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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1883)
THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 , 18811. f\ \ HARKNE A \ Dry Goods and Carpet House. tocl ami rliotittt ot- LlriTC the argus > pattern - Ver Brought to the City and at OTOTE THAN EVER OFFERED IN THIS VICINITY. Do'Not Pail to Call and Examine Stock Before Purchasing , HARKK Bros , 401 BROADWAY , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'if. ' SAVE YOU TIME , TROUBLE , MONET If you buy your 10 Main nnd 17 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The following are the time of arrival and departure of trains from the local depots. The train * start from the Union Pacific depot about ten minutes earlier thai below stated , and arrlvo at thu desot about ten tnlnutc * later. Trains on pool llne andTC. C. run on Chicago time , A half hour faster than local. Wabash trains run on St. Louis tjme , twenty minutes fatter 'than local. U. 1 * . and Lincoln trains run on Council llluffu time. enicioo , oot IU.IKD A ; D Depart. Arrive. AtlaitlcExt. 6.35p.m. I Pacific Ex } . . . : . 9:15 : a. in. Ex and Mall' . . . 9.25 a. m. Ex and Mall" . AW p. m. Den : | DCS Motncn oc. . < : 0 p. m. ciucino , nciiu'oiTo.i AKD QCIMCT. Depart. Arrive. AUastlo'Ki' . . . . 6:35 : p. ra. Pacific ExI..0.20 a. m. UallandEx . . .0lAa. : m. Mall and F.x'.7:00p. m. N. T. Kt. . .8:20p.m. Neb. & Has Ex. 0:10 : a.m. CHICAGO and'SORTUWXaTKRY Depart. Arrive. .UantleExt . . .5:15 : p.m. Vaciflc Ext..0:15 : a.m. S Ex.9.20 n. III. Mail and Ex" . 0:15 : p. m. , Aocom ( Sat ) 6:50 : ] i. in. Accoin ( Man.1:45 : p. in. KiSS \S eiTT , HT. JOB AND COUNCIL BLOTS. Depurt. Arrive. Uhiland Ex . . . .9:55 : a.m. I Kxprcm fiiS-lp. in. Express 8.25 p. m. | Mail nnd Ex. . 0.45 p.m. UNION rAcmc. Depart. Aarhc. Overland Ex , .ll:30a.m. : OverlandUx..4:00 : p. i. Lincoln Ux . . ll:30a. : m. Dem or Ex..8:00 a. in. Denver Ex . . . ,7:00p. m. Local Ex 0.30a.m. Local Ex 72o a. in. " Ex..0.05 n. In. Emigrant 6:20 : p. m. " H0.00 a. in. WADA8II , BT. LOUIS AND rtCIFIC. Depart. Arrive. Mali and Ex 0:4' : a. m. I Mall and Ex..4:30 : p. m. Cannon lull. . . 4:50 : p. m. | Cannon Hall..11:05 ft. ni. SIOUX eiTT AMD PACIFIC. Depart. Arrho ' 'or Sioux City.7:58 : a.m. Krm Sioux Cltj 0:50 : p. m. ForFortNlobrara Frm Fort Nlobrara Neb" 7:55ja.m. : Neb 'O.fiOp. m. For St. Paul . . .7:40 : p. m. C1MCAOO , MILWAUKKK AND HT. ' 1'AUL. leaves Council BluHs. Arh cs Council lilnds. Hail and Ex. . . ' 9.L 0 a. m. 1 Mail and Ex.0.55 p. m. Atlantic IX. 15:15 : p. m. | Atlantic i\9.10 : [ a. in. CHIC\GO , MILWAUKEE ANI1 HT. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. A run CD at Omaha. Jlalland F.x , * 7:15 : b. u. I Paclflcix.(0l5 : ( : a. m. Atlantic Ex . 13.40 p. in. | Mall and Ex ' 7:25 : p. in. 'Except Sundays. IKxccpt Saturdays , { Except Monday. ( Dally. 'COUNCIL ELITKS AND OMAHA BTRFKT RAILWAY. Lca\ Council Bluffs. Lea > o Omaha. Sa. m. Da. in 11 a. | 8a. m. On. m. 10a.m. 11 m. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 3p.m. 4 la. in. 1 m. 2 p. m. 3 p. m. p. m. 6 p. m. 0 p. m. 14 p. m. 5 p. m. 0 p. m. Street cars run holt hourly to the Union Pacific < lepot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 0 o'clock a. in. , and run regularly during the day at 1) ) , 11,2,4 , 5 , and 0 o' clock , and run to eity time. Chicago , Burlington & Quincy RAILROAD. OFFICE OF PREIOHT AGENT , ) OUAriA AKD COUNCIL TlLUrri < , May 12,1833. ) " Arrangements have been mode for the LOADING IN CHICAGO DAILY of ono or more cars with MEUCHANDISESOLIDCONSIONED to parties In COUNCIL I1LUFF.S. tdThese cars will come through to destination without stopping. Quick time [ is thereby Intrucd. rieaw order your goods via C. I ) . & ej. It. It , A. B. WEST , GENERAL AGENT. "FOR TABLE USE. " The Natural Mineral KAISER WATER , From Dlrrcsborn ontho Rhine. Recommended b the hlgkcat medical authorities. FREU'K HOLLENDER & CO. , Sole acnU for the U. H. and Canada , 116,117,119 , K'm ' street , Nsw Tork. a23 3m HP ACK.VOWI.KDfiKD TO 11F. TIIK IlriiT I1V AH AMfflcL Hard and Soft Coal , COKE OR WOOD. MiSCfACTCBlC BUCK STOVE CO. , rUIXT MUI3. Piercv & Bradford. 90LB AOENT TOR OitAHA. Western Cornice-Works , IKON AND SLATE ROOFINO. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas fit Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER OK Galvanizea Iron Cornices. 3TDormer Windows , Flnials , Tin , Iron and Slate Rooting , Spceht's patent Metallic Skj light , Patent adjusted Hatchet Bar and Drackct Sheltlng. 1 am the general agent for the aboto line of goods. Iron Fencing , Cresting * , Balustrades , Verandas , Iron Bank Kalltngs , Window Blinds , Cellar Guards ; also general agent for 1'terson & Hill patent Insldo Dllnd. BEFORE-AND-AFTER ] Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , TT7"H ° Br" suflerlnir from KEKVOUS DEBILITY , > V J'O T VITALITY , LACK or NKRYK FOJICK AMD Viion. WASTINO WEAKNESSES , and all these diseases of a PER.SOVAL NATURE rvnultlnK from ADVSES and OTiun CAUSES. Speedr relief anil complete re to- rstlonofllEALTii.MaoH and MANHOOD UUARAXTEZD. lh ( trandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. Brnd at once for Iilu tr u > d Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO. . MARSHALL. MICH. . If junto > mini , otbuilaess.wMk. \ r msiD or let * > rtli tnanor KrstaUUutOTsrE your dutlM Mo44 rJah work. u rw- stimulants an 4 111 * _ torn brain ntnwivi Hop Hitters. Iwuw use HortsV discretion ordusipa | I UuD t UT yOU M fCA * ligle , old or I rt < S or 9s& poorhMlth or Unpulsb tiny on a bd & BUS , rsly on Hop ! iBIttar * . . TrhMTsr yon are. . itionMads an u > whsnavvr yon ( eel I noallJ from Bocai ihat y o w T syvtem kdlseas I form ot * lEA K | i oifli * * toe or stlmuUtlnc. I have bjwnpreVenWsJ I without Mozicaditt , L bra tlmslr UMO. tak * Hop Hoptltt r ltt r . ptpna , kldnt D.I. O oruHnarttoom-l Ij * o fttMdold platnl , dlMss | szxd SrrMljt ottbwu > A , Wscnr tn * . HDP UtWOtMTVMll IKHMIS. tlood. drocYionsss , ossot opirrb Too will bsl tobaoooa ? eur dtfioaus l Hop Bltt r l zlsts. Btndfor fowsT > lHt dtryh HEVtt ClrouUr. ill It nB l mottrrrwa Illfe. [ avbyourl ltrm | [ FAIL STT CO. , saved hun- Jdredi. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. A WOHTII Y iuxi-riT. : : Tlio Concert IitiNt Nl IJUPKO Audio nro. The nnnmmcomunt of n lionofit concert for Mi Barbara Murkel lias nnakunccl iiuiclt in tliia city , mm niuong the many friends of that tnluntotl youug lady , nnd the nudicncu gathered in ro Rliouso thcrvat last evening at Dohany's was not only Tory laigo , but inatlu up of thosu who could appreciate the treat af- furilud them. Miss Mcrkol , > rho rr as thu honored onu of the evening , showed that she had , by her recent culture , added to the power of a voice before charming and full of inolody , and her _ many admirers were made more ) enthusiastic than over i their predictions that she will make er mark in the musical world , and that high ono. She was well sustained in or effort to entertain , ami the pro- rummo was very pleasingly carried out itll great acceptation to the audience. t was aa follows : PAHT FIltHT. Hocking ou the lilllowH . Olit ( tk > o Schubert Quartette. o The Wnndurcr. . . . .Schubert . . . .l.iszt 6 liiuottein 1) . ISucli Miss ] ! i > la ! Kobinsim. . O Luco li QucNt'Anliua . Donizetti Mi * * Barbara Mcrkcl. . "Intciiwly Utter" . . . .liccitntlon Aliis Uarrio Stovom. i. 1'ior li Mareherit.1 . Anliti > llsn Lulu Joni. PAUT HKCOSI ) . . Forever and Forever . .Toil ! MIHH Morkol. 2. Cnprico . KnlT TiIIsi Julia Ollicur. i. "Tho Vagabond" . Molloy Mr. L. M. Troyuor. . HelNario Vaiibvttlo do Concert . ( loria Mian llclla llobiimon. i. Wuot "Tho Traelor" . M cCabu isHcd littrbari anil Mary Morkol. Addiu Horton , nccimi > anUt. 1'KIISONAU Florence Wright , who hiw taught for hrco yenrs in the jmbHo Hchook hero , Iii3 tnrtudou nisit to her eastern homo expect ing to return to Marnhalltown next fall , nho avlng been engaged to teach thoro. Council BluiTn Hcliooln thus meet with a lear ) . MrH. Tliol ! , wifn of the senior partner of the nn of Tltoll k ICrncht , who wo.i taken HO uiUlcnly and seriously ill on Monday ight , won a little Ijpttor ycMterday , but ntHl 'ory nick. Jlr. and Mrs. KOHO loft yes tor Jay after- itxin for the east , with the remaina of her irother , K. C. Ware , which are to bo laid at rent in the faintly burial grounds at Salem , K. B. Higgins , | l. Mcndell and Mark Needs , a Ncola trio , were in the city yesterday , look- ng up pointers * /w / to who wan who in the oinlng race for t ! , $ Hliriovnlty. V G. Hanchett , tsf Iowa City , arrived In .ho city last c\eiinf ! | on a brief rinit tolila irother , Dr. Hanchett , and family. John J. Qninlnn , L. Ilamblin , C. li. Dailoy md A. V. WilltinSon were among the Chica. ins at the Ogden yesterday. MTU. Ferguson , nifo of the proprietor ol the Pacific house , woo in a very low condition Cbtcrday. H. Chrisman and son , of Abingdon , 111. , : ire sojournera at the Pacific. W. II. Spear , of Now York , reached tin I'ncilic house yesterday. F. Y. Holcomb , of 1'ittsburg , is at thu Pa cific. cific.A. A. II. Babcock , of Oskaloosa , visited tin lilulfs yesterday. Miss Anna Squire , one of the high xchoo teachers , has gone to Ottumwa to spend i portion of the vacation with friends there. K. It. Fonda and C. E. Taylor hare returned turned from the Chicago railway exposition. Mrs. .T. S. McAllister and daughter Kinin : hao started for aisit to friends in Ponnsyl vania. vania.W. W. II. Conklin , af St. Paul , wan among yes tcrday's comers to the Pacific houso. O. W. Hazard , of Ucs Moines , was at tin Ogdeu yesterday. John F. McDonald arriroel at the Ogdei yesterday from Louisille. . F. E. Baxter , of St. Louis , is at the Ogdcn J. Iteede represented Cincinnati at the Og den table yesterday noon. M. II. House , of New York , was a housi within a house at the Ogdcn house yesterday Albert Heinshemier , of Olenwood , took i look at the Bluffs yesterday. .T. S. Murray , of Harlan , WOH hero yoster ilay. ilay.J. J. Yager , of St. I iuis , registered at tin Ojj'len yesterday. K. Starbuck , the Glenwood attorney , was ii the city yesterday. Theo. C. Sherwood , of Pacific Junction ilropiicd down among the Bhiftitos yesterday II. A. Merrill , of Davenport , was at the Pn cific yesterday. T. J. Jones , of Harlan , greeted Counci Bluffs yesterday. A. 0. Daley , of Madison , Wtc , is a dailj published at the Ogden. A boy in a band while drumming , Felt a pain in his neck a-coming , Ho grow suddenly hoarao , Iut ! as n matter of course , St. Jacobs Oil "sent it a humming. " COMMHKOIAIj. COUNCIL DLUmi MAHKKT. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 85cj No. 3 , 70c ; n jecttH , Me ; good demand. CORN There in not enough corn cointn hi' to make a market ; dealers ) jH.iyliuj Wi rejected corn , ChlcaL'o , We ; new inlxi-d , C5 ( \vhito corn 63c. The receipts -of corn ar light. OATS Scarce nnd in good demand ; .Tie. IlAV 15 00,7 ( 50 ] Kr ton ; 3.rx ! per bale. mi--tO@-fic : ; liKht supply. Colts' MKAI. I 'iri per 100 poumU. WOOD ( Jood supply ; prices at yuid.s , ,1C ( ffO 00. COAIDelUcrod , hard 11 00 per ton ; vat' ' 0 W ) jicr ton. BUTTKH Good butter tiravco and in fair di maud at i.1S'3.ric ( ; creamery , 3.ric. Kccs-He.idy nulo and plenty at 10@llop ( dozen. LAUD Fairbanks' wholesaling at 12Jc. 1'oULTHV Finn , dealers paying 13c | K pound for turkeys and lOo for ehlckeiin , VKOKTAIILEM Potatoes , Me ; onions , CO cabbages 30-JO per dozen ; apples , 'J f > 0@3 C tier barrel. CITY FuwJii1 fiO3 40. UliooMM 'J 00@3 00 per dozen. HTOCK. CATTLK-3 003 rXj ) calvoH , 0 00@0 TO. HwisMarket for hogs ( pilot , as the pad ing houses are closing ; bhlpiieni are payir 000@075. Guard and protect your health , inak use of that true and oiiicio t tonic mod cinu , Brown's Iron Bitters. THKCOIiOUKD CA.UKT. How Ho Citnio to Went Point Accrrd- llod by a Dcinoorntlc Con- John II. Alexander , the new colored cadet from Ohio , is thus described by a eorreipondent : " 1 happened to sit next to him at dinner in the West Point hotel to-day , anil wns glad to be able , by talking freely ith him , to give him a social status in the dining room that most of the gui'stn did not scorn inclined to accord him. 1 found him a very clever and intelligent young man , fully equal in appearance and manners to any of the candidates I have mot , and much superior to many of them. Ho had boon ordered to report to Dr , Alexander for a physical cxarnin- ation'at 1:110 : , and 1 made an appointment to see him in the cndot barracks later in the afternoon , in case bo passed the ex amination. Ho did pass , and I found him in the barracks half an hour ago. The ollicor of the day sent for him , and ho gave mo a full account of himself. His father and mother were both slaves , and belonged to the Alexander family in Vir ginia. His fathsr first earned his own freedom , and then saved enough to buy the mother and three children who were then born. The family moved to Arkan sas , where the present candidate was born , in Helena , January 0 , 18IU. His fatjier is dead , and his mother is a poor woman. By doing such work as he could he managed to put himself through the Helena high school , and after teaching for ix months in Mississippi , when bo was only 10 years old , he wont to Oborlin , Ohio , and en tered Oborlin collego. For the last three years ho has been a waiter in the Wed dell house , in Cleveland , in thu summer , and has attended the fall , winter , and spring terms of thu collego. Ho showed mo a very llattoring letter from the Greek professor in Oborlin and other otlicors of the college. A few weeks ago Congress man Geddes organized a competitive examination in Elyria , O. , for the vacancy. Walter Waite , of Plymouth , 0. , and John H. Alexander were consid ered to bo equal in mental attainments , and Congressmen Goddes gave the ap pointment to Waite , naming Alexander as the alternate in a letter in which ho says : "Waito may fail , and , mentally , Alexander ia Tory promising , and I have decided to appoint him alternate no that in case the other fails ho can take the place Ho is at liberty to go on and bo examined at the flame time with Wnito , and allow them { o choose between them. ' Alexander is a rather dark mulatto , with a bright , in telligent face , is 19 years and C months old , and weighs about 140 pounds. Ho is as cheerful as a lark , and it ia impos sible to talk with him for ten minutes without wishing him the best of good luck. Waite , the principal , and Alexan der , the alternate , both passed the crit ical examination to-day. " A WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE. Mrs. WlUUm Dowries , of Uxbrldge , Msas. , rltc on March 15,1833 , as follows : "During the | > ast three years I hure Wn great sufferer from corajillcatlon of discuses which liafllcd the skill af the roost experienced doctors , ns I roulJ not obtain permanent relief lijr their treatment ami prescriptions ; and I have also triad many so-called cures In thu medicine line , but could got no relief. Tlio pains , achei , and weakness Increased so rapidly and constantly that I was so reduced In strength at to l unable to leave the bed , and the debtors ln > formed mo thai thcro was no hope for room cry. In this Mhauntcd and discouraged condition n deal friend persuaded mo to use Hunt's lleinedy , nnd aftei taking It only thrco daj s I commenced to get better and to my great Joy and delight I lituo continued t < Improve constant ! ) by Its use , until now , after luuln ) taken the remedy only a few weeks , I am atlo to hi about my houtio again , and am now doing my house work. My lame back U cured , the setero | alnsha\i disappeared , and I am now In better health than fo many } cars , and beg this pilvllcgo of gladly rccom mending Hunt's remedy to all who are nflccted wltl any disease of the kldnej s or Ihcr ; and I alsohtghl ; recommend It for the attacks of sick headache. II ; husband has also experienced acr ) greafhencflt ti his health by the UOT of the Uiwt taluable medicine Hunt's Remedy. "OUR FLAG BTII THERE. " Jlr. H. 11. Longfello r , Augusta , tie. , cant side rltcr writes 113 under date of April , 1SS "To whom It may concern : Tills may certify tha tw o ) cars ngo I was ery badly aflllctotl u Ith kldnei and urinary difficulties , , which extended through tin tjatcm and laid mo up for weeks , so that I could d < no work. I had the most skillful phjslclan In town w ho gave me no assistance. Hearing ofIIunt's Item cdjt I K ° t a bottle , and half of It cured me entirely so that I have been well ever stnco. Tlio other half I gave to a neighbor K ho ft as afflicted much as I w as and It restored him to health. I can truly say Hunt'i Itcra dy hiu boon of great and lno\pres ltlo worth ti NEBRASKA LOAN AND TRUST CO , HASTINGS , NEB. ' Capital , - - $250.000 JAS. B. HEAHTWEU , , President. A. U CUAHKK , Vice-President. E. C. WEBSTEHirreasurer. C. P. WEBSTEIl. Cashier. UIHECTOHS : Samuel Alexander , Oswald Oliver A. L. Clarke , .K. C. Webster , Oeo. II. Pratt , Jas. B. Hcartwell , P. II. McKlIIInney. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialti Tills Company furnishes ; a permanent home Instltti tlon where school Bonds and other legally Uiucd III : nlcipal Securities to Nebraska can l i negotiated the most favorable terms. Loans made on linprot c fanns in all well settled counties uf the ktate throuR responsible local correspondents. * r Anrrcellcr.tTcnlo n1 Appt tizerof ciiuld'olls * " ! ' , u < il tlio > , J 'i rv u s , lli'Jihi In. , He- ii ( I rill ill jnti rsi f Iho IMprt.tu ; ( I/uiu. It Imparts n d' . ! loin Mil nr l > ft plans of rilnir i aii > , Uiut nii I * , ruda , nnd all ilrliki. 7ry ! t. J'u * fnufno Anr stuta X ) flitters I' maile by nr. J. it II. _ biKurr.TiKSoxs. B41illiyaiI > ruif ! rw J'W.WUPFERMAHSoloAgCn ( 0 f { * * 51 Brcadav , II. Y , MA VERICK NA TIONALBANK. Cor. Water amlCongri ss Ht . 33 O S T O OST. OAPITAL. . . . . $400,001 SURPLUS , 400.0C Transacts a general banking business. Itecches tl accounts of banks , cankers ami others. Draw > forelu exchange and makes cable traiuferf In Europe ar telegraphic transfers of money throughout tl United Htates. lluyt and Mils government and oth Intcitments securities , and executes any builneu fi Its correspondents In the line of banking , AHA 1 * . POTTER , President J. J. KDDV , J , W. WO'IK ' , Cathlrr. AMt UlhUr. mith-me REAL ESTATE SHRIVER & BELL Opposite PostoiBce. Bargains in Improved Property. No. 1CW Home R ronnu anil b euicnt , 20th and Union . f 2 400 173 ( lo d home , bam , Cumlnirs and 2Mh sts. 2 800 11 ! Home 5 room ) on leased lot . . . . . 422 170 llouto 8 roomi on l" tk atcnur , corner , cheap . , . 3300 107 HOUHO Naumlcrs strrvt , lull lot , cat ; term * . . . , . POO 100 lluusofi rooms , 2 story on Uth street. , 1 MXJ W > House 3 roumi , Uth and Lratcnnorth tt. 104 House rive roumi , Hamilton strrct nrar rinrlcs . . . . . t 000 101 Two houses , lull lot * , SOth nnd Ilsrncr. . . 1 PUO Itll Two story home near IMh t.tirit , corner 0 000 10J Home t o rooms , full lot , VJth and I > oug. IM . 8SO US lloukofininiiM , SHIi and Clark , . 2 300 l. > ( ! * rw 11 acres ou Cumlng , Improved. . . , 3 1S4 Mouse 4 rxxims , barn , Othftrcct . . . . . 1 IM Homo 2 room * , kitchen , ttr , 12th iitrect. . 000 l..S (1 houurs , rent * ( or 811f > tier month , 2 full lot * mi Leaven worth rind isth street * , . 10 WO ! ! > ' ! Two hoiuni B unit 8 rnoinx , barn , etc , full lot , llau'liport mid S4th street. . . 0 COO ISO House 0 rooms , on 18th , on car line , . . . 1 800 141 II 01110 fl rooms on SUth , near Paul . 2 hOO S House. B room * , hum , atth ami and Clark 2 IPO 7 Home 4 roomi , slot * , snth street . . 1 t > oo 8 I Ion j 4 roomn , loth and Clsrk . 1 Ml ) is Hi > u > o 6 room * , Division street , cheap . 2 WO 0 House 4 roonm , trees , 6th strint . . ,1 800 8 Home a room * , new , Hhlnn's addltlim . 2 SCO 4 Three houses , Capitol n > cnue and 10th ctriH-tcaoh . 1 ( XX ) 9 lloune I roomi , I'lejwant ntrvet . . 1 8(10 ( 1 10 acres , home , garden , etc. . , 1 800 a Home B room * , 2lst and ! . enworth OM * o Double homo 4 rooms on 21 l street , . , MX ) .1 The homes , full lot , l th and llason . . . . ( no H Five acres , .Simidcrs street , , , . 000 1 8 lots and , house. Btli street . 000 14 Home 4 rooms , 10th street . 000 Two homes , ftitt lot , rent lor ? 7& pfr month , 13th and CAM . . 000 HO lloune S roouw , Dotl e and 27th . . 000 Unimproved Property. r > tiot Caw and 22d 1 COO ; 4 Ixit near car line 1000 7 C lota near Park a cnuo , each 67B 4 10 lots I'arkera addition each WOO o. . . . , 000 13 1 lot ? Mh and Ia cnport 2000 17 7 lot * Portcru addition J6.,0 to1 ' . . . POO H 8 lota on Park aieinir , ni k an offer. . 2 ! loU on Initao otrcet 300 01 acre * on ( Julncy flrcct 1100 i llouso 6 rooinn. corner tth iitrect 2500 0 lot" In Lowe's addition each 100 to t 400 lot In lod' ) addition , rach. . . . 00 to 600 00 lot In Ilanncom rincc.ench Sf.O to 1 500 OloUln Hurr Oak iullltoriCK-h [ 300 to 200 0 lots In Inane k Hclden'iaddition , . . . 850 to 500 0 loti In Kedlck'i addition 700 to 1 500 0 acre loin , Park place 500 to 1 HOO acres on Cumlne street 5 300 4) lots In Patrick's ' addition 400 U KO 0 lots In Hhlnn's addition 400 to 1 000 1 lots In Hafran'n addition 300 to 000 Slut * In K. V. Hmlth'i ) addition. . . . . . . 400 to 350 lota In Horbarlt's lit addition , each. . 1 000 Lots In all parts of the cltj , and In crorjr addition n easy teniuf Call or tend for doscriplifu pam- hlcU. Five Acre Tracts , Just went of city , 8123 per aero , (100 ciuih , balnnce n time at 0 per rent. This proix.rt } U admirably adajitctl to ank'nlns urpouc. SPKEIl'S Port Grape Wine ! U crt In the principal churches for communion purposes. FOH AND WKAKLV PKItSONH AND THE AOKD , Spew's ' Port Grape Wine FOUIl YKAItS OI.U. Tonic and Strengthening Prop erties arc uniur ] " " " " ! by any other native nine. lielnf the pure julcu of the Orapu , produced under II r Sjiccr'H own per on l suptrvUlon , the purity anc gcnulnenuin aru ( 'uaraiittcd. Tlio yomiKmt chili n iiartakcnf its Kenerous qualities , and th cake * iiiralld u o It to advantage. It li particularly bunu flclal to the ajfed and dcLllltatud , and sultej to tin rnrloui ailments that effect the weaker sex. It U li uvcry rinpcU a wlno TO UK RKUKU U.S. SPEEIVS P. J. The P. J. Mir.llllY l > a wlno of superior character and partakes of the rich ipuilltleH ut the grape f run which It Is made. For purity , rlchnem , lUvor am medicinal ptirpimcn , It w 111 be Hind une-xeellrd. SI'KEK'S ThU brandy stands unrivalled In thU country , belli far superior fur medicinal purposes. Hlsapiiro dlxtlllntlon from tha grape , anil n tains > aluable mod leal pruiicrtle'i. It has a delicate lUvnr , similar tn that of thu grux | from which It Is distilled , and Is In great futu among first-class families. See that the signature of AU'Jlii : > KI'KI'.H , I'.uuli N. H. , Is over the cork of rauh buttle. Hold by Kennard Urn's li Co.JI. Purr , Kchrotir lleclit , IV , KaxeJames t-'ursUhn aiulJ , O. ranter. JOHN G.JACOBS , Formerly OUh & Jacobs UTSTDERTAKER. Tunis & Kneller , DENffSTS 1107 KAUNAM 8TKECT ( Up Htalril. ) Iure Nltra Oildo Oai kept coniUutly on handf I IM | eitraction of tectlu JIM FOE SALE. HCOTJSE5SS ! BEMIS , 15th and Douglas Sts. No 1 urge houwi of IDriKmw.3 , cUcrn , well , etc. l.mvthlnif compute , full tot nwir 2'M .Mid Wilwttr rtrctts , fvoo. 2 House of Brooms , Kith room , hut and < i > ld a > Ur , good barn , full lot , near thlcngu and Seth stn et , fcMXH ) . 3 House of 8 moms , bath room , closets , , J1 , tls. ti rn , barn , tc. , neiir 1Mb uml Cumlng , SO,1 * " . ) . 4 Twiiktorx house of S roonw , cellar , viiUand ( U- tern , on iKxIge , near l..tli itrcct , JOXKi. 6 lArge full t oiitory hon ct ! or ten Moms , full lot , etc. , on Joncn , nrir Ibth street , W.IXK ) . * 0 fine and one half tor > housu of 3 roonw , cellar , brlrk foundation , IK ar Con\cnt of Poor CUlrv Ulsters In .Shinn's addition , KM ) . 1 Hoiuo of 0 rooms , veil and dftirn , one raid out- half lot on COM , near IMh street , f.1,000. 9 House of 11 rooms , tw o story , cloxets , tit. , one.- , half lot , on lIHh , near Webster , { , " > , ( AKi , P | House of about H reioms , re'llar , will and cistern , on 10th near Webster , $4,000. 10 J.argo homes rooms , peed cellar burn , etc. , lot 00x105 feet , on llth street CdiUr ttrtct school hourc , $2,500. 11 Two itury frame house 7 rooms , full lot on Chin- co , near 23d street , f3.7M * 11 mine house , 8 nxtnM , kitchen , null , etc. Hood Kirn , full lut nrar Mil and II ison HreiU , f2.UX ) . 13 Brick houmi one and one-halt story , fuiir rooms and kitchen , largo barn , on Khcrman avenue ( H'thftriit ) , near bridge , $3,500. 14 targe new one and one half storj house , 10 rooms , brick foundation , ever ) thin/ complete , lot KOIxlSO fctt on Sherman atrnuu , mar Pop- plctoiia , $4,500. 16 Two ttory brick house of 0 rooms , 2 closet * , ( rood rrllir , cistern , wdl , etc. , near S3d and llason streets , W.UOO. 18 Now house of 0 rooms and Utrhcn , ccll-ir , cis tern , etc , , on 17th neiir Jackson rtrict$3,600. 18 Two story house of 0 rooms , Ikvcment , cellar , cistern , veil , lot 40x24 fed near St. Uary's avenue nue- and S3d street , 10 Ilouno of I ) rooms , good cellar , full lot oil cnnortli , mar 17th street , 3,050. 0 TwohouiM , ono of 0 rooms , one of & rooms , buFfiuent , cutern , will , itc. , on llerc * near lPti strwt , t4,600. 21 Tlireo iu-ri i of ground and old Rt. llary'n convent with al ut 18 or 20 rooms , 3 Morlcs , on ht. Ma ry's avtnucopiioslto Woolworth'srrKldvnre , ta- ( XO 21 Home of 3 rooms , cistern , full lot , on 10th Hour Jackson ttrect , ? I.VO. 21 House of 5 rooms , cellar , etr. Full lot on 5th , mar Pierce street , H'.WK. ) . 24 Ijir e house of 7 rooms , cellar , will and cistern. Ixit SO b ) 132 feet on California near ICth strut , 17,000. 25 House of 2 rooms , will , elsUrn , ttc. , near Iltrte and ISth street , 1,300. SB Two houses , 6 rooms uidi , cellars , well , cistern , cool thnl , etc. , near 2Jth and CumliiK ttreiU. IwirRe lot , $3,500. 27 House 0 rooms , ono and one-half ttorj , oo Charles , near S.uiniUri" , street , fJ.ixxt. M ] jiro brli k houmi of tf rooms , cellar , well , cistern tc , near Ibtli itrcct ami Kt. ilary's axenuit , 7,500. 2S One largo bouse nine rooms , and one of Uirce rooms , well , etc. Lot OlluM feet , ntuxr 18th and Nlcholis streets , < 'IUK > . 30 .Small house 4 rooms , two lots , mi 17Hi utrttt , mar Nicholas , f 1,500. Sol Two large homuw , one of 7 rooms and ono of 8 rooms , t o lots , on IXth , near Nicholas ttrret , 31 House 7 rooiiH , half lot ou Webster , near 21st street , $2,500. 82 Two houses , one of 0 rooms end ono of 0 roomi on Chicago , near 1-th ( fiil lot ) $4,500. S3 Two stnry housa 10 rooms , half lot on Wiluster near 10th street , $2Mil ) . Si Brick house of 11) ) rooms , cellar , will and cistern , on Cans near ISth ttreet , $3,800 35 l.argebrlik house of light rooms , liath room , cellar , well , cUtem , etc , on Farnam , near 17th stnet , 812,000. 37 Two houses , onu cottage , and onu two story house , tuo lots on Chicago mar 20th streit , 83 , . 600. 33 I.ixrge new IIOIIKO of It ) rooms , lot OOxtH teit on ChlciiKo , 20th struct , # 7UX ) . 40 Housu of 11 rooms , lot 2.10 by about 400 fext on Shermin a\unuo , near Chrk street , # 11,100. 41 House of rooms , brick Imseinent , 14xU ! ! feet , lot 40x140 feet on 10th , near Irani struet , $1,000. 42.HOUSU e > f 7 lar o rooms , luivement , luth room , etc. Ixt6fllxllil ! } fiot. ? 7OUO. 43 lloune of 11 ruonu , lj lut on Farnam near ISth street , fO.WO. 44 Stiiro w Ith rooms ubot o on Dudtfe' , near iMwt of tlcu ( on leased ground ) feSOO. 45 House of ,1 looms , roil sheil , itr , on 10th near Sherman street , (700. 4(1 ( Small hou.ic.thrio rooms , on leased ground , lease to run for t o j ears , on Hurt , ne-ar 25th street , WOO. 47 lliiuao < if 3 rooms , cellar , etc , lot 132x170 feet on I''th , near C.utcllar street , $2&OU. 48 Housu of 3 rooms , lot'20x00 fiet on loth street near Capital a\cnue , $700. 49 1(0119001,4 ( rooms , cellar , well and cistern , on Hartley , near 20th street , 92,650. 60 Tlireo nouses , one of fi and 2 of 4 rooms vachi well , cistern , etc , full lot on 17th near Jones street , $ fl.2OO. 61 HOUHO of f > rooms , cellar , well , etc. , one-half lol nn College street , near Kt. tlary'u atcnuc , ? 2,000 , C2 House of 7 rooms and basement , three quarten of a mile from end of red street car line , $1,100 LOTS. No. 1 Lot 30x140 feet on 17th near Izard street , . ' .25 , 'i Full lot on Mt. Pleasant avenue , near 23d ttreel ( lll dltldo ) (1,000. 4 tx > t on Farnam , near 25th street , f 1,500. 6 Lot 68ixl32 feet on Farnam near Uth street $3,000. 6 } Two full lots on Karnam near 25th street , one foi 11,800 and one for $3.000. 0 Tlireu full loU on 23d near Clark ttrei-t , 1001 each. 7 T o lulu on Sherman e > enuu near 1'oppleton'i residence , ? IKH ( ) eaih. 8 Tour lots on 17th street , near 1'opplcton'i ) rest denco , $750 each. 0 tot 50x100 feet on ISth street near St. Mary's v enuc , $2,200. 10 Sixteen lots on St. llarj's avenue , St. Mar'scon vent property $2,000 to $4,000 each. 12 Four acres nn lUtemiort street , near rtty limit $2,000. 13 Full lot on Douglas , near 24th street , $1,400. 14 Two lots on lOtli street , near Lake's addltloi school house , (1,000' | .f > Five acres near Prospect HU1 Cemetery , (200 pc acre. 10 Four lots on Madison avenue , mar 1'oppletoi street , ( near ixuk ) $350 each. 17 tot un 10th Street , war I.cavcnHOrth , 91,000. 1H Lot un CUM , near 21st street , $2,500. 23 Tour lots near 23d and Karnam street , $2,350 t < $3,000 each. 24 Threu lots In Nelson's addition , two on Charle street and one on Idaho street near Cumlng $555 each. 25 Ten beautiful residence lots on Hamilton street high and sightly , < M7fi to $350 each. 20 Two w res on Cupltof lucnnu near city llmlti $1,000 per acre. 27 Four acres on Capitol aicmic , near city llmlti $1 , tioo ] H.r acru. 27J Ten acres on Daivnnort , near Pleasant street $ lKHiie'racre' ( . 2J ( Iroiinil on Itith street , opposite Bauman's Breu . he sold In lots of lee feet front and rui nlng hvck to ralUoad , SOU per front foot. 3D T o lots on How anl , near Suinders strut , cornc lot $7KI ( , Irnlilo adjoiningorner 000. 30j Two lots on duties street , ne-ar Sannderii , $7 each. HI Onu acre on Cumins ami Hurt streets , ncn Ac mk my of Saerud Iliart , $2,01X1. WlllilMde. 32'llireu inarters of un acru on Cullfornla btrei } of S.icrcJ Heart , $1,000. ni : Lot on Cnllfomla near 2Kt street , $1,000. Ill onu-half lut on Izird , near ItUh street , 750. in'Ihrfu lots on Culduell utrtet , near Sauudei $500 eaeh fur liuidu ami f I'O for corner. 30 'three lots In Bail's addition , near fair groum maku ( iffer * 37 THII thlnU of a lot on railroad , near 16th stree < r2r.OU. 33 'l\vo thlnls of a lot on railroad , near Uth ttrce ! I9 Corner lot on 15th near Jackson street , ( a,600. 40 Hull lot on 10th near Douglas street , $2,000. 41 Full corntr lot on Hurt near 2Ut street , $2,300. 42 Two lots on De-ralur ne-ar Irene street , $200 cue ! 43 lxt 140x141 feet on .Sherman aun near Clai Uriel , $ VKI > . 44 I/it 23x00 feet on P.'th near Douglas street , mat offer 41 1/ot on 23.1 near Or ace street , $ GOO. 40 Two MS on latliktrcet near Nail Works , $2,5u 47 Acre lut In ( Hsu's addition , on Cameron lie. Maunders street , 000 , 48 I/it un Dltlklon Htreet , near Cumlng street , $00 40 Acru lot In ( Hsu's addition , on Cameron lie Maunders street. Make oiler. 50 lUock In llojd's addition , near fair R round , $ K til Ix > t on I'urker street , near King , 350. 62 Full lot on Tier near Caldwell street , (1,000. 64 Three lots In Oranil View , near liojd's packti hoiue. Make offer , 55 Ix > t on 1'acillc near 13th street , (700. 60 Tlireo lots In ( jlsu'i addition and ono full block Ikxlj's addition , r OOa Short Line -OF TIHv-- CHICAGO , & SI. Paul UAII.WAY. Is mm- running It * PAST KXPUESS TUAI.T'J OMAHA ami COUNCIL HI.UFFH with Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers. ami the finest Iilnlnc Can h the wnrl.l. . If .M'U nro going rant tn CIHOAOO , MIUVAUKKKV nr liny liolnt bcuind : or It jrwi are Koine north to HT > PAttfOUJIINNF.AI'OUH , T ko the IIEST HOUTK , lh CltlUAlIO , MIMVAUKKK & ST. I'.VUt , railway , Tl < ki t ntlloc located at Paxlon Hotel , at corner of Farinm and Fourteenth stro < rt anil at U. 1' . depot , ami at Mlllanl lintel , Omaha. til Sou time Tallin In another rolumn. F. A.NAHIt , Onncral Agnit. II. II. FOOTK , Ticket Agent , Om ha. ft. U. JIF.UIUU , , A. V. H-CAUI-KITOU ! , ( Irnrral Manager. Ocnrral 1''gr Agent. tl. T.CI.A11K , ( IEO. ir-nEAFFOHD , Hup't , AntUci > 'l 1'osj Agent. Died IT The Clergy. Painful Caao of Tottor. I Kite for 25 or 30 yearn been a sufferer from DIIV TKT1KU. ltdotclopcd Itself on different portlona of my lH ly , extending tn my feet and hands , cmw Ingtliem tii Itch Intolerably and to crack. It was w > painful that I was compelled to wear India. Ilublxrr glot en day and night for months at a time. After exHisultlnit the best physicians , and uiln ; all the mnetlUs whichramo to mv notice without relief , I rontinoncnl tire u < c of SWlrTSHl'KCIFIC , Mid ain hapjiy ti > say that there Is scarcely ft vestige of the dimttso left. At no time In twenty-flvo years hatol felt such relief and freedom from dlieiue , and I chetr- fnlly reoimnK'iKl HMtt's ypeclflo to nil similarly ol- fllctnl. J. H. DHANirAlt , Itacon , Go. DroncblU * and Mlnlater'i Bore Throat CURED I t was laid lim' by an attack of Hronohttla andUln- lutir's SornTlin > at , and my life was almost despaired of , whcu my dix-tor said try 8. S. H. I hoiltalod for sometime , but I was afraid of being permanently laid aside from the actUo duties of my ministry , I tlcddcd tii git o the preparation a fair trial , and after pcrvcverlng In It * nso I found complete relief , anil am njo > Ing excellent health. Iain clearly of the opinion that Kw Ill's Hpectflo Is ono of the bc V Altoca- UtuHand Illooil purlllcrs In existence , and I toko- pleasure In recommending Its five curatlvo qualities to others Ullktcd as I was. It. C. HOIINADY. 91,000 Reward. Will I * paid to any Chemist who who will ttnd , on Analysts of 100 bottles H. H. H. , ono parltclo of llwr- cxiry , Iwllde Potassium , or any mineral substance. THE HW1FTHPECIFIO CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. jttrWrit * for th little book , which will be mailed frvo. frvo.Price : Rmall slie , tl.OO per bottle , forgo ' ( hokllng double iuantlty | ) tl.75 bottle. All drugfUU selMt. selMt.DR. DR. WHITTEER , * 617 St , Charles St. , St. Louis , Mor A IlEOinjVIl ( IHAIUATE ) of two medical colleccf , lias been rngognl longer tn the treatment ol CHUON- IC. NEKVOUH , HKIN ANI ) 111,001) Disease ! than any other phjslclan In Ht. Louis , as city papers show and. all old resident * know. Consultation tree and tnvltoJ- Wlicn It It Inconvenient tel lt the city for treat ment , medicine * can bo sent by mail orcxprcsn every * where. Curable coses guaranteed ; whcro doubt ex ists It Is frankly tatcd. Call or w rite. Nertous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd Physical \Ve.ikueBH , JlcrcurUI and other affections of Throat , Hktn and Ikincs , Illoodlmpiirltlca and Drooil l' l8on- Ing , Hkln aHectTonsOld"Horcs _ and UTccrs , 1 mpodl- vients -Marriage , Uheunmtlum , Piles. Hpcclal at- tcntron txi case * from otcrworkuil brain. HUlRjICAI CASKS reccTto HiciTaf | at tent foil. " DfscaseTarTsInK' " " fnmi Iinpruileuce , _ Kxccsscs , _ Indulgcncoii , who may not , why , canst sconso < iuenccB and euro. Balled for Sic ; poiitago or stamps. Vliwly OR , FELIX LE BRUN'S PHEVKNTIVi : AND CURE FOR EITHER SEX , This remedy being Injected directly to the icat of the disease , require * no change of dlot or nauseous , mercurial or poloonous medicines to bo taken Intern * all. When used as. a preventive by cither sox , It is Impossible tn contract any pritate disease ) but In the case of these already unfortunately allllcted wo guar antee three boxes to "cure , or we wilt refund the money. Prlco by mail , postage paid , 92 per box , or three boxes for (5. WRITTEN aUARANTKm jsmicd by all authorized agents. Dr.Felix LeBrun & Co ISOLI : PROPRIETORS. 0. F , Goodman , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omaha , Neb. m&e wly Health is Wealth. Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment , a- guaruntccd speclflo for Hjstcrla , Dlzzlnesa Conrul slons , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoua Prostration caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakcfulness , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting In Insanity and leading to misery , decay and death , , Premature OM Ago , narrcnnegg , Ioss of power In cither sex , Involuntary Losses and Hiermatorrhta ] caused by over exertions of the brain , self-abuto or u\cr.ndulgencc. | l acli box con tains onu mouth's treatment. $1,00 a box , or tlx boxes for (5.00. Hent by mall prepaid on receipt ot price. Wl ! aUAUANTKB SIX UOXKS To euro any case. With each order rtceh cj by lui for six boxes accompanied with $3.00 , \\owllUend the purchaser our \ \ i Itten guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not affect n curu. Guarantees Issued ( inly by O. F. ( JOODMAN , miowly DruggUt , Omaha Neb. DR HENDERSON A regular graduate In , , medicine. O\er sixteen 001) ) ami OtK , Wuulotto bti ' } ears' practice tw elo In KANSAS ClTV , HO. Chicago. Authorized by the state to treat Chronic , Nervous and Private ellaeasca Asthma , Eplleiwy.llheumatUm , Piles , ; Tape Worm , Urinary and 8kln Din- eaues.Bemlnal Weakness ( iiljht losses ) , bexual Debility ( loss ot sexual power ) . ete- . Cures guarantcd or money refunded. Clurgaa luw. Tliousanda of case * cured. No Injurious medi cines used. No detention ( rom business. All rnoJl- clues furiilshrd ( iei to patients at a distance. Con * sullatlon tree and confidential call or write age experience are important. A .BOOK and X ) . for both BOXCS Illustrated aad circulars of other ar thing * tent scaled for two S lUvtt \ FUEKMU3 X ) . KUM. , Isnicod-wly ara. ij-"i'aru ot uw a. huuiaii Lbdy enlarged , develo | < d nnd strengthened , " etc. , It end Interesting Advertisement long run la pur paper. In reply to Inquiries u o will say that thcrt jane ng no evidence of nmnbug about this. On the contrary , the advertiser * ore \ny highly Indorsed. lutereotod iienoni may get scaled circulars giving ill partlcuUrj III by addressing Erlu JUJlcul 613 , Buflalo. V. V T Ulo Even. nill-ly