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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
TiII : DAILY BEE --P1tI.DA , OCrOBIt 2G , 1Sb3. HE DAILY + BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , October 26. SUnSCnu'TIC 11tATt 5 : ray Carrlbr 20 come Pct 'm ! Cy 1taL elo.oo pr ) 'rat loFFICG : e , 7 Pearl ilticet , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTtOt s See Jo oph potters fall goods' AddiUoti locils on seventh page. Chc. tp 1llsilroad'rickots at Iluslmcll'D. ' ti' t s g'nsu ill hubXt Ill ' V' . LC1'day. 1'.i IVal'nhll Was ( WI or thrnu bout. 1 , y. alerday. I'hu : iTethodht' held n social last oven- hg it tltu rotidonco of Mts. If. ii. lucid. l.utvo to wed WMyCSkl'dny granted C. J,1)anieis ) and Sarah Shownltor , bath of Vtehingtun towiisllip , la the iiilitgrou S enldor tlo numb 0f 1.X16013 Its tire e th ( Ono incr" t c , i. . heiag att..gothcr (0o ( C'Itily ' to s1Cep out doors , Barry Jmucs , while hunting , got Iho 111111.10 of 1il9 b'mn full of uiud , old Hie barrel burdcdon fu D' , but luc' ! lY no harm done to 111121 , Cllarilo Wi14011 seas vii1o oil (110 ( street yusterday driving Little SLOu'c. lIe ig to wittlur th'tt fleet atepper I t tire driving Ihuk 11010 , The ( toy t1 Arcannni social trill h ° the society event of thla uvatin and tllo 0 Who are Iuety e11oti h , + 1lt1 ( ' 3 Beloit Will ltay0 n happy time. , lira Snoddorly wn'u ugauu rut in yes. terdny for being druaic. . ( hut hag kept ' grotty strat'tllt for Mouu , tulle , aul it ! s too I' : i lue don't ' keep braead 1p nil rwfwrintxndentand tTilSleo3Of thu lnetilull utfor iluoIaf nn. Tomb ate ( hmng 1' , a 'k rho llwyiJ , ! r c to furnih ( chcCum ingllt b + r the 1)Utlduri ( iustaad of gas. Jua ace Schutz was the only 0110 of the trio of nugiglr.ttol , in tow 11 yesterday , 111111 oven ill his cutn't theru was littlu uxcept civil busii.5 i. Thu town is gutting better. City warrant3 are now roaiily cashed Itt fIJ ceu ( . ' on tlto dollar. A year ago they sold far about 85 cents , The linane , r of the city slre11 , still'oning up , and ( Ctthllg iq better shape , The Indian Creek problem seeks o9 fnr front hehnr ( aulvt.t ry ever , About $200 a mouth MI 1X.itig oxpcnd' :1 : in work oft it , but still tharu lens beat no settled mad purmnnart place ngrced upon. Four persons , brothers and sisters , have just hind n group picture taken at 0110 of the photogrlgdt glillcries here. The lightoat weight of "the big four" Was 205 pouUle , and iho heaviest 28 $ IOmtb. , On the sliolf at police hendquartcra ( hero are ulovenl ottku with Inure or lees Whisky rat them , 11h'glly ' hers , t'tkCtt away from prisoners , i : des tbreu Or four prescription bottles of medicine , tub. Quito a thug store , Today the 1Vild 1Vcst is to ho ahowir' A up at the fair grounds , in whdchl Ur. Gar- ver and Bulf do 13111 , tire wondaful shuts , ( are to appear with their tribe of ludioin. The Calr11 , lnntent I , a novel one , svill draw u crowd hero , as it does livety- ) v1iero. , Another ngrfcldtural building is to be th put up nit Mahn street north of Ile one Haw being built for the SItI111 ViC1111.1111111. . facturirig Couqaly. It is to ho 26 by 1C0 fact , two stores ( Cell bascincilt , J , ? 3T , Palnor boa lot the centlact to 1Vickllou , Bros , , and J. A. Murphy. Tlt0 lltnlvern Loather evidently thiuks Council Blues hs not strictly u pruhibh tint city. In chronicling the tlonagu Bono hero by the creel. , ft nddg the ° a1 nient. It scums a pity that Council Council Illelle nalces , use of co littlu water , so long as it is furlllshod 1111 such abundance. In thgcn o of Joseph N , Clouser , found guilty of murder in tllo first degref' and sonteneed to iaprisoninent for life , Col. lfoathey , as attolacy far the defondatt , has moved for a now trial , otru of the gemlluls being flint imo of tutu jurynlen kept drinking toe much whisky during iii' ' ft' I Jul ; o l'ccd is to liateut to thu motiotruoxt Friday at Cle nvood , h A portion of the largo frantu budding lately used by the Massib n thr nhihug nut chine cotnpnny vvas yogtu day inured u p Pearl atroet all along First Ivc11uO , , On 0 crossing at thu 1ark , was ballY'brokal b } the big trucks , and aovaal trees 51011 d the 1,110 , of ( ho atrcut had their branehr s broken by the moving building. Trec u are too long growing to ho thus carole5s1 } broker. Inquiry of ( lie city auditor leads the information that Aldarman ijnutc s still holds to the $100 Which ho drew an dar the "back pay" ruaolutio11 of th council , As that resolution hag lice"t at acinded , and na none of the olhur slier men have received any $100 forback i:3y : Ju'lgo Jn11)o ) , should not need any urg ' # lug to put the money back fn the city pocket book. S. 1V , Ferguson , of Craft county + DThsottl ; , has taken up liia abode in tin city and Ilan dccded ! to atan 0 in tin a lc rn btlgillcsa , having secured uhlco loon , ! at 26 l'onrl street ' ol the round floor o ' 8 Shu at's block , Mr , l.'er'necuu is ' mlko tt e uecially of six per cent ioals 0i ' city and farm In'opeit1.1s the irnt bcn 1 ; 1.V. Fcrgusson & Co , the COI2IpaI' being Mcsarl , 1 ftorcoli tC 1'owura , t Y Creecont. Tim work on the now city building is being purhod right anon , 511(1 it ha no w axpocted that both that and the now cit jail will ho occnpled by tltu 10th of N 0 vember , it lout been thoulit ( list Iii o now city jail could not be used r11til 11 water worka wuro enmpletcd , so Ira to u au the sewerage and drainage , but it ig n , Iw planned to use it. anyway. Tho.o u 1 1.u jute too drum : to take care of their o1 vu clcanlinoss , the beastly drunks , will 1t0 1t in ( lie old calaboose , aoborcd tjero , ' and then transferred to ( lo n oi call , t Yesterday , while ivvo of our nalurnli Ili wore on their way to dinner , tiucu r ntt ° " then vraa nttracted by an unknown bird n ) a tree near by , lteeognizing it as a ft r' cign aniural , direct front the old won 1.d . ' they resolved upon jts c.tpture , coat w1. . tilt ( ht mg } , std hearlag the Iu'toat tot se Ilavil'g no salt , they coucetced the ph 110 j of onu ateallllily cJinlbiua the tree u "d catchhlg it by the , Ipso , while the otl 101 ' stood brlow and bcld ( ho binl's attend 1u by uvildiy waving ( 1111 arms. It to krtov.n . wbuthur tbia plan would hi vr beet successful or not , owing to the np ! 1 pCHAV1CC of X110 Owlla' , wllh the iufornl niuu that they need uotexert thuma0lres furlllar in its cqluro , ' ! 'boy tlriuk they w ill n Irmo magpie the next ( line Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street , J ( T ( INCy t l 1 11(1 dI t L , 1re ( ) lllicl I'.1 ( ttvcn't0 Ilu + i't le , r CI , 1i ii1 Ilnty They Gr.ty I nlun , It , vro arc now in thu county jail &gh I' ° " ° ' , nil 1nen , or at leaat male + , lhnru being the same nwUcetblu : ynutbfPt sterns. :4g : is discernnblo in must nE X110 'alts of the country. Of ( lie cigilteell R i'ut two nru young men , nod same n er ' , 'lys Thu number is nL alt ; as I go r Isnnl this X101. of the year , au11 w'1 ' doubilces got up to nbnut tw Cnty livu by ito mnnting of the 11'3' ' _ . COU , . , n 1f : co mber. "What du you feed thotn ( " r knd'f u' 1Jta : tuna of duilar Sclimdr "Nell , I'll toll you , 1 give thu l nya meat nod painl0es , uMllnssca anti bu ud , litPco times n tiny , I stun thou colrca ta'icen day , tan. " t1Auy 1)10 , 0r do they over I'ku t 0 ca ke ? " tt13 ! Of cattrso I give thous lute , bqt not very ; rlal ( , Once n week , elu1y tmtdny } night , ' 'ha' illuy get ptu and scatted npplua iustwltl of meat Hurl potatoes - toes , "lVltat Lind of meat do you agivu th orn ? " rrPrcf niCal 1'ut unto jutinrkl'lul ; a n fro t ' " ' : it 'a cbunptq , then ' ( lilala 111111h1)lig ) , 1all ; Ina1:0 strqo { 6 fur ther tool du mmu good than h0tlal' moat , As for purl ; , ) can't du nuyllli , ' t with it. J ho pork uses r boys up. ] t has been r tit d but ( lie bays tinu't lbrivu undergj ; , 1'hnr0 igalo funny thingnbmlt thhg T t 1- ness. The Wren shut 11p i1 Jail oat heath her thou when tlny , nrn " 'a. ' $ ) 'ncAr' , ' ' S711Ca c $ fnllnR i9 8 , nC'S'nl'h , ; 'a't , , , ; , 1 in , ii htLea 1 , n i Ao 1r fhu u nays t.1. . ; ; t rgnI t it , hat . ho tu'I c > at hna"i rr t , h.n "r r , 11111 lzy ! : all . frt : ( * r ! hoop wall , lJuh the ilatmpn ; i'hr'u , the enters ! 11'hy ' , n inatnq , unrurw in aupty nod it tctkCS Iluco or lour days 110 ' faro ho begins to got ihNcd up again. Th ey're nwfnl , " tcou't solute of the prisonero grumble nuynny 1 ° ] es , sonic of theft grumble some tI111Ca w'hfll first pllt 111 , ( lint ] g if they fro not reguhta , , but the nld tilucra 33'11o horn beau rat albs' jails , and know Ivlnl' suit 1r f' r1 they * mmr all gel , lost thouand toll than l the lticlt ntua faro thus the they 'nt hero ou ght to be kicked. Ur , ross what ] to sutra i1 hare , S rid i was reeding the buys ' ( too strong , giving thou too uulch inert fo r their otsn good , but 1 buliuvu i1 fccd ins them well. I. toll you , man nru lilu : ca ttle. You pat up n tat of tattle , and try to s11trvo them and they net tooth' s and ugly , nod utahu n Leath uvnty note anti thou , but it you rued than wall ( ho } stray more content. lllal art ) n good de al so , and tloy , ran ] butter unturcd , and nt0 castor 1o boodle , "Of courao ( 'uu give them mtpL uts Allrl , sil ver forks ? " , ' IVcll , hardly. Evety one gets ct I'n Plato , a 5110011 nod n tin cup , " Inquiry also led to the fart I1. . ) , l r r man ] ass a tuw'ul of big uen , turf , , r ) r , s l big bathtub whore h1 can Wash what 1111 ptcaeca , Every man sleeps also. , anti In s to ewenp out big Ccll nvuryitu ° tnlug , svo men arodetailed uvolywuu.r toclCan up the hull , tabin etc. , nod uvoty Sunday uulrning every prior out is given n c1Cnu sh irt. 11 lie dues not bravo one 1E hie assn the county lurnieh0s ono , Even with ese arrauguncutg it in difficult to kcal , tlw p1ig011ara clean but they seam hunliby and hearty , Meals Itt llcchtole's hotel on the luropunu plan. ' 1'F11CSONA t , , 13. P , I [ ( bred , f ( llontvoml , wig ) bnv been htlm ullice of 'Pho CbnulrlD 1t 1udlamt trot in rho city yrst tnlry , .f,1' ' , Berko boa gone to 11t , 1'culue to at- Wndtho .tab convention 1P the 1',11 , C A , , lie brlH3 the only rLrxc + mt , ; it u Alum tfjs ; satyr ' S. U. Ifnmulrrnluugll , 411 Mhlwnuhco , h at ugaa , , ii. A. Phlt : , of llntw'n , , , vcd at this Og- dot yratcrday. J , G. Spcna'r , of Cldcao , was nn Ogden sogncnt ycslcrday , S 1I. Crtolta , .f Clarinda , a well lno vui , nlcrduut , of ingot place , la Spmti111g n tow day. i1 Ulu city , nlak11tr ) bradgnattrrs at tits 1'aclllc , ] v , 11. Cundnll , rLprusoutbg , tile OIIieagl brooch of a Il.stmt quilt anti ! loon but .o , wla GdcrvlasvGg , this trade hero and wont. acres g thin riser yasterJay. Among hla s. nhIOJI ! were soma $10 cond01'tablca , w1. . Ich worn au thld anti heavy that ( lulgu Ferguson , 1t tin I ( 'uilicsv11oroCnudnllwasstapinfnaL ; edbiu wbcro hue brat those fanny tlmtlroesrd. A,1' ' , r , Jr , , rat Nuwput , A rl , , nnfirot 1 r t / , , l.a'rnluy ' , 1) . R , Cue , of Utica , N. V. , l rat tile 1' c ue. ] l' Clark , af Itar luu , lYlrcnrah , , way at till ° 1'acl6uy:1 rt4p , tiV , J , Iltokox anti whfo of ! , Nob. , . w ore ht tlmclty yotttrdsy , baobtt of the Yr 0100 , W , 1.h Cuppy , n1. . Avoca , suns 111.1' . o ell ) 'lrrday' , lanrral ( 1'ruuUaY last * ycshttlay furthim' , C ity , ) rrundeitlg to aWp nrr he 3 un 111K r turn G,1llaen , ) 1 , - Said your orders IVNHr.stap ] ti'tld f tut y ' Grocorlea to Itleluunnd ! Ives , & Co , Council Blulla. Price list free to all w1' n call or send for it , fri nl , qd CoLThulr lh ICD Lltil , Auoug the rxtousivo business lees Ca of Coon l lllutl the liaise of Iltohtnou d hroa , & ( . ' 0 is innlittr ] throughout th l a part of the country. Thu stock they al ' 0 cartyiug nod iho pticut 1.h . ° } are 01r01111 ( ; cannot but cunnunud rho atlunthuu of n 11 classes of conauntet s , They have a grc a to sortutcut of fancy and staple ( rocorir S ' cannon cods , teas and collocs , and tin y they Isil tits tuao of ibcau t0 cons ra direct 1t u but me really wholesale 1rIe ( they have just issued a now , ric01.i . 1I , , rldch they will cheerfully furnish Utl application , which Ihovyn'illin 1 . , tit dntlo huutlaaof nu ao desirous of 1.h ; , wtin' anti cue , aria' Witte n rid udlt of roods. An uua calling on Q1 iddruasin IticbtuaYd Bros. 'owi CIi I31Wlr cut got auo of these ltrice ( beta. Carsady , C Orcutt , llua and U , . . , l. lliula , KILLED DY Ti9E RS , a Sati aufi Fatal he ip'ClI al the llniotl Pacific Trauslcrr. , b oo lavot o Caught by rho Iiucl ( , anQ Iuslr111113 Ii tiled. A fatnl accident occurred inst. night e' the Uuio11 15tci0e hmsfer which resulted in the loath ofoseph / 1V , Uosoro , ' 1'1'0 rtdurhtuuto tuna Ivng cmrl li11g rho cat. , ft a tract running LCtvrcar Otnaha and N orth Platte Hnd 119 the curs cane i1 ; uthur an inn t' k broke and ho 1 m ) t , ht butw ncn the i Jlrtus crushing Aim resrEnlly , llu cn'hud ' to sonic bysbutd01 , fnr Uud'gHnku pull up , ' ' anti 1Lg tlo ern , . .uputiWd to smlktolhuromuliuaeuair't" I Inn w ss picked up and carrird lone d epot , wuero h1 tiled in about Ininules , Jfo w ns an uumm ricti m' + n , tbntt 2i years old , and hnti been a. . , . ploycd by lh0 Union 14tcifo far about t 11'0 yea' . , lha friends live in ] Ind Ual : . 110 has nlsn n pistrr in Si. 'too anti his brnihur lives oL 1'acihc Jtmctiun. A co roner's jary ss nn em panelled , but owing ht flru nbaeucu of. Witnusgns the inyucst wag rdjuuuod till l ) o'clock Ihrs after. noon. Ills rcaidonco was 11(0 ( south Oil , ' lruot , Uutnha. Scud your orlers : for staple and fancy Clruccrics to Iliclunond Ores , rte ( ! n , , Co uncil Illull'a. Price lint frco to all tuba sv udor call for it. - - ' - - - ' ATIDIdltylrlNlC 1'X11' , 1x it + thrnoy 1r 1T , 'nc R'lutt ' lJrgee .11an u ) Tlv :111(1 Got , tutu . : ute Council ' Ninco ( lie recent uttonlpt of ( ho > , .1 . Each month ' l , li t gar n uL'oy 1 larn , u , d rotmu,1 ' , , , X1.1 4 1'o . , , , r , rl , . I ) I'Iw h uki'b medu th"lu rscind ti { ! "back 4'nsnlntinn , tbuln has borft logo'rt'tnmcnt ' tluut usual its to tltu re wllyd which is Wan by uldurtnlwic toil. 't'he regular tansy iy $210 n year. Then th0ro are n fury nleoti11gs of rho board of health , each 11ldernlat receiving $ in for each me0ting. Then this brat year tim uldetTUat have allowed tiiomselves from STG to $ lUU ca h far mauling as n hood of equalization. 't'his nl'tlces the whole aalaty less than $200 far rho year , with tllu exception of Aldornuul Liche , Irbu Ic Patti ( ho sum of .2t , a ntadh its purchltsin agent for li e city , nnkn' ' big rsnlatY about $5X0. ; 'I'hu otrs are on utcagror FTbtrirs indeed , lug for us rho regular legal allowance i co ncerned. ' 'Ir : Llit : showed up the back pay grab , not bucnuso ( ho alder- non wore nlraldy overpaid by (110 city fo r the Wet 1 ; demanded of then , , but be- . thny balsa. into the ollhg 0 , kuosv- ing'Z3'hut ( Ii ) cannasatiou was , rod stoat tbo work urns , nod i1 fact bun a tacit cunhnet with the people to do iho trork for the amontt ua11lnd , and 'ttentsch'4rJ : d 111g11U1' salary n ag a dC Cidedl } gnecrsvnyofgotti11g1tit , Sono of theft were very tutxicus in fact to ho ulccted an tlw tams fixed bylaw' . 'Pwa ' citizens o ere bcnrdycsterdny discussieq lim o old question "IVhnt in t11C world does a aunt want to run for aldmanau fo r uuywny ? " "lt can't ho for money cal it ? " " ( Nall , hardly , anti its hard to sou w horu flora is much boner in it eit her. " And yet. than are plenty who are ; nxiuus to gat ( hero.Phy1 I Caantly rL Orcattbig Cupota. - Send your orders for staple r"d L t y , Groceries , to Richmond Bros & CO , , Cntmcil Tlhdrs , Pl icu list frco to nIl Who calbur satdfar , it , . fri ul as m. ' ( 'Il1CVllIii )1I lb ( II' . fipcdnl Currcapondoncc lu'l'us llsC. Coox lltpus , October 24-As winter has bognri to sot in our people are agitat. tug winter mnnacmat 't. "l'hmo Society 0f Coons" will give hi-weekly o11tertnin moats doting the season , ' 1'1'usu ' were last w inter quit. a feature u ° Coon Towii tucinbility rued ss ill h1 mode so again. Inrnpns to this , at rho orutilnliat 0f r t attugalut lodge , li11ighis of I'yfhiae , rat this ( ) lace the Sir Knights ; rat u nn uujoyablu buuuut ( at rho Murrill Ifousu. , Our nurrchants hnvo filled their houses full df 11111 anti winter rands tumid shctg ace fllyd svitlt busy radin ( ; fatlnata , Unn0lurntola are filling w htli gratin. 11.10111 . : Cnsaady 1u Orcutt , bnrgains in Cur- thins. Item b'.tato Tl'1tllal'0Le , Tlto following deeds wore filed for to- cold in the recorder's o0ico , .October .b , reported for the Ban by P. J , Mc - binhon , real sonata agent : B. F. Allen to Abraham Ifa'iis , lot J , b lock 8D , Allen and Cook's add to ,11.0 toJ0 , JEchof , Ceorgo Sclofiold to Laura D Abusinnn " nut na' ; , l , iii , 4J--200 Ilnelts to Lfslo Iinrris lot tJ black 2X1 , , Met nod Cooke add to Avu ' ca-$1,000 , Hoyt Slrurrnnn , receiver , to Jasopi I ; loilcr lot .1 , block 4 , 11'aluut--$1U0 , C , 1' ' , Loomis to.lolnl H. Goulol , pat na , nlv , } and 116 noF,1J , 75 , JB--$10U , Attu J , Call to NolliocS , ( ; rayon , par L l o 4 , block ] GCnrsonw0 , 0. , B , I , ,1.P. B , It , Co , to Neihlo S uavos , lot G , block 15 , Carso11 $ .IO , Atha Paachul to peaty I'u.ucbel , lot 9 btobk 22Everett'sadd$100 , ' 1'otnl eaies , $1,1) O , Or . . , , . . ------r---- Six per cart city loons , S , W. For gussan , C Co , , all Pearl St , nnv % t. SPE f CIAL N01ICLS NOTICE.-S ; + eclal adrattleawend , such as Lo. t , Found , To imau , For Sate , To ] tent , N'anta , hutn t. , clc. , u tII to luaerto. In tlda column at the to svt. t daof TlNC1NT91'EllL1NLfarlhaArattnrrtlu : a ndF'IYICFNI'81'EIILINBforcaclsaubsoquentlr , tUon , Lease alsvleementa at our uWcY , No. 7 l'cadStrrctncarnmalta'aY _ _ - - - - - - - - -----WANTS , _ ' 11 AA'sU-Ktrory : brx + ynl CuuueU Uluatu sal .a r''I dIIY r. Lbllrcred by cnrtlvrat only Urcn 1.y ryas a neck. 1.ys \yAN'iD-A , boy , 'IUllonytodciher'lltalit s FOR OALB AND RIINTr 1t. . lUlt T Ala-Ag , sHTiiuis ; , at , i Ytr - > r Scott ( tract , Cue ICI ( nr0 , , - , Rice M. B. 11Q1tCER t or other tumoro rcmovud wllhout alt 1 kaltu or dtawhi ; ; of bleak CIIROIIIC D1SE SES otklndaa aPudllt Y O' . ( tbh.y Y , ro pracrcxl oxpcrltuco , Ualco Nr , 51'rA ' Itrrrtknn' ( Iaut1 , , taTCoasullatlou lroa w . _ . . . . Eardware Co. s 1 ,1t. J 1,1r1 1 ! ' . 1 kW DM 109 and 111 Sr Main Strcct , . . ,11 r + t * J r , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' - .wltoi1akT , ; } ' 11l : ALvit8 IN , . . . . + rld Lin t lw1 rw 't' > . mu1314 nrnalbt' , COUNCiLnLUI''hS , IT * s . nrnalbt'A . Li g A cohiin.iio1iiI1 'artis t Snil leg nt. . 1 Cu1eg snPlied 1 , an short online' , mid goals dClilrored nil parts of ( lie city , Vienna Dread , anti Irear 1 ute Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 'a t 1Ven ? lroTdsra } ' , COUNCIL BLUI + 'F5 LOi AD LANDS . . .anti Yl t } 1J a r eLov , o5 Irrai9)a > j : _ - + tt z" rb' or , ri xcax a No. Pearl i + tr6n rA , - _ w COUIJCif D , UfFS } ' DrrLiuJ : IN , . r a rN ' t " , * ' ] l / , t h " I-v r 1 ( , J P I CT 1 , ; :14 : + n h I i T + , l I + uhlc an'n 11An1 : ix , ) : ' 1 , , . ' I ; ' .t t ! Tb N : ( , , , ax , 2 " : ' ° I' , ' , . . : ) lo , sat IIronvay , - - - - - cauucrL SMITH & TOILER , a i. gall J ( , 1I 1 rf i IIII I R'1 . 1 r I-pt c''t D . F ! ' ' 4 'p1 fa , : .U.c ch nailo.r ; 'c"1 Zf2 i wLc6 .U. , . DJo 7 and J Main Street. D3ZcL ' C. 't . + if "rI , Cdr tTSNTrdxwa xa aYT7E'1 J , X.3. . _ y JQ IId I , TDTIA'I'lP''t. . ) 1 111' , StA\.1Clat OF POTT.t1yATT + rn ? X1'1 , , lJl7.l.Lti9P ) )1.r ' , Aru' 1.iUtf . _ eTnrnro , , - ' ; - - - - Q.l3N ' " 1 CLNIILIL SIIUILIAND14U. . r t.1 Gpr , 1811101,1 hhtct and 17 I'cul b rceL - CIICSTON tt0USE , S , , Q-rrpT Ororors215 Main 8tmrt , rhtcl ' 1.7 and 219 Main street. L4 , JF. . HI. E Corner Main end Fifth up atalrs , BctIdenec , COO Willow avenue. t uU. UR'Z , Otpte our- Auicrlcaau' , inch : , . I I , , - 1.IYEUYAND 1'IEll , ? , S. W .AGNE , wHtrontractlnrtmloralart rrasounbloratce , 22I'ourihetrcot. 7' } ; { n'ho4sn'o outlet . , , : r. a Pml r ST. QI11A , , . U . , + BUYERS. try mid tult. 8hg1 to us wit by ratwn maU. 140 L'rlmdr _ v. - A - etcH IvlnT'rr asD a1LttNlat. , _ Li. .DENED.CT ( , Otlico 037 Droa4way , Council Muffs , Iowa , (11't fl I rtarnnnT Tntuor. , g.(11't QGU , 'Stark . Complete. Suits mule at [ easutlabW prices No , 805 Maui SG - - n cor T'nncmn nxn nlntnrac , ' . 1 , , rJ111i r Corner 7thnudhnad'vay. I'IansmldopcciOcatlansumished. . 'j (1' [ , ' + 'j { / DE 1LEI : IN FINS IIAIINESS. . VC JAUJ3Ji.YLP1LI _ - II' ' . + % rt. that brlugspatrunae.-124htoinatrect. JAMES - gI 5irnrhtkT ; TAiL014 FAA-J I . : , ------uuablu chrca , G:2- _ v. - - - - - - ( y \T GllltNl'l'UitE ' b'1'UI'S ] , , VV .l.j 1'1 t Q1V ! ardlfnniehn'dfappllw OpTDro.lwny. L T NDT & ICAFT ATl'DttNE'BATLAIY , ' - w ! - - 6- , _ _ , Tamra _ Ulootr. _ - I'rncth I I' ) auto nrl federal raurtr. ) t A ' 7Y , . fh ' And both heusu , t : and _ - 4:3 L'ruadway , L Seearclgo , Prop , 1' . J , Man. - to 4 N J EBQTT } : TIIR 1'IwtC } : , , , , ' ' r nod Ocucral r uuscyanror. r Cu Crorluaq , - - - ' - - - R'- ' , , ' --e2lrrn& xolrruN , - Cr ' 1J i I Jyriuudnar : ' , ' , . Jy- wan Nt 111 um hauls itaatb 1 R1. , rf11Y HT&1aR GooDF 0U' ALT4 KINDS. Sold at e owes rice ; IN TI' ' : WI.4T , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS. D , A. BINEDlO'P , - 337 W , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , PETER C , ULLER , f WIlOIlALRAND IWTAIL Wall-Par P c and WIndow SIiade and Painting o In all I1.Is . E a nchesl . FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. No.1a 5otitth hoarl Flt. t1o ulnoil :1.nYfnr. _ ¶ 1 : * : 7 Our line of Stoves is the ute coutplu f a to 110 city and incledes all lbo mast Desirable Patterns and Late , t 'Improvements ! IVo Lowe Icatumorcd the prices down an ( hihm1 as they will kJUsd without breaking , std you are invited to tali std see how thick tbo stavun ua 111 nnnplilTlulr , PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF IMRD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly hrnialtcd , at a rcdltction of $ . , ,00 uacl' . ] D33 'OL 'aTTc-i.IGkxLT'r 504 RroadIl'ay and 10 anti 12 Main St Council Dluffs. S ELT ® 'f ' il ' DP , 'C gS &RICE f d.E'L LO. Zlt 7 ' f x.02 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'ALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES ivOT TO E1 FOUND ELSL' I ' YLREr I 'pUR , TRADE , 1 IS SOLICITED r ! l r , . 1 r A . ' IL S 1ELL AND GRIND .QT. ZHE , A f TIME ! ! .d ' mi'p' : ' ' , 'I'lls' } snot 1"'va Dri'l ' i1 ! ON1'Itertre , ( , ( tats 1 si ( . : Illul ( ' & 'v.t ' ; : 11)Itllgl'Il ) l1Cl' . rl'ltl' fh" ' ' + + 1nl' to I' 2HUG PITf W. < ' ' 91 E 3 > ; WIE S , Council Blnll's , Iowa , Gcnernl .I gents for Wesltern lcwnmil Nebrnslfn. l arTE1I l' 3 ARTiT & ; "i , , . ' nrr. e , . , , . 'Ah r , , , . t/y/ , ' /r ' NYwI' L LVVIW J V W tll7 ] ; rnntllvll : - COUNCIL l.l Ul''h't ' 1v..RS D. A BEN FDIC Tf DL VI1EIt IN i 1 I ' t , : L a , t NOTIONS , JLWLLU.Y , &C. .7 I + r. Fronllvny , - _ iT'U\T1f ) , T11.U1 + 1'S 1IjTI1 1 COL : & CO , MANUFACTUI1EII ASU DILtLLUS iN A1.L . ' I I r1 ( a I I 1' T ; t 1 ' , D1n , - , j1 tiii i Arul nravnnnt + . : ' . i P.m Ic.- , , I a , rb . ! ' . ' c'Itiantva , for LOIN to , OOiEOUth 81a1u . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Wb l1LitiOWA I rn ln andar ' ' . . . . . . . . _ . . . ' New Store , Fri-eh Coals , Low 1'rlces and l'o ie ( Attendants. t { Frrst Door east of f ferronolilan , Ilotrel , 1 LUw'EI 111UA1111'dY. 4r oad17m47 rtan 'umd' 72-L "t -i cI1 a . rJ3iTT E9'r . Vii , C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. fr- crto I1. . t 2 q L J , A , ROSS , - - - - - POPxi 1a3 t , 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1llio place for A. No. 1 Menls. Day Boaraura accoumodatecl and guarau'co P.ati9 .tCti0lt. 9 r n 1 71 r BITOAiJti1 AY , COUNCIL PLUFFS. ; . A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Tins juut opened n nets and well fitted steam ] tnludlg. C unlrntee goof , rr PleRSe tzive Ito n { , lint. IF YOU \\T L' ' 't' ' r1r4 , T i p trrq , , 't'r 't g ' , ' ' . ' , ' 6'tar'Sor.t " IXCJ 'li1i 1t ri"Y [ S'W CM L ON . . r , f nt " " " 3 " s1. . " " 1'1y a , u4s. . , _ . . . I""rt Q.1 ] : ° r ilti'I ; utd Tint Avnnu ° . C' T''r'1. 131n'it. Ile bglg Ttlem. 17 NOUTIISIAINST. , 9UNCIL DLLFI'S. liFNC ( & JR99EY , PROrRt ORSi Alt khia ; of rcpaintsi i'nrntt"ro lops d nisi I " ' rt < bcd. ( .hatrs ru csucd ! urn r1 seated. All 1'r Upholatetln , . Lorka , Idand F.Icctr'a ' lrshr- rnls reiwircd. F , eahlu , a ubce put in o'd t new ttldings. Iieysiittedalsdbtorcd repaired. 1.rnt rase wotlvatnt ( : J. Ciro ee atriah iIa1:0 Your Contracts Now for Your Winter supply of : : issol , . 1 av d. Woor1 ANI ) IIAIiDANUSOIT -Wrfh- P. OVERTON , 505 First Avant. , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , I And eccuro the best artirlo and lull neauro atthe v ery la. ' ebtprlco. Stove wood uclh'ctcd to any part of the clt } 41 , Q I R. VAUCHA L J usticp of the Peac 1 Omaha and Council eta. IWal estate and collection agcnoy. n 01d Fe11ow'a lock , over' avln ; s Dn4. LnFy t. . , , , . o JVS A N G L E f Z AD z.u 0P MAN ! tFltteonyear'utpc , ' nco. Eclectic , Sioiietloand Ilrrballst I'hy's'clmt , Slnster n1. . 11,0 , toll olny ; tin. . : et : Catarrh , NeiYn11T EeldlitY , Mentul Depress. . , Apnploxy , Fits , Lu.n of tianlincsi. tr tests Removed WlLltout the Knife , Drop- 81 Curets Witiiout Tap ) lrlx. Lt er 0otnlalnt , Kid.iay eunudalnt , Lilatetcs,111' 1 alntleull'arulyaiatPh11Y Swullhg , 1'y.l , clas , St , ' Vltua'Danrc ; , Woman and Ifcr Dltenses Treated With the Iievpleat Renults , Special attention gison to prltato aid uearrel dlecasra hocr'alNualOUroAdway , nuum0 , (1p atalr , ) , Council I' . HOd , Iowa , A Correct D1aSnosia Ctvon Wltbodt coy Explanaelon from tL'e P.tttea. . tsfCtnu.ultatlon Ireu at 1)3.-CC. J'S PII GAGH1ilGA LAN , AN ) -COAL- Corlicr Shin , trct 311(1 I7ghth arclue , Couuc' ' Uluf , , asrLowxn rate , nett prompt iMlicry. i- JA000 SISIS. 1 : . 1' . CAIOVELL SIMS & . cnDWEl.1 _ , Attorneys ai-Law , COUNCIL IILUFI'S , IOWA OSko , Slain Street Itoonia 1 sad Shrgott 6 Mc Slabun'Y Uluck , 11'Ui practice I1 StatY rld : tdrr' I courts r Mrs. D , J , DillonI Itt , Dr ! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 1 227 Broadway , CoAaoU Blues. CCJNCIL BLUFFS FALROAD TI > ? 5 TAIILB The ldlowln : are tl'o Umo of arrhTd nail deparluro t , ' "isrout the lcrat depot. The trnlas start from ( h. L. nun i'r 'Sa de , t about ten adunhw salter that helms stated , and arrive at tha depot about ten m'1 1c 14 later. 1.a'r ' , nn peon Ibis nail N , c , nun on C1deago time , nhalthour laSPrthan local. Wabnslttnhsrunon , a' Ltaistime , lwcnh minntcs Lsshr + l ' . U , P , and LGlcnlu ttniud ram o1 r . : mein L"c ' mo. CIUCA00 , ROClt ISLAND ASD t Aa , c. Depart. Arrhe. AllantrRxt,5:30p.m ! : , PnclOcExl..0:40 ExI.ulStall'.a On nu , 1.r d hail l'.CS : DCFAIo'ncsac'.7Sa.n1 ' : , Dasylu'nesac..c-a CIIICAUO , IIUIILIS0IW ( At ) CUINCY. Itpait ) , Arthe. ChtcaoFc6 ; ° ap. in. CnnnaUh.aeox. , , , Mai ! autl 1x..0.45 : lie I Stall and I * . .7:00 : p. m cti coo mid NoaTiIwEsTegv , Dcpaut. Nrivo , Atlantc ! Ext..5:15 : p. m , 1'aciSo nat. . . .O:15 : a , m , Mail mud .0:20 : a. in. Stall mid Lx. .0:15 : p , m. Acconi ( ° rt ) . . , : Accomlon.2:46v.m ( : , Ct'AS CITY , ST. 303 AND COUSUL cLuiys Depart , Anito. Stall sntl EN. . . . 0f.5 : n , In , Rxptees , , .f 5 P , m. Exprcea..8:25 : p. In. i Mall and Ex.,0:45p.m : Omo : CACIYIC. Depart , Airivo. Overland tx , . . .11 Oa , m. Ovorlanl , nx , 4:00 : p. m. Lincoln l' : . , 11:3Oa m. DenverLx..8:00am , UcnvrrEx..7:0op.fL LucalEx , , , , .6:30a.m Locals c. . , . , 7a15a tn. ' . . . . . . : a. in. Emgru ! ° . . . . . . . : ; In. " Ex..0:00 : n. mu. 1YAnAsC , ST. LOUIS AND ricmi10 , Depart. Arrive. 3 1a1 ! andl'DJ5 . Stall a n1. I and Iix.4r0 : p , m. Cannon L311. , .4:50 p. in. Cannon LaU 11:05 : a , m , SIOUX C11Y ASD rACIYIe. Depart. Arrlio . : Y 'oux Clty.7:55 : a , m , Fnn Sloux CIIyOto : pas .t mtNlobtma k'miFont Nuhanra ! S . . . . . . . 7:55 : ; % , m. Ncb..C:5 : ° p m. For St.Ir'i.7 , : ) ' . so. FrnmSt.Prul .8:50tin. : t , } C1110AOO , SILWAUStH A'lb 1sT , PAUL. Let vca Umba , Arilves r t Omaha , Stall mid 1'.x , . 7:45 : a , m. I PaCIFCRY , , . , 0:45 : a. m Atlantio Ex. , , , i :4o p. in. I Mall and Ex , 7:25 p. m Alltrslna dally , cnlcM a , MIIdYAUxax ASD sr. i sua. Leaves Cauuell L ul. , , Arivca Council Rlufs : ' Stall said Fv . ' 0 , ' " n r , m. Mail anti Fx. , 8:55 : p , In. AtlantloIre. , : ' I At'nrt'cnx..10:10a : , m , Co , RS.ttl. / , . AT9 OMAHA CTI1MT f5)LWAY. Leave t'ouucliPius. Ire : vu Omaha , Sn.In..m' ° n.m 'ca , nLOn.ml0am 01.1 p. In. S p. 1l. E p. 01.4 a , m. l nu. 2p. m , 0 p. m p. m. 5 't , In , O p , ri , 14 p , m , 5 p. In. 0 p. In. Street cans ruts halt hourly to ttw Un'o,1'acItI dapot. On Sunday the care besu t'iclr Mire at 0 o'ciackam.sadrun tcgularlydutingthedyato , 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , rna 0 o' clock , and run to tlty tiwr. MORGAN , KELLER , t& CO. , s. Oncatquality pled 1ar1 ot bloc' crest of Chlcaga el % Vout on Sietnllo Cased. Calla attendrd to a ( .fl hours. IS'a del congxtltln.iln nialh'ot oed. . 1' ' ' , :1)res. , . Our Dlrorgauhatencvlaeundrrtaker t : ' iv/city ycnro m,1 , thnrouxhly undcrstzudi hie boob t' ' IJX'Sareruum,311Druattauy ) , i'1'IiOLStsiilNO I , I ( ti , btarclmd prumptly attend d to ; a'.ro t-.tpet ) ting and imnbrrgnini. T'cl ; raphlo i-ni matt ' rw fiiid IIti nal.c1 , TILOS. OTICXa , Ii. H. iUttr. ' , Ir s OFFICER & PUSEY LA Illicit . It. . Establisbea - - 1856 .8 linden. In For2ten slid Domcrta Iixcbali u home aecuritic , PILES0 treat Plloa and Falling o' the Rectum for radlea and Fencancut cure , 't frco two to tour Wvek , . O1'emUuua ( aluleYT. Dlseaiea of the Rectulu a Spaclalty , ! r DR , A. J. COOK , IL d&w Item Couucl Dluf , , usa P t