1'IE DAILY --TIIU.2SDf\Y SII''CL71I3EIt ' 27 , 185 ; . a , I I I EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASS FOR A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN : i Holiday Goods [ Besides my large stock of Pianos/ Organs , Music and Music Books , I have a laid in a / v L : , l 1 $ OOOOSTOCKOFTOYSJ , ' Musical ' Offering you the Choice Selections oft t . : h 8 DIFFERENT LARGE IMPORTING HOUSESd ' . ' ' Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my , . _ j ASSORTMENTS OF TOYS ' t . Made up and selected by myself the assortments have heretofore been all made up , ' In New York ) containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ) ' the result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments arP made up as follows ; ' ' . ; rJ b 100.00 assortment , over 200 different articles. 50.00 150 35.00 125 ' cc cc cc cc 25.00 100 ' ' 15,00 75 = showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get. I have also made up a number of $5,00 Cases of 5 and lOc. goods , and also $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the Holiday Trade. pLc13tas , ar and Birt1itlayCai'd& I CAI Ul' ALSO A NE LINE OP P ALBUMS. I Wallet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks fJ ! I SLTOKTN I 1 t , Shell a L . Way ' ewe , Undox ala s. ' I , And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with samples ples on the road 1 ' one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sanl- pies and lay-out will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and Make your own selection I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with the right man always will do , y Y cr TM la . i ' . 7 No. 103 South Main Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONA1 , LOCAL , NF.\VS , SL'Ut1TS ON SI'11t11'4. 1 tetlitunn Asklty ; (3enrge1'nq ) tng tun nut itolerL "lardsVhnt Th ey Thluk of 1'rohlhltlon , At a eoance held in this city tha views of George Washington and ltobert Mor- rie ware Bought concerning the prohlbh tion question , Iu it appeared to thong , now they were in the spirit land , Robert Morris , it Appears , ie sot strong against prohibition. Ho claimerd it was nneonstitntimlfl , Atid that it wag A viola. tion of the froodoin fought for anti won , and guaranteed to their dosceunalits , lbo declared that it was a ntistako to thhmik that the majority was to ruin. The consti ution to his maul was what guv orucd , old it nvns the check to keep the n'joritJ ' from ! loin6' as it willed , wen it wiled to ( l0 nu ) ' umilaWful act. The following spirit ii ssngo unl conversation - versation wus Itad at the saute gathering of spiritualists , in which ( leorguVash ingtun hakes the contrary view ; 'Phis codntry cannot rennin iu y loner at its present otability , except it will gave Inure attention to its own welfare. 11'o cannot but with pain ace the ImidOlnfeu with which p00plo treat the greatest of privileges'-tho public vote. All depeadr on it. Freedom can only bo shielded by it. George Washington : Question \\'Iat about prohibition ? Answer-1 am a prohibitionist , not by trade , but by conviction , * * ( It would be well that ltobert Morris will lot me talk , * * * * I fought by the old mill for the prospesitp of this country , and also do it now. Let it be as the )1o demand it. Vote for lib. ortY front ilhiskY dominion , TIIEVOnrnN 1VITNESS Tile Mystery About lror No Mystery At All , On the evening of the shooting of Dr. jMcKino , and iunnediately after the tragedy , Tnii BEu reporter , in hunting up witnesses to the tltfnir , and learning front them the particulars as far as they cou d be gleauod , found a young lady who claimed to have been standing in the park near the street whoa the shoot was fired , and saw Dr. Mcliuue fall , She gave heF name as Miss Mintie Whitney , and her address was 200 Bancroft street , The statement r.alu by her through 7'm ) : Bua was to the effect that while talking with a friend in the park she heard the shot and saw Dr. MclCuno fall. She with her friend rushed over there and asked who it was that had been ahotand , who shot him , and Dr. Cross told lour hu did , and that Dr. MicKme had assaulted ] rim. The c.ronor tried to find this young lndq as n witness before the inquest - quest but could not owing to tome mistake in the address given him. Since then there have been all sorts of rumors about the woman having disappeared , and that when Clio time came she would make sonic startling revelations - olations , that she saw it all , etc. Till : Bnu is able to state that all this sensational - tional talk is bosh. Tlm young woman was found again yesterday by TimE'BEa reporter , and repeated the tame statement as before published. She says she heard no ecufllo or fight , although there might have boon .ne. She is not to say there was thprepared none , but frst that atracted her attention - tention was the eliot. The younv woman was yesterday at the St. lee ! louse , heaving - ing moved from her former address on Bancroft street. The many sensational stories about the mysterious woman witness - ness will probably end now , A. Booth's select oysters rooivod daily at W. T , Braun's. Itcal Estate Transfers , The following deeds wore filed for record - cord in the recorder's oflico , September 26 , reported for tlto BEE by P , J , Mc. Mahon , real estate agent ; C. , R , L , C 1' . It , It. Co , to James S. Davis , a w 1 n iv 22 , 77 , 42-RIliU , C , n. L & P , t. it. Co , tp James S , Davis , a e } n w j 21 , 77 , d2--$288 , II. L , Raymond to It. Y , Phillips , gut 1 and part of lot 2 , block 10 , Crimes' add-$1,100. Thomas Tuckwood to Williani ltoehrs , 0 7 n e } 2 , 77 , 40 $1,500 , , 1'otal sales , $3,281 , Time Testinony of n l'hyslchan. Janos Ileechcp Mf , I ) „ of Sigourney , Iowa , says for several years 1 have boeu vainb' a Cough lialsntn , called 1)IL WM1. IIAL11S BALSAM FOIL TII IS LUNGS , amid In al. most every case throughout toy , ractko I have hod entire success. I have used and preserhb oil heldreds of bottles ever since tlio days of my army pnmctlco (18m whoa 1 was surgoun of llopital No. 7 , J oim wlllo , Ky. r CoMME1tCIAI , . COCECIL n1.ul'FS IIASKET. Wheat-Nn , 2 xprblg , 76c ; No , 3 , 63c ; rejected - jectod , LO ( : ; good detuand. Cunt-Dealers fire tayhtg 31@320 ; rejected corn , Chicago , 40@)450 ; now mixed , 49c ; whit' corn , 60c : the receipts of con ( are light. Outs-In goad dcunnd at 2Oc , l lay-100@r o0 per toe ; GOo per bale , ltyo-40c ; light supply. Cant heal-125 par 10(1 pounds , Wood-food supply ; Ilrices at yards , Ii OOp c oo , Cool-1)ollvcretl , loud , 110Opcr ton ; soft , L GO per toe. Butter-Plenty and in fair dumaud at 2 creamery 90c. Eggs-Steady solo at We per doze , . Lard-Fnlrbauk's , wholossling at l lc , l'eultry-Finn ; dealers are paylug for chickens lrc , ; live , 250 per dnLnll , Vegetables-I'ntatoas , 600 ; onlormst rMc ; cabbages - bages , ; 1(10400 per doicnr apples , J rAJ4 100 per barrel. Flour-City Ilnur , I r,0@3 40 , 13rornus'l 00@3 oo per doz , l.lvm srocm ( . Cattlo-3 0(1(13 ( G0 ; calves , r (1OQ7 ( GO , Jfugshlarkct for ha a iulet , as the pack. lug houses arc closed ; shippers are payiu „ 4 00 4 4 715 , .S'rnmarifaI sV.rvlIClhulgroatuorvecomm. querer , is gmtrauteed to give aatisfactioml , nr mnonoy refunded , ( Jut at druggists , t < lra ; 'bc'uuutrilvt A'trvlnc cured our dalghm fur's life-long u , ilupsy.'ltov , P. 1' . Slur. Icy , Chicago , III , " ' ! 'hero is nothing like leather. " Perhaps - haps not ; but a Caney Island fried clam is an imitator that is well calculated to deceive , The "runVho'1'nlle 3fuuD , \Vo want t say a word to yet wimo make a living withh your Gnguu'ou certahAy Bust have Im clear , strong voice t engage your Its. toners , Ur. Thorne' E'clectri0 ( nil for sore throat , adds , and hoarseness is unoxcelled. Use and admire , ' A DOG-EATING MAN , The Strange Taste of Frit2 Merkle For CallllB Moat It hnrmim'r Lhlug Near dlnyunk\Vho Cooks Cats nmut Ungs Poi l"enll , and Extracts Their Oil ns n ltonctly I'or Consumption. t'klladtlrhta Press. Banaath the thatched roof of a vino' bowered cottage , nestled lovingly at the foot of a eloping hillside in L.wer Mterio * townalmip , a few uuilee from Manayunk , lives Fritz Merkle and his wife. Thum farniurs in the mio'Khborhood ' call hiul "dug-eating Merkle , ' lie oats not only dogs , but cats , 'l'hia taste hu acquired from his mother in-law , Scum lives in ( ior- many , wluera Fritz himself was born a good ninny years ago. Ile formerly he ) t u tavern amid entimi6.heuse in 11aua'uu l ; , near the heading Railroad depot , 't'hrough ' close economy and fortunate speculations in a small way , lee saved up enough uloey to purchase ( hue farm upon which he , now lives , lie is a aleuler-built n ui with keen brown eyes , moustncho modeled after - ter that of lhisnuarek , amid a curly head of hair , ] n his dress le nllucls the : na pore and customs of the city , folks , lie is well known in binnnyunk and through the surrounding country as n dog-cute : , and it is not stretching the line of truth an inch out of the purpeadieular to any that at least a dozen of the choicest , sleekest , fattest canines in the before- montioued suburb have inhabited , upon various occasions , in cold , carved sactiomis , his doumestic clap-board. Fritz kills the dogs with his trustygun , skins thorn after the orthodox method which prevails in slaughluring beef , and then quarters theta , lie especially prizes the hiatus , or hind quarters , which he salts , cures , and eats with as much gusto as though the neat in question wore veal , IIOW ItH COOKS Til1M. When he gate a fat pimp-a Newfound. land or plump mastiff or setter-h0 boils that portion of the anatomy contiguous to the backbone , ranching fromn the ears to tine tail , and extracts therefrom n a ale autber colored oil , which ho pronounces a certain and a iced cure for eonsunn p tint , sore tlmrolit and kindred bronchial emuplaiuts , lie sells largo quantities of this oil to quacks and rural druggists , who disposes of it as o ) portuult seventy-five cants larlhalf ) init. Froni a canine of average size , ho obtains a gallon of oiL Mrs , ) feklu a thrift matron , who looks 'l'mntonio every inch of her , even with her mouth shut , cooks the cat and dogs mind suporimi tends the nuking of the oil. A reporter of The Press spout a portion of yesterday afternoon n ith title queer funnily , whose home life , when victuals ore not in question , does not difior from that of ordinary nertals. When time visitor reached the place Fritz was leaning on time front gate , mechanically - ly whittling a slip of willow wood , lira. brorklo was vibrating between the "slied- kitchon" and the collar , busily bottling the doge oil. A fat Towser lazily slept near the pump , tlio picture of innocent contentment , utterly uncouseious of the awful fatein store for him. An attenuated roan ) Hare hind her gaunt head poked wistfully out of a hole in the barn doer. A faded sunflower rested against the weather-boarding of the kitchen , apparently tired of life. Near time barn was what proved , upon subsoqumut inspection , to bo a beached heap of dogs' and cats' bones. The reporter dis- nuuntod from his stylish equlpage , and giving time cultivated Jehu on the box a cigar with which to while away the Lodi one moments , opened the gate , saluted Fritz and wked into thto dining room. Fritz followed with wondering eyoa. The reporter laid a silver Imalf dollar upon the table and asked for a bottle 2f dog's ail , 'as a medium of opening time conversation without oxaltiug sue icion as to Zile identity. "What is thus oil good for ? " lie asked. "Say , Annie , for vat gout isle die oil ? " inquired Fritz of hula spouse , who was just descending into the cellar. For kuliahwnpshuu , she replied. "flow do you kill your doge ? " pursued thu reporter , "Say Aznmie , how haf vs kill 'em ? " again asked Fritz of hula spouse. "Shoot him , " was time impatient response - sponse , fr.m the inna'/uost depths of time COliar. "They say that you eat legs , " said the visitor , prepared to elumb up the chimmney , "Say , Annie , do vu ate dog ? " called out Fritz to Mrs. Morkle , "Dot ish goot , " she rounarked , her wrath uvidentiy rising as situ began to ascend - cend time collar stairs. Mrs. Merkle vouchsafed time information - tion that time bans were boiled or fried , and eater with an nbundanco of salt and pepper. Same Baud dog mnoat was tolerably tender , with a flavor like veal , Jet Pecu- liarwithal , amid ought to I'o eaten by cut. thug it fine , like a lobster for salad. Tie reporter asked Fritz if lie ever ate cats. Eta turned to his wife anti asked , "Say , Annie , vu haf ate cat ? " "Urn , somnotime , ynh. Cot ish goot , too"roliod ) Mrs. Mferklo , as dime ) ru- ared to again , dosoend into tie cellar. vnN I SYItYINI A H00 TU ADAIIIIiItH.I Mir. Merkle related how , when ha kept a tavern , ho bad boiled a "fine , fat" Newfouhhllamd dog and served him to his bolarders as veal , and how , when he told then afterward about time deception , two of talon ) were taken deathly suck , Mrs. Merkle says she hikes cut meatnlthough it is nut 'to Boot ash ( log , " havinga lla'or amore akin to rabbit , 'l'ime ' ruuutt of both deg and cut is dark , that of time forme' being tonluror. 'i'hu meat of time imhnd- quarturs of time cat is especially firma , ( umd they esteemn it time tidbit of time fuliu0 nnatouly loot lout ; ago a maim living in Mfunnyunk hanged Mietzler gave Fritz nu old put do , cutlled Spat , bona days nfturwa ds 1'ritz called tumid told hint that Spot had mnde "x ) lendhd eating. " Mfo'- ide owlns , besides lug farm , ro ' perty 1u time city , amid it is Hot nver , 'but uu eccentricity of taste wlmiclm has led hmint to prefer time o of emits mud dogs to that of sheep or beef , - --roar---- I OWA LT1:9IH , ' 1'hmero are 71,11)7 nuro bu's that girla i m tiw state-wlueh us bad for taw girls , a + hlvu reaidemcca 'aro beiug7built in Clinton time combined cost of which is $110,000 , 'Three of them cost $26,000 each , one $20,000 , and sunder $16,000. ' ! ' ! true thousand load of cattle are being fattened at the big distillery in Dea Moines , \Vhem ( ton , lien llarrisot reutched \Vatorloo time outer day Ie was given a senatorial salute of twenty-one guns , Bishop Simnpsou , who Is presidiug at the up per Iowa conforencw , is described as a tall , stooIp'ahouldored , 6raY.hairud , fine- FURNITURE ? -xnc- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture' -18 AT = DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and beat stock. NO BT.AIItB TO CLIMB ELEGANT PA98ENQ $ & FiLEVATOR TO THE _ DIFFERENT FLOORS , faced gontluntan , whet hunts 72 years of life very graeofully. It is said that there are twenty-live gemitlemnot in llttscntimu who will give $100 each to pit the track at the fair grounds in a'nropor couditiun amid fix up timings generally for Musemitiu0 entering time uatiumial trotting circuit next year. A throo-year-old daughter of Anthony Sago , of Anautosaomit to bed a few eights sluice in porfeet health , mid in time nenuing it was famid that she was cour plotely paralizoL It reganlod as a very singular case. Tim Atlas distillery , at Des Moines , was sold by ( lie assignee at public sale the other day. There wore several bid- tiers , but the was linall knoked dove Joathn Able , of Clii. cage , on his bid of $20,100. Thu Wapello county board of euporvi- scm have decided to tax all telephone poles , wires and instruulents in that county. It is also understood that the grnud jury will take mil ) time matter at its next session , nod inqutro , hero and hew the telophtou0 cutmpauy secure time right of svay' through time public highways in \VaIollo county. The Mau9th n 1'ow. D.trolt Free l'resa They utot ona , crowded avenue yesterday - day in front of tlmo City hail. ( he was other tuna of about twonty-two-tho about sixty ears chi. One lives in time northern arof the State , the other in the aomtlmormi. Fate hind brought thenm together. There was notbiug cordial in the mmeotin , They didn't cry out : "Put it tharl" amid nut handle ach other like a couple of old friends. On the contrary - trary , time young non grew red in the face and breatllod hard mini stamluerod out : "Ton years ago I went to school to you. " "Yes , you did , " was time calm reply. "And oho day you licked mu alamost to death for an ofl'emmco cotmnitted by an- otlmor boy. " " \Vell , you wore always in need of a Imckmmi6 , "And I swore , " continued the young tnan , "Aye , 1 registered.a solemn vow that if I ever met you ater I humid grown up I would have my reveimgel Prepare to be pounded to alifeloa nasal" "I'm prepared , " replied the old ech.ol- masterp as ho sIpit on ins hands , and in a minute tllo fun was ragimig. Time young man rushed upon bun with a war-whoop but his hose struck something and ho foil down , lie got up and rushed again , amid this time lie was down , rolled ever , etc od on and loft with anumber .f loose teeth anda sPlittiui headache. 1h. Police teok hinu in but when they came to hunt for the okd man , lie was across the street trying to pin up a rent in his coat and saying to seine of his frlerde : ' 'Alms it brings back all the mem.ries of the old rod school hour. to et m hands on an unruly pupil iii ght first reader class againl"s -s Aunt Towzer is delighted to hear that time l'rincesaBeatrice line dot cured of her rheumatismn by her visit to Aches Ice Paine , "Not as I make it out , " said the dear old lady , rollectively , "seeing as them as go.s to the Bad generally goes to time douclto. " ARMY 0 TEE POTOMAC , : ex'rlla cnmcsAloa.v. , Under the date of May 8 ; 1888 , Cc ! , F S 'llbhltts , of hover , N. Ii. , sunda us Uw following : "Wldlo on duty In time army of lhu l'ototnau hl theswsenps of the Chlekehominy Iconlraelal a eompllcallon of diseases that culminatad In ; + plual trouble , paralysis on ono sub , anti severe dhaaau of the kllnoys and bladder , and great urinal wcakncas. For a lung thno I was uudor the trsatlucut of the be.tphysielans , and triad nnny , of thv so-called rernoalluv , but rocelvud no pnr mancnt tonuf t. When 1 was In thu drug busluss hl Ilueto1 1 heard favorable accomItS al the clfacy of hunt's imemiedy , for diseases of the kldnevs and urlt. sry orgsns , amid having declded to gtvu It a trial , I purchaesd seine at Wlogalo' . drug store , Ibsen , N. IL , and have received great benefit from using it. 11,0.uvure , 1511,5 In my hack are ranoved , sod 1 am able to slerp soundly and obtain rest at rlght-wldcl , for so lung a time I could not do , and the weakness In the urinary orgw , , hay leen relluval , and I great. ly ri'gret that i dtti cot test lbw malts of llmt's , Ielllelly when I was first taken reek , as I stn conf dent It would have sated , pe from superal years of eulcrhng , and I nu ( morn atrougiy oonshtud , of this after learing , of tha uost rernarxablo cures elected by minor's itemedy hi a case of Ilrlght's l)6syase hero hl our nddat In Maier , after the patlat , had beau proouncod lncurublu by celebrated physldaue. ' Mr , Tlbhett , Is a retired druggist , Gwworly located In Ilostm , , and la a thoroughly neiablu cltlaen.-Cur , IU. U. a , POSTALBERVIOE. 11 , S. Whitney , avsi.ta1t Pwattnavter , Putnam , Conu „ writes May 3 , 1859 ; "I have used hunt' IlumsJy with , thu boat resull , . 1 lavu , sulsred uu- toll ugony for eighteen months with kidney and Ilier oongdalnt ; my water was eery bad , at titers I actually paascu blood , 'fefswas followed by gemierul prustratlou. Sly bualueasrepdrlmig nw ( u be nn may feet wort of the ( line untie my case worse. 1 ww ad ( Isel b , time hunt's itelncdy by a friend who lead been cured by ltand ran truly say that It hay benu littod mu mitore than all tlw nallohee + I have used , I tonsidorlt the beat nnedklnu for Idiocy ad Iimur troubw , , and eheortuily rucomiuueud It to all' 7GZ Lt30 T.T La L-"Para of tlna buuuut baly entagud , , dcmtluptal ad , struugtheued , eta , Is andIntereatingutirerthvmitmtl0uz , rs0Inour paper. ht.rupl ) to lnquirlue mt will say that them js ( III u'udencu , luuubuguboutthlu Oa the contrary thuataortiscrsareYer } ' hlgldyhndorsod. lnterretwl Craell5 may get seahsl ereub ) r glring all IartiCtlla'e by addrussiug Erie Medlcul Ce.P Obox 619 , itulalu a , v wrn141n Rana , ( nm.ly DUFRENE & AIENDEISSOi/N , ARCHITE OTS ( -1uIn eYED TO OIIAIiA NAT1ONM UANH iLUINU , " " LiThe s of rho term "Aimee S H R"I" with the U eorporato name of a trrcatr CourC'a nn 1(105 of ltat what ? rapdrod by the tarcling pub' I I N E Inc-5 Short Line , Quick 11me Bud rho beat of accommoda- tions-all of which are turn. laat ) by tho'gnatest railway In America. C HIOAOO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. Rowne and opeatrs over 1,600 mUeaof reedla Northern Illhtola , Wlsconin , Minnesota , Iowa hod Dakota ; and sal a main llnee , branches and cornice. tlons reach all the great busiwaa centros of the Northwest uul Far west , It naturally answers tb. daerlptlon of Short Line , and heat Route between Chlago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and ltlnneapolls. Chlago , Mlhwauk. . , La Crease and , Inns. Chicago , Mllwa.ke.Aberdeen and Illendale Chicago , Mllwwkee , Rau Claire and Stlllwater' Chicago , MOwauke. , Wauwu and Merrill. Chicago , btllwauke. , Deaver Dun sail O.hke.h. Chlago , alllwauke , Walkeahs and Oconomowoc. Lhago , alllwauk. . , Manson and 1'rairiedu Cblen. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Faielbaait. Chlago , Debit , Janosy0le and Mlneall'oint. Chicago , Elgin , ltockford and Dubuquo. CAleage , Clinton , hock Island and Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Council Blufs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Fails and Yanktoo , Chicago. Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. hock Island , Dubuque , at. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Calmar , St , Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Care Inlhs " world arc run at the male line. of the CH ICp MILWAUKEE do ST . PAUL RAILW andevoryattentlouis Paid to paeeenguaby a 0111 anployes of the .oul a ny. S. s. MElmtlid , , A , V. IL CAiLPENTEIt , Oen7 Ma.ager. Oon'l Pass , Agent. J , T.CLAIIK , OEo ii. 11KAFFOIiD , Oen'1 Supt. Asdl Ocn'1 Pass. Ag'L 5o'e a& i hays known and watched the nee of Swift' . Spo- clan for over fifty years , and have lacer known of a failure to cure Illood Tolson when prapcrlyakon. 1 used It on my servants fran,1860 to 1865 , as did abe ft number of my nelghbur.and In every Case that cane within my knowledge it elected a aura , in ell nl life I ha'o mieyer known a remedy that would so fully accomplish what It is recomutentlodto do. RI. L. DitNNAIIH , ferry , Os l eo known cud cacti Swift's SpecIDo for more Utau twenty year. , cud halo seen more wonderful re. suite from ts use than , from any earnedTIn , or out of the 1'harmaco + mla. It is a contain and sore antidote to all sorts of blood polson. J , DICKSON SMITH , 1t , D. , Agana , Oa. The Oreat Drug House of Chicago. We do not hesitate to say that for a year pa have sold more of Swift's Specific (13. ( A. 8. ) than otherHlood i'urlfor. combined , and with most tonbhing resuia. One gentleman who used half s dozen bottles says It has done bum more goal than treatmentwhlchcoat hlml,00a Another who has used It for a Scrofulous alectlon reports a permanent cure fron , louse. louse.VAN SIIAACK , STEYENSON tit CO. $1,000 REWARD. Will ho pail to any Chonnlst who will And , on an. alyaid of 100 bottles S. S , H. , onopartlclo of Mbrsury , Ialldo 1'otamlunr , or any mineral substance , TIifSWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Drawer 1 , Atlanta , Oa , LffWrlto fur the little book , which will be malod free. l'rlco : Small size , $1.00 Per bottle. Large size ( holding double qusgtlty ) , $1.76a bottmo , AU drug. giea Bell It. NBBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO. RASTINOS , NEB. Capital , ' - - $250,000. JAB. IL IIEARTWELL , I'reeldent. A. L. CLAIIKE , Vlce 1'roeldent. KO WEBSTEIIfhcasurar. C. I' . WEIISTEIL Cashier. D11ize-rolL9 : , amuel Alexander , Oswald Oliver i. L. Clarke , 1 : . c. Webster , 'Ito. ? [ Pratt , Jos. B. Ileartwell , D. M , afci ihlinuoy.l first Mortgage Loans a Spoaialty Tads Company furnishes o pomunent home Inatltu on where echnol Honda and other legally lssuad Mu- opal ( Seouritles to Nebraska an be negotiated en morn aroable terms. Loans made enl mprored t , rz , In all well Bottled countIes of the sate through , oneltle oal conosuoudcnts. car NOTICE I Traveling Public ! -TIIE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! -AT- Osmooola , No1o. , le.ow nudurgobng throruugh repairs , both within anti without and the proprtetor intends It shall be sEO- OND'rd NONE h , the Aate , nextte Omaha. E. ii. HLACEWELL , tug 21.2m l'noprlutor. Nebraska Cornice -ANDS 1 1 ' e MANUFAUr'Jltlats ' OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES ' mormor'RTincaovvlc r FINIALS , WiNDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SMTEROOFING , I'ITENT alhl'AL10 SltVLiOIil' , Iron Fencing ! Oreetmi are , I aluatrades , Verandas , O0lco awl flank ILalilug + , Window amid UeliarUuard + , Eta N. IV , COI ! . NINTII AND JONES STS. _ _ ySvaI.OAiSERMauagcr , . lI.t , ( ' 11Jw " gar 1. anu4' ' + u , , p fur , -ttitt' J , I'1tIY Uf . - or tor I , ' 14'ralllJlyaua. _ R , CI' . t.y5 em. . r l + u , enrol' xlaut Ilea hinuneni , the , rat. c llJC cLr' : al ' Tltlv slr kiinrall5fi 'r- ? : O _ _ _ .4 , IhawCh tam Iwnt "us "Anne Ilu w W hewlay , ( alwu mh , not lnqunnd a sl , ' . . a nertlwutu ruv all ills ( t' 4. OLI it aIUdF iwttiw { I ir { .wa or r"vlu.gblurtnltoruauon , addnscheeret F.l.Irme ) tilt ( b. , mW am'urhlugWUet.itluaxu Ica 7