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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - A---- I 1'li 1 DAILY BEE --OMAT1A , ThURSDAY , OCTOBER , 11 , L883. - ; _ Nebraska National Bank. OMA11 , thR. 2 aIa Up ( 'Mit ta . . satrnoo Burpu8 1tnd , May:1,11s83 ' OO ( t ; . JOflNON , Pie , ! "it , of Stet4 , John , . ) . ' ; Cc / p. rouzitN , Vu' P'Ident , .1 8oton. Ip/w. , . ; MOIU0 of W v ioiti : & Co. , - Jon COLI.INS , U Ii. & 3 S CotIln& M. WOO1.VOlTl ! , CouncI1or & Atton.ey at Lie. . 8. IEII ) , of flyron RCcI & Co. 'c ' VATF4Cahrfor fllMly yt4re Ca.hier of thi flrt Ns.Uon flatik of Om&hj. Tht 13&tk o.ened lot butnei.aAprU 27 , 832 TIlE flIHEcttlts AND STOCKIIOLflEIt8 i Inon the leidllng butne men of Omahi , gnd It , bU81flt1' t cinItiett'd wIth eictaI reicronee to th beet ii1 IncreaIi.g InterostaofItrnercant(1o ( trtri COLIXCTIONJ receive Prompt atVontlon nC ohrge ) nst obtainable hero or 1ehero. INTKttE4I' aItoeit on time tIe Upon favip able term. , Mill upon aceount of &Hd banker' FOItEIUN IXeit NUE , Uo oreirnetit ttofth' ii County anti cIty 4rctrnttca hourht inil oItI. LI. W.ROJOfCP , Broker , todca , Hont , , CommercIal Paper anti all other I ( 'OCtirItICs In' Roow 4 , No. I'e&rI St. , CouncIl ItIutT , Ii' FINANCE AND COMMERCE. UINi.NOIztIa. ; EW Yonc , , October 9. Monoy-Jn8y : at 2@2 Ior cent ; closed t t 2 per coot. w lYriiuc - ; © vor cent. Eze)1ango ) bUl-Steady et 4.81 ; demand , Governmeib-Strong. Skck this 1orpnioii wore very fluctuating , yet aliuwod an ImlRirLbnt decline. Ii tim e..iy afternoon Lieu m.irket was , .eak and on. eettlcd but ii the Iot hour was goncrally etrongor. Iii the last hour there wa ott Ito. prsvezllent tif @jc , tim Letter Oregon atiel Transcont mental. Northern 1'.ccific common WM the 1)PCid featurt in tim last hour , being dpresscd b. iii1o ireferred remained comparatively firm. in the l.i.qt hail hour , however , common rccuvcrcI ftc of the decline to3O. The Evening I'ost vaya : Transactions in \Veitt Shuro 1)00(15 ) W5 unualiy largo , tiggro. gating btweon 700,000 aittl 800,000 for the dsy at iiice from to 1 higher than cIoing prices last night. 'I'Iht indicates there Is a movement to buy souietliitie as an investment for money. Thu nienual atatement of the \Vosterr Uttin Ya received in financiaL circlea , showing , as it did , uinething over 9 per canton tsick its the fcouf tim extraurdin. ary exIceiso nd rcte.t the year. 'rice ro Irt s1towt the reedpta of the company for ovonteen yoart , frtn July , iSfid , % vero tU- 014,658 and ( lisbUNCIIlUIltS I3tOI,278 , leaving S eurplua of 2O,543,31. ' .ouPos. 3's , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100. } 4t'Cotiixns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit 4c3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Pciflc 6'e of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 KIOCKS ANI ) BONDS. American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Burl. , Cedu Ilaplils & Northern 77 Central l'cifi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago & A1t4111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131. I' ' do do pfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Chi. , Burl. & Qutucy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.fI \e. Pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort \Vavno &cliu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131) hannibal & St. .Josoph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 1linoi Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 : d. , Blooiu.Vcatern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 iCansas & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13' ake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 99 Lllchigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 li1souri l'ncitic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Northern l'ocilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30k do do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . Northwestorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120' - do 1tfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l14 Ohio & 2tissiaiipi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 do do fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 - , , , . , 1)ecatur &Evansv1lle. . . . . . . 13 " IB'anhl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 ? ' St. aul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ido do do . . . . . . . . . . St.Paul , ? 1iiin. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 1)8 ( ) St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3nj ( IC ) thi i1tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union l'nciiie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 tVabash , St. L. & I'acitic. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 do do do f4. . . . . . . . . 324 Vestnni tJiiiiin ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 tAsked. Ez.dividend. - GRAIN ltNI ) t'ItOVISIONS. CIItCtOO. Ciiic.tGO , October 10. F'lour-t1crket quiet and unchanged ; continon to cliotco j iring wheat , 3fc ( ; Miutiesuta , 3qI4u ; I.ckors , 1(5'u , fii7c ; winter wheat flour , Southern auti Iisouri , Ii&5c ( , .Micliigaii , ' \ Viieat-lhgiilar wheat , market demand ac. tivo [ nit tiietdrtI ucf geimr.cIly .les or ; t12c for Octobei ; ' .JftJc for November 95J.1 05c for 1)eccnIIer ; titic for January ; 1 02A for 1Iay ; No. 2 atIi1lg , 'J2c ; No. 3 equing , 82c ; No. 2 red winter , i oo. Corii-1)jna'td .tctivo ; market unsettled hut gener.tliy hh her ; I7o fur cash ; 17I8o for ( JetlbOr 47c for November ; 46c fur Io. comber ; .IJAI7c ( for the yccr ; IOc for , Jan. uary ; I8c for Amy. OtIn fair cleitiauid ; market steady ; 27 J27)c ) for Ca$11 27cj27gc for October ; 28 @ 2Rcfr Nieiiibei ; 28Q28c for liceiit. her ; ,27d42igu , firtho year ; 3Io fur May. lLyo -l arkot 4iItlet and steady at 53c. ju-lov-\la , kek ,1uieL anti te.cdy act 60c. } 'lax tcedIarkut. . limIer cut 1 31. Tiizithy Ji a rkot slightly I inliruved ; lirilno , I 29 ; high gi title , 1 $0IJ1 ( 32 ; cunuinon dark cliafry act'l ' 1 2IIjl 25. 1'orkhe fir tioutanul ; market a shade oai. It ) ( ( ) 90 for cash anti October ; 10 4@lO t' ' ( 'ii ' Ntivetubcr ; 10 25Cgl0 27 fur liecetnlitr ; it ) .I5(2.lJ ( 50 for tito your ; 10 87 , @ 1000 for .January ; ii 00JJi1 O2 ( or Fount. any. 145111 - In fair dumatttl ritarket easier ; 7 I',2& @ 17 for c.tli atil October ; 7 32.g7 ( 33 fur Noveniber ; 7 30i7 : t2. Sir thu ; 7 37 © 7 40 for , IallU.lrY 7 .I7.g7r9 ( fur l"tubru.iry. hulk iticakS Mttrket oshien ; sIliltidCnit , 4 75 ; Ililolt ribs , 7 1)1) ) ) ; sliirk cle.ur , 6 60 , Ilietter - ( iik t , cntI tlllCI)5llOlI ) ; ( air to fancy Creamery , 20j29c ( ; good to fancy tlciry , 11 (2S. } : rii ( ittet attil ci tieItutgcuul : ; 21 c. ' 'Itiskey $ Lll.lii' atni ullellaIlgeli ; I 15. Ctj-S'ile5t , donnind active Itlt irregular ; dcclit.jI , , O fur October ; tiiIitced .jc Novena. her iuiil May. Coree Ienusitel active hut irrepu1tit ; ml. Yatlecel ild fur I ) ct.otwr ; mtvallCel C for the year ; , iediueed o for Nievoujeteer anti .laiitisry. ( itiQuint atiel finiti ; ucelveiteceel , e for Octiiler ni II Ievoinbe'r. l'eurk Ioll1iClllI ) tectivtt 10 87 ( em October ; 10 50 for November ; tO IS fur 1)ecoinbor ; 10 3(1 ( C for th year Lr4Active antI firm ; nilvaticeil c for October auiil February ) So hl8hcr for eifl. her , the year tOld , January. O null l4alui4 'Itegitlar wheat , 100,000 bu. ; corn , 1.i,000 leut , ; teats , 55,000 bu. ; pork , 10- 750 ; laj , 17,000. Cilneeo Market stMaiiy atut supidy good ; choice full Cr111011 cbeiIlil , ilV@)121c ) ; choice full tiiet.s , l2@12e ; good leant bIkinI ChdIlar ! $ and flab4 , 8(9c ; bard skhius sc. 4/ 1IId-.Jneieieeegeuii ; greoll salt curoJ light , 8c ; green salt cianiaguil , tic ; green wait Imavy , - Sc : gresu suit Ca 1 , I Ic : dry calf , lSc. TauIoruncloingoii ; No. 1 , Ic ; N. . . , cake , 7e , LIVKIU'XlL ( , 14I El Z'OOI , Oct.idsr , -1IroJei1bItuffs Steaey , WI'aL-Wint'r , 6i OilliO'4 2t1 sunIttg , 8s 3d @ $ ci. NvW 1011K , Nitw YOIIK , OcbIi4r0.Vi1e5tC1uI , firm , oiaine4 weak 4111(1 ( till III ! @Ic' Iatr Ii''atno trong closlm'g ' ieltl& recuvuryof 1@o ; un. LLi TAiel reel , 0l@ft4t i"o. 8 roil , I 012@l 02 ; No. 3 reel , 1 0346jI 03 delivered ; No. 2 red , 1 l0'@l 11 , latcr1 llQnl 12 delivered. Curie-Cash higher : O1ltiOfl ojeneel I @c lower ; nilvuomeoci cloiog fittet' uiugraded1 t'0.t'8 ; No. 2 , t&9 store elevator ; 59j@eit ) afloat. Oat. 40Ic higher ; fairly active , c1oing firm ; inised western , 32j35ewleito ; , 37@4"c Eggs- Western fresh , demand fair and muar ket tirin. l'ork-lnll aitti itunuttialt inei'q , ii i'S. Lard-Firm ; ltrilio steatut , 8 0Sj8 75. llutter-1)ull. K.tNSAM dry t'ltOlfllCE. KANSAS CITY , October 10.-\Vhcat-Steady ; No , 2 tel fall , 82 for cah ; 84c for Noveuit. ben : 874Si87o for li'comnbor , Corn to.ei1y ; ; 4 bid for ca.h ; 32'e bid for Nuvoii't , r ; 25ii2dc bid for the year. Oats.-1flgluer ; . ' 2C for cash. ) IAT,1 t'10111. 1LALTIIIOIC ? , 0. tIller -Oat.s--Steaely ; WeMLeIFI ) 'a letu' , .u7 ; ieIotl , , 35,3t3c. llyeu-- Quit I. at. I ; kei.66e. 1tttter _ ( uuil' ; s"turit itacked , l0@20c ; ceeuliery , 2th ! ' " & ' " ' et 23532 Ic. " 1dsky-Luiet eel. 1 lS@l l8. ( 'I iCl ClN' ( , ( ) ctutor 10. \ 'heatMark.'t dttll noel heavy Ok L (13g ( ( I ' 31. Corn- 1 te gocid tlteuiuid need firut at b0c. OatM-tniuuger ot 3c. ) 1t -Qtiii't oil tireec ect 55c. l'urk. . lit fair elieiiittd act. it 2551j11 tO. l.ant-Quict ot. 7 50. 11111k IulI. W'hiiky-Activo ecied firm at $1 13 , ) lIL\VAUKIOC. MlI.'AUKuR October 10.-Wheat-Market Steady ; 1)lu ) ? ur cash cocci October ; 92ac for uuvoenber ; 9lc for 1)ocenubor , Coree'cak ; No. 2 , SOc. Oats-Quie tit 27&c. 11)0.-Quiet tetiti unchanged ; No. 2 53c. Barley Dull uiinl loacr ; No. 2 , 60e. Nlv OIILKANS. NNOmtt.KtNs , October 10.-Corn-Steady tuiel It good ducutnul ; mixed , 63c ; white , ( JSe. Oats-Quiet ; liriecee , 81c ; choice , 39' . Corn MoaI-lti stuady deinenul ; fresh , 2 50. Pork-In good demand and lower at 11 87k. bard-2tltsrket filcH ; t1erc , Sgc ; keg , 8c. , 'hlsky-tcady ; western rectified , 1 It ® 1. wr. Loom i'ieOnUciu. Sr. 1ouis , October -\Vhoat-Lowor and f&titly active ; No. 2 red , 1 O0 a 1 0O for cash ; SI Ou leitl for October ; 1 02 as ud for Novouii. ber ; 1 U3 for lieceenber ; No , 3 red1 95@96c. ( Juno-higher ; 4tkI5o for cash ; 45c for October ; I2c for ovoeeeber ; 4lgc for the year. year.Oietsllninor ; 2751J27ac for cash ; 2G2t3e for November ; 2Sc fur .Lcceiuber. Itve-5O50. liorloy-nSOc. Butter -Steady ; creamery , 2730c ; dairy , i8t.2tc. Eggs-Lower at 17c. 1"ICLX 800(1 1 825IJ1 33. Corn Meat-2 25. CI.osINu ILoAIun-Wheat-Lower 1 10 for October ; 1 ii It , November ; 1 o4 fur lie. comber ; l.O3'ji.0(1 ( fur , heteuary. Corn-Weak ; I:3Q143c : for November ; 41c for the year. OatDccli ; 27c bid for the year. 'IOLMO. 'FoLEIo , October 1O.-Wlieat-Ma'kot dull ; No. 2 red winter , cash , I 01aJ 1. 03k. Conea-\larkut dull aicti firm ; leigh mixed , 52e ; No. 2 , cash and ( ) ctcber , SI c. Oats-Market dull atid itoeninal ; cash and October , 211.jc. LIVE STOCK. cI'icAuo. ' ChicAno , October 10.-TIm 1)rovora' Jour. oat refiunta tii afternoon as follows : hogs-Market uveak , and lOu lower ; pack. illg , 4 15g14 ( SO ; i.cking and sleippiceg , 4 85 © Li lii ; Iihit , .1 slIts : ) 20 ; skips , 3 0O(4 ( 25. Cattle 01,0(1 , string ; conunon , iilov ; ox- llr , I ; 85 ; gotd to choice blIlplillg ) , 5 40tJ ft 8. , ; common to medicine. 1 0Oaj5 10 ; centling 011(1 Iutclue&iulg steady ; inferior to fair CO8 , 2 259 so ; nietlituen to good , 3 i0lJ3 65 ; stock- era eltrulig at 3 10&3 90 ; feeders , 3 8Og'l 30 ; rouge easier except on best ; 274Vyomings , averaging 1,300 lbs , 5 5@5 35 ; \Vyomiogn , Leveraging 1220 ibs , 4 85 ; 329Vyoiniee feed. ers , averaging 1,075 Ibs , 4 10 ; 230 ¶ loxans , aivoraiug 1tt0 lbs 'I 00. Sheep-Brisk ; Lest , stronger ; common , slow ; infomior to fair , 2 253 00 1)Or cwt. ; medium te , good , 3 25@3 75 ; choIce to extra , 4 00@4 65 ; lanibs , P' ° head , 1 003 50 ; Texas slIcer , , 2 25 ® 60. HT LOOlS LIVE BrOCK. ST. Louts , October 10.-Cattle-Active and letrulIg ; nothing hero ; supply liberal ; exports , 5 81)5j6 ) 20 ; heoavy aluipiteg tcers , 5 2taJ5 ( 75 ; light tie , . , 4 rQ15 00 ; mnixetl to hutchoring 1111- Live'S , 3 O0l ( )4J ) ; Texas , 3 SO ® ! 25 ; Indiaui , a ( kt@l.t .10. Shi'ep-Finener for good grades ; fair to good , 3 50&jl 00 ; 4 UI ) ; Texacis , 2 tO@3 50. lC.tSAS CITY LIVK STOCK. IC.tNH&S Ctii , October 10.-The ] ) aily mdi. cater reports : Cattle-Firm ; natives , 5 50@5 60 ; good to chtolcu Texas steers , 3 5013J3 90. .llugs-Lower and weak at 4 50c3J4 60. SheepUnchanged. . - i'1i1FF1O. YL000 ANt ) GRAIN , CHICAGO , October 10.--1teceipte and ship. mflelita of flour cemid grain for the 21 hours hao boon as follows : Receipts. ShIp'ts. Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 6.000 \Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 202,000 06,000 Cern , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . :396,000 : 279,000 Oats , 1)10111015. . . . . . . . . . . . 1i12)0O ( ) 121,000 Rye , lju4iols. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 ' 1,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 97,00' ' ) 45,000 Nr.w Yocuc , October 10.-Receipts amtl , fflillncnt.sof ) fiouirteuid grain for the last2 1 hours have been ais follows : ] toceipts ShIp'ts , Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 236,000 8,000 Uorn , bushe1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 89,000 Oats bushiob , . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 20,000 KANSAS Ciry , October 10.-liccclpt.t anti ithilitcionts of grain for thu past 24 bout's have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Wheat , 1usliels. . . . . . . . . . 21,000 21,000 Corit , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 13,000 LIVK STOCK. CImloAno , October 10.-Receipts and 51111) . IneIlts of live StOck for the past 24 hours have 1)0011 alt follows : Il000i1)ttf. Shilp'ts. hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 , . , . Siieoi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 . . . . ICANHAB CITY , Octoborl0.-Itcceipts and 51111lflOtlt4b 1)1 lIve stock for the lMt 21 hours have beomi tat follows : Itoceipts. Ship'ts , Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,300 . . . . Shooi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 ST. Louis , October i0-ltoccliits antI ship. IlkOiltS of live stock for the past 24 bout-a have been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,401) 300 Shaceji. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 1,000 OM1tLIA MAItII'iTS. Whtolesalo Prices , Oi'vzcx OF Tits OMAIfA , BEE , Wednesday Evening , October 10. The foll'iwlng iulcos are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and commission iner. chants , with the exception of grain , which is lwtel at the iinlces furnished by the elevators anti other local buyers : ( lraI pi. WuSAT-Cash No. 2 , 70c ; No. 3 , 53c ; r _ ( I ' 12c. ILtIILKY-Cssh No. 2 , 47c. ltr-Cash , No. 3 42c. CottN-No , 2 , 32c ; rejected , 2ttc. Oass-No , 2 , 2tc. Islvc Htock. FAI Srictrwe-Qulet at 3 234 25. VAT Covs.-2 , 753 3. ' . hloas-3 7rQi4 00. Hinno'-Firui at 3 0O3 3.5. OALvnt-Falrquallty 4 S0S 0O'good ; butch' crs stock , 0 00. General I'i'ohuce. Iccs24c.l ; JiurrNie-Common to good , 7@IOe ; choice Iairy , ifi17 : sweet , bihi colored gr&ss , 12 ® 13c ; cooking , Sc. i'ortroksNow qniet and inseket well step. ithiod at 4Scjti0o ) er liii. OIoNM 25a SOc itul. Ntuv : 70tS5c dopen. lioNfCalitrnIa. : . In contb , l'er iound , 20 @ 21c ; strained , I0,12c. CIICF.eB-Activo , \ \ o quote 9@llc. 'l'OtI.tTOctl-IIolnO grown , tOCi 00 1er buqb. GIIArES-In baskets tool crates , To lr II ) . ( I roe ui1'rtuI Is. LRSON.-Qltiet ; at 6 00@7 3.3 Per box , l'KACIIIOi-Natlvcq 9Sc1 00 ler basket ; California at 2 25(32 ( SO. BANANAS-Uncleangod Per bunch , 2 CO ® S It ) . 0Oi'.3 25 per Iltl. CAUYORNIA Giure-2 OO@2 50 Ior case , hour anti tillstufl'H , WINTER \Viuu&t-licst quality , latnt , set 340@350 Skeosu QUALITY-S 005j13 ' 10. St'itlsoViti.&tIiest quality , Psetont , set 3 ttO@,3 60. SF.CONI ) QUAI.ITT-2 303 SO. lIlIANSto Per cwt. CItoI'l'En F'ESI-I'or 100 lbs. SSc. CORN MEAL-I 00(311 ( 10 lor cwt ScIIcKNING-GOtj700 ler cwt. Ctit'ee ) 5iClttt3 , IIAM5-l41lc 1LIIIAKr.tST itteoN-Uneicangod set 12I3c. Ci.r..ut 8111K 1LtcoM-75c. SIIOULIEItS-1)lIll set 858o 1)itnn ) : IIEIr-llc. : 14A111)---At ) 9lOc in tiorceis. TAu.ow-Firn at 5 50536 25 In barrels , l'OItltrl' , Ilsis nitil Gtinie. Si'iuso ChICKENS - 8111:111 , 2 0O@2 75 ; large , tlUiOt set 3 (10 ( ; old , 3 75. PraIrie chickens , I ® 00 des. FIMH-l'ikn , white 11511 antI trout are quoted at 9a1 Ic , oath tu eat fIsh , v1eemi iii the market , mevorages 3t3le lownr. Vlt)1. Menino uuva.qhod , light l4ljillGc ; hea7 , 13@1r , ; enotliutnt unwasleeti , light , 18@2Oc ; WllJlhOtl , choice , 32c ; fair , 80c ; tub and washed , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wool , 2@GO tess. Grocers List. CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , ur case , 3 70@Z ) 1)0 ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per Case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 ib , case , 3 00 ; Bartlett Pears , tuer Case. 2 I0 ; whortlobernios , lor case , i 75 ; egg Ph I 2 Ii , , Per case , 2 00 ; green gages , 9 II , , ptr ease , 2 00 ; do choice , 3 lb , er case , I 50 ; jdtie allOs ) ) , 2 lb , iter case , 4 00 ® ft 75 ; poache. , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , er case , .1 0O@4 50 ; do ( lulo ) , 8 It , , 1)or case , 2 60 ; do lilo , 6 lb. per dozen , 2 40. Ilicic-Loteisiatese iireitio to choice , 7c ; fair 6c l'atma , 6c. l'isu.-No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. I mackerel , kits , I 15 ; ftunily mackerel , half brls. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 05c ; No. 1 white fish , half bris. , 7 ( Hi ; No. I kits 1 05. Sviwi'tietediinil Cutue. , 35c , bols ; 3tnnclard di , 4 gallon kt'gs 1 W ; Standard do , 4 gallon kegs , I GO. SOIIA-Ilt Lb pl > r , 3 30 Per Case ; keg er lb , Now l'icxi.t.i-Medluiiuu , In larrols , 6 50 ; do in itself barrels , 3 75 ; small , in b.trrols , 7 50 ; do In half barrels , .1 25 ; gltor1deis in barrels , 8 50 ; tlii in half barrels , 4 75. 'J'EAS-Ulenpoweier , good , 15@SSc ; choice GO (75c ; goeni letiperial , 40@48c ; choice , 60@IiSc ; Young ilyson , good , 36@SOc ; choice , GSc(3J1 ( 00 ; .1 aisn natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60ulic ; olong , good , 35@40c ; Ooiong , choice , .105i55c ; Souchung , good , 35@IOc ; choice , 3515c. htnt'-Sisol , & inch atiel larger , l0c , inch , lie ; 4 inch , 11.c. \VooInNv.ltn-Two : hoop 1ails , 1 85 ; thren hoop jeuls 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; IPio- noer vasl1buarils , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wollbuckets , 8 85. IAEAI-Bitr , I 65. SoAri-Iirk's Seven : Imperial , a 45 ; X1rk' teatuiet , 8 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; KIrk's white lIu.stian , 5 25 ; Kirk's etitoca , 2 1(3 ( ; Kirk's l'rtirle Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , tluz 1'OTASILl'cnnsylvatiia cans , 4 case , in case , 3 35 ; 1labbts ball , 2doz. inczuto , 1 90Anchor ball , 2 eloz. in case , 1 ISO. 1'i.'Nu1s-1oasthel ( , choice , rd Tennessee , 14c pea' lii ; f'uecy white , l5cporlb ; raw-white Virginia , raw lic ; roasted , lie. Cs.rncis-i3oxes : , 40 lbs lOs , 15c ; 8s , 1&jc ; boxes 40 Ibs , 15 Z. , 65 , lSc. ( tIATCIlR8-1'Cr caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 1 Sf3 ; square cases , 1 70. CorvEr.s-Ordinary grades , 39c ; fair lO ® 12c ; good , 10@13c ; 1)niIlO , 12@J12c' choice 13@Jl3c ; fancy greed and yellow , 1'ifi15c ; old govorunient .1 ilva , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted , l4c' Arloickle's roasted , 15c ; McLaughlin's xxkx roasted , 1134c : Imitation Java , 16) 184c. lLvv-Balotl , 8 0OlO 00 per ton ; lie bulk , 6 0O(6 50 ler toll. VINROAII-NOW ork apple 16c ; Ohio ap' 1)10. 13c. SAcT-Dray loads , her lltl , I 80 ; Ashton , in sacks , 8 50 ; blils dairy 60 , 3 30. SUGARS-Pewlorctl ( , lOAc ; cut loaf , lOAc ; granulated , tlfr ; confccthmcra' A , 9c ; Standard - ard extra C , 8.c ; extra C , 84c ; medium yellow - low , 7c ! ; dark yellow , 7.Ic. Smiecst-l'earl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Dc ; Curie Starch , Pc ; Eicchiior (1loss , 7ki ; Corn , 8c. S1'IcEs-I'e1per , 17c ; : dikIlice , 15e ; cloves 25c ; cassla , ir . CIl1Esu-Fnll : cream , l2c. Ly-Aenoniceui : 3 10 ; Grceiuwicli , S .10 ; \Votorn , 2 75 ; 'e'rt1i Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' iyo 1 65 ; , lewell lye , 2 715. iry Goods. BR0\VN ConoNs-Atlautlc A 8c ; Applo' ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; hoot Fii' to , Buckeye LI , , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 74c ; Chitto. mlulgi ) A , 6.c ; Croat 1"alls B , 8.c ; hoosier , 6c ; IltiseestVidth , 8c ; betlian head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7c ; Lavronco LL , Sic ; Mystic lIken , flc ; Poquot A , 8c ; Utica 0 , fic ; WTachusott 11 , 7c ; do A , 8c do B 48 , 12c. FINS BitowN CorroNs-Allomlalo 4.4 7c , Alligator . 3-I , 3c Argyle ' 1.4 , 7c ; At'antic ' J.J4 , 640 ; Ihelgee tath X. 4-1 , 6.c ; Bennington a 4-1 , ( ic ; Buckeye S 4.1 , fltc ; Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , 8c ; Leconla 0 39c ; I.ohigh B .1.1 9e ; l'osperoll N : io , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do 1 36. 7&e ; do B 89 , 8c ; l'escwsot C .1.4 , 7c ; Waitisutta ' 1-1. 13c , . BLEACIIr.u CorroNs-Androscoggin I. 4.1 9c ; lllaclcsthno AA imperial 8c ; do do hial bleached 4.4 , tIc ; Cabot 4.4 , 81c ; Fidelity ' 1-4 , 9c ; Fruit of the Loom , 9jc ; do carnbrio 4.4 , 124 ; do Water Twist , 10e ; Great Falls Q , tic : Indian Ilonil ejinutni : 4.1 , 12c ; Lonslalo , lOc ; ( I cambric 37 , 12o ; New York Mills , I2o ; l'cquot A , 1tc ) ; I'Clielel , N G TwilIs , 12c ; l'ocahuntas ' 1.4 ttc ; l'ocatesot (3-1 , 8 ; Utica , lIe ; Vanuenttts 0 X N , 12o JtucKs ( ColureiI-Albaeey B brown , Sc ; do C , drab lie ; dl ) .X strilles and i1aids , 12 1.2c ; do XXk brown and tiral , , stripes and plaids , 12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , Itic ; Ili-unswlck brovin , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do ox. trie liotIVy , 20c ; Fall Jtiverbrown , extra heavy , 11. 1.2c ; Indiuma A. brown , 13c ; Noponset A brown , iSe , 'rscKINGe-AnoHkeAfAo A'32lOc ; do XX blue 32 , 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1.2c ; Claro. Illont JIll1 15 1-2c ; Coteestoga , extra , . 17 i.2c ; Ilauijiltuit I ) , ii 1-2c ; Lewiston ASO , Ito ; 1'ln nehalia 4-4 , 20c ; Omnege , stqstr extra 4.4 , ? c. J'otrl : Itiver 32 , 16 1.'Ic ; I utnam XX blue stripe , i2c ; Shetuckot 8 , 10 l-2c ; do SB , 12c ; Yonmnati's blue 29 ( Ic. lJENlnS-AXllo&Oag ) , blue and brown,16 1.2o ; i\mtclovcr 1)1) 1)100 , 35 1-2c ; Arlington X blue Scotch , 18 1-2c Concord 000 , blue and brown , 12 1-2c ; efo Aiut , do do , 13 1.2 ; do xx LA ) do tics , 14 1.2c ; Ilaysimker's blue send browsi I ) 1-2c' Mystic ltlvorlDstrlpa,161.2c ; Pearl Jtiver , ( lue and brown , 16c ; Uncasvillo , blue anti brown , 14 1-2e. OArnlltlcs-Barmlard , 5c ; Beldystono lining , 24 mdc double taco , 8.cGnrnor ; A glared , tie ; Manhattan glove 501311 , tic ; Newport do , tic- do glared , 5c ; l'cquot do , Sc ; Jockwocnl kid fluish , Cc. Consir JEANS-Amory , Androsooggln satteon , $ c ; Clarendon 6c Coneatogga sat. teens , 7c ; Ilallowell , Sc ; inthan Orchard , 71e ; Narraanactt , improved , 8ic ; POpiitill sat. teen , Jic ; Itockport , Cc. 1'UNm-Allens , C' American , flicArnldo ; , file ; Berwick , 4c ; c0h000 , 0 Conestoga , Sic ; Jiankirk , Cc ; Junnell , 6i@7c ; ddystone , 62c ; Gloucester , Sic ; Harmony , tic ; Knickerbocker , Sic ; Merrlmac 1) , 7c ; Itlystio , tic ; Spriwrues Cc ; Southbnidgo , Sc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Mail. here , Sc ; Oriental , 81c. GINOUAMS-Amoskoag , Ole ; Argyle , Sc ; Atlantic , Sc ; Cumborleund 7o ; highland 7c ; Kenilwontli , tile ; l'lunktt , tile' Sussex , lie. CormNAins-Abbervllle , 131c ; Agate , 2Cc ; American , lie ; Artisian , 2Cc ; tlulro 1) and ' 1' , 131c ; Clarion 1) and T , 171c ; Pecan Co. strijies 1) and 'F , 16c Keystone , l3e ; Nan' tuckot , 19c' Nonpareif , ICc ; Ocean I ) anti T , Bile ; itoyief , ISle' Sussex , I'2c ; 'I'luga Wachu. , eett shirting chmcs , 121c ; do Neenkln I2ics York , plain Naukin , 1210 ; do checks , stripes vnd fancy , l2ic ; do 8 ar , 2Cc , SIiv.KTlNas-Aleelruacojgln 10.4 271c ; do 04 , 23 ; tie 3 4 , 32c : Continental (3 ' 12. lIe ; Fiuit of the LOQiTI 104 ; 271c ; Now York en hIs Is. Stc ; do 78 , 'JOe ; do 58 , 2'4c ; Pembroke 10.4 , 2t'c ; l'eqttot 10-1 , 281c : do 74 , iCc : do 45 , ISe : l'eppcaell t1fi 2Cc ; tIn 67 , 21e' do 7 , ise ; Utica LM , $ Se : do tS , 22c : tin 48. i7e. THEPIBLOSOrIIV or hEADAChE. TuB STO3IACII , TIIR 1t0Wk:12 : AND TH 1.1V1. Alit : 1t1l'tNSIllI.R P1511 I.VKILY IAN(1 TIIA't ItACKS ! ) , IIIRIUIATRTNKANI ) HAll ) tONIZ TII ACIION 01' TIIKSII Al,1.11l ) Oil t1AN1 WITII TARRANT'S SELTZER APERI ENTANII Yell , CUIIR rllkes'slI't.AINI Arlis 500110K. SOLD 1W ALL LflWUOISN. \VthBOIVS COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVER AND LIME. OIL4AND To CtllbItllflltIVestntuy leavb 1eti hap to gIVO their teitilllele in favor of the use cii ' 'll'ilbor's I'tue ( bd'Jtcr Oil and 1.itne. " hx' iicnieeico leas imved it te ) ho a yaluallo , reuite el' for Consumption , 4stinna , iipltthcniaatul nil diseases of the thereat atiti 1tttw's. hilatete' factored only ly A. IL. Wilbur , Chemist , lice ton. Sole ! by all druggists , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XXtTX.aXj VAPOR COOK STOVE . - , - , Tha I'ioncer nd 0013 S spor Cook Stem that hss tootl the test. of yvars anti given entire asi4 perfect uUstaetlon. Over 1OOOOO Now in Use I NEW PATENT hULL OVEN. Patent removable suet ! intercltsageablo Jot Orifloc rendering our lnrnrr , , , lnttetreectlbIo. New Ons 'al , , Hureter on two Now SIAC5. New Safety IteersoI , For Sutitieter tee , tInte stovc , are initlponsable For terms to agents , Prire 114 antI cataIouo , Aihires , IiJtli ( VAPOR STtVR CC , , 'ept 2I.en&e&w. _ Cleve.lanil 0 I Have Found It Wa , , the oselainattoit of a , nanwhen he got a bos f Kuruta I'ilo Ointneet , , , tvhlch Is a sintithu ettid sure , uro for I'Ucs send sell Elk-Itt ISb'aso& Fifty cents l , mall , ioetpald. The American Diarrhwa Cure , lies stood the test for twenty years , Cure cure Ici ill Nerer Fails. Dlarritara , Dyscnttery , and Choic. ) forbus. iloallo's ' FCYCI' aIil Auo Tolli & Coria1 , It I ImpossIble to stlpjtly the rapid vale of the same SUIIR CDII WAIIItANTItD For Feror send Agite , and all Malarial oubIeo. rRlCF. , l.OQ. WeJ. WHITEHOUSE LABOI1ATO11Y , 10Th ST. . OMAhA , NF.B. For Sale by all Drggsts - - nil ninrnvon3J A regular graduate li U1I , UJJtl Jul00 , moilicinc. Over sixtect lice anti 605 Wyandotte lit. . years' ractl-twolvo Is YAN13AS CITY , MO. Chicago. Authorized liy the state to trca. .1rA . Chronic , Nervousand i'rivatodl.easca itLi(1h'i ; ( , . Asthma. Ejtilejtay , llitctimatiszei ilies , ftIS1ftIfs , JvTapo Worm , UrInary and Skin Die Ci. \lJy4/casc. / , Retninal WeaknesnIght losses Sexual DcbiIltylosn ( ntixuaI power to. Cures guarantee , ! or money refunded. Charge , .0W. Thousands of case. curcil. No Injurious mcdl cine furnished even to liaticlete at a cilstateoe. Con suitatlon free and confldctetial-cail or welts' age and experience are important. A 1100K for both sexes- Ul'.is'.ratod-and circulate of other things cnt acaled fcr wo 8 cent etsOIpH. FIINE MUHNUM MUHNUMen rl ol.v' OOLD MEDAL , PARIS , .1878 r5 BAKER'S B1'oakfllSt 011C08. f74a7 ! . Wrerranhd abe.tuCly zr' Cocoa , from which the excess o. oil lies bone reenoved , It his , ( dree 1't1 times 1/.e slrijth of Cocoa mired J l eltbt Htsercli , Arrowroot or Sugar , 4i and I , thcretore ( Sr moore ecoetotnl. ( II cat. It Is dedlcloui , imurlehizig , t , II atrtngtlicnlng , easily dIgested , eeni c admirably tedaplcd for Invalids eta : v ll a. fur irtta In lanitle. Sold by Urocera ecrywhere , 1 , BAKER & CO Bordh8stcr , Iass AN5V Tb Only l'erfoct substitute for Mother's .1. Milk. Thu most ieouriahIteg'ltfor , ' thvallda and nursing mother. . Commondeal by cli I'hyeidaM Keeps lie all climates. BOLl by all druggists. lb cents. ma.tu&th.201 41 'r.MNTeJALF&CO. , Central Wharf , Boston , Mw. HEBRAKA LOAN AND TRUST CO hASTINGS , NY.II. Capital , - - $250,000. JAB. It. IIMARTWV.LL , l'tesidoot. A. L. CLAIIKK Yioc.I'rcsddent. N. ( I. WEHSTEfIrrreaaurer. C. 1' . WEIJSTgIL CashIer. DIIIEUrOIIB : amurl Alezande , , Oswald Oliver t , 1I. Clarke , N. Ii. Webster , 'ito. If l'ratt , Jas. 13. Ifeariwell , D. hI , McKiilinney4 ? irst Mortgage Loan8 a Specialty Tiels Company furnishes a ibormnent home inetitu on heru school bonus and othcrhgally issued Mu 011111 SecuritIes to Nebraska can be eootiatecl an InOst ' .orablo terms. Loans enado On taprorod 04 In all well aettiel oOUntIci , of tbet state thiough ponelbi. ocal ocricevendonts. Cr . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - t _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ S S -r _ THE NECESSITY von THE SPECIALIIIT , DR. H. WAGNER , liMlong been icknowleclgeti soil more so at thl d thanateycither. lhe seat Coil of tueiil1 acleieec I. suer IncreasIng , and Its titetItertitIbI lirMlcliee arc brought tvaier , anti nearer to perfection , mel no ciii , men rae , any longer grasp themie tell IlIfleC the nere.lty for ellelillieg the 1bor , Anti it i trite t'eynd sO doubt that eliqeaqe , refTc'ctletg the gelt Itourlies , ; organs ect'.l si iftl sttttiy bore tltteti mtuv thleeg e1e , If e would tnnkrstasel acid know lieas Ic treat theta ) irelp.rly. 1)11. ) II , WAlNfl i fully aware that there art many i'h sklan , , anil sonic ctttlblo ; wole , hi , ill condeetu , him for ittakilig tIul. nles of ellat'as , a ape eIalt' , but he Lt happy to know that s Itli titott let , kltt , of rvfleenucit , mmiii In tnlllgruce a in .rc cilltiliteie , etl view Istaken of the atthjeit , atiel that the 1.10 sIc' tati a ito , Ivotcs hilniaclf to relies log the atUhi teil attil a , itu thetit freitie s 01aO thati dec11 , , Is lit , lea , 11)11 ) Iaiithiopl.t anti bemtetactcir te , hIt. rare tlitete the sot genII . or iloalniat , ut ho by chose alulIeatIoIi ci. , it ul.t. cdlter brandi of lilt lrofc'aion. And fiirttetate1 , or lItetItall ty. the ilav I. , Ias telttg a hen the fal.e i'it alItlirn.hy that ( ollilettlnell tIio ' . lc'tltet ed folly ci , tltn' , liki , the leIera tetiiler the _ Joe ) Its , to dli Ilic'arel , for hai ' , , all my. A Few Reasons Wh1 you should try ( Ito celebrated Itt , II. 5'aptcr'a letotieodc of cure : I , "Ijy. II , Vfl4iflt't L , a iateiaI , lilt ) , lcitte , " U. it. l'ost.aa , Tue ( lrt'atc.t l.iultig l'hrcliciitigiat. "Few van otcl ou as a iloetor. ' Its. , l , itncic , 'flIciVotltl'ii ( Irratect l'lislegeeoitutt. 8. "You IUI i eimeiltrfuily lrtlnlrtt Lte 3 dIr keeos I edge of dleii'o nIlLi uteIleIuec. " Ill ) J. M rntiuss. 4. "l'be aJlIit'tcl fiteil , nml ) relief I , , our ire' . c.utco , ' lbc. , .1. Sltta , SI. "Dr. II. 5Vancr it , a regular graiittseto trout liehlevue htoapittel , New York city ; lesS litl v. C ) e tciI , o ho4iUei ; l'ractlc'o , tttt Is tftorotigltlv Ietc1tI cit itli braitchea ( 'I his bvl ciii , cilcueve , , rs1ieIlaIly Ott chronIc iiiseaie. . " 1)55. IttOwiiiLc & Ewt'.e , 6. "Or. H. S'agulcr ha , , lsittetortsiIteiI ) iinteeif La Ith , a cittiletitil til.t'civery of e'i'eeito % retetettles for un rate aiL .exteah eli.eeu.o&-'Irgieela City ( 'lirouldi' . 7. "Thoteaateda of lnualhl. hock to see Frae&ciero ChronIcle. S. "The loctor's bug erpenleitre tee a ai.eClxili.t should reenter liltu t cry sua't''eful.-lleicky Monti. lain Newe. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one time a dkmelon of the , eeruk tire was ate tinny seneilileil by the irofeseltl , ioiid tttedk'aI tvotk. of but et few ytnrs ago seotild lesally ennuitleit , IL Today the liit3PiClftti IC Of a elitYcrelet oj.iiieitq , lea is aware ( lint It I , liii , duty . 1heegn'eseblu tleotigh it llta ) Itanille ttt ) ntatter a itleout gl. us eutil alcak l1aInlv about It ; seuiel ittc.hllgent hamlets tuid gttaritlstt , 1ul ticuik idite fir cloltig ml. 'ihu nejults atteniting tltl elestntec'tlt'e tlee acre for. tettely not undenettitsl , or not l1roIecly ctiiictmI' tettil let ) lntpontaiico Ileltig attached to a attbjrt a leicfe iiy its nature clue. hot len Ito close liivestigatIoie , it 'ca. slIlIuigly igilorciti 'the habit Ic geneirally enietracteti by this ) Oteteg I. litie attenilitig school ; euler cOnelattioule throtigle their cxnitiile , tette ) . lie re1oielble , feir It , or it telil ) ' bci acijtelrnti tltrotegli toeclient. 'IRe ecitetitent title , , cx penicutceil , tlto inactiro 'ciii be roieettl ngsii ated uegalul , tetetil set last the Ititbit be'eiitt finn ated vtn IlCtelY eitclatt.e thu tlttine. Mental nmil itcrvoti , at eltctiott , are tieltilly the Initetar ) ' results tif i'vlt.tebttstm , Aeleiitg ( Ito iueJunitte cITcctn maY be teectitlotici , Ised tud , . , .lejectioie or lrea , ibility of tceetlir miii geticral iebllIty. The leuy acek. aenluslome , ectiil rarely julie , lie tlto jelrts of hIs coiulitliiOil4. It ho be a 3 utllig 10511 ito cc ill bci little fiulnI iii cielilany I. ith tue othee , aex tttiil Ii trotebled a itle cxcecitllitg cliii iullIclhlg icujIftilneIc Iii their I teecleco. laaific lutes dreatete , etttl.diie anit eruptions cit the Sore , eta , are also Iroilducout aynttituiq. if tliit inactive ic t ktlc'uetly ierslateul be , there acnlitti , dictunbaticci. take ilnea ( treat ioelilUetIle of the heart , or epileptic cuimutilsiona , ate eierlcteceil , and the autict or teia' fall Into a e'oilllilettei atetto cit ltliooy be' fort' , eleitcily , death relliut cc lilii. ' 10 all thioso emigageul lie tiii thuigeroni , practice , I wuiell sty , lirat of all , stijl ) it at mete ; iiialco ucury littueltilO effort to do so ; but If no fall , if , YlUt elt'rc ( ) teb aiitCtel Is already too enticle .hottcrcd , toed coll.s. liuctitly , your i , ill.Iiou er hrokeue , take , ioielc eeerveu teimik Ii ) aid yiiu iii your effort. I layIng free , ! ) oUisrhf from tleo habIt I 'cotilil further cinensel ote to ge , tlirotigte a tcgtefar course of trcatiiiciit , for It ii , a great ntiatako to , iulitioio that aiey one icisy , for aoieio times , , ha t every' scuttle give leiueaclf U , to tlti fascitiictiiig but dangerous wltliottt atigeritig frolic it. cc ii coileulticlecc'4 at , ioilio futtiro tiiiio. 'i'lio miueiebet of ouiig 11)011 ) whuano Iticalariatetl to till the , iutlep eiijoitied by wedlock hi alaninliegly large , amid lie tetost of aude cases this uietortuiiate cuietlittuit of tltliigs caii be traced to the iiractlCem of aelficbuico , 'Icicle lout beet mebaiidonctcl years ago. Itedeed , a tow , eionths' 9rsectico of tltia letebit Is suiticient to letilueco aiiontitnteirrhmtc lee later years , anti I lia u lItany of such cases outlet tneat ineul. at thio presoitt day. Young Mei Who may ho sutiTerilig from the effects of yotlthfnl follies or indiacrctioiq , sill tiO tcell toaveell tiieeiisolwo of tItig , tleo greatest booie oce laid at the altar of atif. , fcriig , Ituittaiiity. lilt. SVAOSY.ti v.111 gtiarteieteo to for. felt 5OO for cuery estsc of .eiteiieal weakitee or liricate eliiieaqo of all ) ' kliui antI character5whelcle hiouiidcr. takes toaiiclfaIlto cure. Middle Aged Men. 'l'liero are iiially at tim ago of B ) ) to 611 wIn , Are trotelilcil with too frcqtleiit. cItaCtiatiiil of 010 blail. den , ofteue accotetiarilcil Ii ) ' a slight amicartitig or Itnie. lug seteentlite , aitil a tc cakeniiig , if ties systemic lii a llieiuicr the Itetletit canletit atctiiiuet for ( ) i , camtiiti lug I Ito tininary , ) a riijiy soil Intent sill ufhae bc foiileii , 011(1 , .iiitiotluiee , , iiiiail 1artiles eif nlliimieicie cc Ill ccl heIr , or 11)11 ) color c Ill ho .if tutu ietllkl&lil lute , tegaiii chaitgltig to a ilark atiii tonliiI alillearuelero. Tiicrci are hitch ) iiieiiiy much it Iii , , hlt' of ( hI. lllliicleR3 , I"iioreiit : of the catece , cliieti I , tlio , .ccutil atago , tf sctllIeal.seaie. IbIS. lr. ) V. cclii giearalitco a Perfect CUIC lie all cicscs and a healthy rcstoratltiii of thee geielto.unlltary or. gaits. Cititiltntlotl free. Thorough oxatiltuatlotc anti au , vice , ti. All coitiniuiilratloii' sliotill ho aiIuire"rtI , lIt. Ileicry henry Vagiter , I' . 0. : : : kD , Dener , Ceuloriuli , . The \'uullg Mace's l'ou'ket Coiitlaueiotl , by lr. II SVagti'r , ic sortie Its 'culght Ii , gold to young mmccii , i'rlcci , Sent by iinhl , to any addrcie. Let Your Light Shine , the eclobricteel of heuivur ) Ir. Wagner specialist Cole , , 843 Lanlieier street , lellccves iii Iettlig ( tlietc'oniil kmioty 'c hat lou cat , iii , , itijil Is , ioiug for tliuti'euiiuli , , of hili feilowtiicme. I I Ii tnecatinent for hat iiiaiihioiul Is leOne to 'cite leitit a leatitu that listenity 'clii huicsq. 'I'cn tltousaiiul tcstltnoiiials from all oc er tile Utiiteti States frotit those hiu hiacureil , iii Iroot loltIte tint. lieilw , clero tile worst c.tsoI of these discacn , . 'I lee atitictcl frolic ehritic , amid acrital tilceases of every ldiiI sill Ibid him their heat. frietteil. I lead htls wl ertisuietent lii all our city lialers , aiid call oce hihtie fur au ) icc , as SC kieu'c you sill corrobunato tni lii , aylid , Ito Ii , tiiti , , tif ferorSi true fnleied.itoc'ky Mounraite Nests , Relief to the Afflicted , Iii iiecdlcinca , as In scicutcu , the , ipeciaiit. , arc the ones cc ice always coitea , to the front miud w cluiltluilsh reat rcaults. ' 1'hii remark in especially apulicaluie tote to Hr. 11. Waglier , of tiiii , city. lice staijile at thu 101 of htis lrOfCl0tl , atiii thu eteres he lerfrliis for the titfortiiiiato would acetic WollulurfUl if lint l1r0PCrl ) tiess eel lie tile light of scicoitlilo euwitclrcitieuits. I I it Is emIdiureell liy the jiiust etiilneiit of the jjelIcal , faculty IIl oilleo at ElI I.aratnir street , where hen sill apeoull ihy euiucta cure for the suilcniuug of ulthuer sex , Ito lust' ter how comeijillested their eiuinplaIlit.-l'otiteroy , ieiieOcrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. Persons at a distance who wish tobe tre&tel by Dr. Wagmier necil not feel backward because of Itiabilit IA , 51511 hIm. If they will we to tIm elector Ice wI send a lIst of uueetioics sthei tialilci lOin to &eied teceullchttec , , oouiescl and adv to thousaseds Ito hues leciver aeon , lie heauc I Iii every city. town aled atathote iii Colorado well as allover tue United States. See let. ad lu his adyertieuieut-Pcn' yer Tribune , Shall We Reform ? 81tilao rcmedloatur aildlseaaei , is the theory ltrertIc at hresant of odticatud ated ezjiunianc. Iuhyaician. send In all large cominunlUc. they liar. their , ipeclteltlu. , to excel In which they direct Heel , studIes anti littCties , 1) , , Wagner lii sticceesful II' lustratlome of tIel modem school of specialties. asni hI. Unhirueedent.ud sueccas In the teatnicnl of irIvate dIseases Is as wonderful aug II Is htcttcnlng.-h rot. J. Sliiiiiea. TltOsu irsona who need inodlinl relief for lieu most dtlicatoot disuase stlilfliid an acconiepllshed and suu. ceisueful luteyslelait lie lieu PCCCOiI of Dr. Wagner , No , 313 Laninioratreat , whole htihilynecrniimomeiie4 byth , inudicoel lirofessloce at Icoinu bred eihoard.-l'oeneroy'i Deuuucrett. lilfotry anti lgnoraiicu tuuest. gIto way to wIsdom arid tIi wise liYsicIale ) bellote lii lettlieg his light , , lelnc , for 11am glory of bile fellow men , I'rlielsir' , Ink Is the torch ho caii bust uae to guide the wuar auul sIck one to tlee fountain of health it liii , artIcle should be Ijiutrumeretal as a "TonehlI.iowr' et up. Oil ft 1,111 to guIde auerltig hiuinamiity to SIB lariutet Stretut , Peiever , , Colorado , it still aiiasur the liurpos. for stIith IL sM wrItten , , Atidreis , nh. hENRY WAGNER , 1' . 0. box 2389 , or esti at 513 Mrlencr , Street Demiver , Coo. jfhto.d the cetluinit beaded "The Necessity for the flpwcla.1i t. " _ - . CHARLES SHIVEFUCK , Furniture ! Have just received a large quantity of . new : EL4t. /E I AND .1\J1 \ OlF1tINU ! THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES ! PASSNGEfl ELVATX CHASI SHIVERICKI " I 1206 , 12)8 ( ) autci 1210 Fanitaln St T 0 .A.1 ' , tOOX' $ . NEll , C. M LElOli'l N. 11. 'j' , CLARInC , LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ( SLICCRRSltS 'To KENNAIID 111105. & Ct ) . ) Wholesale Druggists ! -DEALERS IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class , OMAHA , - - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. : E _ , DEAI4EItS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y : FIRE AND BUJtGLA1 PROOF SAFESVAULTSLOCKS&c. , , , . 1 D Q SItVaflt. ista1'xzi. . . Double and Sii,91o Acting Power and iland PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Triltuililigs , Mitiiitg Mrteliinory , Boltietg , I 11)50. ) Brass auiul Iroti Fitt.iuge Stualu I'etcking at whculesalo and rtuiail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIUItCII AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. . p' , PEEPECTIOT IN Heating and Baking : lre oiily attainedby weing weingoAt oAt : . Stoves and Ranges , W I1I1 iIAE CA1E OVER OOO . ' . . . . . . . ! . , J'or'aaIcby ' - r.vv . 'i-vT.\v. , x.ew\\ MILTON ROGERS & SONS . , OMAhA. J. A. WAKEFIELD , ? . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIl. UN.tLEit IN LuMber , Lath , Shll1es ! , Pieket , SAll1 IJOOIIS , BLINDS , MOllLDINU , LIMB , CEIBIIT , PLATEII , & . STATE AGENT FOiL MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. ' Near Union Pacific . NED ' Depot , - - OMAHA , SALEM FLOUR. Ti. ! . Flour , I , , niaulo at Ilalemo , ltlchnrdsua , Cot , Nultraske . , Ii , the Combineil Itoller Stone System , W gIve RXCItJSIVI' . sale ctt our hour to , cue tirice he cc place. We have opened a branch at I18 CapItol aveinu . ( linabte. Write for i'rieus. Address cltlier J'x'iji : in Salem or Omaha , Meb. " " , r"BuRLINGT0N HOUTE"I ( Chicago , I3urlington & Quinoy Ralirond. ) ; I _ . * - c . . , . - . . ' - . I . . I- _ . .u _ w , _ _ _ _ ' : . _ . . - I ; 9 I ; ; , , ' I I 'It . I' % . \ . ' 2r pak % , \ ' ' : - _ _ _ _ . . _ , _ p------ : ' . . . . _ - _ -k'- _ _ _ COINC EAST AND WEST. Eleank Day Coaches , Varior Cars , with 1scltn : Ce&lrs ] ( aeasR free ) , Smoking Caret , with Its. volvlng Chairs h'ullinan I'aiace . bleeping liars anti the fainnuis C. ii. & Q. Dining 1.arti run daily to anti from ChIcago ft Kansas CIty , Cbcago & Council Illuffs , Chicago .t 1)05 MoInes ChIcago , St. . J0. aejiIi , AtchIson ft Topeka. Oniy through tine Is , . tweet. ChIcago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars between Jntilutnapolis & Council Illuffs via t'eontse Mi conntwtIon inmie in UnIon Icpots. It i.e known as the groatThIltOUGlI CAll LINM. I 1- T , --r wr - -A 7 . _ , . . _ _ . - . . - . . . , . , _ - COINC NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Elegant Da Coaches and Pull-I roan Palace Sleeping Cters are run daily to and' front St l.ouIs , via hannIbal QuncCeokuk.I Hvrllngton Cedar hapkls and Al h'aul anti IInneapohIa : l'anlorCarswlth itscl1ntr I Chairs to send fromEt LoWe semI i'eorise and V , and from lit LouIs and Ottuonwa. OmiW oT . change of cars between St Louis and 13' Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Lunvc. . Colorado. Ittsuzilvereallyadmlttsl to be the I ' Finnat Equipped . Rnilroad In the World for all OIt os of TravtI. . jT .7. I'OVL'EiI , 3d Vlce.l'rses'L and ( kun'l Mansata PULIWV Sulu JA1'PIif.T. I Isa , ) ? ass. Ar'i. ( ThiC.elI. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF , a11 Paper and % Viilo Sliaffes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED 1118 FARNAM STREET , . . orAra NEB. I . ' - ' - ' ' - , ! : :