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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1883)
u ' TILE DAILY BEE---COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1SATU RllA Y , JULY i , 1S3. G _ l . .IIE DAILY BEE. C Oiiqc ± L BLUFFS. Saturday Morning July 7 SUES'IU1ION ( 1ttTFS : Cnrret ; - :0 eeott pet week Br By 'tell . . . . . . . Q10.0e ; t r 1'rltr OFPICE : No , T Pearl Street , Near Broadway , --MINOI : MENTION. s . . a FCC JU9Cp11 T1CItC1'A sliding alylcA , Chap Bailroad Tickets nt Bushnell'x. .lddiltoual local sews on sovc tii pnge. John 11nyA was t plain rlruuk disposed of yesterday. The Unrnlonybaud mndu agnnd record ' for itself at aincedonia on thu b ouelli. f Bev. Father O'Shea will conduct Acr ' .vices at the Catholie dulrcll to uulrrow. O , f ; , lice ix building nn addition to his resldemicu in the outskirts of the city. Lenox , w hn tUnwd in a faleu lire nla e , stns yestenhty fined $11,10 , lie garo 9cctll'ity. Miss \V.mcott , of Keokuk , ix to plap the orbmn at the CoiiJgrit'giltionld ehul'ell lmrnornns. Frank Levin litt9 captured another in dian , It is of woad mid placed iu frsut r of his CxtablishIlIcut. JuAtlce A1)batt ) hhultii a v11At of the ( I. A. II. at llnlve it brnight Ileluleron , Mills county , is applying far a post 81st , heave to wed lens yeHtcllav granted to .lases E. Soar 11)1(1 fAn11n it. , ilotgtun , I .Tnm1. I' ; Smith and 1)oi iei uie , all of this city. Papers len'o beer tiled 1i Jahn N. ' Clark , askiuJr for divorce from his wife , Lora iti Clark , on the ground of ndtll tely with Albcrt Clark end othe'H. ] ilr. l'ettihuue got his head hurt at the driving park ( in the Fourth ) told the wound , thwiI 1)L only a scratch , is causing liim great pout. James Tiliss is iii had luck. ili14 uyu { cab badly debt au the 1''ouvth , by fire. 4. . . works , and yesterday he cut liiH hiillll : quite badly ill opening cigar Loxes. On Sunday afternoon there tv'ill be n spiritual meeting at 1'lattor's Ball , atlddlu Droaulwny , itt 2 o'clock. Only uiwliunr14 are officiating , lucturingand giving tests. Vic Keller huts had T1. Collornbiu paint for ] tint 111 oil portunlit of 1)s ! mothe' , which is certainly a flue licco of life-like T work and 1)renounced most - h those who knew- that worthy lady in her ! lifo time. , Seine of the Y. M. C. ,1 , hind their cliaistianity tested on the Fourthi , they lia Iii6 beet mlccreuouiously dipped i t t Big hake , the wind upsetting' ' the boat. They didn't ' 14wear , but some of thou IlOUbtl0AH thought dauu. The school board how lot thu comae t I for the now Hchuol btlihliug \Viekhu11 ltaos , for $7,775. 'l'Iro oilier bide wore Hdrunu 1c : ; Brown , $8.505 ; F' , Oho ' .8J95 ; .I. A. Murphy , 58,7'10 ; .f. C Salisbury , $8,000 ; .1. \Veiu'ur , $8,5f10 C.Dbscn , $9,890. tbt John Chapmanbal uvidollly hceotin u discouraged to trying to gut his loliticit views before the public throe' 3 ' b the lint . itiid circulation of his own l ni lfur , rat d ] lie succeeded it gutting "an interview' iii the Chicago 71 ihuuw. 7'ribueo rate - , -.are high. Ito might have got his ndvor tieing eheijoo nearer hoot. The 1laccdouin'15'ibutu , , has the follow - Ing to say in regard to our hoes' Lund i piayod for tlion or the 4th : ' 'J'ho uuisi with whicli the pro riunmu was infer the highcat H w1wCd W1US of orderandthi Council Bluer baud 1)oy H , will he long ro Jnenbo CI1 tut alncedoma for favoring u ! ' aft preferelco t , otlwr towns that oulen' tired tosecuru their services. " I Dr. S. 1' . Ouhl , a well known citizen .hiedycstertlny 8t his roots , when It l' has 1)0011 living itlouu for 81)1110 time , h laving 110 fnuuly. lie ens it pcculia sort of a mail , anal by his luvu of ib in head lost much of the standing s 11ieh hi natunil ability 1111(1 education would btu' given hill iii social trod businosM circles lie Ives a neat of much' st'ciigthi in Hum respects , and in t1 u earlier year Iva ; $ interested in iull quite pruulinel lid labor movouwnts. Ills ecceltricitiu ald'hnbits have nnulo bun 4)110 of 11) chinntctoi of this city. I'ostnutstur Armour is having Lad het lately' . A good nutty people have bee yirppwg in letters with oily tWO COIL shunp $ on thou , thinking the postag had beet reiucel , instead of waaitin until October 1st. 't'hen fw hunt dowi to the races in a thin stilt nicely starches and Ironed just in time t ) $ ut tIiooughl y drenched , and slilvimig his manly fern off to puood advantage. Of course ] e hit i lots o1 coin' iall but still , thus first Brie added to the other has nido hhu luau a patience , sad newt the first fellow w'1) tde1 to get a letter through with n tts o. cont. stamp eii may expect to catch : I cyclone. Thu least breeze causes the uvorin . gliarner t ) flicker. In ono issue it dc neuuce8 the IQ 1C0 for trying to a1Te5 those who wore shooting fireworks s ruckle8sly on Broadway. It termed suc tr official interference an outrage. In t1) next issue it flicker's and calls thcs worthy citizen , of the night before "drunken hoodlums , " Iuld the patriot ! display Hof fireworks a disgraceful can , nonade. The affair wit n disgrnceI 1)l iL . out and the l/olico / wcro right in arrest in the artici ) ante but the ' 'Anne flickers aPreat deal before it throws th least gleam U of light. + n the right dircctioi n and often gets blown clear out , leaving ' ai in darkness altogether. At nn early hour yesterday murrain + middle aged woeful , plainly but rath 0 neatly dressed , her air sreaked wit gray , 'a14 feud on the sielu walk , hJark alceJm 1)C ! n drunk. She 1)a apparently been out Ill night. Shit we bakot to Jail , add whole sobered up , we allowed to go , She refueud to tell 1e naruo , 8aymg 8110 would rather die thl8 have thu diagrf o fall upon burdnu"htoi i who lived in thin city. Chief Fie d In nlorousdp { hooked her at thu police statiu as , "UIIkiioii lwolnni ) Drunk ( ) n Pub street sweetly dreaming the happy hex , away. 'l'eulely deposited i n the bride chamber of the I county jail it wu nuvothelcas a sad 8i ht to t ) 5eu so1)n body'ii nether in so sorry a 1ilibfit. , It is undostood that the treet c couipauy le not protesting so ligeroue 101 sere woul4 think it would It8ipnst } t1 1lroposcd running of u dununy troll .iiroadway. It la not la HL'1w1110 top k 4. , the street car coop ) any , a8 5"1110 suppo5 f ; , 1 ; l hero is horse and buggy 6 1)nIo for tl union Pacific , and to ardor to nceoull 118 PitC-t poet , aranguments will doubtle be InlaQU esatialtwtpl lit the , street c folks. Tjio Union Pacific can lafrorl 44 r rowaxd well those who help Pusht ti 1 s , . " 1 111011 avenue aehotlc throeqh , and 'an atliad to deal rather liberally with the street cal' coallaI1 tl with tllosn 011) let t ownersu hog snnd eutuh to iAfter sottlin with tlroso it will have of 1O,000 of city IrotertY ) vC cheap irmhl 1)C in shape to kill .fr x0tor chnrlnitg enterprises , iR fMI't ' pr.hOaCll to mote the h ii i0t I'ncific depot ill to ] bO8lway ( , 'flint will sfaY where t Is m the outaklrt9 of of the eltyt a i.4 . , ttuutd ) t the 1)tishiOAs ) will be done there , A Hide-trnck , al8n a little statl)11 is whrtt ( ) tiiicil Itlllfis is to ho given in ret11n for QtO,000 of city in opety , the abandonltg of a street. ear lisle , nail the giviiig ; up at all hope of a11OthiCr bridge , ail till prospect fern n ouniehiunt1ocated union depot. 'this is ether a big ) rice for ( 'nuncil ' lilufls to ) a' for Iho sake of riding to the tnnsferOil St illstenll stci1111 tat Of 11 street car. A litho gnaw of poker is rcparted as having been played the other evening in 0110 of the gambling places , supposed to be closed , 'I'Iw tictlnl is said to have put nil his watch and lie for $1 JO , so couli- dust war le that flour kin's could not ho beaten. Itut fn11r aces 1)11(1 hewn tut up oil bite , Such instances are getting Atli er fret Iunit fur n city where the gain. hung + Irolsns are silItlOxeh to In' Hhirlt iii tight 'rhu display of I11CWorhS Iras past Poucd last eight rat new colt or the sickk hens of ? , his , Uco.'Helps ' , tshu is lying rely low it the 1'eSiiellcU ( of her father , 11)1111 T. lklllWin , hit tvill occur torligirt at the corner of Broadway 1111(1 itnn- croft street , the scathwr pero ittiuig. Thu attenyit to disc nu)11U far thud t1)- lief of alt's Ftl11H , whose 11011140 urns burled , is hwuting with 14ucCw45. It ought ft 7114 she is n h u dwnrkingnnd worthy - thy svonuui. Inni'f forget- the tacos this nfterleotl 1(14 t11ey will sorely come oil. NI ) po14t- 1uoumnelt 011 aecoumit of VClLthlL' Let OtoryhOly go. Jalul Jackson , the Fourth street blacksmith - smith , hind the best sort of a celebration. its a hey , too , 'rule sheet cur turd dinnndy will be held tonight until after the theatre. The heal Iteasons , I t is simply miensCIIHU to 51111114)50 that the Union Pacific railway company is de. Ail'Ou14 of getting possession of 1irl1Ult ave. Tine flu the purpose of ] wlpiug Council lllufl's , Its jealousy lout nlways been ngainst thi14 city , bond it hits hover shown any disposition to favor'nnybndy 0t anything - thing , ex 'opt when , by 141) favoring , it will prove 8 still greater ndvnutage to it- self. Why is the Jnioli I'acifie so nhx- iotls to run n sidetrtek up Union aveutuel There ate several , real reasons. 'I'ho ' Nonpareil uuty8 it ht lecauiue the Union Pacific is losing trade here , other roods gutting it itWtly , 'Toro are two very truntinett rcuuiouk which the Nonparol k11uws but (101,14 , not stltte. One of these is that the I'ltin ) ' 'audio is 1)01111(1 if pxsiblu to thiwuet any bridge cutter. 1 reisu. It. is utterly apposed to an4)ther bridge itCnlss the river , whether it ho ' twagun or railway. Sonic say the 1'nion l'ncltie is not appasud to a wagon brid re. 1\'hiy (11)014 It ntlt builtl the I % ngou LrilSgu ' additiu11 to its own statcture , as lu'ovi lcd for in its eharterlVlwn a bridge bill Was presoltod to Congress one of the I bans collared scl'vallta 1n this city tile- . bnnplied \Vnshington itakiug ntwubcrs to appos0 the oderprse , even 1f nuly 1 a ' wagon bridu wits asked fire. Itut hews s nut rhu Uuom Pacific strengthen its op 'Position ' fly running its duuuny train tl Broadway 1 It can do it 11nd will do it - i1) this sinVhten : 'the l101 l uhu' chanio is aronse(1 for itnothu r 0 bridge it will rnmi its dummy train . froqucntly , mud pit fares and Ircighil. u very low , till the cluenor is satisfied , turd . the race ugrtin , std cut oil couvenienees. s It call start on Broadw ity its a npwurfii 1 - COI lutitn ) to al Pro , osod bridge cola Pith' anti frighten atvu ca iitnl front in vestin antiAnother stltu o reason for the I UniOli Paeitic watntiul6 thin avenue is the 1) it will then be in posititm to light auq pl0Po8el 11110)11 dulult , I lilac huts beuu t r bilk of the molls Joining m a urliau d1 k blot , somewhere south of Broadway , :110 : i H In Hi11U Ce11Veliellt 10cntifl , nutl if all o joined null built n depot , such tut Council ' lhlulli shall have , old t ua ill there in ' 1 steel of with the tlnnsfer , the Cnini i 1 ee svotihd find its big brick shed not i trucks out in thin cold , e1(1 the tiansf0 r 4 lhltiiil11iCS w'Olrlil lie fo ceil to Caine Ilcaul o the city , I'le Union l'ncilic is plnuning to g1) i p0Sae8Si0n so that it nay hold a ulul t ul'ur this ontetprise , ton , 'I'ho cit y council huts on the sly puasned nuordimulc u o grunting this selflsln , gnts ling and hnsti ] uu g 1 umiu luuly 11 chub with twhlcli to dash eel d flue m of tut alter n'iso the city inn desire. Allled to this suieidal policy n the et of the council , is they in 1 justice of the whole 1roccditl's. It i not to be wou lered that citizens se loud 11 donoulico the whole schenlo that no uwun the ( FganA of the Union I'acili . itself hnvu the hardihood to give the ac a tint of the council any ) hlbtic edito'ia endnreouiunt , g The Khighta of Labor will iwldnspecia meeting Sunday afternoon , July 8th , a t 2 o'clock Ip , in. - - - - - I Ii 11Cra , d , A. Gray has refitted her rcui 0 taurant , 21 nod 28 Bryant street , in flu 0 shape , aild is serving meals at enl , tweiityivti cents , . heal Estttto Trrth141brs , The following (100(15 were filed for re ' cord in the county clerks's ofhicu , Jul a Ii , reported for ' 1'lto IFE : b ) ' luau t , aleainhon , fool estate agents , dt Goo. It , Carroll to P , J , Mottgui ery for 8 , block 0 ; JlwkHalt'H ndd--$1,5100 , n J , P , Cassady to G. Christianson , III r. 4 , block 15 , hall's ' old , $150 , I , 'J'homuuu lileeedith to Ilnnty Ohrt , h ) r 111 , block ( I , Jllerediths 11(1(1 , to Awuct d $100. as ] IolVy Olu't to Claus Ii riugor , plat (1 is lot 18 , block II , llloreditlt's ntld , to ,1v1 01 , ca-i2 50 , 1t IAIUsn'.P ! , Wells to II , C , Ciii'y ; lots 4 , and 7 , block 12 , lleor's nddl50 I. ; \ . B. \ \ nikur to llf , B , S vnn ; lots n 1(1)10 , block nil , hunt's odd-x00 , el Thomas Dforedith to ( Anus icruigei 8 tut 11 , block ( i , l1ouditlt's ' add to .Ivor tl CO. 'B ' Nellie N , Keith to 1. . , S. Keuitnct ; lot c. 11111(1 2 , block 21) ) . Avucn$5110 , Barlow Ornugor t0 Nellie 1i1. lieitl , II , lots I mid 2 , block 29 , . 'loess--$7W , ly 'I'obll solos , $ ; 1,71.50 ; , , IC - - - - ® - - io EASILY 1'Bos'i.-- is easily l v1) ill that uialitrinl fevers , c0dattpatha , torpid o , its of the liver and kidueys , $ utonl th U lit bitty , nurtoueness , pill ! Iteuralgio nil s1) lnents yield readily to this great dlsens as conquurer , llo u Bitters , It iu uaiint t)1 ) 1r ravages of disease b' eu11vcr . I in J , 1le foe to into rich blood niti it 111. 5 11x114 life nu e vigor to the aged turd iiu irht always , THE RACES , Slimly Attcndcd Siow Time hat still SOlic sport. : lure 1)f II and ltntlcr I'rnrnlserl fir To dny , 'rhue races yesterday were not la'guly attoidod on account of the showery threntcting weather. In the 2:50 : old 1:80 : classes the first heat was trotted oil the Fourth , and all those races were finished yesterday , the following being the nuhnnary of Thin 2i10 : TILOT. ) Tattilltt. . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .1 1 1 Lormtn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 3 1 2 Ilcnwoinl ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ( ; ( Panic. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Slow lnek . , i)1. ) . ' ' ' 'rhun,2:31'yfir2r.49:41. ; ; ; : In the tluirdhcat oftliis racetlucre wtlsn slight accident ; Ohei o4) ( ' runul ig into Loreuu , and eulsing the breaking of the shaft. The judges ut first were dtsposel to declare the hunt all' , but , fiunllyleeldetl as above. Till : 210 ; ; I'LAw , Thu following tvns the result in this clint : IVestuinutt , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 1 111ry ; , to l ; Iutchirl. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 tiny Clarke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrnirt. 'I Mlle , " :12 , 2:35J : , 2:81. : rBE ( IIu BTIEMas 11n.uHI ) u : lug. 'I'le following wits the result of the race : p. It iiet . . , , l 31 (1.1Vis her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12 1' . Lncev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 N. l'Ittlhi .s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 In N. W'i o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u Crt A , A , Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)i. ) ! . 'rltnCl : ; , 8O3ti , 2r.Sf : . 1'ila iuii' IIUEit14. Thu boy's who contested in cquies trieuuto race were : Ilany Ilindm , aged 15 ; Ned Everett , aged 10 ; Burt Porter. field , aged 14 ; Ernest Woodbuuy , abed 12. Nod Everett was given the first prize , a saddle nod bridle : ilert Porter field , the second , ii blanket ; Harry liar- din , ( he third , a whip and spur : and Earnest \Voodbury the fourth , a bridle , a'O Ipe.v'H ' IIA'EH. 'rite progranuue for to day opens with the hultes show of equcstriamilso , ' 'here will follow the free for all in which Little Sioux , Lucreco 101(1 Big Soap are entered. The 2.14 : . cuss is also on the lire. grtunnuie , the cultfhes being Comanche ] toy , Calcbmta Chief , allay Clark and Jack I'e egoy , 'Clue gentleuoli s roadsturs , douhilo teams , are IIOWII for to-day's progruulno also. --s- - Opell for work , Pryo's BEe Job Printing - ing ollico , 7 ' 'earl street. Dr.Vest , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. 1111(1 Ih'eitlts , deck Slileltis llirkes Several of' thrml , Inciudlu g One I t'ctk I'or IIi0 Otllitlost' Jnek Shields , who has gained eouside able notoriety , butt very little reputation 'Otth auythiiltg , huts been making scow bail breaks lately , f to is quite it thumper - er when his victims are drtuthuu own or 01d mod or feeble cites , but he sldun picks a 01:01 : his equal in stegth. ) Ile was arrested tie othe' night for ns snultiug it uu8n lutrmcl nrcOeke , and wit H locked up in the calabooso. Vestet'da Y Ito umungcd 14) get out by breaking t a lock on tlw rear door :111dskippcd : , lcttiuI I out with hurt a Innit iiaued 1L D. ' 1'nylor + I arrested for being dr11uk. 1 t appuars that Shields esca red j ust it I time to u'uveitt his being called to ac count fur another bad break. About i o'clock on the morning of the 5t11 i t is clniuied that ho in coulpauy swith another fellow nnnted.Jack Collings ' extend Jcuiie Fleunniiiug's rooms , n 1 the route' of the photograph gallery , ant uotending to be otlicer s tlm eateucd tt I arrest thou , Shields is said to 1)a U pulled a revolve' 1)n her null her eousir I Itupt l + 'leining , but the latter shouted f1) I the police , 1(1141 taw tw ) intruding Jnok Ileh if they ciui 1)u foulul they are h answol to a ieiutiual ihargu based ci this information. _ . iIAYrsvn.LF : , O. , Fcb,11,1880. 1 nun very glad to say I have tried lidl t llitto'H , nil 11uvo' took anything that die tP 1110 to much hood. I only took two bet tics and 1 w atrld not take $100 for th good they did 1)w I rccnnmeud thou to nq ( stunts , and gut. the best result fenut their inc. ( ' It , M1iitOla , ] Ir , D , i - Our Nnw ioauandlulprovcutlatt C ( I e Investigation into the matter con'incu 1114 that one of the must equitable , ruuuuon t able uud feitsiblo plats of building house 0 114 that proposed Bud in opentiot by 111 Alercattllo Loan , 'l'eust alwl Improve I went company of this city. By invest hug in shares in this institution , wltielu i hacked by eenu of our hest amid roost re I liable 1IIAII1eAA mot , it bceoulas possibl t and eolupnrativ'ol easy fora eau 4)f m"dOrntu musts to secure , a comfortttbl hoax for himsuif and family. It tnkin a curtain number of , shares , at a curtai Il o monthly pnyi eat , in n few years ii ran can own a house of his ( ) % ' 3t for about tit y 61(1110 us le pity's ntoutltly' for runt.Y believe tutu alorenntilu Loan and 'Pru At company , by organizing and openiltg 11 : for business , Iun q filled a long fel wnnt ill Council ] hluirs. Tiluir plats 1111 y' system of loots will bear flue most care ful scrutiny and exnmiuatioh , itnd w have no luesitautcy in prunouucuthou . reasnunblo itud equitable , 1111(1 bawled b .I untlofed of honor 1111(1 integrity. :1 tgaw caul Ian ' exists it becomes at ulleu Li 1 inslitutiolt of vitluu uud credit to our eit 1 ( 11(1 those who desire homes , q'lwit' ' ) te 8' t ett is 'I' , A. teirklsud vice Ireshloa t Judgu l'eaku ; secvtary , 1 , it. Decry , tr'eastu'er , COI , Dcubu , ituid their chlicu f m the butsetroit of 8& AicAlu ' ' bon's nuw block , corner Furst ateuuu nu Pearl street. jau27 ly , 11 Swedish Movemen i ) Cure ii fur the treanuvnt and rttro of drt , hardy dead ) lalllug hair .r baldutw. , at 71 ' Itruwla'ay , ( .wow Ill"tT , , ( s. . ( , II u , nini. stn .o1111detnl ) ; unlll l1) A Ihuuluqulrelurl Irl IalJrurutho w it ) , al ll 1'.i ' 1Iuu.c , l'cu.nltntluu i i eti utlnutlurt tit h . I tlll.res , itf diiiri , e. I St'I IsF.I"I'ION ( le l'.IIl.1N1'EIII : F rddur prltr't ft.r uursury old tutrlw'r tnamutait. 1)t head aItll btlnmlutlug Iut lout , to thou 2t.tls. ut head and but tou t loth , ao rt. . Cti 11 ' It Yham 1).s 1)t lcead tt'ttIi c.tarrli lutlullellpphigeu. I of hair ( or drnd or tiuuiug lialr &t' , ro tta t'hlldr ' halt lids , I laud uoi'ur.tlu I nAnucrit for head and h dtU et t'hlldrvii 'elf ' prteu. o I'unctunuty soup with thnubthig Oll + or lulU he 6o Ctw lttlli u'tviuc$1w11 prate , U nsb'ns tedal AttwiUon g [ rrn to Pursuits Fury wlukly ) d . ; , d du.lopuleul lit lhittrt ) Ittra : rhargr. where park. , duire lrluhutnt ) the resldwlce , N. C.1tAbT , I : IL Oact'1T. CASADY & ORCUTT f . a V1) r ills. s . rni c _ uItIIJuI Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. 142.A.IL ORZ ? 1115 r9 DLICIT. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Broadway , - - - - . A. H. MAYNE & CO. , Dh.uans : 1N I I LimeI M1C111UAN 1'IAsTIIt , HAIR AN n SEWEII l'II'E,11MW AND Sorr Co tt.u' l.olver 1'It1CF : . No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. J , M. PHILLIPS iS'IIOLIe.iT.l : : ANi ) IIFTAIL BOOTS AND 'SHOES ' ! Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , FIRST CLASS GDDDS AND THE BEST DF wORKMANSfP GUARANTEEDI 7 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS t , CO'CTNCJIL,7SLSJI'Tc'S , , LEA. JO tJ N KENO & CI / GENERAL 11EacirANUISF1 I , , tS Main stueet uud 171'earl street. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L , B , CLARg & CU Pre.crlptleur Cuuqounded , llfiUCOISTS at all hours. , 100 Bradt a } . - - - - - - - - - - j CIIISTS ( ) ifOUSE--- MAX IV10Hh , eery , " _ 15 ) Inin street llottl , ; ' 17 mud : IO Mahttteet. J M BARSTOW M D ierF'ittl : , , . , . , ( anle'r Flh.tuwt and lift ) ate. , J F WHIlE I Curum JLdu and Fifth aI. siniro ( , IFFICE Itcsldeuru , , OuO lwllluw nrcuuc , I' JUsrIenoF'TIlEi'CACE , N , SC HURL , . 01nnt oier Araerlcati lpre.r. iJS'EIt1'INh FEE ! ' , S V AGN ER 6 , 11'111 contract for fuuurnb at n'nouahle ratce. : : F'nnrth strecL , J , M , Sr 1 , J OH T & CJ. f , CAi s v , H BUYERS , w'h try nlesuleLutturogg. amt halt ship , to peel e4. Irnltby return mall. ] 40 itrondua } , _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - SFIS : TAN1)SnCi , A PIERCE t Corner Main and First aicnne. _ PETHYBRIDGE & ITERBERTZ , Itrmuf3:71lren t , .MERCiIANT 'r.1ILolt , .JACOB . gUCH , Slcek ( 'umphle , Sult made 1)t reasounLle prirex. No. EU5 Mali , St. , r.0I'IIALTOIt ANII 11UI1llF.l l , . G , F , S ITH , l'orncr 7th And Bnadany , I'IAns and.pecltleatluux tundshed , m.11F1t ; ; IN 1'INF:11.tI1N1. : > S. ' W , W . SHERMAN , I hats rhu tnricq that hrlnro putnnmgu. 14flaln smut fl E1tCIlANT 'r.t not. J AM ES FRANEY . ' . . . . - . , .Irtl tic w'ar1 : and rra.onuble charge. 5-r ! nroaiiaay. - - - FUii 111'Ultl : STo1'Ei1 , HUWE & SONt mil iluusehuld Suppllo. . 303 Droadnny. 1 - - - .1'ITUItNFa'S.1'I'1.,11w , - NDT & BART , .Luotw nlc. k , I'rortlce In , tate and fcdcrnl . fla11niaebirert F'Iuo Fundnuc , Uphul + tei ' Ilu..l. , Cartahin , 1 F STOCgERT & CO , , tmdWliit.wSha.let ltroadway. H - 1ud bath } hose. 41 and 4 1 Ur.uuAroy. L. Sotcrelgn , trop. 1'.1 , Mont. SANITAR I UM gamer ) ' , 'I. I.1'IIlkiai , _ , . - , t:1'IIIINIIL : ; { ' SCIIUll15 , WADE CAtiY , Otlkrliray'.4blable , Nn. 1Scutt.lrrtt g P J HEl TTtT i'f , TradeStlpplle.I. llanufacturer'if Shcstraetl.etaeenethamITlbare. 11OiISECl1LL.11tS , - - U JUSTICE 0l" f11E l'EACn- EDWIN J , J9BDUI 1 Notary l'ubllc and tlenernl Cwoey'anrer. 418 iiruudnay. A L' SMITH k NUItTON , REVhRE HOUSE , BnAltwa ) ' opposite Nttr Gw70.11n , tl. Befitted I , d1G0 per day , - - - 11 DE CAY & CASSE L CONTIIACTOIIH conier14latltstreet AND BIIILUEIIS.- alulAttnuo0 , NfW : AND SECONI ) IIANU IIoUHEIroLD (10UDN , 6 W H A LMY Ilought and .old. : 1. Broadway. u o n SPECIAL N01ICES. NOTICE.-141 + Crkl adlertlaetlteuts , such as Lost , p Futnxl , Tit loan , Far Selz , To hunt , w'Anb , 1uuN { t 1"reh'wlll I.e Inserted In thla eolmun at the lewd d rota 1)t TFN CISTH : 1'En fJNY (1)r the tint Insertion and I'IVI ; LES"IN PL'I tIt LINE for Carh Inibstrunst , In U rcrtlun. i.Uasu aticrtbnnent itt our oalw , Nt. . 7 U Pearl Street , ucur linuulwny K WANTS , 11 . ' tNTF:1)-,1 : dlnlug .cunt girl at rhu R'tslrnt liuubeaca : linnulaey. ' FOR SALE AND SENT , _ ; broom. / : STlire huusc l1O FlntAiwuu' . Scu u , . , JohnMulgtentnmcristJnunhcau + IOtis IH SlrelG ILiIl1tAIN CuwphtouutBlulhuun wlutlugliaW di . , ' ) . ' . Emulro d al hilTllrtadwityorshe ; D.IIIINEIIOT. : ) _ tJ I'ur Salo. 'use hutdtart catst nut hcu + ekcrduIttui , II. in IIoi1 u No , 1)13 u'Itn1 t. visor , Boost ten uud nur tulh usnl , the htrNnuu as. made to under b ) ,1 , 111 barreled , ltwt.nt , Musa. uud mgtt. ere Engllah utters end luq.trtct 10 'ruticy , ltrigld i l'1)elt of 1)r I , tutu he sects uarh day between d and p in. 1ltudwe111ogb13Hlttll.ltruurlttot sale or nut , lu Eurlytt , csslon nut la ghun. I , Ale 1 ( utldunlalttml , 1)u , ) built by Enond S I tilulsler of IIa.toli Muss , I gold mounted Ilght t ouhlu hares. , I gold mouuttd Cartnll Ilanusa ucur bteu ustrh i Intgg ) llarsa.e llahtad sumo Ilat is Caniugo end Itirutw. cue kit scch at Itray' . atAldr. . S , ( I , Itobc , Wnucll IUuas , Is , July ; . h t'II Iissdlutlon of Copartuorlhlp , w sotlee 1. hertby shut that the Iarhunhip land ) eilsths Itdacnt S , O hose und.1 , J. Mo Mahal of , ( 'Ua11CU HItul ! , ' Iona t I dcr the llmt of flow and Mc Mahon utplretl wt hitlhtttleth day t4 Juuu IbS3 1)r tlinuautlotueteruilofthnartlcluot ccpadncnhip N. C , Ito.a a 1' , J , McMahon 1)l 77ic bubluu'a ' x111 1)u cmuluchd In lessen' by I' J Mc ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate .tNU INSURANOE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , City Property. l' hut it taeint lot , lit all dart , of rhu Fit ) al burn tiO.txl up , fur subo on monthly tanient. , No. f : . 11.1150 , a ruonw , well , tbh ri , 4 Iarn lute , plelst ) of lndt , on Menton stret1 ; clicap , tZ ° U. : AduslrutlureddeucuOH Amuutll tne/ / , near liloolner.ehad , bulldlugs nearly' hew ; ( : iXit , ) , N.e 4'L N lntly fret front , comer Parr ! 141. and so road 1)i CU"u , uppt dtu ! eourt Iwust' ; 08,14e. Business ahance9 , No. ; a Fur sale or iradc , a stuck if h.trduaru , a t a gaud bnsloes. polot iii ataturu Iowa. w'lll trade fu r /arm / or elty 'm.Iw'rt ' . ) , Nu , ( .hIlutel , Iho t.uly cite in atoe a of Till ) hihaL pants'Franiwlthg..sllan + , will lucatesl , nil I sill .beep or trade for a farm , No , Iu. A the republl.tutaper , let aeste11t lnua ontdal truutyulKruudI. , + ri loll rnuagu.trchen , If sold sous w u ai a haw a nu11d + cr of choki'c I.tnus , is ae tun Iowa , fur sale rheup. LOANS , we haw nuwtey ptoat ( on fan11s atidclty proelq' , , at trout U to luwr , smut. Piro and Tornado Insurance , ] lest of cou11anha represuutud , Elultable rate , 011.1 fair treatnwnt. ] .t 1)i. adjusted uud paid at ltd otace. Mrs , II , J. . 1111101I MI D , 1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON / 237 Broadway , Council Blue , rTe To The Trade I + \ \ o take ph'asnre i1) calling youcntteutioi to the fact that xuhaTeln to Such nun antge- rnenta as will enuble , us to sell you Boots , Shoes , Etc15 . Here , as Low as you can buy them East , I1'rite for further information. . LIND CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . ' - r R.S. OLE&CO. MANI'FA.TI aFa.IND : DFALF1tS IN.ttt. Kinds Lightning And Onlana nt + . . .ihuI'o.l nod Iron l tunp. , { Vn + .1 Tnbhig and liar false and Pipe t'Ittures , for hot ) . No , 604 South Main Street and , . Iron Pump . . . + . , . ( . ) nlerx . . . x111 . . . . retch . . . . . . o Preugit . . . . . . attentlom . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. fa Feb 15 eod lt M. CALL-r ACHER cEt : c' rt i ii 7 \e1) Store , l'resh Good , Low Prat. and Pollle.lttendaut . I3-sr Fi'sf Door of Hotel 1 " ° ' ' " vs. 1 east Metropolitan , } , , % . PETER C. MILLER WIOLI SALE..N1) RETAIL ' ; ti , wall-PaPel and Window Shades and Painting in all its Blanches ( FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. No .18 cLntd 20 - - - - North Mniu mt. . DEVOL & WRICHTN II a dv.rare 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRIDES ON MAIL ORDERS. HOUE , LANDS I73ouGht and Solcl. + Dune Loaned Abstracts Furnished . , ' . IC2oM13I ON No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . SULLIVAN & FITZGIRALD ; , . , D1.1LE1 : 85 IN T I FrOvisiOlls , Bools Siioo 1 . IMI'd1IG1'i.1 TI O N 1l. GZ ; N ' DIIAF'1'S ON 'r11E IIANE OF IIIELANI ) , DI'luI.iN , FOIt SALE , 813 BItOADNAY , COUNCIL BLITZ'S GRESTON HOUSE MAX MOAN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 213 , 217 nod. 219 S. Mein Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWL , - - - - - - MRS , D. A. BENEDICT , . i. Tile : LE.1lING DEAIEt IN . . 1 1i i 331 Broadway , Council Bluffs. i P Overton , neALEIt lS Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oat and Berl Cedar 1'tllu , Cedar Telegraph I'oleeand Promo 1'osts , ( ktk Ihnensinn ) Sato , Bridge Makrial 1)1 nIl kind , , at fled heck Price' , A Specialty- WOOD AND COAL for brtek ) aril purposes. A full anpply-of wood and coal alaay'a on Imnd at ) ardHO'2 and 80I Main btreet Ot11ce , 505 I'Irtt Asenue , between Main and ! 'earl also , , otnean , ii. 5. user. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS Council 1tIuH , , la. Establishea - - 1856 Dealers In F'orghn uud I"urstlu ) Eachaltgoand ( lame Secudtles. WINTHERLICH BROS. IOll & Buss Folllly Col , tithe St. and 11th . 'evo , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . lO\V,1 , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , . 11ie thirst cpiallt } and Inrgrtt sun , aest of Chlcago of 1Vwideh and yletatle t'a.e ( lulls aittitdol to at eta hour , , Vu dcly I'.mlwtltiuu ill gnaltt ) of goads trprlrcu OurMr'.argueletssennlasundertaker for furtl' } cars unit thoroughly understand , Ids bnsb 14055. II'arcn.nuaIlltBrowhm ) ' . UI'IIOfSTFIIINn : II all its tmuehcs promptly atteudtrl lo ; also caiptt laying and Iaucbrrluhta 'feltvraphto and mall rdws ailed eIthuutdctay. wu R. VAUCHAN f Justice of the Peace Oiuaha uud Comtcll Bluffs , ! teal estate and cnllectlon agency lit OslO F'elluw'r block , user Saytag. Bank , Jalu41 MRS , E , J , HARDING , M. D. t .I Medical Electrician AND CYNECOLOCIST i , . r Ora duatuotElectropalhlchalltutiouPldladtlpho1 can. r ffic e Cop. Broadway & Glenn Aver , , . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , OtV.t e 91tu treahuent of nu dltease , anti pahiftd tU8tadtiea. u eullnr to females a e teeInlty _ ZIitTR1'3514. ' I Have Found It . . 11'as the radatuallon of a than when he got a hoi of Eureka I'llu Otutmuut , ahkh I. a slmlde alit sure cure for files turd all Hlht Ukea-e , , I Ilt ) cent , by. mall , , ostald. , The American Diarrhiwa Cure I' has stood flit test for tacitly year. . Shru cure for all. Nuier Full , , Dlanltnea , i scntary , and Cholu. r1 Morbus , Do3ac's ' Fever aid A II Toltc & CortaL II h lui.o4sihlo ; to 51trld ) ' thU rapid , aloof the bane. SIIItE CUID : { VAIIIt1NTED For I'uteruud 1gue , nut all Malarial troubles , I'RICE , stop , w' . J WHITEHOUSE : f LA1101tAT4)1t1',1JI'If ST. , OfIAILI , NEII 4 1 For Sale by all Druggists + f Or aeut by Fapru.a on receipt of price. n&t-0ru S Matter of .Ippllnitlwi t/ / Jilt ) . Fnuk , for l.blua , idrell e. NUTtcF. Suture it itercb ) glrun that Juo I'rauk did ,11.)11 , the ; 'nth ' da } of June , A. 1) , Ibb3 , ale ht , Applb eatlu" hi the mayor and city tnuocll of Dnahu for llrousu tench malt , aplrlluais and lhmui liquor , at No , 1021 Urmgkts strict , 'Ihinl 'l'ard , oinaha , Neb. , Uuut thu 11th dai of Juh' , lbb3 , to the 11th da ) of 'tuber is d , ii there ) e nt , ubJuttlun , r , nawttratlco or prttttt film aithlntwo aeckafrom June 06th , .t. U. 1bb3 , the said Itcwtw will be grant. c.1 . , John Prank , Appllcaut 'The Outaha Ike uewa'tr ' wtll puldlah the ahuiu uoticuonce eacll 5cekfurtwowcekatthu eaKnsu , of law applicant Thu city of Omaha is nut to 111 enlarged therewllh 3OI .t leak J .1 I. C JEiVETF eu , ( 'link , j