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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
f THE DAILY BEE---COUNCIL PLUrrs , FRIDAY , JULY 27 , 1893 TIIE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , July 27. g,8UBSCfWTICN RATES : By Carnet - - - - - - - 20 eent4 pet week By Mal - - - - - - - - ! 10,00 per Year OTflCE : No , T Pearl Btreet , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. Additional local on seventh pogo. The Bnptists had a pleasant social at the church parlors last owning. Tito teacher's institute continues to grow in nutnbnrs and interest , 1' . .J. Boysen and Emna henrickson arc ntnong the latest to got leave to wed , The Presbyhrian sociable was indefl nitely postponed last night m1 account of the weather. The trees in Ilaylis's park arc being trunntcd pretty frcoly , and it begins to look liken general clearing. Tlco office occupied by E , A. Becker and P. Ovorton , an Firstnvomiuo , is being refitted and ropatrcd in a flno manner. I'oto Grady , an enlpl ° yo of the Rock Island railway , had one of his fingers badly crushed while coupling cars at Harlan. Thonas Smith was called on yesterday to pay about $8 for tam privilege of getting - ting drunk 1111(1 resisting officer Cusick who arrested hint. A son of W. E. Elwell , living a short distance south of 1Vahmut , caught his hand to n corn Sheller a day or two ago amid now has but two fingers loft. Walnut has contributed $147 for time relief of the fancily of Mr. Muddy , who was killed in capturing time folk City murderers , Altogether bout $1,000 hits beep raised. Ono committee of the Methodist cone ferenco yesterday 'reported , 1Vo find that time several proacbors hero have boot more or less faithful , A very safe re port to make surely , Skelton , Hendricks tC Rico is the title of a new merchant tailuriug fir11n wlmu have leased roans in the Burnham block fronting on Main street , and expect to open business there about the first of August. The powder house cases were yesterday - day grantad another continuaec of two weeks in which to find a now location. There seems to be difliculty in securing land for this , and it is said that if there is npurpose soon these houses will be moved to Omaha. ' An illegitimate child was born in the poor house one night last week. Its mother is a Gorman gin about twenty- five ears old who lately came to this county in search of her over who had seduced her under promise o f marriage. America proved to be a great deal larger than alto had anticipated and consequently - , ly she failed to find ] rim. She arrived in Crawford county with her menus cx- Imusted and being without friends she was compelled to go to the poor hogso.- Donison Bulletin. There was a quiet little wedding in Justice Vaughan a office yesterday afternoon - noon , bywlnch J W. Crooks became the lawful husband of Miss Ida Tinnoll , both of thus city. The couple in this case did not receive the congratulations of the ' bride's father , however hearty may he J the' congratulations of others. To the 1 ' old man it was a conploto surprise , and on hearing of it , ho was indignantly rushing - ; ing around to find out how in time world they of a license and who tied the knot , . His chief trouble seemed to be that the girl was too young , ho claiming that she was only thirteen , and a mnoro girl in size as well as in years , Slmo claimed to be t aev011teen , however , and having the i needed license , the knot was firmly tied. Time patties lately came to this city front , p Plattamoutlu , I A few monthsa o a colored luau visited i Omaha and this city pretending to be 1 { collecting money for a church in Des 1 frlotnes. The fellows actions were such as to do little credit to any church , and some of the Omaha papers showed him up in rather ml unenviable light. Hero ho was 'nrrushd for obtaining money under false protonaos. Sonic Des Moines paper copied the articles published by time pnp0te hero , and claimed that the man referred to was really ale pastor of a church there , or hind been and , that his disgraceful coduct was causing a grunt howl on the part of the members of time church. The colored minister referred to canto to time first nan with an oxplunation that lie is not time man that was in Coun- eii Bltnfrs and omahn , and trot that sort of fellow. Ho has conunonced a libel suit against the Des Moines paper , and was yesterday ill the city looking up thu matter to secure testimony that le was not time ono who was here , amid to gut other facts to disprove time charge. ire dahns to be able to prove n strvug alibi. Thu statunent that the insanity of Alrs. Blackert js thought to be duu in part t # , injuries rcceiv P d at time hands of a deaf and dumb man , with uhomim she and her husband had a difficulty is a nnishku. Inetmd of the auto being the defenddnt i in the case now pending , to 1a tldu trade. eutin witness , and cn dairls of Mr. Blackert Ior assaulting hill i id that is t , the case which JIM been so amidpomdiim l , br t an d which hss hind so mutiny continu- ances. i . Some special bargains him furniture and household goods are now being oflbrod b Y t lltandol , MAILING A BILLt1C , } Attorneys Trying to 1Cnoulr the Llconso Ordlminimco to 1'IcOOS , , There has been considerable muttering ing among sonic of the oxpressmnon in r' regard to the license donalmded of coins - s moo carriers , the chief point of time coin. r plaint scorning to be that the city did not protect thous in their business , but lot unlicensed teams compete for . A number of time expreasnioi refused to take out the license this year , their old A 0110.8 htavinj g , expired July 1. They were cam ) lainod of add yesterday the matter Gullo up in the superior court on a ( l uca . Lion inolviim a the validity of time city t ordhlamieo. As nunccrous ther involved in time same onlinanee , time it passing upon the question will snore or > 1035 afroet them. Attorneys Muyno and Hunter up- j aced for the city and Athmeye' Scars and Mynater for time oxjiroasmun , The 1 tnotioim to dismniu time action was basal l 4111 the claim that tire ordinance ua8 h1- slid for several reasons , among then ho. Log , that the records of time council did not show that any such ordinance was passed on the date stated in the publtaimed form , that there were several subject mattr in time ordinance , and the title did not clearly indicate the nature of the ordinances' also , thatthoso callcdlicense was really lax uon a useful occupation. These points , withu some others , were nrgtlod quite sharply and closely , many authorities were cited , and quite a legal comitost had , occupying much of the day. The contest will bo resumed today. allultall CoNCflltNS , The Dlcthotllst Preachers FInlsh Their Confcrenco Scsslot. The evening session was opened by 11ev. Itt , n. Douglass , of Freonont City , Time first address was nn the subject of 111)1110 lllisaielts , by 11ev. F , Ilarris , of Farragut , lie believed the Monodist church was the 11missionary church of the world. A missionary church always cotn- utands respect. A man could not ho a real Methodist unless ho was a true ntis- siouary , lie ahoWed how much missionary - ary work was being demo , bat said there was pressing need for moro , hero among time colored tut well as time foreign polmula- tiomi. Believed there wits a large fluid Ivhich could ho made to yield nn abund ant luirvest right hero in Council Bluffs. He was followed by Rug. J , M. Con rod , of Farmer City , with tut address mm time work of the Church Extension soeic- ty , Many were surprisud to lawn time lua nittmdo of this work'm'ho society , lie clauued , was bnildimmg itlethcimlist churches at the late of two every day , and would soon increase the nn11iber to three a day. Some 3,500 Methodist' churches have beeim erected in time past suvattemi years. Time last address of time evening was by Itev. A. E. Griflitly of Olenrood , who discussed the tlmnme , "The lllissiouary Spirit Essential to Church Life. " After time opening of the Thursday storming session , I1ev , I' . F , Bresec , whose removal to tire South California comiforoee is noted in metier column , bade farewell to the conference aid reviewed - viewed his labors while a mimonbor of it. 'r'ime rest of time morning session was largely occuphed by time reading amid dis cussion of the reports , of time regular eominiUeos. Time following is time text of time committee on Tmnperance , which was unaninn ° usly adopted : "Rc8olucd : 1. That we are as much as over convinced of time gigantic wrong of time runt ttaflic and realize if possible overt moro fully than over before some thing of time terribleness with which it strikes at the best imitoresta of time home amid time conunon wool. " 2. That we gratefully recognize Limo niorciful overruling hand of God in arous- tn g time convictions of time people on this uestion and in causing what seined to be a rent calamity-tie loss of the ro- hibito nniondnlant to Limo constitution- to be eo overruled as t0 cause a great party to take it u ramd make it their rid. partycry tlus inauriIm proper to islatiomi amid such semitmmnant will mo nldar as secure its onforcument. " 3. That we , as a district conferoncu , pled ° ourselves to do all wo can , in time pulpit , on time platfornc , at time ballotbox , and in society , to secure constitutional amid statutory prolcibitiou , and we doom it the duty of ovury good citizen to array hiumsolf om thu side of time Inoume mid good govornumont , mind against time saloons mid lawlemsness. " Time characters of time local preaclera , deacons and elders wore passed upon , and several new omioa licensed to preach , A. E. Grifltlm , of Glouvood , was roc onimended for deacons' orders , amid S. L. Stoplmols , of Glonwood , for alders' orders. Time ordination papers of Dr. Bolton , of Shomauloah , ware recognized and lie or rolled as second deacon. C. Brown , of Little Sioux , A. C. Raw- lie , of Malvern , L. B , Wicker , of Shion- andoah , were reeonunomdcd for admission - sion to the traveling connection. At 12 o'clock the conference adjourned. In the afternoon there wore addresses of much interest. Rev , 0. L. Nlyo 1)m0. seated a paper on "Pulpit Work. " ltov. Mr , Bresce heave a very umtoresting talk 011 Danouumiatmonalislu , nuv , 1V. 0. S11mith , of Noodbino , odiglmteied the brethren on "The Use of Books in Pulpit - pit Preparations , Time conference after time trausacthoim of sonic btlsinoss of aim unintelestiug nature to the gomornl pub. lie then adjourned. Bound for Cullfiprnln , Rev. Mr. Brosco , wlmo lmns hind his relationship - lationship chamgcd front this Illuthodist comiforonce to time SOutlmorn California conference , expects to leave for Los An gales iii about three weeks. That conference ference muuts early in Supt ° nibur , ail he % y'ill tlmeim receive his nppoimituiont to snow definite elcargo. One of time ramous for the move ha hta wife's health , which , it is ! moped , a elimimtie change may him. P' ' ° . Time bulldimig of a now and large rtlotlediat church here , to which special work lie Wmma aaslgilol at time last confer. unel , has been indefinitely postponed , it boin g j'Ouumd ' that time individual losses by time flood mid other circuumstaeos rom dared Its beat to postpoiuu time plan until next year at least , mid Mr. Broaeo not foaling that lie could spend time meamtinm0 lu activity , Time eiitorpriso niay , in' time future , take n froah start , and somie other live man be secured to carry it to successful couplo- tion. tion.Tho The district conferouco , at its soasion whiolm closed yesterday afternoon , pasaud the following resolutions , and they are expressive of time feelings of many more friends tltrouglmout time state : 1PnEBEAH , Irlforrnatiomi has been received - ceived fromBiaiiOl ) Simpsoimof the trans- fur of Brother P. F. Brosuo to the South California coumfuramco , tiereforo Itnsouvlw , That while weaubmitclieor- fully to time action of our geueral snper- i11te ndomt , we deeply regret parting with our dmr brother and hie wise counaels. 1Vo feel that we ctumnnt too highly ump prcciato his faithful services rendered to the church in those years of pmttient toil far the Illasto . And in gomimg from us Ye pray that Cod's choicest blesaimigs unity accoupaly hiui nil hits fmimnily to thor 110w tiekl , and that their labors ninny ho attoided witlm as luuclm success in time fu- tutu as they have been hum the pmtst. 1Vo do mimost cheerfully reconmomd imim to time fullowslmi p of time rothron whore ho goes , and should Ie desire to return to thus conference we will extend to hiui a cordial - dial wolcollie , W , It. DOUOLAH , 0. L. NYE , F , Brown , J. 0 , BOLES , Couunitee , Dr. West , Dentlat , 14 Pearl street. A square unreal oily 25 eemita at Mrs , Crays. STRANDS FROM TIIE 1OPB. A Few Fresh Detalis of time Recent Ieynctting. Time Harlan Tribune devotes much of its space this week to the giving of facts concerning the lynching of Wm , hardy , one of Limo folk City murderers , The editor of that paper was among the first on the ground and mot Jailor Watkins amid his wife cunning across time street , the former having his hands tied. On being released from the bondage , they started back to jail to too if the ether prisoners wore safe. Tlmoy found ono of them naned Benedict looking like a ghost , his face pale as death , and his eyes glaring like those of a madman. Another one , Rankin , was dancing with glee , that hu was not the one wlio was alzed oil at the end of n rope. Stmt. icy , who was arrested as being amen time hse tlmievin nn arrested n time Missouri - souri bottoms last g cok was found'atamid hung very erect amid quiet , crowded in a corner well out of view. It is claimed that the leader of Limo lynching party was not masked , amid did all time talking ; Thu others hall their faces covered withn mosquito netting , amid kept silent , llardy's body timensured six feet two inches , five inches inure than what Hardy clnined in life to he hula height , 1Vlcun time vigiinmit.'s canto muftor hardy lie jurnpud front liia couch in time cull , slmook hands with leis fellow prisoners amid remarked , "Guod by boys , tlcoy are after mu , " and then taimnly watched time process of opociug the duotu. Entering the cell the nmcn tied kits hands behind hint , placed the minute over his neck , and led him out. The only reuuark hcu made was , ' 'If you hang mime , you liming an inno emit man , Itaukin , ono of the prisoners , thinks ho knows mime of the lynchers by uaue , but refuses to tell time mmaut0. A double barrelled skot gtui him been found near the scenic of time imnging , but into ono suonus (1i8poscd to commie to the front and claim the ownership , LIFT : IN 1)AICOTA , Time ) : xpcrlcnccs of n Councli Bluffs Young Lndy Itoughlug It , Time following portions of a personal letter written to Dr. Poulspn , of this city , by a young lady , a teacher in the i ublic schools , will prove interesting , not only to her manyfriends but to time gun- oral render : . IIMIIALL , Dakota , Juiy 20.-We left Council Bluffs Tuesday morning , amid arrived - rived in Sioux City about 11 ' There we had to hike a boat and go about four stiles up the river emi account of the track being washed out. As we neared the lnmling I thought we should all be dashed to pieces , time current seemed so very swift amid time ongtneer either would not or could not slackomi time speed of the heat , As e micarcd time shore the passonou's % crowded down to time front to be the first on shore , 1 saw we were going to be dashed against time shore amid lied just time to step back and brace myself for time sleek when it came. I thought the boat would be dnslmed to pieces. The boards were splintered and several timings about time boat broken. We finished the remainder of our jour nay to Kimball without any further ad- venture. There we waited a day and night to got rusted , time boys being nearly tired to death. Thursday morning we started iii a loaded spring wagon for time trip into the country , 22 nmilcs , Time sun was vorrrrrrrr hot and time wind blow a perfect ale. Whlell w0 of to the shanty I found the roof halfoff and time door half oil and the other half would not open sufficient to put our things inside. I rode over to Sulplmur Sprinm a , two and a half miles , to get a ntan to cone and repair - pair time house. He did so , and soon our trpa and ourselvca were settled inside time little 10 by 12 smaity. } I got a little supper amid fixed time beds. Tlmimmgs wore begiminut 6g to look a little more cheorfulp but we little knew wlmnt was in atoro for us. Presently we hoard a noise outside like time surging of a thousand teakettles. We ruaimed to time door to 11moct an army of miiosquitoca , melt about the size of n grasshopper. They ponmled 011 the ducr amid window , and at time sides of the house. 'l'imo battlu begun ; ( lend and wouattud fell in every directiou , but tlmey mievcr hhinchod. IVhat were timtee poor Itcoehtls mtgainat a billiomi of 11esquhtoesl Aliuut two o'clock in the nermiing a little divorsiol was created by pmeans of a terrific min storm , aceonipan- ud by thmnder amd lightning , that made our lmmmir stand oim end , 11r0 got tip ( h essed amid put of our rubber overcoats , for the shanty leaked all over , and hud- died together holding am numbrulla over mm. I expected every mimutoct time sluuity would go over , as time whin was blowing fearfully ; still , in spite of the damgor , 1 Intm glmetl till I cried time situatiot suonted so ridietllotta. By time next uiitamt , how pvo , we were pretty well fixed , the cracks were all stopped up and lettings nt the door nod windows , we made a big sunoku which drove time little pests all out , then sat out the table amid chairs , and brmuglmt in the budding which wa had had out in the sun drying all day. We runt to bud and slept sweetly until about two in time nuornhmug , what I woke up the boys and told tlmou to dross mss another wind storm had cone u. It did no damn gu , however , amid told'aY ( Sunda Y ) evurytiming is all right , amid we fee as easy amid comfortable as possible. Time uamid boys u d sliflieient gaume to supply time table and we have s rimm of mmer a short distance brmm ire shamif' , W'e get mitt amid go to boil , dross aril oat wien we feel lie it. Time boys each Imavo n m mmd 1 hove n revolver , which I cmin hmandle Pretty yell amid whmich is m ' protection they o off huntimu e , ' 1'l settlimi rcnmarknbl lc commute ' is g p ' fast , Last S primu whom 1 emu hero could mint see mm ehamit hOW front mien door 1 can see two eunnll tome amid lmalf a dozen houses witbhn three-qunrieus df a mile. V. 0. - - - - - J , 1V' ' Itodefer havimmg been elected seeretmm ' and treasurer of time Alercnnthle Loen'Irust and Imnprovouuut couipauiy of Coumeil Blufle , lies accepted time toss tiom amid assumed the mimamma goemmt of time cou nui''S buaimiess. Time following miamtd yurao'a are ou the board of dhrcCt era ; ' 1'l A , Kirkland , 0. S , Lelferts , J , w. Itodefcr , I. A. Miller , E. L , Shugart , ' 1' , A. KImELAND ( , President. FRESH FISH , Wholesale and Retail 1041-2 Main St. Ono Block South of Post Office , Council Bluffs. F. N. ORCIRT. J , N , CASADY . . . CA SADY & ORCUTT > f 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. WIFOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtmres , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CIIOICE 1 Fu1'llishill ' r Mail Orders Promptly Filled CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , A. H. MAYNE & 00. DEALERS IS Liffle Louisville attCIDO.IN rL ts'rER , ) IADI AND SEIYEIt Pfl'E , NAmID AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRIG No , 34 Pearl Btreet , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA. 'r I 1 ll i R III a's' ' I ' f' r 11 , , ra , ° . . , 1 t"4 11) ) Merchant Tailors. q y x 7 and 1)J Main Street. j aIR1'IOTORY' , CJO QNGIL ISLV FF1S , LA . JOHN BENO & 00. , < mnEreetanti ] . , ls 17 i'eari street L B CLARK DRUGGI nTH. & CU r . u Prescriptions Compounded a tt all hours , 106 Drnadway. MAg MORN HOUSE. , Grocery 215 SIa1n C1et . llotcl , 217 caul 219 ) faun street. J. M. BARSTOW M , D. , Corner Fifth street and Fifth are , DR . J . F . WHITE , Cnrnor Main and Fifth upstairs. OFFICE lteslenro , , 000 willow avenue. N. SC IURZ. oTer AOmerican . . 0/11cc / merican Express. : . . S WAGNER , { 1'111 contract for funerals hi at AND rcasonablo FEED , talcs , 22 Fourth attest. M. ST. JOHI & CO..CASH BUYERS. eggs , pool' . . . . . . tryandfruit. lihlptoes. Draft by return man , 146 Broadway , NEW BOOT AND SIiOE STOnE , S A PIERCE . Corner Mom , , and First avenue , Brctdway Moat Market , PETHYBRIDGE & HERBERTZ , t ANT TAILOR , JACOB KOCH . Stock Complete. Suits ode at reasonable prima No. 805 Male Htl a. . P. S v i ITH. Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plane AND and BUILDER speclfcatlone , furnished. VW . W . SHERMAN , I have the ratlotyttmat DEALER brings IN FINE InAnxB88. Moln Btreet. JAMES PRANEY , Artistic Work ndreasonu le charges. 872Dreadway , HUWE & son , and household 9uppllo. FURNITURE STOVES , 303 Broadway. LINDT & HART ATTOR 1 ractticoTlrm elate ) , James Block , and fedemm court. . Sl auu f n c t u r e r s Fine . Furniture , Upholstery Goods ; Curtalns , STOCKERT & CO. . . , and Window. Shades 307 Broadway. And bath house , 421 and 423'Droadway. L. Sovoremgn , Prop. P. J. Mont' SANITARIUM goumery , Si. D. Physlclan. VETE1nNRY SURGEON , WADE CARP , OI6ro , IIray's stable , No. 12 Scott alrcc. of IIORSE COLLARS . J. flENNESSY , Trade Supplied. SthtreethotwcenOtis and7thave. EDWIN J . , ABBOTT , Notary'ublloandGoneml JUSTICE OF Cunruynucur. TnF 4415 Broadway. 1REVi'RE : HaUS , Broadway opposite New Opera Ilouso . N , Refitted tT1 , 81,60 per dap , I CONT1mACTOIIS AND DUIIi4ERS. DE GAY & CASSEL. Corner Sixth street audArenuoa , - NEW ANDSECOND-iIAND , tOUSEIiOLD [ u0005. wg H. ALMY , bought and cold. ' 212 Broadeny- SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Spcclal o.lvertlsamente , nmch as Lo.t , found , To Loan , For Halo , To ! tent , Wants , Board' hug , etc.wilt i , . Inserted I , , tide the low into of TEN CENTS I'Elt LINE for the first insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for enema aubsequent In' surtlon , Leave advortlsetneute qt our onion , No. 7 ) 'earl Street , near , Broadway WANTS , VVT1meDx. - body in esunell Blue. to take , . . Delivered by carrier at only two nty cent. a nook. trANTED-A comlwtent girl for gotmml hou.o 1 r cork in mmall lamely. 0oal wages. Addreu l' , lies Order , FOR SALE AND RENT. t 1AI11I rout HMd-Elghty : aerer hnproved , eight mllee front Council Illufu. Addrea. SL lieu mike. hOR { SAI.-Roue : and lot ' northwest corner of 'Tooth nod ltruadxay , JOIIN W. DAlltl ) . I 701t + mumNTTao sturce,40 by 00 , on lower Main street , oppello foundry , lhlqulm of John Slul' gtwen , limos , otncaa , o. w , eceer. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluff. , II. Establishoa - - 1856 Donlon In Forglcn and Domeitlo Exchange anti lion , , Securities , "FOR TABLE USE , " The Natural Illueral KAISER WATER From Ulrraborn oatho ithlne , Recommended b the highest medical authorities. FIIED'K mIOLLYQVKt14 CO. , solo agents for the U , S. aqd Canada , 115 , 117,1 Elm street , Now York ' ' t0 ODELL & DAY ! Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANOE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs. City Property , We have vacant iota in all Carta of the city at from BSo.oo up , for sale on monthly paymsnts. No , 62. llouu , 6 roans , wull , cistern , 4 largo lots , plenty o1 fruit on lmenton eUset ; cheap , g2DO0. No. 30.-Atiuslrabloresidence on Seterdh etreet , near Moonier school , bufidhtga neary ! now ; t5Or ) ) . No. 4'L-Ninety trot trout , turner ] 'earl St. and , u- cond avenue , opposlte court Inou.u ; dS,600. Buain08e Chances , No. 26For isle or trade , a etoek of hardware , at a good bntnus I ohnt iii wuetermm Iowa , IS't1i trade for faun or clay pro arty , Na 51-Motel , the only one Inatown of 700Inhab' Itante , 25 room. , with good tarn , sell located , mull eelu cheap or trade for u farm No , 16-A Its republlcan paper i n vco.teri be a , otiiclal countypalWrandlarge ] atronago , ery'cheap if sold eoot , . w'u aloe hap o a number of cholcoarum iii western Iowa , for.alu heat. LOANS. B o liar. money to loan on forums anti city property , at from 0 to 10 trer cent. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Bet of coulanlw ropre.cntud. Equitable rotes aid fair treatmon. Looses adlueted and paid at this omen , Mrs , H. J , 11111011 , M. B. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 BroadwayttCouncN Bluffs , WI R. VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Roil estate and collection agency , In Odd Fellow's block , omee Saving. Dank , lansp ' , , - . .f , . t a To The Trade ! ' I } We take pleasure in calling your attention to Limo fact thatwohave madosuch arrange- month as will enable us to sell you , E1o1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , ' , Vrito for ful'ther information , CO. > e a . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Ice CreaiiiFrii1 , ! & Coiiteotioiiery Parties , Sooables mid Picmiics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of time city , W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Re S. COLE & CO. ! ImIANUFtc'ru R AND DEALERS IN ALL All the Most Improved Kinds of Lightning Rods And Ornaments. Also wood and iron Pumps , Wood Tubing and Gas Pipe and Pipe Fixtures , for both No , 604 South Main Weal ad . . . iron . . . . . l'umnps. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . triil . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention. . . BLUFFS , IOWA r I oh 15 ood-tf l M. CALLACHER 9 Grit : CEFt IE New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendant. , ? ? - { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LQCougcnDl&WAY. . , PETER Ca MILLER , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Wall-PaPel and WindOW Shades and Painting in all its Blanches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , Not .18.c cI20 - - - - North Mni'n Sit. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISougst cued : Sold. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished ! P. - . , MoMA. ION No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN . . ' 't ITrocorios , FfOYSOllg ! ! , Boots aii Shoos 4 IMMIGfrrR .TION .GI7NT . DRAFTS ; ON TIIE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - ' - - PROPRIETOR. 218 , 217 and 219 .1 ziiei f5troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D. A. BENEDICT TIIE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Little 'Windsor. 531 BROADWAY , Iettttraiit Day Board. MI the Delicacies of the season , and the finest table in lhucdty , Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and lied Cedar I'RIngCedar Telegraph Poles and } 'eUA Poste , Oak IImcnslon StuO , lirldge Material of all kind. , at lied hock l'rtcee , A Speeltty fu WOOD AND COAL for brick yard purreee. A full euppiy of wood and for coal always on ! nand at yard i scale on Stain street O6icefAS Flat AV aeon Mali and Pearl etreet , . WINTHERLICH BROS. IrOll & Brass Foiiuthy Car , 6thn St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The Snest quallty and largest stock secat of Chicago of Wooden end Metalla Cases. Calls attended to at all hours , IVo defy augMtltion In quality of goods or price. . Our Mr. ' , organ has serval as undertaker for forty years alma thoroughly understands Isle bual- 'teas. 11'aruruaus,311Droa.lway , UPIiOLSTERING iii all Its branches Aron1 ; fly attended to ; also carpet laying and lanibretu5u. Telegraphic and mall Jeers tiled without delay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE CTS t4rREMoVED TO OMAUAWNATIONALBANK UILDINO. u ) .Aarsamaa ; trouar. , orou.lnenweak man or tee .nedt yth.straiaof ter.totango.r. four dutmea avoid night wor . . . rw .tnmUanteandus. Lore hrnlnntrreer/ Hop bitters , wad. . es NirtD , If you ara7 ° 'iRImd aa ria5.ror.q.r dl/arsUOU r Upa lion ; / YOU Li .t Or rl.a or alagia , old or .omw erlnyyur 1 ( poorhe thorian o h log n bad s * e mina rm7 on r p Btte % SIiue.aryoeare il.oa.anaad. c.b.nerer YOU feel mraay froze ' ne h4 roue gstem form. , a.cdr cleuiuth , ton. dlruN m.s ne or Umul.tlof , t µ i m Ic nl4u t IIM , 14 i a uuH op f4op9ttFrr , tItt rLrnynadYf' ' . , rrra , SWnet . Ce 1. tl n cor. ' Tar t't al , e.n I1) ra Mwose cad lttawta 9t t.looaa' ' Rflp tleour. far . . Blood . . . Iavrcrrunwl KL I. , aracr 01Itma You wiribe 1Ob.oecm : rrrrnn hop Ulttsr cameo. , . eoldoyercy lfyoear .nm . . i1 ? . iluiri lrltc4l , fli.1GR mat it may ' eavb / 0Uf : life. It has L * 'r fA aured hun eara..Irf , L tlrade. tTae4 .oat -N ST , LOUIS PAPER WhR1110USE ; , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 210Nortlm Main St. , St. Louis. WIIOLFSALE DEALERS IN NEVS , } PAPERS { W' , ' tAI'PING ' ENVELOPES , CARD , IiOAIrn AND PRINTERS' STOCK e , ill-cash , p.ld for Rabe and Paper SUek , Scrap Iron 1'ap r Stock Warehouses , 14'20 to 1227 North Sixth treet. m5Y244m/ - - - S -