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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1883)
. - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - J : - 2 _ J'1 IE 1)AILY BEE --OMAHA , SAtI'URDAY JULY 7 1883. - - - - - - :3 : In4tI fltlI 11LI' lI. Vlii ii flO with a v1iinin ; 'rnih' . pofl by a jtiec1tit1 rllMtc tiIe , li't inn ) i1d ln'r iui1 whim iu-1i : I ' ) itI hotcel i1o n lit her ko1 trns , Aiitl fThmll9I ftfty the iinghtv ilk , , viI14 kiling 1i'r ' , Iflfttly1il 7 ' .mIr truly. ' % i ' ' vle' us8' lta il I itli loitl , anti hiit'li , SoMing the bull 1rng In tin' tnnnib- Ctiitig tiw ma.Ii to suy ' ( nnt ( inh ller 1119. r11 ( % fnIlol t ntis er her l1l9)1Illft' ) yl'll 7 (1' ( , > r ltw , eOUl'l sh 1ItC9k the llltIgiC P.p'll V1IeII ; co WCflI gtttliig nlong o well 1) ) Tillie , Tnne. VIIII P .flIII ) I , IldnL "trt IL ( lOt. I \VItlier her tllttlIItllfl enlleti or tiot , Afll ( t1it 111 ( ' . .f1tlldfl't "levv the lWit 7 - . . The ne Tilik. VllI ) % V8.4 IL 11141eI ( tolieri w e st , 1Cnwitig nnr lose cczu' ntr flhtt' flb er my cyci 8II ( liM To's 1n9. % 1ill.1t VM It. that lPr'li't'l1tlY ( lie4tI illS' coat. tIlls : itil iniinletI m , , Aiul tt Pt Inc all rilglit ii I ' " t ee 7 llocr ! 1.1s , ( i lO1. ) ) . . - _ - SiOltY O1 . lItIlIIT It. II' , ( ) ISl I)1IISI. ) . l (1 ( (193 Mi ) ' . it IS a l)108tllt ) ; (183. S\OII't flt1 'iL 1IuI1 ( : tid rtL n 1i in tlui I11IV % ( of yII(1er ) ( ola 1is u.tik ? Tocs thu foist' of thu Illill disturb ylll ? No. Soiiie pIiOIIU ) cotiiplaiti Of it , hut I like it , for IL teIL nf Ililliust Inlior , Of n thriving cnin IflILlIit ) , IIIId then , yon iee , sir , 1 )1ICo 8 jtrt ; of it , Unit is , I % 'flM COnhlcCte(1 ( ivitli the bliHiflesM. 1 IflCIl't I triLveled hotit : i good ilall W'elI , ycH , I linve. I w:8 : h iii I t i ru n lftrgc $1I)1 ) , tIIOtIM8l U1S 01 IIIIIe ( rolii liure , : tiid for iiiiiiiy yeti ; I c.ri'ie'l ' IuIIllur ovur a largu ptrt of thu COIIIltI ) . IL wa.n't a vuiy exciting ifu , 1iiu that Of an ox irs ) I IIIlj I car , hii L I 1vtK : .0t1I1g 101(1 9EIIIg ( ) tJien , jtlML freMbly 1)tiflt ; td , 811(1 lifu h)0IL'd very Inir to ilIt. lU14i1IM WtU 1risk , nluI I WflM in great ( ICIIIIUIl. ( ' 'No. 369" 1 wnu called then Ittt I pLssel : ( tlirow'li varius chiitgezi : , till fiuially I came cruar ; IcrosN thu colitilleilL iuul looked Ispoll the ei ii iiI I lial lijiii lflkillg ) itisty fur soitlo tjllI'J , IlIl 11c ( felt ci y prtid of iriy new alIttrl1ee ) ill : i frenh cent of browit , with htige vhiIo letterus "S. P. 0. it. It. " oil III 14j(1CM ( , 1111(1 the 11111111 er ' 'flR' ' given 14) III & ' . 'l'Iie iron reul over uylii cl i I trnv- dud for several 3Ca114 weiit through the prcttiett country I have uv11 seen in nil my w lIll(1el'iIlgi4. ( FtOII1 SIL1I FruIciMe ; ( ) it folu the edge of the bny , tlieii cruisKing iJIC fertile Santa C1nri vitiley it vilId in tItI out , ip and (1OW1I , 0.CI IflI(1 III1UU ) the Stnta ; Criiz inotiiittite thnt you eo risiiig there , so gruuilily , ( In thin south. The tCrflhiIItH of the load was ii ( jtittint , old SjiIfliBlI city , thickly settled 110W by Anierictins , but beautiful ns it 'wu , often anti ofteii 1 noticed with greiter il1ellIro this h1liltltlIt little inotiiitiiin tosii , hut. IRIVCI 4lreauuIe(1 that nuy life was to be e.ut here. SoluletilneM 1 uusc(1 to be sent ( lwuI ( here i'ii ' thUs branch track vhikhi cuts thunuugu ) yont1r hill from the uuinin track , ICfllh 410V1) to the iuuill to load ciis with biiruchs iif tiouur , then out nlingsiulu the rushing strcauuu 9(11110 ( three nlihes , crsus it iuiiul then joiuis the 11111)11 ) track again. iltut after tlutL itceident twuyenrs ago I became partially ( lisithlel ) , my general health vie , hloor , 113111 thieju , too , thieve are Ho IIIILUy younger fellows on the iniul that it is seldoni 1 IOn calieui uujoui fou service. So beau I have Icdn set aside uuoui this twitchi track. It. must be louwly for unu ? So it is , sir , Iflit the hrifhtest. event of my life huts comu to Inc during my days of enforced idle. 'l'ull you 811 ldOUt ) ittVhy yes , if you care to ibuten , for I nuvurgrow tirel recall. ing to ineuuioi every day of thIIt. huutjiy . inoittht hltHt summer. - . hero I stood ( ill ) Iii muid day ( lilt , mimider time shmmtlois , sin you see , of this tall stlmmJ ( in il I t I mat. stnm1l 01)011 tIme lank of a Ii t tIc 8tIeH mu t limit urosrls alouig I his ummomu iii nil I TiLlIey. 4\lI day long , year omit 111111 year I ii , vIi i Ic t Ii im to vel suit i smiles umpom i t lie green lii I Is , imtmtl the mliuvsy sit titlumer wit ii ii t ii tills the szd I ii men tI to isk h s ale gi ny am id storiumy , the i ii ill in in - bles anti chatters amid with muctisy life ; mumil mull imiglit , niIeiit nut ! griiim flM ml ( gi i,4t , i t $ I tilt ! i % % i I i(1I H I iko sli ii m it ig UCS , stare iiito time ( lalk11e145. Son mcli i i tes I feel iiicliiied to iii mint mu r that immy ( IlybI : Of $ tdal ) usefuilimess inc lait , I , t it LII IUX poet uilIy tijmi rt ummuit les c ott e IA ) .IJiu. ( inc afternoon Itst : stimuuimer I imoticeil ii avcet-fnceml lady with three boys , rmumg. bug iii age froiti temi to tiftecim yeaIH1cross- ing the lridgu timuit sjnuiis time streauui just tl above yonder eltiiiiji of frimigitig willows. They looked over the raihiiig into I Imu vu. vine belov , aIId spoke of its huanty ; thiun 0110 of the i'umddy.chmeekt'mt hitds cithiuti omit : ' 'I say , timamuumma , 10(1k at that. hittlu mimil. roami down thorn by the brook , timid flint old freight car.S'Iitit is it doiiig timeic , I woidcr" , : iaiiittiui liluighlitigly suggested thumit , vur. hiitjg it let1 to time ' 'Emichmntited Cave , " aizil time glotip IiWsel mom , I never kiteav vh i at ' 'coimfal ' tl i u 1 uys hold at Imoimmu a1oumt time , htmL thu next. day I could not cot 111)1 an i of iIiO1 , I im'si4. ( JIti Id ret m chinim. leVCIl mip itit ( ) tiltI , switrimti mI over in sides tItiti roof ; hull ii dO/till of timumim tiiiiil to 1)11811 1110 ttloimg tite truck , :11111 : thu opimmiomi "she'll tb , " eeiimeil lmnhImntmmohuii. It Wits not ; ihi Imyn this timmie ; timurti wuvesoverni girls in the lttty ) : , itimil it WItS thirouili tlmiii talk timmit I learned what the liuly hitIJIiCaflt by sjmenkitig of tIme ' 'Enchmauit. 4'4:1 : I'ttrlmalui yeti ieiimomnber , sir , readiimg about a wiimderfiii cave flint % Vith f ( liscOVeFeil 14ltiiUWhttiIO iii thmusu immommmitmiiims. Its walls % S emu set with ptecitis m4tomIts , its roof % sais liming titIi 14tAllitCtituN of solid gold , ( so the fabulous zojrts utim , ) 1il g1ctt uxcitwmmemt. , Wits PImttiCel. l'eople flocked to its t3mmpftu4ed situ , InmL nobody user licitni svltiit tlmtiy broimglit : , . bitch : , for time apums wommhdit't be apt to say imitmeit aisnut ilmMimiiiJitOl ( imOhitit , ititil th like. \'uhl , ( ( II' II 'week immy tinily visi ts fiotmi time ehmildteu went ( Jt1 amid I as tumttu.l . IA ) it SIiCCI93HI)1I of sui1Iris&i. Otto di : thit i1 ii 'ho cut iii tuny Clii ) cauel its a ' 'brms umi . 1 uigule , ' ' immiti befome ilmi Ii iis over 1 1 mmmd been thm4)mittghIl ) , ' scrubhitiul imisidu antI mimmt 'I'hien mimyst eriotms ntckmigt.s 1 ueitum to ii i ri vu ; strijus of imint t i mig vuiu In hi mm p1)11 i ii ) flour ; time boys titikutcil away ut cormierm atiti ( ) % . ( j ; time girls cmvcme1 immy mtimmgh Willis Withi fjutiimt , , JLllflmitue hums , iutliitia ally arntilgld , tIme hoys himutig 1iImiuig mom itimil titckhe , guns amid kiiivem miii thu vn1hu amid druje4 flags , ihishiu , isixus , jams rolls of bedding , cot.hetls flint ciummhti hi folded Imli timid stnvetL 1Iii ) in it spu : Isule accummimuhitted guulttimhly , Viiiii I could toll you tIme nmerty commvt'r $ iltifttth tliimt I heard dmmriug these tlitys ti . , . , fur ttiust luivo pI.tliLi.iitilii ) , you gitcasem Ii ) tiLls tiiiiu , US I mliii , that this eotnJntmt of Satm : Frnhicibc ( ) 1)0)5 mititi girls sImos lztIents hitti conic to this cciii , imiotuiititii 1 ; nhmmuhiIul esurt for am ( et wcuI , hind con . cui'otL : the brihliimt idea of goimtg on i T1 : cumipiimg CXjCditiJii in ii freight etv i. " " ' ' the bestus ; "Ujicle , Jack , who was 'just uiiwlo in time world , " mtoeoitlhig to hittl . 'l'td , l4iUi to go along lmnd mmou t every ' . I ih mmg. lb i was who had niadu erraltige iietmts with thu owner of the mill to to ; time tImilmlreii have the use of mu , and to ft mvii islu nit e tugi Im ( ' t I back i is it p abomm t tIuit mmii1n. nlotig tiiti luintithm tiutek , and 1eae its thieve for a mouth. Ivumyiiiiy I toutId hear scuime one 91t % " 1'ticho lack says w e ought to ( it ) 80 amid so , " atitl very 9cnible suiggestioums they were tuu. One cvt'imilmg ho artived on the fis e ( , 'clock I rm iii fimimi I lie ci ty , itnd ncfl mm jttiiicd : hi3 nil time ciiililren cattle ilown to ins1oct , their arrnmigwticmits. flu scouted athmfiwl atimi ii mi ti ted ii i tmm' ' i'eI tHk thit' ii ox t. Iiucrmm itmg its tli' shtrtiimg timiut. \Viieii they nitl)08rC11 , each iri was ciumilipeti iti a gray flaummich iiuiit with scur letttitiimnimigs , stout shoes , broalt.brilutmnel imats , nuiuI lii ick glovem ; eichm : boy vore a ii mmmi t lug sn it of hi tic flamni ml , fiomu itch e .Jnck thuwim to hItth 'I'eil , who insisted 111)0mm titkiuig aloimg his eiociiielo till Uncle , Inck settled tim , , inittlor with a P1eusumt ' 'catm't lie ilotit. I mmy hay , ' ' amid 'i'ud tthiiiitted quietly. Nitic year old Alice Wits futumil to hmnvu towcd mutny iii a iaskct , ( which wims suil)1)I9el ) ( 14) ) hO her i tmstitiiithuIe cotmil 1:111 : iotI , ' ' I 4:1113 m ill id t Ii t , W arlrola' of 1 n'r mush i i i , ) it amid test , k I ttumm itch ongi i ig I ' ' t Ii e fntmi ily ssImere they tii ( , loarlimig. . 'tgaitm I imehu 1tck , wits cal led m t pn ; I umit suithului i ly everythtitig s as tiroppeil amid nil tint girls amid souuie I ) f time 1 is limit t I I ' tim m 1IIIIk 1mg , ' ' 01 t , ( oImsitmi rgi ii in , vl mere tlid 3)1I collie fitmu ? Aiu you gitiL ( sitim mis ? flow mliii you humus ? 1imd whit ) is that with o1m' ( ' ' ' ' 4'l ticy ( iii iiiI , cli iimlmeti , nie ( Itt estion itt a t i lime , lleIsu. I citmtme fruit i time city. I inn goimmg sitht you. Uncle .Itck : tolti mime. jlul this little girl is Itot Atcll11uIy % , t little friend of nmiimu who Ima tme % ci been ( lilt tmf time city till hem life of fourteen p'CiU8. ' [ 'liitik Of it , tiCS er hieeii ilk time sseet country ; but give her it WIIVIII vclcomne , for slit , is going with us , itiul we want her 14) entry back rosy cheeks itnil bight eyes to her daily. toil in a cigar factory , after her brief ommtitmg is over. " Anil si ) tiie' ithi scimmimihileil ( li1Wi1 tlieltulk : I I COil 1411 i 'J ' igiti ilL' ' ' still e. imhiti iii ug Li mat tjiicle Ittek hind kept her itimil Itosa up- lirisetI iii every luIovtj tue chilltiren Imitd time week. ' 'Vc been immiikimug miuritig past . 'Alive diesses tmst like yours iii ( air siiitvl. MtILIIP , haven t we , Ltlsa ? " she called JleiISafltl ) ) to time shy little girl. 4\ strangely 1)itiftll figure time child ; viui , too ; luit you sitotmid have seen her a immoittit httt. \\'eii , time engine wits reamly , good. II3S were said tO niammimimits tlitl friends , aimmi oil'we went. 'I'hmree immiles tuok us iuitm , thu.l tiit : \zthley , ' ' a I icium Ii fiml spot right am tut ii ig t he mumout a tim i as. 'I'Iio viii Icy was 1eom ! itimil IIIIITW , : uul alHVe ) it time % V9O(1Cl ntotmlmttiIn4 : V'He ' , ctittimm iltt ( , the lhmie sky , ittid mit cvcnitmg hiding themselves - solves iii time silvomy immists thmtt : were forever - ever risitmg from the ( listammt sea , : nul sweeping through crystal space , hut. time fog never ( l1ii4CCfllel uljOmt timir eairpiimg spot , or on time little town we loft. be. hiiltl US. S'imat ii iitipiy titoittli thmmit. wits. [ low time clmildreii tranqed , anti fluted : minted amid rend ; ss'ingmtig in time htainiiiock three of time boys vimt , lint1 cimerisheti time belief thiat time omieiiautcd cave nughit. be found , iliitlo long , fruitless search for it ; Itosa becamno like other girls , ititil 'ived ' a year of lutppine9s ( 'qcry tlity ; ( thud 5lCCI- IHOItS of work , fermi utioss or Iinyers were cnvricl itoummo and strewit away in may tairmmcrs floiime Of time btys itmsited upon beiimgallowtl to stretch a tent. and sieuim miimtliit it ottO II I , 1 mitt vmtstm't it fuuut vhmcii they becmummit friglmtutmod at. somimetititig niul erawleti umtt time ear mtlotmt iimidmmigitt ; Comistitnirgimmia told thmeimi stories as they stt. ; itrommmul time cmuupfire in the cool even- iumg , always , just met twilight its falling tumid the mmmountiumm glow ( lark with siiiulws they mill gathered around I hide .lack timid snug their evenin hymn , then Kcpamatul vit1t time lUmtedtCtiii ) ) of time Pitliiiiut'sV0ll $ , ' 'I il1 lay inc ( lW1k IR mciii luke 1111110 test , for it is thou , Lord , only , that imimukest urn dwoil in safe- ty. " 0mm uvemming time ) ' sat UI ) ijutito late , tiimtt. is tim ohtier ones , waiting for . tiiicin , Jack , who lund walked in to tonti a time track ; they hind ito cutup lire , ittmd COIIii ( see time stars wheel meal circle iti tmimijestie hcammty over time 1i1tmlt- tiuiti tops ; farther ( iowtm in time valley lights gl it mm iimered nmiiotmg ti m e I umunts of nice. Cotmiti Virginia said , ' 'l'eople in time viii- Icy t imertu have their loieii , their iiorioivs , iUll limo tenmj t ed mu md sum , t I iomigit it. soetnis that. timemt lives shioumid be freer thati others if wottid itmt lift thick eyes to time ii mliii ti titi ii i i cigi m Ls , tutu feel tut mtl mmiit1em- st in t ii thmci r gritmtulmiui itmimi their 1)eaUty. F'ii eitrs delicittu thieve mime voices dehicato itm imatmire , lttt , these voices are not inLet- 1)titCml alike. Sumtmiu listeners hiemit VOICeS III time clouds , siimu in the grass tttmd trees , soitue iii thu vavcs. 'rime air is liii I ( If sotitids , thu enithm of toket is siitcclt everywhere to tue intelligent. 'I'itu % .lide , of time iSILebt tolls of battles , time I uI Ill ti taitis if peace , hauL t ii e ititeit tinting is that. of the stars. Do you iintieist.nmmtl tilt , , chmiimitcn' Do thmcse ' 'voices" spwtk to you ! 'l'iiu ciiiidremt cmiii liever 11)050 time itmilumunce of thus miumuntmtei I mutt sure , itor citti I forget. Must omm 1 , o goi 1mg , Sii Call iIt ( ) mmmiii iiitiIm. I 1ik Ii , Imuik )01i ) see. ( meil dry , Sir , good titty. - - PIL'I'JItMLN'.V IltOl'i4. clmitkut Is zitt iuisimImig Niis \'ti , l iii is- Out ) ( lIiO of littal iumnstri ike. 'IIut , KOutmili uf thu uuiou er ( . liii 'eytimiu Is iiuiitl in tli hiutmil , Also his ' ' 'mitim -mmiim ! ymiiiti' ' its lie itj'1itt' ' ' thifl jug ummiler tlit Iiitu'k. , [ sI vjisim ii iiiuihi stufily , dii I t ivit Im a giurhii iitsi , mmimtl stmumit oim the otiam iIc of a ( emict utit flu yi 'it ' iii , mt.- [ I 'uck. I 'chittiu thuamigu it 2O gil1. itn7' ! ' ii , askui , , as he grimtl . iihitcti I thm. umm , ty gias.i tii.t cotitttoi. ' "i's , ' ' methil time Inn tutiIor , , I ' , , . I I 1 . , ' ' \chl I 'II gti uit. amid sun timid iiu. 4' ttui _ atmi timid liii' I ii'ti diseovireil ltm Oregotm It siutillii like mm Isilteilt , himrkb like ii 1ixciiimml , like a , qtmimiel , iuiitl emits ittiy thmi tig mum I tm mmctmtt , , I aIv t , ) ii huariletiCil I 'lii iidqutIit. hell tuit ( iii tutu Iim , , , . " 4otmtIm ( itrolItiit watt indu tucut.y.thret tmmlls to stitli neil iistmoy : rIzti jiumiim ku % s imimi i his ctmemmiy w.iu.s naiiimg to , 'xhiltI mit tla llilIt3 ( fair yet thmvm-tu itri , otmie h , ii ho be , I Cvi ) timmit. t. no ent.'rirIso in time 5utmthm , It. Is iti.sertuil that citnjiilii off mm dog's tal I ivill seriously , luis eyesight. otite folki limit ) . htilovn , IL , limit itt t&iti't tiulk thmnt tUlti seimu to it chmiij % riiu hiss I 'ccii ' si tid I tu it imielon L Iatcim Iy a iol.titlieI miog forty rodi away. 'Ilmriu mmpj )1.tum ) N tO 1)9 tIll 3eiiil ) for this haute ihhitttt iumtste I ii s'iit1hng I , umtk thit , ti itir I rimmnh m urmmtmt vimi , hiu. tvuimoI tlmt'stu ihmoitis liimi I relmimmil , jt thiui uinxt Nu'i "iork elect hut iii.t , , , f tiiimmi ttiay g , ) iiitt rithiti , ntiI , h ii.tcat' ( Jr tuiimiihuhtig IktOtuiU iith/.Ctii4 UI : gm.mtt . I 3k t. , , lhtttiii ititi , ivrito t I I ; iii , Siitriimii mm lot 4 hIs ' tout it iitk of his iiihr : , muimtl to i tliud tIit' 1hiiiVhIIg ( teply : ' ' 'I'Iitu nuati ii ii , liii . ) , itI I ii ii ti mig immy utumtvgi-im lts hits b'ei t ills 1 mutt t3ri-'iI , Ii tub its mmmy , ituIu , ly I s I unuil I ituttiol u.oiLmI , Iy in ti i ehtimir of ) .ommm. I cqtiebtM. , ' y.iummig cat liciittr iiiititi 141 kimiiu ' 'ii limit Ii it ii > ggle.j htt7' \Vhuy iii itt't -omt teail yiiumu Li kUi i y ? \\eli'.t ii says mu ji.iiii.i ileit , I ttim'i I ' ' I ii i. . slmiimihi ii. tutu iickuits ic cii vo Ii icm tuids i ii tin , tmmt , " ( onti . gt'mi&hiii , ittu t I ii , ttght eveiyi ii shy kumuii ii hut z f jiiq . , ji I 'liiLl tit \iirk cimtoimi iihhiual4 bin u Ilsniv . 11 u , ' I it cajitutii summuiggll tij I ii eigitis I mm the hail liit. , iti ; . , ol ii ii i ith I .eI ititimme ciisthmm Li imiiiii , , 'Aldus ' Ii ii' II i ill tig tIgmuis w t Iu'm , I mitmy mum itmimid. 'l'Iii' iuhh I iii elm titk , , thmiiim . rIght. iiiit iii yotmi iiiitiih tummil lit , Iiikhtig tht It lItlieL.ivtu ) . mull the theme. ' ; Jtibe ' ' sahul lie . - ' ' ' , hmi w u.lmai Iii- , 'that imuam I yium hlretl Inst sitok iii ilitwe wIth tito Iovk.Jmiw Li 2iOiV [ watmt to kiuii If tlnut'i , mmimththmI kitiu 1eV' mmd Jiibe looked mit her iritht teai Ii - hula 0)1114 itiiil ithil , lii nuoumrnutml toima , ' 'tJiu , no r- rca. No. 1 % his ttmtpl 'tLdtl't ketcimiti' . " 4IU t lie says , ; tltimoughm bile iVOilt belIeve It , timid hi qIetit kIIIiV isimat. inzuiln lir o oiitt-ageoutmiy tnil nbotmt. It. . " \Shat Is thii uiiattr Mosi. ' ai'il JIm hhiertoim nilr. . ciinumuninitg , thioAitstin met. cluaumt Prince. 'I ( )1 tnil at dot .Sehiwimuili. TIICV. ile itasim nut liii lteiI inc tit 1uI ei1ilIn , vlcit iak , hiluite nnxt'ilnrnhay. ' " "ltumt I ilouu 1 ? , ei , ii hmy you shiiuliI gum fl ivtr such a ttlflC. " " $ ootclm ii trifle ! iihmutu Gottt lie zu'ii at. my eildlng tutl ito tsit naire iheit munyissly eI.e , iuiil tautwheti ho getiu iiiseIl nmnrrluh ha glvei tri ( ' iii , clr.iici. to get cicut tnl I. him' A Inuils lictor mvsrt timat tnt old fellow ilu Imig oti thti , 'iIIssoutrI State line , who cliulnrn to I ii' ii ' tXit l'cU ir ' " ii a three inedlcItieu ha hib hisiin.citury iviif'cit hit iiatnns rrss'cthiely ; : i I I I I , oIaiorimni ' ' " " , I .olsihuauilriini , mind I I lie- ittmstetn , ' ' On t , iii a eatiuartlc , mutmother an ' , nnth , , nail tImm list : i "rank Ih7.en" , wiilciu Ihi bust. imi patkumt. lie makes the first by , eeIltig thin bark ilownwiird , tha econti by l''OlIi1i ( It Itlitiiiii , antI tito lu't liy n'elhng It itrotinil - - lit'iy.miIim. . III tima f4tiumifr. ( ) ( hr a 1nlgo , him a garileum iii dmmcmttnicrM , I I ) for an leehicig or tni , lit control ! ( I fur a ittie ( list at tuihihiny tiu dew cuItisa- , . ! I ) for it iilemumir trhii lip ti , the i'oie ! U for a lltti , , otin-story titirniomneter % 'ltii iitiihui hut znaies nil namiged him a ( I for , a ldg i lomil In-In , ri-uletl iiygromniiter , 'I , ) timeS Mmr ; , tIm , ' tn Ist.imri , that rolls front may Iirin C ) tiiit : thus i iii iii ii tre tweumtv timnei , coliler , ( h'buiLM h rimiy rithot , I t seettitLii to mute ) , 0 fur a tuurn of Its very cold simoimliler ! 1) wiiiit mu coinuuirt migmmn woumhil be ! 0 for mu p-otto froMt , hitmoil iumiii ihli riven , 14C"hiWI ) lii thmi rock utmti , r cataract nst ! ( ) fui , a wI miter ( if , ilsciintiimt , e ton ! ( ) uir , a hit blanket Jtiiiiehiiusjy east ! ( ) tom it isla foumuit si ioumth mig up IoIihly i tumn in cry hot IziiuI.l , ot : igah mist tiio lint sky ! ( ) Iit a rouiil itmthuImui tO look on ate ci hilly , Ire.liu , amy siuil w itim a gistitiu of her eye ! Tluiui ( ) fur a ii rat igiit frotim it cup of colt ! ph. ! ' ttil ( ) fur it tli i otih& tiekot , vIa C.nldegrnve , 're , thu iuathm of the St'c ihere mu thIck siamiliur his cm . \ mid , eIis tito cull i on Its clark rutini hg - - - SING LhLiAItI'I'Il * . A uiattli cinimly timirteemu years oh1 , I I ii hg I ti Itie , \Vmtynu * emiummity , N. V. , reccumtly gave huirtii to ii feem ale ciii iii vi'igimI mug ucieim , oumiids. It last rep 'tIN uitotlutr amid ciii Id arc i hot rig well , A lmmtchur In i'oimgimkeejsie , N. \ . , khhieil Itti o it mnip i hitys ago , utah , on op..iuleg Its pamuticit , Ii , uitiil ii 8O certiticiuto of stock 1mm tIme I ' , umglmkee isle mu Ige. A 1 itamichi , ml muumztguts Ineasrurluug umeuirhy sevcmm Inches itt eltetitulcietico hits beeti grown by a fat timer I a ( reeum Bay. I t seeiumii to be 80 % trmti stalks camiseil to lie gu-nwti togetiicr by the iimit watlier. 'I'hie ii jfk , of 4\i'uIiiit4iull Viince , of the Oaklorcl jrici net ( ) wetu.mi cut a , 1' y. , iimii gu vetu lftrth to tlircic cithiiremm , mill of is Imnuim mire Il lug , in ithito iiiotitiis utuuul tivel i o 1183 $ ohiO 0mm the fit-ut oc cLsi : ( ifl uututi Lw , , nil time Init. ( . IC. \miii , , cii l'ittsfim-il , N. is ilitvhumg , muviuimtcoti ihihlerent gmulutem , of dImi88 with tt many jmisiituM ) iii ( liffriOit iii the country , nail , , , , mnuimuruuleates vI thu tlmeimi by tclegnau iii atiml jmiistuil card. ? mI r.Vimiul is totally bhiuul , A. citizen of ( 'utiumIemu , , 'ilmi. , recently foumnil a SI aru-iui's nest iti ii iuuuv Ii clii , neil enu-ryl tug one of time eggs iiommme litit it itt thu clock. ouumn t.itfl ( , alterwaiil It svut notlceil that tue clock , usually a v.ty veliabhc , itilmuir , hail utopped. Investlgmutmimmi imiiowcit that. thio egg itmul hatched itmsiili , tliiu cockciis ! auiil the Ieuuilhimuut I mmiii o Ihimiech svitli thu Imifatit sparrow. 'l'lue bIrd , tmuttigc to say , iii eil mmd grew. Fishieu , hauimlitig . , out time St. 1.auvreimce has a imeut serjmelit. .11. wn secim Imemur that lu1aely a limmhmerumimuti , unto , * ueimig iihmat he suipImoseti to be mu Icig , toik hum bott ; umimil vent out to get it for lituworl.'iicti , , imiitiit , little distance frommi time SitIJiOiiCil Iig , , i iuat. wit-i his stirprise to see it , , , tig toii ui-il iii tum " . Ithm cuIuiu nmoutii atmil dus. I hutjltmg a ii iii cii teeth iii ) Qttt tiiuciu I tidies bug. SIttIng Immii's battle climb was recently ImitImt 1 my a cmeugettmt : , , f tluu Sevemitli cavalry , statmiiimtiI at lrt ntes. Lli in simalo resetmililis miii mmmIu , iiuumihe , ! , about two feet Iimig atuil thIckly stuihied ivithi birtis umails. Ft-nun Its uipier emigo iricct two keen knife hdmtile seven i imchm's , long , neil set itito the two flat shiIe : tu.u iiii uill i iuirmit ci for umlgitali mug by uttemumis il the stitis rays. ittitig bull iaiiui .I ( ) for IL ' [ 'he I , ee Cotumity ( Vim. ) Scimtitmel says : ' 'Mr. iAimtomt Stoivauti , iii this iubaco , killed it miimk last Sumitihay I tu tlm I , rummmiu tiortiteast of tiiwtm , which is a ii tuiiI I 'iou I ii ti us elluimiute mutd to us uuumhmearci of before. It was a smmmiuli triLiei suunko ninumt tire ) ii ) luici it-s hutig , amid luau a iimtrdy , SImikiu.simitlel on tIme cmiii cii i LM tail tesottihli rig time s imir of ti rooster. Tutu ! ir1m % _ tu , nearly uhito , mmmiii wiis perfectly cmtnnulmt timid wiu stitrn , mum time cmiii of the tail. .1 r. Stowamil ciiimItt iumuvo tiukumi it nulvu if he haul k-uiowui i ml i t cuithisity , luuit lie cliii itmut. discover tue liorti umuithl lie imuiti killed thin httnkc. ' ' Last. week biglitutitig trtmek mum irmitimetamo rock wulglihig iii tiiity ti cits statuitmig cot tl in tel i of thu I ocmst. ii ommimtaiut , I'ntmmuylvamii it , shil vet-itig I t to mitmitmus mmiii I uiinki tmg a terrible t-Cl , ort. 'limo shock irmu , , felt fem tumhles. 't. tcmieiiueuut. house I ( K ) yam uls ( mmii the iOk ui-mis mliitui isliemi tumid muuuiitlmer it few ytuils fuommi It. wits wm-ecked. An lmnumr mufteruviuzul mu I iol L ut iiglittiiuu strumek this seeoiiil ii uiell lug iiiiii lestrnvel _ , it. J. umothier ilwelhitig near also struck by that stutac I iol L 'lii , , toiif wits Ii Iteil ft iimu time 1 iimiidimtg. ( ) tie u-c iii oil i l tic ku leil , tuo imien Itij imii1 neil mtuiutliei muncie imistuiio. ItflhjIbIOUf4. 'l'Ime I .umuloi i \I isioti a ry siciety ovtmmi ummlsslotm slmlji , . . 'l'iitre mit , 2K ( ) ( ) I imilititis 1mm 1 ) nk-otai thmmit hrn. lomtg to thin Cmtthiolic ehtimicli , fleti I I ugnmm , time e1.-l irlii fighter , ii miii tiiius' au i vamigelst ! , Ic I mu I ) etmver. 'I'hierm , iuru 114tO,001) ( ) ) ) Catholics in Slituiti , : ttiil -l9XO ( ) uiingmuihicctit chmtmrclies. Viilnvittm Ccitt ehithmmis tlio cr.uilit of sixty retemit cimmu t'islmitus \\'atkins , N. X. 'I'Itt , ltiw. I ) . II. Kmmlckerlsickt'r 1 ) , 1) ) . , of . 'i1httttetiiiiihls , hiiui nccclmteiI thin iii Iti. ihiutm iii. ( mi iiotm hmiirmu has liteit Immoumiiitii I fiomit tin ! ezutmmn i _ t ( , ho mu-cu , ieaciiim iii \estiiii , tistem. 'L'imui i ii uk is tiut to mu Icislioju. 'l'iiu , liimmi hiumutihi-ulthi mumitmivi-smti , ol thm birth - of L T lu leli Zui Iiiglu I s to I in celulit-atcil by the I I I ef.irumti'il cliuti cues of SwItzirittimit on Iurmumuv : 1. igi. _ Tlioeimei-ni coin eimtlomi , , f time 'I't-iitestittmt Iiiisouiual church Iii time Lluihteml States of iuiucm-liit u Ill iinet I ti I 'hihhiuileihiimla \\'elttes. . ciui , October l , A letter rt'cuheil fiotmi lieufllsiioj 1oiume , ii iii , Ici twW traveling in time Itchy Litnil , simys thmtut ; liii iimti silecteul mu cortmer.utotie , Itt Getlise. umuutuic for thu cmutimmalrmtl ( ( ( to be cu-octeil at llhdimmiuuialau. . At mu tneetbtmg ( If tint StammihiuutIutii hiiiptlst m uuihumhsters mit Clark's gtnvu , ii ciunlerence wits nritmihzuih tiitmmjitlshuig time states of low-mt amid - 2hI itimesuts. 'I'bw umext munumuimmi mneetlng wIlt be imtcli I sit Ceilar istlhmm , Lois mu. Oti $ mmmmhay liit tlmei-ei arm I i tiul cue tutu steanier I I\evnilmt , which emutereil tIme 1ort , tuf New York , . 117 I 'ilitiiiiifl Itn mmmhgrztmmts , iicctimiiptituletl by tiic'tmty-tU I ) iiilssbiiitimln ii iiui were semtt iimmt tn ii yemus uigo I y thu 'iI imremomt dun-cu i Utmihu. . 'Fiiei.t , htitmimiiu iserut till rticeimt converts. 'I'hmo ihmmihuimlbt I'r1e9t5 ' I ti 1 I 111mm Imiti o ( cia. I tiietmeil miii ugh tittloim tigith nst tue ( fbllgiuttcuiu I built , , ( tt'lhhuney ittmcl of miii uixciumslvuly vegetmi. mbaui dIet , gratmul tmutcthmmg of rertusetmtatlut's r ( anti ( liii varhi ium setts IN autmiiuumututl to I mu laid mit ' - $ ti , llscmmsm. thiiu miii ilsal ditty of re tmicnitug i i'mmtIomms tutu imetmilliss i-ostrlct luti . ii I' time I Ii 'em hf tlac J hiimlilimhst u 'i hesthuooil. ( ) f the 2 11 Ciitmguegatloi oil cimuurcimes him Iowmu , . limit II vi , hitti ii their ' I , astiiis , cr lift'ieii ' ) titis , Iii lu It ectm I ii mill oem teti Immuhl iii utimlehi mit-ti ituigii ii tmI , ( lt ) timiutehies of icier lf ( ] iiictiihutus c'mttii. t ) l time 2 Ii ) C'otigm-egatlomimtl , -liumi-t-imes I ii I ill imiil , I imit tut tuitty-hiuc hmai ii hail II clv iircmahmiu-ci ( ii ci cii cmus ; , itimul oimo.immihf ' ( ml this mitmiiml st itue tlm lmmmgu mmmiii city ehiuurvmus ) Imuuulmmg muver ir itimiml mum-s c.tihi. 'flie I ) hil 'liisttutimt.umt 'ntueImiy i if ic. Isems lrmti u tmou himmhilamul the last to vishiim tuf the Olil . 'l'cstium : emit cmiii tim-c ummmtklimg umi ' the tupicmidtx , u-huh cimitah mis time uiimauljutsteil dilferetices 1st tiiitii the AiiitEIttii aimut Emigllshi i'uvhsers t ' -l'liti citii immh ttoo i ill ittetit imgauim I ii .1 uuhy lou smul ermil ilmti , itimul i'tmsmmmmmis tutu utirk lit Seiitein u hcr iiiot. It is eXIliteteil thiut thu ievlsliti ivill j him celimi iliteil iitmfou- time eumil of this titum hiumlilishicil it ) thu uitili cishty I'u' of tftiril I mimmil ( 'mitimlim milgu I 'cli ire muet.t sIll I img. : - - u Stmemmgthu mutt ! heiuitht i ) together. Ob i taut this iumtiijiy physic.ul state by using ii ii bottlu of Brown s Irout hitters. , - - - - - - . - - - - - MUSICAl5 ANI ) 1)ItAMATIC' . 4mirii bieru1imircl I to au1'uir as J'j rrnt. asiii In Inahnmi , - lilIntl Torn iias been gkhng cnncc'rt.s him Cia. chtttmatI .Iftti9tihj.k Is : i&thti lii M9I1 lniinehacu hr tim'flrut tIme Itt eIght years. Itose Ftfiuo will tiln3 I Iri-unobtie lit ' ' 't \s Inter's 'imilu ' next casnn. l.otttu Is at llriiiie , In } 'namicc. 'liio inevlt. nub Crtuhtree Is wIth her. Y.ehila Seghan.Wnilace Is engaged for tue htimiiitt Abbott comnparuy next season. Mhs ( 'harmi lomths Kellogg is him I'ArIs , where shin stIll umjstnil tlmo early 4tumtmmer. 'fho easoti at the Neivork Star Theatre i-hll ho ulictteI by i.iuu renco hiarrelt on Au. gust. 1. Signor lirlgnoll , the tetior , is ti slag at sorTie of the watering iuiices lii thu comuntry this Numimmer. MoKec itauulde , Fniitik Cutt-tls ( h'oru'u ' IC iiighit and lfo appear I tt " Baron ittmdoliuli" next season. 'resa Tutu , the lolinlt , Is to rnme ti' Atmicrica next season , utnuler titut ritanmigemument hf iTr. .s'thlred Fisciiof , a rehmithi c' ( if iIix : i-Lra. ko'.ch. I I. hi now iii olioseil that a tnatnatle 1.sti ' . al imitcimihil lie hlul lii Cincitunatl with EdwI ii Iiix-itii mural Itemury Irving its the Icaulhiug at. trtictioniq. 'liii , 1)enui reid tin' Cihalitet of Sallsuuury ( Yatimetlnai , Etugliutuil , will tut year give mu ( Jitormul FestIval , itt ivlmlcii a choir cul1,000 , % ( itces will 1st euiuiioycml. hr. Stainer Is ru- hug special umutm.ulii for time ( ) C1a'hfl. Time new IetroliolItaut opera hautme ( if Kw York , saId to hio tint tacit girgeoumi PIece of : irchiltecttmnah vork iii the country , ivihl be olicuteit October ilith , is ithi ttiue. Shllson as ? Itt ' ' " ilargumerltc 'Fmtuit. : trsS' . .1 . FlorcttceIi - . lhurttuyVhhlluuuns , .tuid Mrs. ( lem-ge lireivum , timrcn sisters , ot-Igi. nahly uvent on time stage as ballet ihmncers. 'rlmti tWO latter immive retlucci Into irhittu life. 'rlioy were known out tim umtago as time \hissius i'nay. Mr. George lit-nit-it is an actor at'nI. . hniCs. ' [ 'lie sixtieth tumui'ical festivaul of the bower Ilhmino huts utict hieen celelinateul itt Cologume , ( iCriflmttmy. rhmero wits nut orcimestna of 139 per. forteers , the chorus imumnbori umg $87 $ uimemnberic. liCetimovoit'K "Leiunoro Ovtrtimm-e , " 1. S. l3aciiuc catutmita atid ! eiiiholsuoiiiu's cighmt.uau t settiuug , if tint 11 liii l'salmu ivern lierforimueci. 'l'bmo ki tug uI S 1 % ecileti , vhu has scott I time. Sarah Bermuhiru-clt iii sotime of lmr most sumecess- ftml ltuterjiretatioummc , receimtly giveti at Stock. iiolun , hmii eouufru-ei1 um 'oil ' 1mev thme saute ' 'circler" thuttt. twi great mu-tists , amid the two ntii , heel proviiiutsIy lituil at thu hiauiduc of imb unaesty. l'hi artists ieferid , ti' are Mme. Nilnotu nail .leiiumy I i ad. 1)mirittg time last smuveum cart. J irmulihiumi , .Jna. duet , ( , ldsciiumihit , SpittuVulhmmer : , Notto. I iuuhitut autul citimer j iroini imoimt eruihan niumsicians limit , liecim engaged 1mm edititmg lirtithiuhif teul lInt-tel's etiluuhileti. editloum of the iVitk4 of ? 'In. iart. Time task is imow cotniiieteil tutu ! commu. lit-lies 628 gemnuitme wtitkq of ? mIzart. , to whIch vihl ho addoil a sum I ilileummetit timmtaImii rug ivn-ks Tmit conmiuleted bybizmtrt. . sluou1t otto-third of these works hind louver befuro becit iii lmiimtt. I , ommiloui imas ii umew stage beauty itt tbme 11cr. iqutu of ' .tm-s. Alfred iItdihick , tIme widow of a solicitor , miii miii ex-ainateumr of some note , u-lu , recctmthy took to tint stage as a hirOfesiOhu , ilayitig " Lady Clamuerty" at a inatiumee at tint uauct3timeatre. . Site was lmnlicioutsly . bad in that hart , her cry of "lleliu ! hCbl4u. nt one thrilling iioiitt hieiimg umttercd with such haunen tiublo lack of exhiressimuu that time aumdieimco fair- - slmriekeil with - . Shin but-s been 13slmriekeil haumghtemShin - en- gn.geil mit Drury Liimiu : , amid mniw ilays ' 'Alice " " , , " Veumlock" in "Yuithm. Sitlitttt hits saul , since he retuuriiitil to italy , timmit lie tutaule 50,000 by his last. Auuuericuut tour. lie was 53 on the 1st of .Jnrimmmtry. itiud limemumis to retire froem time stage whmeim he 'tic 55. Until October next bitt will live itt retirement with his faummii near Floremice. 'fimeim ito Pr0 lii ises a jirifessmimitll tour in Spiti mm ; from Slum Ito goes ti ) Itumssua , ammil , immivitig pittve(1 lum l'dos. ' cow anil St. Pet.rslimttg , lie will returum to America mimmul cuneluilo ui5 thieatrictti cam-car in MOdo. - - - - - 0mm lUau-gui. ( ) itlv wemmt iii ott a nmau-gimm , 1lg lirolits ioomiiing Itt s-jew- , \\'Itit a boom amni a iwobt of time unarkiut 4 cool uimjllioii. Then iio'l hat thmrouight. Only time market still riittg. Atmul hirfits glow greatemmtnil swell , Amiul tint fool ii , Etuit grmisuiiig ishmo bout-i on And stoutly refhlMis to sell. ( ) tiby ii pocket delints1- Iojructeml. "hmmste..sumd sure. Aunl time lilt-ui thmmtt is iuiimckeul vc1l tiow uisiies Iln'ul got time imacl ileal hiefore. P/i / ilmmddp/ I'itss. a. tu. t. . . Time ommly kmioivu spcciflc for Epileptic Fits. J Also for I4pauiins and l'allIng Sctnucss. ! Nervous Wca1mciei ft Instmtntty relieves and cure , . Cleanses blood mind quickens sluggislu cIrculation. Neetra. lizes germs of disease and sat-cs stcknrss. Cures ( A SKEPTIO SAHJ um1ylu1otcbcs and stubluorit lutood sores. EitmnInate Iloils , Carbuncles and Scalds. gi'crmanentty anti promnptiy cures paralysis. Yc , It i-ia charming umimul licauttulul APeriemmt. lull , Icroiutn mind ICings Iiti , twin trotlmers. Cimminges badbreattmtogooiiretnoy. fag time ec.use. Itoeta biltoums tendencies amid mmikei clear Cnnmplcxjon. Equalled ity none in time delirium of fever. A cmrming ) tosotrent and a nmatclilesmi taxumttt-e. It dr1t-c elck Ileadacime Uko the wind. iContaIns no drastic eattmmurtlo omoplates. IlcUevet ( THE GREAT ) limit brain of urmorbiti fmmnclc. rromptiy cures lUau I matian Iiy uoetflmglt. Bestores life-gIvIng proper ties totijo Woo , ! . Ieguamnteedtociamau : ucts-ouul disorders. if1ie1Iabio wimen miii opiates fall. Iii fresbes tutu ruled and Inylgorates ti tuouly. Corn dYsPCPiiIft Ot money refundeul. FIN1EIVIEI.RIIIUSp ) Dnauiea ! of ( Ito blood ownil a conqueror. Endorsed lii Writing Iuy 01-er flfty thoneand lauding citizens , ClCrgyme and physicians lit U. 13. antI ureIc. rirFor utlu r sil leading druggists. (13) ( ) } or TestImnotuIaj and circulate send stmp. The flr.Sifllchmond Mod Co. SL JosopbHo. iTATi ; 4)1 : cFltttsIc.t : , Lomimiis t5uV.Ty. dtt the iuiiiit V tu'urt , mimI mit thu iuiimit , iuuirt rounu lii itmal hut s.mlui atiHt.I lute ndtii A. 1) ) . 1i.Si. I Itetiit , . l tiutIms irk , ( tiimmi , ) .1 iiL1C. Jim tin. mmummtk-rimt i-.tnto ( if l'attiik ) iciuunek ed ( ) ui ieiulIui umiul flhliug liii' i"t Itlomi of . % ku.umiltr Meoaits-k itrotlier at ileeemtutt ) ifli ) lim lieu nuIinIimI. tratluri if , . . , itf tt.ito allay lii vi ttiitt-d Juiuub , iiimt ( lunar. ) Onli-ri for tarlmmg not Imzusliig Imici , flil , , . Ct-dun-u , That tutu 2 itii A. Ii. I mit 10 ui&lo7 A 'l. , I , mu.biuiitt timj he-arimig suld ititummm ! , s , Imii mill lttrbime , limttrtsttii lii saul iii.ttr tuia nppe4ir mit a ei'ummty ' tourt to lt I i-lil , Iii mud fur saiti coimimt ) , amid eliii ( 'aumi.t , ul In tlu ' if I .dll limier stirmilul mmit lie gratmued ; umimi that uitutiet ( ml time lstuuivmie I .1 luit It Ion miuuul I Ii. Iii-ariiim thin-of by glu iii ii , tell 1r sole' liii irtteui lii s.iIl matter , ) m 1uiihibli , uii a eumu if this orilir lii I lit , I imnutlimi I ) , tili ileu a iitWjutpt lurimttl Imi 'mlii , uumiitv , ft 'r ' limo uitcvsl ii si I'rIr to sail day if Iui-um liii : , . l- true ' A .11 ( 'Ii.lfl 1'h ( llt-Iuai ( uiUmit ) Jimilv. a. xx.txtxi. S. E. Cop. Farnarn and Tenth Sf3 lmL-s CThT.0l1' C1.tTIIINi ( HIGHEST OASE PRIOE PAm. Ciii Call or suitl l'05t41 Carui , : i iittii iif . ihlcmtthtuut iii l mi I .eiiz fiur l.huutuuv Ihisutuse. NOTIOi. . ' ot iv l lutnuti ) ghi tti timuit Ma IA-ia , illti uiiotm I t Ito dtli iimiy itt Jmimiu A. I ) . l.S3 , thu Ii1 ujmimilcmmtlorm I to I Imil .1ui ) itt- aim , ! ( lt S. Ciitimicli of Qimiaiia , ruur hlitim.e I tO seil luau , ei'Irltiiuuu ' imiiut i lmiois , limiuiors , car tier Oils mutt .Imwkstmii treit , hi ward , ( ) iiulua , Nlt , , I ronm time 11th iI.ty ot J tmIy 1bS3. I , , tiut' I it ii iitt of Autgut 1S3. ! iiAX I.NZ , .tpm1icamut Tim , , Ommtam ) lIst , iica-isper sOt iumLl-i ) 11w noties oumi'c emit-lu uie-ek fur Iso , tl.s itt tl Cl'iiss ilmu 015.lletttmt. 'Ilmc Lit ) of Oimialia Is iiot to l. * , I clmam-mt.l tlieres Itli. .1 , J. I. U.Jl t Err , i0T-tl , sk cit ) thu. . bUFFER no longer from Dyspop- sin , incllgcsttonwtintot AppotitoIossotStrongtli back of Energy , Malar'In , Intermittent Fevers , &c. I3ROWN'S IRON BITTERS - TERS nove fails to cura all those diseases. floston,4ovembt a6 , iS3m. Buown ClinsIicAi. Co. Genulement-bor years I love beenagreatsumffererfmm lyspepsia , and could get no rcllefhaving ( tried everything wlilch was recommend- cd ) mmmiii. acting on the advice of a friend , who had been benefited by UKOV.Nuu litoi IlilTiuns , I tried a bottle , with mout turprmsin re.ult.m. I'revloumu to taIIng ltRowns laos IImritus , everything I ate distressed me , snub I suffered greatly from a burning sensation lii the ttmucIi , which was unbearable. since lak- leg Iiaowss lmio lltreas , all my troimbles are at an end. Can eat any tlm withotut tiny ihsogreeable cc. suits. I am practically another person. Mrs. W J. 30 MaverIck Si , K Iloiton. BEIOWN'S iRON BITTERS - TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs , removing all dyspeptic symptoms , such as tasting - ing the food , Belching , Heat iii the Stomach , Heartburn , etc. The only Iron Preparation thatwill not bbrtcken the teeth or give headache. Sold by nil Dru jglata. Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md. See that alt Iron l3kters arc made by Jirown Chemical Co. Baltimore , iicl have crossed red ilnea umnd ti-ad , mark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IM1TATIOI- . - TI' ] ; IAdrniration OF TilE 1'TORLD. Miv. S.A.Allen's WORLD' S IlairRestorer 1.5 FRRI'ECTION/ Public Bonoractroas. Mrs. S. . ' . tm ms mlnmjtmftly czinied this thin. and thuui.aruis arc tlui. ( lay m-cjokmng -'vet i hue linaui of hair produced by 1tr umnmiumaled prnparaiin fr restor. ing. ins orimng , : nd beauumilying the Iliur. tier Vorid heir Ueattrer t1uuiLtl1letnue , the scalp , removing .taa1ruut , atiul urrcsts the fall ; the 7Ujr , if .r.tyi. tiungemi to its niturat akr. gisig it the eatce viu.slity un1 luxuriouu ; e.uanty a ; in youth. COMPLThIETARY. " Mv hair is now restored to its youthIui color ; I have not a gtay hair left. T am sat- isileci that the } ) reparttiol1 is not : i ( l'C , but acts on the secretiOns. ltiIy hair CtSL. to fall , which is certainly - tainly au aivantage to tue , whci vas i : danger of be- COlfli fl g bald. ' ' Ihi is the testimony of mlI who list : M rs. S. A. i\l.LEN's \'s'o I.iS iVI U RESIORER. 'Ono Do1o did it. ' i is the . - 5criOti ( u1 ifl.uuy SI iii , h.ts - , gr-m' . hjirresmeri to irs uiaturui -it ii their bald split COVet-t1 , S hr. aftcr ii ing ant. bottle of ' , ' % mt , \.c'.mns lIt 1' ' . . . It I : ; uiCta dye. ' uJ _ ( ' . . . .4.t.\ -I \ 1 i _ _ --t u- . I ) , i'l I- f : - , I , _ _ s ; \1 I ' . - - L1aI4iLit14AhTm'E ; . . - . c- ' . Im3jfl1I.TI _ JAS. II. PEABODY , ! . 2. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , itisltit-iit-i , Nii. I fm ) .1 .miies St 0mtlt.5h lbO1 ti.utui i-i iem. I ( ittlu , , hmuumr , It tim. to I tim aumt 8 p' mum. tii a iii 'leI.lllmiiv * for suutle. , 1)7. ) lisiuImti iti. J. E , HOUSE , Consulting ad Civil [ nglneer and sntvIvult , $ iSlai attimmlliuui I U Sun t limit Tuwum Admit au's aimmi b.iuts. 1-umrimt.Iics Estliiiatts it ! E.eauatloius , .Matw , liamts , ti. Ii-lICI ) OVER hirE : FIlISI NtTIONAb II.tNI , ui ! . : ! ) ( ) MAIi. , iiim. DUFREME & MENDELSSOI/I % ' , ARCHITE OTS tlYitiMOVEL ) IO OMAII.t NATISAIJ Ut7IL UILISINU. HAS THE BEET STOCK I OIAIIA , AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRh1E. Important Improvements. hIve now iteen flnl'hue.i In our , dore , maktng It tin lnrgs.t mmml nuo4 conhlmitto FURNITURE HOUSE I " Itt the svcst. An additiotmal story line been built , and thmo Its-c fluxrs nil connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. One , e.icltusivchy for tlto use of iassemlger. Tbues iinnlense waroroomus , three stores , are 00 feet wide , mute tilled witittho grandestdms1lmiy , of all kinds of household auiti Oliico Funiitttt-o ever shtuwii. .Ahl are invited to cull , take thit. dovalor on time lirmit flout and go thmrough time building and immslect tie stock. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. SPICiM2 NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CAl41 VOUIt A'I'TENTRN 'l' ( ) Our Ground Oil Cake. It l time imest tied clmeapect footi for stock of kiuul One . any 1oummui L eujual to thu-cit luumummid.u of corn. Stock fed isitlu ( lrouuiii , Oil Cal. , , 1mm tIme 1a11 intl Wimmter , ltmtcsd of rumnmiiag tiostu , usill luucu-eae iii soiliL nuid be in gonul uuuarIetab1o condition In the . ) , , , , . sjrium. lalryuimen as sell ac othensimn u' & it cart testify to Its tue-Its. . Try It teal jUle ( for yoursehe. Price 25.oo er ti'n ' ni , charge for suet , . . 'mtidu-emu , e4-cod.unu SOODMAN i.hxsii-iu tii , COMI'ANOmmutlia , Neb j\rs PERFECTION IN 1F Heating and Baking ui 1iii Is otiiy tttuiiittul iushig . _ _ - . _ CHARTER OAK 'MITH ' MILTON ROGERS & SONS' . E. B. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. - - - - ' I OLDEST \VIIOI4ESAI4E . JtE'I'AIL JEWELRY HOUSE 1No1EATlA. . \Tisitsurs ctlt : lucre lititi a11 tue novelties lit SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , tacit U SlYl.lSil .1 E\V11.itY , 'l'hie i mitcst , lest , Artistic , timid Choicest Selections itt tcuuziots tNI ) ti.J , tiESttiml'iNS ( of FNE WATCHES , .tr ut tow iiii As is ciimi1ittibhe , : with imoimortilde detlei. : Cull miumil ace our elegant iuesv stoic , 'rtisver Butilditig , CItNEIt ) 1 1''l ' [ ANI ) FAItNATl S'i'S. MAX MEYER & BRO. , 3tt'i'Tt'iti-ltS ! ( IF SHOW CASES ! A barge stock mtlsvityms nut hmauni. NINE LEADERS ! 1Ml'Ol'i'AN'I' TO BUYERS OF Pauos&Oraus- ! , Out of flue umuany lmuimdi-cd inanufac- . _ . - tuicrs of this hue of goods , we bay claim to representing time hetding : immakers , mind cati show a mote comnhuleto niud larger lin of Piaumo8 atiti Or-gaits thiui : can be found ill ane oNE house iii the west. Our NINE LEADERS aie time followitug well- k-itowti itiIl ceiebnttcml iiutitrituiueiittt. STEINWAY PIANOS , CIIICKERTNO PIANOS , KNAJ3E PIANOS , YOSE I'IANOS , . PEASE PiANOS , MUON PIANOS. SCIION I NElt CYMI3El4LA ORGANS , oLOt-tcIi : & WARREN ORGANS , STE1tLING IMPE1UA L O1tGAjS , \Vc wmunt ' - .t'iano CveiyiOt1desmmimmg a 01 Omgaut t cill ot wiito to its for infor- itumitioui : tuul GET POS'I'ED.Ve can soil you the best instrunment made for the betst : Imuomiey , if you will give us a trial auth vauit to 1)tty _ All we ask is to numow 3.ffl , as we kuuow we can satisfy oserybody frotum cutmi Niimti Leatlers , wiiich ale recog. ni-i.ed by those histesl , as tire best mmmdc. Semmil for cafaiot'mie mmii nt-ice list MAX MEYER & BRO. , WAIIEROMiu , Coi 11th & Farnam Sts. , Omaha. J. lvi. BRUNSWICK &BALKE ccm7t113.y- . 6th , 1883. lii order to iurotsuct tIme public mnpsiim't the liumpositlon of Mountcliaiml. in our line , se lae concluded to oiler BILLIARD MATERIALS AT COST. lI'l.I.ssI : ; oii : TIlE FOLLOWING iil1C1-S ; t Jit51 tsir illilioni $ Ii.ilts , set Jer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ix.1.xLD xc'iix. : . - mmmi solely institmiactu red _ for I u an tilmiunries & Ills mit Vers ters , ite1lmtiil. 'u. i 7-i un-lu , s lit , pr ynr.i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Nit. 2 , 74 inches a tie , m or yin-ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. P. 74 Immeimes slit , lar . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ihlmiii she .ffittliuifIki ilr.t ei.F 'nmlrd - nil i. . .r 'imilulo : ( umillt . Qiiallt- . Quailt ) . iorlki - - - - - - - - - - - - l7 isi o'u ' i2 cole lo 5iu . Ior Cuitmtmtn - ( .011 I 1)0 ) 3fO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ItOtim----------------- - ( i in to i cc - - - - - - tor ikii. . . . . . . . . . . . t6 ( u _ 18 cu rr 7L. : lor ( mi.hlnn . . . . . . . . ' ' itvi } } . . _ - . : ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ikutim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to ( u 17 mid 15 00 - - Ear 1k-mt. . . . . . . . . . . . . ma ts i12 ( Ai 1m n 455 . i' : IiirOmlilimu , . . . :1 : co ii ( JO 4 7f , - lbmtii - - - - - - - - - - - - - mri - r..i Alt I ) t' t Ll 11 i $ J8-I iriuui'ti I illilari I balk , icr i.ris. 81) ) 1k st ireimm'ii I in l'l . tom lii a uou ---------i Out IiKiT ) Nmrrixcs Iriiu , i.-mitIiirs , Ihmi-.t Slorptt-ui , isr st ( ( I ) . . - - - - - , _ - j _ - - - I huh rs imluit ii , ' uirl.sitI ) I'll Iet mui1.imiivui I , reiimlttumit' , munul , .uiiimu 1w dlreejiti ii , 'muir Jurimietiti tumusnumfe eirie THE J , 1W. BRUNSWICK & BALKE CO. , Cl I lC. ( ( ) , ( 'I NOl SNA'I'l , s i\V VOlt l , S'i' . Lot' IS , \ 4f1)iimiili.i ) oflinu , cix ; South 10ti siii't. cod-rake -a II1 _ ; IL'JIIcI1D : : , Mt.5a'FACrtuimEi : 01' aIvaoiid Iron Cornics1 1Iindo Caps FioiaIs1 SkhIgimti I.e Thirteutitli 'treet , Onuslua N. . ' - - - ---1 - - -