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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1883)
Y .i fJ 1'IiE DAILY I3EL ' ° CUUNCIL 13LUN1fS , TUESDAY , NOVTIIIi1R G , 18u.S. r - i ' HE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Mornintr , Novolnber Gr sunscltngnoN RATES : 6 Oarrier ---0 ctntn pct week Sp - F10.0o Moat Mat - - - - - pct t t OFFIOII : No , 7 Pearl street , Near Droadway. MINOR MENTION. See Joseph lloitcr's fall goods' ' Additional locals on eoventh pago. J f Cheap Ilailroad Tickets at ] In latch's , . Taji to eC Co. want inoro broom nnnkors. 1 The Chautauqua club had another interesting - torosting and inatructivo sosstot last night. Andrew Sharp , for disturbing titopoaco , was yesterday fined E5 anti costa by Judge Aylenworth , Fred Lamb cclobrakd his birthday yesterday , and an oaay chair was among the gifts received. Tim joista for the floor are being laid on the now completed foundations of the now Catholic church The ladies of the Broadway Methodist church giro a Now England supper at r the church parlors this evening. f Among the plain drunks disposed of i the police court ostordnY wore ChorloY r Fuller nd J. D. Yolmory The board of trade has passed n reso lution urging thin city council to give Durant street to the Unien Pacific rail. way. way.Smith Smith C Toiler , the Main street mer- chant tailors , have put a large mid handsome - some sign in position over their front. It catchoa the eye. I Permit to wed was yesterday granted I' hrnnkE. Seibort and Lizzie A. Lacy , both of this city. Last evening Justice It Sehurz tied the knot for thorn. i . I Marshal Jackson is beginning to rum t' ' cows into the pound again , but the ' bovines , like the two legged prionora , t , seem to got away. The city pound is asfi I weak as the calaboose. ' A bakery wagon , bearing in big letters ' the ndmo of John ) Cramer , was anatched 1 ! through 7Jroadway at a lively gait yestor- 1 : k day by a runntsay horse. Though no great smash up occurred , yet the bakery h' wagon took the calm among runaways I yesterday. ; Judo James succeeded pretty well , p while m Chicago , in being interviewed by the newspaper men , and aired u sveral local tters no to the effect j that all the saloon men worked with trio ct Republicans ; lie tailed to say anything about the "back pay tj I resolution of the council , and his drawing 1 $100 extra for services as alderman. f Some small boys played the role of burglars racticall and successful ) at Mrs. Pfeilfor'a millino store. They ? o gained entrance by raisin 6r a window and tapped the till , getting a small amount. ' The boys will probably not be prosecuted , l the affairs being lcftfor , their parani to I ' handlo. The bays ought to be chocked l pretty summarily in their fast speed to. wards the penitentiary. There is a gang of young hoodlums i who gnlhor frequently on Upper Broadway - way , in the vicinity of the Methodist church , and indulge in all sorts of row. i dyiam. The police hays cleared them airily several Limos but atoll they gather occasionally. Sunday night a Youngmmt named Fred Dill was passing along there i when some insulting remark was made , at which Dill proceeded to slap their + mouths. Thorn was a street commotion ' I as the result and the unfortunate Dill , was of course the victim arrested while , the others. got away. Ho was discharged . i yesterday morning when the facts were brought out , It ie time now that the d Awas gang broken up , oven if some pretty k ouh o handling shld be necessary. . Among tito ladies of purchawablo virtu o who wore yesterday browqhtboforoJudg oe A loawortli was one who enl a fog i T weeks ago loft the iatli of rectitude fo r one of shame , voluntarily and deliberate . l y. She habean marrids but had soul trouble with her husband and they sop arated. She had not soon him 1 sin CO 10.6 t bTay , and had been since then workinga ts tl snrvant in private fmndios hero and it Missouri valley , H r good old fattier an t i mothurwere residents.of Henry Crook ' and moved late ) from thorn tNebraska ' She had become tired of houoatwork an d had concluded to abandon her woman hood , nfgl her all. Judge Ayleswortl t gave her a fatherly talking to , and , in stead of , Gning her , gave her two or tire u days to consider the matter , hhoping that she might change her mint ) mil try mt d live a decant life. " 0. K , " DOLLAi STORE. .Tho now popular dollar store , opposit e Mott's ' lumber office , on Broadway , f S now open ; ) tare opportunities to seeur o the host albums , popular books , and use ful articles for Parlor decorations. Ladle s are cordially invited to examine tlio hand seine stock. THE NEW DYE WORKS. F. R'Il urlburt lms ol oned , at No. 3 t Pcarl'etroot , a steam dying and Frond Li dry cleaning works. Plumes and tips velvets 'sihts ea inn , G gent's clothing r ' merchant's elf -worn bootie , all ode 0. ° good as now. , - JACK 1N TIlE BOX , Shields Ii Arroutnd for Assault , au a an Old Sentomoe Brought to Boar an Illni. Jack Shiolde who has , gainoti Sono n ° ' tori oty , as a thumper , was arrested Y ° ate r ' day for asaault'and battery , the conplalt it beinv made by James W. Khigloy , w'1 10 claimed that Shields lift hint in tl 1 0 mouth in Job Nelson's saloon , caush tl ] the claret tq fly and intlictingquito an ii t jury. Ho also wanted. Shields bows t d over to keep the peace , claiming that 1 to lad made throats to kill Inks. Juati eo g Abbott continued the cases until Vedne s day , and in the meantime Shields w ae comtnittod to all. An old aentencoofs ix months in jail is hanging over Shield e' i bead there , for an assault made upon u ld Mr. Jonniuge some time ago , $ hiel ds . had glyon bonds , and was going to apps al that case , but never did , and now that 1 w is is the jail again ho will probably Uu ' called on tin serve out this sentence. It h nay take eomo of tine thumping nmbiti on out of infields it he is compelled to t o , , , maim undur lock nud key for six month a , iii lie liaut 110 far f of out f his serahtea eo wtsily $ a to encourage lihi rather th n n , toach'hltO a lassol of fOrbearance , , " , aw . k , . FIGHTING THE FILL , O ne of Broadway's ' Property Owners lots an Injaaclion , T he Change of Cradc One of tine Itensomis Urged. Thorn has boom much trouble attending the work of filling tip llroadvay anti Main streets to grade , and various voxn ) faun ryueetimns have beau brought to ilia front , aunt are still unecttled , at petition has bent filed in the court stating that Sarni C , Keyes is rho owner of fifty loot an hroadwaj , east of Seventh street , it being the property known na the Iier die barn. The petition states that in 16611 Imo city council cstabliehcd the g rade of Broadway and at that point it was fixed at thirty-three feet oboes the plane nt reiarmice. A building was put upon the property and n brick sidewalk and steno curbing lard in conformity with that grade. In April , 1880 , the council c hanged , the BratioApril in + rid Host rho conned has contracted with M. A. Moore to fill up the street mid sidewalk , rvlDCh a t this particular point causes n raise of two foot or morn. Time petilimi further s tates that the property will be dnutun ed by this raise , and'tho ellY co uncil fine made no offer of settling for the damnge , or siren the usual notice of appoint moat of nppraieot's to II ? ; : the d amage. Tine iotitiauar desires to have Moore and t ta city otbiaod from t aking away the brick sdewalk and curb. tag , and tilling in dirk , and n tempt or my injunction is risked for , Judge Loufbnurrow has granted the prayer and fixed rho bonds at $300. This of aortae only nffocls imtnudiatcly tine fill a t that place , about fifty toot , but yet it has indirectly n further and morn impor- t ant effect , as other property is lathe sane condition and other munctimis , asUo risked for and got. If so the w ork will ho still further iutcrru1iced and n serious inlay triode. Tine plmts'for city improvements have boon hastily formed , contracts have boon s adly tangled up , bad weather has added i ts share of perplexity and delay , and.tho c ity council will ) rae to flhorv rooter fi rmness and wisdom than it inns of manifested it it gets the streets in un sort of shape bolero the winter rota i with a freeze ti ) . Cut rates to all points at McAllister's ticket oliico , GOu Broadway , Council Bluffs , A SPECIAL BARGAIN. Casady & Orcutt offer body Brussels c arpet , at $1,16 per yard , anode and laid. Now t o the time to buy. Gas fixtures at Bixby's , 933 Broadway , Real Estate Translbrs. The following deeds were filed for record in the county clock's office No vmnber 5th , reported for Tun Bar. by Amos' real oemtto agency : Mary B. Swan to Susan West , awj of so , 4 , 77 , 44 ; $25 , ' . M. Loudonback to W , H , Painter , wE of aoj , 25 , 76 , 36 ; $1,800 , County Treasurer to Mary B. Swan , asv of nw , , 4 , 77 , 44 ; $8,86. 1 bent Tindale to J ohn Walker , part of lot F , John 'Johnson's add , ; $145. George It. lYhoolor to George Snell , lot 6 , bock 1 Stutatnau s 1st add $ J00. Ttal sales , $2,878.85. MIJSICAis Gh OSTS. A Fourth Ward House Seems to bo Troubled by 'Jho n , Mrs. Borringer , an old lady , who lives in a little house on Seventh street in the Fourth wart ) , seems to be bothered. with ghosts , She Went to the neighbors about 12 o'clock Sunday night anal aroused thorn with the report that the boys trot ° bothering nor at her , house , tapping at her windows , etc , , and young Mr , Dy e front over to drive the boys oil , If e could ono nothing of the boys coniplaimmed at , and going inside the house , waited there a little while to ace if they ro turned. Thieve was soon tapping hoer d aft tine window's , and inn glided out t a catch tine boys , but there were no boys , and still time tapping continued , evident ) Y data by unsoot hands. After the tot ping stopped , mul while he was inside the house , inn heard distinctly 'iho boat- lag of tiu pans under he floor , 110 investigated but could not got any satisfactory explanation , 'r'ltei ther e was tine ringing of bells iii tine coiling , a'nd ' this toe hp could not account fur , lie became so exorcised about the mat. tor that Imo searched and searched for mate clue to the mysterious sounds , and not bofng able to Iiucl any he yesterday reported to the lice . p ° mid wanted a 81)0. cinl ) tut on duty ) fore , lie says he i nospiritualist , but he could not , , got at any exp1411ali011 0f the 111 yateriatesouutle , of it o lnoarm of which lie say s lee is coin. Ildent and that could not lave hoe 1 deceived. Mrs. Berringorhasoften corn planned of tlto boys of tine neigllborluoot bothering her , but this last night's expo rienco fe such as to make it acorn mo ro reasonable iii her to charge it up to tin a splrita , - - - = - . WANTED IN INDIANA , A Young Lion Arrested lbr too Grea t Inimaoy with Ills Slstor ln Itavv , A young man named W. E. Styles i s lying in jail here now awaiting the arri val of tut ullicer from Indlana to tag ° him back to that Stara on a charge 0 f adultery , :1'ho complaint is made by hi e faiher in law , Mr. ) fortis , living at Ply mouth , Ind , , yY110 charges that Styles not satisfied with marrying one of hI e daughters , has 'nihtod rho other one , a sung girl. Stiles hoe boon out in No braska mid Una oMoors ) ale been search hub far mini there , but bo gave Unout ih S Shp someway , and has eluded arrest unti I ho reached flue city. Ifs has boot tray sling under rho aline of W. E , Ellinburu and there was eomo mail directed to the t Reno , which egos awaiting him here Constable Clattorbuch and U,1 : , ] loswidt who have been doing eomo dotocth S work ) fore , were on iho look out for mini anti whoa ho gat ltis mail Ihdy prompt ) y r arrested hum , ] 1a denies rho charge ou t ldialicnll , and claims that " " one it is "a put u I ) job , flat w'ho ho guts back to 1n liana be can clear himeo t of the foul a d cuaation. Hie wits arrival hero ycetet day , and eoans t4 chug t0 tin belief tins t her husband is innocent Adis archly Ae received from Sheriff Kyle , of Pt mouU t , Indiana , tolling tine officers here to hol d - _ . _ . _ . .u , ' ' ' S tiles , and list trio would start yesterday to got him. PEItSOVAh. C , S , Slonlcld ( , the railway contractor , who inn ) , con vlnlting old frlrnda flora for n few days , loft last evening for his home in Albuquerque buquerquo , New Mexico , .1. 11. Crouch rind wife , of Springfield , lll , , were at. the 1'ncifi uu ya tcrday , lion. it , F. Clayton , of Macedonia , way in the city again yostcnlay , 1 , . T. hump , of Cincinnnti , was n Pacific hnusa guest yutrday , IL W. Sweet , of Chicago , played himself at the 1'acIGD ylstcrdny , 14. It. linnvmi , of Jtlooniltigtomm , Illinois , was at the 1'ncifia yesterday. A , A. Saufnrd amid wife , of Avoca , wore iii the dry yosterdnpand at the Ogden. Samuel J. Mack , of Cincinnati , was in tine city nud at the Ogden yesterday , Bob l'limt , of Ios Moines , way at tine 0g. don ycatanlny , ] . . If , ] terry , of Mihraukee , is au Ogden 1101Ia0 guest. B , 1) , Tabor smut it. J1.Shlrlatllof , Malcouy Iowa , were at the Ogdmt yesterday , 1Y. Mlddlobm , of Logan , way in the city yastonlny , E. Stnrbuck , of llonwoori , vinitod Council Iilu6s yesterday. 11.1' . Smythe , of New 'York , ii a Pacific house guest. Judge Day , of tine Supreme bench way ht rho city gostonlny , , Iudgo Jame inns returned from ids Cidcago t rip' Mfrs , llan Clark , accompanied by her n iece , hiss Iicurlotta lletnl ey , and Miss } : mina Potts , returned Inat ovenlng from Fort C alhoun , Neb to which place tine remains of her late noble husband were tnkmt for inter. monk. Funeral services were conducted at 1 o clock by the Masonic fraternity and touch. lu g remarks rondo by ] far , J , I' , Andrew , a friend of tlna decoaycd from boyhood , COMMEIICIAL , COUNCIL BLUFFS HARKSt Wheat-No , 2 spring , 70c ; No , 3 , COc ; rc joctal'fi0c ; Rood demand. Corn-Don JCrs are paylug'28t 30c ; rejecter corn , Chicago , 40(145ct'naw mixed 90c ; white cunt , GOc' the raceipks o [ corn are light. Oats-ju good'domnnd , at 20c. Ilay-4 00 li 0 00 iwr ton ; TOo pct halo. It e-40c ; ht supply. Ca'n' 125 ' Meal ' per 100 pounds , Wood-Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 00 coo , Coal-Dollverod , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft G 50 per inn , ) ) utter-Plenty std in fair demand at 25c ' creamery , : , Oe ' Eggs-Heady sofa at ] 5c per dozen. Lard-Falrbauk's , wholesaling at lie Poultry-Firm ; dealers are paying fo r chickens 1Gc ; lh'o , 250 per dozen. Ycgetables-l'otatnes , 50c ; unions , 50c cab bnges , : ,040c , per dozen ; apples , 3 50 u d 0 per batTOt Flour-City flour , 1609 40 , Brooms-2 003 00 per doz. Llvin STOOL Cattlo-3 003 50 ; cnlves'G ' 0007 50. lloga-Markot for hugs quiet , as the pack fag mottoes rite aloes ) ; ehlppore are paying 10 O © 4 75. Tine Fire 1)opartnrcnt of Bnltinroro Samuel 1Y. Rogostor , Esq. , President Board of Fire Conuniastonora , recom ' monde St , , Tawbs Oil , as the great pain. cure , rer- Tite Light Is Conning. 1Y. it , 'Vaughan returned from Den Memos Saturday evening , for a Hunda Y s tay here. Ho is fu much better health , a nd also has received an oticourngin g piece of news in the form of a tolegrn nt stating that the , complete electric light outfit for Council Blufl'e'laft Boston Ua tobor 31 , Mr , Vaughan 'returns to Den Moines today , but says fro will retur n tltu latter dart of the week , and remain until the light is fit working order. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE.-Special advertisements , ouch ae Last , Found , To Lean , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board hJg , eta , x 111 ho Inserted In this column at the to w rata of TEN CENTS Pell LINE for the stet Ineertlo and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each euLsoqucnt In eedlon. Leave advertisement. at our oelw , No , 7 ePearl Street , near Broad vav WANTS. ' ( \TANTRU-Four Lroo tt makers , bnmediately 1 lllghent price , haul. alayno d Cu. , Cumincl I Blut1 , , ANTES-Er cry baq'rn Council Ulutf , to tag 0 TnsiJasDcliwrodLycarrieratonly twont r cents a week. } ITAN'ri u-A boy , with pony. , to deft er Tint. U z. AVINO ItL"fUIINRa to the city , 1 rim rimsw pr past to reerohu std whaler a low good trot k harorre or ( nnea' roadsters. Mont of tarn and props r cxercl.u , and tralnlug guarantee , ) , hsr ten , , , 0rca5C.U. Wlt.on , Coturdl SiufT drlsingark , , w'odSMon lf 1) IU IlAllwA1NAuJ nue wadhig it oat mil John 1) boas inrycloluxlla : , eight solumes , cangeta bu r' gala bytalllugat Fos Jlsr alllce ANTID-A : tlrst ( ' 15,5 Loot annul .1,00 , nnakcr , u a I , olhcranucdapplyat,225south Staiustrect. JAcou Kouhl'ICn , 3osPga riiG , rr HARD WOOL AND -COAL-- - - - Corner Mutt , strectand Eighth ascnue , Couuc u Iiluae. d + f Lowest rates rind prompt drlhery. PILES. treat Files and FallingIof the Rectum it r radical and venaaent cure , lam from two to to ur week. Operotlotu painless. DI00a10e of tin e Rectum a Specialty , DR , A J. COOK , ll d&w Item Counci Bluth , owe bingo Your Contracts Now for You r Winter Nupply of Missouri Lard 'W'ood 1 AND IIAIID AND 5011' ? ca ] e -W1Tl- Pe OVERTON 1 505 Finn Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iow I , And secure rho Last artldo and full uuasuro at II I0 Fury lo , atpdw , Storawealdclhurvdtowq ; us of the city D R. G. W. PA NGL E REA J R OF MAN' Ehlcenyc era'experience. Eclectic , Magnetic an ilerhallat 1 hydclun , Muter of iho tnl/uwlng / ni u uaswa : Calash Ncrvolu UuLUth , Mental TJepro . lee , Apoplexy , lyta , haw nl SAnInoes. } Cancers Rotnoved Without the Knife , Dro p' ep Cured Without Tapping , Liver Congdalut , hlJn y L'umulalut , P1oLeka , ) the mattans , l'srefysla , lVhlta Swelllug , EgalpeLua , a % vltur Darrce , Woman and Her Dheases Treated Wit h the Happiest Rosulte , Special aitentlon gRu0 to prhatu sand renere , , dLo 4i. Located Nv , IlO Broadway , Itoom1 , ( u I" atAn ) , hound ) Ulnae , Iowa , A Correct D1ngaoefl Given Without an Y IIxplaas lon tram the Patient. fdCunsultaUou free at obco. EXCLUSIVE I We have the andY exclusively Wholesale Store for the Sale of BOOTS AND SHOES _ IVestof Chicago and east oC San ] + rmlcisco , north of SL Louis 1111(1 south of St. Paul , We Give Chicago Discounts ! Write to Hs direct for prices , etc. Our line of Specinls is the finest in the country. ZI 00 , , Office 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa , - _ ' M AYNE & PALMER f DEALERS I Hard and Soft Coal , BULK AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PDRTi.I\D ORaIENT , IiICI110AN PLASTER , HAm AND SEWER PIFE. N o , 539 Broadway , - COUNCIL IILIIFPS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , k 1 , xa 1 1 1161 R 1. s h i . w o H ! O , o 1 > Y O p , _ R W ' etc an ai Ors. , _ 7 and 9 Main Street. IRI7CTORS , CJO D2'Jc IL SLU' > E'X' , JOHN W BAIRD A1TORNE % AT LAW. MANAGER 011' PorrAwATTA.nia COUN , n' COLLECTION AORNCT , Office confer Broadway annd Main street. JOHN BENO & CO OENEEAL MEUCIIANDISE. , t IS Main street Had 17 Pearl street. CRESTON HOUSE. MAX JIIOHN , Hotel , 217 and 215 Main street. DR J , F , WHITE , OFFICE . , , . Comer Stain and Fifth up stairs. Eksidence COO Willow stenos. N SC RURZ JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE , , Oico ever American Express. S S WAGNER VERY AND FEED , , , Wla contract for funerals at rcnsonablo rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M , SP , JOHN & COeCA C H BUYERS , TYholcsalebuthr try and fruit. Ship eggs , roue poet. , D raft by return . He Broadway. JACOB g0 CH , Brook Complete. . Sult , made at reasonable prices. No. 805 lisle St. G F SMITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , r e a Comer 7th and Broadway. I'lans and speclacatlons furnished. VP W , SHERMAN DEALER IN FINE . . , I have the variety that brln HARNESS. Maln street. JAMES FRANEY MERCHANT TAILOEL t Artlstia work and roasaaahla charges. 172 Broadway. HOWE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , 1.and . household Supplies. aa7 Broadway. . LIND T & HART ATIOUNEYS AT LAW ' James Block , Practice In stale and fedora ! cotrG , SANITARIUM And bath hones r , 121 and 421 Broadway , r Sovereign , Prop. P. J , Moat . . . gomery , M. D. Phyelc4n. EDWIN J , ABBOTT , NotsrvPubaoandGeneral ' JUSTICE OF Coavayancer. THE rF.ACE , 415 Broadway. n.REV FRE , HOUSEBroadway NowMOpcia N'neatted / Broadway oppoelta Now IEe e /1/1.1D per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e Lowest Prices IN THE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - - 3371Y. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ions , K.gmb ll e CY .t rm. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) IIOEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts o1 ' 1'itlo to nil Lots nlld Lands ill the County. Mode1 steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - raprletor. Iles just opened a DOW and well fitted stenut laundry. G unrantce goad work , Please give Inc n trial. IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBER CALL ON 7 Corner Mnin and First Avenue , Council Blull's , lie has Them , PREMIUM PORTRAITS -YN- CfayOil , 1 Solar Camara Enlnr oment for the trade at reasonable rates. Orler ay mail promptly fills , C. D. LUCCOCF , 143 Broadway , Council Bluff's , . CENT OPTION LOANS1 0 n City and Farm Property . 5 $ WS FERGUSS01 & 0.0. , 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluil's. Iowa. Our line of Stoves is rho moan complete in no city arid includes all the meet Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements We have Launnurod the prices dovu as thin mil they will aloud witjtout breaking , and you are invited to cull nud eooltoty fife ) ) tine sieves Brain Comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , ) lightly tarnished , at n reduction of $6,00 onclp. ' ' 'WRTCi 3LT , 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St Council Bluffs. I . - ' - --rsrrms i. t Empkie Hardware Co x' ) . rye J . " ; E ? ] ; : i Hardware ! r . , , . , - y1 ion and 111 S , Main Street , , , , _ . ; > Lr COLI\CIL BLUFFS , 10 x.1. WIIOLESALE DEALERS IN HATSCAPS BUOKGLOVES , 342 and 944 Broadway , COUNCiTlILUF1rS , CreaPruits , . - Parties , Seclablcs and Picnics supplied nu short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Broad , and Pica. Fine Cigars. W , T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 4 04 West Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS IBou ht aazd 15o1d. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished P. J. MoM11FiON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS BUCKEYE FEED GRINDER _ : t § - .T ' db ' - . s , , anw a -l : _ ' : e t 51Y , yrw I . : i _ WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME I . A complete Horse Power. The best Feed lull ) in existence. Costs but little more thn n a common grinder , 'Yrito for circ + llars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluihs , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. D. Ae BENEDICT DEALER IN Ladies' ' Furus1iug ! NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SRELTONf HENDRICKS . & RICE , - TAILORS 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER : / STOCK NOW COMPLETE - EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES , SOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED NS. CALLACEt. New Store , Fresh Goats , Low Prices and I'ullte Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , Cmwci1111nSs ' "i : STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Who1sa1e Liquor Dealers . 317 BrondtYay , - COUNCIL BLUFFS : , ' Qi1C'J u European ilEUHTELE'S HoteL rPho only only hotel runt on the European plan this city. Now building , newly furuislicdmtd all modern iunprat etnanta , and is centrally located , PETER BEC13 TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE of Unredeemed Goode. GREAT BARGAINS In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in ladies' and genta' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , amid a full line of set and plain gold rings , 2o0 mei s arid + J O boy's overcoats. All those articles roust be sold , illoieY lent on ALL KINDS of pormual 1 > roporty , D. GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opponto city building , Council Bluff's. u Rr VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and collection agency , n Odd Feaow'e leek , oser Savinnre Rank. lanes' hits , H , Jr Hilton , Iii , D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , R72 Broadway , OnuneiJ Blues JACOBSIMS. TF-fCAliWELL. SIMSda CADWELL , Attorneys -at1aw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Once , Main Street ltoonsa 1 and Shugart k Me Mahon' Block , w'Bf practke in first. and edrnl courts Re Rice M , D , CANCERS or other tumors removei without the / knee cr drawing el blood , CHRONIC DISEASES of Wnda a swclalty ; , Oyer thhtywreprutictilexlCrlcucct Oalce No. a Pearl street , Council 1Isufe : , JdConrultadota ; iron. flies. orrtraa , U. Y. rtner. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluffs Is. Establishea - - 1856 Dalue fan ) 'vrelgn and Domntlo ExcLango suit Home Secuslmcs.