the river Vrevailod against thio west , with
vague indications that friends of Ohio of
time commissioners were all atonc "long"
of city lots ,
The building still tired b the state war
constructed as tart. of the induoinent to
remove the capttal hither , and waa loosely
thrown together orpoorbnick , ttvo.storios
high. Anothorstory wasaitorward added ,
and its appearance would justify a
Ponmisylvania barn in declining to be its
neighboi' ,
Thu bill for the construction of
was passed 'by ' the legislature of 1870.
Tim corner-atone vtm laid Nov. 23 ,
1871. Next year it was discoTered that.
hie stone in tho'fonndation was faulty ,
and the succeeding logislatureordorod its
removal. The foundation yas relaid in
1874 and'the corner-stone with
, - , nearly
all its formorinscriptionsohiseledofi' , Was
reset without ceremony.
The walls rose slowly fromthis on , and
t was not. till 1880 thiat the buildisg was
covered and the domes built , The glazing
was completed late in1881 , and , steam
heatbeibgintroduced , the interior con-
atructionwassot going.
The structure measurer , including the
porticoes , 365 feet from north to south ,
and 239 foot from east to west. The
buildtng is four stories high , except in
the part devoted to the legislative hails
and the library , whore it is three stories.
The height from base line to top of cornice -
nice is 13 feet , andfrom the base line to
the top of the center dome it is 275 feet ,
or within twenty foot of the dome roof at
Washington. The main dome liar a
1iameter of 93 feet. The fur domes at
the corners are 165 foot 'above ground.
The east and west porticoes are each
frommtecl by six Corinthian pillars , and
there are four hike pillars at the north and
south entrances. The building covers an
acre and a quarter of land , and 2,759 cubic
yards of concrete and rubble were used ix'
the foundation. , The walls have
nearly half a million feet of sto"
ovonl3,000,000bnicks have boO..aId with-
in. The consumption . ! has been
laid within. The 0.eenptuon ? metal
un"1 for heating and
over 1,200 ,
waterpipes. '
rxin iti D0'I
' y'1.t outside last year at r ; cost of
5.k/uing / ovor$4.00,0. . Among the more
. . .otabho domes thus finished may be instanced -
stanced that of the Hotel Invalides at
Paris , and the cathedral of St. Isaac at
St. Petersburg. The capitol dome at
Boston and that of are also
gilded. The architects ' liei'o claim flint
but. few of the great domes of the world
surpass ours in size Like the building ,
it is practically fireproof ; the vertical part
above the stylobato is of stone and brick ,
and thio hemisphere is of iron framework
composed of vertical eye-beam ribs , tied
with horizontal flat iron bands , and filled
in with ! Thu exterior of the
Iiexniphero is covered with copper , and
thoiloor of the lontorn balcony is of east
bronze , with a i'aiing of bronze and brass.
From the lantern windows and balcony
one of the noblest 'iewr in interior Iowa
is afforded , and visitors who have tire
pluck to climb the stairways leading to
this vruitago point are nmply repaid for
the ofIort.
Intio } Snato chamber , which in in the
south end , a fot' days moie will allow of
the carpets being jiut'clqwn. . Galleries
at. thanorth and south wil allow a vast
audience to look down upon the temper.
arily notable fiftymen wlc ; are to sit be.
low.A 'rhe Loutjinant tThvarnor's rooms
ar'a at the southwest , and the comptittee
rooms at the southeast. The clianiber is
surrounded with coiumhs of scagliola
work , and the window-s will be curtained.
The ceiling is frescoed , and at the cor-
flora are figures eniblethatic of agnicul.
tune , mechanic industry , commerce
and pence , At tile oaa , and west. are
large painting ahlego'ical1y opresomiting
history and law. Thu gcueral oflbct. of
the coiling is contiduied vuy , sntisfactory
by visitors.
Passing by the cloak'rtom , the visitor
enters time rotunda. LokIng up , the
beat of the frescoes is soda-a- circle of
clouded .Iuno aky paintcu'on ' the ceiling
below the lantern t the dome. At the
base of the hiemnisphoro wil ? be
A. Baltimore artist lout ompletcd the
figure iflt4lfldOtl to roprosot iowa , 'and
for which Mrs. Hull , 'wife of the Scene ;
tary of State , war 1revailed upon to ah-
low her face to be referred to by time
artist. The other flgura will repi'eaont
Liberty , Victory , Peace , Law , Justice ,
Manufactures , Comncrco Architecture ,
Sculpture , and Painting. The figure of
agriculture will carry a face that thops.
ands will rocogni'am whoa they come , to
reoit. I
At tire east. is a grand stairway. Over.
head ar frescoes reprocenting . &tncricn ,
Europe , Asia and Africa , done in very
strong colons. Below are panels to be
filled hereafter , and it is possible that
Cathin's o1uettrian portrait. of the ao
chief , Keokuk , may be taken as one of
time subjects. Certainly it. rou1d be ap.
propniate to thus preserve the memory
of a savage who never broke friendship
with his white neighbors.
Turning northward , one enters time
Representatives' hall , The appearance
of the room is like the Senate cluunbor.
At. the four corner'r arofigures respectively -
ly representing Knowledge , Vigilance ,
Union , and Constancy. At the east is
the portrait of Gen , S. it. Curtis , while
at the west. is seehl that of ( ion , M. lit ,
Crocker. In the southern angles arc
portraits of Chief Justice Charles Mason
and Caleb Baldwin ; while in the north
are the features of lion. James 0 , Carleton -
ton and Hon. Itush Clark , both having
served as Speaker of the house In early
years. The head above mentioned have
the effect. ( f medallions , and the remain
tag ample space e 111-led with flower.
baskets tied with a drapry of bright
ribbons. Within the portraits is eeavy
molding of plaster , and withing this are
portraits of Washington , Lincoln1 Lucas ,
tend Gov , Grimes. These portraits have
the oll'oct of n1torilovo. While the per-
traits are regarded as f&ithfnl to the
orginlo , tire general effect. is not to-
garded as so pleasing its that of the Sen.
ate chamber.
The next session oftho Legklature cilI
be held in the iiow chambers , the carpen.
tore having just about. finished. At the
west. from the rotunda is the vast chain.
her to be occupied by
Tin' STATP. 1.fllnAflY ,
and Mrs. MaxwoU , the librarian for ae'
eral years past , is much gratified that. the
removal ta'kesplacodtiniiig her custodian.
ship. The room is nearly renol ) ' for use ,
cud the books will be removed hero next.
month ,
Space will not vornhit any description
of this part. of the building , except to say
that the marbles of u'hich the vast
stretches of wainscots in those three
chambers are fashioned omno from every
country in the worki except from Africa ,
and that the furnaces by which the build
lug is to ho heated are ma building across
tire street. from Capitol square. Thu co. .
duit through which the Imeatiug aiitl von-
( hating pass is high enough for a tall man
to walk in.
The basoniont and first story are be divided -
vided into suitor of remus fot' the various
states officorsandotlicinl botttoa. The gov-
ornor's recurs in the first story will be
reached from the west , and will be ready
soon. FAt ( lie loft , froint1io same Ilight of
steps , one caters the reomue of the secretary -
tary of states , also to be ready by New
Year's. On this floor will ho the auditor
and treasurer of state , the superintendent
of instruction , the adjutant general , nuici
very ample provision for the supreme
court , as well as rooms for the Agnicultu.
ml and Horticultural society. The basement -
mont will be utilized by other otlicials ,
The expenditure , in round numbers , so
far has been $2,000,000 , which includes
the removal of the first foundation , the
salaries of the membersof the board and
so on , the further cost viIl net exceed
$500,000 , which does miot include any
estimate for work on the grounds. But
it is probable that when the grounds cr0
graded , planted to trees and shrubbery ,
and sui'roundod with sidewalk md fence ,
thio estimate will be somewhat orcoeded.
And when paintings are ( lone in the
panclsarotzndthograndatsfrway , andsome
statuary plpced in the grounds , the cost
will approach$3,000,000 , aboutone.feurthi
of what the unfinished capitol at Albany
has absorbed ,
Time Rumored Approaclilmig Marriugo
Between George Gould and
Miss Carrie Astor.
ceavchatid : Leader.
A member of one of th 1ronunent.
New York clubs , who ha" , ueon in the
city for a few dayi j'c said yesterday
who happened to
to a Loader rcp ? ' °
meet him at h.omiuard house :
"Ieee the young George Gould is re-
nortv' angagod to Cnrnio Astor. If
iji-is stlO , it ahowa thatCeorgois about
48 good a man an his father , for the As.
tore and the CoitUs have boon as far no-
moved from each other as the two poles ,
and it. is more of a feat for the , yclmg
man to get Miss Astor an a wife than for
the elder Gould to become possessor of
his millions. Unle'e one has lived in
New York , it would be difficult to be.
hove that the lines of society were as
finely drawn as they really are. What. tc
an outsider seems trivial , and unworthy
of a senious'thought , to e-Nctt-'Yorkor ho.
comes a matter of immense importance ,
and the soda ! struggle now going on be.
tweer the old Knickerbocker families and
the new rich , who are headed by the
Vanderbilta , is as intense as was that
waged between the representatives of the
regime' in France during the second empire -
piro and the shoddy aristocracy created
by Napoleon 111. Its true the Asters
havenot long been numbered uunong the
old aristocracy , but the very shortness ci
their reign maker them very tenacious of
their pnivelegea. John Jacob made the
first money , and his son William B. in
creased it largely , while the present rep.
rerentatives of the faniiiy' , John Jacob
and William , not only have tito wisdom
to care for the family millions as well
as their predecessors , but they have also
given prestige to the name rectally by
marrying into the old Knickerbocker
families. Mrs William Astom' has the
blood of thme'Van ltenssolaorr , Sehuylors ,
and Livingotones comnbinod in lien veins ,
and so , from a New York standpoint , hen
children are as good as anyone. The heir
apparent of John Jacob Astor is at the
present time the United States minister
to Italy , and it is his cousin , a daughter
of William Astor , who is going to adorn
'the Gould millions. It vihI thin the old
Duteli blood to mit it for two successive
generations with money , but they cvi-
clently think it can stand it , or else you
may ho surt they would . not venture it a
second time Carrie Astr is by no wise
a beautiful woman , but she is level headed -
ed , anti i * h'at is knowirac 'good form. '
Shoia quiet. in , hier dyers , ) uid in her pub.
lie appearance there is nothing about her
to indicate her wealth. She is alwtys
iieen at the parades ( If the Coaching club ,
and a stranger aught recognize her If he
woultk' for tIle jiiathostroarcd wo
man presont. She has always boon itur-
foiLed 'with attontiami , mmd , alt I raid , ah
lutut born itadmirably , She robins as fresh
and ' ingenious as a girl fromn a country
village. if George ( Iouid is really to
marTy her , his fqrtune Is made , for lie
has beii a fairly prudent follow , and. will
bo'obligod oithe to drag itftor hm.or
cut ony undesirable persOna , as viewed
f'om an Astor standpoint. Ills former
associates have bOon largely of the horrey
and theatrical order-people whom ho
can know ox' not know , just as the freak
tahoe him. lie has fought shy of the
middle 'alcas , who are so near the boun.
tiary ibid of 'good' society that they comm
all but walk in and possess the land , To
Jay Gould this marriage will ho oven
more pleasing than to lila son , for it vir.
tually decides the long fight that he has
had with Vanderbilt in Ida favor. West.
urn people svhen thoy. hear a-Now
Yorker speak of the Vamidorbilts as
shoddy , ' 0 pshawl that's sour grapes ; '
but. I tell you , they arc rhioddy , and ,
worse thaii nil , they are stupid.Thy ,
William H. Vanderbilt would give half
of his fortune to have a son as coolheaded -
ed and clean cut. as George Gould ,
"The brains of the Goulds amid the po.
sition of the Astern will as effectually
keep \rndet'hjIts from tire social an.
premnsOy they desire as would prison walls
-were they placed behind them. Ar long
as the Venderbilts supply fashionable
New York with a species of social circus ,
P0fll0 will go to their houses.Then
theft' imported nobility go hioniu and they
are left. to their own resources , they will
practically drop out and be forgotten ,
Lhie first reception given by lilr , Vander-
bUt in lila now house cao one of the most
diegvttceft4 things I t.vor saw. lie was
jiiatIt.d frst to one side and then to tht
- - - - - - -
! UNU.1
They always I' have the largest and best stock.
other. People caine and rent without.
any reference to him. To be sure they
had lila cards of bo priscnt ,
but that was all. They talke l about his
house as they would of nxnuscunu , anti
Inquired of each other and compared
flc'tes as if they wore at the opening of
Semite public exhibition of paintings. The
rich mini stood in the midst of all the can.
fusion , staring in a haif.dazod manner , as
if he ilid not know rIiati , to make of his
surroundings or of his comnpany. To do
him justice , I may as wolf own that
lila position , while ludicrous to a spocta-
tar , war at. the annie time more rospocta-
ide by far than that of many of his so.
called guestswho had apparently lcftthoir
good nianners anti solf.respect at home.
But I have left my onig'uial aubect , and
: i will end as I began , by saying that
George Goald is a lucky fellow. "
roumrnn ; A iiox.
Mr. John I.lneniei , , ofAugtitta , Me. , serltct , May
10. tag : , pitoUos a : "I baa's bron afflictid for some
leers with a severe kidney trouble , anti havmgnotcc'd !
Sri arth'IeIn one of our iwrre ci the wonderful cures
hiuut' IteIncelyhatI 4rfomed Innntiycancsof drop.
h.v bladder and Udncytrohhks , acs4 Coding hattie
in a boi of str racUng , I concluI&l I wOuld try it-
a4tconincouced the3.e it , whthto surprise. I launch
that thu drt bOttIc"beneflted mao au much that I do.
rided that I seould contiuo , , ht nec , anil I kept on
'tnltng ktintll I had U.d In ail six bottics , and my
appetite isgoodallpaineiti the back and .1J0 disep.
peered , and forono of my years ( I am now $0 yrars
old ) I sin die to attend to cay badness , and am
strong and ! sreous , as ie.enyof toy frfen1a anti
neighbors can that koow inn dL I beg tn
atato also , that In'h.3y , ( it 0CC neIghbors lave used
Hunt' , fieHscdy teIthdlutily as goo. results , and one
ul ty friend. , 'ttio his jU4prchano.l aLottio of Oup.
Py , Kinsman & Ald n'of L'Ortland , tays bo'e ould not
be without it. at any pric.-
.fr , Alfred yadra.n , No. O LInColn street toisiston ,
Me. , writes es,5sy t4 , 1&3 : " 1 has-c bern snvcrely
aShicted ( or a long time ith Indigestion and iis'er ,
ccmhant : , and ot tlme , all I etc so dIetresseh
methat ! could not boar the slghtof food. I had
tied a good many different remedies for my corn.
platot , and they ctll failed , until coo day Mr. flartel ,
one of our druggists in Lewiston , recommcnded
ihurit's Ihemedy , as he knew of so many tsbo had tired
it hero wIth great cuecus for h.idney , liver , and or-
mary troubles , as well an 1ndigetton , and upon his
recommendation finally concluded to try a bottle ,
andoomrnenct'd tJd.Ing , with very little faith in It.
Thu tlrtt botti helped rue ro much that I purthased
two more , anti It bastions ins a wonticeful amount of
good , anti cured me of indigestion. I cars cat all
hInds of food now , endcen truly recommend ilunt's
' ltemedyasawrsciurotorIndigcrtJon1iver sod kid.
" ' '
Mr. Geo. I ) . l3aUsof 2s'v , i Cottage Street , Lewis.
ton , Mo. , a reliable and romit1nt citizen , Imparts
the foilowing information , May 14 , 1593- :
"miaing loicred ci the tiuabla qualitieof hunt's
Remedy Iti'e practical manner , I beg to statq that.I
consitlerltaremnly ofgreot ttert ! , and can roost
cheertuily recommend it to say one troubled with
) .i4nc'y or liver disease. "
' : ' : : ? s4Fa5f : : ' --t
, , - , , v ) ) ' 'j7ll I
_ _ _
Dr. i.iti Ah'iirali , a coinerted hlni.flts Sroi' far
aosy 1nda , will give one of Iit unique OHcSta !
rnt.cztainigcnte at the flapthtchurh.
MONDAY fi''lNiNu , yov , n , AT 71 O'CLOCii
lie impersonates tncoeturueosarv , 'rarlety olifciii
flurmishi , ( rein RIng to the fuithS of the jangle , in.
traducing all theli aosturncr nail bouseeL gooJi ,
lie shows ho's' they oat and alt'e'r , , and woo sort mar.
ry. If. clogs trtdr ! songs and tehlt tbeirwtorles.
t'sr0oUe out auti see him. iletter'thafl a , islt to
1.dLa ,
PiDMLSSIONniCer.ta CflfLDflCi , lSCenCs.
ares oatii , % sJJ' roasmu , .o.
, _ .i' Tojs. iji 5 , , . J4stutbd.
. iIqnhIs4ta era. , , r4r..lPllit1'.ftfrVMsL
'oth , TOOL $ , ' o ;
iser Saul : lilt I muir , esa : , rho
t ) lb. &sitiset Jiit 4fTvoli.8IO
JerwtP5 tneo ! , .es. , ,4IrCt.dd jot. , .
Dkwcr'Atis. , 'cosA , ( ) tjiur Articios
AVi-Ool.i 'u' ' aasmu.
A victim ofearhy Iieprnd.n CSOeIOR ten'Otca 4blm
tj , inmMua ocyetC. , Lstg tried Ia.yaln eve
'OOWDr 7. Implemeaan at ee -
Add : si. 1.1. RIUNLIS. 3 C4iIUSIIL 2cw crk.
ur 'ji on is ' , _ l'i , Jo lieU flattcn.hL0\u.0
lleulllisuraiico All
2uPnEsism % -
Vtcrthz Awanco Co. , oh i.ndocOtL ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , ! , .
Wratebtator , N. Y. capita . . , . , , . , . . , . , vooiaw
- 2teMechutie , of N.J. , CapIt5 1t75,000tS
, Ctmdh'be lhUdalphi , tteJJtS4. . . . . .
1btmweI1ondO.p1tti.5' ' .
OFy'1cE-hlot.en 1 , Oasis ttor.u iisa
leg. 7poas io. 7& '
- -i-
- - - -
The Use of the term " Shoe
S H 0 RI Uno" In connectIon wIthibi
t corpoeteriamooIagieats4
convoys en Idea of oct iehab
. required by the traveling pub.
I hic-a'I3h.rtLInoQuIci'Jimq
and the best of eccommoda.
0 tlons-ahl of which tb fern'
khedb1' th csteet railway In America.
'au 51 C -
. And St. Paul.
It owns sad operates over 4,500 miles of road a
or them flutnois , Wisconein , Mtnnoeota , Iowaand
1)akot.a ; and aM ta inaPt lines , branches end conner-
lions rearS all the greet business contres of the
Northset and Par Veat , II naturally answer , the
ther1ption of Short Line , end flest mute betwctn
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChinrgoMilweukeo , Lii C'roese anti Winone.
ChIcago , Mihwaulcee , Aberdeen and inlendala
ChIcago , SIilwauiee : , Eats Claire aud Stihiwetem'
Chicago , Slii.vnukc'e , Vausau and MenlO.
Chicago , Uuin'nukco , flea'er Darn anti Oshhiosh.
Chlcego , Milsnukte , Waukesha anti Oconomowoc ,
ChkrtgoM'rlwntikeo , Madlaou's.nd Prairiodu Chloe.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbauit.
Chicago , Iloloit , Janesvi'le end Mineral roint.
Chicago , FJgIit , hiockford anti Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , flock JeIhnti nail Cedar RapWe.
Chicago , Council fluffs and Omaha ,
Chicago , filotix City , Sioux li1s soil Yankton
' Chicago , duhwncIce , Mitchell and Chathberlaln.
flock island. Dubuque , SI. Paul ach MinneapolIs.
IasenportCalmAr , itt. i'aW antiMlnnoapolts. '
runroa Sleepers and the Fnctt ! DInIngCare lath'
world are run on the maIni1nt oftho CHICAGO
lad every attention Is paid to passengers by courSe
u5 employee of the conpany.
S. ra rnnruu , . v. ix. cAnrmrnn ,
. ( kn'l Manager. Gcn'l Pets. Agent.
J , 'I. . CLARK , ' CEO U. I1EAPFOUD ,
Ocn'l Sup't. . Ant'S Uon'I Pst. Ag'S.
: .
, ,
" 4't :
I have been using Swift's Specific in my practice for
quite along time , and irrgrdltthe beetcoinbinatiors
an ft blood iurifler and tonic. It Is entirely s'egctablo
being composed of this extract. of roots which grow
in this , ectio , , of Georgia. I eta familiar with itabis.
tory from the time the formula lest obtained front
the Indians. It is a certain end aafa , rumedy for all
kindS of blood poton nod skin humor anti In the
hundred of case , in which I have useitund seen It
useti , there haS never beeu a failure to cure , I base
curedbiood taint In
with it , after I bad most sIgnally felled bjtii most
approved methods of troatutont wlthsnercury , nud
lodidlile of potassium. These cases hevo been cured
ot'erfifteen yeai , anti have newer hadany return of
the tilseete In themselves , or In their chlldre , , .
0- FILEDA. TOOMll , Ii. D. ,
i'crry Ilouttoc Co. , (15 ,
"Itis the best eiilng remedy in my store anti all
cla'ita of ; teopk4buy IL It has become a household
remedy isith many ofour bent cttlien , . "
. - - ' fttlaita , ( is.
"I cc' ! ilwltt'e Speciflc-oltonh gross in tea dayt at
rct.rii , sod to eli classes. Some of Atlanta' bc't pee.
pie use It regulary as a tonic and altorative.
AtantaOn. !
Our treatise on blood and SkIn Disease , , mailed
free to applicants. . ' '
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga ,
617 Sf. Char/cs St. , , Sf , Louis , Mo.
A' ItCOULAROflADUAToftwomodlcal'co1Iego.
.LI has been cngrsed longer in the treatment of
than other physidan In St. Lcucsascieypapersabow
anti eli old re.idonte know. Consultation free antI
Invited. When it is Inc nvonlent to visit the city for
reatzaont , metilcinwi cs be sent by maO or express
everywhere. CurabIfealiee guaranteed ; where doubS
exiitts It it ; anhly staled. Call or write.
Ner'outProetrtIon , Debility , Mentaland Physlca
Wenkicas , Morcurlai entiotberaflectloua of Throat.
1004 nn1uuitloi and Elood Poison
tag , Skit' AflecttonaOid Sores and Ulcs mmpedt.
mecits to waxrthIe _ Ithttnnstlsm , I'ihoe , ! 2iecisJit ; :
tentiontOcases front oVarlvorjteti brain. _ UtOiCM.
CA5E$5ioceisoPJsecle aPention. lilseasca arie1ij
from lwprutienco1uaoe.scs , lndtdgenc s. , -
M4RI4GE0 .
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