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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
1 - 7 - 3 ' - - rim DAILY BEE-"OMAHA , FRIDAY , OOTOBMt 26 , 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ThE DAILY BEE. o1AHL : Friday Morning , Ootobor 26. The For the tllIOt Missssipii ) VRIlO3' generally fair weather , nortlicrJy wIlId8 8liifting to southerly , falling barotuotor. ntationary or rising toinporaturo. For tito Missouri valley , fair weather , followed by local raiiis , outhoasterly rinds , falling barometer , statlotinry or rishig temperature. LOOAL BEE VITIES1 -Save money. Send to 1. Foaronwh loaalo cigar and tobacco dealer , for irlco list. -Tim noon tratnwestyc4crtlaycofliieted of eleven cars , all 'Yell loailcil , -Tlio , iumbcr of electric lights uotl In this city cenii to lncrcaw every night. -The carA coining Iii from the west now are ( lecJly covcretl wit ) . Ice anti snow , -The crossings at the corner of Twelfth and Farnam atrects are boitig fixed up. They iioodcd It. -Mr. Warreii Svitzcr hia. ( lechined the nomination on the 1)omucratlc ticket for Coun. ty Judge of 1)ougIa county. -Train No , 2 , on the U. 1' . , w thirco hours late yosterilny The delay I reported ported to have boon from a wrecked freight In the ve.torn Iart of the State. -Iii response to a telegram ( ruin lion.V. . 1 ? , Cody , Mr. CIta. Ihiowo sent a full , riin mental metallic cMkot for the burial of his i1aughter who died at North Platte Oct. 2Ith. -.Six cannons , with. the usual carriages , etc. , wore taken west emi the U. \Vcdncinlay to Freniont , from while ) . i1aco they will be for. wardeil to Fort Niobrara over the S. C. and P. road. -ova % VM received In Liii. city by telegraph \Votlnesday of the ileathi of Orra , daughter of lion. VT. F. Cody. Thu aynipa thy of many . friend. i with the bereaved parenti. -Among the IhistinguiRheil arrivals at the flurnct house , Citicinnati , In attentlanco at tim re uuloii of the ArLny of the Cumberland , we tottco ( ion.V. . P. Carlin , of Omahizi , and ( on. Clia.s. F. Manderon , our junior U. S. Senator , bt1. ollicers of that army. ; -Avery small inomi.o ran out the door of mme of our largest ( try goods h1oue3 yesterday mind caused two ladies who were tist er. taring such a freght that onoof thorn positive. ly refesed to enter the store and the other id. most fainted. -Dr. A. S. li'ihbiatt hIM iurchtasd from iioggs & jill ! a valuable and finely located lot on Furnam street , between Twonty.fifthi and ' ] wcnty.s1xth streets , near the lots of " .V. A. 1'atteii and .1. E. Boyd. lie intends to erect upon thil. lot au elegant building for a saul. tarlum , svoric upon which will be conimomicod early next spring. The idamis are now being drawim by the architects. -An article handed In at the ] ici olflce for iubhication In last Yrldrsy's edition , by some mnomn'jor of the home Circle Club , stated tIia.t immost ( if the members of the Vosta Chap. ter had j Imiod that climb. Soverol nmomnbora of the Vesta Chapter cahhcd to-day antt repudiat. cd the statomnemiL Vesta Chapter 1. a ccrot .organlzation. amid hams no connection whatever vithi the climb. -On mioxt Monday the Slomc City & I'a ciflowlil commence to use its now bridge at ] 3lair , and the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & ; Ommmahia road viIl change its time table to nieot tim new arrangements of that road. The train now leaving hero at 8Ot ; ) a. in. svill leave at 7:30 : , and that arriv1nt at 'li50 p. in. will arvo at 6:30. : The Oakland train will leave at1OO : p. ma. Instead of 12:45 : , but arrives m. before atll:40 a. m. * -We again call attention to the time table hiubhiihiod in Tint 1iEi of the arrival and tie partiiro of trains and the opening anti c1oshii ( if mall. , as being the only cortoct otto printot in any Omaha paper. The travollimig iniblli o itiuch depends upon tito accuracy of thu thiiie-carda that are found in nowslahors ) thu every ofimirt should ho made to have them cur roetod Of ) to date. Wo do so by ours. -In the District Court WeduiosdA'y , bufoa Judge Wakeloy , the case of Tenor vs. Tb City of Omaha , was triod. This was is sin for3OOO ilamnagos for lucesonal injuries cc ceivod by falling into the excavation made fo the basement of lloyd's opera house , iii 1881 ifon. J. 0. Cowlum anti \V. T. Council for thu city. The juicy rendered a verdict for $500 I ma'or of the Plaintiff. -Just bcforo the arrival of train No. .1 o the U. 1' . Wednesday , a toammi tmtamuhlng zion the U. 1' . depot took fright , at the oscaplo steam from one of the yard enghuios , anti trio to run away. Tim driver hold on for a wht anti then jumflhetl for his life. The wagon vs whirled about .ovcral tinicu. , one wheel simian ] etl and the tongue brokous. The team the fell dowus and svan'capturod before any furthui ilaiguqfo WM -Time drivers of street cars vere proti liberally spotted with mud ycaterdaynuornin -Two drunk. In the ; ollco court yontertle mourning , one of them "Whisky , Tnck. " -Vanderbilt I. worth about 4,000 times IL own voight in gold. or about 50,000 tImes Ii own weight In silver. It In not thought thiati over iieod to work any more. -A young man Iii cleniroun of position tutor to family. Juustructions in Engili brusmiohes and in th Latin anti Greek. lieu from II to 6 or froimi 7 to 8 ' . in. .tqiy this office. -Titoro was another big land slide at t iloronce Cut-off Wednesday , one hundred am fifty foeLlung and twenty Ilve feet ileet. . TI sort of Interruption luruUiboa ! to contInue t work indefinitely. -The trial of Levy for kicking up during a Jewish prayer.inoetiug lately Lro Ises to take nomno time. Ithasboon postpoz until the 7th of next month situ a jury inanded. It us snaking a great fun. oyn very small znstter , -North Dakota's coat of arms Is a I dn1.ed with the American flag tlcpend from the beak t nn oahu. In time backgrou Ic a range f bills and time chimney of a smnu lug Sumac' ; In the center In a river on vh a steamboat an I a train of cams are round bluff. Beyond is a field of wheat and cc with white man with his plow on one hi anti an Induuun witlu his tent4 about him on thucr , Iluth look upward at a rift in clouds , where in the legend , "Yeai ( od take you own lart. " -The' opening of the new Jiuly Fan Church , on Niuoteenths anti hard uutrectn , ii C Sunday , I. . an important evemi to the Ousthc' if North Omaha mind to tlmu city geuurn bZwwIug an It dose the wonderful growth tiMi (1&te City. M a fitting close of the u I lie eirsmnonte. of the diuy a lecture will be . _ _ _ _ . . . .t * - - t . . M _ , Iivcrod in time evening by Ito , . 1. Brady en "The Pagan Woman uuuI the Christian We. mon , " This subject will iurovo doubly inter. t'sting at the present time ; In fact a morn "taking" subject than woman could imot be chosen at any time. -Time new barracks at lorf. 1)ouglan are being imshmod ahead with comninonulablo vigor , aitul tlmo contractors anticipate having thieuum conipictod within time next twenty days. -Thu Union Pacific magnates , who have recently made a cmiii over the Oregon Short i.ine , wore oxiectetl to arrive in Salt Lake yesterday morning , lint failed. They wore afterward expected to roach hero last iight , lout again failed to come. uIr. 1)ihhon ) and his at1 ! are inching their annual tour of innlce. tioui.-SahL lake Tribune. -lion. .1. T ; Clarknon , of Schmnyher , wan an , castbound Ilansonger lant night. .lfon. A. J. POPhletfl left for Des Moines hail. evening on legal business. -Time legend f thmo ' 'Sovon Sleepers" is drawus mliii as comniunrod with the sleeper at the central office of the telephone exchange. If this trouble in not romouhiod a very serious result of lain negligence will be pubhishiotl. -liar. 1. Breathy will lecture at the Holy Family church on Sunday ; October 28 , at 8 I ) . mu. , for time benefit of the Holy i'amnily church. Subject : "l'iio l'ngaui SS'oman and tIme CIthtlais , V.omnnn. -h'or some time Iat ) complaints have been inciTe its to the condition of tim road that loath. imp tim l'rospoet 11111 cemetery and as the county auth city ziumthiorities refused to take ammy actioui in the mnator time votorzui Hoxton , Mr. ( Thorgo ? ilcdiock , fiumnhly took the matter in lii. own hands and yesterday morning sot a force of men to work fixing it up at his OWII OXIOum5O. it in a good mnovemnouut mid oumo for whelm Mr. Medlocic deserves a great deal of praise. a-Mr. Jul111 Ilaumner states positively that ho vi11 mint be a candidate for county clerk , although lie Is thio miomninco of the working. lumen's huh farmers' cummvemitioum , uuo.calletl , held last week. -Two now amid very vrntty cars for thin Omaha street railway company wcro received yesterday from tIme factary of .Tmuiien Stephen. son in Now .Jor.oy , They are numbered 17 (10(1 ( 18 , amid are of thin band box luatteni with the latest aup1iancos in tIm way of springs amid brakes. 'rimoy will probably be used on thin St. Mary's avomno line. -Two car loads of pilotsandtrucics for the 1)cnver , t JUn Orando road were takomi vest oil thio fast freight yesterday afternoon. The fuimmeral of 1)r. Itoso will take vhaco at 2 o'clock thin aftorumoon , front hilts Into rosi donce. Thu funeral of A. J. Simpson will take place nit Sunday amid will probably be commilticteti umiuler thin auspices of the Knight 'I'euuiplars. liAr. Siimipson tiled between sevomi amid eight o'clock yesterday mnormming and we. . about 33 years of ago anti vohl known in this comniuiuiiit3' . t -Tire funeral of thiJajg1Dr. , Sorroll took vl.'eo yo'.tor.itiy aftermmnomi anul waenttondoul by a large mmumber of our imiost vroniiuient ( or mile ! . citizens. The services wore conducted by the llov. Paterson , at the house , amid at the grave amid at thin hatter place Mr. Jacobilaucic iumndo a very impressive speech in thin ( icrmnan language. A Life Snvtngl'resont. Mr. ri. 1. Allison , lutehuinsoui , ICan. : Saved his life by a simple trimil hottlo of 1)r. ICing's New Discovery for con'.umnptiomi , which caiiso.l huimi to procure a large bottle tuimtt cumil. vlctniv 'iro'i luiiui vhuout ( hOCtOIS , chimimigo of chimnato 'mud everything else hiadtfaihccl. Anthi. inn , hiroumchiitis , lmotrsouiesn : , severe coughs , nut ! all throat and lung diseases , it I' guaranteed to cure. Trial bottles frco at C. 1" . ( lootimnamu's drug store. Lanzo size $1.00. A BOLD BURGLARY. A ilousu Rallak Ironi e11ar to I Several JiuuI(1vod IollnrH Voi'th ol . . l'roperty 8(1)1Cm ) . Some timno during Tuesday nighit em i Wednesday mourning , abolti burglary we : t . perpetrated emi tim roablonco of M. W , lConiiard , Es.1. , No. 1718 Douglas etreot 'I.'hio raiders were ovidomitly tyros at thu a C buninean , having zia tool to work with : ext t CeIt audi no were picked up about the I. prommlieoe , a ncrow driver , stove wromichi V etc. , etc. . Two separate omitrmuicca vuro otructod 0 thu first being through the kitcliomi win U tiow' , which had been left unlocked Boitig unable to got through the middl deere to tIm front amid , up.stmiirs rooms tb folIow8 went around tim house cmiii climb g l1 jug over the front poech , 1)ricl ) open oui of the second story viiidowH , They thai 0 ycmit thirought the whole house euloctium ts ovorythiimmg of value they could hay thai Fi Inuids on , 'l'hzo entire family was abauzi in end loft an 01)01k field for work. ir Several flue dresses and a quantity c jowolcy was taken amid some valuuibh pieces of jewelry eortcd out and left be y Izimid , A large trunk , lnake(1 ) full i. goods wce carried to an adjoining nile ly mid rifled of its muost. valuable conteuti lit all , uoacly 81,000 worth of goods wem Is takeii. Thu robbery was no discovorc is until about noon yesterday , amid whul there is no chic to the robbers , it is b e liovod that they are still in town. uiiuii : 16. ) A. hack which was not ziumber 16 tIm time , but eomethimig like ithaulod a com rs pie of passeuigora up from ) ) thee U. 1' . d at 1)Ot Tuesday night , to a lauding hioto There voro two iiion emi time box , tI he : driver and emiothier , Time ha id toy collected the fare , aim ii. assisted iii tekimig the baggage iuisido ti lie house. After ho limed gomm thmo gor's valise was missed , and it is chmar that it wami carried away by thee luau vI ) W took the fare. 'l'hzo loaer waa obliged I zn leave yesterday , but the lfl cre nrc loch keti mg the iiiatter ui , . le Aiiir1OAL ) tIROOKEI ) WORK. C A A warrant is out for John Doe , who charged with robbing Mrs. Oliver , vI :1.1 . roatdca on Sovantli atroet , of a sum iuomiey. zig Thu 1)011cc are else ortloroti. to arrc m Jiuuny 2Iuirphiy , who hivea on the lid for robbing Jul1:1 : hull of certain good b Au AiWerWaneel. r , Cais ny omm bring us a caae of kidney ml liver complaint that Electric 11 the tern 'il1 not speedily cure ? We nay they c the not , as thiouuoumul. of canes already perimianci uuid ! Y cured aitti who re ( laliy recomumuciudi 11ectuio hitters vhlh pro. height's dusea diabetes , weak back , or any urinary complal lily t1uickly cuzed. 'i'iuoy ' iuuilfy thin blood , re I late thin bqweli and net directly on the ti ax eased IIar. Every bottle guaranteoul. 1 hlc sale at Oo a bottle by 0. 1. ( inudinan. ily , - of Why nrc Livrrrr , b'ut & Co'u ( hIoi UI ) . the bent ? liecauno ' they aru aiui do OALJrOIUIA 1IUUK , 2&4u . . _ idk _ - - FREE UOOKS. Tile Presdilt Coll1)fl ) othe ! Oma Pn1ic Lthrary , - _ _ _ . - Amid Its I'rospoetR Whoa Avcummtimio. llfltCi With Now Quarters , Early in December thin public library vi11 be in ite 310W eiuartera ill tim third story of Williams' block , much more conimnodious than the present room imi the accoud atory. In order to learn what always mght occur at the tinia of the removal in the arratigomninit and lila ) ) of the library , a reporter dropped in yesterday soomi after thmo roomu wan opened , that is to nay a hittlo after 10 0 clock , Already there were a number of pooj.'io cominulting the nowafiapors arranged iii their long flies or thumbing the inaga. zines , or mnakimig demands at the libra. riami'a window for different books. An soon as Miss Allen , TILE LinmtAIutnc , was at liberty , the reporter asked what changes in book arrangomomita muighit bo con tom pint ad ' 'Thorn are ncodod , " said Miss Allon"a separate readIng room , aiid particularly a separate ruforotico room. I mnoami by that a room under thin charge of en assist. ant librarian , whore ahiotilti be kept all tim euicyclopmtidian , documents and books of reference whichi arc not allowed to leave tholibrary. Itshiouldbonquiot Placawhiero patrons of the library can etudy up aub jocta yithiout being distracted by tIm nurroundings under which Lucy now carry on their invostigatioums. hero also they could call for such books ita they tomnporarily comisult. from ! ) the circulating part of the library. " " \Vill the number of hibrainan be in- croasodV' "Vo shall in all robabihity , have thrco lIbrarians this winter. Tim iiicroasetl space , .LMOST vicu the room we how have demands it , and thee miummeber of books is imicrcasing very rapidly. There in some talk of hnving ii separate room for periodicals ; we have mint shelf room onourzh yet , and miomie of the now magazines , tlio 1uIaiLhiattahi or the English magazine , have locml sub scribed to yet oni that accouiiiL" "how mummy 1)oriodzcais has the library miowl" thea reporter asked. "Vo have about and fifty papers fling- azines , but mimamiy more arc called for. " " \Vill not the third floor make the books rather inaccessiblol" "ilavimig thin library on tIm third floor will miot have no much ofreet as tim use of limo books as on ( ho use of the periodicals , because thorn are a miumber of busiiiess inns : that run up hero to glance over the newspapers , particularly the Chicago pa- pars , wheme they have mvii atrurm : ro si'.tnu and now it will take them those five miii- utos to climb thin stairs. But that is not so bad as Chicago , whnoro the periodical room in on tim fourth floor. The lower floors are best , of course , for library pur. poses , a reading room on the first floor would bo excellent , but renta am so very high at present that tIm diroclors canmiot afford it. The money lie. ' to bo put into now books now. " "What is thin anmiual'increaso , in tim number of bookal" "There mere about tomi thousand ye- ! ( lines in the library now and the increase thin yenris about three thousand , I be- liovo. Thu old amid trashy novels arc ba- ii1f weeded out and their places supplied with a batter class of fiction. All of Black's novels have been bought. Mrs. Oliphant's and others. Only tirat-chans loOlCa are being bought now , and the di. rectors are guided very much by the do- mnaiids of THU LTIIIIARY'H iATItONH , There will be noine $6,000 to use thin . year , coumiting from the . of a miii tax oil tim city. Senator Manderaon has also very kindly olIored to supply our shelves with mcli the Covernmout reports auil public documents. The library in altogether in a 'ery llouriahiimig coudi- I tion nud wu hope to ba in thin now rooms . by thin first of December. Thom arc mnaiiy people , however , who actually do I . mnot know that there in a free pub. , 3 lie libr.try in this city , nun ! have I - lived hioro sommio time , amid them nra oth. . i ors who mere aware of the library's existence . once , but have imo idea what cii oxtommaive I , aiid ims.ful nun it really is. I wish yet I would mnentiomi this " , Amid the scribe pronmimued to muientiomi it . . Tue public library is growing rapidly , amid it , in imiado much use of. But then . mmiany yet whmo would timid it to their ad U vmimitago to visit it. U . . Bucklemi'us AtriiIoiI Salvo. I. Thmo greatest medIcal wonder of thin world e \Vnmmtcd to simuduly cure Burns , Cuts , UI it corn , Salt Ithetmum , Fever Sores Cancers Piles I g Chilblains , Corns , Totter , dhzapped hmumis I r nut ! all skin orUltiOiin ) , guartuitood to cure ii t every instance , or inomicy refunded. 25 center . or box , If liufThlo Bill , Dr.Carver. Capt. Bc u e gardems , Major North , Toni \Vilmuui amid ) . acorn of other heroes , with Indimun I ) f scouts and cowboys , exhibit met tim fai y grounds Saturday nftcnmioomi. 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OUTTINU CIILIill1.EN'S flAiR. Time 1roccss a' Observed us an Omiimsl1 flarhor Hlutp. i8 Conic , deane , comae in and lot tim . LI- the barber cut your hair , " said a ham 0m.onmeiy dressed lady at thin door of a be. 1. bor shop iii this city yesterday to youimgster vhmo hummg back just outalulo Li i ti door. "Comae , iiow , be good. " in "I-don't want to"aaid his little leigh 'a ness , poutimmghy. : ' 01e , yes , coimmo. Ito won't hurt ye : to mimid Limit mmmanmmna'lI ' got some camzd . ComimoYitiio. . " But Willie still manifested mm auxiet to pass the threshold oven at time ofrur u ii awoetmneats , After coaxing liimnaivhit 10 his mother flucally gave iii and tolling tli 1 of barber tine , shin guessed she'd hmavo to ti it BoiiU ) other day , disappeared with lii at ayeot temuipored little immfaiit. e , A reporter , who was recliumimmg iii meo La. thin chairs , enjoying a alinvo , witmiosse this scomio an it Wa u relloctud in a mnitri 1mm ( remit of huiui , "Nice chile ! , that , " lie observed to he or friend thin barber. : i ; there's Iota just hike 'em. Win it. a woman comes to thin door and coi a mnemmccms to talk to her chihi that wee ; ' ° t why I don't immako no motion at all for Lmt get tim high chair , 'cauo I kiiow as an : fate that that kid isn't golmmg to ha or 311 hair cut. 'l'hio woman can beg all d i of Lieu youngster , amid lIz ito good. 11 when they comimo rigid In and. thin mi i ren na7a , 'This little boy wants his hair cc ismi \ Lila take oil your hat ' then I ill merotnid lively and get's tine high dim ( or thin little follow , 'cause I know it's a job. " And tim barber was about correct in his jumdgmeiit in this deimartniont of human nature. lte.hding's . Itussia Salvo is en immvahimahiln drcssrmg ! for inhlamoul and sore Joints. i'rico 20c. Thin \ ViidVcst is kmmowmi through the " ' Shmow"and 'Ommhia's ' East. an "Nebraska's : Outfit , " so we at hiomno should give it , a rnuaimmg wcicomnn an it closes thin seasomi leone. AN 0TH ER S Li C KERS A Cooy BOWllC By Mon. lie Tikcs Ills Misfortune Good. Na- tmmrcdly , The confidommco muon as well as LImo bur- glare appear to be thriving at presomit iii this vicimmity , and rOlOrLii ) from Council Bluffs and Lincolme show that theao comn. munition are nlo sufrerizig from their raids. Last evening a bull puncher from thi grass regions caine iii Ofl tIm U , P. overland - land train amid came to grief before lie got ofT on his train at the transfer. lie was dow nod by thin oldest confidemico dodge kmmown. ITo was on his way to Miemmouri , and met mi. slick nile , bound for tin seine place. Thu latter lied a lot of express goods on tim tnaimi , and between Omnahia amid thio transfer was approachieti by mum express mnessoimger , who insisted that thin freight must be 1)aid before thin goods could be forwarded. The owner o thee goods of cocmrso proVC(1 to be shiort of money and struck his newly mnado cc- qunintanco for $100 , mlrurimig himin as so- cunity ic check omm a St. Jon bank for $1,000. lie got it at omico and on ar- rivimig at thee other sidn voiit up to tim express office (1) ( ) to sen about his property , promnishmmg to return at once. It ; a unmiecesnary to say that he is still missing. his victim was soon apprized of the character of his now acquaintance and admitted timat , lie hind bcozm sold , but took it very good naturedly. lIe did not hiavo a comet left to buy lunch on his trip home , but lee has probably obtained a valuable bit of experience. The VTild W'cst plays at Council Blufl' to-day , To-morrow aft'nmioomi at Oniahea fair groumids.Don't miss it. voici ; A.NL ) VlOiitN. Notes Upon the Cnhtlerwood Concert liast Evomulmig. There was no hack of enthusiasm in thee audiemico last night at the Opera House , not only because it wan composed largely of friends of Miss Calderwood and leer assistants , but because thin entertainment was so thoroughly good that it deserved applause The pnogrammn exhibited as able a lint of namne an over contributed to ant amateur concert in this city. Time selections of the Philomathiecu string qnartotto from haydn and Beethoven worn very carefully played , and tim quar. totto from the Glee club smuig their "Beechanalo" so ychl that a repetition was demanded , Mr. Edward Rff , whose voice is well known in Omaha now , sang "Thy Sent- mini and I. " Besides lmavimig a very well cultivated voice , Mr. Itatr has a remarkably - ably fine stage presence. Miss Pennel's sweet and rich contralto was tested with great credit to horsoif in Barnby's "When tin Tide Conies In , " a more pleasing song Linen time one , "Jamio , " whelm size gave to an eucoro. Messrs. ilireckonridgo amid Deunl rondo men admirable duel , for their voices chimuin perfectly. They sahg Cain- palm's serommado , "Sen thin Palo Moon. " Thu singer of thin ovemiimig , Miss Lizzie Calderwood , chose for leer opening meumn- bar me macst difficult selection fromie Verdi , "Sorts 'e ha Notto , Ernammi Ivolami , " which gave every opportummity to display tIme je.aiimimig liar voice limes received dur- big leer two years' nixiemico from ems. Nearly all who worn Iresouit heat evening hind heard her thee last time shin samig in Omaha amid evoro prepared to mimake comic- They wore all favorable ; ummau- thee opinion that lien work in liostomi hiad resulted mimost mrolitably. Miss Caldorwood's has become as clear as a boll , amid as lirimi iii its vibra- 3 tiomi , If thence was a trifle of umicortaime. . ty iii thee tnills it wan only frone a lack of confidemece which was gained iii tim later numbers , for , imedeed , cache piece with . she favored then aUdience was better than - thee preceding. , Miss Calderwood's ciecores were a lid. ' lmcby amid me sprightly bit of advice tc : lovers , both songs particularly adapted to leer voice , whose chief memorit in fresh' miens. 'l'hmo ontcrtnimemnomet closed withe r - delightful ( huartotto , "Toll Me , Roses , ' a 1Y Misses Caldorwood mmd I'omemeohl , and , Messrs. Northerul ) amid France. r MiSs Caldorwood was prcaemitod with e number of floral tributes , wheicle sin gratefully accepted. Thom is only on. . criticism worth rumiiarkiimg , and tlmt ii upon thmo opoiD. icotiso itself , 'which eve. . l disagreeably cold. Dome't imeiss then Wild West at thi Omaha fair groumids Saturday aftormeoon o I. FEDERAL JUROIiS. I r- ra Graced nut ! rout l'aemela Drawn fen ( lee Novofhbo'T'uie. n B. S. Duiedy , Jr. , cluck of time distric e- court , amid Dr. Tildemi , jury comnnmissiomi or , drew Lieu panels for thee Novombe , tonic of Lien district court yesterday , a . follows : flmt.L ) JumeY. ; w. r , Sloaim , H. N. Sheoevohi , in ka City ; W , 0 , hatch , harrison Mackm 0 Richardson coumetyb ' 1' . 0. hacker , Brow : : I villu ; Robert W. Purnas , Jacob Dow , T or cumneehi ; A. 13. KemieltOfl'nheoo , Ccc ' A. Bryant , Waterloo ; 11. eherimig , Vom l Point ; John Ilimetome , Falls Cit ) ' ; Dan lu'mumo , l'apihliome ; A. A , Canmmmem or Sprimmg Creek ; It. S. lIa.t. A , H. Engb . so ! ) , lloime7 Steomi , A , [ i. Maryatt , F. . ] Cs ( irithimi h1cheard iCetchome , if. I' , Done Samuel A. lierimimum , Ocuaheme ; Jies. it. I ) . iii via. a- i'nrvr auicv. y W , . Norris , l'omeca , Johmi W , Dram cc june , Jacksoze , Win. Mast , Pal ' 0 City ; Jmeo. A , Randall , Aim cy 1t1)burt ) Gregg , FiemeioietV ; , W. Athim ut. soim , Pomica ; Coo. S. Acres , lakota OIL ; ly Jan. Fullomi , Tukatnahe ; Cheas. F. We it ; thor , Falls City ; B. A. Hall , Omaha ; I Ii. Crawford , Ommushea ; T. S. Weed cir Poilca ; H , 1' . Davis , Oakdaho ; Wi1lim Rider , Omnahmic ; Wm. Barr , Lincoln ; II. P. Howe , Poimcn ; Fred W. Stock , Falls City ; Johen Dcnmemsomm , Dakota City ; E. P. Sossoii , A. M. holmes , B. S. Ramsay , Kelly W. Fraser , Dakota City , . 11. Palmer , aT. C. Jones , , Jtmhian Metcalf , Nebraska City ; Amos Bruce , Charles Perky , Ii.V. . Bennett , C. J. Horseung , ltnbt. Clcgg , Falls City. Time grand jury are rnmmmnomicd to appear - pear on the 18th , end thee petit jumry on then lf3tii. - - NUt ) l'bOlJIIIS. Sernplmig timei l'nvomneIut. Oil (51)1)01' Ioemgha's Stied. Yesterday , just after noon , just after dinmeer , me force of men wore put to work by Street Comumnissiomior Mike Meamiy , ome time Dociglas street pavement to shovel oil time mud. Thee dirt lean beone carried ometo this street by all thee wagon- wheels iii towme amid now lies so thick that cache alcove1 full is two or three itechics deep. Time mihovelera were backed by a queer looking immeplemmmomet , a cross between a snow lQ' end a relic. It wan drawni by two horses and on it were seated two imien to hold it dowmm. Tim niud curved up iii front of it iii great. long rolls and still eonsiderabho was left behemmed , but times wits to lie wzuslmsd off by linen attached teL L levlrant.nulls I Menny'sjmtcoet. OY4 I W' , ARiA PW ER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puilty , strength an1 viOmtsommieIcss. : si ore ecoiiomlcai than tim ordlmiary kind , , and cannot bonohi incOmupotithn with tao multitude of low test , short wright , alum or l.'ii.'phato podern. Sold only In eat. . . . flak. Inc Powder Co. moti Wali Street Nov York PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. ilcadquamters Icjartiiucnt of the i'iattc. Chief Qulirtermuaster's 0111ev. Omaha , Nob. , October nI , iSS3. ttin : PitOt'OsAt. . Iii tim1mantu , stibjoct tothe usual condltlon , wIll ho received at Clii' oillcu until 12 o'clock noon , on the 23d ilay e'j ' Nuvenmhcr , isJ , itt % ilcii tlnmo and lIaco they nih iu opened In lrcsccc of im.idcrs , for furiulililuig and delmvermer at Omaha Depot , Nob. , anti at. ttloiiS on maIn line of thilomi i'anllc Railway at and cast of North i'lattc , L,800,00i , m)0UTILI , Corru stud 5O0OO Pounds Oats. Cumitmacts II be matte for these , uamutItles subject to Increase of fifty her centuuii or dlmulnatlon of iIty ! ice centum. i'refcreuice eI1i be glvcii to articles of tiomnestlo lromimactIoli ) , conitlomi of price and qualIty being oiia1 , amid such lireference will i given to articles of Auierican production Iecxlucol on the t'aciilc coast tO the extent of their mc require. ! by time 1tmbllc service - vice there. For fuim particulars an to bIdding , blanks for rro- jiosais aumd bidder's guarantee c.n bu obtaimal on ap- Illeatldmi tothin otiles. U R3 dt 0 , B. DANDY , Chief Quartermaster. SPEOIAL NOTICES. trSpecIa1s wiLl Positively not be inserted unless raid in esivance. To LOAt-Money. 1t1ONRY TO LOtN-The Omaha SavIngs Bank Is 1I new prepared to mnako loamis on Oninima city or floughts county real estate at current rate of Interest. No commission charged. 588-fl TO LOAN-The iowost rates of Interest 90NEY ] . ' Loan Agency , 15th .1. Doumilas. 'fONEY . TO LOAN-Call at Law ethos of 0. L. iv1 _ Thomas , roon. 8 , Crelgliton Block. 4ONzY LOAN8D-On Chattel mortgage , room 7 .1TI Nebraska National mianklmufl'lmnr. " / ONaY TOLOAN-J. T. Ueatty onus on chattel Wi property , 213 South i4Lh St. sept16 HELP wA'rnD. ttTANT1W I At F'ioremico tuit-oU. One good black. C V , uinItte. Inquire cf J. C. Muirilmy , atthe work. 495.20' , lafscook at Florence Cut.otf. inquire C 9 of .1. 0. iiurIhy , , at the work. 49I58' \TAN'i'II1-Cock . .ini tb1t , mnItor at Pcltio house V 1 'I'unth aui.'i l.svcmiport. ¶ TTANTEU-ook at the Slaven house 10th St. 5T 4822fl . ) - couim1ctcuit Pronsfeetlerat thoOnmaha \ ytN1ll-A l'ust ISU , St. .198-25 I TANTII-Oirl at SiO south 15th St. ! 49S.27t . - first class illuing coon , girl arid a V y.tNTtU-A at the C ty Iltel. , .19.27t TANTmD-A : goal canaser to travel In Iowa L slid iakta. SIii..t . imaic knowledge of the her. ml Hunk Trailu. Call at room , , , 6 and 7 , Everett's , block , Couimcil BInS , . ( own. Ei.2O 'l TANTEI-LwI1v agents to sell the best selling V Ittie of lltcs end CluIlmircu , ' . good' ever offer. I ott. hales mnado in ovary houno as fast s agents can lmow tli ( good. . gcnt. are enaklumg lOO a month , AIiiresn , with ntamjm , I. . . U. it. Co. , U South Slay St. , I Chicago , 1mm. 585.iin 3 7A2TE1)-iMy agents for 'the 'Queon i'reteet- ) a V erA new under garment for ladies , made of 5 soft , flexible rubber , Sure protection to the under. vesr , when necessary to ho worn , ltotmttl. for 2.OO a fait as 15tk cfl show It. Large proats. Address with stamp. "LAtUes Uundergtsrment ManufacturIng 2.Ne : ! 13 1.1ev street , Chlcao. I , % rANTIn-Itninaliatcly : , sli geol tailors by II. V V Moyer. , Tekanisi , , Nob. Stoaily work the en. . tlroycar. 459-il W ANTEI-A glellorgenerM ho'isswurkin a fain. Ily of three. itijuiro on south sideCharlos St. betweeii Iremmo and Jo,0 , . 44925 TANT8m-Io good reliable men capable of sell. F lug goods to lrlvato maunillo , . Steady position tethe rlrhtunea. ( nail 421 South 10th IlL 414.251 \ XTANTEi-Ooed Ocrinan gui to do generisi house 7 work it iSIS ) Vubnter struot. 580-25 L iTANTIl-0irt In a faumilly of ( we , Inquire at L- J.OAAN e CO. 'r ' ANISO-ODOII girls br good dsoueiies. Best V V 's.eL Al'lY ) imnniedistely at einploynieu : s buieat 217 N , 10th lit. No , oSlo , , fee. i'ITANTIID-SIx god coat makers. Best of priam FItANIC J. RAdIUS , _ ( I , ,8ITUATIONflWANTrn. I. 7.tN'rED-A situation to wok 1mm ItOrC Ir taie care of Iummre. , by a Yiuuug man of ox ) . imiiuiro tt'r ( leo. Selunmldt , at Peter Gos' . : ' \\TANTEOl'onltIon \ an eorrepoiidlme clerk collector in wholeaio hotie. References and , , securItY gisemi , i.uuj.ioyineiit ! m.ceictl 'flora that , som Dry , Wool. ! not uiijcct to collectIon. on railroad , : "L 0. " Jiuooftlce. 47.d7 * r , cui'sme .c n TMhOll , hiu can give flrsL.clas reference , Is opeti for cuigagenmeut , Atitlrtms , Biulth& Teller , Council Blutts , lose. 1458-201 1' 7AVEU-StuatioiuThyThrctii. ( S V Cuitcliutaui , eoleroil ) . ilcat of references glvoui AFidy t rank IlaIm , 504 E..ent uro.iwsy , Council UluSm 457-251 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. % % T.tN'rEU.-A situetlom , foi two years 5y a youni is V V iliac , to learn the ( cab of iron Sioudinv. Ad 462.25 ! a ; a N. b'FAi'FOICU CYarroumbuor , Mo. , wauti th addrussot a tailor nanied Ilsnry Siilei. Hat V ; nni. . . . c1. have steady J mb. CVIII .ouiu filtiul be kini 1. cuuough to tail liltit or gise hl * address to CV. J. Wes 3 , bU5 , tilty MIII. , 8th and Varuamn , 407-20' e. % fANfii-8teadT uetuatiOmiatotce , b lln.t.cian , V V tinuar that den I drink. Address "Teun.r , " car in j this otiles , _ _ . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Jnfants and Children Without Morplelno or Nnrontlnn. \That gives our Chilimiren mee' chmepksu , C What cures their fcvces , mna'keg them slocp ; ! ' 'Tis ( zsetnriri. Then Rabies fret , rend cry by turns , What cures theIr colic , kills theIr worms . Jluit Cnstnrla. What quickly cure' Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : ilt ( inetorla. Farewell then to Morphilno Syrups , Castor Oil lend Paregoric , end hell ( astoria. Centaur Linlmoflt.-Anab- sointo cure for Rhoumatlem , Sprains , Burns , GnUs , &o , , and an inatantanoons Pn.ln.roliovor. CREAT ENC SH REMEDY. Cuie S PhYSICAL & lleblll , . . S OssmAL LOSS 9 - MANLY VlOOitSpsnmitorr. I bass , etc. , when all other rem. . S. ' . . d" mimes faib .4 curs waranteed. - ' .5. lto a bottle , large bottle , four \ \ \i& / that , , the quantity , 5. 1W cx. \ ' press to any address. Sold by - - - all tlrmmggist. . ENGLISh ! slED ! . CAt. INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 OlIve Street , St. LouiMo. - a , ! have sold Sir Astley Cooper's Vital Restorative or years. Every t .stomer saks highly of IL I unhcsitatlnglycndorso It an s comely of true merit. "C. F. GOODMAN , Druggist. , ntm % F.b.I 1583 NBBRASK LOAN AND TllllP O hASTINGS , liEu. Capital , - - $250,000. JAS. I ) . IIEAICTWEI.t , Ptoldent A. Ii. CLAICKE'ico.I'rcsidont. . B. 0. evnsTERTreasurer. : C. 1' . vniuwruit. Cashier. DimtECTolta : ameni Alexander , Oswald Oliver t. L. Clarke , B. C. Webster , ' l'ratt , .la , . 11. lloartmvcll , p. ii. StcElHlIenoy.I first Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv This Company furnishes a pcrnnent home inititim. on where sctmoo I llon0 and other legally lasumed drum. cipal SecurIties to Nebraska ccii be negotiated en imiest , .vorab In terms. Loans macla on mpromre.i iT. . In all well so ( tied commntlcms of ( ho state through ymn.Ihle nrrnstmoulnnts , , cv [ THE ESTTHREAD FOR EWG MACHINES ] SIX-CORP SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FO1L HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full assortment constantly on Irand and for sale by HENRY PUHIRMAN. Premmit. N1. MISCBLLMTEOUU WANTS. 1TANTEl ) TO 1tENT-Two Imerimisimed or unfur. nilmcl roonmsuitabie for gontlenutmi emi smife , with or wlthoimt board. State Serum and location. Addiois ' .C. I : . C. " ilce 0111cc. 496-201 AAN'I'EoA gitel fred , niSci , cow. Jtpply to v Mrs. Eiu'gummauu , b04 Iieaant Street , Ri : strect west of the Cuuviit , letwcemi St. Siary's avenue and iliruiey streetS. 472-251 . \ % ' -AN'm'Em-'ro rent or buy a luotno of six rmomq 1 witiuln ix blocksof the L'ototliee. Addres' "K. " Bee oiilcc. .164.201 \ TANTEm-Youngmnan nants board and room lii S a private family. Can givu tiret-elass references Adlresstnting ternis , "If. C. Bee oliloc. 438-31' \TANED-To hire ahorso for few mor.tims , lIght 1' work. D. 13. Becuncr corner 8th no. ) howard. I , ICBNT--flousos ant Lotim , I 3)0CC ! tuNT-I louses , otlmces , stores amid lnriilslmed room , , ' . .1. A. itollins , room , ) 20 Omaha National hank. 408-27 Fh icls'i'-purmnmmcd front roo'n. InquIre at 170'2 California street. iteferoico required. 479-271 IIUN1'-i'urnihied room , sultablo for two FOR persons , 1812 CalifornIa street. 476.88 3oa1lmchT-t'Ieasamt rooms , furnisheil or not , as desired , four blocks frone opera house. Apply lroiF.mnmam. 475-ti ; 'ou RENT-New cottage on CapItol 11111 e22.CO per month. Inqumro 24013 Capitol Avenue. 485 301 F ° n ICENT-A nice dry andlighteouthi fromtba.c. nuctit otu hialmo St. , half block north of Cuinming eQ. suitable for two or three persons , rent 7.oO per month. 486-31 ItEsT-Two unfurnislued front room , . . wIth FOR closet near streetcar 1408 north 17th St 4O271 . RENT-Two munfurnishmed rooms , very uicslza L bIy located , wIth , or witiiuut board , , SIAICIIIicS AGENCY , 469-23' 217 N. 1Cthstreet. pmt ICES m-Funhhicd , front rosin , heated by , lonbic boater. S. CV. cur. 19th aumil Davenport. 470-ti Fomt RENT-.hlouse , nostlmeant corner of Cuuning au , ) 20th streets. 0. 1' . iAVIS .k CO. , 46d-8i ) lees Fariam Strett. 1'uomt itEN'F-Thre now cottage , , C rooms , full lot , well , cistern , etc. , complete , $10 liar month , 468-30 B. L , THOMAS. eoit hIENT-Nlrei , furnished ball rooms , smIth or uithmout board , 1013 Dodge street.131.20 O1t ICEN'F-Fuirnilmed rooms at 1914tYebster St. 1 421.ti ; omt ltflN'F-A furniuheti dveliin. . corner howard and 14th. ltent6lo. icr mouth. (1. CV. Mama , , . 412-ti A Iargo utifmummisluel Laiemout , 110cr to met icis 11. iodgo St. 400-26t Fume ltl.NT-21i2 CalifornIa , furmithed rooms with or without hxmrd. 532-20t Font IIENT-FurnIshe,1 or unfuribdn-.l roonms multi , or without board near StrcLt Co.'s , 2017 Charles Street. 317.251 o LEF-Furnihed roams with board i808 Call. T fornla St. 47-1.imo. Fold iIENT-Now store In Toil's block ome Satin. . den. street , ( land location for grocery store , butchmcrsho1 , etc. Inquire at P001)10. Batik , Dodge St. 20l.ti F Oil RSN'r-Furnlsiie.I rooms on the , eorthwest con fish andCapltolayenuo. 130-ti t'oit ICKNT-Itesidenoes and storobulldinga , BED. .I _ FORD & SOUEIC , ideal Estate Agency. 0111cc east side 14th street , between Farnam and Dougise streets , 7D2.t L"Olt etSN'I'-ywo Iloon , amid basemuemit. Elevator .UattAChIO&I. 1MT } ' , nnatn street 270-ti FOR LEASE-Four choice lots on 20th St. . long time. 217 N , 16th St. J. L. Maible , 625.ti yolt BALE , .L nearly now 0015011 , 15th amid , i'ueiflo 403-27' I 5Oit SALY.-Si.ecla bargain Ii , houses and lots in all arIs of this ty. J , A. 1tolUn coon. 20 Omaha NatIonal Iiaiik , 400tf ; uomt SALE-Five room cottsgeiul1 lot , west of hIlgi School. Tornus easy , 0 , F. DAVIS & CO. , Real F.sbmto Jugonts , 480-SO 1105 Farnamn St. T'omd SALI1-Stoyc , hamgo sire baseburier , nearly _ 1. new cheap , 1713 Chicago. 481'2) HALE-Twoiots CV of 25th amid r - N , , corner -4 Chicago St. hliquire of Edliolumi amid Erickson. r4'olt SALE Olt TO ICEN'l'-A mrosporoue dairy In - _ I Omuaha Address "hairy" lice otilco. 458.271 I nA1m-storo : lmuelidlng No , liii iouglai lit , .1 lot 22xl32. l'riro O.bth ) , Terms cony. F , 0. . UItLAU , 1100 1)ouglas street. 472.31 - Aiit 0001)8 houehmold furniture for sale chueal'1 : 322 N , 58th St. 454-3i : 0N1Imuus , suid met for asic at a bargaIn , hnqulr. at Edholime and Erickson's Jes airy .tore. 457.25 ? OlL BALE-Onus Mamcsr.i chow cue lii first elsi. , order. Inijuiru of J. W. Bell , druggist. 419-26 - FOR SALS-.25 head horse. , wagons , buggies and S harness amid ntat.ien for remit at Esiltrauut stable ' Cuimimug St. U. DEICWIN. ems. ii C i-'omt S.tLE-hiouso S room. , cue-half lot , facini 1 .1 .Jflrsofl sqtiare , I,2OO. house 5 rooms , iic.r 17th aud Cs. . . 12CQ0 , $031 I. doe , , , balance a5 5 r month. - list ! lOzdSJ , close to los , , , * Bargains. 4 LOUNSBURY & M/ulTIN' ( , . tht SALE CIJFJtI'-Yin. Grey liounut. . hnp.'Ir - ac 0 , 1' . tiuidoou'n blackimuith shop , 13th and 0 Leavenworth , streets. 233-ti ole BALII-vwo iortable boIlers 10 horse muwer 1 Apply at I B. Fi-i-zeATltmaK , _ ! d8-tt Si8bouthltthStrect. T'Olc SAL-aod business chanor. at Si ? N. lOll . .J. _ street. ,1 , L. . MISRULE. Font SALE-A pair of eoht8 suitable for mc lIght car. rhge or delivery wagon. 'These coil , u Ill bu euld at a bargain as the owner line no cisc for thou , or \vill swap them for city prommerty , mid ii desiring pay lart cash. ALVIN SAUNOKItS , 1404 } 'arrmani St. oi'I'oito the l'axton Hotel. 419.25 Foe SALr-At abargaina small Sloslcrflalmnmaun anti Co's fire proof safe. Inquire at this 018cc. to1t _ SALE-A fuel cia , second hand top buggy. .I _ Call at 1310 dismay street. Oltf elL SALE-ResIdence and buistimess 1rcperty in nU parts of Omaha , and Farm Lands In all parts of the State. BEIFOCCD & SOIJEIC , 708-ti 213 S. 14th St. bet , Farnam and Douglas. -rlsolt SALE-Ole new.uaporo mu large an small .A _ qenutitica at tiula tf -toIt SALE Oh EXChANGE-Full lot and three .J. _ dwellings corner of 11th and Paciflo stasIs. NIna iota in south Omaha. Also 160 acres of land near Santon , Nebraska , anti buIlding anti etock .4 cothing ! No. SOS Tenth street. CVIII exchange for Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at (3cc. II. Peterson's Clothing Stare , 804 Tenth street. BIISCELLANEOUB. "I'OAYEIJ-lMm Canada i' ° "y with Smelter , white spot em. forehead , long mane and tail , fool mark on hIp. LIberal reward for Its return. 497-25 ! AUGUST DOLL , Coburn St taken to winter at thio Fair Groundi. flOICSES 3IOUNT & GRIFFIN , 477.7 0111cc , 213 S. 14th street. mAlIbu board at the Canhicid House , $4.00 per .L weak. scenT tickets 4.50. One dinIng rooni girl wanted. CV. IL ? mtcCOY. 483-31 tI'SIIEiIE will bi a select Spiritual Circle held at .1. 11113 Chicago Street , every Satunia ) evening at S o'cIok. Two first-class muediunmn will be present. 5 , . AdmIssion 50 cents , 401-301 roil and wlmito moilelu cow about seven years old loather straparounil , ieck. Suit able rev'ard offered. Vi. A. L. Gibhnn 24th and Far. miam or at Paxton and Uallagher'iu. 455.25 TRAYED 011 STOLEN-A year old bucknklu , S nare branded " 2. " on hip. Llb.ral rev-arid will be given 11 returned to N. CV. corner iSth amid hard. 435.26' EDWARD KUEHL , ar&ons'rsa OF 1'AL2IYSTERY AND CONDITION ALIST. 303 Tenth , strett , between Farnama and lIar coy. will , with the aid of guardIan spirits , obtaIn is 503 OflO a glance of lb past and prcrcat , and , o e.'ertaIncnditIonsin thofuture. lie , hand St. made to order. Fe , so satlshetion goarwtP' home Aaill I tIBRASA'SGAT [ ' [ SMUi1 ? _ Omaha Fair Grounds Oct 27th. Saturday , , . Afternoon Performance only , coin- mencilig itt ; 2 o'olock. -THE--- - - - - WILD WBSTI ' ' Buffa'o ' Bill , Dr. Oarvcr. Buffalo Bill , Dr. Oarver. Buffalo Bill , Dr. Oarver. ii fi Performers. 'I I I Performers. I I I Performers. ' -I Perform&rs. Indians. Cowboys , Indians. Cowboys , : Scouts. Mexicans , Scouts. Mexicans. . Herd of Wild Buffalo , ) Herd of MountaIn S It , ilerdof Teens Steers , Over 100 Intllsmi hiumace. Mexican Muies , ilurrore and lhroncluos , ; iiidlao ionie. , Bucking horse' , Etc. , Thetlr.ab Western Camp area , . . INDIAN RACING , ! IUFFAI.O CHASING , I INDIAN FIGIIINQ miw-'YAI.O CAi1UlUNt1 , 1t41)iAN WAit LAN F.8. IIUF'ALO lOVING. TI. . iiraid Indian Buffalo limit , This Wild Tena. . Steer Capture. 'lbs mionderful l'omey , Express iliui , , , I 'iluo Lassoing of ( lie CWIld Bison. T1111 EAlWO0D COACH ATI'ACIC , ) A 'iiurllmlig ned lCcalintlc Spectacle. CAPT. HO0AiUI , MAJOR FIANIc ] lOlThI. ( , Aier. IIOUAIWUS , MAJOR FIIANSt NORTh , IIUCKTAYLOR , the Klngof the Cowboy , TIN LACYmION the Wonderful Uueuo Thrower 3uIIN NELS)4 and 1mm meson. . , Indian faintly , TOil NELSON , hero of time Deadwood Ms-enacts. HTItESTiAltAflI8 IN TillS MORNING. Startling Scnaatlon , itn.send by Siaty Thounani . people in lIo.tou Cheering multitude , Iverywbecu. AuelmHsmoNaocuN'm's. emlILDliF.M ta cocTe. ) ADMIS8ION , to CENTS. CllII.UILHN 26 CKhTil. jfUate. oj'aaat 12 31. Ffloass-nss ! P. ) L ,