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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1883)
r . q THE DAILY BELr OMAIIA , WEDN1fiSLA , SEPTEMBER t2 , 18J TllE OitiIAHA BEE. Pahllehed every morning , uarptl8i ndey The enly Monday morning dally , rnuM aT NAIL ne Yrar. , , , . . . $1p.ooThroeronlhe p,00 faiMnntne . . . 6.0)IOne Month , , . . . . . , , 1.00 t TI UKLT axe , reecnnxD IrTTIU rnmxxeDAT. Txxxe'toltruD. One TMr. . . . . . . $ . , . . . $ & 0 8tLMonths. . L00 OneMonth. . . . . . . , r0 Amerian News Company , hole , Agenta Newedeal N In the Untied States , , A Oon.mnolranone retating to News and Fftorlal mxttcn should be nhlrM + ed to the Rwtoxor Tex RO , w1 xU,15Wd L.mIuI. ARnuslecac i.ettere and Ilematnntte'shenld'ba addreLodtoTnxDxxPueuswr COerlxT , OeanA. Drefta. Checke and Postomee orders to be made pay ebb to the order of the company. THE BEE BUBLISHING COG , PROPS , E. E08EWATER"Edttor. Titnnn are soma Mile which crop boiaa a mcmbor of the C A. I . cannot COrcr. Hoxiir and ability arc comblnod in James \Y. , Savsgc. This is ono reason why the people desire his election to tlio supreme bench. Ilia. GfE.TIIAM IIM been hoard from. The reasons which ho assigns for Vnndor voart'e removal will be eatisfactory to every ono but VandorroorL Tien Hcratei ie putting eomo terribly lortinent questions to Ifou. James Laird anti they demand a reply. Mr. Laird cannot afford to pass them by in eilelco. FonTyFoult millions dollars worth of buildings have boon constructed in Now York aInce Ianuary. Chicago bake at this item and weeps , when ahe thinks of I o.orhauling the metropolis. ANOT11U1L lieutenant in the army tome up mb Bing as a defaulter. The only diE- foronco between defaulters in the army i and out of the army is that in the former punishment invariably follows detection amid court martial. Naws of the attempt to make a martyr of Vandorvoort line reached Washingtnti , and , Poetmaato.Gonoral Croatian promptly - ly oxplaina Limo cauaes which led to his 1 removal. Ho charges that for years Aj complaints of Vandorvoort'a inefficiency and disregard of orders have boon on file in the 1'ostoffico department , that his continual neglect of his official duties have called for repeated censure from his superintendent , that during the year ending July 31 , 1883 , lie puns absent from his poet 206 days , that ho has lied to his ouperiora to cover oh - cial delinquencies and reporting himself on duty when junkoling in the woat. Inefficiency - efficiency , absenteeistii , insubordination and falsifying aum up the charges on which Vandorvoort was removed. It is ainoorely to be hoped tlnt Van- dervoort will aak for an invostigatluu and ' be promptly accommodated. A score of. i other and graver charges can be made and sustained , any ono of which would ho sufficient to warrant his removal. I ; a IwhogArla badgering still cpntinuos ' ' between tlio representatives of Franco and Chinn , but there is a warlike cloud gathering which may burst at any mo mont. An interview lately published in oho Now York Ilcratd gives tame opinion of General Cordon that the only two powers capable of coercing China are Rngland and Rus > ria , the former because she can invade front the coast , and the latter bocauao elmo can overrun front the land aide England , ho says , could undertake - dortako such an invasion bocauao-oecu pying tam treaty ports-no foreign power would object ; but France in a similar venture would continually be in hot water with Great Britain. Undoubtedly China counts on such a possibility very atrongly in her relations with Franca General Gordon does not doubt that t e French could easily and rapidly over- I power the Chinese forces , but the princi- 1 ' pal effort of the latter would bo to force r the French int' , such positions as would i throw them into collision with , the Ln- t gtiah. General Gordon adds some valuable .pinions on the alums of the European } population 'in sotni civilized communi ties. 'limo English and other foreign rue , ideate of Shanghai , Hong Kong. Canton ; otc , , have no intoreat i1.time Chinese ox. cept such as affect their own pockets. Tlmoy would be glad to sno a war involving - ing any European nation with Ohimia , ho. eaueo thereby their opportunities for anonoy.making would be so much the more increased. General Gordon rightly has a men opinion of a colonial or for- iga community which attompte to dio- tate to the people of the land In which they are temporarily living. Ho citoe time Cowardice add avarice of rho foreign ummunity in Egypt , and makes a shrewd guess at time cauco of the' ' i + war with Medagascsr by laying it to the 1 I foreign plantore , who Want til0 rigid to own elayoe. Similarly , in China there is $ powerful body of foreigners who attempt - tempt not only to govern tbomeclvos in j titefr special settlements but to control the policy of tau natives in their own aolf govornmont. CONTINUY. TIIE : PAVING. i The letting of time contracts teethe pay- ( lug of thocroesetreotawiildiapoaoof all the proceeds of too paving bonds voted at the I last election. If the city council aru wise 4ltey will prepare at once a prpositou t for another $100,000 in paving bonds to r ' be voted upon thin fall. No one believes that the paving already done meets the * present noeda of Omalm or thu 'wLshos of her citizens , and no one expects that next year it is to P8 without a further oxtoneion .of the paved limits In the city. The 'raving of Douglas lend Iiarnoy streets aaakN the merchants on Farnam street 4 " . alnxiaam for the lmprovsment of tint thor- akgkfaro. They uadoritand bettor than p anyone also the damage to trade and traf- fie which a continuance of its filthy condition brings during certain aoasons of the year. To permit Farnam street to remain unpaved another year would be a piece of costly folly. Dodge street also do- mande a pavomemit and time property owners on Ninth street have already handed in their petition. We must continuo paving operations next year and tuna cemncil will act wisely in preparing in advance for the necessary funds. If the bonds are voted at the coming election , the contracts can be lot during the winter and work can begin - gin as 50011 as spring opens. If we delay submitting thu proposition for bonds until the April election paving cannot be begun - gun until time opening of summer. The delays neceesary to secure potitinne , to advertise for bidders , and to lot time contracts - tracts will consume sixty days' time. In other words paving would ho delayed until time beginning of .Juno. For these reasons Tnn lion favors the submission of a paving bond proposition to the voters of Omaha at time fall elec- tion. The proposition Should be for $100,000 of 1)011(18. This sum will ho aufiieiont to pay for time city's share of paving for a year to'como.Vitt that amount $300,000 worth of pavenents can be laid in Omalma within the next twelve months. JUnr11 ; 811 tai w RECORD. The Rcpublfcmm calls upon somebody to publish the judicial record of .lames \V. Savage , and throatenstoperform deaf duty itself if its request is not complied with , The Rclrublfcan cannot do time judge or his supporters a bettor sorvico. Time judicial record of Janes W. Savage is found in two terms of service on the bench of time most important die , trice in Nebraska. During that varied more eases wore disposed of and weightier quostion5 examined than in any two other judicial districts in the state. Elected first over such an able lawyer as John M Thuraton , who was then supported - ported by TRu Bun , and knifed by the Rcpubllcan outfit , at the expiration of hie term Judge Savago'S record received such an endorsement from the bar and at the Polls that it resulted in his return to the bench by an ovorwhollning majority in a district in which every other successful - ful candidate was opposed to him in politics. The judicial record of James Savage was first of all an homiest ono. No lawyer or client over questioned his ater- ling integrity his unvarying impartiality or his judicial fairness. No corporation hold hint in its grip and rings and rascals found no favor in his eyes. In time second place Judge Savage's judicial record saw that of a cultivated and refined gontleman. Time disgraceful travesties on judicial decorum which arc scef in eomo of our western courts found no place in its presence Ifo presided with dignity and lie enforced from others time respect duo to time court. No lawyer of standing in Omaha will deny that tame judicial record of Judge Savage was that of an able and learned flail. The position was tlto most difficult in tine State to fill. Time questions brought before time Douglas county court are important and often exceedingly intricate - tricato Time bar contains time ablest lawyers in time state. Under these eir- cufletancea time success which attended Judge Savage during his incumbency of time ofieo was a gratifying proof of his eminent fitness for time position. Time charge Inado during time last campaign , that a number of his decisions were reversed - versed , is probably trim. Time judge who is immvurably suatained by the Suprene court line nut } et been born. No lido in infallible , but time Proportion of cases on appeal in which hdecision of time lower court was re- V'cr5cd was no larger in Judge Savacs district than it is iii shy imiu1portent mu- ferior court in Now York or Ohio. Judge Savage's judicial record may be condensed into a very short paragraph ; honesty , impartiality , dignity and ability. These are exactly time elmarneteristics which the code oNebraska desire to find in the successor to Goo. B. Lake. The JDtlt , the Motley and time Jury. 1'ldladalplmta Tinmes Time belated report that Stop imotmY Dorsu hlmsuli bribed time laat Star route jimmy , amid thereby .secured a favorable verdict' is an interesting ammg eetion of judicial niutiods as developed ut the atmosphere - mosphere \Yltshimtgtoi. . As the fore- mail and sono of the momboms of time first jury are under iudictmont on a chirgo of bribery , it is difileult to under- stond why time latter one should be an more vtuous because it reacted a eouolueion instead of die , im roeiug Suchn a rumor , therefore , finds belief bocauao It is strictly within time limits of Waahimm ton proabilit though if it Caine from any other section of hn country it nmi htat once invite aue picioll. Tht Doreo would be willing to be a jury , after boasting his achieve Inonte as rchaser of votes , mna be ae- emnod ; That a Waahin ton juror might be induced to soil is also auuimod from former transactions. Both demand and supply being in oxietoueo in the eanto platy and at tmo same time it is miot fm- possible timat time retail dealing in mnrtt ton jurors has been supplanted by a wlloloshlo trade. The Exuberant hand l'olloy. Boston Journal , The exuberant laud policy of the past is to be chocked. Time lapsed grants to railroads whielm have never earned time laud allotted to them , must be made to revert to time gov'orunent and ho thrown upon to settleuleimt. I'ublic opinion do. maids that time next congress should give prompt attention to time matter , and it will not look kindly upon any person Iu autlmorit who shouldsot u p so bad a precedent as the ilaldimi over to time bouthurm Pacific tide vast unoarnudaroa A Faumily Trait , Burlington Hawkeya YoungGoorgoVamdorbiltfourtm eon of Limo Imillionairo wants to bo a newspaper reporter. Thera it crops l out amt' he natural heroditar educated , and ry greed for gold' the insatiable thirst for wealth , the passion for amassing millions by tire easiest and quickest methods , and roach. tug a fabulourcompotonce by the short. eat ways , Its a family trait. A FRONTIER POST , The Location , SIrroauaiags and Gencral Characteristics of Fort Robiasdl , The Clmarnis of' i41f0 at a Military Camp-Itemlntsconsce of In- dlan Oatbrcnks. F'ltorW Cerreepondenee of rite lies. Four Itonissow , Neb , , September 7th , 1883-Frontier poets are much alike in their general cimaractorietice. The inevitable - table line of officer's quartora fronts the parade ground which is enclosed by the company quarters backed by the stables and corral and flanked by the hospital and laundry row. But all frontier poste do not poseaas equal advantages of location - tion with Fort Itobimieon. No post in time doparttnmlt of time Platte has a mnoro charming natural situation. The stage road to Deadwood leaves the Fort two and a half smiles to the west at Rod Cloud station , a few rods from time old agency. From time station a buck board runs in twice daily to time Fort carrying time snail and express matter from the north and southVo pass over two rises of ground before time first glimpses of time goat become visiblowhen a turn in the road slmows us a neat bird's- eye view of time garrison lying directly in our trent , about a toile dietanL Fort Robinson was laid out by General - oral Jolun D. Smith , in 1874 , ahortly before time outbreak of too Sioux troubles which culminated in the Rosebud - bud campaign. The situation selected was ant excellent ono from a military point of view. Located about 70 miles cast of FL Laramie in time oxtrene north , western corner of Nebraska , it focus one of time cliadn of posts which strotcim along our Indian frostier , and hen intimo great Sioux nation with a circle of bayonets , through which it will be dif icult , if not impossible , to break , Fort Niobrara , which is nearly 100 miles eastward , ntands as a guard against time Spotted Tail Sioux at Rosebud agency and Fort Itobinaon is the military garrison nearest to Pine Ridge Agency with ) its 7,000 Indiana. Time throe posts , Laranie , Robinson , and Pine Ridge , therefore uard a line of frontier over 276 miles n extent along which 16,000 Indians rove within their reservations through a enmld portion of Northern Nebraska - braska and a largo portion of Southern Dakota , From a picturesque standpoint the location - cation of Robinson was no loss fortunate , The post atands in time valley of time Wiuto river. To time west and north the buttes rise to a ltaigimt of from 300 to 600 feet above time plain , their sides cut and jagged into curiou8 shapes by time in- tluuncesof watorandatmospheroand their rounded t0pa crested with the deep green of time mountain pine. A break in time hills to the northeast and southwest vomits time passngo of tine river as it winds northward to its junction with time Missouri river. Excult ) for tlmis the garrison would be entirely - tirely surrounded by a circle of buttes in a plmtin of loss tanpn throe miles square , carpeted with a luxuriant rowth of rasa and watered b tmumorous springs , which lid their way tlmrou6h orttua-linod banks to the rivr Wo approach time post from time east , amid after a ride of a half an imeur from time atago station our team brings us to double row of white tents , whore Cap- tatm Pay11o'e company of cavalry are caumping pending the construction of their new quarters. As wo drive past time officers row we are enabled to take in time entire post , which stretches in a regular quadrangle to the banks of Sol- dier's crook below. Time Orriosim QUAItTRn3 nro neat , adobe buildings , with accom iodations for two sets of quarters in enclm , a conmon doorway loading to a single hail. With time oxceiition of time connmalding officer's buildmg they are all ore story in height , with a stoop pitched ahinglod roof , which projects sulliciently to afford slid - ter for a neat porch below , Including Cal , Carpenter a quarters which are com prised in a two story hi ) roof structure at the extreme } vest end of time row , there are seven buildings in time line furishing fair accominmdatiem for a garrision of three eongmmmies. Time arrival of Captain I'i imo's counnumd iota necesaitated an ad- ditwn to the preaemmtacconunodationsamid in time spring a now commanding olllcer's house will he built west of that now oe- euliod ) by Ccl. Carpenter , while time building wlucll he row uses will be reconverted - converted lute two acts of quarters , its original condition before eimanged into ono dwelling by Col Sinner the late commander. Between time commanding ofiieer's residence and time post the AmMINISraArtoN RDILmNG , Timis structure , for whose erection preparamiona were begun by Col. Sumner - ner , hiss beet built by Col , Carpenter since 1.13 arrival last ilia and isjust con ) loted , It is a neat two story frame building ; designed to accommodate the Poet Adjutant , Sergeant Major amid the post library. broad hall rune through cantor. To the right as we entera door opens to the Ad'ntant'e room which is neatly finished with black walmit rained wood work with hard till- ielmed wane , narrow tine flooring and a ten foot ceiling. It communicats direct. l in line roar ith the Adjutant's clerks roost whuro the records of the post are kept. Across the hall and taking in one half of time buildin down stairs is time post library of some seven hundred vol. mos , Up stairs arc sleeping rooms for the Sergeant Major and aclerk. Time adninistration building leas bean erected almmost oimtirel by solder labor. All the wood used dtiiits onstruction came from time neighborhood , The loge were cut by soldiers in the eailyone vveat of time fort hauled in by government teame amid sawed , planed , tongued , and grooved in the post saw atilt , Time rrison lilts eve reason to be proud of the result which was obtained t an actual o : endi. turn of about $200 in aloneY a1)1prolpria- tiomi. Tmimm Max'a QuARvYas face time parade ground on tlmo east , west amid south , rime are 130 foot tong and 30 foot dee built of tine uared lee oaelm containing a aacoummodations for one coi- pammp , Time quarters to time east are occu picU by Troop II. , Fifth cavalry , Captain llolum Hamiltn AI. oommudin , Ca . tame Hamilton's troop has time die inction of beiim time recipient of special inontion fronn thgo divisioInspector for their aol. diorl appearance out the neat condition of their quarters and stables A long dining ball and kitchen runs along th rear of the stooping apartment ; a neat and well-stocked library and reoding room is located at time north end of the building , while in the front the company orderly room ie situated. Directly opposite across time parato grounds are time quarters of Company M , Captain John B. Babcock comntnandln . ' 1'o a civilian eye there is little difference in a , oarauca between time quarters of Cumlu n M and those of Caran H. Time same neat sleeping room whim its long line of beds and armq chests blankets rolled up at the head , and time floor and wodwork shimming in their cleanliness is visible as one enters the door. hero too is a well lighted dining room and capad. us kitchen , a carefully selected lib. . ' , , , mad a well stocked reading room. Cpmpany M hoaets of the best collar in time garrison and of ommo of time most soldierly and pop , ular company commanders in time depart- . The quarters nccupiod by Company - pany 0 , 4th Infantry , Captain Edwmim M. Coates commandinm' are located opposite to officers row on a line with time ad'u tart's olllcc the guard house , time coin- missa ' building ( time hospital , They time the arrisoim mire lmistorie ( uartors of fur lmure on .iruntary ' 10 , 1871) , occurred time rolnarkttbu ) INDIAN oUTUnO.tK of limo Northern Cheyennes under \Vild hog. " It will 1)u remnemnbered tlmat in Auguet,1877 , eouleoight Innmdred of the 1\ortlmcrn Choyemmcs were sent from Dakota to time Indian Territory. On Sept. t 1878 , ei'imt .nine bucks an l two Imundred and ort -four women and chit , dred esen ) ed from Fort Remo amid struck northward fur Dakota co0nuittin hum. eroua depredations on their route amid eluding all pursuit in Kansas and Nebraska - braska mitillOctober 18th , when tan were taken near Rod Cloud agncy. OnOcto- ber 23rd ono lmundred and forty-nine Cheyennes were captured near Fort itoh- insomi , and two days later were removed to that post and placed in confinonent awaiting time orders of the Indian depart. mnont. Hero tlmoy were held for more than two months , closely guarded , amid daily becoming nmoro sullen , until early immJ anuary they wore informed that time Indian department had ordered their rc- turn to time Indian Territory. They refused - fused almost to a man to comeont to ro- nmoval , On January 0th , "Wild Hog , " time ring leader was ironed after a struggle gle in which a soldier was stabbed , mid time Indians began to barricade time qu ir- tere. To time surprise of ell it was found tlmat they hind succeeded in concealing a largo number of rifles and any attempt to enter time building would have boon certain - tain death. The following night at 10 o'clock occurred the deepertto aid gallant - lant attempt of the 0lieyonnas for liber- ty. Two of the sentinels were killed , time barricades were thrown down and a simultaneous rush was made from doom aid windows towards the creek ; time squaws covering the retreat of too bucks and dropping bravely in tlmeir places as the chiefs fled toward the water under a heavy fire from the guards. Before the band could roach shelter Ihirty-two wore killed and seventy-two recaptured. Time remainder fled to the hills amid entrenched themselves where in a series of engage- tnoate lasting until time 20th the etmtiro band were either killed or recaptured. The Indians foughtwith tlmogreatest des , portion to the last , refusing all terms of aurrondor. Scarcely a corporal's guard remained to be removed to Indian Territory. It is an inturosting fact in this connection , that while I write , Captain - tain Hamilton's company are flow on time road between Sidney and Robinson , escorting - corting time remtmamit of time Northern Cheyennes on their way from Immdian Torrmtory to tlmoir frionr1e at Pine Ridge agency. Amopg time number are a dozen or more who werd in the memorable omit. break at Fort Robinson in 1870. Captain Coates' company is the only company of infantry at the post. It is much reduced in number , the discharge of mar of time men , ut will be soon recruited to time standad. Last week time company gave a very enjoyable ball to Company 111 , of the Fifth cavalry , of wlmicim I see that an account has al. read appeared in the BEE. To the south of Captain Hamilton's comPamm 'a quarters the now quarters tor Coman y C Fifth aval corn- mantled b Captain Payne , are rising. These when ca m letedwill be time most substantial logm uartors in time department. The are uilt trrou ) lmout of psalved logs withl time joints tightly filled with mortar , time roof shingled from both tie east and west sides. Time quartora are to be 126 feet long aid 25 foot wide , with an L for kitchen amid dining room purposes 80 feet long. Upon their completion Captain Payno's coni- tall which ese to give a grand opening it is runmored will be tluo grandest afair of time kind ever wit- aeeaed at time garrison. The adjutant's ufi'co ' , guard house and prison , time coma- ulivaary and quarterimlasters buildings , two long frame stmuctures pnimmted red , two cormpnay stables to which a third is to be added , a half n dozen isolated log houses occuied by time married soygeauts and privates a whoelwrigimt and black- smitim she n corral and limo of houses denoninated lamd row form with time hospital time renmaimiimm buildings of time garrison which it will ho aeon , ie quite a large sottloiilent in itself. Ihad nbnost omitted mention of time post tra. dot's residence and establisluuont which stands on a line with the officers' row next to time administration building , and comprises a log and frame residence with name moms , a large store , several warehouses - houses and a corral. Major J.Y. . l'ad- dock , formnur1. of Omaha , is in charge , and his family usvo'been spending time eamumor at Robnson and enjoying time bracing atmosphere and time pleasant society of time post. For time society is certainly delightful , oven if sonnowbat restricted as to numbers. A garrieomm with fewer feuds a moro genial set of officers commanding a more order ) and soldierly lot of runnimm , with leas official riction it wld ho difficult to find mmm any department. Of the garrison 11i detail , the machinery of a frontmor post , the occupations and duties of time officers and the pleasures and trials of army life at an Isolated poet I propose to speak moro in detail in another letter. I will only say in closing that the alleged lazy army officer of the soft service brigade - ado is not stationed at Fort Robinson , aid time military martinet of a sons mtmanding officer has not takeim imp his quarters in time building occupied b Y Major Louiq , If. Carpenter , the imospita blo , soldierly and genial post commander. \Y. E. A. Jay Could on Economical Questions. St , Lou ( , linpubllcan. Mr. Jay Gould , as may be learned from his veto interoeting toftmmeiy before the senate labor committee , believes in sot- thing industrial conflicts and all disagree. monte between capitol and labor by coin- Petition. This is a most natural view of the to a man who etande entrenched - trenched boimiudsomohundrodsof Inilliune of dollars. Napoleon believed duo battle was likely to be decided in favor of the huaviset attalions Mr. Gould , no doubt , Zhu a atmilat confidence in heay puaeee a w His tlew of time wisdom and fairness of submitting diaagreements to time arbitration - tion of competition ie based on time some- wimat common idea tlmat labor is a commodity in the same sense that its products are commoditiog This estimate of labor is true only with a great many qualifications and limitations. Time whole stock of ordinary cenlmodities which are for sale may pasa into time keeping and control of a few persons. Suchn commodi. ties may be hold cold stored , for a time at least. Labor possesses no much1 advan- tage. It it for sale every day , and it cannot decline all offers of purchase for one week , or oveim for ono day. Without those .very combinations , or tradesuniona , for whoso existence , except for benevolent purposes , Ms. Gould seas no use , limo labor of the country is in the hands of and under the conrol of a multitude so nuniorous as to ho incapable of any unity or concert of action. While those who etuploy or buy labor are eomparativeiy a smnll and compact band , those wlmo jell labor mire a disunited , neccesitous mesa. It unmet. be ] slain , therefore , that labor cannot be regarded in nil respects or oven in most reapects as a simple conunodity. It denunuds a degree of coneiderdiomiamid protection which the greatest wisdoms amid bemmarolonce in statcaumamshi ) have bcmm uuablo to fully cotmfor but which time most mmli iitened ould gladly bestow were the wn ade lain , Mr. ould declames that Ito th gets its just sluts of time wealth which lie the vroduct of Inbor. " There is a large nmount of egotism in thus remark , bTime disparity between what ime tmiulka is hima own ) re ) l'r reward and that which fairly roes to the mass of commnon laboer is as intuit - tuit to nothimm r. It may be difficult to toil h owsucimimm ualitieainhedistribution of woaltlm as are shown in his and time case of an intelligcntand fnithfullconimon laborer could be avoided without creating greater evils , but it is marvellous that ho simould regard the slmaring as fair and satisfactory. It is entirely certain that time world will not accept as sound such a1 opinion From time most obvious consideratione of political economy it can be shown that suh private fortnes as have been accumulaed in the United States in time last twenty years by a large number of persons involve an enormous waste and loss of human labor. The wealth of time unduly rich1 is time evidence of a debt against future production , which , if it is not rotarmed to the people by benevolent - nevolent gifts and bequests , must be paid to the last farthing. The principal of this wealth must ho enjoyed by its con- sumilption by its present favored owners or it must remain , time people paying a perpetual interest on it out of time fruits of their toil. The tax upon the production - tion of time country , on this account , now is very reat. It is conceivable tat it may ecome vastly greater. But that its form is not favorable it might descend from generation to generation a greater incubus than the feudal inheritaucos of an ago to wlmich we look back to with amazement and horror. Mr. Gould thinks there is no such timing inn this country as monopoly. In the sense that nobody is inhibited by law from engaging in any lawful industry , and may , by invoking the aid of the state in the exorcise of tlmo power of eminent - nent donmain , build a railroad anywhere , even alongside his own great lines , the remark is true ; but in time sense tlmat it denies that the powers and privileges granted to corporations and comnbinaions have mint rendered coupetitiomi in a great number of instances practically an mor- impossible , it is conspiiously not true. Hero again the roniedy for the evils which Mr Gould denies have any existence line not been mmiado plain. The most that can be said is that the spirit of unrest under timeni will no be quieted till results are reached which the common - mon understanding of mankind can accept - cept as wiser and nmore just thin have yet been evolved. English Poverty and Crime. Of every 1000 persons in England and Wales , about twenty-seven receive relief from poor funds. This makes in these two divisions of Great Britain an average of about 725,000 who may be considered as paupers in a population of less than 27,000,000. This n but a single item shoeing the troubles and sorrows of time aufYering poor in a great and wealthy kingdom. Time average immortality among infante in England and \Vles during the period of three months , on which a recent estimmate is based , was 126 in every 1000 under ono year of age , time aggregate being nearly 211,000. Timis was largely in time nmanutaeturing districts , being 141 in 1000 in Lancashire , 140 in Staffordshire , 147 in Loiceatorahire , 151 iii time East Ridding of Yorkshire , 108 in Bristol and 147 in Hull aid Huddersfield. That is , of every 1000 cliildron born this number die in these places before they reach the ago of ammo year. Iu ono locality not mentioned iii time list time rate reached 100. Without mitering auto an accurate calculation , we may say that the deaths of infants under one year of ago many possibly average from fifty to sixty per 1000 in San Francisco. Our cotmdittona of life are much easier than in England , amid not only here , but throughout all tim states of the Unioi , clmildren are niuclm bettor cared for. Plmilantlmropistsostiumato that at least 50,000 English infants die annually in their country under circun- stances that ma be mildly described as infanticide. Children are born to young otlmors anxious to at rid of then Mothers who work in factories cannot take proper care of their infaits and are obliged to leave them alouo or with nurses who are not oxpecteI to return them to their homes alive. Infanta are a burden which it some desirable to got rid of as ox oditiousl though as decently as possible ; therefore are starvd to death byy degrees , dosed itim opiates , or neglected ad altreated with the ohpe or expectation that death will come as a relief to diem as well as to the mothers who bore them. Yet with all this poverty and crime in her midst England sends out her miasionaries amid oses as time Pharisee before time nations of the world saying constantly , nut only in speech but b her manner ) "I am etter than thou I' THE GREATGERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. - - - - - . itellevts and curt. IIIIEUMATISM1 Neuralgia , - Sciatica , Lumbago , sAetACIiE , _ _ _ _ S&ADAC11ET0OTSAODl't SORE THROAT , QUINSV , 8w.soa SPIIAINM , Soreness , Cuts , Omlpa , YBONTUIT1 , IIURNM , N'ALIa , And alloiherbodllyscLes and palne. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. 8oldbyeIIDrugglatxsail Draien Dlrreiuw is Ii laaewgte. TM Chutes A. Yogskr Vt. ( j..nw.i.A.TOuunaa ) . , gall M.Mcat , . 1 Dry Goods ! CO. . , Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO STEELE JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JOnnlms 1N FLOUR , SALT , SUGARSI CANNED GOCrIL 'ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL L11NE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco . AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J. A , WAKEFIELD , WIIOLFSALE AND 1tTAIL DEALER IN " Shilla1e , Pickets , SASH 1 DOOR S BLINDS , MOULDINGSI LIME , CEMENT PLATE R , &C. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C. Fe GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Pailits , Oils , Yarslle I aii ¶ thdo ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Cake fe It fe the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound is equal to throe pounds of core Stock fed with Ground 011 Cake in the Fall and winter , instead of rusoing down , xill Increase in weigh and be in . good marketabmo condition in the spring. Dairymen , ns well as other , , who ueo it can teetily Its merits. Try it and judge for youreemvee. Price $25.00 per ton ; no clargo for eacke. Address n4 ead-me } YOODAIANILINSfi11D OIL COMPANY , Omaha Double and Single Acting Power' and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings Steam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. ; Corner 10th Farnam' ' St , , Omaha Neb. SALEM FLOUR. T.Ii Flour i , nude at Salem , Richardson Coy Nebraeka iu the Combined Roller 8ta.e Syeten. W give EXCLUSIVE . Bale of . our flour to ono firm In a plaoo. We have opened a branch at 1818 O pltel arena Omaha. Witty for 1'rlooe. Address either VA Yx NTIN E ale R731 F''Y. glom or Omaha , Mob. y HU.air .88 ® i. ; rt - ASR TUUIt GROCERS FOR TIIE = ® MAH.A DRY HOP YEAS 1 c v WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL , n Manufactured by the Omaha Dry 8oP Yeast Coe _ CORNER 1fiTII AND DA1'CNOIIT STIIEtT3 , O1fAIiA , NE's. E tf rbli.l 1i c1 iii ] . 133. - = Side Spr1ll Attaclimefit ( PATENTED ) . . 5. ! _ y T JR Siffipsoli , THE LEADING 1 CarriageFactory P 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street , OMAHA , - - - - - ° . NEBRASKA. 0 REAT EN CLI8H REMEDY. ° y S' CUFeS PIIYjICAL a Debill OLOTAL LOSE OY MANLY VIGOR , Spormatarr mom , Me. , when all other reme . r dice tall 4 cure ywaranu d. . $ Lbo a bottle , large bottle , toot . timee the quanUtl , $ f. Dl ox- pred to any &Mreae. Sold b andrugglata ENausml 5KDI. CAL INSTITUTE , l'ruprietore , 718 Olive Street , St. LoulsYo. - - " 1 hare wad 8h AaUey Cooper , Yltai Reetorati e for yars. Every customer spuatu highly of it 1 mhce1 Mteglyondorxe tit sea remedy o1 true merit. Omaha } ' .b. l 1823.r C R Otpoo il9 m . 'ooh y CorniceNorks ; IIWN AND SLATE ROOYR7a. C. SPECHT PROP. 1111 Dough , fit. . . Omaha , Neb. WANUYAVTITRKR OY 8alvanfzea Iron Cornices YDormer Windows Fintels Tls , Iron end HIM. Roofing 8peoht'e latent Metallic Skylight , Patent e4)uatcJltakhetilu ) and bracket Shearsg , i am lbe general agent for the ahoy , its. of goad. Iron neoresdowu'tad.Yeraod4.IronDank lWss , iWndz ' VoUi.r 0 : gsad 1 f of Peerwo t MUI' patent testis alid . t I BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS , An excellent appetizing tonic of i. exquteitedavoruowue oyettbe whole world , cures Dyspepeta , DlnrrhtraYeveraedaRseandau I- dkerdore of the Digestive Organ , .ti A ( owd roI + s Impart a delicious r flavortoagiseeofehampageeand q to all summer drink. . Try It. but ' : bewaroofcounterfelte. Ask your r grocer or druggist for thgenutne ' article manufactured by Pit. J. F' 0. 11. kiEOEItT m tIONS. J , W , WUPPERMhANN , Sole A enL ea.wora. a. . , ° ° I iVaa " ° ° w. ) Iola , 61 Broadwaav. N. Y. GOLD I IDAL , PAItI8 , 1878 , BA1 R'S .r7gsI Broakfasl Cocilil. t Warranted abeofutelu rurP Cocoa , from whirl , the exceu a 011 hae been remotd. It bad to red emu the ahvuyrA of Cocoa mixed % ilti Souchmarruwrootor Sugar , and Id tbereort far more economl. cal. It b dellcioua'sourlabing , st cugthratng , eually dlgeetod , and udmlrobly adaptrd for tarv bis as wrll as for pereone in health. Sold by groan ererywbe. . . BAIL & GO r , D arc1ic ierf xa& 0