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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1883)
, = = = - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - . -V--- _ _ - , . ( - - - . - - - - - - - 2 4YBEEOMAHA , TIIESDA NOVEMBER 6 , 1883. ' - - - - - i Jy81)eisia It : BAD. hAD in ifs c/Jccis on 11th d4osiMnz. The man who ca&t comfortably digcstlil5dhmcris flot a delightful COfllafliOfl. I JJAD i , & its c1fli-fs on /zcneold. . Itsets people it varianccvith each other and xnake them irrcgiiai ! int1 unreasonable. hAD in i/s rcm on1i A dyspeptic business man can'L manage his afThira prospcrotsly as one with a healthy toiuacli. Brown's Iron Bitters lB GOOD. GOOD : n ifs cfcc/s oz I/ic dj'sjStWic. It gives him a sound ( EigCtIOfl , I I and enables bun to enjoy the food he swallows. . GOOD it i/s ffcfs on M fan/l t , It drives dyspcpsia out , and with it the vholc company oflittle demons - mons that make home unhappy. GOOD 2rt i/S CjC/S on bztshuss. \Vith a sound dgcstion a man can face and overcome worries and trqubleswliicli would wreck a dys. Icptie. . Try BRowN's ! RO 13tTTE1S - - I Have Found It . WM thD OXOfl2MtOfl ! O inwhn he oI i box b Eurek& Pile Ointment , which Es & etmple mit aue cute for I'UM ebd nil ktn DIeeMd. Ut oeni by , InUpoetIld. The American Diarrhwa Curei Ibe stood the toes tot twenty Buro cure toy 2 141 .Novet Fyt1e. Ditnbios. Dyoont&y , end Choe' ) . oybua. k Beauc7s Fever au ! uc Tollic &Cordiah , C U 1 * Impoblo ! to euppy the rapid sa , of the eemo. SURK CUlt WAUIWfEICD for Vere od Azue. ftn4 tl isiiiti trouos. ] VP.WE , $1.00. I ; i WSJSWHITEHOUSE ; LAI3ORATOIW. 11U lIT. . ORAILA , NES. ; : For Sale by all Druqqsts : i Health Wealth c _ _ Dr. E.O. Wcte crte &n1 lIrMn Trctnent ? r2rln COd vpocl o toy flyxkr1 , DlyzbcuOoivnt Fite , Neryow Neuraiglo , Ifoad&cio. ) oryouI Proetratlonauecd b the use of Dicohol or tobocoo , ) .1 % Vkefulne'e Mental Dcproseto , Softonln of the I flrsln , roxulting In lnsnlty md loadIng to nieery , - 7 dec37 , .nd doLh , I'rniaturo Old Ago , IIor700004je , I Loe.i of power hi cither eox , Iznotuntary Lee I BpermLorrhwe CaUMt , by oor exertions l brtn , eoIf.abuje or ovor.lndulgenco. F.ach tuna ono ! nonth'e trntmont. $1.00 a bo ; r boio. br $6.00. I.ont by naU prepld on roocipi 1 _ price . ( fi WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES , ( i To cure eny case. With each order recolved by w ? br six boxoc scoonipanlod with $1.00 , wewilleend the purthaecr our written guronto to rcfund the money I B II the treatment dee not acct cure. ( ] uniotee. , 1 uciI only by 0. F. 000DMAN i m&ewl DruvlatOmMNeb. : DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S ; : PnEVEN'rtVE A1D CUBL . .1 . OR EITHER SE . w I. ' . .4. ' . . 'hue remedy being Injected directly to the il 1. the dleeue , , Mulrs no cMnge ot diet or Osli3oous , snercurlal 0 ? pole.nou.e.medtclnei o b tko Intern. i I1y. When * se ) ii provcnth. by olthor ecx , It I. . impossible to oontrs.ct eny prlvte diecase ; hut In the ik ee et those already untortunstoly alilIctod we guer. ' 4 iuitoe three boxes to cure , or we will rotund the l , nooe. . Price br Ineil , poctae p&td , * 2 per box , OS three oozes for o. l - ; witrrrau oun&rrvs e em2ed by I1 authorized . .gent& . Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co SOLE PRO1ItIETO18. , ' C. L1' . Goodman1 DruggIst , Bole Agent , for Onmhe I Heb. _ _ in.lo , 4 h , U I H f : . . . , .11 p . r ' L I I . / , . . ' : . Tin flh1UI1TDOflU A reguir grndute U luLl Ui1IJLsLlUU1 , medicine. Over sleteor 0OindO03Wndottelft. ' yeari prectloe-twelve It iLMSAS orrz Mo. hlOSgo. Authorized by the state to tooi ChronIc , Nervous nd Irimto dleeiao 4 Abthm& , Epilepsy , IIheumit1m 11ee ! . Tepe Worm , Urinary &nd bkIo flIt CMOS , Hemluri Weakneeealgbt ( Ioseoi ' hexuel Debility ( lose nf.exuil power bt. gurntce.1 or mouy refunded. Chirgei tow. Tbouz&ndi of see cured. Z'o ( Injurious modi . chice furniehOd even to pitlents it a distance. Con . eultitlon Irno end 000fldIntIAl-cefl or wrIte nzperlcnoe ito hnport&nt. . BOOK for both sore.- IlIultrstod-4mt clrcul.m of other thInt. sent ucalei for wo B oonlstsmpq. V1tEUU8KUX . medod.w OIW.Go suIv1 co t1 5505 TAUtPf rCILS. ecu. s su. . 41'ui * Suu , IIs.i..i 11u IierleiUed , . . . 4OIb.PPMtfl' t.4.4OIb.PPMtfl' $ BOAL 55 1 iju " 1.IItIe 1IcUy , II ( Es. ti lJb. Li , . S0OD1II5aize. * L.d..41'RIcKLIeTrM . 1 PORGED , TOOLS &o. IIEeT 100UK N&Ilx I'4J1t 11(415 ulDO5 , .I 4Ilt.AUViIsititt IItofVouIu.H iieri.u. UVs44 . . .q d.I.g .4 $ .b. . Iliowen. . livils. ir.44 * other Artkqo , 1 umr.t rItl. pie.rn lETTER MD CHEAPERTHAN SOAI 1'OUMTi - ; ) Touso-C1ening Purposes. t ? . . : rr WILL. CLEAN V4IT. MAILBI.1. oIra CLOTIU. ] 3A'I zvfls , cItocIcEltr , U1TCJ1Ei UT1NSIL ' v1wow8 , &o. i 1T WILL. POLISH a , 11NrntAs8cot'1'E1t .A.NI ) OTEEL WJUU r ALL. EIWL : - - _ : - f4W . - . - ' - - : - rASOINItTION IM FUMID. Snindlers In i'ottlcoatR Who Work Thi-otigli tlio Malls-How Riescep. tiblo Voting Mn Ar. , Matte tlitjVIctIiiiiAii FtpCrL' Con feaMlon. New York Times. A petite woman , ric1iy anti tMtily dressed in modctt colom , walkol rapidly Iaat tIm Fifth AVOnUD hotel jnsL before 110011 the other day. A Times reporter came out of the hotel and started Ieiiyuro. h down the avenue just behind her. 'tlioro ¶ fly3 about him tlio air of indifFor. clico which mconscioutly attachee itself to alt reporters who are now contiectod with the only paper which circulatvs "cx clusivoly atnong the very beat farnihiofi , " The fact that. the brilliant drippinge of his pen were no fated to go down to ob. cflrity in its pages made him pensive 83 well as indifroretit , and caunot hint to itaunt.or. Alt lie reached the Twonty.third street corner the young woman , who 118(1 hesitated and finally stopped , approached him and said : "Excuso me for troubling you , sir , but might I ask you to do a slghit favor ? " Tue reporter lifted his Jiatatid uucoii aciously romaiked : "You might , but I warn you in advance , I am not connected with that paper that boast3of 'thio largest circulation among the best people. ' " The etfto woman looked up with a somewhat peculiar smile said : " 1 did not think yon vero a I'ofico Gazette ro porter. " Tue young reporter felt relieved and willingly offered his norvutes in the execution of any commission that might be giviti butt , Iaintly.glovon fingers dropped a dime into time hand of the reporter porter , as the woman said : "XViII you Stat ) to the now.stand iii the Fifth Avo. 11110 hotel anti got me a copy of Tile lie. tel Iteportor of this meriting It will ' cost 10 cents. It is high.priced , and con'taiiis little that one wlintB to read. But unlike any other , , paper , it bt useful for my pur. poses. Tile request was an unusual otto. The speaker was bright and intoligcnt ? , a woman - man whose manner betokened something of refinement. There was , too , something in her manner whiohi scorned familIar to The Times man , whelm made lain mnvol- untarily thinic of his Now ] iig1and 1101110. As the impromptu messenger wont into the hotel ho inot Detective I'ryor , who said : "l3o a hittlo careful my boy , she's a shirowd otto. " "SYlto is site , and for wlmt does ho vanL aliotel Reporter ? " "Ask itor , perhaps she'll toll you. Then go ask Hungry Joe' what ho does for a living. he'll toll you , too. " The "tip" IVIlS sufliciont. Might it not be worked successfully for a solution of the strange comluls3um ? The famniluir face and voice haunted the reporter as ha went down the corridor to time tiowa- stand. The picture of a little schoolhouse - house in a busy Connecticut town haunt- oct 1dm , and a comitral figure in the pie- turo was the face of the little woman out. side. It vits youngur , fresher , less care- worn. Yet it the same. There was thu same music in the voice , the same color Iii the oyo. The child developed into the woman , would be like that we- flIES Oil the sitlewalk. The name came back , too , but it was that of an old iiay- itiate , thu daughter of a prominent mann- facturor. Could thmo two be idonticall _ "Your commission is fuIfilIc& Hero u3 your paper , Miss Blank. " r lie experiment was successful ; thin of- feet olectrical. The little woman stared 83 thought she bail been struck , for time name was an uncommon one. "Do you know me thmeni" The little woman ookod at mor inquisitor. "It in fifteen-yes , twenty-years since I saW youp tflyou I suppose .yptQ. bo. " 11mo , hittl w mnwhadbiiilod 4tlo ; questioner by imiscrrect Christian ilame and surname. The identityof both be. ingestablisod and acknowledged , the lit. tie woman said : "Let us walk dwimtime street ; someone might ovcrlio r or observe - servo us , " "It is lunch time. Let us go and got Innctleonandtheit'tchI mo whyyou wanted - od a copy of The Hotel reporter , if you can gratify my curiosity. " This augges. Lion waa the reporter's. Seated at a table in a cozy corner , time waiter having been induced to inako himself agreeable by watching tim demolition of the meal from a distance , time little woman related her story. It was tite roviation of a phase of life which attaches to great cities only. It was time etory of aim adv nturess. Is peculiarities are known to the detectives , to time victims , to thmo class of people to wlmichi time little woman belonged , but not to the public at large , who arc told in time imewn papers ommly of time successes of time 111810 half of tlmis class. Time pro. face of her story was the sad one which bolougn to the life of so many imundred women. It is old , yet always now. Its lesson , often ttuight , is never learned save by experience. It 'van that of a beautiful girl , highly edu- cated. There wan a summer flirtation svith a cimanco acquaintance. True love was an clement in timln one. It has remained - mained one through many years. Though tIm young mami wan a graduate of harvard , COflmlOCtCtt with one of Bostomm'a best families and with sorno littlc fortune , her parents opposed time marriage , whmicim took place clandestinely. 1fbesamo a gain. bier. Dropping zianie and anociates lie . wont west , failed to retrieve his fortunes in legitimate busimmosa , and became a I professional gambler. A few years age ime made Now York ) .ls home. The wife 'hind been ireased itmto service as his an- , Isttuit In the vest , first tin hostess at imle establisimmemit , where her quiet , lady-like ways , her vivarious conversation and ready wit , served to lessoim time sting of time losaos sustained by his victims , parti. I cularly when nimo dealt time cards at the - fare-table or took a imandntpokercasimmo , or cribbage. . Her ton yOara o married . life and of time life of a gtunblor have mme ( materially lossommed the charms of time lit. tIe Connecticut woman , and simo co1li1t , her victims witlm temis where imor imuslitud L counlii his with units "That is whore my husband bocernot 6 uteful. Front time list l'f ' arivals imublisim' ' ) Cd WO ointhy select nucim naumes an strik I asbeiugproporoncs to work on. Thior Is soimmetiming after one mm studied , lists ai 1 1 have that maclies us instinctively t ( select the rigjmt ones. it can izt be ox plained. Tothoso we know the nota "I are addressed witimout investigatloim. 'fimI It , others are soujimt out and iaapcctod a J their hotels by tily husband , and on i : course of action is mappvd out. Thi ' whole thl.img is done by , mmm'1i. There I I imonu pf time vulgar bunc'i' work done r I There In an air ph , gQfltIiit about tb I wimol which Is espqcialy ) efFective wit ] J young muon who want to see life , antI nh are oyer.commtldont in tLelr ability to tak P care of themselves. At our home ftiways know timomu when they come t dinner , or to join our timeatem- party ftcr thu one or tiVj other there Is music cam-tin are poponod My husband , ma soif , and my 'lady friommds , ' whmo usual U an sisters of tnyaolfatvl htmsbanth , ax 5 , always willing , uid In iminety-nine casc ili'ev'ry hundmd after we have playo ' 1iet % Of some other game the vmcllmi somnotlitmea nmmberIng three or four iii &iiglu CVeIIZIg , 1)1011050 small stake ; _ . . _ ' - - Iji - ji- h- _ Timoy usually increnno when our insin- usting servant has nerved wine cmloughm and when poker is suggested by sornoono. The victim in almost invariably the proposer. Timero is nlwaya a hesitation among gentlemen in betting ngaiiist a lady. ' 1hmi makes our gains comes easy at times , for wo rmlwtmys bet reckleanly 811(1 lose with poor grace. My iiubantL curbs liisgambiing itistmnctwhen at borne aimil is very rarely a winner , never a heavy one , utmtil toward thu close of the sitting. Our victims go away plucked , bitt time pluckinj has been done so clover. ly , nmttl almost iiivariahly by time ladies , an we chat about the possibilities in the way ( if gloves , jewelry , famis , antI otitor foin- illume luxuries amid iieccssities resulting from our winnings , that they leave mis with aim irnprossiomm that they Imavo hind a ( loligimtfnl ovenin"ic entortainineimt when we bid them jood nigimt' or 'good morning. ' Timoy rarely tlmink they have beeti the victims of professional gam. "limit nil men are not susceptible to cards. Are such your victims too ? " "Noorioiimowsbettor titan I that some muon two not card.layors. Young men always arc. That is , they like to be conS aiderod card.plnyers , mid especially pride themselves on their ability at poker. Wo like t foster that impression. Timoy are tiio easiest victinms. But 1 pity tiioni somnotimes , for I know the poor fellows calm iii afford their loosings. I'm not so completely hardened but that I fool for them sometimes. But my feelings never overpoworme. They have brought their 1oca upoim themselves. I sometimes think the lesson will bo a good one , and teacim them to avoid cards , and I have repeatedly - peatodly pint.ed out title lesson to thorn. Bitt ; it irns always been after timoy have boon plucked. "Now , tin to those who fall into my web who do not 1ilay cards. My plami then Is mmotiming more nor less titan absolute - lute swindlimig. 1 have been deserted mind loft without mnony to reacim my home hundreds of times. Mysclf.nnd my children - ron have been loft ott time verge of starva- tiomm as inan' more times. My pockets have becim picked times immnumerablewitilo I have boon temporarily stopping in time city to do swime shopping , I have boon lying ill at a boarding.hmouso , whore I hiave a 'room ' for the purpose , on hundreds of occasions , and always without friends and umiablo to send honme for assistance , because may family have discarded mc. I have tears mind pitiful athrioi inatock tiutt rarely fail to touch thmoimearts of the susceptible , and tiimmmik timat fill to a certain extent time gaps I make in 1)oCkCL-boOks. Of course , timeso schemes can only lie worked witlm' sucim vorsons tin myself or my huiband lnown are unacquaintedwithm me or know my story and my husband's profession. They servo admirably my purpose , mind have added thousands of dollars to our store , and have actually bought us our Imouso and educated our children. It is a ahmmunoful business to ho engaged in , bitt it has been so successful as to enable mete to refute the assertion that womtian has no mission , ' She has if shmo cares to degrade - grade lmorself and exercise her facultioB as I do at the waterin.placcs in summer , in time city in winter. ' "But those clandestine meetings ? " "Are for the purposes I have indicated alone , " interrupted tim little woman. 'Do you believe an adventuress camm be a true wife and a good woman ? Simo can. Lot us go. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JosIah Davls'B Troimblo. Josiah Davis , No. 1iiddlotown , Ky.writcs : I am now mishtig a IOx of your ILENItY'S OAltBOldO SAINE upon an tilcor , which , for the 1aat ton days iman givomi me great iain. Ibis salve is tfm only remedy I have Immnd that has given me any ease. My uloor iVM caused by vnrleso veins 4and Wa.9 pro- nouncodlncurablcmby my mo ical ( hOCtOS. I' fInd'ewovcr .thmmt JIRNEY'S CARBOLIC sAw } : Is dootingzcue. ' . WIRE AT WJiITE.HIAT. . . . : ' . Seine of tile Dangers of tim Electric Ijlglit CUrrent. Ciu1nnatlCoiimerctal Cazcto , Nov. P. 4 Bovarof th o1ictric light wire as you would of the jobborwork. One is just an mysteriously terrible as the other. "John , " time janitor and champion wrest- icr of the Gymnasium , got an electric scare the other day that ho has not ot recovered from. It was during tue rainy spoIl. In the mnitBt of one of time heaviest lie was mixed with antommisimmont on seoin that the electric light wire running from Boutillier's roof at tim roar into the Gymnasium wan on fire , as Ito expressed it. A telephonic message for Imelp wan at once sent to the ouhhce of time Brusim Electric Light Conmpaumyand , in the nmcan- tirno , .Joltn undertook to drown out time fire. lie got on time roof , amid standing thmroo feet from time wire , which was in a wmito ] Imat , ito ladled a cup of water from a pail and threw it upon tim radiant itiotal , Timoro was a "amzz , " amid John avers that some of the water splashmod on his arm , setuting a shock tliruuglm hiimii that would have laid out any loss atimlo- tic individual. lie then moved three foot farther back , and from there played lircinami. There really appeared imnmni- tmoimt danger of time roof catching iiio , as time wire , near where it was iteated , passed through time wooden frame of a skylight. When time export from the J3rush company arrived , Ime donned a pair of rubber gloves , mind staimding on a dry board lie cut time wire in two. Time electric light 1)001110 affect to think little of such an occurrence , but several scientific People , to whose attention it bias been brought , say that it was but a warning of a terrible accidoimt that will qqilo day happen. Time workmen who cattle to time relief of Johmi at time gymita- Sinai 81I that the wire got heated because - cause of striking against a piece of tin , , thlU3 forming a "grouimtL" Ho adniits that had time wood boon wet-thus niak. lug a gocd conductor-a fire would lrob. ably lmavo occurred. The ouhicisis of time I Brusim Electric Light Compammy claim that L thioycovcr their wires with time boat irm. sulatiimg mimaterial known , but outside I electricians say tiiat time iimsulutiotm is ox- . cocdingly poor , amid tlmat time least mum Such au oumorunous-current is employed i to gemmorato time Brush electric light that ) to 1)883 it through time imurnami body nioamms . deatim an instanty an by heavomi's bolt , I It will bo roimicuimborod that two wookhi I ago the superintendent of time company t at Daytomm-wmo , of course , was their- r oughly posted as to the damiger-was I killed as by a flash iii taking hold of a 8 WT0. Ho wan fixing a lamnp , amid to save it from falling Ito thmougimtheasly grabbed , 0 time vIro. it hind. been raimmin , amid the Ii current passed right tlmrougii into. a Thu firomnomi are more afraid of time U electric ligimt wires than they are of fire I itself , So far the accidents that have 0 imapponod in this line in Cincinmm.ati , wimile ' , they have been startling , imavo not becu i ; fatal. It lmas often imapponed thmat an ' - electric light viro iii crossing a telepimonc y wire has fommed a coniiectlomi in yo o weather , resulting in uimolting time nut n chinory of either the lntrumont at thu ml subscriber's or at tito Eeiiango-soumie It times both. An aceldout. f this klmm a imappentid a few days ago cii Race street 5 , catlelng timu subscriber of time toletmlmomii - 4 c jk' , , to call out the fire department. What would have iiaponod had that current , which wan sufliciont to melt brass , got manide a man's ? - - ( * 00(1 ( Talker On the ttage or platform , In coclety or sit homzio , muet not only pomeese brains butacloar , strong voice. Catsirtli , or a soscro cold , Is iii. most , certain to Injure the voice. Bf.t these complaints may ho completely eradicated with a few aim'hicatlnns ; of P'/omas'.Lelcctric 'fl ! , unrivaled - rivaled lit IejccInlti ANOTIIBIt MYRTEItY. Strange 4tdvcntttrcs of' a New York Jeweler. CInclntitI Cominerclal.Cftttto. Nuw Novetimbor 1.-Mr. Thom. all Hong , a jeweler of 183 ( ; Broadway , disappeared mysteriously about two months ago. lie wimsoittimig ott his door- atop , and the olilcer apoko to 1dm. That wan the last. : iecmt of Iloag iii New York until to-day. Ito tolls time story of imis absoumco as follows : "I remember talidimg to the oflicor on that morning ; and after ito hind left a imian camenlongand said : 'Hellol Hong , ill that you ? ' I could imot remember the follow , but. I amn so well known about item I thought. it ; Was all right. We talk. ed awhile , and then ho asked me to go with lmim and take a drink. I was just about going to ask him to do tIme same timing and we wont across time street. We both drank ale , and had two glasses each. : t started to go back to tim store where I intocl to sloop in the back rooumu. My new acqunintanco asked me to go and have another drink at the Place of a friend of his amid as lie appeared to be an intehhi. gomit and jovial sort of a chap , I consent- od. Wo walked along , I guess about three or four blocks , anti I think wo turned - ed a corner. I paid no Particular mitten- tion to wimoro we went. 1 remember hay. ing anotimer drink , and then everythilmig ma a blank , until I woke up in Londomm three weeks later. "I didn't ' know , of coursowhcro I was , and couldn't believe my senses. I woke up in a private boarding.imouso , 18 High- gate street. 'I'Iio faniily's namuio wan Col- lender , and they told me that I hind been brouglmt there iii a arriago thrco nights before , and the description of the young moan , who they said accomnpaumied me , tal. fled , as near an I could recollect , with my sociable friend in New York. I was told by tIme Cohlondos that I wan assisted to myroom 1y my friend , who hind time day before made arrangements for my recep- tion. Ho told timtmn.tlmtII waniiis uncle , and timat I was sick. 1 appeared , they said , to be in a dazed condition , and that for three days after my admission to the iiouso 1 was unconscious. The house vas , as I said , on Highgate street near the old Kent road , and not far from time Elephant and Castle. been in London before , and it was not until I had taken a walk through time city that I could truly believe I was out of Now York. I asked the date , and found that it was really three i aoks since I left Now York. I wont down to thio Amneric.'mn Exchange , 440 Strand , but did mmot see any one that I knew. "I told my story o the London police officials , but they were unable to assist me in unraveling the mystery. Strange to say , I had every cent in my pocket that I had when I was in Now York , about $200 in bills , but m'y watch a valu. able gold ne , and one that has a history , was gouie. I would rather have lost $1- 000 than that watch. My diamonds , too , were still in my possession. I remained in London a few days to see if my Now Y.ok friend would not come to mc and oxphain , but lie did not. ' 'It is stated , I see , that I have several T , ! l. . I haye bitt one wife , with wlkoni ' ' , Mo : not hived f iOais , amid'whootth reides' at Prescott , Ontario. I sailed for New York on time Canada frorii Loncozi , She brokoher shaftwimon near St. John's , and I came from that place to Now York under an assumed namno. I arrived last Wednesday , and happened to meet an old friend , who was hmardiy able to recog. ulizo me , I learned that my old mother was dying of grief ever my dissappear. anco , and I immediately took the ' train for I'rcscott. My wife as I said , also lives in the name town , but I did not see itei , In this world I have one implacable enemny. If he has imad anything to do with this afFair I am negotiating with time owner of time building to reopen my store , and expect tO rosumimo business in a day or two. Every cent that I owe any 0110 will be paid , and any jewelry that I may luavo hind of customers will be returned - od them. The Drunkard awihls alcolmoi. Wise mcii use 8aniarian Xcrvlnc , the king of all remedies , "Our child had fits. The doctor said death was certain. Samaritan lVcrvinc cured her. " Henry Knee , Vurilla , Teimim. At druggists. Ho Cot thio lIeHt 1oomns. London flaUy No ; , . I hear a good story of two wehl-knowmi Americans. They Imad beomi accustomed to visit Europe in May , and hind compet. od witim each other for time best berths out time Gernianic or Britzmminic. A havimig been dommo by B two years iii succession , thought hue would ho all right in 1884. Accordingly , iii Maceli last lie wrote engaging time Captain's roommi and three of the boat stato.roonis for tue first voyage of the Gormnammic iii Mmmy next year. Flushed with time cortauimty of triumnlimhuo incautiously mentioned time circummiBtance to a friemid. Pleased with this stroke of real amnartimoss , time frieimd spread time story , which came to the care of B , who itumnedUitoly cabled to Liverpool to secure - cure for iminmecif "tim Captaiim a rooni and three best staterooms nit the ( Jormaiiio's first voyage out froimi Now York iii May , 1881. " Vheii in duo courno A's letter arrived by ilIad , an answer was sent by return oxprosning profound regret that the berths mmamned hind alrcady beemi allotted - ted , Thin ut time simimplo record of a husi- noes transaction , and I have seoti botim the tolegraimi amid tim letter. IS UNMILINO tARrI * AND INFALLIIILE s ' 4 - lit cumutrn EVEICFAILS. EjitleptIe Ff 1 , " ; RvutHn , } tmlhlimg Sickimess , Coimvuh- sloan , St. Vitus Dance , Alcoholism , Opium Eating , Bemliuti Weakness , urn- potency , Syphilis , Scrofuha , and all Nervous and Blood Diseases. t.-r ° CIerzaen , Lawyers , Lltcrimry Men , Mom-chants , iiatmleni , LahIea anti all nhoso codetit-ary employment causes Nervous Pros- tratlon , Irregularities of time bhood , stoomacli , ° 'C1a or kidneys , or whiq require a imerve toulc apetIzeror sttnmuIemlt.S'uimarUan Xe'- EiEXGREAT ) wonderful 1. ' igor- ant that ever sustain- eti a sluking system. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I $1.rO , at DruggIet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TheDILS.A.flICIIMONDr't'i ' I MEDICALCO.SOle Pro.jjs. U a ) .pier1 St. ioeph Mo. _ r tejtalfloitsti atma ucutsrd acne stamp. - M .m : rLr- _ THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAGNER , lies tong been icknoledgitl anul more so mit ibis diy thsrm anyother. The st ficlil of inolical eclence Ii over Increasiny , soil It , Ilumerous branches are brought nearcr and nearer to perfection , and no ono man can any longer rssp them at itene , , the necessIty for , IIvIdIng the labor. And It. Is true leyond aim doubt that iIeeoe , aITectint the ( fl. to.ut1nar orgn need , pcctal study more than any. liltIIc etee. if we would understand and know how rest them Iirlorly. i'lL 11. WAINIit Ii ttifly aware that there are many physicIans , and some eneLb1e people , who wIll condemn him for makIng thIs class of tiieae a spo- daily , hut hol , hftppy to know that ttth most or' son , of refinencnt and Intelilgenee a teem eniightcn. ed 1ew Is taken of the subject , and the p1,3510- , Is , , iho 'IeoItshlm.elf to reliuIig , the aflllctod anti eMinc them from were than ileatli , Is no ! ee a lanthropItt ani bcnefseto ; to his race titan the sur' goon or phylclan % the by close apbilcatlotl ecci In any other brsinci , of hi. itrofeselon. Attm , fortinatct or humanIty the day Is dawottig ; ; lien the fal.e ph anthropiy dig condemned the Ictlns of folly or crlie , mike the letters tII1lCr tim , Je , ; ish to dIe Uncaicti torhai ltsseetl5ay. . A Few Reasons V'h3 you ehotilti try the celebrated Dr. U. Vagncr'e nIothO,14 of 0(1101 1. "Dr If. Vagner Is a natural physician. " 0. 14. Fowz.xs , . The ( Ircatest T.hlng I'hreno1ogit. " } cw can excel you as a doctor. " I ) . 3 , SiMM , , The World's Greatest t'hyslogiiomlt. 3. "o1i 510 Woflhletflili3' utroficlent lnyour knowl cdgo of d1seao and medicines. " flit. .T , M.mwiixws. 4 , "The afflIcted find rmdy relief In your prom. once. " ha. .1. Sumns. 1' . "Dr. II. Wazior Li a regular itratluato trom 1tclicvtio itoplta1 , Now York city ; has hail cry o - tenelvo hospital practice , ami Is tIorotihly iotol on all lirancej ) , of lila icIoied scicitce , eiccIaily on chronic dItoases. " Dit. iIRowxiiLL & Ewmxo. 5. "tr. If. Wagner ha ; Imniortallzeil himself by hIs wotiderlul dlsmery of epcclflo reinetiles for pm'- vato anti mexiial .tl4eascs.-VIrziyia , ( 'ity Chronlclo. 7. "Thotlc'rnd of iu'aUd , hock to sos iIm.-San FrancIsco Chronicle. 8 , "The Doctor' , , long experience as a specialist shoubi render tutu ery eucciesfu1.-1tocky Moun. tahti tcio. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tlmo a ttlgcurqlon of the ocrat ilto s en- titciyavoidcd by the trotesion ' and itiodimi wom'ksof but a few 301U14 ago would uiardl'y mentIon It. the lhy.icbia is of a tlillcreiit opinion ; ho is aware thAt Ii Li his duty-disagreeable though it maybe--to handle this ittatter without gmovesand cecak PLaInly about Itt , nhlti IntellIgent IarcnIt and guanliane 1ul thatik lilnifor tlolngo. The results attending tilts dcstnmctl'o lce ucre for. inorm ) hot undcrtood , or not properly csUmated and hO tInpOrtailcO being attochct to a eubject uhich by Its nature does not , ImiIto close licreitlgatloli' , it was ; ililngly ignocot. The habit ( generally contracted be the younz ; ) , lie atteildilir schoid ; older eomeanlons through their .uaiiipie , may be responslblo for it , or It may be acquired through accliiciit. Tie excitement once cx. perlcnccd , the iracUco iii be reIeatc(1 ( agaIn and azain , until atmast tim habit becomes firm and coin. pietely eno1awc the IctIm. Mental and ncrou , at Illctions are usually tlio mdnarY results of , otf.abuo. Ai11OflthO Injurious effects may be mentioned iaesi. tUlle , dejection or irraccibuity of temper and general debility. TIio boy seeks seclusion , atul rarely join , in the eports of his companloiis. if he be a young loan ho u Iii be ilttmo found In company ; Ith the other sex , and I , troubmed with exceeding and annoying baslifuinesi in their prraence. Lacl ; bus dreams , emissions and enhlition , on the facc , etc. , are amso prondiient syniptoms. If the practice Is vIolently persisted In , more serious dieturbancos take place. Oreat palpitatloii of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may tail Into a complete state of Idiocy be. fore , finally , death relieves hint To all those engaged In this dangerous , practloe , I would say , f1rt of alt , stop It at once : niake every pessible eltort to do so ; but If you fail , If your nervoue system Is already too niuch shattered , and conso- qucntiy , your ; IU.1lower broken , take some nerve tonIc to alit you in your effort. having freed yourself from the habit , I would further counsel you to go throuyh a regumar course of treatment , for it Is a great nhI.stake tosupposothatany onomay , for some time , be t every so little , gi ; e himself up to this fascinatine butdiuigerous oxcltementwlthout sufTering from Its evil consequences at some future tinto. The number of youngmen % shonre Incapaclated to fill the duUes enjotnoti by wedmock Is aianntngiy large , anti in most of such cases thtsunfnrtunatocoiditlon of thlngecan be triccd to the practice of setf-abuac , ' hich had been abandonctlycars ago. Indeed , a few months' practice of this habit Is ufl1c1ent to Induce spernmtorrhata n later years , and I have runny of such cases under treat meet at the present day. . . 'i1 Young Mer t' . Who may be suffering from the effects of youthful foliie or indiscretions wili do well to avail themselves of this , the greatest boon over laici at the altar of But. feting humanity. Dx. WAomexa1 will guarantee to for- felt $500 for everycase of seminal weaknesS 01 iirlvato disease of any kiwi and characterwhlch hounder- bikes to And Salts to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of 30 to 60 who are troutilod with too freqilont evacuatIons of the biaS. 5ev , often accompanIed by a alight smarting or burn. big eensation anti a weakening of the s3stcm In a banner the patIent cannot account for. On oxamin. lag thourlnarydeposiItn ropy , edimentwifl often be found , and sometimes small miartlcles of albumen will apiear , ortho color wIll be of thin mliklsh hue , again changing to a dark anti torpid apiearance. There are many mony men u ho die of tiit dililcuity , Ignorant of the cause , which is the second stage of sscaInai.cak. Hess. Dr. V. still guarantooaperfecteureltiall cases and a healthy restoration of the genito.urlnary or. gans. Consultation frco. Thorough examination and ad- vice. $5. All communications .hecdd ho addressed , Dr. henry henry Wagner , I' . 0. 2580 , Denver , Colorado The 'Vowig Mcii's i'ocket Companion , by Dr. ii Wagner , is tortt ) Its weight In gold to yOUIIg 0110. l'rIco $ t,2S. Sent by to any addrcss Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wagner the celebrated specialist , of Denver , Como. , s-ia Larlinor street , believes in letting theworid know adiat ho can tb , and is doing for thousand , of his fetlowinen. ills treatment for lost nIanhlood is quro to % ; ii , him a nanio that poterfty ; Iii bless. Ten thousand teotimoniams front ati 01cr tue United States fatni those tie has cured , I proof positIve that liodoes cure the worst eases of these diseases. The athleteS front chronic and eeuai db.eases of every kind will flint him their best frlcnd. Read his advertleementin all our city itaiters , anti call on him for advice , as me knowyou wili corroborate us In M3111n ho is thu stat ferer's true frlend.-itocky Mounrain Auws. Relief to the Afflicted. In medicine. , as in science , the spociatlmts are the ones who always conies to thu front aii4 atoompUsb great reults. This remark i especially applicable tote to lr , II. Wagner , ci this cIty. lie , tand at the top of his ir01588100 , anti the cures ho irfonh1s for ths unfortunate would scent wonderful If not vroperi , tiowed in theilglttuf acientitlo acquirement. . lie to enilorsed by the itiost emInent of the medical faculty. ills otitco at 33 Lartunlr street , where he Ill sjteodt. fly eltecta cure for the suffering of eltitersox , no matter - ter how complicate. ! their conipialnt.-i'omeroye Letnocrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure Verseiis at a t11.tanee who wish tobo treated by Dr. lVainer neoti not feel backward because of inabltit 14) hit him. if they iUI w to the doctor he W .eid a list of questions w nablos him to send tno.ltcInos , oouisei Ailt ! to thousands ho hiss hover 5000. lie lt&i I' ii O''C cIty , town and station In Colorado selias ailorr the UnIted States. Boo his ad da adiertlaemenL--Dco. S or Tribune , Shall We Reform ? $ .i5o remedies for ahldiseasci is the theorP practice at of educated and erjwrtence rihyolcian. , slid in all large communIties they hase Utel : specialties , to excel lii Mhlch they direct thel , , tudio.sudiractlce. Dr. Wagnerle a euecutsfui N. lustratlon of tids modern school of .iocialtlr. and hi , ultitreestletitod ouocess In the treatuwlit of Itdlato dtease us as wonderful as It Ii lhattering.-L'rof. J Shouts. 'Those rersoni tbo need medical relief for the most delicatu of disease , wliitiitl an acoomplished ntiS sue cesafui ihyolcian In the irson of Dr. wagticr , No 343 lAriznvr street , iho I. highly reconnnende.i bythe metllcal erufettloo at home nd aboartL-i'otneros Deiitoaat. lflgotry and Ignorance must gi ; o way to itladoin intitlic i.lio lthstdan beilutol Lu iettliig his tight shine for thu glory ott his fellow men , Printer' , Lu'k Is the mod , ho ran best use to guide lb. awl sick one to the fountain of health If thIs &rUcit should be instrumental as a "TOilClif.I'-tlV' oct um , onahill to guide suffering humanity luStS Latirue , street , llenier , Colone&tOlt ielil azaovr the iurp ( or which it iM written. Adlress , BE. HENKY WAOZER , ii , 0. box 2380 , or call at MS Larinier Street , Denver , Unto. trmted tbo'ovlumu headed "The Necessity for Ut ; btttaU . ' CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! / : E11"cY. . , I' Have just received a large 4uantity of new AND AM OF'FEILING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PIA.SSENG-ER ELEV4.TOXt CHASI SHIVERICK1 T IA , " , , . P' , 1206 , 1208 amid 1210 Farnam S 0 j. .iOO2. _ OMAhA , NEll. RICIIAILDS & CLARKE , W , A. OJ4AIIICE , Proprio1ori. Superiutondc'n. Omaha Iron Works , U. P. hAlLWAY , - - - , 17Th & 18'I'II STREETS / - _ & _ , _ _ iik _ _ -l U ' 1' , ' - - A - - - MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS [ N Steam Eo.gioes Boilers WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS. Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery ! MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL RINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATER AND OhS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. . . , . ? 1S.e ' . , , I , . .j , . 4 i t ' M g I : L1u rj4rIiJt . We are prepare to furnish plans ' . . , and wl1 COntraCt for the erection of Flouring Mills and Grauzi Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills front Stone to time Roller system. i'E9peinl attention given to furnishing Power Philhits for any purpose - pose , and estinitifes made for same. General niachuiery lepairs attended to prompihy. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE. Omaha. , Neb , Az Anheuser-Busch : : : BREYtING ASSOCIATION % k - - ' CELEBRATED ( h. . \ " , ' Keg and Bottled Beer1 . , S . 'ep"'t This Excchleimt Boor speaks fcc itnolt. ) , , 1 ' ORDERS ANY PART OF TU I . It Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THBSTANDLED if cfcu..r LLrIate f . . F. SCHLIEF , J 18010 Agent for Oniahaaimdjtho Woj Cor. 0th Street and Capitol Avenue'm . ER c5r'J Etj- Booth's 'Oval' ' AND .1 FRESH FISH AT WHOLES ! ! : . I ) . B. 1IEEMER. . ! ztu4 : SALEM FLOU * TnI Flour is made at Sciom , flichaidson Cor , Nebraska . , In the Oonblnod iollor Sin , give EXCLUIIIVII saia of our Sour to one Stan tim ptsoe. We hsso opened a branch at idl . Omaha. Wm'IW fori'rtcos. Addiesa either nrnoit. XJIsTTX1'3h1 a , . ' . - - . . . ' '