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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1883)
f 4 , . THE DAILY I3f UlsAI1A , TUTSLAY , SE2 ° 1CDIBLR 2 : , 18b3 , TIIE BEE. rnbUehM every morning , exceptl8anlday. The only MomLvy morning dally. Raxs aT MAIL ne . . . , , , , ( . , . , . . . 9xMnnrne , . , . . , . , 5.OIOnoMomitll..1.w , Tn , WRRRLT aU , rtaLI.IIAD'RtRRT wrmtL.DAT. ' t11RMroeTrAIr. . . . . . . . oO TtuteMonths . . . . . .4 to Btx Mnnth. . , , 1.00 One Meath. . , rA American Newe rMmpner , 8oleEAgnnt. Newwleat .n do lho Uelted State' . , cessr + roxneacr.C fit Oommnnkatlone telatieg to News and Eititarlat natlrreahouldhoaddresso4 to the IDItoaor,9ba Bar. IItelNM $ LRftxe& 1AIIlanelRest Letter atsl Rerittencea'ehonll'W addre d to Tns Rai rt ntaenlxn coxrArT. OMAHA. D,8. , Cheele Rnd roiIot11 a orJen to lw mete payy ibis to rho order. ) the romnuy. , THE BEE BUBLISBINU COI PROPS. ERosEWNTEREdltor. : You may choke off the 1)enplo ( It tlio pdmarlos , but they are 'bound fo bu hoard at tito Polls. Mn. IAlltn rof0 s to n COtJV ° rnatier with E , D. 1VuhsLer. Will Mr. Webslor Please step to the ( rout ? A1Er1) T nod an1 dirt the cry goof up front'Omaha ' for a coitiufmncoof paving , Bonds ought to be voted at thu fall clec- tint , r TurVandering , Juh" is ou auothor hair raising oxpodition. Inu't it nbout time for Crook's ropentnnt sinntra to return - turn from Moxfcg , + PooitJosoph 0ojkc Y lie is rccognixing r that a AroPhot is not without Itonorsavo ; In pu s owntcountry : ' ' A llostgilspapcr t cafe the Iovotold eitlonIan 'la jabb8u3 irig crank. " . ' : LIEUT. S. 0. ItOBERT80N hots boon found guilty of duPlcatin6 hi(1isY accounts and aontoncod to be dismissed from the army. Army court t1 utialapro { yorkfnJ I/ravoly / to suppress tlto eptdomic.and , n misplaced oxocalivo clemency should not iuturfuro with theirelfo is Cdr uviftho'eervfco. Hoes and cattle hnvo decLned'lioavily lately , but Omaha butchers show no iii. dications that they hnvo hoard of thu change in the , markets. It is coating too much to live in On this , cvnsiduring ' the abmdanco of moat and prOVIAfons which are pouring igto thonarkots tof 'J ' thucoutitry , NEun&sxA takes a pridu in Bu1Talo Bill' ' Wtid 1Vast"but , tIiwpridu of the IiomoatitIrra anti sotUora on our boundless - loss pratrios will i vull to the bursting point when Mr. Laird starts out with ' r" his "greatest show on earth , " with him. aol1 as tam "chief fmggor" mid Sfmoh Il olloy , Doc Ynzoll and Onion Baldwfu , all from Stinking Water crook , as th u other draving nttr tcti 'Its , AcconutNO to the Lineoln Journaf , th o Herald is the ( toad and Tin Bait time tail of the crusade against thegmtlenanfron 1 Stinking Water. Since the RepubUoad I It has joinud thin ranks , the Jourai ! lutist t re ) iso its ostinuttoa. The procession i likely' to 1)0 n very long one before it f fairly in motion , and several weeks hmuiicc the Journat will probably whirl in t line end take its place in the roar. Wrrii Hhscalt prosidingovdrtltocount ; y central inmmittoo , time disonfrnncliiso rnotit of Rupublican volors , through it e refusal to cull the pritnarios for the , judi cial'climontion ' ; , wan not at all eurpriailig. Ha li g appointed its' , delegates it will nQ tbd fn OTdOr for thonconti'al committee - too of Douglaa county to call out thu Itc publican vote. Thu whip and spur Imlay fail in lashing roluclant Republicans t u endorse such an outrage. GlN. bfenusnsoN buliuvus that Paul Vandorvoort's removal wiu in opposition ' to the principlea of civil service rofrnu ' which lie so boldly enunciated at Lin coln'on the mnotn'ng ' of his election to th ° United States Senate. Con. Mnndurse ' ahould fight shy of clvd service reform ' utuesee , His record'as a reformer efue ° j his clo9tiow. to thou Sonatp' III 'laedl , y bear airing ; of t io eiokjm s limp , m th ° Sonatorial'back door yard. The atreu ie' , oo'mear ht hand. A OIOANno enterprise is on foot it Boatou. " Nothhmg less than a trip around the world , with bfr. Joint L. Sullivan a the star. A syndicate of pugilistic cape talhta is uow busily engaged in 'prthor in the scheme and before snow lb s w 0 m ay learn that it has bomi brought to a autlcessul cuhnfimation , . Our own ooun will'firat be gone over ; all the lend ing cities ( rpm Msinu to the Paciff Coast will bo Afurdol an opportunity t 0 A vlgw bn'clapiofoaturosofthogruatBos tomlan at a reasonable price per capita and any aspirins plug ugly who may b e poaaeuel of the idea that Mr. Sullivam is not invulnerable will be given a chant Lost his condition , Europe , Asia an rlca arc some of the places named to b included in the trip. Y61AIS ago the issue upon which Ito pubhIcanism inNobraaka fought its battle and achieved victory waa whether thi territor yshould be polluted by tlm foe of elavory , Later great questions of p a tional policy , Involving the conduct of mighty'ciyIl war and the rucontruotla of formerly rebellious states , dh idod th party in Nobraka. The echoes of camlalgu in which the issues of a arc ballot and a fair count onterud tutu th canvass have ltardly.dledd away. But to day , upon the eve of p year id ) lvhioh a prcaident is to be elected upon r vhnii C ice hia'gs time tenfro of otfico of 7 ) , ) j op bjs s , a all thbso ijue tiuim d n b Cato a p cancolin tJtu uyos o the OJUAa 7lc u l 'rn before the pain tatount iuuu wtothur , Paul Vandorvoort a $11,400 mail clerk , is lc ho reinstated h the (411co from which Ito hav boon romuovo r ' byAbis uJerspz incompetency , imieul , ordirrit ozl'aad ' lying. , . ij j i 1 r UNRI:1'UIJLICAN if TIIODS AND I'll ! Ili . lLSULTS. Last fall thousands of RcpublicanA in this State protested against mnropublf- can nmotliods , and nn organization which did not represent Iteptdtlicatt sentiment hi Nobraskn. The manipuhatiei of thin Sato Central Comnnittco and limo State convention by the agents of corporate monopoly , the lrnzon-faced defanco of the wishes of time mm as of the party in the noniimlion of candidates whose interests were first of all lhoso of the railroads , oc- cnsfoned the revolt which rrsultcd in the election bf a Democratic troaaurerl and in time election by a narrow majority qi E , 1C , Valentino and James Laird as m11om- hers of Congress from the Second and Third districts it is safe to say that of the thousands of voters who had previously ailfliated with thu ltoptiblfcnn party , bat who ro- fuscu to support its clndidntus , scarcely n bakor's dozen hind any nynmpnthy with the Doutocracy , or wished to change their party allegiance. 1Vitii time principles of Itupuhlicauism , na cmumcinted in party platfornis , lloy were mini are still in fall accord In the practice of the rhugsh rs who hdd obtained control of time Itopnblicau organization Lucy could mint acquiesce. Su long as corpor ate inonopolies pnekeil time primarius , worked time conveumtious nil dictated nominations , they refused to be whipped into hum by shallow cries of party at. legianco. IVlmito decllmifug to be classed a among Limo Itupublicans of the railroad wing of the pitrty , time ; ltcpubiic ri , anti. pmnopOlists anll the anti taunt jy Itc Publicans ciao refusoa to uuuji i thornn sulves wiLht the lenoe'atio orgtuizatiol ; 'i'lmy had then one alma , timid that aiui is thblr's to ihmy , to ruduum the Itopublicau party in this St.rto from the hands of the , corruptiouists and the' rascals who control it , net for thus bwtdllt of Limo pe0Plo , but tin further the-sehonmes and to proteotin their extortions the interests of , torpor. ittu mnonupolios mmd , ' their otgco seolting honclimen. ' , . t.l' AK . " n \Vith thfa end fu v1uw , the Auti-bfem npoliat4 of Nebraska look time only course nvuhlablo to ndministor to the bnscs anti rdugstura of this state the medleino of defeat. They hid protested yn panor and as convuntion urinoritioi tong enough. Pli _ balot , the past remedy , . lay , wftlufn their rusch , and Lie exorcise outside of party lines and against the interest of corporation candidatea was , decided upon' ' The result ottglmt to have taught a lasting lesson to the men who boast that they control Nebraska Itopublicanism. Bight. teen thousand votes , recruited chiefly from Republicans , were cast against Ito. publican nominees in this state. For the first time in the history of Nebraska as a state , the Itopublieau party was a minority party , Time lesson which time Republican Anti- Monopolists and time Anti-Monopoly Ito- publicans Lion and there endeavored to teach to the managers of tie Republican party , was that pop I ular nentiment must be respected I in time ltopublicin omgalmizatiom and it ' its noniuoes. That lesson has not ye t t boon learned by time railroad rmgstor B and time boaeos wlmo have seized upon time Itopublicaui mnacliino in this State to rog _ istor the wishes of their masters , With ' n view to crnwdiug out all discussion u f their platform or their nomminees , tie State ceuttal coummittco called thp judicial convutl'Lion for a ditto witlmiu n'fdw wcoh s of the olectimm. In , open dull mike of th ° adntinmout which last fall throughout the s c0uutrb changed 1,500,000 ltepublicam ' votes to Donmcratio cnududntos , they hav ° again undeavured to auppreasan honest expression pression of time party will , nud they hav u oniphasized their actinmm in this county b y ruftmsiog to peruit Republicnu voters IA imlicmatu , through the primaries , tlmoi choice of dulugaies to the judicial con voutiou , Nothing renainud for time unboughm and time un'mullduzed Ropublicmns nut auiU monopolists of Nebraska but to one moro protest against railroad bossism , b y etulurdng cmndidavos in ncaurd with thou r views on a great issue , timid wlusu dice - Lion would moan auotlmer duto of the nmudieino of defeat to the corporation rid I den Republica orgauizntfnn , muul by er durshig them in advmmico of the Itt publi. I eau nuutinatfuns to stronp the soil of thou r disapproval upon time unrepublieata milli , ode by which an unropublican ergauiza . tmoin seeks to foist nocuous , imowevu r able in thommehros , upon n 1)001)10 de barred front the expression of their wisho in their choice. - A MPJfO1fAIGt. ) INCIDl RT , On May 25 of time present year au foci dent occurred at IIastinge which will liv ) long in that mmmemory of time rdeidunts o 1 that home of enterprise , and of time lion o James Laird , the gentleman front Stink od ing Water. A great editorial exeursio u was paying the city a hasty visit. Thu band was out , and so wore the cituzwma Mayor Lannmug was arrayed ha his storm . clothes , and time Coniossumroi from tl1 e s Second district was present oil more the e dress puaradu , and swelling with the dig f pity and Importance of the duty which hind devolved upon hinm , which was m it lose than "to speak hums piece" to tlmro 0 n hundred eastern editors. Time autiionc ° o woe one worthy of time o00'Lsum , Then u a wore assembled time ropreeeatatives o 0 the loading journals of New Engluul e mad of time great Mississipi valley 1Yashiugtou corrospondemts who him 1 beet iptiantt , + with the gruutus statesmen 'who' have o stalked amid talked mt time umatietial ctpi s kal w ere , resent , , Editous , who inn f1 a ' ; ungrussmmon nn d 6onanterfit llfiassachusuttal Ohio pn d , Illinois , lucid places and froth muusos Ii I $ hat assemblage , gathiorod in the diuium g I room of time Cenunurcinl hotel to recoiv s woleuum to time 1qutropohms of Adam county. It is not surprising that lh lion. Mr. Laird was also at his best , The old "piece" never rang oat in moro atentorialt tones. The glories of our clnnalo , time fertility of our soil , the ox- uheranco of our crops and the hospitality of our citizens received more than the usual send of The peroration was an ox' bition of oratorical and intclloctual fire. works , which dazzled , bewildered and woke to enthusiasm all who hoard it. Time speaker closed amidst rapturous op- plausc , while time band , as if witlm prophotie reference to coating events , struck up the nlr"When , time Cows Come Homo. " lint above the deafen. frig cheers of the assembled citi- zoos and the dulcet notes of the orchestra , n voice rang out with time following appropriate nud remnnrkn- blo words ; "Ceitlenan , I move tlmt this audience mite a recess of fifteen minutes in order that our distinguished visitors any lmavo an opportunity of slinking hands with the Honorablu Jamnes Laird , " 'lime author of this suggeation , which scunred like nn tnapitntwn , lmac remained up to the present tiulo nmoro or loss of u secret. Doc , Ynzoll clninmod that "he done it , but huts clnint was at ouco disputed by Simon Kelloy' , Limo saloon keeper of Itastings and time homesteader from Stinking 1Vater. But as several citizens profess tluonmsolves prepared to awcar that Doc Yazell and Keiloy aimnhtaneously seconded time nro- tion , time honor of uttering this remnrlrn blo expression neat bo given to Mr. Lan tying , thou Mayor of IIastiugs , And moro recently a poor but worthy tiutbor cul- turiston Stinking Water Creek. Amid that honor Mr. Lanuitm shall hero. Time dull pages of history are dot. ted over with time recmitul of acmtes whose thrilling nature immortalizes , heir par. ticipnnte. Nnpoloon's remark before thu battle of time I'yramidsis graven out time heart of every student of history. Wel lington's aside at Waterloo , will live as long as the immune mild Luna of its author. Thme lmprossivo spectacle at Appom atax but emphasized time laconip utterance of the victor tr , thin comquerod. But above all thesu cord far outreaching thorn in picturesque accomnpanimnents anti fn local Imistortc interest is that scone at Hastings on time aftornooilof May 25th , whore , like time "notes of n silver flutotose above time discordant braying of the brass baud and tire chcora of a delighted multi. tudu , trio voice of MAjor Lnnniug , a dear neighbor of time gontlentan from Stiukinq Water , "Geutlomen , I move that this audience take a recess of fmfteemi uminutus in order that our visitors mimay have an opportunity of shaking hands with time Ilonormble James Laird. " Suchn a beautiful and moral spectacle must not be permitted to grow dim in time minds of time present gonoratiomi. As Mr. Lamming wasone of the honest homo- stondors who a month inter oxcurted to the Stinking Water with time rest of time honorable Mr. Laird's "dear neighbors , " wo suggest that Limo Gentlentan from Stinking \Vator , time chief tigger , add Mr. Lannimmg to his great moral show. Ho anuld easily 6e posed m hi s historlo attitude of May 25th , wluon b 0 uttered these moumrablu ; words whiel m will ring down throughm time ages , "Gout- tleuun , I move that this nudieueo take a recess of fifteen ntiuntes , in order that t our distinguished visitors may have aim opportunity to simako lramis with time I honorable James Lititd , " amid with his hnuda uplifted , his hued thrown bide to proud appreciation of the dignity of hi s position tumid the importance of his mru- nounconet , time audiemco would mmcd n detailed lecture to mudorstand fn n mu 'aunt dint mfr , Iammmiimmg inns another noble instulcu of time liouor able James Laird' s kindly diaintorestodnessagenuimmSimor ICulloy pure , double twisted , dyed in thi e ) wool homesteader , frown time regiom u r Stiukiug 1Vutercrook. 11110 IxT611PER D ? t I In his 51100011 in Fairbury ox lust Flu day , befoto time .lulforson county fair ° Suuator Van Wyek entered into a1 ox tendctl exploitation of tie efforts nmdob y hiumsolf amid othera to obtain justice fu r time suttle's on time so-called icueval s bonds. After detailing time exertiau s mmuceasary to unite forces amid br'mmg mill iuturesta to bear upon the demands n ( time suttlurs for reitmbursumeut , he wart on to say : Our main object was to ion ! ) all this force with us G.r tie uext Congress , wld0lm would havu belul done laud not , unfdrtnnutoiy , uttm p uunasols hm crferod. IVo also desired to sta Inleeedttage cma the part of Knoval. , wide 3 was subsnumtlally Bono. Above ill othurs the actual settle re ' were best protected. Not a foot of thcl r laud could be takeu , The occupymml rg claimants' net of tin. State secaed thumm that mull taxes and iugn oveuiemmt' sluuld In . drat ushl. In mme event could Kuevals lsav ° obtahed froum tbunm mare than tie acney they 0 voluntarily . Now they tire forced to en t ember their IandA by mortgage , which mmu y prnvo a greeter bother to some than Kuevala ' title , Prue , In many caves decrees imavo bean on toned , but without proof or atipulation , and m uuutd readily have bcumm opened , o Knevals wanted to get old of time mmien win were utuet in tlee way mind could Iuoll him it check amid bad an nppareotand real advantage mid ho Mucceedod fu ubtainhug what lie una Early heat aunmer a ehaot gmu policy w 1 pnelaluied ha the Immteroet , of thasettloma ; soot this knight err mntry bocane u ldlant , humbl e ' auppiiant , at Nail Feet of Kuevals iii Aoiv Yur ek r City , 1b00 udlus away , Is suechisg him mime him temm + , wlmich he did-:3.M ) per acr osshtime sottlure to mild in his further contnj with time uuu ssttlersaud ho would riot iroanls mmy all In thu pissagu of a relief bill by Con grtwe. Fromm simnt gulte and blood to a su1iplleatln g f attltudn tvis a long dletaute , The charge wm gs MMetIlilmisf , tilyrefiru it is mysterlnus and tvon , dorful th it Knuv da ojuld mono the m cii nud buanle a' if' lm" owned thsm ; too wondurfmml Li be aeauuned for by a siuldu , , cldldliko , tiuneM Iguoraieu , Sii'h m oudere cover happen ext t el t f rimn deej ' leslgn , e / e e e e ' 1 still I mn hopnftll w'u may rep mfr the clam agedome by thb + uufortuuate bruakfug up th forcei. I I Irohinve tla t Cnagress will dcfdmmd the ua tl"n'Mtltlatitheextantof hmdeuiidfyhm' ' ; srsr y loan by elm psyumoutof whatever tummy be hoc eesary to lisaks good that title. m Senator Yun Wyek neglected to give the ntimoof Limo party who interfered t o oI o secure a suttlunmomt front time settlers it s time iuterost of 1Cuevals. It was tint Ilomm ' e Jamue6 Laird , time gentleman from Stink fug Water. We do not pretend to say whether or not Mr. T.airl wmms as diem. terested in his diems em bolmalf of tbo settlers on the S t , , Too .C 1Vestern halide a9 he was on behalf of llisdear neighbors , LimesettiuraonSttnkingWatorcrcck. We do nok chtirgo as sonmo of those wlto lave boon forced to mortgage their hulls to meet Knevals claim , arc now charging that Mr. Laird was pocuuiarily interested to the extent of from 25 to 50 cottta an nerd ill securing time compromise jm a basis of $ .1.50 . cash for each acre reic soti to time settlers. But we d0 charge tlmat , viewed front the most churitabe ; st mmtl- point } Mr. Laird's action , iii iutorfuring with time plans of Senator Van Wyck nud other coutmeel of time settlers , tvaa unwise nud unwarrantable and prejudicial to every interest involved but that of Kne- vnle himnself , Time 1tallroatl Tax Uuuiumlon. San 1'randsco Chronicle. Time decisiot of tlmo United States Cir cut Court for this circuit on time Sou Mateo ommty tax case was mod ism court yesterday by Judge Field of time Uuitcd States Supronie Court , Justice Sawyer havnmg written a separate and comcmr ing one , time rcndmg of almich was dispensed whim , ' 1'hmo decision surprises no tau ac. quiililcd : with.Judge Fiulti's course of time Supronme Bunch in Limo Illinois uleva- tur cares , in which he dissented frouu the Immjotity of time court. flu holds Nat the muodu of taxing limo property of railway eospgrmtions pr'escribut by our Btate Cutl- stitutioi violates time iuteuit mid uteammiug of time fuurteertlm munendueut of time Fed. erml con4titutiion , and , therefuro , that time assessniemmt of the property of time Soutlmorn I'amcitic i8 Slut blutco and other counties , without ahlowing deductions to time full oxtemmt of time mortgage on said property , was illegal mad void , This whoto tuestion has bcon so oftou road so fully discussed fn time cnlumns of the Chronicle that it is needless to go over the same ground hero. We cony repeat , imowevor , that limo reason why our consti tutiou nssosses time mortgage of mm eorpa rati n , bung quasi public m character , tote to Line umrtgagor and not as in the case of natural pursues to time mortgage , is because - cause time mortgagee fu time frost case is nearly always a non resideit and it e prnporty nut capable of seizure by our au- tliotities fur nom paylnunt of taxes. Thu decision takes no notice of tine disliuet- 1on ; but , giving Lima widest latitude of cmistructiou to the fourteenth mmmnond- umeumt , mikes out mmconllict between that and our local constitution , which is sent to tho'wall , at least until'suclm tinmu as the Supreme Court of time Ummited States can reverse time actiomi of the Circuit Court by a different construction of time intent and scope of the fourtecntim ameudnmunt. Nothing can be regarded as settled mmtil the case shall be ducided on appeal from this court to the Supreme Court , and the appeal { viil be taakemi as soon as possiblo. If the 01)1111011 of Judges Field amid Sawyer - yer ahall be sustained , it may be taken as guaranty against thuright of any State to tax time property of a railway corporation mid a bid for mortgagee , fradulamt or otherwise , to cover. the full vaitu of such propotty. It virtually exempts time Southermm Paeific from taxation , for as it is mortgaged more than theasseased value' f the road and as time morlgago cannot be reaclmed by our haw , there remains - mains nothing that tie State can tax. We are far from believing that the Su prenme Court will aflirm any such a doctrine - trine for time promotion of fraud amid the oppresniom of States by tire creatures of their creation , This is not protecting the rights of corporations on au equality 0with natural j rsimus. It is time timiu 11 nap cord woof of a web to enable corpo rations to segue privilkgcs and inununi- tics which no uutural poraot can enjoy , _ Nttlonal Appropriatlous. New York Star , Time mpmostiun of appropriations will hnvo no little influeucu in time orgauiza tWit of time next House. There is a du- maid 1n tlm Soutlmw ° st for a largo mip propriatioi for time improveneit of the ' Mississippi amid other public works. A claim hums been put forward to time effect that time South lane not had its full shmaro of Limo public nouey for simeim works , romd cominequemmtly the nation is in debt , And I Mr , Carlisle him been forced by his friends to allow n potion of one of his spe001mus om time subject t , be printed its f order to satisfy time people of Limo Southwest - west that him is not opposed to appropriations - ations for timcir'aoctron. 'J'he ' fin ores for eighty years almov that time Southwest line hmud its full share of time puhlic tntnu } ' , ' 1'lmo whole expoudituro for river roil latbor imn rovomemmts for - eighty ' anmuits to $105 000,000 , of wmic$9,819,000 line been ox vended in Now Yrk , $7,91G,000 in Michignim a 3GOGO,000 nu 1Viscomisin , gl,149,000 , iu llliuois , amid $5145,000 in Missouri , Time expenditure in time Southwest limit been quite ms la go aim a basin of populatfmm mad property , tint this claim is false fn ptiuciplu. It mtssumea tlmat the publio umonuy should be distributed equally amnoug Sates and sections , without regard - gard to t ho inmportaneo of time work to be done , It treats the a proprintion ns spoil , roil insists otm min cgmma1 due. , trbution. Such a view violates time principles on which time appro. priatiom is made , Time idea is that time Federal Cover muent shall do only such workk as time defense and safety and I welfare of time whole country deummd. 'Piero is no question as to time importaneo of improving time Mississippt river , it is a thousand timoe visor to spend the pub. lie money iii preventing its destructive ' nvurflovs and rendering it more avafiabie for navigatiun throm to waste it om books 1 whichi cannot be discovered on any map , and possible harbors which comunorco will not require for the next thousand years. I Tlmo proaunt ayetem of log rulling appr-o priatmombills through Congress , by giving a portion of the plunder to ouch State in ardor to secure time votes of its members , I is time product of Republican corruption , and as pernicious as it well can bn. If a Denocratio Congress does not abolish that corrupt ayateni it will fall mu ono of its umost iniportant duties , TimoUhamplon Dcadlauatl. Now York Star , Mr , thunry Villard's Nortlmerut I'ucifo oxeursiomista are not a model lmapp Gmnitumid the mnamu trouble , as sot fort t ' by tmee correa idette , is cased by that hlnoumimm , time Earl of Onalow. Tim bo iumm wit ) , , it Is cluinmd that he wmus not s outuioousl hn'ited , but solicited arm i bir , Villard was too i cntmrloous amt polltic to refuse to a man. bur of time Brjtislm peerage. Thmerouion the aristocratic Onslow brought along /us / wife , his sister and two servants , It me to bu infurrcd that he has no coueirs or aunts r lie would have carried thous with him also , Etnbarkod of the train for thmo driying I of time golden spike , Onslow wanted a wh.iu car to himself , and ho ultimately made hhuaolf so dtsagroeablo to his M ! p p 'a Cures Scrofula , Erysipelas , PimpIos and Face Grubs. Blotches , Boils , Tumors , itot- tOr Humors , Salt Rlioam , Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial Diseases , Female Weakness and Irregularities , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , Juandice , Affections of the Liver , Indigestion - gostion , Biliousness , Dyspepsia - sia and'Gonoral Debility. A roune of eurdoak nloo l nittn . .ill the . ' . , eeteet lilot.l 1'ermaer 00 mo.t tii eptleat that II te the ( earth. Sold hl airectlonInemeeenlanruaxet. mince , ha' . rOSI ES , MILBURN & CO. , Prop's , Bufa'o , N.Y.A English mssengcrn that a special clir had to ho assigned to hfui in order to provcnt a riot. Other hinted guests loud brought friundv m'ithm than , or hind sole subetitutcs to euje.y time pfcme , bat none of thew lend time 1m11ctinmmlemmlll check of Oumehiwr , mime , being relegated to the and of the train nuxt time baggngu vnn , made hie car hia castle , nud refused to let nay body peas through it to obtain needful articles frntu time trunks Mr. Villard's prueata slmomld present n brass medal , suitably inscribed , to the E sal of Onslov. It trust hnvo been his pnralyzingmtssumption "f doadhcnddigmmmty that prevented Mr. Evarts' oration fromm containing a solitary semteueu longer than nine average rails. 1'i ItSONI1LtTiES. Motljeska smokes cigarettes null defends the use of tliellr , bliss Maud Banks , danghto : of Comm. N , 1' . Backs , goes ma the platform thf + seasuu mit an eluetniuuiat. She has been i.tudyimig in Eu- rope. ' ! bin Ilontlrick's canvass ba Iowa i said to be afailure hecauee'1'omn If Dlr , llemmdiicke is uIo he will travel tuith an electric nmacltiuo uoxt season , Perhaps Mary Churchill has gone to meet time Nhutesuta cyclone which mysteriously disappuared imnnediately after becoming no- quaiuted with Phtebe Cozzmms. RDr. Charles E. Davis , a Newport plty'sician without practice , whom everybody supposed Li ) boahn"sta.pauper , loft Sl00IOO behfud hhn wheuhe died time other day. Ruecoo Cuukling is a grandfather , but we do not hear that lie is boasting ubuut it. It is under such circumstance as these that the hallows mmturnmur amid tit t deeps are dumb. It is authoritulively denied tiat fay Gonltl's soil George mill take to the theatrical stage. This duuial will relieve the public of time throatemied mocessiiy of taidug to the woods. Father Cape1 , who is a I'rntestaut turned Catholic , is to be followed to this co nmry by Fattier ilyacintlie , who is a Catholic lurued Protestant. Timoy shnuid useet as Luther's birthday and have a debate. It is said dint lfary Anderson will celabrate her 19th birthday next June. It is ho ietl Itlay Svill keep the engagement , as shu lass been promisuug the sane thu.w every year Mace she first went un time stage , Mrs. ICutlrarina Chase , as the European loo. tel registers give time nummmo of time laudy who a few nmuths ego was klmnwn a + Mrs. Cathariue Chase Sminguel has beau staying at Carlsbad , In Bohemia , w rtlm her three daughters. IIatmibal Hamilnshould1)0 placed in charge of time next Arctic expedition. " A guntiomiuun who can go thruugli through the 'ellumutu of Muiue every year without ail overcoat would not ho likely to return without the polo. The Prince of Wales declares that if his royal smother insists upon Tualiysmt writing a poem out thin into Joint lirum u , Iw mill have something of a sinmilur nature on lfarwoud Betwemm time two the poet laureate's lot is not a happy one. Queen Victoria , according to an American newspaper ciirresiondomt , amt duly has a duo- he ehfol but ' upon Imer up or lip a line of down which on a less royal person w nuhl be regarded us un undeniable moustache. " God shave time Queen ! Youug George Vanderbilt Is worth several nmfllit a chillers m iii own right , nmd ha is about to begin the career of n nhcu reporter for a New York daily. It is safe to coiiehuto that , ii itli that unu.immt of money tvtthlu his reach , his advancemmcat will be rapid , Don Cameron is h Letter lmealtim than over , amid the vaarab o , imeu Cuumcruu has just sprouted his third set of natural tooth. 'hlero is no lmiger miy doubt that the Uamermm 6ar- iiy hoe smutted in to outlive Pennsylvania , wad the best thing fur Peunsylvauia to do under time circumetaices is to perish as soon as it cau. The Prince of Wiles doesn't remoniber to have been swabbed by Nary Andrmeuu. lie line not becu ht Lnttdmi eitic , the promisiog young Kentucky hilly reached this menupulis , and he ( mows rtotbimg ubuut her engagement there further than the receipt of a letter from 1)r. Irusulitou GItliu , inclusieg i u order to uams four to the nmdue : , " mail a request for his royal iii inees to "please s amid mime your or- tograpim. " The Cnllfnrnia papers toll this story of IIenry 1Vart1 Ileecher : Time great pre shier , was stopping bite his cnrmhu a in front of tlm , Coliseum lu Oaklnud , ii lucre he had Ix en loc. turing , uhmr a lady uuule a gulch ndvamcu npun , the preacher , and , seizing hint by time hand , dutahmed hhn nutil'sbu had hnpresscd a large loud m'unnkiss upuubisnuntth , 'Phu de , Ilgimtrd spectators ehautril mu vigtuous ap iruv , al. Genra Shornman , the boss kisser , will be Jullous of lceury. Very wealthy , indo'd , Is Joe .Teffersam. Ito has a hire rust ionmo over at llobokus , N , J , One of hie sous , 'Poi , is an actor in his cont. may , mutt mother is his business'umunnger. . Neither ho nor any mneuber of his family hiss mucim to du socially witlm stage people , though Tosu monied A1iss I'uul , an actress. lie is a holtovur in spiritunliaum , amid it is said that lme seas-or thinks ho does-tho spirits of lien' thick lludsun's men prdnduently present dur- lag his scene with time ancients him Limo tnoun- tails , He will nut talk alt thesubject for pnb' licstlon , lest lie should ho aectised of using his religious views for advertising purposes. THE CHEAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAINS uellrt ra mild reree nil 1'Ub1r17'1SM. ; Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , 421IIWiIII P nu'us4'ut : , ; ; aBnhiEADACIIBT00T1iACil& ° h snRt nmo6 . ( nil sv.hss..sni IM .I S'it.9lNti , f hi ! imcalmracc i Soreness. Cots , Urulses , . 1' ' t PltOv'l'IIITI:4. .11 I futr1pp II tavetd6mt ; rslilm : s , ) , I AP.f s , i AIIdMlillnlrrPeeIIIyacute yPS ' IU , nud mina' . , l fIFTYCENTSftBOTTI.I : I t iI i wddbyullputxl + esanl IB'S' ' Ii'ut'r , Iii Is ' t11 I i IUIIRanNx 1411r The Charles AVogultr I I DUFRENE & MENL1ELSS9/IN , ARCHITE CTS gRBkZOYBD TO OMAIIA NATIONAL BANK ILUtNO. -t ' Dry Goods ! f CO. , Washington Avenue and Earth Street , . - - - ST. LOGIIS. MO . JOHNSON & CO. , WhoIea1e Grocer to AND JOlmfEltS IN FLOURI SALT , SUGAR S CANNED G001 SM NU ALL CTROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR , BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER COPe t Pe GOODMAN , Wholesale I Druggist . , AND DEALER IN t. 1 i i aM ¶ illdO Glass > > OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oi TOCake. . It' , , the beet and cheapeet food for stock of anyrtlnd. One pound I. equal tothree ; roundsof corn Shuck fed with Orouud OII Cote ha the Fall sum Winter , Instead of rumming down , will increase In xelgh ' and lw in good nmrketahlo cundinon In the epringJ hatryniml , as.Rell as others , u'ho use It calm testily its merits. Try it suit judge for yeurseleee. , , Price rt .See per ton ; no charge for sack. . Address , n4 ooltdue wuIMAN ) ) IINBRRD 011 , COMI'ANYOtnnht CO1' I MPOItTERSf OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A 1 N h I D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAND S. Reina victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination Grapes , Progress , Nebraska Wyoming and Brigands. - - ' , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. f SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES , tj'L ' M Gk G . . ,1 r . * ,1f f 1 e % w a ° l > Rl ee GATE CITY MIlLS 0 MANRFACr Into OF Camenters' 1) ' ' -AISO- Sasb , Boors , Blinds1 Stair s Stair RaiUoas , Batcstcrs , Yrtll a y & Boor Fr aG1GS1 &C' Flret elaes faeliIUes . for ' the manufacture of all thsie of Mouldmugs. l'laning and Matching a epeeialty' Orlem from the a.untry'wlll tw prinnPtiv exeeuted. Address all rvnn"uelotlonu to Aa 6101'elt. ; I'ngirlrto a i 4 i Eq a YANUFACTUUxn or OF wr'luo'rrx Ftityr'.eLAn9 Carraaes ! , BuaaieRoad agoll AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. ism0 and lstt Ilarnoy Street and. 103 8 , 16th atr.ot , - . - . . U lr.ted Oat.lorue lumishe d free upon apptmcatm. i atr.otOMA ? A , ' NEB On Long Time--Small Payments , allufacthrers Prices , Ae ilospe Jr Isle SODOli 'mum j. eee ® e . - ASK YOUR OItoCRRS FOR ' 11111 _ _ OMAHA DRY HOP YEAST1 ' 1VAR1tANTED NEVER TO FAIL. , Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Ooe ti 001tNL'R 16ff AND DAVENPORT B ' 1 m m' t , I