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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ - 4' - - - . - . - 4'I - i THE DAILY BEE--oM TUESDAY , UVEMBER 6 , ! 83. 3 - - - The Nebraska National Bank. cr iaB. Ui Catt&t . . . 52tfl1OOO II % Bnxp1u Fund. May 1g18B3 JI .000 " \ UwgyroTts : 'I' .0flNSON , rrettcnt , of Stecle , Johna a ' Co . % . E. TOUZALN , % ic # 1Idcnt , o ! lk.ton. Y. V. MOfl4E , ot W V MOILcF Co. .O1IN S. COI.UNS , of 0. ir. CO.t.INS. .L M. WOOLVORTI1 , Coundflo ? & Attorney it Lw 1. , S. ItI1D , of I3yron Rood &Co. fig V. YtTESCMhIcrtor nvwy ) ear8 ihtet of thi First Nation Hnk of Om1ii. ThIs I3nk npcncc % for buInoArft 27 , ISSQ flu : tmucions AND STOCIUtOLDEItS an imong the loading bis1ne men of Onuha , and 1t busInca f conducto.I wfth tpectni rcfcrcnoo to thi bt it nd fncrcifng 1ntoret of It mcrcatittIo pitrOn COLLCTI0NS reoota ponipt attontfon anc cbarge fewest obtalniblo her4 or cLewhcre. INTEREST allowed on tirnc depott Upon fior. itito terrn ant upon aoount $ of banks antI bitilcora. FOREIGN ) XCHANG , 0bvornmnt HOOdS and County arni City Socuritics boUght aii.t so'd. ' Counoil1 $ Loan and. . Trust Company.'t t.oiin NtotIated. Commercial 1' and nil ( Jed S'CUCItl(4 dealt hi. O l'earl 1ti1o.t , an.I ( .00 } 'trat flfl % toUtcdfl fllufls. FINANCE AND' dOMMERCE. FJi4Lj4tL EWVORK , Novrnnbor . Monoy-Vcry oaiey t 1J3 per cent , closing at 2 vcr c'rnt. i Prima Pft'z-6@7 nor qont. lxcliangi Bll-Fi1n it d.81S ; demand1 L. ir 4Sf ] . ( oveeninei.tsStrong. . Stocks-Tho market Iiii' ; been uncunially t 011g. PrIcci ftdvanCol gradually but with t , . a stoadinos that indicatosinoro backbone to ; the market thisn lia.q boon apparent for a good many months. The m3noral advance at the ' cluso to.dicy ovtr the lodng l)11Ce301 Satur. day was } to 1 Ce . a , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : 1'adfic6sof'9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 BTo4KH AND DS. American . . . . . . . fltwL , Cedar Rnpldn & Nothcrn. . . . . Qontral Paeifit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Chlcago&Alton.- 4. do do 3)1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 4 ChL , Burl. & Quiocy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do pfd . . . . . Fort Wayne &cioo. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Hannibal & St..Jo8O1)h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : is do do do . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Ilfinols Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lad. , Bloom.Vetorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O Knnsa , & TOXM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i21g Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Minneapoll & Si ; . Louii . . . . . . . . . . . . do do do 11d. . . . . . . . 41. Missouri Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern ThcIfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. ' . do do Pid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4J Northwcstorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124. , do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11ti. Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 14 Rock I1and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 St. Paul & Milwaukeo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 117 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107 St.Faul&Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Texaa 1'AC1fit3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8s. \Vabasli , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 83 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . fAkod. CLEAIIINGS. 13QSTO , November t-lleport.s $ from 27 loading clearing houac ; of foj the week ending Novenbcr 3dg1ves the total clearMicos at $1,10T,76,793cbofng ' , do. ; 'c r . crease of 15 per cent comuared with the corresponding - responding week of 1882. The exhibit thIs week is an unfavorable onehotli when corn- . . . . , . . pared with hut week and with the cones. pondfiig week of last yepz This 1os is In . , ) legitlinato trade. . the nofement of general : inerchandiso during the week having loen of : , - ' more niodorato charctor ti an f.r some weeks I , ' p.t..t. : i TBL DAY IN jIiICAGO. Special Dispatch to Tim Bp Ciiic.tno , Noveuiber5.--1ho grain markets opened to-day very active and soon became nxvited , growing intensolyjo toward the close of tIusoslon. There wnsa general advance which , thourk not exceo4ing 1 cent , wts tubboruly contested by tIle powerful loaders OIL both sides. Country oid foreign orders were scry numerous and the day's record alto. gethor conflrm.s the prodietoic made in these Iipatehes that a lively speculative era has legnn.Vhoat opened a , liac1u higher and i . firmer on the st.reiigth of stormy weather. iI Liberal selling by the Kent'and Walker crowd , forced firicos lowxi about At tlcis point au tfI enormous buying uncwomue be'auu and amid IL tIm gnat oxciteluient PriCes advanced 1@lc , flpr .Eusnuary closing 'J7@lbc. Corn was equally II J I activa , trading In it bcingoiaorunuusauud larger , I ' titan for uuraury veolc. Tir ball elerurent scorn to control It a well us wheat , arril f5c for corn freely talked of by p.crtles who luavo hither. to been beariir. 1''ices showed a range of obont 1 cent , the ad lance being rorr by heavy , buying.Var news antI ,4t4)ric , $ of iloeroasot supply and slrlpnronte vare chrt'latn1 freely and confirmatory tclecrauuor oxhibiterl front the seaboard. ProvIioits took a Iranil iii the general brlskrtes of busliress and advanced for stork about : loc. On the call ( which was thu for a year ) trading ww heavy and excited - _ _ _ _ _ _ cited , The irnhrorernon in all coriuuuiorhlties was suuittalneti at the clouu artel wn.s very liruru. . . Curb offerings after tim chose of 'Change were a fraction lulgizor for ruvorytluirug. GRMN 4ND ritoviszoNs. I CflOAGO. r ( CIUOAG0 November l. - Flour - Quiet ' . and steady ; common to choice spring . wheat , 3@5e ; Mlnneota , 341c ; bakers , I 41&c , 1atnt , 67c ; winter wheat flour 1 Southern and MISSOUrI , 4@cc , Michigan , 4 t@5tc. r Wheat-Regular , opener ! ( ( UI ! but closed , oI .etlvo , strong and higher ; 95c Tor November ; ta . QJt , for December ; J7(97o for Jan. 'ary ; 98c ; for February- 04 'or May : No.2 eing 9lc ; No. 3 sirlng , 8283c ; No. 2 t. , I wntor , 1 00J@1 01. Steorn-ernana actlvo ann strngur ; 18Z@ ablA orcwtlz49c for November : 4Fe for 1)ecem. . 4TR4o for the year ; .l7o for January ; t49c forMay. ' .St.eul s-FIrurr anti fairly active ; 2F , for cash pertsuovernber ; 2Sc for 1)ocouubo ; 28o for steeI ( sr ; 28p2c ( for .Jaiuuary ; 32 for May. I'rio tQulet and steady at ( 'tic ' , " . y-luIot and unelranied at oItot. p5. } ecd-asier ' - at 1 $4i. ecu to thy-Steal ) ' ; i'thuo , to i 28 ; 111gb and litig. 1. 29a1 30 , . posplo 01-Actlvo , firm trial higher ; 10 O2I Court irs t casin ; 10 C2lO ( 65 for N4wutnhor ; % /TT. . t0 71 for Iiecoruber ; tO t2r If ) 1i5 for ia.trrlson a ii 47(11 ( rio for JanuaryI11 ; t0j from unak r February. . 4 j.bonnt a Ieiuai.l active nun ! stronrger : 35 for 'Pd. iaissed wit c7 $11 for Novourstxur unrtl 1)ocenn. ' ( ed by t for the year 7 13 for ' ' I I b2.S(47 ( r for 1sbruary. i' 4iCSO S tOMati4Steady : sltouldos ; , .1 7.lj short ; . defendant. clear , 0 75 , . _ ' \ . , , , f'rit negoti. QuIet and unchangol ; ftt1it4 fancy the Jiarriso 2l(2ttc ; good th fcurcy dairy , 11. aemor asset ulotrinud unchanged at 24@2c. ! Steel Ieanra rrts-\S'hiertt-1enna,1 aettvd ; ad. 10 the forrru . November , declIned ] ) . ' .Iteese rateni January. , fair deuiranuni ; decliner ! ctclvctrconl , Tear , advatucod .c for ; , Janirary. good demand ; advanced . u ( or . 4- ' November and Januuny ; ndvaneed c for Do- cembor. Pork-Active and firm ; 10 7 for sovomber 10 80 for 1)ecomber 10 7(1 ( for the year ; 11 for .lanuary ; 11 61l 01 for l'ebruarv. lard-Activo and finn ; advanced 2e ! for November , tIre year January and February ; t'c higher for 1)ceoiuSjcr. Visible supply ofgraln , Octobor27-Whoat , 3oul,000 ; ( ; tutu ; corn , lOf,32,000 ho ; oats , b,36d , . 000 bu ; barley , 1b9.i,000 ; rye. 2,275,000. On Ca.ll-Saleq , wheat 2,000,00t ) ho. ; corn , 700,000 1u , , ; oats , 180,000 bu. ; honk , 2,000 barrels ; larch , 11'I,000 tlereo.s. Crocotarket ) In fair demand ; choice fuull cream chodlars , 1l@12c ; choice frill crocus hats , 12tl2c ( ; good hiatt skitus eheddars nod flats , 76Ic ; Iraril kItuss 24e. Tallow-No. 1 , ip ; No 2.C4ecako. : 7le. 11idostTire.1rsngott ; green salt current light , Sc ; green salt heavy , $ e ; green salt damageI , ? g rcen salt CII f , I Ic ; dry salt , lIe , dry calf , Ev TORK. NEW Yoiu , November . -\Vhent-Cn.1i , winter , .e inettor , spring 2c higher , options ' strung and lilglwr ; ungraded rod , 03c ( I ! 8 ; i\o. 4 rod , t'3c ' : No , 3 rod , 1 O3fj1 0 ; , Io. 2 rod , 1 O91 181. Corn-Cash , 11clutgber : options , 3@2e higher , clming unsettled , with a reaction of ic ; unigrruhoil , No. 2 , GOfjflc. Oats-1@'c higher atud fairly active ; mixed WoRtorn , : ; 1@27c : white , 3S.@I3c. Eggs'estornl ( resin , firm with nuodorato dennuutud , l'ork-.Qtukt ; now macas , 11 71@l1 ( ' 0. Lard-higher ; priniro steam , 7 & ' . Bnnttcr-1)cnnanul ) fair cruet market. firms for choice. VALTIM0na. I3ALTI HOnE , November 5.-Wheat- I igher ; western winter roil , cash , I 0d@l OCJ. Corn-W'cstern , steady ; mixed , cash , 1III Oats-Steady ; westerir sshulto , 30@37c ; mixed , 83@81c. Rye-Dull at. C5M7c. hotter-Steady ; western packed , 10@20c ; croauuiery 20Q2ic. Eggs-beaeIy at S@29o. Whisky-Quiet and steady at 1 1S@1 1S. K.taAa h.LtY. KANSAS Crrr.Nuvomnner 1.-\Vluoat-.Steady ; No. 2 roil , $3c bid for cash ; 85.183e for 1)ecennbor 83o for the year. Corn-i' inner ; No. 2 inixcnl , S7e for cash ; 8ti. bid and 87o asked for No ember ; 34c bid for the year. * LlvEn000r . LIvr.nrooL , November t.-llroadstuffs - Firmer. Wheat-Winter , Se 6d9s ; spring , 8sf8s 0 I Coni-ts 2d. Br. LOUIS FflODGCF. Sr. Louis , November l.-Whcat-Markot higher but slosv No. 2 rod , I 001 ei for czish ; 1 01. for I'Iovembcr ; 1 02 for' DOCOmbOr arid year ; 1 05forJanuary ; No. 3 red , 95@fRlc , Corn-higher ; i4@4lc ! for cardu ; 4t for November ; 42c for ] ) ccembor arid year ; 42Qi 42Ao. for January. Oats-Slow and oakr ; 2i2dci for cash ; 26c for November ; for December ; 26A @j28Jc for January. Hyof2c. . I3arloy-5Oc. Butter-Steady ; cr3aunery , 25c30 ; dairy , 18@2.c. Eggs-'irm at lO6ijlOY.c. Flax Seed-i 31@1 31. lIay-Firun ; urairie , 10 00@11 00 ; timothy , 12 00@15 (10. ( Corn Meal-2 20. Caosnyo BoAmun-Whoat-Steady ; 1 00 bid for Nuvounberaund year ; 1 02 ! bid for ) ) ocoun. her ; 1 O11 05 for January ; 1 06@1 07 for February. Corn-Firm ; 450 for November ; 42c for Deconisber and year ; 42c for , Taisuary. Oats-1ligher2tjc bid for November ; 27c for lecennbcr ; 2ic ( for tire year ; 28c for , fan- tunry , MILWAUKEE , 1'ILWAUKEE ' , iiovornbor t.-'Thoat-Mar. ket strong ; ( lie for November ; 96c for Do. comber ; 'J7c for January. Corn-Firmer ; No. 2 , 101c. Oats-lligher ; No. 2 , 30@30'.c. ' Ityc-Ilighor ; No. 2 , Gc. Barley-Stronger ; No. 2 , G0@jG0e. CINOEENATt. CINcINNATI , November 5.-Wheat--Mar. ket scarce and firm ; No. 2 rod winter , 1 03 © 1 ot ; for cash. Corn-Demand fair and market firm at 49 @SOc. Ocata.Steadlat30@301c. . - Rye-Str j and higher at 59c. Pork-Quiet at 11 25. Lard-in good demand at 7 30. Bulk Meats-Quiet. Vh1sky-Densandact1vo at 1 13. 5OLKDO. Toanrno , November 5.-Wheat-1)ull ; No. 2 red cash , 03@1 06. dorn-Dull and firmn ; luigh mixed , 52c ; No. 2 , cash and November , fi2c. Oats-Drill amid nominal ; No. 2 cash and November , 30c. NEW OItLICANB. Nxw ORLEANS , November 5.-Corn-Mar. ket hare. 4Oat.s-Steadywitlt fair demand ; choice , 83 © 39c. Corn Moal-Scaree amid firm at 2 7. Pork-Quiet andonaler at 11. 40. Lard-Steady ; tierce , 8 00 ; keg , 8 58. Ii ilk Meats-In fair demand. 1 , hlskyStoady'estern ; rectified 1 0 © rEeIu.t l'nont'CK. Paom.t , November 5.CornActi vo : high mixed , .l7 ( 4Sjc ; No. 2 mnii'iod,47@47e. Oats-Activu and firm ; No. 2 white , 30aj ( 81c. Whisky-Firm at $1 15. T1t4kF'FIC. FLoun AND GRAIN. CincAGo , November 5.-ltcccipt.s and ship. lnopti of flour 011(1 grain for the past 24 hours have beau ius follows : Itocoipta. ShIp'ts. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jcooo ; 17.000 \Vhont , bushels. . . . . . . . . . (11,000 ( 11 00(1 ( Ccru , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . I 15,000 802 000 I Oats , hifiSlIOhit. . . . . . . . . . . . 120,000 143,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 ! 3,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . ; aooo fi7,000 NEw YORK , November 5.-Receipts and shlpmoutsof flourand grain fur the last2l hours have boon as follows : Receipts Shtip'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . i5,00o 103,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . lO,000 20)O0 ) ( ) Oats busheLs. . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 . . . . KANSAS Cnrv Novenubor 5.-ltocoipts and , tlihpizients of grains for thu past 21 liners have I been as follows : 1locoipt. ShIp'ts. Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 17,000 1.1,000 Corn busheLs. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 0,000 LtVE HDOCIC. CuIoAno , Novernber5.-Rocolpts and n1rlp. ment. of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Uecelpts. Shulp'ts. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000 . . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : iooo . . , . Sr. Louis , Novemborfi.-Rocelpts and ship. inonts of live stock for the past 21 hours havu been as follows : 1tOCOhit.s , Bhli't.s. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 300 Slrooi ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 KA'As CITY , November 5.-ReceIpts anti sbipnnontat of live stock for the past 2-1 hours have been as follows : Receipts. 51iip'ts. Catto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,400 hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,300 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JHtfTJSIL G1ttIN.T1tA1)1. LONIION , November 5.-Tire Mark Lane 1xpresit , in Its weekly rovicw of tire Jiyjtish grain trade , says : "Sowing is nearly com 1ilttd. W'heat Is steadlor , but lousiness tran. saet.ecl was small. Flour Is in poor deinanud. litre barheys rotarinr their values on account of scarcity , It1oderatuiy good niochined lsal2s. Grhirrlisrg jualities declined Od early lust weak , but was rather firmer to-day. Thu large ausount of wheat lit bight in tito United Statci is regarded as a reservoir which nmIay bllrbt at any tint. , iIthi ilisastroims effects , 'Ihro 18u3 crop trf Northernt liusslir , being irnr. toucbeil , tends to depress trade. Aiixod American ionize dvarreod Is , atuti ionnnl inniro Oil. Six cargies of wheat uirriscil , 1 were sold , amid 3 remained , Sales of JitghIsli svheat tiurinig tim week azgregated (13,182 tinnariers , at 40s 3i1 l'er quarter , against 47,328 , tniartora at 40s lid 1'r quarter for the cuorro spondinug week last year. - . . . , * . t- . . * . - - LLV1i STOCK. CflIC'AGO. CHICAGO , NoCIiibOr 5.-Thn Drovers' Jour. nal roportthb afternoons as foihowsl hogs-Opened 5@lOo lower , but closed firm ; 1macklng , .1 00(4 ( 40 ; ickIng mini ship. , : , 00 ; light , .1 .I0I.I 80 ; ikips , Cattle-Slow aunt steady : c'cports , ( I 00 (1 ( 75 : good ti , choice , S .104f11 00 : comnuison to oi1 , 8 co@ ; I ( 0 : amumu1 rig cmiii hotelier. itig , very (11111 ; Imnferior to fair cinvs , 2 00O ) 2 50 ; mealtnun to gooil. 2 50(8 2 ; stockers , 2 $ O@3 50 ; bothers , 3 G4)lI4 10 ; ranugni cat tie , ea'y : 102 Nobra4cnns 1,1 $0 $ Ibm , , 4 GO ; 'l'exa , births , 2 002 2 : roxas cows , 3 O0cjI 3 4cP grams ' 1'e.amis , 8 ( i0@4 00 ; 4\mluCriCfln , 1 0f oo. SIieoi-leusuatmnI very nitihl rrnm1 2'c , liviver ; intierlor to fair , 2 ( ) O5.2 Ml 1cr cwt. : cboie to extra. 8 Z30cI 00 ; luomibs , tier huaiul , 75c@ 3 00 ; Toxa shed ) , 2 0O3 ( ' 0. lit. LOUI3 srocm. I Sr. LOUIn' , November 5.Cattliood ( tmutcher .lomnnil anti PrlCfts firm , with , .hnip. dtig inquiry light ; exporters , (1 006 40 ; good to cholco shiliqminmg , (1 : , o@r , 01) ; mnodimun to fair , 4 t0(15 ( 25 ; natIve butelierimug stuff , 8 (10 @ 1 23 ; Te'.airs , 8 2 l 00 ; Jiutlians , 8 50fJ 4 25. Sheep-Market stoailX ; common to mneditui , 2 5O@3 25 ; fair to fSOI , 8 40i3 7t : hirinie ( .1 to.ra , 3 SO@4 2.3 ; ' ) 'oxnmis , 2 501 50. XANMA5 CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cirr , November 5.-Tlt Daily In' dicuctor reJrts : Cntt1o-Chohc steady , ot1rer quiet atuni weak ; gunl feeders in ilemnand at 8 75I4 10 ; cows , 2 75@3 30 ; Tuxaniw , : ; 15@3 70 ; Colorado half lirood tems , 3 50J1 20. hogs-Market weaker nirni lurices lower ; closcil stoanhier rut 8 8051J8 .10. Sheep-Quiet ; nratlves , 2 003 2 , . - OLUIA MAItKETS. VhoIesalo l'rlcca. OFFICE OF 9'Irn OSIAuA 11Cr. Monday Evening , No ember 5. The following iwicos arc cirargeil retallnts by jobbers , wholesalers and commission rumor- chants , sithi the exception of grain , which Is quoted at the inlcos fmtrmr'mshiod by the elevators and other local buyers : Grains. \ No. 2 , 75c ; No. 3 , GSc , IIAIrLEY-Cashi No. 2 , 48c. ] t-Cas1t No. 3 39c. COItN-No.2 , 3'2c. OATh-No. 2 , 25c. Live Stocir. FAT Sixxns-Quiot at 3 00Q3 .10. FAT Cowa-2 75(3 ( 25 , Iloas0O@4 15. Snxr-Firmn at 8 00@3 50. CALVKS-Fair quality 4 005 OOfgoad batch- arts' stock , 6 00. Flour and Mihistuffs. WINTER WhEAT-Beat quality , 1)athntat 3 40(1j3 50. SEcoND QUAI.mrr-4 0O@3 40. SI'ItING WhEAT-Best quality , imatont , . at 350@360. SECOND QUALITr-2 303 50. ] tAN-55C p' cwt. thiorrr.n FICEI-l'cr 100 lbs. SSc. CoaN MEAT-1 O01 10 tier cwt SCIIEENINO-I3O700 Pr cW Grocers List. CtsKn Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70f533 90 ; strawberries , 2 II , , Ir case , 2 10 ; ra.slberrics , 2 It , , per curse , 2 00 ; Bartlett pears , tier case , 2 40 ; W'llOrtlebOrrit3s , per case , 2 80 ; egg plums , 2 ll , per curse , 2 1)0 ; green gages , 2lb , pr taUIO , 2 tO ) ; do choice , 8 Ib , ier case , 4 513 ; iimro fllpleS ) , 2 Ib , Per CHO , 4 SOG S 50. 50.lloi'Slsai lloi'-Slsai , 1 inch and larger , 1O.j0 , inch , 1Oc ; Inch , 11 jc. ( JANnaxa-Buxes , 40 ibs , lOs , ific ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 ibs , 16 oz. , Cs , ific. MATCIIES-l'er caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 1 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SuoAaa-Fowderod , bc ; cut 1ocf lOc ; granulated , 9.jc ; confectionors' A , 8c ; , Stand. arti extra C , 8c ; extra C , 7Zc ; medium ye1- low , 7c ; dark yellow , 7c. Corixxs-Ordinary grades , 1O11c ; fair 12 @ 12c ; good , 1113c ; lrilflO , 1212c ; choice 13j14c ; fancy green and yellow1 14@15c ; old overnnrent Java , 2026c ; Levering's roasted. 14c Arbucklo' zoastod , 17c ; McLaughlin's xxkx roasted , 17c : imitation Java , 16 @ 18c. Rncz-Loulsiana immme to choice , 7c ; fair 0c ; Patma , 6&c. Fisit-No. 1 mackerel , half bris. , 8 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , .dli.s , 1 15 ; fatally mackerel , half bris. , 6 00 ; ( aridly mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits 1 05. Smur-Staudard Coin. , 35c , bols ; tandard do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 ( jO. oDA-Ifl lb papers , 3 30 Percase ; kegper lb , FICEtES-Mediurn , in barrels , 7 00 ; do In half ) jarrels , 4 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do In half barrel , 1 75 ; ghcridns In barrels , ( I 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00. 'rEAs-GuuilXsder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 (7& ( ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 6O@65c ; Young Ifyson , good , 86@fiOe ; ehoico , 65c@1 00 ; , Jnhaui natural lenf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@iSc ; olomug , good , 35@lOc ; Oolomng , choice , 4O@55c ; Souchong , good , 85c4Oc ; choice , 35J15c. WooIw.NvAnE-Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three hoop paiLs , 2 10. Tubs , No. I , 9 00 ; Plo- nmeer washiboarils , 1 83 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; Wohlbucket.s 3 85. SOAI'rt-ldrk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KIrk's satinet , 8 (10 ( ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Jtussian , S 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's Prairiu Qnoou , (100 ( cakes , ) fOe ; Kirk's 1flti41IOlifl , dii , 1'OTAIOIPennsylvania cans , ' 1 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbtts ! , half , 2 tloz. hnicauto , 1 90Anchior bali , 2 doz. iii case , 1 50. CtnvPrenichi nitixei , , in 30 lb. pails , 18c ; Auuiericaim mixed. in 80 lb j.aiia' , 1' C ; Brilliant HhiXOi , I ii : mo lb pails , lie : Icolity liuiaetl , in 30 lb pails , 1c : ; ; Comnuietition nuiiietl , iii 80 Ii , pails. 1'4c ; Euceisior hticlc , 30 lii imails , 13c ; double rotinerl , 30 lb ) iails , 13c ; Crystal mixed , 30 iIjnails , lSc ; Old Limuto inuiieui , 3(1 ( lii pails , lic ; Tip 'fi1 , inixeil , 80 h , hails , 13c ; Flirt , ninixod , 80 lb jails , I 1c ; Flirt , stick , $0 11 , imails , 1lc ; ' 1"i' T1)Jm , stick , : o 11 iails , 12o , VINEGAR-Now uric apple 1Cc ; OhIo ap- jib , 13e. SALT-Dray loads , per bin , I 80 ; Mitten , iii sacks , 3 50 ; bbli , dairy (10 , fis , 3 30. STAIIcII-l'eari , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Oc ; Corn Starch , tic ; Excelsior ( lIars 7c ; Corn , 8c. 8i'Icrus-1'eipor , lVc ; allspice , ific ; cloves 25c ; caursia , jOe. LYE-AnnicrIcatJ 3 40 ; GreenwIch , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; ortli Star , 2 (10 ( ; Lewis' 1yo 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 General l'r-ulnee. BUTTER - Fancy creamery 29@31c ; cold storage creamery , 25.127c ; choice dairy , 20 ® 21c ; best country , solid packed , 1(1@20c ; best country , roll , 20@22c ; inferior grades 10@14c. 1'o change in prices , burt demand for country buttons falling off owing to larger receipts and ( be jrnor qtiality received. 1100I4-Ueceiits fair ; selling at 25c ( or strictly ( resin. AI'iUCu4-ChUIcO eating , regular lacking , -$3 60cl4 00 ; choice cooking regular paekin ( , 3 0001J3 so ; extra choice , u3 50J4 00. Strictly fancy apples well vackod tuo In good demmmand. Market advancing. ChEESE-New York State full creauim , 14c ; 5 hooi , lots , 13c ; ( tmhl cream chnedtiers , now 13c ; frill cream ehneddors thti , Oc ; frill creani , lii hoop , 14c ; Yenning ) tmnoricus , 14c ; cretnn , cry skimmns tic ; fine Swiss choose , itic ; Ecmanur. each , , 1 25. POATOEI4-icCeiints large cmiii prices unchanged , Commslgnimmiemit.s of strictly choice , large sizer ! , strai'hnt jotatoo are miohila fm-nun 31 to 30c ; mixed cars 30 to 32o trim light demand ; peurcitbiows , 'fOe. SIVEET I'orATosn-Cholco yellow , 2@3c , ONIoss-Ifeceipts larger ; choice large red Wetlnersfield selling at SOc. CAIuctar.-Market for choice t.tock 5 0O © ( I 00 ior hundred , 1)ennand good. 1lEANO-1famml lucked niavios , 2 75c3 00 ; baird plekeil mimetilumos , 2 002 25. Ito. cci pts fair : tienmnamol gKii. (4AMK-l'rairie chickens , per doz. , S2 SO@ 3 00 ; quail , 2 50 ; tinclos , 1 & 02 50 ; geese , 2 001U2 50. FIIRIII ! OysTv.It't- Selects , SOc ; mnosliumns , 35c. ] 'ovrnry-1.ivo chickens , icr dcx , 2 TO@ 3 00 ; dressed chmickeiu. , her lb. , 1'4g13c ; ( turkeys , full tlressotl. lierib. , lie. LmeifoNa-Bxtra fancy liar lemons , * .8 00 ; fancy Messimia icimmons , per box , 87 25 ; 5 box lots , Messinna Iemnims , b7 00 ; 10 box lots rho. , 6 7ti , 'l'hiuso mire strlckhy choice t1ossinmi lemiroaL CALIvomtsIA I'EAws-Imn toenl tie- mound at $1 O0cl 50 her box , California fluches Iluerro , , etc. 1oaz , per box , 0Ot350 , l'sAcIIxs-C'hmolco ? rlfchignni vr basket , $ ( aJt 00. Beceipts fair ; domnanti for choice stock good 1).tTIM lliek Arablnn ( Per lb. , S@9c ; quarter crates , lOc. Fios-23 lb. kegs , Per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box , layer , her lb. , lRe , Coco.tNrTsltra fine Per 100 , 8 00. OAI.i-ORNIA : PLUMS-ill good ilomand ; 2 25@2 SO iwr ox. Cisamrt'umo : sweet vinier , 16 gal ko , l SO ; M , & 1' . vIatilieri , 16 gal keg , $0 00 ; .ri. & P. clarified , 82 gal keg , .S 00. l'ins l'm.rr , l'inli'r , Btt'-Pig feet , 1. , ii , klt , $1 1(1 : mlgs ' 10 hi r hihl $2 25 : iigs feet , l0 11 , half iii , ! , $ I 00 ; tripe , 15 Ii' kits , $1 is ; tripe , 40 hh qr bid , &i2 25 ; tripe , 80 II , half tl1 , 1 00 ; pies tongues , lb lb kit , $2 (0 ; dgs tongues , .10 lii t1i' lilul $0 00. 1urmnbs' temigumos , is lb kits , 82 fl.i ; to Iii qr 1t11 , ( ; 2. ' . MIx'K 'rlr.ttl8lb buckets ( buckets 2.c ) Oc ; 8711 , buckets ( lmmmc'htut 40c ) , be. ; lOOhim kegs , bc ; half hiarrels , ifle. , stomiojars ; 12 in case , Ir iii' : , 2 25 ; tuumbler , lr nor , I 05 ; schooner , icr tloieii , 3 10 ; I'ihr tin cans , 4 tloz , in case , 91 40 ; tin cans , 2 tIox in ease , $210. Brr. , : 30.1 % , wood pails , her lii , Sc ; strawlwery , 3d-lb wood lahI lr it , , Stc ; racibeny , 80.Ib wot'il imails Per II , , 8e ; llacki > orrv 80.lh wood 1iails her Ib , 8c ; crali mspie , 80lbtwiil P11 l' ° ' II ) , 8c. Aii'r.i : 1iurrKmr-35.lim woodoit pails , i'r II , , $8 00 ; 5-lb wooden ushls , U in case , er ease , $3 SO. l'g.tcn litirss25.11 : , wooThmi , pails 11cr hhr $11.00 ; 5-lb svooiienpails , (1 in case , l'or case , $4 25. I'ImESEIrvE.s-Iui ( 20-lb woorlon iaiis-1l..sp. ) berry , $15 ( JO ; strawberry , quince , $14 (10 ( ; trench , 00 ; cherry. $11 ( Xl ; tomatoes , $1 I 00 ; ' . thumn , $11 00 ; asserted , 5-lb wooden inuckots , ( , in ease , er eniso , l 75 ; assortoti , 2.1) ) , tin calls , 2 nez in case , per case , $3 25. NEiU1ASK. Costa 1ONKY-i'lb ( framnos , 21-lb cases , i'er lii , 18c. OImANGKS-Louisiauias tier ttbl , $9 00 : ci , , . , box , $500 liNANAS-ChiOiCO , vcr bunch , $8 0O4 00. Cmm.NmmEIImIRs-Firmiey : Cape Cod , high color , ; ii 00 ; bell amol buglo.q$12 b0bollnmid ; cherry , $10 75. Siwcial prices our large Iota. lfAv-lhmiiocl , 8 O0J10 00 P' ' ton ; In bulk , 6 0O56 50 POt tori. Dry Goods. I' 13110w ? ; Corross-Atiamitlo A , 8c ; Apple tori XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot Fl 8.c , Buckeye 1414 4.4 , 7c Cabot W , 7c ; ( Ihitte. mmangc A 6c : ( ireat ] a1ls 11 8c ; hoosier , ( ic ; I1ommastjt1thi , Sc ; Ituhlami liomrd A , Sc ; Immilimin Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchanil , ci. 'v. , 7c- Lutvrenico 141j , ( Pc ; Mystic liver , flc ; Feqsmn A , 8c ; Utica C , 5c ; Wncliusett l3 , 7c ; dim A 8o do 11 48 , 12mo , I"1NK BnowN COrIONII-AllondalO 4.1 7e , , Alligator 3-4 , Scj.rgylo 4-4 , 7c' Atiutatle i4r , file ; Badger tate X 4.4 6c ; 1onnisigtomi 0 4.4 , 6c ; Buckeye S 4-4 , 6e ; Incliali Orchiseti AA 9-8 , 8c ; Laconia 0 39 , 8c ; Lehui8h B 4.4 0.c ; Femporoll N 80 , Vc ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do l at , . 7c ; tie 11 39 , 8o ; l'ocasurot 0 44 , Tic ; \Vaunsutta 4-4. 1c. BLautcIIED Coi-roNa---Androscoggln ri 4-I Ole ; Blackatone A/t. imapeulal 8'c ; do do imal btechcd ' 1-4 tIc ; Ctrbot 4-4 , 8'c ; Fidelity 4-f , 9c ; Fruit o time 1.oommi , tQc ; do cambric 4.1 , l2 ; do Writer Twist , 10c ; Great Ii allis Q , 'Jo : Initilutmi head shrunk 4.4 , 12o ; Lonsdalo , 1O 0 carnbric3l , 12o ; Now York Mills , 12ko Poquot A , lOc ; l'epporel , N G Twilhm , l2c ; Pocahonituts .i.4 , 'Jc : 1'ocamot 5.4 , 8 ; Utica , lie ; Wamosmitta 0 X N ! 12o Ducks ( ColoredAhbany ) B brown , Sc ; rio Otirab lie ; do XXstrlpeuramrdlniaitius , 121.2c ; do browmn and drab , stripes and imlidris , 12 l.2c ; Arhimngton fancy , 19c ; Brnmmswlck brown , 8 l.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2o ; do ox. tar heavy , 20c ; Frill 1lvorbrownn , extra heavy , 11 1-2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Nopousot A brown , iSo , TIcKINGM-AnnionikengAC A32lOc ; do XX biuo 32 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1.20 ; Clara- moat nil 15 1-2c ; Conestogn , extra , 17 1.2c ; hamilton 1) , 1ll-2c ; Lewiston ASO , lOc ; It'mm miahalma 4.1 , 20o' Omniega , simper extra .1.4 , 2 , . l'carl River a'i , 16 l..le ; imitnam XX blue stripe , 12c Shetuckot 5 , 10 1.2 ; do 35 , 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , tIc. Dxsurms-Arnoskcmsg , blue and brown,16 1-tic ; Andover DD blue , 15 1.2c ; Arliigton . . blue Scotch , 18 1-2o ; Concord 000 , blue arid brown , 12 1.2c ; do A/ut , do do , 13 1.2 ; do Xx to do do , 14 1.tic ; Ilnymnaker'i ( b1iio and brown 9 l.2c Mystic River DD stripe , 16 12c ; Pearl itiver , 1uo and brown , lOc ; lincaavllle , blue and brown , 14 1-tic. OAMIIIUCS-BIirIUU-tI , Oc , ; Eddyatono lining , 24 loch double face , 8c ; 1.arnor A ginrzed. o ; finIi , 5c ; No rt do. c do glazed , 5c ; Pequot do , Sc ; Lockwod kid finish , Ge. Cowsxr .Jic&Ns-Amory , Androscoggln satteen , 8c ; Clarondon 0c Conostogga sat- teens , 7c ; ; Hahlowell , Sc ; Inian orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , improved , 8c ; Fopporill sat. teen , tIac ; Rockiort , tIc. PRiNTS-AlIens , tIc' American , 6cl Aruldo , 6c ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochtuoo , ; Conestoga , ( The ; lYankirk , Ge ; Dnuinehl1 t3@7c ; Eddystone , 6c ; Gloucester , 6c Harmony , 5)c ) ; Kimickorbocleer , (1c ; Merrimnac b , 7c ; lrIystlc , 5c ; Sirues , Ge ; Sonthhridge , tIc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl. hero , 5c ; Oriental , 8c. GINGIUaIS-Aunoskeag. Ob , ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , 8c ; Curnbcrhaud , The ; hIghland , 7o ; Kenilworth , 9e ; Pluukstt , 0c ; Sussex , 8o. CorroNArmmm-Abborvillu , 13c ; .Agato , 20c ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairn 1) and T , 13c ; Clarion D anti T , 17c ; Pecan Co. stripes D arid T , jOe' Keystonto , i3jc ; Nantucket tuckot , 10c Noimliareif , lile ; Ocean 1) and T , I3c ; ] ioyaf , 1l&c ( ; Sussex , 12c ; Tiogus , Wacimim- sett skirting checks , ] 2c ; , lo Namikimi 12&cs York , plain Nankin , 12c ; do chocks , strilcs sund fancy , 12c ; do 8 20c. SmnicvnsosAmidroscogiim 10-1 27c ; do 9.4 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32c : Lomitimmemital 0 .12. lIe ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 27cNew ; York no Its ' 38. 3Oe ; rio 78 , 80e ; rio rs , 22.c ; I'omnbroke 10-4 , 25c ; l'eouot 10- 1 , 28c ; , io 71 , l'Jc : dolt ) , ICc ; Poppanell (16 ( , 290 ; do 67 , tile : do 7 , 18c ; Utica tIll , 30e ; do 58 , 2'2c ; do .18 , lie. l'idiits , Oils and Varnishes. Oir.s-1i0 ° carbon , jier gallon , 13c ; 150 ° headlight , ier gallium , ISe ; 175 ° hmeadhighit , P gallon , 20c ; 1500 water white , itic ; lint seoul , rav , ; yr gallonnhiSc ; linseed , bohlod , or gaihomn , bSc LLrI : , wlmnter str'rl , Per gahlomm , 80cr No. 1 , iOcNo. ; 2 , flOe ; caster , XXX , irnr gal. Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3 1 30 ; , iweut , icr gallomu b5c : 4iwrmn Imer ptlion , 1 (10 ; finn VIL , pergutllon , OSe ; unoatsootextrn , mmer ga1onr , flOe ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zen' , ' ' gallon , 30e ; summer , lOc ; gollon nurnelmino , No. 1 , ier gal- Ion , SSc ; No. 2 , 25c ; Hlcrnni ) , signal , her gallon , 89curpentinmo ; , per girhlomi , SOc ; naptima , 74 ° , Per gallon , iSo. PAINTS IN Oji-White lean , Omaha P. P. Cc ; white load , St. Louis Jiuro , ( lie ; Marseilles 1 to S lb 2Oc French zinc green cans , ; green seal , i2c : French zinc , rcl , aeril , lie ; Fronichi zinc , in varnish truest , 21k : Fioncli zinc. in oil asst , iSo ; raw anti burnt umber , 1 lb cans , i0c ; raw rind burnt Sleimna , lOc ; vmruuiyko brown , 13c ; rofinenl lamnpblaok , 12c ; couch black , and ivory black , 1Gb ; drop black , We ; I'russlmsn blue , $ Oc ; ultramarine blue , ISo ; chrromno green 14. IrE. & D. itlo ; blind and shutter green , Jj N : . & 1) . , iCc ; l'arls green , I8c ; Indian red , iSo ; Venetian red 'Jo ; Tuscan reil , 2'2c ; Amen. can Venunihlion i. & J' ISo ; chromo yellow Ii. 11 ! . , 0 , & I ) . 0. , Iic ; yellow ochmro , tIc ; golden ochmre , jOe , patent dryer , Sc ; gramning colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cbs' ( nut and ashi , lOt : . Dry i'riints. White load , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; l'axis wimitling , 2c ; whiting giitlonni , Ic ; whiting comn'l 1.c ; lamnpblack , ( lcrniantownm , 14c ; lampbimrck , ortilimary , lOc ; l'russiau blue , 55c ; ultramnarlime , ] 8c ; vanlyke , brown , So ; unniber , burnt , Ic ; umber. raw , 'Ic ; sienim , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 'Ic ; l'anis groemi , gommuinmei 25c ; I'anls green , comnnnon20c chiromnogroon , kY , , 20e ; chronic green K. , lc ; vermnllliont , Bug. , 70c ; vermilhlonn , American , Iso ; mohair rod , JOe ; nmo jilmik , lIe ; Venetian rrxiCokusoss , 2e ; Vonmotittum red , Amerlcamm lc rod load , 7o ; chiromnro yellow , genuine , ! Oe ; chromnmo yel. how , K. , l2oochre , rochtollo ' 3cochreFremmch ; , 2c ; ochimo , American , 2c ; 'V/inter's mineral , 2c ; lehigh brown , , 2c ; Spanish browu , 2c ; 1 three's mineral , 4c. VAItNIMIIs-Jla.rreis ( : ir gallon irnnmmi. tune , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. I , SI' coach , extra , $1 40' coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; ) nusinir , extra , $1 75.iapann ; , 70casphaltnmrnoxtra ; , SOc ; simohlac , $3 ( iO ; tard oil finish , l. ( ,0I unmet her. a solo 88c ti ) ' 12c ; htenilock soloti&m to 3Sc ; CII , 5 idp , bOo to 1 00 ; rainier ( 'iSo to SOc ; aria im calf , ao ! ; tm I 20 ; hemaliKlc Istper , 23c to 26c ; oak 1mppor 2Io ; alligator , 4 ( Xl to 5 50 ; calf kid , 82J. ( , : ( , , tuisrsui kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , bOo to I 00 ; oak calf , I 20 to 1 30 ; French ku , , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nuis. sets , , S 50 to 7 ( ' 0 ; hinrinigs , (1 ( 00 to 10 50 ; toi , . iiiigs , 9 00 tim 10 50 ; 13. L. Morocco , 30o ( sn $1Ic ; 1ioblulo 0 , 1) . Morocco , 35c ; simon , 2 50 to 3 00 , IlAImsiasts-No , I star oak , ' 12c ; No 2 do , 39e : No. I Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 8'Ic ; No. 1. Mllwauheo 37c : No , 2 do 3k' , U Itios , Dali anti weak ; greens buitohiars , C.c green saltorl , 7t@7c ; tiny flint , I21rl8c ; dry salt , 1Oul1c ; thutmnn.gctl mules , tsmtbinls Prico. Pam.I.ow-4'o. Similar' I'xLrs-25cll 00. % 'ooh. ? iterimmo smneusshiod , light lItiMoc ; heavy , 135j11te ; inieiitmmmi , inmwaqleil , light , lS@20c ; wum.qhieti , clmoIt'n , 82o ; fair , $ Oc ; tulanmd washoil , 2Sc ; barry , bimirik auth c'otted voih , , 2d1Ic mo.s , Lmsmnfcr. WHoLr.SAtR. \\o quote limmnimer lath cmii shingles on oars at Ommmnhus at. the fohlosslnmg i'rieo.s ' , loIsr .tNfl SCANTLINO-i(1 It , ann ! tinnier 2200 ; lSft,23ti0. 'J'msmnmus-ll foot utnil antler , 22 00. Tsmimamm AND , Tomar'-18 ft , 23 50 ; 21. ) ft , 23 54) ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 2I ft. , 20 ( ' 0. FENcING-No. I , 4 stun C , iii , , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. Slr.ET1NG-No. ) 1 (2t1 ( common boards ) , 2000 ; No.2,1800. ] .litr.-l'er barrel , I 25bulk ; ir bushel' ' OSe ; counionmt , blul , 2 25 ; Iowa tlaster , lld , 2 ( ' 0 ; hair Per lot. ( 'Oc ' ; 'l'nnoii felt , iOO It's , 3 50 ; straw board , 350 , heavy limirdwaro List. Iron , rastes , 2 ( ' 0 ; jilow stool special cast , 7c crucible Sc ; special or Cormurms , Cc' cast do , iS&20 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 2(3 00 ; huibs i'cn sot , 1 25 ; felloca sawed dry , I 40 ; tongues each , 7OSJ85c ; r.le.s each , 75c ; sqiutro musts vcr lt , 7@llct s'asliern' , or ll' SSjll8c ; rivets , icr lii , lie ; coil chude nor lb. ( , l'2c ; unialleablo , So iron redges , Ge : crowimars , Ge ; harrew tooth Ic ; spring tool , 7@Sc ; lbmrden'ur hiorsohmoos , 5 25 Ihirdeni's inmilosimoos , (3 ( 25. BARIrRUVmn1ui car Iota , So per 100. NAII.H-Batea , 10 to 60 , 3 20. Simo-Shmot , 1 85 ; buck shut , 2 10 ; nlontni POWIlOr , kegs , ( I 10 ; rIo. , half kegs , 8 18 ; rIo. , quarter kegs , I 88 ; blnatiug , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , P ° 100 foot , SOc. LRAr-lmu. , 1 65. COAI-Cunitmrlanrl blacksmith , 10 00 : ? ttnr. ris run lliossbsmrg , 10 \\'hltobrcast ; , ; , , I- , \Vhmitebroast ; nut , S (10 ; Iowa lump , 5 (10 ; Iowa muit , S ( (9 ( ; Bock Snlnmg , 7 00 ; .Anthirn cite , 11 O05iJ11 25 ; Canon City , 7 00 , par torn. . LIquors. Ateonon-ISS isroof , 2 25 per wino gallon ettrn California alninIta , 188 proof , 1 25 per ) gallon ; triple rofiuiod spirits , 187 proof , 123 par ; mof gallon ; no-distilled wldskies , 1 OIl ® ! SO ; flume blended , 1 5O2 50' Ken. ( mucky lnourbrms , 2 OO7 00 ; Keutudcy amid Penimsylvmtnla rycs , 2 OOfijii 00. BuuNnmlas-Iunported , 6 001600 ; donmestie 140j4 00. ( IINS-Innportotl , 4 SO6 00 ; domestic , 140 ® 300. lturts-Iuimp6rtemi , 4 SOfl 00 ; New England , 2 005134 00 ; ilomnoustie , I bO3 50. PRAcII ANI ) Au'm'n.x ButAsny-1 75I 00 CImAsirAnNuai-Imniorted l' ° ' case , 28 0O@ $4 00 ; Anitnicmrnm'pcr cmmso , 12 OOi6 00. Tobaccos , Pi.uo TommAccoCiimmmx , tOe ; Bullion , SOc ; horseshoe , fIc ( : Star tOc ; Ituildy , 415c ; 11cr. toy's , ISe : Black , 88640c. FiNn Cnru'-Commimmmmm , 205j30c ; good , 4541 tIOc ; mao Loaf , iOc ; Pronmilmmmn , COc ; Diammiomn1 Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , lie. . SSI0KING-O. S. , 21cMeerseinaumnii ; , 28cDiur. ; 1mm , 8 0 ? . , 55c ; Dunham , 4 ox , , Sic ; Dtmnlnuuii , 2 oz. , SSc : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , Nic' Seal of North Canliuna , 4 ox. , Sic ; Seal North Cmrrolimma , 2 oz. , (10c ; 0. K. 1)nrhnmtmnm , 4 ox. , 28c ; 0. K. Dimrhamr , 2 ox. , 30o ; Uncle Ned , i's , 25e ; 'rota and Jerry , 23c. IENVEIt MA1t1CFT , : NI ) LAIU-l ( anus 1(11 ' @i6c ; breakfmiat bacur , , lSl5c ; smmiket ( sf'des , t1. ( u10c ; salt siiieum , 8@1)c ) ; lard , 10)c. ) (1 uuy : 1"IWIT .tNn PJionvcE-l'otatocs , 1P0@ 7So 1er 100 ; iouumnls ; notatoos , sweet , i'or 100 I. . ostmnhi , , 2 25@2 75 ; onions , liar 100 ; oumntls , bi tiO@2 00 ; tomatoes , per imound , 2.3c ; turnips , per lb , Ic ; Colorado cabbage , now , imcr100 , 85c(5Jl ( 00 ; lIve chickens , mid , per , ioz , $4 OO(1j14 25pramnie ; chickefis liar rloz$3 0045J3 50 ; eggs , fresh , per doz , 2S31c ; butter , fair qual. Ity creamery , finest per lb , 35\3O ; creamery , good , per lii , 28@34o ; Kansas and Nebraska dairy , per lb , 2S24c cooking , 8@lOc ; elmesso , ( mull cream , imee lb. 1tIlTo ; apples ier bbi ; eastern , $1 75116 00 ; grapes , per lb. OGci California pears , per box 3 25 f3 rr , ; linrmiis , 20 lb box , 2 OO2 54S ; irfes. Miami loosens , extra , per box , t37 0O@8 00 ; Cub. ratio wheat , poriOOlb , 81 301 38 ; flour , Cob. rrnlo , lion 100 lii , $2 OO@2 25 ; flour , patent , 82 9Oa3 00 ; flour , Kansas , per 100 lb $2 70 ® a 00 ; fiouw , t4rahamn , ; 'cr 100 Ib , $2 I0J2 SO ; flour , rye , var 100 lb $2 SO@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat - wheat , ion bid , 811 10@12 50 ; corn nmieah , per 100 hbs , $1. 65@1 85 ; con-ni , per 100 lbs. $1. 27 ® 1 80 ; cornJ chop , per IOOlbs , 81. 30@I 83 ; now , ats , Per 100 lbs $1. 35@1 45 ; oats , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 iL , i 3O(1j1 4Ooatis ; , Nebraska , white , per 100 lbs , $1 351 45oats ; , Colorailo , per 100 bbs , $1 25al 35 ; barley , her 100 lbs , .1 tlO@1 75 ; mnixedchop , ; rer 100 bbs , $1 8 ® 1 10 ; bran , 1cr tim , $17 ( lO@i9 00 ; hay , loose , per (4)11 812 OO1I'I 00 ; baled secant ! imoLt..ommm , SlO OOJ12 ( 00 ; baled uplamirl , $14 OO@17 00 ; clover , ier tom , , $20 00 ; straw , imor ton , , $8 00 tIO0. , rihXJ-'I'ArtH of the Immummiam , hoity tnlancI , urn clopoil gimmil , trumigtItmme.i , etc. , Is aim Inturitimmm , ciii ertmseiuicurt bluR nit , iii our ; ar Iii relb to Iumqtilrks u will sui that there ii Ito tus Ilcumee of Irumumilinig iilumt this. Oi , ( lie contrary the . mica Lry lulgimly cuilorseti. iumteririted PCI sorms Ills ) glut sta1I circimimirs KIS lug alt ; ntrtlc , , liura Iii' mcdcIrshm Eria Mnilkal C , , , , I' . 0. 1m'r CL IlumiTalo , N. Y.-iI'oIIo IiCII1iIg itlauc. ma 1 I .ty DUFRENE & MENDELSSOhN , RCHITE OTS rriw.rovLn TO OSTAIIA NATIONAUII.ti NBRAKA LOM AND 'u ' JLSTINtP ( , NIRJ. Capital , - - $250,000. JAS. II. II KAILI'YEIT , , I'resllent. A. b. CLJrItKI , Vicu.I'nt1iIrt. K 0. vKtrsTEItrrre&.u1rer. C. P. WKII.SiRIL. Cashier. inliv.u'rolmn : amuel Alexander , Owal.I . Oiivrx t. I. . ( 'larke , N. 0. , ' L'ratt , Jas. II , ifearIwell , D. ? .I. McElIIlnuuy.l irat Mortgage Loans a Speoialtv This Company furnIshes a ; iernnent bonn , , Institu. Iinu where school Jiiinh anti , , titer legally issuad Mu Mi ilocurltles to Neruka ) can he negotiated ni Smost ivorahis tortes. Ioans made on improved in iii well smttiod couritio oftle state through Iriblo ootl oorroioondenn'a Mitten of ApplicatIon of Max lear for Liqimo Licemie. N0TIC't. Notloc ii hereby gum that Max Lenz thu mmpin ( ho 27th tlsy of October A. I ) , 1553 , III , liii allil. cation to time numayor anti cily council of Oaium , , for license to sell unIt , sllrltnuomrs amid tlimou liquors at eonmtr0tli nrmd Jackson streets , 1st waril , Qimmuilia , Net , . , from time 11th , liiy of Nosembrur , itrs'J , to thu 11Im day of February , 1581. if there his mm. objection , tcnnetmtrminmro or ; 'rotest tiled iithlu two irerku , from oct. 27th , A. 1) . 1583 , thu said Ikenisu trill he gramiteil MAX LENZ , Apphicamit , 'rime Omaha nra nessspajer clii hUlIilSh time ahoso notice . 'ncoracl , sitok for liv , , wthw mit the cijeite if the mililihirant , 'limo cit ) of ( ) mmmtmms is rio' to ho cimargwi therewith. tf.1.2t.iuwk .1. J , I. . C. ivtrr : , Lit Clerk. i'fnrttvr of AhIlileurtiomi of P. i ; Alaurs , , for Liqunrr Llcemnv. yOTIeC. Ntkj Is hirn.liy giremi that I' , R. Ada , , , , lhl imp ) , , ( lie 2.tIi day of Ortshier 4. 1 P , lbsS , ills lilt aliiicatlIm to thu umcyor ant city cormi'll , of Pilimalma , ( or Ikemuss to sill snail , spt itnmu4 ( amlil S liquor. , No. 110 8. lUlls stuect , art ! ioird , Omiubs , Net , , , froun his liii , , iuiy of os e ummbtr , 1b58 , to the th day ufFetruary i8.11. it timers be iru objections reru.'mnstrmtmmeo , or protect ( huh wtimin , tru wicks from ( it t. 58th , it , ft. 1583 , thu arid license irlU hogranuted. . I. , ; : . ADAMIl , Appikunt , 'lijo ( ) mmialma hire nmewjiaper will iiumhihl.i , the aisnu notice ommee uchm week for twin wtuksut time expense of the iipiiciut. , . 'rite city of Ommialci Is Iut to ha charged thriruwith. & 2$2t1uk ( J , J,1. . C' . JYIrr : : , city Clerk. JAR. H. PEABODY .3 , ? HYsIaIM' & SUR ( + EON , itesidenos , No. 5801 Joint. St. OUc , ) o. 110' Yam nine .tret , OtSos hmor. , i In. to 1 1' . Di. . intl b mm. to Li . in. Talephono for oU3r , Il. Roildeoc. _ -t _ _ WM SNYD ] ER , . . - - - - - , - ' , / .4L . IYANUFACTUItEIL OF 01' STIUUrLV flRST-CSASS Cari'iage , BugiesRoa , IVagons AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. ISW anti 1ItO ilamey Street anl 403 8. 18th Street , - . . . - . , , NEB , , , 'i'rsted Catalceus tmrnlr'hq'd frti. rion unlIentis 9:11. : IXrIIcDIaD , MANUFAUTUItIP. op CaIvoiied IrooCoroices Yiodo CapsFioiaIs ; S1cvIlhtsAe Thirteenth Street N.h . 1vI. HELLMAN & 5 , Wholesale : Clothierst 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE ? COR. 13TH , OMAhA , - . . NEBIt/tSE , , . , , . 4 CU.OflaSiOr of .Lro- tons ! . , ofiron , J'cmuvloa Jtar/c ord J'hosphormnslpe Ida 2taab16J'orn. Par JkbilIfy , .ios , , of 4 5tltc l'rosfration of Powers ft Ia tdLpesscx- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bie. : aEv. A. HOBBS Wnttc I1.EV. 3.L. TOWEI1 , . After a thorough trIal of the Jr57 In. , IRON TONIO , Ltako " says- In ataUng thatT have boon ' "Iconalderlt gi-catiw benotlted by Ito LO OD a moot oxooliont remeay oa' use. 1nfstors and ! 'ub the debilitated vital forces. lie Speakers will find It of too greatest value where a. Tonic le noeca- sary. I recommend It 03 0. relIable remedial agent , poasosuing un- doubteci iititrittvo and restorative .LouLnCk.Jy. iroporUuo. , ( kc,2 , 1533. rxrAzD DY TILE Dt. UARTEB. MEDICINE CO. . 1.3 fl IIAIU CT. . C ? tb1iaed. iii _ _ . . . .s- , - 5/ . ' - - 1 tfl4" 4 1.1 Jul SDon ! , . - ' ; ; hitlf" , 4 iIt1 } TIlE LEADING I I ? Carriage Factory , I 111111 t1jtBlJ 1409 antI 1411 Dodge Street , OMAflA. - - - - 1EBRASKA. HENRY LI1MANN JOBBER : oF a111 Paper an iliO Sliaffes. EASTERly PRICES DUPLICATEDJ 1118 FAI1NAM STREET , . - OMAHA NED. r"URLINGToN HOUTE ( ChicDgo , Burlington & Quincy Railroad. ) . _ _ - - - 1 ; . 18 . . . .Nf . II I i. 4 Ii ; I lid .1. _ _ _ : , _ _ vca Ta , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ COINC EAST ti WEST. Elegant lJmiyCoaclie , Parlor Cars. with lteclln tag Clialrmt ( seats free ) , Smoking Cars , with Ito. volvimig Clnalmn. L'allmanu I'aiace Mloeplumg Cans anal thu ( amour C , H. e q , 1)Immhng Car' ; run , latiyto and from ChIcago .t Kansas City , Chicago . Council llitmffs , Ciileuo & iesItloinnum. Cimlerigo , Ht. Jo. rephi , Atcimiwn ft Topeka. Only through line he. tvtsmm Ciilcno , Llncotum .t flcnver. 'rlmrougtn earns iietwvcui Jnmdianapoils It Cquuucil IlluiTs via 1'eonna , All counnocflomium mail , , in Union Depots. It Is known astho greatThiltOUQil CAIt UNt. GOING NORTH MID SOUTH. SethI Trains of Itbeganit flay Uoacos ) , and PUS loan I'alaco Weeping Cars are zimmi daily to arid from St taminix , via Jianmnibal , Quincy , Keokmnk. llm'riingion. Ceijar liapids ammil Albert Lea to St l'aui nd Mlrmneopolls ; i'aniorCarswifli Itec1lnIsi' ChaIrs to arid from St. Louis autO roorla nnider arid from St Louis and Ottumwa. Only nzr change of cars between LIt. Louis and i2 : Islolnit'ns iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and DunvC. Colorado , Itle unlvcrsaUyadmitmd ) tobotho I Finent Equipped Railroad In the World for all Cliwso ofTravl. ' i-.1. VOT1LIL 3d VIco-t'rea't armd flen't Tmlanzrzer , PgiU1lVAT , LflWgf.T. m nsn , Psaic. Ag't.GbIca.I . . C. F. GOODMAN , Wholesale DrUggist 1 AND DEALER IN Palilts , Oils , Yarshos alid Wi.udo GIass 0M4/IA. NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Groweri of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTIO. TO Our Cround Oil Cake It Is the host runt cheapest food for stock of any luau. Ore pound La equal to thrte pounds of coin' tack fed with , Ground ( ) fl Cake lii thu Eati anti Wlntur , lustead of rwmmning dowu , 'sW increase La weigh I and i.e ins goiid unairketablo ouniditlon Inn the nspniumg. hoiryowni , as wiuli Sal other , who Use It cue testli ( Its . mmmorit. . Try It amid judge for yoursolses. , lelcu 25.GO ncr tom , ; rio cinarge for iackii. Address oi.eod.nuu SVOODiIAN LJNSKIW OIb COMPANY Omuiui NEW HARDWARE Sr2ORE 2407 Ciitnipg 6trcot , Cop. Saunders. HARDWARE I1t1OES TINWARE , STOVES , ETC. AS LOW AS TILE LOWEST , JOHN HUSSIE5 - - - - Proprietor.