Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1883, Image 7

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    1'IE DAILY --TIIU.2SDf\Y SII''CL71I3EIt ' 27 , 185 ; .
, I
: i Holiday Goods [
Besides my large stock of Pianos/ Organs , Music and Music Books , I have
a laid in a
v L : , l 1 $ OOOOSTOCKOFTOYSJ , '
' Offering you the Choice Selections oft
t .
' Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my
, .
. Made up and selected by myself the assortments have heretofore been all made up
, ' In New York ) containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ) ' the
result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments arP
made up as follows ; ' '
; rJ
b 100.00 assortment , over 200 different articles.
50.00 150
35.00 125
cc cc cc cc
25.00 100
' ' 15,00 75
showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get.
I have also made up a number of $5,00 Cases of 5 and lOc. goods , and also
$10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the
Holiday Trade.
pLc13tas , ar and Birt1itlayCai'd&
Wallet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks fJ
t ,
Shell a L . Way ' ewe , Undox ala s.
' I ,
And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with samples
ples on the road 1 ' one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sanl-
pies and lay-out will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and Make your
own selection I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with
the right man always will do ,
y Y
cr TM la
i ' . 7
No. 103 South Main Street Council Bluffs , Iowa.
SL'Ut1TS ON SI'11t11'4.
1 tetlitunn Asklty ; (3enrge1'nq ) tng
tun nut itolerL "lardsVhnt Th ey
Thluk of 1'rohlhltlon ,
At a eoance held in this city tha views
of George Washington and ltobert Mor-
rie ware Bought concerning the prohlbh
tion question , Iu it appeared to thong ,
now they were in the spirit land ,
Robert Morris , it Appears , ie sot strong
against prohibition. Ho claimerd it was
nneonstitntimlfl , Atid that it wag A viola.
tion of the froodoin fought for anti won ,
and guaranteed to their dosceunalits ,
lbo declared that it was a ntistako to
thhmik that the majority was to ruin. The
consti ution to his maul was what guv
orucd , old it nvns the check to keep the
n'joritJ ' from ! loin6' as it willed , wen it
wiled to ( l0 nu ) ' umilaWful act.
The following spirit ii ssngo unl conversation -
versation wus Itad at the saute gathering
of spiritualists , in which ( leorguVash
ingtun hakes the contrary view ;
'Phis codntry cannot rennin iu y loner
at its present otability , except it will gave
Inure attention to its own welfare. 11'o
cannot but with pain ace the ImidOlnfeu
with which p00plo treat the greatest of
privileges'-tho public vote. All depeadr
on it. Freedom can only bo shielded
by it.
George Washington : Question \\'Iat
about prohibition ?
Answer-1 am a prohibitionist , not by
trade , but by conviction , * *
( It would be well that ltobert Morris will
lot me talk , * * * * I fought by
the old mill for the prospesitp of this
country , and also do it now. Let it be
as the )1o demand it. Vote for lib.
ortY front ilhiskY dominion ,
Tile Mystery About lror No Mystery
At All ,
On the evening of the shooting of Dr.
jMcKino , and iunnediately after the
tragedy , Tnii BEu reporter , in hunting
up witnesses to the tltfnir , and learning
front them the particulars as far as they
cou d be gleauod , found a young lady
who claimed to have been standing in the
park near the street whoa the shoot was
fired , and saw Dr. Mcliuue fall , She
gave heF name as Miss Mintie Whitney ,
and her address was 200 Bancroft street ,
The statement r.alu by her through 7'm ) :
Bua was to the effect that while talking
with a friend in the park she heard the
shot and saw Dr. MclCuno fall. She
with her friend rushed over there and
asked who it was that had been ahotand ,
who shot him , and Dr. Cross told lour hu
did , and that Dr. MicKme had assaulted
] rim. The c.ronor tried to find this
young lndq as n witness before the inquest -
quest but could not owing to
tome mistake in the address
given him. Since then there have been all
sorts of rumors about the woman having
disappeared , and that when Clio time
came she would make sonic startling revelations -
olations , that she saw it all , etc. Till :
Bnu is able to state that all this sensational -
tional talk is bosh. Tlm young
woman was found again yesterday by
TimE'BEa reporter , and repeated the
tame statement as before published.
She says she heard no ecufllo or fight ,
although there might have boon .ne.
She is not to say there was
none , but frst that atracted her attention -
tention was the eliot. The younv woman
was yesterday at the St. lee ! louse , heaving -
ing moved from her former address on
Bancroft street. The many sensational
stories about the mysterious woman witness -
ness will probably end now ,
A. Booth's select oysters rooivod
daily at W. T , Braun's.
Itcal Estate Transfers ,
The following deeds wore filed for record -
cord in the recorder's oflico , September
26 , reported for tlto BEE by P , J , Mc.
Mahon , real estate agent ;
C. , R , L , C 1' . It , It. Co , to James S.
Davis , a w 1 n iv 22 , 77 , 42-RIliU ,
C , n. L & P , t. it. Co , tp James S ,
Davis , a e } n w j 21 , 77 , d2--$288 ,
II. L , Raymond to It. Y , Phillips , gut
1 and part of lot 2 , block 10 , Crimes'
Thomas Tuckwood to Williani ltoehrs ,
0 7 n e } 2 , 77 , 40 $1,500 , ,
1'otal sales , $3,281 ,
Time Testinony of n l'hyslchan.
Janos Ileechcp Mf , I ) „ of Sigourney , Iowa ,
says for several years 1 have boeu vainb' a
Cough lialsntn , called 1)IL WM1. IIAL11S
most every case throughout toy , ractko I have
hod entire success. I have used and preserhb
oil heldreds of bottles ever since tlio days of
my army pnmctlco (18m whoa 1 was surgoun
of llopital No. 7 , J oim wlllo , Ky.
Wheat-Nn , 2 xprblg , 76c ; No , 3 , 63c ; rejected -
jectod , LO ( : ; good detuand.
Cunt-Dealers fire tayhtg 31@320 ; rejected
corn , Chicago , 40@)450 ; now mixed , 49c ; whit'
corn , 60c : the receipts of con ( are light.
Outs-In goad dcunnd at 2Oc ,
l lay-100@r o0 per toe ; GOo per bale ,
ltyo-40c ; light supply.
Cant heal-125 par 10(1 pounds ,
Wood-food supply ; Ilrices at yards , Ii OOp
c oo ,
Cool-1)ollvcretl , loud , 110Opcr ton ; soft ,
L GO per toe.
Butter-Plenty and in fair dumaud at 2
creamery 90c.
Eggs-Steady solo at We per doze , .
Lard-Fnlrbauk's , wholossling at l lc ,
l'eultry-Finn ; dealers are paylug for
chickens lrc , ; live , 250 per dnLnll ,
Vegetables-I'ntatoas , 600 ; onlormst rMc ; cabbages -
bages , ; 1(10400 per doicnr apples , J rAJ4 100
per barrel.
Flour-City Ilnur , I r,0@3 40 ,
13rornus'l 00@3 oo per doz ,
l.lvm srocm ( .
Cattlo-3 0(1(13 ( G0 ; calves , r (1OQ7 ( GO ,
Jfugshlarkct for ha a iulet , as the pack.
lug houses arc closed ; shippers are payiu „ 4 00
4 4 715 ,
.S'rnmarifaI sV.rvlIClhulgroatuorvecomm.
querer , is gmtrauteed to give aatisfactioml ,
nr mnonoy refunded , ( Jut at druggists ,
t < lra ;
'bc'uuutrilvt A'trvlnc cured our dalghm
fur's life-long u , ilupsy.'ltov , P. 1' . Slur.
Icy , Chicago , III ,
" ' ! 'hero is nothing like leather. " Perhaps -
haps not ; but a Caney Island fried clam
is an imitator that is well calculated to
deceive ,
The "runVho'1'nlle 3fuuD ,
\Vo want t say a word to yet wimo make a
living withh your Gnguu'ou certahAy Bust
have Im clear , strong voice t engage your Its.
toners , Ur. Thorne' E'clectri0 ( nil for sore
throat , adds , and hoarseness is unoxcelled.
Use and admire ,
The Strange Taste of Frit2 Merkle
For CallllB Moat
It hnrmim'r Lhlug Near dlnyunk\Vho
Cooks Cats nmut Ungs Poi l"enll ,
and Extracts Their Oil
ns n ltonctly I'or
t'klladtlrhta Press.
Banaath the thatched roof of a vino'
bowered cottage , nestled lovingly at the
foot of a eloping hillside in L.wer Mterio *
townalmip , a few uuilee from Manayunk ,
lives Fritz Merkle and his wife. Thum
farniurs in the mio'Khborhood ' call hiul
"dug-eating Merkle , ' lie oats not only
dogs , but cats , 'l'hia taste hu acquired
from his mother in-law , Scum lives in ( ior-
many , wluera Fritz himself was born a
good ninny years ago. Ile formerly he ) t
u tavern amid entimi6.heuse in 11aua'uu l ; ,
near the heading Railroad depot ,
't'hrough ' close economy and fortunate
speculations in a small way , lee saved up
enough uloey to purchase ( hue
farm upon which he , now lives ,
lie is a aleuler-built n ui with
keen brown eyes , moustncho modeled after -
ter that of lhisnuarek , amid a curly head of
hair , ] n his dress le nllucls the : na pore
and customs of the city , folks , lie is
well known in binnnyunk and through
the surrounding country as n dog-cute : ,
and it is not stretching the line of truth
an inch out of the purpeadieular to any
that at least a dozen of the choicest ,
sleekest , fattest canines in the before-
montioued suburb have inhabited , upon
various occasions , in cold , carved sactiomis ,
his doumestic clap-board. Fritz kills the
dogs with his trustygun , skins thorn after
the orthodox method which prevails in
slaughluring beef , and then quarters
theta , lie especially prizes the hiatus , or
hind quarters , which he salts , cures , and
eats with as much gusto as though the
neat in question wore veal ,
When he gate a fat pimp-a Newfound.
land or plump mastiff or setter-h0 boils
that portion of the anatomy contiguous
to the backbone , ranching fromn the ears
to tine tail , and extracts therefrom n a ale
autber colored oil , which ho pronounces
a certain and a iced cure for eonsunn p
tint , sore tlmrolit and kindred bronchial
emuplaiuts , lie sells largo quantities of
this oil to quacks and rural druggists ,
who disposes of it as o ) portuult
seventy-five cants larlhalf ) init. Froni
a canine of average size , ho obtains a
gallon of oiL Mrs , ) feklu a thrift
matron , who looks 'l'mntonio every
inch of her , even with her mouth shut ,
cooks the cat and dogs mind suporimi
tends the nuking of the oil. A
reporter of The Press spout a
portion of yesterday afternoon n ith
title queer funnily , whose home life , when
victuals ore not in question , does not
difior from that of ordinary nertals.
When time visitor reached the place Fritz
was leaning on time front gate , mechanically -
ly whittling a slip of willow wood , lira.
brorklo was vibrating between the "slied-
kitchon" and the collar , busily bottling
the doge oil. A fat Towser lazily slept
near the pump , tlio picture of innocent
contentment , utterly uncouseious of the
awful fatein store for him. An attenuated
roan ) Hare hind her gaunt head poked
wistfully out of a hole in the barn
doer. A faded sunflower rested against
the weather-boarding of the kitchen ,
apparently tired of life. Near time
barn was what proved , upon subsoqumut
inspection , to bo a beached heap of
dogs' and cats' bones. The reporter dis-
nuuntod from his stylish equlpage , and
giving time cultivated Jehu on the box a
cigar with which to while away the Lodi
one moments , opened the gate , saluted
Fritz and wked into thto dining room.
Fritz followed with wondering eyoa.
The reporter laid a silver Imalf dollar
upon the table and asked for a bottle 2f
dog's ail , 'as a medium of opening time
conversation without oxaltiug sue icion
as to Zile identity. "What is thus oil good
for ? " lie asked.
"Say , Annie , for vat gout isle die oil ? "
inquired Fritz of hula spouse , who was
just descending into the cellar.
For kuliahwnpshuu , she replied.
"flow do you kill your doge ? " pursued
thu reporter ,
"Say Aznmie , how haf vs kill 'em ? "
again asked Fritz of hula spouse.
"Shoot him , " was time impatient response -
sponse , fr.m the inna'/uost depths of time
"They say that you eat legs , " said
the visitor , prepared to elumb up the
chimmney ,
"Say , Annie , do vu ate dog ? " called
out Fritz to Mrs. Morkle ,
"Dot ish goot , " she rounarked , her
wrath uvidentiy rising as situ began to ascend -
cend time collar stairs.
Mrs. Merkle vouchsafed time information -
tion that time bans were boiled or fried ,
and eater with an nbundanco of salt and
pepper. Same Baud dog mnoat was tolerably
tender , with a flavor like veal , Jet Pecu-
liarwithal , amid ought to I'o eaten by cut.
thug it fine , like a lobster for salad. Tie
reporter asked Fritz if lie ever ate cats.
Eta turned to his wife anti asked , "Say ,
Annie , vu haf ate cat ? "
"Urn , somnotime , ynh. Cot ish goot ,
too"roliod ) Mrs. Mferklo , as dime ) ru-
ared to again , dosoend into tie cellar.
Mir. Merkle related how , when ha kept
a tavern , ho bad boiled a "fine , fat"
Newfouhhllamd dog and served him to his
bolarders as veal , and how , when he told
then afterward about time deception , two
of talon ) were taken deathly suck , Mrs.
Merkle says she hikes cut meatnlthough
it is nut 'to Boot ash ( log , " havinga lla'or
amore akin to rabbit , 'l'ime ' ruuutt of both
deg and cut is dark , that of time forme'
being tonluror. 'i'hu meat of time imhnd-
quarturs of time cat is especially firma , ( umd
they esteemn it time tidbit of time fuliu0
nnatouly loot lout ; ago a maim living in
Mfunnyunk hanged Mietzler gave Fritz nu
old put do , cutlled Spat , bona days
nfturwa ds 1'ritz called tumid told hint that
Spot had mnde "x ) lendhd eating. " Mfo'-
ide owlns , besides lug farm , ro ' perty 1u
time city , amid it is Hot nver , 'but uu
eccentricity of taste wlmiclm has led hmint to
prefer time o of emits mud dogs to that
of sheep or beef ,
- --roar----
' 1'hmero are 71,11)7 nuro bu's that girla
i m tiw state-wlueh us bad for taw girls ,
a + hlvu reaidemcca 'aro beiug7built in
Clinton time combined cost of which is
$110,000 , 'Three of them cost $26,000
each , one $20,000 , and sunder $16,000.
' ! ' ! true thousand load of cattle are being
fattened at the big distillery in Dea
Moines ,
\Vhem ( ton , lien llarrisot reutched
\Vatorloo time outer day Ie was given a
senatorial salute of twenty-one guns ,
Bishop Simnpsou , who Is presidiug at the
up per Iowa conforencw , is described as a
tall , stooIp'ahouldored , 6raY.hairud , fine-
-18 AT =
They always have the largest and beat stock.
faced gontluntan , whet hunts 72 years of
life very graeofully.
It is said that there are twenty-live
gemitlemnot in llttscntimu who will give
$100 each to pit the track at the fair
grounds in a'nropor couditiun amid fix up
timings generally for Musemitiu0 entering
time uatiumial trotting circuit next year.
A throo-year-old daughter of Anthony
Sago , of Anautosaomit to bed a few
eights sluice in porfeet health , mid in time
nenuing it was famid that she was cour
plotely paralizoL It reganlod as a
very singular case.
Tim Atlas distillery , at Des Moines ,
was sold by ( lie assignee at public sale
the other day. There wore several bid-
tiers , but the was linall
knoked dove Joathn Able , of Clii.
cage , on his bid of $20,100.
Thu Wapello county board of euporvi-
scm have decided to tax all telephone
poles , wires and instruulents in that
county. It is also understood that the
grnud jury will take mil ) time matter at its
next session , nod inqutro , hero and hew
the telophtou0 cutmpauy secure time right
of svay' through time public highways in
\VaIollo county.
The Mau9th n 1'ow.
D.trolt Free l'resa
They utot ona , crowded avenue yesterday -
day in front of tlmo City hail. ( he was
other tuna of about twonty-two-tho
about sixty ears chi. One lives in
time northern arof the State , the other
in the aomtlmormi. Fate hind brought thenm
together. There was notbiug cordial in
the mmeotin , They didn't cry out : "Put
it tharl" amid nut handle ach other
like a couple of old friends. On the contrary -
trary , time young non grew red in the
face and breatllod hard mini stamluerod
out :
"Ton years ago I went to school to
you. "
"Yes , you did , " was time calm reply.
"And oho day you licked mu alamost to
death for an ofl'emmco cotmnitted by an-
otlmor boy. "
" \Vell , you wore always in need of a
Imckmmi6 ,
"And I swore , " continued the young
tnan , "Aye , 1 registered.a solemn vow
that if I ever met you ater I humid grown
up I would have my reveimgel Prepare to
be pounded to alifeloa nasal"
"I'm prepared , " replied the old ech.ol-
masterp as ho sIpit on ins hands , and in a
minute tllo fun was ragimig. Time young
man rushed upon bun with a war-whoop
but his hose struck something and ho foil
down , lie got up and rushed again , amid
this time lie was down , rolled ever ,
etc od on and loft with anumber .f
loose teeth anda sPlittiui headache. 1h.
Police teok hinu in but when they came
to hunt for the okd man , lie was across
the street trying to pin up a rent in his
coat and saying to seine of his frlerde :
' 'Alms it brings back all the mem.ries
of the old rod school hour. to et m
hands on an unruly pupil iii ght first
reader class againl"s
Aunt Towzer is delighted to hear that
time l'rincesaBeatrice line dot cured of her
rheumatismn by her visit to Aches Ice
Paine , "Not as I make it out , " said the
dear old lady , rollectively , "seeing as
them as go.s to the Bad generally goes
to time douclto. "
: ex'rlla cnmcsAloa.v. ,
Under the date of May 8 ; 1888 , Cc ! , F S 'llbhltts ,
of hover , N. Ii. , sunda us Uw following : "Wldlo on
duty In time army of lhu l'ototnau hl theswsenps of the
Chlekehominy Iconlraelal a eompllcallon of diseases
that culminatad In ; + plual trouble , paralysis on ono
sub , anti severe dhaaau of the kllnoys and bladder ,
and great urinal wcakncas. For a lung thno I was
uudor the trsatlucut of the be.tphysielans , and triad
nnny , of thv so-called rernoalluv , but rocelvud no pnr
mancnt tonuf t. When 1 was In thu drug busluss hl
Ilueto1 1 heard favorable accomItS al the clfacy of
hunt's imemiedy , for diseases of the kldnevs and urlt.
sry orgsns , amid having declded to gtvu It a trial , I
purchaesd seine at Wlogalo' . drug store , Ibsen , N.
IL , and have received great benefit from using it.
11,0.uvure , 1511,5 In my hack are ranoved , sod 1 am
able to slerp soundly and obtain rest at rlght-wldcl ,
for so lung a time I could not do , and the weakness
In the urinary orgw , , hay leen relluval , and I great.
ly ri'gret that i dtti cot test lbw malts of llmt's ,
Ielllelly when I was first taken reek , as I stn conf
dent It would have sated , pe from superal years of
eulcrhng , and I nu ( morn atrougiy oonshtud , of this
after learing , of tha uost rernarxablo cures elected
by minor's itemedy hi a case of Ilrlght's l)6syase hero
hl our nddat In Maier , after the patlat , had beau
proouncod lncurublu by celebrated physldaue. '
Mr , Tlbhett , Is a retired druggist , Gwworly located
In Ilostm , , and la a thoroughly neiablu cltlaen.-Cur ,
11 , S. Whitney , avsi.ta1t Pwattnavter , Putnam ,
Conu „ writes May 3 , 1859 ; "I have used hunt'
IlumsJy with , thu boat resull , . 1 lavu , sulsred uu-
toll ugony for eighteen months with kidney and
Ilier oongdalnt ; my water was eery bad , at titers I
actually paascu blood , 'fefswas followed by gemierul
prustratlou. Sly bualueasrepdrlmig nw ( u be nn may
feet wort of the ( line untie my case worse. 1 ww
ad ( Isel b , time hunt's itelncdy by a friend who lead
been cured by ltand ran truly say that It hay benu
littod mu mitore than all tlw nallohee + I have used , I
tonsidorlt the beat nnedklnu for Idiocy ad Iimur
troubw , , and eheortuily rucomiuueud It to all'
7GZ Lt30 T.T La L-"Para of tlna
buuuut baly entagud , , dcmtluptal ad , struugtheued ,
eta , Is andIntereatingutirerthvmitmtl0uz , rs0Inour
paper. ht.rupl ) to lnquirlue mt will say that them js
( III u'udencu , luuubuguboutthlu Oa the contrary
thuataortiscrsareYer } ' hlgldyhndorsod. lnterretwl
Craell5 may get seahsl ereub ) r glring all IartiCtlla'e
by addrussiug Erie Medlcul Ce.P Obox 619 , itulalu
a , v wrn141n Rana , (
" " LiThe s of rho term "Aimee
S H R"I" with the
U eorporato name of a trrcatr
CourC'a nn 1(105 of ltat what ?
rapdrod by the tarcling pub'
I I N E Inc-5 Short Line , Quick 11me
Bud rho beat of accommoda-
tions-all of which are turn.
laat ) by tho'gnatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
Rowne and opeatrs over 1,600 mUeaof reedla
Northern Illhtola , Wlsconin , Minnesota , Iowa hod
Dakota ; and sal a main llnee , branches and cornice.
tlons reach all the great busiwaa centros of the
Northwest uul Far west , It naturally answers tb.
daerlptlon of Short Line , and heat Route between
Chlago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and ltlnneapolls.
Chlago , Mlhwauk. . , La Crease and , Inns.
Chicago , and Illendale
Chicago , Mllwwkee , Rau Claire and Stlllwater'
Chicago , MOwauke. , Wauwu and Merrill.
Chicago , btllwauke. , Deaver Dun sail O.hke.h.
Chlago , alllwauke , Walkeahs and Oconomowoc.
Lhago , alllwauk. . , Manson and 1'rairiedu Cblen.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Faielbaait.
Chlago , Debit , Janosy0le and Mlneall'oint.
Chicago , Elgin , ltockford and Dubuquo.
CAleage , Clinton , hock Island and Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Council Blufs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fails and Yanktoo ,
Chicago. Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
hock Island , Dubuque , at. Paul and Minneapolis.
Davenport , Calmar , St , Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Care Inlhs "
world arc run at the male line. of the CH ICp
andevoryattentlouis Paid to paeeenguaby a
0111 anployes of the .oul a ny.
S. s. MElmtlid , , A , V. IL CAiLPENTEIt ,
Oen7 Ma.ager. Oon'l Pass , Agent.
J , T.CLAIIK , OEo ii. 11KAFFOIiD ,
Oen'1 Supt. Asdl Ocn'1 Pass. Ag'L
5o'e a&
i hays known and watched the nee of Swift' . Spo-
clan for over fifty years , and have lacer known of
a failure to cure Illood Tolson when prapcrlyakon.
1 used It on my servants fran,1860 to 1865 , as did abe
ft number of my nelghbur.and In every Case that
cane within my knowledge it elected a aura , in ell
nl life I ha'o mieyer known a remedy that would so
fully accomplish what It is recomutentlodto do.
RI. L. DitNNAIIH , ferry , Os
l eo known cud cacti Swift's SpecIDo for more
Utau twenty year. , cud halo seen more wonderful re.
suite from ts use than , from any earnedTIn , or out of
the 1'harmaco + mla. It is a contain and sore antidote
to all sorts of blood polson.
J , DICKSON SMITH , 1t , D. ,
Agana , Oa.
The Oreat Drug House of Chicago.
We do not hesitate to say that for a year pa
have sold more of Swift's Specific (13. ( A. 8. ) than
otherHlood i'urlfor. combined , and with most
tonbhing resuia. One gentleman who used half s
dozen bottles says It has done bum more goal than
treatmentwhlchcoat hlml,00a Another who has
used It for a Scrofulous alectlon reports a permanent
cure fron , louse.
$1,000 REWARD.
Will ho pail to any Chonnlst who will And , on an.
alyaid of 100 bottles S. S , H. , onopartlclo of Mbrsury ,
Ialldo 1'otamlunr , or any mineral substance ,
Drawer 1 , Atlanta , Oa ,
LffWrlto fur the little book , which will be malod
l'rlco : Small size , $1.00 Per bottle. Large size
( holding double qusgtlty ) , $1.76a bottmo , AU drug.
giea Bell It.
Capital , ' - - $250,000.
JAB. IL IIEARTWELL , I'reeldent.
A. L. CLAIIKE , Vlce 1'roeldent.
KO WEBSTEIIfhcasurar.
C. I' . WEIISTEIL Cashier.
D11ize-rolL9 : ,
amuel Alexander , Oswald Oliver
i. L. Clarke , 1 : . c. Webster ,
'Ito. ? [ Pratt , Jos. B. Ileartwell ,
D. M , afci ihlinuoy.l
first Mortgage Loans a Spoaialty
Tads Company furnishes o pomunent home Inatltu
on where echnol Honda and other legally lssuad Mu-
opal ( Seouritles to Nebraska an be negotiated en
morn aroable terms. Loans made enl mprored
t , rz , In all well Bottled countIes of the sate through
, oneltle oal conosuoudcnts. car
Traveling Public !
Osmooola , No1o. ,
le.ow nudurgobng throruugh repairs , both within anti
without and the proprtetor intends It shall be sEO-
OND'rd NONE h , the Aate , nextte Omaha.
tug 21.2m l'noprlutor.
Nebraska Cornice
1 1 '
MANUFAUr'Jltlats ' OF
mormor'RTincaovvlc r
I'ITENT alhl'AL10 SltVLiOIil' ,
Iron Fencing !
Oreetmi are , I aluatrades , Verandas , O0lco awl flank
ILalilug + , Window amid UeliarUuard + , Eta
_ _ ySvaI.OAiSERMauagcr ,
. lI.t ,
( ' 11Jw " gar 1. anu4' ' + u , , p fur
, -ttitt' J , I'1tIY Uf
. - or tor I , ' 14'ralllJlyaua. _
R , CI' . t.y5 em. . r l + u , enrol' xlaut
Ilea hinuneni , the , rat.
c llJC cLr' : al
' Tltlv slr kiinrall5fi
'r- ? : O _ _ _ .4 , IhawCh tam Iwnt "us
"Anne Ilu w W hewlay
, ( alwu mh , not lnqunnd
sl , ' . . a nertlwutu ruv all ills
( t' 4. OLI it aIUdF iwttiw { I ir { .wa
or r"vlu.gblurtnltoruauon , addnscheeret
F.l.Irme ) tilt ( b. , mW am'urhlugWUet.itluaxu Ica