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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1883)
- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - I e - 1- . 2 TtEEDAILY BEE "SATURDAY , SEP 1 EMBER 1 1883. AdvorilAing CIInctRIU tsli h become o commonto write the beginning of nfl nrticlo , in an o1ogn , in. tereBting nrnnnor. "Then run itinto eno nthcrtiomo tlint wo ftVoid nfl such , "And simply call nttention to the mtr- ita of hop Bittots in na p1an , term5 I8 posibk "To induce people "To zivo tijomonotrial , which .povo their 'i1uo that they will nee y. thing o1o. " - "Tiu 1ln1nnY o favorab'Lo ntccd in itil iapers , " 1tc1iiou9 and secular , 41llnving a largo 1o , ata i nupp1int. ing nil thor modicines. "There IR ItO denying , the virtuc9 of the : ri plant , and the pr.opricthrs of lop Bittern liavo shown great Bhrowdnes ' 5nd ability "In compounding a niodicino wimso 'cirtuca are so pallftbho to every ono' ol , . orvation. " 1)hl She Die ? "Not "Slio lingered arni suffered along , pinS ng away ftll the time for ycart , " "Thio doctors doing her no good ; " "And at lMt WL. cured by this Hop Bittirs the papers a7 so much about. " "Indeed ! Iiidcedl' "How thankful wo 8hould be for Urnt inodicino. " - A Dnughtcr'H Misery. "Eleven yoam our daiiglttr aufforod on , . bed of miBery , "From a corn1ication of kiduoy liver , rheumatic trouble and Nervous dobihity , "Under the care of the boatphy8ician , "Who gave her disease various nanlos , "But no relief , " .nc1 now 8110 is restored to u in good health by iu ; aimplya reniodyaa Hop Jilt. tors , that wo had shunned for years before - fore using IL"-Tirn PAItErH. Fatliorie Gcttliig Well. ' 91y daugicr ) Pays : " 110w much bcttcr father lii einoo ho uod IZo ittorL' "Ito Ii getting wtII fIer liI ionR suffering ftoio dl.cae decisred lnciirbio" "And wo arc o glad tbat ho uocd your Ilittori. " A Lor of ULica , N. Y. _ L- Know , ThatBRov'sIRoN BITTERS ' will cure the worst case . of dyspepsia. . 3 Will insurcaheartyappetite t and increased digestion , . Cures general debility , ana . , gives a new lease 'f 1ifc Dispels nervous depression ' ! and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nursing - ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sustenance - tenance for her cliild .1 i Strcngthensthemusclesand e ncrvesenrichcs the blood , Overcomes weakncsswalcc- L. . fulnessandlack ofenergy. Keeps oil' all chills , fevers , andother malarial poison. ; f Will infuse with new life the weakqst invalid. \L 37 WIker St. , flaltimore , nec. tESt. ' For six ycarl I hare bcen great .uflercr from Iflood IIseaie , 1)ys. peptia andConstlpatlon andbecama o debfiltted that I could not retain nythIn on my itoniach , in ( act , lila had nimon become a tiurcien. Plnaiiywiccn icopo Icadaimoat left one , toy husband seeing liieows's Isos Btruics odvertised itt the p3per , Induced too to give It a triaL I am now takInif the third t.ottio and have not felt a well In alL ycart aa I do at the greleot time. Mrs. L. r. OturriK. BRowS's IRON BIUERS . - - will have a better tonic efFect upon any one who needs " bracing up , " than any medicine made , . I S PATHI2WthI $ THE HOPE 0 WOMAN. HE RACE' . . ,1. , Y E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND , SI , . Var. ror lt IMALE WEAK. PES8E8 , Iscindliag Lcucorrkce. , 1- rcgula.i' utatl l'ulnal Menatrutlos , IuUammtlou and Ulcrrnlion of the Womb , Flooding , I'UO. LAPSVH UTI1U. &c , -nMuz1 $ to lice tute , .fl1ao1eua and tmmedta ttaoff ct. ltLtagreatbelpin .regnane , aad pi 'V. . & 4jA during b.bor . .nil at rrii1ar ictjadi. ruuicun gg u * su gui&iu it lFoa Le.WT'UU * ( 'f the oo.rstI , . orga .Alher ccx , R Ia tceotad to no remedy that I. . . , i . 1tZoro the public j end for l1 deue. of U4 $ tnT $ II i ( hi Grcatcjt eeicdy , e ike Iruri , VJflJfl.flY.CO1'LAENTf3otElttaer So 3FJnd Orout Rolirrin Its Ejac. LYp1 E.I'INKIIASE'S IIIMtI ) i'trJtIc'1Y ; J tw1. ate urerl tutI o (4 1tutr a tJc , uO1 , t tiao lane Otne wO ! girt. folio t.n.t t. a , tb , a PJrat.cau. A , iaaavu1k'U1a iru1Ja a U.i j.acc.u9 jrliothttcoQompnnndend fl2c'odi'td'rr cii Wed at sn ad i Teottru Svrnua. Lyon , Ea. 'ice of ejthti , ei. na LotUe fur 5. . The. Cc.t .e.Dt 1.7 ruaU In the form vt pills. or or ) iz.acc.j pt otgrieotirerLoI1oreitto. EU" . 'tu oei sniwera aU lctt.u , t In'iuir , Excetcc. S .w 8cw ( or paaapblct. Xeow ( Mi tiv r fint L haA * ' . I avu ewe too4 , c - I' 1M11ouve..tndTorpkflty U the U's ? 1A a " "r'r" i C . MAIHOOD RESTORED AvEctim ofcarl caualeg nervous debi I 111premituzi ttuCiy. ate. . bavltig tried ha vtha uer owaremea , nd aImple , oacof , et &r , , teStieSt be will i.od PIflL to hi. S.IIow-.uff.teri. .44Na , J. U. YJZ 4. CEaLU.mbL Zsw York . - - What Is ( lie Uiio ? , Vhatt thco ieoT thl IrnLuoua hMtC ? 'Thoena Ia cortitin. Letu talco our time , And hoard tfrt vital foroet ; thct we wwtW Before our tlcty ban toadied its golden itrhrno. What is the uo of rtteliing with , pent bratli Alter old ago , ILc ftrrow , Its ritItc hcalr Why noel we hurts ° welcome leath , Or go hialf.way , with hIftndsetretcllod out , to Carol There t no mn. 1)oar Iwart , If we litt. wait All thhtige will tnt. Let uc pauco , I , iay , \Vo cannot. go beyonil the Mlent gicto . 'l'hat hie a elictrt elay'N jonrney down the WAY. Sc , let u take our time In youthct fair bowere , The umt,1er oappn i o brief at host ; Let us look on the stars and ihuck the floworn , And lceti our feet grow weary , lot us rest. Let us take time for love and its delight ; It I , the one sweet thing tlisct iays for all Tue bittericess of limo , for 4orrnw's blight , For l'aln's despair nod Ieath' fuitercal ; , ahl. In that lost era when the world was now , , ovn WM moo's first. ; tiruit and life's oxcilto. Now has that tirno cotno laek to inn and nii- \ity should wo neck for mom ? \'ltnt Is the use ? - 1T.I.AVIIRELER. . SINGUIjAItLTIE8. A negro at Atigtinta , Ga. , catches fish by diving. A sucker that whistles is caught in Walker lake , Nevada , Two sunflowers lrLancast.or , measure respectively forty-eight and forty.nino inchic In circuinferotice. \Valtor Curtis , of Bath , N. Y , , 011000(1 his mouth si wide when he yawned , the other ( lay , that ho thislocatoil his jaw. A brook trout 52 years oh is kept iii a well by , Tames .Sherxnan , of Lafayette , N. Y. It has lost its spots , and looks aged am ! faded. A 1)011 voighing,833pctitids , tlmInrgost..aci ever made ott the Faciflo'co'st , was mt ro. contly at Mare island T'j'.yul' .ar a fog. signal alarm on Alcatraz island. A well.doveloped cancer on tim lip of n Kingston , N. Y. dng was successfully removed by a surgeon , who chioroforined the canine before cuminondng the operation. A stone weighing twenty two tons , tlic largest over tckcn uroin thin Ulatar quarries1 inusotl through Xitigstnn last week. l'weuty. two'horscs were iciiuired to draw it. Henry Clay Tlnirst n , of Mount Pleasant , Tox. , the tallest nutti In AineHca is seven feet seven antI ottolialf incites high fifty.throe years of ago , and weighs 280 Poi1Il8. Dooly , Ga. , is exceptionally blessed with , curiosities. It has a dwarf , twonty.eighit years old , four feet high and flfty.fivo pounds light. Near by a giant towers six foot seven in life atocicinge. A baby whale has been taken t. . the West. ndnator itquariutti In London friun the St. LMvranco. 'rite creature Is about fifteen feet long aitil rou Politida in weight , and seems vol1 and lively , although it's live companions tlIil iluring the voyage to Liverpool. Tue Icnitunt of Culture. A wistful light lay in her eyes As she gazed o'er the heaving son , And her slender hands wert. tightly clasped Around one uii.bent knee. Intense the glanro the nsoonbeams sliowoil . As I atoo1iocl till her breath caine fast ; Shin asked in a voice of music low , Are poaches chioa , at last ? -Boston AdvertIser. hONEY FOR TUE LADIES. The old-fashioned Garibaldi waist hi being jovi veil. The newest tennis hints nra nuulo of gray satin openwork straw , faced withcaidiitalami trinuncti with Peacock feather enils anti tion. gull's wing. liatiti iaiitting line coiiio to ho so much thin fashion that ninny hitthies of leisure who ( hi VOE beautiful work Anvo their iiiuney by ilocoratitig their own drcses. .1 % . Liitg ] lrniich bellorceently wore fourdif. ferent eostiinic before dinner. SIte had cvi- deittly lost her appetite and beoui odviacti by a 1hiyicIan to tnko exercise. Dark blue is and vIll ho a very liopular color for thin ProIliolindlo. Itotlierti is just itt jiresotit itiakitig the linittlitoincat of these stilts of royal hilito ladies' cloth of tim finest quality. Dr. Iiatiiiltou says that at least once every ( lily girls shoultl have their halters talcen oil 80(1 ho titritod nut 111cc young colts. "Calls thionice itiiiy ho very genteel , " Ito avers , "aicil roniphig very utigotitcol , hut otto Is the almduw , the other tito aubstanco of healthful oxcrcieo. " , Dark rod waistcoats antI revere , cloudy cisv. erod with gold braid , nra consileroh very stylish. A silver gray dress cuibroiderod in silver , with white woterwi silk vest , likewise cinhiriiltleretl , Is a unique anti ticlicato looking dross for iqiccial occasions , but ono that soot , bears iii , tiato , The latest "aitidie story" going tim rounils of tim jiress is headed , 'A Young Lad Tightly Jmbracod by a Serpent. " Such Inc tionts are not rare. lint tice young lady doesn't know at the time that lie Is a serpent. Sometimes slit , doesn't discover the fact until after she inarrks huin.-Norrlstowji I braId. A ranchoross sfVashtoo valley , Nevada , has Invontud a novel inothoti of lireeerviti eggs for winter ; iee. During the stittinier shi hiruska the eggs , IOU the contents into bet tIes , which are tightly corked anti coaled1 when they are hlaced in the collar , nicli . . tlowit. Shin claims the contents of the bottlet collie out as ( cccii as when lust li1t In. Tim top of the bUttintnl kiti diaapuarod hong ago up the fontinino alcove , and it hai since been ii sitystery to know where it. wont to. I'eihiitiH , however , thin inatterie explained by the tuititiciticetitent from l'arls that a lath ) recoiitl attetulod ii ball vlvon itt thuct city by a foreign count , in a costume of white kit ! fitting like a glove. But isn't title carrylof the buttoned kid rather too ? . , , , Monograms are nocv ciiibniitlcicil Iivory heavy vork , but are small in t.izo. They art exocutcil lii comparatively plaIn style , without Ally arabesque or floral clovico atirrousiditi thorn. Ilanilkerchiofe in Iiiit iiuiihhii are car nod with tlresaica of the 'untie material , ittid art worked with one of tlio brightest colors of thu muslin. The effect ' however Is itotgooii icm colored cud figured 'ltandkcrciiiols , like colored silk underwear , are merely is hasHing OCCOH tricity of In inocle. uu4AHi : .dIOl , ; -TK ; sprays of scarlet ot ititik geranium blossoms ot bunches of small vldna astere taco touch worn and are usually cut a In Wateau. They art both quaint anti pretty looking , antI , If properly porly rondo , look as If they hind Just hoer , taken out from between the lavender and pot pourri of your grandmother's chest.Vlier not in % Vatteau style these tlresaee are math short watated with loose bodices , anti a hobo sash tietl'aronml the walat. , _ . . t..ci5jtta Inc hOW IiiaUO 1 of ittie atoclciiiettt cloth , which line tics advantage of fittitig the figure very closely , Thin moat .opular sluaiit of tItle gariitoxit lit doubho.brezuite4 , aitd has small st.andUp collar aitd revere like a gentle man's coat. Tue okirt is drnmd on thu this like a Panior.Pohonnisu mid is misailo 'ery hunchty anti full low in the hack Tub collar cuff. , and P0Pkct $ urn often finished witht velvet vet , and iiouietlmee with jet as well. There ii lsu thin inevltabloanab In thin back , from which Ito out.door garuient for feinhicisso wear scoitti , iili. ) lust tiow . to uwcniio.5 : : - - J.a _ fl - - 5W ? ' $ IN CiIie hi sonic couiitries donate tIto tzutui of the feitthitino venrer ; ltair.tlre'aisig in .lnpam tolls of the laily'e ciiitUtloi , . 'I'hcro , a girl ci titti age 1)1 iuhio wears her hair tied up In a ret ecarf , the ( iircluetcil hieing left tiare cIthi tin .xcejitiiit of a ctmiilu of locks , otto cii mccl ida.Vlitim , aIm he of marmicigeablo are COlittie her lisle forward , iuaktis it tiu in thu sIuials if a hmutt.t'rfIy or fuit cciiit deowates ii c iti silver cord auth belle. A itlow c hi % , ihmes fur a secouid husband t it..i her hod : mironnil a tortnise.shuuhl ii , , , ' . ' . hub an iiiuitticiih guile wiliw , cute her hair huort. 'l'hieso hum are cclii to be rare. 'flie Snitdivhs islanders appear to be toler ably good ju.Igt'a of a womutit'e aucilo. .1 hawaiian iiuuepawr in chtumciibitig such iii iiiTiii.r , saul ; "Her rich , nih 111am iiutteth , an - there flashed tiiioii the latitiscaimo two rowe e beautiful white teeth. Slowly her moot ! I oienui wider and wider , joeper grow tb . iliuiiile In her broimzo cheek. , lirighiter dance , . the , iimtmh'oaiis in Iter eyes , until a stray ray darting through time foliage of an ovcrlcanghii . bOugh , Illuminated the doe1i cavern of he - - - -i-- - - - - - - - - - - - mouth , tiringing into view the back of her lioctil. Then , seeing ii * xo Intently upon lice , alma shut her jaw cud darkness fell upon the , , acetic. Too much cannot be said in concloinnatlon of tIme habit-so ocunmon atnong women-of iIachng small cciii hietween thmo teeth or lips tvhiile making chiango. It. Is not only disgust. hog , but ilatigernus. There may ho itothiitig olfonsive in the apiearatica of the coin , antI at time Seine time It lucy carry with it flue eoml of contagion Of the triost. deathly description. The caine mimIc niiiihie to anything which is Isasel IrotIlieCtiouslY from hmamuil to hiuiiui , or month lAS ritouthi. Surely no imemmiuu wilios to titineccasarily run the risk of coiutrmictiiig dli. case nitil although one lucy hmimve nicahiod con. taminatiori itt thin liast thmero is no assurance of future iniptiiiity. It. in well to be warned iii time. time.Thin Enghlshi collar known as the "IIrec. t.oiro" is becotiming a very fashionable addition to ii thresey toilet. These colhitra are very wide , reaching nearly over time chtittltiore , arm. ! made of hrocwhcd tint. Time edges are fttii1io.l with a broad , scammtlly gatlmcreii rufhin of Ito. nalseatico or cthucr ci Ii fancy lace of thin cream tint. Above this is a hand of insertion , very open In pattern , anti unarly covered with tIn liesel beads. Thirtiughi this is rut , a hilicek ye vet rilibon in aim. ! out amnotig the Pearl heicded banils. Title is repented upon tlio band around the throat , which is drawn up snugly niul brought tmigetmer ! with a cluster of velvet Iooiii ntitl long ends of the caine , which fall far below time withaL. Soimictitiuns tIm figure iii the tiot , Of which the collar itself Is conijoseil , is also carl hiemuicd. These tnakc.tIiuettahly , lirettY anti hiecoiniur aihditiimns to thin toilet , and are aiproprIatO for alirmoat zny occasion. "at " , . ahnimt , . They can be ticiln hiiiimn"at. imo. third the Price asked for them at the fancy stores. lllummlngmmi/It. ( Were. ) Iovlng and graceful vilIowa Shelter the grayed ! mill , Anii-yo gotlaL-but whence comes thmo money To settlojity tailor bill. Ovct.Jdsky , rnin.dripjting , .Z1ce golden rainbow Is bent , Attd tomorrow , 0 golden rainbow , I must lix Up my butt month's root. Over the daisy.tlcckcd meadows Tlmn dear lambs are frisking gay , I And impeakiag of cheep retititmuli. me Of tlmo butchers' bill , dim In the blossom floltis of clover The euttlo are lowing low , Amid may nmllk hill is ripe to.morrow ; : \Vhmhchglvee inn imhim to know. Time blue.bclls arc bIoesominj sweetly , And sweetly the blue birds sing , ; Amid I think f my wile and the unpaid bill For the bonnet she got Imoit spring. -Puck. i'EPI'EItMINT IItOPS. Oysters and fall poetry. will soon be in son- Hon. Hon.The The baggaucmnn Is bracing his muscles for the season of returning tourists. Two hundred million ctmcummiber pickles vIhi be put up tItle year for the American school girl. girl.It It has been found that very old eggs , whoa cracked , ex1ilodo with a loud mOlOTt , omitting poisonous gases.Ve gut tlmi Item from a clmemist who boards. The Philadelphian guzzles buttermnilkl tim Now Yorker hot water ; the ] iostiiimimcn , color ; the Loniavllllaim , applejack ; the Mhlwaukeoan , bear ; thin Chicagoan , whisky. hmoso cowboys itmighit do a more laudable timing than the snore capturhimg and holding of a President for ransom. Lot thorn slay the man wIt , , line been feeding time coufmtry on trout stories for time last two vookn. 'rime of lila "No anti " . badge profession : , , ox. citotlly oxclaimnod a southern darky doiniimio , "tint whitewash on do sleobs ob my coat itch- tier cuitue from do roost oh a chicken liotiso 1)emn umarkim , salu , am do badge maf may per. foshmun , tmalm. " \\rtsliltigtoht lit largely deserted by time gov- ernmneimt otlicials of high degree , htt ; the coun. try goes right o , . irsiierltig and to proajior. Omi a jilacli tIme Amimericau Poohilo can get along comfortalily with ery little attention from rulers of aiiy kind. Ex.CMmmnisioncr ot Agrictmltnro Lo Duo thmitikim dotimosticatcii ottIchio vil1 union ho I prefriible ti ) umules for atruutcar service , and rimemt vOiim out will ho valuable for beef. 'Iliisbcatmi La Jtto's tec viiIch tasted 111cc viiriiivotnl munti acted like nriietmic.-Boston Past. 'rite first ice-creatu over scott in St. Lotihi was served itt a % 'ctitlimIg sixtyyears ago. Now mu St. Lottie youth lots to litIrchIttee 11,000 iilatee of ice-cream before Ito can got minywhiero near the popping 1)timtt ) , ciii ! yet. pretend to woimuler wimy there are not so mmmtcity marriages as formorly. "Oitl Yes ' said the \Vostcrn editor' ' 'hiusi. hess is very Li8i out our way. Have to work the presses twonty.four hiotirs a miny to stmititl the tiutimictid , runt as for ntlvertimmerim-wall , gave orders last week to kick them out if time asked for over tutu lines. By tim way , just had mimy pockut Picked. I.mmd moo a dime , will you ? " A lummuamme li00ti wrote to a Now York pa. lice a cotumnuicicatitni which 119 evidently in. . t.ouidctl to boar the caption lute , ' 'A l'loa for homeless 1)ogs. " 'L'lme truthful comniisitor vlm could not tell a lie , spoiled tIm worth ' 'plea' with a Cclliitai F' lie was right. mbost homo L lose dogs have 'em , The dirt , effect of Vacle Itufus are already visible in the Region over which lila influouct extends. A gontleimian who traveled eight days in time gicat Yehlowtone hark roimesm that ho tlidn't see a single living specimen of wild animal , excepting chipmunks atm ! ground squirrels , and Ictit an Indian , dead ot ; alive. 4t young gentleman writimijr from Lon I I3ricnclm asks whiothcor it Is "good fonu" to bolt a bird with ono' , . lingers while eating it. Ii tIme 'biril" is the it'guhuctlon watorin lilac. i siring chicken , it lit "good form" enough , hut ! Poor policy. Yotialaoultlbracnyouraehf agaimisi something and use lmth luaitcmm.-ltochostoj I l'ust.Exhirciit' . A rortiancer at Great Neck , Long Jelatid . line cccii the story of time ahle.botlletl liar win P makes artificial eggs amid goes him one better lie has 1tcutoimtcd a macLion for hatching aeti ficiai eggs and htflniiig out veritalilochickemm featlmere amid mcli. I. we timings , only , hm 1nov01 to be regretted. One is that ho Ioos miot hail from Great Cheek immstoacl of Great Neck ; ant I time second Is tiout lie clith not invent a mnacliini to imiako chmickenit without any eggs , urtiticia I or others. Dun Lout Co'n , I Io old gray goose is or walkin' down di lane- We's dun laid by do co'n ; I An' slum wmuhdlea in do wet isa' squats in di rain- We's dun laid by cia co'n- . Do old sow roots war do t.aters was dug- \Vn's dun laid by do co'u ; I Au' tie domitiicker hen am as cbzuiin' ob di m bug- \Ve'e dun laid by tIn co'n , ole cow balls lice calf sun calls , : Aim' de INt1l ilog wags his tall ; I goes wid my liihie War the 1l > iil0 I , ripe An' chucks 'ciii litter do hull. I DO old ymshler honu' am troubled wit ! flees- \Vo's dun laid by do cu'n ; . An' It's too Into now fur robblu' oh tie hoes- \\'O'N tltin haiti by do cm'n : , 1)0 ) ole tiehl , shmeuim , mmimt't aleerti 01) thO curses - \es thuit laid by the co'mm ; , 1ur her ale ay baek'i all coveruti whit hues- . \vt ) a thou laid by do co'n. Ici lark Ito cries Am. he rices icuti 111am , Au' tlmt white boy shoots vhti his gun lint do turd keeps itit O'er tie ttjms oh titi co'n , t.umo tIe boy ito iniber touch otto. ) -Arkansaw 'rravelo. r _ _ . - - - IML'IETIES. .t a eutiip.tneetiiig \Vmcshmitigtun count : thu othtor tlmuy , a great tall wtilimlum , a verlt.ob giantess , crtms's anti salt ! : "I cciii i'c ' feet an tlmreu IncItes ) mlghi , anti mdl ( or .lestis. " If 'rho atrciigtlm of titan's tendency to sleep i It church vpim illustrated recently in Lowistoti 0 Me. , where a burglar was found in soun ci slumber In a pow cit St. l'utor'u. with his kit c r tool. scmctteretl around him. i Thin Iiiblical liccortler says that a youu r colored htreacher In a recent sermon , within = . .r to display liii learning , would occasionally dtst , tIm vortl "curriculum , " and M often sue he used it sortie of the sisters salt ! "Gloryl" 'tmAnyhiow , " , maiil young iail1y who hind just returned from a woodt liiCflic 'Jvo tnayimave linen frightened at a snake ln this Garden of 1'Ian , bitt alto t'over hiatt a nasty , hairy cater- iiillar cr.&wl tlown the neck ttf hmcr dress , " A combination of umbrella anil fishing polo , thin latbir being in sections nail lmiiIiIemby the ututbrella folilq , lots been iatermted. rIme in. ventor is , we believe , a deacon , vhto likes to take loin , walks for quiet trieiiltatioii on Sun. tiny. tiny.The The New Orleans l'icayuimm says : "It is a strange I'ru'vitlenco that. lilowa duwim a church and icti it eliot-tower stand. " 'rIta editor of thin l'iciuyuimo has nvlilofitly mmeci iuttotiltil a church fair anti hall $ i for a eoljruti uliiu doll. A , .hmut.towor itovor PlaYs that curt tf a gicine ott lb. congregation. 'limo Epi'tcopal clergyman wIn. married the wmnau Conway to Osinomi.1 Toarlo , time actor , ira Iomver , , excused his iiarticliintion in the wetlding two divorced peolilo hysaying ' 'kg hint lcRUrcmflCeH which ho deemed sufiicient lieS fore ho consentoil to iriarry the ; inir. " 'limo best itifiriiiatlttn olitainod hiiweil that thin ' 'muisur nnce,4" , which Imo deemed sufficient store five $10 hula , Misiottary Wlrk among time Chinese of 'mYil. liammmsbumrg imas met with a serious sct back , Omi Sitiulicy' : while several of the Celestials vcro attetuiliimg Sutmtiisy school , their lilitces of business were broken open and deejiollini of certain gooila , wares and mnerchmatidise , cimiofly clotites Iii the ' 'wash , . " Thu riibbctl utica have iticitntlnetmtly bneksliddon amid lroclaiimmetl their determInation not to go "clnirchmco ito uumore. " A Metliolist , church in Moumticello is agi. taicul vitii a unorat qtiestiori of mnamty arid iii. triccto ramifications. A boll was watmted for thin buittihig , amid in order to raise minis ftir its jmttrcitaso the young penimloof the congrega. thou gave a series of "cociables" at their 11011104 , at which there was usually a fitIdl amid dancing. Fifty dollars vero collecteti itt title wily , but whets thin simm was offered to time pas. tur ito rofimed to accept it , on the grotto. ! that It ' 'had beau raised in anungoillywoy. " Then one of time brethren declared that tlmo umommey raised by "datmcimig sociables" was no mitre tmtt. otlly titan that raised by time regulation viturclm festival , with Itmi rahm.hicg , amtd ring. cake , amid other lotteries , ' 'limo outspoken brotlmer was itt once clmaryod with liohlhtmg views ' 'oitiiuie.t to Clmrisflanitr as taugimt by the Methodist cree.l , auth YiLR arroigneti lmefmmre a committee of all the Methodist clergymen in the vichrm. Ity. After is immuring he was acquitted ; but thu jmastir refuses to hmntigo from his 1toaition , antI still tienhlnes tiio 0. TIme fatling of the Cifluiflittee leaves imiammy imiqiortant points of tim tlhctusslon timisottled. They declared that vimemi tIm brother prommoumiced a "miammcing ito- citlmlo" , no inure ungodly a conrco for church revenue tlmit a ' 'chtuirclc festival" lie did not hold viowim OhmhOSCl to thi Methodist croed. 'lImo abstrmtctquestioum of the ungodliness of bimth sociahihes anti teativais was hot touched Upon at all. ' .flmen , no decisioui was reached as to what disposition should bo made of time $ t'O. In a mnoimiemmt of vexation the ynumig 1ic01t10 might decide to oar , it in a plc. mile whmiclu shall ho a wild tlebumchoffrco leo cremauti and lezm3nhmarlo , with the not ro- timoto possibility of ioinoithmmg the whulo coma- mntlumity. MUSICAl , AND IItAMATIC. Mmo. Modjailca's season oloned In Des Moines this week. Jnse1ih , Tofbcrsomm has gene to thmo Catskill mmumttine. , It is his firat visit to Rip Van \Viitlclo'a groummd. , lohn P. Ihaymomitl will be scott at Havorly'im , Chicago , time week of September 10 , iii his Zion , coimiedy , "Tim Itoclcott. " Tlcero lit a new prlnma dinna from Australia , Mrs. Gilbert , en route east. She hmasan anti. Podean reputathoit and vi1l probably find a good omemmliig itt Amimericic. "ilouvermuto Ceihina , " a grand opera by hector Berlioz , front which the PoPular over- titro mif a Itoumaic carnival was taken , was pro- duceil Aug. 3 iii Leipzig. Thmo reid mimummo of Marcoila Somnbriclt , thu jiTliflii tlmntma Mr. Ahihioy iii to bring to Amer. mcii , i'm 1tumedo Koelmonika , SIte was born In Visiiiowoyck , in Utcikia. Mrs. Aimna Louise Cary Raymnoimd has con- seated to 511mg tIiCO immoro iii public-this 'time at l'tmrtlnntl Me. , at a complimentary concert temitlercd to her frlethl1 Miss l3rynmmt. Mr. Genii lirommmici to opoim hut season at time Fifth Avenue theatre , 1mm New York , Sept.10 , with a mmccv operetta by Lecocq. Ills comnpa. ny will include illle. Alimico , ? mhile. .z..mmgele , 3iile. Nixomm , xml.bezicrc , "m1. Dimplaim , etc. lEilwhiu Booth's tour tubas at time Now York Star Tlmeicter 1)ec ) , 10. lboraco McVicker vii1 1)0 tue mnnmmnger anti .Tomnes \ \Iorrisoy time btisiutesa mnaima1er. Miss AlIbi \Vcavcr , ( jtw , Levick , amid 1' ' rei Bock will be Iii the comupsimy' . Thin Viennese will soon hoar \Varner'a ' 'Triataim anti Isolde " wIth three of thin great emit dramimotie vocalists-Frau Materima , Herr WhmmkeimmAanum , omit ? herr Scaria. Mr. Thoo. cure 'l'honmas expects to be In VIenna when this event occurs. \Iias EiimimmaTlutmrsby has PositivelY tioclhimod tim accept several flattering ohtormi to 511mg in . opera , lute nlso declined aim offer of $10,000 per year to sing iii St. liartimoloimmow chtmrch in ' Now Ytmrk , tcmiti vhll omaha a concert tlmroughm the United States time coining season , under the mmtanagemucmmt of Mr. Maurice Stra. . kofchte. 'I'hmo Boston Itloal opera comntammy tIme coma' - log season will he mmmuclu tIm satan as last. It , will imuimiber rio lt00hile , and the principals will bo as last venr-mlyromi . Whitimey , Tout Cart It. 0. Barmmabee , ( leo. Frotitimigimani 'mV. , II. lcDonahil , Ilerudomu Morsehl , iinrie I Stone , Geraldine Ulimmer , Mathildo Phillips , . cml Lizzie Ihurton , with S. S. Studloy , leader of the orchestra , The uniia1y fate of MIle. 1.'cyghine , the I popular l'arlaimtmm actress , who was time mnistress I of the Duo do Macny , anti shot herself tltrotigh 3 tito heart nit lie was 0mm time eve of ahamulotmiiig Imer , has iieoim utilized 1mm the Plot of a 1ay that is to ho ltorforiuetl at time Otloon theatre the . coiniumg acamoma. Tim tiraina it in thiroo acts , auth oimtitlctl "l.a Cotnumie " , a termn mulililieti to time wealthy hiberthmmo world , which it itt tl' , sigmicti to rolirosent Iii the Iterson of the ) hmcrolumo'n betrayer. : Sixteen of time musicians who howe been cmi. gagemi liv Mr. Abbey for lila Metropolitan Opera Ilmnise in Now York arrived last L Wednesday Imi Now York , to ho followed by I twehvo morn , who will sail Sept. 12 , togctiic'r vitit fort' ' nicmnberim of tIme chorus auth of tue S I iallct. hixty rmmtmro of Mr. Abboy's Itcolile are Isiokeil to leave Ilaumburg Sopt. 25 by time Silesia , and all the rest will sail Oct. 2. Me , Abbey hiimmmaelf will leave Europe Sept. 6 by tIme steamer liritammnic , The Metropolitan m opera hitiuso vIll 1)0 oitcred Oct. 19 with li'dla on cim Marguerite Campanini as Fmnmst , Scalchi ass Slobel , anti btl I'tmento as Meplmisto. S It Is iwomnisod that 1mm mttago.imiountlitg , Prolier. ties , chorus , orcimestra ballet , timid all other accessories this lerfmmrmmmanco of "Faust" will rival the "Faust" successfully productions at the Grand Opera iii l'arle. 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itemumarkablo Escape. Jolt11 Kuhn , of I.afcyotto , Intl. , had a very narrow escape from aloath. Thmis is liii own story : "Oneycar ago I was in thmo lastatagos of Consumption. Our best pliysiciamms gave my case tmji , I fimmally got so low thimit our doc. tor saiti I could nut live twenty.four limits. 1m17 friends thou 3murehma.soti a bottle of lut. 'm'm ml , ILALCus BALSAmI FOR TIIIt LUNGS , which benefited limo. I continued until I tmmk umitmo bottles. I ama now iii ierfoct hmnahthi havlmig . used no other immodicino. . Hemtry"s Cuirlmlio Salve. Tlto ] IEST SALVJ' hum thmo world for Cuts , - llrtiiatui , Sores , IJbcermm Salt Ithmeumn , Totter Chmajqmcti Ihumtis , Chilblalmms , Conic amid all kiumtla of Skiii Ertmltiomms , etc. Get l1lNItY'S OAlt1IOLI SALVE , as all others are but . lmnitatiomma. l'rlco 2i1 cents. , _ _ 3layor Stoveims , of Citmcimmmmati is clescrihieti tie tIovotiim two hours each tioy to dUct neekeni , 'l'lnmy mir ambnitttmtt to 1dm otto at a timno thmromughi a wicket gate. Behind him sits mlii ex'ort politician , bocilmimighy wtrkitmg imititme' tmlousiy at a tlesk , butt really to imrmmtlmt him honor as tQ the wtirthminoa mtti commsemuotmcn of tito callers , which Is done by slyly imosshmmgslijo of Piblier. d Mr tlenmo Dodge 8peiiJs. mi Title ( itimmtlemiman lives in Einhaorlumml , I'a.1 antI says "Otme of mtmy mmmon , Baum. I.owiswhiile Ii workimm im ! the woods simimiod liii tmmmkio so bail if lie coulti hardly hobble o tug imouso. Used 2'Aonws' J cl.ctrici Oil anti vas ready for worlu g the next muorimitig. I have never yet seen cc g good a mimedlclno. " . I CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. mADE MAREC TIIIIORYAT MARX umuu ItttMzDy. An - - unfailing cure for - - SemInal Weak- , t , , - . - V.- . . . sequence of Self. , ' . , . ) e BEFORE TMCIUQ.SLIIAJtdtdeE'aln AfTER TAIU0. mu the hack , blmnesit of VIsion , l'rematuro Ohm Ace , unit madly otherdleamcs that lead toinsanfty OrCon. turnptIon and a I'rernturo Crave. EICWAItPI of ailvtirtIsmemmts to refunil money , when dnigiitt , , from whom the medicin. Is bought do net re'imf , hut refer you to time mnaiutncturerc , anti the requmirements are such that. tIity' mire aeidon , ( / erer moiiiltlieil with. iSco thwrk5ongoa"witce. A tzlal ( If duO single lwckam d Cray's ttitodrsi wfli ocen lace fits mnoet ekeitlcul Ut Its real meefte. On account of cottnterfeiteti' , MC have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; tism only gemiulno. tf'FuIlportIcuIats In omiT lphIM , which we desire - sire o send free by mail every came , tirTlie Spa. rIfle Metlidno ma sokt by oil dnmggists at l per pack. ago , or six package's ( or 50 , or will lie mcemt free by maU on the receipt of time niooe , b' tultiressunc TilGItAY 3l00CINItiL ! , . , imuifalo , X. Y. tnldin OmahabsC. P ( nwtmuai , J'lemnao.eo TIm uncovering of an atmclemmtwreckomm 11cr. r1ttg Cove Beach , , Maine , by time washmimmg away of tIme camid that hint of Into years covered It , rovivesspectilatlon. It is known to have beemi thorn mimoro thmami a century , nail It Is hOliOVCtl to ho of twice that age. The model is obso. leto , and timortm Is no iron In Its fastcnimmga. Lynn , Mass. , always was a good 1aco for health , but it line become a modern Bethesda simico Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhiammi , of 233 Western Avenue , 'undo her great discovery of the Vegetable Compound , or panacea for tim principa' ' ills that aihhict the fair creation , This differs , however , fromn time ancient BCCII0 of marvelous cures iii title immiportatit pa'rticular : The hmcal'mng agent , 'vithi all ito virtues , can be sent to order by express or mail over tIme world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Chancy Ross ' a Scotch had was stolen ( rota a wonithmy fatally , lm come tea a conclusion in hmis idemmtiflcation , thirty years later , In thmo Buenos Ayres army. 0mm being restored to lmie avcd Parents lie could not speak their language , and was farrcniovod by coarse OXhCriemiCCs ( rota tIme reiiuemnemit to whiiclm Ito had beemi born , But they were overjoyed. GInti to lletw It. "For several months I endured a dull pain through my lungs anti mihoimiders' lost rim spirits , appetite ammd color , nail could with di - ficult.y remain from my bed. My Imramomit healthful commdhtion is due to Ilunlock 1ktod lldters. " Mrs. E. A. hail , Bingiummptomi , N. Y. Diamonds are a source of mixed joy and ntmxiety to time women at time watering places. 'rime four of robbery is mmovor absent from time ttvrmers of the jewels , apil thmo hiidimmg place sonotimfleti proves bad-as whmomi a wife at Saratoga saved her treasures from timiores by muttiumg then , into an umbrella , anti lost theta tlmrough a suddomi ahowor , in which her unatl- vised husband used the almelter. MoThERS IIIGIIET Wmi1C TOO LATa thmO deathi ( If tlmoir infants , caused In mummy inatammcca by imnproicr ! food. Thom need ho ito hesitation iii using Mellin's Food , aslong trial mmmi 1roved It time very best article for cimiklromm deprived of time mmatural fount , It Is indorsed by eminent phiyaiciatiit , and may be had of mmtost drug- giste. giste.A A luckless nobloin a small Fremmeh provincial town had lmis legitimist feelings strongly. aroused ity hearing a band playing "Time Marseullaiso. " Ho threw up imis wimtdow and hissed vehemently at wimat the character In "Little Dtmrritt" i'otmld Imavo called the "allommging and maralmonglng" of the band. Tim crowd threatened h d thu police mvarmmod , but lie cimtinucd to lilac , Ho was borne away to PmlBoim. . _ _ _ Great mmmd Stimuli Agree. res. Mary E. Billings , of Newport , md. , says that her little boy , Eddie , was lmophess from rheumatism , end a few ap- llications of time great imaimi.banishior , St. Jacobs Oil , cured lmimn. . Time .Tnws of Vmenmma Imavo an industrial itclmool , iii whuiclm clmildremi ot their race are taught'thmo mneclmammical amid artisan trades. It lmas already turneil Out 1,500 skilled immeelmaim- ice. Last year tlmo school had over 250 pupIls , of whuoin 40 were lcarmmiug to be Carpemiters or cebiumetmimaicers , ( i blacksmitimim , 60 shoemakers , 25 turimers of wood amid nmotal , and 10 white- smiiibits. Others were being trained as wheel. weights amid tiesigumors , Horsf'ord's ACiI ' ( l'iiosplmntc , Tilakos a Cooltn Drinit. Into half a tumbler of ice water prit a teaspoonful of Acid Pimosplmato ; add sugar to the taste. . The questmomm wlmotimor a mnonumiment lnscrmb- cci with anti.Chmristian seimt'mmnetits ought to be erected iii a Chmrlstiami cemetery is raised by tIme l'ittsbtmrg l'ost , wlmiclm is inboemmieth by a corrcslomidommt ticat time grave of D. ir. Bemi- imot is to be thus mmmau'ked in Greenwood. Don- mint was an outspoken iufldol , anti it is uropos- cml to carve some of his clmaracteristic umayings 0mm time granite pmlo whichi admnirors have contributed - tributod to erect. WlmatwoCamt Cutre , Let's not Eimtlum'c. If we can euro an ache ' or a sltraimi or a pain , or a lamnonoss , or a 'hmmrmm , or ii hrtulo , era a bite , by usimmg T/iovums' Ectectric Oil , do It. T/monmcma' Lckctric UI ! is knowmm to be good. Let's try it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Henry Study , on dying at lhaumsommm , Ill , , line left a strangely acquired fortmmmmo of $611 , . 000. lIe was a cripple frnmn birth. At tIme close of time war lie dommnetl the ummiformim of a soldier , mnade up a pathetic story of ltavirmg boon wouimtloch iii battle , amid vent emi a tour ccc a beggar. lie was i'ontlerfully muuccessftml , byroasoim of liii. clover talk nuid mimiserablo ap. lmenranCe , anti In three yours accunumlated time ammmoummt mnemmtiommctl , lie ever afterward lived icily cmi the interest. f Admiration TIlE op nw WORLD. . Mrs. S. A.Allen's WORLD'S IlairRestorer Is FERFECTION/ PubUo Jlonefaotress. Mrs. S. A. Au-c's ltaijuimlycamedthia title , and thousands are this day rejokinr over a ( ne head 'f lix ! : produced by her unequaled preparatiomm ( or restor- lag , invigorating , andbcauiifyiuig the 1lnr , 11crVmtrid'i lIafr Itestom * qulcLly ckamea ihe r.calp , removing Dandrufl and nrremua the fail ; the hair , I f gray , is chanCed to its natural color. pvhu It the ie vitality and luxurious qmutity as in gout ) . COMPLIHENTAR ? " My lair is now restored to its youthful color ; I have not a gray Ithir left. I ani satisfied - : isfied _ that the preparation ls not a dye , but acts on the secretions. My hair ceases o fall , which is cer- taint > ' aII advantage to ne , who was in danger of be- coining bald. ' ' This is the testimony of all 'm'lio Ihime Mrs. S. A. AILIN'S \VonLI's lluR RESTORER , "Ono Bojilo tild it. " ThOtlitbO m I ul many ih ( , , hOmc had L iltar gray hair m-eiucrrd to its natural color , and their bald spot cuiered with hOar , iftr usug one bottle et' : Mcs , S. A. Au.zHs iLam p Riaiuxs. itismactadyc. FURN ITURE ! One More Specia' ' Saleil , And , the Last fo This Yoa. _ _ Until September 1st , we will oiler some Specin Goods in all Depart. . . monts o our business at GreaUy Reduced Prices , to Close Out. No such BARGAINS have ever before beens Offered in a General Line of FURNITi. RE. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Passellor ElOYatOr } CHASI SHIVERICK1 , I To AU P1oo I 1206 , 1O8 , 1210 Farnllar ' Street , Omaha , lIE. I1TIIcxaD , XAMUrAOrUnE1t oil' Galvanized lro Cornices1 Nindo CapsFinial ; SkylIghts &o ThIrteenth Street Nab _ _ _ _ _ "BURLINGTON HOUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. ) ) 0 A. Z 0 ' A- ' ° ' - . C - - I 'twQ . i- . z . : w-w. 1 , mi 1al. , . . 0 ' . - _ _ _ $ : : : . , ( s " . _ _ _ _ _ . . ' - . , _ . . . o \ \ \ _ - + . ' . . - .4 ' .4 - . 1 . , . 'a" . . ) . 'even , , C. ; . , _ f , ' - . . . C . 0 I -i.1 . . .t. - rb' A ft . ' ----i-4. _ _ COINC EAST AND WEST. Elegant Day Co'aches , Parlor Cars , with Recula ing Chairs ( seats free ) , Smoking Cars. with Ito. volvlng Chairs , Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and the famous C. U. & Q. Dlnhmmg Cars run daiiyto and from Chicago . Kansas City , ChIcago & Council Bluffs , Chicago & Des Moines. Chicago , St. Jo. seph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line between tween ChIcago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars betweth Indianapolis & Council fluffs via. Peoria , MI connections made In Union Depots , it ma known astho greatTliROVOlt CAR LINE. aoINc NORTHAND SOUTH. SohifiTraineof Elegant DaCoachos and Pull- roan Palace Sleeping Cites are run daily to and from St Louis , via Hannibal , Quincy , ICeokuk , Ilirllngton. Cedar ItapIcIsnd Albert Lea to Si Paul and Miitneapoltsm I'ariorCarswltim Iteclinin ChnI to and fromn St Louis and Peoria and to and from St Louis and Ottuniwa. Only on change of cars between St Louis and 0 Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and leaver Colorado , it is universallyadmltted to be the Finest Equipped . Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travol. I . . . . T. J. POTTER , 3d VIce.Pres'tand Gent ilanager PERCEVAL LOWELL. Con. Pass. Ag't , ChIcagO T . S wITc1- , Boiler all Slieel Troll ork I OMAHA , - . - - - - NEBRASKA. Build aU kinds of Steam . Bollerm. Smoke . Stacks , Brcechlng Lard , Water and . Oil Tatmke , and ci , a golers . IslSta.lroui buslimusa. ltcpalrlng done in city arci Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and' Warranted ! . . Second.hand fellers will be kept on hand. having had many years exporiencoln . the trade in tIUIeremut . parts of tiio country I ate confIdent . I can gim a satisfaction , having the shop and tools lii the State. Shop . . _ cor. 10th andl'lcrcoStrccts. ' J M , WILSON Proprietor. Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STBA PUMPS , Emigimmo Trimninings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings Steamn Packing at wholesale and roail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam 'St. ' , Omaha Neb. J. A. WAKEFIELD , . t WIIOLEALE AND RETAIL DEALIUI IN LuMber , Lath , Slia1es , Pickets , ASII , BOORS , BLI1DJ 1iOllLDIRfl , LIItIB , GEEP , PLASTER , &U. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE OEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pad/ic Depot , ' . - . - OMAHA , NEOL . C. F. GOODMAN , , J Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN PE11IItS , Oils , Yarslios. aM ! udo ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF \Vall \ Paper au iliftO Sliae. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNAM STItEET , - . OMAHA NEIl. lvi , HELL1VIAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , OMAHA , . . . NEBRASK.