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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
r 7 1I1 ] ) A.ILy rl3L --rI"TfCIISDA1 nviBL 11 , 1S3 , , . . ° " " - It 4 r r ii GREETING TO THE TRADI1 1 , Z EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASS FOR SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN .1 . I Holiday Gocds Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I h laid in a , I - - - - - f 9 ' i Fancy Goods and Small Musical Instruments , I Offering you the Choice Selections of I : i I HOUSESJ Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my . j ASSORTMENTS OF TOYS the assortments have heretofore been all made Made up and selected by myself y in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; 'f result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments I made up as follows : 100.00 assortment , over 200 different articles. 50.00 t6 ii 150 ti " " " " 125 35.00 " " " " 25 00 100 ' U 1 5. 00 15 showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will . of 5 and lOc , goods , and I have also made up a number of $5.00 Cases $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for Holiday Trade. 1 Lar eLilleof a 0 f ! J I > adBirt1iday , C 1 1:111111' ; ALSO A i ENE IINI. OF . PHOTOOiUtPF AND AUTGRAPH ALBUMSI } Toilet Sets , Purses and Pocketbooks r S _ N Ma 1 ! l shell and. Wax dowers ' Glass. And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with s ples on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my s pies and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make y own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing v the right man always will do , 0 : , ) . L E ; ectf.cLli I r I cr AIO103 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , 0 COUNCIL BIUFFSi ADDITIONAL LOCAL N1:1V : 1Vhnn4nln Track. Du motto , GllilOrt.C o. ha'o jus cawed n car load of the hest Kent cider , 1111(1 nlso carry a Inrgo Bloc oysters , Cvldlen , sugar toys and n 1 supply of holiday goods , and are prelplred to receive att(1 fill outer Whu1CRalo lots nt wholesale prices. 'i entire sleek is tow nod of the qtaiity. % Send m your ora1Ura at once and se a bargain. Nos , 10 anti 18 Pearl etoCCt , Col 111utl , Iowa , C0MMh11tC4\LI couactu If.UFFH ) IA1IRRT. VV'hunt-No , ' . apilug , ifc ; No. 3 , G'tu Jetted , t'Oc ; good doutnn(1. Corn -1)oalena ) arc payLeg 31r 3o ; rej corn , Cldcago , 4O l'e ; now mtix(1d Ott corn , 60c ; the receipts of torn nro light. Oats-111 good delltand at 20e. ILty-1110 O@0 00 per ton ; f O par bade. It ) 0--100 ; ht supply. Heal par 100o11nda ; , Clara VV oed -000l supply ; 11C Uw at yams , 5 d 00. 00.CoalDelivered , hnrd,1100i'er ' ton ; 5 tU per tan , Mutter-1'IOuty nod In fair ( lonatti 1)t ; Oa creaeery Figgstiteauly sale at 1fo per dotes. hard-Fadrblwk's , w'hololathlg at IIc , I'Oultl' ) Firui ; dealers are iayhig cldckoas 10e ; live , 2 50 per doxml , Vegotablos-Potntoos , 50c ; onlona , ti0 bagO4 , 30@40e per dozen ; apples , d M ) ( barrel pcr Flour-City Ilenr , l CA3.10 , lIr ont14-2 00@3 00 per (1(1t. Lies amts. Cattlo-3 00@3 50 ; tali e , ti 0O@7 G0. flogs-Market for hugsqulet , as the i tug IlnIIBOH are closed ; shlppors are pnyiu ; Q1) 1 7t. F very I'erson to ho a Item Sur' In tills life IllUat have a epochdty ; that iv , coticuntrate the abllitius of bull ) ' nud Intl aalnO (1110 rNuit , llurrluck lihsxi lfilfrre their 104 n caulploLO nud multetd of dy8peh.sin , and liver and kidney alleel 1'oworlul Tripe. Brooklyn Iag1. . "Curious thing haw Bismarck eh take such a grudge ngainat the Auto : log , isn't it1" asked the tramp , ail Up to to lunch counter and helping self t0 the tripe. "Do you mtdura his nudiv 101 ' 'lie don't uttdurstaud the anin growled the barkeeper. "I wish ho coull collie 111 hero and taste sotno of this tripe , " RI the tram t , "That would give 80100 idea of'yiltLt the American , , IS "If ho Rhould see you trying i would gat a pretty fair notion , " g ed the barkeeper. "Coniu oat , you ? " "I think this house sots tluo nicest 1 in town , " rallied the toctporarily abr tramp , edging away from the t Stuco you got to squirting the over it every morning to freshen i 1 think it ] ilys ever any lunch in thin tion. " " 1lavo ammo more tyipo ? " neliled mollified barkeeper , "What I like about this tripe , " cu nod the tramp with ma mouth f "what I like most about it i galcoy taste. You got that fro.n s reckon. " " 1 don't know"retorted tlobarke eyeing hint suspiciously , "You couldn't got it free any source , " Raid the tram ) . " 111 nothing else strong enough t to bac VI'h don't you paint alittle of i it 1 far herring ? Your tomora would got all the tate'o tripe and the sleet of the fish. ] 'ell d7 , and you'll be rich in r weeks. ' "Cheapest to got tlto herring in first place , " suggested the barkeep "But you'd never find any ho as strong as this tripe , " argued tramp. " 1 sUppo5o a few strips of this i sowed together , would bo strong e1 to lift a. , iron safe to t 11o fourth } s wouldn't it1" it wouhhi t , " snarled the keeper. " "VVoll , say throe stories , con ( the tramp , "I'll ' make it three fa sake of taw argument. Now tripe that- " thatBut the barkeeper bogamt to 5111011 Rareastn in the atmosphere , and tramp diacovored to his anmlx0 that the tripe Wasn't strong onouf hold hint to the saloon until barkeeper got around from buhihi counter. ,4amarilan NcrUfnC is too ureaf cific for general debility , and for h in chnngo of life , Mr. Jamius Murphy , of Cuba , F Co. , Ill , , says : " , S'amnriUrn .iV cured may daughter's 0pilupsy. " At l gists , $1.50 , IElt as an Areh Mason , on CUy Dordrk. Eli I'Crkius has recently been i t Royal Arch Mason. Our reporter , ing to interview Mr. 1'urkiuR , asked from whence ho eamlu. "From ri > y home in the holy cit Now York. " "What came you bore to do ? " "To learn G ) subdue my evil pat and make money lecturing and writ 'Thou YOU lru a newspaper mr ' ? presume ? "I nut 50 tnkmi and accopt0d ; 111101 Jews and brothers. " 'flow may I know you to bo a pope' nun ? "By having , wltei treated , i ov fused , and ant now ready to be h again. " 'glow ' many I know 70U to ho a ' paper mall ? "By certain Highs ; examining lily ty grill , iuul by offering me a ( ice p alythnig , " Where did y0U first become a miun ? " puller 911 my inimd. " \'hore 11ext ? " ' 911 too office of a daily count nuw'14yIap0r 1111111. " " 11(1w 1VOra YOn Illado /lewd 111011 ? " "I was blind folded U1id lily face cried with printor's ink. In thin time I was driven three tines aroma room by the mauagiug editor , with hot roller for a bit. " " 1Vihl yet bo of or frond" "OII'us 50011 as the train start , " /'Froitl what 1111(1 td ) what ? " "Front Ohl City to New York , byot" And fat was oft' , 'rrttls Crusit0(1 Lo I'kaii it Is 11(1110(1 ( to rite , ( lrou d ( lawn and s the truth w you may o' nccruhf' 7'lo"a 1rtric Oil yet the fats wi11 rf 0 up tl 0110 of the boat ranedioa for aclws , sprul pains that has over yet been Iii' . untC"1. SS'hel you want a good cigar Duncan s , 908 Br ladway. I YANKEE SULUVAN'S ' SHOE Thu Rccl of 1Vhich Ilccnan llscal a Talisman when Fi hlin Sayers , ltmnlnlscottees lteenlled by the eltolt.SlierIlT iilppndlronlo ii' , Itsco , Now York Star , SVith the recent ciCeti11 nn the shr of Plushilir ; lfn betu'oen hilly ? 1add protege , Clancy Mitchell , 0(1 Art ha ubrs' now nuns 11'illiaul She hove Collie to old sporting 111011 rum brances of the great light on Euglislt betwoet ,11)1111 0. lleelnt fbr Amu anti'1'omt Sayers for all England , wl tank plnco in April , 1860 , nn(1 eras 110580(1 by thtontsallIs of spectAters. fuw old sporting man unw in this who smv the terrible struggle butw the two stalwart glulmlors on that bri spring morning , nn RI 1100 conglraring 111 have found unieh ill the nattteoof tae coutURtR that nro siallar ( , In the I place they refer to the fact that the r urwo 11t each case backed for the sr amount Of money , 'd00 n side being stakes fm the IIeenntt Sayers light , $1,00011 attic tie terms of to a Mitch Sheritl'atlnir , 'l'he n it is clnimcd I llitcltoll , us Iloenan , was the 111(1st ( se tilie 011(1 agile ono , and that in 1 lights their oppoltuuta wore sent to g in the first round. Sherill'to these tillers appears to have been , with ore , possessud of greater euduraneo t hi alita gmust , nml to have been ab1l cenO tl last to the scratch. It is said that the lights worn in Rothe del similar , to that Lortl Palmeratet 501110 of the loading English nristoci were present at the ring aide w IIouunn fought , nntl that Lord llfuulol and tunny of the shilliIlIr lights of F nv0nte looked on uxcito(11 ' while Unite sparred. In both contests also a 110 111011 oat relieved of a vain btu u'atel 801110 daritlg clamber of the Iigltt'tingt gentry ; in both the admission ticc wore at a suflieiontly high figure to vent the altenlaleo of 111811) of the ro 011(1impOcunious eiontunt who so lnr ; grace the au(1iellCO at eest pugilistic I tests , Another anni'uritxy' ' that is fo between the two Igdtlos , is that until Udell case the younger antagonist 1vas nttuataciedilie , had made the most po nud performed too most oll'octive wI in both the referee decided the atlai have been a draw nud ordered the el wo11uy to be roturnud to the uteit. after each fight there has boon 501110 dissatisfaction with the docis uefa'urabio comment on the ref 1111(1 npilliotla expressed to agi sporting circles by utu11 who w i hnvo shrunk from the task of being farce. lint with these points must mu cenparison. 'fho 111101)1111 contest w well and hard fought battle between equally dutennined t" wilt from the sot ; the Mitchul n10ot was a rather t boxing nu neb , consisting of a numbs good pints front a scientific view lu very great deal of sparring far w w'hilo the baclers waited iulllati ] v for twilight to put an mul to gabble. ' 1'ho St1r reporter ml Friday last vot'sed with an old sporting man was abroad at the time of lieu Sayers fight , amid who gives an it eating account of an event which i t n quarter of a century ago was the days' excitontent on both sides of water , "Thu articles of agmcmout , " said old guutluuuui , "were signed in Lon Duc. 16 , 1850 , Jack Gideon actilig Sayers laid Fred Falkl aid for lice They coded for a fight for 200 a n aceorduig to the rules of tto fling of I'ugilistie Benevolout Association , w should take place within 100 nlilos of English capital , the editor of Bull's to maulu the ground and act as ref ( News of this action was sent over h and the butting at once rail high , champion of neither country being to great extent the favorite. Ilee iul t to England to go into training and followed by the late Soitator , .J Morrissey , with whom ho had fang terrible battle in October , 1858 , and 110(1 promised to nlcot him again in ring if he whipped 'l'out Sayers for chlunptonaiup of the world. It has 1 assorted that Morrisoy wont across water to back Sayers , and to give paints 011 the matt hu was preparinf mcut mt the turf , but years afterward Senator denied this , and said tin hind gotta merohy as a spectator , with pecuniary intorust. Tu a al . ry was p ably lutrnutactttrod far el0ctionuu purposus by friends of opposilig ca dates. "Wull , tlio fight came off , " contii The. Star iuferi uult , 'S1t 1'arncoro England , April 18 , 1800 , with both iii the ring uxnuly at moon. 1 can v ly renenibur the excitement. of morning. 'Plio point of departure London Bridto Station , amias ear ; daydawn 10,000 porsoms gathered U tltu threig swelling hourly and taxis the energies of the authorities. A xl ) train 1111(1 feet chartered , consiatll thiirtysix'cars drawn by two engines , compartment lmclco(1 with oxcursot Intl tickets selluu g from $15 to $ I5. shut Out much of hsociet 's lower gri station found and on ruaeltiiub the I my fellow.voyagern were t0 be nobk led by Lord I'annlnterson , lawyers , p' ' ciahn , bankers , literary and society I and the bettor class of those know sporting world On both continents , e' since hits so distimjuishud ; at ass logo gathered at t1u ring side , ' 'It was a curious sight to witueal meeting batvoom IJcunnu and Sa Neither hind soon tae otter until cmnfrom M(1 betedh the ropes amul ( } ally shook hands , 'they scrutii ouch other very closely iihd passed remarks nn the benut of the morn 'I'lea Sayers nskedylohut if he wr to het aiI thing on the result , and 101(1 tmtt011 tilt ) A11uuricat'H as nix wagered , after which each coolly sae ud over to his ewreer 111111(1 tu wi cheers. At tits momnett a speetatoe America prosnu(1 ( ngaiaat the npul put into Memo's 11111(1 thu heel of 0 141100 , with the observation ; " "I'1is in the 11001 of Yankee Sulli shoo , Jaclc , 110 wore le never lost a while it was in the ring , h0avo it ' an(1 go ill and lick Lngland , ' % V1wn stripped the tnun were p ( n ) ecilltens of wehl tlailed athletes , the conditiue of both was faultless , that tlueunl's face was a trifle too It ' 7'11o light u'nn a hot ouiu , nud was fr through fortytworoundsantid thou' ! uproar , lasting nunrly two hours r half , Thu Amuricamt forced it froti r start , throwing his English ada ; a heavily in the first and second round I knocked hint oft' his feat in the thrc lowing , after terrible intoreltaugusl , generally resulted in his favor , Ii t sixth round , however , Sayers laid Iloonnn's cheekbone and closed his FURNITUREI -THE-- - - - CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture Is AT- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and beat stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. eye , which was sltut tightly at the bog wing of the seventh round , the lomlost ; the light , lasting nearly eighteen 11unut if 1 ant not wrong , But Sayers' ri1 arm 115(1 been danagod bndly ill oloav bIg to stop Ileocan's blows , mutt letting rose en the latter live to one. the old of the cighteetitit rnuml 1 e0 see that both moo were vary we Sayers from being repuatelly knot } down in almupst every round , null hoot fruet the farce of ltis own blows n the puuisluuelt inflicted on his blood face. face."lTntil the close of the light it Was u conceded that America must win , I Englislunan being thrown or kuaek down iii every round save two , Say endeavored to save hilltsilf by repeal attelnllts to close lleenan's other e in winch be was only partially successt amid his friends , fearing defeat , raisu(1 I cry of 'police' and cut the ropes. lmoue elseedI but lasted oily a flew r nlontsnnd live tuoru rounds wore tanle ed. Time was 05110(1 for too fortyth round , but Sayers friunds carried la away , refusing to let hint 001110 In tit and the referee , Frank Dowling , deck the fight to be a draw , heedless of the dignatiom of the Americans. Pie cut mover afterward be induced to i nulo l oilier place of nttueting , ' [ 'here was nu oxcitommtt for a note , and sm'ural clt leugus , but nothing further ever 081110 tllonu , on(1 uow the memory of the fy over is almost lost. " Twemty.F'nur Ilours to Live. FrrnnTulin Knlut , Lafayette , hid , , who 111I1111COS that ho I5 unw in "perfect hoult we bore the following : "Oa0 year ago I w to all nppoarnneo , ht the last stages of C sangltiau , Our host phyab(1nu5 gave my ( up. I finally got no low that our doctor n that I 0endd not lve ( twenty-four hours. frimhls then IntrCllav5d a bottlu of Dlt. VV 1Al L'S BALSAV1 FOIL 'l'IIE ZUNI which cautt l till iy bonolittod tun. I con 11(1(1 until I took ai11o lOttlos. ) I nut not perfect health , haviiig used no other rn Ciro , " OkHo SCnaldn's , 1'hllsdulphla Pro's , indeed , vary few Congressnte11'bnl lain" ill the 501150 tl1 which tae terms used. Daa'Ui. Dltvi5 , who units nix yonr thu Senate and fifteen years on the lruulo homeht always lived at a sec class hotel bore anl ( aved atomY on salary , lie is souernl times a uiilliom 111111 for ninny years before flu loft \VI ington , lie hall no family. lie was w out doubt , considering his great wan 111(1 cloau5t man over in public life , would dispute with the wonlam at the atnnd in thu 1151) ) of the Suiiata overprice price of an apple. During the last 1 Siam of his prunldeicy in the Senntohl over , lie brnmched out a little , mid uv Saturday night have a big ditnior atl ker'e , Ii nw ho must have groaned in oral over this grolttoxponditurul Aunt very close cum m the Suuntu units p ( great big , baby'natured , sweet-tempo MoCrenry , Of Kentucky , now deal. lived iii the cheapest place ho could t in Georgetown , three or four miles ; taut front the capitol , 1111(1 had n pass the street cars. ( hr the occasion of n I sesnloli of the Senate , when tae stn cars hard stopped , lie would walk whole distance at any time between o'clock nud daybreak , no 11iattnr how weather was , rather than pay lifty cc for a carriage , 1''Or lunchnton le w0 ett ; a stick of einldy , unless sore aslfod hunt to join iii sonlathimg m substantial in thin 50111110 restaurant , such times lain npmtito ; was most hualt A WOMAN'S AFFAIR , MN , NIISmall11,0 , wlfoof the p'1pnlnr Ii , , sllcrln nud asossnr of Toi ltaut , Me. , writhe u M ry 15 , 1s : ; : "chat.11I had hoot sus'0rely still durliig suveral ye rs wltll kidney nud liver dose acuomdaluil ; w1Ui suvore polo. nil blekacho , I Ing trlud ufsny to calleil curov , and mullet iwe , doctor's pruscrlptlun + , wltltout rocufdng ally but 511(1 while sucking for a cure , who uotleu I the a tt eii out"f Ilaet'a Ilumudy and tlCCldull W tr , Ilatblg bought a tatllu at Mr. Jeh115fl1'd drug ( Jouununwd u.hig It wlllr.uCI Ilatturing rosultt .ho coutlnuOI Itd use , aid slier uslugnnly flea tic fho luIpruvoment le iCt 1w51th Is so inarkd that wl.hei all who are sillicted In like maunar Coke thld taiest valuaslu sill rellabio urodtclne ; and most cheerfully ruwnunaals Iluntaa Ituurudy t and ogleelally t0 females who aru troubled with wmplalntepucullar to the sax , " A FAMILY BLESSINU , Uiidcr + lntr of Stay to , 1883 , wu hssu recolrc fullowhlgtnfonnatlon from Mr. I.oret"u 1otnlal 15 Charles 5truct , l'urtlattd , .wo , hr. Lombard ; ' 111.10 110111 troubled I "I'or surural Iuar5 past smcru backache nud , saiu. 111 Um eldu , nud w would IIu down 1 could not rout wul It snouted Inipusxlblu for too to Into an Cuvy positlon ; and sty I anti palns Increased cunstanlly to such an o that 1 hcaiiu , iwuvtncel that I h.d a dl.caau o kklueysfavtcnodto rnu , arid alter Iisiingutel I lars' prescrlptlo0s and : rnauy of thu eo calloll , without gutlhig any buhnat , 1 was porsua hod hour ttuighbor , Mr. Junes , to try Ifunt'S Rerne himteif 011(1 wifu had bean greatly boifefitud 1 i ux0s , and ntaray others of our aalu5ltl 1ICce spc its murltrlathe hlghost tonne. I dueldudtuI i aid purhatel a bottlu atNlcliol's drug store , I 5'1011015 I had token a tow dosus of It the pails hack wino ruliuvud , suit after taking tliroo butt sldeacho mad lane hack are cured , suit I can tedUy that Ilnnt'i Ranaly is an article of t ulurit , and will do all that 15 clsimod for It , know 1 tnauy other heoplu in Portland who + I fuuud a cure In Iluut' . Iteuwdy after all others I W do any goo latd I r coiuilnundud it to all wh t klduoyorliver dlsua.u , hoptnthat ; tldtmay unoausof relludngsnnrusuauror whodoestot t of the merits of hunt' . iluruudy , " et ABOJTM ! ' . t Lit t..1. . from mint , i dean , rnu..a ar olaerr.u. 1 . .t , uuu.d , luu ryirllJ , p'qu ' , 111 JrIii d , sal our err' . dun , , I'rOiwrlrr . .a I. eertalolr . .J' ' - , , wIIl.I rlouua pug dl , , , a. Iwlur."l : trd "T . . . Nnhe.l ll'.rttr u ' "" $51 hi few " $ % prop. h pImrnanuexr rnu.tnrltnl .1'I , .Iruuia. 51. . li.aotgrw."I 11I'I'llI : it A"I lh IiLlhh , ' 0 I.nrk. , au. , . .rural II err"lu1 owrIl.A I. lull . .d It , e.i .tr , 1)r..hJt , plr.acr rrni.u . I. II , .u 1h f t qr ii J'(11111')01)1 UL IaIIOrlat5. . _ ' I - - - Thonsoo/ the term"Shot IAno" 111 contectlnn with Lb. S Ft 0 UT corporate nano of a grcatroad , mmeys an tdoa of i t whet nqulrcd by oho trnI cling pub ho-a Sh.rt Line , Quick Tim. I I N E aul the hest of accnmmoda I Sinus-nil of which era turn- Ihel by alto grcatvst railway lit Aurcrha. CUIOAGOMILWAU1flE , And St. Pau ) , It owne snit oporatrs ever 4,600 mlksof rosdls Northern liana ! , , Wisconsin , Minnesota , laws &nd Dakota ; nod ad is mail Ihles , brsnc1ies and 000000- tine reach } alt thu great bllelne + i centres of the Nurthwe.tanti Far Wcst , It paturally answers the de.erlptlon of Short Lint , and Beet Itouto batw.n Chicago , klllwstlkooHt.l'atdnnd Illnneapolts. ChlcagoM11waukeo , In Cresse and Wlnona. ChicaguMllwaul100Abordoennod , Elcndalo Chicago , ktnwaukeo , Feu Claire and Htlllwator' Chicago , Mllwaiikro , Wswau and ldcrrW. Chicago , Milwaukee , heaver llam mid Oshkosh. Chicago Milwaukee , Waekoelra and Oconemowoa. Chicago , killwaukco , llladlson and I'rsirlodu Chien. Chicago , MIh aukco , Owatoilna alld FaIrthault. ( : iIcago , ltolult , Jatetvplo and Mineral Point. Chlcagn , EI In , Rockfont and Dubligna Chlcagn , Clairton , hock island nod Cedat Uaplde. Chlcagn , Council IiIuffe and Omaha. Cidrngn , Sioux City , Sioux Fails and Ynkton Uucagn , Mllwaukee , Mitchell and Chamborlaln. Rock Island Inthuquo , St. t'au1 and Mlnneayalie. Datcnport , Zaimar , tat. l'nul soil Iunncapohs Pullman Sleepers and the Finest fining Cars lath wnrld ara run on the mainlines of the CHI IQAC17 MILWAUKEE k ST PAUL RAI and ulory attest nn 15 pale to paa5eugere y co one cupiayoe of the company. H. K MKRRILL , A. V. If. CARPENTER , Oer'I btanagoc Oen'11'ta + . Ago0L J. T. Ci.AILK , OEO iL IIEAFFO1LD , Ooa'I Supt , Ase't Ccn'i L'a&i. Ag'1. dl ; v ' ' f d _ t1w Div " ' . i ' ' r r F- * Swift's Specific is not n tNungdr of .deice , but is a rcvelatlou 1 through the be. . + tbrct of the uututorud wage , and le , n cutaplatu antidote to all kinds of Blood Poison and Skin Ilunuors. $ wI/Cs / 9 iecifiu has curotl tilt of Hcrohrla , , .emu a hereditary in iiiy fatuityI Ifavusuaurel with It for many years , nmIliavutried agreat many phydciafS full nil aortsof treatment , but to 0n parposesnd ; w hcu 1 organ to taku Sallt's Spuclfc I was lb a hor- nub cundltl0n hit thanks to lids great remedy I 11111 rid of the disoa + o , 'Pltoro Is no doubt that It is 6rcatoxt mellchro lu oxlstuncu , and 1 hope any who doubt will write to mc. E C. IIAWRS. Jr. , Ctarksvlllu , Oa. - After auRoringtwentyho years with a palnful dry totter , nud trying many ihyslclans.I was at last re- llutotibytheuseof Swill's specific , and cheerfully wmmead It to all ehnllarly alliletcd. 51,0001REWARD. WIII ho pabl to my ( honnist who wlll flndan an. alysleof loObottles H. H. S. , onopartlclo of Mercury , iodide 1'otassian , or any mbauml tulitaneo , T1)ESIVIPTHI4CIFIO CO. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Cs. LlTWritu for the little took , which will be mailed irco. i'rlco : Small tire , $1.00 I cr bottle. Large slro 0lnlding double quantity ) , 9415 a bottle. All drug. gists toll it. N 'TiCE I 1 Public ! -TIIY COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! -AT- Orgooolda , Nob.r , both within and ha now uodorgnhrg tlaorough repalu without , amid the proprietor hitunds It shall Le SEC. ( IN I1'(1 NONE 111 taw State , next to Omaha. E. IL BLACKWELL , aug2i-2m _ Proptetot. Nebraska Cornice -AND- OrllIllelit os e MANUFAC'L"IIIEILS OF CAIVANIZEO IRON CORNICES' noranolr DiTindowleir FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , PATENT METAIdU IIKYLi01IT , Iron Fencing ! Cre.tings , llahlstrailes , Vcraudas , Oteceand Bank ItaUings , Window and Cekar0uards , Eta N. lY , COIL. NINTII AND JONES STS. WM. OAISEII , Manager. TAR. IIITTIER 617 St , Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. ' ' medical coUvgeg ILI : ULAIL OIIAIUA'I'Eof two of has Ikea ungagcd longer In the treatment UI11IONIU , NEILVOOH , NKIN AND BLOOL Diseases luau oilier pby.Icl5u hi SL l.outd , as city haters chow i and Consultation tree and all old rosidunts luuw. hnltud. tl'hon it IshtCO11rellieft to ttslt the city for trc.tlnent , uloileluod can be .omit by mushl or ex reu uverwhere. Curdblocasudguaranollhurudoubt 011515 it bfranklytatod , 6x11orwrite , Ncn ous l'nntratlon llcbility , Mental and I'hyl.Ical Wcukuustyfurcutlnl , anti ether of Throat , HUn and hoots , liioud Irupudties _ auel lilooel i'olton lug , Skii , Old Kure. and Uleen , ltupelh incht. to inarriago , iiluiuntd sui , l'lios tli a I . tenttonto rases _ _ bbrafir. S IIIOIUAL UAStS rt'uulto ' aloeal attottun. Dtsrases arising fromiriquudeocu _ , Exeot.Is , icdulg0000a 070 hwgeu ; oho who1. IYIARRTA rI I ; tltory'welltOleLMaq . rualpb who any CA T7IDE. martywIII ) maynit. why , causes , conseluuuces and cure , .IaUel for 550 ; pusmagu or stamps. Sept 2dawlw . _ .w.t