Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Nebraska National Bank ,
Of Omnlin , Neb.
Paid up Capital , - - $250,000.
R. JOHNSON , I'roiUcnt , ot'SUele.gJohnaon
& Co.
A. K. TOUZAL1N , Vlc Prcildcnt , ol 0. B. ft Q.
R. R. , Boston.
W. V. MOUSE , ol W.iV. Mono & Co.
JOHN a. COLLINS , oi o. u. & J. s. ooiiim.
M. WOOLWOIUH , Counwller & Attorney t
Law.REED , ol Byron IUe < l & Co.
W. YATE3 , Cwhlfr , Ute Cwhler ol the First
N tlon l B nk of Om&h , and connecUsJ with
the active manngcment ol thai Uank lnc Its
organliatlon In 1M3-
OrrxiD lot business April 27th , 1882 , with the
largest capltalol any Bank In Nebraska.
COU.IICTIOKS recelre ipodal attontlon and chat-
gel lowest obtainable here or elsewhere.
INTIRMT allow d on time deposits upon favor ,
able tonns and uponaccounta or bank ) and bank
er * .
FORBION KxcflAKOi , Oovcrnmcnl Bonds and
County and City securities boURhl nd Bold.
It Is prepared to do a Rcncral banklne business
n nil Its deUlli , and In the treatment of cu tom-
ers will pursue the most liberal policy conslston
with safe banking.
Stocks , Bonds , Commercial Paper and a'.I other
Good Securities dealt In.
Room 4 , Mo. 28 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , la.
ipectut Dispatch to Tun liis.
NKW YORK , May 31.
Money 2J@3 | per cent ; closed at 2@3
I per cent , .
V Prime Mercantile l'aper-5@5i percent.
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills strong
at48lj ; demand , 4 SSJ ,
Governments unchanged.
The stock market to-day in general was
dull but strong , and the net result of the
day's busmo'a was an advance of i to Ijj
per cent , viz : Union Pncifio was higher ,
owing to the declaration of tha usual quar
terly dividend of 1J per cent and the report
that Blake Bros , had negotiated 1,500,000
of new collateral trust bonds The ad
vance in St. Louis and San Franosco ! is
due to the reports that the company con
templates paying dividends on preferred
after July. Manitoba was alee an excep
tional feature , being 3j per cent lower in
tbo forenoon than at the close of Tuesday ,
the decline being mainly due to the de
crease in earnings and the probability of a
rate war with the Canadian Pacific for
Winnipeg business.
Mining Blocks were fairly active and
lower. Sierra Nevada sold from 800 to
730 ; Mexican at 560 ; Consolidated Virginia
at 00 and 92 ; CalforniaatC4 ! to 47 ; Nuvajo
at 145 nnd 150 ; Kureka Consolidated at
325 ; Sonora Consolidated at GJ to GO , and
Sutro Tunnel at 32 to 29. Sales of the
day , 44,235 tlures.
Pipe Hue certificates were very active
and excitej , advancing frm 110J to 119.
Tueslay. To-dav
S'g 103 ; } 103
5'a 1028 10'8
4i's Oonpona 113 ± 113 |
4"i " 1W1 110 $
IVilfia S's of ' 95 127 127
Cattral Pacifio firsts 114i 1143
S Brio seconds 98 U8
/ Lehigh & Wilkesbarra 10IJ 104J
a Louisiana coneols Glj G4i
J- , ' Missouri G's 112 114
J * fit. Joseph 01 109
I Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . 115 112 }
Tennessee 6'a 40 4Uj
do new 40 41
Texas & Pacific land grauts. . G > 3 034
do K. G. div. . . . 82j 82i
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 1144 IHl
do land grants . .107 107J
do sinking fund..llG& 11U
Virginia B's 38 38
do consols 6'a 1C 35J
do deferred 110 109 }
Adoinu Express 127 128
Allegheny "Central 115J 115J
. . Alton & Terre Haute 72J 72J
I1 do pfd. . . . 04 92
American Express 93 03
Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North. 8H 81
Canada Southern 63J bri
0. , St. L , & P 18i 18
do pfd 55jj C5
Central Pacific 744 7BJ
Chwnpoake & Ohio 191 19i
do 1st pfd. . . 28J VJ
do 2d pfd. . . 2U 21 g
1 Chicago & Alton 133 $ 183
do pfd 140 140
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 122g 121J
Chi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. . 80 80
Cm. , Sand. & Cleveland 35 35
Oleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 08 } G'J
Delaware & Hudson canal , . . . 107 107
Del. , Lack. & Western 12.i 1234
Denver & Rio Grande 4G ? 4Gl
Srie 34 } 35
do pfd. . . 78 78
K&et Tenuessoo 9 9
do preferred 181 183
Fort Wayne & Chicago 1314 13 °
Hannibal & St. Joseph 42 42
do pfd. 94 94
Hnrlem 193 195
Houston & Texas Central. . . . G9 694
Illinois Central 142J 143
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 27 * 27 $
Kansasfc Texas 283 284
Lake Erie it Western 27 27
Like Shore & Michigan So. . . 107J 108
Louisville & Nashville 484 48
Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 54 54
1 U.&L.lstDfd 10 10
cto do 2d ptd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 42 41
Michigan Central 921 93
Memphis & St. Louis 25j 25
do pfd f.3 634
MUiiouri Pacific 101J 102 $
Mobile&Ohio 114 "i
Morris & Essex 12t > J 125
Nashville & Chattanooga 52 & 4
Now Jersey Central 78g 795
Norfolk & W 40 * 40J
Northern Pacific 491 4'Ji
do pfd 8G | 80 |
Northwestern 128 | 130
do pfd 147 : 148 ,
New York Central 121 121
Ohio Central 110. 110
Ohio & Mississippi 32 32J
do pfd.,10J 105
Ontario & Western 25.1 25 >
Oregon Transcontinental 82i 82) )
Pacific Mall 42 41
Panama 08 98
Peoria , Uecttur & Evansv. . . 18 Igj-
Pittoburg & Cleveland 133 133
Pullman Palace Oar 127 12GJ
Heading f3 52
Kock Island 122 122 ]
Bt. Louis & San Fran 35 34' '
do pfd fitij 67 ;
do 1st pfd 99 09
8t , Paulft Milwaukee 101J 101J
do pfd..118 lib ,
Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.118J 11G :
Bt. Pftul & Omaha 41j
dy pfd 103 103
Texas & Pacifio 353 35i
Union Pacific 9J 03j
United States Express CO & 7
Wabusb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 25J 2G
do pfd. 4U 41 :
x Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 121 121
/ Western Union Telegraph. . . 82J 82
A * Ilorcoitako 15 15
Ontario 25 } 25
Quicksilver 8 | 7
do pfd 38 30
South Pacific 8 7
Bntro , 32 31
Special Dtipatch to TIM ! ' .
LONDON , Mny 31.
Illinois Central , 1IG1 ; New York Cen
tral , 124J ; I't'o. ' 1353.
lpfd l Dlipatchea to Tin Bn.
OniOAdo , May 31. Flour Market
steady nud firm ,
Wheat Mnrket unsettled but ( jonorally
lower ; regular , 1 13J ( or May ; 1 13 | ( or
June ; 1 16J ( or July ; 1 ICjf for August ;
1 174 for September ; 1 18 ( or October ;
1 13& & ( or tbo year ; No , 2 Chicago spring ,
113 ( 1131 ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 05cj No.
2 red winter , 115 ,
; irn Market active firm nud higher ;
BCo ( or rash and MOJSOJCrf ; 5Ga ( or Juno ;
f"J@57c for July ; fiS MJo lor August ;
tJ8c for September ; f > 2o tor the year.
Oats Market firm ; ; )9j@391o ) ( or ca h ;
f > 91@59jjc ( or May , Jtinu ud July ; Sic ( or
August ; 3'3@3 ( or September ; 31Jo ( or
the year ,
Hye Market active and firm at 04 Jo.
Hurley Marke. nominally unchanged at
Flux Seed-Market firm at 1131 © ! 45.
1'ork Market I regular nud ( airly ac
tive ; 19 20@19 " 5 ( or cash , May ind Juno ;
19 [ 374@19JO ( or July ; 19 I > 74@19 00
( or Antmst ; 19 70@19 75 ( or September ;
17 35a ! 17 40 for the year.
l.uit-Mnrket eneier ; 11 02S@11 03 ( or
cash , May and June ; 11 70 ® 11 774 ' f
July ; 11 47i@ll CO for August ; 11 45 ®
11 474 for September ; 10 4010 45 ( or the
year.Hulk Meits In ( air demand ; bhouUlers ,
7 SO ; short rib ? , 10 35 ; short clear , 10 05.
ISutUr Market quiet and unchanged.
KwMarket quiet and unchanged.
Whisky Steady and unchanged.
KrelghtB Corn to Buffalo ! 2e.
CALL BOARD. Wheat- Rood demand !
declined jjj for June and jc for September-
Corn Jn fair demand ; declined Jo ( or
Juno and July
Oats Demand active : declined Jo for
August ami jo } September ,
1'ork Market active but lower ; declined
Lard Demand cctlve ; declined 7Jo ( or
August and September.
NEW YOBK , Moy 31. Flour Market
ateady and unchanged ; common to good
tra , 4 15@4 GO ; extra Ohio , 4 15@0 75 ;
St. Louie , 4 15@7 00.
Wheat Market 4' 3 ° lower , subse
quently recovering irom the decline , and
advanced 4@io , clofllutr barely atoidy ;
.ngraded red , 105@121 ; No. 3 red ,
18. } ® ! 20 ; Bteauier No. 2 red , 11GJ ; No.
red 1234 in elevator ; ungraded white , 110
1125J ; No. 1 white. BOO bu at 110 ;
N'u , 2 ltd , May , sales 88,000 bu at 1 22) ) ;
luno sales , 932,000 bu at 1 i2J@l 234 ,
iloslng at 1 22-jj July Bales' , 2,024,000 bu
> t 1 2J4@1 2J4 , closing at 1 248 : August
alee. 1,272,000 bu at 1 IC1@1 27jj , closing
, tl26i ; September sales , 1 520.000 bu at
27g@123tf closing at 127i ; October
loH , 328,000 bu nt 1 29&1 & 304 , cloning at
Corn Market opened 4@Jo higher ; n-
erward * ruled weaker , reacted lgjc ( ( , and
losed steady ; ungraded , OOi@G , > i ; No 8 ,
J2c ; steamer. G3ffiG5c ; No. 2 , G5@6Gc :
So. 2 May. 05 053 ? ; June , C5@G54c , clou-
ucr atGSc ; July. f Gi(36GJc ( , closinif nt GGJ ;
A.uguit , G74@G7gc , closiiiR at G74o ; Sep-
euiOer , G84igGbJc , closing at G84.
OatH Market i@lo higher ; mixed west-
irn 454@49o ; white we-teru , 49@69o.
Western freih , dull and easier at
i'ork Mi rket dull r.nd nominal ; new
mesa , 20 00 < & ,2 25.
Lard Market lower : prime steam ,
, fb , 1150 ; June , 1143(6111 ( G9 ; July , 11 50
@ll 77 ; August , 11 48 11 71 ; Ssptember ,
ir > .
Butter Market dull and weak at 10@
Cheese Market quiet and weak ; west-
rn flit , 10@114c.
ST. Louis , May 31. Flour Market
tasdy aud unch&ngea.
Wheat Market unsettled nud lower ;
No. 2 red full , 1194@1 20 for cash ; 110
) id for Juno ; 110201 20J. closing at 1 20 $
or July ; 1 204 < 5)1 216 , closing at 1 20J for
August ; 1 21V@1 233. clonin/ 1 22JJ for
September ; 1 18J@l 194 , cl sing at 110
'or tlio year ; No , 3 red fall , 1 114.
Corn Market a etndo better ; 511(5) ( )
iljc for cash ; 51J@51 o for June ; 53 $ ®
> 3Jj for July ; 55o fur August ; 56Je for
September ; 47j@473c for the year.
Oats Market firmer ; 40io for cosh ; 404
540Jo } for July.
Hllye Market higher ; Glc.
JUrley Market quiet ; 5575o. (
Butter Market steady and unchanged.
E ; > gs Market steady and unchanged.
Corn Meal Market quiet at 2 50.
Pork Market dull ; jobbing , 19 60 ©
19 70.
Bulk Moats Market dull ; long clear ,
.030 ; short ribs , 10 40 ; xhort clear , 10 G5.
Bacon Market dull ; long clear , 10 00 ;
ibort rib * , 11 00 ; short clear , 11 35
Lard Nominally lower.
Whisky Market utendy at 114.
ligher ; 1 19JJ bit ! for June ; 1 203 'or ' July ;
21 for August ; 1 22 for September ; ! 194
or the year.
Corn Market dull ; 61@51J : for June ;
> 3J@53$3 for July ; 55Js for August ; 5G@
GJo for September.
U Us-Market dull ; 40 Jo for June ; -lOJc
or July ; 42Jc August.
KANSAS CITY , May 31. Wheat Market -
ket higher ; No. 2 red fall , 989S4c tor
cush ; 034o for June ; 1 00 $ bid Jor July ,
Corn Market higher ; 43&a bid forcanh ;
i.fc for bid June ; -ISijo for July ; 4Gjjo bid
'or ' August.
Oats Market slow ; 40c bid ,
TOLEDO , May 31. Wheat Market
easy ; No , 2 red winter , 1184 ca > < h nnd
Tune ; 1 20 $ forJuly : 121g for August ; 1 23
or September ; 1 24 | for October ; 1 184
lid for the year.
Corn Mutket quiet ; high mixed GlNo. ;
2 , 68Jo for own nud Muy ; 584o for Juno ;
CUn held for July ; 014 'or August.
Oats Market ntoady ; Nu. 2 , 13 : for
cash aud May ; 41 Jo fur July
weaker ; No. 2 rtd winter , 1 18 } bid for
cash ; 118jj [ or June ; 119J@1 19J tor July ;
21g for August ; 1 22 } bid fur September ;
1 24g for October ; 118 $ for the year.
Corn Market weaker : No. 2 , 58j bid
lot cash ; 58c for Juno ; 5 ) $ c bid for July ;
Ho bid for August.
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 414obldfor
LIVERPOOL , May 31. Weather in Eng
land favorablefnr growing crops ,
Flour-lls@lle Gil.
Wheat Winter , 8s lld@9jJ2(3j ( sprinir ,
81 Gd'Jj ( ' ; No. 2 California , 8a lld@9a 2d ;
No. 1 do. 93 3d@9a Gd.
Corn Dull and easier ; Gs 7iJ.
Bpeclal Ceathei ! to Tin B .
OHIOAOO , May 31. The Drovers ' Jcnr
nal reprti as follows :
Hoga Demand more active and strong
cr ; market active nnd 5a higher ; mixed
0 GO@G 1)5 ) ; heavy , 7 00(3,7 ( , 33 ; light , 0 G3@
7 10 ; skips , 3 30@G 20.
Cattle Moderately active , firmer , 5 ( < ?
lOc higher nnd brisk ; all cold ; cxpr/rtx
0 fO@G 45 ; good to choice uhlpuiug , 5 7
@G 00 ; common to fair. 5 00@5 ( M.
Sheep-Moderately actho and firm
poor quality ; inferior to fiir , 2 90 ® 1 50
good , 325 ; choice , 540.
Si. Loois , May 31. Cattle-Firms
feeling on scant suoply , hut demand fo
hlnpine grades utill light ; heavy atcem
5 700 10 ; lipht to fair Btcera firm nnd I
demand , at 5 20@G 05 ; common. 4 75fo
5 00 ; native butcher teer . 4 75@5 fO
jood cows and helferc , 4 C05 25 ; cou
mnn , 3 50 ® i 00 ; Mockers 3 75@4 50.
Sh eo Steady ; fair to good muttoni
3 75@4 EO ; prime to choice , 4 75@5 25
spring lamb > , 1 C6 ( SOI ) per head.
Hogs Market lower but actlre at
pcllns ; llrht KtilpRlnp , OR080 ; mixed
arkint ; , 0 f.OtU ? 00 ; Lu.cliuu to extra ,
O/.fe / . ? 20 ,
KANPAB OUT. Mny 31 The Commer-
tl Indicator tnls Afternoon reports AS
ollnws :
Cltlo Stronger ; thlpplni ; otters , 1,100
o 1,5 0 pounds sold ut 633@5 70 ; cowi %
00(84 ( 50.
HORS Iiower and weak ; ranging at 0 30
& 7 00 ; bulk of s len nt G 65 ( < * G 80.
Sliecp Natives of UO pound ? , sold at
NEW tonic ,
NEW YOIIK , May 31. The Drovers'
ournal Bureau report ) :
litovoa No trading In beef cattle ;
reried bie ( quiet at D4@10c ,
Sheep Weaker ; Jo lower ( or sheep ,
nd ite.vly ( or lambs' poor to prime sheep
iold at 4 2 * > (4G'50 per cwt ; poor to prime
. .inbs , 7 CO ' 10 T > 0 porcwt ; dieistd aiut-
on steady , nt 10 50C < $11 00.
Hops tilva hogs doing better ; sale * ,
30&7 75 per cwt ,
jiccUl Dlspatrhrs to Tim llm.
NKW Yoni : , May 31. Cuil'eMarket
Sugar Market dull ; refined weak ;
bite extra 0 , 8c ; standard A , 5Jc ; con *
ctlonerH1 A , Sge ; cubes , 9Jo.
llieo Market quiet but steady.
1'etriiloum Market quiet but firm ; uni-
od. 1 19J ; refintd , 7l@ic.
Tallow Market ilull and weak at 7
Ujsln Market steady ,
pedal Dispatches to Tin Bin.
LOKDO.V , May 31. 11,800 bales of New
eal.tud , Sydney nnd Swan river wool
ere sold to-day. Good spirit was shown
nd prices were firm.
pedal Dispatches to Till lln.
rtOUn AND Q1L4IN8 ,
NKW YonK , May 31. Receipts nnd
ilprncnts of flour and grain for the past
4 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'te.
lour-bbls 24,000 4,000
Vheat bushels 323,000 311.UWI
Corn " 191,000 81,000
Oata- " 101,000
OIIIOAOO , May SI , Receipts ( and ship
ments of flour and grain for the pact
4 houra have been as follows :
Kfceluts. Shlu'ts.
Flour barrels 23.000 13,000
Vheot bushels 42,000 G&.OOO
orn " 037,000 455,000
ata " 355,000 183000
lye " SG.OOO 8,000
Barley- " 24,000 5,000
ST. LODIB , May 31. Receipts and
linmonts of flour nud grain for the past
I hours have been as follows :
Receiots , Bhlp'tn.
Flour bbls 10.COO 8,000
Vhoat bushcla 3,000 5,000
Corn " 190.UOO 54,000
Ontb- " 45,000
tyo " 1.COO
Barley- " 1,000
TOLEDO , May 31. Receipts and ( ship
ments of flour and grain for the past 24
IOUIB have been as follows :
Rec'U Shipm'ts.
Vhoat 33,000 5.000
orn 41,000 8.000
Oats 4,000 1,000
KANSAS OITT , May 31. Receipts and
hipments of grain fet tbo pant 24
lours have been tu followo :
Reo'ta. Shlp'ts.
iVhoat , buehelo ll.OCO 10(00 ,
orn " 19.010 21,000
Oats "
CHICAQD , My 31. lieoalnt and ship-
nents ot live ttock for the paat 'il
iourn have been as follow * :
Reo tn. Shipm'ts.
Hogs 18,000 3,900
Jnttle 5.000 2,700
Sheep 1,600 200
KANSAS CUT , May 31. Receipts and
ihipmonta of live etock for the past 24
lours have been as follows :
Roo'tfi. Bhlpm'ts ,
Cattle GOO
Hogs 8,400
Sheep 7CO . . . .
ST. LODIB , May 31 , Receipts | > uc
ihipments ot live stock foi the past 2-1
lours h&vo been as follows :
Keo'tfl. Bhlpm'tfl
Hogs 11.000 2.20C
Cattle 4,300 90C
Sheep 5.50 1,1K (
NEW YOBK , May 31. Receipts and
ihipmento of live stock for the p&st 2-1
lours have been as follows :
Roo'ts Shin'ti
Baevea G30 41 (
logo 1,450 . . . .
Sheep 8,100 1,04 !
uarturB beef 7'2 (
Jar Mutton 1C (
\Vboloaala Priotx.
Thursday Evening , May 31. (
The following are the changes repartee
n the market to-day :
Sugars Granulated confectioners "A1
advnncud 4 ° -
CheeaaFull cream declined Ic.
n gs declined Ic.
Green Apples advanced 81 per barrel.
Oranges advanced 25c.
Strawberries declined 5c ,
Grain dull and unchanged.
WHEAT. dash No. 2 , 9Ga ; cash No ,
S , 774c ; rejected. 70c.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , C8o > No. 8 ,
42e.RYE Oaih , 50Jo.
CORN-New mixed , 38c.
OATS 38c.
SEEDS-Blua grnsa seed , 125@150 |
t'mothy need , 2 10@2 25 ; rod clover seed ,
9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed ,
100 ; Hungarian eeed , 1 10 ; orchard erase
seed , 2 50.
Llvo Stock.
CATTLE -Fat steers , S500@5 25.
FAT COWS-S3 75(5,4 ( , 00.
HOaS-3G23G75. (
Flour and MlllttulTs ,
Best winter wheat 3 00@3 75.
Second quality winter wheat 275@325
Bent spring wheat 2 GO @ 2 75.
Second quality spring wheat 2 40@2 50 ,
Bran , per ton 10 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00.
CHICKENS Live per doz. , $400(1 (
4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c ,
POTATOES Old 25@60o per Dnehe !
new. 4 50@500perbbl.
ONIONS Old 20o per bushel.
BUTTK1V-Oholco country , 15@20a ,
EGGS-Krosh , 15c.
UONKY Oallforalo , peril ) . SI.
APPLES Per barrel. 81 00(3,5 00.
ORANGES-Callfornlo , 3 00 ; Messina
4 00@8r > 00.
LEMONS 85 OOfflS tO per box.
STRAWBKHRIKS15@203 per quart
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 50@2 75
( trocar * Wat
CANNED 0KIH-Oy tera , ( Ctnnd
nrd ) , per cwo , 3 70@390 ; strawbor
rieo , 2 It , per C.-VEO , 2 40 , rasp
berries , 2 Q > , per ouc , 3 50. Dam
bone , 2 Ib , per cai o , 2 45. Bartlot
peara per ceeo , 2 10 , Whortleborrie
per civie,275. Egg plnmi-,2 Ib perchHe,2 9G
Green gago,2 ft nsr case , 2 90 ; do choice ,
tb per caeo i 50 , Pine Apples , 2 Q > , per can
4 00(35 75 , Poaches , 2 Ib per case , S 00
do 8 Ib , ease , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( plo ) , 8 Ib , pe
e.2 60 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per doten , S 30 ,
LARD Omaha RefinlnlogCo , ; Tlercei
12je ; 40 and oiMf , HJc ; 20-lb cans ,
12Jo 10-lb nail ISS * B'lb do
; - * , ocrow top , ? >
12o ; 8 lb do , 13c. . ,
RICK I.nnldlnon prime to choice , 72
801 fair , 7tf 74c ; Pntma , G o.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , h H brli , 7 60 ;
No. 1 mackerel. klU , 1 00 ; family mack ,
crel , half brb > , 5 25 ; family mackorfl , kits ,
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brbj , 7 00 } No. 1
kits , 1 05.
SYRUP-atnndard Com. , 3So , bbln. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon keg * , 81 95) ) Stan ,
dard do , 4 gallon keRR , 91 75.
SODA In lb papers , $3.30 per ewe ; keg
eoda. 2Jc.
NEW PIOKLKS Motllnm , In barrels
J700 ; do In half bbU , 4 00im ; lbi , In bbls
900 do , In half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , in
bblti , 11 00 ; do , in half bbli , 0 00 ,
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@56 ;
Oboloo , 60@7fio | Imperial , good , 40@46o ;
O'joloe , 0076c ; Young Hyson , ( rood , 30 ®
Mc | choice , 65c@Jl 00 ; Japan Nat Loaf ,
B5c : Japan , choice , G0@75o ; Oolong , good ,
3540 ; Oolong , chn.oe , 40 5G | Souchong ,
good. r.5 < c40c : choice , 35(3150. (
ROPE Slinl , i Inch and , larger , lie ;
g inch , lite ; i Inch. 12c.
WOODENWARE Two hoop p ll ,
1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tub . No.
1 , 8 & 0j Pioneer WMhboards , 1 85 Uoablo
Crown 2 90 ; Well buckets , S 60 ,
LEAD Bar. 81 G5
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 84.- ;
K'.rk'n satluot , S GO ; Kirk's standard. B 75 ;
Klrk'a white Rusilan. 525 : Kirk's
Eutoci , , 316 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( onk01) ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dor. ,
POTA3H Pennnylvaula cftnu , 4 CMO ,
In cans , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Hull 2 doz. In cose ,
1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 dor. In CMC 1 CO ,
PEANUTS ROM ted , choloo , red Ten.
neiuce , lOopcr lb ; fancy white , 104 ° pcrlbi
raw white Virginia raw , 10o | roasted'
CANDLES Boxes , 40 , 16 o ; 8s ,
I5io ; bcxos 40 Ibs. , 16 ox. , Gs , 15jc. {
MATCHES Per caddie , 96oj round ,
OIK * . 88 10) sqnaro , cater , od 40.
COFFEES Ordinary grades , 3J@9D ;
( air , 10@10je ; good , lOJOllo ; prime , 114
@ 12o : strictly prime , 12@124c ; choice. 13
lSJc ; ( ancy green and yellow , 14(2515c ( (
ild government Javn , 20i@26c ] ; Lovering's
oastod , 14)'c ; Arliucklo'a roasted , 14 4c ;
tlcLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 144c ; lui-
tation Java , lG4C il81o.
VINEGAR Now York apple , IGc ;
Ohio apple , 13c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85j Ash-
in , In PRO ko , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s , R 60
SUGARS Powdered , lOJo : Cut loaf ,
0c ! Granulated , 9Jc | Conoctlonors' A ,
lie ; Standard Extra C , Sgc ; Extra 0 ,
c ; medium yellow , Sic ; dark yellow , 7Jc.
STARCH. Pearl. 44oj Sliver Gloss
4c ; Com Starch , 9jc | KxcelelorGloss ,
40 t Corn , 80
MEATS Hams per Ib. , 14o ; bacon
-or - lb. , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb. , lljc ;
ry salt sides peril ) . , 10obacon ; shoulders
er lb. 9ic ; tierce lard t > cr lb , ; HSo ,
SPICES. Pepper , 21 ; Allspice , 19 ;
Cloven , 30 ; Cassia , 24.
OHEESH XMU Cream , ISio ) Part
3iim , llo.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 :
Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis'
'ye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop food
1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , (1.40 ; bran ,
'Oc per 100 ibs.
HOMINY New 83 50 per bbl.
Dry QoodB.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJo ;
A.pploton XX , 7e ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot ,
F , 8Jo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
le ; Chlltenan o A. GJc ) Uroat Falls E ,
140 ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width So , In-
lion Head A , EC ; Indian .Standard A ,
jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , Gjo ; Imwrcnce
iL.Glc ; Myutlo river , 7Jc ; Pequot A , Sjc ;
o ; Utica 0 , 5lc : Wachusett B , 7Jo ; do A ,
lie : do K 48 , J2 c.
( -4 : 74c ; Alligator 8-1 , 3c ; Argj-le 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL , G4c ; Badger State X 4-4 , G4o ;
Bonnington 0 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJcc
"ndir.n Orchard AA 9-8. 84c : Lacoma O
9 , 84c ; Lehiph E 4-4 , 94c ; Peppcroll N
Q , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do R 36 , 7Jc ; do E 39 ,
S4c , ? ocnstet 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta 4-4
gin L 4-4,94cBlaok3tonoAA ; ImporinlSJe ;
do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 1-4 , S $ ;
Fidelity4-l , 94cVruit ; of thoLoom,9i ; da
cnn-.brlo4-4,12 cdoWaterTf7l8t,10icUrei ; ;
Fall ? Q , 9a ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12oj
Lonsdalo , lOo ; do cambric 37 , 124c ; Now
York Mills , 124c ; Poquot A,10o ; Pcpperol
N G TwUis , 134c ; Pocahontos 4-4 , 94o ;
Pocassot 4-4 , Sloj Utioa , lie ; Wamnuttc
O X X. 12to.
DUCKS Colored } Albnnjr K brown.
8c ; do C , drab , ilm du it A otripoo one
plaids , 124o ; do XXX brown nd drab ,
stripes and plaidi > , 12 4cj Arlington fancy ,
! Br9c : nnswlck brown , 840 ; Chariot fancy
124c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rivei
brown , extra heavy , 114c ; IndluDa A
brown IRnt NoDonsot A brown. 15o
TIOK.1JMUB Amookeag A U A S !
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrowcnna ,
94c ; Claremont B B. 15tc : Conoatoga xo
tr , 17ic : Hamilton D , ll o Lowtcton ei
80 , 15c ; Minuehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supei
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , IGlo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuckct f
lOJc ; do S3 12o : Yoomau1luu 29 , 9 <
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blueandbronr
lG4c ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; ArlingS
blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord 000 , biuo av
brown , 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXti
do do 144o Haymaker'a blue nnd brown
94c ; Mystlo River DD stripe , 164c ; Pear
River , blue nnd brown , 16c | Unohsvllle
blue and brown , Kite.
OAMBRIOa Barnard , Sfo ; Eddyetom
lining , 24 inch double lace , 840 ; Gnrner A
elazod , f'4c ; Manhattan glove finish , 5j <
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jo | Poquot di
6c : Lockwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Amorr , 8sAndroi |
coggin sntteon 8Jc ; Clarendco , G'ioConoi ;
osira satteens , ? ic ; Hallowol , 80 ; Inftdl
Orchard 74c ; Narr gansott , Improved , 8Jo
Pepperill sattoon 9c ; Rockport , 7Jo
PRINTS-Aliens , SJo : American , 64o
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4c ; Cochoco , 7o
Coneotoga. 64o ; Dunkirk , | Dunnell
647c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gbucenter , Go
Harmony , 54c ; Knickerbocker , G4c ; Mei
ri uo D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; SproTues , Go
Southbridgo , Go ; do , Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 5fp ; Oriental
kott. 9ici Sussex , Be
COTTONADES Abbervlllo 1S4 >
Agate , ? 0c ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20o
Cairo D and T , lS4c ; Olnrlca D and T
174cj Doccan Co. stripes D and T,16c > Key
stone , ISJc ; Nantuckct , l&o ; Nonpardil
IGc ; Ocean D and T , ISio ; Royal , 104
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 124c ; Woohuiett shlrl
in ? checks , 124c ; do , Nankin , ISJcj York
plain Nankin. 12 0 ; do , oheoka , strips
fancv. 12Jo ; do. 8 oz 0c.
SHEETINGS AndroBeogitnl0.4S74o !
do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental (
* 2 , llo , Frultjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Nev
York mills98 , 35o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 224c
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 1C.4 , 281o , d
74 , 19o do 49 , IGc ; Poppcrell 90. 29c
do 67 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18c ; Utlca 9(5 ( , 8Go ; d
58 , 22io ; do 48.17o.
Drug * .
Carbolic , EOc ; Acid , Tartaric , 55o ) Balsai
Copnbla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , pe
lb , 133) ) Calomel , per lb(75o ( | ClnchoaMii
Sir oz , < 105 ; Chloroform , per lb , 85 <
over's powders , per lb , 81 25 | Epsoi
Salts , per Ib , S4o ; Glycerine , pure pe i b !
SOc ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 2 ?
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8115 , Ol
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , C (
Opium , 85 00 ; Quinine P. i W. & R. & B
per or , 81 75 ; PotavJum , Iodide , per 1
31 05 ; Balacin , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate
Morphine , per or , 83 76 ; Hnlpnnr fioo
per lb , 4e ; Htrvchnlno , cot cr. 51 25.
P lnta Olli nd V rnl hm
OILS 110 * carbon , per { jjlloi
} 2S ! 150 ; headlight , per galloi
14c ; 175' headlight , per gallon. 19i
150' Water Ite , 18c ; llnwec
raw , per Ballon , 67 ; lintoed , bolle-
per gallon. GOc ; lard , winter str'd , per a
Ion , 95 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 76c ; castoi
XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; owoe' '
P" K " nt 85c : sperm , \V. B. , per Bailer
1 00 ; finh , W. B. , per gallon , G5s ; noatofoo
oxtrn , per gallon , 90c | No. 1 , 76o ; Inbr
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; summer , 15i
golden machine. No. 1 , per eallon , 35o ; Ni
2 80 : sperm , Bienal , per gallon , 80c ; tu
pentlne , per gallon , B5c | napiha , 84" , p (
gallon , ICe ; 6V , 15o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omab
P. P. . 6cj whlto lend , St. Lenin , pure , GJo )
ivaratillpa green , 1 to fi Ib cans , We
French ilno , gioen i > eM , 12o | French rlnc ,
red eenl , lie ; French zinc , in varnl h wist ,
20oi French tlnoc , In oil * st 15c ; lUw
and burnt umber , 1 ft cans 10o ) raw und
burnt Slonnn , lOci Vandyke brown , * .g
refined lampblack. 12oi couch black and )
lory black , ICe ) drop blot k , lCo | Prussian
hluo , 30o | ultramarine blue , 18o | ehrx-nie
green , L. M. d D. , IGcjbllud and shutter
green , L. M , ft D. , IGc ; Paris grocn. 18o ;
Indian rod , 15ci Venetian rod. Bo | Tuscan
dn > , 22o | American Vermilion , I , A P. , 18c )
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D 0. , 18c |
ollow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 1 | patent
ver , 8cj Draining colon i light oak , dark
it. walnut , chestnut unit Ma 16c.
Dry Paints
Whlto lead , 8c | French line. lOoi Par
hltolng 2Jc | whiting gliders. IJo )
biting com'l , Ik ) lanipbuok German-
iwn , I4c | lirapbUck , ordinary , 10o | Prus-
ivn blue , We ; ultramarine , 18oj vandyke
eovm , 8c | mnbcr , burnt , 4s | umber , raw
csUinuft ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
arls gropn genuine , 2.Sc | 1'arls green com1
Ocj chrome green , N. Y,1 20c ; chrom
roen K , , 12c ; vonullllon , Eng. , 70o | ver
illion , America , lEc ) Indlnu rod , lOo
wo pink , 14ccnctlnn ; road , OoVuroao
| o : Venetian rod Am. , ljc | roi lend , 7ic ;
irome yellow , genuine , 2 < Jo hrome yd-
w , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 3u | ochre
roncb. 2o | ochre , American , 2c |
Vintnr's mineral. 24c ; Ichlgn brown. 2Jc :
panlali brown , 24c | Prlnco'i mineral 8e ,
VAUNISHES-Bnrrols per gallon
nrnitnro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1
I ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; oaoh , No , 1 ,
I 20) ) Diunixr , extra , 81 7C | apan , 70c ; a-
lialtum , extra , 85o | iholla * 3 601 hurt ]
II flnhh , (1 80.Hldei
Hldei , Fun , Etc.
UIDKH Urecn butchci'i hides , G $
a cured 7i@8o | hides , green salt ,
ry Hint , sound , 12(2 ( > 13c | dry calf
nd kip , 12l4c | dry salt hides , aonnd ,
0@llc ; preen calf. wt. 8 ol6 tba. . ll13e ;
rccu calf , wt , under 8 H > , per skin , 50c |
reon polti < , 50@81 25 ; gron lamb ekluH ,
1 251 BOi damaged bldei , two-third rate ,
it scored and one grnb , classed two-
Jrds rate , ) branded hlikw 10 per cent , off
loon iklus , No. 1. 45o ; No , ? , SOc ) No , 1
0 No. 4 , lOo , Mink , No. 1. ! ! 0o | No. 2
fie ; No. S , 15o ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , ,
Oo | No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b2f > o )
fioi short utrlpa , 40flt narrow strlpco
roul stripe. lOo. Tnllow 7o.
Oak sole , 88a to 42o ; hemlock sole , 33c to
r > c ) hemlock kip , 80o to 100) ) runner ,
5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem-
ock upper , 23c to 2Gc : oak upper , 24c ;
lllgntor , 4 00 to 6 M ) ; oalf kid , 83 < a3f.n-
Jrelson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80a to
00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
10 to 1 5 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
ottg. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
oppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o
o 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 35o ; simon ;
HAHNEaa-No I B nr oak , 42c > No 2
o , S9o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c | No. 2 do ,
5ci No. 1 Milwaukee , 37ct No , 2 do S4c.
Wo quote lumber , lain and ehlnglw on
ars at Omaha at the following prices i
ndor , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBEH AND JOIST 18 ft. , $23 50 ;
C ft , 823 50i 32 ft. , (20 50 ; 34 ft. 92G CO.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00) )
Vo. 2 , $22 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
cards ) . 920 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00.
LIMK Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per tins-
3oo ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bl , t'i 50. Hnlr per bn. 50c. Tnrrod
elt 100 Ibs. 83 50. Straw bonrd , * 3 CO.
Heavy Hardware Llit.
Iron , rules , $ 2 80 ; plow steel , ipoolal
nst , 7c ; cruciulo. He ; special or Uermun.Ccj
ait tool do , 15 ( 20 wngon epokfip , sot ,
253 00hcbs ; , iiorsot , 125 ; folloas , snwoil
ry , 1 40 ; tongtioa , oaoh , 70@85c ; uxloc ,
aoh , 75o ; aaunro uuts , per It > , 7@llo
withers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivota , per Ib , lie ;
ll chain , per lb , 612c : ( malleable , So.
ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , fie harrow
eeth , 4c ; spring teel , 7fOHc ; Burden's
irae hoe ? , 5 2i ; Burdou'a muleshoos , G 25
BA1IBED WIRE In car loU , 7o ©
7o per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60t ( , 3 60.
ailOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 32.10.
Oriental Powder , kege , $ ( t.40t do. , hal
cego , 83.43 ; do.quarter kpgs , 81.88) ) Bln&t
ui | { , kotie , Ca.S5Fuee. : per 100 feet 50c.
OO AL Cumberland blkckemlth , 812) )
Morris Knn Bloraburg , 812 | Whitobreaxt
ump , 81 03 ; WhitobrcRtt uut , 24 09) ) Iowa
ump , 81 00 ; Iowa nut 84 00 ; Kook ( Spring ,
8700 ; Anthracite. 811 50@12 00 ; Canon
City , $7 00 per ton.
Harm * and Mules.
Kxtra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ) Com
mon draft homos , 0100. to 150. ) Extrn
farm homos , 8110. to 125. ) Common M
goad farm home ? . 890 to 8100. ) Extra
ilupn. 800 , to 75. | Common plugs , C$20. $
to10. .
MULES. ( Eitra ) . $125. to IBO.j good ,
} 100. to 140. ; fair , 875 , to ICO. ) common ,
MO. to 75.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof , 325 per wine
nllon ) oxtru California spirit * , 1(8 proof ,
25 per proof gallon ; triple rofimicl spirits
LR7 proof , 123per proof cuJlon ; ro-dl tllled
wuiskien , 1 CC l 50 ; fine blended 1 50 ®
3 50 ; Kentucky bourbona , 200 < J17 00 ; Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvanlt , ryeo. 2 00(517 ( 00.
BHANDIES-Impoftcd , SG t-OiJlB OCi
domestic 1 40 < 4 00.
GINS luportod , * SOtSJS Odj domestic ,
HUMS Imported , 4 60Q58 OOt Nuw
England. 2 OOC44 00 ; domestic , 1 10/Z3 0
754 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per eano ,
28 00 ( 31 00 ; Anmlika , per caw , 12 003
1GOO ,
KINE OOT Commonj20@30c ; good ,
45@GOoi Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ;
Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
47o.8MOKING0. . S. , 20c ; Mtwkovy , 2 c ;
Durham , 10 oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c ;
Durham , 4 oz , 52c ; Durham , 2 oz. 55 ; ;
Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 42c ; Sen ! of
North Carolina , 8ozlie ; Seal of North
Carolina , 4 oz , 4Gc ; Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 48c ; 0. K. Durham , 4 or , 28c ;
O. K. Durham. 2 oz , 302 ; Undo Ned , i's ,
24c ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOBACCO-Climax , 50 ; Bui.
lion 50 ; Iloraathne , 48 ; Star 48 ; Rudy ,
44 ; Hereey'o , 48 ; Black , 38@40.
Merino nnwuhcd , light , H16c | ho vy
fiJlDo ) medium unwashed , light , 18@20 ;
washed , cholcxi , S2o ; fair , 30o ; tub add
wwhcd , 28c ; bnrty , black and cotled wool
Oure thut Cold.
Do not nailer year Lungs to bccDmo
dlsoased by allowing a cold to con
tinue without on effort to euro It.
Thousands have dlqd premature
deaths , the victims of' Oonenmptlon ,
by simply noploctlog a cold.
the LUNGS will euro Colda , Coughs
and Consumption surer and quicker
than any other remedy. It nets al
most llko ma lo In many cases , and In
othora , Ita offeot , though alow , la sure
If persisted In , according to direc
tions ,
Henry's Carbolic Salvo
la the Host Salvo for Cute , Bruises ,
Sores , Uloora , Salt Ilhem , ToUor ,
Chapped Hands , Ohllblalna , Oorua
and all kinds of Skin Eruptions ,
Freckles and Pimples. Get llenry't
Carbolic S < ilvo , an all othora are -ouu-
tcrfoltn. I'rlon 25 couta.
Made from the wild flowers of th <
It la the moat fragrant of purfumo
Manufactured by II. B. Slaven , Mar
Francisco , Pot sale In Omaha by W ,
J. WhltohonsB and Konnard Broi
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
; „
Pho Oldont Wholesale and
. Visitors can here
find all novelties in 85L-
Eich ancl Stylish Jewelry ,
She Latest , Moat Ariiatk ,
and Choicest Soluctiono in
all doucnpuonn oi' FINE
WATCHES at aa Low Pri-
eos as is compatible with
honorable dealers , Gall
and see our Elegant New
Btoro , Tower BuiMing ,
corner llth and Parnham
i : < TIIK V/F.RTI
Q-anoral A gouts for the
Finest and Seat Pianos And
Organs mauuf * cfcn rn * .
Our prices are as Low as
any EasternMannfacfcurer
and Dealer ,
Pianos axid 0 savs aold
for cash or installment at
Bottom Prices.
Steinw y , Ohickorinpr ,
Enabe , Voce & Son's Pi
anos , and ottit r makes.
Also Olough & Warden
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c , Do
not fail to see us before
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Window Sliadou aud Ourtalus ,
Pai" Oiis & Brnsbes.
t T/5oatuU4th VI treat
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnani and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
W .
These Stoves took the premium at the New York State Fair in 18$2. whore they
were put on actual ttlal by experienced judge ? , In competition with leading
K&atorn Brands , which nro far superior to all Western Stoves ) , cs-
jieclally lu ( ( uality iof Iron , Kino Hiking aud Lcoitomy
In nil kindtt of fuel ,
521 South Tenth Street.