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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
- - - - - - - I - . ( 2 ' 1'iLE DAiLY BII-f TTIIRSDAY. ! OOEuB& 11 , 18d3. -S flS - * - - - - - - - - - - - - r- CRAY SPECIFIC MEDICINES TRAD1 MAflIC TifhiOftill ? ENTRADC MARK ut ! ItPMiUT. An An:3 v -:3 thg follow a . acquence of HIf. ' s- . 1MoI t"R ARIA TAkIHO. * fl4ek , D1mnc of ViMon , Irtm&turo fltI Age , .ae.ny oticdIee ) $ that lc&d tolnunlty oroon. C Xeptkn sod lreniture Oro. Bpwejt of dettLeementh to refund money , when rug1eLe from whom the medIcn. Ia bourht do , mt e.isd , but refer you to Itie manWictorere , irid the ttqulremonle tre neh thit they Ire vZdou , ( f erer , Oom1fk0 with. See thokwrlttvn guerntoo A tIIIJ I' OflO cingle fcka4o of Gre'e $ * wtU ntInoe Ibe most ekeplkl of 1t4 'Nd mcrt * . Oe ooount * 1 counteMfer' , we here edoptd the YdIGW WrappC the on'y ' genuine. tTYuIi pertIcu1n in oct pesnphlet , ehkh we do. lire In cend free by mo.iI to rvty one. LU-The o Mt'dlo mo io .old by oH drugglJtlI at $1 fOF luck. pce , or pockooe for fLS , or will lie oenl free by * kfl on the receipt ofihe money , hyolhresInF ! TIIK GRAY MKDW1N1X' ( . . nufl.4n. h. Y. Sold in Onm.he b C flrnimJn. lv lDm&eo.o DI ? , FELIX LE DRUM'S PAIWENTIYE AND CURE. 20R EITHER SEX. Thlo ronedy being Injected directly to the icatu he ulkoano , requtree no change of diet or neuecouo , ineecuro or poienoua inoulicinou , to be ttcn intcrn. : Oily. W1iO toed ao preontfvo by cithr ocx , it is lmpoesfblo to contract any prh&to diec&'so ' ; but in the oe of thoeoMredy unfortunotoly&flhiotodwo guer. inter tbreo bozee to cure , or we will refund the niouey. L'rke by miii , pootage pod , $2 per box , or reo tJ3IOe for 5. WIUTE auAnArrus Nuoul by afi euthorlxcd egont& Dr.Fellx LeBrun &Co SOLE PItOPIt1ITOR8. ob Sofa Agent , be Oma m&e w Health is Wealth Dr. IC. C. Veot' Nerve and Urain Treatment , Llarantood epociflo for Jlyoteria. IMzznesoOonvul ! uone. Fit.s , Nervouo Neuralgia. fler.deche , } iervous I'rootration cauocd bx the use , of aloohoi or tobacoo Wakefuincee Mental Ikproeuioe , Softening of the hum , resultinglo inearuity and leading to mloery decay and doth , l'rematuro Old Age , Darrennoso Loea of power in olihat eux , Involuntary Losee Bpermitorrhcoa canoud by over ciortiona I brain , .olf.abujse or ovor.iridulgonce. Each kni one montb'i troatmont. $1.00 a bo ; ii hoxee for $6.00. Iont by mall prepaid on reoelpl WE GUAItANTEE SIX BOLES o mire ocy cMe. With each order received by u. for atE bozee accompanied with $6.00 , wowlilsend th. hater our wr'ittcn guarantee torefundthomono ) the treatment dote not affect a cure. Guarantee. .utudonlyby a. F. GOODMAN m& wi Drue- but Omaha Neb T. LOUIS PAPER WREIIOUSBI * Graham Paper Co. , ! 17 and 210 North Main flt. , Rt. Louli. W1tOLEAL } 1)EALF.tt8 Ri BOOK. ) r ( WJUTINING f k , * WItA1P1NO ENVILOPE8 , CARL ) BOAflD AND PRINTERS' STOCK , Cah ald for Rage and t'ape StocicScrap Irot d Metae. Paper Stock Warohounci , 122 to 1t27 North Skt ) meet. oiut2td.3m. Cure without cued. .A. POSITIV $ ° ; hoE No. 1wili cure' any cau In four days or lose. ' No. I wiB cure the most dbotlnate raae no matter of how ( sag standing. i/fan 's Soluble Medicafrd Doug/es * uauaooua doses of cubeb , , oopabla , er oil of ean. wood , that are certain to produoo dyspepsia by Nylng the coatingeof the stomMIl. Prioo * 1 50. Ii by all druggIt4. or mailed oe receipt of prke. For further partioular. scud for circular. I.O. l3oi t,533. of the mAn body enlarged , developed and strengthened , mo. , Li and Intereuting aulvortiseucent long run In our In reply to Inriulrleo we will say that there J. . o e1denoo . humbug about this. On the contrary Uce P4TCrUIOrs are very highly Inclorsed. intereeteci pa.ons may get sealed circutars gftlng all particu1ar , adilroeelng Erie Mrdllcal OO.,1' O.boz 618 , HuiTalo w v . 'rto Even. . MLHOOD RESTOREL A victim of early imprudence , causingjueryou , doIU. lj.prematut , 1ecay etc. . baying tried in vain eve tOwfl remed ? . bas deooereu1 a simple means of pei * 10. whIch he will aend PREE to his toiIow..ufferer. . Md.dl. J. U. 1LEIVEL. 4.3 Ch&tham3t. . Now York. 'osternCornice-Yorks ' UtON AND RLATl ROOFINO. C. SPECHT , PROP. ull D0udM Bt. . . Omaha , Nob. MANUFAYrUltElt OF Galvanizoc Iron Cornices tDorrnet Winuowus , Fluids Tin Iron anti Slate .ooftng Spccbte latut Metafile iillgict , latent i4Jiitoul ltatthot Bar mu Bracket Shelving. I am be general agent for the abure line of goods. Iron oncingCreatltugii l11uotrwieo , Yorand&a , Iron Rank aiuiiii , Window blind. , Collar Oucruls ; also general ent lot l'ocreon dt 11W clout Inside JilintL DUFREME & MENDELSSOHN , .RCHITE OTS _ tJr.MOVEl ) l'O OMAUA NATIONAl. IiLDLN ; ? - I- r . lETTERo CHEAPERTHAN SOAP FOR ALL Eouse-Oleanthg Purposer. IT WILL CLEAN C PAINT , dARIILE , oir cr.oru8 , IIATII TUBS , CItOCItKLW , IUTC11E UTEI'ISILB V1NDOY8 , dr. fl WILL POLISH NIULAS8COrL'ER..UD hTIEL WABE oil. ALL JWiD. TEL ECOPE8 , * FIELD CLAB MACIC LAHTERWC ( I I D1AWINO INSTRUMEL , pij.MIlCALWCMtMIC&tPPAeAIsn p s..4ItiIetIaddsrl L&o or. . , e.OtldansPHLADELPHIP C b , , Cu AFTERNOON DISPTCHES. Bismrck Bcs Mfono in Dciull 1ll 1isfCtiOn From Frarico1 An Immonno and Hitherto Unknown - known River Disoovoreci in the Arotlo Oirolo , The Amorioav Wnman Sufrapists ! swoop Down on Widow Butlor'n ' Bang85 The Epicupallnn IIICIIN0 of 1)ojsia. ties ; JIRctIRe fun l'ropOi4eI Cliango Of ainc. DISMAItOK'S FINDER. LoNDoN , October 10.-TIle Slandard'B Paris dispatch says there is atroiignppra I1Ofl8ilt if Saill doct not obtAttn natiafac- Lioti four the itiettith to Alfoiiso t1ia Cur- many iil1 interpose itnd oxncL it. It ; in Mnertoy that Corniatty will rcqulrO an apology aawull an Spain , AN EAItTIIQUAKE. LONDON , October 10.-An earthquake occurred yonterday cot I'hillippovillo , Al. goria , the direction licing NorLh to South. Thu population ruelicd pac BtrlCkOfl into the ntroctn A church , barracksaiid one dwelling were damaged. Yoetorday a man attempted to kill the Bulgarian Minister of the Interior. LoNno , October 10.-Guy , solicitar for O'Donnell , the intirdorer of Carey , Says ho han received only 300 so far for the expenses of his client , which have boon spent in bringing wititonses from Cape of Good hope , O'Donnell baa daily inthrviows with ( Joy. lie coinpains of the severity of prison rules. - An Iininoncio Itivcr. SAN FRANUISco , October 10-Liout. Storey , who went upon the last trip of the revenue steamer "Corwin" for thu purpose of distributing among the To- chuckoo Indians of Alaska the $5,000 worth of presents ivon thoni by the Coy- ornnioiit in recognition of their hosn- tality in affording shelter tiu1 food to the oflicera and crow of the steamer "itog- era , " burned in 1881 , reports the discov- cry of an immense rtvor Itith- orto unknown to geographers. He traced the river to its mouth , Iwhero Ito saw a great quantity of floating tilnler ! , showing that the streani must be very long. The natives told him it would take several months to reach the head waters of the itrcam. The Iudkuia said they had come down the river a distance of 1,500 miles and that it extended far above that. The Indians said tim river was twenty miles wide in some places. The river where Storey visited it was within the Arctic circle , but iii August when ho was there ho found hlowere and vegetation not hitherto discovered in so high latitudes. Storey asks the Secretary of the Navy in his report to ho allowed to return and explore - ploro the river. AQUESTION OD' TITLE. The Episcopal Convention PiHetiseecs the QuoHtlon ot Changing its Name. PIIILAnELI-IIIA , October 10.-Thu gen. oral convention of the Protestant Epis. copal church , wuiit into committee of the whole oii the question of striking from the Book of Coinmoit Prayer the words "Protestant Episcopal. " S. 0. Judd , of Illinois , moved to strike out from thu title page thu wor4ia "Protest- ant Episcopal , ' and insert in lieu thereof the words "Holy Catholic. " lie was opposed - posed to surrendering to Roictaitists that word which means "universal. " Thu holy Catholic church protesta just an much against the errors of Itoino as any church in this or any other hand , : Iteq , Meyer Lowiii said : "if the name is changed it may bo said the Epin. copnlinns have bad a wrong itamo for the la8t century. " lie believed that man- tnuoh an thu church had grown in the last century with its r'rcsont ' title , Protost. nut Episcopal , " lie would not stultify ltiiiiaol by saying our forefathers voro wrong. , Judd replied to Lewin by asking , "Iii the cane of a wonum marrymng and cliangiiig her itiuno would site thou lose her propurtyl" Rev. Spaulding , of California , advoca- eel the adoption of the word "Catholic" Its did other delegates among whoict wan Rev. John MoNitinara , of Nobranka A tiumber of auiendinoiitn to .Judd's motion - tion was defeated by a vote of yeas , 210 , nays , 252. Adivision having been called for the conunittee of whole rose. - - Counterfettors Arrested. DENVEn , Cole. , October lo.-'rliis af- toriioon lfl. P. Vatihorn of thto United States secret service arrested Willis \V. Long and ( hun , Summers , alias George Bates , while in the act of cantii , coun- torfuit silver dollars. Long is in the coimnissioti business hero iii a entaIl way and well known iii Behoit , Concordia , Cawker City and Northwestern Kannas. lie has a brother , 13. II. Long , in tito coiiuiiisnioii business in liuisan City. Sumitiors 15 formerly of Missouri and for Bomb time has bceii employed as a laborer on a ranch iioar the city , whore most of the spurious coin was titado. 81cc Must Atend No , Ojie. Nnw YORK , October l0-Thio Court of Appeals ahiirined the decision of the lower court in thu cane of Theresa y iCing , ( colored ) , vhio yit refused adittis. sion to the public school ? go. . 5 , Brook. lyn , and directed her to uttenl thu colored - ored school , No. 1 ; ittiti who applied for Ii mandamus to compel itdiiiitthnce to No. 5. 'rho Court ruled tlnit equal facilities for education of a child vuro itfrortletl iii the colored school and consoquoiitly there was no tliscriniiimtion against her in assigning her to such school. Niss Tehlet's liniet Tiiiiik. MINNEAIOLIS , October 10-Thu Trib- CIW'S Fiirgo sleciat nays tlutt while on the Villard oxctiisioii a daughter of Sec. rotary 'l'eller hail her trunk lost at hub. na , vincli ivan said to coiitttiii $10,000. , The slierill'at ] biainarck was employed to p wed UI ) thiti case and had five men arrested - ' rested , three at J'ntuestown and two at Stihiwater , One wan a son of Staples , I the millionaire luinbonnan. Thu first clue to the parties was obtained from a variety actress iii Montana , who die. [ ) la3Cd a line fan and handkerchief , the latter hiaviiig ? ilies'I'oller'e name on it. At it. AgaIn. NEw Yoni , October 10.-The conven- lion of ( ho American Women's Suffrage Association opened at ( lie Brooklyn : Academy. The convention was called to order byV. . J. Gadwicic. Mni Ehizaboth - _ _ J B. Ohiaso presided nut ! spoke of the oh- jects whiclt brought. theta tigothiar. Mrs. ! nry P. EastlIlan , 11eV. W. J. Banford IttIti Lucy Stone made addresses in behalf of stilIrao for woineli. Rev. Mr. Stetutliol England and Rev. Oliver Joitti. soil also addressed the convontioti , Lucy Stone in her tuldrcss said that. Geiteral Butler would ho defeated If the itepubli. can women of Massachusetts had to vote. - - - - IL ' . % 'ont. % % 'ork. Bosro , October 10.-Largo and en- thiusiastic meeting of Independent Democrats - crats flild others opposed to the re-dec. tion of dov. Butler wan hold at the l'ar- kor House last itight , nearly every ward being represented. A resolution ( boclar- lug ( hon. Butler a dangerous demagogue and recoinmetidhig all true Deiciocrats and Independents to vote against 1dm was adopted. The Iotvit ttoI's Ultliii alum , CIIIOAD0 , October 10-A meeting of general passenger and ticket agents of roads running west and northwest from Chicago and St. Louis svan held hero yesterday - torday to take action regarding rates and divisions on l'aciuio coast through busi- liIcsS. Tue following wan adptod. JCRO1VCl , That California rates shall be apportiotted cit the agreed mnotbod of making divisions now in force in appor- tioiiiiig through rates , viz. : SVlien the rates are based on local rates each line interest shall receive its local. Witeit rates are loss than the sum of locals a vrorata based on the short line mileages shall prevail and no hino cast of the Missouri river or St. Paul shall receive - coive irs any case more titan its local nor shall any such line accept a less rate per mile oh its short haul thtini it is entitled to receive oil a long haul , It was also decided that this was the ultimatum atid that no other concession would be titado to the Patific roads. The meeting then adjourned to moot with Pacific coast lutes at Kansas City , Octo. her 16th , Switched Oft NRWAIUC , N. J. , October 10.-B the of switch the ' spreading a ott I'onney - vania road at West Elizabeth , this morn- tog , the engine of the western bound freight train and two cars were derailed and wrecked , Tim track was toni p a short distance and traiiis delayed two hours. No one hurt. A MurIorcr Iiynclaed. CIIArrANooaA , October 10.-The negro who murdered a policeman on the streets of Huntsville , Ala , , Monday , by split. tmg his head with an axe , was taken from jail last night by masked mon and hanged. A heavy reward is offered for the capture of the confederate , still at large. I' F'Iiio lilt. When thu proprietors of Burdock iflood flit. ers put tide rolcowuol mnodicino on the market they hit It exactly. 'I'Iioy hit dyspopela , lndl. goetlon , ttnil liter and kidney complaints a hard blow , frotic ulclchi tliuy will never ro- cover. A Singular Game ot'CeiCsH , A singular ganto at clioan has just been finished in the north of Scotland. The game was begun about twelve months ago iii Brooklyn. The first player Mr. J. U. lVltitioz , ictado a move , and thou passed thu scoring-sheet on by post to a friend. Tltcit ft'iuitd made a move in reply , and then 1)Mtttd ) the ) paper cit by post to another - other well-known player , who made a itiovo in continuation , In this way the docunient found its way to Baltiniore , where IiIr. Solhinan , vhio played lately in tue London tournament , added a inovo and sent the ItIICr on to Jamaica. Front Jamaica it was sent to England , aiid , after passing through the hatids of wohl-knowzi players in London and other towns , who each added a move , it began a tour among the chess-players of Scotland. After traveling as far north as DalIwilhinton , the document was setit back to Sheriff Speits , of Glasgow. That gentleman oxaniined the positions , and decided that the gasto was host for white , as black could force an exchange of rooks and win with the pawns. Ho tliereforo returned the ganto to the first lhnycr , Mr. j _ B. Munoz , vhto now sent it to London to be published as a curiosity in 'rice Chess Ittoiithtly , whore it has just aIeared. 'rite ucoringshieot bears the signatures of seventy players , who each made mc move in the gains and the document shows that it has panted from hand to hand thiroughc thirty-two towits and cities of Etigland , Scotland , and America. 1H Lifo yrIlt IIving ? Mr. .L J. Corta , Leadvillo , Cole , says that St. Jacobs Oil once saved lila life. lie was takemi to the hos1)ithl to die. Upon using the remedy ho was able to leave , a well mitan. Chinese Cavalry. A correapondoiit of The London Tale. rapht , doscribesa body of Chinese troops in a way that will give Europeans additional - tional respect for the armies of the Colon. tiahs : Arrived at llaitichcov , the first object which met myeyes wan a body of Chiimiene soldiers , evidently lately comicen- trated. They consisted sf tim three arnie , amid , although somowhiat rourhi iii appearances proved to be umicommunonly servicoablo.looking fellows UlOti mioar itt. aleCtiOIl. A squadron of horse wan crossing - ing the bridge at the montent when may boat caine to an anchor , amid an they vomtt by I could but notice Ucat they wore well mnoumitud , thiat they rode voll , that they were arnied with brecch.loading carbimies amid lances , and they were fairly well drilled in European fashiioit. I hind no orportutmity of seeing tlieni mnanouver , but the march Past was good , quite equal , say , to the ordinary itmrchiing of a Frenchi cavalry rogintent , though not Perhials so sniart as that of ati English or German squadron. It would howe compared very favorably with a COlfllflY of cossacks. 'rite bridge being low I wan able to get a good view of the men , and judged them to be mmtitiiiy , 'l'artare , amid southern Citinamnen , at any rote , 'i'iioy wore a blue and white uniform , voro warmly chad , for it wan cold , amid seemed vell.fcd amid very jolly. I lot'sti'ol'H Acid i'iionqihmato. Very Satisfactory In Prostration. Dr. P. P. GILMARTIN , Detroit , Michi. , says : i hiavo found it vary satisfactory iii its efThcta , notably in the Prostration attemidamit upon alcoholism , " _ * _ - A ilniul Ii ) Ucotatile 0mm. 8oiuerih1o Journal. "Do ) 'otm over gamnbbu" she asked , as they sat together , her hand hold in his. lie rophied "No ; but if 1 wamited to now would be may time , " "how so ? " ' 'Because I hold a beautiful hand. " The omigagontomit is announced. ui-let iIcittIoii , "I have ubed Jlunlock JIood JJjUerj with great bciiofIt for Indigestion anti constIpation of the bowels , " V. I. Eastou , hiamahlton , Ont. 000IDENTALJOTTINGS. 'eVyomning. The receipts of the Union Pacific at Ccoy- ) cnmmo are sutilciont to pay thio expcncs of the entire ditision and heave a handsome lroat. The llothwahl otirvoyinF luarty hiss returned from the Ynhiowotono i'ark. They report that a mracticabho , route can ho made through thii neighborhood nail say that by mmoxt sumn- mer the PeoPle can expect ltiO mullen of road , ready and running. lioports Prevail in the Sweetwatcr country that a echiomno is on foot to sband.n Fort Wnnhiakio , and to transfer the command at pretont statinneul there to Fort liridger. The consent of the Secretary of the Interior in all that In now needed to connummate the jian , One of Chmeyenne'n citizen9 va cnjovlng hmimnnelf the other night iii the phoasumnt pastime of boating lila wife , when the woman' . lrother ntOPled in and put a miew face on matters by bruining the hnsland in a way that lie denpis' od. The wife heater goon around now with his eyes in mnourning. I Laramnlo Boomerang : Never in time history of the cattle trade in the Northwest has the future of that enterprise looked brighter or more Proilmising titan at time Prcsemlt time iii \Vyomning. Unless thmero are unprecedented reversan met with time next tbroo months , time net resiilt.s of 18S3 will Place Wyoming in the very foremnut rank of the c'reat stock- I growing and ) relucimmg regiomis of the great \VesL Dakota , Five hundred and seventeen thousand ebol- hare is the asOstCi ahmation of l'emmnimigton county. Time Masonicliuhidimig Association of Sioux Falls have negotiated me loan of 15,000 to corn- lietM ) their teinpho. There Word fnrtyfivo Methodht Episcopal clergymen in .Southiorn Dakota last fall-now there are nmi even hundred. 'l'ho reported discovery of gold on a chaimn near Mitchell in caucing considerable exciteI I mont amnong the credulous citizens of the lmct- I ter place. The poet offices at llrukhyul.incohncotmnty and Parker , Fun , , . ' .uufy , lava been raiser to the third graulo r.iut tlid liustitmaster salaries Increased to 81,100. The receipts of flax see In Scotland are now ceveraging about 5,000 bushels a day thmo thrco olovntors being taxed to their fmflet capa. city. The price ranges from 81.03 to $ L05 Per bushel , Anefiort is iOimig utaclo to publish at Huron a religious weekly nowepapcr in the imitoreetof the Methodist ElmIscoimal chin-ott. 'Fhe 11mroimito , publishing house will issue the first edition as an experiment. A man wire found guilty of selling liquor tea a habitual drtmukard in Deadwood a few days ago and was sentenced to pay a fine of 8100 amn costs amnountiuig to 899.30 , or go to Jail I fur ninoty.nine days. The magnificent vegetable amml frnit display shown at thin Yanktomc fair hiss bean loaded into a special car and takou to the Milwaukee oxoositIon , the railroad corupammy transporting it free of charges and time exhibitors contribut. lug the colloctioc' . Colorado. Denver wants steam whistles and bells abol. ishod. Denver will 1mut up $1,250,000worth of new buildings title year. The Denver land office office has done abet- ter business for time past few months thams for years before. The Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Compa. fly is propirrimig to exteciti its lines from Chic.i- to Kans City and thence to l'neblo and Denver , the work to be cuutniumonced before the cod of the ctmrro ut your. Demiver its. , fifty artesian wohlstho majority of themn haricig heemi driven within a very few weeks. The Grirloy vell , act a depth of l1O feet , struck a flow emutimuiated at 500,000 11cr day. rime vells are so mimunerous mmow that thin commirnomi smrhuttntion is , "how is your bore to. day ? " 'It augurs well , " 1'.Io ii S ann. Time Masonic Temple at Buzornan is c umu lhefMd. , Brickmseonln Missou1 get 87 per day'for ' their work. Work ham. commenced on the Northern Pu- chic romuid house at Bozonman. Thin United States assay office , helena , now hiss $500,000 in gold bars in its vaults , There are G,0 ! pupils enrolled in the public schools ef Butte muii ucuburimaic towmis 'Let's drive a spikt"ms now the proper way to invite a Montamia juan to take something. Thto county cimniissiomioruu of ] Ieavorhead are offering for sub bonds to the amount of $23,000. The assessment of Madison county this year im 82,471,800 , au increase over last year of $100,450. Viihartl has written a letter to tIm J3oziton pooiiio intimatimmg thimit ho will build a brunch ruilmad front that city to Billings. A miow Project is on foot at Livingston. It. is the orgicuizatiomi of the National l'ark Dairy amid Land Iniprovemnont company , Buzemnan poimits with pride to eight miles of now plank sidewalk built since spring , anul tu ) streets vell paved with gravel and muse- adam , l'oople who howe hived in thin Bitter Root valley for fifteen yours say that they howe mmovor seen thin river and tributary streams so low as mmw , A. A. Cot ! cluciums to have found a vein of bitumInous coal , twelve feet wide and traced for adistatuco of 300 yarls , iii the Comma Butte District , Moaghter county. Time Billings ditch , 30 maims in length , is conmpletod , timid ii coiuious stretuim of water miow IlflSs thirtiugii that tOWui. Suummrn 50,000 acres of valuable Immd Cliii ho watered by this ditch. 'rim highest P uimit imi thin Rocky 'Iutmiitiitis reachiod by the Nnrthmcrmt l'acilio is 1'IOO feet lelOW thin stmmmmmit imi the Cammtrah Pacific. It is below tIme snow hum , and wild flowers bloom amm late as Soptommiber. A ranchimmian , ton miles froma Bozemnan , on the \Vcst Umillatin , reports thin discovery of a quarry of roil sandstone , whicit experts liro. mmoutico hilly as fimie sue that found in Wi comt. slit on the aliores of LakoSuperlor. Thu Blackfoet Indians are rolroaceuted as willing to eerie time eastern portiuimm of their abnornmaliy distemmdecl reserve to time goverit' mnemit , cociditiommed on 1.Jmiclo Sum provirhimig them with cattle stab farmmiimmg immiplomnonts and mnisistimig tlmumti to mitako a living [ or their uoo ldo. 't'wo trunks belonging to Secretary Teller , whIch comitained jewelry valued at $12,000 were stolen from the iihatform of thin $ P0ClaI excursion train on its roturmi front thom last .iiike coremmiuiuhmu , 'I'lmoy wore aftorwirruls found rifled of thmeir contents in an outhoimbo mit lA'tuigston , M. P. Time Northorit l'acific offorr to IY 8500 "utah no questions asked" for time return of time comutemits of time trummk. Butte Inter Moimmitaimi : With thin single ex- coimtiomi of Leadvliho , Cal. , time mmmhuing district of Butte is the monet produmctive lii tue Uniteil States , mind at tIm vroommt ratio of increase the ore outluut will exceed that of tim great car. bonate Cumuli within time unit three years. Last year Butte comitributed to time wealth of thin world the omtormnous sum of 80,881,000 in silver , gold amid copper ; time copper imtines contributing - tributing over one half the vast monotint. 'i'hmu product of hluitto lit five-sixths of that of time entire 'rerritery , amid at thin present rate of Production thin output for the curremit year vill exceed it. California. Semmator Sharon is time largest real estate owner in ami Francisco , htavIcmg $11,000,000 worth. Thin city council of Los Angeles hiss voted down time ordlitauco to license gammibling by us mmmi ammimmiotms oW. Extemusive forest fires arc destroying timber on the ( hivilie betweemi Yroka amid Butte Creek valley , Sicklycu coummty. Several timosmiuil acres of salt inamehi lamul abuiut Sonomna creek sun between thumA and l'tmtahuma creek Intro boon reclaimed amul are t now jumoiitabhy cuitivatori hay hiss been time PrinciPal cr011 , and the yield is very large. Itiatio. 'i'imoVestezn Union 'l'elegraph couipimy has established a tehegrap office at time now town of Caldwohi. A Mormon eettlemneitt iii Idaho is five miles Royal , ILtichi , Rod BlooUt In this CO.mfltry we arc nil k'mng , and we arc all entitled to have as good 1)100(1 ( flS that which courses through the veins ofcmpcrors. 'I'hcrc are lrinccs iiid million. aires Iangushing in fcebiencss and brokcn-dovn bodily health who would be glad to hare the strength ofthe humblest laboring man. And there are many people who arc neither kings , emperors , nor millionaires , whose blood is thin , whose circulation is poor , who arc suflering from lassitude and debility , and who know not the pleasure ofa hearty meal , nor the enjoyment of being able to do a good ( lay's work. Ifsuch people vmll put sonic iron into their blood , they will vitalize and enrich it. They can do this by the use ofBrown's Iron Bitters , the purest and most excellent iron mcd- icine ever made. Thousands who were weak , languid , pale , 811(1 pros- tated , are now happy to say that Brown's iron Bitters brought theni up and gave them new life. s hong , oxtomuhimig from Chifton to Oxford , It io called Stringtown , nod thin homnestearhe nro so taken imp that time residemits are withmimi 300 feet of each . , thmor amid the farms are more strips of hamid frommi 250 to 300 feet Imi width. Time Cohimunbia anti Beaver mill , Sawtooth , has made iti ; first mdmipmmmomit of four bars of bnhlioim weighing 220 pounds in time aggregate , amid vafimed at mmoarly $3,800. Lho mill operates rates by time leaching jlroccs , and hma'u boon rumnnimmg three weeks. It is said to have proved a success , Utah. The church of Utah received last year in tithmings $540,000. Utah peaches are a scarce article in the market - ket at $2 pr bushel. About 4O0OO people visited the Great Salt Lake bathing resorts this soason. A great deal of ore is coming down fromn Binghaun through Butterfield canyon. Cahumnmet and ilecla mining stock is quoted at $245 ir share , and bitt little to be hind , The available agricultural laud 1cm Utah is imoarhy all takcmm up , amid the lstormmuoui converts am now seeking out time garden spots of adja. cent Territories. The Salt Lake City sexton reports eighty do.otlms for the mnommtit of September , forty.ono males amid thirty.muimue femimales. Of this umumber morty-umvo were umuder ten yours of ago. ago.The The first mission school of thio Presbyterian chrtrch was establislird iii Salt Lake in April , 1875 ; now thmere are thirty.three in the Tern. tory. Last year there were 2,000 children enrolled ; this year the number will roach 2,500. Three.fourths of the year has gone by , and the receipt of bullion from mimics , mills and smelters in Salt Lake City figutro up very close to five millions , amid representimug probably something less thaim what time total output of the year ummay be expected to show. One of time irnprtrtunt industrio of Utah is that , uf sheep hiumsbammdry , which is growimmg in mnagnituuie all the timno Title your the Utah cliii uiggrr'gatoul 3.000.000 pmnmds iii excess of whit alIt lie umsed by the various factories in tii 'rerritOry , amid by faumiilies vhio still iciako their "hmoniespumm. " Washimugion. In lila message to time Eogislature the Gov. ernor says thin Territory is omit of dsbt and in a flourhhing coumditucnm. \Vashmirmgton Territory Legislature coum- retied at Olympia oui Mouiday , October 1. The llfluil1o of ltepresecmtativet is cluifuused of twelve ltepuubhleuuis , nine Domumocrats and five Imudepeuidemits ; the Council cif illCVOii itepuibli. calms thxeo Demnucrmmts utmmti two fmmdepnimdouts. \Vushmiiigtui Territory hue leom settleul timir. ty years. Et resources are very great and varied. Its agriculture , conuummerce , tibarios , hummumber ; iimd umminururle are alummuut Iuiohm'iutibie iii uxtoimt. Nu State iii tlmo Union hi is maoro mmnturul resources to eustaimi a large numul her- imiimnommt pc'jtumlatioii ' tumid it already line a suitS- ciemmt miimrnbcr who have c omno to stay. A trumimm of thirty cars loaded with thmo ficuest whmeict grown \Vashiiiigtomm Tomritory is now ouirouto to Minneapolis It l from the \Valla \Vahlui wheat belt , amid is billed to the millers' assuiciatiomi in that city. Upoum its arrival it will be olistrlbuted aumiong the associatiomi culls amid reduced tI ) flour. Time jurlno is to thor. ouighly test time quality of time wime.ut , it beimmg time desire of time Northern Pacific ofliciahs to ascrirt.ciii the value of thin wheat ismid tire pros- Poets for comuticmued amid regular elmipuieumt. Novaei a. Ahoutt 50,000 cords of wood have been cut and piled for thiut Cecmtrai l'uicific railroad this your t' tim. , dif1orcit coiitractiuig firms iii and ahotit l'ruckce , prices averiglug ( rommi $3.50 to $1 per cord , Time Pluto Indians In Nevada predict a 'o' vero wimiter amid base their iredictimuS on tiio fact that the atmnosphsre hums been dotmiue with scumoke fuit .vera1 days. 4t GOOd Thing. "I ilonietinmos whh I coumld take hold of the sahit Of 7/LLflhiaS' 1ctectric Oil for I toll you it itt Li 'raimd timing , amid I ama cocisciontiunus izm it lug I cuuumlui tin a gooti work. " liter. B. .F' . Craiie , Courry , l'ti. Echectrie Oil cutrol this gentlemnami of quiney of imutcmiy yours standing. tin 'e'auuted t Toronto Choke. A snmmuowhat inebriated gentleman boirdeej ; a down car on Yongu street , 'rOrOmito. Builamicirmg hmimuuwlf against the door , lie asked time condimctor to htt huimmu ofi'at Cm'iiickshiamuk street.Vimi'ii \Viltomi avenue t'as reachuol hurt recuugnized 1mm tlu'stnmatiomi , amid , stuummlhimmg over to the 1,011 strap , hie gave it a tremmiemidoums tmmg , 'limo commductcmr was irritateil. "Wimat do you mmme'iimi by jerkimmg thin huh like that- rimgimmg it ; at bothu emudel" hue said , with rising anger. "W7ehlhiic-doii't ( I wammsh time cersh to stop-lno-nt ( ) both omulal" - lit a letter froimu Iio. Mits. h'zmiy , Castle Cr03' , 1immierick , irelamiul , hlmuovN'mi 1lmuocmimAn 'rimocmi are thiuitt meferrod to : ' 1 Icivimig bronmghit your 'iirummchuial 'rroehmes' with mute vhoui I cammmo to resiulo hero , I foummul that after I iimol glvomi away to tiiwso I comisideroul m'e- numired timeumi , the oor PeoPle will wuulk ( or miles to get a four. ' For ( .oumgims , ( olds , crud 'l'hmroat iiseases they imave mm equal , Sold only in foxes. SJMAN111 * MiD _ UNFAILING ll'ALLlhILE . , ' EVER FAILS. 'kkEVER Ejls ( Fits , " ; RvJNJ SJa3tu , F ii 1 1 1 it g Sickness , Convul- sbus , St. Vitus Dance , Alcoholism , Oidum Eating , Seminal Weakmmeas , un- potency , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all Nervous tind Blood Dlsoasos. t-r ) Chergynmen , Lawyers , Literary Men , Merchants , Bankers , I.adtes amid all whmoso sedentary enmpoymncmmt ! camuisce Nervous l'ros- tratton , Irrt'grularltlce of time blood etonuach , bowels or kidneys , or who require a nerve tonic appetizeror etlmuiemitSaniaritan tier- ttftms Is lumyaluabie. wonderful 1' 1goN alit that ever sustained - ed a eluklumg system. $1.50 , at Druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iA : . . . . . . iP'.ittW $ St. suiteoti Mu - ar cost" ' 'cud. UCUintt euo ssuimp , (18 ( KIRKW000I , This is a new timid beautiful addition to the city of Omaha situated fl the iiorh p.rt of the city , fronting on Sherman avenue , mz' ' is the most desirable locathhi , forresidencen , thn has boon placed Oil the mar- et ; for years. BEDFORD & SOUEIL ft Kirtwood. This propory is divided into regular size city lots and acre 1ot which vil1 be sold at reasonable prices and on easy terms. BEbFORD & SOUEIt. KIRKWOOD. Fronting 700 feet Ofl Shernian Avenue. This propory cannot fail to be desirable and wfll be rapidly takeit up mid improved. No lulls to Chub , 110 ravines to cross , in gettitig to KIItKWOOD addition , Re- ineiitber , 'evlieii you buy a lo in this addition , you will not have to pay nit UhihOUlit equal to first price to grade your lot before building. Kirkwood. Street cars will be run to this addition at au early dmty. These botsms" double in value in 12 months. Call at our oflicc and see pint and make selections early. BEDFORD & SOUER. KIRK WOODS Elegant Building Sites and at half theprico of any other lots in the city of equal distance and location , on the best street in the city. BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas. SPECIAL. 111 p1,500-Lot in Kountzo'e 3d addition , good three room house , barn , weU , ito. One thud cash , balance S per cent. 112 tSOO-One.halfiot In Kountze'.Sulaublitlon. good S room house , with shod kitchen. One.half cash , balance to suit purchaser. tms * 2,800-LotSoxlO5 , Rogers' addition , Dorms St. , near 10th. Good 7 room house. stable , cistern , grape vinee , etc. 1500 cash , bahamicato suit put. chaser at S per cent. 14 15,000-Three acres on 18th , one half nub south of ilaseati' , 5 room house , stable. fine trees , good sfghtiy location. Oue.thlrd cash , balance to suit. us * 4,000-Two acres facing Cumlng rd hurt , five block. west of Creighton College. Good 5 room house , stable , wcii , fruit and shrubbery , one- third cash , balance to suit. BEDFORD uc SOUER , Improved Property. 0 6 83,500-1 ! room horse , car. 13th and California streets , 6 clovete , ceUar , city water , outhousee , etc. $2,700.8 room house no N. 13th street , ciosete , cellar , cistern , well , etc. USD5050 & SOeltIr. 2,5O0-Oood six room house on Davenport , bet. 23d and 24th , iwo story c osot. , pantry , cellar , cistern , weU , frLuit alit ! shrubbery. atablo amid outliousca. a 13 iOU-Full sixo lot on Mecarmdlish place , ith two frame cottages. one 5 room , one 3 toner. For same or exchange. is , ioo-oood two and a bail acre mot with five room cottage , brick coUnt well fruit tn o , , etc. Li One of the best three ory brick busuiesa ho on Fsrnam street. Terms lurmuato. 83200-New7 room houe Os N. t8th street. All modem improvements. Good I catkn. Cheap. a $6S-New two story house Qucemu Ann styio. AU modern improrenients , city water , ist box 100. 2 Two full lot , St. Mary's avenuu and 20th , with 3 housos. wm be flrtt class property. Terma eu. 34,730-Lot SfixQd , with two houset. Chrap. 0 2,500-Two houses in Nelson a addition , en Con- tar street. Outaouses , cistern , fruit tree. , etc. Business house and lot on Douglas street , bet. 14th and 15th. Terms easy. 4 New 8 room houaeonchlcago. bet 24thand 25th. All improvements. 5 Two new houmsen , one six and other 8 rooms. First-claM and modurn improvements , Terms ilaav. 55 82.700-Lot 100x132 , College Street , Rodick' , sub4iLaion , new 5 room house. Well improved. as 82,500-Lot 50x100 , Convent street , 0 room cot. taiO , large basement .ultabla for rooms. barn etc. se zsoo-s nom house Thornell's addition barn , weii , ciskzn , good fmprovemnenttt , $500 cash , $ t,800 on long time. 84,200-7 room house on Davenport , bet. 10th acid 17th. Ui Lot 175x100 en Sborman , mane house , barn and other improvements. Lot without improve. mnente is worth the money we ask tor it. 11 rwo new houses and two full size lots on Park avenue. Hot sail cold water , anul nil modern flrtt cis imProvementh. House. would cost what we k for whole. Extra good bargain. ( S $2,000-Lot 52i150 , cot. 17th anti Comitor , house 4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outbuildings. 49 $2,600-Ti , . room house , 1St. bet , California & WebMer. Nice prop.rty. Terms easy. 50 $1GoO-Lot 0 , block it , i3hinnb RI addition. One and a baIt story home. Terms easy. 52 $5,000-GOOd 7 room house on Sherman. Modern imprevemente , etabhe , uveti , cistern. A bargain. a 8,000-FuU lot , one 5 room anul one 5 room house , now , 5 bmock from time opera hi.uu. Very cheap. t2 $ t uWQ-Siulendlul lot on lode , near 11th. Ctiea 63 $8,000-Large house and small cottage. Mice. lent location , full also lot , Davenport , near IPtim. 85 $4,600-Lot 00x260 , geol 0 roocn house , modern emprovomenti. near busincstt , on Sherman eve. d $7,000-Two fuhilots , with two good ii uses , 25th and Chicago. ( Will seU separately for cashi , ) n slmoo-rwo lots lZtxl4O , .lthm house stable etc. ltrker'a sub.utivlsion. e3 s1ooo-Lot amid a ball , good house , Redlck's sub. division , ( Oorner. ) 95 Lot with 7 room house , Chicago , bet. 13th , id 14th. 01 1,500-Lot and 6 room house , hiorbaclm'i. addition - tion , well , cistern , etc. Everything in good to. pair. 02 $050-LOtand 4room house , Irarul , bar. 10th and 17th. Unimproved Property FOR SALE DY BEDFOitD&4SOUKR. 1'i. ) . 2 $1,000-Lot 00x127 , 1ndiutn iumd Division. 8 $7000ach-Twolots5dxj32eachoejlth. Cheap , and S lotut 68x132 each on 10th. 11 $200 oach-7 lots in Yates & iteed's addition. 23 V.200-12 full size lots , Ilantucom Piece , one block west of Park avenue. S50 each-Two lots omm I'ark avenue. Bargains. Busines. . lottt on Dodge , bets cnn 11th and 12th. 81 4O0-Lot in Shlnn' , addition , on Seward street. 53 3O00-Fu1l lot , Rcod'slst addition , 0cm 25th acid Chicago. 40 $5,000-Six good lot. in Hensoom Place. Dan gains. 54 * 3,000-LOt SOxi2O , on Farnarn , neat 20th. Ye cheap. 56 $225-Good lotizm Lowe's addition. Cash. 59 Foimrncres loWest Omaha. 00 5iO-Lot In Isaacs & Seideim's addition. 07325-Lot 12 , Allen's sumb.dhlslon Sixile. A bar- gain. g $175-Lot 4 , block 1 , Lowe's 1st addition. Good location. ei 81,000-flue lot , Iteddick's addition , Park eve , 54 8400-52 feet of block 3 ! , Shlnn' , addition. Wino vies. 85 $2,200-Lot d4xOOun 10th. flualnoss property worth twice the price asked. 04 $3,500-Fuli size graded lot on Chicago , bet. 13th and 14th. Os 8500-Good lot , high location , south 10th. 100 tO,000-33xl32 on 10th , bet. miamoy and how. aid. 103 750 each-Two extra good lot in Ilansoom addltiomm , Coodhigh location. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 827 rer acre-Ito acre improved farm , near Cres. ton , Iowa , 10 acres woodlaumul , 45 micron corn , 25 acres Timothy and Clover. . . Oniaha ' ' 13 $4,000-ttOacrett3.ttofanhiiowestofFt. two house , , two barns , granary , corn crib , tw well , , .00 bearing fruit trees , 300 grape am Will soil or exchange. 14 87,000-200 acres , half milo N , W. hkhorn , 140 acres in cultivation , balance misstate. Four room house , stable , etc. Terms easy. 51 ooo-ieo acre good land , 4 1- miles from Bun- lington , Coffee county , Kansas. Will exchange for Omaha property , 81 td,400-240 acres adjoining city of Wither , SaUna county. AU under fence and well improved. This property ii cheap at t0,000. 80 8'20 per acme-400 acres , 3 mile. from Waterloo , Douglas county. Part in cultivation balance meadow , all good land. WIU seU or will arrange asith cattle man for co.partnersbijm , or will coo tract to feed 300 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres in Merrick county. Cool ill able land , and will be sold from 0 to $ per acre. 89 V per acre-Will buy 160 acres in Cedar Co. 00 8t5. er acro-320 acres 2 mUcus from hamburg Iowa. 97 815. per acre-Improved near Logan Iowa. 101 Several hundred acres iii Coming Co. Nob. 105 Six thousand acres lii Stanton Co. Nob. 107 8iO'per acre-2200 acres timbered laud is Ray Co.lto three smallfarnrs ommtnls land , bahaneei good cottonwood timber , which will more than pay far investnment. For sale or exchange Omaha property. SPECIAL. 105 2,2OO-Lot 2t9x220 , car. 17th and BeUview St. , south Omaha , near hiaecaU's Park , brick boise. fourroonis well , cisteru , stable , cellar. AU in good conultion and nearly new. log lr acre-400 acres lii Washlngten county , 6 miles south of Blair , on line of 0. St. P. 5 ! . & 0. railroad. Station at corner of this tend Good stream running water. 100 acres in cultivation , 80 acres great , , ISO acres tImber-oak , hickory walnut end olin. Small house , good fruit end abundance of grapos. Is partly fenced. One of the host fanne iii thu county. it purchaser wishes , will sell homestead adj'ln4ng good herd of cattle , LJCail end examine other property not letod. I jBEDFORD & SOUER , 213 5. 14th. bet. ) 'arnan4and Douglas . . Anheuser"Busch BREVING ( ASSOCIATION st'o , .i . rd4IZt .1 . , 7u. , . - a .w uitR . . , 1' CELEBRATED \Vt' 1\ \ Keg and Bottled seer S This Excollomit Beer speaks for itself , 'ah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ORDERS FROM ANY PART OF THE STATE OR TUE ENTIRE WEST , T : LLfl1Q ? . . Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDA11D cDfc-LJr cLLLrLI1tee\ F. SCHLIEF , soboAgohlcfor Omaha nndthiu West. Cor. 0th Street amid Capitol Avenue. : EIAITc ci On Long Tiino--SnaII Payments. At Iiuiut eliios Fricos. A. lloso J 16h9DOD0EiSTRZ