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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 4 TII DAILY BCEUMAI3A , I'ItIDAY JULY 27 , 1883. THE OMAI3A I3EE : AtbU hat eTeq mominrmptSunday. ; The only Mnndaymorning d&11J. ; i t I RRNA 1T YAI1. . Ono YC1tT . . . , $ iQOe Three Mnnths . , . , , . $3.00 8lx3lonths , , , . . . . & . . . . . . . , 1.00 .n0. WURLT T4 R , rVRLIAIIRD 1rART kIDRAbAf , TRANS 1'DATAtn. 'OneYear . , . . . . . . . . $2.01 ThreaMAnthi , . , . . , Lill Eli Month. . . . . , . . 1.00 I One Mont11 . . . . . . 20 Amerinn sew. Cmnpany , Solo Agents New.deab Cr. In the United Statue , ftuARaaroxmcz. A Communkagnns relating to News and Editorial mettenehouldtaaddrosscd to the EDnoa or'Tna DAs/ AUelSMa LR1'rRAA , All laudneas Letter. and itemittanee hould be addnwdtoTltnfS rn8WAnlxo OoNrAxr , O.AUA. Dnfta , Chrcks and l'aatornre orders to ho medo pay. able to the order of the compan , " ' - > SN a r i TBE BEE BUBLISBING CO , f aPROPS + E. EOSEWATEE , Edttor. Oun municipal govornmcnt needs funr igating almost as much as our streets and alloys. REAL estate in somoof our cities is flat , bat the bom in Nobraaka farm lauds is at its height. Juooa BAUNES has declined a rc clec- Lion. Thera was every indication that the election would have dochned Judge Barnoe. MAYOR CUASE ie said to bo hunting for an organ. A hand organ would be the most appropriate instrument of personal torture ho could select. Mnue. LANarnY has gone and taken everything with her Back to England but her reputation. That was lost rontlte ago. J. STEitLINO 3IORTON is on the stamp in Iowa. Among other topics that ho w111 not touch , upon is "Railroad Lobby. ing , or how I Built Arbor Lodge. " ANOTHER call for bonds will diaposu of $ .11,000,000 of the treasury surplus. A reduction of taxation to this am OUnt would be more satisfactory to the public. . TILE Virginia democrats have mot in convention and adopted a platform. Mr. Mahonods , still on tohand will remain seas as long as tjie federal pmtrotngo holds out.t i ' PENNSYLVANIA dent crats refuse to aid the Tilden boom , 'Ohairmamt Harris , of I 1 the state committee , going so for as to say tiAt ; Mr , T11r10n cclill 11ot bo Qi2Stssl i if ha were nominated. E I .7A1tATOOA is prominently mentioned by eastern editors as the place whore the i next Republican convention will be hold. j The place where the next republican 1 president is to come from has not yet l been dis'covored 1 ; qs , C I CARDINAL MoaAUE , of Dublin , tic- nounccs all who disobey the papal circu- 1ar against the Parnell fund , as heretics : Tl o number of heretics , in Ireland according - cording to this system of estimating then , is a legion , comprising fully one-third of 2 the clorgy. , Fre r ? 14 4 i t + a k , r r , w SEoIIETAEY CHA DLEf'stillj stie1c in ' the'N'ow Hampslur senatorial'fight , but fails to increase his own strength or decrease - crease Bingham's following. Mr. Chmi- dlor will ii"over be John Iloncli's faithful alloy as chairman of tlfo naval cominittco' in the senate. J. 1. Tnn pay of the city physician gis too small for the calibro'of the man required in Omaha and ho duties demanded of his office. Twenty dollars a month is a mere pittance. A $20 salary is a pro- I ; inium , on incompetency and neglect. A city of'40,000 , is able and ought to pay at f least four times that amount aid exact a atrct auporvision of its sanitary condition - ' tion of even' Portion of the town , THE Now York Ttlnca charges that the southern states are being worked by republican politicians to cut a solid vote in tire next convention , and souids 'fiefs note of warning' : "It is time that thu policy of keeping the party small and i weak in nearly half the states-state s which cast more titan one-third of th e i electoral votes-wore abandoned. Th f nomination of a president by'tlio republican . lican party is no lgngor equivalent toan , election. A nomination secured b y working those states , as rotten burough s j for purposes of representation in a na . tional convention will be in imminot t C danger of being followed by an olectora defeat. H it is true that President Ar thur is working by moans of Federal ap pointmenta in time south to secure 3 0I delegates in the convention , and thorob y a iouotniltationt he is working agains yt the best Iutoroets of the party and pro b bo ably for its disastrous overthrow at th next presidential election ; " THE list of fatal accidents for the firs six months of 1883 showed a total u 2,835 victims of violent deaths by so and land. In January 270 persons wer consumed in the bunting of a Russia , , , , circus , 308 welt down with the Cimbr' ii/ and 65 found a fiery grave in the Nuwhu House disaster. In February 77 minor weru drowned by the flooding of th r DiamnOnd mine in Illinois. In Marc ] t 137 Gshornion were lost in the gales oi thto Bamkp of Nowfoumdland , Jim Apr it 'is estimated that 250 1)001)10 wer killed by oyelohe . and tornado ; in Mil there wgro 60 victims of a wind storm f ; , Itacinoand Northern Bhiuois and .sum 7Q Clmiieso { were lost in the burning o 'tfio steamer' Grappen in Pugut Suuml whhe in June 107 ehildrot-weiacrushe to death in p panto at Stmpderiandi Ep g land , rOmt'1'uasdny , Tuly ltcioh I e plac an th4o x. tirurtltl. lm . . ' . 1n . } ! nidr0rd 1 . _ , licem . . . toi ! n the lialtimoro accident. The presvn year' will long be menorablo { for it ' ieaaters of which the end is not yet. 'v 1 P f i TIIE LAST BESOB2' ' , Omaha imnenterolupontho second bat , jiofor hetestyint mottygovcmmcntTlio ; first battlownis begiumfohr 'Se'rs ° , no , ' when Cushing and his gang of corrup tionists adugltt to force the Holly , sy3tonI upon our 1)001)10. I'ublic indignation and a court presided over by Judge Saw- ago , defeated thu scheme whelt } vas on- gihcercd by Isaac S , IIasenll rind enders etl mind defended by Ocorgo tMilier. At the succeeding election the people vhldi- crated their right of public sentiment to rule by sweeping time entire ; inng of rogues from the city council , and a year later by the election of Jamea E. Boyd as mayor. Whatever wore the deficiot- cios in 3fayor Boyd's administration , it wins an honest ono. No job waa rushed through the council while ho acted its chief executive of the city. The finances wore well ndniinistorcd , and the founda tiotla wore laid for Limo beginning of an extensive system of public works under an mnentled charter drafted to carefully guard the interests of time city and to protect its tax payers. The election of Colonel Chase as the successor of air. Boyd was duo entirely to the record which ho miihde in time irohly fight Scores of our best citizens voted for him for no other reason than their belief that he was honest , in spite bf his eccontricitiesand that ho would refuse to ho led by the evil associates with which ho had surrounded himself. With Chase and Savage as the rival candidates it was confidently asserted that in any event the interests of our tax payers would be secure. The outcome has proved the contrary. Omaha is once more confronted by jobbery - bery and corruption. The wishes of her tax payers and the will of her citizens are again brazenly defied by scoundrels holding offices of representative trust. The rogues who worked time holly infamy are again in the council pushing through the Colorado sandstone job. .Tho . mayor whose vetoes hold the rascals at bay four years ago , has joined the men whose enmity lie then gaindd through 11ia honesty. Once t more the taxi payers of Omaha ( have bean compelled to appeal = to thS cuurta for protection against the m 1 % drtliy servaitii whom they elected to voice tlicir'uvib Itis ; time last brid oiily resort of'am otit- raged community. Upon'tlmerdecision 1)f these ° injunctimt cases depends time do. feat or constlmimiuatioin of one of the most tit tazot froudsandcorrupt jobs that has ever boon attempted In any city. A victory for time Union Pacific sandstone ring mneans the beginning of a system of Tweedisa in Omaha , which will continue for yearsto conic. Its defeat , will lire- claim to all aspiring councilman that the courts are powerful enough to keep in check the most corrupt and venal of city ollicials. O,1f.111.t AND TIIA' CIIOLEIM. Dr. John E. Summers , omie of the old- eat and most skilled 'surgeons in time iar'- ' my , and wlio'htas bud practical uzpo rienco during two cholera .opddomics , expresses tlmo'belief tiutL thoscourge will reach our country within two months , 'amid that , in such lmf.ovotit . + , . Omblja will bb yri hcayy sufferer. ' flu baseii hie o limiolfldpolt the well known fact that cholera invariably follows the lines of greatest travel ; that it. 'is particularly fatal in liirlostono dis- trictsand that rho fearful disrogaed of sanitary regulat4ous in this city s places a heavy premium on epfdemnica. l Witit garbage piles'fostoring ' in our alloys , and filth and corruption setdingloath-dealing odors from our streets and gutters , while every sanitary orlinatce is openly disre. garded by our people mud unenforced by our police , Dr. Summers' view can scarcely be contradicted. It is high time that a loud note of alarm - should be sounded. We may awake any morning to find that cholera has reached our shores. Its presence huts been dotacted in London and , according to professional declarations tions time opidomie is of t e deadly typo of 1832 mind 1840. Time East End comprises - prises the shipping district of London. Front thence to our coast would be an easy transition , " From London the jour- fey 1s but nine days to Now York ; from Liverpool only seven. We have little enough time to prepare far prevention o r to organize for aeontest , withi this glu st- ly visitor. An ounce of prevention is worth 55 pound of cure New York has dcclnro tl a rigid quarantine mad Chicago hits appro ' 1 priated $10,000 to be at once expended in cleaning the city. Something ahoul ( 1 at once lie done by time Omaha nutlmori tics. Time streets 'aid nlloy9 must b 0 cleaned. Nuisances must lie abated. t Our public thoroughfares must no' h ingem . be made recoptneloa for garbagos refus o and filth. A right edarconemtt of th sanitary ordinances should be insisted up on by Mnrshal Guthrie and the police an I t time Imeavioat puualties should be dealt ou t f to violators of time law. These stops win 1 a do miueh to ward oil time danger of m iii outbreak of cholera or diminish its e0'ec to n after its arrival. La But bosidea time obligntians of publt ll officials , private individuals have nla S their responsibilities in view of time 1w u pending danger , Every emu , aroma It and young person can be sanitary agent 11 -in their persons , attire , dwellings o it all their sunoumidimgs , indoors and out u Cleanliness is the best purifying agent - V a dishmf uctant beyond all conbinfttious of n cllouiiord agencies , mentor , is abundan t o yet ho } foiv of our peepte appreeliite n e f only time comfort to the inunodintu cam di , tion , but time safeguards to continued d health. . Jf fast ap(1 imnnde are once day trcatod to ablution anon the oblige q tlon ) ? S h end , amt Ttiat obligatlo t Qnly to ext rimals , 3ly4dea ,3 ow dirt E your tnds argil" h "DIrtyt o you ca s these 'hands dirty ? W'lmyif you woe oily to son my feotl' + Lonlon ; .f'unc many years ago by tide simple satire dirt more to awaken public sentiment ht Eng land to Limo nedessity of 'oxtrmdidg sani- tnry inspection boyondnnd beneath mere superficial appedm1icostltan nil the essays of the Lancet and time declaralkims of allopatims and homeopaths in time United Kingdom. I'oreonal cleanliness , n carotid oversight - sight of ) mouse ventilation mid drains , n watchful supervision of back yards and collars and an inspection which shall be more than ekin deep , are ronedios for preventing time epidemic which every cit. izon should not hesitate to apply. 1'imr American 'Ilnptd Telegraph pnny have granted the terms of time striking operators , and time Baltimnoroand Ohio company will fallow suit. With a daily hoes of $200,000 and hopelessly delayed - layed buei11ces , the Western Union coin- lNany will be compelled to compro niee or resign. Western Union Capital. N. Y. Time , . If there lie tiny provision in the statute or common law of time atato of New York for conmpolling the Western Union telegraph - graph company to put an cad to limo enormous injury it is inflicting upon time business community by its refusal to propose any aljuetntent of time chains of its cmiiploycs , it should bo applied. If the injury be allowed to 6o on much longer , ma effort will umidoubtedl be nmado to secure a decision of than ucetiun rand , if time law permit , a compulsory tloment of time difficulty. Meanwhile the company's officers must see that time eentimemotime great body of the public is one of imi ratcondomi ationotheir course. Time action of the telegraphers ese , far , been strictly legal , ad no mens extreme or uneasnble. ho petition presented to the company was immoderate ; no ultimatum was announced ; no threat was made ; time way was not closed to a compronliso. When time comnpauy flatly refused to pay time alighnt- est attention to this petition , mad not only ignored the cominittco tnrou brim winch it was presented , but declared time intention of breaking up the o Is ganira- tion by which alone its employes could hope to exercise any iufluomco on the company , the telegraphers left their work ; but they did so in a perfectly or e erly manner , and they have conducted thonmsclvea since in a law-abiding , self- respecting way which speaks much for their intelligence and cltarieter. There has been no dictation no attempt to ju- teFfero witha the property' of the con- pany , not even any demmunciation of tlto company , mind there has been not this slightest intimilidatioi of any one who sought to take time place of a striking telegrapher. Time strike haa been free from every one of time objectionable fea- turee which usually mark strikes. It has been einply a fair , straightforward effort to got what time tclegrnplmers have thought was lust. It has won , amid deserves , time respect of all fair-mninded meat. On the other hand , time company which immeolently mad arbitrarly refuses to oven consider the propositions of moo who wore just as much entitled to present their claims as time company was to put fgward its own line been guilty of frc- gimeimt and outrageous violation of its ob hgatioie to time com nmmity. It is a well- settled principle of equity , and to a great extent it is a priuciplo of law , that cot- potato franchises carry with them time ob- li aton to exercise theuu for time great- eat advantage consisting with a fair profit uPo' , actual capital and expenditure. That principle hna been steadily , ) oponlym and defiantly violated by tim 'Wcstgrn' Union corpora- tion. It is to-day , by a subterfuge which fs in effect and intent a deliberate cent tontpt of the courts of time state , paying a dividend a om millions of stock not represent actual investment for more than fraction of Its nmount. The Herald recently showed bycitati4mi from docunicdts , tit"accurac of which has not been dis muted tlmt the nemiinal capital - ital of the company , ou whicls it as a G tier cent dividend , ! ms been swollen by a series , of inflations of time most transprent and unjustifiable charactor. Coinmencing in 1858 with a paid in capital of loss than $400,000 , there were scrap dividends in that year of 447.7 tor cent ; in 1802 there was another of 27.26 pcr cent ; in 1803 there were two more of 133.33 per cent , bringing time nenlnal capital up to $7,050,760. In those five years time company hid paid all oxpetses of operation and oxtensioi of lilies , and divided , ever and above time ordinary dividends , ver $7600,000. In other ords its profits for five ears pal boon very nearly twentY times its original ca ital. Since its ostabliehmeut time company has issued for time 1 surchisoof time Telegraph company's franchises , stock to the autount of $1,270,260 ; fortho United States company , $7,210,300 ; for time American company , $11',833,400 ' ; for time American Union conpamy , $15,000,000 ; for time Atlantic tC Pacific , $8,400,000 , and in its recent tmnsactiome , for whicli time courts are trying to call it to no- count , $15,500,000 , Of These $58- S morb or less , not more timau $12,000,000 represented aetusl in- voetmemt , mad it ms prolablo that of its presort $80,000,000 of nominal capital fully two tlmirds , and certainly more than ouo-half , represents notlnng but water. By time construction most favorable to time company , the graiting of all the demands of its emnpployes Would miot reduce its en- pacity , without advancing rates , to divide at least 10 percent upomevery dollar aetu- all invested. I'robabl 15 ncrcent would m much ' true figures.MTh by nenrur'thu . at a m com n thus niana god should inflict in- calcuumblo imi1'u Oh the business of the 'country in or er to hoop its employee in absolute servitude to its arbitrary dicta- fatten is simply 11ionstroue , and , time ut- chocked perpetration of such at outrage is a serious strain upon the govcrnnioii under . The Deaf Question. I New York Sun. It is said that Mr. Fink , time trunk 0 . low conuuiesionor , huts dctarmnied to nd Vance time rate on Chicago dressed bed 1 from sixty-four to sovomtysoven coati a per hundred. Title , time dressed inenl r meta conmplaiu , is a killing auto , and , i iunhitaincd , linnet nuke an cite ! to tin business. ' 1'h0y probably state mly tin truth ; although very fair rcasous are as "red for time cimaugu , , % on0 of the roads were dcternine ( tt from tlmubegiuniim gthat time refrigorito t ox merumnemIt pltonld 11ot be succesful. 111 miionolrolY aimed at by tlm great o ii t umitam iii the west would , if fairly ' estat lleimod llwe nut time railrads , usavcll me u time casturneomismnier , uudor its feet. I ' would , like the Stmumdad Oil , have bee u found n a year or two dictatinb gterms t ii both the trans iortor aid time public. Thi Il is 0110 of thmo variety of , reason ' fer ih tatmid which the raihroadsi hlhvo tak'on , e But when the railroads have deetroige h this Prommi in6 an1petition 1vitl1 the liv atock frafc , will they 'leave ' the ltittor in 1155 resent condition , or will they furnish facilities that will 11mauro the public wlmolceomo meat , save the extortinate charges of time cattle yards , anti preserve the poor beasts from m ns1icakabie tar- month , which are time principal features of the barbcrous and wasteful eystenm ? hnmproved cars and express time , avoid. deg time cattle yards and aaving almrnkngo , sickness and death , are what time ublic have ari ht toderrorand front tlio railroads and nothing but this concession will justify - tify time destruction of the dressed beef business in time manner proposed. ANCIENT EUINB IN SDNOEA. Tucon Citizen. Ancient ideas have recently icon die. covered in Sonora , which , if time reports are true , surpass anything of the kind yet found mt this continent. The ruine lire said to be about four leagues south cast of Magdalena. There is one pyramid - mid whicli has a base of 4,350 feet and rises to time height of 750 feet. Thorn is a winding roadway froth time bottom Icml- mngim'toil ' an easy gradoto time top , witloc- nou h for carrni es to Lass over which is said to be twee .three miles iii lea gth. Time outer walls ( if time roadway are laid do solid mason f ui here blocks of granite in rubble amid time circles arc as uniform and tire h grade as regular as best could be tnado at tale date b3 ' our en6n ara , Time wall , however , is only occasionally exposed , being covered over with time debris and earth , and in many placea the saimuaro and other indigetmms plants mid trees hnve grown up , giving time pyrmnid the nppearmco of mu moun- tain. To the east of the pyramid a short distance is a small mountmmi about time samne size , whichl rises t0 about time mine height , and if reports are true , will prove mimore ntcrestimmg to the arclueuiegist tutut time pyramid , ) hero sccuta to be a Leav- y layer of a species of gypsum about half way up the nmountain , which is as white mum snow , and limy be cut into aumy crumceiv- able shePo + Yet sufilcientl1 hoard to retain its shape after being cut. In this layer of stone a people of unknown - known age have cut hundreds upon hundreds - dreds of roans from five by tmi to sixteen - teen to ei gimtecn fe4 square. Tlmeso roommms are cut out of time solid stone so over - er anti true are time walls , floor , and ceiling , so plumb and level , msto , defy variatio. There am no windows in time rueus and but ono ottrtnce , whichis always free time top. Time rooms are abouteight feet high front fluor to ceiling ; time stoup is so white that it scents almost transparent , amid time rooms arc not at all dark. On time walls of these romnsnrommnerous iii. oroglypimics and represettatiome of imuntai forms , with hands and feet of hmuan beings - ings cut in the stone in different ] daces. But atrus a to sa time hands all have five fium ere and ouo thumbs and time feet hove six toes. Charcoal is foumid on time floors of many of time rooms , which would indicate that they built fires in tltair houses. Stone implemments of every description - scription are tube found ingreatnumbers in and about the rooms. Time houses or rogus are one above the other , three or four stories high : but between each story there is a jog or recess time full width of the roots below , so that they presort the nppearanco of largo steps leading up time mountain. Who these people were and what ago they lived in must be answered , if aims- weredat all , by time 'wise ntcn of the East" Some say they wore time ancestors of time Mayos , a race of Indians who still inhabit Southern Sonora , who have blue eyes , fair skin , and light hair , and , arc sad to be a moral , industrious , and fru gal race of people , who have written a language amid know something of nmathe- tnntics. TIIE FORTh ItAIL'IYAY BRIDGE. _ _ . L" Edinburgh Correpondeneu of tide London Time , . Considerable progress has now been made with time works conneetal with the railway bridge over the Forth at Qucens- furry -time most stupendous engineering work of the kind over undertaken in this country and one that , in some of its features - ures , hits one equal anywhere else. , Time usually quiet villages of Northm and South Queensferry-villages they arc , thought South Queeneferry is n royal burgh of imncient present time scene of unprecedented activity. Till witlmi' time last few months it would have boon dificult to find more thoroughly dead-alive places within the bounds of the Britisht Isles. Now they arc swarming with workmen , aid mire revelling n time din and turmoil of moui- fold labor. The ground is historic , amid lifts interest for Englishmen , quite as much m for Scotsmen. Time Queen , after whom time Queensferrys were named , was the truly English Princess Margaret , the sister of Edgar the Athohin6 , who , with her mother and sister and brother , found a refuge and a royal wolcone in Scotland when Norman William drove them from England , Malcolm Ceanmoro imomm held his court in time forest tewer of Dunfermn- line. In wolconmg time royal refugees imo ontertaumod mot angel unawares , for time gentle and saintly Margaret by and b became his Queen. To this day the shu - tered anchorage on the uortim side of time Forth is called after her St. Margaret's Hope , and the little seaportot time south ern shore is called Port Edgar , if not of tor the Atholing , then after King Edgar , } vhmo was his lmamesake amid his sister' a son. son.Fora good many years past time scheme of a railway bridge over the Forth a t Queens ferry has ceumended itself t o engineers as the best meate of tiffordin continuous tragic between the south an the north of Scotland. This idea gahne , d force after time erection' of time first Ta y bridge. That structure roumoved for tim e time one of time obstacles to through traf ho which time natural conformittioi of thu o country presented and quickened the desire sire to et rid of time other. Quito na turall that desire took simapo four e arm s o in mm proposal for a Forth brid g uudor the auspices of Sir Thomas Boucle chief engineer who was also time enginee of time fanmoue , but unfortunate , Ta y bridge. Curiously enough a detailed do ' scriptton of time proposed Forthn bridg appeared in time Tmes on Dec. 20 , 1870 only four days beforo'tlmo to aralld dis astr which ovurwholnmed time Tag brid with ruin. That catastro ho nma it miocessar to reconsider time plan f and had been adopted for the m bridge ; but it did not remove the uoces t sit or m uetclm the desire for such a struc f taro. At present time tralilo is interru t m oil by time staaunboat tore-five mile 1 broad-botwoet Graumtommand Burn island . Not only is that short passage uxtremol disagreeable whet easterly gales are blow 1 dug , but it is at all times very inconem r dent to break tire journey by time double o cimaue , first to and tlmom front the steam t cr , rite great desirableness of divot conununicatimt between the two sides t the Furth ( laving boon COnceded , the a t conmpaiyimig plan will show that no bett a means of ofecting time junction caul o have been found in nature that that ii a fowled by time Qnsensforry passage. o rocky ponhmsula extends from the port bank for a mile and a half into time char d eel of time Forth ; and the island of Inc ) t o garvie , half a mile from the northo fU shore , tturms a convenient steppumg.hine toward the southern bank of tire estuary. It is imarll possible to exaggerate the ad. vantage welch time east coast traflic will derive from time bridging of this natural gap. At present the hle tmflic between he sonlh and the north Sofcot mend trust , perforce , pass through time bottle. heck which i lice between Larbcrt mid Stirling , and which is exclusively do time hands of time Caledonian amid oter West Coast companies , That is practically a monopoly , amid mmonopohes militate against the public interests. With the Forth bridge completed time North llri- Lieu railway will be able to rim direct trauma to Perth in an hour or an hour and a half , mmd to Dlmdee iii less tutu two immure. Isdinburgh anglers will be able to make a straight run to Loch Leven in nn hour or a little more , instead of uav. lug to spend two or thrco hours on the weariaomo journey , with its manifofdamid provokitmg changes as at present. Aber- dcen , Bmvenucss , Wick , and Oban would all be brought nearer to time capital of Scotland , mull , therefore , nearer to York and Londoni them tlmoy are at presemt ; timid tlmat consideration makea time completion - tion of time Forth bridge a rooter of national - tional imporhumco. New York's Big Taxpayers , N. V. Letter , "Who are time largest persoanl taxpay- era in time city ? " 1 asked at time Tax Cmn missioner's. "The lnte Moses Taylor was the largest. He paid tax on $1,300- 000 of personal property without grmn- bling , and his widow nom. pays time sauna On time other hand , W , H. Vanderbilt last year came hero and swore oil every dollar , but soon after cattme back and said that as the papers and the public wore raising such a - - of a row , lie would pay tax on opo million. .1av GOII(1 only pays tax on $100,000 , and 3trs. A.P. Stewart on $500,000. Mrs. Catherine Wolfe pays on $400,000. The Lemiox estate pays mt $1,000,000 ; time late ex-governor E. D. Moigan's widow mi $1.000,000 , and time Astor fenny , all put together , on $3,000- 000 , wimich istlie largest assessment under one name. The nmunberof taxpayers is steadily amid rapidly decreasing. ast year there were 11,666 gpemonatax pa - ers , and tide year there will not be more tlmmm 10,000 , and time amount levied is decreasing at a like rate. A Goon INVESTMENT.-Una e.f ouo prominent business mcn said to us the otimer day ; "Iii tune spring miry wife got all rut down and could mlot cat anythim ; passing your store I saw a pile of Hoods Sarsaparilla in time window , and I got a bottle. After she had taken it a week she hind a rousing appetite , aid did her everything. Site took three bottles , and it was tune best three dollars I ever iii- vested. C I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. INDUSTRIAL 1'OINTS. Arkansas limas ml } two cottonfactories. The Vulcan Steel Works is in full blast again , and running full time. Conies , the engine men , is building engines for time first Chiucse cotton will. Vincemmes , Indiana , has a butter digit factory which tnrns out 80,000 to 00,000 dishes ; pcr day. Georgia has nearly 810,000,000 , invested in factories , which give employment to nearly 18,000 employes. A company at Lyons , la will erect a match factory that will produce 300,000 matches a day oath employ about sixty men. The Cambria Iron Company , at Johnstown , Pa. , has its steel rail mill crowded with work and some heavy orders to 1111. Coosa Funmace , at Gadsden , making Iron from high-grade red hematite ors mine in the vicinity , using coke as the fuel. Counecticnt has the largest ivory factory in the world. It ms at Coimtrebrook. It some times loss 5125.000 worth of ivory bleaching. The warps of the Solid Steel Company for the manufacture of steel castings , at Alliance , Ohio , have recently gone into operation. Time Oregon Iron and Steel Works , of Port. land , Oregon , have ordered the construction of 500 cottages for now rolling mill employee. The rod mill of tlio Cleveland hailing Mill Company , in Cleveland. is very busy , and is making 00,000 pounds a day of steel wire rode. Twenty-five of time thirty-five blast furnaces in the Diahoniig and Sheuango valleys me hm operation , producing 2,000 tons of metal per day. The Detroit Steel company Is running steadily and is being pushed with orders. The works have been running steadily for fifteen months. Time Akron Cutlery company is being reorganized - organized into a $30,000 stock company , most of which has already been taken by Akron capitalists. The Roane Iron company , in Chattaneoga. Tenn. , has eight furnaces in operation. At present the mils are filling a large order for muck bar to go to Cincinnati. A glasemaking farm in Plttsburg , Penn , have been manufacturing glass textile fabrics during the last year. 'l'ime ' fabrics produced arc pronounced very beautiful and pliable , The South Tredgar nail works , of Chattanooga - nooga , has received the contract to furnish fmslm-bar splices and selides , for 300 miles of the New Orleans and Mississippi Valley railroad. It will employ time works six months. Minneapolis is reported to ship ammuauly be- ymmd her local consmnpnon , 1 650,870 barrels of flour. "Those" safe the 'lribuno's statistician - tician , "If 'dled ' ono above the other , end to Cud , world roach 780 inilee , Time flour would Tnako about 405,255,000 , loaves of bread , the ordinary size of bakers loaves. These , piled hm n pyramid , would make , roughly calculated , a square pyranld with a base 300 feet square mil a heiglmt of nearly 1,000 feet" The Lbicohm ( Me. ) iron Works manufac- taros of stemme mill amid quarry macidnory are driven day and night ; to fill orders , malnjy on gang saws for the marble producing mills. Orders are nearly filled for thirty gangs of these saws. The eompammy also manufacture a heavy line of woodworking machinery and shafting pulleys and gearing. A large busi- yness is also done in rubbimig.heds for marble mills , which is one of their principal gwdal- tlea. According to the recently Issued official eta. tistite of time manufacturing Industries of Switzerland , there are In that country iil together 2,042 factories , actuated b v 1,742 motors , time ate power of which is no loss than 50,503 horse power. The number of hands amounts to 134,862 of whom 70,301 are t men and 10,462 i ersone of either sex between time ages of 14 aid 16. Tie most importan t of all is the textile trade-cotton silk , wool , - flax , etc -In which 1,010 factories , with mm e aggregate of 85,703 hands are ongagcd , 1 e T o s . 0.o oc MgRk7 1 . . , I1 F41 ' 4- ' e . n uttr. of t ' IPIAN REME Rheumatism GNeuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Uackache. Headhe , Toothache , A MoreTbronl.Bucimmn. . Nmirulu..lirut.ra , lm hum. . Nea.dS. Yro.t lute. , ass Atm. onna county rains see stars. 6 .idDar.r + tU..tD.lus.r1rar , . tiltSCwu.Settle. , euaem , 1. ll L..aueu. ( a,1.w.111. . TOYittaa OA. 1'liemdUw. , 14,1.1. A. H. WESTERMANN & CO , LIIPORTERS OF , . li China and Glass , S 608 WASH/NO 1ON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET i st. Louis , Mo. m22 8m J Dry Goods ! r CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO , STEELEf JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JORIIERS IN FLOUR SALT , SUGARS CANNED G001 t ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES 1 A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO J. A. WAKEFIELD whtOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Slig1e , PcKet ! , SASE DOORS BLINDS , MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C STATE AGENT OR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C. F. GOODMAN , r Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Puts 7 Oils , Yaruislios alid ¶ iudo T OMAHA , ' NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an Lock Comp . FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e , 4 10201'rarlnam 5troc + t. Omahsati. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF . Sliae. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FAIINAM STREET , OMAHA NEB. M. HELL MAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 11301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR.13TH , O1lAHA , S NEBRASK Anheuser-Busch , t , Ot MqR BREWING ASSOCIATION : I . - r w i CELEBRATED ' - t , N S Keg and Bottled Beer This Excellent Beer speaks for itself. ' I w , N N f U S BD SCH BR ( 's ' . . . ORDERS F R03 [ ANY PART OF T13E Z 5 ' . r STATE OR THE ENTIRE WEST , i S1L : OUIS - MD . Will be Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD cDf L1 :1 : ? G GEORGE HENNI NG Solo Agent for Omaha and the West , 011100 Cotner 13th and Ilarnoy Streots. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. I , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It I. the beet and rheap st toed for stock of any kind One pound is equal to three pounds of corn , Stock fed with Ground OR Oake In the Fall and winter , tnatead of , down running will Increase In NelghL ; and be In . It. merits. good marketable condition fa the . spring. Dalryaneu . , aas well as others , who use It mien testify to Try it and Judge for ' . . y'ouruelvre. Price tlb.0a Per ton ; no charge for sack. Address I M eud me 1YOODM N LINSEED-OIL c3ii M Y , O.osha , Neb ,