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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ; : : : : : THEDAiLYBEEmOMAllA , TtTESIAi NOVEMBER 6 , 1853. _ \Real . . ' . Estate . BARGAINS a -IN- . City , Suburban and Farm Property1 We have a Pine Tract near Center of City Which is a . . ' Bargain. rt' SPECIAL. , , lit $1,500-Lot In Kountzoe d .ddItIon , good thro , . room hou.o , barn. well , tc. Ono.thrd caah - - - btnce : 8 per oent. I U333OO-Ono.ba1fIot n Kountz&81 dd1tIon. good , . S room hou.e with .hod kltthen. Ono.hMI caah. t . IInOO to .ut purcheor. ' . 113 'Z8OO-LotOOx165 , Rogers' addition , Dorca St. , near 10th. OooI 7 room bouo , itablo , cl.tern , ' grapeinc8ctc , $500 caahb1MicotoBWtpUt chaeTt8prOent. 0 14 3OOO-Threo acre. n 1th , onehlf mUo .outh . , of Ha&1I'e S room hou.e .tabIe , no trce , good &ghtly location. One tbhd caah , batnca touIt. : * eo-Two icree fsotng Cuming .nd Burt , five A IOC ! wo8t of Oreghtoo ColleO. Uood S room r house , stable , weU , trutt ftnd ehrubbery , one. ? . third esb . , baisnee to . .uLt. . BEDFORD SOUEIt. : i _ . . 'I 2.15O-1'u1tIot WIUI5IOOIfl houeon i6th St. , - botveca Venter nod Dorca. Deed , cellar , barn , , 1 coat borne , cthrn ; etdew1k , ehrubber , etc. . . theatBargain. . 3&OO-.I3eauWu1 lot with 4 room house , good cellar. large cIoeet , etc. Sightly location. 11 $ $3SOO-fot 97z132 , with I room cottage on Shor. : mat ) avconebetwccn Sherman and Clark etreet& : 000tI property. 1o 2SOQ-Two bvautllul iot8 in McCormick's addl. tion , on Fernam Street. J 11 $3,8CO-Reeee Place. Park avenue , full lot. new p two.story house , 7iooms , good cellar and coal f hed , city water , trees and eli improcment. 4' : largain. ! 121 l,5OCah-LotS6x138 on 11th St , In 1ountro's 4th addition. Mouse 4 largo rooms , lot bcauti. \ fully located and i.e really worth much more. Reason for .ewng , must have money. 12 $1,250-Zath three beautifu' ote in fleesc Place , . Varlc avenue on caay termn. I4 ! $1SOO-Ilalf lot on Saunderestreet. Good houo 4 rooms , good do.ot , pantry , stable , well , cia. ; S tern , porch rront .nd rear Price $1,300 , thirds caah. Th13 Id a bargain. Must be , oid liy the Gth or wlU bo withdrawn from sale. , Improved Iroperty. S S t . $3,500-12 rocm houao , coy. 13th and California , strect , C closete. cellar , city water , outbouats , etc. S S S 2.7OOroom house on N. 13th street , clo3ets , , ceUar , clateruwoil , etc. l3aneoao & Souaa. S . . six house bet. . 3IOOO.-.Oood room on Davenport , ( 2341 and ii4th , two story ooeet , pantry cellar , cistern , well , ult ant shrubbery , st.ale and . outhouso. 5 3lOG-FuU siio lot on cCandllsh place , with two frarce cottages , one 5 room , ona S roote. For sale or exchange. . : 1 2lOO-Good two and a half sore lot wIth five room cottage , brick collar , well , fruit ircos , etc. Li One of the beet three ory brickbuslnesa ho . on Farnam street. Terma private. 3,2OO-New7 room house on N. 19th street. All 4 modern improvements. Good location. Cheap. 3OO-New two story houo Queen Ann style. tc modern improvements , city waler , io bOx N PN0 101 ! lots St. Xarye avenue and 20th , with S l houses. Will be rst class bualnes property. i . Term , easy. 4 4,76O-Lot 6xf6 , with two houses. Cheap. : 0 ,6OO-Two hones. in Nelaon a addition , on Ceo. ter street Outnousee , cistern , fruit trees , etc. i 13uiness house and lot on Douglea street , bet. 11th andlttb. Terms easy. I New 8 room houseonChicago. bet. 24th and 5th. I . All Improvements. 35 Two new houses , one six and other S rooms. Ylrstclas and modern Improvements. Terms Easy 85 .7OO-Lot 100x132 , College Street , Itedick's aubdivision , new 5 room houao. SVeII improved. 53 $2,500-Lot fOxltO , Convent street , 0 rsom cot. tigo , large basement suitable for rooma , baru etc. S 513 2tOO'oom house. Thornell's additIon , barn , weif , deLco , good ImprovementS , OO cash , GlsOO on long Urns. 1oo-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 16th and 17th. 45 Lot 175x600 ou Sherman , large house , barn and other improvements. Lot without improso. theiits is worth the money we ask br it. . 7 Two now houses and two full tze lot-i on Park avenue. Uot and cold water , and a modern - . tirat clasi improvements. houses would cost I hat we ask for whole. Extra good baryain. I 43 2fiOO-Lot 82x110. cor , 17th and Center , house I 4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outbutUinea. I ' $2,800-Five room house , 18t4 bet. California & I Webster. Nice property. Terms easy. i\ 60 1,5t-Lot 9 , block 8 , tlhlnn's Sd addition. One , \ and a half story house. Terms easy. * 263,000-Oood 7 room house onSherman. Modern j improvements , stable , wcllcistern. A bargain. I 8 8Oro-FUJ1 lot , one B room and one 5 room bousd , new , 6 blocks from the opera house. Very cheap. 3 ! 1i.tcti-8p1endidloton flodgenearMth. Chea . 63 3OOO-Largu house and .tnali cottage. Exce. iocUon to5U size lot Davenport near 10th. 85 51,6-Lot 60x260 , caod room house , modern in ) rovomcnt ! . near business , on Sherman ave. 2 1,1t00-Tho lots 126x140 , with house stable etc. Barker's sub.divislon. 93 1COO-LOt and shalt , good house , 1tedlcl' . eub. d1vIIon , ( corner. ) 95 Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 13th and 01 1.OOtot and 6 room house. Itorbach's addi. tion , well , cistern , etc. Eicrythlng in good re 102 6O-LOt and groom house , hard , be , . 16th and 17th Unimproved Property . YOU SALE 1W BEDFORD1&SOUZ11. N1. - .2 $1,000-Lot 00x127 , Indiana and Dftlslon. 8 $700 eath-Two lots 6xlS2 oaeh , on 11th. Cheap , and 2 lots 6dxlSti each on 10th. 11 $ t6O ! each-7 lots in Yates & iteed's addition. 23 $7OO-12 lull else lots , Ilanseom Place , one block west of Perk avenue. $ S5O each-Two lots on Park avenue. Bargains. Business lots on Dodge , between 11th and 12th. 31 $400-Lot In Hhlnn'e addition , on Seward itroet. 53 $3,000-Full lot , Itecd'let additIon , on 2dth and Chicago. t8 ? 5,000-Sux good lots in Zlanscom Place. Bar gains. 4 3OOO-Lot Oxi20 , On Farnani , near 20th. Ye cheap. 69 Fouracrea InWest Omaha. , $510-Lot In lsaaee & Selden's addition. lot itsddick , addition I'ark . 60 $1,000-Fine , eve. 84 8100-52 foot of Ilock 21 , Shtnn'a addition. Fine 1ew. . SO 2,2O0-Lot 44xCOun 16th. Busneea property worth twice tie price aske.L 04 $3,500-Full size graded lot on Chicago , bet. 13th and 14th. OS $800-Good lot , high location , south 10th. 100 8OOO-3Sxi32 on 10th , bet. Macnor and how. aid. 103 * 750 each-TwO extra good lot In Uansom a addition. Coodhih location. Bargains in Farms & Lands NO. 10 $27 per acre-160 acre improved farm , near Crag. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. IS $4,000-40 acres 3.4 of a mile west of Ft. Omaha two houcj , two barns , granary , corn crIb , two well. , . .OO bearing fruit trees , 500 grape ines. Will soil or exchange. 14 S1,000-200 acres , hilt mile N. W. kborn , 140 scream cultivation , balance pasture. Four room house , stable , etc. Terms easy. G1 $90-1CO acres good land , 4 1. miles from fur. linton , Coffee county , Kansas. Will exchange for Omaha property. 61 9,4OO-24O acres adjoining cIty of Wilber , 8&llne county. All Under fence and well Improved. This property is cheap at $10,000. 65 $20 per aero-400 , acrcs , 3 mOss from Waterloo , Douglas county. Part in cultivatIon balance meadow alt good land. Will aell or will arrange saith cattle man for oo.partnership , or wlU con tract to feed 300 or 400 heed of cattle. 70 to 82-10 acres In Macrick county. Good tIl able land , and will be sold from to $9 per acre. go $7 per acre-Will buy 100 acres In Cedar Co. 06 $15. per acro-320 acres 2 mUse from hamburg Iowa. 97 $15. pesacro-Improved near Logan Iowa. 101 Several hundred acres In Cusnlng Co. Neb. 105 SIx thousand acres in Stanton Co. Nab. 107 $ lOperacro-2200 acres tImbered land in ltay Co.Jdo. three suiallfar'rns onthis land , balance good cottonwood timber , which will more than pay far investment. For sale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 103 $2,200-Lot 2lDx20 , cot. 17th and Bellviow St. , south Omaha , near 1Iaaca11e Park , brick house , fourrooms , well , cistern , stable , cellar. AU in good conaltion audnearly now. O 25 per acro-400 acres in % Vasblniten county , S mile , south of Blair , on line of C. ht. P. M. Si 0. railroad. Station at corner of this land Good stream running water. 100 acres in cultivation , So acre , grass , 180 acres timber-oak , hickory walnutondoim. Snail house , good fruit abundance of grapes. Is partly fenced. , One of tii best farms in the county. If purchaser wishes , will selIhomoetcad adji'ln'n ' good herd of cattle. CaU and examine other property not late. ! . BEDFORD & SOUER , 21 ii. 14th. hal. arnoan ann pouglas , I : : KIRKWOOD1 'S Lots iii this addition are selling rapidly , and prices will be again S tdvancecl in a few days. These are without a doubt the mesh desirabl S lots n Omaha , and will cerain1y double in price before spriisg. All wh lrnvei seen them are well pleased cml pronounce thorn cheap. BEDPORD & SOUER , : . Joal Estate Agency , , ' . 4ELI' : XXXEI S 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Dougla , . . -5- a. - -5---- . . . , - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - CRAY PEOIFIC MEDtOIN8. TRADE MARk TIIIGRIIAT ! F.vojIb MARK last An A atnfalllng cure for - that follow q 5 aequetico of Self. 4 ' ilernorvUnlver. . , , rQRETAKIflO.salLnsstudot'aln AfTLR TAkINC , : i flick , Ilmneea of Vision , i'retnaturo tkI Acre , aisny other diacaCet that lead to InsanIty or Con. .sroption and a l'recnaturo ( irate. IIRWARa of * cttertlwmcnts to refond money , ehen dricggcat from thom the inodicicco is bought do sot refund , buirefer you to the manictartureri , and the requirements are such that they are seZifocc , , ( J erer Oornplietl cith. Eco theIrcrUtenguomnteo A tri&l of one slnRle ickcre of Gray's SpecdCc will convince the most skeptical of its real merits. On account of counteJeltera , tce hate adopted the I ow SVracpcr the only genuine. trFull particulars In our peniphiet , 'thtch e do. sire to gend free by mill to esery one. trThe Spa. ciflo Medic mo a soil by ccli dricccrlsta at $1 rcr pack. ago , or six packages br d , or otil bo sect free by mall on the receipt 01 the snone , by a.IJrescnF TILE GIIAY MEDICINICC' . , isuclalo. b. V. Sold In Omaha byC flipdmsn. Iv lIm&eo.e 4' . Lnrcsit1o Mtcsing. Frets "Kismet , " by Murat Ililiteid , in ChIcago Tribune. "Do you like PP1O frittorsi" The November situ , struigo1y bctiut'iftIl ill its deep criiusolt glow , was sinking slowly into a 111555 of dull , gray clouds that scroro piled UI ) in the western horizon , 511(1 cMting SUCh a bright , aurcato glow oii the 1andscepo as to re TitItitI 0110 of the fabled t'llIlO wheti the gods playctJ. with blocks ofgold that filleti the world with their dazzling tlcain. Gtvoiidolttii Mahafl'y sat at a 11a0 of Distress Warrant Castle and , gazing wistfully out at the scone which Nature- itiothor of all art-had pictured in such vivid colors , had asked of him who stood beside her the question with which the chaptoropons. Very beautiful wasGwondolon-a calm , pensive beauty that witched men with a atibtlo iniluonco and kept thorn blindly following the inizis fatuus of a hopod.for love that could nevur exist ; kept thom willing vassals to a isassion that fimially left thorn ghMtly wrecks on the wind. swept son of shattered hopes. It was a beauty-this fatal four flush beauty-that kept harold Nonesuch by Gwcndolon's side. Her brow , broad and white , her akin , delicate as a young rose leaf , with the faint flush on her checks , baffled description ; but it was her eyes , large , dark , and shadowed by their lashes until their violet depths lookoa black , that her chief beauty lay. But what yaa beyond poet to phrase or artist to reproduce duce was her deep , intellectual nature and appetite for pie , softened by a spirit. uality ofsoulthat would often make her stub her too when she thought about it. Hors was a loveliness likn that of a delicate cato tropical flower , which blooms but to perish in all its beauty-too fragile for the storms and sins of earth , tao soilhiss and sacred for this life. Owondolon had often thought of this when she lay mImer bed at night watching the stars that scorned like sentinels keeping a silent vigil over a iin.stainod world , and then , when perhaps all the household were sleeping , she would get up and cat cold toast. There was ever a wistful yearning in her heart for the unknowable-an eager seeking for soniotlting , she knew not what , that seemed forever aid over just beyond tlto back fence of her soul. And so the years hava gone on in their silent march to the tomb of the ages , until Gwendolem standing on the verge of womanhood , had received from Harold Nonesuch the greatest compliment that , man can pay to voman-an offer to try and pay her board. Never for an instant had she suspected the .ioap , passionate admiration that this man's soul hold for her , and of which ho had juBt spoken in tones that * ere tremulous with hopeful expectancy. And titan , mastering by a mighty effort the shock that his unexpected pocted words had caused , she had answered - swered him with the question so weird in its realism asto be almost grostesque , that appears above. For an instant Harold seemed dazed by.tlmo girl's words , and stood silently beside - side a marble statue of Psyche striving to repress the terrible grief that threat- cued to master every emotion of his be- ing. As ho sthod there , the long evenin shadows slanting across the sward , an the prairie mists of Indian summer crowning the hills with their royal haze , he felt that life without the love of this woman woulct be a Sahara of grief , an endless desert of disappointed hope and crushed ambition over which the scorch. ing winds of sorrow and anguish would over blow with 1iitiloss fury. And then , jut as a sob was welling up from his vest , Ii fclt a pair of soft , warm arnie twined lovingly around his neck , and close beside his own there was pressed - ed a clear-cut cameo face that seemed in its spirituollo beauty like a vision frolu amiothmer world. There vero tears in the vinlot eyes that looked ilito his so pleadingly - ingly , and the curves of the drooping mouth wore tense with time agony of mimi alI.powcrfulsorrow. Foraninstantnoitlmei spoke , and Gwend9lon Was the first tc break the silence. "You must have known , Harold , " ahc said , in tones that were hoarse with agony , "that for iliontlum my heart hat bee in your keeping , and you must alec have known that my love is no ophemeraJ passion-no cu-and . . at-rocesm - - you.can.chew-my-gurn - I affection that is here to-day , and tomorrow row whore is it ? And yet , despite thi fact , which I so freely acknowledge , an of which I am more titan proud , I cmii never be your wife. " "Why notl" ho asks , in tones that ar almost a sob. " " Gwondolen " . "Because , answers , have cold Boston foot. " Amos Dcccii of Grinnoll , 60 years old , pu two bullets in tilt head last Monday mnorninj with suicidal Intent. Ho was alive at last re ports. ) SOMETHINC EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOWI There olsLs : a menus of securing - curing a soft and brilliant Complexion , no niatthr how poor it may naturally be. ] Ingan's fagno1ia Jialat ig a delicate and harmless arti- ole , which Instantly ronioes Freckles , Taii Itodness , Roughness , Erupilons , Vul- &ar Fluslilugs , ole , , etc. So delicate and natural ure IL ofrects that Its use Is IlOt suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured lace In oclety ivlion the Magnolia Bailli IS o1d by all th'ugglsts for 75 cents. -S - _ - - - - - . S _ . . _ _ L _ - PACIFIC BUSINESS. IlliporLailt Mrocmcnl of Ros Rnlluin Froill Chioallt Laui _ The Nortlmovn l'neitlo to irn 1'kI ihr Belimg Shut. Out of' San FrancIsco. . \\.c learn from The Chicago Times that hues rtutnimig front Clilcago mind St. 1otiis aitil the 1'Iissouri ' river htavq niado the followinginiportant agreement oii l'micific coast passenger busimicss : Time naxitnuni coniflhlsslOllS that may be paki on any uirst.clase ticket from any poitit Oil the Paciflo coast to Chicago , or ally point east thereof , via the Northern Pacific railroad amid St. Patti , shall not exceed $ , and eu socomid amid third class tickets to $1.50. The conhmnission OIl flll first-class tickets to Council BlulFa , Kitim. sac City , or imItorluediato points on the Missouri river shall not exceoti S. mind oil second 11d third-class tickets l'2.5O , except via Katisas City to SL Louis and cast thereof , emi wii'ich time mnaximmtn cOiflmliiSSiOlis shall not exceed $1 from Kansas City to St. Louis OIl any class of tickets , although $3 first.class and UO second or third class may be paid between Kamisas City and Chicago via St. Louis , and the same commissions may be paid front Council Bluffs to St. Louis , and also to St. Louis and to Chicago through St. Louis , via the Texas and I'acific and the Atlantic and l'acitio rontes. This agreement covers oiiiy the issue of the Central amid Southren l'acixc railroads - roads and the Oregon Railway and Navi- Iatiomi company. Street commissions shall bo allowed only on bus'imiese actually sold by the representatives - rosentativos of the lines parties hereto , and agents representing limies cast of Clii. cage or St. Louis shall not be alirwed to pay or use the annie for ua It is understood - stood that street conimuissione arc iuclud. ed iii time amount named above as maximum - mum commissions which are not to be excluded , and in no case shall ammy agent tiny portion of this commission to cut rates. Any line utay withdraw Iromn this agreement after the oxpiratiomi of thirty days' notice being given to the other lines parties thereto. The agreement i.s signed by Jaummos James Charlton , of the Chicago mind Al. ton ; \V H. Stonnett , Citicagoand Northwestern - western ; l'ercival Lowell , Chicago , liur- lington amid Quimicy ; H. C Townsend , Missouri Pacific and Wabash , St. Louis and Pacific ; E. St. John , Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific , A. V. H. Carpenter , Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul ; S. K. Hooper , Hamiumibal and St. Joseph. .1 , ChANGE O1 BASIS. The agents of Pacific hues and their Missouri river connections have spomit a number of days endeavoring to find a solution for the complicated west- em passenger problem , and they have finally adjourned without accomplishing ammythimig. The general managers of hines interested tried to render asemetanee , but they gave it up as a bad job. It being generally agreed that the present basis , by which rates from time Missouri river to either San Franciscu or Portlamid via the other place , are the same as to either plaoc di reef , is entirely imnpractibable , time only thing remaining is to change time basis. Although no otuicial action has been taken , a plan has bean talkedof and will undoubtedly be put into effect it the Topeka - peka meetin on Wednesday , itnot hf- fore. The proposition conies IWm time S Northern Pacific , and in , iii effect - fect , that the Northern Pacific on one hand , and the tJnion and Central Pacific , on thmo other , do not encroach upon each other's territory. As corn- pemisation for being 3hut out from San Francisco business , the Northern Pacific will be paid a stipulated sum every year by time other roads , which will enable It to.carry passengers at a paying figure by way of Portland to San Francisco , Time general impression among officials of interested - terested limmos is that this plan is time only one that will let them out of timeir trou- bie , and insure a substantial western pool. WltIo Awake DruggIsts. C. F. Goodman is always alive in lila bust. flees and sPares no pains to secure thmo best of . S every article iii his line. lie limit secured the agency for the celebrated Br. KIng's Now , Discovery for Coitsumption. Time only car tam cure known for ConsumptIon , Coughs , Colds , hoarseness , Aistinna , hay FoverBron' , chiLls , or nay affection of throat and lungs Sold on a positive guaranteo. Trial bottlet free. itegulanohzo $1. TIlE BiRTH OF LUTflER. ASabIJatli Eveimloig Lecture jy ltiw . WillIanm J , llarcaiia. : . In his regular Sabbath ovenimig lecturi I Sunday , Rev. W J. Ilarelma said : John Hues was lying in his prison enc niglitwhmen lie had a singular and vivic 3 dream that distressed his soul exceeding L ly. He had hind some pictures of Chris 1 painted upon the walls of his oratory am his dream he saw the popes and bishops I ops busily at work effacing them. ] Ii I could iiot rid himself of time impression of this dream nil time succeeding day When night canto , howavor , he drcanlo t again and saw severs ! painters at wor . restoring the paintings mmd nutkiimg thol : eVen more vivid and imumerous. An with cue painters there was a great mnult : tudo of peopletcryiimg with a loud volec "Now let time POI)0B and bishops cam when they will , they will ziover again h able to efface thorn. " This dream of time Chimldtian martyr w literally fulfilled , Impressions of Clirim and his vork have boon inatle upon soch ty'timu church and the world that mu amnouimt of hostilecriticism or uimbehievin 81)110 'will over be able to ofraco. Marti Luther was time instrument in Cod's imnuuc of retouching time face of the Messial lifted in imoavoumly beauty above time viac of humanity's struggles mmmd prayers. lii order to ummderetand $ .ho timnelinem of Luther's birth we must look briefly i time state of the nations just before hi appeared , The ( orman Empire was couifodurtion of the several titates wit aim emperor at their head. There was ii outward peace , but aim inward turmoi Mon we o talking of liberty and ti yearnings they had for ternporai froedoi iaidihon * opeui to time reception of idem of refornumitioim. Germany was sltuatc iii time midst of Clmrist'uui nations-si could imot roach out in diffl.rcntdiroctiol amid touch England , France , time Netho lands , Switzorlaumd , Hungary , Poland ac 1)enunark. It was fitting , thorofor that Gornmuimiy should be time home of ti revivihg imitlucitcos that God was to set OjOratioll. Swmtzorlauid had just given its ho . _ 2. _ ' . . _ , : : - . - - . . _ _ - - "Iottro ties protree , " a protest against the powermind corruptioums of the clergy Italy vas iii a fonnont suet Ilomno could hot. qutot time clamors that were coining froui time rnmddlo amid lower classes for somno relief from time oxtortiomis of time priests. It. jfl9 oxceetlimigly dangerous to avow those cliscontents , but the distant lultirmiur was not the less heard. SpaIn amid l'orttugal were enjoying their 'ago of golcm , " tutu vere so filled witim thoughts of worldly gaulu timid. they could. imot con. aider the reformuatiomi , ComisequIemmtly , timoy have coimtiimtmecl to thmis day 1mm humid. hess aUdi slmperst'mtiomi , and time decay of their society amid political systems murnrks time result. Frautce eeouucd to be tim. most umoatly ripe for a reforimmation of ammy of time mmatiolis , while Emigiaumel gave little that it. would receive time light of truuth auth imamid it on to others. Stuck was time state of society when imito time humble cottage of a nmimmor of Efale- bout a child was imogum , Time father was a ulihigent. aunt openlmccarted man mud time mnotiior was a good nut1 hiiotmsvommlalm ; time cimild was Martimi Luther , who shook hlommmo amid simook time world , it is not my lmrvosa to o furtimor with time child's history to-night. ihtmt let mno ask yotm to comisidcr two or thmreo itractical truths. Think of time wisdommi 1111(1 P5V0t of Clod. Not ummitil everytimimmg ready 'miM this child bormi. God 111)0115 his purposes slowly sommuoUmnes , but lila purposes are always ripommed at last. So far as we are tibIa to judge time best ossiblo tUne was selected for time brimigmmmg of Lutimer immto time world timat time church imiight be ptmriflctl. Think also of time power of religious truth. You may stop time bud from bursting and .oll may check the spread of time leaven In a loaf , but you cammimot stop time Iro. gross of truth , The light mind liberty of the imiumotconthm century arc time result cf time trutims that Luther preached. Lot us throw our hearts in time way of these truths. Iot us obey time Christ that Lutimea loved , Lot us have something of his firimm faith when lie said : "Hero 1 staumd. I cannot do qthcrwLse. ( loch 11011) nme. Amnomml' ' Cousgims , JIonrscnOsM , Sore Throat , etc. , quickly renmoved by 1lmmowc'ri llmoSciIlAu. Tmuocmm' , A simple and effectual remnody , superior to all other arUclos br time wumno pur- pose. 8ctd ti1i in btcxs. LErTEliS S Jomnalnlmmg : tim time Onmaha pcatofiieo tmumcinumneti for time reek emmdlucg Nov. 1 , 1&St : 0 gNTLICII xN. Armstrong .1 AlbtegJ AIamns .1 , cllotmV8 Allen \V C Alien 'V 11 Ahloim fl A Amnbmv P Amnorwortim I ? Armopmmicy A Allen 1" Buckley , T C unto J F ] lloornbmmrg Ii it Bowoic t i F Broth Ci B Bmmvim 'V II Boll It2 Bullock 1' Borg A S lirockway A ] iurnwell F ' .V Brenucamnati T ( inlmci .1 Conroy J Chovoulz Ti Chrltmnns It Crooks C Curry lit \V Clmelnilght If Chamberlain P B CImrlstler A V Clark . .1V' Charles N 'V Cimapummmn Mr 1)o Moss Bro + i Doigevin .T ioicalcay 'mV ' Dewey V ii Button it 1)rcmckhnmrnner 0-2 iiamilk F Eltorn C I : Ekimnd T Edwards F B } mmright 1) Farlaumil .1 W F'rnco ( Em. Field AG Fimmclm 'IV Farnumu V 1) } 'oronmmum T ( lrovo V. ' ( bold T Grandbrandlt C Gibson It Grlnniumsi (1 Graves B I'lerum IL F Hook ( B Rowe G Hmiremu .1 llartzogG ILubbio J D Hunter A .1 hubbell Ii F IlarrisomiV It Ilumnpimrey 'mV Ilannor 'mV , T-2 11111 11 Rough 1 T - . - - Hanson P .1 Itolmeim J G Iioepimucn ] ) C liurnmnel 0 'mV ' Ilowart C 0 Hooker F C , Tournnl of Commerce .Jcwoll H . Jausa F - Ingrain W. W Tsonbower T .Tackoon It 'mV Jones F S Jones P Johnson I' P , Tneoljaon C .1 .rolmnson J , Tcnnisomm H It , Tocn 1.7 .Tmdgo ii Krauseman it Koliner Alt Knapp F KonnellyJ ragW Keller II IA hnmht 1 KienekET kimbaliC La ghilrm .1 C Loitch T Lewas T B [ .lndborg C Morrison J C Murphy J Maimer J Monroe .T Macroy J It Marcohiuue E 1' MeCiaskoy II B Murphy T McCoy T McLean T .1 Miller S A 1\lartcmscn M C Now J Nicholson B Naumnanum 0 0'llorko.T C O'Baicnon I' Olron A , O'Donovcmn C 1.7 0'l'ahmnor .1 Pierce G 11 ; I'rico F Patterson .1 l'ont 'mV 11 . i'ottorW L'zmrrott Cit . lilciardeon .1 S Jteimiitilinor J Itea.son .1 lIngers .1 II . Jtvuiuil 1" itoweIl F C Ithaca I Ilicyim It I hood C II RobertA Smith .T : i Sch.icarr .1 Scott B it Skoruc II It Schimb LT Schulor It Shaw Na ; Schmmt F G Scaly T B Shobat ' 1' . Steinbeck ' .V Sanford \V F Snencer Ii 3mm 1) 1) ) Sheridan IL 'ranos Cl Tyler 1' .1 0 Tliook Mr 'rcmilov B Uhitcim ( . ; Vavrkk F Victor V Vrehiand II Woods II I \Vord j (1 ( Wimltticoro .1 I ( 1 Williams .7 WaflI 'IV S Wynn C 2 Worm W . Vnlker A .1 Uta II I ; Young 0 a CfAHM. a Mrs V i'otersoom Mr.m. C. 1. Midono LADIES , 0 Alcock 1.lIss B 1.1. Aruimetrotig frs B C 9 Aumdorsorm Misis 11. AustIn Iliss It Aumdersoii Itles . Bradley Miss 1 . Iluchtei S 1.1 iturdot ' .lleg U 1 Bimett Mrs S IS. B&'rg Mrs S A Jianieci ilis4 l Ii licumncttMrsO S k Ithccmul 1.Ilsi It BarryItri .1 0 U Bamnforil Mrs It Ih'rmul Mrs l BaIdwhm Mrs It Backuis Mrs Ii 0 U Cochirmumit Comnody Mrs II. . 'artor J'mhios L i. C' > x Mrs M Chine Mo ( i Church Mrs E 1.1 5 , CooperMims It ! F CohliiomMrs A 0 ] laid MISC B Dceer Mrs W Ilavldsomm Mrs C Iiz ors Illos 1) o gppe.'s Miss 1.1 I I 1tiiotA : Mrs 1.1 1. Frohocle Mr. . 0 A Fishier 1.11cc N Ci Foley Miss N ( I I'itmsley MIs It me F'rooinaum IIiosJ B Ciarilmor Mrs A lit it llosxmrlciie Mrs A ltlip ; , litre 'V Ilorrlck lilies l'mt ifoincinu Mrs A 1 Miss 1 % ! , Johmriston Ma S S o lCrmmtcinlr 1.Iisa lit Krmapj Mr AL g JAnoiIa Mrs .7 1) LaughlIn Mrs ij ii Lodimcwmi Iltas , J Iachlan Mrs I'd Ci Iii Macon Mrs i : Mutter Mrs 'IV It McCook 1.11cc lii McKeimmmoy Illas lit 1 McBride S Mites lilies lit is Miller lilies K I'rinco MIs Ii I'oternosm Ilisa C Pnlnch'xtt't lilies Ii is PIlOr lilies lit Pock Mrs it A mt 1toger Mrs .1 'mV ' ] tmcson ceri hiss S Itogers Mrs .1 C Ilutlorsinri .MIss , p 'U ' Rhodes Mrs P. lto..enfiold hiss S a Mrs Ii Siotco IIS5 P W , im Scott Mrs Ml Taicott Mrs S Ii mm Vodman Mrs S AVoo'l ' hiss B 1. Voodwnrl lilies It 4 WaUswortls Mrs Ci 'mS'ohfo lilies lit Walker lilies I's 10 in C , IC , CotTMT ? , , P. lit. it , iiucititcn'.sA&IILCL % Salve. The greatest umedical wonder of time wogs me Warranted IA ) ajioedily cure hums , Out. . , Ii me cars Salt ltiieum , Fever Sores Cancers i'hle r. ChIiblalxLa , Coccus Totter , dhapped aand id and all ukln eruptons ( , guaranteed to cure C every Instance , or money refunded , 25 con , ma or box. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ilt If you Icav s Sore Throat , a Cough , er ( 'old , II. II. 1)ouia.s A Son. ' tia1'sicucn ( iou"h lroiIs , lb are 1deaiant to tict' tc4te , vcfectly , 'liruilcs. a Id iu eurtly cure you , i itEVINUE CObJiECTIONS. Statement of flccoipt in This District tom' Oclobcr. Time statemmient of time timited States iii- ternal revenue ofilco for this district has beomm macho up for thmo mommthm of October , amid exhibits time foltowimmg colloctmomis. Time imca vicst ammuommut , time tax paid for spirit stamps is of course to be credited to time distillery imoro , wimicim is really time life of time d'mstr'icL . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.18 mtclrIt staluics. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i,73.7O , Tobacco otamimics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C igar statmup's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . itoer stand's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sisoclal ta'e stemaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'rotat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time how revenue agent for this ella- tr'mct Cml , .bmmmues B. Larkimi , ima gomme to work vithm imeadsitmarters at. Ommmaha. Timis district colmuprises Dakota , Nebraska , Colorado mud \Vyounummg , lion , B. 1) , Webster has goimo to Salt Lake city , vim'mcii is lmeiulquartors forthme hew elis- triet to which lie imasboemi assigned. 1'ELISON cUi. , J , II. Adam's , agent of the BarumoyMcAuloy counbhmmatbmn , I. at time Millard , Barney Mc. Atmioy Is to appear horn three icight's next. iveok. lit. 11 , Taylor , of J.timcoln , minI 'mY. B. hal- Icr , of Blair , arc at. time Millard. Senator Charles F. Mandercon , accomimpa. utloti bY Mrs. lilantlersoum , nrmI'.od from the I cc.t last ovemiln , lie e'clcoct.s to rotuurmm to W'a.simlngtomi about time 20th lust. liv : ii. ? teimciolssolmum , time arelatect , ro ttmrmmctt ( roam time east yestorda3' , accumutoimmleti by 1.tis Thockla Bcmmdn , of Dot.ndt , his sister. lu-law , wimo will visit. Mrs. 1.tondal.solmn. litasoim Gregg and \V. It. B. Stout , of Lincoln , are at time Millard , \V. IIuwordcn amid Mr. Ilugloy and chili , of liommolulim , htasvattiiu Islands , are at time l'inton. j7 3 , P , Laimrsomm , front Otmehia , III. , is tisitimig Mr. .T. ( I. Coated in thIs city. Mr. I.aummoim is quite aim e'temmsise prncrly owimor In Nebraska. .E. K. Fay , a wealthy capitalist of Auburn , NowYork , bus boon visiting 1mm the city , anti to-day vemmt out to linstimigs with lir. mind Mrs. L. Ii. Tower. Liemmi. II , I : . llobimmson , wife amid crvnmmt mire registered at time I'axtomi. I.tatmt Robin- bOfl IS to ho time imew qumartermacitor at FLOimum. tin , and conies loire front Ft. Leavenworth , whore ho wAs detailed for service iii time school of iumstrtmctlomi , Liccit. IIoumr Sotomm , of the Fourth infantry , win ) for tue past twoycars imas boon on ditty In time recrtmiting service at iavid' iiaumtl , Now York Harbor , Ifas arrived at Ft. Omalmo for duty. The following were numiong the arrivals at , ' the i'a'ctoum litomtdayu 13 , F. Cimapmnaim , Fvnmms . ton ; A. Brad cy , Ommuiha ; H. Kumlppenborg I Glendale , lit. T. ; Mrs. Iiagioy amid child ; A . Ii. linker , Graumd Island : Alex.Vyiio , Boo ton ; F. S. l'atviim , I.imicohumV. ; . T. Davis : lit. Bmmcirnmrnn , Chicago ; F. It. . Kirididall anc wifq , city ; Cites. J. Jacobs , S. Orausuimaim Obmia , H. i'aroouma , Now York ; .Tas. P. Clark St ; l'zmuml ; hiss hthiono , Oakland ; B. A. .lolmmi OOlm mmiii lady , Ohio ; Chris , Sloan , city ; } ' lii ! : ' 3flflOy , Lincoln ; G. It , Michael , Des Moines Henry \V. . i'oor , Bostoim ; J. Labsap , St. Louis Sanmimel , T. ? mtarlc , S. ( 'ioldatoimm , Cuimilnimatl 14 , C1OtimiSO , Cnlimouum ; F. J. McShane , Frani I , Tobmison , city ; John H.Velsii , Teakol ; N. D Saumford and wife , Avoca ; B. Sinmonson , Clii 1 cage ; C. S. l'oaso , B. Rimasoy , A. S. l'atriclm 14. 1'LowIs , city ; B. S. ilmmdorson , it. V - ] ) ybahi , IT. T. Asinine , S. Gumiterman , Clii engr ' B. H. McMorrIi , Kentucky ; B , F , Macun : I bor , Norfolk ; John Kommilcick , Now YorL . , B , H. hlydor , Greenwood ; W. A. Hendricks r lit. ( I. May , Scott Terry , St. Louis ; It. Cj Malone , I.iucoiim ; it. S. Smith , Chicago j A , Brecher , Clumclniiati ; D 1' . Bryumm , St , 5 Louis ; B. Alter , Now York ; B. B. Strong Detroit ; 1. V. Allord , Now York ; hiss 1.1. . ) SI Hoot , Chicago ; B. P. Gates , Now York ; H. 'I I Buckley , Chicago ; C. 1. Greoum , city ; T. Iii Lewis , Beardotowi' ' ; 0. S. Chamberlain , Ciii cage ; T. G. Dye aumil ' wife , 'Daytoim ; C. ¶ 1 Eddy , Chicago ; Win. Landuim. Odehl , NL'b ' \V. H. Andorsomi , Scum Francisco. TOMIISTONESSLIJG ISIL Itidleumloums i'rlces Oflereti rom- Anglo I Cuipitln , flni I'Iflimi Stones. "At temm dollars-at taut-er ton-er-temi Do I imear time twelve ? At teum.or-temi- aim , thank you-at tomi and a half , nail ui'alf.VImy , gentlemcmm , this is a aimaumme ' 15hat tomatoumo 'is worth ninety dollars its worth a cent , and yet only ten dollar and a luaU is the bid. Look at it. Soil Now ilaumpelmire ranito , and oumly to dollars and a half me bid. At ton ii'alf aiim bid. Thmo dear departed would nove rest easy under a etoimo sacrificed ilk timis. Nail , n'nuf , at twelve , dolars , twelve. Going once , going twice , goin third and last time , going-gone , an sold to-what's your umame ? I might ima ! guessed it-sold to Mr. Smaitim , " Timon time crowd and a New York Su reporter followed time auct'moumeer into building whore were time statuary an . otimar "w orks of art. " It was a ummarbl yard near Greenwood cornatry. Time yam . was filled with tombetoimes of every V i riety and size , frommm time little foot.etom to the maesiua granite aimaft. I t was imiotiey crowd timat elbowed its WI 1 arouimd. lum it wore six woman imeavm ] veiled with crape % "mVimy gentlemen , " timeauctiouieor ccl tinumed , "you doim't want us to give thin inomiuinuimta away ? Timeso stones will iii ho thrown at you. Now , we will tu sonic of timeso works of art , mind see wim you will ( ii timeum. flow mnucii aiim I olfe oil for this beautiful piece ? " tumid lie 1ac 3 imie hmamiel bexmovoleimtly upoim time imead of kumeuliiig angel. 'Look at her , genti mmmcmi. And what rumui I bid ? " "I'myormty.five dollars , " "Twcmity.fivo dollars. Tub is copros ing.Vhy , gontlommiemi , just look coprosI I umuigel. 'ro be sure , some of her wil feathers have melted away , , but angi c um fly if timoirwinge are clipped. I mmml. word of hmoimor , geimtienmoui , that in rust , amid imot biliousness , is time cause timrmt yellow streak across time foroimon \Vhmo over hoard of a bilious angel ? 26 I mutt bid ; but no time feohings of ti anui shall mmot be outraged by suet Irmco. She is withdrawn. " \Vimo will give mmmc a bid for this pie Cupid asleep. Look at imium , gontlommu See how ProttV lie curls his little legs t der 1dm , amid lies dowum to IIoasaumt-vi is it ? Only $2 for this cupid ? Gent .1 mnemmI declare timid sale off. Such uuihiem , ri f hide as imavo been altered here to.c i is , would ruin the tommibetomie trade , T I La , entire sale is off. " in - _ _ _ ---5- As ] tOWt ( ) Utilize the luulimmums , Norrlstown Herald , 1) ' 4 mnagazhmme writer mike : "how sli m Ls we utilize time Indians ? " This is a 0 fmcult qucistion to minewor , but perbi A BIG flIT , Q. r.anucI What (1005 it meanir A. Selected and Ideetelied , . SVtcat abnit Dr. Thomas' Eciectele Oil ? A. I'ks.cs the people. Q. how ? A. Cure. their ache , , curee nrnralgIarheur. . ttsm , Ismenag , , bruises , scalds , bitt , , spraIn , , straIn' . anti rains ; does mill this and snore. Q. VhsI ? A As a remedy tar cocigha and cold. it woull be clbilcult to find aci3ihInXecIual to Ir.jrhomaa'F.eIec _ trio Oil. It si iii euro asthma aicil catarrh almost in. % ariably. Q. Guaranteed is it ? A. ISRT ; lion ? . ? , on MONET nr.rvDza. l ( loodi It' , tihat tlioy call patent though ; that sounds bad. A , Never mind the otiniI , Try It ! 1' l'iI do it. , What's the ocrpense ? A. } 'lfty eetitg for cicall , one ( loller for lnrge. ci. Clceepenoci4h. Who sells Br , Thomas' lclec- trio OIl ? A , Doigglsts everywhere. iDr. Thomas' Eelcctrle OIl has Proud to be a big hit. it is sokI more and give. better situ more gen. ial satisfaction that. any other conipetivo nicdlclno ncsnccfaettireI , FOSTEI1MILUUP.N& CO.Prop'sflnffaloN.Y. timeliest pimium would be to petrify timona atid sell theuum for cigar store signs. This idea ma worthy of consideration , anyhow. Do not be deceived ; ask for and take only II. It longiaog and Soil' ' Liapsicuna Cornic Irop5 for Cough , ( old , ant acre , B. S. &uit Trade Stark on emery lrop. - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ S Timimo Is Money , l'mititleuico , lflirIi4Ll. There lives 1mm i'awtucket a mimaum wimoso idiom existence seems to be conducted sinmmlar to a piece of mmuaciminery. his imuovemuents amid transactions are always "out time. " 1mm fact , his great hobby is titmie. "lie eu t'mmrte and save irne' is imis Ilmotto. At the eamno imotmr every imiornimmg lie gets out of bad , A few sac- mmdc later imis right boot is oim , and then his loft ; breakfast is fmisimed in a sopuir- ate flue , uuumil ho is sooui at his place of business just. at time stroke of 7 Ho is couistamitiy cnlatimv' on time immense. 1uinuitity of tinmo tTmat is wasted and thrown away by every man and wommhan every hour. Ho ilkmstratctl his hobby the' other day in a rathem , ammmUsimmg and indisputable manner. A friend presented hint with a vary fine looking cat Caihing the umext day , ho found time cat witimout any tail , the tail bein cut. olr as close to time body as could be without cutting the tail oil' behind the I cat's ears. Wimen asked why hue hutch don thin , ito remarked : "I have , to let this cat in amid out of timie store agood many tinmos S ft day. Now , if that cat lmad a bug tail , domm'tyou see , I would have to lose so imiuchm tiummo waiting for the tail to go out and lim , whoroims miow I have on y to wait for time cat. A tail is of no earthly use tea a cat , amid especially to thin cat , so you S will see I have the cat just the same , iuui oimly the tiummo in letting the cat in and out , titus saving all that time that would ho lost iii letting time tail in and out. " About ; l'o8t81 Telegraphy. Florida Time-Union ( Dciii. ) . Time establishment by time governmcnt of a systemmm of telegraph hues would be. guarantee agaumist aticim interruption mimi time busiimesa Public him suffered of late , . and a safeguard against a worse one , yiiichi may commue when the present ma- . 1 nipulators of time telegraph keys have 1 beau inveigled into time Toicgraphcrs' , Brotherhood and induced to go "out. " . It could bo run at rates merely self-ens- taimuimmg , and thus , vimile forcing the private - . vate companies to a4opt reasonable rates : it would not be a burden on the treasury. : At terminal and important points the ' present system of letter delivery could c be utilized , thus guaranteeing prompt . delivery of dispatchea It would , in reality - . ality , as one of our contemporaries has S ' expressed it , be a system of electric let- . t rs added to ur rcsoumt system of lot- ; tore by pen and pencil. Its adoptidn is . sure to come. - - ' Time twenty-seventh nmmnual meeting of the , general assocmatmeim of Congregational churches c of Nebraska whicim was hold at York last . week , Rev. 1'ffr. Merrill , superintendent of ' . nuission churches , gave a report showing that time denomination has now 150 church organi. , rations mind 70 church buildings , and those are . spreading through time principal cities mini . town' . amid advammcing on the frontier. I TUEPmLOSOPBY OP ILCADACRE. TIIlt STOMACH , TUE BOWELS AND TUE LIVEfl Aim IIESPONSIJILII lOut EVF.RY PANG ThAT ums.oics TIJEIIEAIi. 1IEOIJLATETONEAND lIAR. IUNIZI TilE ACIION OF TIIISE AWED OR. iANS WITII TAPRANT'S SELTZ , seERIErlT AND YOU cUIIETIIEC0iIPLA. tL'lLS IJOUJICk sot.n BY ALL UIIUGOinTS. WILBOR'B CO1IPOTJND OF e PURE COD LIVER : OIL AND LIME. it Get the ( heumulno Artlol'-Pimo Great g popularity ti " JVlibor'o Cwnpoisnd of CoeL Lit'cc d ( iii cinsl Ljii , has induced some unprincipled lwrso to attempt to 1cedin off a simple article O of their own manufacture ; btmtzmny person who is sufluring from Coughs , Colds , or Consump. ii tion , should ho careful where they purchase. a this article. It requires no puffing. The rid - d suIts of Its use are its boat recommendations ; mmd the proprietor limmi. anupio evidence on file. 0- 1 of its great success Iii iulmonary complaints. The l'hosplutte of Lime possesses a moat mart - tvdllouis healing newer as combined by the. me pure Cod-Liver Oil by br. Wilbor. It Is pro. a scriliomi by time medical faculty. Sold by AB. WiioumChemnist , , ltoetonarmd all druggists. 1 r- $30,000 forl $2. (1 Regular Monthly Drawlngwilltako place a In ( ho MMonio helm Ydasoiclo Temple feUd. a. Ing , lnLouiavlllo , 4. Thursday , November 29th , 1883. . A Lawful Lottery and Pair Draw1ni. ts chartered by the loglelaturoot Ky. , and twice deciar. ad legal by the hlghe.t court in the State. lioe.I mg gjven to honey County in the sum of $100,000 for the Cs vruipt payment of all prizes sold. u A REVOLUTION IN SINGLE NIThIBER DRAY1NG ) il rEverv ticket holder hisown supervisor , can call of out the number on his ticket anti ice he correspond. lug number on the tag placed in the wheel in hi. 4. mreagnce. These drawinge will occur on the iasb of every month. Read the onagniflcenD mat November achome. 1 l'tixo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lrizo. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1o,00G 1 Pure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . co ? 2 i'rizes , $ ' , tOO each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a l'riies , i,000CSth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 In , 20PritCI , f.Ooeach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.OOG iii. 100 prite , 300 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.000 200 l'rite. , 50 e&cli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I boo i'iirei , 20 tach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000' ic- io * Prize. , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O,00G' ird 9 Prices , too eachApproxiuiationPriroe 2,7Q0' 0 Prirea , 200 each " " 2,800" mi ) 0 lrtzed , ZOO each " " gee. mis S 1,857 VDLLOI. Whole Tickota , $2. half TIcketa'l. 27 TIckets , $50 , bt Tickets , i0O. Remit mousy or Bank frau a Letter , or send by zi'rcu. DOWP tIE1D IIY 1IIGISTKRKDLKL'TEft ail hi t'OSTOFVICIIOIIDEiIuzitil fuflbanotlco , Oi ) , Hf. sri ol $5 &nc % upward by express , can be sent at ous aperise. Addroes all ordut' to d. .1. IXIUOLA ipe t.iimiileKy , d sat-tu-t2s&ct1st w oat F' I , , j . , , . , , , '