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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1883)
' \L : : . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. : lii I R.TEENTI-J YEA2"zub ' OMAHA , NEB. MOINNG , SEPTEMBER 25 , 1883. . . NO. 85. p In UNFMUP4O ' AM ) ) NALLflL ' I , 'LvRvJ p Stcknes Spasm , , F ftl I L n g ' 1on , St. Vltua Dncc , Alcoholism , , Opium ThtIng , Seminal Wctkncss , Im- I potency , SypWlts , Scrofula , nnd all Nervous and Blood DlGoasoa. . 'To Clcrgymc.n , LawversLitcrnry Men , , licrclianth , Bankers , Ladles nntl nil who'e E(1CfltfltY enhl'IoYtnCnt cnnscs Nenous ' Iratlon , Irregularities of the blood toninch , ( , bowels or kIdneys , or vlio tequire a tcno L tonic nppetlzcror sLtznulcntSalnar2hm . .Vez' . I - rind l Invalitabie. : prhnILthotnost V.OfllCI1Ui 1 _ _ _ _ ztnt that ever suta1n- . . cd a sinking system. 4 $ , t Druggists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ThODR.S.A.RICIIMONDr' ; MEDICALCO. . Solo Pro.L CiyLJEHOR l flCD. . . .IICU.UIL i5It ) . io THE PUBLIC ! . Investigate for Yoursolvo. - otnartr.UcIorsI ! Orohan hsvIn publlghcd - willful and tuailcious falsehood In regard to the chsr. ctcrof Thu Louistana State Lottery CouIany , th. toiIowIn fact. nm gIvers to thu iuLlio to jroYe his statnicnt , thatwo arc engged in a trnud.I.nt t tnvs , to L , fa1o and untrue : Amount ol PrIz intd by The Touiiana State Lot.- t teI ) COi11R7Iy fromJgtnuar 1 , 2870 , th pre.ent dete : I- raid to sonthoril ExIres 1.0 , , Sew Or1eu , , , t T. \Vcseott. . Manager 1,36d,8OO l'ad ! to Louisiana ntionai fl&nk. Jo , . U. Oglesby , PreMtteit . . . . . . . 46LP00 raid to T.oniataa : Stto National Banc , 8. 11. Kennedy , t'resldcnt 105,100 . Paid to Now Orlean , National Ilink , A lbiblwiis ircsIoent 05,550 . Fald to Union National Uank , . S. CLrtaron Ca.'hiar. . . . . . . . 01,450 , . , raid to Citizen , ' hank , , ) E. L. Carrkru , Pres dent' 51,000 PAIdtoUenflftnIaNlt.onnl flank , 'e . Jule , Caaeud , L'realdent . . . . . . . , , 50000 lsidto Ilibernia National flank , . . Chfti4.t'alfr..y. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 Paid toCannillank. Ed. Toby , Cu.ahier 18,100 Fald to 1XuttiI National flank. ; Jo5. Sittehel , Cashier 8,200 Totril vad as above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IaIdmsumeofunderb1,000 at the ' , , arloue ofitcee of the ( ompany ,1 throughout theUnlted3tatoe. . . . . . . . . . 2,521,410 Total paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , , & 5urtlo trutho'thoabove ? tatewerotertha public to the oflccra of the above nanicd corporatIois , and . ; . torourlqallty nntistandlngtothe MayorandOtflcera , ' ; r at the City .1 Now Orluan. , to tim State authoritiesof ' Louisiana , and alototho U. S. OU1c1a1 of LouiilanL Wo claim to be ligal , honest end correct In all ou trajnictiois , as much so a any buaince In the coon try. Our tatt1n Is conceded by all who will inves tlgat.cand ourstock has for years been.siIat , ui .Iloard of Broker. , and owned by many of our beat known and reapeeted eltben. . 11. A. DAUPhIN , President . , LCAPITAL PRIZE $7ooo Tickets On1 3 , Sharosin roporhon. Louiialla state Lottery Coiiian ( , , do Iebj oert/y that we inlverriwe C/ui a , , ranfjcrnen ( , , icr all 1/se MonAiy an4 Sc.4oa , Dratvaje 0/ the T.osana State Lottery Cospau . add neson rnau.aje and controZ the Di awiv ? , . theneeiet's. andtlLaf 1e some are ccmilucecf wi , , hotleetyfairn.eas. 011(1 in jyoodjaifh focard oft a. . ie.s , and w ctuthoize the company to tue t1ii ce tfficate , t.5ith fac 41nile , of cur ajnafslrst a14achi I a.Irerthe-rnents 3 . ; , , , , - OOMMlM1O5na. . Incorporated In 1558 for 25 yeara by the IcglIatu7 , for educational and charitoble purposed-with a cs , Hal of 0l,00tO0-to ) which a reaerve fund of ova 4550,000 has since been added. , fly an werwbelmhig popular vote Its franchie was niado a part of the precelit ttete constltutl n t. . L adopted 1)ecetnber Sd , A. 0. 1870. Tlw only Loffery ever voted on and eadorud b 4hCpC(5)It ! 0. ! any state , t nerer Sccitea or Postpones. Its grand single number drawings taki place monthly. . A S1'LENflII ) OPI'OItTUNITY TO WIN A FOt. - TUNE. Tenth Grand Drawing , ( ilaa K. at Now Oi J lena , , TUESDAY , OCV. 11th , 1883-ISlet MonthS. CAPITAL PIUZI , 7boo0. . 000 flCKS7It4 at FIVF SMUt. nat . tIon , In Fifths iii I'roportlon. 1.1eV OP IRII3. I CAV1TAT I'ILIZF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .moca I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,0 $ . I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 2 PI11ZF.OS' eo4y ) . . 12,00 0 dci 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00. 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 . 00 d'i 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00 100 .10 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00 500 'Jo 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,00 500 d3 tO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00 1000 do 2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00 ArsoaItlTtot rnleri. 0 Approxlnia'tt"n Prizee of p750. . . . . . . . . . . 0,75' . . . 0 do do 200. . . . . . . . . . . 4,5o 0 do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,261 . 1957 PrIzes , amounUn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . - I Application for rates to clubs sbcul.l be nwle on1 I the ottico of the Company In New Orleans. 1' Forfurtherlnformatlon write clearly gning II , . ddreat. Slake P. 0. Money Orders payable and address flezlatered Lettora to ' N5SV ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK . New Orleans , IA. Oriiaary letters by Mall or Express to II A. IJAUI'IflN . . or If A. DAUPIHN , Now Orleans , La. 801 Seventh St. Washington , ft C - I - . ' . LOllIANA ! STATE LOTTERY GO B. Frank Moore ; 127 La Salle Sti'eet. Chicago. i tS'nrtnorly 310 axi1 212 ltrowlway , N. V. ) Ziow z1aiiaer of ( Jhlmg" Othei. To wUoiit apply to Itiformation an.1 tickets. lOut Monthly 1)rai Tuesday , Oct. 9. First Capital l'rtu , 71,0O0. Thheti $ i. f3'14 It fibs at SI ear ) , . fee full scheme ,4soahere. , l , : TO BRIDO1 BIJILTEItS. Notice Is Iteruly 1veit tfst ( lie Iluait of C.Ultty r ( iulttlltleWlUflttttI ofOageCuttitty NebruAc , lIreceie . . , with llatl ) at5 , ' o1tl atluni , for the reo. 8 tl'u if a brllguacros. the rl' 1lu lUt ci on acetloti 13 , tIt'lI 4 north , raiu , S toiCt , near the CaIdwoti 6 ! slt. ) 'rita lrfu ! to conlet , if b'&UIa of one huttired (100) ) feet t.tIi , if wHhl lrjri. or cititldittlttn , with roadway of s xt-cii ( Ia ) feet. tuid to re.t tyn a butt. atructttro of thirty threu (81) ( ) reek ftiIed , peecd ! and ' thorughlv ava'Q , I , i'Ilc' , to is at luss. lxte-it ( IS ) buttes fri , llsrne teat at butt attl thirt ) ( ) feet itt l.iigth . to bu Sun ! ) ' dclv . en silt ! t liorotiglity llt.1 anti bra' ad an ti t'aq.ed with Uinlcrs hut less lust , tt cit ei2)tueliss ) by taclys (12) ) Iticltca. A Is ) two aitI'roaeheo , one of forty (4' ) feet and one et one hun.lrel atid tentt.flvu (125) ( feet. 'I All znatethti 14) be subject to the lns.cetIon of the ' lion. cottllty cuwiniealuoers for their aecutaneo or r.3.o . I The bridge and Ipi)105ChCS ) may be let together or separately. ( 'lbs ' buocuesful bldle or bidders will be requlr.d to "give bun , ! to the county With at least two good \ and sufficient .urct'ot , In a 0110 vjuaI to double lbs amount of the coolract to be approved by the cons. rnlsoioncrs , conditioned fur the faithful jerformne. 01 the contract ' I Tue ooziitna.ionere $ rsasrve the right to rj.i an , or aft bids , All must be aeslal and endorcd "Uridge ' prol.o8&le" and eeldreMod to the Hosed of County onibeItClSCl GageCounty , Beatrice , Nebruka , en or before itoon of October ID , itss , at whIch Unto and liar. all propods will be onened. Ill order of the oouasy this 21tt 47 Cf August , 1853. LBeall A. .1. , ep851i.1I-25 Ueuay Verk ! \ FIVE CENTS FOR A CHROOI Vlith a Frce Ride from Ghicao to I - ianao1is Thrown Ill. Pare Roduood So Low that Ooir duotors Can't ' Make a Niokol. TIu' ltt'iiisrkatitlt' I"JgIeL 01 5 ltn Olilues. u atuti I.IttlMvlilt ttltCl 11015114. 'I iti' tti , Soptetuber 24.-Tho 1401118 vilit' . tiV Albany Chicago iiiattgttratcd a ct1t to IlttliflflaIOhs , Cinclitunti aitti other poltith its coittpotitiolt with tito Pan handle tlis niornuttg , as nniiouitccd in their dispatches last. night they WoUld ( It ) . Titus far the cut haa no itoets Islut by the l'ahl Handle , anti titus far the Eastern Illiiiois and Kttnknkuo lines Isavu itt Collie hito the fight , but it is conceded - ceded that they cauttot stay out if the light lanth. During tim forenoon scalit. ers were selling tickets to Ilidialiatsolis aLILl L ttistllle tot 85 to 'JO cents , attd a rate of no cents by the roads themselves is atiticipated before imight. The Lottiaville , New Albany and Clii- caflo road Immul tititigs all its own way during the day in selling' tickets at time rate of $1 to Indianapolis and at local rates from Indianapolis to points beyommd , whicli of COUrSe mmmdc a cut to Cincinnati , Dayton , Columbus and other POitmtS. Late to.nitzht , however , time Pats Handle and ICankakeo lines decided to moot time cut amid will begin sellimig at the sanmo rsto to.mnorrow mnornmg. ' [ 'Ito Kankakeo linoitas not heretofore taken iart in the war amid it was not noticeably atfecteil by the cut when confined to Chicago and. Louisville , but when extended to In- dinnapolis , Cincinnati and oilier points , the Kaukakeo line was forced into tlio , fight , and iiow promises to moe atiy tit made by anybody. The Cincinnati and Indianapolis cuts have also forced time Chicago and Eastern IlliI7ois road into - to time row , amid , judging by its first miiovo , it pron1ise to be quite a marked factor in the problem. It announces to. night that it will begii to.morrow selling tickets to Indianapolis , including a citro. 1110 , for 5 cents. It is understood that the 5 cents is for time chromno , amid that them fare is thrown in gratis. To points beyond indianapolis time regular local faro will be cimarged , as is dommo by the Louisville , Now Albany & Chicago , mmialc- nig time rate from Chicago to lioimmt8 muened as follows : Cincimmitati , $3.55 ; D.nytozm , $3 :35 : ; Springlicid. $4 ; Umbaima , $4.30 ; Columbus , $5.35. Thu oflicors of this limme say timey have beemm forced into time fight , amid tlmoy to mmtnko it tie Imtt as 1)ossibie. Time Louisville , Nosy Albammy & Olmieag9 ieoilo say they are prclared to itmuct time rates immade. It is iimmpossiblo to say wimero time mmmattcr will stop. 01310-tOO ? OTI.1. CIIICAO0 , Scptuimmber 24.-Work was resumimed this mnornil'g at time roiling mumils , outim Chicago ; 1,800 muon vemit in. \Vacs will be paid on time I'itthburg scale. Time now board of trade clearing lisuso opened for business Timero was a great crowd of clerks nbout'timo windows all morning , amid it was imnpossiblo to got through hut.ineas at 11 o'clock , time imour tmtttiiett for closing. As a result probably nobody will be posted , though several iirmns failed to nmake any statemitent to time clearing lmouse. There was much confus Hill , as time statenmumit by di1Imreimt firms did not agree. In some cases firms reported - ported tradet with otimor pam'ties to time saimme deal , and failed to report them owing to ' 'z ilmgitg" ncttlennommts Saturday. Time success or failure of tue mmew arrammge- mnetmt seetne to remain aim oimemm questiomm. Lord Coleridge visited time stockyards and packing imouse to-daywill ; drive emi time tmortim side tommmorm'ow , and lutmcim witim E. \Vasiilmurn , e-Mimmistcr to Fmammce. The Oriental Consietery kztigiiL , to time nummmlor ) of over 1,000 , left this evening for Oincmimmmati nmmd Louisville. About imalf of Viilards Northern Pacifm cxcureionists arrived Imoro at 1100mm Oh their return trip. They spent time after- flOOli ill a visit to Pullman , and left this evening for time tast. : Vilimird tleclnmed to be interviewed relative to time 'tYall street raid on Nortimermi Pacific stocks. Time gates of tite State fair grounds svoro timrowim open so-day , but it was miot intummded to be mmmoio tiutmi arrangilmm for eximibitors to get their eximibile itt readi. imess. No judging and no racing took liace. There is a vastaggregatitum of time various breeds of horfies , cattle , tmlmeep , swimme and 1)0UitY1 amid a large daplny ; of agricultural imnplcnienta. Speed. trials begin to-morrow. Time corner stone of time new public manual training scimool , to be erected by time Cimicago Commercial chub , laid timia afternoons Jamimes T. McKay , late of Pimiindoipimia amid only ommo day iii the omjmloyimmoitt. of a large notion house here , going imp in time elevator to-mmigitt , nttonmpted to get esfl at ( ho fourth floor , but was cstughmt and ground to death between the elevator atmd wail. CizmtmAcmo , September 24.-Last night watt quitt' cool and after mmiidtmiglit calum and choar. 'I'imore wan , liosvover , no frost in the city , ama ! as far as can ho learned , 210110 uS timit stmrm ouiidimig country. I4ord ClierilgtS ( 110(1 inutmmlior of time Ncss York itar now its time city. imavo no- c1mtctl aim iimvitat ilam to Imear Ditli'ts Stan. ilard Operit. Comimitaimy in "heart amid hlammd" tlmi ovtmjiiir. , . Gel lift I taittiC 1) ! ! Ilti tiV. , BosToN , St'tetiiiier ! 25.As a result ( ml time split itm the Ort..oimhack party in ilto State , 1. , 1ormdy Boytiton , tmf tue Natiommal Comimismittee of the Grecitback 14:51)01 : itlty has isetteti a cmiii for a lii teimhsa ic Coitvtitttioit \Vorceater , Oc. toltor 16th , to mionsimsate a ttckst. Time call protests ngaiitst time commvuntion in BOSLOIm to.mmiorrow , as witlmotmt lmrecctlttmmt ill the history of tue patty , asmni also agahllet COmm. hiutler's statoitmcmmt that time mission of the Greenback iarty had been accoumplisshied , A haiti sits Jewelry. Damomr , .Suptemnbcr 24.-It was dia- covered during the day yesterday titat the jewelry store of F. Italehovun imad boon robbe'l the niglmt before of sonmo $15,000 worth of goods , its near as can be estimated by hasty invontry of time stock. The work was clonic by experienced - perienced burglars. Ca : . on thu liridgo. : Niw YORK , September 24.-Railroad rs wore run for the public to-dayomm time Brooklyn bridge for time first time , The fare is 5 cents. 'Limo cars are imsuied across time bridge by cable mimi grip. The time iii crossitmg is eight mmmitmutes. After time cars imad burnt rumulimig a fossimours , travel mimtlly fell nir. The secret BessiflhltI oF time ItoimusmiCatim- elk council of the IIS 1lico of Now York opeimeti timis lmtormlilmg , aimd will be comitin. ued title week. - OAI'ITAh NOTFS3. rits : HULUTtI m1.ATmS. W.t.sirmNlroN , Suimtemmiber 24.-Timu Sc cret Service lttireatm of the Treasury Do- tmtm'tllloltt at'o itiforimied of time capture of time ltilttth jmiates for priimthmmg conitterfuit tt1 (11)11115' certificates mtmmd tomm dollar mmotes Oh the bank of ? slntmtreal. AiFfihi lllLl.'it SiiRM. Puns following mmamed jmcrsoims imavo tip- jdicntmomse Ott file in time 'Vvenstmry 1)epart.- mflummt ft slpervnitlg architect to sue o hut : 1. tlytrt. : , of t1 icimigmum , recent. tmmemteted by tue .Di teitigimm Coimgrcsmtiommal delegittiomt ; .J no. l'rmscr : , \Vasldmmttoim , rccommmmmmcndud Imy Catmmerotm , of Puimimsylva. mm im : , mmd7tmi : Vb'yck , of Nebrnsia ; E 'P. Gordom ammd P. Cummmtmmings , of Philadul- Pimili , itimil .1. P. Lisv , of Vn.MiliIlgtomm. Tue last. mmasmmed is at Proseimt in charge of time draftstmmumi divisitii , of time architect's otilco. A JtIVfli % 'ItEOl. Time Centennial Strilces a M15141145i55p ! Log aitmil Sittke. MEMI1IIS , Seimtonmlmr24.-Tlme mtteatmmer Cemmtuimnial , Capt.Vmmi. . litmrkc , cmi route from St. Lotmis to Now Orienmis , struck a log yesterday afternoon , five miles above Hale's Poitmt , Tenn , , mtmmd sank in mmimie foot of water. Time Centommuimil imad a large cargo of freight aboard , includimmg 1,000 barrels of flour and other.goods iim time hold , wimich will be seriously ( lanm- aged. 'Fimo passommgers of time sttmmkon steamer wore brought imero to-day by time stcammmerOemusviuvo. Sue is laying straigimt. with mmimmo feet of water nit time atermm ammd tioveim feet forward , ttmtd simo still rests on time log which caused , her to liii. It is tlmougimt time freight stored emi imer mmiimm deck myth escape damnmmgo. little's Poimmt is 130 nmiles above here. Time wreckimmg steammmer 'I' . F. Eckert , will go to Imer an- sistammco fronm imere. ItmilitisatI tteeiltiImt. CINCINNATI , September 24.-Later ye- ports fromim time accidoimt near Seymour , Intl. , on thu Ohio stint 11ississippm road simow imo killed. Time five peraomm left mit Mitcimoll , Willie Dickens , Albert Dickens , .J . V. 'I'tL3'hi. srifu timid child , all boummd for DeSotu , Kansas , mire doimmg ivell timis mimormlimmg , mmd in good spirits. Time boy reported killed is rulmlming about. Engimmeer l'iiipps , also reported killed , is still nl.iont. Ho was crimsited between time elmgimlo and time wrecked car on time side track. Both trains had beemi ordered to go slow past time wrecked freight. trains , and Pimippe caine to a. full atti1m as lie had a car of unusual wititim , and lie was imm doubt ttbotmt its cleating time wreck. Ho sceimut to have reached timis point before ime was aware of it , though It was well smirked by bomi- fires Time flero oS time Foot Board. - AKhtorl , Ohio , Foptomuber 24-Jimn Bull , engineer of time TJmummderbolt pan- senger trauim on tIme New Yomk , Peunsyl- vamuia & Ohio railroad , died to-day frommi immjuriea received by a ohiieiomm witim a freigimt trnuim at Tmtllmnago Saturday. Ho iimigimt have oared his hifo by jummimimmg , but ime thought of Limo passemmgers , reversed Imis cmmgimme , set the air brakes. mind then put osm foil rsteammm , started almead , broke loose front time cars , nod moot time olmcomn- ilig tr.iimm with isis emmgiimo. Time laasemm- gisre were ummimurt. JIc lived at tialiomm , timid was tue oldest emmgineer omm time road , A. Temmmpcramieo Note. TTUN'rEits PoINT , N. Y. , Septemmibur 24. , . -\Viijle being cimmirged about 4:30 : this meriming the large still of Immgali Fluitch- inami & Co.'s distillery at Ithisevillo , ax- ploded , eettimmg lire to time t.titl building which burned to time groummd . .1 nmimms Simedeker , stillnmamm , was fearfully bnrmmed amid the immtcm'mmal revemmue ofilcor , Cook , sustained severe immjuries by juinpilmg out of a wimmdow. Dammmmigo , $10,000. A teiiittovitsl Split. I'uLAamtr , ICy. , September 24.-At time Sezmt.orial itepubiicamm coimvommtion to-day a sPlit occurred over time orgnmmizmitiomm of time commveniion amid iscatimmg of certain contestimmg delegates , time split resulting ill two separate commveimtions. Eacim mmonm- immated catmelidistes for senator ammd both canmdidatee accepted time miommminatiens. A Dog Out of Order. Niw Yomu , September 24.-Johmm Gill , Jr. , petitioned time court to have re- umoveci timt , comnmissieners of the estate and of lmts father , a millionaire , ammd adjudged a iuimatic. His counsel informed - formed the opposing counsel imo could not agree t limo mnutiozm , his little dog having eaten up time original order to simow cause , togotlmer with time affidavits. 'I'Ime I'rcHldent. Nawi'oitr , It. I. , September 24.-1ros. idemmt Arthur rennanmcl at Frenelmvjlltj timle immrniimg , receiving callers , Amnommg this latter was Collector Cozzene , to svhoiii the President stated timmit lie would go to Iirhstoi on time revenue cutter , Simn. mid Dixoii. Ire ivili ommmbark at f ) to. mminrrow mnormiimg. To.nighmt lie dinsti with George llemmry W'&rren , of Now Ynik , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1)0145 ) IIICI Is's , liii ! ! I4tt'zmm. MAIlSN' , Trut , Suptotubsir 21.TIme Courier's special states a ball storum imsvept over the valley of limo Ohio yesterday ( room Carroillon to times vicinity of Lase- rommctmimtirg , eoVctrimmg time ground with froimi two to four immcimos of iirtii , and rilirming the crops standing mm the fields. Nothing similar to this storm wits ever experienced before in tlmis region. - ItiIiiiltmg the Itrail. NATCIIF.Z , Miss. , Holmtonniur 24Post. . master H. H , Itlemmg , of Vandalia , La , , wasarrested to-day cimarged with robbing refi8tOrel nimail , Ito acknowledged time crumb , - ltiaslntoss 1"mtiluris. Nr.w Yommx , September 24.-Assign- mnuni ; fortimo , bemmefit of creditors as filed to-day in time county cierk's olhico , by time firm of Seidenbacim , Scimwab Co , cloth. iers to Win. Sulzbaclmer , giving proleron. cue amounting to $118,207. - - - I'ohico Ap1sIutmekt. JEYYSMOH Ciry , Mo. , 8optnmbor 24 , & -Corerimor Critlomitlen ThPiitmtOl Geim. oral ( ) livsmr P. Goodimmg , a weil.hinown lawyer , to till time vacammey on time board of police colnmiasmommers of thus cit5 CnttStPd by time recent resigmmatioim of Dati id Kirwin , - CLtl6LINetii UlieOlt1) . A liooSsiiiNltt : CONVICrEIS , ItAtaluhi , N. C. , September 24.-Time trial of 1).tvid Friday , an alleged munon- shutior , for tIme mnttrder of F. II.Vnlkor , a ruvemmue nihicor , wltB cotmcltmded at Con. cord StttlImila ) . A verdict of lmuumelautI- , ter was rendered , imimil lie was sentenced to twelve years iii time Pelmtuntiary. TEI'SINICAI.ITIES4 iVON'T VOIti. Cii tO.t(1O , Septeimmber 4.-A tloc'msiom svns reimdetcd tO-die ) ' 1mm tIme case of Fred- crick Kur , ivimo abscommded to [ 'urn witlm $50,000 ivOttim of securities , lmciommgimmg to l'restomm , Kuaui t Co. 's batik. ICur mimmmdu miqmlicatioti for release frommm arrest omt the gttstitid tlmat ho was kidimnipcd hommi l'urtm mumd stuts tmot propemi mmom legally smiuler arrest. ' [ ' 1w tiucisiolt of .1 smilgu tIcCahhimt. ter ruimmamsils Kor to etimItoti ) ' . Time do- cisiomb it ; that if a iroimor writ of arrest is issimed by the court immsvitmg jurisdictkmmi of the crimime , tlutt writ itt oliclutivu , mme moat- ter 11(5w tIme PrisomSer was brouglmt witimin time territory ef time courts jurisdietloim. 'liie case goes to thu Snimrummmu Court. muLt.IN(1 A OAiiihi.Rli , Naw Yotti , Seimtemmtber t5.-\Vhilo ! luhimmg betide in us civil mruci'etLiimg to-day , Cimaties Davis was arrested on a htommeit warratmt. 1)tvis , it apmemirs , keimt a giumi- hhimmg cstablislmimmemt at wimicim it is milleged \Vimi. 11. Carroll , coupon clock of the comnlmtrolloi'a otilt' , imlayeti timid lost $70- 000 , which belonged to the city. Car. roll is dead , amid time city sued Davis to recover time ammmounL Davis' arrest today - day s'uts 0mm atm imidietmuent for mimaimilain- ilmg a gammmbiimig Imouse. surrmis.INo NUISANCES. IJUNTIOtS I'OINT , L. I. , Septeimibor 24. -Under SimeriliVariiock , with five dep- utica , raided time following est.tbhislmtmmomn.s oil esv Towim creek , ordered cioad by time govermmmeitt cmi time grotmmmd of 1mubhie miuleammee and eletrimimeimtal to publio imealtit ; Frederick flelilmer , fat boiling ; .Juimmi .Kelmoe , fmit , boilimmg ; Kumclmimtnn ( t. Co. , fat bomiimig ; HommryBarmImoise boiler , mend .Jeimmt Bsrzmut , starch mimakor. Emicli place w'aa ordered closed at mmcc. other. wise all immaciminery , uteimsils ammtt stock would be destroyed by time slteriil Sonie of time proprietors say they lmavo boon paying mooney to time Lommg .telaimd county tionid of imumiltit officers for time privilege of kuuphmg open. 'I'lmuse nrc the factories wimichm , for time iatst five years , have omitted such mioisommmo odors as to mender at. titmice cortaumm lmortiomms of Nosy Yosk City ahmmtoat ummimmhmzttitmtblu for eams , Thu nit ) ' la1)Cm5 Imave cried out ; tgtitmst tlmeo "tstimmk holes , " and time pencil of Nas imai mmmdc timemmi the stmbject a fmummilimtr ommu all mvcr the coummtry A \VATEIt PIIAUI ) . Naw YOnK , September 21.-David E. Ailcumm , immepuctor of water mmmutres , mtrrutt- ed for commmplicity in time frauds 1mm time water register bureau and iimdicted for forgery in imaiimg altered time book of record , was arramigod to-dty ; lb plead. ed mmot gtmiity amid gave bail to ammssvur. AmI11ESTEI ) post oumrj.s KILLINO. Titoy , N. Y. , Soptomnbcr 24.-Mrs , T1mroim Ooodwium , of . Custiotomm , , muot1mer.of time chiild mt riottaiytt deal early Sunday , was arrested eu aims- P1C101m of firing time fatal suet. Simo clauimmetl atm ummkmmown mimamm did thu simuot- immg. L1U. ItOJIEIiTSON'S SENTENCE. WASIIINITON , Septetnber24.-Timo veT- diet of time c.tmrt mmmartial imm tim case of Secoima Liuuteimammt Jtobon tsoim , charged with duphicatimig his pay accoutmtms is mmot as severe as at lirat suspoed. limatoad of ( lisimlisafli , time semmtenco is only sits- 1)cImsion for a short period , not over : i . yea'- 1OIAIIN'H m'ltFTuiNiIliD : WIFE. SAN FEANCISCO , Septeimmbor2.1-lt is stated on goomi mititimoruty thmat Neiisomm , mictimig as attorney for Miss Aggiu lull , agmsimmst Suimator Sititroim , dechiuuos to as- Sulime ammy rcspommsiitiiity in respect to time autlmeimticil.y of time alleged mmmare-imgu comm- tract ptmlilmsiucd noimmu days ago , Miss full chmiinmm tinder time contract to be the legitimate svifu ( if time Semmttor ; , nmmd as such , imreferred agiiimst : lmiimi time charge of adultery , jmrus'ioiialy telegrapimed. SIme emitrueted } eiisomm with a copy of this coim- tract , vithm imumtructimsmma to publish it , wimich he did , over her meigimattmro , but beyond time assertion of his client , does mmot prctemmd to vouch for the accuracy of time documnormt. TIi1jEO1tA1'1L NOTES. A conslderaialo ituinbr of ms'osvere in Lor. rain nulls , l'awtuckot , have s.truok mn account of reduction. The monument over time grave of Daniel \Vebster itt Mareimfiehd , Mass. , line Imoenm badly defaced iJy vaudais or relic hunters , A fire occurred last night at Ruby 11111 , Nevada destroying elgimteon bmdidiiigs lim otmo Imour. L055 , suoooo. .hiefiovoni to Ito immeon- diary , 'Fime Now York com.nmiesl.nor eif iittldlo works ollicimehly status tlmat 2,3O0 of wmikr rctmt hms niiiuonmthv , honti collected mmii diverted - vertod ( coin time city rovonmtme. Time annual revInue fromtimu water survlco Is now over rooooo. , 'I'iio wlmnior "Enema , Tnnu" rciort4 timmt : she oxjnirionceil a violent lmurm'kamno ut , sot. oim tim lUtim mmd 11th itmet4. Sovoni of lice erotv ivoro injimied lmy tiio ylolomicit of time wavus. Fommm- boats mycro bit mmmd the s eteul emmetalimeti serious tl.umitigo , A joltmt meeting of timit NowYorlc Stout cnmmnltte , ( II time ( ircoimlitmeic Latt immirty almI tdm conmiitintee mmolmmilmmttol for Httti , ollicors hy iiin cenventiomi orm tim 1 tli iittl 5th 1 tiets. , , is ulhotl to iteut at time f3tuniavonmt imtmtmee iii 1 % ow Yflik City October 1. 1)ispatcile4 frotii 'Paimmiitrmvo of 501)tOnflber 6 rojmorl that thu I liVtPI ) uavu rettakeim mdl Peel. tit.nms ( Hi the nortimwo4 coist iii 6lnilrigascor , ( xcemt Mmtjunmga. Vuriaim'ais pro rtlpnrtlmIl to ixiet butweeti thin L'reimciu civIl aimni military authollticd imt Tauimatasre. ( jhmlna's rcjiy to tlmtm mnoincranmdimini simhmmnltted by time Irenclm has mmot yet bucim receIved. ltIr. "V.V. . 'i'rtviit , of 'limit fllwImillmgton Jitmihotin , seats mnmurrlath onm imitt sick itmah , yoster- lIfIy , tO Miss Vnmmniio hello Shipnnati , i'f Cimi. cago. Travis imas 1120mm iii fur sonic titime , nit , ! hiatt a relapse of amalarlal fever , Miss Slilli. luau , to WhIOUb ItO hiatt boots oimgagetl fur mummmn time , Is it very lovely soil estitimablo girl , and imumsed imiiim during his first illimeets. - - Time , 0. U. in I'olllles. Oskdale i'cni and 7mw , 'We Immive no hmersolmaiepimositiaim taI'aul Vzsndurvoort , 'inmt immany ronsomis ( or coin- mnenmdinmg huinti for Imis zeal both lim jmoiitics arid in liii services l.a time (1. A , It , We , however , submit it that the pritmciple is wrommg iii tmainmg United States olilcitels or pohiticlaims as ofticiuilmm of the Grand Army of time Itit1iiibilo. As time goes emi time order will suffer from the use of such men an it.s officials. ' _ ft- . - . - - - - - - - - THE OjD1WORLD. : . Torrifl. Explosion all Piro in the torc Rooms \Yoo1wih \ Arsinial. The Tonquin Diffioulty in a Pair Way for Peaceful Sottlo- iiioiit , China 'AIliin to Coneodo Ammnmtm , lull slll light. IIV Totuluin. OnjlItttTi FOltl1GN NEV8. mxi1oistoN : AT VOOi.W1Cii. bLONLION , Septummmber 24.-Time ciplo. 311)11 \Voolwiclm was caused by mm fire iii time ummilim lnmiltlimmg , whmicit uimciutled the imibratory. 'l'hmo bamldimmg was destroyed witimlit lmmmif an imotw sifter the fire broke out. . it commtaimmod mimi itmmmmmemmso mmumnlur of war rockets , wimicim ivoro tilled with destructive tmiissileii. Time latter Ihtmsv in all directioits , mtuumy beimmg imrojoeted to ammd faul'mms emi time other side. Time oxplosmomi caused fenrfmml do- attticttotm of pvoporty tlmroughout time towmi mmd iii time aimrrnmimdhmg district. Time lire vaa extiimguishmecl .tt ltomli1 wlmemm time rockets ceased their eximlosloims. Old soldiers declare that the explosiomm of rockets during time lire were aim' frightful as those in an actual siege. Two bodies , 'ictimmma of time eximiosmomi , immive beemi found. Somimo of time war rockets worn pnsecteil a dmatanco of five mmmiles. ¶ lito rockets fell in Eritim , Elahatmi , Chmaritomm mmmd liford. Omme plunged into a. school for immfanta at Pltmmmmiutomid , ammotimer ommtorod a draper's aitms iii Tonl- wmcim , and atillammotiter wrecked.a grocery store. There was time wildest valmiu mmm VoolwicIm , but loss no of life except time two versommn montiommed , who wore cmii 1loyes iii time arsemuil. 'rite first report of fitnlitioa was exaggerated. 'rime Loimthmmm cable , comitmectitig Europe whim flrazil , is broken between time isiatmd of SI ; . Vincommt amid i'orimmtmmmbaco. ARRIVAL OF iSTEAMEI1. ( lAmitut CASTLE. LONDON , September 24.-'l'lmo stemimnor Gartit Castle , fromn Cape Town , with Mrs. Carey amid other witimossos of time mnum-der of James Carey , imas arrived at Plynioutim. TilE TONQUIN TROUuiLES. LONnON , SoptoimmbLr 24.-A dispatch fromim l'aris to 'l'imo Titmmomm says the remiy of time govqmimnmummt of Clmiima to time bout- cmimndtmum iIovosals by time Fremmeim goverim- mmment for time sottiommmuimt of time 'Iwmqimin difliculty , whioim was teiegrmtmimcd to Pc- king by time Marquis of 'lzuiig , hits joist been received. it is said time m'cspoimse favors time tumeomy of time divishmim of time cemitral zone of Tommquitm. 'limo 'i'iimment' dispatcim states it is imjt ; likely timmit Frammce ivill reply favorably to timia counter pro- poattiomi. Everything , imowever , poiimts to an ultimnato favorable solution of timim questiomms at issue , amid there will be frioimdly nmtorvemmtiemia solicited by both , mmatiurms. . TWO CIIIEFtI TO 00. . . Dur.BAN , Soptoniber 24.-Time robol. lious chiefs , Manmpoer amid mipocim , . , who v , ere defeated by time hoer gemmormil , , Jouborthndcaptured cariy4njAmigtst , svero found guilty of troasoit and swm- temmced to ticatim. QUARANTINE IiAIM1II ) . GImIIIAI'rAmm , Soptemimbor 24-'I'ime gov- ermmmmmoiit hits issued an order , removing ( iutmmmtmmtifle restrictiomi Oh vessels arriving froimm castorim ports wimoro cimeiera limes beemm provailiimg. HIIAW'H STATEMENTS. L0NION , Sulmtoiimber 24.-Sliniw , time British , Missiommmmry who was subjected to immdignitica ly time Fremmeit at Madmmgascar , lauded to.dmy : at l'iymmumutlm , fiomim time stemuimer Gartim Castle. lie states that durimmgthmo ilhimesni of time late l'mikommlmaimi Emmgiiehm Coimaul mit 'l'auimatave , lmo ( Sltaw $ discimarged mimany of tiio duties of time Conmmmulate , which fueL tcmmied to iimcroasu time dislike tosvnrl lmiimm of time 1rcimcim Ahtlmirmtl I'ierro. Simaw lmits booim advised to iile ii chttitim fsr temm tlmousammd Imtmmm(1s dtimmmagos ztgutinmst time Frummeit goverumimmummt. lie imolums to ruturum to Madagascar to ru- smimmmo his mmmissioimary labors. ALl. (101 ST. Duar.mN , Septeimmber 24.-Tim nmttutinmg of time Tmsit Nitioimal ; Luagumu , sviiicii were Imerimmitted to be imuid at lhammdoim , near Cork. amid at 'l'ttilOW , coummty of'atum - . ford , yostciday , luseul off in mimi orderly mimnuimur A govurmmiimommt reporter was proseimt at each gatlmerimmg. HATIMFATOatY CONCLUSION , Jtois , Septomubor 21-Iomiteur Do Romimti ioirmmm : tlmmit imegotimitiomma betweoim the Vaticamm amid Frammeo have reached a satisfactory conclusioum. Time French Goverummnunt lute restored tue suplrtesuI stipuumds to time Catholic clergy , suid gives forimmal assiuramicu of tim mmmost iacific in- temmtioiiii toward time holy Sue. NI ) _ JitIbliI MIIiTINU. DUBLIN , Septotmlber 24-Notwi It' staimdiimg time prclmiination of time govern. nmoimt fobiddimig the hmolditmg of immoetings imm Cominiticis Oitro : atmd Liummuriuk omm days , several thmousammd lmualel by ii ill-lest guithiured at MilitOwli , Malbisy , Coimumty Chime , yesterday , mmd attoimmpted 14) hold aim Imielt Nttiommal : League mimout- big. A iirge Imolico force was jmrusummt mmmd prevemmttal time ( irgalmizatiluim of time mneotnig. 'l'htu mimagietratu read time i ° ' imibitory imlnclmminiat ham , nitni timis crowd die- pursed tmtturimmg giomims for time Quuuimmtimd shioutiiig ' 'Utimi iuive iruimumd , " ANOTiiifit SmiAltE. NAII.sS , Suptemmibor 21. 'iiyo severe elmocka of enrtlmu1tmako were ( cit at Omisti- mimicdoiui tim-duty. Oumo house sytte wmoaked. No liven hitet. STANIIbY l4)'l.flt , i'ejtuismber 24-A letter fremmm uluum.y : i1. Sliiimltny , tiuo Afrienit explorer , whit rumul le'day Imufomo time British Aerns- ciatfoim for time ndvusucotmuunmt of smciuimco , Jim whichi imu urges that Grunt hiritmuim sitcitmitl vrocilhiim ; IL iuZ'OtecLOrat.o CVIII' time Commgo cmmimtry. wuiA'r ( II1NA WII.L eONCEiE. LONDON , September 24.-TIme 'l'iines says ; Ilyo are centviimced that Framicu cammtmot Oitauim 'I'oumilimiim witimout war stitim CIminma , but. situ mnay have Anmani witim full right to immake commmmorcmal settlements iii 'l'onqiuimi witimout ammy furtimer trouble. LJumtil Fmammco ra'mrly grasps this , we hardly see that any opportummity oxiat.a for time friendly cervices ofatimird party. " Dovoro's 1)oetrlnoe. Naw YomiK , September 24-'i'Jmo 8oii. ate sub conmmnlttee on labor atmd education to-day examined Thee. 11. Devote wimo hums writtuim a great deal on time quos. lion , Time Oevornmncimt , Ime said , owmmed aim unimnmited (1ttatmt'mty of land iii time west. iume of time mooney ammummmniiy spent in educating young nmen for the ermuty amid Imav ) ' , could be oxpmmded 1mm surt'eyimug somno of these vast tracts creatiumg town- elmilma and ( ll'khmng tlmemu into farmmss wimichm commhd b piaceti at time disposal of nimy enmtgrammts. ivimo whlmed to settle emi timenm. l'OiL'L' itonisio , Thin l'oct. HtmNiiilni fluuittlitig DoSt - St imyeII. Si'cclai tiiintelm tim Titi ilimt , P0mm ? itoimiNsON , Nub. , Septomimbet- . -5(5(1mm after fatigmue call tithe mmboriming the l'mro nitritt : was sotmutled froumm time trlmmmlpetfi cauihig limo garrison frommi timuir quarters. A timick grey eimri of smoke , rolhimmg froimi time top of time hospital ivam-l , .itumimmediate- I ) ' ilmltO.it0l time cimimso , atmd time four comn- lammies statiemmmod at this 1most ms-crc at dice emi a double qmm'mck toward time buihiimtg. Buckets , Imosucart s mmd lmydm-atmts were brought lilt ( ) PrommiPt umctiomm , ammil time duty svan mmommo Limo less clmeerful aumil protnmt , lccatmso it mIami at oiicu apparotmt. that tlun-u Ivan ; mit ) imnmo of savimmg time ( iOOmflhid bimmid- immg. Time large Pitmo log structure wits 500mm a miiiglmty PYTU of liammios , which all ciforts to sttldue proved ummavauiimig. A strong mmortim breeze slmifthmg at timimus to time east , carried time lire to every Imurtiolm of time building. The carmmost cilbrts of tIme lire brigade sue- cei'tlccl iii m-emnovimmg a large portion of time fmirmiituro , mmmediciimos ammil recordim ( rota time building , but moatof time library was destroyei. Time very immliambmmtmablo nnttmro of the buildimmg rendered its preservation immipoasiblo. Time fire catmght froth the stock iii time hospital vard , Time ] mospitmii van a two-story structure iocated on time southwest side of time garrisomi eumciosuro. It comitained eight roonme amid a Imospital ward , allummdcr ciusrgoofSurgoum , Henry tcElderry. it was commakiered ommo of time best equipped imospitnis in time depart. mnemmt. Vest and MuOIiunIc Over time Line. REOLNA , Bmiiriisii AMERICA , VIA. WIN- NISPIG , Septemmmbem 21.-Semmator Vest. mtmmd lturesemmtativu McGitmtmnu , of time United States Imidinim eoummmimissioum , titter a nitithu- factory eomitmcil witim time Ores Veimtres stud Asslnmaboimmes , loft Ftrt , Aesimmalmoitmu witlm aim CSC(11t for time British murtimwest territory. 'Vime ) ' wore received at the Hue by tTmiyor Slmurtlell and a ( ictacim- itnomit immntmtmted olicu ammd treated s'itlm immterm'mttiimmal courtesy iummd escmmtcI to tue Cammmuliaim l'itciiic. Thmoir lnmbnmrs being mmow over tlmuy will icturim to time sUites via. Wimimmupeg , SPOltL'IG NOTEH LOUISVILI.mi IIACEtI , LouIssvmrxL' , September 2.1 , . . . Time ( mmli immeetimig of time Louisville .lockcy club bogmtmm Tnmcic fiest. Timrou.quar tore of : s mmmilo dash , Force womi , Proeland aecnmmd , l'ora timii-d ; tinmie 1t13. . Seliimmg race , mmdlo heats , , Lrd1Edsyard voIi.IIIUticeiifl'flOCpfliEgyptiflfl1thid : ( ; timmie , I:45 : , 1:50. : Turf stake , all ages , mmmiio and a ( mit- lommg , Gleaumer won , ( i'ihmtmoru eocemmd , As- cumider tlmird ; timmme , i:57. : . Maidoim stake , two year 01(19 tlmat howe mmevur ivoit Li sluice , tlmreo-qummrterms of a immilo , 10 starters , won , Laflimi sccommd , Admiuirol timird ; tiimmu , i:13 : Oiw mmmiio dasim , associatiomm ptmrse , Lommg ICimighit wom ) , McGimmmmiss secomud , Musk third ; timiie , 1:45. : illtmO'u ON 1liACuI JIACES , Nsw Yommit , September 24.-Time iirigimtoim liencim races were Imostlommetl by time rmhm. A imtlmony Coimmatock mud a mmnmnt- her of ( lepimlica to-day raided time Biiglm tom , lkmtclm race track and pool toommms \r05t Briglmtoii Beach ammtl mimimdu somimo arrests. Comimatock timuim left. time 201101(1 ( timiti ImlttlIst itninedimitely timeVeat Brighmtoim pool roomilis rcmjmeimed. Tue etemmimmelmip Nottiimgimill , froni Jomm- (10mm , imani omm iloard the fiimiuotms nice imortuo l'riimvu Charlie , m'ecommtiy jmimruhianed by linmicl : Swigurt , owiter of time Eiiimeimdorf farm hear Lexingtomm. Time , ] . 'uineu was foaled in France , iim 1800 , is by flIah' Atimol , omit. of Eastern I'riimcoss by gut- imhicu , out of 'l'ommiyrie by Desostris , NEV5AItICY.T iLteE.t , L0NIJ0N , Stptemmiber 2 -Gubhmanlt's colt Bole wits nmcratcimod for time Cyare- witch stake at Neuvmimarkut , October 0. STATE JOTTINGS. Time , tcimnole ( if ICotmrney opened wltim amm cmi- rollmuimtof 501. Time birickieg its reported in time Lowery lmcrd at Huxley , Cuetor county , htadls ) n'a4 Prosimecut were mmsvtmr so lriglmt ats they are at 1mrueonmt.Viilits We have iii , chied Ioozmimere , time towmm is iinmmruvtug steadily - ily atmil ittmhittaimtiahiy. htuaIimoe imttmeo' ore being crectoil , suit nnm increase iii time coin- immerce tIf time town ma beglumnimig to be apparent , -Lclmromiicin. The stite press are slimmest nimmimmimuotis lit their imraisttts ( if the exhibits of tue stile fair nmtii time moammimer iim wimicim it was comiducteti. 'Fhie wily exeiqmtloiie iiutu,1 , are 'rime N.ibr.uka Feruimer , wlileim ditectoii , thmo olti North autil .Soimtim 1'Iatti , jealousy ; limit To-an 11rnld , itt ss'iildm a wi iter chmirgcs tiiveritrenm in time uisvmmrd ( If ireinin , mite nim Imorecil , tiiml , tlm'i ' ' ' " 'i ' Ivs" mimaum (1 ' 1it , I .1 imeol a , Iotmrimal , ivlmo klrls Iteoutmee time Womliflmm iii tdmu ciiarit't root , null imot drcs4 1mm tim garbof ivu wit.miacntriummuimiiigs. ) - I'rosimg the Theory. Cieviilmmumd Lomiler. 'I'iifi Osn.tuA 11am ; citshtims timmit time cli. immate of the ileimms \Vcetem'um Noboiska is elmaimg'mnug iimpidiy mumd becoimmimmg inmoro itimil umomo rabmy nms cultivatioim of time coil ilieI.omisttt1 , Atm ciniiutttuhittt are tumult tither aimd itmoru chmnmb'hik u tiiimmm Isruim ic grass , the advocates of forusteulturo as it mmmemimumm ( II inmercamsilig time mahmmfall ( If mi eommnttry , ivill pr1atiy dechitre timid. time views are suimportod by this meported cimugo from dm-y to wet cii time ImlaIns of the far West. in us Nutshell. Hjriigflnld ( Silo. ) lIepailican. Vammtiorvoort ndinit.e timat ito wan away ( room hits Ounahmus poat.oflico fou2(15 ( days in time last Iheal 'oar , but says It was by puramissiomi. lime tay weimt OR ummdor l'ostimiastcr.Ooimurnl Howe , but ummdor ( Irosimama imo imrs imad Imis hay cut duruimg Imis absences. Vammdoryoort'ns case is of a sort timat civil-service m-oformmi imould briimg unmdsr regulation. A lrnit-oflica me not to be mimado a aiimecuru for potty vohitiotans and sentimental snobs. THE COLOREDrCONVENTIOU A Remarkable Uatherill of llercsc- talies Of the hac Race , Two Kundrod anti Porty-Thrco Do1oato8 , Each Wound Up for an Elaborate Speocli. tI , 1tVit ( etmui1s Ftn- time Iloitorg ot" l'icsldtmig Olileem- , LouuisvlLLr. , Soptemmibor 24-Time cot- crud cotmvemmtiobm imm so20ioim ill title city , bcgimmtiiimg it' mmoolm to-day is a mmotable gatimuring of reprcsemmtativo mmmii of time 1.-tee. Wlmumt 12 o'clock cammmo , tlm large hull of i.oidorkm-auz' building coimt.auumed iibotmt 210 delegates , amid a large nuinisor of colored ammd white apectators , M. N. Holland , \Vasiuimmgtomm , amm original aigmmor of time call , called tue mmieotimig to order , vlmrnm 11ev , B. W. Arnot , of .Ntsseim- yule , delivered aim oioquemmt irayor. Time 12011108 1)1 A. It ! . Oreemme , of Louisiana , C. II , 'i'ammciy ' , of Missotmmi , Fret ! , Douglass , of time District ( If Coiummmbia , George Ii. ltuii'mim , of Mmtasaclmusetts , mmd Dr. Fritt Butler , of Kommtucky , were immemitiommeil lit ciabormite mmommmimmatitmg speuclmes for tommi- porisry chmairimmamm. 'l'ime mmammie of Fred. Douglass was witlmdrawn , at time earimes requcstof im'ma friemmds , ivimo intemmd Ilanib- ing Iminmi ( or porummammemit chmairumamm. Greemm , of Louisinmma , was elected. lie was itmtroduced to time commvcmmtion as m mmmartyr of time moo. In accepting time notnimmation Rev. Mr Green said lie felt. . it mimi honor to preside temporarily over- Mmcli a mmioeting oil aoil imahlowed by' time mustue of Heimry Clay and his succea- soy Cassius It ! , Clay. 1mm a commvimiciimg speech Ime exhorted the commvoimtiomm to ataimel by dmn lmritmciples set down in time call , to rcfraumm iront all diacussiona of political questiomms. J. N. Gregory , of Vasimingtomm , was commtiimued as toni- porary socrethry Pending ballotiimg x mmtmmmmbur of teiogruuua and regrets froimi well k'mowmm colOred citizens vore rcoivod , miobibly one from P. 13 , S.EPimmcimback , of Louisiana. Ammiong time Prontlimmunt mont imm attendance are Wm. Mundul , editor of The Baltimore Vindicator ; Dr. J. . lT _ Waelmingtomm , of Cimicago ; II. Pr mcoVitlimumma , of Pimiladeipimia ; .1. II. McGintmii , Delaware ; Col. George Mammdel , Virginia ; S. J. Joseph , Alit- btmmmni : A. 1I. Omoumie , Louia'mmtummi ; _ IL Pledger , Atlaimtn ; J. L. ii ummmmcdy , New Orleans ; , J. M. Gregory , District of Cot- unmbia ; I , IT. Boil , St. LouisV : ilol- litmsworth , Kansas , Tweimty-sevun St.atca arc reprcsemmtod. No trouble about no- comnmmmodntimms , every delegate buimmt provided - vided for. Iteccets at 2:40 : until 7 o'clock , 'CIIOL ' 'a limo Stage. San Francisco Cliroimiclo , Time wedding progm'ammmmmioof the Cailon- diw mmmimmstrols drew us crowded house at Limo Baldwin theater last miigiit , the cloi- big act boizmg time novel sceime of a real wedding cmi time stage iii full view of time audience , a large portion of wimicim waa presotit espocialiy to witness the inter- eatiuig 'ovesmt. Emnmmiia Louise Hyoraaiul George Frooinan wore Limo contracting ' - - ' - an actress and commtraito singer of note , wimilo tine gm'oomui is leader of time Cahlon- tier band. Roy. itabert Soynmour offl eiatd according to time Methodmat nary- ice , V. 'mV. ' B. Price , stepfatimer of time bride ; Mrs. I'rico , her niotimer ; Robort. . Mack amid Mattie Ilyera-Smmtii and Mm' . ' and Mrs. ¶ l'umiloy accImmmpanicd time bride An(1 groommt upon time stage and "stooti lii ) " witim timummi , At time comcitmsion of limo curemmiony Itur , Soymmmotmrintreduccd "Mr. nmmd Mrs. Freemimams" to time audience , wim01 gave timemmi it ringing roummd of applause. At 11 o'clock a wedditmg banqimet was served upomm tue stage to over 300iuvitod. guests. Time Maim % 'hio 'I'mtlk Ittimchm , \YII wammt to cay it word to you who mmiako it living with your tongue , You cortalmihy mmmust have is clear , strong voice to engage your us" teiiure. Dr. TilOfluLa' d.clectric ( iii for sore tiiroit : , , itis , amid hoarsonica is uuoxceilod. . Utto fluti nitlumiro. - - - - - TROXetIiUH MU3EUM. , . . A Cmtvlonslty Slitip Ott South ThmIr- tccmmtlm Sin-cot. , Mr. B. F. Troxali , time wehlknown comnmmmissiommnerchmazmton south Timit-teouth. street , has quito a museum of curiosities wlmicim are oximibitud to yia'mtcrms fret' f charge. Among time notable features of the col- 4 kmction is one of Sara Borimiiardt'a stock- time knife with which , jugs , Shack-Nasty- Jiiim killed Sitting Bull , a war club founut oh time scone of time Custer mnaasacmo , m petrified Califorumims pear , a pioct , of the rope with wlmiclt Otultemsu was lmung , ate. Mr. Troxall tithes gicat Prude iii his. coiiectioim amid visitors cami see more at hits imhitee hi a ttimirt t'mmmme titan timoy could. 4 Lit tUnIs ) ' a mnoro vrotcmttious vluco. . . . - $ Maimers. Cornelius Bruner and henry- liruumer , of Eaet.ou , l'mt. , are vliltlmtg InthmQ city , the guests of Prof. I. B. lirummor , so favorably kimown in commneetiomm with 14 oth . Oumaimmi schools. . , j . - There wa' ' over OO,0OO iim time Stath Lreain itry ott time 15th , and immure comnmlmig lit every they. DYSPEPSIA hoes not get weil of melt ; it requIres careful. pr. atatent ntienUoim and a tvntedy OutS will assist natara to throw' of ! ( be comae. anti tone u the digeaUr. enTails 1.111 they perform their duties wUhingiy , Sini. hjoaworthi , Ct Ainiient , N , 11. , after trying zasny 'aure cures" iviUtoul benefit , found that ITo ocZ's Sarsaparllk& iiIstb. nail cii the bead sntt reitored bcrtobealtb. .AnnonZ the pgenI excrtcncut by the dyspepdc , era distress before or alter cath-gioss ot t&ppctmw , insg. lazily of lb. bowels , wind cc gas antI paui In lb. stomach. heart-burn. sour itentacit , &c. , musing mental deyrroalon , nervotu IrritabUtty antS sleepless. n. IC you axe discouraged be of good elicer&nil try 11004'S Saxiapextiba. it has cured hundreds , 11 wilt cureyoutfjotmgtveitsfair chance. C , to try h1oo4'i- partIn for till yfl who baa Ictit irouwea was in- . tiigt'auOii anti .jethiy foreycru years. wdcni ! 5ta4 temilty s-eo.meratm itertetde. ' a itcurU ho nsa u taken the tInt botU. ) wr health comweneeu to Jtia. prove , She I. mow taIOag the fourth lotile. & 1i4 lkaiUtIsUoa41Ii5iu1 pennaneotmy Iiurroyu.m , . % . 7dO 1.