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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1883)
V THE OMAHAJ DAILY BEE. ' f r . JC. PTTTRTP.TCNTHYEAR. . OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY W'v MORNING , JUNE 26 , 1883. NCXT HAS THE BEST 8TDU& ' " "f "n * JKES THE LOWEST PRICES , Important Improvements. Hate now been Inlihed In our itore , mailing It the targeii nj most complete In the west. An additional story has boci ; buill , and the five floors all connected with two * fc" HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS.fc" Ono exclusively for the use of passengers. These iinincnso yare oems , throd stores , arc CO feet wide , are filled withtho grandoiit'display of all kinds of Household and Oflico Furniture ever shown. All are invited to call , take tlio elevator on the first iloor and go through the building and inspect the stock. GHA3. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street/ / Omaha Neb. THE OLDEST WHOLESALE & RETAIL JEWELRY HOUSE V. V * ' IN OMAHA. S Visitors can hero find all the novelties in l BILVERWAEE , CLOCKS , * K1CII AND STYLISH JHW1LHT , The Latest , Host Artistic , Mid Choicest Scloctiona in AND ALL DBSCnimOKS of FINE WATCHES , , AT AS LOW MUCKS Aa is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our elegant new store , Ik Tower Building , CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM STS. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURCUS OF SHOW CASES ! I1- * * " * - * v- * * * vA largo stock always on hand. NINE7 LEADERS ! IMPORTANT TO BUYERS OF Out of the many hundred manufac turers .of this lino'of goods , wo lay claim to representing the leading makers , and can snow a more- complete and larger line of Pianos and Organs than can bo found in an6 ONE House in the west. Our NINE LEADER are the following well- known and celebrated instruments. STEINWAY PIANOS , OHICKERING PIANOS , KNABE PIANOS , ' VOSE PIANOS , PEASE PIANOS , ' - ARION PIANOS. SOHONINGERCYMBELLA ORGANS , OLOUGH &WARREITORGANS , STERLING IMPERIAL ORGANS , Wo want' everybody desiring a Piano or Organ to call or writesto us for information mation and GET POSTEp. Wo can sell you the best instrument made for the least money , if ypu will give us a trial and want to buy. All wo ask is to show you , as wo know wo can satisfy everybody from our Nine Leaders , which are racog- nized by those posted , as thV best made. Send fpr catalogue and price list. t > CS-r MAX MEYER & BRO. , WAIlEnOOMS , Cor , 11th & Farnam Sis , , Omaha. J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALKE JUNE 6th , ISSJ. In order to protect the publle Ofalnit the Imposition of Mountebanks In our lint , we bare concluded to offer r BILLIARD MATERIALS AT COST. CTLEASK NOTE THE FOLLOWING VIIICES : . 2J Best Zonlbar Irorj DllUard Balls , per > et , . . , . , , . . , I2JOO Especially and solely manufactured ( or Iran Slnuthos le Fih'at Venrlen , , No. 1 , 74 tncheawlde , perjord , . . . . , J6.60 | No. 2 , 74 Inches ide , per yard Belgium . . .i. .15.00 No. 3,74 inches wide , per > ard , , . . . . , . .t5.00. BILLIARD CHALK. CUE TIJS. Be t French Billiard Chalk , per cross $ 60 ( Heat French Cue Tips , 100 In a box tl CO POCKET NETTINGS Fringes , Leather * , ne t worsted , per set (6)r. ( . ' . * 3 00. Orders must invariably bo accompanied by remittance , and be ories. same directed to our principal manufact THE J. M. BRUNSWICK & BALEE CO. , CHICAGO , ' CINCINNATI , "NEW YORK , ST. LOUIS , jtyOouh * office , (09 South 10th itreet. ' od m&e My Repotltory U coiutantly filled with a Mlect itock. Ilett Wotkmaiuhlp jruarant d. Office and Factory W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha &ATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! VIANUFACT CHS OK Carpenters' Materials , ALSO 'Sash , Doors , BlindsStairs , , Stair Railings , BalnstorsWiiiuOW , & Door Frames , &c , Flnt-clau factlltlci tar Uie manufacture of all Until of Moulding , ' I'lauln > Orden from thu country will be promptly executed. ; and Hatching a ipeclalty. , Addreii all communication * to A. MOVER , Proprietor. DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y. FIRE MD BUHGLAB PEOOF RIVERS. OUT OF BED. Missouri and Mississippi Still usflt ing anl Rayaging-the Country , and KnnimH City Monauiul liy the Flood No Iininodlntu I'rospect of llcllof. Ujxclal D ! patclio uto.TiiX BIIK. KANSAS Guv , Juno 25. The river allows 23 foot 4 inches on the signal service - vice guago and rising steadily. It has risen six .inches since last midnight. Inhabitants - habitants of West Kansas City arc pie- oaring 16 IcaVo , 0150 or two families Imv- iig chaiiged quarters to-day. There is intch apprehension regarding ice houses 'nd otltCp property ulpng the river in tlmt 'ioinity. * Tliq'Kntor is now considerably . iglioHlmn any : .L liimVtinco. iOtlt ST. Loun , Juno-25. The river is still ising slowly but tho1 situation. l > olh heio ind in East St. Lnuis , is "practically mi- ihaiiged. Bowman dyke still stantU the iressuio and that mid ether weak points ro constantly being ntiTiigtlioncd. I'hrcats wcro made last night to cut what s known as the Madison county dyke , vhich is it high onibaiiknumt running ostwardly from the river a milo and n inlf , about 'midway between Ihooklyn , nd Venice , but after a long and , ngrywrangle between n number if inhabitants of the former place and , ml some people living north of the dyke , t wosj decided nothing should bo done , a the cutting of the dyke would let more rater into Brooklyn , and inundate that > .irt of the town not now submerged , i'ho people were very determined , and guarded all night with shot guns and ther weapons. A largo volume of water is still flowing , hrotigh the breaks made yesterday in the Chicago & Acton and ether railroad tracks and is spreading out and covering more of the bottom toward the blutls find along the Vand lia railroad , but no dam age to the latter is yet reported. Re ports from points along the Missouri rafy considerably. At. some places the water is still rising , while at others it has fallen from five inches to two foot. It ii safe to say , hovovor , that there is con siderable more water to como down from this side 'of St. Joseph , and the rise here may bo a foot higher. A dispatch from Bismarck says _ the Yellowstone river is already a high as laet year and the Missouri is rising at that point. Telegrams from ether places high up the Missouri indiqato that the _ Usual Juno rise has commenced , and iiuall likelillOod some part of it will reach hero before the present flood recedes to Inny great extent. Should this bo the case , the situation will become alarming , and the destruction of property along both upper and lower rivers will bo appalling. The river rose another throe inches to day and still coming up slowly. No par ticular change in the situation on this side of the river. The whole of the lovco is now submerged and in the lowest places the first floors of stores are flooded from a few inches to a couple of foot deep. Business in houses von , the -river front is BTiBpendod.eicopt ( < ln1lw/or"thh5(3 ( ( doggeries , where scaffolds Imyo boon built. A little excitement was occasioned in East St. Louis this afternoon by the threatened overflow of the Cairo Short Line track by backwater , blli the dam of earth find 'sand-bags liastily thrown up on the water side of the track chocked the flow of water and averted the danger. The Chicago and Alton , in connection with the St. Louis and Wabash , are driv ing piles in the break in their track above Venice , and it is expected they will liavo a good trestle across the gup by Wednesday , and their trains bo runniii" again. A largo number of farmers and land ow nors on the American bottom and residents of Venice and other towns be tween East St. Louis and Mitchell , hold a mooting at Venice this afternoon , and after exchanging views on the situation , adopted the following : Jtcsolvcd , That inasmuch as many of our people have boon sullerors by floods for the past three years , and the present general overflow has rendered destitute a largo number of people who , without as sistance , will bo unable to put in crops during the coming year , wo doom it our duty to appeal to all who are able to assist those thus situated ; that n descrip tion of the misery entailed upon our sec tion of the country would seem like ex aggeration , so fearful in its nature is the truth , and that it will bo at least thirteen months before another crop will bo raised and in the meantime destitution in all its forms confronts the sufferers. In view of these facts , wo fool justified in appeal ing for assistance , and-roquost that all contributions bo sent to Henry Robin son , president of the board of trustees of Venice , 111. , for distribution. A largo number of the sufferers re ferred to in this resolution are either camped in tents on ridges , surrounded by water , or are in the open air on the bluffs beyond. Many are also housed in box cars on railroad tracks , and n good many of them will bo obliged to bo fod. Their crops are totally destroyed , and they are destitute of money or any of the necessaries of life. The national stock yards of East St. Louis are > in no danger of being flooded , an has boon reported. They can easily stand a rise of three foot and it would require four foot to stop business. The Union yards on this side of the river are also well protected and in no danger. The situation in East Carondolot and Cahokia glows worse daily. The water covers that whole section of country and some flooded out families ) are beginning to suffer. Their wants will probably bo supplied to-morrow. The railroads which have lost their trucks have abandoned the ferrying system between hojo and Alton and have arranged with the Van- dalia road to run their pusongor : trains. The Indianapolis and St. Louis will send their trains to Efliugliani and thence to Mnttoon. The Wabash will use the Vandalia to Allamont where it will take its own trackt and the Chicago & Alton and 0. , B. & Q. will run to Smithlwro wlieru they will connect with their own roads. All other castoni lines are using their own tracks , and all western roads are getting trains through in pretty good shape. The Van- drdia track about which , there was eomo apprehension yesterday , is still two feet above the water and can readily be made to resist four or five feet. ALTON , Juno 25. The magnitude of Mio disaster from the floods below this city is just beginning to ber disclosed. The break of the dyke below this city has caused destruction covering a wide area. The Suy Carte bottoms nro ruined for the year. Thousands1 of families , between , Louisiana and Crofton nro homeless and llooing before the floods. Stock to the number , of six thousand head is already drowned in the f American bottoms Telegraph communication is seriously in terrupted. _ BACKER'S BIRTHDAY , The Seyentietu Anriiyersary of Brook lyn's ' Great Preacher Celebrated , i The Academy i * ckcil , with Admirers of Henry tlonH niul Dispatch to TUHiIttk. IS'EW YOUK , JuitOji5. ! Every seat and every foot of standing room in the Brook * lyn Academy of Music was filled this evening by friends mid admirers of Hov. Henry Ward Beecher , iuu > emhled to cole- bratd his 70th birthdtty. The Academy wflB tastefully decorated with lings and streamers , hanging babkctn of flower * and vines circled the lowcr'g.illery and n line of living plants took the place of the foot lights on the stage mul rose in the center to a bank of flowersIn ono of the boxes was seated Mrs. Beocher , Mrs. Hal riot Beecher Stowu and other mem bers of Boucher's family. The entrance of' Bceehor himsolfpn t o stage was greeted with the warmest enthusiasm , the audience rising and ladies waiving their handkerchiefs , \\hilo the men loudly cheered. * T\ \ I'rofessur Charles E , West said they had como to honor the , philosopher , the poor man's friend , the lover of nature , of flowers and children ; to honor ono whoso name will stand for cohturics like Mont Blanc alone in his > fame. Ex-Ohio Judge Noill proposed Rov. Dr. Charles H. Hall as presiding oflicor. Dr. Hall on taking the chair said Mr. Beocher , al though ho had boon thd most abused man in Brooklyn * and'in1 * the country , was never known to utter bn unkind word o any tnon. He differed from him in th belief that" hahud never soon man who lores God and his fellow-mat : as deeply. , > Ho then , introduced Ror.Dr , J. O : Pock. * Rer. Pr | Ingorsoll read i number of telegranis and letters of rcgro at their inability lo bo 'present. Resolu tions of respect , estoonrnnd affection , together gothor with congratulations on the life s- useful and honored , vero adopted by rising rote. Rev. Dr.Qotthiel , rabbi c the Brooklyn temple" , Brooklyn , road a : oddrcAo and presented on behalf of hi follow , , _ Hebrews , I /n A * 1 ft handsome silve nitchur. 'it % . _ _ ' T\ rtrx 1vi S - Dr. Collyor , Dr. 'Fufion , Maym1 Ltitf cess and genius. Boocher then rose , and was greeted with the warmest applause , the audience again rising for several minutes. When permitted to speak , ho said if ho were susceptible of believing one-tenth which hadf bVcn said about him , the colobration'-ff.hjld bo that of the birthday of ft .rfcp'c1' . ' ' ? ° ° a' ' When h9l U l , lw& rAivtjH yitk.r8i'jHrl ! ' > it scorned to him nothing bad then been 'done. Almost everything great that has boon drtno in science has neon Accomplished since then. Power , lias sect ! itself obliged to consult the multi tude. lUlv b s gained its unity , Greece hits raised lier hCftd , Hungary has forced itself from oppressioit. > YjJrkingmon have been enfranchised in England. He expected yet to see every man 21 yars of ace ill England receive the franchise. Then ho expected to see some other changes thore. The world has boon mov ing and ho , us one of God's passengers , could not bo left behind. The steps of progress made are the footsteps of God. Looking down at the future ho was hope ful because God lives. Whatever faults have marred the symmetry of his life , ho said , wcro his alono. What ever of service bo has rendered is God's. Ho accepted the love which prompted the exaggerated praise given to him because ho loves mon , but yob ho could do with out their love. Ho owed more to'hjs father and mother than to any otlicr human being. Concluding , ho said : It is to stand alone if oisy you know you are right. After returning thanks for the honois paid him , the audience were re quested to rise , and Beecher pronounced the benediction. Now OrlonriH1 lionanxa. Special Dlipatrli to Tim HEX. NKW OIUKANH , Juno 25. Judge Par- dco , of the United States circuit court , handed down a decree in the case of New Orleans vs. John A. Norris ot. al. , by which the city recovers 4 , 1(44 shares of stock in the water works company , which have boon seized and sold by various parties , who are now ordered to restore the stock to the city. The supreme court of the United States decided the stock was held in trust by the city and not liable to seizure and salo. Fourteen judgment creditors , stock dealers and brokers , who sold and purchased stock are ordered to restore the bonds to the city , which , together with the dividends since 1870 , amounts to nearly half a half million dollars. Yellow .Tiiok ut Vern Crux. Nierial | ItUjiatrh to Till ! ItitK. GAIVKHTON , Tex , , Juno 25 It now transpires that the private advices of the terrible mortality at Vera Cruis from yel low fever wore received in Galveston by cable. The best information gleaned from an entirely reliable party in con stant tclcgiaplno communication with Vera Cru/fis to the effect that the first and worst ropoit of Saturday uro correct. Further communication ' from Galveston quatantino stations held that the ship Haytion , recently from Veni Cruz , wd no communication with any vessels in that port , besides lighters. This takes away the foundation from the reports contradicting the existence of the plague , besides the Ifaytion's oflicors. for quarantine reasons , it is said , would bo directly interested in suppressing news of > such an alarming nature. Day KxorulnoH nt Yulo. Special DUpatch to TUB llii. NBW HAVEN , Juno 25. This was pro- ontation day and class day at Yale with the usual poem and orations in the foro- noon. This afternoon the senior class assembled on the campus , where the class histories and prophecies wore read. Long pipes were vmokcd , class songs sung , etc. This was followed by a farewell - well to and cheering of college buildings , and the planting of ivy. THE RENEGADES SNUBBED The Agency Indians Significantly Silent at the Jnlcc , The DntoliorltiK d l Tolk to the Pets of the UoHcrro Agent Wllcox ntt the Warpath Crook'n OrdcrH , ll-K. AN INDIAN CONFAB. 1 SAN CAiir.o.s , Am. , Juno 25. Bytirdei' of Gen , Crook thu Indians on the Sun 'arlos ' reservation were called by the commanding officer of the post to moot the returned Chiricahuos and give ex pression to their \iows ii rogurd to their romhininjt on the reservation. The meet ing was presided over by the command ing officer , nmlfM nddrwued by Ixico , chief of the Warm Springs Indians ; Boa- ito , leader of the party who killed Jl\dgo \ McComas ftnd wife and captured their sou Charlie ; Menage , nub-chief ; Nairn , chief of the remnant of Victoria's old band. The Biilnfanco of the remarks were that they w cro glad to got back to the agency 'o po under the protection of Oon. Crook , o settle down , and bopod { Indians , ns jhoy liavo ' promised the gwioml , They said th'oy had no friends at Snn Carlos , and wanted to go tn the Apachu country to bo with friends. The tone of the speeches of the captive chiefs showed that they realised the hostility of the agency Indians , whoso silence at thu meeting was significant. W1I.OOXON * THE WAUrATII. WAHAINOTON , Juno 25 , The following dispatch was received at the department of the interior to-day : WILCOX , A. T. , June 24. Renegade Indians were forced on the reservation. Shall arrive at San Carlos Tuesday. ( Signed ) WILOOX , Agent. Upon receipt of this telegram , Acting Secretary Joslyn immediately brought it , to the attention of Secretary Lincoln , who Assured him the agent must be in error , as ho h d giren positive orders to General Crook to keep the renegades apart from other Indians. Hoadded , ho would reiterate the orders to General Crook. As Wilcot is distant nearly 100 miles from San Carlos , it is believed at the Indian office the agent has been mis informed. Pauper Immigration. f pedal 119i < a h to lui j.'c . NEW YOHK , Juno 25. The immigra lion commissioners hold a special mooting to consider mrasuros to prevent p mpor immigration from Great Britain. This notion is called for in view of a largo ar rlVrtl of pauper immigrants yesterday , Coiiimissionur Stephenson snid ho hai : Jnrocurdd nflldiwits from so * oral immi grants , sJitfw'iilg that thwy had boon in mates of sovcnd poor houses in Irolant and induced to iX" > io to this country by workhouse masiiTBj. from whom they had received passagd tickpti nml small sums of money. ThocommtssiCnoi considers the .landing of paupers largely duo to the laxity bf the management ol < 7 Ho Gardutt idf recommends , insp6c- toraj After further 'ditcuasiun itXvus re solved to instruct the secretary of the bo'ard to detain all immigrants proved to _ be sent here by funds furnished by the British government and to appoint a committee of the board to await on the collector and present afll- davits taken in regard to such cases and ask the steamship companies which brought such immigrants hero to bo corn- polled to return thorn to the port from whence they came at their own expense. While .the mooting was in progress - gross the commissioners were in formed that the steamer Anchoria had just arrived with immigrants Whoso passaged typro paid by the British government , and wn ? were paupers. It was roiiolvcd riot trf alloV the Anchorin's passengers to laud until tuP inspector made , a thorough investigation. The commissioners express themselves de termined to jnit a stop ( o the landing of pauper immigrants' ' Jffan. foreign coun tries. \ _ The comtnittou la'id , the- matter before Collector Robertson , who promised to take decisive action at once. ' A Cyclone tit Georgia. Hpcchl Dlipatch to Tua Dm. ATLANTA , ' Ga. , Juno 25 , A .special dispatch to The Constitution from Elbor- ton says n oyulpno passed over that place Sunday evening , Killing Bynum Boll , colored , Mail blowing down sixteen build ings , including- three churches. Tlio KdltorW BliiKKcrH. ' Special Dlipatch to Tim flrr/ RICHMOND , Va. , Juno 25. Captain Page McCarty and William L. Royall , friends of Bierno , and Colonel A , W. Jones and J. W. Minitrco , friends of Elam , had n long conference to-day , the result of which is not known , but it is believing arrangements for a meeting is nearly completed. It is positively as sorted that Elam has beoii in Richmond since yesterday , and left the city to-night , probably on route for a now place of mooting , McCarty and Royal weru seen on the streets to-day , and this has given rise to the impression when the fight comes off Boirno will bo seconded by other gentlemen. LAI KH It is now pretty certain a fight will take place to-morrow out of the state. Dr. If ugh M. Taylor , who attend ed Elam in his affair with Col. Thomas Smith , two years ago , is out.of town. "Wrecked liy It tl Dlipatrli to TIIK HCK. NKW OUI.KANH , Juno 25 , The Plant- 01 s' cotton Hood oil works , in Algiers , was struck by lightning during u thunder storm this u veiling and entirely destroyed. This was the largest cotton seed oil mill in existence. Loss roughly estimated at $1,000,000 , including building , stock and machinery ; said to bo fully insured , most ly in local companies. Several cottages adjoining the oil mill werodostroyod. Five firemen were slightly scalded by thu ex plosion of a tank. A Now York Millionaire Drowned. SAHATOUA , Juno 25. John I * Strykor , n well know Now York millionaire , was drowned at Saratoga lakes whilu bathing. Ho leaves a bride ofjwo months. Boutli Aniorlunii NotcH. Special ItapnU-h toTuM lira. PANAMA , Juno 25. The Star and Her- aid says : Quarantine regulations en forced at Now Orleans against vessels from Aspinwoll , ere effectually killing trade between the two places , which was rapidly ] assuming largo and promising proportions. Gonipcro , Bolivian president , punished Traizos , editor of LA I'ntria , who wrote articloa ] 4111 behalf of pvoc . Traizon was seized by the police , had Jiis oars liorod , and was then drevtod 'in n suit of thu coarsest clothoa worn by Indians , CUTTING THE'COLLECTORS.T1 The President Proclaims a Reduction of Forty-four Districts , XcbrAnkn nntl Dakota Ttltchrti totli Pont Other Onpltal KvcntH. OAWTOIi NOTKS. Dl i tcli to TIIK 111 * TUB Mr.W COLLKlmON IIISTIUUTH. WAMIIINHTOX , Juno 25. The president ssued an executive order this afternoon 'romulgating ' elmrjjoa umtlo in the inter- , ial rovenuu collection districts. The or-1 of Is to tnko effect the first of July next , ' jr as soon thereafter as practicable. The lumber of districts is reduced from 120 ; o 82. The changes in part nro an fol- ows : Alabama -Two districts of this state ire consolidated and Arthur Bingham is .lesignatod collector. This is a now ap- > i6inimont. .Tho district will bo known its the first district , California First and fourth districts f this state are consolidated into one listrict , to which Is also attached the dis- ; rict of Nevada , all to bo know/n as the 'ourth district of California. Amos L. rest , of Sacramento , is designated col lector of the now district , Nebraska and Dakota Thosu districts ire consolidated into one district and George W. * Post is designated as col- "ector. Colorado and Wyoming Thosu dis- ricts are consolidated into one , with James Wolfe collector. Arizona and New Mexico These two districts are consolidated in one with Silas W. Fisher collector. Ponnsyluania The present First dis trict is enlarged so as to include the counties of Berks , Lohigh and Schuyl- kill of the present Eighth district , nil of which territory is to bo known as the First district. Win. J. Polled collector. Now York No change made in the collection districts of the city of Now York , and on Long Island the Eleventh district' and county of Rocklwid in the Twelfth district are consolidated with the Fourteenth district , and Jnaios W. Bentley - loy designated collector. This district will bo known as the Tontln district , und the collector will probably have head quarters at Albany. Oregon and Washington Those two districts are consolidated , and John 0. Cartwright designated collector. Ho is the present collector for Oregon. Montana , Idaho and Utah These dis tricts arc consolidated , and O. J , Ilvkllin- tor , Salt Lake , collector. TIIK IUHH OKHALLKTX Klt.DOUUNl ) for thg B 7osl.antL.lmprJsonln8rflHf Kil- VouhTn fP&Wr't'l'QdiA ' ' * Vis bopkir before tlm/uiiiftilUu f of laVoiUgation of the roal'Vstuto pool wa"9 called 'in ourt to-day and after argument postponed un til October 29th. CllOOK OllDKUED TO WAHniNdTON. WASHINGTON , Juno 25. Gen. Crook has btien ordered hero by the secretary of warYor consultation an to the final dis position of the captured Apaches. The war department lias received no official information of tile arrival of the captives nt San Carlos and no instructions to send them there have been sent to Gen.Crook. THE riOHTINU KI1IT01U. It is reported hero tlmt Boinio and Elam , the Richmond editors , fought a ' duel this morning and that Elam was killed. No confirmation , MINT HTATRMKNT. The issue of standard silver dollar * from the mints for the week ending ! title ? 2.rd ) , was 9211,000 , and the correspond ing period last year $ (05,4110 ( , i-dal DNpatrli ti > TIIK H . . NKW YORK , Juno 25. Arrived An- choria from Glasgow. QUKKNHTOWN , Juiiti 25. Arrived out Baltic from Now York. LONDON , Juno 24. Ilammoiiia and DoRuytor from Now York , Parisian and Quebec from Montreal , Iowa from Bos ton and Prince from Philadelphia hnvo arrived out. NKW YOIIK , Juno 21. Arrived The Ari/nnia and Furnossia from Liverpool. Hjwrlal DUpatcli to Tim Dm. FOUT WORTH , Tor. , Juno 25. Mrs. Bay Singleton made a third attempt at suicide. She took twenty grains of mor phine , and was found yesterday in a comatose state , but physicians restored her to consciousness. She stated shohad nothing to live for , and would kill her self soon , She is a cousin of Frank t and Jesse JuineHwho were presontat her wed ding in Kansas City. Singleton wan a notorious fugitive from justice , and had assumed the name of Walter Witty , the name of a wealthy banker. When she discovered this she compelled him at the point of a rovohor to marry her again in his right name of Singleton. Her hus band was killed by "Canada Bill. " She was a celebrated pistol shot and served as u spy for Quantiell's notorious band during thu war. The I'ollco Called Out on a liintK Hun loi-Notliliitf. Last o veiling u telephone moesago was sent to police headquarters , calling for oflicors to como out on St. Mary's avenue. Captain Jack O'Donohoe and a couple of oflicors responded to the call , going clear out to the head of thu avenue , when they fouml there was no occasion for there services , and that thu party who was supposed to have created the distur bance had disappeared. The night was an unusually quiet one , n pistol shot in the neighborhood of Fourteenth and Hnrnoy being the only thing which broke the monotony of tilings , and the man who fired it disap pearing HO quickly thai all search failed to discover his identity. H. O. Uoatty , .editor of The Saundem County Tribune , Wnhou , was In the city yea tenlay aud called at TUB BKK ofBco. THE DELUGE IN NEK A HA. Disastrous Rainfall to One ot tte Richest Nebraska Taltefs , Three Hundred ThoM Wti Dollars WortU of Property DC8troyc < l Two * 'ori > onH Knicd by 1 Hrla1 | tUp Uh to Till nun. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 25. A special from Tccumsoli , forly-elglil miles /olltli , 01 11 the Tli5 NotnaJm river , reports the tl mt the heaviest mill" oyof known fell . lore Friday night. The stroSJJM # ere ftltl ready overflowed , and this addition to tlci 10 floods made a raging torrent of every ci reek. Fifty thousand dollars' ' worth of cib b ridges were washed out , and thousands pl f lu/gi / and hundreds of cattle drowned. m 'ho ' crops are b.ully damaged on the bot- mi land. The total loss in the county ill exceed § 300,000. Eight inches of ater fell Friday night , and six-inches .ad fallen in the previous week * Houses roro washed away and the families loft. estituto , No ono drowned. Two pco- ilo were killed by lightning. Tecumseh , a town of two thousand , icoplo , is out of groceries and Hour. . Somalia valley , , 100 miles long , is entire- cut off from the railroad , A Now Canadian llnltrond. Ipcrtal Diipatchcf to Tin IIin. MONTIIKJIL , Juno 25. The contract , ivon to L. M. Shuto , of Philadelphia , o build a now line of railway from Corn- n-all to Saalt St. Marie , some seven bun- red miles , whore the promoters were ox- icctcd to connect with the Northern Pn- iflc , claim to have power to erect n > ridge over the St. Lawrence in order to ibtain eastern connection. SPOHTING NOTES. The Turl. p tl l DUpttch to Til * Bn. THE CHICAGO MEETING. CHICAGO , Juno 25. Extra day , sum mer races , club purse , (5 ( furlongs , Sadie McNairy won , llena B second , Mollie Moore third , time , 1:31. : Club'purso , all ages , milo and a quar ter , Apollo won , Ascender second , Mon- ticollo third ; time 2:12J. : Club purse , all ages , milo boats , April Fool won , Basset second , others ruled out ; time , 1:48,1:40 : : , 1-.40J. Purse for maiden two year olds , five furlongs , Yiolu won by a head 'after ft driving race with J. L. Cooper , the latter put back for foul riding , and Carrie 0. j/ivou second placoj time , 1:05. : Brighton purse , three-quarters of a niilOi King Fan won , Lena second , Plunger - gor third" ! itnlo lio. : Tlirog-quartors of n inllo , Hick6ry JIni won , OafSflld Bccwd , Tennyson third ; * , MuX.'Nuvano , . won , Boc6k''dsecond" , itdn B. third ; time l:43Jrrv'\ : ; - - . . . Mile and a quarter , Monk won , Capias- second , Bonair third ; time 2.-11J. " Hurdle race , milo and a quarter , Bust * or won , Camillus second , Proud Dick third ; time 2:21 : J. The Diamond. Hpeelal Dlipatchci ta The lice. LEAOUK OA1IES. PHOVIDENCE , Juno 25. Providence 12 , Now Yorks 3 , BurrAto , Juiio" 25' . Buffalo 12 , Do- troitaO , ' BOSTON , Juno 2G. Bostons 15 Phila- delphias 7. OLRVKIANI , Juno 26. Posrponed OH account of raid. IntorantlQunl H | tcUl DlgpaUli to Tut OEK. TIIK HEAVY SOULLKUS BILLKI ) . CHIOAOO , Juno 25. Arrangements were completed here to-day with Hanlan , I'laisted , Hosmor , Lee , Ililey and Teenier to take part in the international regatta ou1 Lake Minnesota , Minnctonka , August 1 ana 2. CiuuAtiO , Juno 25. Edward Hanlon , the champion oarsman , declares his in tention to become a resident of this city. Ho expresses a hope of boating all records this summer and then stop row ing. | Wosson'w IJOHNOH at Poker , G ALVE TON , Juno. 15 , The subject of Major Wasion's losses is still a general topic of conversation. Wasson divulged the names of all the gentlemen who had played cards with him in Galveston , and it is alleged that Chief Paymaster Torril addressed a communication to each ono , threatening exposure unless their win nings were returned. Ono gentleman , who had only won about $200 , was in duced to give up 81,000 for fear of his [ laying cards becoming known to the [ lublic. Some few refused to give back my that they had won , and others claim ed that they wcro losers iii the game. However , the necessary amount of nionov was raised , but there is a general con demnation of the method used to induce the gentlemen to make good Wasson'a deficit. It now appears that most of the games were playou in Wassail's room , and several of the gentlemen who took part went to the at his room request , and as none of them won a largo amount , the opinion is expressed that Major Wasson lost < mly a portion of the money ho was shoit at gambling , and that the greater pnit was spent in fast living. i'ritlu Dltuhcd Near Valentine. Kjxxilal DUpatcli to TIIK I Jet. VALENTINE , Nun. , Juno 24. At 7:15 : thu western bound passenger train went into the ditch at a point two miles west of Timelier station. The engine loft the track and run about three hundred feet before stopping. No person was injured , and but very httlo delay in transferring passoiigors , mail and express to an extra run out of this station. Sand washed on the truck .by a heavy storm was the cause. Regular trains will run on time , as the gang at work Will liavo everything cleaned up in time for the eastern express to-night. A Coloro d Cadet. Special Plipatch to Tu Bne. NEW YOUK , June 25. John H. Alex * nnder , colored , applicant for admission to West Point Academy , passed an excellent examination and was admitted.