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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1883)
w A TIIIRTEiiiTU YEAR. orAiIjNE13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ - _ , CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure I , Tit (1rel flkIlfl1 ( 1)ItUtfttIon ) of SVItj Itayel , Atilerkan : rn , an1kn Fir , MtIgo1t , Clover IUo'snifl Etc. , . I'tir thu IUfl1C tellel iinI 'rrnncit cure nf rn cry f rrn of ( * ttTh , fiNn tt IfllI Ileati Colt 'r Irflut. % enz tu the Lo of Smelt , Tate , anil 1tcarItiCih , 3rOncttH , ant Inclptcnt Consumption. Iteltet in t c uilnute In any tIfl ( VVTV c. Othtn like U. t1titcttt1 , frurant , % ho1eomu. Cure from t .flmt eppikatton , nnt mph ! , IIcI , pertuiticiit , atiti He % er ( ) , ie botttoItI1ICat ( .iLre onu ; : t4ol' . en . aliLt & , , ifortVii 1nhacr , anti In ono 1iaokao , forming a complete treatmeflt , Of aft ilr1gt.tM % for 1. Ask for 4tt1Orl'4 ItAtILCOl CUTO Putter Irug and (1icnk : co. , Ito.ton , For the relief anit I1reeIith,1 , , C O1LINS' , tt INS1'.tNT U' 18 .I'PL1El ) , JOLTA f Ithetiinatitn , Neuralgia , Scht. ' \t \ , lea , CuflgIw , UohI , Weak Uack , : StoiiacIi ant % ) t1 , , -f : IIii.i , x tUflhfle3q , ItIterIa , l'c. : tni1o 1'aIn , Pal itatIon , . Lhcr Complaint , flUhlni Ft ' Cr , Mahrla aflit c Idctntc , tie C)1.t14' 1I.AiTE ( an I1.EU. /LCTI' Tit I C nTr1Iv : ' ' fth a Porou ) tI1I PLATES atpttii , c. ccrherc . - . r'- 2liel'uUic i. tcqucskd carefullyto notice th 'k HCW aiid enlarlJci Scheme to be drawn Vnithy. ! trCAPITALPRIZE , $75,000. Tickets Only $5 , Shares In Proportion. :1 : Lonisialia Tiato Lolthry Company " U ? tfo hereby cerlfp , that we itperrse the a. raflgernenti for all te % foitsIji aiid Seuitiiisal k Drathij $ of ( lie Louaiia State LotterCoIpaiJ , , add in person , nnna' e aIC1 co.itroZ tAc .Drawnq t1eine1iea , and that te same arts conducted with hone.ifyfatrne8e. and ii ooitfatth toward aU vat. . te4and we authorize the conpany to uc Shcer. , ifate : , , wiMfac.sitnites of our signaturca attached U ; fI .s - theirporatod ; in 1803 for 25 yearee by the Icgfs1atur for educational and ceartbblo ) purposci - itli a cap , ttaI of $1,000,000-to whkh a recrste fund of orci $ & ; ouoo has Lnco been added. Ily an overwhelming popular ote It trnnch1 . aie made a part of the nreeeut tet.ito conetitutiot adopted December 2d , A. b. isa. Tiw ony Lottery ever voted ( CO amf eeei1oe'rd fj pfo'pte of any state. it nerer Scate8 or PotponC ; Its grand aiiigh number tlreiwiltgs tak p1ae nionthly. ' r : A 8I'LENDID OPPORTUNITr TO WIN A TUNE oventh Grind 1)rawIn , Class 0 at Now Or ean'TLiES1LtY , JU1Y 10 , 1883-l5Sth Monthl . Draiii. t r .4 CAPITAL l'IIIZE , 75OOO. 100.000 TICX'S at FIVE DOLLMLS EACIf , : rac jion , in Ftfth In Proportion. . . . , List OF rztuts. ; ! I CAPITAL PRIZE . $75,00 ( I do do . 25,00 ( \I 1 do do \ P1UE8 OF $6000 12.OO 5 do 2000 . 1oox 10 do 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O,00 20 do (00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 do 2 : : too dii 100 , . . . . . . . . . . . . OOO k " 500 do W . 25,00 5000 dOj' y . 25,00 C : , .L &rraoxn&wnoe ' - r . VOo' ' L.t 4,5 , : do t2,25 k - . . , ' . ' ' 1967 I'rlzes , amounting to ' N. AppHtttIon toy rates to clubs ehoii1d only b I t. the otflco of the tompany In New Orleane. , For further Informatlo , , Write clearly giving full addrus. Send orders by Epross , Eeg1tered Lotta or Money Order , addressed only to ) M. A. DAUPHIN , or M , A , DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , La. 607 Seventh St. , Washington , ft 0 4 LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CU B. Frank 1oore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , ( Ioreitcrly : ito acid 21 lIroatlna , N. V. ) ' Now Manager of Chicago 0111cc. Tn leoiei aifel ) to : ) Iriiorinatloii aiiit tickets. UStIi Monthly Draoiu , Tuesday , July 10th , FlretCapltal I'rizc , e7t,000. ; Ticketee 5. Sold Iii ths at each. Scu Itch $ ChLIIIC eIseleere. NEBRASKALAN AND TRUST 80 ' IIASTINIIS , NEIl. I Capital , - - $25OOOO JAS. It. IIEARTWEI.L , President. A. L. ChAIIEE , Vlce.l'resIIent. E. 0. WEIlSTEUTreaurer. 0. 1' . WEUSTEIL Cashier , , nhlfIcTolLs : : , ; ; ! . Sanuei Alexander , ( ) ss all Oliver _ . _ . ,4 A. I. Clarke , E. C. Webster , - 0euII. I'ratt , J.ii. II. lfturtstil , I ) . 3. McEiJIinney , PirBt Mortgage Loans a Bpeoia1t This ( JflIeafly ttirnIslie a peneiaeetnt tinu I ntitii tion shcrc seliid linnis itied other legally IsiieeJ Mu nicipal Securities tie Neliaska ean be , iegetiatctl si , the most fnorahIa fences. Loans made on iinl'roe4 ' farms in all V. cli Mttici couiitIej of Lice state tleruuil i responsible ical curresjiontlents - M54VER/C/NATION54L BANK. C"r. Vater anL1C.IeJ.rtMs Sts. 13 c i 'i' c i- . CAPITAL , $400 000 3UUPLUS , - - - - - . ( Tranacte ageueral iaeeiIng lJtISIlICbs. iteech SN liii aCC'Uflt $ of iiatiks eanhers aliti ettiers , lras torelgi ochangc aCii IIIktIi cable trneefvrf is , ltirnjeu ale telegraeiitO tralofers of ieeoeee tiirieeieoiit t lee Ueeiteei states. llie f and siIs go erlenlelit ciii otleci Iievetiieeietei seeceerities , and eeclCtes nil ) toi it correspondents in I leo line of iaiekiiu. AS. % 1' . P'l'lEIt , i'relekee ( . f. J. E1)IY , J. v. ( ) 'th ' , ( 'aeti , t. itti I .aaikr. } I : Jr1 .q ifeetctters j ci lilttvrs heeds iii , . re K CLEBflATID ( illjreIClCIIt5e uf tIi ( V t luical eeiedieel IeIeiies t o.ley IehIe at l're , tlit IreeaI1. It i. e I.erfeetI ieueu t'go talilereieeeeyeiielrae trig the Iereo l'r1r ' - tie (1 apre esetli e. S - , -i toiie aced an nitera . . - tieu It fortifle the body aaIest disease1 , ' S iievf'gorete aced re 'itaiIze the tcrIie1 btoneatli and iher anti Lihsts a aItetar3 cleano In the entire STOMA Mbtelfl. Forsake by letIistftled lleaier gecerIiy. lie16tn&.eod& TIlE CROWINQ CROPSI Special Reports to The Boo From Va rions Parts of Noraska an Iowa. SnaII ( ] ralnes anti hay Inr Abcvt' ( Iie Averngo nitit I'Nulicing nfl tttrllltttse Vielti. . w.IlIl' ( 'orli 1st StIlt Ixtekwavel'ltIi I1lr0iig I'roMl'Ci $ . iotlgi' County. 1"iIIMNT , .huly 'i. , issa. - having travelled liently ortir the cntiiu cr1) ! ) bdt of Nebntka rtceiit1y , my observittioiis alsitit tilt ) CIiUtiOlt ( of hut , crn niuh the OlitiflIlk for hinrvet niay lee of interest. We have hot had as good a 1te)51)tet her tiliflhl gritin SI1ICO 1878 and its I tuir.e1ieel here that. year I vi1l give t1tt yi0t as ltearltt4 I renit'tnber.Vlicatavoragetiabont 20 buslids irnr acre , Oats 111tlO , or wotthl htt e IIIIU1O DO bushels if the grasshoppers htitti tint , tlestn'ctl thent. In 1878 corn t.ns plaitteti in ? Iay aliti CitillO tip : tt the first planting. ) n tim 4th of .1 nly corn ItS ft geiier&tl thing was waist Itight nnU a l1lC11t1il 511111(1 , IflatlO lthOiIt iO 1)LlShlehS ) 11cr acre. That is vIint I regard as t ftthl 100 p' ccitt crop. It is ( liIrcreltt this year from 1873. Most of the crop 1)IaIttC(1 ) itt , Ttiiio or the very last days of iT1L3 1111(1 then iii about a week or ton slays roplantilig took place. As a cOlISClttCIlC& ) corn itistead of being waist high on the 4th of Ttily it is nowhere knee high this year , anti uitlcst we have a very late fall % .o went have over fifty pci' conterop. Saline Coitnty , FlUENt ) , .July 7.-Tho prospect for crop of sittall grain wa never so good ag at present. Potatoes of extra good size were In the Inarket on Juno 18. auth the crop CannOt well fail to be abundant. Corn ISM lJCOfl backward but with the late warm tlnys huts made big atrid. Tim heavy and frequent muss have causop weeds to grow as if by magic and farmers are kept busy to keel ) tlieiii in check. Cherries and Strawberries arc abundant. Ctill'ax County. S' : , JIll ) ' 7. - .Vhieat . , Oats Flax , Rye and Barley , all in splendid . couditioit 1111(1 promising an ahtiiidaut ; yield. Corn backward , but doing wet hOW. Thu stand is fair. IIiu Iaii County. ALMA , . ) Ul 7.-Siiiall graili crolIuJvur I better. harvest vihl COinIIlOllCdi nex1 . rcek. Corn loOks well. Otoc County. 12'TIc.t. .July 7.-Corn ciop is lookiii fine , Small graili never looked mon : promising thait at this date. Rye niul barley are itcarly ready for the harvester. I Sonic 1)WCOS will need cutting next week Cass County. ) tiiion , .Itily , 7.-1'arincrs were soiiii what discouraged during the long contin : i ued rain.fall , but the out-look at this wri tiiig is quito cheering , as we have had soy : i cml days of watrin BUflsliiflC so necessar to the growth of vegatation. Corn is soisic wlint behind the eisualgrowth at1iis sea son but with favorable conditions there . will 1)0 811 abundant yield. Small grail never looked better , wheat , oats , rye am I barley are is s1ilendid condition. "sVitl Stiit.i1)lC weather for ricning , an ininicnse r crop will be harvested. Potatoes ditto Fruit ivill be in good SUply. Greenwood , .1 uly , corli (10 big very vcll although the low botton 11111(1 iiext to Salt Creek has most all boci ( ) VOV.ll0Veil and the CFOI ) elcstioyed , Lit. sniall grain is ( lOiii ! . well. Cedar County. ' ' . Corn looks veIl ii 'I'ii'ro , .Jtily 7.Corn this vicinity and the acreage is largoi thtait that of last year aiid cro ) pitupeci p lifty ver ccitt ieetter thitie last year ILL thu ti 1110 , lLIII JOtltt ) ( its ii IC bett ci iii LI. . li I iiighihOrlUe ul t hiutii tie cy I tave 1 eeii I teit yeals vith an incietsed : acreage. Sn gay Cane looks vuhl. Tlieie will ho al , nbuulnnce , of oats. ltyo is a good cro I itliSi ; tcieagu laic. Fruit uthitiost a fail tire. Cattle eloiiig vell ; hogs scarce. I Ia ) making will begin iiext week. 1'itviicc County , TA OLE Itos 'IC , .1 III ) ' 7. All along the river bottoms of the No. inahia Salle ) ' 111)011 both sitleti of the , streutiti Clt1 of all kinds will be a fail. iire. Thu uplands am not seriously in. jurod , although the excessive and coii. tinued wet weather hits prevented farii. , cr5 froxit cultivating their corn properly. One fanner iii the vicinity had every yes tige of his crop destroyed by the flood. his farm is literally a waste , uvell lilt Pasture niiti grass hutitti being destro'Cd by the J40huIllCiIt front the overflow , corn. r oats , 1iottts and ovcryihiiiig in thu shiaJ)0 ) Of a cmii being swept away , lOiLV lug his farm piticticiilly useless for tim : present year. Another fitrinor living o I few rods further north tvats e.bhigc(1 . tt I ahuuulon his dwelling for the siiniitiui , it I being liliwl to a tle1etht of four inchio itlOVe thu hour with viishi from his cattle yards. I I iiiithictlet of dollars' woi tht ol eitjuityVItS ) ) tlcntneyctl , thiee1o droves ol hogs being stvept littli ) ' by thu i.iadly . rushing tvuttcrit , which seie higher tiiuiii thu olilest suttici' over iuiiiuinhuied see ing before. 'I'hie icsiilt can safely be sal siutiji its follotss : In the Ieottoiiis tincie I tiji be n total failure of uti I cise is , I ii t t lie iiiliiitI't ) I clii lO alt IihilIilfll I t yiel il. : ( iiiiiliig \V i s. E ii , .1 III ) ' 7.'l'i to cu tie eel hot it11 siiinil giituii ClIM ( ) iii this viciiiity is 'ery lFIiiiiIii4. Acreitgt , of wheat ainiiit the KitiiiO flM that tif 1882. Large 1ICIcitge ( Cf ecuits , iyo intel iitii uy , thi id I iiuvur Ii coked I hiuttui. Acicuigo of aunt very litego , itbestit : io ccitt. over that tif I 8H2. 'I'hiciu is : sOdidu COl ttiIItiiLt 111)011 ) t Ii. sttiitl ( Ill iLC cOtlilt ed vsrthiluscs scud but the stunl gei icati ly iet gItestI , iiiiel tvi ii 1st coiji is 14(1 feinrartl uut it siteiild , lie itt this stiittinii ( If thu 'enr , it its regluelod by oiii ftiiiiuiii Its 51i10 ei0JP. Itoh Coitisty , I U'NIli , .1 Iii ) ' -'J'hiu ilereugu this year is ( ) % Cl' 100 pir ccitt reuitvr timii C tlutt of haL 'eitr. 'l'liu coiiditioii of the iitiihl griuli is unusually good. Corn hits I iflfllu rapid strielus within tim last vook , 01 So , If tim weather continues favont- - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - -a - ide for three r four ts t'eks , horever , the ProPet will be eiicurnging. Kiin County. VR-4 , Nobr. , Julv ( L Siiuc.h1 graiii lsxikit we'll. Ityo in bloom and very heavy.Vheutt heading and hover ws better itt this stage. Oat. and barly coulet not look nioro ) rtiitising. Corn backw3rd but pulling along linelv lic. . All cgetables look vcll. ( lotatoo lntgs very bacnrtl at presalit. ) ¶ 'liiy'r ( 'Olilit ) , IhailtoN , .lnly 7. hInrvestiii rye ( teliliiie1ietl titus VeCk.Vhi'utt wilL soon ho ripe. Corn looks tt'll. fleceat rains Iut'e tlt)1I&l lfltiChi good in this section , Small grain gonenilly will give a heavy yIeItl Per store. 'cV'lStt'i' ) County. Riie : Cl.Ot'i' , .1 iily 7. - Crop LlIlcShOctS very bright. Coin looks vell. Oats miii wheat ate heule.l . nut ititsi look toll. Rye is reuuly for the harvester , aul ( is a good1 Cr01) . Itl'Iiitt'tlt4flhi County. I I li0l.lbT , , J tily 7. - Corn iii this sac- tion looks fair antI is niaking nipid growth. lthl grainis ready for the liar. vestei 1(11(1 IS iiiIiflUitsL' , whiilo spring shient and oats vih1 yield largely to the acre. ' [ 'lie futriitais hittl a full veek in tilt ) 05)111 haIti ttit hunt a luttli Ititil have' Iced wuiking early and late to get the % illHJt' hitiiei : of the veotls , Atlitius C4)iilit. 1 I . .tiics ; , .1 ilv 7.--'l'he crop prospect for all kituls of grain in'ver was hotter in this coiiniiunity thtati at preatiit. , Jolinsteii ( 'tcindy. Si'iIINO Ciuiic : , .JIily 7.Viiitur wheat it ; being hiitrsested iiow , aitsi is good , nicely tilled , with : t pltiiiilc lCrry , of g od color ; will yield tO to 2ibushielspor acre. 11)0 15 thin , hits been lastured too iiiticht in iiiost cases. Oats tOIni3WlUit blasted , but we look for a fair crop. Barley shows blighit , caused by thu uxtreitto heat of the last week ; will nOt be heavy. Grus first rate , both tame and wild. Nearly alt the corn on Spring Creek bottoms was do. troyod by the great floods , washing soiito away and covering up the balance with mud. The prospects on .hio uplands are not very good. About one.thiird of that on uplanT i fairly clean of woods , tuid. a , tolerable stand. Another third ton thin on the ground ; fair size , but weedy. All other late replant sitiall , weed ) ' and icoor I in color. Altogether we will not got over half a crop , if all goes vehI hereafter 'Phie estimate of $300,000 damage to the crop in thus county by the tloodt is in lie ) ' 0lilIiOii quite too small. b IOWA , CraworU County. \rtIL .ruly 7.-.Thie warm weather of thie past few clays huts improved corit won I derfully , and it is lrolably as large as I lust year at this time. Stititll grains look healthy. Barley 511(1 501110 PieCes of wheat are now heading , and with favorallo weather small grain promises well. harrison County. : L0UAX , Iowa , .July 7thi.-\Vhiat little . wheat there is is rusting , but the oats are , doiiig well ; also , corn is doing finely. - Farmers say it never grew faster titan it hi1sfor.t1iolastenc1uys. . , ; I harrison County. 1 Lee , July 7.Wodo notraiso much I soiiall ntin in this neighborhood ; 'whal 3 there is is good. Farmers wish tile ) ' hiac . sown more ; corn is about two weeks be 11111(1 last year ; poor seed and heavy mliii has inado farmers 1)10w over sonic severa tunes. Corit is doing well how ; we slixil I have a fair crop of corn , as the acreage i I snore than conunon. Iontgoniory County. Vlil.iaC'A , Iowa , Tuly 7.-Thu average of corn 1)lailtei hero iii this stjctjoii it I itbotit 5 le1 cciii. greater thiiui last year. L Coiii is doing wohl on the up laud , niul ( Cit the Iot- hind is not quite so S over11ov as hast settsoli , but 5110111(1 % 'C 3 soon hiitVO good weather there will be ii I . tW.thiirl5 crop. Ihit little small grain cuetteti whiichi is in hue condition. ) Centvn ( ) % , : Otnut JtAIlIcs , .Juhy 8.- Crops iii ccii- tiuti Iowa are astonishiingly line , unid have tiot beau butter in ton years. 'J'lie nver age of corn is fully UJ ) to oilier years , 1111(1 the fears that prevailed in the early part of the have beau ' ' season ( luFtlcelhtsl. 'l'hio . color is perfect , stand await uxcelhent , I and averages knee high ; it hits gnnvn over onu-hialf iiicli in the past veek , thio weachier being hot and OCCaBi'Iial shiowors coiiipleting the Jerfectien. 'l'Iiis lit the report that parties bring froimi every direction - rection , who have been traveling through the sthte. lla'ilig is well under way , and that COh ) is roiimarkiihily ) ig. Oats are magnificent ; anti rye , whiesit , jiotatottis , and , iii fact , all crojis are iiim- iimUiise. Shelby County. I lAid. ( N , July 7tht.-Crops are hooking line throughout the county. Corii ttihl lie a thiree.tjiiartor crop.Vhicat tihl yield largely this year us there never has been a better show for it thiuiii at present. C h icr si iith1 grai us looking II i iu. E SLLt It tist hut Con III las. p. j ) I iiora'.J Ill ) ' 0. - Corn svhieitt in id eutts iii Sac stitch Tda Coiiii t ics iou tltcu iig vulI. . Ctn ii is vei' ii iiinl I hsu I sri Li i otem iti no eel weathier like last few clays trill lie eetiiiil I to hast 'ears cit. \Vhicnt it ; tip to the I avuingu of fteiiiier _ vcais at thus tiiiic. OH accuiiii I ; t s veceiiit rai i is oats hits giotrit tal I itiul very I icitsy causi i ig sni ii u haiti of it hlhight lug , slehliIHeIi 'I'iyvzs , .1 III ) ' i ; . --Cieslis sef all kiiiels iibeiiit hiuro promise fully up to the its'oi ILgU and soiiie liiilN : of gIaiii iou bettor Luau the aveisige. Oats Iciolilisu ii heavy cisc ! ) amid so does ) 'O. 'J'1iOiO is jiut niutchs tth icuit in thi is vici nit ) ' b ii t t1 ott t leeiej : iti vjh1 be , huh if thu hugs slecn't ilijuro it. ( t cii i is hate osti i eg te c I di itch of i t hias'i i to ho ieiihiiiiteil ltiit it hooking s cli , siticu nit nra luivi I ig tvstiin lii ii tvcnt hi or , Cjiietoo , lii. . , dilly 7. - - ' [ 'lie I ittor Occuili thus iittriiiiig lelaselits crop iOlirtsi covering a w1u nicit of the \Vest itittl Nortlnsoset niid their tenor is to thu eltect that wheat excepted , the tjniiii crop will equal hiatt years yield. 'I'hiu wcathwr that was uiiftivoralhu to corii induced ssiie of the heaviest cr01.5 of hay over usowed , which to a great etoimt is alrettly cut and cured , Barley auth oats set' unuisuahly good ovorywhiuro niut an unicrec. adeiitod yield while tin' ncent hot weather has proven txtreinely favorable to the growing count cw's. Wheat let abour an average aiul'1utrCsts Of winter wheat in lower latitudes art. larger. dROOK'ituis CARRY. Tb Apadho llijinto Botwedll Teller , Crook all tincolli iiiloaMy ArUiislo , ' , teiittrniitluiii ot' t hi' 4grteinI'nt- The P'HItIt'ilt'e4 i'll ; , to I It. ' s1iowst . , ut' . rit .U'.tiIE flhtitINv. : : \V.tMiiiNoTO , .luly -Secretary 'I'd- her1 Secretary Lincoln , I en. Crook iitttt Price , colflhiitSsiolkCI of I tiditut alihirmu , had a CItttCieHCC itt thite vnv departitiont this itfiemnoon iii vt'gitrd to (1i81)usutiult of oniettired Avhe linhians , whne'm t he fel- lowing itgit'eie'ttt tas itriivesl at : ramithtnu of the result of a coiefe'reitce itt treen tim iteciatary of thit' interior , e'tsit. 1iiiSSiot1et of ludiisii ntltiis , sccietstry of war itlid Gait. Crook , .htil 6 , l83 , In iew of dihhicult ics coconut i'tl in iiitk- : jug satisfactory thisjcosition tel Apache lii. sijitits receitUy capttirel by ( t'it. ( 'took ttittler existiitg iiiethiusls of this ) ittiiiiiitistittioit , it PS tioterittittaul by the secretaries of the viLt. ititti interior , after coiesiderntieii , , that the Apache liulianet tecontly . 'altnt'- eel by Cnok , auth : thl such it's univ tiara. itfter ho captured , or uiay stuireittler themselves to hiuui , , shall ho kept uisuler control of thie wiu ilepattinetit at stahi 1oiiits oil tue Snit Carlus reetervatinit us ) iiIt3 be detormnilicl hey thee siti tieluart. iitctit ( but not at the : tgeiicy without consent - sent of thie liuliami agency ) to he fed uul cared for iy the star department until further orders. For greater security ( tc the peopie af Ariioiiia , amiti to esectiro 1)eltco ) , the war slepartotont shall be iitvestetl with entire iohice control ( Cf utlI Imislunims on the Sami Carlos reservatioii auth charged with the duty of keopiimg 1)011cc on tIm maser- vatiomi , an4 proventuiig I usliuntes fr.uii leavitig , exce1t with the coitsent of ( len. Crook or the otuiccr vhio lilay luIuitltoriz- ed to at under hiiiii.'l'hiu war elepartiiteitt ahtitll lrotect thee Indinit agent in thee (115 ciargo of his ( luities its agent , iuiehnliieg the orlinary dittic of nit lisdiut agent , theiehi shall ronmin as heretofore except its to keep peitco , adniiniestetiii justice amisi muiiiishting refractory luelisuis , all of vhiichi shiithl be (10110 lc' thee uat iemeiit , as abbvo stated. ItOilT. ' 1' LiNt ION. 11. ir. TELLER , Seey ofVar , Scc'y of the Interior. vim TltAHtlW. { The coniUtmon tf the tretsney : is : ( bid coin uniti tstiilioie , 1t)8,68 ) ! , .111 ; silvei ( lolluirs and bullion , $ 1 1 ti,87'J3 : ; ; friic tioiial silvet cciii , $28,41U, ; h'itited States itotes , $ ti1 , I 12(87 ( ; total , $317 , . ii71 , 81(1 ( ; certificates otitmutaitelumig , old sol ( ,240.20j silver , $ , i35,93J , ; cniiciicy TILE PIIESIIIENT'S nut' . It is ; o'v settled that the presi(1o11 svihl sjsir' $ I atctmitoilihibited trio to the Yellowstujm , 'alley ftlMCiit hio itt' of Au gust ; next , if nothing shiouiki interfere with thee iihitii. Arriuiigeinents for ties I trip are in the . of Lieutoiiaut Gait cruil Shieridiui. 'I'hiu part ) ' will ieuinibo I . tait eeisiis 1111(1 ho gone five or weeks. 'I'heu presutleJit vill joist ( i'oiieriu Sheridan and otheer iimuiiibers of tim lCarL itt Chicagos It is lIiOl)050t1 tO go I to Yellowstone , with its few stops a I pesssihilo. 'I'ho ' president heat iubaiidoiie sill idea of visitizeg Newport. I Eu isrobably reiimain \Vttshiingtun until Ii. . starts for the vest , vithi thee hCoSstiCie ox S eelti.mi ) ( . of mnakisig occasieieiul esheoct tiijtt C h ) ) steuunloat. viii : vlsllultius TluEAry. I ii accerelsLnco s1th e Lieu resol itt ion is ceiigiess diiectiieg the piesiticiet to thee hiritishe goverisinent of theo teuiiiiiia Lion of ceitain articles of the treaty cc Itlay 8 , 187 ] , iolatiieg to the fishing qiws tioii , the Biit'esle got'erieiiieiet hits home eu notified , nied ( lease articles 4eriieiiiato ol tim 2d ( if .Ini ) ' , 1881. TiIlf COILEAN 'JiIEATY , duicartietesit of state recoiveti a disc 1sttt'ht froiii the iiewiy iICCrcditOi miiiieisctoi pleiiiotesetiaiy f tim Uieited States h Csjtta , Lucius I I. lrOtO , , ftieiustiiecing ox cheinigo of iatiticsetiote of thee treaty oi uiiiiit ) ' niul fiiesedshiip coimelueded icettveei thee Uieitctt States audi Cores. _ _ Fatal I"Irewoi'ks , Svecial Ii.patcle to 'Dec Bxr. CmucToN , Iowti , .July 7.-To-zeighil during nit exhibition of fireworks , defer red front thee Fourth , a large rocket cx 1)10(1Cl , sottfiig lire to several ieniilra' , ( lolhitEs worthe of liroworhceu , killing thu child of It. S. ? elackainur , a hesuhiiig isitsi leasH iiiftii , icieti also destroylieg nit eye ( iii l'tlrsc.V. . A. I5alnier. A iitiiiihol ( If he ) ' staiilers ware suoriouieuhy burned used sew urth injures ] . 3 ltIliI)1 died itt t.iiIlIflflI Hiiltlihis. 1'cTo I , lii o. July 7-Seii : i Coesk , ceehe ci ad , suheot uuii.I . fatally v. . en i uled } ii i i i Shsiirp a y 'ii ' iig voiiiti ; i , sthe , hiiul refuirts to recei vtj hi I et attese I ioi is tin leccoti i it if I iii into ii ipeiatti hiueli ts. Cook the ate zUto ii u1et eel niiiciedc , 1)iit ) ( ciii ) ' uiithlctetl a vOuIi ed in I lie hiesul tvi the hut iovol vui. I Is thimi aseapeil. I t , is believed thett : thui cob eiecl ci ti'.eiis twi I I 1)11011 ii I ice if hi te Ic hiouigiet iii. 4 % Noted l'ehftsi' , Inisel , % , ( Cit { isi1iu : : , 1iissc. , .J Lii ) ' . - - . .Johiii 1 ) uie 1500 1 hthtlVi II , Null iOC oil itoi' HI iii i , roh Cii ( C tor of 'l'IsuVorcesstcr 8py , dic,1 iiiiddeiui ti i ice iiioi ii i ieg of cisiigttcttioie Of LI iu I u i usgs 11 0 SitS 1)51111 I it North e S loiii iegt . cii , ( jul I e e. lie 1 80l ) , ttiI5 ii ieeaiiibcii of theo ( lsinege ceeiesoiitioii of 18fl0 , ivies elected tic tiss 88th , 3tth ) niel 40th cecisgsescscet mid sise thu niithiiii' of the volienees eiSetfuil ' 'ltay iteoncl I I I hi iuieti 0 titer I 'oen its , ' ' sieti ' ' I 'ru historic Nietiesies ofAiioieiit , Aiuietics. ilIleIfletI ti ) 1)aiills. \Veilccyilie , Oheju , , J ishy 7. - - A I'iiu yet torday again bioko out iii tue oil relisuci' 1sf 11uiiee , Alshsott Co. , ieeiti' hero oiitail iiig a total lutes of $ IOO ( , 11oFtssioi ( silO ( Cf thee ciiejsloyus was bueitod to sheath - _ _ $ ovoie ileatIei ( rout iiiiintiol lie l'leihadehleiel I3usnltey , THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Jlld I1oa11 Fires the First Gun aC Ilamliloit , Tie ( ' SIllS Uepiulihlt'nns Itecouiute ) iciest ( lie Lctnnema.'y leiuuile.l , ii .tMl ITOS , ( 11th , , , I tely H.At a uses t. ing fit' tn ) tat itictttioie of the iioininutti.ciis . of thits tls'uiicccratic state coitventucit hst itN.dtt .htn1gs 1 haulI ) Wits greeted twithi cseelrsu vhtuit hit io.luceh , , 1 he bigale. IS , styiuig that lie tns h.trs' . as it repn'senta. tive' of tist' old clensuemacy of lhtiior , which was as stl.l . its .letltunss'n , mit. vas itt ) 11t'V that. t iteil riiiiieg , it shah nisinly 0I'Cuil ) ) the t ehl'i.'s of t lila stat a ciii. . ! itit. I 'nyi sig it high Icarstltiu1 enlulCi I iiiaiit I o his Ih)1ietit. ) . ) ttIgI ) Ficuikar , lie sail that thee t I eket wits III esiminat ( 'Cl t. , foi1ov in thee uslel hi'atit itatiss. 1 Ia htstct in , tithe thee' lberstustCl of thset ( )1CJIOsit ( , party , btit wetilcl 15.1151 . a eoiehlkt with thu njmtii11iali plitty. 1 I , : c t lien ) ( ' ( L'tCiISilt't' t hut. ' t C111di ) it'itit Pu1tt foreii4 sa.ieig that he wishu'd bce avoith Itiakitig tin' key-stole speu'eht , as last year's efliut in that dite'ctioit , ii ) ' l'ostt't' , WItS , liststitts. : 'I'itking tiest this ) dt'chustiuuis : of the achiovenients of thee ) ' piatfoein , ite Pind ( lie Isierty h esel : me hsiticit of get t i i ig hack of t hee vrt' ' CUt ituiti is ejiit jug ti I he piidt to t ho 1sist lie intel some kiiowleclgo of the Isast. lie' thit'n continued tic renl , a hteinsrotss , 1c1ttiPhtrius of the lClCttf.Cril as it ought to 1 Cd ) tttit t ( 'I i. I I a iced enlatl iuetoiug tlnso ncheioveuiiaiuts theeeft , vhisky ring , star route frateclet , thee' demutrtictiui of thee navy ituti of ieiercantite iniet'iiie , river mid len' . 1oi stettiiiigs , etc. I he sutiel these Ott ) n'asuies whey Cheaso auth ( ieceiI ) ' aunt theousti : uls of good ruinuiui icaliet iileeCuiist leave thet lCtrty , 'En ihluestuete thee cutler. elects hntreeit the ttvo Icartit's hetc refei'r.d . , to fotir political ICuissecut- tienes. sieeco the tnr. First vses thee iiiipeachiiiieiit of .1 ohnietun. I t was 'l'hio whisky ( ' ( CitNurscy \vLts a failure. ' .l'hee third hits jutt conic tO light. I1hee fourth wits not istaugurat- ad by the reICtelmhicnns steel theerufore mint a failure , thee Tweed ICorruICtioht in New Yorlc ' [ 'liii. act of jsur'et'eeatisn wits doiee 1) ) ' Sitinuel .1 . 'I'ihloii , of Iuv York. Tue rapubhicauts failed to punish their thieves. 'l'hie ( lenmocracy strinughaul theirs. ltoferriiig to thee tnritl pliumik in thee ru- hluislicait llatforiet hia Sail Ito lead not time t..night to discuss tieiu , luit lie weniel suceit ito so. ito believed the (1'iutOCUtie ViOt ) . exicressed in its p1st- fotin wits ( lou's ' truth. Spuakiiig of thee tOCl tittull 1iaitk , lie stid ; it wits siiegniar theat the ielClihhiCitII ) piurty coiideiieueed its 'n ) ' net iou iii theist regani iii confussuilig tiee it was wrong in cutting dowit thee wool ttii1l. 1 Ic ( lolult with this stil'jeet 1) ) ' ii'tictuling ' thee declara. time that thee wool titril ] 810011(1 be restored at thee first Op0t'Ltt. ) utity. I'asshiig to the resuhiitienis ititouth theo ) risie coiitract syscteiee , lee said ( lent . this vns a rehehlioie of thee repulchicaui . 1)1111) ' iegzeiiieut its own logieuhtitture. lie to. I gutid tC thee liquor truelhie iunl ( lee insloituo. . nient of the Scott law as it is , sheitiui ' tvithe the pEOlOsitioit that thuat wheiche it intriuisicnlly wrong is iiot eunljuct .sf eoiee proiluise , but vhieit iumytleiiig is wrong thi ( thttty eCh the citizen iii to regulate itt Crinto is niul it la t , against women wrong , ( sercs ito COlul1)rOidtCO iii its treatment Is - but the drhekiuig .Cfl . OttO ghost of boor Wills ) oP wheisky is iuct wroleg , nnl offorti : s to prohaihit it are a rev.eliitiuii of jtelsieit - rights , niud are wrung. if lee iso r lieyel With thee presheihitioieista thent itleohiOl is , 101(1 theist the Savioi cCu'ertcl t'iieu into iuoist.ui . at Caieiuuui ' thion hie nicest go s'ithi theo jtroheiiitiOieistt L s'ithe : thl his force to heave ) ' ) ( . 4 Behieviiig theat iuiti'enlCeriuice is not ut the 1 but iii thee itbeisem sf lelCihiOl , lee be. I hiuvod iii a geltlluilttcd license ecyateimi theat si ci nilel 1 sear it hex I i e ) ) to thee : aiieouiiit of iisjeiiy thee tenfile isuny sin. 'l'heo Scvtt iRY 2I1IkeIf II' ' ) ( liltiliQtiVle ( , hut ' ' feer $200 iesieke as ta'H ( all ) itmtiuu iimay luSh ) ' driitikitiels its lea cieie. It wits isis hinieceut piieie Li uitt the 1 eu i tient svithe f duiews thee ihiieieu euhesic law is ieut it Loin- 1e11tii Co iuiensu iu. I t ni I I uuot iochei iii nile d iii iilnrl ill t h cii stat a. N. e i ieai e iii f Oheio hieted : Liii' aIeiises of ieeteisipur. . 111100 111010 thuieii hue. 1'i , nusie us S Ohio ttceild go feuithuor thetis leo tie i jerotcet eitii.eies iii flue pujeoi use of tietiexicat iieg hiqiseei. httferiliug Li , I his Si reut ion uiulu i ici it is iii cii i I t t eel her I I cc Liexit- . tic Iii of th cc I ii ie , e Endue , I u o clechiered t h cut L hi a could helL Ii i iloVStiIi , id I t eu ii i wei I I leg. 4t Ci S tc , Li eo icre di ii ci tie iie flu eieueil i uuoi e t I s u nigiied I heat 5th e e ciccisini e of th u e iciupieiiio one cit ieiakesc uncle nit its uiuee.l . u ii ci u t iii u i eecessuIi ) ' , C uiie.lur . thiuet tleciusioi e I h to hegishie tune huies seireauly Ji ette1 to h ersihu I bit thic t ruth e i ii lie - tisxicuetiiug hicliiors , itued I. . PiC0 it reusul fi cii. . t hee etieeroiii a couiit i cpiiu ieo e i ci thee Scott hatv deciisieeie , roassoiselug I heuct every uirgieneoitt used with regieid tic thee saitu 1 ii1c1ilies to tue ieuieiuefsctisro. lie cheiirgi'sl ( lie rupeebhicicies withe tryiieg to cccii- - ci liucto feud eriuieco lueoei h cy ieustk I ieg th u one istul Ic we thee tiixiitioi I of suits sues tihl eeiliice their ieuiuuber , ieieel w'ethe try- ) lug t ( i ciluici I into the o ieri clii hi Li oi tints isy . suubiiuitt I eig a ii 'I tinie ieiiuei cdiii uieL ( lii r thee other heauiit the repeal of ( lie elu-ieiei . suhice s hiitv isues iUi iIhIICiIl ) tic hiciiin iussuii , . ( I ( CC ucceil t hi is iighi L 11111 iCI 1)1(1 ) for dciii i eig vi th e I he a I is in cl I iitflia ti , iso t hue reg iehce. tiseie ( Cf its utleuisu , ieiul eiot hrhuihsiti.JiI. ) ) ltuhieviiig iie ( lie hseireeiidl id thin cehel .Jef. ( ciii. . ci eiueie dciii C coraL , in ii vh i eul eat I cesi e t itsi t h s a u ec IV ci cii uuciutc' iii si si C I tic I cii iesl i tu rsol I ut' e pc .ttui . , I cc icsked cuiij ipout heir thu u I deiiueesciiitio state ticket. I I is tuies fics i iui u thy i ciclaleel cc I ii ii ii ii tl it , ci oh I vary eu f I cisc uedd isuss , iii iii sties feel. % ( hey I teen. hhioi. Issanc .ieiclseii , j aiuul iethiois , 'I'Icc , ' ' ( ! ( ( ( % % ' * % ( . ( i ss. i ii uYi , , J I ely H. t cal 1 I cues I sae 1551 sad for a itt ii to iloleguito cc se s woes Lii ii e itt ( JishiIiiihiuC4 , J esly 21 , to Ice cesiiijssssocl .ul . - . toiiIlIeiieiIctC weekois iiieJKJWCti'tI .sf hIeetY : : ci tent , tes take siesuasiueus liCcleIuIry fesi cueriyi I eg thee seceel iii h 1 ioss'cl ci ii est I t ui tjteieiel aciucejeehiusuiet . Chenechiuct , ecohitsiles. LIvid hi si i as , t cue e i suI1iiicts i IIiiI I i Y.iLt ii Ii iii , 1 sute , , iee..i dccl least ticl t i , scud ihiuhc'giet us. U ! l lLSAt' hSE , .7 eel ) ' 14. .t this tueleheer Cc ieieco uuisuetuiig to.ehiey set uhicie ishieyi.i . : Sttoi1 , ci cii i e.seiietio . i i e l tel j t ics hic i I e setini ig tei is bUidei ccc t'iotts , cs ceik a. 'I'i u cit % % uie uvornl eet lice ltdlIhitCs3O ! $ , St. swul susie ! it tiles lice iiituieti.ele . of lice 1eettheilei tiuii h citity ' ef the cc cli I it dy te lsiuleieeo : ti iiuiiuiiiietu it jsivscieluiiticel t ickut iii 1881 V . said the iiiuvei i loll t hues nec tie I ciuiusiderit1sh Ii eacitticy I ii 1 otvn , I tie Ic. I C iti eli , I 151 sai i ie , iIieii tu ice cit ethic . sUites. l'hiat e5eluIl , eizuitioi e fur ( hunt Ictielse ii Hi goilig ntieieliy fierwierti , 'emcotheer usiect lug nut hiti held leuru t4)-sutorisw night ti f'rue , a state nihiniut's , , 2ctaiey prionietont cit ieieet exureetest thick det'riniirntioii to nttesecl , It Is tiieeis'nttsocl thee chealnustu ( Cf \\'iscoIsetiie uttato deiiuocrstic coiii- iiuittee hint iuhkesscsl a letter to htnyor StOWehl , eomuCtneiueg ? his actiscn with thin telipt'raluco p Pi0. l ctsitvciithli of deunocuetie h'alee ' , will soon he baIL in thu. Cit ICC etIssielr hiat itttitIllfl the cheiiuscnitic party ( \\iSCCli5iit shah , take ( cit thu li.tior . ihliestioti as the ie0pie of ticu ) whole ettnt utue aresuisesi. - - - - - l.tTT1JN ( IIt ll1tIili ) TIit jesc1cc'en ( foci ( CL' Iiipalcl 1tiir Ut Ihy , etv IIeeiiti.cIeIre. . Ft. : , \ u'risescnt , .1 tel ) ' 7. F'nur ciuipse- hit's ed cttsetu 1101)1)5 arrived ear'y lieu. . iieecrumiiig ants fscuueul ( hue streets desert .d , Liii' uis ) toiiut Ill iiitlC4 iiot ox I sect lug I huttisi. ( iovt'tuiso I'arsttnt suit other states .iulcors lt'CClilpItluiiMl this ) ) ) ) . 1lcveit of thee ruueglauulevui % % 'tI.C arrest ( 'dl nied 15(1 resist- flil'O Was iutdt' . 'l'iiay ivill lutl1l' ice tuekit tiu Chihseut this auteriussie. Ihtechi ci'eii1suithy is e\icivssa.l lot' h ( ) iciiuiers. Siui& ( ' foeitihi..s . lilt ) OIl hId ) V'lg&of stierva- tioue. \Ouiieie i ithe cheiilecsn isc their anus uq9leah'st to thicu ti'uCIu ( lou' ascsiestuutco. A\lCliI' ) ' hits hs'e'ut rieieteil tel mehiavo thin un. uncilisto neesle ; . 'L'hie , ColetICutui ) ' hcielcsMo ts lv . ! , fM ( ) itt mice , $ tiKO ( ) next veek , utied ChIC ) heihunuce of theolOtO ) us s.coii as thec ore utfl\ % ice of mel'cuiaieis'uit can lie leult thirtliighe stitch sleulpt(1. ) 4 hiLlgC ) beut ucue ( Cf thee troeps vitI 111.1l5t1)l3' ) Ic- tuttle t. ighct , stiueI it is the.euughe I t list the shiuigtue' iS ( iVei. 1 tiNneiu , N. I I . , .lteh 8. Peutets the. vitils itt tue El , uiiuit's 'l'heo huieti coieuuueny of neil i I jut huts g.ciuo I coins , . 'l'tvaiity 51Cc- lutl ' withe shicrill auth duputit's t.eeulutuee a fuw sluuws longer. Nic fuietheur troulsie is ieit.roeeuislesI. . If itity of thio ohhl'uutlorn vheo evutsied theo othicurut reteerie aunt creatte stistuerbutiuce tlee ) twill lee ar. restesi. Ex-4urgaamtt Case , forced to leave towei , hits ruttuiieed. ? dhleut ) ' nuuueerut Ray tieo uielutwfui duuetuiiiutrstiouts were in- stiguttesi ICy S few hiot-lu'uulol ( Clues. Pled ) cicule in lCiC5MC55i5l scf thu COlilIcitit ) ' , IU1iel ( to whuitt will be raised by thee suite of ccspur tntroutc to isuark-et , ninnuiitieug to cliii ) ' $1fiO ( ) iil be 1uaiI workiuugieteet ; 2OOO ) was deco out .leuiuo i.O. ! The coin- 1)it1u3 CCXICC'Ctel hliunutcial aid , wheich would duuRiclO theetet to lIlt ) ' thee unieteni in ( till , \VCrk will hot be rsuniisted at prvseuit. 'I'hte ilettitiito fauueilies of thee ituipaid dniiitrt , ( utuc prvish'd fslr by thee teuvn isoitrd. I I , s1c1srs scf unieee stock leshhd ii metuetheg in Itosidsie 'l'ieesday. 'I'IIE ( 'ItIMINAIc ItIC01t1) . itoiuiiuiu tNic i ice. lbCtsricN , huul' 8 .leden I L lrew , nut. ( her iturest. out teu chuutrge sf euteahiiig ( liii'- t' thenuisutueci ivorthe of hue's , from l'il oero , eiuithe Co. , his eeutpiCrC4 , itttt5) it CCCII- fessiouu tie Lbs thiitt. to cover iup thee i'scll55'r3' ) , leo scot lire to the l'eteie I lieu I hung clii thu eviiiiu of .1 uiia I O tviuiche cieused a loss , uf 6OOO. _ KeNT'Ev : lcil'' : ; ; , , ci iuIlNclet'men : : , ICy. , .Tueite ft.- Last leighel i\lsrshinl I leitry , scf this imlace , t'ithe 11cr Bigle ) ' ieiui four othecis , stautusl out ti unrest , Jniimes Oweut , a desperate chearac . tur , out a felony wutrrauet. 't'leoy reacheet , thee ( lesjsoritlsl'ci hiouso cit icuishnighit iUl ( i foieiid lee heutsi gatleered it 151t1tY of leiu . friends to resist arrest. FilL ) ' cuheotit wen I exchanged. l'seizershictl 1101113' WItS kille tutu 1tigby mortally wotuiedud. 'J'lio rca . of thee O5Si ) ficud. it is etupIloeteci some o tue others utre 'evouunded. Owen icc stii : itt. largt . i 'ieii : vuI.i. itt : i.vNcuIIi. : . . ( iii.'rr.tsooot , .Jeel ) ' 8A leegro ntis . theitu iieueii , true , refeiesed to give ( heel iiunuees , snetrueged Lw , , little girls itt Sun I crighu I , cue thee Cinci eu nati S. . cii I hone tiei : I ( % ' . lhtie coiefesuuctl thuoir guilt I 'I'lee ) ' will be lyiechieul. A HKIi'i'INU cLileK. CiNCINNATI , , htuly trnustworthe iu1Cfllt is alhcat , hero to-nighet that C cluck jut thee euiuphccy .cf II. F'otlui & Co. heieeu ilctlccCuIdCi % witle $ lh,000 casche. JeuuAi'eic : cisNvirrs. 11osrcu , Tiel3' t. - EdwardYheuul.'ii . np Pl icil t o t lee iii si ice niitheoei tics foist ieighi t'c lodgiiig. I to ie.huuitt esl hue ivies nit escapee coliviot feouie thee estate wccrkhiotesee iii llrislguwietsii , luuiiecd , Setueesiiey. : I ho suck thic , inguec , , Jns , ( u'iheeiueee , ttheo encielcci ivithu hiiiei , sot hlicu to thee lciiilthiiig. ( 'iii. I I iiIil itIta ineest ccl ni iii evii fastued. I Ic scueiel h iu cieieiac I I I cc I e uiitchi us e cue ycier t C ieccoieihclicihe ii , 'e j shcoveth cstiaw tijs thu viii c t i hue te ci stied 5 ! isuti cloth thee cctttnuii cii eeeies at ccl id Ci glue I t h iii 1)11100 15 I ii ash ion , in ec tiesiii I gut ( celL ecf theist I ts'iil Isuere ( huh. . tewui. , " 'I'hio third coievict esscuelwd ieiuii huts gi iii o toiviciels I 'ii cvieiuiuce. ic , . ! ecie . 'iueMi ; IN ? uiUx airy. Siccix Ciny , leiwn , heiy 8--A I nhcecuut , , 'choek ) 'esteiclny nfteeiuecoee .Jcrnupie lCitei'1 C1 I C. . culleC I 1 1 Il eilhc , 1 suit vi in hiss been ii Mmcix C it ) ' euetvuriel iiuesn ties , sliest he in lutiit ) ii lisel rVi eunic iI eerchsck , it icrat I t.uitts , ill it ieictisu isf ilh.fiiueiu kncwn iou ' ' 'I'li ( brove , " iiitlictiiig ii fatal wouued ( iii thee head. hCitur theout tuerissal thee weapon Ill ) , cii heieieiseh f , i ietl ict ii ig a ( hunigeinus wsceueed iii thee hecail. I lee is of gisod family , lies ( cetheer hcsting iii ( lest umowcspuujcer aitd hind I eig 1 nisti iiOsss I I e litkcst CI stud I .ctvuc for 2t years iii esi ieee sexulie ICluery ieuueie. .J tries a gieiiehchoe' by 1croftessioiu , mit ii quid itnil ieue.cflttic.hiieg . hitch , unit his. . itot Ciuticlo 151 uiche cc ii ciicse. I t is uubitei nil silh sit eel thee i cart .1 . t he cc lye Ii lund i it c al eieiictoe C 1(1 toe wits ; tim culuiCco .sf . t lee I riegaily. N es. ? slier clock I ens ii hi iesl sue ii. . i i i u I.itvui c Icort , vI inst is th t i iii e cek . Si cc wei e t I .y . I he euueiculs of I ) jxecie hustee , . - - 'I'I I t' , 'IC I I t'l'it I ssI I ) enic I. ( l , s i ? N tii , .1 uehy 8 , 'l'hucsuiscueists , ( visored thin eoiuuueiiesc ef thuo hit. Ireih .1 . .1 . si i e c I 'c ilaeh , I itt I h i.i . utt I 5(1(1 Fiti iOs dci eon I e uhuty. . I I iii Ic ful I hceievi I ) ' the e fi eiei ii Sell I i'tciit h unless t Inc eutceetuc i i e t let I iiil ri u I cc cult i , e si ef the cue t leesluet ire isc use ci ssi iso I ) ' I . : eck sit t h uuit I I tries i s 000iiMlLi ) ' te ciii I ii hungic I cody i ef ci iou uc it t. c ie .laiigei.eiise . cisietle. 'l'cici.ciiistv , . thisi r i I I Iso j ihuiectel i iS thu u cat hcedrith , I t I i ic I cacti e , leciiled I c c 15511 (1 t joke Is of mu is is sic si c t I I I I i u hi c e coiuth'ecl i ecceuuhicy t. . c crut'uic a ares she. - 'I'Iic . ! ti Iie'is , ' -usiIt' . ilclN.IlniIc . , lhl..huihy 8.1'hen tiinelch . ieeunsesg thu tuil icciiceiic heortu is iiot ye settle , ! . 'l'his iiiuisuis hecuhil ii iuseotiuig teL L ills ) ' itii , , , Icjcitluel to eleiuuueeeil 'l edits C I c ecshcul a ! I ieie cli euci heir a ii u liii eug 1 nessl eel tic 1)0 80 lcecuiiutis whicie thee coull icc wuighee. . isle tiueck scales ceftur .uesccieig over it sut'ois aighethuce seeceic , itiiel 8i icesuliltit ttheei tVeighesiil clii ichuetf.crsie . scales ceimel ieei sceosijeuti. Pitut .cf ( lea ieeieiui'cc ieee still is ti.cek hut this ) ) ' iltatti ( heat it guiievuel atrik 1' itihi iso ordueet , utiulessu it suttleiecuiit cur LC ho reucehued .sii thee ICititia etloVt ) stittod . Ssiii ( c1cUiiLtICt ) ciitieue tlecy see lce'itCtieuiil ) v.cicuplyiueg . with all thee'so ociutlitions iceut THE LT CHANCES. _ 1rlio Lonialla Lottery Onllawc the Fusimastor' Uonoral. The Record ltcvlewescL and Alflruwtl . . -h'ithl Tcxt or the IcchcsInn \VAsuiiNnTo , .1 uly 8.-Poatinaster General ( lreshiain will to-morrow tetmlcr lilt dec'isiout in ( lie t.euis'erina lottQry caso. 'I'htsi liii ! text. of thee sanue watt ( loleVereti to thin Associated 1'rss agent to-night. Thee iostiuiaster geiuelai , after reviewing lksitiuuuuter General 1uy's ordv that money orders and registered letters ad. dresses ! to "Dauphin ' at Now Orleans , regeuut of the t.neuisiana lottery , whticlt said iutoluey oruiers and lcttgra. Key die- tCCCtCl the lCstiutaster of New Orieauus to t'ottirit tst thee vritors and suciulers , ( Ireshiatci fiuuds. ( Intro can 1)0 meo doubt but tiest Key's smrder wits clearly JtiStuficI by the tCrovisiCas ( ( Cf thu revised statutes. I I is ortler was eouucltisivo 111)011 his sill- srshlnats ietul other ticisartlitduts 01 thu govuueeueieuit iso bug its the st&tttttes ro- inutiiued iii force. 'the doctrine is now settled that. courts will utut iuttorfcre by uiiautdaunus or isujuenction with sit execui- tivit departumuent iue the dischrnrgo of itti duties uuileset thuuy are of a clearactcr purely uuiiuiisteriai 511(1 huvolvo uuo exercise of ( liCleretiout or judguneutt. Seebsequeuut. tIC thee above order 1ey issued tIm follow- iusg order to tue at Now Orleans - . leans : \VASIIISOTOX , 1"ob. 17 , 1880.-Sue : OIL thee 13th of Ntmveuttbcr , 1879 , 1 issuued 'eu swtier ueldressod , to you , forbkidiiig iiient of auiy postal iiuuitay order to Ter. ft. Datuphiiiu , and 1(1 rettiriu all registered. hettem ueddrca.sedto heiunto thee pustiiiitstut itt wheoso haces tleey vere mailed. Thea lCartY huaveng brotuglet stilt against inc to thiejoult the Ielfsriltdtutce ) ( Cf theis order , suid heaving ltupOltltul thee same to thee au- Isreutmo ecCiert ( Cf thee United States , amid. leaving preseimtesl thee certificates of the govemnuucomit amid state ohhlcers of Lotesiana , heat lee lea. ; cOiumliitnt vithi all thio legal roquuiroeieeiutn of that iututo , meet beiimg cent- istied froiet thue evilence submitted to me ( list said Dauplein is oumgaged in conduct- hug a schenue for obtaining money thtrtmglu the iuusils by means of flso and ( rauduletit 1)rctonnes 811(1 promles1 t hereby autleorizo and direct tue Susihon' siolt of the order of Nov. 13th , J,87t ) so far as tim same relates to said Daupluui , tuntil ( Ito list beout heard ituel deter- iltiit3l ly ( lee supreme court of the ITente(1 States , [ Signed. ] D. ? eI. Key , l'ostiuiasthr-Gcnernl. Coiutiueuiuig , (1rshuaunsaya ( : It apscars ( leclIciOlutu in thee lower court being against huiiuu , Key oriorcl teenllorary I of his first onlot' until thee qise abisUll ( h1ave lmoeet beard am ! dQteetlined. II ) ' IbIS tribumutl Q ltlt resirt. Kay's tirsst Oi'dt31' vafc ieot revoked ; it was iuiinp- L 1) ' ' tonuporitry sumulsoncteec. Thee disiiit ssal e ( Cf thee iiCleutl [ ) , hicswovor , by the appal. I unit's eotiiitol , vithi thee consent of Lice . usClieitor general , putt nit cmi to thee sus- I luoiuaioiu , aledi i'ostorsttl tu binding effect LKey's first , nsler. The oeuly question iii S thee cause is thee couatitutiomutl jsnvor of ) colugresa to eieact a statute I upon which Keys acted. Upon ( hint t exception Gretchetun says he hias f no doubt the auproimie court aflimnied the 1 coutatitutionality of the act which do- ' "No hotthr fIr circular vplicemniiig letteries so ahled , gift cseeicerts orOthOr I uiiiiiilar eiitcrlCriseB oli'erixmg prizes , aheall hle carried jet the ceutils. " In view of this i _ - ( lCCiRiOii ( lie constitutionality of the act aillfcabhe , (5) thee case cannot bo seriously CsquiestiiClued. . . Greshinun coticludes : ' ' 1 heutvo colehinodi iii'RtClf to matters as theoy alClear front thee recorsis of thee dellart- icimut. Thee firsLcrlCr will therefore be . execuitccl asc if thee account lead mtot bQQn I euetueesl. " - - I ituu 01.1 SoldiceJrovleel. . 5eecial ts , State rturiiuil , . VlETI5 N1IIL stttlstJeIZCW ( Odes , 4 an ohsl soWioe living vcsL t-f Crete , re- I COIViCtI $ sio ; iuioliu3' yesterday , t cuftur desssitiesg $800 iii ( lie State I batik , ( ) ( to fill tip. At half 1ast I uiiiit lee viis iiuiuiy ( iruink , med the mat'- shin ! estititeil hsiiei for leonue. lie herimed I cshl' heist coeirse , atuenisled into thee river I iuiiul stita slrCweued. l'ttrtietc leitvo been I iliiegging thee river all duty , mud hiss b'ody , 11 115 eceverwl ut six O'ClsCk this evening. - - _ _ L " .Veigleliug Assoehuit lute. I CItIcL(1O , .Jvix 7.-Certaiei of East C hsoiinl i'oaiH hinvo been urgium for a year 1ciesct thee orgueisiY4utiole of it woigleing isso- ciieti.ciu . feet' their estvii lcrtectioli , but the I Nickel IChietu alel Cheicago Atlaiutie p reads , dochinuti to joiie in lilt ) ' compact Un- e . til yecsturtiiey , wleeie an icrrangoinent was elh'ected by wheiche it itjilccars to be assured L ( heat icuche mu nsaoc'eaticn , can hsu iiiiiuodi- i sltei ) ' foruueed. . Azuotleor CollisIon. \rONf4OCKET , R , 1. , July 7-The east. hOiilii uiisiue1egttr ti-sin oiu the NOW York ) St Now Eughinul road COlliiC.1. with the ¶ wesct.hsouiied freight at Ironstone , .Iiiss. . , L I at 8 o'cloCk theis iiiorluing. Both oiiiiies icitel several curs vcru vruckod , It is me- : jccrtei theist usuvomnl lives were host , . - - 4e5 Aliecsleouiin , lee I flit i issesvtriiu : : , 1' , . .Tuely'rhio i ustietsi esheieshioicse is meow 1ciiriiize RetCh ( hero is lies leolCil of sutviieg it , ¶ I'Iee sex hundred. iiiiuuietesu Jiutvei iceete nuCleI ) ' teieeovei , Thu 111(1 Is MtilelctcL'ci tiC leave been stanch ly r .ciiu esf thu iuciciatcsc , 'eh1 ' the hsuildiiig s'ill .t leo eltestissyeil. Ij(5115 1fiOOOO , ; iuesuranct - uict , a.sceurtiueuod. DYSPEPSIA , ICoc. not gvt veit of Itself ; it require. careful , pet' . Cl SbIsCut ! alientloiu Cclii LI remedy fleet win eiMbt ilatteru to ideroty of ! the revise , . aced tone tip Ceo digestive ' ( rgeles till tleuy rerfonie their iluettes wIiUngly , t luoswortie , of Aleilceusi , N. 11. , after trying many 'suNeutres" witiuout beiteflt , baud Out Ho Od'S Sa'saparilla It IitieO nail cu ties head ant uatoseel leer to health. L Among the eugenic. Cxpeeieuueett by CI , .lyspeUs , am . slIsiree. beforuor after eating , loaof esptetite , Irregu. II 1arlt of the bowelj , wtint or gas and pain In the toenach. heart-burn , sour stomach , .tc. , crnuheg ; iucecetat elcieresslon , nervous Irritability anti uecpiesa. 1. If rou are shlseourngedbuot goodcleeeranctt.ry hued's Sar&ui.arflLs , it kM cured leundrudctt will ie cureyouulryougttjltafa1r cleance. C . liEu. . . C. I. JJooD 00 , ( (1etulIeeceee1 wit. ier.eiadetl to try hood's Sarsa. t iuoiea.i been troubled within. silge.Uouu alice deelfily for several cam , wiutcie least 0 reitiiy reletsre.t ieeruebto , . iiefon , she lead teken tiec cirece bottle leer Seattle conueteneed to ti. ci leave. Slur Is jeow ta.Muui the fourth bottle , and her tealuiebas teadij ant i'eruenneneiy luiecroved. and , 9ts ) , rtcsJ ,