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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
- - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --7---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - : . , 1 fiIE DAILY BEEUMAFA TrruRsrAY. nm - - ' ; Ifl ( Y1 k ti I % % " JAILI B1E..OOJNOILBLU1FSTTTURSLAXT ( , OCTOBER 1. 1883. _ _ : . i'IIE DAILY BEE. COUIIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , Ootobor 11. sUnscrnrrloN I1ATIS : ) Y Onier - o ent per week Jy Mit - 110.00 P' erne : 0. 7 'er1 Street , Near Eroadway. - MINOR MENTION. Sec JoBoph lteRor'a fall goods. AdUtifla1 ) Ioc.ii on seventh Cheap Railroad Ticketa at ] 3u8hnoIl'M. The city COtIUCIL Will IUflkO a try of a meeting to.iilght. The witnesacain tIio Cross oxatninatioli nro requested to call n tim Superior Court and sec about their foes. The board of trade is to flice iii regli. lar sisskm this ovoning. ! inportnnt iiiooting. A full attendance is desired. Au Omaha COUIlO ) , GusLv lliiliii and Miss Mary Renicko were yesterday quietly married hero by .Justico Schuiz. I Jain n llartor and Miss Mary Showal. 0r , both u Fleasait township , was hap. 1111y joiiied hero yesterday by jiatico Schurz. Gibs.n , of the . C. house , was again 1accd in jail yesterday on coiiiplaiiit of 1d wife , vJio waiitOl Iiitii sobered UI ) a little as ho inado too much trouble at home. St. Patrick's Benevolent society are to give a grand bail at St. Joseph's Academy , held \Vednosday evening , October 17. : ii. 1)romisea to be a happy airair amid : J.'trgoly attended. The victory of the home over the MlOofl CaHSCd quito an increased activity in "the home" umarket. Si licommacs to marry were granted yesterday , amid four weddings took iIaco. Leave to wed was yesterday given to : John J. Woodward , of Chicago , and llattio It. Moran , of this city ; also to Frank E. Vami Brunt and Lutio M. Salis. bury , both of this city. : Mrs. A. 0. ( i1mamn had her hands badly - ly burned by the exploding of a kerosene lamp at her home , but aside from her iii- juries no great damnago was done , as the tire was put out 51)oedlly. Another Bavarian band , the King's wmi this time , has struck the town , amid i3 discoursing good music at various 1)acoL They play well , but hardly up to time forimiur lmiid , which won such favor hero. A woman named Coca holmes was lodged iii jail yesterday for beimmg drunk , she being found on Broadway in a do. 11ob1o condition. As soomi as she was sobered she was let out , it appoaritig tlrnt lice husband was sick , anti in a very critical - ical condition. The ltepujlicamia held a ratification zuectitig last evening , at which Congress- flail Uorr was the lrmmmci1)a ) speaker. The crowd was large and enthusiastic. Time speech was one of the wittiest and most thkiiig delivered hero during the campaign. The conspiracy of blackmailing cases were up before Judge Ayioawortli yoster- I day and continuaiico taken till next Friday - day afternooii. It is claimed that some important evidence has been obtained by the prosecution , which will show p the whole of a very interesting butdastardly transaction. :13. : . Donahoo and the Coylos , J . neighbors , broke out again on ohoction day , amid how Donahoo has a broken nose and other scratches , which ho shows as evidence that ho was time one assautod 'S this time , and has sworn out warrants for time arrest of tim two Coylo brothers oi a charge of assault amid battery. Jus. tico Schiurs is to dispose ofthe cases. Ju5tlce Schurs on election night , Tuns. day evening , joinEd n marriage Jamitca Foster , rum ongimicer on the \Vabmwhm road , to Miss Ella Gremzg , time ceremony taking place at. time hiomimo of time bride 1mm thIs c1y. Time miowly wedded ones have mnammy friemids with whom 'Fun BEn joins 1mm bid. ( lnmfl thoni ( hod 51)00(1 ( ) fl VILIIt to Tm a successful trip through life to. : gothor. Fidelity Council No. 150 , Royal Area- hum , is noted for the very enjoyable amid select parties given by timemim. This season - son it is 1)01)0B0d to give a series of five parties , 0mm Thursday evenings , coma- tuoncing October 12th. One to be given every two weeks thereafter , until December - comber l4tii. The tickets are limited , and can emily ho procured frommi tIme coin nuttoo , of wimichi I' . A. Cavin is chairman. \ Now that time election is over time Pro. joct of a city liosimital ahudl be revived , nt for sick democrats , because this lies- pital scimumno is no jokimig immatter , but for time good of time city. hero 18 II 1)15cc of 22,000 or moore , amid many stramigors.hore every day , amid yet the city hiss imo fit place to care for a oraon who chmnmiecs to tall sick here or iiieot with an accident. Thu plami already started should ho puinmd to a comimpletiomi , There was a wedding evexit yesterday afternoon at tli home of Mr. amid Mrs. L. Moiikui , 23(1 ( Wushuiigton avommue , which proves of maure thami ordinary iii- terost to Council Bluffs Society , as both contractmmmg parties are o widely knowmi and so greatly esteemed. Time bride was thoirdnugiitor , Niss Mary Moimkoh , anti the lucky winner of her heart mmmiii litnul boimmg Noviula 0. Ward , a young mnium 'who is well knowmi in busimiess circles hero. Trn BES adds its well wiBho5 to ; tie mammy already vraured by the iargo 4 circle of fvioiids. One Democratic grocerytnan was so ox , cited election night , that in locking ute to go and lamar time returns lie forgot t take in his baskets of vegetables and bar rehi of alJles , etc. . in front of the store 4 0mm opemmuig UI ) yesterday mnornimig thu ' nefghborizmg mnorchamita chaffed him abon it , but ho rpliodYoii , I loft thorn ou on ImuP08O. I saw the whiolo countr : was gommo to h-ades and knew timer would be lots of spoor folks who wouli need cabbages and potmtoes , and wit couldn't buy them. " , Clark , of the Nonparoiihaa now a no sdrl at his house. She arrived a little to 1ito to enter the coutost of the boss girl ? for the sowizmg mnachino , but sue is a boa girl novertiiolesi , and it is to ho hope : wi.1I live long to gladden the house whmmo I has , during the pastycar , becii so sad ' . dened by the death of "lmttlo hush , ; , who was such a favorite of all the tic juaintancea of time family , 'There ar streaks of sunlihmt which get into a ziows paper fellow's life once in a while , ant . Clark thinks this girl is a bright one , ani . .i. ; i one that will grow brighter as ft grow larger. Two muon roturniimg from Elkborn City ; Nvb. , to their home in Ilastmgu , Iowa were yesterday brought. lii ) hero with a short turn , by a committable who had followed - lowed timeni mmearly nil the way with a warrant charging them with stealing a valuable hitintint tog. 'limo ( log Was foimmid hero in ir wagon , but. they ciaimei it had followed timoimi a lommg way , ani thou timoy had put it in time wagomm. They gave time dog imp and settled tim matter by paying time coiistahlo a cx- poci oil lila trip. They imfll to . a LUiI to raise time moans , but they raised t , amid wont omm glad enough to got. out of time scrape this easily. A plcasaiit gatimorimmg of friatmds took place at time rcsideimco of Mr. amid Mrs. , loimn Dicko , time occasion beimu time marriage - riago of their daughter , Miss Ammna Ii. Moran , to Mr. lojimm C. Wootlwnrd , of Chicago. ltc. Mr. Mackey , of St. Joimit Episcopal cimurcb , officiated. Time mnarrioti couple started cmi a bridal trip to Demivor. 0mm their return timey will imiako this their borne. Mr. and Mrs 13. F. Evnrts of Chicago , amid Mr. Dickey , of Earl , were munomig time guests at time wedciimmg. Dr. West , dontist,14 l'enrl street , . I , RhINIS OP TIlE JlOMIIdSS. ' . % 'lmaL They Are ) . , , to 11(111) ( lie NC(13-1'lI ( , 1tml oinlimiimeiit To.NlgImt. The conlriinmtiotma contimumo to come infer for time Ilotimo of time Frioimdlesn , tumd yet there its room for macro , amid muted for more. Yesterday J. 0. Ilofrmayr & Co. donated $10 worth of flour , and 11. I , . Nileim comitribmmtcd 1r worthi of paiiit- ilig and wnli.papor on the now additiomi to the home , emi whelm work is progress. ing as fast as it. is possible to secure the means. This ovonimmg there is to ho a smmpmer and musical entert.nimiment at time Baptist church for thai bommolit of this irmstitutiomm. Time tables will ho sot front 6:30 : o'clock 0mm , so that business atom ) nn'.l others cami , imistead of going home to ton , moot their fanmilies there , take their lumichi , help time cause along , amid got back to business with a" loss of time. Time prommmiaed omitertaimi- mont will ho inter iii time uvuimimig amid will be very emmjoynble withmout doubt. ' .fimOso who caim are invited to contribute food , etc. , for Limo tables to.mli9ht. Many have dummo so alrciuly amid it is mmot too late for others to renmemuber time chamico Casady ( ) rcutt-uvurythming in the house furmdsimiimg line. A ( liii Ol)01t1 house. Mr. M. ifoltea , Limo wuil.kmmown artist , is Imrogressimlg fimmuhy witim his work for time 110w opera house , amid while Limo designs for scoimery , eta. , nrc not commmpietod in finish , yet smifliciemit is already showmi to indicate that time opera house will ho iii this respect be equal to ammy iii time west. Ammiommg those , yet immcomnnioto , is omie wimicim will excite special iittomeat aumomg Coummeil Bluffs pooplo. It is a rolmresnmm. tiitioii of the early days , vimemm this country - try was owned amid immimabitod by the red skins. The view is froimm a poimit emi time bluff iimmmnedintcly back of the city , where time hmidimum war coummcil of time I'ott.awat- tamnios was once hold , amid overlooks time thin scrubby flat , and across tim Mistommri to time bluui'on time Oimmnhmn aide. Timis scemio will doubtless attract time attommtiomm ( if all who arc immtcrestcd in time history of Coumicil Bluffs. There are 21 dilforemit sets of draw curtaimma which contaimi sonic very ologamit foroigmi timid domestic scomi cry. Time designs sro well laid out , amid among time mmiost beautiful iii ammo repro. acmitiim a mnooiiligimt acomiory , wherein time moommligimt reflected from time water below is iifeliko enough to enthuse lovers. Time title work above time paicado is well executed - cuted amid fimioly limmisliod. Iii time commtor of time arched space above the parcade is a fair roprosommtatiomm of time firmnamtmommt ; this is surrounded by difrorommt dosigims amid. tile work iii a 'a- rioty of colors. 'l'iio scommory is sucim as can bo adapted to time wammta of tiny opera cotilpahly , and elm zmiiy occasion. ? tlr. I lot- tea expects oxitocts to have time maimitimg , amid scenery comimimioto by Novomimbur iliUm , mioxt. 1'ElSONALI. IdansolVlclcs , who imas boon for sumac ( hue In Texas , hum the rmthirouitt lmmislmmcs , hi hero agaIn , btmt otmiy for a tow ulays stay. 1)r. .1. 11. Lott , of time United States nrmmly , was at time Ogdomm yestorulay. 7 , ! . holbrook and wife , of Missouri Valley , wore lii time cRy yotortlay , George Ferguson , of time l'aclfie homm.o , caine In yesterday frommu his fariui near Earlhimg. 0. ii. 1)uuigo , of liostomi , wims mum Ogdommlto yest.erthmy. T , , 1' . ( ihiletto , of LIncoln , wait In the city yostortimmy , aimmi dimmed mit tue Ogden. A. P. Crammior , of Avocum , was lure yustcrulay seeIng If there wasn't mm iusIWllty of sonic nmlstimko , by which ho mnlgimt crawl Into the legl.iaturo. C. ( I. l'lattor , of lIed Oak , was In ( Ito city yesterday. , T. iotiglas , of Atiamitle , took In the Bluffs yoerilay. 14. ! .ipBrlthiof Salt Lithe , arrIved at time PacIfic yesterday. \Valtor 1)utmiulug , tat icmmvcr , roaclmod the l'aelfio yesterday. , T , J , Shea , Neola's attorney , was lucre yes. torday. A. hiolnschchmmer , of Giomiwood , was In time city yostorulay otthtmRoloctloim m-oturmma. flowmimaim , ltoimror Co. , coimimimiasiumi mmmerchnmmts , keep coimstaimtly on hamid a u fresh supply of Apioa l'caehoa , Pro- I dime , etc. , which they viIl dispose of in . wholesale lotus at wholesale prices. .Alao . Famrbammk'a Scales , Eclipse 'mViudmnills , Maimeaie & Urbamio'jm Safes. Sommd iii t your orders. Nos , 22 , 21 amid 26 I'carl t street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. y I ) Itoal Estate Trammiufors , I Time following dood.s wore flied for record - ) cord iii the recorder's office , October 10 , reported for time Dint by P. J. Mo. v Maimon , real estate agent : 0 Juimmies 0. Walsh to D. A. Vnuglmamm , , lot 0 , hitock 0 , Fleming & lavis' add- $1,500 , Lu Joimn iV. l'Ole to It. Popimamim , iw imok II 18 , 76 , 89-tiliO. ; Johimi Sweeney to Johmm Jacob ammor , . iii nwk , 1 ztmmd iart of 2 , 77 , 4t-$2,8Q0 , 'I'lmomnima Olilcer to hloiiry Piper , zi ? - sw. , 0 , 77 , 41-8960. I- Macedonia Town Ce , to T , J. Potter , I lets 20 and 21 , block 5 ; lot 7 , block 0 ; I lot3 , block8 ; 1otblockl0 ; lot.3,0 II LI and 11 , block 10 ; and out.lot A , nia-$300. Total sales , 80,210. Total sales for the voek , 843,573.40. 'RAH FOR THE REPS. Ilicy Win Ih llo Oil tli CoU Wacr ( Conrsc. The Entire County Ticket Elected with Perhaps Two Ex coptions. The City Vote In Iotall. Time statemneimt of time result of time dcc. tion hero as stated jim yesterlay's lina wan closely verified by thu fiiiat commat , limo exact liglirca being about tIm annie as 'fijim Itna's estimmmato. lii thocity time Ito. publicamma carry their Sato ticket by a majority of 129. Thu First ward went Dcnmocratic by 34 votes , time others Ito. iiiilhicnn , time Secoimmi giving 122 , time Third .10 , amid the 1"ommrtii 1. l'iie fol. lowimi itt time vote as givoim in detail : . 1. IITATE TICKET jj . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 235 100 1)onuocrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01 281 11)5 ) 8'tJ ' i.oht STATS HT..tTOfl ( ioirgo Curnomm , . . . . . . tl 21t ) :18 : : ) Wiui. ( rommoweg , 1).2 2t,0 212 120 Foil itit'itEsmrA1mva' : 11. 1' . ( 'layton , . . . . . . . . 409 229 890 F : . \V. Iitvi , . . . . . . . . . 100 238 111) ) A. 1' . Crummuier , ) . . . . . . 279 108 t90 ( ; . A. ilolimmes , 1).260 272 200 l00 Foil Aumumomi . T. A. Kirklamutl , It..215 1 tO 291 472 F. liE. Crow , . . . . . . . . 251 116 339 emi TIIXAIWIIER .It > iumi Ihitumiuth , . . . . . . . 410 221 :170 : Juiimii IC. Cooper , I ) . . .268 289 212 4t1 10im MitRttiIi Theodore ( ; multtar , It. .253 110 218 420 0. ii. J1tmcuut , ) . . . . . . . . 258 180 871) ) toll MUiIL'iKOiLI'4 , r. M. l'lmilIlps , It..212 891 220 409 BIt Clutytoum , It . . . . . . . . 218 tOil 210 893 4 t _ C. ( iraimam , ) . . . . . . 812 227 120 II. Itisiutumi , , , lr. , 1).265 279 172 :19:1 : : , ' , $ u1'roI Hciiooei .1. Tm ! . A'ilattliuws , It. . .247 .103 255 483 It. N. Ilotmgii , . . . . . . . 210 181 338 romi coimomait I ) . .1. . C.imnoIl , . . . . . . 138 219 412 C. 1) . Walters , ) . . . . . . : 2t.i 182 867 Poll hUIiViOti 'limos. Tostovimi IL..234 ii0 2)3 ) 803 Ii. 1' . J titlsomm , 1).2 111 277 193 103 Judge Recti kept witimnm a half dozemi votes of that for ( lovormior Sliormami. George Carson , for State Somimitor , gut a immajority of 83 in the city. 'I'itu immajoritics iii time city of the couimty olhicera were : Kiriciamid .160 , lIeu- imott27 , ( huittar 833 , Matthews 417. lCirklamd , , Cimmittar nmmdTiatthiowa carried every ward iii the city. 'i'lmo relmrts front time county towmis 811(1W thiitt time coumity s'iil go several hundred ltt.puimiicaim mnajui ity. Thu election of the yimoie ltopublicamm county ticket is assumed , tilt ) aulborviaors , it lmeiimg thought that. Messrs. [ 'hmillips amid Olaytomi are defoutted. Time esitiomm of Suimervisor is one iii which it s imlmmmot imiiiiosiblu to keep froma stepmimmg nim somuiubody's tOOS amid time polls imfFord a chinumee for such to gut uvoim. Time following towns report itopimblicami immajorities : Cemiter 77 , ( irovo 73 , Ihutrdiii 0 , Ku'ox ' .13 , Lewis 4 , Silver Creek 39 , Viiiinv 01 , , Vaimimigtomi a dead heat , Wright 77. 'l'Imo Demmmocratic nmajorities reported are ] Ioonmer 88 , Crescent 55 , Oarmmor 40 , hazel Doll 1 , Keg Creek 55 , Laytomi 17 , Mimidemm 118 , Noola 29 , Norwalk 5 , amid ltockford 31. Col. Daily , as cimairmnmi of time Repub. licami comuummmittue , is entitled to great credit for his mmmethoda of work , enter- prisu amid vigilmumee by day amid by night. ( mm time hush of victory a mmimni occupying smmcim a position is forgottomi gemmorahly iii time imoaimig of commgrmituiatioims UJmIt Sue- cosamul cnmmdmdates. In this case it ought mint so to be , and dime credit simouid be givomm this valiamit worker. I vili sell limy 20acro ( ) falmmm , 80 umiiics east , for asahi itt $15 acro-itililmove. muents worth $1,000-or trade for good city iirverty , imero or in Oummaima. For particuiuura address E. 0. Cole , 180 i"lmumn " street. . . . - - - - - - - 1tiyhiig of time Corner Stoime. By tqmeciai dis1mommaatiomi time corner atomic ( if time now hifithoumic 'I'eimiple will lie laid this mnorniiig iii time Hetmtiiwettt cormier ly Crammd Master Ceo. B. Vami Saumm. Time address 'viii ho delivered by Orauid Secretary P. S. .Parvimm. At 10 o'clock ' time vrocessioum will forum at. time lodge room ammd ummarcim frommm time head of Maimi street douvmi toViIlow aveumlie , 'mVillow avemmue to Sixth street , Sixth street to Broadway , immmd out Broad- wily to time tommiplo , where time corner atomic will be laid mum duo forum nuiti with proper Masommic cerommiomiy. After which time vrocossiomm will re-forum amid umiarcim south on ilnimeroft street to Willow aye- flue , west to 1'ilnimm ' street , mmorthm to Broadway - way , iimmtl thmommco to time imimll , All mizasomma in good stammdini iii time city are immyited to macat ut time lodge roommi at 10 o'clock and Particihiatu ill time core- miiomiicfi , which , should time mnormiimmg 1 ° ' ileaauummt will be yitmmeascd by large crowds of citizomis. Too F'imlI ( if Elect loim. PAKAMA , October 10.-Five well-to-do farmers , while cmi nit ' 'clcctkmmm spree , " last oveimmuig , broke immto a macat market timid a dwelling Imouse hero , mmml did Comi- aiderablo tianiago to time furniture amid bumldimig , htesidta drumggimig time mimeat all ovum. tutu floor. 'J'iiey uyoro arrested to da'1 amid it will probably cost timemmm ( iUmto a little sutmm to settle fur their night's sport. Several cases oldiptimeria in town. Everybody uses Dr. Jufroris Preventive and Cure , commaequemmtly ito deaths. - Casady & Orcutt , car1iuta. SPEOIAL NOTICES. 1iOTIUt8-Sj.cciaI diortititeUts , such ss Lost , Found , To Loan , For 13.1. , To heat , Want. , Board. lug , etc. , will bo httierted hi liii. columnu at the los rate of TfrN ( HNT5 P111 UNI for the flit Inrtlon % fltl FiV ) CiThFH I'Eit LINE for ect , ubsiunt In. sertlon , Loaic adycrttsomuemit4 at ourotilce , No. 7 i'earltitreot , near ilrosdssV WANTB. ' I , TuIU.L 1)riIYvred by caruierit only twvuy cents a wvk. 'yAN1'mwA tioy , tItii 1' ° ° Y. to dtlIvr Tit. Ilis. r1imtciIANTm'MWitSAflrtci..McuutcrIs : opet , for a , ttu.tlon , eauifurnisli the beet of rif. ir.'nc. ' . APPlY to Smith &Tuiiur , Council flIuff. FORBALEANDRENT , S--- Tomu itnr-t. tiou.o of Iha rooms. Inquire vi .5 Lit lliuchvtt 'ftOilaALU house stud lot , corner of J Tenth ami4 uiroids.y. JoiuiW.flAmaD. , IAcmuo iIOUi3iV0il HALi 011 itt-TIi I Or ( * PackIng Iwwi. , ai&c1t ) ' 100 hogs per day with moderis .iitsumoss ; uU lecat.xI : tor .ame vi leasu. AI.iiy (0 OIELL & 1)/mY. Council 1)fuU. , Is. , Septeuibor 10 , 1I.S. I. .r ' - - Empkie Hardware Co. . . . - . , li ' 1i ? _ _ , Hardware ! gi 1 109 aumI 111 S. irain Street , COUNOH BLUFFS , IoWa. I3rc , \YIlOi1SAi E hE4 i.F1IS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 3I2 amid 344 Broadway , . CUli1NC'Tl BLUFFS , IOWA. Ice CreaiLFriiits & Goillecliollery l'articn , Sociahmlos nual l'ictiics iumplied , mm simort notice , amid goods delivered to all parts of time city. Viunima Bread , and Pica. Fume Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Q-Lh.t lL3acI. Q1cI. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished z-p. 3. 1.LXX1'sT No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . MAYNE & PALMER , DIIAT.ElLS U Bulk and Barrel Liffle Louisville & . Poland Cement iIcllIaAN i'LAsTan , li/mill ANI ) IlIWYAI I'll'E , fl/milD AW SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PItIC1I. Ho , b39 Broadway , - . COUNCIL BLUFPS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , C i l ' cI 1qi7 : 0 b , ) CD - &sb CD , &s- t.4 u _ . .1 MerchantTailors. 7 and 9 Main Street. 3DxE : . .rcxLGct71TG'xL. . X- . J OliN BENO & 00 GENEIIAL , , 18 Main struot and U Posi street. 1\AX \ IV1OIIN , Grocery , mr. Stain Street. CiIESTON IJ.flel hOUSE. , 2i7 and 210 Mamn .trect D R. J. F. VVIIITE , Come , Stat , , and Fifth up.stahrs. OFFICE Rcklence , , 509 WIllow avenue. JUSTICE OF TIlE h'EACE , I SO3.URZ. } over Arncrian Express. S. B , WAG-N B R , win contract for funeral LIVERY , at AND reasonable FEED , rates. 22 Fourth street. . . 3. M , ST. JOIIN & OO..CAll BUYEit c , Wholesale tryd troll. butter SbJp eggs , tone. poul. Draft by return mail. 145 Broadway. B. A. BENEDIOTI ShUN Ofitco W1UTEIt Nfl Broadway AND GRAINE1L , Council fliuffe , Iowa. ii AOOB KOOHI Stock Comke. ; Suite MEIIChIANT niado at roasonabie TAILOR iu1co. , No. 805 SlaIn St. a. . r. s M 1TE. corner atid Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plans ANt and ) hiUltuEhi rpecilieatlons , furnlshe& * - DEALER IN FINE hIAIINES $ . \1v \ , . SHERIVIAN , have the variety that brings patronage. 124 MaIn street. . J. AMES F.RANEY , Artistic Work and MEIIChLtNT reaswuiablo TAILOIL charges. 872 Broadtay. IIOVVE & SON , and hIoui.ohuold Supplies. FUIINITIJIIE STOVES , &m3 Droadway. IJINDT & } 1ART , James i3lo1c. ATTORNEYS iractleo AT in LAW state , and fodetal courts. , . , and . L. , ' . m' . J. Stout. ' /und bath hou.e 42h 423 hlroadway. Soverelgui i'rop. S AN IT.AR U.1'I.und / gounery , i. I ) . Physician. B DWIN 3. ABBOTT , Notaryl'ubhiaand JUSTICE General OF Coueyancer. TIlE PEACE , 415 Broadway. REV.ERE HOUSE , hmroadwny q.poshte New SMITh Opera & house. NORTON , Refitted ei , $ i.&o per day HAIR GOODS oii' ' ALL KINDS. Sold at the Lowest Prices I rin : , QUALITY CONSIVF.ltED. At MRS. I ) . A. BENEDICT - - 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DIALEIW IN Irooorios : , FOY1S1OIIS , loots Ell1 ShOOS 15sTP. DRAFTS ( IN TIfF. hANK OF lItF.LANI ) , DUhiLhN , FOIL SALE , 543 BROADWAY , COUNCIL IILUFFI. CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - PROPRIETOR , .7 3.ct 1O . 1Li1z troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - - - - - IOWA SKELTON , HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 40T TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED . - - - - - - - - - - - MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , DEALEIt IN Lathes' ' Furlls1Iiu ! Geoff . , , , / ' NOTIONS1 J1WEL1tY , &O. ' 7 :137 : W. liroadway , - . - COUNCIL BIUFFS , IOWA. PETER C. MILLER , 4 WhhOIIALAND RrAhL 1sYaII-Paper aDd ! NIndow Shadesafid PaI1iog I all Its 8raQches FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , ] : I8 1.ti3. Xonr1 t. . Qiu3.oi1 1tiil- DEVOL & WRICHT. II a rd'rare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Si , , Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERP IL S. COLE & CO. , SIANUFACTUILEI1 AND DEALERS IN ALL All the Most Improved Kipds of Lightning Rods And Ornaments. Also Wood and Iron h'uinpe , . Wood Tulng auid Gas Pipe and Pi1io Fixture , , for bo $ ho Feb , 604 South lilain Wood and . . . Iron . . . . . I'utnpe. . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . MIll . . . . receho . . . . hirornit attention. BLUFF8 , IOWA M. CALLACHER , cr : E D J 1 E E New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Priori and Polite Attendant , . ; ; ; ; - . First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , Broadway Steam Laundry ! 7241 , WD A , C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor , _ _ LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. i1fton Restau rant 3. A. ROSS , - - - - PROPRI TOR. 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , is time place for A. No. 1 Meals. Day Boarders accomminmodated amid guarantca. satisfactioum. YIode1 Steam Laundry ! 71 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. hiums just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. U uarantee geol vork. Please give me a trial. iF' YOU WNT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS ; , OALJJ ON S - A P I EJ P C Tfl ' Corner Main an(1. First Av'iiiie. Council Blufl. He ba8 Them. CURE OR NO PAYS Mineral Springs ! Wo guarantee the cure of the following tiamod dIs eases , or no Pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Ca. Lrrlm , all Uhoodand Skirt Diseases , Dypopsia , L1or Complaint , Kidney and Bladder D1eaa , , Gout , Nm. raigia and Asthma. lhteso Springs are the favorite resort of tim tired an.l debilitated , an& are ( ha FeeUa Ladle ? best friend. 000il hotel , Lhcry and Itatlilng accommodation. . t.ocallty highly picturesque and healthy. Correspondeuco , ohicltvd. .kddrts 11ev. Id. SI. TIIOMI'SONManagcr. 800am , Gentry Co. . Mo Novelty Works 17 NORTh MAINST , , COUNCIL BLUFFS. KLNK & JURBY PROFRIETORS. All kInds of repalrlnF l'urniture mopairod and finished. Chair. re.cauued tail ro seated. All k1nd of Upholstering. Locks , Bells and Electria lustre- uuients repaired. Speaking Tubes ut In old or new liuildiuigi' . Keys fitted and Stoves ealred. First. cIa. work guaranteed. Otmo us a trial. vims. ormcxa , U. it. reseT. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs . . Is. Establishea - - 1856 Dealers In Forgion and Domestlo Exchans and Ilonte 8ecurlties. w. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. 0 Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and cohloction agency. a Odd Fehlowi 1)100k , over Savinra hank. janiti. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. Fho finest quility and largest stock nest of Chicago of % Voodeiu stid Slutalio Cases. Calle attended to at all hours. Vu defy competItIon In quality of goods or iric8. Our SIr b.orgar hiss served as undertaker for forty year , ann thtorwughily understands hi. bust. lies. . Wareroomue , 311 Broadmsay. U1'IIOLSTEIUNO hi all It. branches rninptiy attended to ; also carpet 'yInit and isumbrequhius. Telegraphic and snail i.I. . rs Chla , ) without , tlav. DR. 0 W.PANGLE . , . , E1EADE OF I Ifteen years emperlenco. Eclectic , Slignetloand Ilerbalist l'hystclau. Master of the folIum.In die. asses : Catarrh Nermou Pebility , Mental Depress. ion , Apoplexy , i'its , Lows of Manliness. CancerB Removed Without the Knife , Dro1)- By Cured Without Tapping. Liver Com1daint , hIdny ( J.anplaint , Il4ateteo. Itheli. niatlam. P5151)515 , Vhits Swelilur , Er3ei1iclu , St. . vmtuaanc. Woman and her Diseases Treated With the happiest Results. Special attention glmen to private and mencrcal diseases. Located No , 310 Broadsay , ltoomS , ( up. staIrs ) , coimneil BTuU , , Iowa. A Correct Diagnosis Given Without aimy Explanation ftom the Patient. Cons itstIon free at oaoo. Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter tuppiy of Misoui IIar8. Woos. ! AND lI/mIll ) AND SOFT cca1 -WITh- P. OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluift , Iowa , And secure ( lie ( cit artido and full measure itthe very 1oest prIce. Steme seed dvfl.rmd to army of Ibo c4ty t COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The lollowlnz are the tIme of arrival and departure itraln , , from thu local ihepots. The traIns start frose the Union l'aclflc depot about ten minutes narita , than below , tnted , and arrive at the depot about tea minutes later. Trainson poohlluiesand K.C. run on Chlcagotline , . . . ' . I a hai ! hour faster than locam. wabash traIn , run oat. St. LottIe tlmo , twenty n'.lnutee faster than local. 11. P. and Lincoln trains run on Council Bluffs time. CImmCAOO , ROCK ISLAND AD TAclvmc. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . .5:30p. : m. I Pacific Ext..9:40 : E suid MnIP..OiO's. : mu. Ex atid IlaiP. .6:5 : p. ra. lie , Molnesac .715a. us. Dee Moines no. .5.13 p cmmmcAoo , ucmu.isoroii AND QUmi.CT. lepsrt. ) Arrive. Chicago Ex . . . 5:35p.m. : I Couuiall L'iiffe ex. . . . . hail auiti Ex . . . .945 us I Mall ausm Ex. .7:00 : p. in. culic.moo and soaTIlwuTeas. , Depart. Arrhe. Atlantic Es.t . . . . . .15 p. in. I PacifIc Ext . . . . 9:15 : a. in. . t Mali teid E. ' . . 0:20 : a. in. J hall anti 1x . .0:15 : p. ma. Accom ( Sat.bO P. 01. I Aceoni (110 ( , , ) . .1:45 : p. ma. KASA5 CITY , ST. JOS AXD COUNCIL CLVys. Icpart. Arrive. STall antI Ex..O55 a. in. I . . . . . . . ( : p. ma. ExIre . . . . . . . .5:25 : p. m. j hail asd Ex. . .6:45 : p. ma unioN rcmvic. Depart. Airivo. Oscrland nx . . . . 11:30gm. : us. I O.orlanl Er . . .4:00 : p. ma. LIicoln , Ex. . . . . 12:30 : a. m. Denvcr 1'c..8:00 : : a. in. . Denver Ex..7OOp. : in. Es..OSOa. : in. Local Ex..7:25a. : mu. I ' 1x . . . . . .5:05 : a. ma. . Emigrant..20 p. us. I " En..6oo : a. in. YALt5uI , Sr. LOUIS AiD m4CIEuC. Depart. Arrise. iaUandE . . . . .O:45a. : in. Iltaflanil Ex..4:1o1 : , . n. Cannon . . . . . . . . . Cannon hail..aop. m. I hJall..I1oaa. : ma. Sioux CITY M.D CACIYIC. Depart. Arrlme For Sioux City.7b5 : a. vu. I Fyi , , SIOUX CItfio : p.m ForF.rtNlobrara I Finn Fort Nhobrara Nob' . . . . . . . . . .7:5t4n. in. J Ncb. . . . . . . . Forth. l'aui..7:40p. : ma. ) Frousi St. ChICAGO , SIILWAtIKSC ANt' SIT. IACL. LeacsOunaIia. Arjimesat Omaha. Mall and Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. In. i PacificEx. . . . 9:45 : a. in Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : 1 , . in. Slali and Ex. . T p. ma All trains daily. CUICAOO , SSILWAVKCM AiID CT. FACi. . f.evesCounchi Blutis. ArisetiCouncil Bluff. . STall and Ex. . . . 'OffO : a. ma. I Stall auId.6:55 : p. ma _ AtlantIc Ex. . . .15:15 : p. ma. I Atlantic Ex..I9mo : a. m. COUNCmI. ULCYP AND OAIIA HTSSXT mSAmu.wAT. Lease Council Bluff. Leave Omaha. a a. in. A a. in 10a.m. 1. a. 8 a. is. S a. in. los. us. Lu. 1 . in , j ) . Os. 3I.m.4 I a. mu. I mu. 2ls. mu. 3 p. us p. in. S I' . us. S , . us. I 4 1' . m. I' . p. us. o p. in. Strut cars run half hourly to the Vision i'aelSo depot. On Sunday the care begin their tripe at ocieek a. In. , anti run regularly during the day a s , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 0' cheek , and run to city time. , - 1 R. Rice M. D. ° other tumor. rensomed shthoutth , C } ACBRJ knife or drawing of blood. CllRONI D1EAE $ of kInd. it upeciahty. User thirty years practicai euhierlenco. Otice Nob. 5 learI Street , Council IlIsde , jfConeultatlon tree. frs B J ilhltoll , , , , M , D , , PHYSIOIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broadway , Council Blues. - - . . - - JACOB SIMS. s : . j' . CADWELI , . SIMS & CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCiL BLUFFS , IOWA OhIo , , MaIn Street htooma 1 sad Shuat & iro. MaSon's iiuk. witi practice In Stat. am4 5j,5 court. . PILEU L I treat Piles and Falling ol the Rectum for rlMliesJ nail permanent cure , It , from Iwo to four weeks. OperatIon. painless. DISOaBSB Ut th / . f ' Rectum a Specialty. ' 1' BE. A. J. COOS , 0 1l..Uw Item Council lluff , Iowa. 'II , , , ' Ii . _ . : , ' ( ( ? 5. , ¶ I , . . , u , , . _ 'i 1' ' I' rrIIrr.l .1 . , - . . , , Ir RIIers * , , . . . TtWieluunum , . , about ' S Sb is tntr .nn , i , . , . , , , , I 1 ' I unotisI ' ' usi , or EI.Ec. Tiill'l'Jy FOR Il , . itilsruting eei u , n. , , : t.mro it. . , , tu . hea.uby ; atticu Is , " " ' Ii , , aith IIm.-Il1 "fll'sl , . ' 5 N LY Irer1..t.j to itar , , all III , . groint.50051 , , , Itusrur or t'lrvumar. llvis.c 1u4 Inftin.tm5 iIe ass : Veifl rurl.uss. Fb'vtrlo ikdi tu. , 4 uun.rtoru at. . wId