Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1883)
. - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ - - - , - : - - - - - - - - w - . 7 . . - - - - . - ' - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - . - - - - - - , S I 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hID DAILY Ei--WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 12. 183 I . . . : . . , : : : , . . / : i \ . . KIRKWOOD . This is a new nud beautiful a(1lihon ( ( to the city o Oiniha ilituated n the north p ir o the city , fronting on Slierinun uvenno a'l % is t1I ( ' most ( lesirablo IucRtlon , for resideiiee , t1iui lius beeii pliicel on t11 ( market - ket for years. BEDIIORL ) & SOUEt. [ ¶ I. . Kirkwood1 This Property 1S ( livicleci into regular size ciLy loth and acre lots . which will be sold at reasoiib1e prices and on env tcrmM. . BEbFOItD & SOUER. . . KIRKWOOD. - . : Fronthg 709 feeI on Sheriuan Avenue. This property cannot fafl * - to be desirable an'l ' will be rpidIy taken up nnd improved. No hills to , II climb , iio ravines to cross , in getting to KILtKWOOD addition. 11e- member , wlieii you 1)U 8 lot in this addition. you will not have to pay .ini aniount equil to first price to grade your loL before building. . Kirkwood. . . : SLreet cars will be run t this addition at an early day. These lots vill double in value in 12 months. Call at our offic' ' and see plat and - : make selectionsearly. BEDFORD & SOUER. . KIRK WOOD. : . . , Elegant Building Sites and n half the price oi any otherlots in Llio city of equal disLance and location , on the best street in the city. . BEDFORD & SOUER , , . 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas. - - - - - - - Improved Property. 6 3,5OO-12 rom houo , cor. 13th and CaIIfornh treet , 6 c1oset , collar1 city wftter , outbousc , etc. I 7 2.7Oo-6 room houo on N. 13th .trect , , , ' . _ cd1Ar Clsterfl , woI1 oto. ILDKORD & SougR. . - \ . 12 12TOO-Oood SIX OOU houo on Davenport bet. 2341 ftfltl 24th , two eory C oseti , pantry , celler. \ ciem , well , fruit and ehrubbery1 etable and _ \ outbouee. . ii $3 100-Fuil 1ze lot on , InCanflIeh place , Rh % _ _ two IraaL.o cottages. ono 5 room , ona 3 room. For .aie or exchange. 16 $2,100-000d two and a bait acre lot with five roomoJuage , brick collar , well , fruIttrto , etc. 17 One of the bct three story brlckbueineoe houac. on F.rnm etroet. Tcnn priatc. 13 $3OO-Ntiw 7 room house on N. 18th etroet. AU . , . . modern Iinprormcnte. Good location. Cheap. 10 ,8O-Ncw tee story house , Queen Ann etylo. ' All modoi n lmprovemont , city water , ot lOOX 100. -.u Two ? tIIt Ic' ' . St. 3irys avenue antI 20th , with 3 houwt Will be llrdt o1ae buir1eM property. Term. ea. ! 4 ,7iO-Lot66rO6 , wlthtwo honece. Cheap. & ) $ ,50- two house In Neon addlIon , on eet rtrett. Outnomc3 , cIterti , fruit treee , etc. 3 i3usItic house and lot on ougI&s etroet. bet 14th azid 15th. Terni eaiy. 3 $ New8roomhouaoonChIcao.let.24thftfld 25th. AU iniprovencnte. 35 Two nov housee , one aIX anil orher S rooma. , Ftret.clase and zn.dern 1mtnovemont. Terme , . - - . Ea3y. so $2,700-Lot 100x132 , College Street , itedick' . eubdIIIon , new 5 roni houao. Well Inipro. eel. 3 82,000-Lot SOxISO , Coovent treot , 6 room cot. tage , largo baaelndnt aultahlo for rooxne , barns . etc. .e 39 2,3O0'om house , Thornelt PeldltIol2 barn , well , ceL.n , good Improetccnte , 500 cash , $ tSQO On bug tlrnc. 42 40-7 iocm 110U80 on Davenport , bet. 16th : anti 57th. 45 Lot 176x500 on Sherman , large house , barn ant : other Iiiiprovmenbi. bet without improve. mcnt I worth the money we ask for it. :4T : Two new houe and two full alas lote on I'ark a7enua. Slot and cold water , end cli modern . ' lint dae improvumcnt& Iloueo. woul I cut what we ask for whole. Extra good bargain. 46 2OoQ-1.ot 82x150 cor. 17th and Center , hones 4 rooms , barn , wat.r , trees , outbuildings. 4 $2,600-Five room house , iSla bet. California & Webster. Nice property. Terms easy. o If-Lot 9 , block 3 , UItInns 24 additIon. One and a bait ibary house. 'F , rmj easy. 5 ! $3,000-OOOd 7 room house onslierman. Modern improvements , stable , wail , cistern. A bargain. 113 * 6,000-FUll lot , on , 8 room and one 5 room house , new , 5 blocl. from the opera house. Very cheap. 1 $1tbO-Sploadldlot on Dodge , near 11th. Cheap 63 $3O00-Laro house and imsU cottage. iticel ions lotion , lull size lot , Davenport , near 19th , 6 3-Lot 0x260 rood 6 room house , modern nprosrnent. , near buMneaaon Rharmen ave. a d $7,000-Two luillots , with two gro&t ii usea , fith ajid Chicago. ( WiU sail separately for cash. ) 9'3 $1,600-Two Iota , 126z140 , with house atable etc. B&rker' 03 11,600-Lot and a hail , good house , Redick's sub. divIsion , ( corner , ) 65 Lo with 7 room bous , ChIcago , bet. 15th and 14th. -zol 1,500-Lot and 6 room thoua. florbacha addi. tion , weZi , cistern , ste. 5yeihhIg In good re. pair. 502 * 350-Lot and 4 room house , 1w' ! , her. 10th and 1Thh. Unimproved Property PoSt SALE IIYIISDFORI4I& SOUKU. No. 2 61,000-Lot 60xi27 , Indiana and Division. 8 8700 each-Two lots 06z132 each , on 11th. Cheap , .iid 2 lots 60x132 each on 10th. 11 26O each-7 lots in Yates & Reed's addition. 23 87,200-12 lull size lots , ilansoom l'lacc , one block west of I'ark avenue. ss50 cash-Two lots on Park avenue , Bargains. Ilualness lots on Dodge , boteron 11th sad 12th , 31 6400-Lot In $ hlous addition. on Sceard street. 'J3 3,00O-FuU lot , Iteed'slst addition , on 25th and Chicago. 46 $5,000-lila good lots In Ilanscom I'laco. Bar. gains. Lot 50x120 Farnam 20th. ' , 'er 54 tti,000Lot , on , near cheep. 16 22S-Onod lot In Lowe's additIon , Ceh. Si ) Fouracres loWest omaha , 01 55O-T.ct In Iseane & Sohlon'a addttion. 05 Two lots 14th and Leavonwo th , ( busnesa lots. ) 67 $325-Lot 12 , Allen's sub.dlvislon SizilO. A bar. gain. Cl $175-Lot 4 , block 1 , Low&s let addition. Good location. fil $1,600-Sine lot , Itcddicks addition , Park eve. hi 40O-52 toot of block N , Shnna addlUon. Fine view. 80 2,200-Lot 44zGOun lath. Ilusitieses property , worth twice the price ked. 9.4 $3,500-Full size griLled lot on Chicago , ; bet. lath and 14th , 93 $ tiOO-000d lot , hlghlocatlon , south 10th. 100 46,0)0-SSxi3f ) on 10th , bet. Iltsrney and Slow. ajd. 103 eiio each-Two extra good lot in 1ansoom's odelitlon. Coodhigh location. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 27 pvracro-100 acre improved ( ann , near Cm. ton , Iowa , 10 a eec woodland , 45 acres corn , 25 acres T1'notliy aced Clover. 13 $ f,000-40 acres 34 of a mIle west of Ft. Omaha , two homes , two barns , granary , corn crib , tee ee1leSQ0 boeri'g fruit trees , 300 grape 'does. viil so I or ochango. 14 V,000-200 acres , half mile N. W. Elkhorn , 140 acrein cultleatlon , ualanco pasture. Four room house , e ableetc. Terms easy. 51 6'J60-lOO acre4 good land , 4 1.2 mIles from Slur. Itatgtou , Coflee county , Kansas. Will exchange to Omaha iroierty. 25 655,000 cesh-uno of the beet stocked ranches in tite 8t.ato , 1400 acres of deeded land. Call for lartlCWar. Cl ,400-240 acrosadjoiningcityof Wilber , Saline county , All under fence and well improved. This property lecheap at $10,000. 66 020 per acro-400 acres , 3 miles from Waterloo , Douglas ooUI'ty. Fart In cultivation balance meadow all good land. VItl sell or wiLl arrange with cattle man for co.pertnershlp , or will con. tract to I , Ott 300 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 sores in Merrick county. Gootit UI. able lint1 , and will be sold from $0 to 0pcr acre. 110 $7 per acre-Will buy ISO acres in Cedar Co. fiG Sib , Iter icre-820 acre. mdes Steen hamburg I.wa. 97 $15. peracro-Improred near Logan Iowa. 104 Iteviral hundred acres in Coining Co. Nob. 105 lila thousand acree tie Stanton Co. Nob. 107 $ l0'poracre-2)0 acres tlniberati land in flay Co.hlo three smailfarma ontali lazed , baJince4s good cottonwood ttmber , width will more than pay far Investment. For sale or exchange Omaha property , jj-caIl and examine other property not leied. BEDFORD & SOUER , 213 3. 14th , bet. Parnam and Douglas , a p : . : ,4I - THE STEEL CIRCLET ; The a1e City to e GircV1h \ ! a Bolt Roa1 i1 1IIqleCt : TURt SWftk For Iteir , C S # t Omih& 16 flbOUL to ooivo nether into pctU6Whicll 'will Roliti her ipiuning fore wfirtt to : front rank amoiig the eu- trprIeing , niutropolitan citici of the country. ArtcIc8 of fuicorporfitlon of the OniIta helL rfiulway Comilany wore yesterday filed in the olfice of the county clerk , antI it is Bt.atett that the work of uusakiuig it prcliin'inary survey has already begun auutltliaL the work svill be conuploteti by Juiio 1 , 1884. It will follow tim Union l'acitic road bed from Suinnuit Station on thu sotitli to the U. P. ( lepOt , 81101)3 , the driving hark , Fort Osuinlia. the tvnter- tvorks , reservoils , lianecesius park and Ncy Edinburgh. I ts great ativanhiges itro apparciut to all aiitl tlio full ilnliort. alice of the nuovenuouut tvihl be scUll front the articles themselves , which road as fIIovs ; . AltTlCI.5 1. The iiame of ssItl : coumipany shah lie the Om telia I bit rathvay counpalty , 011(1 ( the i ii lit- leinco of trtsiisectliig its cmii be the cIty of Oninhia , Doiilui ; : county , niil , state of Nebraska. AIITICIX If , The nature of them hiusitiess to be tranactod by snid corporation riliall be the construction , icialutotmanen and operation of railroad or rail. reacts in Douglas county , Altl'ICI.U Ill. The capital at ick of salt ! corporation , auth. orized , iial1 ho SOOOOO , iii shares cii tiOO onchi to be subscribed nun paid as required by the Luard of directors of said colujially in ohiedleiio tie the laws of theottto of Nebriseka , Sititi capital stock iciny be incroasoil to such nit amount as iimay be deemed uleceesmiry tearoom. hush the purpose II ! this corporation in tim icinuner irot'hled by law , not exceeding the sum of $2,000,000. AIITICI. } IV. ThiI corporation shall begin on the 10th day of Septeniber , 1883 , eta ! terinliento Soptmnlmr 10th 1lS ) , uitiletestiiooimr ehissolveti or contm- ued in accordance with last' , AIITICLIc V. The bunoes of said cdrporation shall bet conducted by a beard of eiirectorte , consisting ( if not loss tinen imlimo uneinbere , as inn ) ' be pm. eluceti by the Iy.laws of the corporation. Said directors shah ho olceted by the stockholders niucually at an annual inccttieof suck stock. holders to take Ldacte on this first Tuosibsy of January of each year. ARTICLE VI , The officers etf said corporation elicit be a president , vice president , secretary auth treasurer , tvhio shall be elected by the hoard of directors and shall hold their several offices for the term of one year , and until their success. ore are duly elected and qualified. In case of a vacancy in any of said ollk'es , or intho board of directors , it shah be filled by the ronlaln. log directors or director. AIITICLX VII. Tim highest amount of inelobtodnoss to which tim corporation at any time subject it. solfehahl not exceed the sttns of $1,300 000 , each shall at no time exceed two.thirds o the capital sto k authorized. ARTICLE VIII. The board of ( hirectors shall have full otvcr and authority to adrpt such by.lmess's as uutay be nocoasary , lrovitling fur the subscription of stock , the nicetiuuge and proceedings of stockholders and providing the manner of conducting the business of the corporation. , tilTIcI.IS Ix. These articles of corporation may be altered or amended by the stockliolderi iii such titan. nor we nay be vrovidccl by the by.laws and in accordance with law. The incorporators arc S. II. H. Clark , Leavitt Burnhiam , .John M. Tliurston , Frank Murphy and Edward . Nash. Your health elepeno.s on the purity of your blood. People wlto renlizo this are raking hood's Sireaparilla with the bosL tesults. P0HL0IUcC CliangeM In Nebraska and Iowa for the week cud. ing September 8 , 1883 , furnishuedby Win , VanVieck , of tue postoffico department : NESIIASKA. : Postmasters Appointed-.Belvidero , Thayer county , Henry E. Garzeo ; Blue Springs , Gage COuntY , Solomon .J , Fyott ; Stockliam , Hamilton county , hiram WisnerVaIton ; , Lancaster County , Al. muon H. Wilson. Discontinued-Gillespie , Itoh ceunty ; Harriet , Holt county. IOWA , Estabhiahed-loka Station , ICeokuk county , Morris S. Sechrist ; Olaf , Wright county , Jas. Jolnisom1. Postmasters Pa- Appointon-Albany , - Via county , G. Dorothy ; Belknap , Davis county , Jolla Lenten ; Bonlea , CIa'toii county , Carl S. Spaulding ; Oliostorheld , Polk county , Jag. It. Moon ; Sweet house , I'owsliiek county , 0. 14 , Morgan ; Hancock , I'ottawattouiit , , county , P. T. Taylor ; I-Tartly , O'Brien county , Jerolno F. Foustor ; Holly SpringeVoodhury county , Geo. II. Copes ; \Vrght , Mais- aska county , W. "eV. Wright ; Nugent , Linus county , 0. W , Nash. ( lamenu's Lunch Water - - To nil Ohio Ex-SohUet in NeIJraHka SIJTION , Nell ) , , Sept. 10. C0SIISADE8-In : compliance with a'res- elution passed at the flfthauinual reunion at Hastings , to complete and publish a roster of all Ohio aoldiera in Nebraska , I call upon you without delay to sondyour mimes as they appeared upon your cent pany muster roll , rank , company or battery - tory , regiment , postoflico addrosa , occupation - pation , postof 0. A. IL , if you belong , to the vico.president for your county. The vice-president will , winun said list for his county is completed , forward the same to lion , id : . P , Itoggomi , Secrotaryof Ohio Soldiers' Association , Lincoln , Nebraska. The Vioe.Prosidonta utn expedite their work by causing notices to be ubl'ese.od in their county ppers and bye ) usulting the Itoatora of tin , posts of the U , A , It. . Let us perform this duty now in order , not only that we may know our compa. ny and regimental comrades , but to corn- mit to history a roll of names thin. which no state can furnish one more honorable , County papers throughout the state please copy. MARTIN V , Cr.AItK , President and Comnnuender Ohio Soldiers' Association in Nebraska , Allen's Brain Food botanical oxtrac strouigthens the , Brain and positively cures Nervous loblllty , Nervousumess , headache , unnatural losses , and all woakouiess of Goner. ative System ; It never fails. 1 pkg. ; 6 for $5.-At elaiggiete , or Allen's l'harmacy , 311 unit Ave. , N , V. Aunmy Orders. On tim request of the acting Indian agent at thoSantoo IndlanAgency , Neb , , First Lieutenant Charles W , Mason , 4th Infantry , will proceed to the agency named amid inspect certain boot cattle tc be delivered thereat , and on counpiotior of this duty will return to big etatloit al Fort Omaha , Nub , To comply 'with paragraph 3 , Specza Orders No. 201 , lleadi1tiartors of the Aminy , Adjutattt qcluertil'R oflce , Wash. ington , September 1 , 1883 , the comrn ninistlitig oflicer Fort Doilgias , 1.Ytnh , vihl iletacit 811 ollIcor of hunu cnmuuiand for temum. vror ditty at Odoiu , Utah , to rehie Captaili C. A II. McVaules'ssttt quuartorlna.Mter1 ili'o : tatioiied ; Captalut hdcCustiIy bui being relieved , will proceed to Oiuihia , Nob. , 'whore ho is nasugned to ( lilt ) ' 55 assistant hi tue chief qtlarterlnas. Icr , 1)epartmont of the Vlatto , relieving Catstnin J. V. 1uroy , xt.sistant quarter. unastor ; who , on being rdllovod will ro Pert in poriiofl to the comnunamutiiug officer , District of Now Mexico , Departinolit of the Missouri. The coiitmnauidiui1 ; otlicer Fort Fred. Steele , \Vyo , , will scud l'rivatto Peter Cloutier , company E , 14th infantry , uiuitlor suiLiblo guard , to the station of his coulpany , Fort Sidney , Nob. So munich of PararaPht 1 , slioclal orders No. 83 , current series froits thuso hienil' quarters , as details 'rivate M. Mnra.nmue , colItltau1 1) , 0th inTaustry , for duty in counmoetmoit tith elopartinoaf. rifle conteat , is revoked. LiCUtcliah1t Jaiuics B. Jackson , thi infantry - fantry , on temporary dimly at F.I't Fred. Steele , \Vye ) . , ss'ill proceed wititout delay tei Fort LarnunieVyo. . . itual leport to tue commanding officer thereof for dtuty with his COlI1)aIty. ENVOYS EXTRAORDINARY , Tb CU1b8ll Embassy Passc Tlirouh Omaha This Afteriloon. An AkIe.1)c.Cnunp General Short- tutu Escorts Thom Litt.t. Col. James F. Gregory , on the personal - sonal stair of Gemi , Sheridan , arriveul froln Chicago yesterlzty auth ritoppoel at the I'axton. A reporter of Tim l3nui learlied from huts that lie had come thIns far to moot the two ambassador. wlto were cx- 1)Cctcd to itass through this city this at- terluoon en their way to Wnshiiuugton , accompanied by a numerous retinue. Title ha the F11u3T muil'ltr.SENDATIox over made by Corca in this couutuy nnd the American government desires to show it. particular courtesy. Corea is us kingdom of eastern Asia , between the Yellow sea and the Sea of Japan , Colt- taming about eighty thousand square 1111103. . Col. Gregory , being asked if ho couki give any iuiformatinn jut regard to the cx- Iocted arrivals said that he could not particularly , but wont on to toll whtat ho lie know about Corea. ' ( Tim KING OF CO1t1IA , " lie said , "is a vassal of tile Chinese empire - piro , but within his own country an ab' solute monarch. with power of hifi , and death over the noblest in the land. lie in the object of ailnost divine houiora ; it 15 sacrilege to utter the xianuo which ho receives froni isis suzerain , and that by which ho is knowus in history is only bo. stowed (11)011 kim after his death by hula successor. Now , that is strange , isn't it ? Amid to touch his iorsoui with a W051p011 of iron is 111(115 TitlttSON , amid so rigidly is this rule enforced that 0110 king , about 1800 , suffered au abscss to put au end to his life rather thami submit - mit to the comitact of the lancot. Every horseman dirunoumits as he passes the palace , and whoever enters the presence. cilambor niust fall prostrate before the throne. If the ignoble body of us nubct chances to he touched by royal hands , tile honor titus conferred mutist be forever after cunsniornorated with a badgo. The country is being rapidly civilized 1mw- oyer. " At this point the conversation was interrupted and the reporter learned 110 lfloro of the interesting land. Chocolate suittits made by Gnrneau is one of the finest. lOiniw it MONTtNt NAN , ' .Vhuo CollIes fit Qmnahia to Be Cured of BlIuiduiee , . Last evening a reporter of Tutu Dint wail standing ill front of the opor house tikiiig to a friend from Momshtnri intel watching the crowd ploisimig to amid fz'o , when suddenly the gentleman with whioni he was standing ircased his arm and directed his attention to ami elderly until ! sshio wuusmpakimug his way cautiously along. ' "l'hio last two muomitius of that 111511's life form tIm most interesting bit of per. somitsi history I have heard for souse time , " said the western mumams to thu reporter porter ; ' 'he conies from my town imi l'uiomi. tana and I know him troll , ' ' ' 'What is the story ? " asked tint reporter - porter , "lie hooks feeble. " "lie is Ilot feeble , " said tile gelltlmuman , "bUt he has just recovered his sight after having been ZiLINI ) SOil $ IXTItSN S'P.AIt'4. ' His msauno is Synuoludcu , and two unonthuue ago hue came here to see 3(11150 octihist of yours , whom hue had hmeard of outimi Mon. talun. lie sublnitted himself to that doo- toni skill-I have lliii - forgottoli muuime- amid is miow completely cured , and unmade Colthiderabhy younger by the change. It ia a.womldsrful case. " The reporter aroed that it was a wonderful - dorful case , and jotted it downas OflU tim many sighutis and ilioidOflt4f to be seen daily on the streets of Omaha. OUTH OMAJIA , A l'rotest * gniiist the Grade on South Eleventh Street. To tue P.ehitor of the Omaha hiss : OMAhA , Sept. 11. In behalf of the cithmIflI of South Eloy. oath strect and the streets iii the vicinity of the Center Street school , I desire to call your attention to tim proposed cauual surveyed through said street , as near as I can as cortain. _ 'I'hio presomit state of the street is as good as it can be , with the exception of a deep ravine in the vi cinity of hickory street , liorthland southi of I'iercu. In order to fill Up this hole it is proposed cut a canal throughi thie hn'l anco of Eloveluthi streetouu thosoutis tress eight to twuiiity and thirty feet deep , uu I understand , per jroaent posed survey ; or , in othom words , wreck tue Iuard.eansc hounos of 160 famluihies to full a hole aui make It valuable to prosomit owners , P There is not the ghost. ci an excuse to : ) this wholesale wrecking without it is t got front two to thuou thousand del 1 mrs for moving the dirt , Now , we t jf this dirt can bit 1ft , and a cut If an uaado , wo arc willilig to pay double prici 1 pur yard for what in taken and In thus Do NOTIBTOflM TIlE SVBTBM , Wlthl VIO1.5NT : ( . &ThlAltTi TIIA ? ItAel ANti TI' AL ) t.tlEN Tim uNrohityu : vt nr'ru Tht l STOMACh ? , flhiLlK'I : 'rliu huot'l.s : IIIflUI.ATITiII : : : IlvElt AND IIEI'lusn ) : ThIn N1iIt'r.8 WITH TARRANT'3 EFFIIRVES- CENT . SELTZER AVERIENT WllI TIm h'lItST S.hiproht.i or ht.tNls4 AI'l'iAlL. A iiOlt5 fl1. l.uolrrrut EFFIltsctNr : IltAhOlI ? 1 ( OT 'Fi ) liii FOUND , ANh A )10i51 I'OTFSD flF.etItY ) FOIl DYSI'F.l'SIA , uIlll0tsNnsu CONSTI1'AT1OI4 , Nl'lt'oUs llF.AlACIIE , COllO ANt ) OtfuhtAt PSISIITTY , DOlb NOT nxisr. nulD BY ALL liiUQolSnI. way the contractor mis get just the saute out of It nitil leave half the dirt whore it is , a retasomiablo cut we do mit. object to. A canal deep enough to tloitt a shii1u if tilled w'utli water we do protest against. \\o also P1't'3t against the ruin sit our hiouuies whirni tiiicahleel forVe also state that this 110011 cut. is uncalled for eli the gronuiel that it c.ut not be a luenehit to letiuled teuuta : its few couuie there , atuil whulo on earth st'ts tie miot desire to liii any uleartur heaven thiami we ni'u , Nor either uut'at'cr tim other iulico : by being inutied before we die , lkt. if s ii unust be graded let it be 0110-half 5VIt hiOt\vCell the two 1oiiits , uuaiuuetl. A fair and just grade to all liar. ties couscormied , i o those slto the taxes 1111(1 those stun unako their ilounes amuti live OUt there. 'I'his ruiuiatiomi pIlicy vill drive huouluhe fl'oin Onttha : and lot. inc ic- ituitul the fathers of this city , thieve is a town closet at Imnel usowly eiramiized , that will gulitrantee safety front thtos'es lit llightt aiid svreckers by day and tue Preselit lid- icy of theists trIm altouhi protect the itctt. PlO will drive oust : ) ' of Us to suck hioluics where there is soimie guaramitco of safety frouui those nbtiaeuu , 1 rmulsin : , Respectfully yours , F. 1' . IIOIItvULL. Ill half of PeOPle of SoUth Ouulituua. , A BEAUTIFUL DRIVE. A Ulifflso at the Full on the Ayoiillc. SIxteomltIe St rect amid Shieiuuian Avenue Opeutcel at Last. By the thu tiniti tlrnt this article is in print tile completion ( if the pavilug and grading of Sixteenth street and its con- iiOCtiOll , Shiernsami avenue , will be no- cenaphished amid. the entire length of the two thorougllfaros 01)011 for travel , It ; is ami oppeurtuno niounent for title liii' provelusomit , as it is the only air line route to the fair grounds and ono of the mn st olegamit drives in title or amsy western city. It Is kept ill tim best possible condition by a fund sub. scribed by thote who use it for speeding IUP0SCS , which amusement has beull all the ago ( luring the aulnlner imiuuiths. Driving is oxtomusively indulged iii lUld inamuy a noble stecel front tim great ultlinber Possessed by Omaha has skiuuiiucd over tile course like like the timid. Exciting races have beell tue rule , furnishing rare sport for the larticilullits amId decidedly interesting to the spectators , svhio oftomi assemble to time number of several hiumidred. Somlle fast tinue line been made , of which the standard three ntinUtt ) gait. 1umts beoui decidedly COllintoll , amid a forty gait Slot. rare. Amnomig thesso s'ho at. tamed tim hatter ilavobeon J. M. Thure- tomi's buy gelding , whuuchi ii credited withi a record of 2:32 : ; ustmnhly driven by 11011- 17 Honian. Dr. A. S. Fishiblatt'v Charlie Taylor , a sorrel gelding , valued at $1,000 , is a fine traveller and cami trot low dowuu iii the thirtie8. \v. 11. McCord's bay gelding , Dave Motuilt , is a film looking horse , a ephcuidud niover , very ambitious amid trots lew ( lOWli in the thuirties. Aunomug tue others in this chase arc A. IT. Ehlaworthi's "Little Touui , " with a record of 2:30 : , amid Dennis Cunmuing. ham'sVild Iriuuhuiuuamu , " Joe her's bay goldiiug , with a record of 2:40 : , There tire mnnmiy' other noted animals fauiuilinr to those who frequcuit Sliorunali ilVellue , who have still not hucous trained for the track , includimig .Johimi S. Cusul. field's bay horse ; Eluuser Frank's dark brown ' 'EInlereir ; " Jolt11 I. Itetlicic's four year old "Primice ; " D. ' 1' . Mount's "Moilie ; " Mr. ( Juiflumi's "Lady Alice ; " ' ' ' " whuicli Jammiets France's 'Buckskin" mutaro , is an elegaust driver amid huarel to beat ; ltiehiarlYilde's ' 'liar Clarlso" amid " "tVill 11cr ; B , B.Vood us bay mare , omue of time fastest on time road ; Luther , Drakes bay gelding ; .1. 0. 00111w ! 5 sorrel ursaro amid Louis Littlefield's noted huoriuo licochuer , t iiich is omuu of the best trotters 011 tim avenue niud wiLht a record dowui to the forties amid et iuhuhy growmug lower ; Fred Nash' , , Canada Girl , oiuo of thio best on the road ; \Vilkins and Evamus' brown gelding , Scotland 'I'om , an ole- gamit driver , alid Ii. V. Morse's bay horse , Amnong thuo pacers who are often pemm on the nvonuo are Johmz 1. Itediek's McClollamsd , with a record of 2:27 : ; Pat. Maiimung'is Buckskin ; Frank ltodlnoui's sorrel gelding and Ike's bay gelding. Aniong the handsouno double teams arc those ofV , A. Paxton , the fastest. in the city ; J. N. H. l'atrick's beautiful blacks , J. II. McShane'a carriage team , Dr. Coil. mtian's , .1 , H. Millard's , Guy C , Barton's bhacks , tiuo Kitchona' magnificent grays , Janios Croightoul's and a limit of otluorui. Those horses cannot but attract great attention durimug fair week amid show what Nebraska folks can do in tint way of ob. taming fine horse flesh. McOABTHY & BURKE UNDERTAKERS ! 28 14Th ! STREET , BET , FARNMi AND DOUGLAS NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. oil F. DAVIS & 00. , ( dUcXJle3O1u4 Tq DAVIS 4u UNTVStII4 ( iuIera , L)64trI I. REALESTATI ESTATI UOhFAIINAMBT , , . . . OUAIIA. I . I. lIavo for male 200,000 acme. esrefufly selected land I l'.aatcrn Nebraska , at low price send on easy turns - Imtrovod farmi fur sale In Douglas , Dodge , Oullam l'iatta , Burt , Coming. tlaxpy , Wasasingion , 3ertci r IJutic , Cetuumlisi. , r Money oated eta Impruved fsnn& I n , , l'ubt&q aJwayi Ia oOa , C.nespQsi4sa ' 5 'lIep : OMAHA H MEDICAL .DISPENSRY ! I OF FlOE AND PARLORS OVER TIlE NEW OMMIA NATIONAl , , BANK , Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas 5th. A1 S1 Asbblntt , M P LW PRI ETOR. 27ic Rcaoii W&'j ' 1)r. 1"isiabkde 1 Eiijoyiuug .Sucle Uuparellcd S'iscccss , The astontaliluig cterrs tTt'ctt'.I It ) ' Dr. 5ihIlatt , of tticascs formerly thought incurable , leave gIven bins a high rank iii the ltrfo14iot of tluI coutit ry. lie Site w on iirli ticeerseel celebrity , the people o the far ss est n longer doom t uuceewemery tO S lelt cnterum citlos to flint ; thylclatin cou , etent to treat cemitil. cattel disoasv. cu.r otimcxiit1iss 'Iii. tietineoteliels nucit extrct frouci lrttr'i itubllelie , % I , . these coluinuis are ceuly a few ef the many tiecnisaitls Dr. FIslbiatt , Ii , c'onetautt.iy rcccit'ing , erel throughout the northwest and In every county of No' tiraska t'.ve b fotituil ir'oes ' ss ho c.tu testify to the enlosey of his treatment. FItOM A PItOMINENT DRUGGIST OF BENNETT , NEIl. 1" .it. Si(1ks , (1 J'romincnf Jruggist amui Land lqcn of f/mo II. and 21f. .11.11. hlTriCcs : C Iuiucurr , Nebraska , March 2 , 158,1. Dit. Fisutstsw-floar Sir : APProcittlig the value of tteoservices yitu hate rondercil toe. I , Ieen , It but an art of aIiiiple JustIce to yotu It , epro,1 tie ) seis.s , of gratitu o I feel toward you. After each suuievlng as I liltre hal frouie cetarrie atil ttrmtt , Iriiiles , , fran whole all tiectoriti' I least heretofore thone had felice ! to ntiieeu itue , hwever eatrerittes It ussr a .poir , tico , lIuaqe his. ieearl disaitheonretI tefter your treatment of .t'nrt'ehy two inotitIi , antI ii. that then , hate gthiio1 : eight ittliitIi , In weight , Consider cite , dear doctor , tititir everlastIng obligations to oiiiitl by referring atiy one to cite , aillicteti as I wise , I shall couislder It at. act of kintiuivea to thouie to advinitlicin to , tituuittuyotmr treatucient. Ever your friend , F. A. SIULES. A Terribic Cbc of Cutnrrls Cured. ) ? ozcs , of (1w .lVbaC Dccaycd. Curcd im * 2hrcC MOfl/s8. ( FRCMOST , Nob. , August 2 , 1583. lie. S'meuIIcLAvr , Oinah : In view of the siuno.t unirerniotus cure have erected iii my case , I levi 1 $ coy to you and thu elilicteti as I have beci , tie btuw just ira rou where it Is due. For yeats I have diet1 frotie tietarrme in Ilco worst form. Tue discharge scsi cons atet antI veT ) ' ofietishe , cud lie bones of my nose were lu in btd state of decay. After doctorluig a great deal wlthoutsuevu.c , I was induced to apply to you fortreatineiit. Three icuotet is ltaeoiow scarcely clapso I since ytits took charge of my case , and am ' ' to roleort mysrlf cetnlotely , cured of that , Ireatlfuh nilicdy , an i am aniline to liavet all tiucee trim- tilee with emetarrli , heont I can lIItieiceavall , , themselves of your treatiiwnt. Ticankilig you mast hettfllty turtlee grr.atbooa you lease conferred oii me , 1 alec uvergiate icily yours. htIt % JACKdON IYILLIAMS. From a Prominent CUizcn of Boone Countj. De. Fusanm.Avr-Dear Sir : I do tint know etactlv how to separate my coiiiiectloui wIth you without CC ) lag something to express my gratefulness tsr relief brought by our treatment of me. My l.emiatsncy In try lag .tterythiiig sugestod by others for the cure of Catiere e lead jostlol my fsitls emnowhat to the eowor of anyone bringing relief. I even anistruituti that . ss ore based siinplyou , theorywhich s.ou doirud to leracticu. lint tomy evorlattlug clidiglit , I win. coelveti. t'uur otaett1osantI treatusentsvorked like a charuue. I was nut oni ' relieved of the itrusslng Ills of Catarrh , but was entIrely nued , I believejtor. fcctly restored to lirtelth. lane 1,0w itO ounce trouliloit wIth the effects of the dlseaeo which so efthict sue tItan if I uiuser had lieu columietaltit. I , lo uiot write thIs IlurleuselY foryour use , to lueduco others to tostyour skill In their behalf , bitt think it Ui ) ' duty to make souse . of ate aeicuiiiwletlgetnouit , trIfling and simple. of how much good you leave uonu me in yeller safe atal certaiui treatenunt.of a ci stressing inalatij. J , v. UMIILE. - 2ut1muouui(1i front Jiunthohit , A'd. Ms. ( Isoftofi it , Suinre , of lfiuinbol It , Nebraska , eays . I have stifloroci for a long time with rheuina. tisu , , , sehlch 1014 prostristo I flee to s ide ace extetit tie it 1 wit. obliged t e give up coy tarot. ttr loft side was uitoclalb' affected , anti aitsr trying uuciucicroUs titctori witliotit rocelvltig ally relict , I subuic tted to your trettiueuit , ItiL two nioiitIi ago. I cue lrni' ) ' t H C ) ' that I cut ILctv % llo.irI well , anti outsider that yea iiavuperforiitttsl oil lOtS a woinlurful cure. I liars gained eight iioiii len Ulli _ now able to attend Winy woru without say liicoucvcnioncu. lfappincss 1'bllows DCa ir. TAtLOIL SvATioq Iowa , Februar1 7. Iii. P&sicutLArr-Iear Mr : I feel considerably bettor now than wlieii first S wrote to you , anti Ito its begltiluig to licevo some charms for mu ietcain. After ) iavlig , been bod.ritl.teii so Ionic , of the tIme gIving' UI. all 1101.0 01 over iteingable to get up aalii , It arctics so icico , I can hardly realize t ' to take my miteals wit a good npetlto , to cicovu abotit I ko other Iwolilo do without Icalne anti ecIos , nd t'o have everiod con- grattulate ole em toy luciproveti nllwIere000. Anti .1 , thIs , doctor , Ilsautkts to yuur treatment , e lch shall. always beIivo , ; su. ens chesS Inn } root the shadows of death. MUll. .1 , T CILAVIIN. , . ( t DWloutt Caac of Lung 2loublc Cured. 5. Nebraska , Feb. 7 , 18553. liv hess. Us. . FistietArT I I owe you a debt gratlttiilo which 'I never wil be shi. to rea for the seluntlilo skill you leave displayed In reating me. I have for a long time boon conaldorod a hope estc coo- icuniptive , sntm evoryboiy , including myself , coucsIderd my days nicinbureti. My good fortune led me to appiy to you for treatment last Novouuberaucd iii tIct4 tocruilibly short tlineyou hiavoeiluctodwhatnunserouso or , ioctoru have failed in ; a conipluto reitoratlnn. I leave since gAIned fifteen pounds. anti con.idet myself \ thoroughlycured. Youareat I bertyto ties this sea ruuereiiceforsthcrs similarly attlicteti. , Yours Oratefully , ALEX McINTOSIL ' it it a. Ficourayuiq ( to li'CLd the .bbtlowlfli7from a Lonjj Suffercr IV/io 1sa bccs Under Jr. 1'1islibaU'ti ? Trcatmcnf for Abouf Tos LIf'OflllsB. S lLscxoosIA , lose , January 20 , 1883. nil. Sir : folkasay I appear to have gaIned twenty PUiid $ since I cocamencusi baking your iiieiiclnu , Anti we 11r I thick titers we , , neveratcytit tug Ilk. your treatment. I know that mcdl- rifle 3 Oil seiit Old Witti Just hat I iceotleid. Yours truiy , MillS. N. 11. LONO. Curcd of Catarr/s , . .i ' Iloorex , Nebraska , February 10 , 1883. lime , FiscistArt , if. B. , OrnaicS , 1uh-ihtar Ri'z : I has cm been stifieritig with catarrh in the hotel overslnoe I can ruins'ncber , nici no.5' 1 sun twtiiity nI&io & year of age. I icati bug tflotuht a cure was iunpsslh1e , but noverthelesi plaom.l inyiclf hitler roar treatinutit , 1,115 , with ratiter small faith I must couifess. I nun now hieply to say that I ucoc grcn'ly rd , tvetl ceicti lueviuig strotig lcopts of a iwrfect cure. I have uiover usoet any tile , iclicebeftiro whIch wont right te tics scat of the disoeso as tim cnolIcio , , you gave ma. ltoplcig many utliorsinay find relief at your hands , I reuu.sicc yours re1ioctfully , W , Si. iio'itflL .11 l'r.Ajjgrnt'atcrl Case of 1tsnaZe Troubic , The liedy 'elco glvui the following toititneiclal does not wish liar name to apmeer . iii nint , but. does uu4 object to hate hot iuitlrcss giveil on apciictitlou. February 1 , 1883. A. H , FI'slIIli.ATr-ICitIl ' sir : Atoelti I wish to siiaeic of the favor oim conIorsgI YOn tue. It sometlmea. seeJil , too great to be true that I ecu cured. Words fail to uxrue , my gratitude 'c you , icucil had it gct bum. for Occi .dll ) ' kuw where I wiul I hi now. l'crIiap4 you think I iuiuly say title iictxoly for the eake o 1v0u soiitutliiiig , hint , bshiovo tile wliei , I say , that I uueer In my life tiavu fslt sogratoful toward aucyoito for say etc icic ct of klnilunsu , use I feel toward you. May hs4,1tirtu and , rusiierity atteicet you through life , my bane. factor , .Rcjniccd Over Ifia Pcrrnaucnf .lloovy. 1 (5cr German friend from Utia'lllia , Nebraska , writes Jima 0 , 1883 , ltt. FisiieLarr : II. tllacht Illit Vergttuogun Ihuietu mitihollen en koenuen elas lob jeut gutba weue , babe , Lob fuelde discos ruslijab , eseo und voninelner autco kranholt suit Maurattlclits incur gvwpureht ' sle Ide vor langer zeSt g4olclI babe. Achluutgsvoll. , MARTIN tVIlU'NF.IL _ - A soldier stationtgatFort lZhbrara , wlm'so frIend was both ridden , through a complIcatIon of dIsease SST1tNI under data .1 4th , letS : I ala lt1ea'1 to hiforin you that uay frtunS-ls Up again , and is gsinius nicely through the he p of your valuable inotlicluci , lie aunwtnitlatos visiting you as soon as strong snoug Ms. ys. L-vr , of Iteerney , write' , June 25 , laSs : I have boon taking 'your medicines acoording directions atid find myself grusetly iniprotod. Thu pain In uty hued nt may sicup much butter , and 1 fe very much baiter in iii respects and cell go about my work with plsseor. . - " . ' ec1aIinj 1Vha Dr. F1SMJkZU Jf Done/or JIec. . Gwo ISLAND , Nebsaska , Jun. 17 , 1883. . 1) ; . . A It l iscrT. I am feelingqulte strong and lookIng tnuch better , 11ev. gained fi'.o seumba wellct. . , erybudy how bad I 1. 5 and how wail I feel now , Youm , MISS. K. lIMlhT1tE7l' . Laterahe w tO from Loup City : My friends here bash isot been me for six mantles ; werts doUghIest with the Imp : . mint in my health. A young friend .sys he never saw mci looking well. M. iIEtET , . \ MrIt. A. oDs of Lyndon Nebraska , wzjtoeunderdateof April23 1883 : Tb. remedy whlsb I o. ceiviviof youflJtdedgroa rsiIel I feel . though I hid bean tregeosreteJ. ; ; A yosti J gealleman from Exeter , Nebraska , writeajutselet : I ameatitifiM that your medicines are helping ; 1 'in not em nervous , nor have the diasy .gclla. In tact , 1)ootor , I feel as skough 1 was in- 1(10 ( oIlier boy ccl ogether A'1diitj 7houte atzdNervowi posfraUon-AfleinarkaUe Cure , C ilcumuyLiaNsb. , July 12 , 1883 Di. A. ii. VusctsLrrr , Omaha-Deaf ale : I'erintt iss. to express to you my acknowledgucent of the greaC . have done mc iii restoring me onoo more to health sued strength. When I Stat consulted you . suiler beyond descrIption twin ki n.y dIoase and my osseous system was in a.t&teof complete pruetra. lion. The fluttering UI my heart alter the silgictest exertion , was buyoe4 eciduranee. Through your treM muff I ciii hOW oorniilet.ehy restored an I coimsi er mute a miraculous cure. I feel batter than I have for yesri anti there are Ito trsco of my old complaints left. Vemy truly your. , JOhN 13. 8551 U. Saved/ram ( t Cazmsnsuuptvc's ( Grave , lusL.Lr , lows , September 3 , 188 I ) . . FisiiLAtr-I intended to collIe and see you for a l ° ng tune , but it seems impossible to do so. Sli thanks lot what have douc for toy wife s hea1t wanted to lao you face to face end return you you ha. been letter these last sl ttmoiith Ilian she lies bent for tItrcu'rArs. She lies not taken any uiickemie , incc the last you setit her amid hate , ouiie id It left Site has gal a , fally 26 pounds uuider your troauJpt.I sttd sh Is now doing her work every day , lIce family a'l ' Jo us hi sending ) 'Ot * their thanks. I advise. al it I contact with , who are troubled with hung disease , to put theusesLvc uadrr your trvatmemuL J , 14 , IIeCOUIJSL WishIng , loll success , 1 LW your friend , I It will ho observed that the above k'etiinoxtIvl arc the spontaneous OXItfOMlOIldof those woaz , , o have booi4lr. FisiitIatt'e patients , are net of an ancient dote and tromomne tar o ! plane , but rezussnt true sentiments of those who through bits treatment have been restored to health anti bappinsea. LI All those suffering from ChronIc Dhseasul of no matter how longet&nsllog , can hayc a : ooommitingDt. } 't.htthattatbI1 c : , i'iIIVATII OYJlCtC3 , OVEU'ffUl OMAhA NATIONAL BANK , OMAMA. KI1RASKA coNsuLT.TlpH Yltint. ChargN tnoderit and wlth1o reach of all who aecd scienUflo at meat. Thoes who who rodde a a dietanoc lOth ts.unot , will reosile pruini stIentlosi % situsi with pvts. Lock Boa 88 , Oat&bts , leb , ( - ' ' an-------t-